Scaife ATLAS

CTS Library / The Obsolesence of Oracles

The Obsolesence of Oracles (50-52)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '50', 'human_reference': 'Section 50'}, 'end': {'reference': '52', 'human_reference': 'Section 52'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

I think, then, that the exhalation is not in the same state all the time, but that it has recurrent periods of weakness and strength. Of the proof on which I depend I have as witnesses many foreigners and all the officials and servants at the shrine. It is a fact that the room in which they seat those who would consult the god is filled, not frequently or with any regularity, but as it may chance from time to time, with a delightful fragrance coming on a current of air which bears it towards the worshippers, as if its source were in the holy of holies; and it is like the odour which the most exquisite and costly perfumes send forth. It is likely that this efflorescence is produced by warmth or some other force engendered there. If this does not seem credible, you will at least all agree that the prophetic priestess herself is subjected to differing influences, varying from time to time, which affect that, part of her soul with which the spirit of inspiration comes into association, and that she

does not always keep one temperament, like a perfect concord, unchanged on every occasion. For many annoyances and disturbances of which she is conscious, and many more unpereeived, lay hold upon her body and filter into her soul; and whenever she is replete with these, it is better that she should not go there and surrender herself to the control of the god, when she is not completely unhampered (as if she were a musical instrument, well strung and well tuned), but is in a state of emotion and instability. Wine, for example, does not always produce the same state of intoxication in the toper,[*] nor the music of the flute the same state of exaltation in the votary; but the same persons are roused now to less, now to more, extravagant conduct by the Bacchic revels or stimulated by the wine, as the temperament within them becomes different. But especially does the imaginative faculty of the soul seem to be swayed by the alterations in the body, and to change as the body changes, a fact which is clearly shown in dreams; for at one time we find ourselves beset in our dreams by a multitude of visions of all sorts, and at another time again there comes a complete calmness and rest free from all such fancies. We ourselves know of Cleon here from Daulia and that he asserts that in all the many years he has lived he has never had a dream; and among the older men the same thing is told of Thrasymedes of Heraea. The cause of this is the temperament of the body, just as that of persons who are prone to melancholy, at the other extreme, is subject to a multitude of dreams and visions; wherefore they have the repute of possessing the faculty of dreaming straight; for since they turn now to this
and now to that in their imagery, like persons who shoot many arrows, they often manage to hit the mark.

Whenever, then, the imaginative and prophetic faculty is in a state of proper adjustment for attempering itself to the spirit as to a drug, inspiration in those who foretell the future is bound to come; and whenever the conditions are not thus, it is bound not to come, or when it does come to be misleading, abnormal, and confusing, as we know in the case of the priestess who died not so long ago. As it happened, a deputation from abroad had arrhed to consult the oracle. The victim, it is said, remained unmoved and unaffected in any way by the first libations; but the priests, in their eagerness to please, went far beyond their wonted usage, and only after the victim had been subjected to a deluge and nearly drowned did it at last give in. What, then, was the result touching the priestess? She went down into the oracle unwillingly, they say, and halfheartedly; and at her first responses it was at once plain from the harshness of her voice that she was not responding properly; she was like a labouring ship and was filled with a mighty and baleful spirit. Finally she became hysterical and with a frightful shriek rushed towards the exit and threw herself down, with the result that not only the members of the deputation fled, but also the oracle-interpreter Nicander and those holy men that were present. However, after a little, they went in and took her up, still conscious; and she lived on for a few days.

It is for these reasons that they guard the chastity of the priestess, and keep her life free from all

association and contact with strangers, and take the omens before the oracle, thinking that it is clear to the god when she has the temperament and disposition suitable to submit to the inspiration without harm to herself. The power of the spirit does not affect all persons nor the same persons always in the same way, but it only supplies an enkindling and an inception, as has been said, for them that are in a proper state to be affected and to undergo the change. The power comes from the gods and demigods, but, for all that, it is not unfailing nor imperishable nor ageless, lasting into that infinite time by which all things between earth and moon become wearied out, according to our reasoning. And there are some who assert that the things above the moon also do not. abide, but give out as they confront the everlasting and infinite, and undergo continual transmutations and rebirths.

These matters, I added, I urge upon you for your frequent consideration, as well as my own, in the belief that they contain much to which objections might be made, and many suggestions looking to a contrary conclusion, all of which the present occasion does not allow us to follow out. So let them be postponed until another time, and likewise the question which Philip raises about the Sun and Apollo.

I 1 w 1
think 1 w 6
then 1 w 11
that 1 w 16
the 2 w 19
exhalation 1 w 29
is 1 w 31
not 1 w 34
in 2 w 36
the 3 w 39
same 1 w 43
state 1 w 48
all 1 w 51
the 4 w 54
time 1 w 58
but 1 w 62
that 2 w 66
it 1 w 68
has 1 w 71
recurrent 1 w 80
periods 1 w 87
of 1 w 89
weakness 1 w 97
and 1 w 100
strength 1 w 108
Of 1 w 111
the 5 w 114
proof 1 w 119
on 2 w 121
which 1 w 126
I 2 w 127
depend 1 w 133
I 3 w 134
have 1 w 138
as 2 w 140
witnesses 1 w 149
many 1 w 153
foreigners 1 w 163
and 2 w 166
all 2 w 169
the 6 w 172
officials 1 w 181
and 3 w 184
servants 1 w 192
at 5 w 194
the 7 w 197
shrine 1 w 203
It 1 w 206
is 2 w 208
a 20 w 209
fact 1 w 213
that 3 w 217
the 8 w 220
room 1 w 224
in 4 w 226
which 2 w 231
they 1 w 235
seat 1 w 239
those 1 w 244
who 1 w 247
would 1 w 252
consult 1 w 259
the 10 w 262
god 1 w 265
is 3 w 267
filled 1 w 273
not 2 w 277
frequently 1 w 287
or 2 w 289
with 1 w 293
any 2 w 296
regularity 1 w 306
but 2 w 310
as 3 w 312
it 5 w 314
may 1 w 317
chance 1 w 323
from 1 w 327
time 2 w 331
to 1 w 333
time 3 w 337
with 2 w 342
a 29 w 343
delightful 1 w 353
fragrance 1 w 362
coming 1 w 368
on 4 w 370
a 32 w 371
current 2 w 378
of 4 w 380
air 1 w 383
which 3 w 388
bears 1 w 393
it 7 w 395
towards 1 w 402
the 11 w 405
worshippers 1 w 416
as 4 w 419
if 1 w 421
its 1 w 424
source 1 w 430
were 1 w 434
in 6 w 436
the 12 w 439
holy 1 w 443
of 5 w 445
holies 1 w 451
and 4 w 455
it 9 w 457
is 4 w 459
like 1 w 463
the 13 w 466
odour 1 w 471
which 4 w 476
the 14 w 479
most 1 w 483
exquisite 1 w 492
and 5 w 495
costly 1 w 501
perfumes 1 w 509
send 1 w 513
forth 1 w 518
It 2 w 521
is 6 w 523
likely 1 w 529
that 4 w 533
this 1 w 537
efflorescence 1 w 550
is 8 w 552
produced 1 w 560
by 1 w 562
warmth 1 w 568
or 6 w 570
some 1 w 574
other 1 w 579
force 1 w 584
engendered 1 w 594
there 1 w 599
If 1 w 602
this 2 w 606
does 1 w 610
not 3 w 613
seem 1 w 617
credible 1 w 625
you 1 w 629
will 1 w 633
at 9 w 635
least 1 w 640
all 3 w 643
agree 1 w 648
that 5 w 652
the 17 w 655
prophetic 1 w 664
priestess 1 w 673
herself 1 w 680
is 10 w 682
subjected 1 w 691
to 3 w 693
differing 1 w 702
influences 1 w 712
varying 1 w 720
from 2 w 724
time 4 w 728
to 4 w 730
time 5 w 734
which 5 w 740
affect 1 w 746
that 6 w 750
part 1 w 755
of 6 w 757
her 4 w 760
soul 1 w 764
with 3 w 768
which 6 w 773
the 18 w 776
spirit 1 w 782
of 7 w 784
inspiration 1 w 795
comes 1 w 800
into 1 w 804
association 1 w 815
and 6 w 819
that 7 w 823
she 1 w 826
does 2 w 830
not 4 w 833
always 1 w 839
keep 1 w 843
one 1 w 846
temperament 1 w 857
like 3 w 862
a 58 w 863
perfect 1 w 870
concord 1 w 877
unchanged 1 w 887
on 9 w 889
every 1 w 894
occasion 1 w 902
For 1 w 906
many 2 w 910
annoyances 1 w 920
and 7 w 923
disturbances 1 w 935
of 8 w 937
which 7 w 942
she 2 w 945
is 12 w 947
conscious 1 w 956
and 8 w 960
many 3 w 964
more 1 w 968
unpereeived 1 w 979
lay 1 w 983
hold 1 w 987
upon 1 w 991
her 5 w 994
body 1 w 998
and 9 w 1001
filter 1 w 1007
into 2 w 1011
her 6 w 1014
soul 2 w 1018
and 10 w 1022
whenever 1 w 1030
she 3 w 1033
is 13 w 1035
replete 1 w 1042
with 4 w 1046
these 1 w 1051
it 14 w 1054
is 14 w 1056
better 1 w 1062
that 8 w 1066
she 4 w 1069
should 1 w 1075
not 5 w 1078
go 2 w 1080
there 2 w 1085
and 11 w 1088
surrender 1 w 1097
herself 2 w 1104
to 7 w 1106
the 21 w 1109
control 1 w 1116
of 9 w 1118
the 22 w 1121
god 2 w 1124
when 2 w 1129
she 5 w 1132
is 15 w 1134
not 6 w 1137
completely 1 w 1147
unhampered 1 w 1157
as 8 w 1160
if 3 w 1162
she 6 w 1165
were 2 w 1169
a 75 w 1170
musical 1 w 1177
instrument 1 w 1187
well 1 w 1192
strung 1 w 1198
and 12 w 1201
well 2 w 1205
tuned 1 w 1210
but 3 w 1215
is 16 w 1217
in 14 w 1219
a 78 w 1220
state 2 w 1225
of 10 w 1227
emotion 1 w 1234
and 13 w 1237
instability 1 w 1248
Wine 1 w 1253
for 4 w 1257
example 1 w 1264
does 3 w 1269
not 7 w 1272
always 2 w 1278
produce 2 w 1285
the 23 w 1288
same 2 w 1292
state 3 w 1297
of 11 w 1299
intoxication 1 w 1311
in 18 w 1313
the 24 w 1316
toper 1 w 1321
Cf 1 w 1324
406 1 w 1328
b 12 w 1329
supra 1 w 1335
nor 1 w 1339
the 25 w 1342
music 2 w 1347
of 12 w 1349
the 26 w 1352
flute 1 w 1357
the 27 w 1360
same 3 w 1364
state 4 w 1369
of 13 w 1371
exaltation 1 w 1381
in 19 w 1383
the 28 w 1386
votary 1 w 1392
but 4 w 1396
the 29 w 1399
same 4 w 1403
persons 1 w 1410
are 1 w 1413
roused 1 w 1419
now 1 w 1422
to 10 w 1424
less 1 w 1428
now 2 w 1432
to 11 w 1434
more 2 w 1438
extravagant 1 w 1450
conduct 1 w 1457
by 2 w 1459
the 30 w 1462
Bacchic 1 w 1469
revels 1 w 1475
or 14 w 1477
stimulated 1 w 1487
by 3 w 1489
the 31 w 1492
wine 1 w 1496
as 9 w 1499
the 32 w 1502
temperament 2 w 1513
within 1 w 1519
them 1 w 1523
becomes 1 w 1530
different 1 w 1539
But 1 w 1543
especially 1 w 1553
does 4 w 1557
the 34 w 1560
imaginative 1 w 1571
faculty 1 w 1578
of 14 w 1580
the 35 w 1583
soul 3 w 1587
seem 2 w 1591
to 12 w 1593
be 4 w 1595
swayed 1 w 1601
by 4 w 1603
the 36 w 1606
alterations 1 w 1617
in 23 w 1619
the 37 w 1622
body 2 w 1626
and 14 w 1630
to 13 w 1632
change 2 w 1638
as 10 w 1640
the 38 w 1643
body 3 w 1647
changes 1 w 1654
a 114 w 1656
fact 2 w 1660
which 8 w 1665
is 17 w 1667
clearly 1 w 1674
shown 1 w 1679
in 24 w 1681
dreams 1 w 1687
for 5 w 1691
at 24 w 1693
one 2 w 1696
time 6 w 1700
we 6 w 1702
find 1 w 1706
ourselves 1 w 1715
beset 1 w 1720
in 26 w 1722
our 4 w 1725
dreams 2 w 1731
by 5 w 1733
a 120 w 1734
multitude 1 w 1743
of 15 w 1745
visions 1 w 1752
of 16 w 1754
all 5 w 1757
sorts 1 w 1762
and 15 w 1766
at 25 w 1768
another 1 w 1775
time 7 w 1779
again 1 w 1784
there 3 w 1789
comes 3 w 1794
a 127 w 1795
complete 2 w 1803
calmness 1 w 1811
and 16 w 1814
rest 1 w 1818
free 1 w 1822
from 3 w 1826
all 6 w 1829
such 1 w 1833
fancies 1 w 1840
We 1 w 1843
ourselves 2 w 1852
know 1 w 1856
of 17 w 1858
Cleon 1 w 1863
here 4 w 1867
from 4 w 1871
Daulia 1 w 1877
and 17 w 1880
that 9 w 1884
he 56 w 1886
asserts 1 w 1893
that 10 w 1897
in 28 w 1899
all 7 w 1902
the 41 w 1905
many 4 w 1909
years 1 w 1914
he 58 w 1916
has 2 w 1919
lived 1 w 1924
he 59 w 1926
has 3 w 1929
never 2 w 1934
had 1 w 1937
a 144 w 1938
dream 3 w 1943
and 18 w 1947
among 1 w 1952
the 42 w 1955
older 1 w 1960
men 4 w 1963
the 43 w 1966
same 5 w 1970
thing 1 w 1975
is 19 w 1977
told 1 w 1981
of 18 w 1983
Thrasymedes 1 w 1994
of 19 w 1996
Heraea 1 w 2002
The 1 w 2006
cause 1 w 2011
of 20 w 2013
this 3 w 2017
is 21 w 2019
the 44 w 2022
temperament 3 w 2033
of 21 w 2035
the 45 w 2038
body 4 w 2042
just 1 w 2047
as 15 w 2049
that 11 w 2053
of 22 w 2055
persons 2 w 2062
who 2 w 2065
are 2 w 2068
prone 1 w 2073
to 15 w 2075
melancholy 1 w 2085
at 29 w 2088
the 46 w 2091
other 3 w 2096
extreme 1 w 2103
is 22 w 2106
subject 2 w 2113
to 16 w 2115
a 159 w 2116
multitude 2 w 2125
of 23 w 2127
dreams 3 w 2133
and 19 w 2136
visions 2 w 2143
wherefore 1 w 2153
they 2 w 2157
have 2 w 2161
the 49 w 2164
repute 1 w 2170
of 24 w 2172
possessing 1 w 2182
the 50 w 2185
faculty 2 w 2192
of 25 w 2194
dreaming 1 w 2202
straight 1 w 2210
for 7 w 2214
since 1 w 2219
they 3 w 2223
turn 1 w 2227
now 4 w 2230
to 17 w 2232
this 4 w 2236
and 20 w 2239
now 5 w 2242
to 18 w 2244
that 12 w 2248
in 33 w 2250
their 1 w 2255
imagery 1 w 2262
like 4 w 2267
persons 3 w 2274
who 3 w 2277
shoot 1 w 2282
many 5 w 2286
arrows 1 w 2292
they 4 w 2297
often 1 w 2302
manage 1 w 2308
to 19 w 2310
hit 1 w 2313
the 54 w 2316
mark 1 w 2320
Whenever 1 w 2329
then 2 w 2334
the 56 w 2338
imaginative 2 w 2349
and 21 w 2352
prophetic 2 w 2361
faculty 3 w 2368
is 25 w 2370
in 35 w 2372
a 178 w 2373
state 5 w 2378
of 27 w 2380
proper 1 w 2386
adjustment 1 w 2396
for 8 w 2399
attempering 1 w 2410
itself 1 w 2416
to 20 w 2418
the 57 w 2421
spirit 2 w 2427
as 16 w 2429
to 21 w 2431
a 183 w 2432
drug 1 w 2436
inspiration 2 w 2448
in 38 w 2450
those 2 w 2455
who 4 w 2458
foretell 1 w 2466
the 58 w 2469
future 1 w 2475
is 26 w 2477
bound 1 w 2482
to 22 w 2484
come 4 w 2488
and 22 w 2492
whenever 2 w 2500
the 59 w 2503
conditions 1 w 2513
are 3 w 2516
not 9 w 2519
thus 1 w 2523
it 23 w 2526
is 27 w 2528
bound 2 w 2533
not 10 w 2536
to 23 w 2538
come 5 w 2542
or 21 w 2545
when 4 w 2549
it 24 w 2551
does 5 w 2555
come 6 w 2559
to 24 w 2561
be 6 w 2563
misleading 1 w 2573
abnormal 1 w 2582
and 23 w 2586
confusing 1 w 2595
as 17 w 2598
we 7 w 2600
know 2 w 2604
in 41 w 2606
the 60 w 2609
case 1 w 2613
of 28 w 2615
the 61 w 2618
priestess 2 w 2627
who 5 w 2630
died 1 w 2634
not 11 w 2637
so 11 w 2639
long 1 w 2643
ago 1 w 2646
As 1 w 2649
it 25 w 2651
happened 1 w 2659
a 195 w 2661
deputation 1 w 2671
from 5 w 2675
abroad 1 w 2681
had 2 w 2684
arrhed 1 w 2690
to 25 w 2692
consult 2 w 2699
the 62 w 2702
oracle 1 w 2708
The 2 w 2712
victim 1 w 2718
it 26 w 2721
is 29 w 2723
said 1 w 2727
remained 1 w 2736
unmoved 1 w 2743
and 24 w 2746
unaffected 1 w 2756
in 43 w 2758
any 7 w 2761
way 4 w 2764
by 6 w 2766
the 63 w 2769
first 1 w 2774
libations 1 w 2783
but 5 w 2787
the 64 w 2790
priests 1 w 2797
in 44 w 2800
their 2 w 2805
eagerness 1 w 2814
to 26 w 2816
please 1 w 2822
went 1 w 2827
far 1 w 2830
beyond 1 w 2836
their 3 w 2841
wonted 1 w 2847
usage 1 w 2852
and 25 w 2856
only 1 w 2860
after 1 w 2865
the 67 w 2868
victim 2 w 2874
had 3 w 2877
been 1 w 2881
subjected 2 w 2890
to 27 w 2892
a 216 w 2893
deluge 1 w 2899
and 26 w 2902
nearly 1 w 2908
drowned 1 w 2915
did 1 w 2918
it 27 w 2920
at 37 w 2922
last 1 w 2926
give 1 w 2930
in 45 w 2932
What 1 w 2937
then 3 w 2942
was 1 w 2946
the 69 w 2949
result 1 w 2955
touching 1 w 2963
the 70 w 2966
priestess 3 w 2975
She 1 w 2979
went 2 w 2983
down 1 w 2987
into 4 w 2991
the 71 w 2994
oracle 2 w 3000
unwillingly 1 w 3011
they 5 w 3016
say 1 w 3019
and 27 w 3023
halfheartedly 1 w 3036
and 28 w 3040
at 39 w 3042
her 14 w 3045
first 2 w 3050
responses 1 w 3059
it 28 w 3061
was 2 w 3064
at 40 w 3066
once 1 w 3070
plain 1 w 3075
from 6 w 3079
the 73 w 3082
harshness 1 w 3091
of 29 w 3093
her 15 w 3096
voice 1 w 3101
that 13 w 3105
she 7 w 3108
was 3 w 3111
not 12 w 3114
responding 1 w 3124
properly 1 w 3132
she 8 w 3136
was 4 w 3139
like 5 w 3143
a 237 w 3144
labouring 1 w 3153
ship 2 w 3157
and 29 w 3160
was 5 w 3163
filled 2 w 3169
with 6 w 3173
a 241 w 3174
mighty 1 w 3180
and 30 w 3183
baleful 1 w 3190
spirit 3 w 3196
Finally 1 w 3204
she 9 w 3207
became 1 w 3213
hysterical 1 w 3223
and 31 w 3226
with 7 w 3230
a 248 w 3231
frightful 1 w 3240
shriek 1 w 3246
rushed 1 w 3252
towards 2 w 3259
the 74 w 3262
exit 1 w 3266
and 32 w 3269
threw 1 w 3274
herself 3 w 3281
down 2 w 3285
with 8 w 3290
the 75 w 3293
result 2 w 3299
that 14 w 3303
not 13 w 3306
only 2 w 3310
the 76 w 3313
members 1 w 3320
of 30 w 3322
the 77 w 3325
deputation 2 w 3335
fled 1 w 3339
but 6 w 3343
also 1 w 3347
the 78 w 3350
oracle-interpreter 1 w 3368
Nicander 1 w 3376
and 34 w 3379
those 3 w 3384
holy 3 w 3388
men 7 w 3391
that 15 w 3395
were 3 w 3399
present 1 w 3406
However 1 w 3414
after 2 w 3420
a 259 w 3421
little 1 w 3427
they 6 w 3432
went 3 w 3436
in 54 w 3438
and 35 w 3441
took 1 w 3445
her 17 w 3448
up 3 w 3450
still 1 w 3456
conscious 2 w 3465
and 36 w 3469
she 11 w 3472
lived 2 w 3477
on 45 w 3479
for 10 w 3482
a 262 w 3483
few 1 w 3486
days 1 w 3490
It 3 w 3493
is 30 w 3495
for 11 w 3498
these 2 w 3503
reasons 1 w 3510
that 16 w 3514
they 7 w 3518
guard 1 w 3523
the 82 w 3526
chastity 1 w 3534
of 31 w 3536
the 83 w 3539
priestess 4 w 3548
and 37 w 3552
keep 2 w 3556
her 18 w 3559
life 1 w 3563
free 2 w 3567
from 7 w 3571
all 9 w 3574
association 2 w 3585
and 38 w 3588
contact 1 w 3595
with 9 w 3599
strangers 1 w 3608
and 39 w 3612
take 1 w 3616
the 84 w 3619
omens 1 w 3624
before 1 w 3630
the 85 w 3633
oracle 4 w 3639
thinking 1 w 3648
that 17 w 3652
it 37 w 3654
is 31 w 3656
clear 2 w 3661
to 32 w 3663
the 86 w 3666
god 3 w 3669
when 5 w 3673
she 12 w 3676
has 5 w 3679
the 87 w 3682
temperament 4 w 3693
and 40 w 3696
disposition 1 w 3707
suitable 1 w 3715
to 33 w 3717
submit 1 w 3723
to 34 w 3725
the 88 w 3728
inspiration 3 w 3739
without 1 w 3746
harm 1 w 3750
to 35 w 3752
herself 4 w 3759
The 3 w 3763
power 1 w 3768
of 32 w 3770
the 89 w 3773
spirit 4 w 3779
does 6 w 3783
not 14 w 3786
affect 3 w 3792
all 10 w 3795
persons 4 w 3802
nor 3 w 3805
the 90 w 3808
same 6 w 3812
persons 5 w 3819
always 3 w 3825
in 58 w 3827
the 91 w 3830
same 7 w 3834
way 6 w 3837
but 7 w 3841
it 43 w 3843
only 3 w 3847
supplies 1 w 3855
an 63 w 3857
enkindling 1 w 3867
and 41 w 3870
an 65 w 3872
inception 1 w 3881
as 30 w 3884
has 6 w 3887
been 2 w 3891
said 2 w 3895
for 13 w 3899
them 2 w 3903
that 18 w 3907
are 4 w 3910
in 62 w 3912
a 301 w 3913
proper 3 w 3919
state 6 w 3924
to 36 w 3926
be 13 w 3928
affected 2 w 3936
and 42 w 3939
to 37 w 3941
undergo 1 w 3948
the 93 w 3951
change 4 w 3957
The 4 w 3961
power 2 w 3966
comes 4 w 3971
from 8 w 3975
the 94 w 3978
gods 1 w 3982
and 43 w 3985
demigods 1 w 3993
but 8 w 3997
for 14 w 4001
all 11 w 4004
that 19 w 4008
it 44 w 4011
is 33 w 4013
not 15 w 4016
unfailing 1 w 4025
nor 4 w 4028
imperishable 1 w 4040
nor 5 w 4043
ageless 1 w 4050
lasting 1 w 4058
into 5 w 4062
that 20 w 4066
infinite 1 w 4074
time 8 w 4078
by 7 w 4080
which 9 w 4085
all 12 w 4088
things 1 w 4094
between 1 w 4101
earth 1 w 4106
and 44 w 4109
moon 1 w 4113
become 2 w 4119
wearied 1 w 4126
out 2 w 4129
according 1 w 4139
to 39 w 4141
our 7 w 4144
reasoning 1 w 4153
And 1 w 4157
there 4 w 4162
are 5 w 4165
some 2 w 4169
who 6 w 4172
assert 2 w 4178
that 21 w 4182
the 96 w 4185
things 2 w 4191
above 1 w 4196
the 97 w 4199
moon 2 w 4203
also 2 w 4207
do 10 w 4209
not 16 w 4212
abide 1 w 4218
but 9 w 4222
give 2 w 4226
out 3 w 4229
as 35 w 4231
they 8 w 4235
confront 1 w 4243
the 99 w 4246
everlasting 1 w 4257
and 45 w 4260
infinite 2 w 4268
and 46 w 4272
undergo 2 w 4279
continual 1 w 4288
transmutations 1 w 4302
and 47 w 4305
rebirths 1 w 4313
These 1 w 4319
matters 1 w 4326
I 8 w 4328
added 1 w 4333
I 9 w 4335
urge 1 w 4339
upon 2 w 4343
you 2 w 4346
for 15 w 4349
your 1 w 4353
frequent 2 w 4361
consideration 1 w 4374
as 37 w 4377
well 3 w 4381
as 38 w 4383
my 1 w 4385
own 5 w 4388
in 76 w 4391
the 100 w 4394
belief 1 w 4400
that 22 w 4404
they 9 w 4408
contain 1 w 4415
much 1 w 4419
to 40 w 4421
which 10 w 4426
objections 1 w 4436
might 2 w 4441
be 17 w 4443
made 1 w 4447
and 48 w 4451
many 6 w 4455
suggestions 1 w 4466
looking 1 w 4473
to 41 w 4475
a 344 w 4476
contrary 1 w 4484
conclusion 1 w 4494
all 13 w 4498
of 33 w 4500
which 11 w 4505
the 102 w 4508
present 2 w 4515
occasion 2 w 4523
does 7 w 4527
not 17 w 4530
allow 1 w 4535
us 14 w 4537
to 42 w 4539
follow 1 w 4545
out 4 w 4548
So 1 w 4551
let 4 w 4554
them 3 w 4558
be 18 w 4560
postponed 1 w 4569
until 1 w 4574
another 2 w 4581
time 9 w 4585
and 49 w 4589
likewise 1 w 4597
the 105 w 4600
question 1 w 4608
which 12 w 4613
Philip 1 w 4619
raises 1 w 4625
about 1 w 4630
the 106 w 4633
Sun 1 w 4636
and 50 w 4639
Apollo 1 w 4645