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CTS Library / On the Incorruptibility of the World

On the Incorruptibility of the World (91-95)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '91', 'human_reference': 'Section 91'}, 'end': {'reference': '95', 'human_reference': 'Section 95'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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But if it becomes flame, then, when it approaches extinction, it will be extinguished all at once, and not partially or gradually. For the nutriment exists along with it; on which account, while there is a great deal of it, it increases and is diffused; but when it is stunted it becomes less. And any one might conjecture the truth of what takes place from what he sees happen among us. A lamp, when any one pours oil upon it, gives forth a most brilliant flame; but when any one ceases to supply it with that nutriment, and leaves only a small portion in the lamp, then the lamp is at once extinguished, and does not give out the smallest portion of flame.

If again this is not the case, but if the world becomes light, then again it changes altogether. Why so? Because it has no substance or character of its own, but is generated from flame, and when this is wholly and completely extinguished in all its parts, it follows of necessity that the light also must be extinguished, and that not partially, but altogether. For what flame is to nourishment, that also is light to flame.

As therefore the flame is extinguished concurrently with the want of nourishment, so also is the light simultaneously with the flame, so that it is actually impossible for the world to be capable of

regeneration, if there is no seminal principle lurking and kindled within it, but if all things are expended and destroyed, some by fire, and some by want. From all which arguments it is plain that the world is for ever uncreated and imperishable.


Nevertheless, as Chrysippus says, some suppose that fire resolves all the arrangement of the universe when the elements are separated into itself, so that it becomes the seed of the world which is about to be made; and suppose in consequence that, of all the ideas which he and his sect have entertained on the subject, none are falsified. Granting, in the first place, that generation proceeds from seed, and that all dissolution is a resolving back into seed; in the second place, because it is argued by natural philosophers that the world is a rational nature, inasmuch as it is not only possessed of life, but is also endowed with intellect, and moreover even with wisdom; by these arguments he establishes the contrary proposition to that which he intends, namely, that it will never be destroyed.

But the proofs are ready at hand to those who do not fear to join in the investigation. Therefore the world resembles either a plant or an animal. But whether it is a plant or whether it is an animal, still, if it be destroyed by conflagration, it will never be itself its own seed. And the circumstances which take place among ourselves bear witness that nothing, whether greater or less, when destroyed, has ever been separated in such a manner as to engender seed.

But 1 w 3
if 1 w 5
it 1 w 7
becomes 1 w 14
flame 1 w 19
then 1 w 24
when 1 w 29
it 2 w 31
approaches 1 w 41
extinction 1 w 51
it 3 w 54
will 1 w 58
be 2 w 60
extinguished 1 w 72
all 1 w 75
at 1 w 77
once 1 w 81
and 1 w 85
not 1 w 88
partially 1 w 97
or 1 w 99
gradually 1 w 108
For 1 w 112
the 2 w 115
nutriment 1 w 124
exists 1 w 130
along 1 w 135
with 1 w 139
it 5 w 141
on 4 w 144
which 1 w 149
account 1 w 156
while 1 w 162
there 1 w 167
is 3 w 169
a 13 w 170
great 1 w 175
deal 1 w 179
of 1 w 181
it 6 w 183
it 7 w 186
increases 1 w 195
and 2 w 198
is 4 w 200
diffused 1 w 208
but 1 w 212
when 2 w 216
it 8 w 218
is 5 w 220
stunted 1 w 227
it 9 w 229
becomes 2 w 236
less 1 w 240
And 1 w 244
any 1 w 247
one 1 w 250
might 1 w 255
conjecture 1 w 265
the 4 w 268
truth 1 w 273
of 2 w 275
what 1 w 279
takes 1 w 284
place 1 w 289
from 1 w 293
what 2 w 297
he 9 w 299
sees 1 w 303
happen 1 w 309
among 1 w 314
us 2 w 316
A 2 w 318
lamp 1 w 322
when 3 w 327
any 2 w 330
one 2 w 333
pours 1 w 338
oil 1 w 341
upon 1 w 345
it 10 w 347
gives 1 w 353
forth 1 w 358
a 27 w 359
most 1 w 363
brilliant 1 w 372
flame 2 w 377
but 2 w 381
when 4 w 385
any 3 w 388
one 3 w 391
ceases 1 w 397
to 1 w 399
supply 1 w 405
it 11 w 407
with 2 w 411
that 1 w 415
nutriment 2 w 424
and 3 w 428
leaves 1 w 434
only 1 w 438
a 35 w 439
small 1 w 444
portion 1 w 451
in 4 w 453
the 5 w 456
lamp 2 w 460
then 2 w 465
the 7 w 468
lamp 3 w 472
is 6 w 474
at 6 w 476
once 2 w 480
extinguished 2 w 492
and 4 w 496
does 1 w 500
not 2 w 503
give 2 w 507
out 1 w 510
the 8 w 513
smallest 1 w 521
portion 2 w 528
of 3 w 530
flame 3 w 535
If 1 w 538
again 1 w 543
this 1 w 547
is 9 w 549
not 3 w 552
the 9 w 555
case 1 w 559
but 3 w 563
if 3 w 565
the 10 w 568
world 1 w 573
becomes 3 w 580
light 1 w 585
then 3 w 590
again 2 w 595
it 13 w 597
changes 1 w 604
altogether 1 w 614
Why 1 w 618
so 1 w 620
Because 1 w 628
it 14 w 630
has 1 w 633
no 4 w 635
substance 1 w 644
or 7 w 646
character 1 w 655
of 4 w 657
its 1 w 660
own 1 w 663
but 4 w 667
is 10 w 669
generated 1 w 678
from 2 w 682
flame 4 w 687
and 5 w 691
when 5 w 695
this 2 w 699
is 12 w 701
wholly 1 w 707
and 6 w 710
completely 1 w 720
extinguished 3 w 732
in 9 w 734
all 6 w 737
its 2 w 740
parts 1 w 745
it 17 w 748
follows 1 w 755
of 5 w 757
necessity 1 w 766
that 2 w 770
the 13 w 773
light 2 w 778
also 1 w 782
must 1 w 786
be 5 w 788
extinguished 4 w 800
and 7 w 804
that 3 w 808
not 4 w 811
partially 2 w 820
but 5 w 824
altogether 2 w 834
For 2 w 838
what 3 w 842
flame 5 w 847
is 15 w 849
to 4 w 851
nourishment 1 w 862
that 4 w 867
also 2 w 871
is 17 w 873
light 3 w 878
to 5 w 880
flame 6 w 885
As 1 w 888
therefore 1 w 897
the 16 w 900
flame 7 w 905
is 18 w 907
extinguished 5 w 919
concurrently 1 w 931
with 3 w 935
the 17 w 938
want 1 w 942
of 6 w 944
nourishment 2 w 955
so 4 w 958
also 3 w 962
is 21 w 964
the 18 w 967
light 4 w 972
simultaneously 1 w 986
with 4 w 990
the 19 w 993
flame 8 w 998
so 6 w 1001
that 5 w 1005
it 21 w 1007
is 22 w 1009
actually 1 w 1017
impossible 1 w 1027
for 3 w 1030
the 20 w 1033
world 2 w 1038
to 6 w 1040
be 6 w 1042
capable 1 w 1049
of 7 w 1051
regeneration 1 w 1063
if 4 w 1066
there 3 w 1071
is 23 w 1073
no 8 w 1075
seminal 1 w 1082
principle 1 w 1091
lurking 1 w 1098
and 8 w 1101
kindled 1 w 1108
within 1 w 1114
it 23 w 1116
but 6 w 1120
if 5 w 1122
all 9 w 1125
things 1 w 1131
are 1 w 1134
expended 1 w 1142
and 9 w 1145
destroyed 1 w 1154
some 1 w 1159
by 1 w 1161
fire 1 w 1165
and 10 w 1169
some 2 w 1173
by 2 w 1175
want 2 w 1179
From 1 w 1184
all 10 w 1187
which 2 w 1192
arguments 1 w 1201
it 24 w 1203
is 24 w 1205
plain 1 w 1210
that 6 w 1214
the 22 w 1217
world 3 w 1222
is 25 w 1224
for 4 w 1227
ever 1 w 1231
uncreated 1 w 1240
and 11 w 1243
imperishable 1 w 1255
Nevertheless 1 w 1268
as 5 w 1271
Chrysippus 1 w 1281
says 1 w 1285
some 3 w 1290
suppose 1 w 1297
that 7 w 1301
fire 2 w 1305
resolves 1 w 1313
all 11 w 1316
the 24 w 1319
arrangement 1 w 1330
of 8 w 1332
the 25 w 1335
universe 1 w 1343
when 6 w 1347
the 26 w 1350
elements 1 w 1358
are 2 w 1361
separated 1 w 1370
into 1 w 1374
itself 1 w 1380
so 11 w 1383
that 8 w 1387
it 26 w 1389
becomes 4 w 1396
the 27 w 1399
seed 1 w 1403
of 9 w 1405
the 28 w 1408
world 4 w 1413
which 3 w 1418
is 27 w 1420
about 1 w 1425
to 8 w 1427
be 8 w 1429
made 1 w 1433
and 12 w 1437
suppose 2 w 1444
in 20 w 1446
consequence 1 w 1457
that 9 w 1461
of 10 w 1464
all 12 w 1467
the 29 w 1470
ideas 1 w 1475
which 4 w 1480
he 43 w 1482
and 13 w 1485
his 3 w 1488
sect 1 w 1492
have 1 w 1496
entertained 1 w 1507
on 18 w 1509
the 30 w 1512
subject 1 w 1519
none 1 w 1524
are 3 w 1527
falsified 1 w 1536
Granting 1 w 1545
in 23 w 1548
the 31 w 1551
first 1 w 1556
place 2 w 1561
that 10 w 1566
generation 2 w 1576
proceeds 1 w 1584
from 3 w 1588
seed 2 w 1592
and 14 w 1596
that 11 w 1600
all 13 w 1603
dissolution 1 w 1614
is 30 w 1616
a 126 w 1617
resolving 1 w 1626
back 1 w 1630
into 2 w 1634
seed 3 w 1638
in 26 w 1641
the 32 w 1644
second 1 w 1650
place 3 w 1655
because 1 w 1663
it 27 w 1665
is 31 w 1667
argued 1 w 1673
by 3 w 1675
natural 1 w 1682
philosophers 1 w 1694
that 12 w 1698
the 33 w 1701
world 5 w 1706
is 32 w 1708
a 134 w 1709
rational 1 w 1717
nature 1 w 1723
inasmuch 1 w 1732
as 8 w 1734
it 28 w 1736
is 33 w 1738
not 5 w 1741
only 2 w 1745
possessed 1 w 1754
of 11 w 1756
life 1 w 1760
but 7 w 1764
is 34 w 1766
also 4 w 1770
endowed 1 w 1777
with 6 w 1781
intellect 1 w 1790
and 15 w 1794
moreover 1 w 1802
even 1 w 1806
with 7 w 1810
wisdom 1 w 1816
by 4 w 1819
these 1 w 1824
arguments 2 w 1833
he 50 w 1835
establishes 1 w 1846
the 35 w 1849
contrary 1 w 1857
proposition 1 w 1868
to 10 w 1870
that 13 w 1874
which 5 w 1879
he 53 w 1881
intends 1 w 1888
namely 1 w 1895
that 14 w 1900
it 32 w 1902
will 2 w 1906
never 1 w 1911
be 10 w 1913
destroyed 2 w 1922
But 2 w 1926
the 36 w 1929
proofs 1 w 1935
are 4 w 1938
ready 1 w 1943
at 29 w 1945
hand 1 w 1949
to 11 w 1951
those 1 w 1956
who 2 w 1959
do 4 w 1961
not 6 w 1964
fear 1 w 1968
to 12 w 1970
join 1 w 1974
in 31 w 1976
the 37 w 1979
investigation 1 w 1992
Therefore 1 w 2002
the 38 w 2005
world 6 w 2010
resembles 1 w 2019
either 1 w 2025
a 154 w 2026
plant 1 w 2031
or 19 w 2033
an 29 w 2035
animal 1 w 2041
But 3 w 2045
whether 1 w 2052
it 34 w 2054
is 37 w 2056
a 159 w 2057
plant 2 w 2062
or 20 w 2064
whether 2 w 2071
it 35 w 2073
is 38 w 2075
an 32 w 2077
animal 2 w 2083
still 1 w 2089
if 8 w 2092
it 36 w 2094
be 11 w 2096
destroyed 3 w 2105
by 5 w 2107
conflagration 1 w 2120
it 37 w 2123
will 3 w 2127
never 2 w 2132
be 12 w 2134
itself 2 w 2140
its 5 w 2143
own 2 w 2146
seed 4 w 2150
And 2 w 2154
the 42 w 2157
circumstances 1 w 2170
which 6 w 2175
take 2 w 2179
place 4 w 2184
among 2 w 2189
ourselves 1 w 2198
bear 1 w 2202
witness 1 w 2209
that 15 w 2213
nothing 1 w 2220
whether 3 w 2228
greater 1 w 2235
or 21 w 2237
less 3 w 2241
when 7 w 2246
destroyed 4 w 2255
has 2 w 2259
ever 5 w 2263
been 1 w 2267
separated 2 w 2276
in 34 w 2278
such 1 w 2282
a 176 w 2283
manner 1 w 2289
as 10 w 2291
to 13 w 2293
engender 1 w 2301
seed 5 w 2305