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CTS Library / On the Incorruptibility of the World

On the Incorruptibility of the World (76-80)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '76', 'human_reference': 'Section 76'}, 'end': {'reference': '80', 'human_reference': 'Section 80'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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But some of those who used to hold a different opinion, being overpowered by truth, have changed their doctrine; for beauty has a power which is very attractive, and the truth is beyond all things beautiful, as falsehood on the contrary is enormously

ugly; therefore Boethus, and Posidonius, and Panaetius, men of great learning in the Stoic doctrines, as if seized with a sudden inspiration, abandoning all the stories about conflagrations and regeneration, have come over to the more divine doctrine of the incorruptibility of the world;

and it is said also that Diogenes, when he was very young, agreed entirely with those authors ...


But Boethus adduces the most convincing arguments, which we shall proceed to mention immediately; for if, says he, the world was created and is liable to destruction, then [*]

something will be made out of nothing, which appears to be most absurd even to the Stoics. Why so? Because it is not possible to discover any cause of destruction either within or without, which will destroy the world. For on the outside there is nothing except perhaps a vacuum, inasmuch as all the elements in their integrity are collected and contained within it, and within there is no imperfection so great as to be the cause of dissolution to so great a thing. Again, if it is destroyed without any cause, then it is plain that from something which has no existence will arise the engendering of destruction, which is an idea quite inadmissible by reason;

and, indeed, they say that there are altogether three generic manners of corruption, one which arises from division, another which proceeds from a destruction of the distinctive quality which holds the thing together, and the third from confusion; therefore the things which consist of a union of separate members, such as flocks of goats, herds of oxen, choruses, armies; or, again, bodies which are compounded of limbs joined together, are dissolved by disjunction and separation. But wax, when stamped with a new impression, or softened before being remodelled so as to present a new and different appearance, is corrupted by a destruction of the distinctive quality which previously held it together. Other things are corrupted by confusion, as the medicine which the physicians call tetrapharmacon, for the powers of the drugs brought together and combined were destroyed in such a manner as to produce one perfect medicine of especial virtue.

By which, then, of these modes of corruption is it becoming to say that the world is destroyed? By that which is caused by separation? No, for it is not compounded of separate members so that its different parts can be dispersed, nor of portions joined together so that they can be dissolved; nor is it united together in a similar manner to our own bodies, for they have the seeds of decay in themselves, and they are subject to influence of a great variety of things by which they are at times injured; but the power of the world is invincible, since by its great superiority to other things it has dominion over everything.

But 1 w 3
some 1 w 7
of 1 w 9
those 1 w 14
who 1 w 17
used 1 w 21
to 1 w 23
hold 1 w 27
a 1 w 28
different 1 w 37
opinion 1 w 44
being 1 w 50
overpowered 1 w 61
by 1 w 63
truth 1 w 68
have 1 w 73
changed 1 w 80
their 1 w 85
doctrine 1 w 93
for 1 w 97
beauty 1 w 103
has 1 w 106
a 6 w 107
power 2 w 112
which 1 w 117
is 1 w 119
very 1 w 123
attractive 1 w 133
and 1 w 137
the 2 w 140
truth 2 w 145
is 2 w 147
beyond 1 w 153
all 1 w 156
things 1 w 162
beautiful 1 w 171
as 2 w 174
falsehood 1 w 183
on 3 w 185
the 3 w 188
contrary 1 w 196
is 3 w 198
enormously 1 w 208
ugly 1 w 212
therefore 1 w 222
Boethus 1 w 229
and 2 w 233
Posidonius 1 w 243
and 3 w 247
Panaetius 1 w 256
men 1 w 260
of 2 w 262
great 1 w 267
learning 1 w 275
in 6 w 277
the 5 w 280
Stoic 1 w 285
doctrines 1 w 294
as 3 w 297
if 3 w 299
seized 1 w 305
with 1 w 309
a 22 w 310
sudden 1 w 316
inspiration 1 w 327
abandoning 1 w 338
all 2 w 341
the 6 w 344
stories 1 w 351
about 1 w 356
conflagrations 1 w 370
and 5 w 373
regeneration 1 w 385
have 2 w 390
come 1 w 394
over 2 w 398
to 4 w 400
the 7 w 403
more 1 w 407
divine 1 w 413
doctrine 3 w 421
of 3 w 423
the 8 w 426
incorruptibility 1 w 442
of 4 w 444
the 9 w 447
world 1 w 452
and 6 w 456
it 3 w 458
is 4 w 460
said 1 w 464
also 1 w 468
that 1 w 472
Diogenes 1 w 480
when 1 w 485
he 11 w 487
was 1 w 490
very 2 w 494
young 1 w 499
agreed 1 w 506
entirely 1 w 514
with 2 w 518
those 2 w 523
authors 1 w 530
But 2 w 536
Boethus 2 w 543
adduces 1 w 550
the 10 w 553
most 1 w 557
convincing 1 w 567
arguments 1 w 576
which 2 w 582
we 3 w 584
shall 1 w 589
proceed 1 w 596
to 5 w 598
mention 1 w 605
immediately 1 w 616
for 3 w 620
if 4 w 622
says 1 w 627
he 13 w 629
the 11 w 633
world 2 w 638
was 2 w 641
created 1 w 648
and 7 w 651
is 5 w 653
liable 1 w 659
to 6 w 661
destruction 1 w 672
then 1 w 677
There 1 w 682
is 6 w 684
supposed 1 w 692
to 7 w 694
be 5 w 696
a 49 w 697
very 3 w 701
large 1 w 706
hiatus 1 w 712
here 3 w 716
something 1 w 726
will 1 w 730
be 6 w 732
made 1 w 736
out 2 w 739
of 5 w 741
nothing 1 w 748
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appears 1 w 761
to 8 w 763
be 7 w 765
most 2 w 769
absurd 1 w 775
even 1 w 779
to 9 w 781
the 13 w 784
Stoics 1 w 790
Why 1 w 794
so 4 w 796
Because 1 w 804
it 5 w 806
is 7 w 808
not 2 w 811
possible 1 w 819
to 11 w 821
discover 1 w 829
any 1 w 832
cause 2 w 837
of 6 w 839
destruction 2 w 850
either 1 w 856
within 1 w 862
or 11 w 864
without 1 w 871
which 4 w 877
will 2 w 881
destroy 1 w 888
the 15 w 891
world 3 w 896
For 1 w 900
on 15 w 902
the 16 w 905
outside 1 w 912
there 2 w 917
is 9 w 919
nothing 2 w 926
except 1 w 932
perhaps 1 w 939
a 60 w 940
vacuum 1 w 946
inasmuch 1 w 955
as 7 w 957
all 4 w 960
the 18 w 963
elements 1 w 971
in 20 w 973
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integrity 1 w 987
are 1 w 990
collected 1 w 999
and 8 w 1002
contained 1 w 1011
within 2 w 1017
it 11 w 1019
and 9 w 1023
within 3 w 1029
there 3 w 1034
is 10 w 1036
no 5 w 1038
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great 2 w 1057
as 8 w 1059
to 12 w 1061
be 8 w 1063
the 21 w 1066
cause 3 w 1071
of 7 w 1073
dissolution 1 w 1084
to 13 w 1086
so 7 w 1088
great 3 w 1093
a 73 w 1094
thing 5 w 1099
Again 1 w 1105
if 5 w 1108
it 13 w 1110
is 12 w 1112
destroyed 1 w 1121
without 2 w 1128
any 2 w 1131
cause 4 w 1136
then 2 w 1141
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is 13 w 1145
plain 1 w 1150
that 2 w 1154
from 1 w 1158
something 2 w 1167
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has 2 w 1175
no 6 w 1177
existence 1 w 1186
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arise 1 w 1195
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engendering 1 w 1209
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is 16 w 1230
an 14 w 1232
idea 1 w 1236
quite 1 w 1241
inadmissible 1 w 1253
by 2 w 1255
reason 1 w 1261
and 10 w 1265
indeed 1 w 1272
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say 2 w 1280
that 3 w 1284
there 4 w 1289
are 2 w 1292
altogether 1 w 1302
three 1 w 1307
generic 1 w 1314
manners 1 w 1321
of 9 w 1323
corruption 1 w 1333
one 1 w 1337
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arises 1 w 1348
from 2 w 1352
division 1 w 1360
another 1 w 1368
which 8 w 1373
proceeds 1 w 1381
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of 10 w 1399
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distinctive 1 w 1413
quality 1 w 1420
which 9 w 1425
holds 1 w 1430
the 29 w 1433
thing 7 w 1438
together 2 w 1446
and 11 w 1450
the 31 w 1453
third 1 w 1458
from 4 w 1462
confusion 1 w 1471
therefore 2 w 1481
the 33 w 1484
things 2 w 1490
which 10 w 1495
consist 1 w 1502
of 11 w 1504
a 96 w 1505
union 1 w 1510
of 12 w 1512
separate 1 w 1520
members 1 w 1527
such 1 w 1532
as 11 w 1534
flocks 1 w 1540
of 13 w 1542
goats 1 w 1547
herds 1 w 1553
of 14 w 1555
oxen 1 w 1559
choruses 1 w 1568
armies 1 w 1575
or 17 w 1578
again 1 w 1584
bodies 1 w 1591
which 11 w 1596
are 3 w 1599
compounded 1 w 1609
of 15 w 1611
limbs 1 w 1616
joined 1 w 1622
together 3 w 1630
are 4 w 1634
dissolved 1 w 1643
by 3 w 1645
disjunction 1 w 1656
and 12 w 1659
separation 1 w 1669
But 3 w 1673
wax 1 w 1676
when 2 w 1681
stamped 1 w 1688
with 8 w 1692
a 111 w 1693
new 1 w 1696
impression 1 w 1706
or 18 w 1709
softened 1 w 1717
before 1 w 1723
being 2 w 1728
remodelled 1 w 1738
so 12 w 1740
as 12 w 1742
to 17 w 1744
present 1 w 1751
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new 2 w 1755
and 13 w 1758
different 2 w 1767
appearance 1 w 1777
is 24 w 1780
corrupted 1 w 1789
by 4 w 1791
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destruction 5 w 1803
of 17 w 1805
the 35 w 1808
distinctive 2 w 1819
quality 2 w 1826
which 12 w 1831
previously 1 w 1841
held 1 w 1845
it 20 w 1847
together 4 w 1855
Other 1 w 1861
things 3 w 1867
are 5 w 1870
corrupted 2 w 1879
by 5 w 1881
confusion 2 w 1890
as 13 w 1893
the 38 w 1896
medicine 1 w 1904
which 13 w 1909
the 39 w 1912
physicians 1 w 1922
call 1 w 1926
tetrapharmacon 1 w 1940
for 6 w 1944
the 40 w 1947
powers 1 w 1953
of 18 w 1955
the 41 w 1958
drugs 1 w 1963
brought 1 w 1970
together 5 w 1978
and 14 w 1981
combined 1 w 1989
were 2 w 1993
destroyed 2 w 2002
in 42 w 2004
such 2 w 2008
a 128 w 2009
manner 2 w 2015
as 14 w 2017
to 20 w 2019
produce 1 w 2026
one 2 w 2029
perfect 2 w 2036
medicine 2 w 2044
of 19 w 2046
especial 1 w 2054
virtue 1 w 2060
By 1 w 2063
which 14 w 2068
then 3 w 2073
of 20 w 2076
these 1 w 2081
modes 1 w 2086
of 21 w 2088
corruption 2 w 2098
is 26 w 2100
it 21 w 2102
becoming 1 w 2110
to 21 w 2112
say 3 w 2115
that 4 w 2119
the 45 w 2122
world 4 w 2127
is 27 w 2129
destroyed 3 w 2138
By 2 w 2141
that 5 w 2145
which 15 w 2150
is 28 w 2152
caused 1 w 2158
by 6 w 2160
separation 2 w 2170
No 1 w 2173
for 7 w 2177
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is 29 w 2181
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of 22 w 2196
separate 2 w 2204
members 2 w 2211
so 13 w 2213
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its 1 w 2220
different 3 w 2229
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portions 1 w 2262
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so 14 w 2278
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dissolved 2 w 2300
nor 3 w 2304
is 32 w 2306
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united 1 w 2314
together 7 w 2322
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similar 1 w 2332
manner 3 w 2338
to 24 w 2340
our 1 w 2343
own 1 w 2346
bodies 2 w 2352
for 8 w 2356
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have 3 w 2364
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seeds 1 w 2372
of 24 w 2374
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in 47 w 2381
themselves 1 w 2391
and 15 w 2395
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are 6 w 2402
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influence 1 w 2420
of 25 w 2422
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great 4 w 2428
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by 7 w 2445
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are 7 w 2457
at 24 w 2459
times 1 w 2464
injured 1 w 2471
but 1 w 2475
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power 4 w 2483
of 27 w 2485
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world 5 w 2493
is 33 w 2495
invincible 1 w 2505
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its 2 w 2516
great 5 w 2521
superiority 1 w 2532
to 26 w 2534
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things 5 w 2545
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dominion 1 w 2558
over 4 w 2562
everything 1 w 2572