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CTS Library / Why the Oracles Cease to Give Answers

Why the Oracles Cease to Give Answers (26-30)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '26', 'human_reference': 'Section 26'}, 'end': {'reference': '30', 'human_reference': 'Section 30'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

But in all this there is more probability than truth. For consider, friend Demetrius; when he saith that some bodies tend towards the midst, which is to say, downwards, the others from the midst, that is, upward, and a third sort move round about the midst, what does he mean by the midst? This cannot be understood in respect of a vacuum, there being no such thing in Nature, as he says himself; and, moreover, those that do allow it say that it can have

no middle, no more than beginning and end; for beginning and end are extremities, but that which is infinite, everybody knows, is without an end. But supposing we should be necessitated to admit a middle in a vacuum, it is impossible to comprehend and imagine the difference in the motions of bodies towards it, because there is neither in this vacuum any power attractive of the body, nor in the bodies any inclination or affection to tend on all sides to this middle. And it is no less difficult to imagine that bodies can move of themselves towards an incorporeal place, or receive any motion from it. This middle then must be understood not locally, but corporeally. For this world being a mass and union consisting of different bodies joined together, this diversity of them must beget different motions from one another; which appears in that each of these bodies changing its substance does at the same time change its place. For subtilization and rarefaction dissipate the matter which springeth from the midst and ariseth upwards; whereas, on the contrary, condensation and constipation depress and drive it down towards the middle.

On these points it is not necessary to discourse any longer in this place. For whatever cause a man supposes shall produce such passions and changes, that very cause will contain each of these worlds in itself; because each of them has its sea and land, each its proper middle, and each its passions and change of bodies, and the nature and power which contain and preserve each in its place and being. For that which is without, whether it be nothing at all or an infinite vacuum, cannot allow any middle, as we have already said. But there being several worlds, each has its proper middle apart; so that in each of them there will be motions proper to bodies, some tending down to the midst, others mounting aloft from the midst, others moving round about it, according as they

themselves do distinguish motions. And he who asserts there are many middles, and that heavy bodies from all sides do tend unto one alone, is like to him who shall affirm that the blood of several men runs from all parts into one vein, or that all their brains should be contained within one and the same membrane; supposing it absurd, that all natural bodies which are solid should not be in one place, and the rare in another. He that thus thinketh is certainly a mean philosopher; and no better is he who will not allow the whole to have all parts in their order, rank, and natural situation. What could be more foolish, than for a man to call that a world which had a moon within it so situated, as if a man should have his brains in his heels, and his heart in his forehead? Whereas there is no absurdity or inconveniency, if, in supposing several distinct worlds separated from one another, a man should distinguish and separate their parts. For in each of them the earth, sea, and sky will be placed and situated in their proper places, and each of these worlds may have its superior, inferior, circular, and middle part, not in respect of another world, nor in reference to what is without, but to what is within itself.

And as to the argument which some do draw from a stone supposed to be placed without the world, it neither proves rest nor motion; for how could it remain suspended, seeing it is by nature heavy, or move towards the midst of the world, as other ponderous bodies, seeing it is neither part of it nor like it? And as to that earth which is fixed and environed by another world, we must not wonder, considering its weightiness, if it does not drop down, seeing it is upheld by a certain natural force pertaining to it. For if we shall take high and low not within the world but without, we shall find ourselves involved in the same difficulties as Epicurus was when he made his little indivisible atoms to move and tend to those places

which are under foot, as if the vacuum had feet, or its infinite space would permit one to talk of high or low. Indeed, a man would marvel what should cause Chrysippus to say, that the world was placed and situated directly in the midst, and that the matter thereof, from all eternity having possessed itself of the midst, yet is so compacted together that it remains for ever. For he writes this in his Fourth Book of Possible Things, vainly imagining there is a middle in that vast emptiness, and still more absurdly attributing unto that middle, which is not, the cause of the worlds stability and continuance; he having often said in other writings of his that the substance is upheld and governed, partly by the motions tending to the midst of it, and partly by others parting from the midst of it.

As to the other oppositions which the Stoics make, who should fear them? As when they demand, how it is possible to maintain a fatal destiny and a divide providence, and how it can be otherwise but that we must admit of several Jupiters, when we assert the plurality of worlds. Now if there be an inconveniency in admitting many Jupiters, their opinions will appear far more absurd; for they imagine there are suns, and moons, Apollos, Dianas, and Neptunes innumerable, in innumerable changes and revolutions of worlds. But where is the necessity which lies upon us to grant that there must be many Jupiters if there be many worlds, seeing that each of them may be subject to a sovereign governor of the whole, a God endued with a suitable mind and ability, like to him whom we name the Lord and Father of all things? Or what shall hinder us from asserting that the several worlds must be subject to the providence and destiny of Jupiter, and that he has an eye to all things, directing all, and administering to them the principles, seeds, and causes of all things which are made? For, while we often see here a body composed of several other distinct bodies,—for example,

the assembly of a town, an army, or a chorus,— in each of which bodies there is life, prudence, and understanding; so it cannot be impossible that, in the whole universe, ten or fifty or a hundred worlds which may be in it should all use the same reason, and all correspond with the same principle. For this order and disposition is very suitable to the Gods; for we must not make them kings of a swarm of bees who never stir out of their hives, or keep them fast imprisoned in matter, like those who affirm the Gods to be certain dispositions of the air, and powers of waters and fire, infused and mixed within, which arise and spring up together with the world, and in time are to be burnt and end with it,—not affording them the liberty of coachmen and pilots, but nailing them down to their bases like statues and images. For they enclose the Gods within matter, and that in so strict a manner as makes them liable to all the changes, alterations, and decays of it.

It is certainly more agreeable to the nature of the Gods to say that they are wholly at liberty, like Castor and Pollux, ready to succor such as are overtaken by bad weather at sea; for when they appear, the winds cease and the waves are calmed. Not that they navigate and are partakers of the same peril; but they only appear in the sky, and the danger is over. Thus do the Gods visit each world, and rule and provide for all things in them. Jupiter in Homer cast not his eyes far from the city of Troy into Thrace, and to the nomad Scythians along the river Ister; but the true Jupiter has several seemly and agreeable passages for his majesty from one world into another, not looking into the infinite vacuum without, nor regarding himself and nothing else, as some have imagined, but weighing the deeds of Gods and men, and the motions and revolutions of the stars. For the Divinity does not hate variety and changes, but takes great pleasure in them, as one may conjecture by the circuits, conversions, and mutations

observable in the heavens. And therefore I conclude that the infinite number of worlds is a chimera, which has not the least probability of truth, and which cannot by any means admit of any God, but must be wholly guided by chance and fortune. Whereas the government and providence of a certain definite number of worlds has nothing in it that seems more laborious and unworthy than that which is employed in the direction of one alone, which is transformed, renewed, and reformed an infinite number of times.

But 1 w 3
in 1 w 5
all 1 w 8
this 1 w 12
there 1 w 17
is 2 w 19
more 1 w 23
probability 1 w 34
than 1 w 38
truth 1 w 43
For 1 w 47
consider 1 w 55
friend 1 w 62
Demetrius 1 w 71
when 1 w 76
he 3 w 78
saith 1 w 83
that 1 w 87
some 1 w 91
bodies 1 w 97
tend 1 w 101
towards 1 w 108
the 2 w 111
midst 1 w 116
which 1 w 122
is 3 w 124
to 2 w 126
say 1 w 129
downwards 1 w 139
the 3 w 143
others 1 w 149
from 1 w 153
the 5 w 156
midst 2 w 161
that 2 w 166
is 4 w 168
upward 1 w 175
and 1 w 179
a 12 w 180
third 1 w 185
sort 1 w 189
move 1 w 193
round 1 w 198
about 1 w 203
the 6 w 206
midst 3 w 211
what 1 w 216
does 1 w 220
he 9 w 222
mean 1 w 226
by 1 w 228
the 7 w 231
midst 4 w 236
This 1 w 241
cannot 1 w 247
be 1 w 249
understood 1 w 259
in 2 w 261
respect 1 w 268
of 1 w 270
a 17 w 271
vacuum 1 w 277
there 2 w 283
being 1 w 288
no 2 w 290
such 1 w 294
thing 1 w 299
in 5 w 301
Nature 1 w 307
as 1 w 310
he 12 w 312
says 1 w 316
himself 1 w 323
and 2 w 327
moreover 1 w 336
those 1 w 342
that 3 w 346
do 3 w 348
allow 1 w 353
it 3 w 355
say 3 w 358
that 4 w 362
it 4 w 364
can 2 w 367
have 1 w 371
no 3 w 373
middle 1 w 379
no 4 w 382
more 3 w 386
than 2 w 390
beginning 1 w 399
and 3 w 402
end 3 w 405
for 1 w 409
beginning 2 w 418
and 4 w 421
end 4 w 424
are 1 w 427
extremities 1 w 438
but 1 w 442
that 5 w 446
which 2 w 451
is 6 w 453
infinite 1 w 461
everybody 1 w 471
knows 1 w 476
is 7 w 479
without 1 w 486
an 10 w 488
end 5 w 491
But 2 w 495
supposing 1 w 504
we 1 w 506
should 1 w 512
be 5 w 514
necessitated 1 w 526
to 4 w 528
admit 1 w 533
a 37 w 534
middle 2 w 540
in 13 w 542
a 38 w 543
vacuum 2 w 549
it 10 w 552
is 8 w 554
impossible 1 w 564
to 5 w 566
comprehend 1 w 576
and 5 w 579
imagine 1 w 586
the 9 w 589
difference 1 w 599
in 15 w 601
the 10 w 604
motions 1 w 611
of 2 w 613
bodies 2 w 619
towards 2 w 626
it 11 w 628
because 1 w 636
there 3 w 641
is 9 w 643
neither 1 w 650
in 16 w 652
this 2 w 656
vacuum 3 w 662
any 1 w 665
power 1 w 670
attractive 1 w 680
of 3 w 682
the 13 w 685
body 2 w 689
nor 1 w 693
in 17 w 695
the 14 w 698
bodies 3 w 704
any 2 w 707
inclination 1 w 718
or 8 w 720
affection 1 w 729
to 7 w 731
tend 2 w 735
on 5 w 737
all 3 w 740
sides 1 w 745
to 8 w 747
this 3 w 751
middle 3 w 757
And 1 w 761
it 13 w 763
is 12 w 765
no 7 w 767
less 1 w 771
difficult 1 w 780
to 9 w 782
imagine 2 w 789
that 6 w 793
bodies 4 w 799
can 3 w 802
move 2 w 806
of 4 w 808
themselves 1 w 818
towards 3 w 825
an 15 w 827
incorporeal 1 w 838
place 1 w 843
or 11 w 846
receive 1 w 853
any 3 w 856
motion 2 w 862
from 2 w 866
it 14 w 868
This 2 w 873
middle 4 w 879
then 1 w 883
must 1 w 887
be 7 w 889
understood 2 w 899
not 2 w 902
locally 1 w 909
but 2 w 913
corporeally 1 w 924
For 2 w 928
this 4 w 932
world 1 w 937
being 2 w 942
a 62 w 943
mass 1 w 947
and 6 w 950
union 1 w 955
consisting 1 w 965
of 5 w 967
different 1 w 976
bodies 5 w 982
joined 1 w 988
together 1 w 996
this 5 w 1001
diversity 1 w 1010
of 6 w 1012
them 2 w 1016
must 2 w 1020
beget 1 w 1025
different 2 w 1034
motions 2 w 1041
from 3 w 1045
one 1 w 1048
another 1 w 1055
which 3 w 1061
appears 1 w 1068
in 25 w 1070
that 7 w 1074
each 1 w 1078
of 7 w 1080
these 1 w 1085
bodies 6 w 1091
changing 1 w 1099
its 1 w 1102
substance 1 w 1111
does 2 w 1115
at 13 w 1117
the 21 w 1120
same 1 w 1124
time 1 w 1128
change 1 w 1134
its 2 w 1137
place 2 w 1142
For 3 w 1146
subtilization 1 w 1159
and 7 w 1162
rarefaction 1 w 1173
dissipate 1 w 1182
the 22 w 1185
matter 1 w 1191
which 4 w 1196
springeth 1 w 1205
from 4 w 1209
the 23 w 1212
midst 5 w 1217
and 8 w 1220
ariseth 1 w 1227
upwards 1 w 1234
whereas 1 w 1242
on 13 w 1245
the 24 w 1248
contrary 1 w 1256
condensation 1 w 1269
and 9 w 1272
constipation 1 w 1284
depress 1 w 1291
and 10 w 1294
drive 1 w 1299
it 18 w 1301
down 2 w 1305
towards 4 w 1312
the 25 w 1315
middle 5 w 1321
On 1 w 1324
these 2 w 1329
points 1 w 1335
it 19 w 1337
is 19 w 1339
not 4 w 1342
necessary 1 w 1351
to 14 w 1353
discourse 1 w 1362
any 4 w 1365
longer 1 w 1371
in 29 w 1373
this 6 w 1377
place 3 w 1382
For 4 w 1386
whatever 1 w 1394
cause 2 w 1399
a 97 w 1400
man 1 w 1403
supposes 1 w 1411
shall 1 w 1416
produce 1 w 1423
such 2 w 1427
passions 1 w 1435
and 11 w 1438
changes 1 w 1445
that 8 w 1450
very 2 w 1454
cause 3 w 1459
will 1 w 1463
contain 1 w 1470
each 2 w 1474
of 8 w 1476
these 3 w 1481
worlds 1 w 1487
in 31 w 1489
itself 1 w 1495
because 2 w 1503
each 3 w 1507
of 9 w 1509
them 3 w 1513
has 1 w 1516
its 4 w 1519
sea 1 w 1522
and 12 w 1525
land 1 w 1529
each 4 w 1534
its 5 w 1537
proper 1 w 1543
middle 6 w 1549
and 14 w 1553
each 5 w 1557
its 6 w 1560
passions 2 w 1568
and 15 w 1571
change 3 w 1577
of 10 w 1579
bodies 7 w 1585
and 16 w 1589
the 29 w 1592
nature 1 w 1598
and 17 w 1601
power 2 w 1606
which 5 w 1611
contain 2 w 1618
and 18 w 1621
preserve 1 w 1629
each 6 w 1633
in 33 w 1635
its 7 w 1638
place 4 w 1643
and 19 w 1646
being 3 w 1651
For 5 w 1655
that 9 w 1659
which 6 w 1664
is 22 w 1666
without 2 w 1673
whether 1 w 1681
it 26 w 1683
be 12 w 1685
nothing 1 w 1692
at 23 w 1694
all 7 w 1697
or 20 w 1699
an 39 w 1701
infinite 2 w 1709
vacuum 4 w 1715
cannot 2 w 1722
allow 2 w 1727
any 5 w 1730
middle 7 w 1736
as 7 w 1739
we 4 w 1741
have 2 w 1745
already 1 w 1752
said 1 w 1756
But 3 w 1760
there 4 w 1765
being 4 w 1770
several 1 w 1777
worlds 2 w 1783
each 7 w 1788
has 2 w 1791
its 8 w 1794
proper 2 w 1800
middle 8 w 1806
apart 1 w 1811
so 3 w 1814
that 10 w 1818
in 39 w 1820
each 8 w 1824
of 11 w 1826
them 4 w 1830
there 5 w 1835
will 2 w 1839
be 14 w 1841
motions 3 w 1848
proper 3 w 1854
to 15 w 1856
bodies 8 w 1862
some 2 w 1867
tending 1 w 1874
down 3 w 1878
to 16 w 1880
the 34 w 1883
midst 6 w 1888
others 2 w 1895
mounting 1 w 1903
aloft 1 w 1908
from 5 w 1912
the 36 w 1915
midst 7 w 1920
others 3 w 1927
moving 1 w 1933
round 2 w 1938
about 2 w 1943
it 29 w 1945
according 1 w 1955
as 9 w 1957
they 1 w 1961
themselves 2 w 1971
do 7 w 1973
distinguish 1 w 1984
motions 4 w 1991
And 2 w 1995
he 47 w 1997
who 1 w 2000
asserts 1 w 2007
there 6 w 2012
are 3 w 2015
many 1 w 2019
middles 1 w 2026
and 20 w 2030
that 11 w 2034
heavy 1 w 2039
bodies 9 w 2045
from 6 w 2049
all 9 w 2052
sides 2 w 2057
do 8 w 2059
tend 4 w 2063
unto 1 w 2067
one 2 w 2070
alone 1 w 2075
is 25 w 2078
like 1 w 2082
to 18 w 2084
him 2 w 2087
who 2 w 2090
shall 2 w 2095
affirm 1 w 2101
that 12 w 2105
the 41 w 2108
blood 1 w 2113
of 13 w 2115
several 2 w 2122
men 1 w 2125
runs 1 w 2129
from 7 w 2133
all 11 w 2136
parts 1 w 2141
into 1 w 2145
one 4 w 2148
vein 1 w 2152
or 23 w 2155
that 13 w 2159
all 12 w 2162
their 1 w 2167
brains 1 w 2173
should 2 w 2179
be 15 w 2181
contained 1 w 2190
within 1 w 2196
one 5 w 2199
and 21 w 2202
the 43 w 2205
same 2 w 2209
membrane 1 w 2217
supposing 2 w 2227
it 31 w 2229
absurd 1 w 2235
that 14 w 2240
all 13 w 2243
natural 1 w 2250
bodies 10 w 2256
which 7 w 2261
are 4 w 2264
solid 1 w 2269
should 3 w 2275
not 7 w 2278
be 16 w 2280
in 51 w 2282
one 6 w 2285
place 5 w 2290
and 22 w 2294
the 44 w 2297
rare 2 w 2301
in 52 w 2303
another 2 w 2310
He 1 w 2313
that 15 w 2317
thus 1 w 2321
thinketh 1 w 2329
is 26 w 2331
certainly 1 w 2340
a 184 w 2341
mean 2 w 2345
philosopher 1 w 2356
and 23 w 2360
no 15 w 2362
better 1 w 2368
is 27 w 2370
he 56 w 2372
who 3 w 2375
will 3 w 2379
not 9 w 2382
allow 3 w 2387
the 46 w 2390
whole 1 w 2395
to 20 w 2397
have 3 w 2401
all 15 w 2404
parts 2 w 2409
in 55 w 2411
their 2 w 2416
order 1 w 2421
rank 1 w 2426
and 24 w 2430
natural 2 w 2437
situation 1 w 2446
What 1 w 2451
could 1 w 2456
be 18 w 2458
more 4 w 2462
foolish 1 w 2469
than 3 w 2474
for 2 w 2477
a 198 w 2478
man 3 w 2481
to 21 w 2483
call 2 w 2487
that 16 w 2491
a 202 w 2492
world 4 w 2497
which 8 w 2502
had 1 w 2505
a 204 w 2506
moon 1 w 2510
within 2 w 2516
it 34 w 2518
so 7 w 2520
situated 1 w 2528
as 11 w 2531
if 5 w 2533
a 207 w 2534
man 4 w 2537
should 4 w 2543
have 4 w 2547
his 9 w 2550
brains 2 w 2556
in 58 w 2558
his 10 w 2561
heels 1 w 2566
and 25 w 2570
his 11 w 2573
heart 1 w 2578
in 59 w 2580
his 12 w 2583
forehead 1 w 2591
Whereas 1 w 2599
there 7 w 2604
is 33 w 2606
no 17 w 2608
absurdity 1 w 2617
or 29 w 2619
inconveniency 1 w 2632
if 6 w 2635
in 61 w 2638
supposing 3 w 2647
several 3 w 2654
distinct 1 w 2662
worlds 3 w 2668
separated 1 w 2677
from 8 w 2681
one 7 w 2684
another 3 w 2691
a 220 w 2693
man 5 w 2696
should 5 w 2702
distinguish 2 w 2713
and 26 w 2716
separate 2 w 2724
their 3 w 2729
parts 3 w 2734
For 6 w 2738
in 65 w 2740
each 9 w 2744
of 14 w 2746
them 6 w 2750
the 52 w 2753
earth 1 w 2758
sea 2 w 2762
and 27 w 2766
sky 1 w 2769
will 4 w 2773
be 19 w 2775
placed 1 w 2781
and 28 w 2784
situated 2 w 2792
in 66 w 2794
their 4 w 2799
proper 4 w 2805
places 1 w 2811
and 29 w 2815
each 10 w 2819
of 15 w 2821
these 4 w 2826
worlds 4 w 2832
may 1 w 2835
have 5 w 2839
its 9 w 2842
superior 1 w 2850
inferior 1 w 2859
circular 1 w 2868
and 30 w 2872
middle 10 w 2878
part 5 w 2882
not 11 w 2886
in 68 w 2888
respect 2 w 2895
of 16 w 2897
another 4 w 2904
world 7 w 2909
nor 2 w 2913
in 69 w 2915
reference 1 w 2924
to 22 w 2926
what 3 w 2930
is 37 w 2932
without 3 w 2939
but 3 w 2943
to 23 w 2945
what 4 w 2949
is 38 w 2951
within 3 w 2957
itself 2 w 2963
And 3 w 2967
as 13 w 2969
to 24 w 2971
the 56 w 2974
argument 1 w 2982
which 9 w 2987
some 3 w 2991
do 9 w 2993
draw 1 w 2997
from 9 w 3001
a 247 w 3002
stone 1 w 3007
supposed 1 w 3015
to 26 w 3017
be 20 w 3019
placed 2 w 3025
without 4 w 3032
the 57 w 3035
world 8 w 3040
it 43 w 3043
neither 2 w 3050
proves 1 w 3056
rest 1 w 3060
nor 3 w 3063
motion 6 w 3069
for 4 w 3073
how 1 w 3076
could 2 w 3081
it 45 w 3083
remain 1 w 3089
suspended 1 w 3098
seeing 1 w 3105
it 46 w 3107
is 39 w 3109
by 2 w 3111
nature 2 w 3117
heavy 2 w 3122
or 40 w 3125
move 3 w 3129
towards 5 w 3136
the 59 w 3139
midst 8 w 3144
of 17 w 3146
the 60 w 3149
world 9 w 3154
as 14 w 3157
other 8 w 3162
ponderous 1 w 3171
bodies 11 w 3177
seeing 2 w 3184
it 47 w 3186
is 40 w 3188
neither 3 w 3195
part 6 w 3199
of 18 w 3201
it 49 w 3203
nor 4 w 3206
like 2 w 3210
it 50 w 3212
And 4 w 3216
as 15 w 3218
to 28 w 3220
that 17 w 3224
earth 2 w 3229
which 10 w 3234
is 41 w 3236
fixed 1 w 3241
and 31 w 3244
environed 1 w 3253
by 3 w 3255
another 5 w 3262
world 10 w 3267
we 5 w 3270
must 3 w 3274
not 14 w 3277
wonder 1 w 3283
considering 1 w 3295
its 11 w 3298
weightiness 1 w 3309
if 7 w 3312
it 52 w 3314
does 3 w 3318
not 15 w 3321
drop 1 w 3325
down 4 w 3329
seeing 3 w 3336
it 53 w 3338
is 42 w 3340
upheld 1 w 3346
by 4 w 3348
a 260 w 3349
certain 2 w 3356
natural 3 w 3363
force 1 w 3368
pertaining 1 w 3378
to 29 w 3380
it 54 w 3382
For 7 w 3386
if 8 w 3388
we 7 w 3390
shall 3 w 3395
take 1 w 3399
high 1 w 3403
and 32 w 3406
low 4 w 3409
not 16 w 3412
within 4 w 3418
the 64 w 3421
world 11 w 3426
but 4 w 3429
without 5 w 3436
we 8 w 3439
shall 4 w 3444
find 1 w 3448
ourselves 1 w 3457
involved 1 w 3465
in 83 w 3467
the 65 w 3470
same 3 w 3474
difficulties 1 w 3486
as 16 w 3488
Epicurus 1 w 3496
was 1 w 3499
when 2 w 3503
he 84 w 3505
made 1 w 3509
his 13 w 3512
little 1 w 3518
indivisible 1 w 3529
atoms 1 w 3534
to 31 w 3536
move 4 w 3540
and 33 w 3543
tend 5 w 3547
to 32 w 3549
those 2 w 3554
places 2 w 3560
which 11 w 3565
are 6 w 3568
under 3 w 3573
foot 1 w 3577
as 18 w 3580
if 10 w 3582
the 66 w 3585
vacuum 5 w 3591
had 2 w 3594
feet 1 w 3598
or 47 w 3601
its 12 w 3604
infinite 3 w 3612
space 1 w 3617
would 1 w 3622
permit 1 w 3628
one 10 w 3631
to 33 w 3633
talk 1 w 3637
of 19 w 3639
high 2 w 3643
or 48 w 3645
low 5 w 3648
Indeed 1 w 3655
a 282 w 3657
man 6 w 3660
would 2 w 3665
marvel 1 w 3671
what 5 w 3675
should 6 w 3681
cause 5 w 3686
Chrysippus 1 w 3696
to 34 w 3698
say 4 w 3701
that 18 w 3706
the 67 w 3709
world 12 w 3714
was 2 w 3717
placed 3 w 3723
and 34 w 3726
situated 3 w 3734
directly 1 w 3742
in 87 w 3744
the 68 w 3747
midst 9 w 3752
and 35 w 3756
that 19 w 3760
the 69 w 3763
matter 2 w 3769
thereof 1 w 3776
from 10 w 3781
all 19 w 3784
eternity 1 w 3792
having 1 w 3798
possessed 1 w 3807
itself 3 w 3813
of 21 w 3815
the 71 w 3818
midst 10 w 3823
yet 1 w 3827
is 45 w 3829
so 9 w 3831
compacted 1 w 3840
together 2 w 3848
that 20 w 3852
it 64 w 3854
remains 1 w 3861
for 6 w 3864
ever 6 w 3868
For 8 w 3872
he 92 w 3874
writes 1 w 3880
this 7 w 3884
in 90 w 3886
his 15 w 3889
Fourth 1 w 3895
Book 1 w 3899
of 22 w 3901
Possible 1 w 3909
Things 1 w 3915
vainly 1 w 3922
imagining 1 w 3931
there 9 w 3936
is 48 w 3938
a 303 w 3939
middle 11 w 3945
in 95 w 3947
that 21 w 3951
vast 1 w 3955
emptiness 1 w 3964
and 36 w 3968
still 1 w 3973
more 5 w 3977
absurdly 1 w 3985
attributing 1 w 3996
unto 2 w 4000
that 22 w 4004
middle 12 w 4010
which 12 w 4016
is 49 w 4018
not 17 w 4021
the 74 w 4025
cause 6 w 4030
of 23 w 4032
the 75 w 4035
world 13 w 4040
s 289 w 4042
stability 1 w 4051
and 37 w 4054
continuance 1 w 4065
he 96 w 4068
having 2 w 4074
often 1 w 4079
said 2 w 4083
in 100 w 4085
other 10 w 4090
writings 1 w 4098
of 25 w 4100
his 16 w 4103
that 23 w 4107
the 77 w 4110
substance 2 w 4119
is 51 w 4121
upheld 2 w 4127
and 38 w 4130
governed 1 w 4138
partly 1 w 4145
by 5 w 4147
the 78 w 4150
motions 5 w 4157
tending 2 w 4164
to 37 w 4166
the 79 w 4169
midst 11 w 4174
of 26 w 4176
it 68 w 4178
and 39 w 4182
partly 2 w 4188
by 6 w 4190
others 4 w 4196
parting 1 w 4203
from 11 w 4207
the 81 w 4210
midst 12 w 4215
of 27 w 4217
it 69 w 4219
As 1 w 4222
to 38 w 4224
the 82 w 4227
other 12 w 4232
oppositions 1 w 4243
which 13 w 4248
the 84 w 4251
Stoics 1 w 4257
make 1 w 4261
who 5 w 4265
should 7 w 4271
fear 1 w 4275
them 7 w 4279
As 2 w 4282
when 3 w 4286
they 2 w 4290
demand 1 w 4296
how 2 w 4300
it 71 w 4302
is 52 w 4304
possible 2 w 4312
to 40 w 4314
maintain 1 w 4322
a 328 w 4323
fatal 1 w 4328
destiny 1 w 4335
and 41 w 4338
a 332 w 4339
divide 1 w 4345
providence 1 w 4355
and 42 w 4359
how 3 w 4362
it 72 w 4364
can 5 w 4367
be 21 w 4369
otherwise 1 w 4378
but 6 w 4381
that 24 w 4385
we 9 w 4387
must 4 w 4391
admit 2 w 4396
of 28 w 4398
several 4 w 4405
Jupiters 1 w 4413
when 4 w 4418
we 10 w 4420
assert 2 w 4426
the 88 w 4429
plurality 1 w 4438
of 29 w 4440
worlds 5 w 4446
Now 1 w 4450
if 11 w 4452
there 10 w 4457
be 22 w 4459
an 81 w 4461
inconveniency 2 w 4474
in 108 w 4476
admitting 1 w 4485
many 2 w 4489
Jupiters 2 w 4497
their 5 w 4503
opinions 1 w 4511
will 5 w 4515
appear 2 w 4521
far 1 w 4524
more 6 w 4528
absurd 4 w 4534
for 7 w 4538
they 3 w 4542
imagine 3 w 4549
there 11 w 4554
are 7 w 4557
suns 1 w 4561
and 43 w 4565
moons 1 w 4570
Apollos 1 w 4578
Dianas 1 w 4585
and 44 w 4589
Neptunes 1 w 4597
innumerable 1 w 4608
in 113 w 4611
innumerable 2 w 4622
changes 2 w 4629
and 45 w 4632
revolutions 1 w 4643
of 30 w 4645
worlds 6 w 4651
But 4 w 4655
where 2 w 4660
is 54 w 4662
the 93 w 4665
necessity 1 w 4674
which 14 w 4679
lies 1 w 4683
upon 1 w 4687
us 17 w 4689
to 41 w 4691
grant 1 w 4696
that 25 w 4700
there 12 w 4705
must 5 w 4709
be 23 w 4711
many 3 w 4715
Jupiters 3 w 4723
if 12 w 4725
there 13 w 4730
be 24 w 4732
many 4 w 4736
worlds 7 w 4742
seeing 4 w 4749
that 26 w 4753
each 11 w 4757
of 31 w 4759
them 8 w 4763
may 2 w 4766
be 25 w 4768
subject 1 w 4775
to 42 w 4777
a 364 w 4778
sovereign 1 w 4787
governor 1 w 4795
of 32 w 4797
the 97 w 4800
whole 2 w 4805
a 365 w 4807
God 1 w 4810
endued 1 w 4816
with 10 w 4820
a 366 w 4821
suitable 1 w 4829
mind 1 w 4833
and 46 w 4836
ability 3 w 4843
like 3 w 4848
to 43 w 4850
him 3 w 4853
whom 1 w 4857
we 11 w 4859
name 1 w 4863
the 98 w 4866
Lord 1 w 4870
and 47 w 4873
Father 1 w 4879
of 33 w 4881
all 20 w 4884
things 1 w 4890
Or 1 w 4893
what 6 w 4897
shall 5 w 4902
hinder 1 w 4908
us 19 w 4910
from 12 w 4914
asserting 1 w 4923
that 27 w 4927
the 100 w 4930
several 5 w 4937
worlds 8 w 4943
must 6 w 4947
be 26 w 4949
subject 2 w 4956
to 44 w 4958
the 101 w 4961
providence 2 w 4971
and 48 w 4974
destiny 2 w 4981
of 34 w 4983
Jupiter 4 w 4990
and 49 w 4994
that 28 w 4998
he 127 w 5000
has 3 w 5003
an 95 w 5005
eye 1 w 5008
to 45 w 5010
all 22 w 5013
things 2 w 5019
directing 1 w 5029
all 23 w 5032
and 50 w 5036
administering 1 w 5049
to 46 w 5051
them 9 w 5055
the 103 w 5058
principles 1 w 5068
seeds 1 w 5074
and 51 w 5078
causes 1 w 5084
of 35 w 5086
all 24 w 5089
things 3 w 5095
which 15 w 5100
are 8 w 5103
made 2 w 5107
For 9 w 5111
while 1 w 5117
we 12 w 5119
often 2 w 5124
see 6 w 5127
here 17 w 5131
a 393 w 5132
body 3 w 5136
composed 1 w 5144
of 37 w 5146
several 6 w 5153
other 14 w 5158
distinct 2 w 5166
bodies 12 w 5172
for 8 w 5177
example 1 w 5184
the 105 w 5188
assembly 1 w 5196
of 38 w 5198
a 397 w 5199
town 1 w 5203
an 98 w 5206
army 1 w 5210
or 64 w 5213
a 400 w 5214
chorus 1 w 5220
in 128 w 5224
each 12 w 5228
of 39 w 5230
which 16 w 5235
bodies 13 w 5241
there 14 w 5246
is 57 w 5248
life 1 w 5252
prudence 1 w 5261
and 52 w 5265
understanding 1 w 5278
so 11 w 5281
it 84 w 5283
cannot 3 w 5289
be 27 w 5291
impossible 2 w 5301
that 29 w 5305
in 130 w 5308
the 107 w 5311
whole 3 w 5316
universe 1 w 5324
ten 9 w 5328
or 66 w 5330
fifty 1 w 5335
or 67 w 5337
a 406 w 5338
hundred 1 w 5345
worlds 9 w 5351
which 17 w 5356
may 3 w 5359
be 28 w 5361
in 131 w 5363
it 85 w 5365
should 8 w 5371
all 25 w 5374
use 8 w 5377
the 108 w 5380
same 4 w 5384
reason 1 w 5390
and 54 w 5394
all 26 w 5397
correspond 1 w 5407
with 11 w 5411
the 109 w 5414
same 5 w 5418
principle 2 w 5427
For 10 w 5431
this 8 w 5435
order 2 w 5440
and 55 w 5443
disposition 1 w 5454
is 60 w 5456
very 3 w 5460
suitable 2 w 5468
to 48 w 5470
the 110 w 5473
Gods 1 w 5477
for 9 w 5481
we 13 w 5483
must 7 w 5487
not 19 w 5490
make 2 w 5494
them 10 w 5498
kings 1 w 5503
of 40 w 5505
a 417 w 5506
swarm 1 w 5511
of 41 w 5513
bees 1 w 5517
who 9 w 5520
never 1 w 5525
stir 1 w 5529
out 8 w 5532
of 42 w 5534
their 6 w 5539
hives 1 w 5544
or 73 w 5547
keep 1 w 5551
them 11 w 5555
fast 1 w 5559
imprisoned 1 w 5569
in 134 w 5571
matter 3 w 5577
like 4 w 5582
those 3 w 5587
who 10 w 5590
affirm 2 w 5596
the 114 w 5599
Gods 2 w 5603
to 49 w 5605
be 30 w 5607
certain 3 w 5614
dispositions 1 w 5626
of 43 w 5628
the 115 w 5631
air 1 w 5634
and 56 w 5638
powers 1 w 5644
of 44 w 5646
waters 1 w 5652
and 57 w 5655
fire 1 w 5659
infused 1 w 5667
and 58 w 5670
mixed 1 w 5675
within 5 w 5681
which 18 w 5687
arise 2 w 5692
and 59 w 5695
spring 2 w 5701
up 16 w 5703
together 3 w 5711
with 13 w 5715
the 117 w 5718
world 19 w 5723
and 60 w 5727
in 139 w 5729
time 2 w 5733
are 9 w 5736
to 51 w 5738
be 31 w 5740
burnt 1 w 5745
and 61 w 5748
end 14 w 5751
with 14 w 5755
it 93 w 5757
not 20 w 5762
affording 1 w 5771
them 12 w 5775
the 119 w 5778
liberty 1 w 5785
of 45 w 5787
coachmen 1 w 5795
and 62 w 5798
pilots 1 w 5804
but 7 w 5808
nailing 1 w 5815
them 13 w 5819
down 5 w 5823
to 52 w 5825
their 7 w 5830
bases 1 w 5835
like 5 w 5839
statues 1 w 5846
and 63 w 5849
images 1 w 5855
For 11 w 5859
they 4 w 5863
enclose 1 w 5870
the 123 w 5873
Gods 3 w 5877
within 6 w 5883
matter 4 w 5889
and 64 w 5893
that 30 w 5897
in 143 w 5899
so 14 w 5901
strict 1 w 5907
a 444 w 5908
manner 1 w 5914
as 29 w 5916
makes 1 w 5921
them 14 w 5925
liable 1 w 5931
to 53 w 5933
all 27 w 5936
the 125 w 5939
changes 3 w 5946
alterations 1 w 5958
and 65 w 5962
decays 1 w 5968
of 46 w 5970
it 95 w 5972
It 1 w 5975
is 64 w 5977
certainly 2 w 5986
more 7 w 5990
agreeable 1 w 5999
to 54 w 6001
the 126 w 6004
nature 3 w 6010
of 47 w 6012
the 127 w 6015
Gods 4 w 6019
to 55 w 6021
say 5 w 6024
that 31 w 6028
they 5 w 6032
are 10 w 6035
wholly 1 w 6041
at 72 w 6043
liberty 2 w 6050
like 6 w 6055
Castor 1 w 6061
and 66 w 6064
Pollux 1 w 6070
ready 2 w 6076
to 57 w 6078
succor 1 w 6084
such 3 w 6088
as 31 w 6090
are 11 w 6093
overtaken 1 w 6102
by 7 w 6104
bad 1 w 6107
weather 1 w 6114
at 74 w 6116
sea 3 w 6119
for 11 w 6123
when 5 w 6127
they 6 w 6131
appear 3 w 6137
the 131 w 6141
winds 1 w 6146
cease 1 w 6151
and 67 w 6154
the 132 w 6157
waves 1 w 6162
are 12 w 6165
calmed 1 w 6171
Not 1 w 6175
that 32 w 6179
they 7 w 6183
navigate 1 w 6191
and 68 w 6194
are 13 w 6197
partakers 1 w 6206
of 48 w 6208
the 134 w 6211
same 6 w 6215
peril 1 w 6220
but 8 w 6224
they 8 w 6228
only 1 w 6232
appear 4 w 6238
in 146 w 6240
the 136 w 6243
sky 2 w 6246
and 69 w 6250
the 137 w 6253
danger 1 w 6259
is 65 w 6261
over 6 w 6265
Thus 1 w 6270
do 13 w 6272
the 138 w 6275
Gods 5 w 6279
visit 1 w 6284
each 13 w 6288
world 20 w 6293
and 70 w 6297
rule 1 w 6301
and 71 w 6304
provide 3 w 6311
for 12 w 6314
all 28 w 6317
things 4 w 6323
in 148 w 6325
them 15 w 6329
Jupiter 5 w 6337
in 149 w 6339
Homer 1 w 6344
cast 1 w 6348
not 21 w 6351
his 18 w 6354
eyes 1 w 6358
far 2 w 6361
from 13 w 6365
the 140 w 6368
city 1 w 6372
of 49 w 6374
Troy 1 w 6378
into 2 w 6382
Thrace 1 w 6388
and 72 w 6392
to 59 w 6394
the 141 w 6397
nomad 1 w 6402
Scythians 1 w 6411
along 1 w 6416
the 142 w 6419
river 1 w 6424
Ister 1 w 6429
but 9 w 6433
the 143 w 6436
true 1 w 6440
Jupiter 6 w 6447
has 4 w 6450
several 7 w 6457
seemly 1 w 6463
and 73 w 6466
agreeable 2 w 6475
passages 1 w 6483
for 13 w 6486
his 19 w 6489
majesty 1 w 6496
from 14 w 6500
one 12 w 6503
world 21 w 6508
into 3 w 6512
another 6 w 6519
not 23 w 6523
looking 1 w 6530
into 4 w 6534
the 145 w 6537
infinite 4 w 6545
vacuum 6 w 6551
without 6 w 6558
nor 6 w 6562
regarding 1 w 6571
himself 2 w 6578
and 74 w 6581
nothing 2 w 6588
else 1 w 6592
as 36 w 6595
some 4 w 6599
have 6 w 6603
imagined 1 w 6611
but 10 w 6615
weighing 1 w 6623
the 146 w 6626
deeds 1 w 6631
of 50 w 6633
Gods 6 w 6637
and 75 w 6640
men 4 w 6643
and 76 w 6647
the 147 w 6650
motions 6 w 6657
and 77 w 6660
revolutions 2 w 6671
of 51 w 6673
the 148 w 6676
stars 1 w 6681
For 12 w 6685
the 149 w 6688
Divinity 1 w 6696
does 4 w 6700
not 25 w 6703
hate 2 w 6707
variety 1 w 6714
and 78 w 6717
changes 4 w 6724
but 11 w 6728
takes 1 w 6733
great 1 w 6738
pleasure 1 w 6746
in 161 w 6748
them 16 w 6752
as 38 w 6755
one 13 w 6758
may 4 w 6761
conjecture 1 w 6771
by 8 w 6773
the 151 w 6776
circuits 1 w 6784
conversions 1 w 6796
and 79 w 6800
mutations 1 w 6809
observable 1 w 6819
in 162 w 6821
the 152 w 6824
heavens 1 w 6831
And 5 w 6835
therefore 1 w 6844
I 4 w 6845
conclude 1 w 6853
that 33 w 6857
the 154 w 6860
infinite 5 w 6868
number 1 w 6874
of 52 w 6876
worlds 10 w 6882
is 69 w 6884
a 536 w 6885
chimera 1 w 6892
which 19 w 6898
has 5 w 6901
not 26 w 6904
the 155 w 6907
least 1 w 6912
probability 2 w 6923
of 53 w 6925
truth 2 w 6930
and 80 w 6934
which 20 w 6939
cannot 4 w 6945
by 9 w 6947
any 10 w 6950
means 1 w 6955
admit 4 w 6960
of 54 w 6962
any 11 w 6965
God 8 w 6968
but 12 w 6972
must 8 w 6976
be 35 w 6978
wholly 2 w 6984
guided 1 w 6990
by 10 w 6992
chance 1 w 6998
and 81 w 7001
fortune 1 w 7008
Whereas 2 w 7016
the 156 w 7019
government 1 w 7029
and 82 w 7032
providence 3 w 7042
of 55 w 7044
a 551 w 7045
certain 5 w 7052
definite 1 w 7060
number 2 w 7066
of 56 w 7068
worlds 11 w 7074
has 6 w 7077
nothing 3 w 7084
in 168 w 7086
it 108 w 7088
that 34 w 7092
seems 1 w 7097
more 8 w 7101
laborious 1 w 7110
and 83 w 7113
unworthy 1 w 7121
than 4 w 7125
that 35 w 7129
which 21 w 7134
is 70 w 7136
employed 1 w 7144
in 169 w 7146
the 157 w 7149
direction 1 w 7158
of 57 w 7160
one 14 w 7163
alone 2 w 7168
which 22 w 7174
is 71 w 7176
transformed 1 w 7187
renewed 1 w 7195
and 84 w 7199
reformed 1 w 7207
an 146 w 7209
infinite 6 w 7217
number 3 w 7223
of 58 w 7225
times 1 w 7230