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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (40-43)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '40', 'human_reference': 'Section 40'}, 'end': {'reference': '43', 'human_reference': 'Section 43'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Question 40. Who is Eunostus, the hero of Tanagra; and what is the reason that women may not enter into his grove?

Solution. Eunostus was the son of Elieus who came of Cephisus and Scias, but they say received his name from Eunosta, the nymph that brought him up. This man was honest and just, and no less temperate and austere. They say that Ochna his niece fell in love with him, who was one of the daughters of Colonus; and when he perceived that she tempted him to lie with her, manifesting his indignation he went and accused her to her brethren. But she had cried Whore first and provoked her brethren, Echimus, Leon, and Bucolus, to kill Eunostus, by her false suggestion that he would have forced her; wherefore these laid wait for the young man and slew him, upon which Elieus secured them. Now Ochna growing penitent and full of terror, as well to discharge the grief she had for her beloved as out of commiseration towards her brethren, confesses the whole truth to Elicus, and he declares it to Colonus, who condemned them. Whereupon Ochnas brethren fled, but she broke her neck from some high place, as Myrtis the Anthedonian poetess hath told us. Therefore he kept the tomb and grove of Eunostus from the access and approach of women, insomuch that upon earthquakes, droughts, and other portents that often there happened, the Tanagrians made diligent search whether any woman had not by stealth got nigh to that place. And there are some (of whom Clidamus, a man of great fame, is one) who report that Eunostus met them as he was going to the sea to wash himself because a woman had entered into his grove. Diocles also, in his Treatise concerning Shrines, relates the edict of the Tana grins upon the things that Clidamus declared.

Question 41. Whence is it that in Boeotia there is a river at Eleon called Scamander?

Solution. Deimachus, the son of Elcon and intimate friend of Hercules, bore his part in the siege of Troy. But the war proving long (as it seems), he took to him

Glaucia the daughter of Scamander who had fallen in love with him, and got her with child: soon after, fighting against the Trojans, he was slain. Glaucia, fearing that she might be apprehended, fled to Hercules, and acquainted him with her late affection towards Deimachus, and the familiarity she had with him. Hercules, both out of commiseration to the woman, as also for joy that there was an offspring left of so good a man and his intimate acquaintance, took Glaucia on shipboard; and when she was delivered of a son, brought her into Boeotia, and committed her and her child to the care of Eleon. The son was named Scamander, and came to reign over that country. He called the river Inachus by his own name Scamander, and the next rivulet he named from his mother Glaucia; but the fountain he called Acidusa by his own wifes name, by whom he had three daughters, which they have a veneration for to this day, styling them virgins.

Question 42. Whence was that proverbial speech, Let this prevail?

Solution. Dinon the Tarentine general, being a man well skilled in military affairs, when the citizens manifested their dislike of a certain opinion of his by lifting up of hands, as the crier was declaring the majority of votes, stretched forth his right hand and said, This is better. Thus Theophrastus hath told the story; and Apollodorus in his Rhytinus adds this: When the crier had said, These are the most suffrages;’ Aye, but,’ saith Dinon, these are the best,’ and ratifies the suffrages of the minority.

Question 43. Why is the city of the Ithacans called Alalcomenae?

Solution. It is affirmed by most, that it was because Anticlea in the time of her virginity was forcibly seized upon by Sisyphus, and brought forth Ulysses. But Ister the Alexandrian hath acquainted us in his memoirs, that

Anticlea was married to Laertes, and being brought to a place about the Alalcomeneum in Boeotia, was delivered of Ulysses; and therefore Ulysses called the city of Ithaca by the same name, to renew the memory of the place in which he had been born.

Question 1 w 8
40 1 w 10
Who 1 w 14
is 1 w 16
Eunostus 1 w 24
the 1 w 28
hero 1 w 32
of 1 w 34
Tanagra 1 w 41
and 1 w 45
what 1 w 49
is 2 w 51
the 2 w 54
reason 1 w 60
that 1 w 64
women 1 w 69
may 1 w 72
not 1 w 75
enter 1 w 80
into 1 w 84
his 1 w 87
grove 1 w 92
Solution 1 w 101
Eunostus 2 w 110
was 1 w 113
the 3 w 116
son 2 w 119
of 2 w 121
Elieus 1 w 127
who 1 w 130
came 1 w 134
of 3 w 136
Cephisus 1 w 144
and 2 w 147
Scias 1 w 152
but 1 w 156
they 1 w 160
say 1 w 163
received 1 w 171
his 3 w 174
name 1 w 178
from 1 w 182
Eunosta 1 w 189
the 5 w 193
nymph 1 w 198
that 2 w 202
brought 1 w 209
him 1 w 212
up 1 w 214
This 1 w 219
man 1 w 222
was 2 w 225
honest 1 w 231
and 3 w 234
just 1 w 238
and 4 w 242
no 5 w 244
less 1 w 248
temperate 1 w 257
and 5 w 260
austere 1 w 267
They 1 w 272
say 2 w 275
that 3 w 279
Ochna 1 w 284
his 5 w 287
niece 1 w 292
fell 1 w 296
in 2 w 298
love 1 w 302
with 1 w 306
him 2 w 309
who 2 w 313
was 3 w 316
one 2 w 319
of 4 w 321
the 6 w 324
daughters 1 w 333
of 5 w 335
Colonus 1 w 342
and 6 w 346
when 1 w 350
he 10 w 352
perceived 1 w 361
that 4 w 365
she 1 w 368
tempted 1 w 375
him 3 w 378
to 2 w 380
lie 2 w 383
with 2 w 387
her 2 w 390
manifesting 1 w 402
his 6 w 405
indignation 1 w 416
he 13 w 418
went 1 w 422
and 7 w 425
accused 1 w 432
her 3 w 435
to 3 w 437
her 4 w 440
brethren 1 w 448
But 1 w 452
she 2 w 455
had 1 w 458
cried 1 w 463
Whore 1 w 468
first 1 w 473
and 8 w 476
provoked 1 w 484
her 5 w 487
brethren 2 w 495
Echimus 1 w 503
Leon 1 w 508
and 9 w 512
Bucolus 1 w 519
to 4 w 522
kill 1 w 526
Eunostus 3 w 534
by 1 w 537
her 6 w 540
false 1 w 545
suggestion 1 w 555
that 5 w 559
he 19 w 561
would 1 w 566
have 1 w 570
forced 1 w 576
her 7 w 579
wherefore 1 w 589
these 1 w 594
laid 1 w 598
wait 1 w 602
for 3 w 605
the 8 w 608
young 1 w 613
man 3 w 616
and 10 w 619
slew 1 w 623
him 5 w 626
upon 1 w 631
which 1 w 636
Elieus 2 w 642
secured 1 w 649
them 1 w 653
Now 1 w 657
Ochna 2 w 662
growing 1 w 669
penitent 1 w 677
and 11 w 680
full 1 w 684
of 6 w 686
terror 1 w 692
as 6 w 695
well 1 w 699
to 5 w 701
discharge 1 w 710
the 10 w 713
grief 1 w 718
she 3 w 721
had 2 w 724
for 4 w 727
her 9 w 730
beloved 1 w 737
as 7 w 739
out 1 w 742
of 7 w 744
commiseration 1 w 757
towards 1 w 764
her 10 w 767
brethren 3 w 775
confesses 1 w 785
the 11 w 788
whole 1 w 793
truth 1 w 798
to 7 w 800
Elicus 1 w 806
and 12 w 810
he 30 w 812
declares 1 w 820
it 5 w 822
to 8 w 824
Colonus 2 w 831
who 4 w 835
condemned 1 w 844
them 2 w 848
Whereupon 1 w 858
Ochna 3 w 863
s 60 w 865
brethren 4 w 873
fled 1 w 877
but 2 w 881
she 4 w 884
broke 1 w 889
her 12 w 892
neck 1 w 896
from 2 w 900
some 1 w 904
high 1 w 908
place 1 w 913
as 8 w 916
Myrtis 1 w 922
the 13 w 925
Anthedonian 1 w 936
poetess 1 w 943
hath 1 w 947
told 1 w 951
us 15 w 953
Therefore 1 w 963
he 38 w 965
kept 1 w 969
the 15 w 972
tomb 1 w 976
and 13 w 979
grove 2 w 984
of 8 w 986
Eunostus 4 w 994
from 3 w 998
the 16 w 1001
access 1 w 1007
and 14 w 1010
approach 1 w 1018
of 9 w 1020
women 2 w 1025
insomuch 1 w 1034
that 6 w 1038
upon 3 w 1042
earthquakes 1 w 1053
droughts 1 w 1062
and 15 w 1066
other 1 w 1071
portents 1 w 1079
that 7 w 1083
often 1 w 1088
there 1 w 1093
happened 1 w 1101
the 19 w 1105
Tanagrians 1 w 1115
made 1 w 1119
diligent 1 w 1127
search 1 w 1133
whether 1 w 1140
any 1 w 1143
woman 1 w 1148
had 3 w 1151
not 2 w 1154
by 2 w 1156
stealth 1 w 1163
got 1 w 1166
nigh 1 w 1170
to 11 w 1172
that 8 w 1176
place 2 w 1181
And 1 w 1185
there 2 w 1190
are 2 w 1193
some 2 w 1197
of 11 w 1200
whom 1 w 1204
Clidamus 1 w 1212
a 84 w 1214
man 5 w 1217
of 12 w 1219
great 1 w 1224
fame 1 w 1228
is 12 w 1231
one 3 w 1234
who 6 w 1238
report 1 w 1244
that 9 w 1248
Eunostus 5 w 1256
met 1 w 1259
them 3 w 1263
as 9 w 1265
he 48 w 1267
was 4 w 1270
going 1 w 1275
to 12 w 1277
the 23 w 1280
sea 2 w 1283
to 13 w 1285
wash 1 w 1289
himself 1 w 1296
because 1 w 1303
a 94 w 1304
woman 2 w 1309
had 4 w 1312
entered 1 w 1319
into 2 w 1323
his 7 w 1326
grove 3 w 1331
Diocles 1 w 1339
also 1 w 1343
in 9 w 1346
his 8 w 1349
Treatise 1 w 1357
concerning 1 w 1367
Shrines 1 w 1374
relates 1 w 1382
the 24 w 1385
edict 1 w 1390
of 13 w 1392
the 25 w 1395
Tana 3 w 1399
grins 1 w 1404
upon 4 w 1408
the 26 w 1411
things 1 w 1417
that 10 w 1421
Clidamus 2 w 1429
declared 1 w 1437
Question 2 w 1446
41 1 w 1448
Whence 1 w 1455
is 16 w 1457
it 6 w 1459
that 11 w 1463
in 14 w 1465
Boeotia 1 w 1472
there 3 w 1477
is 17 w 1479
a 107 w 1480
river 1 w 1485
at 20 w 1487
Eleon 1 w 1492
called 1 w 1498
Scamander 1 w 1507
Solution 2 w 1516
Deimachus 1 w 1526
the 28 w 1530
son 3 w 1533
of 14 w 1535
Elcon 1 w 1540
and 17 w 1543
intimate 1 w 1551
friend 1 w 1557
of 15 w 1559
Hercules 1 w 1567
bore 1 w 1572
his 9 w 1575
part 1 w 1579
in 16 w 1581
the 29 w 1584
siege 1 w 1589
of 16 w 1591
Troy 1 w 1595
But 2 w 1599
the 30 w 1602
war 2 w 1605
proving 1 w 1612
long 1 w 1616
as 12 w 1619
it 7 w 1621
seems 1 w 1626
he 58 w 1630
took 1 w 1634
to 16 w 1636
him 7 w 1639
Glaucia 1 w 1646
the 31 w 1649
daughter 2 w 1657
of 17 w 1659
Scamander 2 w 1668
who 7 w 1671
had 5 w 1674
fallen 1 w 1680
in 18 w 1682
love 3 w 1686
with 3 w 1690
him 8 w 1693
and 19 w 1697
got 2 w 1700
her 19 w 1703
with 4 w 1707
child 1 w 1712
soon 1 w 1717
after 1 w 1722
fighting 1 w 1731
against 1 w 1738
the 32 w 1741
Trojans 1 w 1748
he 62 w 1751
was 6 w 1754
slain 1 w 1759
Glaucia 2 w 1767
fearing 1 w 1775
that 12 w 1779
she 5 w 1782
might 1 w 1787
be 3 w 1789
apprehended 1 w 1800
fled 2 w 1805
to 17 w 1807
Hercules 2 w 1815
and 20 w 1819
acquainted 1 w 1829
him 9 w 1832
with 5 w 1836
her 20 w 1839
late 2 w 1843
affection 1 w 1852
towards 2 w 1859
Deimachus 2 w 1868
and 21 w 1872
the 33 w 1875
familiarity 1 w 1886
she 6 w 1889
had 6 w 1892
with 6 w 1896
him 10 w 1899
Hercules 3 w 1908
both 1 w 1913
out 2 w 1916
of 18 w 1918
commiseration 2 w 1931
to 19 w 1933
the 34 w 1936
woman 3 w 1941
as 14 w 1944
also 2 w 1948
for 6 w 1951
joy 1 w 1954
that 13 w 1958
there 4 w 1963
was 7 w 1966
an 36 w 1968
offspring 1 w 1977
left 1 w 1981
of 20 w 1983
so 10 w 1985
good 1 w 1989
a 155 w 1990
man 10 w 1993
and 22 w 1996
his 10 w 1999
intimate 2 w 2007
acquaintance 1 w 2019
took 2 w 2024
Glaucia 3 w 2031
on 31 w 2033
shipboard 1 w 2042
and 23 w 2046
when 2 w 2050
she 7 w 2053
was 8 w 2056
delivered 1 w 2065
of 21 w 2067
a 167 w 2068
son 4 w 2071
brought 2 w 2079
her 22 w 2082
into 3 w 2086
Boeotia 2 w 2093
and 24 w 2097
committed 1 w 2106
her 23 w 2109
and 25 w 2112
her 24 w 2115
child 2 w 2120
to 22 w 2122
the 36 w 2125
care 1 w 2129
of 22 w 2131
Eleon 2 w 2136
The 3 w 2140
son 5 w 2143
was 9 w 2146
named 1 w 2151
Scamander 3 w 2160
and 27 w 2164
came 2 w 2168
to 23 w 2170
reign 1 w 2175
over 1 w 2179
that 14 w 2183
country 1 w 2190
He 4 w 2193
called 2 w 2199
the 37 w 2202
river 2 w 2207
Inachus 1 w 2214
by 3 w 2216
his 11 w 2219
own 1 w 2222
name 3 w 2226
Scamander 4 w 2235
and 29 w 2239
the 38 w 2242
next 1 w 2246
rivulet 1 w 2253
he 79 w 2255
named 2 w 2260
from 4 w 2264
his 12 w 2267
mother 1 w 2273
Glaucia 4 w 2280
but 3 w 2284
the 40 w 2287
fountain 1 w 2295
he 82 w 2297
called 3 w 2303
Acidusa 1 w 2310
by 4 w 2312
his 13 w 2315
own 2 w 2318
wife 1 w 2322
s 140 w 2324
name 5 w 2328
by 5 w 2331
whom 2 w 2335
he 83 w 2337
had 7 w 2340
three 1 w 2345
daughters 2 w 2354
which 2 w 2360
they 2 w 2364
have 2 w 2368
a 195 w 2369
veneration 1 w 2379
for 7 w 2382
to 24 w 2384
this 1 w 2388
day 1 w 2391
styling 1 w 2399
them 4 w 2403
virgins 1 w 2410
Question 3 w 2419
42 1 w 2421
Whence 2 w 2428
was 10 w 2431
that 15 w 2435
proverbial 1 w 2445
speech 1 w 2451
Let 1 w 2455
this 2 w 2459
prevail 1 w 2466
Solution 3 w 2475
Dinon 1 w 2481
the 43 w 2484
Tarentine 1 w 2493
general 1 w 2500
being 1 w 2506
a 204 w 2507
man 13 w 2510
well 2 w 2514
skilled 1 w 2521
in 34 w 2523
military 1 w 2531
affairs 1 w 2538
when 3 w 2543
the 44 w 2546
citizens 1 w 2554
manifested 1 w 2564
their 1 w 2569
dislike 1 w 2576
of 23 w 2578
a 210 w 2579
certain 1 w 2586
opinion 1 w 2593
of 24 w 2595
his 16 w 2598
by 6 w 2600
lifting 1 w 2607
up 6 w 2609
of 25 w 2611
hands 1 w 2616
as 19 w 2619
the 46 w 2622
crier 1 w 2627
was 11 w 2630
declaring 1 w 2639
the 47 w 2642
majority 1 w 2650
of 26 w 2652
votes 1 w 2657
stretched 1 w 2667
forth 1 w 2672
his 17 w 2675
right 1 w 2680
hand 2 w 2684
and 32 w 2687
said 1 w 2691
This 2 w 2696
is 30 w 2698
better 1 w 2704
Thus 1 w 2709
Theophrastus 1 w 2721
hath 2 w 2725
told 2 w 2729
the 48 w 2732
story 1 w 2737
and 33 w 2741
Apollodorus 1 w 2752
in 39 w 2754
his 19 w 2757
Rhytinus 1 w 2765
adds 1 w 2769
this 3 w 2773
When 3 w 2778
the 49 w 2781
crier 2 w 2786
had 8 w 2789
said 2 w 2793
These 1 w 2800
are 6 w 2803
the 50 w 2806
most 1 w 2810
suffrages 1 w 2819
Aye 1 w 2825
but 4 w 2829
saith 1 w 2836
Dinon 2 w 2841
these 2 w 2848
are 7 w 2851
the 52 w 2854
best 1 w 2858
and 34 w 2863
ratifies 1 w 2871
the 53 w 2874
suffrages 2 w 2883
of 27 w 2885
the 54 w 2888
minority 1 w 2896
Question 4 w 2905
43 1 w 2907
Why 1 w 2911
is 33 w 2913
the 55 w 2916
city 1 w 2920
of 28 w 2922
the 56 w 2925
Ithacans 1 w 2933
called 4 w 2939
Alalcomenae 1 w 2950
Solution 4 w 2959
It 2 w 2962
is 34 w 2964
affirmed 1 w 2972
by 7 w 2974
most 2 w 2978
that 16 w 2983
it 20 w 2985
was 12 w 2988
because 2 w 2995
Anticlea 1 w 3003
in 43 w 3005
the 57 w 3008
time 1 w 3012
of 29 w 3014
her 26 w 3017
virginity 1 w 3026
was 13 w 3029
forcibly 1 w 3037
seized 1 w 3043
upon 5 w 3047
by 8 w 3049
Sisyphus 1 w 3057
and 35 w 3061
brought 3 w 3068
forth 2 w 3073
Ulysses 1 w 3080
But 3 w 3084
Ister 1 w 3089
the 58 w 3092
Alexandrian 1 w 3103
hath 3 w 3107
acquainted 2 w 3117
us 31 w 3119
in 46 w 3121
his 21 w 3124
memoirs 1 w 3131
that 17 w 3136
Anticlea 2 w 3144
was 14 w 3147
married 1 w 3154
to 27 w 3156
Laertes 1 w 3163
and 37 w 3167
being 2 w 3172
brought 4 w 3179
to 28 w 3181
a 256 w 3182
place 3 w 3187
about 1 w 3192
the 59 w 3195
Alalcomeneum 1 w 3207
in 48 w 3209
Boeotia 3 w 3216
was 15 w 3220
delivered 2 w 3229
of 30 w 3231
Ulysses 2 w 3238
and 38 w 3242
therefore 1 w 3251
Ulysses 3 w 3258
called 5 w 3264
the 61 w 3267
city 2 w 3271
of 31 w 3273
Ithaca 2 w 3279
by 9 w 3281
the 62 w 3284
same 1 w 3288
name 6 w 3292
to 29 w 3295
renew 1 w 3300
the 63 w 3303
memory 1 w 3309
of 32 w 3311
the 64 w 3314
place 4 w 3319
in 49 w 3321
which 3 w 3326
he 115 w 3328
had 9 w 3331
been 1 w 3335
born 1 w 3339