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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (16-19)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '16', 'human_reference': 'Section 16'}, 'end': {'reference': '19', 'human_reference': 'Section 19'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Question 16. What manner of thing is that among the Megarians called ἀφάβρωμα?

Solution. Nisus, of whom Nisaea had its name, in the time of his reign married Abrota of Boeotia, the daughter of Onchestus and sister of Megareus, a woman (as it seems) excelling in prudence and singularly modest. When she died, the Megarians cordially lamented her; and Nisus, willing to perpetuate her memory and renown, gave command that the Megarian women should dress in apparel like unto that which she wore, and that dress they called for her sake aphabroma. And verily it is manifest that the oracle countenanced the veneration of this woman; for when the Megarian women would often have altered their garments, the oracle prohibited it.

Question 17. Who was called δορύξενος?

Solution. The country of Megaris was anciently settled in villages, the inhabitants being divided into five parts; and they were called Heraenians, Piraenians, Megarians, Cynosurians, and Tripodiscaeans. These the Corinthians drew into a civil war, for they always contrived to bring the Megarians into their power. Yet they waged war with much moderation and neighborly designs; for no man did at all injure the husbandman, and there was a stated ransom

determined for all that were taken captives. And this they received after the release of the prisoner, and not before; but he that took the captive prisoner brought him home, gave him entertainment, and then gave him liberty to depart to his own house. Wherefore he that brought in the price of his ransom was applauded, and remained the friend of him that received it, and was called doryxenus, from his being a captive by the spear; but he that dealt fraudulently was reputed an unjust and unfaithful person, not only by the enemy but by his fellow-citizens also.

Question 18. What is παλιντοκία?

Solution. When the Megarians had expelled Theagenes the tyrant, they managed the commonweal for some time with moderation. But then (to speak with Plato), when their orators had filled out to them, even to excess, the pure strong wine of liberty, they became altogether corrupt, and the poor carried themselves insolently toward the richer sort in this among other things, that they entered into their houses and demanded that they might be feasted and sumptuously treated. But where they prevailed not, they used violence and abusive behavior, and at last enacted a law to enable them to fetch back from the usurers the use-money which at any time they had paid, calling the execution thereof palintocia, i.e. the returning of use-money.

Question 19. What is the Anthedon of which Pythia speaks,

Drink wine on th lees, Anthedons not thy home?
For Anthedon in Boeotia did not produce much wine.

Solution. Of old they called Calauria Irene from a woman Irene, which they fable to be the daughter of Neptune and Melanthea, the daughter of Alpheus. Afterwards, when the people of Anthes and Hyperes planted there, they called the island Anthedonia and Hyperia. The oracle, as Aristotle saith, was this:

Drink wine on th lees, Anthedons not thy home,
Nor sacred Hypera where thou drankst pure wine.
Thus Aristotle; but Mnasigeiton saith that Anthus, who was brother to Hypera, was lost when he was an infant, and Hypera rambling about to find him, came at Pherae to Acastus (or Adrastus), where by chance he found Anthus serving as a wine-drawer. There while they were feasting, the boy bringing a cup of wine to his sister, he knew her, and said to her softly,
Drink wine on th lees, Anthedons not thy home.

Question 1 w 8
16 1 w 10
What 1 w 15
manner 1 w 21
of 1 w 23
thing 1 w 28
is 1 w 30
that 1 w 34
among 1 w 39
the 1 w 42
Megarians 1 w 51
called 1 w 57
ἀφάβρωμα 1 w 65
Solution 1 w 74
Nisus 1 w 80
of 2 w 83
whom 1 w 87
Nisaea 1 w 93
had 1 w 96
its 1 w 99
name 1 w 103
in 2 w 106
the 2 w 109
time 1 w 113
of 3 w 115
his 1 w 118
reign 1 w 123
married 1 w 130
Abrota 1 w 136
of 4 w 138
Boeotia 1 w 145
the 3 w 149
daughter 1 w 157
of 5 w 159
Onchestus 1 w 168
and 1 w 171
sister 1 w 177
of 6 w 179
Megareus 1 w 187
a 18 w 189
woman 1 w 194
as 1 w 197
it 2 w 199
seems 1 w 204
excelling 1 w 214
in 4 w 216
prudence 1 w 224
and 2 w 227
singularly 1 w 237
modest 1 w 243
When 1 w 248
she 1 w 251
died 1 w 255
the 4 w 259
Megarians 2 w 268
cordially 1 w 277
lamented 1 w 285
her 1 w 288
and 3 w 292
Nisus 2 w 297
willing 1 w 305
to 1 w 307
perpetuate 1 w 317
her 2 w 320
memory 1 w 326
and 4 w 329
renown 1 w 335
gave 1 w 340
command 1 w 347
that 2 w 351
the 5 w 354
Megarian 3 w 362
women 1 w 367
should 1 w 373
dress 1 w 378
in 7 w 380
apparel 1 w 387
like 1 w 391
unto 1 w 395
that 3 w 399
which 1 w 404
she 2 w 407
wore 1 w 411
and 6 w 415
that 4 w 419
dress 2 w 424
they 1 w 428
called 2 w 434
for 1 w 437
her 3 w 440
sake 1 w 444
aphabroma 1 w 453
And 1 w 457
verily 1 w 463
it 3 w 465
is 7 w 467
manifest 1 w 475
that 5 w 479
the 7 w 482
oracle 1 w 488
countenanced 1 w 500
the 8 w 503
veneration 1 w 513
of 7 w 515
this 1 w 519
woman 2 w 524
for 2 w 528
when 1 w 532
the 9 w 535
Megarian 4 w 543
women 2 w 548
would 1 w 553
often 1 w 558
have 1 w 562
altered 1 w 569
their 1 w 574
garments 1 w 582
the 11 w 586
oracle 2 w 592
prohibited 1 w 602
it 5 w 604
Question 2 w 613
17 1 w 615
Who 1 w 619
was 1 w 622
called 3 w 628
δορύξενος 1 w 637
Solution 2 w 646
The 1 w 650
country 1 w 657
of 9 w 659
Megaris 1 w 666
was 2 w 669
anciently 1 w 678
settled 1 w 685
in 8 w 687
villages 1 w 695
the 12 w 699
inhabitants 1 w 710
being 1 w 715
divided 1 w 722
into 1 w 726
five 1 w 730
parts 1 w 735
and 7 w 739
they 2 w 743
were 1 w 747
called 4 w 753
Heraenians 1 w 763
Piraenians 1 w 774
Megarians 3 w 784
Cynosurians 1 w 796
and 8 w 800
Tripodiscaeans 1 w 814
These 1 w 820
the 14 w 823
Corinthians 1 w 834
drew 1 w 838
into 2 w 842
a 79 w 843
civil 1 w 848
war 1 w 851
for 3 w 855
they 3 w 859
always 1 w 865
contrived 1 w 874
to 5 w 876
bring 1 w 881
the 16 w 884
Megarians 4 w 893
into 3 w 897
their 2 w 902
power 1 w 907
Yet 1 w 911
they 4 w 915
waged 1 w 920
war 2 w 923
with 1 w 927
much 1 w 931
moderation 1 w 941
and 9 w 944
neighborly 1 w 954
designs 1 w 961
for 4 w 965
no 3 w 967
man 6 w 970
did 1 w 973
at 10 w 975
all 6 w 978
injure 1 w 984
the 19 w 987
husbandman 1 w 997
and 11 w 1001
there 1 w 1006
was 3 w 1009
a 96 w 1010
stated 1 w 1016
ransom 1 w 1022
determined 1 w 1032
for 5 w 1035
all 7 w 1038
that 6 w 1042
were 2 w 1046
taken 1 w 1051
captives 1 w 1059
And 2 w 1063
this 2 w 1067
they 5 w 1071
received 1 w 1079
after 1 w 1084
the 22 w 1087
release 1 w 1094
of 10 w 1096
the 23 w 1099
prisoner 1 w 1107
and 12 w 1111
not 1 w 1114
before 1 w 1120
but 1 w 1124
he 34 w 1126
that 7 w 1130
took 1 w 1134
the 24 w 1137
captive 2 w 1144
prisoner 2 w 1152
brought 1 w 1159
him 1 w 1162
home 1 w 1166
gave 2 w 1171
him 2 w 1174
entertainment 1 w 1187
and 13 w 1191
then 1 w 1195
gave 3 w 1199
him 3 w 1202
liberty 1 w 1209
to 8 w 1211
depart 1 w 1217
to 9 w 1219
his 4 w 1222
own 2 w 1225
house 1 w 1230
Wherefore 1 w 1240
he 38 w 1242
that 8 w 1246
brought 2 w 1253
in 19 w 1255
the 26 w 1258
price 1 w 1263
of 11 w 1265
his 5 w 1268
ransom 2 w 1274
was 4 w 1277
applauded 1 w 1286
and 14 w 1290
remained 1 w 1298
the 27 w 1301
friend 1 w 1307
of 12 w 1309
him 4 w 1312
that 9 w 1316
received 2 w 1324
it 8 w 1326
and 15 w 1330
was 5 w 1333
called 5 w 1339
doryxenus 1 w 1348
from 1 w 1353
his 6 w 1356
being 2 w 1361
a 124 w 1362
captive 3 w 1369
by 1 w 1371
the 28 w 1374
spear 1 w 1379
but 2 w 1383
he 42 w 1385
that 10 w 1389
dealt 1 w 1394
fraudulently 1 w 1406
was 6 w 1409
reputed 1 w 1416
an 38 w 1418
unjust 1 w 1424
and 16 w 1427
unfaithful 1 w 1437
person 1 w 1443
not 2 w 1447
only 1 w 1451
by 2 w 1453
the 29 w 1456
enemy 1 w 1461
but 3 w 1464
by 3 w 1466
his 7 w 1469
fellow-citizens 1 w 1484
also 1 w 1488
Question 3 w 1497
18 1 w 1499
What 2 w 1504
is 18 w 1506
παλιντοκία 1 w 1516
Solution 3 w 1525
When 2 w 1530
the 30 w 1533
Megarians 5 w 1542
had 2 w 1545
expelled 1 w 1553
Theagenes 1 w 1562
the 31 w 1565
tyrant 1 w 1571
they 6 w 1576
managed 1 w 1583
the 33 w 1586
commonweal 1 w 1596
for 8 w 1599
some 1 w 1603
time 2 w 1607
with 2 w 1611
moderation 2 w 1621
But 1 w 1625
then 2 w 1629
to 10 w 1632
speak 1 w 1637
with 3 w 1641
Plato 1 w 1646
when 2 w 1652
their 3 w 1657
orators 1 w 1664
had 3 w 1667
filled 1 w 1673
out 1 w 1676
to 13 w 1678
them 1 w 1682
even 1 w 1687
to 14 w 1689
excess 1 w 1695
the 37 w 1699
pure 1 w 1703
strong 1 w 1709
wine 1 w 1713
of 13 w 1715
liberty 2 w 1722
they 7 w 1727
became 1 w 1733
altogether 1 w 1743
corrupt 1 w 1750
and 17 w 1754
the 40 w 1757
poor 1 w 1761
carried 1 w 1768
themselves 1 w 1778
insolently 1 w 1788
toward 1 w 1794
the 42 w 1797
richer 1 w 1803
sort 1 w 1807
in 24 w 1809
this 3 w 1813
among 2 w 1818
other 1 w 1823
things 1 w 1829
that 11 w 1834
they 8 w 1838
entered 1 w 1845
into 4 w 1849
their 4 w 1854
houses 1 w 1860
and 18 w 1863
demanded 1 w 1871
that 12 w 1875
they 9 w 1879
might 1 w 1884
be 7 w 1886
feasted 1 w 1893
and 20 w 1896
sumptuously 1 w 1907
treated 1 w 1914
But 2 w 1918
where 1 w 1923
they 10 w 1927
prevailed 1 w 1936
not 3 w 1939
they 11 w 1944
used 1 w 1948
violence 1 w 1956
and 21 w 1959
abusive 1 w 1966
behavior 1 w 1974
and 22 w 1978
at 24 w 1980
last 1 w 1984
enacted 1 w 1991
a 170 w 1992
law 1 w 1995
to 18 w 1997
enable 1 w 2003
them 3 w 2007
to 19 w 2009
fetch 1 w 2014
back 1 w 2018
from 2 w 2022
the 50 w 2025
usurers 1 w 2032
the 51 w 2035
use-money 1 w 2044
which 2 w 2049
at 25 w 2051
any 1 w 2054
time 3 w 2058
they 12 w 2062
had 4 w 2065
paid 1 w 2069
calling 1 w 2077
the 53 w 2080
execution 1 w 2089
thereof 1 w 2096
palintocia 1 w 2106
i 137 w 2108
e 272 w 2110
the 55 w 2114
returning 1 w 2123
of 15 w 2125
use-money 2 w 2134
Question 4 w 2143
19 1 w 2145
What 3 w 2150
is 20 w 2152
the 56 w 2155
Anthedon 1 w 2163
of 16 w 2165
which 3 w 2170
Pythia 1 w 2176
speaks 1 w 2182
Drink 1 w 2188
wine 2 w 2192
on 24 w 2194
th 81 w 2196
lees 1 w 2201
Anthedon 2 w 2210
s 112 w 2212
not 4 w 2215
thy 1 w 2218
home 2 w 2222
For 1 w 2226
Anthedon 3 w 2234
in 32 w 2236
Boeotia 2 w 2243
did 2 w 2246
not 5 w 2249
produce 1 w 2256
much 2 w 2260
wine 3 w 2264
Solution 4 w 2273
Of 1 w 2276
old 1 w 2279
they 13 w 2283
called 6 w 2289
Calauria 1 w 2297
Irene 1 w 2302
from 3 w 2306
a 189 w 2307
woman 3 w 2312
Irene 2 w 2317
which 4 w 2323
they 14 w 2327
fable 1 w 2332
to 21 w 2334
be 9 w 2336
the 62 w 2339
daughter 2 w 2347
of 17 w 2349
Neptune 1 w 2356
and 23 w 2359
Melanthea 1 w 2368
the 64 w 2372
daughter 3 w 2380
of 18 w 2382
Alpheus 1 w 2389
Afterwards 1 w 2400
when 3 w 2405
the 65 w 2408
people 1 w 2414
of 19 w 2416
Anthes 1 w 2422
and 24 w 2425
Hyperes 1 w 2432
planted 1 w 2439
there 3 w 2444
they 15 w 2449
called 7 w 2455
the 69 w 2458
island 1 w 2464
Anthedonia 1 w 2474
and 26 w 2477
Hyperia 1 w 2484
The 4 w 2488
oracle 3 w 2494
as 11 w 2497
Aristotle 1 w 2506
saith 1 w 2511
was 7 w 2515
this 4 w 2519
Drink 2 w 2525
wine 4 w 2529
on 29 w 2531
th 98 w 2533
lees 2 w 2538
Anthedon 5 w 2547
s 124 w 2549
not 6 w 2552
thy 2 w 2555
home 3 w 2559
Nor 1 w 2563
sacred 1 w 2569
Hypera 1 w 2575
where 2 w 2580
thou 1 w 2584
drank 1 w 2589
st 15 w 2592
pure 2 w 2596
wine 5 w 2600
Thus 1 w 2605
Aristotle 2 w 2614
but 4 w 2618
Mnasigeiton 1 w 2629
saith 2 w 2634
that 13 w 2638
Anthus 1 w 2644
who 2 w 2648
was 8 w 2651
brother 1 w 2658
to 25 w 2660
Hypera 2 w 2666
was 9 w 2670
lost 1 w 2674
when 4 w 2678
he 97 w 2680
was 10 w 2683
an 58 w 2685
infant 1 w 2691
and 27 w 2695
Hypera 3 w 2701
rambling 1 w 2709
about 1 w 2714
to 26 w 2716
find 1 w 2720
him 5 w 2723
came 2 w 2728
at 28 w 2730
Pherae 1 w 2736
to 27 w 2738
Acastus 1 w 2745
or 26 w 2748
Adrastus 1 w 2756
where 3 w 2763
by 4 w 2765
chance 1 w 2771
he 100 w 2773
found 1 w 2778
Anthus 2 w 2784
serving 1 w 2791
as 19 w 2793
a 232 w 2794
wine-drawer 1 w 2805
There 1 w 2811
while 1 w 2816
they 16 w 2820
were 3 w 2824
feasting 1 w 2832
the 74 w 2836
boy 1 w 2839
bringing 1 w 2847
a 235 w 2848
cup 1 w 2851
of 20 w 2853
wine 7 w 2857
to 28 w 2859
his 10 w 2862
sister 2 w 2868
he 104 w 2871
knew 1 w 2875
her 17 w 2878
and 28 w 2882
said 1 w 2886
to 29 w 2888
her 18 w 2891
softly 1 w 2897
Drink 3 w 2903
wine 8 w 2907
on 32 w 2909
th 109 w 2911
lees 3 w 2916
Anthedon 6 w 2925
s 150 w 2927
not 7 w 2930
thy 3 w 2933
home 4 w 2937