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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (48-51)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '48', 'human_reference': 'Section 48'}, 'end': {'reference': '51', 'human_reference': 'Section 51'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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Question 48. Why is the temple of Ulysses in Lacedaemon built hard by the monument of the Leucippides?

Solution. One Ergiaeus, of the posterity of Diomedes,

by the persuasion of Temenus stole the Palladium from Argos, Leager being conscious of and accessory to the felony, for he was one of the intimates of Temenus. Afterward Leager, by reason of a feud betwixt him and Temenus, went over into Lacedaemon and transported the Palladium thither. The kings receive him readily, and place the Palladium next to the temple of the Leucippides, and sending to Delphi consult the oracle about its safety and preservation. The oracle answered that they must make one of them that stole it the keeper of it. So they erected there the monument of Ulysses, especially since they supposed that hero was related to the city by the marriage of Penelope.

Question 49. What is the reason that it is a custom amongst the Chalcedonian women, that, if at any time they happen to meet with other womens husbands, especially magistrates, they cover one cheek?

Solution. The Chalcedonians warred against the Bithynians, being provoked thereto by every kind of injury. And Zipoetus being king of the Bithynians, they brought out all their forces, with the addition of Thracian auxiliaries, and were wasting the country with fire and sword. Zipoetus then pitching his camp against them at a place called Phalium, the Chalcedonians, fighting ill through desperateness and disorder, lost about eight thousand soldiers, but were not all cut off, Zipoetus in favor of the Byzantines yielding to a cessation of arms. Now, there being a great scarcity of men in the city of Chalcedon, most of the women were necessitated to marry their freedmen and aliens; others that chose widowhood rather than marriage to such, if they had any occasion to go before judges or magistrates, managed their own affairs, only withdrawing their veil from one side of their face. Then the married women, imitating these as their betters, for modestys sake took up the same custom.

Question 50. Why do the Argives bring their sheep to the grove of Agenor to take ram?

Solution. Was it because Agenor took care to have the fairest sheep, and of all kings possessed the most flocks of sheep?

Question 51. Why did the Argive boys on a certain feast-day call themselves Ballacrades in sport?

Solution. Was it because they report that the first people that were brought by Inachus out of the countries into the plains, lived upon ἀχράδες, i.e. wild pears? But wild pears were first discovered by the Grecians in Peloponnesus, while that country was called Apia, whence wild pears came afterwards to be called ἄπιοι.

Question 1 w 8
48 1 w 10
Why 1 w 14
is 1 w 16
the 1 w 19
temple 1 w 25
of 1 w 27
Ulysses 1 w 34
in 1 w 36
Lacedaemon 1 w 46
built 1 w 51
hard 1 w 55
by 1 w 57
the 2 w 60
monument 1 w 68
of 2 w 70
the 3 w 73
Leucippides 1 w 84
Solution 1 w 93
One 1 w 97
Ergiaeus 1 w 105
of 3 w 108
the 4 w 111
posterity 1 w 120
of 4 w 122
Diomedes 1 w 130
by 2 w 133
the 5 w 136
persuasion 1 w 146
of 5 w 148
Temenus 1 w 155
stole 1 w 160
the 6 w 163
Palladium 1 w 172
from 1 w 176
Argos 1 w 181
Leager 1 w 188
being 1 w 193
conscious 1 w 202
of 6 w 204
and 1 w 207
accessory 1 w 216
to 2 w 218
the 7 w 221
felony 1 w 227
for 1 w 231
he 8 w 233
was 1 w 236
one 1 w 239
of 7 w 241
the 8 w 244
intimates 1 w 253
of 8 w 255
Temenus 2 w 262
Afterward 1 w 272
Leager 2 w 278
by 3 w 281
reason 1 w 287
of 9 w 289
a 16 w 290
feud 1 w 294
betwixt 1 w 301
him 1 w 304
and 2 w 307
Temenus 3 w 314
went 1 w 319
over 1 w 323
into 1 w 327
Lacedaemon 2 w 337
and 3 w 340
transported 1 w 351
the 9 w 354
Palladium 2 w 363
thither 1 w 370
The 1 w 374
kings 1 w 379
receive 1 w 386
him 2 w 389
readily 1 w 396
and 4 w 400
place 1 w 405
the 11 w 408
Palladium 3 w 417
next 1 w 421
to 4 w 423
the 12 w 426
temple 2 w 432
of 10 w 434
the 13 w 437
Leucippides 2 w 448
and 5 w 452
sending 1 w 459
to 5 w 461
Delphi 1 w 467
consult 1 w 474
the 14 w 477
oracle 1 w 483
about 1 w 488
its 1 w 491
safety 1 w 497
and 6 w 500
preservation 1 w 512
The 2 w 516
oracle 2 w 522
answered 1 w 530
that 1 w 534
they 1 w 538
must 1 w 542
make 1 w 546
one 2 w 549
of 11 w 551
them 1 w 555
that 2 w 559
stole 2 w 564
it 4 w 566
the 17 w 569
keeper 1 w 575
of 12 w 577
it 5 w 579
So 2 w 582
they 2 w 586
erected 1 w 593
there 1 w 598
the 20 w 601
monument 2 w 609
of 13 w 611
Ulysses 2 w 618
especially 1 w 629
since 1 w 634
they 3 w 638
supposed 1 w 646
that 3 w 650
hero 1 w 654
was 2 w 657
related 1 w 664
to 7 w 666
the 22 w 669
city 1 w 673
by 4 w 675
the 23 w 678
marriage 1 w 686
of 14 w 688
Penelope 1 w 696
Question 2 w 705
49 1 w 707
What 1 w 712
is 2 w 714
the 24 w 717
reason 2 w 723
that 4 w 727
it 7 w 729
is 3 w 731
a 49 w 732
custom 1 w 738
amongst 1 w 745
the 25 w 748
Chalcedonian 1 w 760
women 1 w 765
that 5 w 770
if 1 w 773
at 10 w 775
any 1 w 778
time 1 w 782
they 4 w 786
happen 1 w 792
to 9 w 794
meet 1 w 798
with 1 w 802
other 1 w 807
women 2 w 812
s 49 w 814
husbands 1 w 822
especially 2 w 833
magistrates 1 w 844
they 5 w 849
cover 1 w 854
one 3 w 857
cheek 1 w 862
Solution 2 w 871
The 3 w 875
Chalcedonians 1 w 888
warred 1 w 894
against 1 w 901
the 29 w 904
Bithynians 1 w 914
being 2 w 920
provoked 1 w 928
thereto 1 w 935
by 5 w 937
every 1 w 942
kind 1 w 946
of 15 w 948
injury 1 w 954
And 1 w 958
Zipoetus 1 w 966
being 3 w 971
king 2 w 975
of 16 w 977
the 31 w 980
Bithynians 2 w 990
they 6 w 995
brought 1 w 1002
out 2 w 1005
all 6 w 1008
their 1 w 1013
forces 1 w 1019
with 2 w 1024
the 34 w 1027
addition 1 w 1035
of 17 w 1037
Thracian 1 w 1045
auxiliaries 1 w 1056
and 8 w 1060
were 2 w 1064
wasting 1 w 1071
the 35 w 1074
country 1 w 1081
with 3 w 1085
fire 1 w 1089
and 9 w 1092
sword 1 w 1097
Zipoetus 2 w 1106
then 1 w 1110
pitching 1 w 1118
his 1 w 1121
camp 1 w 1125
against 2 w 1132
them 2 w 1136
at 12 w 1138
a 81 w 1139
place 2 w 1144
called 1 w 1150
Phalium 1 w 1157
the 38 w 1161
Chalcedonians 2 w 1174
fighting 1 w 1183
ill 1 w 1186
through 1 w 1193
desperateness 1 w 1206
and 10 w 1209
disorder 1 w 1217
lost 1 w 1222
about 2 w 1227
eight 1 w 1232
thousand 1 w 1240
soldiers 1 w 1248
but 1 w 1252
were 3 w 1256
not 1 w 1259
all 8 w 1262
cut 1 w 1265
off 1 w 1268
Zipoetus 3 w 1277
in 18 w 1279
favor 1 w 1284
of 19 w 1286
the 39 w 1289
Byzantines 1 w 1299
yielding 1 w 1307
to 11 w 1309
a 94 w 1310
cessation 1 w 1319
of 20 w 1321
arms 1 w 1325
Now 1 w 1329
there 3 w 1335
being 4 w 1340
a 97 w 1341
great 1 w 1346
scarcity 1 w 1354
of 21 w 1356
men 8 w 1359
in 22 w 1361
the 41 w 1364
city 3 w 1368
of 22 w 1370
Chalcedon 4 w 1379
most 1 w 1384
of 23 w 1386
the 42 w 1389
women 3 w 1394
were 4 w 1398
necessitated 1 w 1410
to 12 w 1412
marry 1 w 1417
their 2 w 1422
freedmen 1 w 1430
and 12 w 1433
aliens 1 w 1439
others 1 w 1446
that 6 w 1450
chose 1 w 1455
widowhood 1 w 1464
rather 1 w 1470
than 1 w 1474
marriage 2 w 1482
to 13 w 1484
such 1 w 1488
if 2 w 1491
they 7 w 1495
had 1 w 1498
any 2 w 1501
occasion 1 w 1509
to 14 w 1511
go 2 w 1513
before 1 w 1519
judges 1 w 1525
or 11 w 1527
magistrates 2 w 1538
managed 1 w 1546
their 3 w 1551
own 1 w 1554
affairs 1 w 1561
only 1 w 1566
withdrawing 1 w 1577
their 4 w 1582
veil 1 w 1586
from 2 w 1590
one 4 w 1593
side 1 w 1597
of 24 w 1599
their 5 w 1604
face 1 w 1608
Then 1 w 1613
the 50 w 1616
married 1 w 1623
women 4 w 1628
imitating 1 w 1638
these 1 w 1643
as 8 w 1645
their 6 w 1650
betters 1 w 1657
for 4 w 1661
modesty 1 w 1668
s 99 w 1670
sake 1 w 1674
took 1 w 1678
up 2 w 1680
the 53 w 1683
same 1 w 1687
custom 2 w 1693
Question 3 w 1702
50 1 w 1704
Why 2 w 1708
do 6 w 1710
the 54 w 1713
Argives 1 w 1720
bring 1 w 1725
their 7 w 1730
sheep 1 w 1735
to 17 w 1737
the 56 w 1740
grove 1 w 1745
of 25 w 1747
Agenor 1 w 1753
to 18 w 1755
take 1 w 1759
ram 1 w 1762
Solution 3 w 1771
Was 1 w 1775
it 20 w 1777
because 1 w 1784
Agenor 2 w 1790
took 2 w 1794
care 1 w 1798
to 20 w 1800
have 1 w 1804
the 57 w 1807
fairest 1 w 1814
sheep 2 w 1819
and 13 w 1823
of 26 w 1825
all 9 w 1828
kings 2 w 1833
possessed 1 w 1842
the 58 w 1845
most 2 w 1849
flocks 1 w 1855
of 27 w 1857
sheep 3 w 1862
Question 4 w 1871
51 1 w 1873
Why 3 w 1877
did 1 w 1880
the 59 w 1883
Argive 2 w 1889
boys 1 w 1893
on 32 w 1895
a 135 w 1896
certain 1 w 1903
feast-day 1 w 1912
call 2 w 1916
themselves 1 w 1926
Ballacrades 1 w 1937
in 28 w 1939
sport 2 w 1944
Solution 4 w 1953
Was 2 w 1957
it 21 w 1959
because 2 w 1966
they 8 w 1970
report 1 w 1976
that 7 w 1980
the 62 w 1983
first 1 w 1988
people 1 w 1994
that 8 w 1998
were 5 w 2002
brought 2 w 2009
by 6 w 2011
Inachus 1 w 2018
out 4 w 2021
of 28 w 2023
the 63 w 2026
countries 1 w 2035
into 2 w 2039
the 64 w 2042
plains 1 w 2048
lived 1 w 2054
upon 1 w 2058
ἀχράδες 1 w 2065
i 137 w 2067
e 268 w 2069
wild 1 w 2074
pears 1 w 2079
But 1 w 2083
wild 2 w 2087
pears 2 w 2092
were 6 w 2096
first 2 w 2101
discovered 1 w 2111
by 7 w 2113
the 65 w 2116
Grecians 1 w 2124
in 31 w 2126
Peloponnesus 1 w 2138
while 1 w 2144
that 9 w 2148
country 2 w 2155
was 4 w 2158
called 2 w 2164
Apia 1 w 2168
whence 1 w 2175
wild 3 w 2179
pears 3 w 2184
came 1 w 2188
afterwards 1 w 2198
to 22 w 2200
be 10 w 2202
called 3 w 2208
ἄπιοι 1 w 2213