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CTS Library / Greek Questions

Greek Questions (12-15)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '12', 'human_reference': 'Section 12'}, 'end': {'reference': '15', 'human_reference': 'Section 15'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Question 12. What was Charila among the Delphians?

Solution. The Delphians solemnized three nonennial feasts in regular order, of which they call one Stepterium, another Herois, and the third Charila. The Stepterium represents by imitation the fight which Apollo had with Python, and both his flight and pursuit after the fight unto Tempe. For some say that he fled, as needing purification by reason of the slaughter; others say that he pursued

Python wounded, and flying along the highway which they now call Sacred, he just missed of being present at his death; for he found him just dead of his wound, and buried by his son, whose name was Aix, as they say. Stepterium therefore is the representation of these or some such things. But as to Herois, it hath for the most part a mysterious reason which the Thyades are acquainted with; but by the things that are publicly acted one may conjecture it to be the calling up of Semele from the lower world. Concerning Charila, they fable some such things as these. A famine by reason of drought seized the Delphians, who came with their wives and children as suppliants to the kings gate, whereupon he distributed meal and pulse to the better known among them, for there was not sufficient for all. A little orphan girl yet coming and importuning him, he beat her with his shoe, and threw his shoe in her face. She indeed was a poor wandering beggar-wench, but was not of an ignoble disposition; therefore withdrawing herself, she untied her girdle and hanged herself. The famine hereupon increasing and many diseases accompanying it, Pythia gives answer to the king, that the maid Charila who slew herself must be expiated. They with much ado at last discovering that this was the maids name which was smitten with a shoe, they instituted a certain sacrifice mixed with expiatory rites, which they yet solemnize to this day every ninth year. Whereat the king presides, distributing meal and pulse to all strangers and citizens (for they introduce a kind of an effigy of the wench Charila); and when all have received their doles, the king smites the idol with his shoe. Upon this the governess of the Thyades takes up the image and carries it away to some rocky place, and there putting a halter about its neck, they bury it in the place where they buried Charila when she had strangled herself.

Question 13. What is the beggars meat among the Aenianes?

Solution. Many have been the removes of the Aenianes. First they inhabited the plain of Dotion; thence they were expelled by the Lapithae to the Aethices; from thence they betook themselves to a region of Molossia about the Aous, where they were called Paravaeans; afterward they took possession of Cirrha; they had no sooner landed at Cirrha (Apollo so commanding their king Oenoclus) but they went down to the country bordering on the river Inachus, inhabited by the Inachians and Achaeans. There was an oracle given to the latter, that they would lose all their country if they should part with any of it,—and to the Aenianes, that they would hold it if they should take it of such as freely resigned it. Temo, a noted man among the Aenianes, putting on rags and a scrip, like a beggar, addressed himself to the Inachians; the king, in a way of reproach and scorn, gave him a clod of earth. He receives it and puts it up into his scrip, and absconds himself, making much of his dole; for he presently forsakes the country, begging no more. The old men wondering at this, the oracle came fresh to their remembrance; and going to the king, they told him that he ought not to slight this man, nor suffer him to escape. Temo well perceiving their designs, hastens his flight, and as he fled, vowed a hecatomb to Apollo. Upon this occasion the kings fought hand to hand; and when Phemius, the king of the Aenianes, saw Hyperochus, the king of the Inachians, charging him with a dog at his heels, he said he dealt not fairly to bring a second with him to fight him; whereupon Hyperochus going to drive away the dog, and turning himself about in order to throw a stone at the dog, Phemius slays him. Thus the Aenianes possessed themselves of that region, expelling the Inachians and Achaeans; but they reverence that stone as sacred, and sacrifice to it,

wrapping it in the fat of the victim. And when they offer a hecatomb to Apollo, they sacrifice an ox to Jupiter, a choice part of which they distribute to Temos posterity, and call it the beggars flesh.

Question 14. Who were the Coliads among the Ithacans? And what was a φάγιλος?

Solution. After the slaughter of the suitors, some near related to the deceased made head against Ulysses. Neoptolemus, being introduced by both parties as an arbitrator, determined that Ulysses should remove and hasten out of Cephalenia, Zacynthus, and Ithaca, because of the blood that he had shed there; but that the friends and relations of the suitors should pay a yearly mulct to Ulysses, for the wrong done to his family. Ulysses therefore passed over into Italy; the mulct he devoted to his son, and commanded the Ithacans to pay it. The mulct was meal, wine, honey-combs, oil, salt, and for victims the better grown of the phagili. Aristotle saith phagilus was a lamb. And Telemachus, setting Eumaeus and his people at liberty, placed them among the citizens; and the family of the Coliads is descended from Eumaeus, and that of the Bucolians from Philoetius.

Question 15. What is the wooden dog among the Locrians?

Solution. Locrus was the son of Fuscius, the son of Amphictyon. Of him and Cabya came Locrus, with whom his father falling into contention, and gathering after him a great number of citizens, consulted the oracle about transplanting a colony. The oracle told him that there he should build a city, where he should happen to be bit by a wooden dog. He, wafting over the sea unto the next shore, trod upon a cynosbatus (a sweet brier), and being sorely pained with the prick, he spent many days there; in which time considering the nature of the country, he built Physcus and Hyantheia, and other towns which the

Ozolian Locrians inhabited. Some say that the Locrians were called Ozolians (strong-scented people) from Nessus others again from Python the serpentcast up there by the surf of the sea, and putrefying upon the shore. And some say that the men wore pelts and ram-goat skins, living for the most part among the herds of goats, and therefore were strong-scented. Others contrariwise say that the country brought forth many flowers, and that this name was from their sweet odor; among them that assert this is Archytas the Amphissean, who hath wrote thus:
Macyna crowned with vines fragrant and sweet.

Question 1 w 8
12 1 w 10
What 1 w 15
was 1 w 18
Charila 1 w 25
among 1 w 30
the 1 w 33
Delphians 1 w 42
Solution 1 w 51
The 1 w 55
Delphians 2 w 64
solemnized 1 w 74
three 1 w 79
nonennial 1 w 88
feasts 1 w 94
in 1 w 96
regular 1 w 103
order 1 w 108
of 1 w 111
which 1 w 116
they 1 w 120
call 1 w 124
one 2 w 127
Stepterium 1 w 137
another 1 w 145
Herois 1 w 151
and 1 w 155
the 4 w 158
third 1 w 163
Charila 2 w 170
The 2 w 174
Stepterium 2 w 184
represents 1 w 194
by 1 w 196
imitation 1 w 205
the 5 w 208
fight 1 w 213
which 2 w 218
Apollo 1 w 224
had 1 w 227
with 1 w 231
Python 1 w 237
and 2 w 241
both 1 w 245
his 1 w 248
flight 1 w 254
and 3 w 257
pursuit 1 w 264
after 1 w 269
the 6 w 272
fight 2 w 277
unto 1 w 281
Tempe 1 w 286
For 1 w 290
some 1 w 294
say 1 w 297
that 1 w 301
he 9 w 303
fled 1 w 307
as 3 w 310
needing 1 w 317
purification 1 w 329
by 2 w 331
reason 1 w 337
of 2 w 339
the 7 w 342
slaughter 1 w 351
others 1 w 358
say 2 w 361
that 2 w 365
he 12 w 367
pursued 1 w 374
Python 2 w 380
wounded 1 w 387
and 4 w 391
flying 1 w 397
along 1 w 402
the 9 w 405
highway 1 w 412
which 3 w 417
they 2 w 421
now 1 w 424
call 2 w 428
Sacred 1 w 434
he 15 w 437
just 1 w 441
missed 1 w 447
of 3 w 449
being 1 w 454
present 2 w 461
at 6 w 463
his 2 w 466
death 1 w 471
for 1 w 475
he 16 w 477
found 1 w 482
him 1 w 485
just 2 w 489
dead 1 w 493
of 4 w 495
his 3 w 498
wound 2 w 503
and 5 w 507
buried 1 w 513
by 3 w 515
his 4 w 518
son 2 w 521
whose 1 w 527
name 1 w 531
was 2 w 534
Aix 1 w 537
as 6 w 540
they 3 w 544
say 3 w 547
Stepterium 3 w 558
therefore 1 w 567
is 7 w 569
the 13 w 572
representation 1 w 586
of 5 w 588
these 1 w 593
or 5 w 595
some 2 w 599
such 1 w 603
things 1 w 609
But 1 w 613
as 7 w 615
to 2 w 617
Herois 2 w 623
it 4 w 626
hath 1 w 630
for 3 w 633
the 15 w 636
most 1 w 640
part 1 w 644
a 46 w 645
mysterious 1 w 655
reason 2 w 661
which 4 w 666
the 16 w 669
Thyades 1 w 676
are 1 w 679
acquainted 1 w 689
with 2 w 693
but 1 w 697
by 4 w 699
the 17 w 702
things 2 w 708
that 3 w 712
are 2 w 715
publicly 1 w 723
acted 1 w 728
one 3 w 731
may 1 w 734
conjecture 1 w 744
it 6 w 746
to 3 w 748
be 2 w 750
the 18 w 753
calling 1 w 760
up 1 w 762
of 6 w 764
Semele 1 w 770
from 1 w 774
the 19 w 777
lower 1 w 782
world 1 w 787
Concerning 1 w 798
Charila 3 w 805
they 4 w 810
fable 1 w 815
some 3 w 819
such 2 w 823
things 3 w 829
as 9 w 831
these 2 w 836
A 3 w 838
famine 1 w 844
by 5 w 846
reason 3 w 852
of 7 w 854
drought 1 w 861
seized 1 w 867
the 22 w 870
Delphians 3 w 879
who 2 w 883
came 1 w 887
with 3 w 891
their 1 w 896
wives 1 w 901
and 6 w 904
children 1 w 912
as 11 w 914
suppliants 1 w 924
to 4 w 926
the 24 w 929
king 1 w 933
s 60 w 935
gate 1 w 939
whereupon 1 w 949
he 32 w 951
distributed 1 w 962
meal 1 w 966
and 7 w 969
pulse 1 w 974
to 5 w 976
the 25 w 979
better 1 w 985
known 1 w 990
among 2 w 995
them 1 w 999
for 4 w 1003
there 2 w 1008
was 3 w 1011
not 2 w 1014
sufficient 1 w 1024
for 5 w 1027
all 4 w 1030
A 4 w 1032
little 1 w 1038
orphan 1 w 1044
girl 1 w 1048
yet 1 w 1051
coming 1 w 1057
and 8 w 1060
importuning 1 w 1071
him 2 w 1074
he 36 w 1077
beat 1 w 1081
her 6 w 1084
with 4 w 1088
his 5 w 1091
shoe 1 w 1095
and 9 w 1099
threw 1 w 1104
his 6 w 1107
shoe 2 w 1111
in 15 w 1113
her 7 w 1116
face 1 w 1120
She 1 w 1124
indeed 1 w 1130
was 4 w 1133
a 80 w 1134
poor 1 w 1138
wandering 1 w 1147
beggar-wench 1 w 1159
but 3 w 1163
was 5 w 1166
not 3 w 1169
of 8 w 1171
an 17 w 1173
ignoble 1 w 1180
disposition 1 w 1191
therefore 2 w 1201
withdrawing 1 w 1212
herself 1 w 1219
she 1 w 1223
untied 1 w 1229
her 10 w 1232
girdle 1 w 1238
and 11 w 1241
hanged 1 w 1247
herself 2 w 1254
The 3 w 1258
famine 2 w 1264
hereupon 2 w 1272
increasing 1 w 1282
and 12 w 1285
many 1 w 1289
diseases 1 w 1297
accompanying 1 w 1309
it 12 w 1311
Pythia 1 w 1318
gives 1 w 1323
answer 1 w 1329
to 6 w 1331
the 29 w 1334
king 2 w 1338
that 4 w 1343
the 30 w 1346
maid 1 w 1350
Charila 4 w 1357
who 3 w 1360
slew 1 w 1364
herself 3 w 1371
must 1 w 1375
be 6 w 1377
expiated 1 w 1385
They 1 w 1390
with 6 w 1394
much 1 w 1398
ado 1 w 1401
at 15 w 1403
last 1 w 1407
discovering 1 w 1418
that 5 w 1422
this 1 w 1426
was 6 w 1429
the 31 w 1432
maid 2 w 1436
s 89 w 1438
name 2 w 1442
which 5 w 1447
was 7 w 1450
smitten 1 w 1457
with 7 w 1461
a 110 w 1462
shoe 3 w 1466
they 5 w 1471
instituted 1 w 1481
a 111 w 1482
certain 1 w 1489
sacrifice 1 w 1498
mixed 1 w 1503
with 8 w 1507
expiatory 1 w 1516
rites 1 w 1521
which 6 w 1527
they 6 w 1531
yet 2 w 1534
solemnize 2 w 1543
to 8 w 1545
this 2 w 1549
day 1 w 1552
every 1 w 1557
ninth 1 w 1562
year 1 w 1566
Whereat 1 w 1574
the 34 w 1577
king 3 w 1581
presides 1 w 1589
distributing 1 w 1602
meal 2 w 1606
and 13 w 1609
pulse 2 w 1614
to 9 w 1616
all 5 w 1619
strangers 1 w 1628
and 14 w 1631
citizens 1 w 1639
for 7 w 1643
they 7 w 1647
introduce 1 w 1656
a 123 w 1657
kind 1 w 1661
of 9 w 1663
an 27 w 1665
effigy 1 w 1671
of 10 w 1673
the 36 w 1676
wench 2 w 1681
Charila 5 w 1688
and 15 w 1693
when 1 w 1697
all 6 w 1700
have 1 w 1704
received 1 w 1712
their 2 w 1717
doles 1 w 1722
the 38 w 1726
king 4 w 1730
smites 1 w 1736
the 39 w 1739
idol 1 w 1743
with 9 w 1747
his 9 w 1750
shoe 4 w 1754
Upon 1 w 1759
this 3 w 1763
the 40 w 1766
governess 1 w 1775
of 11 w 1777
the 41 w 1780
Thyades 2 w 1787
takes 1 w 1792
up 5 w 1794
the 42 w 1797
image 1 w 1802
and 16 w 1805
carries 1 w 1812
it 22 w 1814
away 1 w 1818
to 10 w 1820
some 4 w 1824
rocky 1 w 1829
place 1 w 1834
and 17 w 1838
there 4 w 1843
putting 1 w 1850
a 139 w 1851
halter 1 w 1857
about 1 w 1862
its 1 w 1865
neck 1 w 1869
they 8 w 1874
bury 1 w 1878
it 24 w 1880
in 34 w 1882
the 45 w 1885
place 2 w 1890
where 2 w 1895
they 9 w 1899
buried 2 w 1905
Charila 6 w 1912
when 2 w 1916
she 2 w 1919
had 2 w 1922
strangled 1 w 1931
herself 4 w 1938
Question 2 w 1947
13 1 w 1949
What 2 w 1954
is 20 w 1956
the 47 w 1959
beggars 1 w 1966
meat 1 w 1971
among 3 w 1976
the 48 w 1979
Aenianes 1 w 1987
Solution 2 w 1996
Many 1 w 2001
have 2 w 2005
been 1 w 2009
the 49 w 2012
removes 1 w 2019
of 12 w 2021
the 50 w 2024
Aenianes 2 w 2032
First 1 w 2038
they 10 w 2042
inhabited 1 w 2051
the 52 w 2054
plain 1 w 2059
of 13 w 2061
Dotion 1 w 2067
thence 1 w 2074
they 11 w 2078
were 1 w 2082
expelled 1 w 2090
by 6 w 2092
the 55 w 2095
Lapithae 1 w 2103
to 11 w 2105
the 56 w 2108
Aethices 1 w 2116
from 2 w 2121
thence 2 w 2127
they 12 w 2131
betook 1 w 2137
themselves 1 w 2147
to 13 w 2149
a 159 w 2150
region 1 w 2156
of 14 w 2158
Molossia 1 w 2166
about 2 w 2171
the 60 w 2174
Aous 1 w 2178
where 3 w 2184
they 13 w 2188
were 2 w 2192
called 1 w 2198
Paravaeans 1 w 2208
afterward 1 w 2218
they 14 w 2222
took 2 w 2226
possession 1 w 2236
of 15 w 2238
Cirrha 1 w 2244
they 15 w 2249
had 3 w 2252
no 8 w 2254
sooner 1 w 2260
landed 1 w 2266
at 21 w 2268
Cirrha 2 w 2274
Apollo 2 w 2281
so 12 w 2283
commanding 1 w 2293
their 3 w 2298
king 5 w 2302
Oenoclus 1 w 2310
but 5 w 2314
they 16 w 2318
went 1 w 2322
down 1 w 2326
to 15 w 2328
the 66 w 2331
country 1 w 2338
bordering 1 w 2347
on 31 w 2349
the 67 w 2352
river 1 w 2357
Inachus 1 w 2364
inhabited 2 w 2374
by 7 w 2376
the 68 w 2379
Inachians 1 w 2388
and 20 w 2391
Achaeans 1 w 2399
There 1 w 2405
was 8 w 2408
an 41 w 2410
oracle 1 w 2416
given 1 w 2421
to 16 w 2423
the 69 w 2426
latter 1 w 2432
that 6 w 2437
they 17 w 2441
would 1 w 2446
lose 1 w 2450
all 8 w 2453
their 4 w 2458
country 2 w 2465
if 3 w 2467
they 18 w 2471
should 1 w 2477
part 2 w 2481
with 10 w 2485
any 4 w 2488
of 16 w 2490
it 29 w 2492
and 21 w 2497
to 17 w 2499
the 73 w 2502
Aenianes 3 w 2510
that 7 w 2515
they 19 w 2519
would 2 w 2524
hold 1 w 2528
it 30 w 2530
if 4 w 2532
they 20 w 2536
should 2 w 2542
take 2 w 2546
it 31 w 2548
of 17 w 2550
such 3 w 2554
as 21 w 2556
freely 1 w 2562
resigned 1 w 2570
it 32 w 2572
Temo 1 w 2577
a 195 w 2579
noted 1 w 2584
man 3 w 2587
among 4 w 2592
the 76 w 2595
Aenianes 4 w 2603
putting 2 w 2611
on 33 w 2613
rags 1 w 2617
and 22 w 2620
a 201 w 2621
scrip 1 w 2626
like 1 w 2631
a 202 w 2632
beggar 3 w 2638
addressed 1 w 2648
himself 1 w 2655
to 18 w 2657
the 77 w 2660
Inachians 2 w 2669
the 78 w 2673
king 6 w 2677
in 43 w 2680
a 207 w 2681
way 3 w 2684
of 18 w 2686
reproach 1 w 2694
and 23 w 2697
scorn 1 w 2702
gave 1 w 2707
him 4 w 2710
a 212 w 2711
clod 1 w 2715
of 19 w 2717
earth 1 w 2722
He 3 w 2725
receives 1 w 2733
it 33 w 2735
and 24 w 2738
puts 1 w 2742
it 34 w 2744
up 6 w 2746
into 1 w 2750
his 11 w 2753
scrip 2 w 2758
and 25 w 2762
absconds 1 w 2770
himself 2 w 2777
making 1 w 2784
much 2 w 2788
of 20 w 2790
his 12 w 2793
dole 2 w 2797
for 8 w 2801
he 107 w 2803
presently 1 w 2812
forsakes 1 w 2820
the 79 w 2823
country 3 w 2830
begging 1 w 2838
no 11 w 2840
more 1 w 2844
The 6 w 2848
old 2 w 2851
men 1 w 2854
wondering 1 w 2863
at 25 w 2865
this 4 w 2869
the 80 w 2873
oracle 2 w 2879
came 2 w 2883
fresh 1 w 2888
to 20 w 2890
their 5 w 2895
remembrance 1 w 2906
and 26 w 2910
going 1 w 2915
to 21 w 2917
the 82 w 2920
king 8 w 2924
they 21 w 2929
told 1 w 2933
him 6 w 2936
that 8 w 2940
he 114 w 2942
ought 2 w 2947
not 5 w 2950
to 23 w 2952
slight 1 w 2958
this 5 w 2962
man 4 w 2965
nor 1 w 2969
suffer 1 w 2975
him 7 w 2978
to 24 w 2980
escape 1 w 2986
Temo 2 w 2991
well 1 w 2995
perceiving 1 w 3005
their 6 w 3010
designs 1 w 3017
hastens 1 w 3025
his 15 w 3028
flight 2 w 3034
and 27 w 3038
as 23 w 3040
he 116 w 3042
fled 2 w 3046
vowed 1 w 3052
a 230 w 3053
hecatomb 1 w 3061
to 26 w 3063
Apollo 3 w 3069
Upon 2 w 3074
this 6 w 3078
occasion 1 w 3086
the 85 w 3089
kings 1 w 3094
fought 1 w 3100
hand 1 w 3104
to 27 w 3106
hand 2 w 3110
and 30 w 3114
when 3 w 3118
Phemius 1 w 3125
the 86 w 3129
king 10 w 3133
of 21 w 3135
the 87 w 3138
Aenianes 5 w 3146
saw 1 w 3150
Hyperochus 1 w 3160
the 88 w 3164
king 11 w 3168
of 22 w 3170
the 89 w 3173
Inachians 3 w 3182
charging 1 w 3191
him 8 w 3194
with 11 w 3198
a 241 w 3199
dog 1 w 3202
at 28 w 3204
his 17 w 3207
heels 1 w 3212
he 126 w 3215
said 1 w 3219
he 127 w 3221
dealt 1 w 3226
not 6 w 3229
fairly 1 w 3235
to 28 w 3237
bring 1 w 3242
a 246 w 3243
second 1 w 3249
with 12 w 3253
him 9 w 3256
to 29 w 3258
fight 3 w 3263
him 10 w 3266
whereupon 2 w 3276
Hyperochus 2 w 3286
going 2 w 3291
to 30 w 3293
drive 1 w 3298
away 2 w 3302
the 90 w 3305
dog 2 w 3308
and 31 w 3312
turning 1 w 3319
himself 3 w 3326
about 3 w 3331
in 58 w 3333
order 3 w 3338
to 31 w 3340
throw 1 w 3345
a 251 w 3346
stone 1 w 3351
at 29 w 3353
the 91 w 3356
dog 3 w 3359
Phemius 2 w 3367
slays 1 w 3372
him 12 w 3375
Thus 1 w 3380
the 92 w 3383
Aenianes 6 w 3391
possessed 1 w 3400
themselves 2 w 3410
of 23 w 3412
that 9 w 3416
region 2 w 3422
expelling 1 w 3432
the 94 w 3435
Inachians 4 w 3444
and 32 w 3447
Achaeans 2 w 3455
but 6 w 3459
they 22 w 3463
reverence 1 w 3472
that 10 w 3476
stone 2 w 3481
as 25 w 3483
sacred 1 w 3489
and 33 w 3493
sacrifice 2 w 3502
to 34 w 3504
it 37 w 3506
wrapping 1 w 3515
it 38 w 3517
in 61 w 3519
the 96 w 3522
fat 1 w 3525
of 24 w 3527
the 97 w 3530
victim 1 w 3536
And 1 w 3540
when 4 w 3544
they 23 w 3548
offer 1 w 3553
a 268 w 3554
hecatomb 2 w 3562
to 36 w 3564
Apollo 4 w 3570
they 24 w 3575
sacrifice 3 w 3584
an 67 w 3586
ox 1 w 3588
to 37 w 3590
Jupiter 1 w 3597
a 272 w 3599
choice 1 w 3605
part 3 w 3609
of 26 w 3611
which 7 w 3616
they 25 w 3620
distribute 2 w 3630
to 38 w 3632
Temo 3 w 3636
s 218 w 3638
posterity 1 w 3647
and 34 w 3651
call 5 w 3655
it 41 w 3657
the 101 w 3660
beggars 2 w 3667
flesh 1 w 3673
Question 3 w 3682
14 1 w 3684
Who 1 w 3688
were 3 w 3692
the 102 w 3695
Coliads 1 w 3702
among 5 w 3707
the 103 w 3710
Ithacans 1 w 3718
And 2 w 3722
what 1 w 3726
was 9 w 3729
a 283 w 3730
φάγιλος 1 w 3737
Solution 3 w 3746
After 1 w 3752
the 104 w 3755
slaughter 2 w 3764
of 27 w 3766
the 105 w 3769
suitors 1 w 3776
some 5 w 3781
near 1 w 3785
related 1 w 3792
to 40 w 3794
the 106 w 3797
deceased 1 w 3805
made 1 w 3809
head 1 w 3813
against 1 w 3820
Ulysses 1 w 3827
Neoptolemus 1 w 3839
being 2 w 3845
introduced 1 w 3855
by 8 w 3857
both 2 w 3861
parties 1 w 3868
as 28 w 3870
an 70 w 3872
arbitrator 1 w 3882
determined 1 w 3893
that 11 w 3897
Ulysses 2 w 3904
should 3 w 3910
remove 2 w 3916
and 35 w 3919
hasten 2 w 3925
out 4 w 3928
of 28 w 3930
Cephalenia 1 w 3940
Zacynthus 1 w 3950
and 36 w 3954
Ithaca 2 w 3960
because 1 w 3968
of 29 w 3970
the 107 w 3973
blood 1 w 3978
that 12 w 3982
he 151 w 3984
had 4 w 3987
shed 1 w 3991
there 5 w 3996
but 8 w 4000
that 13 w 4004
the 109 w 4007
friends 1 w 4014
and 37 w 4017
relations 1 w 4026
of 30 w 4028
the 110 w 4031
suitors 2 w 4038
should 4 w 4044
pay 1 w 4047
a 313 w 4048
yearly 1 w 4054
mulct 1 w 4059
to 44 w 4061
Ulysses 3 w 4068
for 10 w 4072
the 111 w 4075
wrong 1 w 4080
done 1 w 4084
to 45 w 4086
his 18 w 4089
family 1 w 4095
Ulysses 4 w 4103
therefore 3 w 4112
passed 1 w 4118
over 3 w 4122
into 2 w 4126
Italy 1 w 4131
the 113 w 4135
mulct 2 w 4140
he 159 w 4142
devoted 1 w 4149
to 47 w 4151
his 19 w 4154
son 5 w 4157
and 38 w 4161
commanded 1 w 4170
the 114 w 4173
Ithacans 2 w 4181
to 48 w 4183
pay 2 w 4186
it 45 w 4188
The 7 w 4192
mulct 3 w 4197
was 10 w 4200
meal 3 w 4204
wine 1 w 4209
honey-combs 1 w 4221
oil 1 w 4225
salt 1 w 4230
and 40 w 4234
for 12 w 4237
victims 1 w 4244
the 115 w 4247
better 2 w 4253
grown 1 w 4258
of 31 w 4260
the 116 w 4263
phagili 1 w 4270
Aristotle 1 w 4280
saith 1 w 4285
phagilus 1 w 4293
was 11 w 4296
a 331 w 4297
lamb 1 w 4301
And 3 w 4305
Telemachus 1 w 4315
setting 1 w 4323
Eumaeus 1 w 4330
and 41 w 4333
his 20 w 4336
people 1 w 4342
at 41 w 4344
liberty 1 w 4351
placed 1 w 4358
them 4 w 4362
among 6 w 4367
the 118 w 4370
citizens 2 w 4378
and 42 w 4382
the 119 w 4385
family 2 w 4391
of 32 w 4393
the 120 w 4396
Coliads 2 w 4403
is 33 w 4405
descended 1 w 4414
from 3 w 4418
Eumaeus 2 w 4425
and 43 w 4429
that 14 w 4433
of 33 w 4435
the 121 w 4438
Bucolians 1 w 4447
from 4 w 4451
Philoetius 1 w 4461
Question 4 w 4470
15 1 w 4472
What 3 w 4477
is 34 w 4479
the 122 w 4482
wooden 1 w 4488
dog 4 w 4491
among 7 w 4496
the 123 w 4499
Locrians 1 w 4507
Solution 4 w 4516
Locrus 1 w 4523
was 12 w 4526
the 124 w 4529
son 6 w 4532
of 34 w 4534
Fuscius 1 w 4541
the 125 w 4545
son 7 w 4548
of 35 w 4550
Amphictyon 1 w 4560
Of 1 w 4563
him 13 w 4566
and 44 w 4569
Cabya 1 w 4574
came 3 w 4578
Locrus 2 w 4584
with 13 w 4589
whom 1 w 4593
his 21 w 4596
father 1 w 4602
falling 1 w 4609
into 3 w 4613
contention 1 w 4623
and 45 w 4627
gathering 1 w 4636
after 3 w 4641
him 14 w 4644
a 359 w 4645
great 1 w 4650
number 1 w 4656
of 36 w 4658
citizens 3 w 4666
consulted 1 w 4676
the 128 w 4679
oracle 3 w 4685
about 4 w 4690
transplanting 1 w 4703
a 365 w 4704
colony 1 w 4710
The 8 w 4714
oracle 4 w 4720
told 2 w 4724
him 15 w 4727
that 15 w 4731
there 7 w 4736
he 178 w 4738
should 5 w 4744
build 1 w 4749
a 368 w 4750
city 1 w 4754
where 5 w 4760
he 180 w 4762
should 6 w 4768
happen 1 w 4774
to 52 w 4776
be 18 w 4778
bit 4 w 4781
by 10 w 4783
a 370 w 4784
wooden 2 w 4790
dog 5 w 4793
He 4 w 4796
wafting 1 w 4804
over 4 w 4808
the 130 w 4811
sea 2 w 4814
unto 2 w 4818
the 131 w 4821
next 1 w 4825
shore 1 w 4830
trod 3 w 4835
upon 4 w 4839
a 373 w 4840
cynosbatus 1 w 4850
a 375 w 4852
sweet 1 w 4857
brier 1 w 4862
and 46 w 4867
being 3 w 4872
sorely 1 w 4878
pained 1 w 4884
with 14 w 4888
the 132 w 4891
prick 1 w 4896
he 184 w 4899
spent 1 w 4904
many 2 w 4908
days 1 w 4912
there 8 w 4917
in 76 w 4920
which 8 w 4925
time 1 w 4929
considering 1 w 4940
the 134 w 4943
nature 1 w 4949
of 37 w 4951
the 135 w 4954
country 4 w 4961
he 188 w 4964
built 1 w 4969
Physcus 1 w 4976
and 47 w 4979
Hyantheia 1 w 4988
and 48 w 4992
other 3 w 4997
towns 1 w 5002
which 9 w 5007
the 138 w 5010
Ozolian 1 w 5017
Locrians 2 w 5025
inhabited 3 w 5034
Some 1 w 5039
say 4 w 5042
that 16 w 5046
the 139 w 5049
Locrians 3 w 5057
were 4 w 5061
called 2 w 5067
Ozolians 1 w 5075
strong-scented 1 w 5090
people 2 w 5096
from 5 w 5101
Nessus 1 w 5107
others 2 w 5114
again 2 w 5119
from 6 w 5123
Python 3 w 5129
the 141 w 5132
serpent 1 w 5139
cast 1 w 5144
up 10 w 5146
there 9 w 5151
by 11 w 5153
the 143 w 5156
surf 1 w 5160
of 38 w 5162
the 144 w 5165
sea 3 w 5168
and 49 w 5172
putrefying 1 w 5182
upon 5 w 5186
the 145 w 5189
shore 2 w 5194
And 4 w 5198
some 6 w 5202
say 5 w 5205
that 17 w 5209
the 146 w 5212
men 2 w 5215
wore 1 w 5219
pelts 1 w 5224
and 50 w 5227
ram-goat 1 w 5235
skins 1 w 5240
living 1 w 5247
for 13 w 5250
the 147 w 5253
most 2 w 5257
part 5 w 5261
among 8 w 5266
the 148 w 5269
herds 1 w 5274
of 39 w 5276
goats 1 w 5281
and 51 w 5285
therefore 4 w 5294
were 5 w 5298
strong-scented 2 w 5312
Others 1 w 5319
contrariwise 1 w 5331
say 6 w 5334
that 18 w 5338
the 151 w 5341
country 5 w 5348
brought 1 w 5355
forth 1 w 5360
many 3 w 5364
flowers 1 w 5371
and 52 w 5375
that 19 w 5379
this 7 w 5383
name 3 w 5387
was 13 w 5390
from 7 w 5394
their 7 w 5399
sweet 2 w 5404
odor 1 w 5408
among 9 w 5414
them 5 w 5418
that 20 w 5422
assert 1 w 5428
this 8 w 5432
is 39 w 5434
Archytas 1 w 5442
the 154 w 5445
Amphissean 1 w 5455
who 5 w 5459
hath 2 w 5463
wrote 1 w 5468
thus 2 w 5472
Macyna 1 w 5479
crowned 1 w 5486
with 15 w 5490
vines 1 w 5495
fragrant 1 w 5503
and 53 w 5506
sweet 3 w 5511