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CTS Library / The Obsolesence of Oracles

The Obsolesence of Oracles (45-49)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '45', 'human_reference': 'Section 45'}, 'end': {'reference': '49', 'human_reference': 'Section 49'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

I do not know, said Demetrius, the state of affairs there at present; for as you all know, I have been out of the country for a long time now. But, when I was there, both the oracle of Mopsus and that of Amphilochus were still flourishing. I have a most amazing thing to tell as the result of my visit to the oracle of Mopsus. The ruler of Cilicia was himself still of two minds towards religious matters. This, I think, was because his scepticism lacked conviction, for in all else he was an arrogant and contemptible man. Since he kept about him certain Epicureans, who, because of their admirable naturestudies, forsooth, have an arrogant contempt, as they themselves aver,[*] for all such things as oracles, he sent in a freedman, like a spy into the enemys territory, arranging that he should have a sealed tablet, on the inside of which was written the inquiry without anyones knowing what it was. The man accordingly, as is the custom, passed the night in the sacred precinct and went to sleep, and in the morning reported a dream in this fashion: it seemed to him that a handsome man stood beside him who uttered just one word Black and nothing more, and was gone immediately. The thing seemed passing strange to us, and raised much inquiry, but the ruler was astounded and fell down and worshipped; then opening the tablet he showed written there the question: Shall I sacrifice to you a white bull or a black? The result was that the Epicureans were put to confusion, and the ruler himself not only duly performed the sacrifice, but ever after revered Mopsus.

When Demetrius had told this tale he lapsed into silence. But I, wishing to crown, as it were,

the discussion, glanced again towards Philip and Ammonius who were sitting side by side. They seemed to me to be desirous of saying something to us, and again I checked myself. Then Ammonius said, Philip also has some remarks to make, Lamprias, about what has been said; for he himself thinks, as most people do, that Apollo is not a different god, but is the same as the sun.[*] But my difficulty is greater and concerns greater matters. I do not know how it happened, but a little time ago we yielded to logic in wresting the prophetic art from the gods and transferring it merely to the demigods. But now it seems to me that we are thrusting out these very demigods, in their turn, and driving them away from the oracle and the tripod here, when we resolve the origin of prophecy, or rather its very being and power, into winds and vapours and exhalations. For these temperings and heatings and hardenings that have been spoken of serve only the more to withdraw repute from the gods and suggest in regard to the final cause some such conclusion as Euripides[*] makes his Cyclops employ:
The earth perforce, whether it will or no,
Brings forth the grass to fat my grazing flocks.
But there is one difference: he says that he does not offer them in sacrifice to the gods, but to himself and to his belly, greatest of divinities, whereas we offer both sacrifices and prayers as the price for our oracles. What possesses us to do so, if our souls carry within themselves the prophetic power, and it is some particular state of the air or its currents which stirs this to activity? And what is the significance of the
libations poured over the victims and the refusal to give responses unless the whole victim from the hoofjoints up is seized with a trembling and quivering, as the libation is poured over it? Shaking the head is not enough, as in other sacrifices, but the tossing and quivering must extend to all parts of the animal alike accompanied by a tremulous sound; and unless this takes place they say that the oracle is not functioning, and do not even bring in the prophetic priestess. Yet it is only on the assumption that they ascribe the cause almost entirely to a god or a demigod that it is reasonable for them to act and to believe thus; but on the basis of what you say it is not reasonable. For the presence of the exhalation, whether the victim be excited or not, will produce the inspiration and will dispose the soul auspiciously, not only the soul of the priestess, but that of any ordinary person with whom it may come into contact. Wherefore it is silly to employ one woman alone for the purpose of the oracles and to give her trouble by watching her to keep her pure and chaste all her life. As a matter of fact, this Coretas, who the people of Delphi say was the first, because he fell in, to supply any means of knowing about the power with which the place is endowed, was not, I think, any different from the rest of the goatherds and shepherds, if so be that this is not a fable or a fabrication as I, for one, think it is. When I take into account the number of benefactions to the Greeks for which this oracle has been responsible, both in wars and in the founding of cities, in cases of pestilence and failure of crops, I think it is a dreadful thing to assign its discovery and origin, not to God and Providence, but to chance and accident. But regarding
these matters, he added, I wish that Lamprias would say something to us. Will you wait?

Certainly I will, said Philip, and so will all who are here. For what you have said has set us all thinking.

Then I, addressing myself to him, said, Not only has it set me thinking, Philip, but it has filled me with confusion, if, in the presence of so many men such as you all are, I seem, in contradiction to my years, to give myself airs over the plausibility of my argument and to upset or disturb any of the beliefs regarding the Deity which have been conceived in truth and in piety. I shall defend myself by citing Plato as my witness and advocate in one. That philosopher[*] found fault with Anaxagoras, the one of early times, because he was too much wrapped up in the physical causes and was always following up and pursuing the law of necessity as it was worked out in the behaviour of bodies, and left out of account the purpose and the agent, which are better causes and origins. Plato himself was the first of the philosophers, or the one most prominently engaged in prosecuting investigations of both sorts, to assign to God, on the one hand, the origin of all things that are in keeping with reason, and on the other hand, not to divest matter of the causes necessary for whatever comes into being, but to realize that the perceptible universe, even when arranged in some such orderly way as this, is not pure and unalloyed, but that it takes its origin from matter when matter comes into conjunction with reason. Observe first how it is with the artists. Take as our first example the far-famed stand and base for the mixing-bowl here which

Herodotus[*] has styled the bowl-holder; it came to have as its material causes fire and steel and softening by means of fire and tempering by means of water, without which there is no expedient by which this work could be produced; but art and reason supplied for it the more dominant principle which set all these in motion and operated through them. And, indeed, the author and creator of these likenesses and portraits here stands recorded in the inscription[*]:
Thasian by race and descent, Aglaophons son Polygnotus
Painted the taking of Troy, showing her citadels sack;
so that it may be seen that he painted them. But without pigments ground together, losing their own colour in the process, nothing could achieve such a composition and sight. Does he, then, who is desirous of getting hold of the material cause, as he investigates and explains the behaviour of the red earth of Sinopê and the changes to which it is subject when mixed with yellow ochre, or of the light-coloured earth of Melos when mixed with lamp-black, take away the repute of the artist? And he that goes into the details of the hardening and the softening of steel, how it is relaxed by the fire, and becomes pliant and yielding for those who forge and fashion it, and then, plunged anew into clear water, is contracted and compacted by the coldness because of the softness and looseness of texture previously engendered
by the fire, and acquires a tenseness and firmness which Homer[*] has called the brawn of steel does such an investigator any the less preserve intact for the artist the credit for the creation of the work? I think not. In fact there are some who question the properties of medicinal agents, but they do not do away with medical science. And thus when Plato[*] declared that we see by the commingling of the irradiation from our eyes with the light of the sun, and that we hear by the vibration of the air, he certainly did not mean by this to abrogate the fundamenta! fact that it is according to the design of Reason and Providence that we have been endowed with sight and hearing.

To sum up, then: while every form of creation has, as I say, two causes, the very earliest theological writers and poets chose to heed only the superior one, uttering over all things that come to pass this common generality:

Zeus the beginning, Zeus in the midst, and from Zeus comes all being[*];
but as yet they made no approach towards the compelling and natural causes. On the other hand the younger generation which followed them, and are called physicists or natural philosophers, reverse the procedure of the older school in their aberration from the beautiful and divine origin, and ascribe everything to bodies and their behaviour, to clashes, transmutations, and combinations. Hence the reasoning of both parties is deficient in what is essential to it,
since the one ignores or omits the intermediary and the agent, the other the source and the means. He who was the first to comprehend clearly both these points and to take, as a necessary adjunct to the agent that creates and actuates, the underlying matter, which is acted upon, clears us also of all suspicion of wilful misstatement. The fact is that we do not make the prophetic art godless or irrational when we assign to it as its material the soul of a human being, and assign the spirit of inspiration and the exhalation as an instrument or plectrum for playing on it. For, in the first place, the earth, which generates the exhalation, and the sun, which endows the earth with all its power of tempering and transmutation, are, by the usage of our fathers, gods for us. Secondly, if we leave demigods as overseers, watchmen, and guardians of this tempered constitution, as if it were a kind of harmony, slackening here and tightening there on occasion, taking from it its too distracting and disturbing elements and incorporating those that are painless and harmless to the users, we shall not appear to be doing anything irrational or impossible.

Nor again, in offering the preliminary sacrifice to learn the gods will and in putting garlands on victims or pouring libations over them, are we doing anything to contradict this reasoning. For when the priests and holy men say that they are offering sacrifice and pouring the libation over the victim and observing its movements and its trembling, of what else do they take this to be a sign save that the god is in his holy temple? For what is to be offered in sacrifice must, both in body and in soul, be pure, unblemished, and unmarred. Indications regarding the body it is not at all difficult to perceive, but they

test the soul by setting meal before the bulls and peas before the boars; and the animal that does not eat of this they think is not of sound mind. In the case of the goat, they say, cold water gives positive proof; for indifference and immobility against being suddenly wet is not characteristic of a soul in a normal state. But for my part, even if it be firmly established that the trembling is a sign of the gods being in his holy temple and the contrary a sign of his not being there, I cannot see what difficulty in my statements results therefrom. For every faculty duly performs its natural functions better or worse concurrently with some particular time; and if that time escapes our ken, it is only reasonable that the god should give signs of it.

I 1 w 1
do 1 w 3
not 1 w 6
know 1 w 10
said 1 w 15
Demetrius 1 w 24
the 1 w 28
state 1 w 33
of 1 w 35
affairs 1 w 42
there 1 w 47
at 2 w 49
present 1 w 56
for 1 w 60
as 1 w 62
you 1 w 65
all 1 w 68
know 2 w 72
I 2 w 74
have 1 w 78
been 1 w 82
out 1 w 85
of 2 w 87
the 3 w 90
country 1 w 97
for 2 w 100
a 9 w 101
long 1 w 105
time 1 w 109
now 3 w 112
But 1 w 116
when 1 w 121
I 3 w 122
was 1 w 125
there 2 w 130
both 1 w 135
the 5 w 138
oracle 1 w 144
of 3 w 146
Mopsus 1 w 152
and 1 w 155
that 1 w 159
of 4 w 161
Amphilochus 1 w 172
were 1 w 176
still 1 w 181
flourishing 1 w 192
I 4 w 194
have 2 w 198
a 15 w 199
most 1 w 203
amazing 1 w 210
thing 1 w 215
to 1 w 217
tell 1 w 221
as 3 w 223
the 6 w 226
result 1 w 232
of 5 w 234
my 1 w 236
visit 1 w 241
to 2 w 243
the 7 w 246
oracle 2 w 252
of 6 w 254
Mopsus 2 w 260
The 1 w 264
ruler 1 w 269
of 7 w 271
Cilicia 1 w 278
was 2 w 281
himself 1 w 288
still 2 w 293
of 8 w 295
two 1 w 298
minds 1 w 303
towards 1 w 310
religious 1 w 319
matters 1 w 326
This 1 w 331
I 5 w 333
think 1 w 338
was 3 w 342
because 1 w 349
his 2 w 352
scepticism 1 w 362
lacked 1 w 368
conviction 1 w 378
for 3 w 382
in 6 w 384
all 2 w 387
else 1 w 391
he 10 w 393
was 4 w 396
an 2 w 398
arrogant 1 w 406
and 2 w 409
contemptible 1 w 421
man 1 w 424
Since 1 w 430
he 11 w 432
kept 1 w 436
about 1 w 441
him 2 w 444
certain 1 w 451
Epicureans 1 w 461
who 1 w 465
because 2 w 473
of 9 w 475
their 1 w 480
admirable 1 w 489
naturestudies 1 w 502
forsooth 1 w 511
have 3 w 516
an 7 w 518
arrogant 2 w 526
contempt 2 w 534
as 7 w 537
they 1 w 541
themselves 1 w 551
aver 1 w 555
Frag 1 w 560
395 1 w 564
Usener 1 w 570
Diogenes 1 w 579
Laertius 1 w 587
x 1 w 589
135 1 w 593
for 5 w 597
all 3 w 600
such 1 w 604
things 1 w 610
as 8 w 612
oracles 1 w 619
he 15 w 622
sent 2 w 626
in 10 w 628
a 52 w 629
freedman 1 w 637
like 1 w 642
a 54 w 643
spy 1 w 646
into 1 w 650
the 11 w 653
enemy 1 w 658
s 51 w 660
territory 1 w 669
arranging 1 w 679
that 2 w 683
he 17 w 685
should 1 w 691
have 4 w 695
a 59 w 696
sealed 1 w 702
tablet 1 w 708
on 6 w 711
the 12 w 714
inside 1 w 720
of 10 w 722
which 1 w 727
was 5 w 730
written 1 w 737
the 13 w 740
inquiry 1 w 747
without 1 w 754
anyone 1 w 760
s 56 w 762
knowing 1 w 769
what 1 w 773
it 5 w 775
was 6 w 778
The 2 w 782
man 3 w 785
accordingly 1 w 796
as 11 w 799
is 6 w 801
the 14 w 804
custom 1 w 810
passed 1 w 817
the 15 w 820
night 1 w 825
in 17 w 827
the 16 w 830
sacred 1 w 836
precinct 1 w 844
and 3 w 847
went 1 w 851
to 7 w 853
sleep 1 w 858
and 4 w 862
in 19 w 864
the 17 w 867
morning 1 w 874
reported 1 w 882
a 73 w 883
dream 1 w 888
in 21 w 890
this 1 w 894
fashion 1 w 901
it 6 w 904
seemed 1 w 910
to 8 w 912
him 3 w 915
that 3 w 919
a 77 w 920
handsome 1 w 928
man 4 w 931
stood 1 w 936
beside 1 w 942
him 4 w 945
who 2 w 948
uttered 1 w 955
just 1 w 959
one 2 w 962
word 1 w 966
Black 1 w 971
and 6 w 974
nothing 1 w 981
more 1 w 985
and 7 w 989
was 7 w 992
gone 1 w 996
immediately 1 w 1007
The 3 w 1011
thing 4 w 1016
seemed 2 w 1022
passing 1 w 1029
strange 1 w 1036
to 10 w 1038
us 11 w 1040
and 8 w 1044
raised 1 w 1050
much 1 w 1054
inquiry 2 w 1061
but 1 w 1065
the 18 w 1068
ruler 2 w 1073
was 8 w 1076
astounded 1 w 1085
and 9 w 1088
fell 1 w 1092
down 1 w 1096
and 10 w 1099
worshipped 1 w 1109
then 1 w 1114
opening 1 w 1121
the 20 w 1124
tablet 2 w 1130
he 29 w 1132
showed 1 w 1138
written 2 w 1145
there 3 w 1150
the 22 w 1153
question 1 w 1161
Shall 1 w 1167
I 6 w 1168
sacrifice 1 w 1177
to 12 w 1179
you 2 w 1182
a 96 w 1183
white 1 w 1188
bull 1 w 1192
or 16 w 1194
a 97 w 1195
black 1 w 1200
The 4 w 1204
result 2 w 1210
was 9 w 1213
that 4 w 1217
the 23 w 1220
Epicureans 2 w 1230
were 2 w 1234
put 1 w 1237
to 13 w 1239
confusion 1 w 1248
and 11 w 1252
the 24 w 1255
ruler 3 w 1260
himself 2 w 1267
not 3 w 1270
only 1 w 1274
duly 1 w 1278
performed 1 w 1287
the 25 w 1290
sacrifice 2 w 1299
but 2 w 1303
ever 1 w 1307
after 1 w 1312
revered 1 w 1319
Mopsus 3 w 1325
When 1 w 1330
Demetrius 2 w 1339
had 1 w 1342
told 1 w 1346
this 2 w 1350
tale 1 w 1354
he 37 w 1356
lapsed 1 w 1362
into 2 w 1366
silence 1 w 1373
But 2 w 1377
I 7 w 1378
wishing 1 w 1386
to 16 w 1388
crown 1 w 1393
as 19 w 1396
it 9 w 1398
were 3 w 1402
the 26 w 1406
discussion 1 w 1416
glanced 1 w 1424
again 1 w 1429
towards 2 w 1436
Philip 1 w 1442
and 12 w 1445
Ammonius 1 w 1453
who 3 w 1456
were 4 w 1460
sitting 1 w 1467
side 3 w 1471
by 1 w 1473
side 4 w 1477
They 1 w 1482
seemed 3 w 1488
to 18 w 1490
me 10 w 1492
to 19 w 1494
be 5 w 1496
desirous 1 w 1504
of 11 w 1506
saying 1 w 1512
something 1 w 1521
to 20 w 1523
us 18 w 1525
and 13 w 1529
again 2 w 1534
I 8 w 1535
checked 1 w 1542
myself 1 w 1548
Then 1 w 1553
Ammonius 2 w 1561
said 2 w 1565
Philip 2 w 1572
also 1 w 1576
has 1 w 1579
some 3 w 1583
remarks 1 w 1590
to 21 w 1592
make 1 w 1596
Lamprias 1 w 1605
about 2 w 1611
what 2 w 1615
has 2 w 1618
been 2 w 1622
said 3 w 1626
for 7 w 1630
he 42 w 1632
himself 3 w 1639
thinks 1 w 1645
as 23 w 1648
most 2 w 1652
people 1 w 1658
do 3 w 1660
that 5 w 1665
Apollo 1 w 1671
is 12 w 1673
not 4 w 1676
a 131 w 1677
different 1 w 1686
god 1 w 1689
but 3 w 1693
is 13 w 1695
the 27 w 1698
same 1 w 1702
as 24 w 1704
the 28 w 1707
sun 1 w 1710
Cf 1 w 1713
376 1 w 1717
b 20 w 1718
supra 1 w 1724
and 14 w 1728
1130 1 w 1732
a 136 w 1733
for 8 w 1737
example 1 w 1744
But 3 w 1748
my 4 w 1750
difficulty 1 w 1760
is 14 w 1762
greater 1 w 1769
and 15 w 1772
concerns 1 w 1780
greater 2 w 1787
matters 2 w 1794
I 9 w 1796
do 4 w 1798
not 5 w 1801
know 4 w 1805
how 2 w 1808
it 11 w 1810
happened 1 w 1818
but 4 w 1822
a 143 w 1823
little 1 w 1829
time 2 w 1833
ago 1 w 1836
we 7 w 1838
yielded 1 w 1845
to 22 w 1847
logic 1 w 1852
in 35 w 1854
wresting 1 w 1862
the 29 w 1865
prophetic 1 w 1874
art 1 w 1877
from 1 w 1881
the 30 w 1884
gods 1 w 1888
and 16 w 1891
transferring 1 w 1903
it 13 w 1905
merely 1 w 1911
to 23 w 1913
the 31 w 1916
demigods 1 w 1924
But 4 w 1928
now 6 w 1931
it 14 w 1933
seems 1 w 1938
to 24 w 1940
me 16 w 1942
that 6 w 1946
we 8 w 1948
are 1 w 1951
thrusting 1 w 1960
out 5 w 1963
these 1 w 1968
very 1 w 1972
demigods 2 w 1980
in 39 w 1983
their 2 w 1988
turn 1 w 1992
and 17 w 1996
driving 1 w 2003
them 2 w 2007
away 1 w 2011
from 2 w 2015
the 35 w 2018
oracle 4 w 2024
and 18 w 2027
the 36 w 2030
tripod 1 w 2036
here 4 w 2040
when 2 w 2045
we 9 w 2047
resolve 1 w 2054
the 37 w 2057
origin 1 w 2063
of 12 w 2065
prophecy 1 w 2073
or 22 w 2076
rather 1 w 2082
its 1 w 2085
very 2 w 2089
being 1 w 2094
and 19 w 2097
power 1 w 2102
into 3 w 2107
winds 1 w 2112
and 20 w 2115
vapours 1 w 2122
and 21 w 2125
exhalations 1 w 2136
For 1 w 2140
these 2 w 2145
temperings 1 w 2155
and 22 w 2158
heatings 1 w 2166
and 23 w 2169
hardenings 1 w 2179
that 7 w 2183
have 5 w 2187
been 3 w 2191
spoken 1 w 2197
of 13 w 2199
serve 1 w 2204
only 2 w 2208
the 40 w 2211
more 2 w 2215
to 26 w 2217
withdraw 1 w 2225
repute 1 w 2231
from 3 w 2235
the 41 w 2238
gods 4 w 2242
and 24 w 2245
suggest 1 w 2252
in 48 w 2254
regard 1 w 2260
to 27 w 2262
the 42 w 2265
final 1 w 2270
cause 3 w 2275
some 4 w 2279
such 2 w 2283
conclusion 1 w 2293
as 25 w 2295
Euripides 1 w 2304
Euripides 2 w 2313
Cyclops 1 w 2321
332-333 1 w 2329
makes 1 w 2335
his 5 w 2338
Cyclops 2 w 2345
employ 1 w 2351
The 7 w 2355
earth 1 w 2360
perforce 1 w 2368
whether 1 w 2376
it 17 w 2378
will 1 w 2382
or 26 w 2384
no 12 w 2386
Brings 1 w 2393
forth 1 w 2398
the 44 w 2401
grass 1 w 2406
to 28 w 2408
fat 1 w 2411
my 5 w 2413
grazing 1 w 2420
flocks 1 w 2426
But 5 w 2430
there 4 w 2435
is 16 w 2437
one 4 w 2440
difference 1 w 2450
he 69 w 2453
says 1 w 2457
that 8 w 2461
he 70 w 2463
does 1 w 2467
not 6 w 2470
offer 1 w 2475
them 3 w 2479
in 52 w 2481
sacrifice 3 w 2490
to 29 w 2492
the 47 w 2495
gods 5 w 2499
but 5 w 2503
to 30 w 2505
himself 4 w 2512
and 25 w 2515
to 31 w 2517
his 6 w 2520
belly 1 w 2525
greatest 1 w 2534
of 15 w 2536
divinities 1 w 2546
whereas 1 w 2554
we 11 w 2556
offer 2 w 2561
both 2 w 2565
sacrifices 1 w 2575
and 26 w 2578
prayers 1 w 2585
as 28 w 2587
the 48 w 2590
price 1 w 2595
for 11 w 2598
our 3 w 2601
oracles 2 w 2608
What 1 w 2613
possesses 1 w 2622
us 23 w 2624
to 32 w 2626
do 6 w 2628
so 8 w 2630
if 8 w 2633
our 4 w 2636
souls 1 w 2641
carry 1 w 2646
within 1 w 2652
themselves 2 w 2662
the 50 w 2665
prophetic 2 w 2674
power 2 w 2679
and 27 w 2683
it 20 w 2685
is 18 w 2687
some 5 w 2691
particular 1 w 2701
state 2 w 2706
of 17 w 2708
the 51 w 2711
air 2 w 2714
or 30 w 2716
its 2 w 2719
currents 1 w 2727
which 2 w 2732
stirs 1 w 2737
this 3 w 2741
to 33 w 2743
activity 1 w 2751
And 1 w 2755
what 3 w 2759
is 20 w 2761
the 52 w 2764
significance 1 w 2776
of 18 w 2778
the 53 w 2781
libations 1 w 2790
poured 1 w 2796
over 1 w 2800
the 54 w 2803
victims 1 w 2810
and 28 w 2813
the 55 w 2816
refusal 1 w 2823
to 34 w 2825
give 1 w 2829
responses 1 w 2838
unless 1 w 2844
the 56 w 2847
whole 1 w 2852
victim 2 w 2858
from 4 w 2862
the 57 w 2865
hoofjoints 1 w 2875
up 2 w 2877
is 21 w 2879
seized 1 w 2885
with 4 w 2889
a 203 w 2890
trembling 1 w 2899
and 29 w 2902
quivering 1 w 2911
as 29 w 2914
the 58 w 2917
libation 2 w 2925
is 22 w 2927
poured 2 w 2933
over 2 w 2937
it 24 w 2939
Shaking 1 w 2947
the 59 w 2950
head 1 w 2954
is 23 w 2956
not 7 w 2959
enough 1 w 2965
as 30 w 2968
in 59 w 2970
other 1 w 2975
sacrifices 2 w 2985
but 6 w 2989
the 61 w 2992
tossing 1 w 2999
and 30 w 3002
quivering 2 w 3011
must 1 w 3015
extend 1 w 3021
to 36 w 3023
all 5 w 3026
parts 1 w 3031
of 20 w 3033
the 62 w 3036
animal 1 w 3042
alike 1 w 3047
accompanied 1 w 3058
by 2 w 3060
a 219 w 3061
tremulous 1 w 3070
sound 1 w 3075
and 31 w 3079
unless 2 w 3085
this 4 w 3089
takes 1 w 3094
place 1 w 3099
they 2 w 3103
say 3 w 3106
that 9 w 3110
the 64 w 3113
oracle 6 w 3119
is 25 w 3121
not 8 w 3124
functioning 1 w 3135
and 32 w 3139
do 7 w 3141
not 9 w 3144
even 1 w 3148
bring 1 w 3153
in 64 w 3155
the 65 w 3158
prophetic 3 w 3167
priestess 1 w 3176
Yet 1 w 3180
it 25 w 3182
is 26 w 3184
only 3 w 3188
on 29 w 3190
the 66 w 3193
assumption 1 w 3203
that 10 w 3207
they 3 w 3211
ascribe 1 w 3218
the 68 w 3221
cause 4 w 3226
almost 1 w 3232
entirely 1 w 3240
to 37 w 3242
a 232 w 3243
god 7 w 3246
or 32 w 3248
a 233 w 3249
demigod 3 w 3256
that 11 w 3260
it 26 w 3262
is 27 w 3264
reasonable 1 w 3274
for 12 w 3277
them 5 w 3281
to 38 w 3283
act 2 w 3286
and 33 w 3289
to 39 w 3291
believe 1 w 3298
thus 1 w 3302
but 7 w 3306
on 32 w 3308
the 70 w 3311
basis 1 w 3316
of 21 w 3318
what 4 w 3322
you 3 w 3325
say 4 w 3328
it 27 w 3330
is 29 w 3332
not 10 w 3335
reasonable 2 w 3345
For 2 w 3349
the 71 w 3352
presence 1 w 3360
of 22 w 3362
the 72 w 3365
exhalation 2 w 3375
whether 2 w 3383
the 74 w 3386
victim 3 w 3392
be 12 w 3394
excited 1 w 3401
or 35 w 3403
not 11 w 3406
will 2 w 3411
produce 1 w 3418
the 75 w 3421
inspiration 1 w 3432
and 34 w 3435
will 3 w 3439
dispose 1 w 3446
the 76 w 3449
soul 2 w 3453
auspiciously 1 w 3465
not 12 w 3469
only 4 w 3473
the 77 w 3476
soul 3 w 3480
of 23 w 3482
the 78 w 3485
priestess 2 w 3494
but 8 w 3498
that 12 w 3502
of 24 w 3504
any 2 w 3507
ordinary 1 w 3515
person 1 w 3521
with 5 w 3525
whom 1 w 3529
it 30 w 3531
may 1 w 3534
come 1 w 3538
into 4 w 3542
contact 1 w 3549
Wherefore 1 w 3559
it 31 w 3561
is 31 w 3563
silly 1 w 3568
to 41 w 3570
employ 2 w 3576
one 5 w 3579
woman 1 w 3584
alone 1 w 3589
for 14 w 3592
the 79 w 3595
purpose 1 w 3602
of 25 w 3604
the 80 w 3607
oracles 3 w 3614
and 35 w 3617
to 42 w 3619
give 2 w 3623
her 12 w 3626
trouble 1 w 3633
by 3 w 3635
watching 1 w 3643
her 13 w 3646
to 43 w 3648
keep 1 w 3652
her 14 w 3655
pure 1 w 3659
and 36 w 3662
chaste 1 w 3668
all 6 w 3671
her 15 w 3674
life 1 w 3678
As 1 w 3681
a 262 w 3682
matter 3 w 3688
of 26 w 3690
fact 1 w 3694
this 5 w 3699
Coretas 1 w 3706
who 6 w 3710
the 81 w 3713
people 2 w 3719
of 27 w 3721
Delphi 1 w 3727
say 5 w 3730
was 10 w 3733
the 82 w 3736
first 1 w 3741
because 3 w 3749
he 118 w 3751
fell 2 w 3755
in 69 w 3757
to 44 w 3760
supply 1 w 3766
any 3 w 3769
means 1 w 3774
of 28 w 3776
knowing 2 w 3783
about 3 w 3788
the 83 w 3791
power 3 w 3796
with 6 w 3800
which 3 w 3805
the 84 w 3808
place 2 w 3813
is 33 w 3815
endowed 1 w 3822
was 11 w 3826
not 13 w 3829
I 10 w 3831
think 3 w 3836
any 4 w 3840
different 2 w 3849
from 5 w 3853
the 85 w 3856
rest 3 w 3860
of 29 w 3862
the 86 w 3865
goatherds 1 w 3874
and 37 w 3877
shepherds 1 w 3886
if 13 w 3889
so 17 w 3891
be 14 w 3893
that 13 w 3897
this 6 w 3901
is 35 w 3903
not 14 w 3906
a 278 w 3907
fable 1 w 3912
or 41 w 3914
a 280 w 3915
fabrication 1 w 3926
as 40 w 3928
I 11 w 3929
for 15 w 3933
one 7 w 3936
think 4 w 3942
it 33 w 3944
is 36 w 3946
When 2 w 3951
I 12 w 3952
take 2 w 3956
into 5 w 3960
account 1 w 3967
the 88 w 3970
number 1 w 3976
of 30 w 3978
benefactions 1 w 3990
to 46 w 3992
the 89 w 3995
Greeks 1 w 4001
for 16 w 4004
which 4 w 4009
this 7 w 4013
oracle 8 w 4019
has 4 w 4022
been 4 w 4026
responsible 1 w 4037
both 3 w 4042
in 74 w 4044
wars 1 w 4048
and 38 w 4051
in 75 w 4053
the 90 w 4056
founding 1 w 4064
of 31 w 4066
cities 1 w 4072
in 77 w 4075
cases 1 w 4080
of 32 w 4082
pestilence 1 w 4092
and 39 w 4095
failure 1 w 4102
of 33 w 4104
crops 1 w 4109
I 13 w 4111
think 5 w 4116
it 35 w 4118
is 38 w 4120
a 294 w 4121
dreadful 1 w 4129
thing 6 w 4134
to 47 w 4136
assign 1 w 4142
its 3 w 4145
discovery 1 w 4154
and 40 w 4157
origin 2 w 4163
not 15 w 4167
to 48 w 4169
God 1 w 4172
and 41 w 4175
Providence 1 w 4185
but 9 w 4189
to 49 w 4191
chance 1 w 4197
and 42 w 4200
accident 1 w 4208
But 6 w 4212
regarding 1 w 4221
these 3 w 4226
matters 3 w 4233
he 131 w 4236
added 1 w 4241
I 14 w 4243
wish 2 w 4247
that 14 w 4251
Lamprias 2 w 4259
would 1 w 4264
say 6 w 4267
something 2 w 4276
to 50 w 4278
us 32 w 4280
Will 1 w 4285
you 4 w 4288
wait 1 w 4292
Certainly 1 w 4302
I 15 w 4303
will 4 w 4307
said 4 w 4312
Philip 3 w 4318
and 43 w 4322
so 19 w 4324
will 5 w 4328
all 7 w 4331
who 7 w 4334
are 2 w 4337
here 8 w 4341
For 3 w 4345
what 5 w 4349
you 5 w 4352
have 6 w 4356
said 5 w 4360
has 5 w 4363
set 1 w 4366
us 33 w 4368
all 8 w 4371
thinking 1 w 4379
Then 2 w 4384
I 16 w 4385
addressing 1 w 4396
myself 2 w 4402
to 51 w 4404
him 8 w 4407
said 6 w 4412
Not 1 w 4416
only 5 w 4420
has 6 w 4423
it 38 w 4425
set 2 w 4428
me 22 w 4430
thinking 2 w 4438
Philip 4 w 4445
but 10 w 4449
it 39 w 4451
has 7 w 4454
filled 1 w 4460
me 23 w 4462
with 7 w 4466
confusion 2 w 4475
if 14 w 4478
in 89 w 4481
the 92 w 4484
presence 2 w 4492
of 34 w 4494
so 20 w 4496
many 1 w 4500
men 1 w 4503
such 3 w 4507
as 48 w 4509
you 6 w 4512
all 9 w 4515
are 3 w 4518
I 17 w 4520
seem 5 w 4524
in 90 w 4527
contradiction 1 w 4540
to 52 w 4542
my 7 w 4544
years 1 w 4549
to 53 w 4552
give 3 w 4556
myself 3 w 4562
airs 2 w 4566
over 4 w 4570
the 93 w 4573
plausibility 1 w 4585
of 35 w 4587
my 9 w 4589
argument 1 w 4597
and 44 w 4600
to 54 w 4602
upset 1 w 4607
or 47 w 4609
disturb 1 w 4616
any 6 w 4619
of 36 w 4621
the 94 w 4624
beliefs 1 w 4631
regarding 2 w 4640
the 95 w 4643
Deity 1 w 4648
which 5 w 4653
have 7 w 4657
been 5 w 4661
conceived 1 w 4670
in 92 w 4672
truth 1 w 4677
and 45 w 4680
in 93 w 4682
piety 1 w 4687
I 18 w 4689
shall 1 w 4694
defend 1 w 4700
myself 4 w 4706
by 4 w 4708
citing 1 w 4714
Plato 1 w 4719
as 49 w 4721
my 11 w 4723
witness 1 w 4730
and 46 w 4733
advocate 1 w 4741
in 95 w 4743
one 8 w 4746
That 1 w 4751
philosopher 1 w 4762
Plato 2 w 4767
Phaedo 1 w 4774
97 1 w 4777
b-c 1 w 4780
found 2 w 4786
fault 1 w 4791
with 8 w 4795
Anaxagoras 1 w 4805
the 96 w 4809
one 9 w 4812
of 37 w 4814
early 1 w 4819
times 1 w 4824
because 4 w 4832
he 140 w 4834
was 12 w 4837
too 2 w 4840
much 2 w 4844
wrapped 1 w 4851
up 5 w 4853
in 96 w 4855
the 97 w 4858
physical 1 w 4866
causes 1 w 4872
and 47 w 4875
was 13 w 4878
always 1 w 4884
following 1 w 4893
up 6 w 4895
and 48 w 4898
pursuing 1 w 4906
the 98 w 4909
law 1 w 4912
of 38 w 4914
necessity 1 w 4923
as 53 w 4925
it 47 w 4927
was 14 w 4930
worked 1 w 4936
out 7 w 4939
in 99 w 4941
the 99 w 4944
behaviour 1 w 4953
of 39 w 4955
bodies 1 w 4961
and 49 w 4965
left 1 w 4969
out 8 w 4972
of 40 w 4974
account 2 w 4981
the 100 w 4984
purpose 2 w 4991
and 50 w 4994
the 101 w 4997
agent 1 w 5002
which 6 w 5008
are 4 w 5011
better 1 w 5017
causes 2 w 5023
and 51 w 5026
origins 1 w 5033
Plato 3 w 5039
himself 5 w 5046
was 15 w 5049
the 102 w 5052
first 2 w 5057
of 41 w 5059
the 103 w 5062
philosophers 1 w 5074
or 51 w 5077
the 104 w 5080
one 10 w 5083
most 4 w 5087
prominently 1 w 5098
engaged 1 w 5105
in 102 w 5107
prosecuting 1 w 5118
investigations 1 w 5132
of 42 w 5134
both 4 w 5138
sorts 1 w 5143
to 59 w 5146
assign 2 w 5152
to 60 w 5154
God 2 w 5157
on 55 w 5160
the 105 w 5163
one 11 w 5166
hand 2 w 5170
the 106 w 5174
origin 4 w 5180
of 43 w 5182
all 11 w 5185
things 2 w 5191
that 15 w 5195
are 5 w 5198
in 107 w 5200
keeping 1 w 5207
with 9 w 5211
reason 3 w 5217
and 53 w 5221
on 58 w 5223
the 107 w 5226
other 2 w 5231
hand 3 w 5235
not 16 w 5239
to 61 w 5241
divest 1 w 5247
matter 5 w 5253
of 44 w 5255
the 109 w 5258
causes 3 w 5264
necessary 1 w 5273
for 17 w 5276
whatever 1 w 5284
comes 1 w 5289
into 6 w 5293
being 2 w 5298
but 11 w 5302
to 63 w 5304
realize 1 w 5311
that 16 w 5315
the 110 w 5318
perceptible 1 w 5329
universe 1 w 5337
even 2 w 5342
when 3 w 5346
arranged 1 w 5354
in 111 w 5356
some 7 w 5360
such 4 w 5364
orderly 1 w 5371
way 3 w 5374
as 58 w 5376
this 8 w 5380
is 43 w 5383
not 17 w 5386
pure 2 w 5390
and 55 w 5393
unalloyed 1 w 5402
but 12 w 5406
that 17 w 5410
it 49 w 5412
takes 2 w 5417
its 4 w 5420
origin 5 w 5426
from 6 w 5430
matter 6 w 5436
when 4 w 5440
matter 7 w 5446
comes 2 w 5451
into 7 w 5455
conjunction 1 w 5466
with 10 w 5470
reason 4 w 5476
Observe 1 w 5484
first 3 w 5489
how 3 w 5492
it 52 w 5494
is 44 w 5496
with 11 w 5500
the 111 w 5503
artists 1 w 5510
Take 1 w 5515
as 60 w 5517
our 8 w 5520
first 4 w 5525
example 2 w 5532
the 112 w 5535
far-famed 1 w 5544
stand 1 w 5549
and 57 w 5552
base 1 w 5556
for 18 w 5559
the 113 w 5562
mixing-bowl 1 w 5573
here 9 w 5577
which 7 w 5582
Herodotus 1 w 5591
The 9 w 5594
stand 2 w 5599
dedicated 1 w 5609
by 5 w 5611
Alyattes 1 w 5619
king 4 w 5624
of 45 w 5626
Lydia 1 w 5631
from 7 w 5635
617 1 w 5638
to 65 w 5640
560 1 w 5643
b 74 w 5644
c 147 w 5646
was 16 w 5652
of 46 w 5654
wrought 1 w 5661
iron 1 w 5665
and 59 w 5668
welded 1 w 5674
together 1 w 5682
not 18 w 5686
riveted 1 w 5693
Cf 2 w 5696
Herodotus 2 w 5706
i 422 w 5708
25 1 w 5711
Pausanias 1 w 5721
x 10 w 5723
16 1 w 5726
1 6 w 5728
Of 1 w 5731
interest 1 w 5739
also 2 w 5743
in 117 w 5745
this 9 w 5749
connexion 1 w 5758
is 47 w 5760
the 115 w 5763
dedication 1 w 5773
recorded 1 w 5781
in 118 w 5783
the 116 w 5786
Sigeum 1 w 5792
inscription 1 w 5803
C 8 w 5805
I 19 w 5807
G 4 w 5809
i 436 w 5811
8 1 w 5813
or 59 w 5816
Roberts 1 w 5823
Introduction 1 w 5836
to 67 w 5838
Greek 2 w 5843
Epigraphy 1 w 5852
no 28 w 5855
42 1 w 5858
p 120 w 5860
78 1 w 5863
has 8 w 5868
styled 1 w 5874
the 117 w 5877
bowl-holder 1 w 5888
it 54 w 5891
came 1 w 5895
to 68 w 5897
have 8 w 5901
as 65 w 5903
its 5 w 5906
material 1 w 5914
causes 4 w 5920
fire 1 w 5924
and 60 w 5927
steel 1 w 5932
and 61 w 5935
softening 1 w 5944
by 6 w 5946
means 2 w 5951
of 48 w 5953
fire 2 w 5957
and 62 w 5960
tempering 2 w 5969
by 7 w 5971
means 3 w 5976
of 49 w 5978
water 1 w 5983
without 2 w 5991
which 8 w 5996
there 5 w 6001
is 48 w 6003
no 29 w 6005
expedient 1 w 6014
by 8 w 6016
which 9 w 6021
this 10 w 6025
work 2 w 6029
could 1 w 6034
be 25 w 6036
produced 1 w 6044
but 13 w 6048
art 6 w 6051
and 63 w 6054
reason 5 w 6060
supplied 1 w 6068
for 19 w 6071
it 57 w 6073
the 119 w 6076
more 3 w 6080
dominant 1 w 6088
principle 1 w 6097
which 10 w 6102
set 4 w 6105
all 13 w 6108
these 4 w 6113
in 124 w 6115
motion 1 w 6121
and 64 w 6124
operated 1 w 6132
through 1 w 6139
them 6 w 6143
And 2 w 6147
indeed 1 w 6154
the 122 w 6158
author 1 w 6164
and 65 w 6167
creator 1 w 6174
of 50 w 6176
these 5 w 6181
likenesses 1 w 6191
and 66 w 6194
portraits 1 w 6203
here 11 w 6207
stands 1 w 6213
recorded 2 w 6221
in 126 w 6223
the 124 w 6226
inscription 2 w 6237
Bergk 1 w 6242
Poet 1 w 6247
Lyr 1 w 6251
Graec 1 w 6257
iii 1 w 6261
p 131 w 6263
502 1 w 6267
Simonides 1 w 6277
no 30 w 6280
160 1 w 6284
or 67 w 6287
Edmonds 1 w 6294
Lyra 1 w 6299
Graeca 1 w 6305
ii 3 w 6308
p 132 w 6310
399 1 w 6314
L 7 w 6316
C 9 w 6318
L 8 w 6320
Cf 3 w 6325
also 3 w 6330
Pausanias 2 w 6339
x 13 w 6341
25 2 w 6344
1 8 w 6346
Thasian 1 w 6355
by 9 w 6357
race 1 w 6361
and 68 w 6364
descent 1 w 6371
Aglaophon 1 w 6381
s 453 w 6383
son 7 w 6386
Polygnotus 1 w 6396
Painted 1 w 6403
the 125 w 6406
taking 1 w 6412
of 51 w 6414
Troy 1 w 6418
showing 1 w 6426
her 26 w 6429
citadel 1 w 6436
s 457 w 6438
sack 1 w 6442
so 32 w 6445
that 18 w 6449
it 60 w 6451
may 2 w 6454
be 26 w 6456
seen 1 w 6460
that 19 w 6464
he 177 w 6466
painted 1 w 6473
them 7 w 6477
But 7 w 6481
without 3 w 6488
pigments 1 w 6496
ground 1 w 6502
together 2 w 6510
losing 1 w 6517
their 3 w 6522
own 3 w 6525
colour 1 w 6531
in 133 w 6533
the 129 w 6536
process 1 w 6543
nothing 2 w 6551
could 2 w 6556
achieve 1 w 6563
such 5 w 6567
a 471 w 6568
composition 1 w 6579
and 69 w 6582
sight 1 w 6587
Does 1 w 6592
he 182 w 6594
then 2 w 6599
who 8 w 6603
is 50 w 6605
desirous 2 w 6613
of 52 w 6615
getting 1 w 6622
hold 2 w 6626
of 53 w 6628
the 131 w 6631
material 2 w 6639
cause 11 w 6644
as 69 w 6647
he 185 w 6649
investigates 1 w 6661
and 70 w 6664
explains 1 w 6672
the 132 w 6675
behaviour 2 w 6684
of 54 w 6686
the 133 w 6689
red 6 w 6692
earth 2 w 6697
of 55 w 6699
Sinopê 1 w 6705
and 71 w 6708
the 134 w 6711
changes 1 w 6718
to 71 w 6720
which 11 w 6725
it 63 w 6727
is 51 w 6729
subject 1 w 6736
when 5 w 6740
mixed 1 w 6745
with 14 w 6749
yellow 1 w 6755
ochre 1 w 6760
or 68 w 6763
of 56 w 6765
the 135 w 6768
light-coloured 1 w 6782
earth 3 w 6787
of 57 w 6789
Melos 1 w 6794
when 6 w 6798
mixed 2 w 6803
with 15 w 6807
lamp-black 1 w 6817
take 4 w 6822
away 2 w 6826
the 136 w 6829
repute 2 w 6835
of 58 w 6837
the 137 w 6840
artist 2 w 6846
And 3 w 6850
he 194 w 6852
that 20 w 6856
goes 1 w 6860
into 8 w 6864
the 138 w 6867
details 1 w 6874
of 59 w 6876
the 139 w 6879
hardening 2 w 6888
and 72 w 6891
the 140 w 6894
softening 2 w 6903
of 61 w 6905
steel 2 w 6910
how 5 w 6914
it 66 w 6916
is 53 w 6918
relaxed 1 w 6925
by 10 w 6927
the 141 w 6930
fire 3 w 6934
and 73 w 6938
becomes 1 w 6945
pliant 1 w 6951
and 74 w 6954
yielding 1 w 6962
for 20 w 6965
those 1 w 6970
who 9 w 6973
forge 1 w 6978
and 75 w 6981
fashion 2 w 6988
it 67 w 6990
and 76 w 6994
then 3 w 6998
plunged 1 w 7006
anew 1 w 7010
into 9 w 7014
clear 1 w 7019
water 2 w 7024
is 54 w 7027
contracted 1 w 7037
and 77 w 7040
compacted 1 w 7049
by 11 w 7051
the 143 w 7054
coldness 1 w 7062
because 5 w 7069
of 62 w 7071
the 144 w 7074
softness 1 w 7082
and 78 w 7085
looseness 1 w 7094
of 64 w 7096
texture 1 w 7103
previously 1 w 7113
engendered 1 w 7123
by 12 w 7125
the 145 w 7128
fire 4 w 7132
and 79 w 7136
acquires 1 w 7144
a 512 w 7145
tenseness 1 w 7154
and 80 w 7157
firmness 1 w 7165
which 12 w 7170
Homer 1 w 7175
Od 1 w 7177
ix 4 w 7180
393 1 w 7184
has 10 w 7188
called 1 w 7194
the 146 w 7197
brawn 1 w 7202
of 65 w 7204
steel 3 w 7209
does 2 w 7214
such 6 w 7218
an 117 w 7220
investigator 1 w 7232
any 7 w 7235
the 147 w 7238
less 3 w 7242
preserve 1 w 7250
intact 1 w 7256
for 22 w 7259
the 148 w 7262
artist 3 w 7268
the 149 w 7271
credit 1 w 7277
for 23 w 7280
the 150 w 7283
creation 1 w 7291
of 66 w 7293
the 151 w 7296
work 3 w 7300
I 21 w 7302
think 8 w 7307
not 21 w 7310
In 2 w 7313
fact 3 w 7317
there 6 w 7322
are 6 w 7325
some 8 w 7329
who 10 w 7332
question 2 w 7340
the 153 w 7343
properties 1 w 7353
of 67 w 7355
medicinal 1 w 7364
agents 1 w 7370
but 14 w 7374
they 4 w 7378
do 14 w 7380
not 22 w 7383
do 15 w 7385
away 3 w 7389
with 16 w 7393
medical 1 w 7400
science 1 w 7407
And 4 w 7411
thus 2 w 7415
when 7 w 7419
Plato 4 w 7424
Cf 4 w 7426
433 1 w 7430
d 274 w 7431
supra 2 w 7437
and 81 w 7441
Plato 5 w 7446
Republic 1 w 7455
507 1 w 7459
c-d 1 w 7462
and 82 w 7466
508 1 w 7469
d 278 w 7470
declared 1 w 7479
that 21 w 7483
we 16 w 7485
see 7 w 7488
by 13 w 7490
the 155 w 7493
commingling 1 w 7504
of 68 w 7506
the 156 w 7509
irradiation 1 w 7520
from 8 w 7524
our 12 w 7527
eyes 1 w 7531
with 17 w 7535
the 157 w 7538
light 2 w 7543
of 69 w 7545
the 158 w 7548
sun 2 w 7551
and 83 w 7555
that 22 w 7559
we 17 w 7561
hear 1 w 7565
by 14 w 7567
the 159 w 7570
vibration 1 w 7579
of 70 w 7581
the 160 w 7584
air 4 w 7587
he 220 w 7590
certainly 1 w 7599
did 1 w 7602
not 23 w 7605
mean 4 w 7609
by 15 w 7611
this 11 w 7615
to 77 w 7617
abrogate 1 w 7625
the 161 w 7628
fundamenta 1 w 7638
fact 4 w 7643
that 23 w 7647
it 71 w 7649
is 57 w 7651
according 2 w 7660
to 78 w 7662
the 162 w 7665
design 1 w 7671
of 71 w 7673
Reason 1 w 7679
and 84 w 7682
Providence 2 w 7692
that 24 w 7696
we 18 w 7698
have 9 w 7702
been 6 w 7706
endowed 2 w 7713
with 18 w 7717
sight 2 w 7722
and 85 w 7725
hearing 1 w 7732
To 1 w 7735
sum 2 w 7738
up 9 w 7740
then 4 w 7745
while 1 w 7751
every 1 w 7756
form 2 w 7760
of 72 w 7762
creation 2 w 7770
has 11 w 7773
as 74 w 7776
I 23 w 7777
say 7 w 7780
two 2 w 7784
causes 5 w 7790
the 164 w 7794
very 5 w 7798
earliest 1 w 7806
theological 1 w 7817
writers 1 w 7824
and 86 w 7827
poets 1 w 7832
chose 1 w 7837
to 79 w 7839
heed 1 w 7843
only 6 w 7847
the 166 w 7850
superior 1 w 7858
one 12 w 7861
uttering 1 w 7870
over 5 w 7874
all 15 w 7877
things 3 w 7883
that 25 w 7887
come 5 w 7891
to 80 w 7893
pass 3 w 7897
this 12 w 7901
common 1 w 7907
generality 1 w 7917
Zeus 1 w 7922
the 167 w 7925
beginning 1 w 7934
Zeus 2 w 7939
in 157 w 7941
the 168 w 7944
midst 1 w 7949
and 87 w 7953
from 9 w 7957
Zeus 3 w 7961
comes 4 w 7966
all 16 w 7969
being 3 w 7974
Orphic 1 w 7980
Frag 2 w 7984
vi 15 w 7987
10 1 w 7990
21 1 w 7993
a 574 w 7994
2 7 w 7996
cf 1 w 8000
Mullach 1 w 8008
Frag 3 w 8013
Phil 5 w 8018
Graec 3 w 8024
i 584 w 8026
p 156 w 8028
169 1 w 8032
11 2 w 8035
but 15 w 8040
as 76 w 8042
yet 1 w 8045
they 5 w 8049
made 1 w 8053
no 37 w 8055
approach 1 w 8063
towards 3 w 8070
the 170 w 8073
compelling 1 w 8083
and 88 w 8086
natural 1 w 8093
causes 6 w 8099
On 1 w 8102
the 171 w 8105
other 3 w 8110
hand 4 w 8114
the 173 w 8117
younger 1 w 8124
generation 1 w 8134
which 13 w 8139
followed 1 w 8147
them 8 w 8151
and 90 w 8155
are 8 w 8158
called 2 w 8164
physicists 1 w 8174
or 78 w 8176
natural 2 w 8183
philosophers 2 w 8195
reverse 1 w 8203
the 175 w 8206
procedure 1 w 8215
of 73 w 8217
the 176 w 8220
older 2 w 8225
school 1 w 8231
in 160 w 8233
their 4 w 8238
aberration 1 w 8248
from 10 w 8252
the 178 w 8255
beautiful 1 w 8264
and 91 w 8267
divine 1 w 8273
origin 6 w 8279
and 92 w 8283
ascribe 2 w 8290
everything 1 w 8300
to 82 w 8302
bodies 2 w 8308
and 93 w 8311
their 5 w 8316
behaviour 3 w 8325
to 83 w 8328
clashes 1 w 8335
transmutations 1 w 8350
and 94 w 8354
combinations 1 w 8366
Hence 1 w 8372
the 180 w 8375
reasoning 1 w 8384
of 74 w 8386
both 5 w 8390
parties 1 w 8397
is 60 w 8399
deficient 1 w 8408
in 166 w 8410
what 7 w 8414
is 61 w 8416
essential 1 w 8425
to 84 w 8427
it 75 w 8429
since 1 w 8435
the 181 w 8438
one 13 w 8441
ignores 1 w 8448
or 81 w 8450
omits 1 w 8455
the 182 w 8458
intermediary 1 w 8470
and 95 w 8473
the 183 w 8476
agent 3 w 8481
the 184 w 8485
other 4 w 8490
the 186 w 8493
source 1 w 8499
and 96 w 8502
the 187 w 8505
means 4 w 8510
He 4 w 8513
who 11 w 8516
was 17 w 8519
the 188 w 8522
first 5 w 8527
to 85 w 8529
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clearly 1 w 8546
both 6 w 8550
these 6 w 8555
points 1 w 8561
and 97 w 8564
to 86 w 8566
take 5 w 8570
as 81 w 8573
a 621 w 8574
necessary 2 w 8583
adjunct 1 w 8590
to 87 w 8592
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agent 4 w 8600
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creates 1 w 8611
and 98 w 8614
actuates 1 w 8622
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is 62 w 8650
acted 3 w 8655
upon 1 w 8659
clears 1 w 8666
us 56 w 8668
also 4 w 8672
of 75 w 8674
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suspicion 1 w 8686
of 76 w 8688
wilful 1 w 8694
misstatement 1 w 8706
The 10 w 8710
fact 5 w 8714
is 64 w 8716
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we 21 w 8722
do 17 w 8724
not 24 w 8727
make 3 w 8731
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prophetic 4 w 8743
art 12 w 8746
godless 1 w 8753
or 82 w 8755
irrational 1 w 8765
when 8 w 8769
we 22 w 8771
assign 3 w 8777
to 88 w 8779
it 77 w 8781
as 83 w 8783
its 8 w 8786
material 3 w 8794
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soul 4 w 8801
of 77 w 8803
a 646 w 8804
human 1 w 8809
being 4 w 8814
and 99 w 8818
assign 4 w 8824
the 194 w 8827
spirit 1 w 8833
of 78 w 8835
inspiration 2 w 8846
and 100 w 8849
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exhalation 3 w 8862
as 85 w 8864
an 143 w 8866
instrument 1 w 8876
or 83 w 8878
plectrum 1 w 8886
for 25 w 8889
playing 1 w 8896
on 98 w 8898
it 80 w 8900
For 4 w 8904
in 175 w 8907
the 196 w 8910
first 6 w 8915
place 3 w 8920
the 197 w 8924
earth 4 w 8929
which 15 w 8935
generates 1 w 8944
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exhalation 4 w 8957
and 101 w 8961
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sun 3 w 8967
which 16 w 8973
endows 1 w 8979
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earth 5 w 8987
with 19 w 8991
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its 9 w 8997
power 4 w 9002
of 79 w 9004
tempering 3 w 9013
and 102 w 9016
transmutation 2 w 9029
are 9 w 9033
by 16 w 9036
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usage 1 w 9044
of 80 w 9046
our 15 w 9049
fathers 1 w 9056
gods 6 w 9061
for 26 w 9064
us 59 w 9066
Secondly 1 w 9075
if 16 w 9078
we 24 w 9080
leave 1 w 9085
demigods 3 w 9093
as 86 w 9095
overseers 1 w 9104
watchmen 1 w 9113
and 103 w 9117
guardians 1 w 9126
of 81 w 9128
this 13 w 9132
tempered 1 w 9140
constitution 1 w 9152
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if 17 w 9157
it 84 w 9159
were 5 w 9163
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kind 1 w 9168
of 82 w 9170
harmony 1 w 9177
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here 13 w 9192
and 104 w 9195
tightening 1 w 9205
there 7 w 9210
on 105 w 9212
occasion 1 w 9220
taking 2 w 9227
from 11 w 9231
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its 10 w 9236
too 3 w 9239
distracting 1 w 9250
and 105 w 9253
disturbing 1 w 9263
elements 1 w 9271
and 106 w 9274
incorporating 1 w 9287
those 2 w 9292
that 28 w 9296
are 10 w 9299
painless 1 w 9307
and 107 w 9310
harmless 1 w 9318
to 90 w 9320
the 204 w 9323
users 1 w 9328
we 26 w 9331
shall 2 w 9336
not 25 w 9339
appear 1 w 9345
to 91 w 9347
be 38 w 9349
doing 1 w 9354
anything 1 w 9362
irrational 2 w 9372
or 89 w 9374
impossible 1 w 9384
Nor 1 w 9388
again 3 w 9393
in 189 w 9396
offering 1 w 9404
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preliminary 1 w 9418
sacrifice 6 w 9427
to 92 w 9429
learn 1 w 9434
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will 6 w 9446
and 108 w 9449
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garlands 1 w 9466
on 108 w 9468
victims 2 w 9475
or 91 w 9477
pouring 1 w 9484
libations 2 w 9493
over 7 w 9497
them 9 w 9501
are 11 w 9505
we 27 w 9507
doing 2 w 9512
anything 2 w 9520
to 93 w 9522
contradict 2 w 9532
this 14 w 9536
reasoning 2 w 9545
For 5 w 9549
when 9 w 9553
the 208 w 9556
priests 1 w 9563
and 110 w 9566
holy 1 w 9570
men 9 w 9573
say 8 w 9576
that 29 w 9580
they 6 w 9584
are 12 w 9587
offering 2 w 9595
sacrifice 7 w 9604
and 111 w 9607
pouring 2 w 9614
the 210 w 9617
libation 4 w 9625
over 8 w 9629
the 211 w 9632
victim 5 w 9638
and 112 w 9641
observing 1 w 9650
its 11 w 9653
movements 1 w 9662
and 113 w 9665
its 12 w 9668
trembling 2 w 9677
of 85 w 9680
what 8 w 9684
else 2 w 9688
do 21 w 9690
they 7 w 9694
take 6 w 9698
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to 94 w 9704
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a 723 w 9707
sign 7 w 9711
save 1 w 9715
that 30 w 9719
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god 13 w 9725
is 70 w 9727
in 202 w 9729
his 20 w 9732
holy 2 w 9736
temple 1 w 9742
For 6 w 9746
what 9 w 9750
is 72 w 9752
to 95 w 9754
be 40 w 9756
offered 1 w 9763
in 203 w 9765
sacrifice 8 w 9774
must 2 w 9778
both 7 w 9783
in 204 w 9785
body 1 w 9789
and 114 w 9792
in 205 w 9794
soul 5 w 9798
be 41 w 9801
pure 3 w 9805
unblemished 1 w 9817
and 115 w 9821
unmarred 1 w 9829
Indications 1 w 9841
regarding 3 w 9850
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body 2 w 9857
it 89 w 9859
is 74 w 9861
not 26 w 9864
at 115 w 9866
all 21 w 9869
difficult 2 w 9878
to 96 w 9880
perceive 1 w 9888
but 16 w 9892
they 8 w 9896
test 2 w 9900
the 216 w 9903
soul 6 w 9907
by 17 w 9909
setting 1 w 9916
meal 1 w 9920
before 1 w 9926
the 217 w 9929
bulls 1 w 9934
and 116 w 9937
peas 1 w 9941
before 2 w 9947
the 218 w 9950
boars 1 w 9955
and 117 w 9959
the 219 w 9962
animal 2 w 9968
that 31 w 9972
does 3 w 9976
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eat 9 w 9982
of 87 w 9984
this 16 w 9988
they 9 w 9992
think 9 w 9997
is 76 w 9999
not 28 w 10002
of 88 w 10004
sound 2 w 10009
mind 2 w 10013
In 4 w 10016
the 221 w 10019
case 2 w 10023
of 89 w 10025
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goat 2 w 10032
they 10 w 10037
say 9 w 10040
cold 2 w 10045
water 3 w 10050
gives 1 w 10055
positive 1 w 10063
proof 1 w 10068
for 29 w 10072
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and 118 w 10087
immobility 1 w 10097
against 1 w 10104
being 5 w 10109
suddenly 1 w 10117
wet 1 w 10120
is 77 w 10122
not 29 w 10125
characteristic 1 w 10139
of 91 w 10141
a 753 w 10142
soul 7 w 10146
in 213 w 10148
a 754 w 10149
normal 1 w 10155
state 4 w 10160
But 8 w 10164
for 30 w 10167
my 12 w 10169
part 4 w 10173
even 3 w 10178
if 23 w 10180
it 92 w 10182
be 45 w 10184
firmly 1 w 10190
established 1 w 10201
that 32 w 10205
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trembling 3 w 10217
is 80 w 10219
a 760 w 10220
sign 8 w 10224
of 92 w 10226
the 225 w 10229
god 14 w 10232
s 697 w 10234
being 6 w 10239
in 216 w 10241
his 22 w 10244
holy 3 w 10248
temple 2 w 10254
and 119 w 10257
the 226 w 10260
contrary 1 w 10268
a 763 w 10269
sign 9 w 10273
of 93 w 10275
his 23 w 10278
not 30 w 10281
being 7 w 10286
there 8 w 10291
I 26 w 10293
cannot 1 w 10299
see 9 w 10302
what 10 w 10306
difficulty 2 w 10316
in 218 w 10318
my 13 w 10320
statements 1 w 10330
results 1 w 10337
therefrom 1 w 10346
For 7 w 10350
every 3 w 10355
faculty 1 w 10362
duly 2 w 10366
performs 1 w 10374
its 13 w 10377
natural 3 w 10384
functions 1 w 10393
better 2 w 10399
or 101 w 10401
worse 1 w 10406
concurrently 1 w 10418
with 20 w 10422
some 9 w 10426
particular 2 w 10436
time 4 w 10440
and 120 w 10444
if 25 w 10446
that 33 w 10450
time 5 w 10454
escapes 1 w 10461
our 18 w 10464
ken 4 w 10467
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is 83 w 10472
only 7 w 10476
reasonable 3 w 10486
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god 15 w 10496
should 2 w 10502
give 5 w 10506
signs 1 w 10511
of 94 w 10513
it 96 w 10515