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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (31-35)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '31', 'human_reference': 'Section 31'}, 'end': {'reference': '35', 'human_reference': 'Section 35'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Question 31. In the solemn feasts to the honor of Ceres, why do the Eretrian women roast their meat not at the fire, but by the sun; and why do they not call upon Kalligeneia?

Solution. Was it because it came in course to the women which Agamemnon carried captive from Troy to solemnize a feast to Ceres in this place, and while they were so doing, a fair wind arose, and they suddenly made sail, leaving the sacrifices imperfect.

Question 32. Who were the Ἀειναῦτα amongst the Milesians?

Solution. The tyrants Thoas and Damasenor being deposed, two factions got the government of the city, one of which was called Ploutis, the other Cheiromacha, and the potent men prevailing, they settled the state affairs in the association. And when they would sit in council about matters of greatest concern, they went on ship-board and launched out to a great distance from the shore; and when they were agreed upon a point in debate, they sailed back again, and upon this account were called ἀειναῦται (perpetual mariners).

Question 33. Why do the Chalcidians call a certain place about Pyrsopius the Ἀκμαίων Λέσχη, the Youths Conventicle?

Solution. They say that Nauplius, being persecuted by the Achaeans, addressed himself to the Chalcidians for redress, making his defence against the accusation and recriminating on the Achaeans. Whereupon the Chalcidians, refusing to deliver him into their hands lest he should

be slain by treachery, granted him a guard of lusty young men, and appointed their post in that place where they had mutual society together and guarded Nauplius.

Question 34. Who was he that sacrificed an ox to his benefactor?

Solution. In a haven of Ithaca there was a pirate ship, in which happened to be an old man who had earthen pots holding pitch. It fell out that an Ithacan skipper named Pyrrhias put into this port, who ransomed the old man upon free cost, only upon his supplication and out of commiseration towards him, and at the request of the old man he purchased also some of his tar-pots. The pirates departing and all fear of danger over, the old fellow brings Pyrrhias to his earthen pots, and shows him a great deal of gold and silver blended amongst the pitch; whereupon Pyrrhias attaining to great riches treated the old man well in all respects, and sacrificed an ox to him. Hence they say proverbially that none hath sacrificed an ox to his benefactor but Pyrrhias.

Question 35. Why was there a custom amongst the Bottiaean maids, as they danced, to sing, Let us go to Athens?

Solution. It is reported that the Cretans (in payment of a vow) sent the firstlings of men to Delphi; but when such as were sent found no plentiful provision there, they departed from thence in search of a plantation, and first sat down at Japygia. From thence they went and possessed that part of Thrace which now they have, Athenians being mixed with them; for it is probable that Minos did not destroy those young men which the Athenians sent in a way of tribute, but only detained them in servitude. Some that were descended from these and were accounted Cretans were sent with others to Delphi; so the Bottiaean daughters, in remembrance of their pedigree, sing on their feast-days, Let us go to Athens.

Question 1 w 8
31 1 w 10
In 1 w 13
the 1 w 16
solemn 1 w 22
feasts 1 w 28
to 1 w 30
the 2 w 33
honor 1 w 38
of 1 w 40
Ceres 1 w 45
why 1 w 49
do 1 w 51
the 3 w 54
Eretrian 1 w 62
women 1 w 67
roast 1 w 72
their 1 w 77
meat 1 w 81
not 1 w 84
at 2 w 86
the 5 w 89
fire 1 w 93
but 1 w 97
by 1 w 99
the 6 w 102
sun 1 w 105
and 1 w 109
why 2 w 112
do 2 w 114
they 1 w 118
not 2 w 121
call 1 w 125
upon 1 w 129
Kalligeneia 1 w 140
Solution 1 w 149
Was 1 w 153
it 1 w 155
because 1 w 162
it 2 w 164
came 1 w 168
in 1 w 170
course 1 w 176
to 2 w 178
the 8 w 181
women 2 w 186
which 1 w 191
Agamemnon 1 w 200
carried 1 w 207
captive 1 w 214
from 1 w 218
Troy 1 w 222
to 3 w 224
solemnize 1 w 233
a 16 w 234
feast 2 w 239
to 4 w 241
Ceres 2 w 246
in 2 w 248
this 1 w 252
place 1 w 257
and 2 w 261
while 1 w 266
they 2 w 270
were 1 w 274
so 3 w 276
doing 1 w 281
a 20 w 283
fair 1 w 287
wind 1 w 291
arose 1 w 296
and 3 w 300
they 3 w 304
suddenly 1 w 312
made 1 w 316
sail 1 w 320
leaving 1 w 328
the 11 w 331
sacrifices 1 w 341
imperfect 1 w 350
Question 2 w 359
32 1 w 361
Who 1 w 365
were 2 w 369
the 12 w 372
Ἀειναῦτα 1 w 380
amongst 1 w 387
the 13 w 390
Milesians 1 w 399
Solution 2 w 408
The 1 w 412
tyrants 1 w 419
Thoas 1 w 424
and 4 w 427
Damasenor 1 w 436
being 1 w 441
deposed 1 w 448
two 1 w 452
factions 1 w 460
got 1 w 463
the 14 w 466
government 1 w 476
of 2 w 478
the 15 w 481
city 1 w 485
one 1 w 489
of 3 w 491
which 2 w 496
was 1 w 499
called 1 w 505
Ploutis 1 w 512
the 16 w 516
other 1 w 521
Cheiromacha 1 w 532
and 5 w 536
the 18 w 539
potent 1 w 545
men 4 w 548
prevailing 1 w 558
they 4 w 563
settled 1 w 570
the 20 w 573
state 1 w 578
affairs 1 w 585
in 8 w 587
the 21 w 590
association 1 w 601
And 1 w 605
when 1 w 609
they 5 w 613
would 1 w 618
sit 1 w 621
in 9 w 623
council 1 w 630
about 1 w 635
matters 1 w 642
of 4 w 644
greatest 1 w 652
concern 1 w 659
they 6 w 664
went 1 w 668
on 13 w 670
ship-board 1 w 680
and 6 w 683
launched 1 w 691
out 3 w 694
to 5 w 696
a 53 w 697
great 2 w 702
distance 1 w 710
from 2 w 714
the 24 w 717
shore 1 w 722
and 7 w 726
when 2 w 730
they 7 w 734
were 3 w 738
agreed 1 w 744
upon 2 w 748
a 58 w 749
point 1 w 754
in 11 w 756
debate 1 w 762
they 8 w 767
sailed 1 w 773
back 1 w 777
again 1 w 782
and 8 w 786
upon 3 w 790
this 2 w 794
account 1 w 801
were 4 w 805
called 2 w 811
ἀειναῦται 1 w 820
perpetual 1 w 830
mariners 1 w 838
Question 3 w 848
33 1 w 850
Why 1 w 854
do 4 w 856
the 27 w 859
Chalcidians 1 w 870
call 4 w 874
a 72 w 875
certain 1 w 882
place 2 w 887
about 2 w 892
Pyrsopius 1 w 901
the 28 w 904
Ἀκμαίων 1 w 911
Λέσχη 1 w 916
the 29 w 920
Youth 1 w 925
s 50 w 927
Conventicle 1 w 938
Solution 3 w 947
They 1 w 952
say 1 w 955
that 1 w 959
Nauplius 1 w 967
being 2 w 973
persecuted 1 w 983
by 2 w 985
the 30 w 988
Achaeans 1 w 996
addressed 1 w 1006
himself 1 w 1013
to 6 w 1015
the 31 w 1018
Chalcidians 2 w 1029
for 1 w 1032
redress 1 w 1039
making 1 w 1046
his 3 w 1049
defence 1 w 1056
against 1 w 1063
the 32 w 1066
accusation 1 w 1076
and 9 w 1079
recriminating 1 w 1092
on 20 w 1094
the 33 w 1097
Achaeans 2 w 1105
Whereupon 1 w 1115
the 34 w 1118
Chalcidians 3 w 1129
refusing 1 w 1138
to 7 w 1140
deliver 1 w 1147
him 2 w 1150
into 1 w 1154
their 2 w 1159
hands 1 w 1164
lest 1 w 1168
he 43 w 1170
should 1 w 1176
be 4 w 1178
slain 1 w 1183
by 3 w 1185
treachery 1 w 1194
granted 1 w 1202
him 3 w 1205
a 99 w 1206
guard 1 w 1211
of 5 w 1213
lusty 1 w 1218
young 1 w 1223
men 5 w 1226
and 11 w 1230
appointed 1 w 1239
their 3 w 1244
post 1 w 1248
in 24 w 1250
that 2 w 1254
place 3 w 1259
where 1 w 1264
they 9 w 1268
had 1 w 1271
mutual 1 w 1277
society 1 w 1284
together 1 w 1292
and 12 w 1295
guarded 1 w 1302
Nauplius 2 w 1310
Question 4 w 1319
34 1 w 1321
Who 2 w 1325
was 2 w 1328
he 49 w 1330
that 3 w 1334
sacrificed 1 w 1344
an 23 w 1346
ox 1 w 1348
to 10 w 1350
his 4 w 1353
benefactor 1 w 1363
Solution 4 w 1372
In 2 w 1375
a 115 w 1376
haven 1 w 1381
of 6 w 1383
Ithaca 1 w 1389
there 1 w 1394
was 3 w 1397
a 120 w 1398
pirate 1 w 1404
ship 2 w 1408
in 25 w 1411
which 3 w 1416
happened 1 w 1424
to 12 w 1426
be 6 w 1428
an 24 w 1430
old 1 w 1433
man 1 w 1436
who 1 w 1439
had 2 w 1442
earthen 1 w 1449
pots 1 w 1453
holding 1 w 1460
pitch 1 w 1465
It 2 w 1468
fell 1 w 1472
out 6 w 1475
that 4 w 1479
an 26 w 1481
Ithacan 1 w 1488
skipper 1 w 1495
named 1 w 1500
Pyrrhias 1 w 1508
put 1 w 1511
into 2 w 1515
this 3 w 1519
port 1 w 1523
who 2 w 1527
ransomed 1 w 1535
the 41 w 1538
old 3 w 1541
man 2 w 1544
upon 5 w 1548
free 1 w 1552
cost 1 w 1556
only 1 w 1561
upon 6 w 1565
his 6 w 1568
supplication 1 w 1580
and 13 w 1583
out 7 w 1586
of 7 w 1588
commiseration 1 w 1601
towards 1 w 1608
him 4 w 1611
and 14 w 1615
at 18 w 1617
the 42 w 1620
request 1 w 1627
of 8 w 1629
the 43 w 1632
old 4 w 1635
man 3 w 1638
he 55 w 1640
purchased 1 w 1649
also 1 w 1653
some 2 w 1657
of 9 w 1659
his 7 w 1662
tar-pots 1 w 1670
The 3 w 1674
pirates 1 w 1681
departing 1 w 1690
and 15 w 1693
all 6 w 1696
fear 1 w 1700
of 10 w 1702
danger 1 w 1708
over 2 w 1712
the 44 w 1716
old 5 w 1719
fellow 1 w 1725
brings 1 w 1731
Pyrrhias 2 w 1739
to 15 w 1741
his 8 w 1744
earthen 2 w 1751
pots 3 w 1755
and 16 w 1759
shows 1 w 1764
him 5 w 1767
a 154 w 1768
great 3 w 1773
deal 1 w 1777
of 11 w 1779
gold 1 w 1783
and 17 w 1786
silver 1 w 1792
blended 1 w 1799
amongst 2 w 1806
the 46 w 1809
pitch 2 w 1814
whereupon 1 w 1824
Pyrrhias 3 w 1832
attaining 1 w 1841
to 16 w 1843
great 4 w 1848
riches 1 w 1854
treated 1 w 1861
the 47 w 1864
old 7 w 1867
man 4 w 1870
well 1 w 1874
in 32 w 1876
all 7 w 1879
respects 1 w 1887
and 18 w 1891
sacrificed 2 w 1901
an 39 w 1903
ox 2 w 1905
to 17 w 1907
him 6 w 1910
Hence 1 w 1916
they 10 w 1920
say 2 w 1923
proverbially 1 w 1935
that 5 w 1939
none 1 w 1943
hath 1 w 1947
sacrificed 3 w 1957
an 40 w 1959
ox 3 w 1961
to 18 w 1963
his 9 w 1966
benefactor 2 w 1976
but 2 w 1979
Pyrrhias 4 w 1987
Question 5 w 1996
35 1 w 1998
Why 2 w 2002
was 4 w 2005
there 2 w 2010
a 178 w 2011
custom 1 w 2017
amongst 3 w 2024
the 50 w 2027
Bottiaean 1 w 2036
maids 1 w 2041
as 17 w 2044
they 11 w 2048
danced 1 w 2054
to 21 w 2057
sing 2 w 2061
Let 1 w 2065
us 9 w 2067
go 4 w 2069
to 22 w 2071
Athens 1 w 2077
Solution 5 w 2086
It 4 w 2089
is 13 w 2091
reported 1 w 2099
that 6 w 2103
the 53 w 2106
Cretans 1 w 2113
in 34 w 2116
payment 1 w 2123
of 12 w 2125
a 188 w 2126
vow 1 w 2129
sent 1 w 2134
the 54 w 2137
firstlings 1 w 2147
of 13 w 2149
men 7 w 2152
to 23 w 2154
Delphi 1 w 2160
but 3 w 2164
when 3 w 2168
such 1 w 2172
as 18 w 2174
were 5 w 2178
sent 2 w 2182
found 1 w 2187
no 7 w 2189
plentiful 1 w 2198
provision 1 w 2207
there 3 w 2212
they 12 w 2217
departed 1 w 2225
from 3 w 2229
thence 1 w 2235
in 36 w 2237
search 1 w 2243
of 14 w 2245
a 192 w 2246
plantation 1 w 2256
and 19 w 2260
first 2 w 2265
sat 2 w 2268
down 1 w 2272
at 29 w 2274
Japygia 1 w 2281
From 1 w 2286
thence 2 w 2292
they 13 w 2296
went 2 w 2300
and 20 w 2303
possessed 1 w 2312
that 7 w 2316
part 3 w 2320
of 15 w 2322
Thrace 1 w 2328
which 4 w 2333
now 1 w 2336
they 14 w 2340
have 2 w 2344
Athenians 1 w 2354
being 3 w 2359
mixed 1 w 2364
with 1 w 2368
them 1 w 2372
for 2 w 2376
it 8 w 2378
is 15 w 2380
probable 1 w 2388
that 8 w 2392
Minos 1 w 2397
did 1 w 2400
not 3 w 2403
destroy 1 w 2410
those 1 w 2415
young 2 w 2420
men 8 w 2423
which 5 w 2428
the 63 w 2431
Athenians 2 w 2440
sent 3 w 2444
in 39 w 2446
a 209 w 2447
way 1 w 2450
of 16 w 2452
tribute 1 w 2459
but 5 w 2463
only 2 w 2467
detained 1 w 2475
them 2 w 2479
in 41 w 2481
servitude 1 w 2490
Some 1 w 2495
that 9 w 2499
were 6 w 2503
descended 1 w 2512
from 4 w 2516
these 1 w 2521
and 21 w 2524
were 7 w 2528
accounted 1 w 2537
Cretans 2 w 2544
were 8 w 2548
sent 4 w 2552
with 2 w 2556
others 1 w 2562
to 24 w 2564
Delphi 2 w 2570
so 10 w 2573
the 68 w 2576
Bottiaean 2 w 2585
daughters 1 w 2594
in 42 w 2597
remembrance 1 w 2608
of 17 w 2610
their 4 w 2615
pedigree 1 w 2623
sing 3 w 2628
on 38 w 2630
their 5 w 2635
feast-days 1 w 2645
Let 2 w 2649
us 10 w 2651
go 5 w 2653
to 25 w 2655
Athens 2 w 2661