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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (26-30)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '26', 'human_reference': 'Section 26'}, 'end': {'reference': '30', 'human_reference': 'Section 30'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Question 26. What is the meaning of this, that the virgins that follow those that lead the ox from Aenos to Cassiopaea sing, till they approach the borders, in this manner,

To native country dear O may ye neer return?

Solution. The Aenianes, being first driven out by the

Lapithae, took up their habitation about Aethacia, and then about Molossis and Cassiopaca. But the country affording no staple commodity, and being ill bestead with troublesome neighbors, they went into the Cirraean plain, under the conduct of Oenoclus their king. And when there were great droughts there, by warning from an oracle (as they say) they stoned Oenoclus; and betaking themselves to ramble again, they came into this country which they now possess, being very pleasant and fruitful. Whence with good reason they pray to the Gods that they may never return again to their ancient native country, but may abide where they are in prosperity.

Question 27. What is the reason that at Rhodes the crier never enters into the chapel of Ocridion?

Solution. Was it because Ochimus espoused his daughter Cydippe to Ocridion? But Cercaphus, who was brother to Ochimnus, falling in love with the maid, persuaded the crier (for it was the custom to fetch the brides by the crier) to bring her to him when she should be delivered to him. This being accordingly done, Cercaphus got the maid and fled; afterwards, when Ochimus was grown old, he returned. Wherefore it was enacted by the Rhodians that a crier should not enter into the chapel of Ocridion, because of the injustice done by him.

Question 28. What is the reason that at Tenedos a piper might not go into the temple of Tenes, and that no mention might be made of Achilles in that temple?

Solution. Was it because, when his step-mother accused Tenes that he would have lain with her, Molpus a piper bore false witness against him; whereupon Tenes took occasion to fly into Tenedos with his sister? And they say that Achilles was strictly charged by Thetis his mother not to slay Tenes, as one that was much respected by Apollo, and that the Goddess committed the trust to one of the household servants that he should take special care and

put him in mind of it, lest Achilles should kill Tenes at unawares. But when Achilles made an incursion into Tenedos and pursued the sister of Tenes, being very fair, Tenes met him and defended his sister; whereupon she escaped, but Tenes was slain. Achilles, knowing him as he fell down dead, slew his own servant, because he being present did not admonish him to the contrary. He buried Tenes, whose temple now remains, into which no piper enters, nor is Achilles named there.

Question 29. Who was the πωλήτης amongst the Epidamnians.

Solution. The Epidamnians, who were neighboring to the Illyrians, perceiving that the citizens that had frequent commerce with them were debauched, and fearing an innovation, made choice of an approved man yearly from amongst them, who should deal as a factor with the barbarians in all matters of trade and traffic, managing the whole business of dealing and commerce on the behalf of all the citizens; and this man was called poletes, or the seller.

Question 30. What is the shore of Araenus in Thrace?

Solution. The Andrians and Chalcidians sailing into Thrace to get them a seat, the city Sane being betrayed was delivered up to them both in common; and being told that Acanthus was deserted by the barbarians, they sent two spies thither. These approaching the city and perceiving all the enemies to be fled, the Chalcidian outruns the other, intending to seize the city for the Chalcidians; but the Andrian, finding himself not able to overtake him, darts his lance and fixeth it exactly in the gates, and saith that he had first seized the city for the Andrians. Hence a great contention arising, they agreed together without a war to make the Erythraeans, Samians, and Parians umpires in all matters of controversy between them. The Erythraeans and Samians brought in the verdict for the Andrians, but the

Parians for the Chalcidians; hence the Andrians about this place bound themselves under a curse, that they would not give wives in marriage to the Parians nor take wives of them. Therefore they called the place the Shore of Araenus (i.e. of the curse), whereas before it was called the Shore of the Dragon.

Question 1 w 8
26 1 w 10
What 1 w 15
is 1 w 17
the 1 w 20
meaning 1 w 27
of 1 w 29
this 1 w 33
that 1 w 38
the 2 w 41
virgins 1 w 48
that 2 w 52
follow 1 w 58
those 1 w 63
that 3 w 67
lead 1 w 71
the 3 w 74
ox 1 w 76
from 1 w 80
Aenos 1 w 85
to 1 w 87
Cassiopaea 1 w 97
sing 1 w 101
till 1 w 106
they 1 w 110
approach 1 w 118
the 5 w 121
borders 1 w 128
in 4 w 131
this 2 w 135
manner 1 w 141
To 1 w 144
native 1 w 150
country 1 w 157
dear 1 w 161
O 1 w 162
may 1 w 165
ye 1 w 167
ne 2 w 169
er 3 w 172
return 1 w 178
Solution 1 w 187
The 1 w 191
Aenianes 1 w 199
being 1 w 205
first 1 w 210
driven 1 w 216
out 1 w 219
by 1 w 221
the 6 w 224
Lapithae 1 w 232
took 1 w 237
up 1 w 239
their 1 w 244
habitation 1 w 254
about 1 w 259
Aethacia 1 w 267
and 1 w 271
then 1 w 275
about 2 w 280
Molossis 1 w 288
and 2 w 291
Cassiopaca 1 w 301
But 1 w 305
the 9 w 308
country 2 w 315
affording 1 w 324
no 2 w 326
staple 1 w 332
commodity 1 w 341
and 3 w 345
being 2 w 350
ill 2 w 353
bestead 1 w 360
with 1 w 364
troublesome 1 w 375
neighbors 1 w 384
they 2 w 389
went 1 w 393
into 1 w 397
the 11 w 400
Cirraean 1 w 408
plain 1 w 413
under 1 w 419
the 12 w 422
conduct 1 w 429
of 2 w 431
Oenoclus 1 w 439
their 2 w 444
king 1 w 448
And 1 w 452
when 1 w 456
there 1 w 461
were 1 w 465
great 1 w 470
droughts 1 w 478
there 2 w 483
by 2 w 486
warning 1 w 493
from 2 w 497
an 8 w 499
oracle 1 w 505
as 3 w 508
they 3 w 512
say 1 w 515
they 4 w 520
stoned 1 w 526
Oenoclus 2 w 534
and 4 w 538
betaking 1 w 546
themselves 1 w 556
to 5 w 558
ramble 1 w 564
again 1 w 569
they 5 w 574
came 1 w 578
into 2 w 582
this 3 w 586
country 3 w 593
which 1 w 598
they 6 w 602
now 1 w 605
possess 1 w 612
being 3 w 618
very 1 w 622
pleasant 1 w 630
and 5 w 633
fruitful 1 w 641
Whence 1 w 648
with 2 w 652
good 1 w 656
reason 1 w 662
they 7 w 666
pray 1 w 670
to 7 w 672
the 22 w 675
Gods 1 w 679
that 4 w 683
they 8 w 687
may 2 w 690
never 1 w 695
return 2 w 701
again 2 w 706
to 8 w 708
their 3 w 713
ancient 1 w 720
native 2 w 726
country 4 w 733
but 1 w 737
may 3 w 740
abide 1 w 745
where 1 w 750
they 9 w 754
are 1 w 757
in 17 w 759
prosperity 1 w 769
Question 2 w 778
27 1 w 780
What 2 w 785
is 6 w 787
the 26 w 790
reason 2 w 796
that 5 w 800
at 12 w 802
Rhodes 1 w 808
the 27 w 811
crier 1 w 816
never 2 w 821
enters 1 w 827
into 3 w 831
the 28 w 834
chapel 1 w 840
of 3 w 842
Ocridion 1 w 850
Solution 2 w 859
Was 1 w 863
it 8 w 865
because 1 w 872
Ochimus 1 w 879
espoused 1 w 887
his 4 w 890
daughter 1 w 898
Cydippe 1 w 905
to 10 w 907
Ocridion 2 w 915
But 2 w 919
Cercaphus 1 w 928
who 1 w 932
was 1 w 935
brother 1 w 942
to 11 w 944
Ochimnus 1 w 952
falling 1 w 960
in 20 w 962
love 1 w 966
with 3 w 970
the 30 w 973
maid 1 w 977
persuaded 1 w 987
the 31 w 990
crier 2 w 995
for 2 w 999
it 10 w 1001
was 2 w 1004
the 32 w 1007
custom 1 w 1013
to 13 w 1015
fetch 1 w 1020
the 33 w 1023
brides 1 w 1029
by 3 w 1031
the 34 w 1034
crier 3 w 1039
to 14 w 1042
bring 1 w 1047
her 5 w 1050
to 15 w 1052
him 3 w 1055
when 2 w 1059
she 1 w 1062
should 1 w 1068
be 7 w 1070
delivered 1 w 1079
to 16 w 1081
him 4 w 1084
This 1 w 1089
being 4 w 1094
accordingly 1 w 1105
done 1 w 1109
Cercaphus 2 w 1119
got 1 w 1122
the 35 w 1125
maid 2 w 1129
and 6 w 1132
fled 1 w 1136
afterwards 1 w 1147
when 3 w 1152
Ochimus 2 w 1159
was 3 w 1162
grown 1 w 1167
old 1 w 1170
he 44 w 1173
returned 1 w 1181
Wherefore 1 w 1191
it 11 w 1193
was 4 w 1196
enacted 1 w 1203
by 4 w 1205
the 36 w 1208
Rhodians 1 w 1216
that 6 w 1220
a 88 w 1221
crier 4 w 1226
should 2 w 1232
not 1 w 1235
enter 2 w 1240
into 4 w 1244
the 37 w 1247
chapel 2 w 1253
of 4 w 1255
Ocridion 3 w 1263
because 2 w 1271
of 5 w 1273
the 38 w 1276
injustice 1 w 1285
done 2 w 1289
by 5 w 1291
him 6 w 1294
Question 3 w 1303
28 1 w 1305
What 3 w 1310
is 9 w 1312
the 39 w 1315
reason 3 w 1321
that 7 w 1325
at 16 w 1327
Tenedos 1 w 1334
a 95 w 1335
piper 1 w 1340
might 1 w 1345
not 2 w 1348
go 3 w 1350
into 5 w 1354
the 40 w 1357
temple 1 w 1363
of 6 w 1365
Tenes 1 w 1370
and 7 w 1374
that 8 w 1378
no 8 w 1380
mention 1 w 1387
might 2 w 1392
be 10 w 1394
made 1 w 1398
of 7 w 1400
Achilles 1 w 1408
in 27 w 1410
that 9 w 1414
temple 2 w 1420
Solution 3 w 1429
Was 2 w 1433
it 12 w 1435
because 3 w 1442
when 4 w 1447
his 6 w 1450
step-mother 1 w 1461
accused 1 w 1468
Tenes 2 w 1473
that 10 w 1477
he 53 w 1479
would 1 w 1484
have 1 w 1488
lain 2 w 1492
with 4 w 1496
her 8 w 1499
Molpus 1 w 1506
a 106 w 1507
piper 2 w 1512
bore 1 w 1516
false 1 w 1521
witness 1 w 1528
against 1 w 1535
him 7 w 1538
whereupon 1 w 1548
Tenes 3 w 1553
took 2 w 1557
occasion 1 w 1565
to 20 w 1567
fly 1 w 1570
into 6 w 1574
Tenedos 2 w 1581
with 5 w 1585
his 7 w 1588
sister 1 w 1594
And 2 w 1598
they 10 w 1602
say 2 w 1605
that 11 w 1609
Achilles 2 w 1617
was 5 w 1620
strictly 1 w 1628
charged 1 w 1635
by 6 w 1637
Thetis 1 w 1643
his 8 w 1646
mother 2 w 1652
not 3 w 1655
to 22 w 1657
slay 1 w 1661
Tenes 4 w 1666
as 16 w 1669
one 4 w 1672
that 12 w 1676
was 6 w 1679
much 1 w 1683
respected 1 w 1692
by 7 w 1694
Apollo 1 w 1700
and 8 w 1704
that 13 w 1708
the 44 w 1711
Goddess 1 w 1718
committed 1 w 1727
the 45 w 1730
trust 1 w 1735
to 23 w 1737
one 5 w 1740
of 8 w 1742
the 46 w 1745
household 1 w 1754
servants 1 w 1762
that 14 w 1766
he 62 w 1768
should 3 w 1774
take 1 w 1778
special 1 w 1785
care 1 w 1789
and 9 w 1792
put 1 w 1795
him 8 w 1798
in 31 w 1800
mind 1 w 1804
of 9 w 1806
it 17 w 1808
lest 1 w 1813
Achilles 3 w 1821
should 4 w 1827
kill 1 w 1831
Tenes 5 w 1836
at 24 w 1838
unawares 1 w 1846
But 3 w 1850
when 5 w 1854
Achilles 4 w 1862
made 2 w 1866
an 19 w 1868
incursion 1 w 1877
into 7 w 1881
Tenedos 3 w 1888
and 10 w 1891
pursued 1 w 1898
the 47 w 1901
sister 2 w 1907
of 10 w 1909
Tenes 6 w 1914
being 5 w 1920
very 2 w 1924
fair 1 w 1928
Tenes 7 w 1934
met 1 w 1937
him 9 w 1940
and 11 w 1943
defended 1 w 1951
his 9 w 1954
sister 3 w 1960
whereupon 2 w 1970
she 2 w 1973
escaped 1 w 1980
but 2 w 1984
Tenes 8 w 1989
was 7 w 1992
slain 1 w 1997
Achilles 5 w 2006
knowing 1 w 2014
him 10 w 2017
as 19 w 2019
he 67 w 2021
fell 1 w 2025
down 1 w 2029
dead 1 w 2033
slew 1 w 2038
his 10 w 2041
own 3 w 2044
servant 2 w 2051
because 4 w 2059
he 68 w 2061
being 6 w 2066
present 1 w 2073
did 1 w 2076
not 4 w 2079
admonish 1 w 2087
him 11 w 2090
to 25 w 2092
the 48 w 2095
contrary 1 w 2103
He 1 w 2106
buried 1 w 2112
Tenes 9 w 2117
whose 1 w 2123
temple 3 w 2129
now 3 w 2132
remains 1 w 2139
into 8 w 2144
which 2 w 2149
no 13 w 2151
piper 3 w 2156
enters 2 w 2162
nor 1 w 2166
is 20 w 2168
Achilles 6 w 2176
named 1 w 2181
there 3 w 2186
Question 4 w 2195
29 1 w 2197
Who 1 w 2201
was 8 w 2204
the 50 w 2207
πωλήτης 1 w 2214
amongst 1 w 2221
the 51 w 2224
Epidamnians 1 w 2235
Solution 4 w 2244
The 3 w 2248
Epidamnians 2 w 2259
who 3 w 2263
were 2 w 2267
neighboring 1 w 2278
to 27 w 2280
the 52 w 2283
Illyrians 1 w 2292
perceiving 1 w 2303
that 15 w 2307
the 53 w 2310
citizens 1 w 2318
that 16 w 2322
had 1 w 2325
frequent 1 w 2333
commerce 1 w 2341
with 6 w 2345
them 2 w 2349
were 3 w 2353
debauched 1 w 2362
and 12 w 2366
fearing 1 w 2373
an 27 w 2375
innovation 1 w 2385
made 3 w 2390
choice 1 w 2396
of 11 w 2398
an 28 w 2400
approved 1 w 2408
man 2 w 2411
yearly 1 w 2417
from 3 w 2421
amongst 2 w 2428
them 3 w 2432
who 4 w 2436
should 5 w 2442
deal 1 w 2446
as 21 w 2448
a 169 w 2449
factor 1 w 2455
with 7 w 2459
the 56 w 2462
barbarians 1 w 2472
in 45 w 2474
all 2 w 2477
matters 1 w 2484
of 12 w 2486
trade 1 w 2491
and 13 w 2494
traffic 1 w 2501
managing 1 w 2510
the 57 w 2513
whole 1 w 2518
business 1 w 2526
of 13 w 2528
dealing 1 w 2535
and 14 w 2538
commerce 2 w 2546
on 32 w 2548
the 58 w 2551
behalf 1 w 2557
of 14 w 2559
all 3 w 2562
the 59 w 2565
citizens 2 w 2573
and 15 w 2577
this 4 w 2581
man 4 w 2584
was 9 w 2587
called 1 w 2593
poletes 1 w 2600
or 12 w 2603
the 60 w 2606
seller 1 w 2612
Question 5 w 2621
30 1 w 2623
What 4 w 2628
is 22 w 2630
the 61 w 2633
shore 1 w 2638
of 15 w 2640
Araenus 1 w 2647
in 49 w 2649
Thrace 1 w 2655
Solution 5 w 2664
The 4 w 2668
Andrians 1 w 2676
and 16 w 2679
Chalcidians 1 w 2690
sailing 1 w 2697
into 9 w 2701
Thrace 2 w 2707
to 30 w 2709
get 1 w 2712
them 4 w 2716
a 198 w 2717
seat 1 w 2721
the 63 w 2725
city 1 w 2729
Sane 1 w 2733
being 7 w 2738
betrayed 1 w 2746
was 10 w 2749
delivered 2 w 2758
up 4 w 2760
to 31 w 2762
them 5 w 2766
both 1 w 2770
in 53 w 2772
common 1 w 2778
and 17 w 2782
being 8 w 2787
told 1 w 2791
that 17 w 2795
Acanthus 1 w 2803
was 11 w 2806
deserted 1 w 2814
by 8 w 2816
the 65 w 2819
barbarians 2 w 2829
they 11 w 2834
sent 2 w 2838
two 1 w 2841
spies 1 w 2846
thither 1 w 2853
These 1 w 2859
approaching 1 w 2870
the 68 w 2873
city 2 w 2877
and 18 w 2880
perceiving 2 w 2890
all 5 w 2893
the 69 w 2896
enemies 1 w 2903
to 33 w 2905
be 19 w 2907
fled 2 w 2911
the 70 w 2915
Chalcidian 2 w 2925
outruns 1 w 2932
the 71 w 2935
other 4 w 2940
intending 1 w 2950
to 34 w 2952
seize 1 w 2957
the 73 w 2960
city 3 w 2964
for 4 w 2967
the 74 w 2970
Chalcidians 2 w 2981
but 3 w 2985
the 75 w 2988
Andrian 2 w 2995
finding 1 w 3003
himself 1 w 3010
not 5 w 3013
able 1 w 3017
to 35 w 3019
overtake 1 w 3027
him 13 w 3030
darts 1 w 3036
his 12 w 3039
lance 1 w 3044
and 19 w 3047
fixeth 1 w 3053
it 26 w 3055
exactly 1 w 3062
in 61 w 3064
the 76 w 3067
gates 1 w 3072
and 20 w 3076
saith 1 w 3081
that 18 w 3085
he 102 w 3087
had 2 w 3090
first 2 w 3095
seized 1 w 3101
the 77 w 3104
city 4 w 3108
for 5 w 3111
the 78 w 3114
Andrians 2 w 3122
Hence 1 w 3128
a 231 w 3129
great 2 w 3134
contention 1 w 3144
arising 1 w 3151
they 12 w 3156
agreed 1 w 3162
together 1 w 3170
without 1 w 3177
a 235 w 3178
war 4 w 3181
to 37 w 3183
make 1 w 3187
the 81 w 3190
Erythraeans 1 w 3201
Samians 1 w 3209
and 21 w 3213
Parians 1 w 3220
umpires 1 w 3227
in 63 w 3229
all 6 w 3232
matters 2 w 3239
of 16 w 3241
controversy 1 w 3252
between 1 w 3259
them 6 w 3263
The 6 w 3267
Erythraeans 2 w 3278
and 22 w 3281
Samians 2 w 3288
brought 1 w 3295
in 64 w 3297
the 83 w 3300
verdict 1 w 3307
for 6 w 3310
the 84 w 3313
Andrians 3 w 3321
but 4 w 3325
the 85 w 3328
Parians 2 w 3335
for 7 w 3338
the 86 w 3341
Chalcidians 3 w 3352
hence 2 w 3358
the 87 w 3361
Andrians 4 w 3369
about 3 w 3374
this 5 w 3378
place 1 w 3383
bound 1 w 3388
themselves 2 w 3398
under 2 w 3403
a 260 w 3404
curse 1 w 3409
that 19 w 3414
they 13 w 3418
would 2 w 3423
not 6 w 3426
give 1 w 3430
wives 1 w 3435
in 65 w 3437
marriage 1 w 3445
to 38 w 3447
the 90 w 3450
Parians 3 w 3457
nor 2 w 3460
take 3 w 3464
wives 2 w 3469
of 17 w 3471
them 8 w 3475
Therefore 1 w 3485
they 14 w 3489
called 2 w 3495
the 93 w 3498
place 2 w 3503
the 94 w 3506
Shore 1 w 3511
of 18 w 3513
Araenus 2 w 3520
i 249 w 3522
e 437 w 3524
of 19 w 3527
the 95 w 3530
curse 2 w 3535
whereas 1 w 3544
before 1 w 3550
it 30 w 3552
was 12 w 3555
called 3 w 3561
the 96 w 3564
Shore 2 w 3569
of 20 w 3571
the 97 w 3574
Dragon 1 w 3580