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CTS Library / On the Incorruptibility of the World

On the Incorruptibility of the World (71-75)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '71', 'human_reference': 'Section 71'}, 'end': {'reference': '75', 'human_reference': 'Section 75'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Nevertheless, this point also is worthy of one consideration: that everything which is born must by all means at the beginning be imperfect, but as time advances he must increase till he arrives at complete perfection, so that if the world was born it was at one time (that I may use the expressions appropriate to the ages of men) a mere infant, and subsequently increasing in periods of years and lapse of time, it at last and with great difficulty arrived at perfection, for of necessity the period at which that which of all things has the longest existence must be late.

But if any one fancies that the world has ever really been subjected to such changes as these, it is time that he should learn that he has been under the influence of incurable madness, for it is plain that if that is the case not only will its bodily appearance be increased, but its mind also will receive growth, since they who attribute liability to perish to it conceive it to be a rational creature.

Therefore, just like a man, it will be devoid of reason at the commencement of its existence, but endowed with reason at the age when it is in its prime, which it is impious not only to say, but even to think, for how can we imagine the most perfect visible circumference which surrounds us, and which contains within itself so many individual inhabitants, is not always perfect both in soul and body, being exempt from all those evils in which everything which has been born and which is perishable is implicated?


And in addition to this he says, that there are three causes of death to living animals, besides the external causes

which may affect them, namely, disease, old age, and want, by no one of which is the world liable to be attacked or subdued, for that it is composed of entire elements, since there is no part of them which is left out or which remains at liberty, so that any violence can be offered to it, and it also is superior to those powers from which diseases arise; and they yielding keep the world free from all disease, and free from old age, and in a state of the most perfect self-sufficiency as to all its requirements, and without need of anything, since there is nothing wanting to it which can possibly contribute to its durability, and wholly exempt from all successions and alternations of fulness and emptiness, which animals being subject to by reason of their unregulated insatiability, bring upon themselves death instead of life, or, to speak more accurately, a life which is more pitiable than any destruction.

Moreover, if we saw that there was no such thing as any eternal nature to be seen, those who assert the liability of the world to destruction would not appear to be so guilty of disparaging the world without any excuse, since they would have no example whatever of anything being everlasting; but since fate, according to the doctrine of those who have investigated the principles of natural philosophy most accurately, is a thing without any beginning and without any end, connecting all the causes of everything, as to leave no break and no interruption, why may we not in like manner also affirm of the nature of the world that it subsists for a great length of time, being, as it were, an arrangement of what is otherwise in no order, a harmony of what is otherwise wholly destitute of such harmony, an agreement of what is otherwise without agreement, a union of things previously separated, a condition of stocks and stones, a nature of things growing from seed and of trees, a life of all animals, the mind and reason of men, and the most perfect virtue of virtuous men? But if the nature of the world is uncreated and indestructible, then it is plain that the world is held together and powerfully preserved by an everlasting indissoluble chain.

Nevertheless 1 w 12
this 1 w 17
point 1 w 22
also 1 w 26
is 2 w 28
worthy 1 w 34
of 1 w 36
one 1 w 39
consideration 1 w 52
that 1 w 57
everything 1 w 67
which 1 w 72
is 3 w 74
born 1 w 78
must 1 w 82
by 1 w 84
all 1 w 87
means 1 w 92
at 3 w 94
the 2 w 97
beginning 1 w 106
be 2 w 108
imperfect 1 w 117
but 1 w 121
as 1 w 123
time 1 w 127
advances 1 w 135
he 3 w 137
must 2 w 141
increase 1 w 149
till 1 w 153
he 4 w 155
arrives 1 w 162
at 4 w 164
complete 1 w 172
perfection 1 w 182
so 2 w 185
that 2 w 189
if 1 w 191
the 3 w 194
world 1 w 199
was 1 w 202
born 2 w 206
it 1 w 208
was 2 w 211
at 6 w 213
one 2 w 216
time 2 w 220
that 3 w 225
I 1 w 226
may 1 w 229
use 1 w 232
the 4 w 235
expressions 1 w 246
appropriate 1 w 257
to 1 w 259
the 5 w 262
ages 1 w 266
of 2 w 268
men 1 w 271
a 22 w 273
mere 1 w 277
infant 1 w 283
and 1 w 287
subsequently 1 w 299
increasing 1 w 309
in 9 w 311
periods 1 w 318
of 3 w 320
years 1 w 325
and 2 w 328
lapse 1 w 333
of 4 w 335
time 3 w 339
it 2 w 342
at 9 w 344
last 1 w 348
and 3 w 351
with 1 w 355
great 1 w 360
difficulty 1 w 370
arrived 1 w 377
at 11 w 379
perfection 2 w 389
for 1 w 393
of 5 w 395
necessity 1 w 404
the 6 w 407
period 2 w 413
at 12 w 415
which 2 w 420
that 4 w 424
which 3 w 429
of 6 w 431
all 2 w 434
things 1 w 440
has 1 w 443
the 7 w 446
longest 1 w 453
existence 1 w 462
must 3 w 466
be 3 w 468
late 1 w 472
But 1 w 476
if 3 w 478
any 1 w 481
one 3 w 484
fancies 1 w 491
that 5 w 495
the 8 w 498
world 2 w 503
has 2 w 506
ever 3 w 510
really 1 w 516
been 1 w 520
subjected 1 w 529
to 2 w 531
such 1 w 535
changes 1 w 542
as 9 w 544
these 1 w 549
it 5 w 552
is 5 w 554
time 4 w 558
that 6 w 562
he 12 w 564
should 1 w 570
learn 1 w 575
that 7 w 579
he 13 w 581
has 3 w 584
been 2 w 588
under 1 w 593
the 10 w 596
influence 1 w 605
of 7 w 607
incurable 1 w 616
madness 1 w 623
for 2 w 627
it 6 w 629
is 6 w 631
plain 1 w 636
that 8 w 640
if 4 w 642
that 9 w 646
is 7 w 648
the 11 w 651
case 1 w 655
not 1 w 658
only 1 w 662
will 1 w 666
its 1 w 669
bodily 1 w 675
appearance 1 w 685
be 6 w 687
increased 1 w 696
but 2 w 700
its 2 w 703
mind 1 w 707
also 2 w 711
will 2 w 715
receive 1 w 722
growth 1 w 728
since 1 w 734
they 1 w 738
who 1 w 741
attribute 1 w 750
liability 1 w 759
to 3 w 761
perish 1 w 767
to 4 w 769
it 10 w 771
conceive 1 w 779
it 11 w 781
to 5 w 783
be 7 w 785
a 64 w 786
rational 1 w 794
creature 1 w 802
Therefore 1 w 812
just 1 w 817
like 1 w 821
a 68 w 822
man 1 w 825
it 12 w 828
will 3 w 832
be 8 w 834
devoid 1 w 840
of 8 w 842
reason 1 w 848
at 23 w 850
the 13 w 853
commencement 1 w 865
of 9 w 867
its 3 w 870
existence 2 w 879
but 4 w 883
endowed 1 w 890
with 2 w 894
reason 2 w 900
at 24 w 902
the 14 w 905
age 2 w 908
when 1 w 912
it 15 w 914
is 10 w 916
in 17 w 918
its 4 w 921
prime 1 w 926
which 4 w 932
it 17 w 934
is 11 w 936
impious 1 w 943
not 2 w 946
only 2 w 950
to 6 w 952
say 1 w 955
but 5 w 959
even 1 w 963
to 7 w 965
think 1 w 970
for 4 w 974
how 1 w 977
can 1 w 980
we 2 w 982
imagine 1 w 989
the 15 w 992
most 1 w 996
perfect 4 w 1003
visible 1 w 1010
circumference 1 w 1023
which 5 w 1028
surrounds 1 w 1037
us 7 w 1039
and 4 w 1043
which 6 w 1048
contains 1 w 1056
within 1 w 1062
itself 1 w 1068
so 6 w 1070
many 1 w 1074
individual 1 w 1084
inhabitants 1 w 1095
is 13 w 1098
not 3 w 1101
always 1 w 1107
perfect 5 w 1114
both 1 w 1118
in 24 w 1120
soul 1 w 1124
and 5 w 1127
body 1 w 1131
being 1 w 1137
exempt 1 w 1143
from 1 w 1147
all 4 w 1150
those 1 w 1155
evils 1 w 1160
in 26 w 1162
which 7 w 1167
everything 2 w 1177
which 8 w 1182
has 4 w 1185
been 3 w 1189
born 3 w 1193
and 6 w 1196
which 9 w 1201
is 14 w 1203
perishable 1 w 1213
is 16 w 1215
implicated 1 w 1225
And 1 w 1229
in 28 w 1231
addition 1 w 1239
to 8 w 1241
this 2 w 1245
he 22 w 1247
says 1 w 1251
that 10 w 1256
there 1 w 1261
are 1 w 1264
three 1 w 1269
causes 1 w 1275
of 10 w 1277
death 1 w 1282
to 9 w 1284
living 1 w 1290
animals 1 w 1297
besides 1 w 1305
the 17 w 1308
external 1 w 1316
causes 2 w 1322
which 10 w 1327
may 2 w 1330
affect 1 w 1336
them 1 w 1340
namely 1 w 1347
disease 1 w 1355
old 1 w 1359
age 3 w 1362
and 7 w 1366
want 1 w 1370
by 2 w 1373
no 4 w 1375
one 4 w 1378
of 11 w 1380
which 11 w 1385
is 19 w 1387
the 19 w 1390
world 3 w 1395
liable 1 w 1401
to 10 w 1403
be 12 w 1405
attacked 1 w 1413
or 12 w 1415
subdued 1 w 1422
for 5 w 1426
that 11 w 1430
it 22 w 1432
is 20 w 1434
composed 1 w 1442
of 12 w 1444
entire 1 w 1450
elements 1 w 1458
since 2 w 1464
there 2 w 1469
is 21 w 1471
no 5 w 1473
part 1 w 1477
of 13 w 1479
them 2 w 1483
which 12 w 1488
is 22 w 1490
left 1 w 1494
out 1 w 1497
or 14 w 1499
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at 30 w 1513
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to 11 w 1552
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and 8 w 1558
it 24 w 1560
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is 23 w 1566
superior 1 w 1574
to 12 w 1576
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powers 1 w 1587
from 2 w 1591
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diseases 1 w 1604
arise 1 w 1609
and 9 w 1613
they 2 w 1617
yielding 1 w 1625
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the 23 w 1632
world 4 w 1637
free 1 w 1641
from 3 w 1645
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disease 3 w 1655
and 10 w 1659
free 2 w 1663
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age 4 w 1673
and 11 w 1677
in 33 w 1679
a 129 w 1680
state 1 w 1685
of 15 w 1687
the 24 w 1690
most 2 w 1694
perfect 6 w 1701
self-sufficiency 1 w 1717
as 19 w 1719
to 13 w 1721
all 6 w 1724
its 6 w 1727
requirements 1 w 1739
and 12 w 1743
without 1 w 1750
need 1 w 1754
of 16 w 1756
anything 1 w 1764
since 3 w 1770
there 3 w 1775
is 27 w 1777
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wanting 1 w 1791
to 14 w 1793
it 27 w 1795
which 15 w 1800
can 3 w 1803
possibly 1 w 1811
contribute 1 w 1821
to 15 w 1823
its 7 w 1826
durability 1 w 1836
and 13 w 1840
wholly 1 w 1846
exempt 2 w 1852
from 5 w 1856
all 7 w 1859
successions 1 w 1870
and 14 w 1873
alternations 1 w 1885
of 17 w 1887
fulness 1 w 1894
and 15 w 1897
emptiness 1 w 1906
which 16 w 1912
animals 2 w 1919
being 2 w 1924
subject 2 w 1931
to 16 w 1933
by 3 w 1935
reason 3 w 1941
of 18 w 1943
their 1 w 1948
unregulated 1 w 1959
insatiability 1 w 1972
bring 1 w 1978
upon 1 w 1982
themselves 1 w 1992
death 2 w 1997
instead 1 w 2004
of 19 w 2006
life 1 w 2010
or 17 w 2013
to 17 w 2016
speak 1 w 2021
more 1 w 2025
accurately 1 w 2035
a 155 w 2037
life 2 w 2041
which 17 w 2046
is 28 w 2048
more 2 w 2052
pitiable 1 w 2060
than 1 w 2064
any 5 w 2067
destruction 1 w 2078
Moreover 1 w 2087
if 7 w 2090
we 4 w 2092
saw 1 w 2095
that 13 w 2099
there 4 w 2104
was 3 w 2107
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such 2 w 2113
thing 6 w 2118
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eternal 1 w 2130
nature 1 w 2136
to 18 w 2138
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assert 1 w 2159
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of 20 w 2173
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would 1 w 2199
not 5 w 2202
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to 20 w 2210
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world 6 w 2241
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of 22 w 2295
anything 2 w 2303
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everlasting 1 w 2319
but 7 w 2323
since 5 w 2328
fate 1 w 2332
according 1 w 2342
to 21 w 2344
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doctrine 1 w 2355
of 23 w 2357
those 4 w 2362
who 4 w 2365
have 2 w 2369
investigated 1 w 2381
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principles 1 w 2394
of 24 w 2396
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most 3 w 2417
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thing 8 w 2436
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to 22 w 2511
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and 17 w 2526
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affirm 1 w 2574
of 26 w 2576
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nature 2 w 2585
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world 7 w 2595
that 14 w 2599
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subsists 1 w 2609
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as 26 w 2639
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of 29 w 2661
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is 32 w 2667
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is 34 w 2702
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is 36 w 2759
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separated 1 w 2818
a 220 w 2820
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and 18 w 2840
stones 1 w 2846
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nature 3 w 2854
of 35 w 2856
things 3 w 2862
growing 1 w 2869
from 6 w 2873
seed 1 w 2877
and 19 w 2880
of 36 w 2882
trees 1 w 2887
a 225 w 2889
life 3 w 2893
of 37 w 2895
all 9 w 2898
animals 3 w 2905
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mind 2 w 2913
and 20 w 2916
reason 4 w 2922
of 38 w 2924
men 9 w 2927
and 21 w 2931
the 42 w 2934
most 4 w 2938
perfect 7 w 2945
virtue 1 w 2951
of 39 w 2953
virtuous 1 w 2961
men 10 w 2964
But 2 w 2968
if 9 w 2970
the 43 w 2973
nature 4 w 2979
of 40 w 2981
the 44 w 2984
world 8 w 2989
is 38 w 2991
uncreated 1 w 3000
and 22 w 3003
indestructible 1 w 3017
then 1 w 3022
it 41 w 3024
is 39 w 3026
plain 2 w 3031
that 15 w 3035
the 46 w 3038
world 9 w 3043
is 40 w 3045
held 1 w 3049
together 1 w 3057
and 23 w 3060
powerfully 1 w 3070
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everlasting 2 w 3094
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chain 1 w 3111