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CTS Library / Why the Oracles Cease to Give Answers

Why the Oracles Cease to Give Answers (41-45)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '41', 'human_reference': 'Section 41'}, 'end': {'reference': '45', 'human_reference': 'Section 45'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Furthermore, a man may say that dryness, being mixed with heat, attenuateth and subtilizeth the spirit, and makes it pure and of an ethereal nature and consistence; for the soul itself, according to Heraclitus, is of a dry constitution; whereas moisture does not only dim the sight and dull the hearing, but when mingled with the air and touching the superficies of mirrors, dusketh the brightness of the one and takes away the light of the other. Or perhaps, on the contrary, by some refrigeration and condensation of this spirit, like the tincture and hardening of iron, this part of the soul which does prognosticate may become more intense and get a perfect edge. Just as tin being melted with brass (which of itself is rare and spongeous) does drive it nearer and make it more massy and solid, and

withal causeth it to look more bright and resplendent; so I cannot see any reason, why this prophetical exhalation, having some congruence and affinity with souls, may not fill up that which is lax and empty, and drive it more close together. For there are many things which have a reference and congruity one with another; as the bean is useful in dyeing purple, and soda in dyeing saffron, if they be mixed therewith; and as Empedocles says,
Linen is dyed with the bright saffrons flower.
And we have learned of you, Demetrius, that only the river Cydnus cleaneth the knife consecrated to Apollo, in the city of Tarsus in Cilicia, and that there is no other water which can scour and cleanse it. So in the town of Olympia, they temper ashes with the water of the river Alpheus, with which they make a mortar wherewith they plaster the altar there; but if this be attempted to be done by the water of any other river, it is all to no purpose.

It is no wonder then if, the earth sending up many exhalations, only those of this sort transport the soul with a divine fury, and give it a faculty of foretelling future things. And, without a doubt, what is related touching the oracle of this place does herewith agree; for it is here where this faculty of divining first showed itself, by means of a certain shepherd, who chanced to fall down and began to utter enthusiastic speeches concerning future events; of which at first the neighbors took no notice; but when they saw what he foretold came to pass, they had him in admiration; and the most learned among the Delphians, speaking of this man, are used to call him by the name of Coretas. The soul seems to me to mix and join itself with this prophetic exhalation, just as the eye is affected with the light. For the eye, which has a natural property and faculty of seeing, would be wholly useless without the light; so the soul, having this faculty and property of foreseeing

future things, as an eye, has need of a proper object which may enlighten and sharpen it. And therefore the ancients took the sun and Apollo to be the same God; and those who understand the beauty and wisdom of analogy or proportion do tell us, that as the body is to the soul, the sight to the mind, and light to truth, so is the sun with reference to Apollo; affirming the sun to be the offspring proceeding perpetually from Apollo, who is eternal and who continually bringeth him forth. For as the sun enlightens and excites the visive powers of the senses, so Apollo does excite the prophetic virtue in the soul.

Those then that imagined that both were one and the same God have with good reason dedicated and consecrated this oracle to Apollo and to the earth, deeming it to be the sun which imprinted this temperature and disposition on the earth, from whence arose this predictive exhalation. For as Hesiod, with far better reason than other philosophers, calls the earth

The well-fixed seat of all things;[*]
so do we esteem it eternal, immortal, and incorruptible. But as to the virtues and faculties which are in it, we believe that some fail in one place, and spring up anew in another. It seems also (for so some experiments incline us to conjecture) that these transitions, changes, and revolutions in process of time do circulate and return to the same place, and begin again where they left off. In some countries we see lakes and whole rivers and not a few fountains and springs of hot waters have sometimes failed and been entirely lost, and at others have fled and absconded themselves, being hidden and concealed under the earth; but perhaps some years after do appear again in the same place, or else run hard by. And so of metal mines, some have been quite exhausted, as the silver ones about
Attica; and the same has happened to the veins of brass ore in Euboea, of which the best blades were made and hardened in cold water, as the poet Aeschylus tells us,
Taking his sword, a right Euboean blade.
It is not long since the quarry of Carystus has ceased to yield a certain soft stone, which was wont to be drawn into a fine thread; for I suppose some here have seen towels, net-work, and coifs woven of that thread, which could not be burnt; but when they were soiled with using, people flung them into the fire, and took them thence white and clean, the fire only purifying them. But all this is vanished; and there is nothing but some few fibres or hairy threads, lying up and down scatteringly in the grain of the stones, to be seen now in the quarry.

Aristotle and his followers affirm that all this proceeds from an exhalation within the earth, and when this fails or removes to another place, or revives and recovers itself again, the phenomena proceeding from them do so too. The same must we say of the prophetical exhalations which spring from the earth, that their virtue also is not immortal, but may wax old and decay; for it is not unlikely that great floods of rain and showers do extinguish them, and that the claps of thunder do dissipate them; or else (which I look upon to be the principal cause) they are sunk lower into the earth or utterly destroyed by the shock of earthquakes and the confusion that attends them, as here in this place there still remain the tragical monuments of that great earthquake that overthrew the city. And in the town of Orchomenus, they say, when the pestilence carried away such multitudes of people, the oracle of Tiresias of a sudden ceased, and remains mute to this day. And whether the like has not happened to the oracles in Cilicia, as we have heard it hath, no man can better inform us than you, Demetrius.

I cannot tell, says Demetrius, how things are at present in those parts, for you all know I have been long absent from thence; but when I was there, both that of Mopsus and of Amphilochus flourished and were in great esteem. And as to the oracle of Mopsus, I can from my own knowledge tell you a strange story about it. The Governor of Cicilia was a man inclining to scepticism about the Gods,—through the infirmity of his unbelief, I think, for otherwise he was an oppressor and a worthless man,—and he had about him several Epicureans, who are wont to mock at the belief of such things as seem contrary to reason, as they themselves say, standing much upon their goodly natural philosophy. He sent a freed servant of his to the oracle, like a spy into an enemys camp, with a letter sealed, wherein was the question he was to ask the oracle, nobody knowing the contents thereof. This man then, as the custom of the place is, remaining all night in the temple-porch asleep, related the next morning the dream which he had; for he thought he saw a very handsome man stand before him, who said only this word, Black, to him, and nothing else, for he vanished away immediately. This seemed to us very impertinent, though we could not tell what to make of it; but the governor marvelled at it, and was so nettled with it, that he had the oracle in great veneration ever since; for, opening the letter, he showed this question which was therein: Shall I sacrifice to thee a white bull or a black? Which dashed his Epicureans quite out of countenance, and he offered the sacrifice required, and to the day of his death continued a devout admirer of Mopsus.

Furthermore 1 w 11
a 1 w 13
man 1 w 16
may 1 w 19
say 1 w 22
that 1 w 26
dryness 1 w 33
being 1 w 39
mixed 1 w 44
with 1 w 48
heat 1 w 52
attenuateth 1 w 64
and 1 w 67
subtilizeth 1 w 78
the 2 w 81
spirit 1 w 87
and 2 w 91
makes 1 w 96
it 3 w 98
pure 1 w 102
and 3 w 105
of 1 w 107
an 5 w 109
ethereal 1 w 117
nature 1 w 123
and 4 w 126
consistence 1 w 137
for 1 w 141
the 4 w 144
soul 1 w 148
itself 1 w 154
according 1 w 164
to 1 w 166
Heraclitus 1 w 176
is 2 w 179
of 2 w 181
a 19 w 182
dry 2 w 185
constitution 1 w 197
whereas 1 w 205
moisture 1 w 213
does 1 w 217
not 1 w 220
only 1 w 224
dim 1 w 227
the 5 w 230
sight 1 w 235
and 5 w 238
dull 1 w 242
the 6 w 245
hearing 1 w 252
but 1 w 256
when 1 w 260
mingled 1 w 267
with 2 w 271
the 7 w 274
air 1 w 277
and 6 w 280
touching 1 w 288
the 8 w 291
superficies 1 w 302
of 3 w 304
mirrors 1 w 311
dusketh 1 w 319
the 9 w 322
brightness 1 w 332
of 4 w 334
the 10 w 337
one 1 w 340
and 7 w 343
takes 1 w 348
away 1 w 352
the 11 w 355
light 1 w 360
of 5 w 362
the 12 w 365
other 1 w 370
Or 1 w 373
perhaps 1 w 380
on 6 w 383
the 14 w 386
contrary 1 w 394
by 1 w 397
some 1 w 401
refrigeration 1 w 414
and 8 w 417
condensation 1 w 429
of 6 w 431
this 1 w 435
spirit 2 w 441
like 1 w 446
the 15 w 449
tincture 1 w 457
and 9 w 460
hardening 1 w 469
of 7 w 471
iron 1 w 475
this 2 w 480
part 1 w 484
of 8 w 486
the 16 w 489
soul 2 w 493
which 1 w 498
does 2 w 502
prognosticate 1 w 515
may 2 w 518
become 1 w 524
more 2 w 528
intense 1 w 535
and 10 w 538
get 1 w 541
a 40 w 542
perfect 1 w 549
edge 1 w 553
Just 1 w 558
as 2 w 560
tin 2 w 563
being 2 w 568
melted 1 w 574
with 3 w 578
brass 1 w 583
which 2 w 589
of 9 w 591
itself 2 w 597
is 6 w 599
rare 1 w 603
and 11 w 606
spongeous 1 w 615
does 3 w 620
drive 1 w 625
it 11 w 627
nearer 1 w 633
and 12 w 636
make 2 w 640
it 12 w 642
more 3 w 646
massy 1 w 651
and 13 w 654
solid 1 w 659
and 14 w 663
withal 1 w 669
causeth 1 w 676
it 14 w 678
to 3 w 680
look 1 w 684
more 4 w 688
bright 2 w 694
and 15 w 697
resplendent 1 w 708
so 5 w 711
I 1 w 712
cannot 1 w 718
see 1 w 721
any 1 w 724
reason 1 w 730
why 1 w 734
this 3 w 738
prophetical 1 w 749
exhalation 1 w 759
having 1 w 766
some 2 w 770
congruence 1 w 780
and 16 w 783
affinity 1 w 791
with 5 w 795
souls 1 w 800
may 3 w 804
not 3 w 807
fill 1 w 811
up 2 w 813
that 2 w 817
which 3 w 822
is 8 w 824
lax 1 w 827
and 17 w 830
empty 1 w 835
and 18 w 839
drive 2 w 844
it 17 w 846
more 5 w 850
close 1 w 855
together 1 w 863
For 1 w 867
there 2 w 872
are 3 w 875
many 1 w 879
things 1 w 885
which 4 w 890
have 1 w 894
a 71 w 895
reference 1 w 904
and 19 w 907
congruity 1 w 916
one 2 w 919
with 6 w 923
another 1 w 930
as 6 w 933
the 20 w 936
bean 1 w 940
is 9 w 942
useful 1 w 948
in 14 w 950
dyeing 1 w 956
purple 1 w 962
and 20 w 966
soda 1 w 970
in 16 w 972
dyeing 2 w 978
saffron 1 w 985
if 1 w 988
they 1 w 992
be 5 w 994
mixed 2 w 999
therewith 1 w 1008
and 21 w 1012
as 7 w 1014
Empedocles 1 w 1024
says 1 w 1028
Linen 1 w 1034
is 10 w 1036
dyed 1 w 1040
with 8 w 1044
the 23 w 1047
bright 3 w 1053
saffron 2 w 1060
s 70 w 1062
flower 1 w 1068
And 1 w 1072
we 2 w 1074
have 2 w 1078
learned 1 w 1085
of 10 w 1087
you 1 w 1090
Demetrius 1 w 1100
that 3 w 1105
only 2 w 1109
the 24 w 1112
river 1 w 1117
Cydnus 1 w 1123
cleaneth 1 w 1131
the 25 w 1134
knife 1 w 1139
consecrated 1 w 1150
to 5 w 1152
Apollo 1 w 1158
in 19 w 1161
the 26 w 1164
city 1 w 1168
of 11 w 1170
Tarsus 1 w 1176
in 20 w 1178
Cilicia 1 w 1185
and 22 w 1189
that 4 w 1193
there 4 w 1198
is 11 w 1200
no 6 w 1202
other 3 w 1207
water 1 w 1212
which 5 w 1217
can 2 w 1220
scour 1 w 1225
and 23 w 1228
cleanse 1 w 1235
it 23 w 1237
So 1 w 1240
in 21 w 1242
the 29 w 1245
town 1 w 1249
of 12 w 1251
Olympia 1 w 1258
they 2 w 1263
temper 1 w 1269
ashes 1 w 1274
with 9 w 1278
the 31 w 1281
water 2 w 1286
of 13 w 1288
the 32 w 1291
river 2 w 1296
Alpheus 1 w 1303
with 10 w 1308
which 6 w 1313
they 3 w 1317
make 3 w 1321
a 100 w 1322
mortar 1 w 1328
wherewith 1 w 1337
they 4 w 1341
plaster 1 w 1348
the 35 w 1351
altar 1 w 1356
there 5 w 1361
but 2 w 1365
if 3 w 1367
this 4 w 1371
be 6 w 1373
attempted 1 w 1382
to 7 w 1384
be 7 w 1386
done 1 w 1390
by 2 w 1392
the 37 w 1395
water 3 w 1400
of 14 w 1402
any 3 w 1405
other 4 w 1410
river 3 w 1415
it 27 w 1418
is 13 w 1420
all 1 w 1423
to 8 w 1425
no 7 w 1427
purpose 1 w 1434
It 1 w 1437
is 14 w 1439
no 8 w 1441
wonder 1 w 1447
then 1 w 1451
if 4 w 1453
the 40 w 1457
earth 1 w 1462
sending 1 w 1469
up 3 w 1471
many 2 w 1475
exhalations 1 w 1486
only 3 w 1491
those 1 w 1496
of 15 w 1498
this 5 w 1502
sort 1 w 1506
transport 1 w 1515
the 41 w 1518
soul 4 w 1522
with 12 w 1526
a 114 w 1527
divine 1 w 1533
fury 1 w 1537
and 24 w 1541
give 1 w 1545
it 29 w 1547
a 116 w 1548
faculty 1 w 1555
of 16 w 1557
foretelling 1 w 1568
future 1 w 1574
things 2 w 1580
And 2 w 1584
without 1 w 1592
a 118 w 1593
doubt 1 w 1598
what 1 w 1603
is 16 w 1605
related 1 w 1612
touching 2 w 1620
the 42 w 1623
oracle 1 w 1629
of 17 w 1631
this 6 w 1635
place 1 w 1640
does 4 w 1644
herewith 3 w 1652
agree 1 w 1657
for 3 w 1661
it 32 w 1663
is 18 w 1665
here 9 w 1669
where 3 w 1674
this 7 w 1678
faculty 2 w 1685
of 18 w 1687
divining 1 w 1695
first 1 w 1700
showed 1 w 1706
itself 3 w 1712
by 3 w 1715
means 1 w 1720
of 19 w 1722
a 126 w 1723
certain 1 w 1730
shepherd 1 w 1738
who 1 w 1742
chanced 1 w 1749
to 10 w 1751
fall 1 w 1755
down 1 w 1759
and 25 w 1762
began 1 w 1767
to 11 w 1769
utter 1 w 1774
enthusiastic 1 w 1786
speeches 1 w 1794
concerning 1 w 1804
future 2 w 1810
events 1 w 1816
of 20 w 1819
which 7 w 1824
at 21 w 1826
first 2 w 1831
the 43 w 1834
neighbors 1 w 1843
took 1 w 1847
no 9 w 1849
notice 1 w 1855
but 3 w 1859
when 2 w 1863
they 5 w 1867
saw 1 w 1870
what 2 w 1874
he 60 w 1876
foretold 1 w 1884
came 1 w 1888
to 14 w 1890
pass 1 w 1894
they 6 w 1899
had 1 w 1902
him 1 w 1905
in 31 w 1907
admiration 1 w 1917
and 26 w 1921
the 46 w 1924
most 1 w 1928
learned 2 w 1935
among 1 w 1940
the 47 w 1943
Delphians 1 w 1952
speaking 1 w 1961
of 21 w 1963
this 8 w 1967
man 4 w 1970
are 4 w 1974
used 1 w 1978
to 15 w 1980
call 1 w 1984
him 2 w 1987
by 4 w 1989
the 48 w 1992
name 1 w 1996
of 22 w 1998
Coretas 1 w 2005
The 1 w 2009
soul 5 w 2013
seems 1 w 2018
to 16 w 2020
me 9 w 2022
to 17 w 2024
mix 3 w 2027
and 27 w 2030
join 1 w 2034
itself 4 w 2040
with 15 w 2044
this 9 w 2048
prophetic 2 w 2057
exhalation 3 w 2067
just 1 w 2072
as 13 w 2074
the 49 w 2077
eye 1 w 2080
is 22 w 2082
affected 1 w 2090
with 16 w 2094
the 50 w 2097
light 2 w 2102
For 2 w 2106
the 51 w 2109
eye 2 w 2112
which 8 w 2118
has 1 w 2121
a 157 w 2122
natural 1 w 2129
property 1 w 2137
and 28 w 2140
faculty 3 w 2147
of 23 w 2149
seeing 1 w 2155
would 1 w 2161
be 9 w 2163
wholly 1 w 2169
useless 1 w 2176
without 2 w 2183
the 52 w 2186
light 3 w 2191
so 13 w 2194
the 53 w 2197
soul 6 w 2201
having 2 w 2208
this 10 w 2212
faculty 4 w 2219
and 29 w 2222
property 2 w 2230
of 24 w 2232
foreseeing 1 w 2242
future 3 w 2248
things 3 w 2254
as 15 w 2257
an 48 w 2259
eye 3 w 2262
has 2 w 2266
need 1 w 2270
of 25 w 2272
a 168 w 2273
proper 3 w 2279
object 1 w 2285
which 9 w 2290
may 4 w 2293
enlighten 1 w 2302
and 30 w 2305
sharpen 1 w 2312
it 38 w 2314
And 3 w 2318
therefore 1 w 2327
the 55 w 2330
ancients 1 w 2338
took 2 w 2342
the 56 w 2345
sun 1 w 2348
and 31 w 2351
Apollo 2 w 2357
to 19 w 2359
be 10 w 2361
the 57 w 2364
same 1 w 2368
God 1 w 2371
and 32 w 2375
those 2 w 2380
who 3 w 2383
understand 1 w 2393
the 58 w 2396
beauty 1 w 2402
and 34 w 2405
wisdom 1 w 2411
of 26 w 2413
analogy 1 w 2420
or 22 w 2422
proportion 1 w 2432
do 10 w 2434
tell 2 w 2438
us 15 w 2440
that 5 w 2445
as 17 w 2447
the 59 w 2450
body 1 w 2454
is 25 w 2456
to 20 w 2458
the 60 w 2461
soul 7 w 2465
the 61 w 2469
sight 2 w 2474
to 21 w 2476
the 62 w 2479
mind 1 w 2483
and 35 w 2487
light 5 w 2492
to 22 w 2494
truth 1 w 2499
so 16 w 2502
is 26 w 2504
the 63 w 2507
sun 2 w 2510
with 18 w 2514
reference 2 w 2523
to 23 w 2525
Apollo 3 w 2531
affirming 1 w 2541
the 64 w 2544
sun 3 w 2547
to 24 w 2549
be 12 w 2551
the 65 w 2554
offspring 1 w 2563
proceeding 1 w 2573
perpetually 1 w 2584
from 1 w 2588
Apollo 4 w 2594
who 4 w 2598
is 27 w 2600
eternal 1 w 2607
and 36 w 2610
who 5 w 2613
continually 1 w 2624
bringeth 1 w 2632
him 3 w 2635
forth 1 w 2640
For 3 w 2644
as 18 w 2646
the 66 w 2649
sun 4 w 2652
enlightens 1 w 2662
and 37 w 2665
excites 1 w 2672
the 67 w 2675
visive 1 w 2681
powers 1 w 2687
of 28 w 2689
the 68 w 2692
senses 1 w 2698
so 17 w 2701
Apollo 5 w 2707
does 5 w 2711
excite 2 w 2717
the 69 w 2720
prophetic 3 w 2729
virtue 1 w 2735
in 44 w 2737
the 70 w 2740
soul 8 w 2744
Those 1 w 2750
then 2 w 2754
that 6 w 2758
imagined 1 w 2766
that 7 w 2770
both 1 w 2774
were 1 w 2778
one 4 w 2781
and 38 w 2784
the 72 w 2787
same 2 w 2791
God 2 w 2794
have 3 w 2798
with 19 w 2802
good 1 w 2806
reason 2 w 2812
dedicated 1 w 2821
and 39 w 2824
consecrated 2 w 2835
this 11 w 2839
oracle 2 w 2845
to 25 w 2847
Apollo 6 w 2853
and 40 w 2856
to 26 w 2858
the 73 w 2861
earth 2 w 2866
deeming 1 w 2874
it 43 w 2876
to 27 w 2878
be 13 w 2880
the 74 w 2883
sun 5 w 2886
which 10 w 2891
imprinted 1 w 2900
this 12 w 2904
temperature 1 w 2915
and 41 w 2918
disposition 1 w 2929
on 36 w 2931
the 75 w 2934
earth 3 w 2939
from 2 w 2944
whence 1 w 2950
arose 1 w 2955
this 13 w 2959
predictive 1 w 2969
exhalation 4 w 2979
For 4 w 2983
as 20 w 2985
Hesiod 1 w 2991
with 20 w 2996
far 1 w 2999
better 1 w 3005
reason 3 w 3011
than 1 w 3015
other 5 w 3020
philosophers 1 w 3032
calls 1 w 3038
the 77 w 3041
earth 4 w 3046
The 2 w 3049
well-fixed 1 w 3059
seat 1 w 3063
of 29 w 3065
all 7 w 3068
things 4 w 3074
Hesiod 2 w 3081
Theogony 1 w 3090
117 1 w 3094
so 22 w 3097
do 12 w 3099
we 7 w 3101
esteem 1 w 3107
it 46 w 3109
eternal 2 w 3116
immortal 1 w 3125
and 42 w 3129
incorruptible 1 w 3142
But 1 w 3146
as 22 w 3148
to 28 w 3150
the 78 w 3153
virtues 1 w 3160
and 43 w 3163
faculties 1 w 3172
which 11 w 3177
are 5 w 3180
in 50 w 3182
it 47 w 3184
we 8 w 3187
believe 1 w 3194
that 8 w 3198
some 3 w 3202
fail 1 w 3206
in 51 w 3208
one 5 w 3211
place 2 w 3216
and 44 w 3220
spring 2 w 3226
up 5 w 3228
anew 1 w 3232
in 53 w 3234
another 2 w 3241
It 2 w 3244
seems 2 w 3249
also 1 w 3253
for 8 w 3257
so 25 w 3259
some 4 w 3263
experiments 1 w 3274
incline 1 w 3281
us 16 w 3283
to 29 w 3285
conjecture 1 w 3295
that 9 w 3300
these 1 w 3305
transitions 1 w 3316
changes 1 w 3324
and 45 w 3328
revolutions 1 w 3339
in 56 w 3341
process 1 w 3348
of 30 w 3350
time 1 w 3354
do 13 w 3356
circulate 1 w 3365
and 46 w 3368
return 1 w 3374
to 30 w 3376
the 81 w 3379
same 3 w 3383
place 3 w 3388
and 47 w 3392
begin 1 w 3397
again 1 w 3402
where 4 w 3407
they 7 w 3411
left 1 w 3415
off 2 w 3418
In 1 w 3421
some 5 w 3425
countries 1 w 3434
we 9 w 3436
see 6 w 3439
lakes 1 w 3444
and 48 w 3447
whole 1 w 3452
rivers 1 w 3458
and 49 w 3461
not 7 w 3464
a 246 w 3465
few 1 w 3468
fountains 1 w 3477
and 50 w 3480
springs 1 w 3487
of 32 w 3489
hot 1 w 3492
waters 1 w 3498
have 4 w 3502
sometimes 1 w 3511
failed 1 w 3517
and 51 w 3520
been 1 w 3524
entirely 1 w 3532
lost 1 w 3536
and 52 w 3540
at 38 w 3542
others 1 w 3548
have 5 w 3552
fled 1 w 3556
and 53 w 3559
absconded 1 w 3568
themselves 1 w 3578
being 3 w 3584
hidden 1 w 3590
and 54 w 3593
concealed 1 w 3602
under 2 w 3607
the 85 w 3610
earth 5 w 3615
but 4 w 3619
perhaps 2 w 3626
some 7 w 3630
years 1 w 3635
after 1 w 3640
do 14 w 3642
appear 1 w 3648
again 2 w 3653
in 63 w 3655
the 86 w 3658
same 4 w 3662
place 4 w 3667
or 31 w 3670
else 1 w 3674
run 1 w 3677
hard 2 w 3681
by 5 w 3683
And 4 w 3687
so 30 w 3689
of 33 w 3691
metal 1 w 3696
mines 1 w 3701
some 8 w 3706
have 6 w 3710
been 2 w 3714
quite 1 w 3719
exhausted 1 w 3728
as 23 w 3731
the 87 w 3734
silver 1 w 3740
ones 1 w 3744
about 1 w 3749
Attica 1 w 3755
and 55 w 3759
the 88 w 3762
same 5 w 3766
has 3 w 3769
happened 1 w 3777
to 31 w 3779
the 89 w 3782
veins 1 w 3787
of 34 w 3789
brass 2 w 3794
ore 11 w 3797
in 66 w 3799
Euboea 1 w 3805
of 35 w 3808
which 12 w 3813
the 90 w 3816
best 1 w 3820
blades 1 w 3826
were 2 w 3830
made 1 w 3834
and 56 w 3837
hardened 1 w 3845
in 67 w 3847
cold 1 w 3851
water 5 w 3856
as 26 w 3859
the 91 w 3862
poet 1 w 3866
Aeschylus 1 w 3875
tells 1 w 3880
us 19 w 3882
Taking 1 w 3889
his 14 w 3892
sword 1 w 3897
a 290 w 3899
right 4 w 3904
Euboean 1 w 3911
blade 2 w 3916
It 3 w 3919
is 34 w 3921
not 8 w 3924
long 1 w 3928
since 1 w 3933
the 92 w 3936
quarry 1 w 3942
of 36 w 3944
Carystus 1 w 3952
has 4 w 3955
ceased 1 w 3961
to 32 w 3963
yield 1 w 3968
a 297 w 3969
certain 2 w 3976
soft 1 w 3980
stone 1 w 3985
which 13 w 3991
was 1 w 3994
wont 1 w 3998
to 34 w 4000
be 21 w 4002
drawn 1 w 4007
into 1 w 4011
a 301 w 4012
fine 1 w 4016
thread 1 w 4022
for 9 w 4026
I 6 w 4027
suppose 1 w 4034
some 9 w 4038
here 13 w 4042
have 7 w 4046
seen 1 w 4050
towels 1 w 4056
net-work 1 w 4065
and 57 w 4069
coifs 1 w 4074
woven 1 w 4079
of 38 w 4081
that 10 w 4085
thread 2 w 4091
which 14 w 4097
could 1 w 4102
not 9 w 4105
be 22 w 4107
burnt 1 w 4112
but 5 w 4116
when 4 w 4120
they 8 w 4124
were 3 w 4128
soiled 1 w 4134
with 21 w 4138
using 1 w 4143
people 1 w 4150
flung 1 w 4155
them 2 w 4159
into 2 w 4163
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fire 1 w 4170
and 58 w 4174
took 3 w 4178
them 3 w 4182
thence 1 w 4188
white 1 w 4193
and 59 w 4196
clean 3 w 4201
the 98 w 4205
fire 2 w 4209
only 4 w 4213
purifying 1 w 4222
them 4 w 4226
But 2 w 4230
all 8 w 4233
this 14 w 4237
is 36 w 4239
vanished 1 w 4247
and 60 w 4251
there 7 w 4256
is 38 w 4258
nothing 1 w 4265
but 6 w 4268
some 10 w 4272
few 2 w 4275
fibres 1 w 4281
or 36 w 4283
hairy 1 w 4288
threads 1 w 4295
lying 1 w 4301
up 7 w 4303
and 61 w 4306
down 2 w 4310
scatteringly 1 w 4322
in 79 w 4324
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grain 1 w 4332
of 39 w 4334
the 102 w 4337
stones 1 w 4343
to 40 w 4346
be 23 w 4348
seen 2 w 4352
now 1 w 4355
in 81 w 4357
the 103 w 4360
quarry 2 w 4366
Aristotle 1 w 4376
and 62 w 4379
his 16 w 4382
followers 1 w 4391
affirm 2 w 4397
that 11 w 4401
all 9 w 4404
this 15 w 4408
proceeds 1 w 4416
from 3 w 4420
an 92 w 4422
exhalation 5 w 4432
within 1 w 4438
the 104 w 4441
earth 6 w 4446
and 63 w 4450
when 5 w 4454
this 16 w 4458
fails 1 w 4463
or 37 w 4465
removes 1 w 4472
to 42 w 4474
another 3 w 4481
place 5 w 4486
or 38 w 4489
revives 1 w 4496
and 64 w 4499
recovers 1 w 4507
itself 5 w 4513
again 3 w 4518
the 106 w 4522
phenomena 1 w 4531
proceeding 2 w 4541
from 4 w 4545
them 5 w 4549
do 16 w 4551
so 36 w 4553
too 4 w 4556
The 4 w 4560
same 6 w 4564
must 1 w 4568
we 14 w 4570
say 3 w 4573
of 40 w 4575
the 108 w 4578
prophetical 2 w 4589
exhalations 2 w 4600
which 15 w 4605
spring 4 w 4611
from 5 w 4615
the 109 w 4618
earth 7 w 4623
that 12 w 4628
their 1 w 4633
virtue 3 w 4639
also 2 w 4643
is 43 w 4645
not 12 w 4648
immortal 2 w 4656
but 7 w 4660
may 5 w 4663
wax 1 w 4666
old 3 w 4669
and 65 w 4672
decay 1 w 4677
for 10 w 4681
it 54 w 4683
is 44 w 4685
not 13 w 4688
unlikely 1 w 4696
that 13 w 4700
great 1 w 4705
floods 1 w 4711
of 41 w 4713
rain 2 w 4717
and 66 w 4720
showers 1 w 4727
do 17 w 4729
extinguish 1 w 4739
them 6 w 4743
and 67 w 4747
that 14 w 4751
the 112 w 4754
claps 1 w 4759
of 42 w 4761
thunder 1 w 4768
do 18 w 4770
dissipate 1 w 4779
them 7 w 4783
or 41 w 4786
else 2 w 4790
which 16 w 4796
I 7 w 4797
look 2 w 4801
upon 1 w 4805
to 44 w 4807
be 24 w 4809
the 114 w 4812
principal 1 w 4821
cause 2 w 4826
they 9 w 4831
are 6 w 4834
sunk 1 w 4838
lower 3 w 4843
into 3 w 4847
the 116 w 4850
earth 8 w 4855
or 42 w 4857
utterly 1 w 4864
destroyed 1 w 4873
by 6 w 4875
the 117 w 4878
shock 1 w 4883
of 43 w 4885
earthquakes 1 w 4896
and 68 w 4899
the 118 w 4902
confusion 1 w 4911
that 15 w 4915
attends 1 w 4922
them 8 w 4926
as 30 w 4929
here 15 w 4933
in 90 w 4935
this 17 w 4939
place 6 w 4944
there 8 w 4949
still 1 w 4954
remain 1 w 4960
the 121 w 4963
tragical 1 w 4971
monuments 1 w 4980
of 44 w 4982
that 16 w 4986
great 2 w 4991
earthquake 2 w 5001
that 17 w 5005
overthrew 1 w 5014
the 122 w 5017
city 2 w 5021
And 5 w 5025
in 92 w 5027
the 123 w 5030
town 2 w 5034
of 45 w 5036
Orchomenus 1 w 5046
they 10 w 5051
say 4 w 5054
when 6 w 5059
the 125 w 5062
pestilence 1 w 5072
carried 1 w 5079
away 2 w 5083
such 1 w 5087
multitudes 1 w 5097
of 46 w 5099
people 2 w 5105
the 126 w 5109
oracle 3 w 5115
of 47 w 5117
Tiresias 1 w 5125
of 48 w 5127
a 381 w 5128
sudden 1 w 5134
ceased 2 w 5140
and 69 w 5144
remains 1 w 5151
mute 1 w 5155
to 47 w 5157
this 18 w 5161
day 1 w 5164
And 6 w 5168
whether 1 w 5175
the 128 w 5178
like 3 w 5182
has 5 w 5185
not 14 w 5188
happened 2 w 5196
to 48 w 5198
the 129 w 5201
oracles 1 w 5208
in 94 w 5210
Cilicia 2 w 5217
as 34 w 5220
we 17 w 5222
have 8 w 5226
heard 1 w 5231
it 57 w 5233
hath 1 w 5237
no 22 w 5240
man 5 w 5243
can 3 w 5246
better 2 w 5252
inform 1 w 5258
us 26 w 5260
than 2 w 5264
you 2 w 5267
Demetrius 2 w 5277
I 8 w 5279
cannot 2 w 5285
tell 4 w 5289
says 2 w 5294
Demetrius 3 w 5303
how 3 w 5307
things 5 w 5313
are 7 w 5316
at 56 w 5318
present 1 w 5325
in 97 w 5327
those 3 w 5332
parts 1 w 5337
for 12 w 5341
you 3 w 5344
all 10 w 5347
know 1 w 5351
I 9 w 5352
have 9 w 5356
been 3 w 5360
long 2 w 5364
absent 1 w 5370
from 6 w 5374
thence 2 w 5380
but 8 w 5384
when 7 w 5388
I 10 w 5389
was 2 w 5392
there 9 w 5397
both 2 w 5402
that 18 w 5406
of 49 w 5408
Mopsus 1 w 5414
and 70 w 5417
of 50 w 5419
Amphilochus 1 w 5430
flourished 1 w 5440
and 71 w 5443
were 4 w 5447
in 98 w 5449
great 3 w 5454
esteem 2 w 5460
And 7 w 5464
as 36 w 5466
to 49 w 5468
the 132 w 5471
oracle 5 w 5477
of 51 w 5479
Mopsus 2 w 5485
I 11 w 5487
can 5 w 5490
from 7 w 5494
my 1 w 5496
own 5 w 5499
knowledge 1 w 5508
tell 5 w 5512
you 4 w 5515
a 413 w 5516
strange 1 w 5523
story 1 w 5528
about 2 w 5533
it 58 w 5535
The 5 w 5539
Governor 1 w 5547
of 52 w 5549
Cicilia 1 w 5556
was 3 w 5559
a 418 w 5560
man 6 w 5563
inclining 1 w 5572
to 51 w 5574
scepticism 1 w 5584
about 3 w 5589
the 133 w 5592
Gods 1 w 5596
through 1 w 5605
the 134 w 5608
infirmity 1 w 5617
of 53 w 5619
his 21 w 5622
unbelief 1 w 5630
I 12 w 5632
think 1 w 5637
for 13 w 5641
otherwise 1 w 5650
he 174 w 5652
was 4 w 5655
an 110 w 5657
oppressor 1 w 5666
and 72 w 5669
a 424 w 5670
worthless 1 w 5679
man 7 w 5682
and 73 w 5687
he 175 w 5689
had 2 w 5692
about 4 w 5697
him 4 w 5700
several 1 w 5707
Epicureans 1 w 5717
who 7 w 5721
are 8 w 5724
wont 2 w 5728
to 52 w 5730
mock 1 w 5734
at 59 w 5736
the 136 w 5739
belief 2 w 5745
of 54 w 5747
such 2 w 5751
things 6 w 5757
as 39 w 5759
seem 3 w 5763
contrary 2 w 5771
to 53 w 5773
reason 4 w 5779
as 41 w 5782
they 11 w 5786
themselves 2 w 5796
say 6 w 5799
standing 1 w 5808
much 1 w 5812
upon 2 w 5816
their 2 w 5821
goodly 1 w 5827
natural 2 w 5834
philosophy 1 w 5844
He 4 w 5847
sent 3 w 5851
a 441 w 5852
freed 1 w 5857
servant 1 w 5864
of 55 w 5866
his 22 w 5869
to 54 w 5871
the 140 w 5874
oracle 6 w 5880
like 4 w 5885
a 444 w 5886
spy 1 w 5889
into 4 w 5893
an 117 w 5895
enemy 1 w 5900
s 385 w 5902
camp 1 w 5906
with 23 w 5911
a 447 w 5912
letter 1 w 5918
sealed 1 w 5924
wherein 1 w 5932
was 5 w 5935
the 141 w 5938
question 1 w 5946
he 183 w 5948
was 6 w 5951
to 56 w 5953
ask 1 w 5956
the 142 w 5959
oracle 7 w 5965
nobody 1 w 5972
knowing 1 w 5979
the 143 w 5982
contents 1 w 5990
thereof 1 w 5997
This 1 w 6002
man 8 w 6005
then 5 w 6009
as 45 w 6012
the 146 w 6015
custom 1 w 6021
of 57 w 6023
the 147 w 6026
place 7 w 6031
is 55 w 6033
remaining 1 w 6043
all 11 w 6046
night 1 w 6051
in 111 w 6053
the 148 w 6056
temple-porch 1 w 6068
asleep 1 w 6074
related 2 w 6082
the 149 w 6085
next 1 w 6089
morning 1 w 6096
the 150 w 6099
dream 1 w 6104
which 17 w 6109
he 193 w 6111
had 3 w 6114
for 14 w 6118
he 194 w 6120
thought 1 w 6127
he 195 w 6129
saw 2 w 6132
a 463 w 6133
very 1 w 6137
handsome 1 w 6145
man 9 w 6148
stand 3 w 6153
before 1 w 6159
him 5 w 6162
who 8 w 6166
said 1 w 6170
only 5 w 6174
this 19 w 6178
word 2 w 6182
Black 1 w 6188
to 58 w 6191
him 6 w 6194
and 77 w 6198
nothing 2 w 6205
else 3 w 6209
for 16 w 6213
he 196 w 6215
vanished 2 w 6223
away 3 w 6227
immediately 1 w 6238
This 2 w 6243
seemed 1 w 6249
to 59 w 6251
us 33 w 6253
very 2 w 6257
impertinent 1 w 6268
though 2 w 6275
we 19 w 6277
could 2 w 6282
not 17 w 6285
tell 6 w 6289
what 3 w 6293
to 60 w 6295
make 4 w 6299
of 58 w 6301
it 61 w 6303
but 9 w 6307
the 151 w 6310
governor 1 w 6318
marvelled 1 w 6327
at 64 w 6329
it 62 w 6331
and 78 w 6335
was 7 w 6338
so 42 w 6340
nettled 1 w 6347
with 24 w 6351
it 64 w 6353
that 19 w 6358
he 199 w 6360
had 4 w 6363
the 152 w 6366
oracle 8 w 6372
in 115 w 6374
great 4 w 6379
veneration 1 w 6389
ever 2 w 6393
since 2 w 6398
for 17 w 6402
opening 1 w 6410
the 153 w 6413
letter 2 w 6419
he 202 w 6422
showed 2 w 6428
this 20 w 6432
question 2 w 6440
which 18 w 6445
was 8 w 6448
therein 1 w 6455
Shall 1 w 6461
I 13 w 6462
sacrifice 1 w 6471
to 61 w 6473
thee 1 w 6477
a 488 w 6478
white 2 w 6483
bull 1 w 6487
or 64 w 6489
a 489 w 6490
black 1 w 6495
Which 1 w 6501
dashed 1 w 6507
his 27 w 6510
Epicureans 2 w 6520
quite 2 w 6525
out 7 w 6528
of 59 w 6530
countenance 1 w 6541
and 79 w 6545
he 206 w 6547
offered 1 w 6554
the 156 w 6557
sacrifice 2 w 6566
required 1 w 6574
and 80 w 6578
to 62 w 6580
the 157 w 6583
day 2 w 6586
of 61 w 6588
his 28 w 6591
death 1 w 6596
continued 1 w 6605
a 499 w 6606
devout 1 w 6612
admirer 1 w 6619
of 62 w 6621
Mopsus 3 w 6627