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CTS Library / On the Incorruptibility of the World

On the Incorruptibility of the World (26-30)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '26', 'human_reference': 'Section 26'}, 'end': {'reference': '30', 'human_reference': 'Section 30'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

in the first place, in order that the whole might be as far as possible a perfect animal made up of perfect parts. And besides all these things, he ordained that it should be one, inasmuch as there is nothing left out of which another similar world could be composed. Moreover, he willed that it should be exempt from old age, and free from all disease, considering that those things which in the body are hot or cold, or which have mighty powers, if standing all around and falling upon it unseasonably, would be likely to dissolve it, and, by introducing diseases and old age, cause it to decay and perish. For this cause, and because of this reason, God made the whole universe to consist of entire and perfect elements, and exempt from old age and free from disease."

Let this be taken as a testimony delivered by Plato to the imperishable nature of the world. Its uncreated character follows from the truth of natural philosophy; for dissolution

must of necessity attend everything which is born, and incorruptibility must inevitably belong to everything which is unborn; since the poet who wrote the following iambic verse,
"All that is born must surely die,"
[*] appears to have spoken very correctly when he asserted this connection of destructibility with birth.

The argument may be stated in a different way as follows. All compound things which are destroyed are dissolved into the elements of which they were compounded; accordingly, dissolution is nothing else but a return of everything to its original constituent parts; just as, on the contrary, composition is that which compels the things combined to come together in a manner contrary to their nature; and indeed, this appears to be the most exact truth;

for men are composed of the four elements which together make up the whole of the universe, the heaven, the earth, the air, and fire, borrowing a few parts of each in a manner at first sight hardly consistent with nature. But the things which are thus combined together are necessarily deprived of a motion in accordance with nature; for instance, warmth is deprived of its upward motion, and coldness of its downward tendency, the earthy and somewhat weighty substance being lightened and assuming the higher place, which the most earth-like of our own parts, the head, has obtained in us.

But of all bonds, that is the worst which is forged by violence, and which, being violent, is also short-lived; for it is speedily broken by those who are bound in it, since they become restive from their desire for a motion in accordance with nature, to which they hasten; for as the tragic poet says, [*]"And for things sprung from earth, they must Return unto their parent dust, While those from heavenly seed which rise Are borne uplifted to the skies. Nought that has once existed dies, Though often what has been combined Before, we separated find, Invested with another form."

in 1 w 2
the 1 w 5
first 1 w 10
place 1 w 15
in 2 w 18
order 1 w 23
that 1 w 27
the 2 w 30
whole 1 w 35
might 1 w 40
be 1 w 42
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possible 1 w 57
a 6 w 58
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animal 1 w 71
made 1 w 75
up 1 w 77
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perfect 2 w 86
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And 1 w 95
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he 4 w 119
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of 2 w 178
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another 1 w 190
similar 1 w 197
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age 1 w 265
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in 9 w 321
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standing 1 w 375
all 3 w 378
around 1 w 384
and 3 w 387
falling 1 w 394
upon 1 w 398
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to 1 w 428
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and 5 w 467
old 3 w 470
age 2 w 473
cause 1 w 479
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to 2 w 483
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and 6 w 491
perish 1 w 497
For 1 w 501
this 1 w 505
cause 2 w 510
and 7 w 514
because 1 w 521
of 3 w 523
this 2 w 527
reason 1 w 533
God 1 w 537
made 2 w 541
the 7 w 544
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universe 1 w 557
to 3 w 559
consist 1 w 566
of 4 w 568
entire 1 w 574
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Let 1 w 635
this 3 w 639
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taken 1 w 646
as 10 w 648
a 52 w 649
testimony 1 w 658
delivered 1 w 667
by 2 w 669
Plato 1 w 674
to 5 w 676
the 8 w 679
imperishable 1 w 691
nature 1 w 697
of 5 w 699
the 9 w 702
world 2 w 707
Its 1 w 711
uncreated 1 w 720
character 1 w 729
follows 1 w 736
from 5 w 740
the 10 w 743
truth 1 w 748
of 6 w 750
natural 1 w 757
philosophy 1 w 767
for 1 w 771
dissolution 1 w 782
must 1 w 786
of 7 w 788
necessity 1 w 797
attend 1 w 803
everything 1 w 813
which 4 w 818
is 13 w 820
born 1 w 824
and 11 w 828
incorruptibility 1 w 844
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inevitably 1 w 858
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everything 2 w 876
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is 14 w 883
unborn 1 w 889
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poet 1 w 902
who 3 w 905
wrote 1 w 910
the 12 w 913
following 1 w 922
iambic 1 w 928
verse 2 w 933
All 1 w 938
that 5 w 942
is 15 w 944
born 3 w 948
must 3 w 952
surely 1 w 958
die 1 w 961
Timaeus 1 w 970
p 19 w 972
32 1 w 975
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to 7 w 985
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spoken 1 w 995
very 3 w 999
correctly 1 w 1008
when 1 w 1012
he 16 w 1014
asserted 1 w 1022
this 4 w 1026
connection 1 w 1036
of 8 w 1038
destructibility 1 w 1053
with 1 w 1057
birth 1 w 1062
The 1 w 1066
argument 1 w 1074
may 1 w 1077
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in 20 w 1087
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way 1 w 1100
as 12 w 1102
follows 2 w 1109
All 2 w 1113
compound 1 w 1121
things 3 w 1127
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are 2 w 1135
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are 3 w 1147
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into 1 w 1160
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elements 2 w 1171
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were 1 w 1186
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is 19 w 1222
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on 14 w 1294
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their 1 w 1390
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four 1 w 1466
elements 3 w 1474
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together 2 w 1487
make 1 w 1491
up 4 w 1493
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whole 3 w 1501
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universe 2 w 1514
the 24 w 1518
heaven 1 w 1524
the 25 w 1528
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the 26 w 1537
air 1 w 1540
and 13 w 1544
fire 1 w 1548
borrowing 1 w 1558
a 100 w 1559
few 1 w 1562
parts 3 w 1567
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each 1 w 1573
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manner 2 w 1582
at 14 w 1584
first 2 w 1589
sight 1 w 1594
hardly 1 w 1600
consistent 1 w 1610
with 2 w 1614
nature 3 w 1620
But 1 w 1624
the 27 w 1627
things 5 w 1633
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are 5 w 1641
thus 1 w 1645
combined 2 w 1653
together 3 w 1661
are 6 w 1664
necessarily 1 w 1675
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in 35 w 1694
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with 3 w 1708
nature 4 w 1714
for 3 w 1718
instance 1 w 1726
warmth 1 w 1733
is 23 w 1735
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upward 1 w 1754
motion 2 w 1760
and 14 w 1764
coldness 1 w 1772
of 16 w 1774
its 3 w 1777
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earthy 1 w 1803
and 15 w 1806
somewhat 1 w 1814
weighty 1 w 1821
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being 1 w 1835
lightened 1 w 1844
and 16 w 1847
assuming 1 w 1855
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higher 1 w 1864
place 2 w 1869
which 11 w 1875
the 31 w 1878
most 2 w 1882
earth-like 1 w 1892
of 17 w 1894
our 2 w 1897
own 2 w 1900
parts 4 w 1905
the 32 w 1909
head 1 w 1913
has 1 w 1917
obtained 1 w 1925
in 40 w 1927
us 10 w 1929
But 2 w 1933
of 18 w 1935
all 5 w 1938
bonds 1 w 1943
that 7 w 1948
is 24 w 1950
the 33 w 1953
worst 1 w 1958
which 12 w 1963
is 25 w 1965
forged 1 w 1971
by 3 w 1973
violence 1 w 1981
and 17 w 1985
which 13 w 1990
being 2 w 1996
violent 1 w 2003
is 26 w 2006
also 1 w 2010
short-lived 1 w 2021
for 5 w 2025
it 18 w 2027
is 27 w 2029
speedily 1 w 2037
broken 1 w 2043
by 4 w 2045
those 2 w 2050
who 5 w 2053
are 7 w 2056
bound 1 w 2061
in 42 w 2063
it 19 w 2065
since 2 w 2071
they 2 w 2075
become 1 w 2081
restive 1 w 2088
from 6 w 2092
their 2 w 2097
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for 6 w 2106
a 137 w 2107
motion 3 w 2113
in 44 w 2115
accordance 2 w 2125
with 4 w 2129
nature 5 w 2135
to 16 w 2138
which 14 w 2143
they 3 w 2147
hasten 1 w 2153
for 7 w 2157
as 17 w 2159
the 37 w 2162
tragic 1 w 2168
poet 2 w 2172
says 1 w 2176
A 4 w 2179
fragment 1 w 2187
from 7 w 2191
the 38 w 2194
Chrysippus 1 w 2204
of 19 w 2206
Euripides 1 w 2215
And 2 w 2220
for 8 w 2223
things 6 w 2229
sprung 1 w 2235
from 8 w 2239
earth 4 w 2244
they 4 w 2249
must 4 w 2253
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unto 1 w 2263
their 3 w 2268
parent 1 w 2274
dust 1 w 2278
While 1 w 2284
those 3 w 2289
from 9 w 2293
heavenly 1 w 2301
seed 1 w 2305
which 15 w 2310
rise 1 w 2314
Are 1 w 2317
borne 1 w 2322
uplifted 1 w 2330
to 18 w 2332
the 41 w 2335
skies 1 w 2340
Nought 1 w 2347
that 8 w 2351
has 3 w 2354
once 1 w 2358
existed 1 w 2365
dies 1 w 2369
Though 1 w 2376
often 1 w 2381
what 2 w 2385
has 4 w 2388
been 1 w 2392
combined 3 w 2400
Before 1 w 2406
we 4 w 2409
separated 1 w 2418
find 1 w 2422
Invested 1 w 2431
with 5 w 2435
another 2 w 2442
form 1 w 2446