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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (41-45)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '41', 'human_reference': 'Section 41'}, 'end': {'reference': '45', 'human_reference': 'Section 45'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Question 41. Whence is it that in Boeotia there is a river at Eleon called Scamander?

Solution. Deimachus, the son of Elcon and intimate friend of Hercules, bore his part in the siege of Troy. But the war proving long (as it seems), he took to him

Glaucia the daughter of Scamander who had fallen in love with him, and got her with child: soon after, fighting against the Trojans, he was slain. Glaucia, fearing that she might be apprehended, fled to Hercules, and acquainted him with her late affection towards Deimachus, and the familiarity she had with him. Hercules, both out of commiseration to the woman, as also for joy that there was an offspring left of so good a man and his intimate acquaintance, took Glaucia on shipboard; and when she was delivered of a son, brought her into Boeotia, and committed her and her child to the care of Eleon. The son was named Scamander, and came to reign over that country. He called the river Inachus by his own name Scamander, and the next rivulet he named from his mother Glaucia; but the fountain he called Acidusa by his own wifes name, by whom he had three daughters, which they have a veneration for to this day, styling them virgins.

Question 42. Whence was that proverbial speech, Let this prevail?

Solution. Dinon the Tarentine general, being a man well skilled in military affairs, when the citizens manifested their dislike of a certain opinion of his by lifting up of hands, as the crier was declaring the majority of votes, stretched forth his right hand and said, This is better. Thus Theophrastus hath told the story; and Apollodorus in his Rhytinus adds this: When the crier had said, These are the most suffrages;’ Aye, but,’ saith Dinon, these are the best,’ and ratifies the suffrages of the minority.

Question 43. Why is the city of the Ithacans called Alalcomenae?

Solution. It is affirmed by most, that it was because Anticlea in the time of her virginity was forcibly seized upon by Sisyphus, and brought forth Ulysses. But Ister the Alexandrian hath acquainted us in his memoirs, that

Anticlea was married to Laertes, and being brought to a place about the Alalcomeneum in Boeotia, was delivered of Ulysses; and therefore Ulysses called the city of Ithaca by the same name, to renew the memory of the place in which he had been born.

Question 44. Who are the Monophagi in Aegina?

Solution. Many of the Aeginetans that fought against Troy were slain in those wars, but more of them by storm in the voyaging by sea. The relations therefore receiving those few that were left, and observing the other citizens overwhelmed with sorrow and grief, thought it not convenient to make any public appearances of joy or to sacrifice to the Gods; but every one entertained privately in his own house his relations that were escaped with feasts and entertainments, they themselves giving attendance to their fathers, kinsfolks, brethren, and acquaintance, none of other families being admitted thereto. Hence in imitation of these they celebrate a sacrifice to Neptune, which is called the Thiasi, in which they revel without any noise, each family apart by itself, for the space of sixteen days, without any servant attending them; then offering sacrifices to Venus, they finish this solemn feast. Upon this account they are called Monophagi, i.e. such as feed apart by themselves.

Question 45. What is the reason that the statue of Labradean Jupiter in Caria is made so as to hold an axe lifted up, and not a sceptre or thunderbolt.

Solution. Because Hercules slaying Hippolyta, and taking away from her amongst other weapons her pole-axe, presented it to Omphale. After Omphale the kings of the Lydians carried it, as part of the sacred regalities which they took by succession, until Candaules, disdaining it, gave it to one of his favorites to carry. But afterwards Gyges revolting waged war against him; Arselis also came to the aid of Gyges from the Mylassians with a great

strength, slew Candaules with his favorite, and carried away the pole-axe into Caria with other spoils; where furbishing up the statue of Jupiter, he put the axe into his hand and called it the Labradean God,—for the Lydians call an axe labra.

Question 1 w 8
41 1 w 10
Whence 1 w 17
is 1 w 19
it 1 w 21
that 1 w 25
in 1 w 27
Boeotia 1 w 34
there 1 w 39
is 2 w 41
a 3 w 42
river 1 w 47
at 2 w 49
Eleon 1 w 54
called 1 w 60
Scamander 1 w 69
Solution 1 w 78
Deimachus 1 w 88
the 2 w 92
son 1 w 95
of 1 w 97
Elcon 1 w 102
and 2 w 105
intimate 1 w 113
friend 1 w 119
of 2 w 121
Hercules 1 w 129
bore 1 w 134
his 1 w 137
part 1 w 141
in 3 w 143
the 3 w 146
siege 1 w 151
of 3 w 153
Troy 1 w 157
But 1 w 161
the 4 w 164
war 1 w 167
proving 1 w 174
long 1 w 178
as 1 w 181
it 2 w 183
seems 1 w 188
he 6 w 192
took 1 w 196
to 2 w 198
him 1 w 201
Glaucia 1 w 208
the 5 w 211
daughter 1 w 219
of 4 w 221
Scamander 2 w 230
who 1 w 233
had 1 w 236
fallen 1 w 242
in 5 w 244
love 1 w 248
with 1 w 252
him 2 w 255
and 4 w 259
got 1 w 262
her 2 w 265
with 2 w 269
child 1 w 274
soon 1 w 279
after 1 w 284
fighting 1 w 293
against 1 w 300
the 6 w 303
Trojans 1 w 310
he 10 w 313
was 1 w 316
slain 1 w 321
Glaucia 2 w 329
fearing 1 w 337
that 2 w 341
she 1 w 344
might 1 w 349
be 1 w 351
apprehended 1 w 362
fled 1 w 367
to 3 w 369
Hercules 2 w 377
and 5 w 381
acquainted 1 w 391
him 3 w 394
with 3 w 398
her 3 w 401
late 1 w 405
affection 1 w 414
towards 1 w 421
Deimachus 2 w 430
and 6 w 434
the 7 w 437
familiarity 1 w 448
she 2 w 451
had 2 w 454
with 4 w 458
him 4 w 461
Hercules 3 w 470
both 1 w 475
out 1 w 478
of 5 w 480
commiseration 1 w 493
to 5 w 495
the 8 w 498
woman 1 w 503
as 3 w 506
also 1 w 510
for 1 w 513
joy 1 w 516
that 3 w 520
there 2 w 525
was 2 w 528
an 9 w 530
offspring 1 w 539
left 1 w 543
of 7 w 545
so 4 w 547
good 1 w 551
a 51 w 552
man 4 w 555
and 7 w 558
his 2 w 561
intimate 2 w 569
acquaintance 1 w 581
took 2 w 586
Glaucia 3 w 593
on 10 w 595
shipboard 1 w 604
and 8 w 608
when 1 w 612
she 3 w 615
was 3 w 618
delivered 1 w 627
of 8 w 629
a 63 w 630
son 2 w 633
brought 1 w 641
her 5 w 644
into 1 w 648
Boeotia 2 w 655
and 9 w 659
committed 1 w 668
her 6 w 671
and 10 w 674
her 7 w 677
child 2 w 682
to 8 w 684
the 10 w 687
care 1 w 691
of 9 w 693
Eleon 2 w 698
The 1 w 702
son 3 w 705
was 4 w 708
named 1 w 713
Scamander 3 w 722
and 12 w 726
came 1 w 730
to 9 w 732
reign 1 w 737
over 1 w 741
that 4 w 745
country 1 w 752
He 4 w 755
called 2 w 761
the 11 w 764
river 2 w 769
Inachus 1 w 776
by 1 w 778
his 3 w 781
own 1 w 784
name 2 w 788
Scamander 4 w 797
and 14 w 801
the 12 w 804
next 1 w 808
rivulet 1 w 815
he 27 w 817
named 2 w 822
from 1 w 826
his 4 w 829
mother 1 w 835
Glaucia 4 w 842
but 1 w 846
the 14 w 849
fountain 1 w 857
he 30 w 859
called 3 w 865
Acidusa 1 w 872
by 2 w 874
his 5 w 877
own 2 w 880
wife 1 w 884
s 41 w 886
name 4 w 890
by 3 w 893
whom 1 w 897
he 31 w 899
had 3 w 902
three 1 w 907
daughters 1 w 916
which 1 w 922
they 1 w 926
have 1 w 930
a 91 w 931
veneration 1 w 941
for 2 w 944
to 10 w 946
this 1 w 950
day 1 w 953
styling 1 w 961
them 1 w 965
virgins 1 w 972
Question 2 w 981
42 1 w 983
Whence 2 w 990
was 5 w 993
that 5 w 997
proverbial 1 w 1007
speech 1 w 1013
Let 1 w 1017
this 2 w 1021
prevail 1 w 1028
Solution 2 w 1037
Dinon 1 w 1043
the 17 w 1046
Tarentine 1 w 1055
general 1 w 1062
being 1 w 1068
a 100 w 1069
man 7 w 1072
well 1 w 1076
skilled 1 w 1083
in 21 w 1085
military 1 w 1093
affairs 1 w 1100
when 2 w 1105
the 18 w 1108
citizens 1 w 1116
manifested 1 w 1126
their 1 w 1131
dislike 1 w 1138
of 10 w 1140
a 106 w 1141
certain 1 w 1148
opinion 1 w 1155
of 11 w 1157
his 8 w 1160
by 4 w 1162
lifting 1 w 1169
up 1 w 1171
of 12 w 1173
hands 1 w 1178
as 8 w 1181
the 20 w 1184
crier 1 w 1189
was 6 w 1192
declaring 1 w 1201
the 21 w 1204
majority 1 w 1212
of 13 w 1214
votes 1 w 1219
stretched 1 w 1229
forth 1 w 1234
his 9 w 1237
right 1 w 1242
hand 2 w 1246
and 17 w 1249
said 1 w 1253
This 1 w 1258
is 15 w 1260
better 1 w 1266
Thus 1 w 1271
Theophrastus 1 w 1283
hath 1 w 1287
told 1 w 1291
the 22 w 1294
story 1 w 1299
and 18 w 1303
Apollodorus 1 w 1314
in 26 w 1316
his 11 w 1319
Rhytinus 1 w 1327
adds 1 w 1331
this 3 w 1335
When 3 w 1340
the 23 w 1343
crier 2 w 1348
had 4 w 1351
said 2 w 1355
These 1 w 1362
are 3 w 1365
the 24 w 1368
most 1 w 1372
suffrages 1 w 1381
Aye 1 w 1387
but 2 w 1391
saith 1 w 1398
Dinon 2 w 1403
these 1 w 1410
are 4 w 1413
the 26 w 1416
best 1 w 1420
and 19 w 1425
ratifies 1 w 1433
the 27 w 1436
suffrages 2 w 1445
of 14 w 1447
the 28 w 1450
minority 1 w 1458
Question 3 w 1467
43 1 w 1469
Why 1 w 1473
is 18 w 1475
the 29 w 1478
city 1 w 1482
of 15 w 1484
the 30 w 1487
Ithacans 1 w 1495
called 4 w 1501
Alalcomenae 1 w 1512
Solution 3 w 1521
It 2 w 1524
is 19 w 1526
affirmed 1 w 1534
by 5 w 1536
most 2 w 1540
that 6 w 1545
it 15 w 1547
was 7 w 1550
because 1 w 1557
Anticlea 1 w 1565
in 30 w 1567
the 31 w 1570
time 1 w 1574
of 16 w 1576
her 9 w 1579
virginity 1 w 1588
was 8 w 1591
forcibly 1 w 1599
seized 1 w 1605
upon 1 w 1609
by 6 w 1611
Sisyphus 1 w 1619
and 20 w 1623
brought 2 w 1630
forth 2 w 1635
Ulysses 1 w 1642
But 2 w 1646
Ister 1 w 1651
the 32 w 1654
Alexandrian 1 w 1665
hath 2 w 1669
acquainted 2 w 1679
us 11 w 1681
in 33 w 1683
his 13 w 1686
memoirs 1 w 1693
that 7 w 1698
Anticlea 2 w 1706
was 9 w 1709
married 1 w 1716
to 13 w 1718
Laertes 1 w 1725
and 22 w 1729
being 2 w 1734
brought 3 w 1741
to 14 w 1743
a 152 w 1744
place 1 w 1749
about 1 w 1754
the 33 w 1757
Alalcomeneum 1 w 1769
in 35 w 1771
Boeotia 3 w 1778
was 10 w 1782
delivered 2 w 1791
of 17 w 1793
Ulysses 2 w 1800
and 23 w 1804
therefore 1 w 1813
Ulysses 3 w 1820
called 5 w 1826
the 35 w 1829
city 2 w 1833
of 18 w 1835
Ithaca 2 w 1841
by 7 w 1843
the 36 w 1846
same 1 w 1850
name 5 w 1854
to 15 w 1857
renew 1 w 1862
the 37 w 1865
memory 1 w 1871
of 19 w 1873
the 38 w 1876
place 2 w 1881
in 36 w 1883
which 2 w 1888
he 63 w 1890
had 5 w 1893
been 1 w 1897
born 1 w 1901
Question 4 w 1910
44 1 w 1912
Who 1 w 1916
are 5 w 1919
the 39 w 1922
Monophagi 1 w 1931
in 37 w 1933
Aegina 1 w 1939
Solution 4 w 1948
Many 1 w 1953
of 20 w 1955
the 40 w 1958
Aeginetans 1 w 1968
that 8 w 1972
fought 1 w 1978
against 2 w 1985
Troy 2 w 1989
were 1 w 1993
slain 2 w 1998
in 42 w 2000
those 1 w 2005
wars 1 w 2009
but 3 w 2013
more 1 w 2017
of 21 w 2019
them 2 w 2023
by 8 w 2025
storm 1 w 2030
in 43 w 2032
the 42 w 2035
voyaging 1 w 2043
by 9 w 2045
sea 1 w 2048
The 4 w 2052
relations 1 w 2061
therefore 2 w 2070
receiving 1 w 2079
those 2 w 2084
few 1 w 2087
that 9 w 2091
were 2 w 2095
left 2 w 2099
and 24 w 2103
observing 1 w 2112
the 44 w 2115
other 2 w 2120
citizens 2 w 2128
overwhelmed 1 w 2139
with 5 w 2143
sorrow 1 w 2149
and 25 w 2152
grief 1 w 2157
thought 1 w 2165
it 20 w 2167
not 1 w 2170
convenient 1 w 2180
to 17 w 2182
make 1 w 2186
any 2 w 2189
public 1 w 2195
appearances 1 w 2206
of 22 w 2208
joy 2 w 2211
or 18 w 2213
to 18 w 2215
sacrifice 1 w 2224
to 19 w 2226
the 46 w 2229
Gods 1 w 2233
but 4 w 2237
every 1 w 2242
one 1 w 2245
entertained 1 w 2256
privately 1 w 2265
in 48 w 2267
his 14 w 2270
own 3 w 2273
house 1 w 2278
his 15 w 2281
relations 2 w 2290
that 10 w 2294
were 3 w 2298
escaped 1 w 2305
with 6 w 2309
feasts 1 w 2315
and 26 w 2318
entertainments 1 w 2332
they 2 w 2337
themselves 1 w 2347
giving 1 w 2353
attendance 1 w 2363
to 20 w 2365
their 2 w 2370
fathers 1 w 2377
kinsfolks 1 w 2387
brethren 1 w 2396
and 27 w 2400
acquaintance 2 w 2412
none 1 w 2417
of 23 w 2419
other 3 w 2424
families 1 w 2432
being 3 w 2437
admitted 1 w 2445
thereto 1 w 2452
Hence 1 w 2458
in 54 w 2460
imitation 1 w 2469
of 24 w 2471
these 2 w 2476
they 3 w 2480
celebrate 1 w 2489
a 207 w 2490
sacrifice 2 w 2499
to 22 w 2501
Neptune 1 w 2508
which 3 w 2514
is 24 w 2516
called 6 w 2522
the 55 w 2525
Thiasi 1 w 2531
in 55 w 2534
which 4 w 2539
they 4 w 2543
revel 1 w 2548
without 1 w 2555
any 3 w 2558
noise 1 w 2563
each 1 w 2568
family 1 w 2574
apart 1 w 2579
by 10 w 2581
itself 1 w 2587
for 8 w 2591
the 57 w 2594
space 1 w 2599
of 25 w 2601
sixteen 1 w 2608
days 1 w 2612
without 2 w 2620
any 4 w 2623
servant 1 w 2630
attending 1 w 2639
them 4 w 2643
then 1 w 2648
offering 1 w 2656
sacrifices 1 w 2666
to 23 w 2668
Venus 1 w 2673
they 5 w 2678
finish 1 w 2684
this 4 w 2688
solemn 1 w 2694
feast 2 w 2699
Upon 1 w 2704
this 5 w 2708
account 1 w 2715
they 6 w 2719
are 6 w 2722
called 7 w 2728
Monophagi 2 w 2737
i 215 w 2739
e 322 w 2741
such 1 w 2746
as 18 w 2748
feed 1 w 2752
apart 2 w 2757
by 11 w 2759
themselves 2 w 2769
Question 5 w 2778
45 1 w 2780
What 1 w 2785
is 29 w 2787
the 63 w 2790
reason 1 w 2796
that 11 w 2800
the 64 w 2803
statue 1 w 2809
of 27 w 2811
Labradean 1 w 2820
Jupiter 1 w 2827
in 59 w 2829
Caria 1 w 2834
is 30 w 2836
made 1 w 2840
so 10 w 2842
as 20 w 2844
to 24 w 2846
hold 1 w 2850
an 47 w 2852
axe 1 w 2855
lifted 1 w 2861
up 4 w 2863
and 28 w 2867
not 2 w 2870
a 244 w 2871
sceptre 1 w 2878
or 20 w 2880
thunderbolt 1 w 2891
Solution 5 w 2900
Because 1 w 2908
Hercules 4 w 2916
slaying 1 w 2923
Hippolyta 1 w 2932
and 29 w 2936
taking 1 w 2942
away 1 w 2946
from 2 w 2950
her 16 w 2953
amongst 1 w 2960
other 4 w 2965
weapons 1 w 2972
her 18 w 2975
pole-axe 1 w 2983
presented 1 w 2993
it 28 w 2995
to 25 w 2997
Omphale 1 w 3004
After 1 w 3010
Omphale 2 w 3017
the 66 w 3020
kings 1 w 3025
of 28 w 3027
the 67 w 3030
Lydians 1 w 3037
carried 1 w 3044
it 29 w 3046
as 21 w 3049
part 4 w 3053
of 29 w 3055
the 68 w 3058
sacred 1 w 3064
regalities 1 w 3074
which 5 w 3079
they 7 w 3083
took 3 w 3087
by 12 w 3089
succession 1 w 3099
until 1 w 3105
Candaules 1 w 3114
disdaining 1 w 3125
it 31 w 3127
gave 1 w 3132
it 32 w 3134
to 27 w 3136
one 3 w 3139
of 30 w 3141
his 18 w 3144
favorites 1 w 3153
to 28 w 3155
carry 1 w 3160
But 3 w 3164
afterwards 1 w 3174
Gyges 1 w 3179
revolting 1 w 3188
waged 1 w 3193
war 5 w 3196
against 3 w 3203
him 5 w 3206
Arselis 1 w 3214
also 2 w 3218
came 2 w 3222
to 29 w 3224
the 70 w 3227
aid 3 w 3230
of 31 w 3232
Gyges 2 w 3237
from 3 w 3241
the 71 w 3244
Mylassians 1 w 3254
with 9 w 3258
a 280 w 3259
great 1 w 3264
strength 1 w 3272
slew 1 w 3277
Candaules 2 w 3286
with 10 w 3290
his 19 w 3293
favorite 2 w 3301
and 32 w 3305
carried 2 w 3312
away 2 w 3316
the 72 w 3319
pole-axe 2 w 3327
into 2 w 3331
Caria 2 w 3336
with 11 w 3340
other 5 w 3345
spoils 1 w 3351
where 1 w 3357
furbishing 1 w 3367
up 5 w 3369
the 74 w 3372
statue 2 w 3378
of 32 w 3380
Jupiter 2 w 3387
he 105 w 3390
put 1 w 3393
the 75 w 3396
axe 4 w 3399
into 3 w 3403
his 20 w 3406
hand 3 w 3410
and 34 w 3413
called 8 w 3419
it 39 w 3421
the 76 w 3424
Labradean 2 w 3433
God 2 w 3436
for 9 w 3441
the 77 w 3444
Lydians 2 w 3451
call 9 w 3455
an 59 w 3457
axe 5 w 3460
labra 1 w 3465