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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (20-23)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '20', 'human_reference': 'Section 20'}, 'end': {'reference': '23', 'human_reference': 'Section 23'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Question 20. What is that darkness at the oak, spoken of in Priene?

Solution. The Samians and Prienians waging war with each other, as at other times they sufficiently injured each other, so at a certain great fight the Prienians slew a thousand of the Samians. Seven years after, fighting with the Milesians at the said oak, they lost all the principal and chief of their citizens together, at the time when Bias the Wise (who was sent ambassador from Priene to Samos) was famous. This grievous and sad calamity befalling the women, there was established an execration and oathto be taken about matters of the greatest concernby the Darkness at the Oak, because their children, fathers, and husbands were there slain.

Question 21. Who were they among the Cretans called Κατακαῦται?

Solution. They say that the Tyrrhenians tool away by force from Brauron the daughters and wives of the Athenians, at the time when they inhabited Lemnos and Imbros; from whence being driven they came to Laconia, and fell into a commixture with that people, even so far as to beget children on the native women. Thus, by reason of jealousy and calumnies, they were again constrained to leave Laconia, and with their wives and children to waft over into

Crete, having Pollis and his brother their governors. There waging war with the inhabitants of Crete, they were fain to permit many of them that were slain in battle to lie unburied; in that at first, they had no leisure, by reason of the war and peril they were in, and afterwards they shunned the touching of the dead corpses, being corrupted by time and putrefied. Therefore Pollis contrived to bestow certain dignities, privileges, and immunities, some on the priests of the Gods, and some on the buriers of the dead, consecrating their honors to the infernal Deities, that they should remain perpetual to them. Then he divided to his brother a share by lot. The first he named priests, the others catacautae (burners). But as to the government, each of them managed it apart, and had, among other tranquillities, an immunity from those injurious practices which other Cretans were wont to exercise towards one another privily; for they neither wronged them, nor filched or robbed any thing from them.

Question 22. What was the Sepulchre of the Boys at Chalcedon?

Solution. Cothus and Arclus the sons of Zuthus came to Euboea to dwell, the Aeolians possessing the greatest part of the island at that time. The oracle told Cothus, that he should prosper and conquer his enemies if he bought the country. Therefore, going on shore a little after, he happened to meet with some children playing by the seaside; whereupon he fell to play with them, conforming himself to their humors and showing them many outlandish toys. Seeing the children very desirous to have these, he refused to give them any upon any other terms than to receive land for them. The boys, taking up some earth from the ground, gave it to him, receiving the toys, and departed. The Aeolians perceiving what was done,— and the enemies sailing in upon them,—moved by indignation and grief, slew the children and buried them near the

wayside that goes from the city to the Euripus; and that place is called the Sepulchre of the Boys.

Question 23. Who is Μιξαραγέτας in Argos? And who are the Ἐλάσιοι?

Solution. They call Castor Mixarchagetas, and are of opinion that he was buried in the country; but they worship Pollux as one of the celestial Deities. Those which they supposed were able to drive away the falling sickness, they called Elasii (expellers), esteeming them to be of the posterity of Alexida the daughter of Amphiaraus.

Question 1 w 8
20 1 w 10
What 1 w 15
is 1 w 17
that 1 w 21
darkness 1 w 29
at 3 w 31
the 1 w 34
oak 1 w 37
spoken 1 w 44
of 1 w 46
in 1 w 48
Priene 1 w 54
Solution 1 w 63
The 1 w 67
Samians 1 w 74
and 1 w 77
Prienians 1 w 86
waging 1 w 92
war 1 w 95
with 1 w 99
each 1 w 103
other 1 w 108
as 1 w 111
at 4 w 113
other 2 w 118
times 1 w 123
they 1 w 127
sufficiently 1 w 139
injured 1 w 146
each 2 w 150
other 3 w 155
so 1 w 158
at 5 w 160
a 17 w 161
certain 1 w 168
great 1 w 173
fight 1 w 178
the 6 w 181
Prienians 2 w 190
slew 1 w 194
a 21 w 195
thousand 1 w 203
of 2 w 205
the 7 w 208
Samians 2 w 215
Seven 1 w 221
years 1 w 226
after 1 w 231
fighting 1 w 240
with 2 w 244
the 8 w 247
Milesians 1 w 256
at 7 w 258
the 9 w 261
said 1 w 265
oak 2 w 268
they 2 w 273
lost 1 w 277
all 1 w 280
the 11 w 283
principal 1 w 292
and 3 w 295
chief 1 w 300
of 3 w 302
their 1 w 307
citizens 1 w 315
together 1 w 323
at 8 w 326
the 14 w 329
time 2 w 333
when 1 w 337
Bias 1 w 341
the 15 w 344
Wise 1 w 348
who 1 w 352
was 1 w 355
sent 1 w 359
ambassador 1 w 369
from 1 w 373
Priene 2 w 379
to 2 w 381
Samos 1 w 386
was 2 w 390
famous 1 w 396
This 1 w 401
grievous 1 w 409
and 4 w 412
sad 2 w 415
calamity 1 w 423
befalling 1 w 432
the 16 w 435
women 1 w 440
there 1 w 446
was 3 w 449
established 1 w 460
an 10 w 462
execration 1 w 472
and 5 w 475
oath 1 w 479
to 3 w 482
be 2 w 484
taken 1 w 489
about 1 w 494
matters 1 w 501
of 4 w 503
the 18 w 506
greatest 1 w 514
concern 1 w 521
by 1 w 524
the 19 w 527
Darkness 1 w 535
at 13 w 537
the 20 w 540
Oak 1 w 543
because 1 w 551
their 2 w 556
children 1 w 564
fathers 1 w 572
and 6 w 576
husbands 1 w 584
were 1 w 588
there 2 w 593
slain 1 w 598
Question 2 w 607
21 1 w 609
Who 1 w 613
were 2 w 617
they 3 w 621
among 1 w 626
the 25 w 629
Cretans 1 w 636
called 1 w 642
Κατακαῦται 1 w 652
Solution 2 w 661
They 1 w 666
say 1 w 669
that 2 w 673
the 26 w 676
Tyrrhenians 1 w 687
tool 1 w 691
away 1 w 695
by 2 w 697
force 1 w 702
from 2 w 706
Brauron 1 w 713
the 27 w 716
daughters 1 w 725
and 8 w 728
wives 1 w 733
of 5 w 735
the 28 w 738
Athenians 1 w 747
at 16 w 750
the 30 w 753
time 3 w 757
when 2 w 761
they 4 w 765
inhabited 1 w 774
Lemnos 1 w 780
and 9 w 783
Imbros 1 w 789
from 3 w 794
whence 1 w 800
being 1 w 805
driven 1 w 811
they 5 w 815
came 1 w 819
to 5 w 821
Laconia 1 w 828
and 10 w 832
fell 1 w 836
into 1 w 840
a 85 w 841
commixture 1 w 851
with 3 w 855
that 3 w 859
people 1 w 865
even 2 w 870
so 2 w 872
far 1 w 875
as 7 w 877
to 7 w 879
beget 1 w 884
children 2 w 892
on 10 w 894
the 33 w 897
native 1 w 903
women 2 w 908
Thus 1 w 913
by 3 w 916
reason 1 w 922
of 6 w 924
jealousy 1 w 932
and 11 w 935
calumnies 1 w 944
they 6 w 949
were 3 w 953
again 1 w 958
constrained 1 w 969
to 8 w 971
leave 1 w 976
Laconia 2 w 983
and 12 w 987
with 4 w 991
their 3 w 996
wives 2 w 1001
and 13 w 1004
children 3 w 1012
to 9 w 1014
waft 1 w 1018
over 1 w 1022
into 2 w 1026
Crete 1 w 1031
having 1 w 1038
Pollis 1 w 1044
and 14 w 1047
his 2 w 1050
brother 1 w 1057
their 4 w 1062
governors 1 w 1071
There 1 w 1077
waging 2 w 1083
war 2 w 1086
with 5 w 1090
the 38 w 1093
inhabitants 1 w 1104
of 7 w 1106
Crete 2 w 1111
they 7 w 1116
were 4 w 1120
fain 1 w 1124
to 11 w 1126
permit 1 w 1132
many 1 w 1136
of 8 w 1138
them 1 w 1142
that 4 w 1146
were 5 w 1150
slain 2 w 1155
in 20 w 1157
battle 1 w 1163
to 12 w 1165
lie 1 w 1168
unburied 1 w 1176
in 21 w 1179
that 5 w 1183
at 22 w 1185
first 1 w 1190
they 8 w 1195
had 1 w 1198
no 3 w 1200
leisure 1 w 1207
by 4 w 1210
reason 2 w 1216
of 9 w 1218
the 42 w 1221
war 3 w 1224
and 15 w 1227
peril 1 w 1232
they 9 w 1236
were 6 w 1240
in 22 w 1242
and 16 w 1246
afterwards 1 w 1256
they 10 w 1260
shunned 1 w 1267
the 45 w 1270
touching 1 w 1278
of 10 w 1280
the 46 w 1283
dead 1 w 1287
corpses 1 w 1294
being 2 w 1300
corrupted 1 w 1309
by 5 w 1311
time 4 w 1315
and 17 w 1318
putrefied 1 w 1327
Therefore 1 w 1337
Pollis 2 w 1343
contrived 1 w 1352
to 14 w 1354
bestow 1 w 1360
certain 2 w 1367
dignities 1 w 1376
privileges 1 w 1387
and 18 w 1391
immunities 1 w 1401
some 1 w 1406
on 16 w 1408
the 47 w 1411
priests 1 w 1418
of 11 w 1420
the 48 w 1423
Gods 1 w 1427
and 19 w 1431
some 2 w 1435
on 17 w 1437
the 49 w 1440
buriers 1 w 1447
of 12 w 1449
the 50 w 1452
dead 2 w 1456
consecrating 1 w 1469
their 5 w 1474
honors 1 w 1480
to 16 w 1482
the 52 w 1485
infernal 1 w 1493
Deities 1 w 1500
that 6 w 1505
they 11 w 1509
should 1 w 1515
remain 1 w 1521
perpetual 1 w 1530
to 17 w 1532
them 2 w 1536
Then 1 w 1541
he 65 w 1543
divided 1 w 1550
to 18 w 1552
his 3 w 1555
brother 2 w 1562
a 134 w 1563
share 1 w 1568
by 6 w 1570
lot 1 w 1573
The 6 w 1577
first 2 w 1582
he 68 w 1584
named 1 w 1589
priests 2 w 1596
the 56 w 1600
others 1 w 1606
catacautae 1 w 1616
burners 1 w 1624
But 1 w 1629
as 10 w 1631
to 19 w 1633
the 58 w 1636
government 1 w 1646
each 3 w 1651
of 13 w 1653
them 3 w 1657
managed 1 w 1664
it 14 w 1666
apart 1 w 1671
and 20 w 1675
had 2 w 1678
among 2 w 1684
other 7 w 1689
tranquillities 1 w 1703
an 34 w 1706
immunity 1 w 1714
from 4 w 1718
those 1 w 1723
injurious 1 w 1732
practices 1 w 1741
which 1 w 1746
other 8 w 1751
Cretans 2 w 1758
were 7 w 1762
wont 1 w 1766
to 20 w 1768
exercise 1 w 1776
towards 1 w 1783
one 1 w 1786
another 1 w 1793
privily 1 w 1800
for 3 w 1804
they 12 w 1808
neither 1 w 1815
wronged 1 w 1822
them 4 w 1826
nor 3 w 1830
filched 1 w 1837
or 10 w 1839
robbed 1 w 1845
any 2 w 1848
thing 1 w 1853
from 5 w 1857
them 5 w 1861
Question 3 w 1870
22 1 w 1872
What 2 w 1877
was 4 w 1880
the 67 w 1883
Sepulchre 1 w 1892
of 14 w 1894
the 68 w 1897
Boys 1 w 1901
at 27 w 1903
Chalcedon 1 w 1912
Solution 3 w 1921
Cothus 1 w 1928
and 21 w 1931
Arclus 1 w 1937
the 69 w 1940
sons 1 w 1944
of 15 w 1946
Zuthus 1 w 1952
came 2 w 1956
to 22 w 1958
Euboea 1 w 1964
to 23 w 1966
dwell 1 w 1971
the 70 w 1975
Aeolians 1 w 1983
possessing 1 w 1993
the 71 w 1996
greatest 2 w 2004
part 2 w 2008
of 16 w 2010
the 72 w 2013
island 1 w 2019
at 29 w 2021
that 7 w 2025
time 5 w 2029
The 7 w 2033
oracle 1 w 2039
told 1 w 2043
Cothus 2 w 2049
that 8 w 2054
he 88 w 2056
should 2 w 2062
prosper 1 w 2069
and 23 w 2072
conquer 1 w 2079
his 4 w 2082
enemies 1 w 2089
if 1 w 2091
he 89 w 2093
bought 1 w 2099
the 73 w 2102
country 1 w 2109
Therefore 2 w 2119
going 1 w 2125
on 29 w 2127
shore 1 w 2132
a 173 w 2133
little 1 w 2139
after 3 w 2144
he 92 w 2147
happened 1 w 2155
to 25 w 2157
meet 1 w 2161
with 6 w 2165
some 3 w 2169
children 4 w 2177
playing 1 w 2184
by 7 w 2186
the 74 w 2189
seaside 1 w 2196
whereupon 1 w 2206
he 95 w 2208
fell 2 w 2212
to 26 w 2214
play 2 w 2218
with 7 w 2222
them 6 w 2226
conforming 1 w 2237
himself 1 w 2244
to 27 w 2246
their 6 w 2251
humors 1 w 2257
and 24 w 2260
showing 1 w 2267
them 7 w 2271
many 2 w 2275
outlandish 1 w 2285
toys 1 w 2289
Seeing 1 w 2296
the 78 w 2299
children 5 w 2307
very 1 w 2311
desirous 1 w 2319
to 29 w 2321
have 1 w 2325
these 1 w 2330
he 101 w 2333
refused 1 w 2340
to 30 w 2342
give 1 w 2346
them 8 w 2350
any 4 w 2353
upon 2 w 2357
any 5 w 2360
other 10 w 2365
terms 1 w 2370
than 1 w 2374
to 31 w 2376
receive 1 w 2383
land 3 w 2387
for 6 w 2390
them 9 w 2394
The 9 w 2398
boys 1 w 2402
taking 1 w 2409
up 4 w 2411
some 4 w 2415
earth 1 w 2420
from 6 w 2424
the 83 w 2427
ground 1 w 2433
gave 1 w 2438
it 21 w 2440
to 32 w 2442
him 2 w 2445
receiving 1 w 2455
the 84 w 2458
toys 2 w 2462
and 27 w 2466
departed 1 w 2474
The 10 w 2478
Aeolians 2 w 2486
perceiving 1 w 2496
what 1 w 2500
was 5 w 2503
done 1 w 2507
and 28 w 2512
the 85 w 2515
enemies 2 w 2522
sailing 1 w 2529
in 41 w 2531
upon 3 w 2535
them 10 w 2539
moved 1 w 2546
by 8 w 2548
indignation 1 w 2559
and 29 w 2562
grief 1 w 2567
slew 2 w 2572
the 87 w 2575
children 6 w 2583
and 30 w 2586
buried 2 w 2592
them 11 w 2596
near 1 w 2600
the 89 w 2603
wayside 1 w 2610
that 9 w 2614
goes 1 w 2618
from 7 w 2622
the 90 w 2625
city 1 w 2629
to 34 w 2631
the 91 w 2634
Euripus 1 w 2641
and 31 w 2645
that 10 w 2649
place 1 w 2654
is 14 w 2656
called 2 w 2662
the 92 w 2665
Sepulchre 2 w 2674
of 17 w 2676
the 93 w 2679
Boys 2 w 2683
Question 4 w 2692
23 1 w 2694
Who 2 w 2698
is 15 w 2700
Μιξαραγέτας 1 w 2711
in 43 w 2713
Argos 1 w 2718
And 1 w 2722
who 2 w 2725
are 2 w 2728
the 94 w 2731
Ἐλάσιοι 1 w 2738
Solution 4 w 2747
They 2 w 2752
call 3 w 2756
Castor 1 w 2762
Mixarchagetas 1 w 2775
and 32 w 2779
are 3 w 2782
of 18 w 2784
opinion 1 w 2791
that 11 w 2795
he 120 w 2797
was 6 w 2800
buried 3 w 2806
in 45 w 2808
the 95 w 2811
country 2 w 2818
but 1 w 2822
they 13 w 2826
worship 1 w 2833
Pollux 1 w 2839
as 17 w 2841
one 3 w 2844
of 19 w 2846
the 97 w 2849
celestial 1 w 2858
Deities 2 w 2865
Those 1 w 2871
which 2 w 2876
they 14 w 2880
supposed 1 w 2888
were 8 w 2892
able 1 w 2896
to 36 w 2898
drive 2 w 2903
away 2 w 2907
the 99 w 2910
falling 2 w 2917
sickness 1 w 2925
they 15 w 2930
called 3 w 2936
Elasii 1 w 2942
expellers 1 w 2952
esteeming 1 w 2963
them 12 w 2967
to 37 w 2969
be 9 w 2971
of 20 w 2973
the 102 w 2976
posterity 1 w 2985
of 21 w 2987
Alexida 1 w 2994
the 103 w 2997
daughter 2 w 3005
of 22 w 3007
Amphiaraus 1 w 3017