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CTS Library / The Obsolesence of Oracles

The Obsolesence of Oracles (40-44)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '40', 'human_reference': 'Section 40'}, 'end': {'reference': '44', 'human_reference': 'Section 44'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Souls therefore, all possessed of this power, which is innate but dim and hardly manifest, nevertheless oftentimes disclose its flower and radiance in

dreams, and some in the hour of death,[*] when the body becomes cleansed of all impurities and attains a temperament adapted to this end, a temperament through which the reasoning and thinking faculty of the souls is relaxed and released from their present state as they range amid the irrational and imaginative realms of the future. It is not true, as Euripides[*] says, that
The best of seers is he that guesses well;
no, the best of seers is the intelligent man, following the guidance of that in his soul which possesses sense and which, with the help of reasonable probability, leads him on his way. But that which foretells the future, like a tablet without writing, is both irrational and indeterminate in itself, but receptive of impressions and presentiments through what may be done to it, and inconsequently grasps at the future when it is farthest withdrawn from the present. Its withdrawal is brought about by a temperament and disposition of the body as it is subjected to a change which we call inspiration. Often the body of itself alone attains this disposition. Moreover the earth sends forth for men streams of many other potencies, some of them producing derangements, diseases, or deaths; others helpful, benignant, and beneficial, as is plain from the experience of persons who have come upon them. But the prophetic current and breath is most divine and holy, whether it issue by itself through the air or come in the company of
running waters; for when it is instilled into the body, it creates in souls an unaccustomed and unusual temperament, the peculiarity of which it is hard to describe with exactness, but analogy offers many comparisons. It is likely that by warmth and diffusion it opens up certain passages through which impressions of the future are transmitted, just as wine, when its fumes rise to the head, reveals many unusual movements and also words stored away and unperceived.
For Bacchic rout
And frenzied mind contain much prophecy,
according to Euripides,[*] when the soul becomes hot and fiery, and throws aside the caution that human intelligence lays upon it, and thus often diverts and extinguishes the inspiration.

At the same time one might assert, not without reason, that a dryness engendered with the heat subtilizes the spirit of prophecy and renders it ethereal and pure; for this is the dry soul, as Heracleitus has it.[*] Moisture not only dulls sight and hearing, but when it touches mirrors and combines with air, it takes away their brightness and sheen.[*] But again the very opposite of this may not be impossible: that by a sort of chilling and compacting of the spirit of inspiration the prophetic element in the soul, as when steel is dipped in cold water, is rendered tense and keen. And further, just as tin

when alloyed with copper, which is loose and porous in texture, binds it together and compacts it,[*] and at the same time makes it brighter and cleaner, even so there is nothing to prevent the prophetic vapour, which contains some affinity and relationship to souls, from filling up the vacant spaces and cementing all together by fitting itself in. For one thing has affinity and adaptability for one thing, another for another, just as the bean[*] seems to further the dyeing of purple and sodium carbonate[*] that of scarlet, when mixed with the dye;
All in the linen is blended the splendour of glorious scarlet,
as Empedocles[*] has said. But regarding the Cydnus and the sacred sword of Apollo in Tarsus we used to hear you say, my dear Demetrius, that the Cydnus will cleanse no steel but that, and no other water will cleanse that sword. There is a similar phenomenon at Olympia, where they pile the ashes against the altar and make them adhere all around by pouring on them water from the Alpheius; but, although they have tried the waters of other rivers, there is none with which they can make the ashes cohere and stay fixed in their place.

It is not, therefore, anything to excite amazement if, although the earth sends up many streams, it is only such as these that dispose souls to inspiration and impressions of the future. Certainly the voice of legend also is in accord with my statement;

for they record that here the power hovering about this spot was first made manifest when a certain shepherd fell in by accident and later gave forth inspired utterances, which those who came into contact with him at first treated with disdain; but later, when what he had foretold came to pass, they were amazed. The most learned of the people of Delphi still preserve the tradition of his name, which they say was Coretas. But I incline most to the opinion that the soul acquires towards the prophetic spirit a close and intimate connexion of the sort that vision has towards light, which possesses similar properties. For, although the eye has the power of vision, there is no function for it to perform without light[*]; and so the prophetic power of the soul, like an eye, has need of something kindred to help to kindle it and stimulate it further. Hence many among earlier generations regarded Apollo and the Sun as one and the same god; but those who understood and respected fair and wise analogy conjectured that as body is to soul, vision to intellect, and light to truth, so is the power of the sun to the nature of Apollo; and they would make it appear that the sun is his offspring and progeny, being for ever born of him that is for ever. For the sun kindles and promotes and helps to keep in activity the power of vision in our perceptive senses, just as the god does for the power of prophecy in the soul.

Those, however, who had reached the conclusion that the two are one and the same god very naturally dedicated the oracle to Apollo and Earth in common, thinking that the sun creates the disposition and temperament in the earth from which the prophet-inspiring

vapours are wafted forth. As Hesiod,[*] then, with a better understanding than some philosophers, spoke of the Earth itself as
Of All the unshaken foundation,
so we believe it to be everlasting and imperishable. But in the case of the powers associated with the earth it is reasonable that there should come to pass disappearances in one place and generation in another place, and elsewrhere shifting of location and, from some other source, changes in current,[*] and that such cycles should complete many revolutions within it in the whole course of time, as we may judge from what happens before our eyes. For in the case of lakes and rivers, and even more frequently in hot springs, there have occurred disappearances and complete extinction in some places, and in others a stealing away, as it were, and sinking under ground[*]; later they came back, appearing after a time in the same places or flowing out from below somewhere near. We know also of the exhaustion of mines, some of which have given out recently, as for example the silver mines of Attica and the copper ore in Euboea from which the cold-forged sword-blades used to be wrought, as Aeschylus[*] has said,
Euboean sword, self-sharpened, in his hand.
And it is no long time since the rock in Euboea ceased to yield, among its other products, soft petrous
filaments like yarn.[*] I think some of you have seen towels, nets, and womens head-coverings from there, which cannot be burned by fire; but if any become soiled by use, their owners throw them into a blazing fire and take them out bright and clear. To-day all this has disappeared, and there are scarcely any attenuated fibres or hairs, as it were, running through the mines.

And yet the school of Aristotle[*] would make it appear that exhalation is the author of all these changes that have taken place in the earth, and that things of this nature must of necessity follow with it in disappearing, changing their locality, and bursting forth once more in full vigour. Plainly the same sober opinion is to be held regarding the spirits that inspire prophecy; the power that they possess is not everlasting and ageless, but is subject to changes. For excessive rains most likely extinguish them, and they probably are dispersed by thunderbolts, and especially, when the earth is shaken beneath by an earthquake and suffers subsidence and ruinous confusion in its depths, the exhalations shift their site or find completely blind outlets, as in this place they say that there are still traces of that great earthquake which overthrew the city. And in Orchomenos they relate that a pestilence raged and many persons died of it, and the oracle of Teiresias become altogether obsolescent and even to this day remains idle and mute. And if a like fate has befallen those in Cilicia, as we have been told, there is nobody, Demetrius, who could give us more certain information than you.

Souls 1 w 5
therefore 1 w 14
all 1 w 18
possessed 1 w 27
of 1 w 29
this 1 w 33
power 1 w 38
which 1 w 44
is 2 w 46
innate 1 w 52
but 1 w 55
dim 1 w 58
and 1 w 61
hardly 1 w 67
manifest 1 w 75
nevertheless 1 w 88
oftentimes 1 w 98
disclose 1 w 106
its 1 w 109
flower 1 w 115
and 2 w 118
radiance 1 w 126
in 2 w 128
dreams 1 w 134
and 3 w 138
some 1 w 142
in 3 w 144
the 3 w 147
hour 1 w 151
of 3 w 153
death 1 w 158
Cf 1 w 161
Plato 1 w 167
Apology 1 w 175
39 1 w 178
b 2 w 179
when 1 w 184
the 4 w 187
body 1 w 191
becomes 1 w 198
cleansed 1 w 206
of 4 w 208
all 2 w 211
impurities 1 w 221
and 4 w 224
attains 1 w 231
a 18 w 232
temperament 1 w 243
adapted 1 w 250
to 2 w 252
this 2 w 256
end 1 w 259
a 22 w 261
temperament 2 w 272
through 1 w 279
which 2 w 284
the 5 w 287
reasoning 1 w 296
and 5 w 299
thinking 1 w 307
faculty 1 w 314
of 5 w 316
the 6 w 319
souls 1 w 324
is 5 w 326
relaxed 1 w 333
and 6 w 336
released 1 w 344
from 1 w 348
their 1 w 353
present 1 w 360
state 1 w 365
as 3 w 367
they 1 w 371
range 1 w 376
amid 1 w 380
the 9 w 383
irrational 1 w 393
and 7 w 396
imaginative 1 w 407
realms 1 w 413
of 6 w 415
the 10 w 418
future 1 w 424
It 1 w 427
is 6 w 429
not 1 w 432
true 1 w 436
as 4 w 439
Euripides 1 w 448
Cf 2 w 450
Nauck 1 w 456
Trag 1 w 461
Graec 1 w 467
Frag 1 w 472
p 10 w 474
674 1 w 478
Euripides 2 w 488
no 2 w 491
973 1 w 495
cf 1 w 498
Moralia 1 w 506
399 1 w 510
a 47 w 511
supra 1 w 517
says 1 w 522
that 1 w 527
The 1 w 530
best 1 w 534
of 7 w 536
seers 1 w 541
is 7 w 543
he 13 w 545
that 2 w 549
guesses 1 w 556
well 1 w 560
no 3 w 563
the 11 w 567
best 2 w 571
of 8 w 573
seers 2 w 578
is 8 w 580
the 12 w 583
intelligent 1 w 594
man 2 w 597
following 1 w 607
the 13 w 610
guidance 1 w 618
of 9 w 620
that 3 w 624
in 11 w 626
his 3 w 629
soul 2 w 633
which 3 w 638
possesses 1 w 647
sense 1 w 652
and 8 w 655
which 4 w 660
with 1 w 665
the 14 w 668
help 1 w 672
of 10 w 674
reasonable 1 w 684
probability 1 w 695
leads 1 w 701
him 1 w 704
on 4 w 706
his 4 w 709
way 1 w 712
But 1 w 716
that 4 w 720
which 5 w 725
foretells 1 w 734
the 15 w 737
future 2 w 743
like 1 w 748
a 62 w 749
tablet 1 w 755
without 1 w 762
writing 1 w 769
is 11 w 772
both 1 w 776
irrational 2 w 786
and 9 w 789
indeterminate 1 w 802
in 15 w 804
itself 1 w 810
but 2 w 814
receptive 1 w 823
of 11 w 825
impressions 1 w 836
and 10 w 839
presentiments 1 w 852
through 2 w 859
what 1 w 863
may 1 w 866
be 4 w 868
done 1 w 872
to 3 w 874
it 8 w 876
and 11 w 880
inconsequently 1 w 894
grasps 1 w 900
at 15 w 902
the 16 w 905
future 3 w 911
when 2 w 915
it 9 w 917
is 12 w 919
farthest 1 w 927
withdrawn 1 w 936
from 2 w 940
the 18 w 943
present 3 w 950
Its 1 w 954
withdrawal 1 w 964
is 13 w 966
brought 1 w 973
about 1 w 978
by 1 w 980
a 79 w 981
temperament 3 w 992
and 12 w 995
disposition 1 w 1006
of 12 w 1008
the 19 w 1011
body 2 w 1015
as 7 w 1017
it 13 w 1019
is 15 w 1021
subjected 1 w 1030
to 4 w 1032
a 83 w 1033
change 1 w 1039
which 6 w 1044
we 4 w 1046
call 1 w 1050
inspiration 1 w 1061
Often 1 w 1067
the 20 w 1070
body 3 w 1074
of 13 w 1076
itself 2 w 1082
alone 1 w 1087
attains 2 w 1094
this 3 w 1098
disposition 2 w 1109
Moreover 1 w 1118
the 21 w 1121
earth 1 w 1126
sends 1 w 1131
forth 1 w 1136
for 4 w 1139
men 5 w 1142
streams 1 w 1149
of 14 w 1151
many 1 w 1155
other 1 w 1160
potencies 1 w 1169
some 2 w 1174
of 15 w 1176
them 1 w 1180
producing 1 w 1189
derangements 1 w 1201
diseases 1 w 1210
or 7 w 1213
deaths 1 w 1219
others 1 w 1226
helpful 1 w 1233
benignant 1 w 1243
and 13 w 1247
beneficial 1 w 1257
as 9 w 1260
is 19 w 1262
plain 1 w 1267
from 3 w 1271
the 25 w 1274
experience 1 w 1284
of 16 w 1286
persons 1 w 1293
who 1 w 1296
have 1 w 1300
come 2 w 1304
upon 1 w 1308
them 2 w 1312
But 2 w 1316
the 27 w 1319
prophetic 1 w 1328
current 1 w 1335
and 14 w 1338
breath 1 w 1344
is 20 w 1346
most 1 w 1350
divine 1 w 1356
and 15 w 1359
holy 1 w 1363
whether 1 w 1371
it 16 w 1373
issue 1 w 1378
by 2 w 1380
itself 3 w 1386
through 3 w 1393
the 29 w 1396
air 1 w 1399
or 8 w 1401
come 3 w 1405
in 22 w 1407
the 30 w 1410
company 1 w 1417
of 17 w 1419
running 1 w 1426
waters 1 w 1432
for 5 w 1436
when 3 w 1440
it 18 w 1442
is 22 w 1444
instilled 1 w 1453
into 1 w 1457
the 31 w 1460
body 4 w 1464
it 19 w 1467
creates 1 w 1474
in 26 w 1476
souls 2 w 1481
an 27 w 1483
unaccustomed 1 w 1495
and 16 w 1498
unusual 1 w 1505
temperament 4 w 1516
the 32 w 1520
peculiarity 1 w 1531
of 18 w 1533
which 7 w 1538
it 21 w 1540
is 23 w 1542
hard 2 w 1546
to 7 w 1548
describe 1 w 1556
with 5 w 1560
exactness 1 w 1569
but 3 w 1573
analogy 1 w 1580
offers 1 w 1586
many 2 w 1590
comparisons 1 w 1601
It 3 w 1604
is 25 w 1606
likely 1 w 1612
that 5 w 1616
by 3 w 1618
warmth 1 w 1624
and 17 w 1627
diffusion 1 w 1636
it 23 w 1638
opens 1 w 1643
up 3 w 1645
certain 1 w 1652
passages 1 w 1660
through 4 w 1667
which 8 w 1672
impressions 2 w 1683
of 20 w 1685
the 33 w 1688
future 4 w 1694
are 1 w 1697
transmitted 1 w 1708
just 1 w 1713
as 11 w 1715
wine 1 w 1719
when 4 w 1724
its 5 w 1727
fumes 1 w 1732
rise 1 w 1736
to 8 w 1738
the 34 w 1741
head 1 w 1745
reveals 1 w 1753
many 3 w 1757
unusual 2 w 1764
movements 1 w 1773
and 18 w 1776
also 1 w 1780
words 1 w 1785
stored 1 w 1791
away 1 w 1795
and 19 w 1798
unperceived 1 w 1809
For 1 w 1813
Bacchic 1 w 1820
rout 1 w 1824
And 1 w 1827
frenzied 1 w 1835
mind 1 w 1839
contain 1 w 1846
much 1 w 1850
prophecy 1 w 1858
according 1 w 1868
to 10 w 1870
Euripides 3 w 1879
Bacchae 1 w 1887
298 1 w 1891
when 5 w 1896
the 35 w 1899
soul 4 w 1903
becomes 2 w 1910
hot 1 w 1913
and 20 w 1916
fiery 1 w 1921
and 21 w 1925
throw 1 w 1930
s 148 w 1932
aside 1 w 1937
the 36 w 1940
caution 1 w 1947
that 6 w 1951
human 1 w 1956
intelligence 1 w 1968
lays 1 w 1972
upon 2 w 1976
it 26 w 1978
and 22 w 1982
thus 1 w 1986
often 2 w 1991
diverts 1 w 1998
and 23 w 2001
extinguishes 1 w 2013
the 37 w 2016
inspiration 2 w 2027
At 1 w 2030
the 38 w 2033
same 1 w 2037
time 3 w 2041
one 3 w 2044
might 1 w 2049
assert 1 w 2055
not 2 w 2059
without 2 w 2066
reason 3 w 2072
that 7 w 2077
a 158 w 2078
dryness 1 w 2085
engendered 1 w 2095
with 7 w 2099
the 39 w 2102
heat 1 w 2106
subtilizes 1 w 2116
the 40 w 2119
spirit 1 w 2125
of 22 w 2127
prophecy 2 w 2135
and 24 w 2138
renders 1 w 2145
it 30 w 2147
ethereal 1 w 2155
and 25 w 2158
pure 1 w 2162
for 6 w 2166
this 4 w 2170
is 29 w 2172
the 42 w 2175
dry 2 w 2178
soul 5 w 2182
as 15 w 2185
Heracleitus 1 w 2196
has 1 w 2199
it 32 w 2201
A 4 w 2203
dry 3 w 2206
soul 6 w 2210
is 30 w 2212
best 3 w 2216
and 26 w 2220
or 15 w 2223
wisest 1 w 2229
is 32 w 2232
the 43 w 2235
dictum 1 w 2241
of 23 w 2243
Heracleitus 2 w 2254
which 9 w 2260
is 33 w 2262
often 3 w 2267
quoted 1 w 2273
see 3 w 2277
Diels 1 w 2282
Frag 2 w 2287
der 4 w 2291
Vorsokratiker 1 w 2304
i 178 w 2306
p 52 w 2308
100 1 w 2312
Heracleitus 3 w 2324
no 5 w 2327
b 31 w 2329
118 1 w 2332
Cf 3 w 2335
also 2 w 2340
Moralia 2 w 2347
995 1 w 2351
e 269 w 2352
and 27 w 2356
Life 1 w 2360
of 25 w 2362
Romulus 1 w 2369
chap 1 w 2374
xxviii 1 w 2381
36 1 w 2385
a 176 w 2386
Moisture 1 w 2396
not 3 w 2399
only 1 w 2403
dulls 1 w 2408
sight 1 w 2413
and 28 w 2416
hearing 1 w 2423
but 4 w 2427
when 6 w 2431
it 35 w 2433
touches 1 w 2440
mirrors 1 w 2447
and 29 w 2450
combines 1 w 2458
with 8 w 2462
air 2 w 2465
it 37 w 2468
takes 1 w 2473
away 2 w 2477
their 2 w 2482
brightness 1 w 2492
and 30 w 2495
sheen 1 w 2500
Cf 4 w 2503
Plutarch 1 w 2512
Moralia 3 w 2520
736 1 w 2524
a-b 1 w 2527
But 3 w 2531
again 1 w 2536
the 45 w 2539
very 1 w 2543
opposite 1 w 2551
of 26 w 2553
this 5 w 2557
may 2 w 2560
not 4 w 2563
be 10 w 2565
impossible 1 w 2575
that 8 w 2580
by 4 w 2582
a 193 w 2583
sort 1 w 2587
of 27 w 2589
chilling 1 w 2597
and 31 w 2600
compacting 1 w 2610
of 28 w 2612
the 46 w 2615
spirit 2 w 2621
of 29 w 2623
inspiration 3 w 2634
the 47 w 2637
prophetic 2 w 2646
element 1 w 2653
in 41 w 2655
the 48 w 2658
soul 7 w 2662
as 17 w 2665
when 7 w 2669
steel 1 w 2674
is 36 w 2676
dipped 1 w 2682
in 42 w 2684
cold 1 w 2688
water 2 w 2693
is 37 w 2696
rendered 1 w 2704
tense 1 w 2709
and 32 w 2712
keen 1 w 2716
And 2 w 2720
further 1 w 2727
just 2 w 2732
as 18 w 2734
tin 4 w 2737
when 8 w 2741
alloyed 1 w 2748
with 9 w 2752
copper 1 w 2758
which 10 w 2764
is 38 w 2766
loose 1 w 2771
and 33 w 2774
porous 1 w 2780
in 44 w 2782
texture 1 w 2789
binds 1 w 2795
it 41 w 2797
together 1 w 2805
and 34 w 2808
compacts 1 w 2816
it 42 w 2818
Cf 5 w 2821
Aristotle 1 w 2831
De 1 w 2834
Generatione 1 w 2845
Animalium 1 w 2854
ii 3 w 2857
8 3 w 2859
747 1 w 2863
a 207 w 2864
34 1 w 2866
and 35 w 2871
at 32 w 2873
the 51 w 2876
same 2 w 2880
time 4 w 2884
makes 1 w 2889
it 43 w 2891
brighter 1 w 2899
and 36 w 2902
cleaner 1 w 2909
even 1 w 2914
so 19 w 2916
there 3 w 2921
is 40 w 2923
nothing 1 w 2930
to 14 w 2932
prevent 1 w 2939
the 53 w 2942
prophetic 3 w 2951
vapour 1 w 2957
which 11 w 2963
contains 1 w 2971
some 3 w 2975
affinity 1 w 2983
and 37 w 2986
relationship 1 w 2998
to 15 w 3000
souls 3 w 3005
from 4 w 3010
filling 1 w 3017
up 5 w 3019
the 54 w 3022
vacant 1 w 3028
spaces 1 w 3034
and 38 w 3037
cementing 1 w 3046
all 5 w 3049
together 2 w 3057
by 5 w 3059
fitting 1 w 3066
itself 4 w 3072
in 52 w 3074
For 2 w 3078
one 5 w 3081
thing 2 w 3086
has 2 w 3089
affinity 2 w 3097
and 39 w 3100
adaptability 1 w 3112
for 7 w 3115
one 6 w 3118
thing 3 w 3123
another 1 w 3131
for 8 w 3134
another 2 w 3141
just 3 w 3146
as 20 w 3148
the 58 w 3151
bean 1 w 3155
Cf 6 w 3157
H 4 w 3159
Blümner 1 w 3167
Gewerbe 1 w 3175
und 1 w 3178
Künste 1 w 3184
bei 1 w 3187
Griechen 1 w 3195
und 2 w 3198
Römern 1 w 3204
Leipzig 1 w 3212
1875 1 w 3217
i 259 w 3220
236 1 w 3224
seems 1 w 3230
to 17 w 3232
further 2 w 3239
the 60 w 3242
dyeing 1 w 3248
of 30 w 3250
purple 1 w 3256
and 40 w 3259
sodium 1 w 3265
carbonate 1 w 3274
Ibid 1 w 3278
238 1 w 3282
that 9 w 3287
of 31 w 3289
scarlet 1 w 3296
when 9 w 3301
mixed 1 w 3306
with 10 w 3310
the 61 w 3313
dye 2 w 3316
All 1 w 3320
in 57 w 3322
the 62 w 3325
linen 1 w 3330
is 41 w 3332
blended 1 w 3339
the 63 w 3342
splendour 1 w 3351
of 32 w 3353
glorious 1 w 3361
scarlet 2 w 3368
as 21 w 3371
Empedocles 1 w 3381
Cf 7 w 3383
Diels 2 w 3389
Frag 3 w 3394
der 6 w 3398
Vorsokratiker 2 w 3411
i 271 w 3413
p 81 w 3415
255 1 w 3419
Empedocles 2 w 3430
no 11 w 3433
b 49 w 3435
93 1 w 3437
has 3 w 3441
said 1 w 3445
But 4 w 3449
regarding 1 w 3458
the 64 w 3461
Cydnus 1 w 3467
and 41 w 3470
the 65 w 3473
sacred 1 w 3479
sword 1 w 3484
of 33 w 3486
Apollo 1 w 3492
in 60 w 3494
Tarsus 1 w 3500
we 6 w 3502
used 1 w 3506
to 18 w 3508
hear 2 w 3512
you 1 w 3515
say 2 w 3518
my 1 w 3521
dear 1 w 3525
Demetrius 1 w 3534
that 10 w 3539
the 66 w 3542
Cydnus 2 w 3548
will 1 w 3552
cleanse 2 w 3559
no 12 w 3561
steel 2 w 3566
but 5 w 3569
that 11 w 3573
and 42 w 3577
no 13 w 3579
other 5 w 3584
water 3 w 3589
will 2 w 3593
cleanse 3 w 3600
that 12 w 3604
sword 2 w 3609
There 1 w 3615
is 42 w 3617
a 259 w 3618
similar 1 w 3625
phenomenon 1 w 3635
at 41 w 3637
Olympia 1 w 3644
where 1 w 3650
they 2 w 3654
pile 1 w 3658
the 69 w 3661
ashes 1 w 3666
against 1 w 3673
the 70 w 3676
altar 1 w 3681
and 43 w 3684
make 2 w 3688
them 3 w 3692
adhere 1 w 3698
all 6 w 3701
around 1 w 3707
by 6 w 3709
pouring 1 w 3716
on 33 w 3718
them 4 w 3722
water 4 w 3727
from 5 w 3731
the 73 w 3734
Alpheius 1 w 3742
but 6 w 3746
although 1 w 3755
they 3 w 3759
have 2 w 3763
tried 1 w 3768
the 75 w 3771
waters 2 w 3777
of 34 w 3779
other 6 w 3784
rivers 1 w 3790
there 4 w 3796
is 43 w 3798
none 1 w 3802
with 11 w 3806
which 12 w 3811
they 4 w 3815
can 2 w 3818
make 3 w 3822
the 79 w 3825
ashes 2 w 3830
cohere 1 w 3836
and 44 w 3839
stay 1 w 3843
fixed 1 w 3848
in 63 w 3850
their 3 w 3855
place 1 w 3860
It 4 w 3863
is 44 w 3865
not 8 w 3868
therefore 2 w 3878
anything 1 w 3887
to 19 w 3889
excite 1 w 3895
amazement 1 w 3904
if 4 w 3906
although 2 w 3915
the 82 w 3918
earth 2 w 3923
sends 2 w 3928
up 6 w 3930
many 4 w 3934
streams 2 w 3941
it 52 w 3944
is 45 w 3946
only 2 w 3950
such 1 w 3954
as 25 w 3956
these 1 w 3961
that 13 w 3965
dispose 1 w 3972
souls 4 w 3977
to 20 w 3979
inspiration 4 w 3990
and 45 w 3993
impressions 3 w 4004
of 35 w 4006
the 84 w 4009
future 5 w 4015
Certainly 1 w 4025
the 85 w 4028
voice 1 w 4033
of 36 w 4035
legend 1 w 4041
also 3 w 4045
is 47 w 4047
in 67 w 4049
accord 2 w 4055
with 12 w 4059
my 2 w 4061
statement 1 w 4070
for 10 w 4074
they 5 w 4078
record 1 w 4084
that 14 w 4088
here 10 w 4092
the 87 w 4095
power 2 w 4100
hovering 1 w 4108
about 2 w 4113
this 6 w 4117
spot 1 w 4121
was 1 w 4124
first 1 w 4129
made 1 w 4133
manifest 2 w 4141
when 10 w 4145
a 303 w 4146
certain 2 w 4153
shepherd 1 w 4161
fell 1 w 4165
in 70 w 4167
by 7 w 4169
accident 1 w 4177
and 46 w 4180
later 1 w 4185
gave 1 w 4189
forth 2 w 4194
inspired 1 w 4202
utterances 1 w 4212
which 13 w 4218
those 1 w 4223
who 2 w 4226
came 1 w 4230
into 2 w 4234
contact 1 w 4241
with 13 w 4245
him 2 w 4248
at 49 w 4250
first 2 w 4255
treated 1 w 4262
with 14 w 4266
disdain 1 w 4273
but 7 w 4277
later 2 w 4282
when 11 w 4287
what 2 w 4291
he 128 w 4293
had 1 w 4296
foretold 1 w 4304
came 2 w 4308
to 23 w 4310
pass 2 w 4314
they 6 w 4319
were 1 w 4323
amazed 1 w 4329
The 3 w 4333
most 2 w 4337
learned 1 w 4344
of 37 w 4346
the 89 w 4349
people 1 w 4355
of 38 w 4357
Delphi 1 w 4363
still 2 w 4368
preserve 1 w 4376
the 90 w 4379
tradition 1 w 4388
of 39 w 4390
his 9 w 4393
name 1 w 4397
which 14 w 4403
they 7 w 4407
say 3 w 4410
was 2 w 4413
Coretas 1 w 4420
But 5 w 4424
I 6 w 4425
incline 1 w 4432
most 3 w 4436
to 24 w 4438
the 92 w 4441
opinion 1 w 4448
that 15 w 4452
the 93 w 4455
soul 10 w 4459
acquires 1 w 4467
towards 1 w 4474
the 94 w 4477
prophetic 4 w 4486
spirit 3 w 4492
a 331 w 4493
close 2 w 4498
and 47 w 4501
intimate 1 w 4509
connexion 1 w 4518
of 40 w 4520
the 95 w 4523
sort 2 w 4527
that 16 w 4531
vision 1 w 4537
has 4 w 4540
towards 2 w 4547
light 1 w 4552
which 15 w 4558
possesses 2 w 4567
similar 2 w 4574
properties 1 w 4584
For 3 w 4588
although 3 w 4597
the 96 w 4600
eye 1 w 4603
has 5 w 4606
the 97 w 4609
power 3 w 4614
of 41 w 4616
vision 2 w 4622
there 6 w 4628
is 53 w 4630
no 18 w 4632
function 1 w 4640
for 13 w 4643
it 58 w 4645
to 27 w 4647
perform 1 w 4654
without 3 w 4661
light 2 w 4666
See 1 w 4669
436 1 w 4672
d 164 w 4673
infra 1 w 4679
and 48 w 4683
Plato 2 w 4688
Republic 1 w 4697
508 1 w 4701
a 343 w 4702
509 1 w 4706
b 57 w 4707
and 49 w 4712
so 28 w 4714
the 99 w 4717
prophetic 5 w 4726
power 4 w 4731
of 42 w 4733
the 100 w 4736
soul 11 w 4740
like 3 w 4745
an 79 w 4747
eye 2 w 4750
has 6 w 4754
need 1 w 4758
of 43 w 4760
something 1 w 4769
kindred 1 w 4776
to 29 w 4778
help 3 w 4782
to 30 w 4784
kindle 1 w 4790
it 60 w 4792
and 50 w 4795
stimulate 1 w 4804
it 61 w 4806
further 3 w 4813
Hence 1 w 4819
many 5 w 4823
among 1 w 4828
earlier 1 w 4835
generations 1 w 4846
regarded 1 w 4854
Apollo 2 w 4860
and 51 w 4863
the 102 w 4866
Sun 1 w 4869
as 33 w 4871
one 8 w 4874
and 52 w 4877
the 103 w 4880
same 3 w 4884
god 1 w 4887
but 8 w 4891
those 2 w 4896
who 3 w 4899
understood 1 w 4909
and 53 w 4912
respected 1 w 4921
fair 1 w 4925
and 54 w 4928
wise 2 w 4932
analogy 2 w 4939
conjectured 1 w 4950
that 17 w 4954
as 34 w 4956
body 5 w 4960
is 55 w 4962
to 32 w 4964
soul 12 w 4968
vision 3 w 4975
to 33 w 4977
intellect 1 w 4986
and 55 w 4990
light 3 w 4995
to 34 w 4997
truth 1 w 5002
so 32 w 5005
is 57 w 5007
the 104 w 5010
power 5 w 5015
of 44 w 5017
the 105 w 5020
sun 1 w 5023
to 35 w 5025
the 106 w 5028
nature 1 w 5034
of 45 w 5036
Apollo 3 w 5042
and 56 w 5046
they 8 w 5050
would 1 w 5055
make 4 w 5059
it 62 w 5061
appear 1 w 5067
that 18 w 5071
the 108 w 5074
sun 2 w 5077
is 58 w 5079
his 10 w 5082
offspring 1 w 5091
and 57 w 5094
progeny 1 w 5101
being 1 w 5107
for 15 w 5110
ever 2 w 5114
born 1 w 5118
of 47 w 5120
him 3 w 5123
that 19 w 5127
is 60 w 5129
for 16 w 5132
ever 3 w 5136
For 4 w 5140
the 109 w 5143
sun 3 w 5146
kindles 1 w 5153
and 58 w 5156
promotes 1 w 5164
and 59 w 5167
helps 1 w 5172
to 36 w 5174
keep 1 w 5178
in 86 w 5180
activity 1 w 5188
the 110 w 5191
power 6 w 5196
of 48 w 5198
vision 4 w 5204
in 87 w 5206
our 5 w 5209
perceptive 1 w 5219
senses 1 w 5225
just 4 w 5230
as 35 w 5232
the 111 w 5235
god 2 w 5238
does 1 w 5242
for 17 w 5245
the 112 w 5248
power 7 w 5253
of 49 w 5255
prophecy 3 w 5263
in 88 w 5265
the 113 w 5268
soul 13 w 5272
Those 1 w 5278
however 1 w 5286
who 4 w 5290
had 2 w 5293
reached 1 w 5300
the 114 w 5303
conclusion 1 w 5313
that 20 w 5317
the 115 w 5320
two 1 w 5323
are 2 w 5326
one 9 w 5329
and 60 w 5332
the 116 w 5335
same 4 w 5339
god 3 w 5342
very 2 w 5346
naturally 1 w 5355
dedicated 1 w 5364
the 117 w 5367
oracle 1 w 5373
to 37 w 5375
Apollo 4 w 5381
and 61 w 5384
Earth 1 w 5389
in 89 w 5391
common 1 w 5397
thinking 2 w 5406
that 21 w 5410
the 118 w 5413
sun 4 w 5416
creates 2 w 5423
the 119 w 5426
disposition 3 w 5437
and 62 w 5440
temperament 5 w 5451
in 92 w 5453
the 120 w 5456
earth 3 w 5461
from 6 w 5465
which 16 w 5470
the 121 w 5473
prophet-inspiring 1 w 5490
vapours 1 w 5497
are 3 w 5500
wafted 1 w 5506
forth 3 w 5511
As 1 w 5514
Hesiod 1 w 5520
Theogony 1 w 5529
117 1 w 5533
then 1 w 5538
with 16 w 5543
a 398 w 5544
better 1 w 5550
understanding 1 w 5563
than 1 w 5567
some 5 w 5571
philosophers 1 w 5583
spoke 1 w 5589
of 50 w 5591
the 123 w 5594
Earth 2 w 5599
itself 5 w 5605
as 36 w 5607
Of 2 w 5609
All 2 w 5612
the 124 w 5615
unshaken 1 w 5623
foundation 1 w 5633
so 36 w 5636
we 15 w 5638
believe 1 w 5645
it 67 w 5647
to 38 w 5649
be 17 w 5651
everlasting 1 w 5662
and 64 w 5665
imperishable 1 w 5677
But 6 w 5681
in 97 w 5683
the 125 w 5686
case 1 w 5690
of 51 w 5692
the 126 w 5695
powers 1 w 5701
associated 1 w 5711
with 17 w 5715
the 127 w 5718
earth 4 w 5723
it 69 w 5725
is 64 w 5727
reasonable 2 w 5737
that 22 w 5741
there 7 w 5746
should 1 w 5752
come 5 w 5756
to 39 w 5758
pass 3 w 5762
disappearances 1 w 5776
in 98 w 5778
one 10 w 5781
place 2 w 5786
and 65 w 5789
generation 2 w 5799
in 99 w 5801
another 3 w 5808
place 3 w 5813
and 66 w 5817
elsewrhere 1 w 5827
shifting 1 w 5835
of 52 w 5837
location 1 w 5845
and 67 w 5848
from 7 w 5853
some 6 w 5857
other 8 w 5862
source 1 w 5868
changes 1 w 5876
in 101 w 5878
current 2 w 5885
Cf 8 w 5888
432 1 w 5892
e 689 w 5893
supra 2 w 5899
and 68 w 5903
that 23 w 5907
such 2 w 5911
cycles 1 w 5917
should 2 w 5923
complete 1 w 5931
many 6 w 5935
revolutions 1 w 5946
within 1 w 5952
it 71 w 5954
in 103 w 5956
the 131 w 5959
whole 1 w 5964
course 1 w 5970
of 53 w 5972
time 5 w 5976
as 42 w 5979
we 17 w 5981
may 3 w 5984
judge 1 w 5989
from 8 w 5993
what 3 w 5997
happens 1 w 6004
before 1 w 6010
our 9 w 6013
eyes 1 w 6017
For 5 w 6021
in 104 w 6023
the 132 w 6026
case 2 w 6030
of 54 w 6032
lakes 1 w 6037
and 69 w 6040
rivers 2 w 6046
and 70 w 6050
even 3 w 6054
more 1 w 6058
frequently 1 w 6068
in 105 w 6070
hot 2 w 6073
springs 1 w 6080
there 8 w 6086
have 3 w 6090
occurred 1 w 6098
disappearances 2 w 6112
and 71 w 6115
complete 2 w 6123
extinction 1 w 6133
in 108 w 6135
some 7 w 6139
places 1 w 6145
and 72 w 6149
in 109 w 6151
others 2 w 6157
a 447 w 6158
stealing 1 w 6166
away 3 w 6170
as 44 w 6173
it 72 w 6175
were 2 w 6179
and 73 w 6183
sinking 1 w 6190
under 3 w 6195
ground 1 w 6201
A 16 w 6202
not 10 w 6205
uncommon 1 w 6213
phenomenon 2 w 6223
in 113 w 6225
Greece 1 w 6231
cf 2 w 6234
Moralia 4 w 6242
557 1 w 6246
e 735 w 6247
later 3 w 6254
they 9 w 6258
came 3 w 6262
back 1 w 6266
appearing 1 w 6276
after 1 w 6281
a 461 w 6282
time 6 w 6286
in 115 w 6288
the 136 w 6291
same 5 w 6295
places 2 w 6301
or 51 w 6303
flowing 1 w 6310
out 7 w 6313
from 9 w 6317
below 1 w 6322
somewhere 1 w 6331
near 1 w 6335
We 1 w 6338
know 1 w 6342
also 4 w 6346
of 55 w 6348
the 137 w 6351
exhaustion 1 w 6361
of 56 w 6363
mines 1 w 6368
some 9 w 6373
of 57 w 6375
which 17 w 6380
have 4 w 6384
given 1 w 6389
out 8 w 6392
recently 1 w 6400
as 45 w 6403
for 20 w 6406
example 1 w 6413
the 138 w 6416
silver 1 w 6422
mines 2 w 6427
of 58 w 6429
Attica 1 w 6435
and 74 w 6438
the 139 w 6441
copper 2 w 6447
ore 10 w 6450
in 119 w 6452
Euboea 1 w 6458
from 10 w 6462
which 18 w 6467
the 140 w 6470
cold-forged 1 w 6481
sword-blades 1 w 6493
used 2 w 6497
to 40 w 6499
be 20 w 6501
wrought 1 w 6508
as 46 w 6511
Aeschylus 1 w 6520
Cf 9 w 6522
Nauck 2 w 6528
Trag 2 w 6533
Graec 2 w 6539
Frag 4 w 6544
p 167 w 6546
107 1 w 6550
Aeschylus 2 w 6560
no 24 w 6563
356 1 w 6567
The 5 w 6571
hardness 1 w 6579
and 75 w 6582
temper 6 w 6588
of 59 w 6590
cold-forged 2 w 6601
copper 3 w 6607
is 67 w 6609
well 2 w 6613
attested 1 w 6621
has 7 w 6625
said 2 w 6629
Euboean 1 w 6637
sword 4 w 6642
self-sharpened 1 w 6657
in 120 w 6660
his 11 w 6663
hand 1 w 6667
And 3 w 6671
it 73 w 6673
is 69 w 6675
no 25 w 6677
long 1 w 6681
time 7 w 6685
since 1 w 6690
the 141 w 6693
rock 1 w 6697
in 122 w 6699
Euboea 3 w 6705
ceased 1 w 6711
to 41 w 6713
yield 1 w 6718
among 2 w 6724
its 8 w 6727
other 10 w 6732
products 1 w 6740
soft 1 w 6745
petrous 1 w 6752
filaments 1 w 6761
like 4 w 6765
yarn 1 w 6769
An 5 w 6772
interesting 1 w 6783
early 1 w 6788
notice 1 w 6794
of 61 w 6796
the 143 w 6799
use 3 w 6802
of 62 w 6804
asbestos 1 w 6812
I 7 w 6814
think 3 w 6819
some 10 w 6823
of 63 w 6825
you 2 w 6828
have 5 w 6832
seen 1 w 6836
towels 1 w 6842
nets 1 w 6847
and 77 w 6851
women 1 w 6856
s 474 w 6858
head-coverings 1 w 6872
from 11 w 6876
there 9 w 6881
which 19 w 6887
cannot 1 w 6893
be 22 w 6895
burned 1 w 6901
by 8 w 6903
fire 1 w 6907
but 9 w 6911
if 7 w 6913
any 9 w 6916
become 3 w 6922
soiled 1 w 6928
by 9 w 6930
use 4 w 6933
their 4 w 6939
owners 1 w 6945
throw 2 w 6950
them 5 w 6954
into 3 w 6958
a 499 w 6959
blazing 1 w 6966
fire 2 w 6970
and 78 w 6973
take 2 w 6977
them 6 w 6981
out 9 w 6984
bright 3 w 6990
and 79 w 6993
clear 1 w 6998
To-day 1 w 7005
all 8 w 7008
this 7 w 7012
has 8 w 7015
disappeared 1 w 7026
and 80 w 7030
there 10 w 7035
are 5 w 7038
scarcely 1 w 7046
any 10 w 7049
attenuated 1 w 7059
fibres 1 w 7065
or 58 w 7067
hairs 1 w 7072
as 51 w 7075
it 75 w 7077
were 3 w 7081
running 2 w 7089
through 5 w 7096
the 149 w 7099
mines 3 w 7104
And 4 w 7108
yet 1 w 7111
the 150 w 7114
school 1 w 7120
of 64 w 7122
Aristotle 2 w 7131
Cf 10 w 7133
Aristotle 3 w 7143
Meteorologica 1 w 7157
i 503 w 7159
3 13 w 7161
340 1 w 7165
b 85 w 7166
29 2 w 7168
Cicero 1 w 7176
De 4 w 7179
Divinatione 1 w 7190
i 508 w 7192
19 1 w 7195
38 2 w 7198
ii 4 w 7202
57 2 w 7205
117 2 w 7209
would 2 w 7216
make 5 w 7220
it 76 w 7222
appear 6 w 7228
that 24 w 7232
exhalation 1 w 7242
is 74 w 7244
the 151 w 7247
author 1 w 7253
of 65 w 7255
all 9 w 7258
these 2 w 7263
changes 2 w 7270
that 25 w 7274
have 6 w 7278
taken 1 w 7283
place 6 w 7288
in 132 w 7290
the 153 w 7293
earth 5 w 7298
and 81 w 7302
that 26 w 7306
things 1 w 7312
of 66 w 7314
this 8 w 7318
nature 2 w 7324
must 1 w 7328
of 67 w 7330
necessity 1 w 7339
follow 2 w 7345
with 19 w 7349
it 79 w 7351
in 134 w 7353
disappearing 1 w 7365
changing 1 w 7374
their 5 w 7379
locality 1 w 7387
and 82 w 7391
bursting 1 w 7399
forth 4 w 7404
once 1 w 7408
more 2 w 7412
in 138 w 7414
full 1 w 7418
vigour 1 w 7424
Plainly 1 w 7432
the 155 w 7435
same 6 w 7439
sober 1 w 7444
opinion 2 w 7451
is 77 w 7453
to 47 w 7455
be 25 w 7457
held 1 w 7461
regarding 2 w 7470
the 156 w 7473
spirits 1 w 7480
that 27 w 7484
inspire 2 w 7491
prophecy 4 w 7499
the 157 w 7503
power 9 w 7508
that 28 w 7512
they 10 w 7516
possess 4 w 7523
is 78 w 7525
not 13 w 7528
everlasting 2 w 7539
and 83 w 7542
ageless 1 w 7549
but 10 w 7553
is 79 w 7555
subject 2 w 7562
to 48 w 7564
changes 3 w 7571
For 6 w 7575
excessive 1 w 7584
rains 1 w 7589
most 4 w 7593
likely 2 w 7599
extinguish 2 w 7609
them 7 w 7613
and 84 w 7617
they 11 w 7621
probably 1 w 7629
are 6 w 7632
dispersed 1 w 7641
by 10 w 7643
thunderbolts 1 w 7655
and 85 w 7659
especially 1 w 7669
when 12 w 7674
the 161 w 7677
earth 6 w 7682
is 82 w 7684
shaken 2 w 7690
beneath 1 w 7697
by 11 w 7699
an 131 w 7701
earthquake 1 w 7711
and 86 w 7714
suffers 1 w 7721
subsidence 1 w 7731
and 87 w 7734
ruinous 1 w 7741
confusion 1 w 7750
in 147 w 7752
its 10 w 7755
depths 1 w 7761
the 162 w 7765
exhalations 1 w 7776
shift 2 w 7781
their 6 w 7786
site 2 w 7790
or 64 w 7792
find 1 w 7796
completely 1 w 7806
blind 1 w 7811
outlets 1 w 7818
as 53 w 7821
in 150 w 7823
this 9 w 7827
place 7 w 7832
they 12 w 7836
say 4 w 7839
that 29 w 7843
there 11 w 7848
are 7 w 7851
still 3 w 7856
traces 1 w 7862
of 68 w 7864
that 30 w 7868
great 1 w 7873
earthquake 2 w 7883
which 20 w 7888
overthrew 1 w 7897
the 166 w 7900
city 1 w 7904
And 5 w 7908
in 151 w 7910
Orchomenos 1 w 7920
they 13 w 7924
relate 1 w 7930
that 31 w 7934
a 579 w 7935
pestilence 1 w 7945
raged 1 w 7950
and 88 w 7953
many 7 w 7957
persons 2 w 7964
died 1 w 7968
of 69 w 7970
it 85 w 7972
and 89 w 7976
the 168 w 7979
oracle 2 w 7985
of 70 w 7987
Teiresias 1 w 7996
become 4 w 8002
altogether 1 w 8012
obsolescent 1 w 8023
and 90 w 8026
even 4 w 8030
to 50 w 8032
this 10 w 8036
day 2 w 8039
remains 1 w 8046
idle 1 w 8050
and 91 w 8053
mute 1 w 8057
And 6 w 8061
if 9 w 8063
a 591 w 8064
like 6 w 8068
fate 1 w 8072
has 9 w 8075
befallen 1 w 8083
those 3 w 8088
in 153 w 8090
Cilicia 1 w 8097
as 56 w 8100
we 23 w 8102
have 7 w 8106
been 1 w 8110
told 2 w 8114
there 12 w 8120
is 85 w 8122
nobody 1 w 8128
Demetrius 2 w 8138
who 6 w 8142
could 1 w 8147
give 2 w 8151
us 34 w 8153
more 3 w 8157
certain 3 w 8164
information 1 w 8175
than 2 w 8179
you 3 w 8182