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CTS Library / The Obsolesence of Oracles

The Obsolesence of Oracles (30-34)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '30', 'human_reference': 'Section 30'}, 'end': {'reference': '34', 'human_reference': 'Section 34'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

That other concept is, I think, more dignified and sublime, that the gods are not subject to outside control, but are their own masters, even as the twin sons of Tyndareüs[*] come to the aid of men who are labouring in the storm,

Soothing the oncoming raging sea,
Taming the swift-driving blasts of the winds,[*]
not, however, sailing on the ships and sharing in the danger, but appearing above and rescuing; so, in the same way, one or another of the gods visits now this world and now that, led thither by pleasure in the sight, and co-operates with Nature in the directing of each. The Zeus of Homer[*] turned his gaze not so very far away from the land of Troy towards the
Thracian regions and the wandering tribes about the Danube; but the real Zeus has a fair and fitting variety of spectacles in numerous worlds, not viewing the infinite void outside nor concentrating his mind upon himself and nothing else, as some have imagined,[*] but surveying from above the many works of gods and men and the movements and courses of the stars in their cycles. In fact, the Deity is not averse to changes, but has a very great joy therein, to judge, if need be, by the alternations and cycles in the heavens among the bodies that are visible there. Infinity is altogether senseless and unreasoning, and nowhere admits a god, but in all relations it brings into action the concept of chance and accident. But the Oversight and Providence in a limited group and number of worlds, when compared with that which has entered one body and become attached to one and reshapes and remodels it an infinite number of times, seems to me to contain nothing involving less dignity or greater labour.

Having spoken at this length, I stopped. Philip, after no long interval, said, That the truth about these matters is thus or otherwise is not for me to assert. But if we eliminate the god from one world, there is the question why we make him the creator of only five worlds and no more, and what is the relation of this number to the great mass of numbers; and I feel that I would rather gain a knowledge of this than of the meaning of the E[*] dedicated here. For the number five represents neither a triangle nor a square, nor is it a perfect number nor a cube, nor does it seem to present any

other subtlety for those who love and admire such speculations. Its derivation from the number of elements, at which the Master[*] hinted darkly, is in every way hard to grasp and gives no clear intimation of the plausibility which must have drawn him on to assert that it is likely that when five bodies with equal angles and equal sides and enclosed by equal areas are engendered in matter the same number of worlds should at once be perfected from them.

Yes, said I, Theodorus of Soli[*] seems to follow up the subject not ineptly in his explanations of Platos mathematical theories. He follows it up in this way: a pyramid, an octahedron, an icosahedron, and a dodecahedron, the primary figures which Plato predicates, are all beautiful because of the symmetries and equalities in their relations, and nothing superior or even like to these[*] has been left for Nature to compose and fit together. It happens, however, that they do not all have one form of construction, nor have they all a similar origin, but the pyramid is the simplest and smallest, while the dodecahedron is the largest and most complicated. Of the remaining two the icosahedron is more than double the octahedron in the number of its triangles. For this reason it is impossible for them all to derive their origin from one and the same matter. For those that are simple and small and more rudimentary in their structure would necessarily be the first to respond to the instigating and formative power, and to be completed and acquire substantiality earlier than those of large parts and many bodies, from which class comes the dodecahedron, which requires

more labour for its construction. Hence it follows that the only primal body is the pyramid, and not one of the others, since by their nature they are outdistanced by it in coming into being. Accordingly, the remedy which exists for this strange state of affairs consists in the division and separation of matter into five worlds, one where the pyramid shall acquire substantiality first, another for the octahedron, and another for the icosahedron; then from the one that first acquires substantiality in each world the rest will have their origin, since a transmutation for everything into everything takes place according to the adaptability of parts to fit together, as Plato[*] himself has indicated, going into the details of nearly all cases. But for us it will suffice to acquire the knowledge in brief form. Since air is formed when fire is extinguished, and when rarefied again gives off fire out of itself, we must observe the behaviour of each of the generative elements and their transmutations. The generative elements of fire are the pyramid,[*] composed of twenty-four primary triangles, and likewise for air the octahedron, composed of forty-eight of the same. Therefore one element of air is produced from two corpuscles of fire combined and united; and that of air again, when divided, is separated into two corpuscles of fire, and again, when compressed and condensed, it goes off into the form of water. The result is that in every case the one which first acquires substantiality always affords the others a ready means of coming into being through transmutation; and it
is not one alone that first exists, but another in a different environment is endowed with movement, which takes the lead and forestalls the others in coming into being, and thus the name of being first is kept by all.

Manfully and zealously, said Ammonius, have these matters been worked out by Theodorus; but I should be surprised if it should not appear that he has made use of assumptions which nullify each other. For he insists that all the five shall not undergo construction at the same time, but the simplest always, which requires the least trouble to construct, shall first issue forth into being. Then, as a corollary to this, and not conflicting with it, he lays down the principle that not all matter brings forth the simplest and most rudimentary form first, but that sometimes the ponderous and complex forms, in the time of their coming into being, are earlier in arising out of matter. But apart from this, five bodies having been postulated as primary, and on the strength of this the number of worlds being put as the same, he adduces probability with reference to four only; the cube he has taken off the board, as if he were playing a game with counters, since, because of its nature, it cannot transmute itself into them nor confer upon them the power of transmutation into itself, inasmuch as the triangles are not homologous triangles. For in the others the common triangle which underlies them all is the half-triangle; but in this, and peculiar to it alone, is the isosceles triangle, which makes no convergence towards the other nor any conjunction that would unify the two. If, therefore, there are five bodies and five worlds, and in each one body only has precedence in coming into being, then where the cube has been the first to come

into being, there will be none of the others, since, because of its nature, it cannot transmute itself into any one of them. I leave out of account the fact that they make the element of the dodecahedron, as it is called, something else and not that scalene from which Plato constructs the pyramid and the octahedron and the icosahedron. So, added Ammonius, laughing,either you must solve these problems or else contribute something of your own concerning this difficulty in which we all find ourselves involved.

For the present, at least, said I, I have nothing more plausible to offer; but perhaps it is better to submit to examination on views of ones own rather than on anothers. I repeat, therefore, what I said at the beginning, that if two natures be postulated, one evident to the senses, subject to change in creation and dissolution, carried now here now there, while the other is essentially conceptual and always remains the same, it is a dreadful thing that, while the conceptual nature has been parcelled out and has variety within itself, we should feel indignant and annoyed if anyone does not leave the corporeal and passive nature as a unity knit together and converging upon itself, but separates and parts it. For it is surely fitting that things permanent and divine should hold more closely together and escape, so far as may be, all segmentation and separation. But even on these the power of Differentiation has laid its hand and has wrought in things conceptual dissimilarities in reasons and ideas, which are vaster than the separations in location. Wherefore Plato,[*] opposing those who declare for the unity of the whole, says that these five things exist: Being, Identity,

Differentiation, and, to crown all, Movement and Rest. Granted, then, that these five exist, it is not surprising if each of these five corporeal elements has been made into a copy and image of each of them respectively, not unmixed and unalloyed, but it is because of the fact that each of them participates most in its corresponding faculty. The cube is patently a body related to rest because of the security and stability of its plane surfaces. In the pyramid everybody may note its fiery and restless quality in the simplicity of its sides and the acuteness of its angles. The nature of the dodecahedron, which is comprehensive enough to include the other figures, may well seem to be a model with reference to all corporeal being. Of the remaining two, the icosahedron shares in the nature of Differentiation mostly, and the octahedron in that of Identity. For this reason the octahedron contributed air, which in a single form holds all being in its embrace, and the icosahedron water, which by admixture assumes the greatest variety of qualities. If, therefore, Nature demands an equal distribution in all things, there is a reasonable probability that the wrorlds which have been created are neither more nor less in number than the patterns, so that each pattern in each world may have the leading rank and power just as it has acquired it in the construction of the primary bodies.

That 1 w 4
other 1 w 9
concept 1 w 16
is 1 w 18
I 1 w 20
think 1 w 25
more 1 w 30
dignified 1 w 39
and 1 w 42
sublime 1 w 49
that 1 w 54
the 2 w 57
gods 1 w 61
are 1 w 64
not 1 w 67
subject 1 w 74
to 1 w 76
outside 1 w 83
control 1 w 90
but 1 w 94
are 2 w 97
their 1 w 102
own 1 w 105
masters 1 w 112
even 1 w 117
as 2 w 119
the 4 w 122
twin 1 w 126
sons 1 w 130
of 1 w 132
Tyndareüs 1 w 141
Castor 1 w 147
and 2 w 150
Pollux 1 w 156
the 5 w 160
protectors 1 w 170
of 2 w 172
sailors 1 w 179
come 1 w 184
to 4 w 186
the 6 w 189
aid 1 w 192
of 3 w 194
men 1 w 197
who 1 w 200
are 4 w 203
labouring 1 w 212
in 4 w 214
the 7 w 217
storm 1 w 222
Soothing 1 w 231
the 8 w 234
oncoming 1 w 242
raging 1 w 248
sea 1 w 251
Taming 1 w 258
the 9 w 261
swift-driving 1 w 274
blasts 1 w 280
of 4 w 282
the 10 w 285
winds 1 w 290
Repeated 1 w 299
with 1 w 303
some 1 w 307
variants 1 w 315
by 1 w 317
Plutarch 1 w 325
in 11 w 327
Moralia 1 w 334
1103 1 w 339
c-d 1 w 342
cf 1 w 345
Bergk 1 w 351
Poet 1 w 356
Lyr 1 w 360
Graec 1 w 366
iii 1 w 370
p 4 w 372
730 1 w 376
not 2 w 380
however 1 w 388
sailing 1 w 396
on 5 w 398
the 11 w 401
ships 1 w 406
and 3 w 409
sharing 1 w 416
in 14 w 418
the 12 w 421
danger 1 w 427
but 2 w 431
appearing 1 w 440
above 1 w 445
and 4 w 448
rescuing 1 w 456
so 3 w 459
in 17 w 462
the 13 w 465
same 1 w 469
way 1 w 472
one 1 w 476
or 7 w 478
another 1 w 485
of 5 w 487
the 15 w 490
gods 2 w 494
visits 1 w 500
now 1 w 503
this 1 w 507
world 1 w 512
and 5 w 515
now 2 w 518
that 2 w 522
led 1 w 526
thither 1 w 533
by 2 w 535
pleasure 1 w 543
in 18 w 545
the 17 w 548
sight 1 w 553
and 6 w 557
co-operates 1 w 568
with 2 w 572
Nature 1 w 578
in 19 w 580
the 18 w 583
directing 1 w 592
of 6 w 594
each 1 w 598
The 1 w 602
Zeus 1 w 606
of 7 w 608
Homer 1 w 613
Homer 2 w 618
Il 1 w 621
xiii 1 w 626
3 3 w 628
turned 1 w 635
his 2 w 638
gaze 1 w 642
not 4 w 645
so 4 w 647
very 1 w 651
far 1 w 654
away 1 w 658
from 1 w 662
the 19 w 665
land 1 w 669
of 8 w 671
Troy 1 w 675
towards 1 w 682
the 20 w 685
Thracian 1 w 693
regions 1 w 700
and 8 w 703
the 21 w 706
wandering 1 w 715
tribes 1 w 721
about 1 w 726
the 22 w 729
Danube 1 w 735
but 3 w 739
the 23 w 742
real 1 w 746
Zeus 2 w 750
has 1 w 753
a 58 w 754
fair 1 w 758
and 10 w 761
fitting 1 w 768
variety 1 w 775
of 9 w 777
spectacles 1 w 787
in 23 w 789
numerous 1 w 797
worlds 1 w 803
not 5 w 807
viewing 1 w 814
the 24 w 817
infinite 1 w 825
void 1 w 829
outside 2 w 836
nor 1 w 839
concentrating 1 w 852
his 3 w 855
mind 1 w 859
upon 1 w 863
himself 1 w 870
and 11 w 873
nothing 1 w 880
else 1 w 884
as 7 w 887
some 2 w 891
have 1 w 895
imagined 1 w 903
Cf 1 w 906
Aristotle 1 w 916
The 2 w 920
Eudemian 1 w 928
Ethics 1 w 934
vii 1 w 938
12 1 w 941
16 1 w 944
1245 1 w 949
b 14 w 950
14 1 w 952
but 4 w 957
surveying 1 w 966
from 2 w 970
above 2 w 975
the 25 w 978
many 1 w 982
works 1 w 987
of 10 w 989
gods 3 w 993
and 12 w 996
men 2 w 999
and 13 w 1002
the 26 w 1005
movements 1 w 1014
and 14 w 1017
courses 1 w 1024
of 11 w 1026
the 27 w 1029
stars 1 w 1034
in 32 w 1036
their 2 w 1041
cycles 1 w 1047
In 1 w 1050
fact 1 w 1054
the 29 w 1058
Deity 1 w 1063
is 7 w 1065
not 7 w 1068
averse 1 w 1074
to 8 w 1076
changes 1 w 1083
but 5 w 1087
has 2 w 1090
a 79 w 1091
very 2 w 1095
great 1 w 1100
joy 1 w 1103
therein 1 w 1110
to 9 w 1113
judge 1 w 1118
if 3 w 1121
need 1 w 1125
be 3 w 1127
by 3 w 1130
the 31 w 1133
alternations 1 w 1145
and 15 w 1148
cycles 2 w 1154
in 34 w 1156
the 32 w 1159
heavens 1 w 1166
among 1 w 1171
the 33 w 1174
bodies 1 w 1180
that 3 w 1184
are 5 w 1187
visible 1 w 1194
there 2 w 1199
Infinity 1 w 1208
is 9 w 1210
altogether 1 w 1220
senseless 1 w 1229
and 16 w 1232
unreasoning 1 w 1243
and 17 w 1247
nowhere 1 w 1254
admits 1 w 1260
a 93 w 1261
god 4 w 1264
but 6 w 1268
in 37 w 1270
all 1 w 1273
relations 1 w 1282
it 10 w 1284
brings 1 w 1290
into 1 w 1294
action 1 w 1300
the 36 w 1303
concept 2 w 1310
of 12 w 1312
chance 1 w 1318
and 18 w 1321
accident 1 w 1329
But 1 w 1333
the 37 w 1336
Oversight 1 w 1345
and 19 w 1348
Providence 1 w 1358
in 40 w 1360
a 101 w 1361
limited 1 w 1368
group 1 w 1373
and 20 w 1376
number 1 w 1382
of 13 w 1384
worlds 2 w 1390
when 1 w 1395
compared 1 w 1403
with 3 w 1407
that 4 w 1411
which 1 w 1416
has 3 w 1419
entered 1 w 1426
one 2 w 1429
body 1 w 1433
and 21 w 1436
become 1 w 1442
attached 1 w 1450
to 12 w 1452
one 3 w 1455
and 22 w 1458
reshapes 1 w 1466
and 23 w 1469
remodels 1 w 1477
it 13 w 1479
an 33 w 1481
infinite 2 w 1489
number 2 w 1495
of 14 w 1497
times 1 w 1502
seems 1 w 1508
to 13 w 1510
me 14 w 1512
to 14 w 1514
contain 1 w 1521
nothing 2 w 1528
involving 1 w 1537
less 2 w 1541
dignity 1 w 1548
or 13 w 1550
greater 1 w 1557
labour 2 w 1563
Having 1 w 1570
spoken 1 w 1576
at 15 w 1578
this 2 w 1582
length 1 w 1588
I 5 w 1590
stopped 1 w 1597
Philip 1 w 1604
after 1 w 1610
no 13 w 1612
long 1 w 1616
interval 1 w 1624
said 1 w 1629
That 2 w 1634
the 38 w 1637
truth 1 w 1642
about 2 w 1647
these 1 w 1652
matters 1 w 1659
is 11 w 1661
thus 1 w 1665
or 14 w 1667
otherwise 1 w 1676
is 13 w 1678
not 9 w 1681
for 1 w 1684
me 15 w 1686
to 16 w 1688
assert 1 w 1694
But 2 w 1698
if 4 w 1700
we 2 w 1702
eliminate 1 w 1711
the 41 w 1714
god 5 w 1717
from 3 w 1721
one 4 w 1724
world 4 w 1729
there 3 w 1735
is 14 w 1737
the 43 w 1740
question 1 w 1748
why 1 w 1751
we 3 w 1753
make 1 w 1757
him 2 w 1760
the 44 w 1763
creator 1 w 1770
of 15 w 1772
only 1 w 1776
five 1 w 1780
worlds 3 w 1786
and 24 w 1789
no 15 w 1791
more 2 w 1795
and 25 w 1799
what 1 w 1803
is 15 w 1805
the 45 w 1808
relation 2 w 1816
of 16 w 1818
this 3 w 1822
number 3 w 1828
to 18 w 1830
the 46 w 1833
great 3 w 1838
mass 1 w 1842
of 17 w 1844
numbers 1 w 1851
and 26 w 1855
I 6 w 1856
feel 1 w 1860
that 5 w 1864
I 7 w 1865
would 1 w 1870
rather 1 w 1876
gain 1 w 1880
a 138 w 1881
knowledge 1 w 1890
of 18 w 1892
this 4 w 1896
than 1 w 1900
of 19 w 1902
the 48 w 1905
meaning 1 w 1912
of 20 w 1914
the 49 w 1917
E 3 w 1918
The 3 w 1921
meaning 2 w 1928
is 18 w 1930
discussed 1 w 1939
in 53 w 1941
the 50 w 1944
second 1 w 1950
essay 1 w 1955
of 21 w 1957
this 5 w 1961
volume 1 w 1967
dedicated 1 w 1977
here 5 w 1981
For 1 w 1985
the 51 w 1988
number 5 w 1994
five 2 w 1998
represents 1 w 2008
neither 1 w 2015
a 144 w 2016
triangle 1 w 2024
nor 2 w 2027
a 146 w 2028
square 1 w 2034
nor 3 w 2038
is 21 w 2040
it 17 w 2042
a 148 w 2043
perfect 1 w 2050
number 6 w 2056
nor 4 w 2059
a 149 w 2060
cube 1 w 2064
nor 5 w 2068
does 1 w 2072
it 18 w 2074
seem 2 w 2078
to 19 w 2080
present 2 w 2087
any 2 w 2090
other 4 w 2095
subtlety 1 w 2103
for 2 w 2106
those 1 w 2111
who 2 w 2114
love 1 w 2118
and 27 w 2121
admire 1 w 2127
such 1 w 2131
speculations 1 w 2143
Its 1 w 2147
derivation 1 w 2157
from 4 w 2161
the 54 w 2164
number 7 w 2170
of 22 w 2172
elements 1 w 2180
at 28 w 2183
which 2 w 2188
the 55 w 2191
Master 1 w 2197
Presumably 1 w 2207
Pythagoras 1 w 2217
but 7 w 2221
possibly 1 w 2229
Plato 1 w 2234
hinted 1 w 2241
darkly 1 w 2247
is 22 w 2250
in 55 w 2252
every 1 w 2257
way 3 w 2260
hard 1 w 2264
to 21 w 2266
grasp 1 w 2271
and 28 w 2274
gives 1 w 2279
no 21 w 2281
clear 1 w 2286
intimation 1 w 2296
of 23 w 2298
the 56 w 2301
plausibility 1 w 2313
which 3 w 2318
must 1 w 2322
have 2 w 2326
drawn 1 w 2331
him 3 w 2334
on 28 w 2336
to 22 w 2338
assert 2 w 2344
that 6 w 2348
it 20 w 2350
is 23 w 2352
likely 1 w 2358
that 7 w 2362
when 2 w 2366
five 3 w 2370
bodies 2 w 2376
with 4 w 2380
equal 1 w 2385
angles 1 w 2391
and 29 w 2394
equal 2 w 2399
sides 1 w 2404
and 30 w 2407
enclosed 1 w 2415
by 4 w 2417
equal 3 w 2422
areas 1 w 2427
are 9 w 2430
engendered 1 w 2440
in 57 w 2442
matter 2 w 2448
the 57 w 2451
same 2 w 2455
number 8 w 2461
of 24 w 2463
worlds 4 w 2469
should 1 w 2475
at 34 w 2477
once 4 w 2481
be 14 w 2483
perfected 1 w 2492
from 5 w 2496
them 1 w 2500
Yes 1 w 2504
said 2 w 2509
I 9 w 2510
Theodorus 1 w 2520
of 25 w 2522
Soli 1 w 2526
Cf 2 w 2528
Moralia 2 w 2536
1027 1 w 2541
d 100 w 2542
seems 2 w 2548
to 23 w 2550
follow 1 w 2556
up 3 w 2558
the 59 w 2561
subject 2 w 2568
not 10 w 2571
ineptly 1 w 2578
in 59 w 2580
his 8 w 2583
explanations 1 w 2595
of 26 w 2597
Plato 2 w 2602
s 169 w 2604
mathematical 1 w 2616
theories 1 w 2624
He 1 w 2627
follows 1 w 2634
it 22 w 2636
up 4 w 2638
in 60 w 2640
this 6 w 2644
way 4 w 2647
a 196 w 2649
pyramid 1 w 2656
an 48 w 2659
octahedron 1 w 2669
an 49 w 2672
icosahedron 1 w 2683
and 31 w 2687
a 203 w 2688
dodecahedron 1 w 2700
the 62 w 2704
primary 1 w 2711
figures 1 w 2718
which 4 w 2723
Plato 3 w 2728
predicates 1 w 2738
are 10 w 2742
all 2 w 2745
beautiful 1 w 2754
because 1 w 2761
of 27 w 2763
the 63 w 2766
symmetries 1 w 2776
and 32 w 2779
equalities 1 w 2789
in 61 w 2791
their 3 w 2796
relations 2 w 2805
and 33 w 2809
nothing 3 w 2816
superior 1 w 2824
or 32 w 2826
even 2 w 2830
like 2 w 2834
to 26 w 2836
these 2 w 2841
The 5 w 2844
five 4 w 2848
solids 1 w 2854
of 28 w 2856
which 5 w 2861
each 2 w 2865
has 4 w 2868
the 66 w 2871
same 3 w 2875
number 9 w 2881
of 29 w 2883
sides 2 w 2888
on 35 w 2890
all 3 w 2893
its 3 w 2896
faces 1 w 2901
and 34 w 2905
all 4 w 2908
its 4 w 2911
solid 2 w 2916
angles 2 w 2922
made 1 w 2926
up 6 w 2928
of 30 w 2930
the 67 w 2933
same 4 w 2937
number 10 w 2943
of 31 w 2945
plane 1 w 2950
angles 3 w 2956
Cf 3 w 2959
Plato 4 w 2965
Timaeus 1 w 2973
53 1 w 2976
c 67 w 2977
56 1 w 2980
c 68 w 2981
and 35 w 2985
Grote 1 w 2990
s 197 w 2992
Plato 5 w 2997
iii 3 w 3001
269 1 w 3005
has 5 w 3009
been 1 w 3013
left 1 w 3017
for 3 w 3020
Nature 2 w 3026
to 29 w 3028
compose 1 w 3035
and 36 w 3038
fit 2 w 3041
together 2 w 3049
It 2 w 3052
happens 1 w 3059
however 2 w 3067
that 8 w 3072
they 1 w 3076
do 4 w 3078
not 12 w 3081
all 5 w 3084
have 3 w 3088
one 5 w 3091
form 1 w 3095
of 32 w 3097
construction 1 w 3109
nor 6 w 3113
have 4 w 3117
they 2 w 3121
all 6 w 3124
a 241 w 3125
similar 1 w 3132
origin 1 w 3138
but 8 w 3142
the 71 w 3145
pyramid 2 w 3152
is 26 w 3154
the 72 w 3157
simplest 1 w 3165
and 37 w 3168
smallest 1 w 3176
while 1 w 3182
the 73 w 3185
dodecahedron 2 w 3197
is 27 w 3199
the 74 w 3202
largest 1 w 3209
and 38 w 3212
most 1 w 3216
complicated 1 w 3227
Of 1 w 3230
the 75 w 3233
remaining 1 w 3242
two 1 w 3245
the 76 w 3248
icosahedron 2 w 3259
is 28 w 3261
more 3 w 3265
than 2 w 3269
double 1 w 3275
the 77 w 3278
octahedron 2 w 3288
in 66 w 3290
the 78 w 3293
number 11 w 3299
of 33 w 3301
its 5 w 3304
triangles 1 w 3313
For 2 w 3317
this 7 w 3321
reason 2 w 3327
it 28 w 3329
is 30 w 3331
impossible 1 w 3341
for 5 w 3344
them 3 w 3348
all 8 w 3351
to 31 w 3353
derive 1 w 3359
their 4 w 3364
origin 2 w 3370
from 6 w 3374
one 6 w 3377
and 39 w 3380
the 81 w 3383
same 5 w 3387
matter 3 w 3393
For 3 w 3397
those 2 w 3402
that 9 w 3406
are 11 w 3409
simple 2 w 3415
and 40 w 3418
small 2 w 3423
and 41 w 3426
more 4 w 3430
rudimentary 1 w 3441
in 68 w 3443
their 5 w 3448
structure 1 w 3457
would 2 w 3462
necessarily 1 w 3473
be 21 w 3475
the 83 w 3478
first 1 w 3483
to 32 w 3485
respond 1 w 3492
to 33 w 3494
the 84 w 3497
instigating 1 w 3508
and 42 w 3511
formative 1 w 3520
power 1 w 3525
and 43 w 3529
to 34 w 3531
be 22 w 3533
completed 1 w 3542
and 44 w 3545
acquire 1 w 3552
substantiality 1 w 3566
earlier 1 w 3573
than 3 w 3577
those 3 w 3582
of 34 w 3584
large 2 w 3589
parts 1 w 3594
and 45 w 3597
many 2 w 3601
bodies 3 w 3607
from 7 w 3612
which 6 w 3617
class 1 w 3622
comes 1 w 3627
the 85 w 3630
dodecahedron 3 w 3642
which 7 w 3648
requires 1 w 3656
more 5 w 3660
labour 3 w 3666
for 7 w 3669
its 6 w 3672
construction 2 w 3684
Hence 1 w 3690
it 31 w 3692
follows 2 w 3699
that 10 w 3703
the 86 w 3706
only 2 w 3710
primal 1 w 3716
body 2 w 3720
is 31 w 3722
the 87 w 3725
pyramid 3 w 3732
and 46 w 3736
not 13 w 3739
one 7 w 3742
of 35 w 3744
the 88 w 3747
others 1 w 3753
since 1 w 3759
by 5 w 3761
their 6 w 3766
nature 1 w 3772
they 3 w 3776
are 12 w 3779
outdistanced 1 w 3791
by 6 w 3793
it 32 w 3795
in 72 w 3797
coming 2 w 3803
into 2 w 3807
being 1 w 3812
Accordingly 1 w 3824
the 92 w 3828
remedy 1 w 3834
which 8 w 3839
exists 1 w 3845
for 8 w 3848
this 8 w 3852
strange 1 w 3859
state 1 w 3864
of 36 w 3866
affairs 1 w 3873
consists 1 w 3881
in 77 w 3883
the 93 w 3886
division 1 w 3894
and 47 w 3897
separation 1 w 3907
of 37 w 3909
matter 4 w 3915
into 3 w 3919
five 5 w 3923
worlds 5 w 3929
one 8 w 3933
where 2 w 3938
the 94 w 3941
pyramid 4 w 3948
shall 1 w 3953
acquire 2 w 3960
substantiality 2 w 3974
first 2 w 3979
another 2 w 3987
for 9 w 3990
the 96 w 3993
octahedron 3 w 4003
and 48 w 4007
another 3 w 4014
for 10 w 4017
the 98 w 4020
icosahedron 3 w 4031
then 1 w 4036
from 8 w 4040
the 100 w 4043
one 9 w 4046
that 11 w 4050
first 3 w 4055
acquires 1 w 4063
substantiality 3 w 4077
in 79 w 4079
each 3 w 4083
world 8 w 4088
the 101 w 4091
rest 1 w 4095
will 1 w 4099
have 5 w 4103
their 7 w 4108
origin 3 w 4114
since 2 w 4120
a 315 w 4121
transmutation 1 w 4134
for 11 w 4137
everything 1 w 4147
into 4 w 4151
everything 2 w 4161
takes 1 w 4166
place 1 w 4171
according 1 w 4180
to 38 w 4182
the 103 w 4185
adaptability 1 w 4197
of 38 w 4199
parts 2 w 4204
to 39 w 4206
fit 3 w 4209
together 3 w 4217
as 22 w 4220
Plato 6 w 4225
Plato 7 w 4230
Timaeus 2 w 4238
55 1 w 4241
e 482 w 4242
ff 2 w 4244
himself 2 w 4252
has 6 w 4255
indicated 1 w 4264
going 1 w 4270
into 5 w 4274
the 105 w 4277
details 1 w 4284
of 39 w 4286
nearly 1 w 4292
all 11 w 4295
cases 1 w 4300
But 3 w 4304
for 12 w 4307
us 12 w 4309
it 37 w 4311
will 2 w 4315
suffice 1 w 4322
to 44 w 4324
acquire 4 w 4331
the 106 w 4334
knowledge 2 w 4343
in 89 w 4345
brief 1 w 4350
form 3 w 4354
Since 1 w 4360
air 3 w 4363
is 37 w 4365
formed 1 w 4371
when 3 w 4375
fire 1 w 4379
is 38 w 4381
extinguished 1 w 4393
and 49 w 4397
when 4 w 4401
rarefied 1 w 4409
again 1 w 4414
gives 2 w 4419
off 1 w 4422
fire 2 w 4426
out 6 w 4429
of 41 w 4431
itself 1 w 4437
we 6 w 4440
must 2 w 4444
observe 1 w 4451
the 107 w 4454
behaviour 1 w 4463
of 42 w 4465
each 4 w 4469
of 43 w 4471
the 108 w 4474
generative 1 w 4484
elements 2 w 4492
and 50 w 4495
their 8 w 4500
transmutations 1 w 4514
The 6 w 4518
generative 2 w 4528
elements 3 w 4536
of 44 w 4538
fire 3 w 4542
are 14 w 4545
the 110 w 4548
pyramid 5 w 4555
Does 1 w 4560
Plutarch 2 w 4568
or 58 w 4571
Plato 8 w 4576
before 1 w 4582
him 5 w 4585
see 4 w 4589
an 86 w 4591
etymological 1 w 4603
relation 4 w 4611
between 1 w 4618
pyramid 6 w 4625
and 51 w 4628
pyr 7 w 4631
fire 4 w 4636
See 1 w 4641
also 1 w 4645
428 1 w 4648
d 174 w 4649
infra 1 w 4654
composed 1 w 4663
of 45 w 4665
twenty-four 1 w 4676
primary 2 w 4683
triangles 2 w 4692
and 52 w 4696
likewise 1 w 4704
for 16 w 4707
air 4 w 4710
the 111 w 4713
octahedron 4 w 4723
composed 2 w 4732
of 46 w 4734
forty-eight 1 w 4745
of 47 w 4747
the 112 w 4750
same 6 w 4754
Therefore 1 w 4764
one 10 w 4767
element 4 w 4774
of 48 w 4776
air 5 w 4779
is 41 w 4781
produced 1 w 4789
from 9 w 4793
two 2 w 4796
corpuscles 1 w 4806
of 49 w 4808
fire 5 w 4812
combined 1 w 4820
and 53 w 4823
united 1 w 4829
and 54 w 4833
that 12 w 4837
of 50 w 4839
air 6 w 4842
again 2 w 4847
when 5 w 4852
divided 1 w 4859
is 42 w 4862
separated 1 w 4871
into 6 w 4875
two 3 w 4878
corpuscles 2 w 4888
of 51 w 4890
fire 6 w 4894
and 55 w 4898
again 3 w 4903
when 6 w 4908
compressed 1 w 4918
and 56 w 4921
condensed 1 w 4930
it 40 w 4933
goes 1 w 4937
off 2 w 4940
into 7 w 4944
the 113 w 4947
form 5 w 4951
of 53 w 4953
water 1 w 4958
The 8 w 4962
result 1 w 4968
is 43 w 4970
that 13 w 4974
in 99 w 4976
every 4 w 4981
case 2 w 4985
the 114 w 4988
one 11 w 4991
which 9 w 4996
first 4 w 5001
acquires 2 w 5009
substantiality 4 w 5023
always 1 w 5029
affords 1 w 5036
the 115 w 5039
others 2 w 5045
a 387 w 5046
ready 1 w 5051
means 1 w 5056
of 54 w 5058
coming 3 w 5064
into 8 w 5068
being 2 w 5073
through 1 w 5080
transmutation 3 w 5093
and 57 w 5097
it 42 w 5099
is 44 w 5101
not 16 w 5104
one 12 w 5107
alone 1 w 5112
that 14 w 5116
first 5 w 5121
exists 2 w 5127
but 9 w 5131
another 4 w 5138
in 103 w 5140
a 396 w 5141
different 1 w 5150
environment 1 w 5161
is 46 w 5163
endowed 1 w 5170
with 5 w 5174
movement 2 w 5182
which 10 w 5188
takes 2 w 5193
the 118 w 5196
lead 1 w 5200
and 58 w 5203
forestalls 1 w 5213
the 119 w 5216
others 3 w 5222
in 104 w 5224
coming 4 w 5230
into 9 w 5234
being 3 w 5239
and 59 w 5243
thus 2 w 5247
the 121 w 5250
name 1 w 5254
of 55 w 5256
being 4 w 5261
first 6 w 5266
is 47 w 5268
kept 1 w 5272
by 7 w 5274
all 13 w 5277
Manfully 1 w 5286
and 60 w 5289
zealously 1 w 5298
said 3 w 5303
Ammonius 1 w 5311
have 6 w 5316
these 3 w 5321
matters 2 w 5328
been 2 w 5332
worked 1 w 5338
out 7 w 5341
by 8 w 5343
Theodorus 2 w 5352
but 10 w 5356
I 11 w 5357
should 2 w 5363
be 31 w 5365
surprised 1 w 5374
if 7 w 5376
it 44 w 5378
should 3 w 5384
not 18 w 5387
appear 2 w 5393
that 15 w 5397
he 154 w 5399
has 7 w 5402
made 2 w 5406
use 2 w 5409
of 56 w 5411
assumptions 1 w 5422
which 11 w 5427
nullify 1 w 5434
each 5 w 5438
other 11 w 5443
For 4 w 5447
he 156 w 5449
insists 1 w 5456
that 16 w 5460
all 14 w 5463
the 124 w 5466
five 6 w 5470
shall 2 w 5475
not 19 w 5478
undergo 1 w 5485
construction 3 w 5497
at 75 w 5499
the 125 w 5502
same 7 w 5506
time 2 w 5510
but 11 w 5514
the 126 w 5517
simplest 2 w 5525
always 2 w 5531
which 12 w 5537
requires 2 w 5545
the 127 w 5548
least 1 w 5553
trouble 1 w 5560
to 50 w 5562
construct 4 w 5571
shall 3 w 5577
first 7 w 5582
issue 1 w 5587
forth 1 w 5592
into 10 w 5596
being 5 w 5601
Then 1 w 5606
as 29 w 5609
a 427 w 5610
corollary 1 w 5619
to 52 w 5621
this 9 w 5625
and 61 w 5629
not 20 w 5632
conflicting 1 w 5643
with 6 w 5647
it 46 w 5649
he 162 w 5652
lays 1 w 5656
down 1 w 5660
the 128 w 5663
principle 1 w 5672
that 17 w 5676
not 21 w 5679
all 17 w 5682
matter 6 w 5688
brings 2 w 5694
forth 2 w 5699
the 129 w 5702
simplest 3 w 5710
and 62 w 5713
most 2 w 5717
rudimentary 2 w 5728
form 6 w 5732
first 8 w 5737
but 12 w 5741
that 18 w 5745
sometimes 1 w 5754
the 130 w 5757
ponderous 1 w 5766
and 63 w 5769
complex 1 w 5776
forms 1 w 5781
in 115 w 5784
the 131 w 5787
time 4 w 5791
of 57 w 5793
their 9 w 5798
coming 5 w 5804
into 11 w 5808
being 6 w 5813
are 15 w 5817
earlier 2 w 5824
in 119 w 5826
arising 1 w 5833
out 8 w 5836
of 58 w 5838
matter 7 w 5844
But 4 w 5848
apart 1 w 5853
from 10 w 5857
this 10 w 5861
five 7 w 5866
bodies 4 w 5872
having 1 w 5878
been 3 w 5882
postulated 1 w 5892
as 30 w 5894
primary 3 w 5901
and 64 w 5905
on 75 w 5907
the 133 w 5910
strength 1 w 5918
of 59 w 5920
this 11 w 5924
the 134 w 5927
number 12 w 5933
of 60 w 5935
worlds 6 w 5941
being 7 w 5946
put 1 w 5949
as 31 w 5951
the 135 w 5954
same 8 w 5958
he 171 w 5961
adduces 1 w 5968
probability 1 w 5979
with 7 w 5983
reference 1 w 5992
to 54 w 5994
four 2 w 5998
only 3 w 6002
the 136 w 6006
cube 2 w 6010
he 173 w 6012
has 8 w 6015
taken 1 w 6020
off 3 w 6023
the 137 w 6026
board 1 w 6031
as 33 w 6034
if 9 w 6036
he 175 w 6038
were 1 w 6042
playing 1 w 6049
a 458 w 6050
game 1 w 6054
with 8 w 6058
counters 1 w 6066
since 3 w 6072
because 2 w 6080
of 62 w 6082
its 8 w 6085
nature 2 w 6091
it 51 w 6094
cannot 1 w 6100
transmute 1 w 6109
itself 2 w 6115
into 12 w 6119
them 4 w 6123
nor 7 w 6126
confer 1 w 6132
upon 2 w 6136
them 5 w 6140
the 140 w 6143
power 2 w 6148
of 63 w 6150
transmutation 4 w 6163
into 13 w 6167
itself 3 w 6173
inasmuch 1 w 6182
as 35 w 6184
the 141 w 6187
triangles 3 w 6196
are 16 w 6199
not 23 w 6202
homologous 1 w 6212
triangles 4 w 6221
For 5 w 6225
in 128 w 6227
the 142 w 6230
others 4 w 6236
the 144 w 6239
common 1 w 6245
triangle 6 w 6253
which 13 w 6258
underlies 1 w 6267
them 6 w 6271
all 18 w 6274
is 55 w 6276
the 146 w 6279
half-triangle 1 w 6292
but 13 w 6296
in 129 w 6298
this 12 w 6302
and 65 w 6306
peculiar 1 w 6314
to 57 w 6316
it 54 w 6318
alone 2 w 6323
is 57 w 6326
the 147 w 6329
isosceles 1 w 6338
triangle 8 w 6346
which 14 w 6352
makes 1 w 6357
no 39 w 6359
convergence 1 w 6370
towards 2 w 6377
the 148 w 6380
other 13 w 6385
nor 8 w 6388
any 4 w 6391
conjunction 1 w 6402
that 19 w 6406
would 3 w 6411
unify 1 w 6416
the 150 w 6419
two 4 w 6422
If 1 w 6425
therefore 1 w 6435
there 5 w 6441
are 17 w 6444
five 8 w 6448
bodies 5 w 6454
and 66 w 6457
five 9 w 6461
worlds 7 w 6467
and 67 w 6471
in 130 w 6473
each 6 w 6477
one 15 w 6480
body 3 w 6484
only 4 w 6488
has 9 w 6491
precedence 1 w 6501
in 131 w 6503
coming 6 w 6509
into 14 w 6513
being 8 w 6518
then 2 w 6523
where 3 w 6528
the 154 w 6531
cube 3 w 6535
has 10 w 6538
been 4 w 6542
the 155 w 6545
first 9 w 6550
to 60 w 6552
come 4 w 6556
into 15 w 6560
being 9 w 6565
there 6 w 6571
will 3 w 6575
be 43 w 6577
none 1 w 6581
of 64 w 6583
the 157 w 6586
others 5 w 6592
since 4 w 6598
because 3 w 6606
of 65 w 6608
its 11 w 6611
nature 3 w 6617
it 56 w 6620
cannot 2 w 6626
transmute 2 w 6635
itself 4 w 6641
into 16 w 6645
any 5 w 6648
one 17 w 6651
of 66 w 6653
them 7 w 6657
I 13 w 6659
leave 1 w 6664
out 9 w 6667
of 67 w 6669
account 1 w 6676
the 160 w 6679
fact 2 w 6683
that 20 w 6687
they 4 w 6691
make 3 w 6695
the 162 w 6698
element 5 w 6705
of 68 w 6707
the 163 w 6710
dodecahedron 4 w 6722
as 38 w 6725
it 58 w 6727
is 59 w 6729
called 1 w 6735
something 1 w 6745
else 2 w 6749
and 68 w 6752
not 25 w 6755
that 21 w 6759
scalene 1 w 6766
from 11 w 6770
which 15 w 6775
Plato 9 w 6780
constructs 1 w 6790
the 164 w 6793
pyramid 7 w 6800
and 69 w 6803
the 165 w 6806
octahedron 5 w 6816
and 70 w 6819
the 166 w 6822
icosahedron 4 w 6833
So 3 w 6836
added 1 w 6842
Ammonius 2 w 6850
laughing 1 w 6859
either 2 w 6866
you 1 w 6869
must 3 w 6873
solve 1 w 6878
these 4 w 6883
problems 1 w 6891
or 82 w 6893
else 3 w 6897
contribute 1 w 6907
something 2 w 6916
of 69 w 6918
your 1 w 6922
own 3 w 6925
concerning 1 w 6935
this 13 w 6939
difficulty 1 w 6949
in 143 w 6951
which 16 w 6956
we 12 w 6958
all 20 w 6961
find 1 w 6965
ourselves 1 w 6974
involved 1 w 6982
For 6 w 6986
the 169 w 6989
present 3 w 6996
at 88 w 6999
least 2 w 7004
said 4 w 7009
I 14 w 7010
I 15 w 7012
have 7 w 7016
nothing 4 w 7023
more 6 w 7027
plausible 1 w 7036
to 64 w 7038
offer 1 w 7043
but 15 w 7047
perhaps 1 w 7054
it 60 w 7056
is 61 w 7058
better 1 w 7064
to 65 w 7066
submit 1 w 7072
to 66 w 7074
examination 1 w 7085
on 97 w 7087
views 1 w 7092
of 71 w 7094
one 18 w 7097
s 451 w 7099
own 4 w 7102
rather 2 w 7108
than 4 w 7112
on 99 w 7114
another 5 w 7121
s 452 w 7123
I 16 w 7125
repeat 1 w 7131
therefore 2 w 7141
what 2 w 7146
I 17 w 7147
said 5 w 7151
at 93 w 7153
the 173 w 7156
beginning 1 w 7165
that 22 w 7170
if 12 w 7172
two 5 w 7175
natures 1 w 7182
be 47 w 7184
postulated 2 w 7194
one 19 w 7198
evident 1 w 7205
to 67 w 7207
the 174 w 7210
senses 1 w 7216
subject 3 w 7224
to 68 w 7226
change 2 w 7232
in 150 w 7234
creation 1 w 7242
and 71 w 7245
dissolution 1 w 7256
carried 1 w 7264
now 6 w 7267
here 13 w 7271
now 7 w 7274
there 8 w 7279
while 2 w 7285
the 176 w 7288
other 16 w 7293
is 63 w 7295
essentially 1 w 7306
conceptual 1 w 7316
and 72 w 7319
always 3 w 7325
remains 1 w 7332
the 178 w 7335
same 9 w 7339
it 62 w 7342
is 64 w 7344
a 543 w 7345
dreadful 1 w 7353
thing 10 w 7358
that 23 w 7362
while 3 w 7368
the 179 w 7371
conceptual 2 w 7381
nature 5 w 7387
has 11 w 7390
been 5 w 7394
parcelled 1 w 7403
out 10 w 7406
and 73 w 7409
has 12 w 7412
variety 2 w 7419
within 1 w 7425
itself 5 w 7431
we 13 w 7434
should 4 w 7440
feel 2 w 7444
indignant 1 w 7453
and 74 w 7456
annoyed 1 w 7463
if 13 w 7465
anyone 1 w 7471
does 2 w 7475
not 28 w 7478
leave 2 w 7483
the 180 w 7486
corporeal 1 w 7495
and 75 w 7498
passive 1 w 7505
nature 6 w 7511
as 43 w 7513
a 563 w 7514
unity 1 w 7519
knit 1 w 7523
together 4 w 7531
and 76 w 7534
converging 1 w 7544
upon 3 w 7548
itself 6 w 7554
but 16 w 7558
separates 1 w 7567
and 77 w 7570
parts 3 w 7575
it 68 w 7577
For 7 w 7581
it 69 w 7583
is 65 w 7585
surely 1 w 7591
fitting 2 w 7598
that 24 w 7602
things 1 w 7608
permanent 1 w 7617
and 78 w 7620
divine 1 w 7626
should 5 w 7632
hold 1 w 7636
more 7 w 7640
closely 1 w 7647
together 5 w 7655
and 79 w 7658
escape 1 w 7664
so 17 w 7667
far 2 w 7670
as 44 w 7672
may 1 w 7675
be 49 w 7677
all 22 w 7681
segmentation 1 w 7693
and 80 w 7696
separation 2 w 7706
But 5 w 7710
even 3 w 7714
on 110 w 7716
these 5 w 7721
the 184 w 7724
power 3 w 7729
of 72 w 7731
Differentiation 1 w 7746
has 13 w 7749
laid 1 w 7753
its 15 w 7756
hand 1 w 7760
and 82 w 7763
has 14 w 7766
wrought 1 w 7773
in 159 w 7775
things 2 w 7781
conceptual 3 w 7791
dissimilarities 1 w 7806
in 161 w 7808
reasons 1 w 7815
and 83 w 7818
ideas 1 w 7823
which 17 w 7829
are 18 w 7832
vaster 1 w 7838
than 5 w 7842
the 185 w 7845
separations 1 w 7856
in 162 w 7858
location 1 w 7866
Wherefore 1 w 7876
Plato 10 w 7881
Plato 11 w 7887
Sophist 1 w 7895
256 1 w 7899
c 203 w 7900
Cf 4 w 7903
also 2 w 7908
Moralia 3 w 7915
391 1 w 7919
b 119 w 7920
supra 1 w 7926
opposing 1 w 7935
those 4 w 7940
who 3 w 7943
declare 1 w 7950
for 29 w 7953
the 186 w 7956
unity 2 w 7961
of 73 w 7963
the 187 w 7966
whole 1 w 7971
says 1 w 7976
that 25 w 7980
these 6 w 7985
five 10 w 7989
things 3 w 7995
exist 3 w 8000
Being 1 w 8006
Identity 1 w 8015
Differentiation 2 w 8031
and 84 w 8035
to 73 w 8038
crown 1 w 8043
all 23 w 8046
Movement 1 w 8055
and 85 w 8058
Rest 1 w 8062
Granted 1 w 8070
then 3 w 8075
that 26 w 8080
these 7 w 8085
five 11 w 8089
exist 4 w 8094
it 75 w 8097
is 70 w 8099
not 29 w 8102
surprising 1 w 8112
if 16 w 8114
each 7 w 8118
of 74 w 8120
these 8 w 8125
five 12 w 8129
corporeal 2 w 8138
elements 4 w 8146
has 15 w 8149
been 6 w 8153
made 3 w 8157
into 17 w 8161
a 618 w 8162
copy 1 w 8166
and 86 w 8169
image 1 w 8174
of 75 w 8176
each 8 w 8180
of 76 w 8182
them 8 w 8186
respectively 1 w 8198
not 30 w 8202
unmixed 1 w 8209
and 87 w 8212
unalloyed 1 w 8221
but 17 w 8225
it 76 w 8227
is 72 w 8229
because 4 w 8236
of 77 w 8238
the 193 w 8241
fact 3 w 8245
that 27 w 8249
each 9 w 8253
of 78 w 8255
them 9 w 8259
participates 1 w 8271
most 3 w 8275
in 168 w 8277
its 16 w 8280
corresponding 1 w 8293
faculty 1 w 8300
The 11 w 8304
cube 4 w 8308
is 73 w 8310
patently 1 w 8318
a 632 w 8319
body 4 w 8323
related 1 w 8330
to 75 w 8332
rest 3 w 8336
because 5 w 8343
of 79 w 8345
the 195 w 8348
security 1 w 8356
and 88 w 8359
stability 1 w 8368
of 80 w 8370
its 17 w 8373
plane 2 w 8378
surfaces 1 w 8386
In 3 w 8389
the 196 w 8392
pyramid 8 w 8399
everybody 1 w 8408
may 2 w 8411
note 1 w 8415
its 18 w 8418
fiery 1 w 8423
and 89 w 8426
restless 1 w 8434
quality 1 w 8441
in 170 w 8443
the 197 w 8446
simplicity 1 w 8456
of 81 w 8458
its 19 w 8461
sides 3 w 8466
and 90 w 8469
the 198 w 8472
acuteness 1 w 8481
of 82 w 8483
its 20 w 8486
angles 8 w 8492
The 12 w 8496
nature 7 w 8502
of 83 w 8504
the 199 w 8507
dodecahedron 5 w 8519
which 18 w 8525
is 74 w 8527
comprehensive 1 w 8540
enough 1 w 8546
to 76 w 8548
include 1 w 8555
the 200 w 8558
other 17 w 8563
figures 2 w 8570
may 3 w 8574
well 1 w 8578
seem 4 w 8582
to 77 w 8584
be 54 w 8586
a 649 w 8587
model 2 w 8592
with 10 w 8596
reference 2 w 8605
to 78 w 8607
all 25 w 8610
corporeal 3 w 8619
being 10 w 8624
Of 2 w 8627
the 202 w 8630
remaining 2 w 8639
two 6 w 8642
the 203 w 8646
icosahedron 5 w 8657
shares 1 w 8663
in 175 w 8665
the 204 w 8668
nature 8 w 8674
of 84 w 8676
Differentiation 3 w 8691
mostly 1 w 8697
and 91 w 8701
the 205 w 8704
octahedron 6 w 8714
in 176 w 8716
that 28 w 8720
of 85 w 8722
Identity 2 w 8730
For 8 w 8734
this 14 w 8738
reason 4 w 8744
the 206 w 8747
octahedron 7 w 8757
contributed 1 w 8768
air 7 w 8771
which 19 w 8777
in 177 w 8779
a 663 w 8780
single 1 w 8786
form 8 w 8790
holds 1 w 8795
all 26 w 8798
being 11 w 8803
in 180 w 8805
its 21 w 8808
embrace 1 w 8815
and 92 w 8819
the 207 w 8822
icosahedron 6 w 8833
water 2 w 8838
which 20 w 8844
by 9 w 8846
admixture 1 w 8855
assumes 1 w 8862
the 208 w 8865
greatest 1 w 8873
variety 3 w 8880
of 86 w 8882
qualities 2 w 8891
If 2 w 8894
therefore 3 w 8904
Nature 3 w 8911
demands 1 w 8918
an 159 w 8920
equal 5 w 8925
distribution 1 w 8937
in 181 w 8939
all 27 w 8942
things 4 w 8948
there 10 w 8954
is 77 w 8956
a 679 w 8957
reasonable 1 w 8967
probability 2 w 8978
that 29 w 8982
the 211 w 8985
wrorlds 1 w 8992
which 21 w 8997
have 8 w 9001
been 7 w 9005
created 1 w 9012
are 21 w 9015
neither 2 w 9022
more 8 w 9026
nor 9 w 9029
less 4 w 9033
in 183 w 9035
number 13 w 9041
than 6 w 9045
the 213 w 9048
patterns 1 w 9056
so 22 w 9059
that 30 w 9063
each 10 w 9067
pattern 2 w 9074
in 184 w 9076
each 11 w 9080
world 11 w 9085
may 4 w 9088
have 9 w 9092
the 214 w 9095
leading 1 w 9102
rank 1 w 9106
and 94 w 9109
power 4 w 9114
just 1 w 9118
as 54 w 9120
it 92 w 9122
has 16 w 9125
acquired 1 w 9133
it 93 w 9135
in 186 w 9137
the 215 w 9140
construction 4 w 9152
of 87 w 9154
the 216 w 9157
primary 4 w 9164
bodies 6 w 9170