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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (36-39)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '36', 'human_reference': 'Section 36'}, 'end': {'reference': '39', 'human_reference': 'Section 39'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Question 36. Why do the Eleian women in their hymns beseech Bacchus that he will come to their help with an oxs foot? The hymns run thus: Come, O hero Bacchus, to thy holy temple placed by the sea; hasten with the Graces to thy temple with a neats foot. Then they redouble this, O worthy Bull!

Solution. Was it because some call Bacchus Bull-begot, and some Bull? Or as some say ox-foot for a great foot; as the poet saith ox-eye for a great eye, and Βουλάϊος for haughty? Or is it rather, because the foot of an ox is innocent and his bearing horns on his head is pernicious, that so they desire the God may come to them mild and harmless? Or is it because many men are of opinion that this God presides over ploughing and sowing?

Question 37. What is the meaning of that place at Tanagra, before the city, called Achilleum? For it is reported that the city had rather enmity than kindness for Achilles, in that he took Stratonice, the mother of Poemander, by force of arms, and slew Acestor the son of Ephippus.

Solution. Now Poemander the father of Ephippu; (whilst the region of Tanagra was still inhabited by villagers), being besieged in Stephon (a village so called) by the Achaeans because he refused to aid them in the wars, left that country the same night, and fortified Poemandria. Policrithus the architect coming in, disparaging his works and making a ridicule of them, leaped over the ditch; Poemander, falling into a rage, catched up a great stone suddenly to throw at him, which had been hid there a great while, lying over some sacred nocturnal relics. This Poemander hurling rashly slung, and missing Policrithus, slew his own son Leucippus. He was then forced by law to depart out of Boeotia and become a wandering and begging pilgrim; neither was that easy for him to do, because of the incursions which the Achaeans made into

the region of Tanagra. Wherefore he sent Ephippus his son to beg aid of Achilles. He by persuasion prevailed with Achilles to come, with Tlepolemus the son of Hercules, and with Peneleos the son of Hippalcmus, all of them their kindred. By these Poemander was introduced into Chalcis, and was absolved by Elephenor from the murder; he ascribed great honor to these men, and assigned groves to each of them, of which this kept the name of Achilless Grove.

Question 38. Who amongst the Boeotians were the Ψολόεις, and who the Ὀλεῖαι?

Solution. They say that Minoss daughtersLeucippe, Arsinoe, and Alcathoefalling mad, had a greedy appetite for mans flesh, and accordingly cast lots for their children. Whereupon it fell to Leucippes lot to produce her son Hippasus to be cut in pieces. The husbands of these women, that were clothed in coarse apparel by reason of sorrow and grief, were called Psoloeis, the women Ὀλεῖαι that is ὀλοαί (destructive). And to this day the Orchomenians call their posterity so. And it is so ordered that, in the yearly feast called Agrionia, there is a flight and pursuit of them by the priest of Bacchus, with a drawn sword in his hand. It is lawful for him to slay any of them that he takes, and Zoilus a priest of our time slew one. This thing proved unlucky to them; for Zoilus, sickening upon a wound that he got, wasted away for a long time and died; whereupon the Orchomenians, falling under public accusations and condemnations, removed the priesthood from their family, and made choice of the best man in the whole multitude.

Question 39. Why do the Arcadians stone those that go willingly into the Lycaeum, while those that go in ignorantly they carry forth to Eleutherae?

Solution. Is it on the ground that they gained their liberty by being thus absolved, that the story has gained

credit? And is this saying to Eleutherae the same as into the region of security, or thou shalt come to the seat of pleasure? Or is the reason to be rendered according to that fabulous story, that of all the sons of Lycaon Eleuther and Lebadus alone were free from that conspiracy against Jupiter, and fled into Boeotia, where the Lebadenses use the like civil polity to that of the Arcadians, and therefore they send them to Eleutherae that enter unwittingly into the inaccessible temple of Jupiter? Or is it (as Architimus saith in his remarks on Arcadia) that some that went into the Lycaeum unawares were delivered up to the Phliasians by the Arcadians, and by the Phliasians to the Megarians, and by the Megarians to the Thebans which inhabit about Eleutherae, where they are detained under rain, thunder, and other direful judgments from Heaven; and upon this account some say this place was called Eleutherae. But the report is not true that he that enters into the Lycaeum casts no shadow, though it hath had a firm belief. And what if this be the reason of that report, that the air converted into clouds looks darkly on them that go in? Or that he that goes in falls down dead?—for the Pythagoreans say that the souls of the deceased do neither give a shadow nor wink. Or is it that the sun only makes a shadow, and the law bereaveth him that entereth here of the sight of the sun? Though this they speak enigmatically; for verily he that goes in is called Elaphus, a stag. Hence the Lacedaemonians delivered up to the Arcadians Cantharion the Arcadian, who went over to the Eleans whilst they waged war with the Arcadians, passing with his booty through the inaccessible temple, and fled to Sparta when the war was ended; the oracle requiring them to restore the stag.

Question 1 w 8
36 1 w 10
Why 1 w 14
do 1 w 16
the 1 w 19
Eleian 1 w 25
women 1 w 30
in 1 w 32
their 1 w 37
hymns 1 w 42
beseech 1 w 49
Bacchus 1 w 56
that 1 w 60
he 3 w 62
will 1 w 66
come 1 w 70
to 1 w 72
their 2 w 77
help 1 w 81
with 1 w 85
an 2 w 87
ox 1 w 89
s 5 w 91
foot 1 w 95
The 1 w 99
hymns 2 w 104
run 1 w 107
thus 1 w 111
Come 1 w 116
O 1 w 118
hero 1 w 122
Bacchus 2 w 129
to 2 w 132
thy 1 w 135
holy 1 w 139
temple 1 w 145
placed 1 w 151
by 1 w 153
the 4 w 156
sea 1 w 159
hasten 1 w 166
with 2 w 170
the 5 w 173
Graces 1 w 179
to 3 w 181
thy 2 w 184
temple 2 w 190
with 3 w 194
a 10 w 195
neat 1 w 199
s 12 w 201
foot 2 w 205
Then 1 w 210
they 1 w 214
redouble 1 w 222
this 1 w 226
O 2 w 228
worthy 1 w 234
Bull 1 w 238
Solution 1 w 247
Was 1 w 251
it 4 w 253
because 1 w 260
some 1 w 264
call 1 w 268
Bacchus 3 w 275
Bull-begot 1 w 285
and 1 w 289
some 2 w 293
Bull 3 w 297
Or 1 w 300
as 3 w 302
some 3 w 306
say 1 w 309
ox-foot 1 w 316
for 1 w 319
a 19 w 320
great 1 w 325
foot 4 w 329
as 4 w 332
the 7 w 335
poet 1 w 339
saith 1 w 344
ox-eye 1 w 350
for 2 w 353
a 23 w 354
great 2 w 359
eye 2 w 362
and 2 w 366
Βουλάϊος 1 w 374
for 3 w 377
haughty 1 w 384
Or 2 w 387
is 2 w 389
it 6 w 391
rather 1 w 397
because 2 w 405
the 9 w 408
foot 5 w 412
of 1 w 414
an 5 w 416
ox 4 w 418
is 3 w 420
innocent 1 w 428
and 3 w 431
his 2 w 434
bearing 1 w 441
horns 1 w 446
on 3 w 448
his 3 w 451
head 1 w 455
is 6 w 457
pernicious 1 w 467
that 2 w 472
so 4 w 474
they 2 w 478
desire 1 w 484
the 11 w 487
God 1 w 490
may 1 w 493
come 2 w 497
to 4 w 499
them 1 w 503
mild 1 w 507
and 4 w 510
harmless 1 w 518
Or 3 w 521
is 7 w 523
it 7 w 525
because 3 w 532
many 1 w 536
men 2 w 539
are 1 w 542
of 2 w 544
opinion 1 w 551
that 3 w 555
this 2 w 559
God 2 w 562
presides 1 w 570
over 1 w 574
ploughing 1 w 583
and 5 w 586
sowing 1 w 592
Question 2 w 601
37 1 w 603
What 1 w 608
is 9 w 610
the 13 w 613
meaning 1 w 620
of 3 w 622
that 4 w 626
place 2 w 631
at 10 w 633
Tanagra 1 w 640
before 1 w 647
the 14 w 650
city 1 w 654
called 1 w 661
Achilleum 1 w 670
For 1 w 674
it 9 w 676
is 10 w 678
reported 1 w 686
that 5 w 690
the 15 w 693
city 2 w 697
had 1 w 700
rather 2 w 706
enmity 1 w 712
than 1 w 716
kindness 1 w 724
for 5 w 727
Achilles 1 w 735
in 9 w 738
that 6 w 742
he 23 w 744
took 1 w 748
Stratonice 1 w 758
the 17 w 762
mother 1 w 768
of 4 w 770
Poemander 1 w 779
by 2 w 782
force 1 w 787
of 5 w 789
arms 1 w 793
and 7 w 797
slew 1 w 801
Acestor 1 w 808
the 19 w 811
son 1 w 814
of 6 w 816
Ephippus 1 w 824
Solution 2 w 833
Now 1 w 837
Poemander 2 w 846
the 20 w 849
father 1 w 855
of 7 w 857
Ephippu 2 w 864
whilst 1 w 872
the 22 w 875
region 1 w 881
of 8 w 883
Tanagra 2 w 890
was 1 w 893
still 1 w 898
inhabited 1 w 907
by 3 w 909
villagers 1 w 918
being 1 w 925
besieged 1 w 933
in 12 w 935
Stephon 1 w 942
a 68 w 944
village 2 w 951
so 7 w 953
called 2 w 959
by 4 w 962
the 23 w 965
Achaeans 1 w 973
because 4 w 980
he 31 w 982
refused 1 w 989
to 8 w 991
aid 1 w 994
them 2 w 998
in 13 w 1000
the 25 w 1003
wars 1 w 1007
left 1 w 1012
that 7 w 1016
country 1 w 1023
the 26 w 1026
same 1 w 1030
night 1 w 1035
and 9 w 1039
fortified 1 w 1048
Poemandria 1 w 1058
Policrithus 1 w 1070
the 27 w 1073
architect 1 w 1082
coming 1 w 1088
in 15 w 1090
disparaging 1 w 1102
his 5 w 1105
works 1 w 1110
and 11 w 1113
making 1 w 1119
a 86 w 1120
ridicule 1 w 1128
of 9 w 1130
them 3 w 1134
leaped 1 w 1141
over 2 w 1145
the 29 w 1148
ditch 1 w 1153
Poemander 3 w 1163
falling 1 w 1171
into 1 w 1175
a 90 w 1176
rage 1 w 1180
catched 1 w 1188
up 1 w 1190
a 93 w 1191
great 3 w 1196
stone 1 w 1201
suddenly 1 w 1209
to 11 w 1211
throw 1 w 1216
at 19 w 1218
him 1 w 1221
which 1 w 1227
had 2 w 1230
been 1 w 1234
hid 1 w 1237
there 1 w 1242
a 97 w 1243
great 4 w 1248
while 1 w 1253
lying 1 w 1259
over 3 w 1263
some 4 w 1267
sacred 1 w 1273
nocturnal 1 w 1282
relics 1 w 1288
This 1 w 1293
Poemander 4 w 1302
hurling 1 w 1309
rashly 1 w 1315
slung 1 w 1320
and 14 w 1324
missing 1 w 1331
Policrithus 2 w 1342
slew 2 w 1347
his 7 w 1350
own 1 w 1353
son 2 w 1356
Leucippus 1 w 1365
He 1 w 1368
was 2 w 1371
then 1 w 1375
forced 1 w 1381
by 5 w 1383
law 1 w 1386
to 12 w 1388
depart 1 w 1394
out 1 w 1397
of 10 w 1399
Boeotia 1 w 1406
and 15 w 1409
become 1 w 1415
a 109 w 1416
wandering 1 w 1425
and 17 w 1428
begging 1 w 1435
pilgrim 1 w 1442
neither 1 w 1450
was 3 w 1453
that 8 w 1457
easy 1 w 1461
for 9 w 1464
him 2 w 1467
to 13 w 1469
do 3 w 1471
because 5 w 1479
of 11 w 1481
the 33 w 1484
incursions 1 w 1494
which 2 w 1499
the 34 w 1502
Achaeans 2 w 1510
made 1 w 1514
into 2 w 1518
the 35 w 1521
region 2 w 1527
of 12 w 1529
Tanagra 3 w 1536
Wherefore 1 w 1546
he 46 w 1548
sent 1 w 1552
Ephippus 2 w 1560
his 8 w 1563
son 3 w 1566
to 15 w 1568
beg 3 w 1571
aid 2 w 1574
of 13 w 1576
Achilles 2 w 1584
He 2 w 1587
by 6 w 1589
persuasion 1 w 1599
prevailed 1 w 1608
with 4 w 1612
Achilles 3 w 1620
to 16 w 1622
come 4 w 1626
with 5 w 1631
Tlepolemus 1 w 1641
the 36 w 1644
son 4 w 1647
of 14 w 1649
Hercules 1 w 1657
and 18 w 1661
with 6 w 1665
Peneleos 1 w 1673
the 37 w 1676
son 5 w 1679
of 15 w 1681
Hippalcmus 1 w 1691
all 5 w 1695
of 16 w 1697
them 4 w 1701
their 3 w 1706
kindred 1 w 1713
By 1 w 1716
these 1 w 1721
Poemander 5 w 1730
was 4 w 1733
introduced 1 w 1743
into 3 w 1747
Chalcis 1 w 1754
and 20 w 1758
was 5 w 1761
absolved 1 w 1769
by 7 w 1771
Elephenor 1 w 1780
from 1 w 1784
the 41 w 1787
murder 1 w 1793
he 54 w 1796
ascribed 1 w 1804
great 5 w 1809
honor 1 w 1814
to 18 w 1816
these 2 w 1821
men 3 w 1824
and 21 w 1828
assigned 1 w 1836
groves 1 w 1842
to 19 w 1844
each 1 w 1848
of 17 w 1850
them 5 w 1854
of 18 w 1857
which 3 w 1862
this 3 w 1866
kept 1 w 1870
the 44 w 1873
name 1 w 1877
of 19 w 1879
Achilles 4 w 1887
s 116 w 1889
Grove 1 w 1894
Question 3 w 1903
38 1 w 1905
Who 1 w 1909
amongst 1 w 1916
the 45 w 1919
Boeotians 1 w 1928
were 1 w 1932
the 46 w 1935
Ψολόεις 1 w 1942
and 22 w 1946
who 1 w 1949
the 47 w 1952
Ὀλεῖαι 1 w 1958
Solution 3 w 1967
They 1 w 1972
say 2 w 1975
that 9 w 1979
Minos 1 w 1984
s 122 w 1986
daughters 1 w 1995
Leucippe 1 w 2004
Arsinoe 1 w 2012
and 23 w 2016
Alcathoe 1 w 2024
falling 2 w 2032
mad 2 w 2035
had 3 w 2039
a 151 w 2040
greedy 1 w 2046
appetite 1 w 2054
for 11 w 2057
man 8 w 2060
s 125 w 2062
flesh 1 w 2067
and 24 w 2071
accordingly 1 w 2082
cast 1 w 2086
lots 1 w 2090
for 12 w 2093
their 4 w 2098
children 1 w 2106
Whereupon 1 w 2116
it 22 w 2118
fell 1 w 2122
to 20 w 2124
Leucippe 2 w 2132
s 129 w 2134
lot 2 w 2137
to 21 w 2139
produce 1 w 2146
her 10 w 2149
son 6 w 2152
Hippasus 1 w 2160
to 22 w 2162
be 17 w 2164
cut 1 w 2167
in 34 w 2169
pieces 1 w 2175
The 4 w 2179
husbands 1 w 2187
of 20 w 2189
these 3 w 2194
women 2 w 2199
that 10 w 2204
were 2 w 2208
clothed 1 w 2215
in 35 w 2217
coarse 1 w 2223
apparel 1 w 2230
by 8 w 2232
reason 1 w 2238
of 21 w 2240
sorrow 1 w 2246
and 26 w 2249
grief 1 w 2254
were 3 w 2259
called 3 w 2265
Psoloeis 1 w 2273
the 51 w 2277
women 3 w 2282
Ὀλεῖαι 2 w 2288
that 11 w 2292
is 20 w 2294
ὀλοαί 1 w 2299
destructive 1 w 2311
And 1 w 2316
to 23 w 2318
this 4 w 2322
day 1 w 2325
the 52 w 2328
Orchomenians 1 w 2340
call 5 w 2344
their 5 w 2349
posterity 1 w 2358
so 18 w 2360
And 2 w 2364
it 24 w 2366
is 22 w 2368
so 19 w 2370
ordered 1 w 2377
that 12 w 2381
in 36 w 2384
the 54 w 2387
yearly 1 w 2393
feast 1 w 2398
called 4 w 2404
Agrionia 1 w 2412
there 2 w 2418
is 23 w 2420
a 175 w 2421
flight 1 w 2427
and 27 w 2430
pursuit 1 w 2437
of 22 w 2439
them 6 w 2443
by 9 w 2445
the 57 w 2448
priest 1 w 2454
of 23 w 2456
Bacchus 4 w 2463
with 7 w 2468
a 178 w 2469
drawn 1 w 2474
sword 1 w 2479
in 37 w 2481
his 11 w 2484
hand 1 w 2488
It 1 w 2491
is 25 w 2493
lawful 1 w 2499
for 13 w 2502
him 3 w 2505
to 24 w 2507
slay 1 w 2511
any 2 w 2514
of 24 w 2516
them 7 w 2520
that 13 w 2524
he 76 w 2526
takes 1 w 2531
and 29 w 2535
Zoilus 1 w 2541
a 187 w 2542
priest 2 w 2548
of 25 w 2550
our 1 w 2553
time 1 w 2557
slew 3 w 2561
one 2 w 2564
This 2 w 2569
thing 1 w 2574
proved 1 w 2580
unlucky 1 w 2587
to 25 w 2589
them 8 w 2593
for 14 w 2597
Zoilus 2 w 2603
sickening 1 w 2613
upon 2 w 2617
a 188 w 2618
wound 1 w 2623
that 14 w 2627
he 78 w 2629
got 2 w 2632
wasted 1 w 2639
away 1 w 2643
for 15 w 2646
a 193 w 2647
long 1 w 2651
time 2 w 2655
and 30 w 2658
died 1 w 2662
whereupon 1 w 2672
the 60 w 2675
Orchomenians 2 w 2687
falling 3 w 2695
under 1 w 2700
public 1 w 2706
accusations 1 w 2717
and 31 w 2720
condemnations 1 w 2733
removed 1 w 2741
the 61 w 2744
priesthood 1 w 2754
from 2 w 2758
their 6 w 2763
family 1 w 2769
and 32 w 2773
made 2 w 2777
choice 1 w 2783
of 26 w 2785
the 63 w 2788
best 1 w 2792
man 9 w 2795
in 41 w 2797
the 64 w 2800
whole 1 w 2805
multitude 1 w 2814
Question 4 w 2823
39 1 w 2825
Why 2 w 2829
do 4 w 2831
the 65 w 2834
Arcadians 1 w 2843
stone 2 w 2848
those 1 w 2853
that 15 w 2857
go 3 w 2859
willingly 1 w 2868
into 4 w 2872
the 66 w 2875
Lycaeum 1 w 2882
while 2 w 2888
those 2 w 2893
that 16 w 2897
go 4 w 2899
in 44 w 2901
ignorantly 1 w 2911
they 3 w 2915
carry 1 w 2920
forth 1 w 2925
to 28 w 2927
Eleutherae 1 w 2937
Solution 4 w 2946
Is 1 w 2949
it 28 w 2951
on 37 w 2953
the 69 w 2956
ground 1 w 2962
that 17 w 2966
they 4 w 2970
gained 1 w 2976
their 7 w 2981
liberty 1 w 2988
by 10 w 2990
being 2 w 2995
thus 4 w 2999
absolved 2 w 3007
that 18 w 3012
the 72 w 3015
story 1 w 3020
has 2 w 3023
gained 2 w 3029
credit 1 w 3035
And 3 w 3039
is 27 w 3041
this 5 w 3045
saying 1 w 3051
to 30 w 3053
Eleutherae 2 w 3063
the 74 w 3066
same 2 w 3070
as 21 w 3072
into 5 w 3076
the 75 w 3079
region 3 w 3085
of 27 w 3087
security 1 w 3095
or 31 w 3098
thou 1 w 3102
shalt 1 w 3107
come 5 w 3111
to 32 w 3113
the 76 w 3116
seat 1 w 3120
of 28 w 3122
pleasure 1 w 3130
Or 6 w 3133
is 29 w 3135
the 77 w 3138
reason 2 w 3144
to 33 w 3146
be 21 w 3148
rendered 1 w 3156
according 2 w 3165
to 34 w 3167
that 19 w 3171
fabulous 1 w 3179
story 2 w 3184
that 20 w 3189
of 29 w 3191
all 11 w 3194
the 78 w 3197
sons 1 w 3201
of 30 w 3203
Lycaon 1 w 3209
Eleuther 3 w 3217
and 33 w 3220
Lebadus 1 w 3227
alone 1 w 3232
were 4 w 3236
free 1 w 3240
from 3 w 3244
that 21 w 3248
conspiracy 1 w 3258
against 1 w 3265
Jupiter 1 w 3272
and 34 w 3276
fled 1 w 3280
into 6 w 3284
Boeotia 3 w 3291
where 2 w 3297
the 80 w 3300
Lebadenses 1 w 3310
use 7 w 3313
the 81 w 3316
like 1 w 3320
civil 1 w 3325
polity 1 w 3331
to 37 w 3333
that 22 w 3337
of 31 w 3339
the 82 w 3342
Arcadians 2 w 3351
and 35 w 3355
therefore 1 w 3364
they 5 w 3368
send 1 w 3372
them 9 w 3376
to 38 w 3378
Eleutherae 3 w 3388
that 23 w 3392
enter 1 w 3397
unwittingly 1 w 3408
into 7 w 3412
the 87 w 3415
inaccessible 1 w 3427
temple 3 w 3433
of 32 w 3435
Jupiter 2 w 3442
Or 7 w 3445
is 30 w 3447
it 35 w 3449
as 24 w 3452
Architimus 1 w 3462
saith 2 w 3467
in 56 w 3469
his 14 w 3472
remarks 1 w 3479
on 44 w 3481
Arcadia 3 w 3488
that 24 w 3493
some 5 w 3497
that 25 w 3501
went 1 w 3505
into 8 w 3509
the 88 w 3512
Lycaeum 2 w 3519
unawares 1 w 3527
were 5 w 3531
delivered 1 w 3540
up 7 w 3542
to 41 w 3544
the 89 w 3547
Phliasians 1 w 3557
by 11 w 3559
the 90 w 3562
Arcadians 3 w 3571
and 36 w 3575
by 12 w 3577
the 91 w 3580
Phliasians 2 w 3590
to 42 w 3592
the 92 w 3595
Megarians 1 w 3604
and 37 w 3608
by 13 w 3610
the 93 w 3613
Megarians 2 w 3622
to 43 w 3624
the 94 w 3627
Thebans 1 w 3634
which 4 w 3639
inhabit 2 w 3646
about 1 w 3651
Eleutherae 4 w 3661
where 3 w 3667
they 6 w 3671
are 4 w 3674
detained 1 w 3682
under 2 w 3687
rain 1 w 3691
thunder 1 w 3699
and 38 w 3703
other 2 w 3708
direful 1 w 3715
judgments 1 w 3724
from 4 w 3728
Heaven 1 w 3734
and 39 w 3738
upon 4 w 3742
this 6 w 3746
account 1 w 3753
some 6 w 3757
say 4 w 3760
this 7 w 3764
place 3 w 3769
was 7 w 3772
called 5 w 3778
Eleutherae 5 w 3788
But 1 w 3792
the 99 w 3795
report 2 w 3801
is 34 w 3803
not 1 w 3806
true 1 w 3810
that 26 w 3814
he 123 w 3816
that 27 w 3820
enters 1 w 3826
into 9 w 3830
the 100 w 3833
Lycaeum 3 w 3840
casts 1 w 3845
no 9 w 3847
shadow 1 w 3853
though 1 w 3860
it 39 w 3862
hath 1 w 3866
had 5 w 3869
a 295 w 3870
firm 1 w 3874
belief 1 w 3880
And 4 w 3884
what 1 w 3888
if 2 w 3890
this 8 w 3894
be 23 w 3896
the 101 w 3899
reason 3 w 3905
of 33 w 3907
that 28 w 3911
report 3 w 3917
that 29 w 3922
the 102 w 3925
air 1 w 3928
converted 1 w 3937
into 10 w 3941
clouds 1 w 3947
looks 1 w 3952
darkly 1 w 3958
on 48 w 3960
them 10 w 3964
that 30 w 3968
go 5 w 3970
in 63 w 3972
Or 8 w 3975
that 31 w 3979
he 128 w 3981
that 32 w 3985
goes 1 w 3989
in 64 w 3991
falls 1 w 3996
down 1 w 4000
dead 1 w 4004
for 18 w 4009
the 104 w 4012
Pythagoreans 1 w 4024
say 5 w 4027
that 33 w 4031
the 105 w 4034
souls 1 w 4039
of 34 w 4041
the 106 w 4044
deceased 1 w 4052
do 7 w 4054
neither 2 w 4061
give 1 w 4065
a 312 w 4066
shadow 2 w 4072
nor 4 w 4075
wink 1 w 4079
Or 9 w 4082
is 36 w 4084
it 41 w 4086
that 34 w 4090
the 108 w 4093
sun 1 w 4096
only 1 w 4100
makes 1 w 4105
a 316 w 4106
shadow 3 w 4112
and 40 w 4116
the 109 w 4119
law 3 w 4122
bereaveth 1 w 4131
him 4 w 4134
that 35 w 4138
entereth 1 w 4146
here 9 w 4150
of 35 w 4152
the 110 w 4155
sight 1 w 4160
of 36 w 4162
the 111 w 4165
sun 2 w 4168
Though 1 w 4175
this 9 w 4179
they 7 w 4183
speak 1 w 4188
enigmatically 1 w 4201
for 19 w 4205
verily 1 w 4211
he 139 w 4213
that 36 w 4217
goes 2 w 4221
in 66 w 4223
is 38 w 4225
called 6 w 4231
Elaphus 1 w 4238
a 328 w 4240
stag 1 w 4244
Hence 1 w 4250
the 113 w 4253
Lacedaemonians 1 w 4267
delivered 2 w 4276
up 9 w 4278
to 46 w 4280
the 114 w 4283
Arcadians 4 w 4292
Cantharion 1 w 4302
the 115 w 4305
Arcadian 5 w 4313
who 3 w 4317
went 2 w 4321
over 4 w 4325
to 47 w 4327
the 116 w 4330
Eleans 1 w 4336
whilst 2 w 4342
they 8 w 4346
waged 1 w 4351
war 3 w 4354
with 8 w 4358
the 118 w 4361
Arcadians 5 w 4370
passing 1 w 4378
with 9 w 4382
his 19 w 4385
booty 1 w 4390
through 1 w 4397
the 119 w 4400
inaccessible 2 w 4412
temple 4 w 4418
and 41 w 4422
fled 2 w 4426
to 48 w 4428
Sparta 1 w 4434
when 1 w 4438
the 120 w 4441
war 4 w 4444
was 8 w 4447
ended 1 w 4452
the 121 w 4456
oracle 1 w 4462
requiring 1 w 4471
them 11 w 4475
to 49 w 4477
restore 1 w 4484
the 123 w 4487
stag 2 w 4491