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CTS Library / The Obsolesence of Oracles

The Obsolesence of Oracles (35-39)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '35', 'human_reference': 'Section 35'}, 'end': {'reference': '39', 'human_reference': 'Section 39'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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However, let this be a comfort for him that wonders because we divide Nature into so many classes in its generation and transmutation. But here is another matter[*] which I ask you all to consider,

and to give your undivided attention to it: of those numbers which come at the very first (I mean the number one and the indeterminate duality), the second, being the element underlying all formlessness and disarrangement, has been called infinity; but the nature of the number one limits and arrests what is void and irrational and indeterminate in infinity, gives it shape, and renders it in some way tolerant and receptive of definition, which is the next step after demonstration regarding things perceptible. Now these first principles make their appearance at the beginning in connexion with number; rather, however, larger amounts are not number at all unless the number one, created from the illimitability of infinity, like a form of matter, cuts off more on one side and less on the other. Then, in fact, any of the larger amounts becomes number through being delimited by the number one. But if the number one be done away with, once more the indeterminate duality throws all into confusion, and makes it to be without rhythm, bounds, or measure. Inasmuch as form is not the doing away with matter, but a shaping and ordering of the underlying matter, it needs must be that both these first principles be existent in number, and from this has arisen the first and greatest divergence and dissimilarity. For the indeterminate first principle is the creator of the even, and the better one of the odd. Two is the first of the even numbers and three the first of the odd; from the two combined comes five,[*] which in its composition is common to both numbers and in its potentiality is odd. For when the perceptible and corporeal was divided into
several parts because of the innate necessity of differentiation, that number had to be neither the first even nor the first odd, but the third number, which is formed from these two, so that it might be produced from both the primary principles, that which created the even and that which created the odd, because it was not possible for the one to be divorced from the other; for each possesses the nature and the potentiality of a first principle. So when the twro were paired, the better one prevailed over the indeterminate as it was dividing the corporeal and checked it; and when matter was being distributed to the two, it set unity in the middle and did not allow the whole to be divided into two parts, but there has been created a number of worlds by differentiation of the indeterminate and by its being carried in varying directions; yet the power of Identity and Limitation has had the effect of making that number odd, but the kind of odd that did not permit Nature to progress beyond what is best. If the number one were unalloyed and pure, matter would not have any separation at all; but since it has been combined with the dividing power of duality, it has had to submit to being cut up and divided, but there it stopped, the even being overpowered by the odd.

It was for this reason that among the people of olden time it was the custom to call counting numbering by fives, [*] I think also that panta (all) is derived from pente (five) in accord with reason, inasmuch as the pentad is a composite of the first numbers.[*] As a matter of fact, when the others are multiplied by other numbers, the result is a number different from themselves; but the pentad,

if it be taken an even number of times, makes ten exactly; and if an odd number of times, it reproduces itself.[*] I leave out of account the fact that it is the first composite of the first two squares, unity and the tetrad[*]; and that it is the first whose square is equal to the two immediately preceding it, making with them the most beautiful of the right-angled triangles[*]; and it is the first to give the ratio 1 1/2: 1.[*] However, perhaps these matters have not much relation to the subject before us; but there is another matter more closely related, and that is the dividing power of this number, by reason of its nature, and the fact that Nature does distribute most things by fives. For example, she has allotted to ourselves five senses and five parts to the soul[*]: physical growth, perception, appetite, fortitude, and reason; also five fingers on each hand, and the most fertile seed when it is divided five times, for there is no record that a woman ever had more than five children together at one birth.[*] The Egyptians have a tradition[*] that Rhea gave birth to five gods, an intimation of the genesis of the five worlds from one single Matter; and in the universe the surface of the earth is divided among five zones, and the heavens by five circles, two arctic, two tropic, and the equator in the middle. Five, too, are the orbits of the planets, if the Sun and Venus and Mercury follow the same course. The organization of the world also is based on harmony, just as a tune with us is seen
to depend on the five notes of the tetrachord[*]: lowest, middle, conjunct, disjunct, and highest; and the musical intervals are five: quarter-tone, semitone, tone, tone and a half, and double tone. Thus it appears that Nature takes a greater delight in making all things in fives than in making them round, as Aristotle[*] has said.

Why, then, someone will say, did Plato[*] refer the number of his five worlds to the five geometric figures, saying that God used up the fifth construction on the universe in completing its embellishment? Further on, where he suggests the question about there being more worlds than one,[*] whether it is proper to speak of one or of five as in truth naturally existent, it is clear that he thinks that the idea started from this source. If, therefore, we must apply reasonable probability to his conception, let us consider that variations in movement necessarily follow close upon the variations in the bodies and their shapes, as he himself teaches[*] when he makes it plain that whatever is disunited or united changes its place at the same time with the alteration of its substance. For example, if fire is generated from air by the breaking up of the octahedron and its resolution into pyramids, or again if air is generated from fire by its being forced together and compressed into an octahedron, it is not possible for it to stay where it was before, but it escapes and is carried to some other place, forcing its way out and contending against anything that blocks its course or keeps it back.

What takes place he describes more clearly by a simile,[*] saying that in a manner like to grain and chaff being tossed about and winnowed by the fans and other tools used in cleaning the grain the elements toss matter about and are tossed about by it; and like always draws near1 to like, some things occupying one place and others another, before the universe becomes completely organized out of the elements. Thus, when matter was in that state in which, in all probability, is the universe from which God is absent, the first five properties, having tendencies of their own, were at once carried in different directions, not being completely or absolutely separated, because, when all things were amalgamated, the inferior always followed the superior in spite of Nature.[*] For this reason they produced in the different kinds of bodies, as these were carried some in one direction and others in another, an equal number of separate divisions with intervals between them, one not of pure fire, but fiery, another not of unmingled ether, but ethereal, another not of earth by itself alone, but earthy; and above all, in keeping with the close association of air with water, they contrived, as has been said,[*] that these should come away filled with many foreign elements. It was not the Deity who parted substance and caused it to rest in different places, but, after it had been parted by its own action and was being carried in diverse ways in such great disarray, he took it over and set it in
order and fitted it together by the use of proportions and means. Then, after establishing Reason in each as a governor and guardian, he creatjed as many worlds as the existing primal bodies. Let this, then, be an offering for the gratification of Plato on Ammoniuss account, but as for myself, I should not venture to assert regarding the number of wbrlds that they are just so many; but the opinion that sets their number at more than one, and yet not infinite, but limited in amount, I regard as no more irrational than either of the others, when I observe the dispersiveness and divisibility implicit by nature in Matter, and that it neither abides as a unit nor is permitted by Reason to progress to infinity. But if in any other place we have recalled the Academy[*] to our mind, let us do so here as well, and divest ourselves of excessive credulity and, as if we were in a slippery place in our discussion about infinity, let us merely keep a firm footing.

When I had said this, Demetrius remarked, Lamprias gives the right advice; for

The gods make us to slip by many forms
not of tricks, as Euripides[*] says, but of facts, whenever we make bold to pronounce opinions about such matters as if we understood them. But the discussion must be carried back, as the same writer says,[*] to the assumption made at the beginning. For what was said then, that when the demigods withdraw and forsake the oracles, these lie idle and inarticulate like the instruments of musicians, raises another question of greater import regarding the causative means and power which they employ to
make the prophetic priests and priestesses possessed by inspiration and able to present their visions. For it is not possible to hold that the desertion by the demigods is the reason for the silence of the oracles unless we are convinced as to the manner in which the demigods, by having the oracles in their charge and by their presence there, make them active and articulate.

Here Ammonius joined in and said, Do you really think that the demigods are aught else than souls that make their rounds, in mist apparelled, as Hesiod[*] says? To my mind the difference between man and man in acting tragedy or comedy is the difference between soul and soul arrayed in a body suitable for its present life. It is, therefore, not at all unreasonable or even marvellous that souls meeting souls should create in them impressions of the future, exactly as we do not convey all our information to one another through the spoken word, but by writing also, or merely by a touch or a glance, we give much information about what has come to pass and intimation of what is to come. Unless it be, Lamprias, that you have another story to tell. For not long ago a rumour reached us about your having had a long talk on these subjects with strangers at Lebadeia, but the man who told of it could recall none of it with exactness.

You need not be surprised, said I, since many activities and distractions occurring in the midst of it, because it was a day for oracles and sacrifice, made our conversation desultory and disconnected.

But now, said Ammonius, you have listeners with nothing to distract them and eager to seek and

gain information on this point or that; all strife and contention is banished and a sympathetic hearing and freedom of statement, as you observe, is granted for all that may be said.

As the others also joined in the request, I, after a moment of silence, continued, As a matter of fact, Ammonius, by some chance you happen to be the one who provided the opening and approach for what was said on that occasion. For if the souls which have been severed from a body, or have had no part with one at all, are demigods according to you and the divine Hesiod,[*]

Holy dwellers on earth and the guardian spirits of mortals,
why deprive souls in bodies of that power by virtue of which the demigods possess the natural faculty of knowing and revealing future events before they happen? For it is not likely that any power or portion accrues to souls when they have left the body, if they did not possess them before; but the souls always possess them; only they possess them to a slight degree while conjoined with the body, some of them being completely imperceptible and hidden, others weak and dim, and about as ineffectual and slow in operation as persons that try to see in a fog or to move about in water, and requiring much nursing and restoring of the functions that properly belong to them and the removal and clearing away of the covering which hides them. Just as the sun does not become bright when it bursts through the clouds, but is bright always, and yet in a fog appears to us indistinct and dim, even so the soul does not acquire the prophetic power when it goes forth from the body
as from a cloud; it possesses that power even now, but is blinded by being combined and commingled with the mortal nature. We ought not to feel surprised or incredulous at this when we see in the soul, though we see naught else, that faculty which is the complement of prophecy, and which we call memory, and how great an achievement is displayed in preserving and guarding the past, or rather what has been the present, since nothing of all that has come to pass has any existence or substantiality, because the very instant when anything comes to pass, that is the end of it of actions, words, experiences alike; for Time like an everflowing stream bears all things onward. But this faculty of the soul lays hold upon them, I know not how, and invests with semblance and being things not now present here. The oracle given to the Thessalians about Arnê[*] bade them note
A deaf mans hearing, a blind mans sight.
But memory is for us the hearing of deeds to which we are deaf and the seeing of things to which we are blind. Hence, as I said, it is no wonder that, if it has command over things that no longer are, it anticipates many of those which have not yet come to pass, since these are more closely related to it, and with these it has much in common; for its attachments and associations are with the future, and it is quit of all that is past and ended, save only to remember it.

However 1 w 7
let 1 w 11
this 1 w 15
be 1 w 17
a 1 w 18
comfort 1 w 25
for 2 w 28
him 1 w 31
that 1 w 35
wonders 1 w 42
because 1 w 49
we 2 w 51
divide 1 w 57
Nature 1 w 63
into 1 w 67
so 1 w 69
many 1 w 73
classes 1 w 80
in 2 w 82
its 1 w 85
generation 1 w 95
and 1 w 98
transmutation 1 w 111
But 1 w 115
here 1 w 119
is 2 w 121
another 1 w 128
matter 1 w 134
Cf 1 w 136
387 1 w 140
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ff 1 w 143
supra 1 w 150
which 1 w 156
I 1 w 157
ask 1 w 160
you 1 w 163
all 1 w 166
to 2 w 168
consider 1 w 176
and 2 w 180
to 3 w 182
give 1 w 186
your 1 w 190
undivided 1 w 199
attention 1 w 208
to 4 w 210
it 2 w 212
of 1 w 215
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numbers 1 w 227
which 2 w 232
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and 3 w 271
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indeterminate 1 w 287
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the 5 w 299
second 1 w 305
being 1 w 311
the 6 w 314
element 1 w 321
underlying 1 w 331
all 2 w 334
formlessness 1 w 346
and 4 w 349
disarrangement 1 w 363
has 1 w 367
been 1 w 371
called 1 w 377
infinity 1 w 385
but 1 w 389
the 7 w 392
nature 1 w 398
of 2 w 400
the 8 w 403
number 3 w 409
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and 5 w 421
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what 1 w 432
is 4 w 434
void 1 w 438
and 6 w 441
irrational 1 w 451
and 7 w 454
indeterminate 2 w 467
in 11 w 469
infinity 2 w 477
gives 1 w 483
it 7 w 485
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and 8 w 494
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it 8 w 503
in 14 w 505
some 1 w 509
way 1 w 512
tolerant 1 w 520
and 9 w 523
receptive 1 w 532
of 3 w 534
definition 1 w 544
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is 5 w 552
the 9 w 555
next 1 w 559
step 1 w 563
after 1 w 568
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regarding 1 w 590
things 1 w 596
perceptible 1 w 607
Now 1 w 611
these 1 w 616
first 2 w 621
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their 1 w 640
appearance 1 w 650
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beginning 1 w 664
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with 1 w 679
number 4 w 685
rather 1 w 692
however 1 w 700
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amounts 1 w 714
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all 4 w 731
unless 1 w 737
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number 6 w 746
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created 1 w 757
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the 15 w 764
illimitability 1 w 778
of 4 w 780
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a 59 w 794
form 2 w 798
of 5 w 800
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cuts 1 w 811
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less 3 w 834
on 18 w 836
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other 2 w 844
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amounts 2 w 878
becomes 1 w 885
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through 1 w 898
being 2 w 903
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number 8 w 923
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But 2 w 930
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number 9 w 941
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all 5 w 999
into 2 w 1003
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and 11 w 1016
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to 7 w 1025
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without 1 w 1034
rhythm 1 w 1040
bounds 1 w 1047
or 7 w 1050
measure 1 w 1057
Inasmuch 1 w 1066
as 6 w 1068
form 3 w 1072
is 6 w 1074
not 3 w 1077
the 22 w 1080
doing 1 w 1085
away 2 w 1089
with 4 w 1093
matter 3 w 1099
but 2 w 1103
a 79 w 1104
shaping 1 w 1111
and 12 w 1114
ordering 1 w 1122
of 8 w 1124
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and 13 w 1207
from 2 w 1211
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first 4 w 1232
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greatest 1 w 1243
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and 15 w 1256
dissimilarity 1 w 1269
For 1 w 1273
the 26 w 1276
indeterminate 4 w 1289
first 5 w 1294
principle 3 w 1303
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Two 1 w 1352
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comes 2 w 1426
five 1 w 1430
Cf 2 w 1433
388 1 w 1437
a 95 w 1438
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in 39 w 1452
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to 9 w 1476
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its 4 w 1495
potentiality 1 w 1507
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odd 3 w 1512
For 2 w 1516
when 1 w 1520
the 36 w 1523
perceptible 2 w 1534
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corporeal 1 w 1546
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into 3 w 1560
several 1 w 1567
parts 1 w 1572
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of 13 w 1581
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innate 1 w 1590
necessity 1 w 1599
of 14 w 1601
differentiation 1 w 1616
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possible 1 w 1836
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one 9 w 1845
to 12 w 1847
be 31 w 1849
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from 6 w 1861
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other 3 w 1869
for 8 w 1873
each 1 w 1877
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nature 2 w 1895
and 21 w 1898
the 50 w 1901
potentiality 2 w 1913
of 15 w 1915
a 122 w 1916
first 10 w 1921
principle 5 w 1930
So 1 w 1933
when 2 w 1937
the 51 w 1940
twro 1 w 1944
were 1 w 1948
paired 1 w 1954
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better 2 w 1964
one 10 w 1967
prevailed 1 w 1976
over 1 w 1980
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indeterminate 5 w 1996
as 10 w 1998
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was 3 w 2003
dividing 1 w 2011
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corporeal 2 w 2023
and 22 w 2026
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and 23 w 2039
when 3 w 2043
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two 3 w 2076
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two 4 w 2138
parts 2 w 2143
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being 4 w 2229
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in 54 w 2238
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directions 1 w 2255
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power 1 w 2267
of 18 w 2269
Identity 1 w 2277
and 26 w 2280
Limitation 1 w 2290
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the 62 w 2333
kind 1 w 2337
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Nature 2 w 2364
to 16 w 2366
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is 17 w 2386
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If 1 w 2393
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one 11 w 2405
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pure 1 w 2425
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not 7 w 2440
have 1 w 2444
any 3 w 2447
separation 1 w 2457
at 47 w 2459
all 8 w 2462
but 7 w 2466
since 1 w 2471
it 39 w 2473
has 5 w 2476
been 3 w 2480
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with 5 w 2492
the 64 w 2495
dividing 2 w 2503
power 2 w 2508
of 21 w 2510
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it 42 w 2520
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had 3 w 2526
to 17 w 2528
submit 1 w 2534
to 18 w 2536
being 5 w 2541
cut 2 w 2544
up 3 w 2546
and 28 w 2549
divided 4 w 2556
but 8 w 2560
there 2 w 2565
it 44 w 2567
stopped 1 w 2574
the 66 w 2578
even 5 w 2582
being 6 w 2587
overpowered 1 w 2598
by 4 w 2600
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It 1 w 2609
was 5 w 2612
for 9 w 2615
this 3 w 2619
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that 9 w 2629
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people 1 w 2643
of 22 w 2645
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time 1 w 2654
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custom 1 w 2668
to 21 w 2670
call 2 w 2674
counting 1 w 2682
numbering 1 w 2691
by 5 w 2693
fives 1 w 2698
Cf 3 w 2701
374 1 w 2705
a 173 w 2706
and 29 w 2709
387 2 w 2712
e 349 w 2713
supra 3 w 2719
I 7 w 2721
think 1 w 2726
also 1 w 2730
that 10 w 2734
panta 1 w 2739
all 10 w 2743
is 19 w 2746
derived 1 w 2753
from 7 w 2757
pente 1 w 2762
five 3 w 2767
in 66 w 2770
accord 1 w 2776
with 6 w 2780
reason 2 w 2786
inasmuch 1 w 2795
as 22 w 2797
the 70 w 2800
pentad 1 w 2806
is 20 w 2808
a 186 w 2809
composite 1 w 2818
of 23 w 2820
the 71 w 2823
first 11 w 2828
numbers 4 w 2835
Cf 4 w 2838
374 2 w 2842
a 187 w 2843
and 30 w 2846
387 3 w 2849
e 361 w 2850
supra 4 w 2856
As 1 w 2859
a 190 w 2860
matter 7 w 2866
of 24 w 2868
fact 2 w 2872
when 4 w 2877
the 72 w 2880
others 1 w 2886
are 2 w 2889
multiplied 1 w 2899
by 6 w 2901
other 5 w 2906
numbers 5 w 2913
the 75 w 2917
result 1 w 2923
is 21 w 2925
a 194 w 2926
number 21 w 2932
different 3 w 2941
from 8 w 2945
themselves 1 w 2955
but 9 w 2959
the 77 w 2962
pentad 2 w 2968
if 5 w 2971
it 48 w 2973
be 49 w 2975
taken 1 w 2980
an 41 w 2982
even 6 w 2986
number 22 w 2992
of 25 w 2994
times 1 w 2999
makes 2 w 3005
ten 5 w 3008
exactly 1 w 3015
and 31 w 3019
if 6 w 3021
an 43 w 3023
odd 9 w 3026
number 23 w 3032
of 26 w 3034
times 2 w 3039
it 49 w 3042
reproduces 1 w 3052
itself 1 w 3058
Cf 5 w 3061
388 2 w 3065
d 146 w 3066
supra 5 w 3072
I 8 w 3074
leave 1 w 3079
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of 27 w 3084
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the 78 w 3094
fact 3 w 3098
that 11 w 3102
it 51 w 3104
is 22 w 3106
the 79 w 3109
first 12 w 3114
composite 2 w 3123
of 28 w 3125
the 80 w 3128
first 13 w 3133
two 5 w 3136
squares 1 w 3143
unity 2 w 3149
and 32 w 3152
the 81 w 3155
tetrad 1 w 3161
Ibid 1 w 3165
391 1 w 3169
a 210 w 3170
and 33 w 3175
that 12 w 3179
it 54 w 3181
is 23 w 3183
the 82 w 3186
first 14 w 3191
whose 1 w 3196
square 2 w 3202
is 24 w 3204
equal 1 w 3209
to 22 w 3211
the 83 w 3214
two 6 w 3217
immediately 1 w 3228
preceding 1 w 3237
it 55 w 3239
making 2 w 3246
with 7 w 3250
them 2 w 3254
the 85 w 3257
most 1 w 3261
beautiful 1 w 3270
of 29 w 3272
the 86 w 3275
right-angled 1 w 3287
triangles 1 w 3296
Ibid 2 w 3300
373 1 w 3304
f 96 w 3305
and 34 w 3310
it 57 w 3312
is 25 w 3314
the 87 w 3317
first 15 w 3322
to 23 w 3324
give 3 w 3328
the 88 w 3331
ratio 5 w 3336
1 2 w 3337
1 3 w 3338
2 1 w 3340
1 4 w 3342
Ibid 3 w 3347
389 1 w 3351
d 157 w 3352
However 2 w 3360
perhaps 1 w 3368
these 4 w 3373
matters 1 w 3380
have 2 w 3384
not 8 w 3387
much 3 w 3391
relation 1 w 3399
to 24 w 3401
the 90 w 3404
subject 1 w 3411
before 1 w 3417
us 7 w 3419
but 10 w 3423
there 3 w 3428
is 26 w 3430
another 2 w 3437
matter 9 w 3443
more 3 w 3447
closely 1 w 3454
related 1 w 3461
and 35 w 3465
that 13 w 3469
is 27 w 3471
the 93 w 3474
dividing 3 w 3482
power 4 w 3487
of 30 w 3489
this 4 w 3493
number 24 w 3499
by 7 w 3502
reason 3 w 3508
of 31 w 3510
its 7 w 3513
nature 3 w 3519
and 36 w 3523
the 94 w 3526
fact 4 w 3530
that 14 w 3534
Nature 3 w 3540
does 1 w 3544
distribute 2 w 3554
most 2 w 3558
things 2 w 3564
by 8 w 3566
fives 2 w 3571
For 3 w 3575
example 1 w 3582
she 1 w 3586
has 7 w 3589
allotted 1 w 3597
to 25 w 3599
ourselves 1 w 3608
five 5 w 3612
senses 1 w 3618
and 37 w 3621
five 6 w 3625
parts 3 w 3630
to 26 w 3632
the 95 w 3635
soul 1 w 3639
Cf 6 w 3641
390 1 w 3645
f 106 w 3646
supra 6 w 3652
Plato 1 w 3658
Republic 1 w 3667
410 1 w 3671
b 90 w 3672
440 1 w 3676
e 463 w 3677
441 1 w 3681
a 244 w 3682
and 38 w 3686
much 4 w 3690
diffused 1 w 3698
in 72 w 3700
Timaeus 1 w 3707
70 1 w 3710
ff 8 w 3712
physical 1 w 3722
growth 1 w 3728
perception 1 w 3739
appetite 1 w 3748
fortitude 1 w 3758
and 39 w 3762
reason 4 w 3768
also 2 w 3773
five 7 w 3777
fingers 1 w 3784
on 44 w 3786
each 2 w 3790
hand 1 w 3794
and 41 w 3798
the 96 w 3801
most 3 w 3805
fertile 1 w 3812
seed 1 w 3816
when 5 w 3820
it 61 w 3822
is 30 w 3824
divided 5 w 3831
five 8 w 3835
times 3 w 3840
for 12 w 3844
there 4 w 3849
is 31 w 3851
no 11 w 3853
record 1 w 3859
that 15 w 3863
a 256 w 3864
woman 1 w 3869
ever 5 w 3873
had 4 w 3876
more 4 w 3880
than 1 w 3884
five 9 w 3888
children 1 w 3896
together 1 w 3904
at 65 w 3906
one 12 w 3909
birth 1 w 3914
Cf 7 w 3917
Moralia 1 w 3925
264 1 w 3929
b 92 w 3930
Aristotle 1 w 3940
Historia 1 w 3949
Animalium 1 w 3958
vii 1 w 3962
4 9 w 3964
584 1 w 3968
b 93 w 3969
33 1 w 3971
since 2 w 3978
Plutarch 1 w 3986
s 212 w 3988
time 5 w 3992
there 5 w 3997
have 3 w 4001
been 4 w 4005
a 267 w 4006
few 1 w 4009
authenticated 1 w 4022
cases 1 w 4027
of 32 w 4029
sextuplets 1 w 4039
The 2 w 4043
Egyptians 1 w 4052
have 4 w 4056
a 273 w 4057
tradition 1 w 4066
Cf 8 w 4068
355 1 w 4072
d-f 1 w 4075
supra 7 w 4081
that 16 w 4086
Rhea 1 w 4090
gave 1 w 4094
birth 2 w 4099
to 31 w 4101
five 10 w 4105
gods 1 w 4109
an 60 w 4112
intimation 1 w 4122
of 33 w 4124
the 101 w 4127
genesis 1 w 4134
of 34 w 4136
the 102 w 4139
five 11 w 4143
worlds 2 w 4149
from 9 w 4153
one 13 w 4156
single 1 w 4162
Matter 1 w 4168
and 42 w 4172
in 77 w 4174
the 103 w 4177
universe 1 w 4185
the 104 w 4188
surface 1 w 4195
of 35 w 4197
the 105 w 4200
earth 1 w 4205
is 35 w 4207
divided 6 w 4214
among 2 w 4219
five 12 w 4223
zones 1 w 4228
and 43 w 4232
the 106 w 4235
heavens 1 w 4242
by 9 w 4244
five 13 w 4248
circles 1 w 4255
two 7 w 4259
arctic 1 w 4265
two 8 w 4269
tropic 1 w 4275
and 44 w 4279
the 107 w 4282
equator 1 w 4289
in 78 w 4291
the 108 w 4294
middle 2 w 4300
Five 1 w 4305
too 1 w 4309
are 5 w 4313
the 109 w 4316
orbits 1 w 4322
of 36 w 4324
the 110 w 4327
planets 1 w 4334
if 9 w 4337
the 111 w 4340
Sun 1 w 4343
and 45 w 4346
Venus 1 w 4351
and 46 w 4354
Mercury 1 w 4361
follow 1 w 4367
the 112 w 4370
same 1 w 4374
course 1 w 4380
The 3 w 4384
organization 1 w 4396
of 37 w 4398
the 113 w 4401
world 3 w 4406
also 3 w 4410
is 36 w 4412
based 1 w 4417
on 52 w 4419
harmony 1 w 4426
just 1 w 4431
as 28 w 4433
a 302 w 4434
tune 1 w 4438
with 8 w 4442
us 12 w 4444
is 37 w 4446
seen 1 w 4450
to 34 w 4452
depend 1 w 4458
on 54 w 4460
the 114 w 4463
five 14 w 4467
notes 1 w 4472
of 38 w 4474
the 115 w 4477
tetrachord 1 w 4487
Cf 9 w 4489
389 2 w 4493
e 565 w 4494
1028 1 w 4499
f 139 w 4500
1138 1 w 4505
f 140 w 4506
1139 1 w 4511
e 566 w 4512
lowest 1 w 4520
middle 3 w 4527
conjunct 1 w 4536
disjunct 1 w 4545
and 47 w 4549
highest 1 w 4556
and 48 w 4560
the 116 w 4563
musical 1 w 4570
intervals 1 w 4579
are 6 w 4582
five 15 w 4586
quarter-tone 1 w 4599
semitone 1 w 4608
tone 3 w 4613
tone 4 w 4618
and 49 w 4621
a 311 w 4622
half 1 w 4626
and 50 w 4630
double 1 w 4636
tone 5 w 4640
Thus 1 w 4645
it 66 w 4647
appears 1 w 4654
that 17 w 4658
Nature 4 w 4664
takes 1 w 4669
a 319 w 4670
greater 1 w 4677
delight 1 w 4684
in 80 w 4686
making 3 w 4692
all 12 w 4695
things 3 w 4701
in 83 w 4703
fives 3 w 4708
than 2 w 4712
in 84 w 4714
making 4 w 4720
them 3 w 4724
round 1 w 4729
as 29 w 4732
Aristotle 2 w 4741
Cf 10 w 4743
Aristotle 3 w 4753
De 1 w 4756
Caelo 1 w 4761
ii 2 w 4764
4 11 w 4766
286 1 w 4770
b 100 w 4771
10 3 w 4773
has 8 w 4778
said 1 w 4782
Why 1 w 4786
then 2 w 4791
someone 1 w 4799
will 1 w 4803
say 1 w 4806
did 3 w 4810
Plato 2 w 4815
Plato 3 w 4820
Timaeus 2 w 4828
55 2 w 4831
c 100 w 4832
refer 1 w 4838
the 119 w 4841
number 25 w 4847
of 39 w 4849
his 5 w 4852
five 17 w 4856
worlds 3 w 4862
to 44 w 4864
the 120 w 4867
five 18 w 4871
geometric 1 w 4880
figures 1 w 4887
saying 1 w 4894
that 18 w 4898
God 1 w 4901
used 2 w 4905
up 10 w 4907
the 121 w 4910
fifth 1 w 4915
construction 1 w 4927
on 64 w 4929
the 122 w 4932
universe 2 w 4940
in 87 w 4942
completing 1 w 4952
its 9 w 4955
embellishment 1 w 4968
Further 1 w 4976
on 65 w 4978
where 1 w 4984
he 139 w 4986
suggests 1 w 4994
the 124 w 4997
question 1 w 5005
about 1 w 5010
there 6 w 5015
being 7 w 5020
more 5 w 5024
worlds 4 w 5030
than 3 w 5034
one 21 w 5037
Ibid 4 w 5042
31 1 w 5045
a 337 w 5046
Cf 11 w 5049
389 3 w 5053
f 153 w 5054
and 51 w 5057
421 1 w 5060
f 154 w 5061
supra 8 w 5067
whether 1 w 5075
it 68 w 5077
is 43 w 5079
proper 1 w 5085
to 45 w 5087
speak 1 w 5092
of 40 w 5094
one 22 w 5097
or 43 w 5099
of 41 w 5101
five 19 w 5105
as 31 w 5107
in 90 w 5109
truth 1 w 5114
naturally 1 w 5123
existent 2 w 5131
it 69 w 5134
is 45 w 5136
clear 1 w 5141
that 19 w 5145
he 144 w 5147
thinks 1 w 5153
that 20 w 5157
the 127 w 5160
idea 1 w 5164
started 1 w 5171
from 10 w 5175
this 5 w 5179
source 1 w 5185
If 2 w 5188
therefore 1 w 5198
we 12 w 5201
must 2 w 5205
apply 1 w 5210
reasonable 1 w 5220
probability 1 w 5231
to 46 w 5233
his 7 w 5236
conception 1 w 5246
let 4 w 5250
us 18 w 5252
consider 2 w 5260
that 21 w 5264
variations 1 w 5274
in 92 w 5276
movement 1 w 5284
necessarily 1 w 5295
follow 2 w 5301
close 2 w 5306
upon 1 w 5310
the 129 w 5313
variations 2 w 5323
in 93 w 5325
the 130 w 5328
bodies 1 w 5334
and 52 w 5337
their 2 w 5342
shapes 1 w 5348
as 33 w 5351
he 150 w 5353
himself 1 w 5360
teaches 1 w 5367
Plato 4 w 5372
Timaeus 3 w 5380
57 1 w 5383
c 113 w 5384
when 6 w 5389
he 153 w 5391
makes 3 w 5396
it 71 w 5398
plain 1 w 5403
that 22 w 5407
whatever 1 w 5415
is 48 w 5417
disunited 1 w 5426
or 45 w 5428
united 2 w 5434
changes 1 w 5441
its 10 w 5444
place 1 w 5449
at 87 w 5451
the 132 w 5454
same 2 w 5458
time 6 w 5462
with 9 w 5466
the 133 w 5469
alteration 1 w 5479
of 42 w 5481
its 11 w 5484
substance 1 w 5493
For 4 w 5497
example 2 w 5504
if 11 w 5507
fire 1 w 5511
is 50 w 5513
generated 1 w 5522
from 11 w 5526
air 2 w 5529
by 10 w 5531
the 134 w 5534
breaking 1 w 5542
up 13 w 5544
of 43 w 5546
the 135 w 5549
octahedron 1 w 5559
and 53 w 5562
its 12 w 5565
resolution 1 w 5575
into 5 w 5579
pyramids 1 w 5587
or 47 w 5590
again 1 w 5595
if 12 w 5597
air 3 w 5600
is 51 w 5602
generated 2 w 5611
from 12 w 5615
fire 2 w 5619
by 11 w 5621
its 13 w 5624
being 8 w 5629
forced 1 w 5635
together 2 w 5643
and 54 w 5646
compressed 1 w 5656
into 6 w 5660
an 80 w 5662
octahedron 2 w 5672
it 79 w 5675
is 52 w 5677
not 11 w 5680
possible 2 w 5688
for 15 w 5691
it 80 w 5693
to 51 w 5695
stay 1 w 5699
where 2 w 5704
it 81 w 5706
was 7 w 5709
before 2 w 5715
but 12 w 5719
it 82 w 5721
escapes 1 w 5728
and 55 w 5731
is 53 w 5733
carried 2 w 5740
to 52 w 5742
some 3 w 5746
other 7 w 5751
place 2 w 5756
forcing 1 w 5764
its 14 w 5767
way 4 w 5770
out 4 w 5773
and 56 w 5776
contending 1 w 5786
against 1 w 5793
anything 1 w 5801
that 23 w 5805
blocks 1 w 5811
its 15 w 5814
course 2 w 5820
or 52 w 5822
keeps 1 w 5827
it 85 w 5829
back 1 w 5833
What 1 w 5838
takes 2 w 5843
place 3 w 5848
he 163 w 5850
describes 1 w 5859
more 6 w 5863
clearly 1 w 5870
by 12 w 5872
a 407 w 5873
simile 1 w 5879
Plato 5 w 5885
Timaeus 4 w 5893
52 1 w 5896
e 728 w 5897
saying 2 w 5904
that 24 w 5908
in 105 w 5910
a 412 w 5911
manner 1 w 5917
like 2 w 5921
to 54 w 5923
grain 1 w 5928
and 57 w 5931
chaff 1 w 5936
being 9 w 5941
tossed 1 w 5947
about 2 w 5952
and 58 w 5955
winnowed 1 w 5963
by 13 w 5965
the 138 w 5968
fans 1 w 5972
and 59 w 5975
other 8 w 5980
tools 1 w 5985
used 3 w 5989
in 109 w 5991
cleaning 1 w 5999
the 140 w 6002
grain 2 w 6007
the 141 w 6010
elements 1 w 6018
toss 2 w 6022
matter 10 w 6028
about 3 w 6033
and 60 w 6036
are 7 w 6039
tossed 2 w 6045
about 4 w 6050
by 14 w 6052
it 86 w 6054
and 61 w 6058
like 3 w 6062
always 1 w 6068
draws 1 w 6073
near1 1 w 6078
to 59 w 6080
like 4 w 6084
some 4 w 6089
things 4 w 6095
occupying 1 w 6104
one 23 w 6107
place 4 w 6112
and 62 w 6115
others 2 w 6121
another 3 w 6128
before 3 w 6135
the 144 w 6138
universe 3 w 6146
becomes 2 w 6153
completely 1 w 6163
organized 1 w 6172
out 8 w 6175
of 44 w 6177
the 145 w 6180
elements 2 w 6188
Thus 2 w 6193
when 7 w 6198
matter 11 w 6204
was 8 w 6207
in 114 w 6209
that 25 w 6213
state 1 w 6218
in 115 w 6220
which 8 w 6225
in 116 w 6228
all 14 w 6231
probability 2 w 6242
is 54 w 6245
the 146 w 6248
universe 4 w 6256
from 13 w 6260
which 9 w 6265
God 2 w 6268
is 55 w 6270
absent 1 w 6276
the 147 w 6280
first 16 w 6285
five 20 w 6289
properties 1 w 6299
having 1 w 6306
tendencies 1 w 6316
of 45 w 6318
their 3 w 6323
own 1 w 6326
were 4 w 6331
at 99 w 6333
once 3 w 6337
carried 3 w 6344
in 118 w 6346
different 4 w 6355
directions 2 w 6365
not 13 w 6369
being 10 w 6374
completely 2 w 6384
or 56 w 6386
absolutely 1 w 6396
separated 1 w 6405
because 4 w 6413
when 8 w 6418
all 15 w 6421
things 5 w 6427
were 5 w 6431
amalgamated 1 w 6442
the 149 w 6446
inferior 1 w 6454
always 2 w 6460
followed 1 w 6468
the 150 w 6471
superior 1 w 6479
in 122 w 6481
spite 1 w 6486
of 46 w 6488
Nature 5 w 6494
Some 1 w 6499
would 2 w 6504
prefer 1 w 6510
to 60 w 6512
make 5 w 6516
Plutarch 2 w 6524
say 4 w 6527
in 123 w 6529
keeping 1 w 6536
with 10 w 6540
Nature 6 w 6546
For 5 w 6550
this 6 w 6554
reason 6 w 6560
they 1 w 6564
produced 2 w 6572
in 125 w 6574
the 152 w 6577
different 5 w 6586
kinds 1 w 6591
of 47 w 6593
bodies 2 w 6599
as 37 w 6602
these 5 w 6607
were 6 w 6611
carried 4 w 6618
some 5 w 6622
in 127 w 6624
one 24 w 6627
direction 3 w 6636
and 63 w 6639
others 3 w 6645
in 128 w 6647
another 4 w 6654
an 97 w 6657
equal 2 w 6662
number 26 w 6668
of 48 w 6670
separate 2 w 6678
divisions 1 w 6687
with 11 w 6691
intervals 2 w 6700
between 1 w 6707
them 4 w 6711
one 25 w 6715
not 15 w 6718
of 49 w 6720
pure 2 w 6724
fire 3 w 6728
but 13 w 6732
fiery 1 w 6737
another 5 w 6745
not 17 w 6748
of 50 w 6750
unmingled 1 w 6759
ether 4 w 6764
but 14 w 6768
ethereal 1 w 6776
another 6 w 6784
not 19 w 6787
of 51 w 6789
earth 2 w 6794
by 15 w 6796
itself 2 w 6802
alone 1 w 6807
but 15 w 6811
earthy 1 w 6817
and 64 w 6821
above 1 w 6826
all 16 w 6829
in 131 w 6832
keeping 2 w 6839
with 12 w 6843
the 161 w 6846
close 3 w 6851
association 1 w 6862
of 52 w 6864
air 4 w 6867
with 13 w 6871
water 1 w 6876
they 2 w 6881
contrived 1 w 6890
as 39 w 6893
has 9 w 6896
been 5 w 6900
said 2 w 6904
Cf 12 w 6907
428 1 w 6911
d-e 1 w 6914
supra 9 w 6920
that 26 w 6925
these 6 w 6930
should 1 w 6936
come 5 w 6940
away 3 w 6944
filled 1 w 6950
with 14 w 6954
many 2 w 6958
foreign 1 w 6965
elements 3 w 6973
It 2 w 6976
was 9 w 6979
not 20 w 6982
the 164 w 6985
Deity 1 w 6990
who 3 w 6993
parted 1 w 6999
substance 2 w 7008
and 65 w 7011
caused 1 w 7017
it 96 w 7019
to 61 w 7021
rest 2 w 7025
in 133 w 7027
different 6 w 7036
places 1 w 7042
but 16 w 7046
after 2 w 7052
it 97 w 7054
had 5 w 7057
been 6 w 7061
parted 2 w 7067
by 16 w 7069
its 17 w 7072
own 2 w 7075
action 1 w 7081
and 66 w 7084
was 10 w 7087
being 11 w 7092
carried 5 w 7099
in 135 w 7101
diverse 1 w 7108
ways 3 w 7112
in 136 w 7114
such 1 w 7118
great 3 w 7123
disarray 1 w 7131
he 193 w 7134
took 1 w 7138
it 99 w 7140
over 3 w 7144
and 67 w 7147
set 2 w 7150
it 100 w 7152
in 137 w 7154
order 2 w 7159
and 68 w 7162
fitted 1 w 7168
it 102 w 7170
together 3 w 7178
by 17 w 7180
the 166 w 7183
use 9 w 7186
of 53 w 7188
proportions 1 w 7199
and 69 w 7202
means 1 w 7207
Then 2 w 7212
after 3 w 7218
establishing 1 w 7230
Reason 1 w 7236
in 139 w 7238
each 4 w 7242
as 44 w 7244
a 520 w 7245
governor 1 w 7253
and 70 w 7256
guardian 1 w 7264
he 197 w 7267
creatjed 1 w 7275
as 45 w 7277
many 3 w 7281
worlds 5 w 7287
as 46 w 7289
the 167 w 7292
existing 1 w 7300
primal 1 w 7306
bodies 3 w 7312
Let 1 w 7316
this 7 w 7320
then 3 w 7325
be 72 w 7328
an 112 w 7330
offering 1 w 7338
for 20 w 7341
the 169 w 7344
gratification 1 w 7357
of 55 w 7359
Plato 6 w 7364
on 96 w 7366
Ammonius 1 w 7374
s 429 w 7376
account 2 w 7383
but 17 w 7387
as 47 w 7389
for 21 w 7392
myself 1 w 7398
I 15 w 7400
should 2 w 7406
not 21 w 7409
venture 1 w 7416
to 65 w 7418
assert 1 w 7424
regarding 2 w 7433
the 170 w 7436
number 27 w 7442
of 56 w 7444
wbrlds 1 w 7450
that 27 w 7454
they 3 w 7458
are 8 w 7461
just 2 w 7465
so 23 w 7467
many 4 w 7471
but 18 w 7475
the 172 w 7478
opinion 1 w 7485
that 28 w 7489
sets 1 w 7493
their 4 w 7498
number 28 w 7504
at 115 w 7506
more 7 w 7510
than 4 w 7514
one 27 w 7517
and 71 w 7521
yet 2 w 7524
not 22 w 7527
infinite 1 w 7535
but 19 w 7539
limited 2 w 7546
in 146 w 7548
amount 3 w 7554
I 16 w 7556
regard 3 w 7562
as 49 w 7564
no 27 w 7566
more 8 w 7570
irrational 2 w 7580
than 5 w 7584
either 2 w 7590
of 57 w 7592
the 175 w 7595
others 4 w 7601
when 9 w 7606
I 17 w 7607
observe 1 w 7614
the 177 w 7617
dispersiveness 1 w 7631
and 72 w 7634
divisibility 1 w 7646
implicit 1 w 7654
by 18 w 7656
nature 4 w 7662
in 147 w 7664
Matter 2 w 7670
and 73 w 7674
that 29 w 7678
it 108 w 7680
neither 2 w 7687
abides 1 w 7693
as 50 w 7695
a 557 w 7696
unit 5 w 7700
nor 3 w 7703
is 64 w 7705
permitted 1 w 7714
by 19 w 7716
Reason 2 w 7722
to 66 w 7724
progress 2 w 7732
to 67 w 7734
infinity 4 w 7742
But 3 w 7746
if 17 w 7748
in 150 w 7750
any 8 w 7753
other 16 w 7758
place 6 w 7763
we 19 w 7765
have 5 w 7769
recalled 1 w 7777
the 180 w 7780
Academy 1 w 7787
Cf 13 w 7789
387 4 w 7793
f 223 w 7794
supra 10 w 7800
to 68 w 7803
our 6 w 7806
mind 1 w 7810
let 7 w 7814
us 28 w 7816
do 5 w 7818
so 25 w 7820
here 12 w 7824
as 52 w 7826
well 1 w 7830
and 74 w 7834
divest 1 w 7840
ourselves 2 w 7849
of 58 w 7851
excessive 1 w 7860
credulity 1 w 7869
and 75 w 7872
as 53 w 7875
if 18 w 7877
we 21 w 7879
were 7 w 7883
in 152 w 7885
a 569 w 7886
slippery 1 w 7894
place 7 w 7899
in 153 w 7901
our 8 w 7904
discussion 1 w 7914
about 5 w 7919
infinity 5 w 7927
let 8 w 7931
us 30 w 7933
merely 1 w 7939
keep 4 w 7943
a 572 w 7944
firm 1 w 7948
footing 1 w 7955
When 1 w 7960
I 18 w 7961
had 6 w 7964
said 3 w 7968
this 8 w 7972
Demetrius 1 w 7982
remarked 1 w 7990
Lamprias 1 w 7999
gives 2 w 8004
the 181 w 8007
right 2 w 8012
advice 1 w 8018
for 22 w 8022
The 5 w 8025
gods 2 w 8029
make 6 w 8033
us 32 w 8035
to 69 w 8037
slip 2 w 8041
by 20 w 8043
many 5 w 8047
forms 1 w 8052
not 23 w 8055
of 59 w 8057
tricks 1 w 8063
as 55 w 8066
Euripides 1 w 8075
Cf 14 w 8077
Nauck 1 w 8083
Trag 1 w 8088
Graec 1 w 8094
Frag 1 w 8099
p 140 w 8101
674 1 w 8105
Euripides 2 w 8115
no 30 w 8118
972 1 w 8122
says 1 w 8127
but 20 w 8131
of 60 w 8133
facts 1 w 8138
whenever 1 w 8147
we 23 w 8149
make 7 w 8153
bold 1 w 8157
to 70 w 8159
pronounce 1 w 8168
opinions 1 w 8176
about 6 w 8181
such 2 w 8185
matters 2 w 8192
as 56 w 8194
if 19 w 8196
we 24 w 8198
understood 1 w 8208
them 5 w 8212
But 4 w 8216
the 183 w 8219
discussion 2 w 8229
must 3 w 8233
be 75 w 8235
carried 6 w 8242
back 2 w 8246
as 57 w 8249
the 184 w 8252
same 3 w 8256
writer 1 w 8262
says 2 w 8266
Cf 15 w 8269
the 185 w 8273
note 2 w 8277
on 106 w 8279
390 2 w 8282
c 184 w 8283
supra 11 w 8289
to 72 w 8292
the 186 w 8295
assumption 1 w 8305
made 1 w 8309
at 121 w 8311
the 187 w 8314
beginning 2 w 8323
For 6 w 8327
what 4 w 8331
was 11 w 8334
said 4 w 8338
then 4 w 8342
that 30 w 8347
when 11 w 8351
the 189 w 8354
demigods 1 w 8362
withdraw 1 w 8370
and 76 w 8373
forsake 1 w 8380
the 190 w 8383
oracles 1 w 8390
these 7 w 8396
lie 2 w 8399
idle 1 w 8403
and 77 w 8406
inarticulate 1 w 8418
like 5 w 8422
the 192 w 8425
instruments 1 w 8436
of 61 w 8438
musicians 1 w 8447
raises 1 w 8454
another 7 w 8461
question 2 w 8469
of 62 w 8471
greater 2 w 8478
import 1 w 8484
regarding 3 w 8493
the 194 w 8496
causative 1 w 8505
means 2 w 8510
and 78 w 8513
power 5 w 8518
which 10 w 8523
they 4 w 8527
employ 1 w 8533
to 73 w 8535
make 8 w 8539
the 196 w 8542
prophetic 1 w 8551
priests 1 w 8558
and 79 w 8561
priestesses 1 w 8572
possessed 1 w 8581
by 21 w 8583
inspiration 1 w 8594
and 80 w 8597
able 2 w 8601
to 74 w 8603
present 1 w 8610
their 5 w 8615
visions 2 w 8622
For 7 w 8626
it 117 w 8628
is 70 w 8630
not 26 w 8633
possible 3 w 8641
to 75 w 8643
hold 1 w 8647
that 31 w 8651
the 198 w 8654
desertion 1 w 8663
by 22 w 8665
the 199 w 8668
demigods 2 w 8676
is 71 w 8678
the 200 w 8681
reason 7 w 8687
for 25 w 8690
the 201 w 8693
silence 1 w 8700
of 63 w 8702
the 202 w 8705
oracles 2 w 8712
unless 2 w 8718
we 26 w 8720
are 9 w 8723
convinced 1 w 8732
as 61 w 8734
to 76 w 8736
the 203 w 8739
manner 2 w 8745
in 165 w 8747
which 11 w 8752
the 204 w 8755
demigods 3 w 8763
by 23 w 8766
having 2 w 8772
the 205 w 8775
oracles 3 w 8782
in 167 w 8784
their 6 w 8789
charge 1 w 8795
and 81 w 8798
by 24 w 8800
their 7 w 8805
presence 1 w 8813
there 9 w 8818
make 9 w 8823
them 6 w 8827
active 1 w 8833
and 82 w 8836
articulate 2 w 8846
Here 1 w 8851
Ammonius 2 w 8859
joined 1 w 8865
in 169 w 8867
and 83 w 8870
said 5 w 8874
Do 1 w 8877
you 3 w 8880
really 1 w 8886
think 3 w 8891
that 32 w 8895
the 210 w 8898
demigods 4 w 8906
are 10 w 8909
aught 1 w 8914
else 1 w 8918
than 6 w 8922
souls 1 w 8927
that 33 w 8931
make 10 w 8935
their 8 w 8940
rounds 1 w 8946
in 171 w 8949
mist 1 w 8953
apparelled 1 w 8963
as 62 w 8966
Hesiod 1 w 8972
Works 1 w 8977
and 84 w 8980
Days 1 w 8984
125 1 w 8988
says 3 w 8993
To 1 w 8996
my 3 w 8998
mind 2 w 9002
the 212 w 9005
difference 1 w 9015
between 2 w 9022
man 9 w 9025
and 85 w 9028
man 10 w 9031
in 173 w 9033
acting 1 w 9039
tragedy 1 w 9046
or 81 w 9048
comedy 1 w 9054
is 73 w 9056
the 213 w 9059
difference 2 w 9069
between 3 w 9076
soul 3 w 9080
and 86 w 9083
soul 4 w 9087
arrayed 1 w 9094
in 175 w 9096
a 664 w 9097
body 1 w 9101
suitable 1 w 9109
for 26 w 9112
its 18 w 9115
present 2 w 9122
life 1 w 9126
It 3 w 9129
is 74 w 9131
therefore 2 w 9141
not 27 w 9145
at 132 w 9147
all 19 w 9150
unreasonable 1 w 9162
or 84 w 9164
even 7 w 9168
marvellous 1 w 9178
that 34 w 9182
souls 2 w 9187
meeting 1 w 9194
souls 3 w 9199
should 3 w 9205
create 5 w 9211
in 177 w 9213
them 7 w 9217
impressions 1 w 9228
of 64 w 9230
the 216 w 9233
future 1 w 9239
exactly 2 w 9247
as 64 w 9249
we 29 w 9251
do 6 w 9253
not 28 w 9256
convey 1 w 9262
all 20 w 9265
our 9 w 9268
information 1 w 9279
to 77 w 9281
one 28 w 9284
another 8 w 9291
through 2 w 9298
the 218 w 9301
spoken 1 w 9307
word 1 w 9311
but 21 w 9315
by 25 w 9317
writing 1 w 9324
also 4 w 9328
or 87 w 9331
merely 2 w 9337
by 26 w 9339
a 679 w 9340
touch 1 w 9345
or 88 w 9347
a 680 w 9348
glance 1 w 9354
we 30 w 9357
give 5 w 9361
much 5 w 9365
information 2 w 9376
about 7 w 9381
what 5 w 9385
has 10 w 9388
come 7 w 9392
to 79 w 9394
pass 1 w 9398
and 87 w 9401
intimation 2 w 9411
of 65 w 9413
what 6 w 9417
is 75 w 9419
to 80 w 9421
come 8 w 9425
Unless 1 w 9432
it 121 w 9434
be 79 w 9436
Lamprias 2 w 9445
that 35 w 9450
you 4 w 9453
have 6 w 9457
another 9 w 9464
story 1 w 9469
to 82 w 9471
tell 1 w 9475
For 8 w 9479
not 31 w 9482
long 1 w 9486
ago 1 w 9489
a 696 w 9490
rumour 1 w 9496
reached 1 w 9503
us 39 w 9505
about 8 w 9510
your 2 w 9514
having 3 w 9520
had 7 w 9523
a 701 w 9524
long 2 w 9528
talk 1 w 9532
on 124 w 9534
these 8 w 9539
subjects 1 w 9547
with 16 w 9551
strangers 1 w 9560
at 141 w 9562
Lebadeia 1 w 9570
but 22 w 9574
the 221 w 9577
man 11 w 9580
who 4 w 9583
told 1 w 9587
of 66 w 9589
it 123 w 9591
could 1 w 9596
recall 2 w 9602
none 1 w 9606
of 67 w 9608
it 124 w 9610
with 17 w 9614
exactness 1 w 9623
You 1 w 9627
need 2 w 9631
not 32 w 9634
be 80 w 9636
surprised 1 w 9645
said 6 w 9650
I 20 w 9651
since 3 w 9657
many 6 w 9661
activities 1 w 9671
and 88 w 9674
distractions 1 w 9686
occurring 1 w 9695
in 185 w 9697
the 222 w 9700
midst 1 w 9705
of 68 w 9707
it 127 w 9709
because 5 w 9717
it 128 w 9719
was 12 w 9722
a 717 w 9723
day 1 w 9726
for 30 w 9729
oracles 4 w 9736
and 89 w 9739
sacrifice 1 w 9748
made 2 w 9753
our 12 w 9756
conversation 1 w 9768
desultory 1 w 9777
and 90 w 9780
disconnected 1 w 9792
But 5 w 9796
now 2 w 9799
said 7 w 9804
Ammonius 3 w 9812
you 6 w 9816
have 7 w 9820
listeners 1 w 9829
with 18 w 9833
nothing 1 w 9840
to 85 w 9842
distract 2 w 9850
them 8 w 9854
and 91 w 9857
eager 1 w 9862
to 86 w 9864
seek 1 w 9868
and 92 w 9871
gain 3 w 9875
information 3 w 9886
on 132 w 9888
this 9 w 9892
point 1 w 9897
or 96 w 9899
that 36 w 9903
all 22 w 9907
strife 1 w 9913
and 93 w 9916
contention 1 w 9926
is 82 w 9928
banished 1 w 9936
and 94 w 9939
a 738 w 9940
sympathetic 1 w 9951
hearing 1 w 9958
and 95 w 9961
freedom 1 w 9968
of 69 w 9970
statement 1 w 9979
as 69 w 9982
you 7 w 9985
observe 2 w 9992
is 84 w 9995
granted 1 w 10002
for 32 w 10005
all 23 w 10008
that 37 w 10012
may 1 w 10015
be 82 w 10017
said 8 w 10021
As 2 w 10024
the 225 w 10027
others 5 w 10033
also 5 w 10037
joined 2 w 10043
in 192 w 10045
the 227 w 10048
request 1 w 10055
I 21 w 10057
after 4 w 10063
a 751 w 10064
moment 1 w 10070
of 70 w 10072
silence 2 w 10079
continued 1 w 10089
As 3 w 10092
a 752 w 10093
matter 13 w 10099
of 71 w 10101
fact 6 w 10105
Ammonius 4 w 10114
by 27 w 10117
some 6 w 10121
chance 1 w 10127
you 8 w 10130
happen 1 w 10136
to 87 w 10138
be 83 w 10140
the 228 w 10143
one 30 w 10146
who 5 w 10149
provided 1 w 10157
the 229 w 10160
opening 1 w 10167
and 96 w 10170
approach 1 w 10178
for 33 w 10181
what 7 w 10185
was 13 w 10188
said 9 w 10192
on 138 w 10194
that 38 w 10198
occasion 1 w 10206
For 9 w 10210
if 25 w 10212
the 230 w 10215
souls 4 w 10220
which 12 w 10225
have 8 w 10229
been 7 w 10233
severed 1 w 10240
from 14 w 10244
a 766 w 10245
body 2 w 10249
or 100 w 10252
have 9 w 10256
had 8 w 10259
no 44 w 10261
part 6 w 10265
with 19 w 10269
one 31 w 10272
at 151 w 10274
all 24 w 10277
are 12 w 10281
demigods 5 w 10289
according 1 w 10298
to 88 w 10300
you 9 w 10303
and 97 w 10306
the 231 w 10309
divine 1 w 10315
Hesiod 2 w 10321
Works 2 w 10327
and 98 w 10330
Days 2 w 10334
123 1 w 10338
Holy 1 w 10343
dwellers 1 w 10351
on 141 w 10353
earth 4 w 10358
and 99 w 10361
the 232 w 10364
guardian 2 w 10372
spirits 1 w 10379
of 72 w 10381
mortals 1 w 10388
why 1 w 10392
deprive 1 w 10399
souls 5 w 10404
in 197 w 10406
bodies 4 w 10412
of 73 w 10414
that 39 w 10418
power 6 w 10423
by 28 w 10425
virtue 1 w 10431
of 74 w 10433
which 13 w 10438
the 233 w 10441
demigods 6 w 10449
possess 3 w 10456
the 234 w 10459
natural 2 w 10466
faculty 1 w 10473
of 75 w 10475
knowing 1 w 10482
and 100 w 10485
revealing 1 w 10494
future 2 w 10500
events 1 w 10506
before 4 w 10512
they 5 w 10516
happen 2 w 10522
For 10 w 10526
it 132 w 10528
is 85 w 10530
not 34 w 10533
likely 1 w 10539
that 40 w 10543
any 11 w 10546
power 7 w 10551
or 106 w 10553
portion 2 w 10560
accrues 1 w 10567
to 89 w 10569
souls 6 w 10574
when 12 w 10578
they 6 w 10582
have 10 w 10586
left 1 w 10590
the 237 w 10593
body 3 w 10597
if 26 w 10600
they 7 w 10604
did 4 w 10607
not 35 w 10610
possess 4 w 10617
them 9 w 10621
before 5 w 10627
but 23 w 10631
the 240 w 10634
souls 7 w 10639
always 3 w 10645
possess 5 w 10652
them 10 w 10656
only 1 w 10661
they 8 w 10665
possess 6 w 10672
them 11 w 10676
to 90 w 10678
a 795 w 10679
slight 1 w 10685
degree 1 w 10691
while 1 w 10696
conjoined 1 w 10705
with 20 w 10709
the 244 w 10712
body 4 w 10716
some 7 w 10721
of 76 w 10723
them 12 w 10727
being 12 w 10732
completely 3 w 10742
imperceptible 1 w 10755
and 101 w 10758
hidden 1 w 10764
others 6 w 10771
weak 1 w 10775
and 102 w 10778
dim 1 w 10781
and 103 w 10785
about 9 w 10790
as 72 w 10792
ineffectual 1 w 10803
and 104 w 10806
slow 1 w 10810
in 203 w 10812
operation 1 w 10821
as 73 w 10823
persons 1 w 10830
that 41 w 10834
try 1 w 10837
to 91 w 10839
see 4 w 10842
in 204 w 10844
a 807 w 10845
fog 1 w 10848
or 109 w 10850
to 92 w 10852
move 2 w 10856
about 10 w 10861
in 205 w 10863
water 2 w 10868
and 105 w 10872
requiring 1 w 10881
much 6 w 10885
nursing 1 w 10892
and 106 w 10895
restoring 1 w 10904
of 77 w 10906
the 247 w 10909
functions 1 w 10918
that 42 w 10922
properly 1 w 10930
belong 1 w 10936
to 94 w 10938
them 13 w 10942
and 107 w 10945
the 249 w 10948
removal 1 w 10955
and 108 w 10958
clearing 1 w 10966
away 4 w 10970
of 78 w 10972
the 250 w 10975
covering 1 w 10983
which 14 w 10988
hides 1 w 10993
them 14 w 10997
Just 1 w 11002
as 74 w 11004
the 252 w 11007
sun 2 w 11010
does 2 w 11014
not 36 w 11017
become 3 w 11023
bright 1 w 11029
when 13 w 11033
it 134 w 11035
bursts 1 w 11041
through 3 w 11048
the 253 w 11051
clouds 1 w 11057
but 24 w 11061
is 86 w 11063
bright 2 w 11069
always 4 w 11075
and 109 w 11079
yet 3 w 11082
in 211 w 11084
a 823 w 11085
fog 2 w 11088
appears 2 w 11095
to 95 w 11097
us 44 w 11099
indistinct 1 w 11109
and 110 w 11112
dim 2 w 11115
even 9 w 11120
so 42 w 11122
the 254 w 11125
soul 11 w 11129
does 3 w 11133
not 37 w 11136
acquire 1 w 11143
the 255 w 11146
prophetic 2 w 11155
power 8 w 11160
when 14 w 11164
it 135 w 11166
goes 1 w 11170
forth 1 w 11175
from 15 w 11179
the 256 w 11182
body 5 w 11186
as 75 w 11188
from 16 w 11192
a 829 w 11193
cloud 2 w 11198
it 136 w 11201
possesses 2 w 11210
that 43 w 11214
power 9 w 11219
even 10 w 11223
now 4 w 11226
but 25 w 11230
is 88 w 11232
blinded 1 w 11239
by 29 w 11241
being 13 w 11246
combined 3 w 11254
and 111 w 11257
commingled 1 w 11267
with 21 w 11271
the 257 w 11274
mortal 2 w 11280
nature 5 w 11286
We 1 w 11289
ought 1 w 11294
not 38 w 11297
to 96 w 11299
feel 1 w 11303
surprised 2 w 11312
or 113 w 11314
incredulous 1 w 11325
at 161 w 11327
this 10 w 11331
when 15 w 11335
we 37 w 11337
see 5 w 11340
in 219 w 11342
the 258 w 11345
soul 12 w 11349
though 1 w 11356
we 38 w 11358
see 6 w 11361
naught 1 w 11367
else 2 w 11371
that 44 w 11376
faculty 2 w 11383
which 15 w 11388
is 91 w 11390
the 259 w 11393
complement 1 w 11403
of 79 w 11405
prophecy 1 w 11413
and 112 w 11417
which 16 w 11422
we 39 w 11424
call 5 w 11428
memory 1 w 11434
and 113 w 11438
how 2 w 11441
great 5 w 11446
an 179 w 11448
achievement 1 w 11459
is 92 w 11461
displayed 1 w 11470
in 220 w 11472
preserving 1 w 11482
and 114 w 11485
guarding 1 w 11493
the 260 w 11496
past 1 w 11500
or 115 w 11503
rather 2 w 11509
what 8 w 11513
has 11 w 11516
been 8 w 11520
the 262 w 11523
present 3 w 11530
since 4 w 11536
nothing 2 w 11543
of 80 w 11545
all 26 w 11548
that 45 w 11552
has 12 w 11555
come 10 w 11559
to 97 w 11561
pass 2 w 11565
has 13 w 11568
any 12 w 11571
existence 1 w 11580
or 116 w 11582
substantiality 1 w 11596
because 6 w 11604
the 263 w 11607
very 2 w 11611
instant 1 w 11618
when 16 w 11622
anything 2 w 11630
comes 4 w 11635
to 98 w 11637
pass 3 w 11641
that 46 w 11646
is 95 w 11648
the 264 w 11651
end 5 w 11654
of 81 w 11656
it 139 w 11658
of 82 w 11661
actions 2 w 11668
words 1 w 11674
experiences 1 w 11686
alike 1 w 11691
for 37 w 11695
Time 1 w 11699
like 8 w 11703
an 185 w 11705
everflowing 1 w 11716
stream 1 w 11722
bears 1 w 11727
all 27 w 11730
things 6 w 11736
onward 1 w 11742
But 6 w 11746
this 11 w 11750
faculty 3 w 11757
of 83 w 11759
the 265 w 11762
soul 13 w 11766
lays 1 w 11770
hold 2 w 11774
upon 2 w 11778
them 15 w 11782
I 22 w 11784
know 2 w 11788
not 40 w 11791
how 3 w 11794
and 115 w 11798
invests 1 w 11805
with 22 w 11809
semblance 1 w 11818
and 116 w 11821
being 14 w 11826
things 7 w 11832
not 41 w 11835
now 6 w 11838
present 4 w 11845
here 15 w 11849
The 6 w 11853
oracle 5 w 11859
given 1 w 11864
to 99 w 11866
the 267 w 11869
Thessalians 1 w 11880
about 11 w 11885
Arnê 1 w 11889
Cf 16 w 11891
Thucydides 1 w 11902
i 881 w 11904
12 3 w 11907
bade 2 w 11912
them 16 w 11916
note 3 w 11920
A 14 w 11921
deaf 1 w 11925
man 13 w 11928
s 759 w 11930
hearing 2 w 11937
a 884 w 11939
blind 2 w 11944
man 14 w 11947
s 760 w 11949
sight 1 w 11954
But 7 w 11958
memory 2 w 11964
is 97 w 11966
for 38 w 11969
us 47 w 11971
the 269 w 11974
hearing 3 w 11981
of 84 w 11983
deeds 1 w 11988
to 100 w 11990
which 17 w 11995
we 40 w 11997
are 13 w 12000
deaf 2 w 12004
and 117 w 12007
the 270 w 12010
seeing 1 w 12016
of 85 w 12018
things 8 w 12024
to 101 w 12026
which 18 w 12031
we 41 w 12033
are 14 w 12036
blind 3 w 12041
Hence 1 w 12047
as 82 w 12050
I 23 w 12051
said 10 w 12055
it 141 w 12058
is 98 w 12060
no 58 w 12062
wonder 2 w 12068
that 47 w 12072
if 27 w 12075
it 142 w 12077
has 14 w 12080
command 1 w 12087
over 6 w 12091
things 9 w 12097
that 48 w 12101
no 59 w 12103
longer 1 w 12109
are 15 w 12112
it 143 w 12115
anticipates 1 w 12126
many 7 w 12130
of 86 w 12132
those 2 w 12137
which 19 w 12142
have 11 w 12146
not 43 w 12149
yet 4 w 12152
come 12 w 12156
to 102 w 12158
pass 4 w 12162
since 5 w 12168
these 9 w 12173
are 16 w 12176
more 9 w 12180
closely 2 w 12187
related 2 w 12194
to 103 w 12196
it 144 w 12198
and 119 w 12202
with 23 w 12206
these 10 w 12211
it 146 w 12213
has 15 w 12216
much 7 w 12220
in 240 w 12222
common 2 w 12228
for 39 w 12232
its 20 w 12235
attachments 1 w 12246
and 120 w 12249
associations 1 w 12261
are 17 w 12264
with 24 w 12268
the 273 w 12271
future 3 w 12277
and 121 w 12281
it 149 w 12283
is 99 w 12285
quit 1 w 12289
of 87 w 12291
all 28 w 12294
that 49 w 12298
is 100 w 12300
past 2 w 12304
and 122 w 12307
ended 1 w 12312
save 1 w 12317
only 2 w 12321
to 104 w 12323
remember 1 w 12331
it 151 w 12333