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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (46-50)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '46', 'human_reference': 'Section 46'}, 'end': {'reference': '50', 'human_reference': 'Section 50'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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Question 46. What is the reason that the Trallians call the pulse ὄροβος by the name καθαρτής (i.e. purifying), and use it especially in expiations and purifications.

Solution. Was it because the Leleges and Minyae, in former times driving out the Trallians, possessed themselves of the city and that country, and afterwards the Trallians returned and conquered them; and as many of the Leleges as were not slain or fled, but by reason of indigency and weakness were left there, they made no account of whether they lived or died, and therefore enacted a law that any Trallian that slew one of the Minyae or Leleges should be guiltless, provided only that he paid a measure of this pulse to the relatives of the slain person?

Question 47. Why is it spoken by way of proverb amongst the Eleans, Thou sufferest worse things than Sambicus?

Solution. It is said that one Sambicus an Elean, having many comrades with him, did break off many of the devoted bronze offerings placed in Olympia and disposed of them, and at length robbed the temple of Diana the Bish opess (which temple is in Elis, and is called Aristarchaeum. Presently after the committing of this sacrilege, he was taken and tormented the space of a year, being examined concerning all his accessories, and so died; hence this proverb arose from his suffering.

Question 48. Why is the temple of Ulysses in Lacedaemon built hard by the monument of the Leucippides?

Solution. One Ergiaeus, of the posterity of Diomedes,

by the persuasion of Temenus stole the Palladium from Argos, Leager being conscious of and accessory to the felony, for he was one of the intimates of Temenus. Afterward Leager, by reason of a feud betwixt him and Temenus, went over into Lacedaemon and transported the Palladium thither. The kings receive him readily, and place the Palladium next to the temple of the Leucippides, and sending to Delphi consult the oracle about its safety and preservation. The oracle answered that they must make one of them that stole it the keeper of it. So they erected there the monument of Ulysses, especially since they supposed that hero was related to the city by the marriage of Penelope.

Question 49. What is the reason that it is a custom amongst the Chalcedonian women, that, if at any time they happen to meet with other womens husbands, especially magistrates, they cover one cheek?

Solution. The Chalcedonians warred against the Bithynians, being provoked thereto by every kind of injury. And Zipoetus being king of the Bithynians, they brought out all their forces, with the addition of Thracian auxiliaries, and were wasting the country with fire and sword. Zipoetus then pitching his camp against them at a place called Phalium, the Chalcedonians, fighting ill through desperateness and disorder, lost about eight thousand soldiers, but were not all cut off, Zipoetus in favor of the Byzantines yielding to a cessation of arms. Now, there being a great scarcity of men in the city of Chalcedon, most of the women were necessitated to marry their freedmen and aliens; others that chose widowhood rather than marriage to such, if they had any occasion to go before judges or magistrates, managed their own affairs, only withdrawing their veil from one side of their face. Then the married women, imitating these as their betters, for modestys sake took up the same custom.

Question 50. Why do the Argives bring their sheep to the grove of Agenor to take ram?

Solution. Was it because Agenor took care to have the fairest sheep, and of all kings possessed the most flocks of sheep?

Question 1 w 8
46 1 w 10
What 1 w 15
is 1 w 17
the 1 w 20
reason 1 w 26
that 1 w 30
the 2 w 33
Trallians 1 w 42
call 1 w 46
the 3 w 49
pulse 1 w 54
ὄροβος 1 w 60
by 1 w 62
the 4 w 65
name 1 w 69
καθαρτής 1 w 77
i 4 w 79
e 9 w 81
purifying 1 w 91
and 1 w 96
use 1 w 99
it 1 w 101
especially 1 w 111
in 2 w 113
expiations 1 w 123
and 2 w 126
purifications 1 w 139
Solution 1 w 148
Was 1 w 152
it 2 w 154
because 1 w 161
the 5 w 164
Leleges 1 w 171
and 3 w 174
Minyae 1 w 180
in 4 w 183
former 1 w 189
times 1 w 194
driving 1 w 201
out 1 w 204
the 6 w 207
Trallians 2 w 216
possessed 1 w 226
themselves 1 w 236
of 1 w 238
the 8 w 241
city 1 w 245
and 4 w 248
that 2 w 252
country 1 w 259
and 5 w 263
afterwards 1 w 273
the 9 w 276
Trallians 3 w 285
returned 1 w 293
and 6 w 296
conquered 1 w 305
them 2 w 309
and 7 w 313
as 3 w 315
many 1 w 319
of 2 w 321
the 11 w 324
Leleges 2 w 331
as 4 w 333
were 1 w 337
not 1 w 340
slain 1 w 345
or 2 w 347
fled 1 w 351
but 1 w 355
by 2 w 357
reason 2 w 363
of 3 w 365
indigency 1 w 374
and 8 w 377
weakness 1 w 385
were 2 w 389
left 1 w 393
there 1 w 398
they 1 w 403
made 1 w 407
no 2 w 409
account 1 w 416
of 4 w 418
whether 1 w 425
they 2 w 429
lived 1 w 434
or 3 w 436
died 1 w 440
and 9 w 444
therefore 1 w 453
enacted 1 w 460
a 39 w 461
law 1 w 464
that 3 w 468
any 2 w 471
Trallian 4 w 479
that 4 w 483
slew 1 w 487
one 1 w 490
of 5 w 492
the 17 w 495
Minyae 2 w 501
or 5 w 503
Leleges 3 w 510
should 1 w 516
be 2 w 518
guiltless 1 w 527
provided 1 w 536
only 1 w 540
that 5 w 544
he 19 w 546
paid 1 w 550
a 49 w 551
measure 1 w 558
of 6 w 560
this 1 w 564
pulse 2 w 569
to 1 w 571
the 18 w 574
relatives 1 w 583
of 7 w 585
the 19 w 588
slain 2 w 593
person 1 w 599
Question 2 w 608
47 1 w 610
Why 1 w 614
is 3 w 616
it 4 w 618
spoken 1 w 624
by 3 w 626
way 1 w 629
of 8 w 631
proverb 1 w 638
amongst 1 w 645
the 20 w 648
Eleans 1 w 654
Thou 1 w 659
sufferest 1 w 668
worse 1 w 673
things 1 w 679
than 1 w 683
Sambicus 1 w 691
Solution 2 w 700
It 1 w 703
is 4 w 705
said 1 w 709
that 6 w 713
one 2 w 716
Sambicus 2 w 724
an 18 w 726
Elean 2 w 731
having 1 w 738
many 2 w 742
comrades 1 w 750
with 1 w 754
him 1 w 757
did 1 w 761
break 1 w 766
off 1 w 769
many 3 w 773
of 10 w 775
the 21 w 778
devoted 1 w 785
bronze 1 w 791
offerings 1 w 800
placed 1 w 806
in 13 w 808
Olympia 1 w 815
and 10 w 818
disposed 1 w 826
of 12 w 828
them 3 w 832
and 11 w 836
at 11 w 838
length 1 w 844
robbed 1 w 850
the 23 w 853
temple 1 w 859
of 13 w 861
Diana 1 w 866
the 24 w 869
Bish 1 w 873
opess 1 w 878
which 1 w 884
temple 2 w 890
is 7 w 892
in 14 w 894
Elis 1 w 898
and 12 w 902
is 9 w 904
called 1 w 910
Aristarchaeum 1 w 923
Presently 1 w 933
after 2 w 938
the 25 w 941
committing 1 w 951
of 14 w 953
this 2 w 957
sacrilege 1 w 966
he 28 w 969
was 1 w 972
taken 1 w 977
and 13 w 980
tormented 1 w 989
the 26 w 992
space 1 w 997
of 15 w 999
a 85 w 1000
year 1 w 1004
being 1 w 1010
examined 1 w 1018
concerning 1 w 1028
all 8 w 1031
his 3 w 1034
accessories 1 w 1045
and 14 w 1049
so 5 w 1051
died 2 w 1055
hence 1 w 1061
this 3 w 1065
proverb 2 w 1072
arose 1 w 1077
from 1 w 1081
his 5 w 1084
suffering 1 w 1093
Question 3 w 1102
48 1 w 1104
Why 2 w 1108
is 15 w 1110
the 27 w 1113
temple 3 w 1119
of 16 w 1121
Ulysses 1 w 1128
in 20 w 1130
Lacedaemon 1 w 1140
built 1 w 1145
hard 1 w 1149
by 4 w 1151
the 28 w 1154
monument 1 w 1162
of 17 w 1164
the 29 w 1167
Leucippides 1 w 1178
Solution 3 w 1187
One 1 w 1191
Ergiaeus 1 w 1199
of 18 w 1202
the 30 w 1205
posterity 1 w 1214
of 19 w 1216
Diomedes 1 w 1224
by 5 w 1227
the 31 w 1230
persuasion 1 w 1240
of 20 w 1242
Temenus 1 w 1249
stole 1 w 1254
the 32 w 1257
Palladium 1 w 1266
from 2 w 1270
Argos 1 w 1275
Leager 1 w 1282
being 2 w 1287
conscious 1 w 1296
of 21 w 1298
and 15 w 1301
accessory 1 w 1310
to 4 w 1312
the 33 w 1315
felony 1 w 1321
for 3 w 1325
he 38 w 1327
was 2 w 1330
one 3 w 1333
of 22 w 1335
the 34 w 1338
intimates 1 w 1347
of 23 w 1349
Temenus 2 w 1356
Afterward 1 w 1366
Leager 2 w 1372
by 6 w 1375
reason 3 w 1381
of 24 w 1383
a 107 w 1384
feud 1 w 1388
betwixt 1 w 1395
him 2 w 1398
and 16 w 1401
Temenus 3 w 1408
went 1 w 1413
over 3 w 1417
into 1 w 1421
Lacedaemon 2 w 1431
and 17 w 1434
transported 1 w 1445
the 35 w 1448
Palladium 2 w 1457
thither 1 w 1464
The 1 w 1468
kings 1 w 1473
receive 1 w 1480
him 3 w 1483
readily 1 w 1490
and 18 w 1494
place 2 w 1499
the 37 w 1502
Palladium 3 w 1511
next 1 w 1515
to 6 w 1517
the 38 w 1520
temple 4 w 1526
of 25 w 1528
the 39 w 1531
Leucippides 2 w 1542
and 19 w 1546
sending 1 w 1553
to 7 w 1555
Delphi 1 w 1561
consult 1 w 1568
the 40 w 1571
oracle 1 w 1577
about 1 w 1582
its 1 w 1585
safety 1 w 1591
and 20 w 1594
preservation 1 w 1606
The 2 w 1610
oracle 2 w 1616
answered 1 w 1624
that 7 w 1628
they 3 w 1632
must 1 w 1636
make 1 w 1640
one 4 w 1643
of 26 w 1645
them 4 w 1649
that 8 w 1653
stole 2 w 1658
it 10 w 1660
the 43 w 1663
keeper 1 w 1669
of 27 w 1671
it 11 w 1673
So 4 w 1676
they 4 w 1680
erected 1 w 1687
there 3 w 1692
the 46 w 1695
monument 2 w 1703
of 28 w 1705
Ulysses 2 w 1712
especially 2 w 1723
since 1 w 1728
they 5 w 1732
supposed 1 w 1740
that 9 w 1744
hero 1 w 1748
was 3 w 1751
related 1 w 1758
to 9 w 1760
the 48 w 1763
city 2 w 1767
by 7 w 1769
the 49 w 1772
marriage 1 w 1780
of 29 w 1782
Penelope 1 w 1790
Question 4 w 1799
49 1 w 1801
What 2 w 1806
is 16 w 1808
the 50 w 1811
reason 4 w 1817
that 10 w 1821
it 13 w 1823
is 17 w 1825
a 140 w 1826
custom 1 w 1832
amongst 2 w 1839
the 51 w 1842
Chalcedonian 1 w 1854
women 1 w 1859
that 11 w 1864
if 3 w 1867
at 21 w 1869
any 5 w 1872
time 2 w 1876
they 6 w 1880
happen 1 w 1886
to 11 w 1888
meet 1 w 1892
with 2 w 1896
other 1 w 1901
women 2 w 1906
s 127 w 1908
husbands 1 w 1916
especially 3 w 1927
magistrates 1 w 1938
they 7 w 1943
cover 1 w 1948
one 5 w 1951
cheek 1 w 1956
Solution 4 w 1965
The 3 w 1969
Chalcedonians 1 w 1982
warred 1 w 1988
against 1 w 1995
the 55 w 1998
Bithynians 1 w 2008
being 3 w 2014
provoked 1 w 2022
thereto 1 w 2029
by 8 w 2031
every 1 w 2036
kind 1 w 2040
of 30 w 2042
injury 1 w 2048
And 1 w 2052
Zipoetus 1 w 2060
being 4 w 2065
king 2 w 2069
of 31 w 2071
the 57 w 2074
Bithynians 2 w 2084
they 8 w 2089
brought 1 w 2096
out 3 w 2099
all 14 w 2102
their 1 w 2107
forces 1 w 2113
with 3 w 2118
the 60 w 2121
addition 1 w 2129
of 32 w 2131
Thracian 1 w 2139
auxiliaries 1 w 2150
and 22 w 2154
were 4 w 2158
wasting 1 w 2165
the 61 w 2168
country 2 w 2175
with 4 w 2179
fire 1 w 2183
and 23 w 2186
sword 1 w 2191
Zipoetus 2 w 2200
then 1 w 2204
pitching 1 w 2212
his 6 w 2215
camp 1 w 2219
against 2 w 2226
them 5 w 2230
at 23 w 2232
a 172 w 2233
place 3 w 2238
called 2 w 2244
Phalium 1 w 2251
the 64 w 2255
Chalcedonians 2 w 2268
fighting 1 w 2277
ill 1 w 2280
through 1 w 2287
desperateness 1 w 2300
and 24 w 2303
disorder 1 w 2311
lost 1 w 2316
about 2 w 2321
eight 1 w 2326
thousand 1 w 2334
soldiers 1 w 2342
but 2 w 2346
were 5 w 2350
not 2 w 2353
all 16 w 2356
cut 1 w 2359
off 3 w 2362
Zipoetus 3 w 2371
in 37 w 2373
favor 1 w 2378
of 34 w 2380
the 65 w 2383
Byzantines 1 w 2393
yielding 1 w 2401
to 13 w 2403
a 185 w 2404
cessation 1 w 2413
of 35 w 2415
arms 1 w 2419
Now 1 w 2423
there 5 w 2429
being 5 w 2434
a 188 w 2435
great 1 w 2440
scarcity 1 w 2448
of 36 w 2450
men 9 w 2453
in 41 w 2455
the 67 w 2458
city 4 w 2462
of 37 w 2464
Chalcedon 4 w 2473
most 1 w 2478
of 38 w 2480
the 68 w 2483
women 3 w 2488
were 6 w 2492
necessitated 1 w 2504
to 14 w 2506
marry 1 w 2511
their 2 w 2516
freedmen 1 w 2524
and 26 w 2527
aliens 1 w 2533
others 1 w 2540
that 12 w 2544
chose 1 w 2549
widowhood 1 w 2558
rather 1 w 2564
than 2 w 2568
marriage 2 w 2576
to 15 w 2578
such 1 w 2582
if 4 w 2585
they 9 w 2589
had 1 w 2592
any 6 w 2595
occasion 1 w 2603
to 16 w 2605
go 2 w 2607
before 1 w 2613
judges 1 w 2619
or 19 w 2621
magistrates 2 w 2632
managed 1 w 2640
their 3 w 2645
own 1 w 2648
affairs 1 w 2655
only 2 w 2660
withdrawing 1 w 2671
their 4 w 2676
veil 1 w 2680
from 3 w 2684
one 6 w 2687
side 1 w 2691
of 39 w 2693
their 5 w 2698
face 1 w 2702
Then 1 w 2707
the 76 w 2710
married 1 w 2717
women 4 w 2722
imitating 1 w 2732
these 1 w 2737
as 15 w 2739
their 6 w 2744
betters 1 w 2751
for 6 w 2755
modesty 1 w 2762
s 177 w 2764
sake 1 w 2768
took 1 w 2772
up 2 w 2774
the 79 w 2777
same 1 w 2781
custom 2 w 2787
Question 5 w 2796
50 1 w 2798
Why 3 w 2802
do 6 w 2804
the 80 w 2807
Argives 1 w 2814
bring 1 w 2819
their 7 w 2824
sheep 1 w 2829
to 19 w 2831
the 82 w 2834
grove 1 w 2839
of 40 w 2841
Agenor 1 w 2847
to 20 w 2849
take 2 w 2853
ram 1 w 2856
Solution 5 w 2865
Was 2 w 2869
it 26 w 2871
because 2 w 2878
Agenor 2 w 2884
took 2 w 2888
care 1 w 2892
to 22 w 2894
have 1 w 2898
the 83 w 2901
fairest 1 w 2908
sheep 2 w 2913
and 27 w 2917
of 41 w 2919
all 17 w 2922
kings 2 w 2927
possessed 2 w 2936
the 84 w 2939
most 2 w 2943
flocks 1 w 2949
of 42 w 2951
sheep 3 w 2956