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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (44-47)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '44', 'human_reference': 'Section 44'}, 'end': {'reference': '47', 'human_reference': 'Section 47'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Question 44. Who are the Monophagi in Aegina?

Solution. Many of the Aeginetans that fought against Troy were slain in those wars, but more of them by storm in the voyaging by sea. The relations therefore receiving those few that were left, and observing the other citizens overwhelmed with sorrow and grief, thought it not convenient to make any public appearances of joy or to sacrifice to the Gods; but every one entertained privately in his own house his relations that were escaped with feasts and entertainments, they themselves giving attendance to their fathers, kinsfolks, brethren, and acquaintance, none of other families being admitted thereto. Hence in imitation of these they celebrate a sacrifice to Neptune, which is called the Thiasi, in which they revel without any noise, each family apart by itself, for the space of sixteen days, without any servant attending them; then offering sacrifices to Venus, they finish this solemn feast. Upon this account they are called Monophagi, i.e. such as feed apart by themselves.

Question 45. What is the reason that the statue of Labradean Jupiter in Caria is made so as to hold an axe lifted up, and not a sceptre or thunderbolt.

Solution. Because Hercules slaying Hippolyta, and taking away from her amongst other weapons her pole-axe, presented it to Omphale. After Omphale the kings of the Lydians carried it, as part of the sacred regalities which they took by succession, until Candaules, disdaining it, gave it to one of his favorites to carry. But afterwards Gyges revolting waged war against him; Arselis also came to the aid of Gyges from the Mylassians with a great

strength, slew Candaules with his favorite, and carried away the pole-axe into Caria with other spoils; where furbishing up the statue of Jupiter, he put the axe into his hand and called it the Labradean God,—for the Lydians call an axe labra.

Question 46. What is the reason that the Trallians call the pulse ὄροβος by the name καθαρτής (i.e. purifying), and use it especially in expiations and purifications.

Solution. Was it because the Leleges and Minyae, in former times driving out the Trallians, possessed themselves of the city and that country, and afterwards the Trallians returned and conquered them; and as many of the Leleges as were not slain or fled, but by reason of indigency and weakness were left there, they made no account of whether they lived or died, and therefore enacted a law that any Trallian that slew one of the Minyae or Leleges should be guiltless, provided only that he paid a measure of this pulse to the relatives of the slain person?

Question 47. Why is it spoken by way of proverb amongst the Eleans, Thou sufferest worse things than Sambicus?

Solution. It is said that one Sambicus an Elean, having many comrades with him, did break off many of the devoted bronze offerings placed in Olympia and disposed of them, and at length robbed the temple of Diana the Bish opess (which temple is in Elis, and is called Aristarchaeum. Presently after the committing of this sacrilege, he was taken and tormented the space of a year, being examined concerning all his accessories, and so died; hence this proverb arose from his suffering.

Question 1 w 8
44 1 w 10
Who 1 w 14
are 1 w 17
the 1 w 20
Monophagi 1 w 29
in 1 w 31
Aegina 1 w 37
Solution 1 w 46
Many 1 w 51
of 1 w 53
the 2 w 56
Aeginetans 1 w 66
that 1 w 70
fought 1 w 76
against 1 w 83
Troy 1 w 87
were 1 w 91
slain 1 w 96
in 6 w 98
those 1 w 103
wars 1 w 107
but 1 w 111
more 1 w 115
of 2 w 117
them 1 w 121
by 1 w 123
storm 1 w 128
in 7 w 130
the 4 w 133
voyaging 1 w 141
by 2 w 143
sea 1 w 146
The 1 w 150
relations 1 w 159
therefore 1 w 168
receiving 1 w 177
those 2 w 182
few 1 w 185
that 2 w 189
were 2 w 193
left 1 w 197
and 1 w 201
observing 1 w 210
the 6 w 213
other 1 w 218
citizens 1 w 226
overwhelmed 1 w 237
with 1 w 241
sorrow 1 w 247
and 2 w 250
grief 1 w 255
thought 1 w 263
it 3 w 265
not 1 w 268
convenient 1 w 278
to 2 w 280
make 1 w 284
any 2 w 287
public 1 w 293
appearances 1 w 304
of 3 w 306
joy 1 w 309
or 5 w 311
to 3 w 313
sacrifice 1 w 322
to 4 w 324
the 8 w 327
Gods 1 w 331
but 2 w 335
every 1 w 340
one 1 w 343
entertained 1 w 354
privately 1 w 363
in 12 w 365
his 1 w 368
own 1 w 371
house 1 w 376
his 2 w 379
relations 2 w 388
that 3 w 392
were 3 w 396
escaped 1 w 403
with 2 w 407
feasts 1 w 413
and 3 w 416
entertainments 1 w 430
they 1 w 435
themselves 1 w 445
giving 1 w 451
attendance 1 w 461
to 5 w 463
their 1 w 468
fathers 1 w 475
kinsfolks 1 w 485
brethren 1 w 494
and 4 w 498
acquaintance 1 w 510
none 1 w 515
of 4 w 517
other 2 w 522
families 1 w 530
being 1 w 535
admitted 1 w 543
thereto 1 w 550
Hence 1 w 556
in 18 w 558
imitation 1 w 567
of 5 w 569
these 1 w 574
they 2 w 578
celebrate 1 w 587
a 42 w 588
sacrifice 2 w 597
to 7 w 599
Neptune 1 w 606
which 1 w 612
is 3 w 614
called 1 w 620
the 17 w 623
Thiasi 1 w 629
in 19 w 632
which 2 w 637
they 3 w 641
revel 1 w 646
without 1 w 653
any 3 w 656
noise 1 w 661
each 1 w 666
family 1 w 672
apart 1 w 677
by 3 w 679
itself 1 w 685
for 2 w 689
the 19 w 692
space 1 w 697
of 6 w 699
sixteen 1 w 706
days 1 w 710
without 2 w 718
any 4 w 721
servant 1 w 728
attending 1 w 737
them 3 w 741
then 1 w 746
offering 1 w 754
sacrifices 1 w 764
to 8 w 766
Venus 1 w 771
they 4 w 776
finish 1 w 782
this 1 w 786
solemn 1 w 792
feast 2 w 797
Upon 1 w 802
this 2 w 806
account 1 w 813
they 5 w 817
are 2 w 820
called 2 w 826
Monophagi 2 w 835
i 69 w 837
e 113 w 839
such 1 w 844
as 4 w 846
feed 1 w 850
apart 2 w 855
by 4 w 857
themselves 2 w 867
Question 2 w 876
45 1 w 878
What 1 w 883
is 8 w 885
the 25 w 888
reason 1 w 894
that 4 w 898
the 26 w 901
statue 1 w 907
of 8 w 909
Labradean 1 w 918
Jupiter 1 w 925
in 23 w 927
Caria 1 w 932
is 9 w 934
made 1 w 938
so 4 w 940
as 6 w 942
to 9 w 944
hold 1 w 948
an 15 w 950
axe 1 w 953
lifted 1 w 959
up 2 w 961
and 5 w 965
not 2 w 968
a 79 w 969
sceptre 1 w 976
or 7 w 978
thunderbolt 1 w 989
Solution 2 w 998
Because 1 w 1006
Hercules 1 w 1014
slaying 1 w 1021
Hippolyta 1 w 1030
and 6 w 1034
taking 1 w 1040
away 1 w 1044
from 1 w 1048
her 6 w 1051
amongst 1 w 1058
other 3 w 1063
weapons 1 w 1070
her 8 w 1073
pole-axe 1 w 1081
presented 1 w 1091
it 11 w 1093
to 10 w 1095
Omphale 1 w 1102
After 1 w 1108
Omphale 2 w 1115
the 28 w 1118
kings 1 w 1123
of 9 w 1125
the 29 w 1128
Lydians 1 w 1135
carried 1 w 1142
it 12 w 1144
as 7 w 1147
part 3 w 1151
of 10 w 1153
the 30 w 1156
sacred 1 w 1162
regalities 1 w 1172
which 3 w 1177
they 6 w 1181
took 1 w 1185
by 5 w 1187
succession 1 w 1197
until 1 w 1203
Candaules 1 w 1212
disdaining 1 w 1223
it 14 w 1225
gave 1 w 1230
it 15 w 1232
to 12 w 1234
one 3 w 1237
of 11 w 1239
his 5 w 1242
favorites 1 w 1251
to 13 w 1253
carry 1 w 1258
But 1 w 1262
afterwards 1 w 1272
Gyges 1 w 1277
revolting 1 w 1286
waged 1 w 1291
war 3 w 1294
against 2 w 1301
him 1 w 1304
Arselis 1 w 1312
also 1 w 1316
came 1 w 1320
to 14 w 1322
the 32 w 1325
aid 1 w 1328
of 12 w 1330
Gyges 2 w 1335
from 2 w 1339
the 33 w 1342
Mylassians 1 w 1352
with 5 w 1356
a 115 w 1357
great 1 w 1362
strength 1 w 1370
slew 1 w 1375
Candaules 2 w 1384
with 6 w 1388
his 6 w 1391
favorite 2 w 1399
and 9 w 1403
carried 2 w 1410
away 2 w 1414
the 34 w 1417
pole-axe 2 w 1425
into 1 w 1429
Caria 2 w 1434
with 7 w 1438
other 4 w 1443
spoils 1 w 1449
where 1 w 1455
furbishing 1 w 1465
up 3 w 1467
the 36 w 1470
statue 2 w 1476
of 13 w 1478
Jupiter 2 w 1485
he 42 w 1488
put 1 w 1491
the 37 w 1494
axe 4 w 1497
into 2 w 1501
his 7 w 1504
hand 1 w 1508
and 11 w 1511
called 3 w 1517
it 22 w 1519
the 38 w 1522
Labradean 2 w 1531
God 2 w 1534
for 3 w 1539
the 39 w 1542
Lydians 2 w 1549
call 4 w 1553
an 27 w 1555
axe 5 w 1558
labra 1 w 1563
Question 3 w 1572
46 1 w 1574
What 2 w 1579
is 16 w 1581
the 40 w 1584
reason 2 w 1590
that 5 w 1594
the 41 w 1597
Trallians 1 w 1606
call 5 w 1610
the 42 w 1613
pulse 1 w 1618
ὄροβος 1 w 1624
by 6 w 1626
the 43 w 1629
name 1 w 1633
καθαρτής 1 w 1641
i 123 w 1643
e 201 w 1645
purifying 1 w 1655
and 12 w 1660
use 3 w 1663
it 23 w 1665
especially 1 w 1675
in 35 w 1677
expiations 1 w 1687
and 13 w 1690
purifications 1 w 1703
Solution 3 w 1712
Was 1 w 1716
it 24 w 1718
because 1 w 1725
the 44 w 1728
Leleges 1 w 1735
and 14 w 1738
Minyae 1 w 1744
in 37 w 1747
former 1 w 1753
times 1 w 1758
driving 1 w 1765
out 3 w 1768
the 45 w 1771
Trallians 2 w 1780
possessed 1 w 1790
themselves 3 w 1800
of 14 w 1802
the 47 w 1805
city 1 w 1809
and 15 w 1812
that 6 w 1816
country 1 w 1823
and 16 w 1827
afterwards 2 w 1837
the 48 w 1840
Trallians 3 w 1849
returned 1 w 1857
and 17 w 1860
conquered 1 w 1869
them 6 w 1873
and 18 w 1877
as 11 w 1879
many 1 w 1883
of 15 w 1885
the 50 w 1888
Leleges 2 w 1895
as 12 w 1897
were 4 w 1901
not 3 w 1904
slain 2 w 1909
or 12 w 1911
fled 1 w 1915
but 3 w 1919
by 7 w 1921
reason 3 w 1927
of 16 w 1929
indigency 1 w 1938
and 19 w 1941
weakness 1 w 1949
were 5 w 1953
left 2 w 1957
there 3 w 1962
they 7 w 1967
made 2 w 1971
no 8 w 1973
account 2 w 1980
of 17 w 1982
whether 1 w 1989
they 8 w 1993
lived 1 w 1998
or 13 w 2000
died 1 w 2004
and 20 w 2008
therefore 2 w 2017
enacted 1 w 2024
a 179 w 2025
law 1 w 2028
that 7 w 2032
any 6 w 2035
Trallian 4 w 2043
that 8 w 2047
slew 2 w 2051
one 4 w 2054
of 18 w 2056
the 56 w 2059
Minyae 2 w 2065
or 15 w 2067
Leleges 3 w 2074
should 1 w 2080
be 3 w 2082
guiltless 1 w 2091
provided 1 w 2100
only 1 w 2104
that 9 w 2108
he 64 w 2110
paid 1 w 2114
a 189 w 2115
measure 1 w 2122
of 19 w 2124
this 3 w 2128
pulse 2 w 2133
to 17 w 2135
the 57 w 2138
relatives 1 w 2147
of 20 w 2149
the 58 w 2152
slain 3 w 2157
person 1 w 2163
Question 4 w 2172
47 1 w 2174
Why 1 w 2178
is 18 w 2180
it 26 w 2182
spoken 1 w 2188
by 8 w 2190
way 3 w 2193
of 21 w 2195
proverb 1 w 2202
amongst 2 w 2209
the 59 w 2212
Eleans 1 w 2218
Thou 1 w 2223
sufferest 1 w 2232
worse 1 w 2237
things 1 w 2243
than 1 w 2247
Sambicus 1 w 2255
Solution 4 w 2264
It 1 w 2267
is 19 w 2269
said 1 w 2273
that 10 w 2277
one 5 w 2280
Sambicus 2 w 2288
an 45 w 2290
Elean 2 w 2295
having 1 w 2302
many 2 w 2306
comrades 1 w 2314
with 8 w 2318
him 2 w 2321
did 1 w 2325
break 1 w 2330
off 2 w 2333
many 3 w 2337
of 23 w 2339
the 60 w 2342
devoted 1 w 2349
bronze 1 w 2355
offerings 1 w 2364
placed 1 w 2370
in 46 w 2372
Olympia 1 w 2379
and 21 w 2382
disposed 1 w 2390
of 25 w 2392
them 7 w 2396
and 22 w 2400
at 27 w 2402
length 1 w 2408
robbed 1 w 2414
the 62 w 2417
temple 1 w 2423
of 26 w 2425
Diana 1 w 2430
the 63 w 2433
Bish 1 w 2437
opess 1 w 2442
which 4 w 2448
temple 2 w 2454
is 22 w 2456
in 47 w 2458
Elis 1 w 2462
and 23 w 2466
is 24 w 2468
called 4 w 2474
Aristarchaeum 1 w 2487
Presently 1 w 2497
after 3 w 2502
the 64 w 2505
committing 1 w 2515
of 27 w 2517
this 4 w 2521
sacrilege 1 w 2530
he 73 w 2533
was 1 w 2536
taken 1 w 2541
and 24 w 2544
tormented 1 w 2553
the 65 w 2556
space 2 w 2561
of 28 w 2563
a 225 w 2564
year 1 w 2568
being 2 w 2574
examined 1 w 2582
concerning 1 w 2592
all 12 w 2595
his 10 w 2598
accessories 1 w 2609
and 25 w 2613
so 10 w 2615
died 2 w 2619
hence 1 w 2625
this 5 w 2629
proverb 2 w 2636
arose 1 w 2641
from 3 w 2645
his 12 w 2648
suffering 1 w 2657