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CTS Library / On the Incorruptibility of the World

On the Incorruptibility of the World (31-35)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '31', 'human_reference': 'Section 31'}, 'end': {'reference': '35', 'human_reference': 'Section 35'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

And this law and ordinance is established with reference to [*] [*]

everything which is destroyed, that wherever composite things are existing in combination they are thrown into disorder instead of into the order in accordance with nature, which they previously enjoyed, and they are removed to situations opposite to those in which they were previously placed, so that they seem in a manner to be sojourners; and when they are dissolved again, then they return to the appropriate parts allotted to them by nature.


But since the world has no participation in that irregularity which exists in the things which I have just been mentioning, let us stop awhile and consider this point. If the world were liable to corruption and destruction, it follows of necessity that all its parts would at present be arranged in a position not in accordance with nature: but it is impious even to imagine such a thing as this; for all the parts of the world have received the most excellent position possible, and an arrangement of the purest symmetry and harmony; so that each individual part, being content with its place as a native country to it, does not seek any change for the better.

On this account it is that the most central position of all has been assigned to the earth, to which all things belonging to it adhere, and to which they descend again even if you throw them into the air: and this is a proof that their place is in accordance with nature; for wherever anything is borne without any violence, and where it then remains firm and stationary, that is clearly its natural place. And then, in the second place, water was poured over the earth, and air and fire have gone from the central to the upper part, air having received for its portion the region which is on the borders between air and fire, and fire having received the highest place of all: on which account, if you light a torch and press it down towards the ground, nevertheless the flame will still turn in a contrary direction, and lightening itself in accordance with the natural motion of fire, will rise upwards:

if, then, motion contrary to nature is the cause of corruptibility and destruction in the case of other animals, but if in the case of the world every one of its parts is arranged in complete accordance with nature, having had appropriate positions allotted to each of them, then surely the world must most justly be pronounced incorruptible and imperishable.

Moreover this point is manifest to every one, that every

nature is desirous to keep and preserve, and if it were possible to make immortal, everything of which it is the nature; the nature of trees, for instance, desires to preserve trees, and the nature of animals desires to preserve each individual animal.

And 1 w 3
this 1 w 7
law 1 w 10
and 1 w 13
ordinance 1 w 22
is 2 w 24
established 1 w 35
with 1 w 39
reference 1 w 48
to 1 w 50
Timaeus 1 w 57
p 1 w 59
32 1 w 62
A 2 w 64
fragment 1 w 72
from 1 w 76
the 1 w 79
Chrysippus 1 w 89
of 1 w 91
Euripides 1 w 100
everything 1 w 111
which 1 w 116
is 4 w 118
destroyed 1 w 127
that 1 w 132
wherever 1 w 140
composite 1 w 149
things 1 w 155
are 1 w 158
existing 1 w 166
in 5 w 168
combination 1 w 179
they 1 w 183
are 2 w 186
thrown 1 w 192
into 1 w 196
disorder 1 w 204
instead 1 w 211
of 2 w 213
into 2 w 217
the 3 w 220
order 2 w 225
in 10 w 227
accordance 1 w 237
with 2 w 241
nature 1 w 247
which 2 w 253
they 2 w 257
previously 1 w 267
enjoyed 1 w 274
and 2 w 278
they 3 w 282
are 3 w 285
removed 1 w 292
to 4 w 294
situations 1 w 304
opposite 1 w 312
to 5 w 314
those 1 w 319
in 11 w 321
which 3 w 326
they 4 w 330
were 1 w 334
previously 2 w 344
placed 1 w 350
so 2 w 353
that 2 w 357
they 5 w 361
seem 1 w 365
in 12 w 367
a 20 w 368
manner 1 w 374
to 6 w 376
be 1 w 378
sojourners 1 w 388
and 3 w 392
when 1 w 396
they 6 w 400
are 4 w 403
dissolved 1 w 412
again 1 w 417
then 1 w 422
they 7 w 426
return 1 w 432
to 7 w 434
the 11 w 437
appropriate 1 w 448
parts 1 w 453
allotted 1 w 461
to 8 w 463
them 1 w 467
by 1 w 469
nature 2 w 475
But 1 w 479
since 1 w 484
the 13 w 487
world 1 w 492
has 1 w 495
no 1 w 497
participation 1 w 510
in 15 w 512
that 3 w 516
irregularity 1 w 528
which 4 w 533
exists 1 w 539
in 16 w 541
the 14 w 544
things 2 w 550
which 5 w 555
I 1 w 556
have 1 w 560
just 1 w 564
been 1 w 568
mentioning 1 w 578
let 1 w 582
us 6 w 584
stop 1 w 588
awhile 1 w 594
and 4 w 597
consider 1 w 605
this 2 w 609
point 1 w 614
If 1 w 617
the 15 w 620
world 2 w 625
were 2 w 629
liable 1 w 635
to 10 w 637
corruption 1 w 647
and 5 w 650
destruction 1 w 661
it 7 w 664
follows 1 w 671
of 3 w 673
necessity 1 w 682
that 4 w 686
all 2 w 689
its 1 w 692
parts 2 w 697
would 1 w 702
at 11 w 704
present 1 w 711
be 3 w 713
arranged 1 w 721
in 20 w 723
a 47 w 724
position 1 w 732
not 1 w 735
in 21 w 737
accordance 2 w 747
with 3 w 751
nature 3 w 757
but 1 w 761
it 12 w 763
is 10 w 765
impious 1 w 772
even 1 w 776
to 11 w 778
imagine 1 w 785
such 1 w 789
a 52 w 790
thing 4 w 795
as 2 w 797
this 3 w 801
for 1 w 805
all 3 w 808
the 16 w 811
parts 3 w 816
of 4 w 818
the 17 w 821
world 3 w 826
have 2 w 830
received 1 w 838
the 18 w 841
most 1 w 845
excellent 1 w 854
position 2 w 862
possible 1 w 870
and 6 w 874
an 12 w 876
arrangement 1 w 887
of 5 w 889
the 19 w 892
purest 1 w 898
symmetry 1 w 906
and 7 w 909
harmony 1 w 916
so 5 w 919
that 5 w 923
each 1 w 927
individual 1 w 937
part 5 w 941
being 1 w 947
content 1 w 954
with 4 w 958
its 2 w 961
place 2 w 966
as 3 w 968
a 69 w 969
native 1 w 975
country 1 w 982
to 12 w 984
it 16 w 986
does 1 w 991
not 2 w 994
seek 1 w 998
any 1 w 1001
change 1 w 1007
for 2 w 1010
the 20 w 1013
better 1 w 1019
On 1 w 1022
this 4 w 1026
account 1 w 1033
it 17 w 1035
is 13 w 1037
that 6 w 1041
the 21 w 1044
most 2 w 1048
central 1 w 1055
position 3 w 1063
of 6 w 1065
all 4 w 1068
has 2 w 1071
been 2 w 1075
assigned 1 w 1083
to 13 w 1085
the 22 w 1088
earth 1 w 1093
to 14 w 1096
which 6 w 1101
all 5 w 1104
things 3 w 1110
belonging 1 w 1119
to 15 w 1121
it 19 w 1123
adhere 1 w 1129
and 8 w 1133
to 16 w 1135
which 7 w 1140
they 8 w 1144
descend 1 w 1151
again 2 w 1156
even 2 w 1160
if 1 w 1162
you 1 w 1165
throw 2 w 1170
them 2 w 1174
into 3 w 1178
the 25 w 1181
air 1 w 1184
and 9 w 1188
this 5 w 1192
is 15 w 1194
a 87 w 1195
proof 1 w 1200
that 7 w 1204
their 1 w 1209
place 3 w 1214
is 16 w 1216
in 30 w 1218
accordance 3 w 1228
with 5 w 1232
nature 4 w 1238
for 3 w 1242
wherever 2 w 1250
anything 1 w 1258
is 17 w 1260
borne 1 w 1265
without 1 w 1272
any 3 w 1275
violence 1 w 1283
and 10 w 1287
where 3 w 1292
it 22 w 1294
then 2 w 1298
remains 1 w 1305
firm 1 w 1309
and 11 w 1312
stationary 1 w 1322
that 8 w 1327
is 18 w 1329
clearly 1 w 1336
its 3 w 1339
natural 1 w 1346
place 4 w 1351
And 2 w 1355
then 3 w 1359
in 33 w 1362
the 29 w 1365
second 1 w 1371
place 5 w 1376
water 1 w 1382
was 1 w 1385
poured 1 w 1391
over 1 w 1395
the 30 w 1398
earth 2 w 1403
and 12 w 1407
air 2 w 1410
and 13 w 1413
fire 1 w 1417
have 3 w 1421
gone 1 w 1425
from 2 w 1429
the 31 w 1432
central 2 w 1439
to 18 w 1441
the 32 w 1444
upper 1 w 1449
part 6 w 1453
air 3 w 1457
having 1 w 1463
received 2 w 1471
for 4 w 1474
its 4 w 1477
portion 1 w 1484
the 33 w 1487
region 1 w 1493
which 8 w 1498
is 19 w 1500
on 19 w 1502
the 34 w 1505
borders 1 w 1512
between 1 w 1519
air 4 w 1522
and 14 w 1525
fire 2 w 1529
and 15 w 1533
fire 3 w 1537
having 2 w 1543
received 3 w 1551
the 35 w 1554
highest 1 w 1561
place 6 w 1566
of 8 w 1568
all 6 w 1571
on 20 w 1574
which 9 w 1579
account 2 w 1586
if 2 w 1589
you 2 w 1592
light 1 w 1597
a 124 w 1598
torch 1 w 1603
and 16 w 1606
press 1 w 1611
it 25 w 1613
down 1 w 1617
towards 1 w 1624
the 36 w 1627
ground 1 w 1633
nevertheless 1 w 1646
the 38 w 1649
flame 1 w 1654
will 1 w 1658
still 1 w 1663
turn 2 w 1667
in 36 w 1669
a 128 w 1670
contrary 1 w 1678
direction 1 w 1687
and 17 w 1691
lightening 1 w 1701
itself 1 w 1707
in 38 w 1709
accordance 4 w 1719
with 7 w 1723
the 39 w 1726
natural 2 w 1733
motion 1 w 1739
of 9 w 1741
fire 4 w 1745
will 2 w 1750
rise 1 w 1754
upwards 1 w 1761
if 3 w 1764
then 4 w 1769
motion 2 w 1776
contrary 2 w 1784
to 21 w 1786
nature 5 w 1792
is 21 w 1794
the 41 w 1797
cause 1 w 1802
of 10 w 1804
corruptibility 1 w 1818
and 18 w 1821
destruction 2 w 1832
in 39 w 1834
the 42 w 1837
case 1 w 1841
of 11 w 1843
other 1 w 1848
animals 1 w 1855
but 2 w 1859
if 4 w 1861
in 40 w 1863
the 44 w 1866
case 2 w 1870
of 12 w 1872
the 45 w 1875
world 4 w 1880
every 2 w 1885
one 2 w 1888
of 13 w 1890
its 6 w 1893
parts 4 w 1898
is 22 w 1900
arranged 2 w 1908
in 41 w 1910
complete 1 w 1918
accordance 5 w 1928
with 8 w 1932
nature 6 w 1938
having 3 w 1945
had 1 w 1948
appropriate 2 w 1959
positions 1 w 1968
allotted 2 w 1976
to 22 w 1978
each 2 w 1982
of 14 w 1984
them 3 w 1988
then 5 w 1993
surely 1 w 1999
the 48 w 2002
world 5 w 2007
must 1 w 2011
most 3 w 2015
justly 1 w 2021
be 9 w 2023
pronounced 1 w 2033
incorruptible 1 w 2046
and 19 w 2049
imperishable 1 w 2061
Moreover 1 w 2070
this 6 w 2074
point 2 w 2079
is 25 w 2081
manifest 1 w 2089
to 23 w 2091
every 3 w 2096
one 3 w 2099
that 9 w 2104
every 4 w 2109
nature 7 w 2115
is 26 w 2117
desirous 1 w 2125
to 24 w 2127
keep 1 w 2131
and 20 w 2134
preserve 1 w 2142
and 21 w 2146
if 6 w 2148
it 32 w 2150
were 3 w 2154
possible 2 w 2162
to 25 w 2164
make 1 w 2168
immortal 1 w 2176
everything 2 w 2187
of 15 w 2189
which 10 w 2194
it 33 w 2196
is 27 w 2198
the 49 w 2201
nature 8 w 2207
the 50 w 2211
nature 9 w 2217
of 16 w 2219
trees 1 w 2224
for 5 w 2228
instance 1 w 2236
desires 1 w 2244
to 26 w 2246
preserve 2 w 2254
trees 2 w 2259
and 22 w 2263
the 51 w 2266
nature 10 w 2272
of 17 w 2274
animals 2 w 2281
desires 2 w 2288
to 27 w 2290
preserve 3 w 2298
each 3 w 2302
individual 2 w 2312
animal 3 w 2318