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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (28-31)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '28', 'human_reference': 'Section 28'}, 'end': {'reference': '31', 'human_reference': 'Section 31'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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Question 28. What is the reason that at Tenedos a piper might not go into the temple of Tenes, and that no mention might be made of Achilles in that temple?

Solution. Was it because, when his step-mother accused Tenes that he would have lain with her, Molpus a piper bore false witness against him; whereupon Tenes took occasion to fly into Tenedos with his sister? And they say that Achilles was strictly charged by Thetis his mother not to slay Tenes, as one that was much respected by Apollo, and that the Goddess committed the trust to one of the household servants that he should take special care and

put him in mind of it, lest Achilles should kill Tenes at unawares. But when Achilles made an incursion into Tenedos and pursued the sister of Tenes, being very fair, Tenes met him and defended his sister; whereupon she escaped, but Tenes was slain. Achilles, knowing him as he fell down dead, slew his own servant, because he being present did not admonish him to the contrary. He buried Tenes, whose temple now remains, into which no piper enters, nor is Achilles named there.

Question 29. Who was the πωλήτης amongst the Epidamnians.

Solution. The Epidamnians, who were neighboring to the Illyrians, perceiving that the citizens that had frequent commerce with them were debauched, and fearing an innovation, made choice of an approved man yearly from amongst them, who should deal as a factor with the barbarians in all matters of trade and traffic, managing the whole business of dealing and commerce on the behalf of all the citizens; and this man was called poletes, or the seller.

Question 30. What is the shore of Araenus in Thrace?

Solution. The Andrians and Chalcidians sailing into Thrace to get them a seat, the city Sane being betrayed was delivered up to them both in common; and being told that Acanthus was deserted by the barbarians, they sent two spies thither. These approaching the city and perceiving all the enemies to be fled, the Chalcidian outruns the other, intending to seize the city for the Chalcidians; but the Andrian, finding himself not able to overtake him, darts his lance and fixeth it exactly in the gates, and saith that he had first seized the city for the Andrians. Hence a great contention arising, they agreed together without a war to make the Erythraeans, Samians, and Parians umpires in all matters of controversy between them. The Erythraeans and Samians brought in the verdict for the Andrians, but the

Parians for the Chalcidians; hence the Andrians about this place bound themselves under a curse, that they would not give wives in marriage to the Parians nor take wives of them. Therefore they called the place the Shore of Araenus (i.e. of the curse), whereas before it was called the Shore of the Dragon.

Question 31. In the solemn feasts to the honor of Ceres, why do the Eretrian women roast their meat not at the fire, but by the sun; and why do they not call upon Kalligeneia?

Solution. Was it because it came in course to the women which Agamemnon carried captive from Troy to solemnize a feast to Ceres in this place, and while they were so doing, a fair wind arose, and they suddenly made sail, leaving the sacrifices imperfect.

Question 1 w 8
28 1 w 10
What 1 w 15
is 1 w 17
the 1 w 20
reason 1 w 26
that 1 w 30
at 3 w 32
Tenedos 1 w 39
a 5 w 40
piper 1 w 45
might 1 w 50
not 1 w 53
go 1 w 55
into 1 w 59
the 2 w 62
temple 1 w 68
of 1 w 70
Tenes 1 w 75
and 1 w 79
that 2 w 83
no 2 w 85
mention 1 w 92
might 2 w 97
be 1 w 99
made 1 w 103
of 2 w 105
Achilles 1 w 113
in 2 w 115
that 3 w 119
temple 2 w 125
Solution 1 w 134
Was 1 w 138
it 1 w 140
because 1 w 147
when 1 w 152
his 1 w 155
step-mother 1 w 166
accused 1 w 173
Tenes 2 w 178
that 4 w 182
he 5 w 184
would 1 w 189
have 1 w 193
lain 1 w 197
with 1 w 201
her 2 w 204
Molpus 1 w 211
a 16 w 212
piper 2 w 217
bore 1 w 221
false 1 w 226
witness 1 w 233
against 1 w 240
him 1 w 243
whereupon 1 w 253
Tenes 3 w 258
took 1 w 262
occasion 1 w 270
to 3 w 272
fly 1 w 275
into 2 w 279
Tenedos 2 w 286
with 2 w 290
his 2 w 293
sister 1 w 299
And 1 w 303
they 1 w 307
say 1 w 310
that 5 w 314
Achilles 2 w 322
was 1 w 325
strictly 1 w 333
charged 1 w 340
by 1 w 342
Thetis 1 w 348
his 3 w 351
mother 2 w 357
not 2 w 360
to 5 w 362
slay 1 w 366
Tenes 4 w 371
as 5 w 374
one 1 w 377
that 6 w 381
was 2 w 384
much 1 w 388
respected 1 w 397
by 2 w 399
Apollo 1 w 405
and 2 w 409
that 7 w 413
the 6 w 416
Goddess 1 w 423
committed 1 w 432
the 7 w 435
trust 1 w 440
to 6 w 442
one 2 w 445
of 3 w 447
the 8 w 450
household 1 w 459
servants 1 w 467
that 8 w 471
he 14 w 473
should 1 w 479
take 1 w 483
special 1 w 490
care 1 w 494
and 3 w 497
put 1 w 500
him 2 w 503
in 6 w 505
mind 1 w 509
of 4 w 511
it 6 w 513
lest 1 w 518
Achilles 3 w 526
should 2 w 532
kill 1 w 536
Tenes 5 w 541
at 11 w 543
unawares 1 w 551
But 1 w 555
when 2 w 559
Achilles 4 w 567
made 2 w 571
an 5 w 573
incursion 1 w 582
into 3 w 586
Tenedos 3 w 593
and 4 w 596
pursued 1 w 603
the 9 w 606
sister 2 w 612
of 5 w 614
Tenes 6 w 619
being 1 w 625
very 1 w 629
fair 1 w 633
Tenes 7 w 639
met 1 w 642
him 3 w 645
and 5 w 648
defended 1 w 656
his 4 w 659
sister 3 w 665
whereupon 2 w 675
she 1 w 678
escaped 1 w 685
but 1 w 689
Tenes 8 w 694
was 3 w 697
slain 1 w 702
Achilles 5 w 711
knowing 1 w 719
him 4 w 722
as 8 w 724
he 19 w 726
fell 1 w 730
down 1 w 734
dead 1 w 738
slew 1 w 743
his 5 w 746
own 2 w 749
servant 2 w 756
because 2 w 764
he 20 w 766
being 2 w 771
present 1 w 778
did 1 w 781
not 3 w 784
admonish 1 w 792
him 5 w 795
to 8 w 797
the 10 w 800
contrary 1 w 808
He 1 w 811
buried 1 w 817
Tenes 9 w 822
whose 1 w 828
temple 3 w 834
now 2 w 837
remains 1 w 844
into 4 w 849
which 1 w 854
no 7 w 856
piper 3 w 861
enters 1 w 867
nor 1 w 871
is 12 w 873
Achilles 6 w 881
named 1 w 886
there 1 w 891
Question 2 w 900
29 1 w 902
Who 1 w 906
was 4 w 909
the 12 w 912
πωλήτης 1 w 919
amongst 1 w 926
the 13 w 929
Epidamnians 1 w 940
Solution 2 w 949
The 2 w 953
Epidamnians 2 w 964
who 2 w 968
were 1 w 972
neighboring 1 w 983
to 10 w 985
the 14 w 988
Illyrians 1 w 997
perceiving 1 w 1008
that 9 w 1012
the 15 w 1015
citizens 1 w 1023
that 10 w 1027
had 1 w 1030
frequent 1 w 1038
commerce 1 w 1046
with 3 w 1050
them 1 w 1054
were 2 w 1058
debauched 1 w 1067
and 6 w 1071
fearing 1 w 1078
an 13 w 1080
innovation 1 w 1090
made 3 w 1095
choice 1 w 1101
of 6 w 1103
an 14 w 1105
approved 1 w 1113
man 1 w 1116
yearly 1 w 1122
from 1 w 1126
amongst 2 w 1133
them 2 w 1137
who 3 w 1141
should 3 w 1147
deal 1 w 1151
as 10 w 1153
a 79 w 1154
factor 1 w 1160
with 4 w 1164
the 18 w 1167
barbarians 1 w 1177
in 20 w 1179
all 1 w 1182
matters 1 w 1189
of 7 w 1191
trade 1 w 1196
and 7 w 1199
traffic 1 w 1206
managing 1 w 1215
the 19 w 1218
whole 1 w 1223
business 1 w 1231
of 8 w 1233
dealing 1 w 1240
and 8 w 1243
commerce 2 w 1251
on 18 w 1253
the 20 w 1256
behalf 1 w 1262
of 9 w 1264
all 2 w 1267
the 21 w 1270
citizens 2 w 1278
and 9 w 1282
this 1 w 1286
man 3 w 1289
was 5 w 1292
called 1 w 1298
poletes 1 w 1305
or 5 w 1308
the 22 w 1311
seller 1 w 1317
Question 3 w 1326
30 1 w 1328
What 2 w 1333
is 14 w 1335
the 23 w 1338
shore 1 w 1343
of 10 w 1345
Araenus 1 w 1352
in 24 w 1354
Thrace 1 w 1360
Solution 3 w 1369
The 3 w 1373
Andrians 1 w 1381
and 10 w 1384
Chalcidians 1 w 1395
sailing 1 w 1402
into 5 w 1406
Thrace 2 w 1412
to 13 w 1414
get 1 w 1417
them 3 w 1421
a 108 w 1422
seat 1 w 1426
the 25 w 1430
city 1 w 1434
Sane 1 w 1438
being 3 w 1443
betrayed 1 w 1451
was 6 w 1454
delivered 1 w 1463
up 3 w 1465
to 14 w 1467
them 4 w 1471
both 1 w 1475
in 28 w 1477
common 1 w 1483
and 11 w 1487
being 4 w 1492
told 1 w 1496
that 11 w 1500
Acanthus 1 w 1508
was 7 w 1511
deserted 1 w 1519
by 3 w 1521
the 27 w 1524
barbarians 2 w 1534
they 2 w 1539
sent 2 w 1543
two 1 w 1546
spies 1 w 1551
thither 1 w 1558
These 1 w 1564
approaching 1 w 1575
the 30 w 1578
city 2 w 1582
and 12 w 1585
perceiving 2 w 1595
all 4 w 1598
the 31 w 1601
enemies 1 w 1608
to 16 w 1610
be 10 w 1612
fled 1 w 1616
the 32 w 1620
Chalcidian 2 w 1630
outruns 1 w 1637
the 33 w 1640
other 3 w 1645
intending 1 w 1655
to 17 w 1657
seize 1 w 1662
the 35 w 1665
city 3 w 1669
for 1 w 1672
the 36 w 1675
Chalcidians 2 w 1686
but 2 w 1690
the 37 w 1693
Andrian 2 w 1700
finding 1 w 1708
himself 1 w 1715
not 4 w 1718
able 1 w 1722
to 18 w 1724
overtake 1 w 1732
him 7 w 1735
darts 1 w 1741
his 7 w 1744
lance 1 w 1749
and 13 w 1752
fixeth 1 w 1758
it 15 w 1760
exactly 1 w 1767
in 36 w 1769
the 38 w 1772
gates 1 w 1777
and 14 w 1781
saith 1 w 1786
that 12 w 1790
he 54 w 1792
had 2 w 1795
first 1 w 1800
seized 1 w 1806
the 39 w 1809
city 4 w 1813
for 2 w 1816
the 40 w 1819
Andrians 2 w 1827
Hence 1 w 1833
a 141 w 1834
great 1 w 1839
contention 1 w 1849
arising 1 w 1856
they 3 w 1861
agreed 1 w 1867
together 1 w 1875
without 1 w 1882
a 145 w 1883
war 2 w 1886
to 20 w 1888
make 1 w 1892
the 43 w 1895
Erythraeans 1 w 1906
Samians 1 w 1914
and 15 w 1918
Parians 1 w 1925
umpires 1 w 1932
in 38 w 1934
all 5 w 1937
matters 2 w 1944
of 11 w 1946
controversy 1 w 1957
between 1 w 1964
them 5 w 1968
The 5 w 1972
Erythraeans 2 w 1983
and 16 w 1986
Samians 2 w 1993
brought 1 w 2000
in 39 w 2002
the 45 w 2005
verdict 1 w 2012
for 3 w 2015
the 46 w 2018
Andrians 3 w 2026
but 3 w 2030
the 47 w 2033
Parians 2 w 2040
for 4 w 2043
the 48 w 2046
Chalcidians 3 w 2057
hence 1 w 2063
the 49 w 2066
Andrians 4 w 2074
about 1 w 2079
this 2 w 2083
place 1 w 2088
bound 1 w 2093
themselves 1 w 2103
under 1 w 2108
a 170 w 2109
curse 1 w 2114
that 13 w 2119
they 4 w 2123
would 2 w 2128
not 5 w 2131
give 1 w 2135
wives 1 w 2140
in 40 w 2142
marriage 1 w 2150
to 21 w 2152
the 52 w 2155
Parians 3 w 2162
nor 2 w 2165
take 3 w 2169
wives 2 w 2174
of 12 w 2176
them 7 w 2180
Therefore 1 w 2190
they 5 w 2194
called 2 w 2200
the 55 w 2203
place 2 w 2208
the 56 w 2211
Shore 1 w 2216
of 13 w 2218
Araenus 2 w 2225
i 158 w 2227
e 284 w 2229
of 14 w 2232
the 57 w 2235
curse 2 w 2240
whereas 1 w 2249
before 1 w 2255
it 19 w 2257
was 8 w 2260
called 3 w 2266
the 58 w 2269
Shore 2 w 2274
of 15 w 2276
the 59 w 2279
Dragon 1 w 2285
Question 4 w 2294
31 1 w 2296
In 1 w 2299
the 60 w 2302
solemn 1 w 2308
feasts 1 w 2314
to 22 w 2316
the 61 w 2319
honor 1 w 2324
of 16 w 2326
Ceres 1 w 2331
why 1 w 2335
do 5 w 2337
the 62 w 2340
Eretrian 1 w 2348
women 1 w 2353
roast 1 w 2358
their 1 w 2363
meat 1 w 2367
not 6 w 2370
at 25 w 2372
the 64 w 2375
fire 1 w 2379
but 4 w 2383
by 4 w 2385
the 65 w 2388
sun 1 w 2391
and 17 w 2395
why 2 w 2398
do 6 w 2400
they 6 w 2404
not 7 w 2407
call 4 w 2411
upon 3 w 2415
Kalligeneia 1 w 2426
Solution 4 w 2435
Was 2 w 2439
it 20 w 2441
because 3 w 2448
it 21 w 2450
came 1 w 2454
in 41 w 2456
course 1 w 2462
to 23 w 2464
the 67 w 2467
women 2 w 2472
which 2 w 2477
Agamemnon 1 w 2486
carried 1 w 2493
captive 1 w 2500
from 2 w 2504
Troy 1 w 2508
to 24 w 2510
solemnize 1 w 2519
a 199 w 2520
feast 2 w 2525
to 25 w 2527
Ceres 2 w 2532
in 42 w 2534
this 3 w 2538
place 3 w 2543
and 18 w 2547
while 1 w 2552
they 7 w 2556
were 3 w 2560
so 4 w 2562
doing 1 w 2567
a 203 w 2569
fair 2 w 2573
wind 1 w 2577
arose 1 w 2582
and 19 w 2586
they 8 w 2590
suddenly 1 w 2598
made 4 w 2602
sail 2 w 2606
leaving 1 w 2614
the 70 w 2617
sacrifices 1 w 2627
imperfect 1 w 2636