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CTS Library / On the Incorruptibility of the World

On the Incorruptibility of the World (81-85)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '81', 'human_reference': 'Section 81'}, 'end': {'reference': '85', 'human_reference': 'Section 85'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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Is it then destroyed by a complete destruction of its distinctive qualities? This again is impossible, for there remains, as the adversaries affirm, a quality of arrangement which by

the process of conflagration is only diminished to a lesser substance ... Is it destroyed then by confusion? Away with such an idea,

for in that case it would be necessary to confess that the corruption of a body can be reduced to a state of non-existence. Why so? Because if each of the particular elements were destroyed separately, it would be possible for it to become changed into another; but if they are altogether destroyed at one and the same moment by confusion, then it would be necessary to imagine what is absolutely impossible.

Again, besides these arguments, if all things, say they, were destroyed by fire, then what will God have to do during all that time, except absolutely nothing? And is it not reasonable to say so? For at present, he overlooks and presides over everything, and regulates everything like a genuine father, and if one is to say the truth, he guides and directs everything, sitting as it were by the side of the sun, and moon, and the other planets, and fixed stars, and also by the air, and the other parts of the world, and he co-operates with them in everything which can conduce to the durability of the universe and to its blameless management, in accordance with right reason.

But if everything is destroyed, then he will have an existence which will be rendered absolutely miserable, by inactivity and irremediable want of employment; than which what idea can be more absurd? I hesitate to add, what it would be impious to say, that death will ensue to God if absolute inactivity falls to his lot; for if you take away the perpetual motion of the soul, then you will beyond all question also destroy the soul itself. And the soul of the world, in the opinion of those who maintain the opposite doctrine, is God.


Is it not however worth while to examine this question, in what manner there can be a regeneration of all those things which have been destroyed by fire, and resolved into fire? for when their substance has been wholly destroyed by the fire, it follows of necessity that the fire itself must also be extinguished as no longer having any nourishment. Therefore, as long as it remained the seminal principle of arrangement was likewise preserved, but when it is destroyed that principle is destroyed with it. But it would be impious, and an impiety of double dye, not only to attribute destruction to the world, but also to take away the possibility of its regeneration; as if God delighted in disorder, and irregularity, and all kinds of evil


Is 1 w 2
it 1 w 4
then 1 w 8
destroyed 1 w 17
by 1 w 19
a 1 w 20
complete 1 w 28
destruction 1 w 39
of 1 w 41
its 1 w 44
distinctive 1 w 55
qualities 1 w 64
This 1 w 69
again 1 w 74
is 3 w 76
impossible 1 w 86
for 1 w 90
there 1 w 95
remains 1 w 102
as 1 w 105
the 3 w 108
adversaries 1 w 119
affirm 1 w 125
a 10 w 127
quality 1 w 134
of 2 w 136
arrangement 1 w 147
which 1 w 152
by 2 w 154
the 4 w 157
process 1 w 164
of 3 w 166
conflagration 1 w 179
is 4 w 181
only 1 w 185
diminished 1 w 195
to 1 w 197
a 16 w 198
lesser 1 w 204
substance 1 w 213
Is 2 w 218
it 5 w 220
destroyed 2 w 229
then 2 w 233
by 3 w 235
confusion 1 w 244
Away 1 w 249
with 1 w 253
such 1 w 257
an 3 w 259
idea 1 w 263
for 2 w 267
in 5 w 269
that 1 w 273
case 1 w 277
it 7 w 279
would 1 w 284
be 1 w 286
necessary 1 w 295
to 2 w 297
confess 1 w 304
that 2 w 308
the 6 w 311
corruption 1 w 321
of 4 w 323
a 25 w 324
body 1 w 328
can 1 w 331
be 2 w 333
reduced 1 w 340
to 3 w 342
a 27 w 343
state 1 w 348
of 5 w 350
non-existence 1 w 363
Why 1 w 367
so 1 w 369
Because 1 w 377
if 1 w 379
each 1 w 383
of 6 w 385
the 7 w 388
particular 1 w 398
elements 1 w 406
were 1 w 410
destroyed 3 w 419
separately 1 w 429
it 8 w 432
would 2 w 437
be 3 w 439
possible 2 w 447
for 3 w 450
it 9 w 452
to 4 w 454
become 1 w 460
changed 1 w 467
into 1 w 471
another 1 w 478
but 1 w 482
if 2 w 484
they 1 w 488
are 1 w 491
altogether 1 w 501
destroyed 4 w 510
at 6 w 512
one 1 w 515
and 1 w 518
the 11 w 521
same 1 w 525
moment 1 w 531
by 4 w 533
confusion 2 w 542
then 3 w 547
it 10 w 549
would 3 w 554
be 5 w 556
necessary 2 w 565
to 7 w 567
imagine 1 w 574
what 1 w 578
is 7 w 580
absolutely 1 w 590
impossible 2 w 600
Again 1 w 606
besides 1 w 614
these 1 w 619
arguments 1 w 628
if 3 w 631
all 1 w 634
things 1 w 640
say 1 w 644
they 2 w 648
were 2 w 653
destroyed 5 w 662
by 5 w 664
fire 1 w 668
then 4 w 673
what 2 w 677
will 1 w 681
God 1 w 684
have 1 w 688
to 8 w 690
do 1 w 692
during 1 w 698
all 2 w 701
that 3 w 705
time 1 w 709
except 1 w 716
absolutely 2 w 726
nothing 1 w 733
And 1 w 737
is 8 w 739
it 11 w 741
not 3 w 744
reasonable 1 w 754
to 9 w 756
say 2 w 759
so 5 w 761
For 1 w 765
at 10 w 767
present 1 w 774
he 17 w 777
overlooks 1 w 786
and 2 w 789
presides 1 w 797
over 2 w 801
everything 1 w 811
and 3 w 815
regulates 1 w 824
everything 2 w 834
like 1 w 838
a 62 w 839
genuine 1 w 846
father 1 w 852
and 4 w 856
if 4 w 858
one 2 w 861
is 9 w 863
to 10 w 865
say 3 w 868
the 17 w 871
truth 1 w 876
he 20 w 879
guides 1 w 885
and 5 w 888
directs 1 w 895
everything 3 w 905
sitting 1 w 913
as 4 w 915
it 13 w 917
were 3 w 921
by 6 w 923
the 18 w 926
side 3 w 930
of 7 w 932
the 19 w 935
sun 1 w 938
and 6 w 942
moon 1 w 946
and 7 w 950
the 20 w 953
other 2 w 958
planets 1 w 965
and 8 w 969
fixed 1 w 974
stars 1 w 979
and 9 w 983
also 1 w 987
by 7 w 989
the 22 w 992
air 1 w 995
and 10 w 999
the 23 w 1002
other 3 w 1007
parts 1 w 1012
of 8 w 1014
the 25 w 1017
world 1 w 1022
and 11 w 1026
he 29 w 1028
co-operates 1 w 1039
with 2 w 1043
them 1 w 1047
in 17 w 1049
everything 4 w 1059
which 2 w 1064
can 2 w 1067
conduce 1 w 1074
to 11 w 1076
the 27 w 1079
durability 1 w 1089
of 9 w 1091
the 28 w 1094
universe 1 w 1102
and 12 w 1105
to 12 w 1107
its 2 w 1110
blameless 1 w 1119
management 1 w 1129
in 19 w 1132
accordance 1 w 1142
with 3 w 1146
right 1 w 1151
reason 2 w 1157
But 1 w 1161
if 5 w 1163
everything 5 w 1173
is 10 w 1175
destroyed 6 w 1184
then 5 w 1189
he 34 w 1191
will 2 w 1195
have 2 w 1199
an 23 w 1201
existence 2 w 1210
which 3 w 1215
will 3 w 1219
be 7 w 1221
rendered 1 w 1229
absolutely 3 w 1239
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by 8 w 1251
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and 13 w 1264
irremediable 1 w 1276
want 1 w 1280
of 10 w 1282
employment 1 w 1292
than 1 w 1297
which 4 w 1302
what 3 w 1306
idea 2 w 1310
can 3 w 1313
be 8 w 1315
more 1 w 1319
absurd 1 w 1325
I 3 w 1327
hesitate 1 w 1335
to 13 w 1337
add 1 w 1340
what 4 w 1345
it 20 w 1347
would 4 w 1352
be 9 w 1354
impious 1 w 1361
to 14 w 1363
say 4 w 1366
that 4 w 1371
death 1 w 1376
will 4 w 1380
ensue 1 w 1385
to 15 w 1387
God 2 w 1390
if 6 w 1392
absolute 4 w 1400
inactivity 2 w 1410
falls 1 w 1415
to 16 w 1417
his 2 w 1420
lot 1 w 1423
for 4 w 1427
if 7 w 1429
you 1 w 1432
take 1 w 1436
away 1 w 1440
the 30 w 1443
perpetual 1 w 1452
motion 1 w 1458
of 11 w 1460
the 31 w 1463
soul 1 w 1467
then 6 w 1472
you 2 w 1475
will 5 w 1479
beyond 1 w 1485
all 4 w 1488
question 1 w 1496
also 2 w 1500
destroy 7 w 1507
the 33 w 1510
soul 2 w 1514
itself 1 w 1520
And 2 w 1524
the 34 w 1527
soul 3 w 1531
of 12 w 1533
the 35 w 1536
world 2 w 1541
in 23 w 1544
the 36 w 1547
opinion 1 w 1554
of 13 w 1556
those 1 w 1561
who 1 w 1564
maintain 1 w 1572
the 37 w 1575
opposite 1 w 1583
doctrine 1 w 1591
is 14 w 1594
God 3 w 1597
Is 3 w 1600
it 24 w 1602
not 4 w 1605
however 1 w 1612
worth 1 w 1617
while 1 w 1622
to 17 w 1624
examine 1 w 1631
this 1 w 1635
question 2 w 1643
in 29 w 1646
what 5 w 1650
manner 1 w 1656
there 2 w 1661
can 4 w 1664
be 11 w 1666
a 123 w 1667
regeneration 1 w 1679
of 14 w 1681
all 5 w 1684
those 2 w 1689
things 2 w 1695
which 5 w 1700
have 3 w 1704
been 1 w 1708
destroyed 7 w 1717
by 9 w 1719
fire 2 w 1723
and 14 w 1727
resolved 1 w 1735
into 2 w 1739
fire 3 w 1743
for 5 w 1747
when 1 w 1751
their 1 w 1756
substance 2 w 1765
has 1 w 1768
been 2 w 1772
wholly 1 w 1778
destroyed 8 w 1787
by 10 w 1789
the 40 w 1792
fire 4 w 1796
it 25 w 1799
follows 1 w 1806
of 15 w 1808
necessity 1 w 1817
that 5 w 1821
the 41 w 1824
fire 5 w 1828
itself 2 w 1834
must 1 w 1838
also 3 w 1842
be 14 w 1844
extinguished 1 w 1856
as 7 w 1858
no 6 w 1860
longer 1 w 1866
having 1 w 1872
any 1 w 1875
nourishment 1 w 1886
Therefore 1 w 1896
as 8 w 1899
long 2 w 1903
as 9 w 1905
it 28 w 1907
remained 1 w 1915
the 42 w 1918
seminal 1 w 1925
principle 1 w 1934
of 16 w 1936
arrangement 2 w 1947
was 1 w 1950
likewise 1 w 1958
preserved 1 w 1967
but 2 w 1971
when 2 w 1975
it 29 w 1977
is 19 w 1979
destroyed 9 w 1988
that 6 w 1992
principle 2 w 2001
is 20 w 2003
destroyed 10 w 2012
with 4 w 2016
it 31 w 2018
But 2 w 2022
it 32 w 2024
would 5 w 2029
be 15 w 2031
impious 2 w 2038
and 15 w 2042
an 35 w 2044
impiety 1 w 2051
of 17 w 2053
double 1 w 2059
dye 1 w 2062
not 5 w 2066
only 2 w 2070
to 19 w 2072
attribute 1 w 2081
destruction 2 w 2092
to 20 w 2094
the 43 w 2097
world 3 w 2102
but 4 w 2106
also 4 w 2110
to 21 w 2112
take 2 w 2116
away 2 w 2120
the 44 w 2123
possibility 1 w 2134
of 18 w 2136
its 5 w 2139
regeneration 2 w 2151
as 11 w 2154
if 8 w 2156
God 4 w 2159
delighted 1 w 2168
in 38 w 2170
disorder 1 w 2178
and 16 w 2182
irregularity 1 w 2194
and 17 w 2198
all 6 w 2201
kinds 1 w 2206
of 19 w 2208
evil 1 w 2212
things 3 w 2218