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CTS Library / On the Incorruptibility of the World

On the Incorruptibility of the World (86-90)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '86', 'human_reference': 'Section 86'}, 'end': {'reference': '90', 'human_reference': 'Section 90'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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But we must examine this question more accurately, in the following manner. There are three species in fire; the coal, and the flame, and the light. Now coal is the fire in its earthy substance, which, like a sort of spiritual habit, couches and lies hid in a sort of cavern, pervading it all to its very extremities. And the flame is that part which, being raised on high, is lifted up from its fuel. And the light is that which is emitted from the flame, so as to co-operate with the eyes, in order to enable them to comprehend what is seen. And the flame occupies the middle position between the coal and the light; for when it is extinguished it ends in coal, and when it is kindled it excites the light, which, being deprived of its burning power, blazes.

If therefore, we affirm that the world is dissolved by conflagration, it would not be coal, because, in that case there will be a great deal of the earthy substance left behind, in which also fire must necessarily be contained. But we must agree, that none of the other bodies subsist any longer, but that earth, and water, and air, are all dissolved into unmixed fire.

Nor, again, would it become flame; for that can only exist in connexion with nourishment; and, if nothing is left behind, being deprived of all nourishment it will immediately be extinguished. It follows from all this, that it cannot become light either; for light by itself has no substance at all, but flows from the things before mentioned, coal and flame, not in a great degree from the coal, but very much from the flame; for it is diffused over a very great space indeed. But if, as has been already proved, those things had no existence from the conflagration of all things, then there could not be any light either. For the abundant, and vast, and extensive brilliancy of mid-day, when the sun proceeds under the earth, is at once caused to disappear by night, especially if it be a moonless night. Therefore the world is not destroyed by fire, but is indestructible. And if it should be destroyed by fire, there could not be another created.


On which account some of the Stoics also, being gifted with a more acute discernment, and perceiving that they would infallibly be convicted, thought it well to be beforehand in preparing assistance as it were for a defunct proposition. But what they prepared was of no use; for, since fire is the cause of all motion, and since motion is the beginning of generation, for it is impossible that anything whatever should

be generated without motion, they said that before the new world began to be formed, when it was beginning to be fashioned, the whole fire would not be extinguished in that conflagration; that they affirmed that some would still remain, but yet only a small portion. For they were exceedingly cautious, lest if it should be wholly extinguished, the consequence would be that everything would remain motionless and devoid of ornament, inasmuch as the cause of motion would no longer be in any existence.

But all these ideas are the invention of quibblers, who employ all their artifices in opposition to the truth. Why so? Because it is impossible, as has been proved already, that the world, after it has been destroyed by conflagration, should become similar to coal, inasmuch as there is a vast quantity of earthy substance left in which the fire must of necessity lie in ambush. And perhaps too the conflagration could not prevail in every quarter, if the heaviest and most invincible of the elements, namely the earth, still remains, without being dissolved; but it must of necessity change, either into flame or into light: into flame, as Cleanthes thought; into light, as Chrysippus conceived.

But 1 w 3
we 1 w 5
must 1 w 9
examine 1 w 16
this 1 w 20
question 1 w 28
more 1 w 32
accurately 1 w 42
in 2 w 45
the 1 w 48
following 1 w 57
manner 1 w 63
There 1 w 69
are 1 w 72
three 1 w 77
species 1 w 84
in 4 w 86
fire 1 w 90
the 2 w 94
coal 1 w 98
and 1 w 102
the 3 w 105
flame 1 w 110
and 2 w 114
the 4 w 117
light 1 w 122
Now 1 w 126
coal 2 w 130
is 2 w 132
the 5 w 135
fire 2 w 139
in 5 w 141
its 1 w 144
earthy 1 w 150
substance 1 w 159
which 1 w 165
like 1 w 170
a 13 w 171
sort 1 w 175
of 1 w 177
spiritual 1 w 186
habit 1 w 191
couches 1 w 199
and 3 w 202
lies 1 w 206
hid 1 w 209
in 6 w 211
a 17 w 212
sort 2 w 216
of 2 w 218
cavern 1 w 224
pervading 1 w 234
it 4 w 236
all 1 w 239
to 1 w 241
its 2 w 244
very 1 w 248
extremities 1 w 259
And 1 w 263
the 6 w 266
flame 2 w 271
is 3 w 273
that 1 w 277
part 1 w 281
which 2 w 286
being 1 w 292
raised 1 w 298
on 2 w 300
high 1 w 304
is 5 w 307
lifted 1 w 313
up 1 w 315
from 1 w 319
its 3 w 322
fuel 1 w 326
And 2 w 330
the 7 w 333
light 2 w 338
is 6 w 340
that 2 w 344
which 3 w 349
is 7 w 351
emitted 1 w 358
from 2 w 362
the 8 w 365
flame 3 w 370
so 3 w 373
as 1 w 375
to 2 w 377
co-operate 1 w 387
with 1 w 391
the 9 w 394
eyes 1 w 398
in 9 w 401
order 1 w 406
to 3 w 408
enable 1 w 414
them 1 w 418
to 4 w 420
comprehend 1 w 430
what 1 w 434
is 8 w 436
seen 1 w 440
And 3 w 444
the 11 w 447
flame 4 w 452
occupies 1 w 460
the 12 w 463
middle 1 w 469
position 1 w 477
between 1 w 484
the 13 w 487
coal 3 w 491
and 4 w 494
the 14 w 497
light 3 w 502
for 1 w 506
when 1 w 510
it 11 w 512
is 9 w 514
extinguished 1 w 526
it 12 w 528
ends 1 w 532
in 11 w 534
coal 4 w 538
and 5 w 542
when 2 w 546
it 13 w 548
is 11 w 550
kindled 1 w 557
it 14 w 559
excites 1 w 566
the 15 w 569
light 4 w 574
which 4 w 580
being 2 w 586
deprived 1 w 594
of 3 w 596
its 4 w 599
burning 1 w 606
power 1 w 611
blazes 1 w 618
If 1 w 621
therefore 1 w 630
we 4 w 633
affirm 1 w 639
that 3 w 643
the 17 w 646
world 1 w 651
is 12 w 653
dissolved 1 w 662
by 1 w 664
conflagration 1 w 677
it 17 w 680
would 1 w 685
not 1 w 688
be 4 w 690
coal 5 w 694
because 1 w 702
in 15 w 705
that 4 w 709
case 1 w 713
there 2 w 718
will 1 w 722
be 6 w 724
a 45 w 725
great 1 w 730
deal 1 w 734
of 4 w 736
the 19 w 739
earthy 2 w 745
substance 2 w 754
left 1 w 758
behind 1 w 764
in 17 w 767
which 5 w 772
also 1 w 776
fire 3 w 780
must 2 w 784
necessarily 1 w 795
be 8 w 797
contained 1 w 806
But 2 w 810
we 5 w 812
must 3 w 816
agree 1 w 821
that 5 w 826
none 1 w 830
of 5 w 832
the 20 w 835
other 1 w 840
bodies 1 w 846
subsist 1 w 853
any 1 w 856
longer 1 w 862
but 1 w 866
that 6 w 870
earth 3 w 875
and 6 w 879
water 1 w 884
and 7 w 888
air 1 w 891
are 2 w 895
all 2 w 898
dissolved 2 w 907
into 1 w 911
unmixed 1 w 918
fire 4 w 922
Nor 1 w 926
again 1 w 932
would 2 w 938
it 18 w 940
become 1 w 946
flame 5 w 951
for 3 w 955
that 7 w 959
can 1 w 962
only 1 w 966
exist 1 w 971
in 21 w 973
connexion 1 w 982
with 2 w 986
nourishment 1 w 997
and 8 w 1001
if 2 w 1004
nothing 1 w 1011
is 18 w 1013
left 2 w 1017
behind 2 w 1023
being 3 w 1029
deprived 2 w 1037
of 6 w 1039
all 3 w 1042
nourishment 2 w 1053
it 20 w 1055
will 2 w 1059
immediately 1 w 1070
be 12 w 1072
extinguished 2 w 1084
It 1 w 1087
follows 1 w 1094
from 3 w 1098
all 4 w 1101
this 2 w 1105
that 8 w 1110
it 21 w 1112
cannot 1 w 1118
become 2 w 1124
light 5 w 1129
either 1 w 1135
for 4 w 1139
light 6 w 1144
by 2 w 1146
itself 1 w 1152
has 1 w 1155
no 7 w 1157
substance 3 w 1166
at 16 w 1168
all 5 w 1171
but 2 w 1175
flows 1 w 1180
from 4 w 1184
the 23 w 1187
things 1 w 1193
before 1 w 1199
mentioned 1 w 1208
coal 6 w 1213
and 9 w 1216
flame 6 w 1221
not 4 w 1225
in 27 w 1227
a 82 w 1228
great 2 w 1233
degree 1 w 1239
from 5 w 1243
the 24 w 1246
coal 7 w 1250
but 3 w 1254
very 2 w 1258
much 1 w 1262
from 6 w 1266
the 25 w 1269
flame 7 w 1274
for 6 w 1278
it 24 w 1280
is 22 w 1282
diffused 1 w 1290
over 1 w 1294
a 86 w 1295
very 3 w 1299
great 3 w 1304
space 1 w 1309
indeed 1 w 1315
But 3 w 1319
if 4 w 1321
as 4 w 1324
has 2 w 1327
been 1 w 1331
already 1 w 1338
proved 1 w 1344
those 1 w 1350
things 2 w 1356
had 1 w 1359
no 9 w 1361
existence 1 w 1370
from 7 w 1374
the 26 w 1377
conflagration 2 w 1390
of 7 w 1392
all 6 w 1395
things 3 w 1401
then 1 w 1406
there 3 w 1411
could 1 w 1416
not 5 w 1419
be 16 w 1421
any 2 w 1424
light 7 w 1429
either 2 w 1435
For 1 w 1439
the 30 w 1442
abundant 1 w 1450
and 10 w 1454
vast 1 w 1458
and 11 w 1462
extensive 1 w 1471
brilliancy 1 w 1481
of 8 w 1483
mid-day 1 w 1490
when 3 w 1495
the 31 w 1498
sun 1 w 1501
proceeds 1 w 1509
under 1 w 1514
the 32 w 1517
earth 4 w 1522
is 24 w 1525
at 20 w 1527
once 1 w 1531
caused 1 w 1537
to 6 w 1539
disappear 1 w 1548
by 3 w 1550
night 1 w 1555
especially 1 w 1566
if 5 w 1568
it 26 w 1570
be 17 w 1572
a 111 w 1573
moonless 1 w 1581
night 2 w 1586
Therefore 1 w 1596
the 33 w 1599
world 2 w 1604
is 26 w 1606
not 6 w 1609
destroyed 1 w 1618
by 4 w 1620
fire 5 w 1624
but 4 w 1628
is 27 w 1630
indestructible 1 w 1644
And 4 w 1648
if 6 w 1650
it 27 w 1652
should 1 w 1658
be 18 w 1660
destroyed 2 w 1669
by 5 w 1671
fire 6 w 1675
there 4 w 1681
could 2 w 1686
not 7 w 1689
be 19 w 1691
another 1 w 1698
created 1 w 1705
On 1 w 1708
which 6 w 1713
account 1 w 1720
some 1 w 1724
of 9 w 1726
the 36 w 1729
Stoics 1 w 1735
also 2 w 1739
being 4 w 1745
gifted 1 w 1751
with 3 w 1755
a 116 w 1756
more 2 w 1760
acute 1 w 1765
discernment 1 w 1776
and 12 w 1780
perceiving 1 w 1790
that 9 w 1794
they 1 w 1798
would 3 w 1803
infallibly 1 w 1813
be 21 w 1815
convicted 1 w 1824
thought 1 w 1832
it 29 w 1834
well 1 w 1838
to 8 w 1840
be 22 w 1842
beforehand 1 w 1852
in 35 w 1854
preparing 1 w 1863
assistance 1 w 1873
as 8 w 1875
it 30 w 1877
were 1 w 1881
for 9 w 1884
a 126 w 1885
defunct 1 w 1892
proposition 1 w 1903
But 4 w 1907
what 2 w 1911
they 2 w 1915
prepared 1 w 1923
was 1 w 1926
of 10 w 1928
no 14 w 1930
use 4 w 1933
for 10 w 1937
since 1 w 1943
fire 7 w 1947
is 30 w 1949
the 39 w 1952
cause 3 w 1957
of 11 w 1959
all 9 w 1962
motion 1 w 1968
and 14 w 1972
since 2 w 1977
motion 2 w 1983
is 31 w 1985
the 40 w 1988
beginning 1 w 1997
of 12 w 1999
generation 1 w 2009
for 11 w 2013
it 32 w 2015
is 32 w 2017
impossible 1 w 2027
that 10 w 2031
anything 1 w 2039
whatever 1 w 2047
should 2 w 2053
be 25 w 2055
generated 1 w 2064
without 1 w 2071
motion 3 w 2077
they 3 w 2082
said 1 w 2086
that 11 w 2090
before 3 w 2096
the 42 w 2099
new 1 w 2102
world 3 w 2107
began 1 w 2112
to 9 w 2114
be 28 w 2116
formed 1 w 2122
when 4 w 2127
it 34 w 2129
was 2 w 2132
beginning 2 w 2141
to 10 w 2143
be 30 w 2145
fashioned 1 w 2154
the 43 w 2158
whole 1 w 2163
fire 8 w 2167
would 4 w 2172
not 9 w 2175
be 31 w 2177
extinguished 3 w 2189
in 45 w 2191
that 12 w 2195
conflagration 3 w 2208
that 13 w 2213
they 4 w 2217
affirmed 1 w 2225
that 14 w 2229
some 2 w 2233
would 5 w 2238
still 1 w 2243
remain 1 w 2249
but 5 w 2253
yet 1 w 2256
only 2 w 2260
a 150 w 2261
small 1 w 2266
portion 1 w 2273
For 2 w 2277
they 5 w 2281
were 2 w 2285
exceedingly 1 w 2296
cautious 1 w 2304
lest 1 w 2309
if 8 w 2311
it 35 w 2313
should 3 w 2319
be 32 w 2321
wholly 1 w 2327
extinguished 4 w 2339
the 46 w 2343
consequence 1 w 2354
would 6 w 2359
be 33 w 2361
that 15 w 2365
everything 1 w 2375
would 7 w 2380
remain 2 w 2386
motionless 1 w 2396
and 15 w 2399
devoid 1 w 2405
of 13 w 2407
ornament 1 w 2415
inasmuch 1 w 2424
as 13 w 2426
the 47 w 2429
cause 4 w 2434
of 14 w 2436
motion 5 w 2442
would 8 w 2447
no 16 w 2449
longer 2 w 2455
be 34 w 2457
in 52 w 2459
any 4 w 2462
existence 2 w 2471
But 5 w 2475
all 11 w 2478
these 1 w 2483
ideas 1 w 2488
are 4 w 2491
the 49 w 2494
invention 1 w 2503
of 15 w 2505
quibblers 1 w 2514
who 3 w 2518
employ 1 w 2524
all 12 w 2527
their 1 w 2532
artifices 1 w 2541
in 54 w 2543
opposition 1 w 2553
to 11 w 2555
the 51 w 2558
truth 1 w 2563
Why 1 w 2567
so 10 w 2569
Because 1 w 2577
it 37 w 2579
is 36 w 2581
impossible 2 w 2591
as 15 w 2594
has 3 w 2597
been 2 w 2601
proved 2 w 2607
already 2 w 2614
that 16 w 2619
the 52 w 2622
world 4 w 2627
after 1 w 2633
it 38 w 2635
has 4 w 2638
been 3 w 2642
destroyed 3 w 2651
by 6 w 2653
conflagration 4 w 2666
should 4 w 2673
become 3 w 2679
similar 1 w 2686
to 12 w 2688
coal 8 w 2692
inasmuch 2 w 2701
as 19 w 2703
there 5 w 2708
is 37 w 2710
a 180 w 2711
vast 2 w 2715
quantity 1 w 2723
of 16 w 2725
earthy 3 w 2731
substance 4 w 2740
left 3 w 2744
in 56 w 2746
which 7 w 2751
the 54 w 2754
fire 9 w 2758
must 4 w 2762
of 17 w 2764
necessity 1 w 2773
lie 2 w 2776
in 57 w 2778
ambush 1 w 2784
And 5 w 2788
perhaps 1 w 2795
too 1 w 2798
the 55 w 2801
conflagration 5 w 2814
could 3 w 2819
not 10 w 2822
prevail 1 w 2829
in 58 w 2831
every 2 w 2836
quarter 1 w 2843
if 10 w 2846
the 56 w 2849
heaviest 1 w 2857
and 16 w 2860
most 1 w 2864
invincible 1 w 2874
of 18 w 2876
the 57 w 2879
elements 1 w 2887
namely 1 w 2894
the 58 w 2897
earth 6 w 2902
still 2 w 2908
remains 1 w 2915
without 2 w 2923
being 5 w 2928
dissolved 3 w 2937
but 6 w 2941
it 42 w 2943
must 5 w 2947
of 19 w 2949
necessity 2 w 2958
change 1 w 2964
either 3 w 2971
into 2 w 2975
flame 8 w 2980
or 28 w 2982
into 3 w 2986
light 8 w 2991
into 4 w 2996
flame 9 w 3001
as 21 w 3004
Cleanthes 1 w 3013
thought 2 w 3020
into 5 w 3025
light 9 w 3030
as 22 w 3033
Chrysippus 1 w 3043
conceived 1 w 3052