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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (56-59)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '56', 'human_reference': 'Section 56'}, 'end': {'reference': '59', 'human_reference': 'Section 59'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Question 56. Whence is that place in the island Samos called Panaema (Πάναιμα)?

Solution. Was it because the Amazons, flying before Bacchus from the coasts of Ephesus, fell upon Samos, and thereupon Bacchus rigging up his ships wafted over, and joining battle slew abundance of them about that place, which, by reason of the plenty of blood spilled there, the beholders by way of admiration called Panaema? Some say that this slaughter was about Phloeum, and show their bones there; but others say also that Phloeum was rent off from Samos by the dreadful and hideous cry that was uttered at their death.

Question 57. Upon what account was the Andron in Samos called Pedetes?

Solution. The Geomori got the government into their hands, after Demoteles was slain, and after the dissolution of his monarchial constitution. At this time the Megarians waged war with the Perinthians, being a Samian colony,

and brought fetters with them (as they say) to put on the captives. When the Geomori were acquainted with these proceedings, they immediately sent aid, sending forth nine commanders and manning thirty ships, two of which, launching forth and lying before the haven, were destroyed with lightning. The commanders, proceeding on their voyage in the rest, subdued the Megarians, and took six hundred of them alive. They were so elevated with this victory, that they meditated the subversion of this Geomoran oligarchy; but the occasion was given by the states themselves writing to them that they should bring the Megarian captives bound in their own fetters. When they received these letters, they showed them privately to the Megarians, persuading them to concur with them in a conspiracy to procure the peoples liberty. A consult was held in common between them about this matter, and they decided that the best way was to beat off the rings from the fetters, and put them on the legs of the Megarians, and fasten them with thongs to their girdles, that they might not fall off nor being loose hinder them in their going. Accordingly they accoutred the men in this manner, and giving each of them a scimitar, they soon sailed back to Samos and landed, and accordingly led the Megarians through the market-place to the council-house, where all the Geomori were sitting together. Then, the sign being given, the Megarians fell on and slew those men. Whereupon, the city being set at liberty, they admitted the Megarians (as many as would) into the number of citizens, and erecting a magnificent edifice, hung up the fetters (πέδαι) in it. From this the house was named Πεδήτης.

Question 58. What is the reason that the chief priest of Hercules in Antimachia at Cos, when he manageth the sacrifice, is clothed in womens apparel, and wears a mitre upon his head?

Solution. Hercules, setting sail from Troy with six ships, was attacked by a storm, and lost all his ships but one, with which only he was forced by the wind upon the coast of Cos, and fell upon a place called Laceter, saving nothing besides his men and armor. There happening to meet with a flock of sheep, he requested one ram of the shepherd (the man was called Antagoras), who, being a robust-bodied young man, challenged Hercules to fight with him; and if he were worsted, Hercules should carry away the ram. As soon as this fellow engaged with Hercules, the Meropes came in to the aid of Antagoras; and the Grecians coming in to assist Hercules, a great fight ensued. Whereat (they say) Hercules, overpowered by the multitude, betook himself for refuge to a Thracian woman, and was concealed by disguising himself in womans apparel. But when afterwards, conquering the Meropes and passing under purification, he married the daughter of Alciopus, he put on a flowery robe. Hence the priests offer sacrifices in the place where the battle was fought, and the bridegrooms are clothed in womens apparel when they receive their brides.

Question 59. Whence was the race of Hamaxocylists in Megara?

Solution. In that licentious democracy under which the demanding back of interest money paid to usurers[*] was introduced and sacrilege was permitted, the Peloponnesians went on a pilgrimage to Delphi through the borders of Megara, and lodged in Aegira by the lake-side with their wives and children, in their caravans, as they best could. There a resolute drunken company of the Megarians in a riotous and cruel manner overturned their wagons, and overwhelmed them in the lake; so that many of the pilgrims were drowned. The Megarians indeed, by reason of the disorder of the government, neglected the

punishment of this wickedness; but the Amphictyons, taking into consideration the sanctity of this pilgrimage, punished the actors of this villany, some with banishment, some with death. Hence the posterity of these villains were called Ἁμαξοκυλισταί, i.e. overturners of wagons.

Question 1 w 8
56 1 w 10
Whence 1 w 17
is 1 w 19
that 1 w 23
place 1 w 28
in 1 w 30
the 1 w 33
island 1 w 39
Samos 1 w 44
called 1 w 50
Panaema 1 w 57
Πάναιμα 1 w 65
Solution 1 w 75
Was 1 w 79
it 1 w 81
because 1 w 88
the 2 w 91
Amazons 1 w 98
flying 1 w 105
before 1 w 111
Bacchus 1 w 118
from 1 w 122
the 3 w 125
coasts 1 w 131
of 1 w 133
Ephesus 1 w 140
fell 1 w 145
upon 1 w 149
Samos 2 w 154
and 2 w 158
thereupon 1 w 167
Bacchus 2 w 174
rigging 1 w 181
up 3 w 183
his 1 w 186
ships 1 w 191
wafted 1 w 197
over 1 w 201
and 3 w 205
joining 1 w 212
battle 1 w 218
slew 1 w 222
abundance 1 w 231
of 2 w 233
them 1 w 237
about 1 w 242
that 2 w 246
place 2 w 251
which 1 w 257
by 1 w 260
reason 1 w 266
of 3 w 268
the 6 w 271
plenty 1 w 277
of 4 w 279
blood 1 w 284
spilled 1 w 291
there 2 w 296
the 8 w 300
beholders 1 w 309
by 2 w 311
way 1 w 314
of 5 w 316
admiration 1 w 326
called 2 w 332
Panaema 2 w 339
Some 1 w 344
say 1 w 347
that 3 w 351
this 1 w 355
slaughter 1 w 364
was 1 w 367
about 2 w 372
Phloeum 1 w 379
and 4 w 383
show 1 w 387
their 1 w 392
bones 1 w 397
there 3 w 402
but 1 w 406
others 1 w 412
say 2 w 415
also 1 w 419
that 4 w 423
Phloeum 2 w 430
was 2 w 433
rent 1 w 437
off 1 w 440
from 2 w 444
Samos 3 w 449
by 3 w 451
the 12 w 454
dreadful 1 w 462
and 5 w 465
hideous 1 w 472
cry 1 w 475
that 5 w 479
was 3 w 482
uttered 1 w 489
at 8 w 491
their 2 w 496
death 1 w 501
Question 2 w 510
57 1 w 512
Upon 1 w 517
what 1 w 521
account 1 w 528
was 4 w 531
the 14 w 534
Andron 1 w 540
in 6 w 542
Samos 4 w 547
called 3 w 553
Pedetes 1 w 560
Solution 2 w 569
The 1 w 573
Geomori 1 w 580
got 1 w 583
the 15 w 586
government 1 w 596
into 1 w 600
their 3 w 605
hands 1 w 610
after 1 w 616
Demoteles 1 w 625
was 5 w 628
slain 1 w 633
and 7 w 637
after 2 w 642
the 17 w 645
dissolution 1 w 656
of 7 w 658
his 3 w 661
monarchial 1 w 671
constitution 1 w 683
At 1 w 686
this 2 w 690
time 1 w 694
the 18 w 697
Megarians 1 w 706
waged 1 w 711
war 1 w 714
with 1 w 718
the 19 w 721
Perinthians 1 w 732
being 1 w 738
a 68 w 739
Samian 1 w 745
colony 1 w 751
and 8 w 755
brought 1 w 762
fetters 1 w 769
with 2 w 773
them 2 w 777
as 9 w 780
they 1 w 784
say 3 w 787
to 2 w 790
put 1 w 793
on 18 w 795
the 22 w 798
captives 1 w 806
When 2 w 811
the 23 w 814
Geomori 2 w 821
were 1 w 825
acquainted 1 w 835
with 3 w 839
these 1 w 844
proceedings 1 w 855
they 2 w 860
immediately 1 w 871
sent 1 w 875
aid 1 w 878
sending 1 w 886
forth 1 w 891
nine 1 w 895
commanders 1 w 905
and 10 w 908
manning 1 w 915
thirty 1 w 921
ships 2 w 926
two 1 w 930
of 8 w 932
which 2 w 937
launching 1 w 947
forth 2 w 952
and 11 w 955
lying 2 w 960
before 2 w 966
the 26 w 969
haven 1 w 974
were 2 w 979
destroyed 1 w 988
with 4 w 992
lightning 1 w 1001
The 2 w 1005
commanders 2 w 1015
proceeding 2 w 1026
on 19 w 1028
their 4 w 1033
voyage 1 w 1039
in 20 w 1041
the 28 w 1044
rest 1 w 1048
subdued 1 w 1056
the 29 w 1059
Megarians 2 w 1068
and 13 w 1072
took 1 w 1076
six 1 w 1079
hundred 1 w 1086
of 9 w 1088
them 3 w 1092
alive 1 w 1097
They 1 w 1102
were 3 w 1106
so 4 w 1108
elevated 1 w 1116
with 5 w 1120
this 3 w 1124
victory 1 w 1131
that 6 w 1136
they 3 w 1140
meditated 1 w 1149
the 32 w 1152
subversion 1 w 1162
of 10 w 1164
this 4 w 1168
Geomoran 1 w 1176
oligarchy 1 w 1185
but 2 w 1189
the 33 w 1192
occasion 1 w 1200
was 6 w 1203
given 1 w 1208
by 4 w 1210
the 34 w 1213
states 1 w 1219
themselves 1 w 1229
writing 1 w 1236
to 5 w 1238
them 5 w 1242
that 7 w 1246
they 4 w 1250
should 1 w 1256
bring 1 w 1261
the 38 w 1264
Megarian 3 w 1272
captives 2 w 1280
bound 1 w 1285
in 23 w 1287
their 5 w 1292
own 1 w 1295
fetters 2 w 1302
When 3 w 1307
they 5 w 1311
received 1 w 1319
these 2 w 1324
letters 1 w 1331
they 6 w 1336
showed 1 w 1342
them 6 w 1346
privately 1 w 1355
to 6 w 1357
the 44 w 1360
Megarians 3 w 1369
persuading 1 w 1380
them 7 w 1384
to 7 w 1386
concur 1 w 1392
with 6 w 1396
them 8 w 1400
in 25 w 1402
a 107 w 1403
conspiracy 1 w 1413
to 8 w 1415
procure 1 w 1422
the 47 w 1425
people 1 w 1431
s 87 w 1433
liberty 1 w 1440
A 4 w 1442
consult 1 w 1449
was 7 w 1452
held 1 w 1456
in 26 w 1458
common 1 w 1464
between 1 w 1471
them 9 w 1475
about 3 w 1480
this 5 w 1484
matter 1 w 1490
and 14 w 1494
they 7 w 1498
decided 1 w 1505
that 8 w 1509
the 50 w 1512
best 1 w 1516
way 2 w 1519
was 8 w 1522
to 9 w 1524
beat 1 w 1528
off 2 w 1531
the 51 w 1534
rings 1 w 1539
from 3 w 1543
the 52 w 1546
fetters 3 w 1553
and 15 w 1557
put 2 w 1560
them 10 w 1564
on 26 w 1566
the 54 w 1569
legs 1 w 1573
of 12 w 1575
the 55 w 1578
Megarians 4 w 1587
and 16 w 1591
fasten 1 w 1597
them 11 w 1601
with 7 w 1605
thongs 1 w 1611
to 10 w 1613
their 6 w 1618
girdles 1 w 1625
that 9 w 1630
they 8 w 1634
might 1 w 1639
not 1 w 1642
fall 1 w 1646
off 3 w 1649
nor 1 w 1652
being 2 w 1657
loose 1 w 1662
hinder 1 w 1668
them 12 w 1672
in 30 w 1674
their 7 w 1679
going 1 w 1684
Accordingly 1 w 1696
they 9 w 1700
accoutred 1 w 1709
the 62 w 1712
men 2 w 1715
in 33 w 1717
this 6 w 1721
manner 1 w 1727
and 17 w 1731
giving 1 w 1737
each 1 w 1741
of 14 w 1743
them 13 w 1747
a 128 w 1748
scimitar 1 w 1756
they 10 w 1761
soon 1 w 1765
sailed 1 w 1771
back 1 w 1775
to 11 w 1777
Samos 5 w 1782
and 18 w 1785
landed 1 w 1791
and 20 w 1795
accordingly 1 w 1806
led 6 w 1809
the 65 w 1812
Megarians 5 w 1821
through 1 w 1828
the 66 w 1831
market-place 1 w 1843
to 12 w 1845
the 67 w 1848
council-house 1 w 1861
where 1 w 1867
all 5 w 1870
the 68 w 1873
Geomori 3 w 1880
were 4 w 1884
sitting 1 w 1891
together 1 w 1899
Then 1 w 1904
the 70 w 1908
sign 1 w 1912
being 3 w 1917
given 2 w 1922
the 71 w 1926
Megarians 6 w 1935
fell 2 w 1939
on 29 w 1941
and 21 w 1944
slew 2 w 1948
those 1 w 1953
men 3 w 1956
Whereupon 1 w 1966
the 72 w 1970
city 1 w 1974
being 4 w 1979
set 1 w 1982
at 22 w 1984
liberty 2 w 1991
they 11 w 1996
admitted 1 w 2004
the 74 w 2007
Megarians 7 w 2016
as 15 w 2019
many 1 w 2023
as 16 w 2025
would 1 w 2030
into 2 w 2035
the 75 w 2038
number 1 w 2044
of 15 w 2046
citizens 1 w 2054
and 22 w 2058
erecting 1 w 2066
a 153 w 2067
magnificent 1 w 2078
edifice 1 w 2085
hung 1 w 2090
up 5 w 2092
the 76 w 2095
fetters 4 w 2102
πέδαι 1 w 2108
in 41 w 2111
it 17 w 2113
From 1 w 2118
this 7 w 2122
the 77 w 2125
house 2 w 2130
was 9 w 2133
named 1 w 2138
Πεδήτης 1 w 2145
Question 3 w 2154
58 1 w 2156
What 1 w 2161
is 13 w 2163
the 78 w 2166
reason 2 w 2172
that 10 w 2176
the 79 w 2179
chief 1 w 2184
priest 1 w 2190
of 16 w 2192
Hercules 1 w 2200
in 42 w 2202
Antimachia 1 w 2212
at 25 w 2214
Cos 1 w 2217
when 1 w 2222
he 92 w 2224
manageth 1 w 2232
the 80 w 2235
sacrifice 1 w 2244
is 14 w 2247
clothed 1 w 2254
in 43 w 2256
women 1 w 2261
s 130 w 2263
apparel 1 w 2270
and 23 w 2274
wears 1 w 2279
a 170 w 2280
mitre 1 w 2285
upon 4 w 2289
his 10 w 2292
head 1 w 2296
Solution 3 w 2305
Hercules 2 w 2314
setting 1 w 2322
sail 2 w 2326
from 4 w 2330
Troy 1 w 2334
with 8 w 2338
six 2 w 2341
ships 3 w 2346
was 10 w 2350
attacked 1 w 2358
by 5 w 2360
a 176 w 2361
storm 1 w 2366
and 24 w 2370
lost 1 w 2374
all 6 w 2377
his 11 w 2380
ships 4 w 2385
but 3 w 2388
one 2 w 2391
with 9 w 2396
which 3 w 2401
only 1 w 2405
he 96 w 2407
was 11 w 2410
forced 1 w 2416
by 6 w 2418
the 82 w 2421
wind 1 w 2425
upon 5 w 2429
the 83 w 2432
coast 2 w 2437
of 17 w 2439
Cos 2 w 2442
and 25 w 2446
fell 3 w 2450
upon 6 w 2454
a 182 w 2455
place 4 w 2460
called 4 w 2466
Laceter 1 w 2473
saving 1 w 2480
nothing 1 w 2487
besides 1 w 2494
his 12 w 2497
men 5 w 2500
and 26 w 2503
armor 1 w 2508
There 1 w 2514
happening 1 w 2523
to 16 w 2525
meet 1 w 2529
with 10 w 2533
a 190 w 2534
flock 1 w 2539
of 18 w 2541
sheep 1 w 2546
he 101 w 2549
requested 1 w 2558
one 3 w 2561
ram 1 w 2564
of 19 w 2566
the 84 w 2569
shepherd 1 w 2577
the 85 w 2581
man 7 w 2584
was 12 w 2587
called 5 w 2593
Antagoras 1 w 2602
who 1 w 2607
being 5 w 2613
a 197 w 2614
robust-bodied 1 w 2627
young 1 w 2632
man 8 w 2635
challenged 1 w 2646
Hercules 3 w 2654
to 17 w 2656
fight 1 w 2661
with 11 w 2665
him 1 w 2668
and 27 w 2672
if 4 w 2674
he 106 w 2676
were 5 w 2680
worsted 1 w 2687
Hercules 4 w 2696
should 2 w 2702
carry 1 w 2707
away 1 w 2711
the 86 w 2714
ram 2 w 2717
As 1 w 2720
soon 2 w 2724
as 24 w 2726
this 8 w 2730
fellow 1 w 2736
engaged 1 w 2743
with 12 w 2747
Hercules 5 w 2755
the 87 w 2759
Meropes 1 w 2766
came 1 w 2770
in 50 w 2772
to 18 w 2774
the 88 w 2777
aid 2 w 2780
of 20 w 2782
Antagoras 2 w 2791
and 28 w 2795
the 89 w 2798
Grecians 1 w 2806
coming 1 w 2812
in 52 w 2814
to 19 w 2816
assist 1 w 2822
Hercules 6 w 2830
a 214 w 2832
great 1 w 2837
fight 2 w 2842
ensued 1 w 2848
Whereat 1 w 2856
they 12 w 2861
say 4 w 2864
Hercules 7 w 2873
overpowered 1 w 2885
by 7 w 2887
the 91 w 2890
multitude 1 w 2899
betook 1 w 2906
himself 1 w 2913
for 6 w 2916
refuge 1 w 2922
to 21 w 2924
a 218 w 2925
Thracian 1 w 2933
woman 1 w 2938
and 29 w 2942
was 13 w 2945
concealed 1 w 2954
by 8 w 2956
disguising 1 w 2966
himself 2 w 2973
in 54 w 2975
woman 2 w 2980
s 182 w 2982
apparel 2 w 2989
But 1 w 2993
when 2 w 2997
afterwards 1 w 3007
conquering 1 w 3018
the 92 w 3021
Meropes 2 w 3028
and 30 w 3031
passing 1 w 3038
under 1 w 3043
purification 1 w 3055
he 116 w 3058
married 1 w 3065
the 93 w 3068
daughter 1 w 3076
of 21 w 3078
Alciopus 1 w 3086
he 118 w 3089
put 3 w 3092
on 44 w 3094
a 235 w 3095
flowery 1 w 3102
robe 1 w 3106
Hence 1 w 3112
the 94 w 3115
priests 1 w 3122
offer 1 w 3127
sacrifices 1 w 3137
in 57 w 3139
the 95 w 3142
place 5 w 3147
where 2 w 3152
the 96 w 3155
battle 2 w 3161
was 14 w 3164
fought 1 w 3170
and 31 w 3174
the 97 w 3177
bridegrooms 1 w 3188
are 3 w 3191
clothed 2 w 3198
in 58 w 3200
women 2 w 3205
s 194 w 3207
apparel 3 w 3214
when 3 w 3218
they 13 w 3222
receive 2 w 3229
their 8 w 3234
brides 1 w 3240
Question 4 w 3249
59 1 w 3251
Whence 2 w 3258
was 15 w 3261
the 101 w 3264
race 1 w 3268
of 23 w 3270
Hamaxocylists 1 w 3283
in 59 w 3285
Megara 1 w 3291
Solution 4 w 3300
In 1 w 3303
that 11 w 3307
licentious 1 w 3317
democracy 1 w 3326
under 2 w 3331
which 4 w 3336
the 102 w 3339
demanding 1 w 3348
back 2 w 3352
of 24 w 3354
interest 1 w 3362
money 1 w 3367
paid 1 w 3371
to 22 w 3373
usurers 1 w 3380
Called 1 w 3386
παλιντοκία 1 w 3396
n 224 w 3398
See 1 w 3401
above 1 w 3406
Question 5 w 3415
18 1 w 3417
G 6 w 3420
was 16 w 3425
introduced 1 w 3435
and 33 w 3438
sacrilege 1 w 3447
was 17 w 3450
permitted 1 w 3459
the 103 w 3463
Peloponnesians 1 w 3477
went 1 w 3481
on 50 w 3483
a 262 w 3484
pilgrimage 1 w 3494
to 23 w 3496
Delphi 1 w 3502
through 2 w 3509
the 104 w 3512
borders 1 w 3519
of 25 w 3521
Megara 2 w 3527
and 34 w 3531
lodged 1 w 3537
in 63 w 3539
Aegira 1 w 3545
by 9 w 3547
the 105 w 3550
lake-side 1 w 3559
with 13 w 3563
their 9 w 3568
wives 1 w 3573
and 35 w 3576
children 1 w 3584
in 64 w 3587
their 10 w 3592
caravans 1 w 3600
as 33 w 3603
they 14 w 3607
best 2 w 3611
could 1 w 3616
There 2 w 3622
a 274 w 3623
resolute 1 w 3631
drunken 1 w 3638
company 1 w 3645
of 26 w 3647
the 109 w 3650
Megarians 8 w 3659
in 65 w 3661
a 278 w 3662
riotous 1 w 3669
and 36 w 3672
cruel 1 w 3677
manner 2 w 3683
overturned 1 w 3693
their 11 w 3698
wagons 1 w 3704
and 37 w 3708
overwhelmed 1 w 3719
them 14 w 3723
in 66 w 3725
the 112 w 3728
lake 2 w 3732
so 9 w 3735
that 12 w 3739
many 2 w 3743
of 27 w 3745
the 113 w 3748
pilgrims 1 w 3756
were 7 w 3760
drowned 1 w 3767
The 7 w 3771
Megarians 9 w 3780
indeed 1 w 3786
by 10 w 3789
reason 3 w 3795
of 28 w 3797
the 114 w 3800
disorder 1 w 3808
of 29 w 3810
the 115 w 3813
government 2 w 3823
neglected 1 w 3833
the 116 w 3836
punishment 1 w 3846
of 30 w 3848
this 9 w 3852
wickedness 1 w 3862
but 4 w 3866
the 117 w 3869
Amphictyons 1 w 3880
taking 1 w 3887
into 3 w 3891
consideration 1 w 3904
the 118 w 3907
sanctity 1 w 3915
of 31 w 3917
this 10 w 3921
pilgrimage 2 w 3931
punished 1 w 3940
the 119 w 3943
actors 1 w 3949
of 32 w 3951
this 11 w 3955
villany 1 w 3962
some 1 w 3967
with 14 w 3971
banishment 1 w 3981
some 2 w 3986
with 15 w 3990
death 2 w 3995
Hence 2 w 4001
the 120 w 4004
posterity 1 w 4013
of 33 w 4015
these 3 w 4020
villains 1 w 4028
were 8 w 4032
called 6 w 4038
Ἁμαξοκυλισταί 1 w 4051
i 268 w 4053
e 507 w 4055
overturners 1 w 4067
of 34 w 4069
wagons 2 w 4075