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CTS Library / The Greek Questions

The Greek Questions (45-49)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '45', 'human_reference': 'Section 45'}, 'end': {'reference': '49', 'human_reference': 'Section 49'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Why is it that the statue of the Labrandean Zeus in Caria is fashioned holding an axe, but not a sceptre or a thunderbolt?

Because when Heracles had slain Hippolytê, together with her other arms he took her axe and gave it as a present to Omphalê. The Lydian kings who succeeded Omphalê used to carry it as a part of the sacred regalia, handing it down one to the other until it carne to Candaules. He deemed it of little worth and gave it to one of his Companions[*] to carry. But when Gyges[*] revolted and was at war with Candaules, Arselis carne from Mylasa with an army as an ally for Gyges and slew both Candaules and his Companion and brought the axe to Caria together with the other spoils. He therefore constructed a statue of Zeus and placed the axe in its hand, and

called the god Labrandeus; for the Lydialis call the axe labrys.[*]

Why is it that the people of Tralles call vetch purifier and make particular use of it for expiations and purifications?

Is it because the Leleges and Minyae in days of old drove them out and took possession of their city and their land, and because later the Trallians returned and prevailed, and as many of the Leleges as had not been slain nor had fled away, but had been left behind there because of their destitution and weakness - of these they took no account either of their life or of their death, and they established a law that any Trallian who killed a Miriyan or a Lelegian should be free from pollution when he had measured out a bushel of vetch to the relatives of the murdered man?

Why is there a proverb among the Eleans to suffer more terribly than Sambicus?

The story is told that a certain Sambicus, an Elean, at the head of a numerous group of confederates, cut many pieces from the bronze votive statues in Olympia and sold them, and finally he despoiled the shrine of Artemis the Guardian. This is in Elis and is called the Aristarcheum. Immediately, then, after this sacrilege, he was caught and tortured for a year, being interrogated about each of his confederates in turn; and in this manner he died and the proverb arose from his sufferings.

Why at Sparta is a shrine of Odysseus built near the shrine of the daughters of Leucippus?

Erginus, one of the descendants of Diomedes, was persuaded by Temenus to steal the Palladium from Argos; this he did with the knowledge and help of Leagrus, who was one of Temenuss friends. But later Leagrus became incensed at Temenus and removed to Sparta, taking the Palladium with him. The Spartan kings received it eagerly, and gave it a place near the shrine of the daughters of Leucippus, and they sent to Delphi to obtain an oracle concerning its safety and preservation. When the god gave oracle that one of those who had purloined the Palladium should be made its guardian, the Spartans constructed there the shrine of Odysseus, especially since, because of his marriage with Penelopê,[*] they reckoned that this hero had close relations with their city.

Why is it the custom for the women of Chalcedon, whenever they encounter strange men, and especially officials, to veil one cheek?

The Chalcedonians were involved in a war against the Bithyniae, to which they were provoked by all kinds of reasons. When Zeipoetes became king of Bithynia, the Chalcedonians, in full force and with the addition of Thracian allies, devastated the country with fire and sword. When Zeipoetes attacked them near the so-called Phalion, they fought badly through rashness and lack of discipline, and lost over eight thousand soldiers. It was only because Zeipoetes granted an armistice to please the Byzantines that they were not completely annihilated at that time. Since, then, there was a great scarcity of men

throughout the city, most of the women were forced to consort with freedmen and resident aliens. But those women who preferred to have no husband at all rather than a marriage of this sort, themselves conducted whatever business they needed to transact with the judges or the officials, drawing aside one part of the veil that covered their faces. And the married women, for very shame, followed the example of these, who, they felt, were better than themselves, and also changed to a similar custom.

Why 1 w 3
is 1 w 5
it 1 w 7
that 1 w 11
the 1 w 14
statue 1 w 20
of 1 w 22
the 2 w 25
Labrandean 1 w 35
Zeus 1 w 39
in 1 w 41
Caria 1 w 46
is 2 w 48
fashioned 1 w 57
holding 1 w 64
an 3 w 66
axe 1 w 69
but 1 w 73
not 1 w 76
a 11 w 77
sceptre 1 w 84
or 1 w 86
a 12 w 87
thunderbolt 1 w 98
Because 1 w 106
when 1 w 110
Heracles 1 w 118
had 1 w 121
slain 1 w 126
Hippolytê 1 w 135
together 1 w 144
with 1 w 148
her 2 w 151
other 1 w 156
arms 1 w 160
he 7 w 162
took 1 w 166
her 4 w 169
axe 2 w 172
and 2 w 175
gave 1 w 179
it 3 w 181
as 2 w 183
a 22 w 184
present 1 w 191
to 3 w 193
Omphalê 1 w 200
The 1 w 204
Lydian 1 w 210
kings 1 w 215
who 1 w 218
succeeded 1 w 227
Omphalê 2 w 234
used 1 w 238
to 4 w 240
carry 1 w 245
it 4 w 247
as 3 w 249
a 28 w 250
part 1 w 254
of 2 w 256
the 5 w 259
sacred 1 w 265
regalia 1 w 272
handing 1 w 280
it 5 w 282
down 1 w 286
one 2 w 289
to 5 w 291
the 6 w 294
other 2 w 299
until 1 w 304
it 6 w 306
carne 1 w 311
to 6 w 313
Candaules 1 w 322
He 2 w 325
deemed 1 w 331
it 7 w 333
of 3 w 335
little 1 w 341
worth 1 w 346
and 5 w 349
gave 2 w 353
it 9 w 355
to 7 w 357
one 3 w 360
of 4 w 362
his 1 w 365
Companions 1 w 375
Technically 1 w 386
a 41 w 387
Hellenistic 1 w 398
court 1 w 403
office 1 w 409
but 2 w 413
Plutarch 1 w 421
seems 1 w 426
to 8 w 428
assume 1 w 434
such 1 w 438
a 44 w 439
relation 1 w 447
in 6 w 449
early 1 w 454
Lydian 2 w 460
history 1 w 467
to 10 w 470
carry 2 w 475
But 1 w 479
when 2 w 483
Gyges 1 w 488
The 2 w 491
many 1 w 495
ancient 1 w 502
variants 1 w 510
of 6 w 512
the 8 w 515
Gyges 2 w 520
legend 1 w 526
are 1 w 529
collected 1 w 538
and 6 w 541
discussed 1 w 550
by 1 w 552
K 1 w 553
F 1 w 555
Smith 1 w 561
American 1 w 570
Jour 1 w 574
Phil 1 w 579
1902 1 w 585
pp 2 w 587
261 1 w 591
ff 2 w 593
362 1 w 598
ff 3 w 600
1920 1 w 606
pp 3 w 609
1 4 w 611
ff 4 w 613
revolted 1 w 622
and 7 w 625
was 1 w 628
at 4 w 630
war 1 w 633
with 2 w 637
Candaules 2 w 646
Arselis 1 w 654
carne 2 w 659
from 1 w 663
Mylasa 1 w 669
with 3 w 673
an 18 w 675
army 1 w 679
as 7 w 681
an 19 w 683
ally 2 w 687
for 1 w 690
Gyges 3 w 695
and 9 w 698
slew 1 w 702
both 1 w 706
Candaules 3 w 715
and 11 w 718
his 3 w 721
Companion 2 w 730
and 12 w 733
brought 1 w 740
the 9 w 743
axe 3 w 746
to 11 w 748
Caria 2 w 753
together 2 w 761
with 4 w 765
the 11 w 768
other 3 w 773
spoils 1 w 779
He 4 w 782
therefore 1 w 791
constructed 1 w 802
a 79 w 803
statue 2 w 809
of 7 w 811
Zeus 2 w 815
and 13 w 818
placed 1 w 824
the 14 w 827
axe 4 w 830
in 7 w 832
its 1 w 835
hand 2 w 839
and 15 w 843
called 1 w 849
the 15 w 852
god 1 w 855
Labrandeus 1 w 865
for 3 w 869
the 16 w 872
Lydialis 1 w 880
call 3 w 884
the 17 w 887
axe 5 w 890
labrys 1 w 896
One 1 w 900
is 10 w 902
reminded 1 w 910
of 8 w 912
the 18 w 915
many 2 w 919
representations 1 w 934
of 9 w 936
the 19 w 939
double 1 w 945
axe 6 w 948
on 9 w 950
Cretan 1 w 956
monuments 1 w 965
Why 2 w 969
is 11 w 971
it 15 w 973
that 2 w 977
the 20 w 980
people 1 w 986
of 10 w 988
Tralles 1 w 995
call 4 w 999
vetch 1 w 1004
purifier 1 w 1012
and 17 w 1015
make 1 w 1019
particular 1 w 1029
use 3 w 1032
of 11 w 1034
it 16 w 1036
for 4 w 1039
expiations 1 w 1049
and 18 w 1052
purifications 1 w 1065
Is 1 w 1068
it 17 w 1070
because 1 w 1077
the 21 w 1080
Leleges 1 w 1087
and 19 w 1090
Minyae 1 w 1096
in 10 w 1098
days 1 w 1102
of 12 w 1104
old 2 w 1107
drove 1 w 1112
them 1 w 1116
out 1 w 1119
and 20 w 1122
took 2 w 1126
possession 1 w 1136
of 13 w 1138
their 1 w 1143
city 1 w 1147
and 21 w 1150
their 2 w 1155
land 1 w 1159
and 23 w 1163
because 2 w 1170
later 1 w 1175
the 25 w 1178
Trallians 1 w 1187
returned 1 w 1195
and 24 w 1198
prevailed 1 w 1207
and 25 w 1211
as 8 w 1213
many 3 w 1217
of 14 w 1219
the 26 w 1222
Leleges 2 w 1229
as 9 w 1231
had 2 w 1234
not 2 w 1237
been 1 w 1241
slain 2 w 1246
nor 1 w 1249
had 3 w 1252
fled 1 w 1256
away 1 w 1260
but 3 w 1264
had 4 w 1267
been 2 w 1271
left 1 w 1275
behind 1 w 1281
there 2 w 1286
because 3 w 1293
of 15 w 1295
their 3 w 1300
destitution 1 w 1311
and 26 w 1314
weakness 1 w 1322
of 16 w 1325
these 1 w 1330
they 1 w 1334
took 3 w 1338
no 4 w 1340
account 1 w 1347
either 1 w 1353
of 17 w 1355
their 4 w 1360
life 1 w 1364
or 9 w 1366
of 18 w 1368
their 5 w 1373
death 1 w 1378
and 27 w 1382
they 2 w 1386
established 1 w 1397
a 138 w 1398
law 1 w 1401
that 3 w 1405
any 4 w 1408
Trallian 2 w 1416
who 2 w 1419
killed 1 w 1425
a 144 w 1426
Miriyan 1 w 1433
or 10 w 1435
a 146 w 1436
Lelegian 1 w 1444
should 1 w 1450
be 7 w 1452
free 1 w 1456
from 2 w 1460
pollution 1 w 1469
when 3 w 1473
he 44 w 1475
had 5 w 1478
measured 1 w 1486
out 2 w 1489
a 150 w 1490
bushel 1 w 1496
of 19 w 1498
vetch 2 w 1503
to 15 w 1505
the 35 w 1508
relatives 1 w 1517
of 20 w 1519
the 36 w 1522
murdered 1 w 1530
man 4 w 1533
Why 3 w 1537
is 13 w 1539
there 3 w 1544
a 153 w 1545
proverb 1 w 1552
among 1 w 1557
the 38 w 1560
Eleans 1 w 1566
to 16 w 1568
suffer 1 w 1574
more 1 w 1578
terribly 1 w 1586
than 1 w 1590
Sambicus 1 w 1598
The 3 w 1602
story 2 w 1607
is 14 w 1609
told 1 w 1613
that 4 w 1617
a 159 w 1618
certain 1 w 1625
Sambicus 2 w 1633
an 51 w 1636
Elean 2 w 1641
at 15 w 1644
the 39 w 1647
head 1 w 1651
of 21 w 1653
a 166 w 1654
numerous 1 w 1662
group 1 w 1667
of 22 w 1669
confederates 1 w 1681
cut 1 w 1685
many 4 w 1689
pieces 1 w 1695
from 3 w 1699
the 40 w 1702
bronze 1 w 1708
votive 1 w 1714
statues 1 w 1721
in 14 w 1723
Olympia 1 w 1730
and 28 w 1733
sold 1 w 1737
them 2 w 1741
and 29 w 1745
finally 1 w 1752
he 55 w 1754
despoiled 1 w 1763
the 42 w 1766
shrine 1 w 1772
of 23 w 1774
Artemis 1 w 1781
the 43 w 1784
Guardian 1 w 1792
This 1 w 1797
is 17 w 1799
in 17 w 1801
Elis 1 w 1805
and 30 w 1808
is 19 w 1810
called 2 w 1816
the 44 w 1819
Aristarcheum 1 w 1831
Immediately 1 w 1843
then 1 w 1848
after 1 w 1854
this 1 w 1858
sacrilege 1 w 1867
he 61 w 1870
was 2 w 1873
caught 1 w 1879
and 31 w 1882
tortured 1 w 1890
for 5 w 1893
a 185 w 1894
year 1 w 1898
being 1 w 1904
interrogated 1 w 1916
about 1 w 1921
each 1 w 1925
of 24 w 1927
his 6 w 1930
confederates 2 w 1942
in 20 w 1944
turn 2 w 1948
and 32 w 1952
in 21 w 1954
this 2 w 1958
manner 1 w 1964
he 62 w 1966
died 1 w 1970
and 33 w 1973
the 46 w 1976
proverb 2 w 1983
arose 1 w 1988
from 4 w 1992
his 8 w 1995
sufferings 1 w 2005
Why 4 w 2009
at 21 w 2011
Sparta 1 w 2017
is 25 w 2019
a 198 w 2020
shrine 2 w 2026
of 25 w 2028
Odysseus 1 w 2036
built 1 w 2041
near 1 w 2045
the 47 w 2048
shrine 3 w 2054
of 26 w 2056
the 48 w 2059
daughters 1 w 2068
of 27 w 2070
Leucippus 1 w 2079
Erginus 1 w 2087
one 4 w 2091
of 28 w 2093
the 49 w 2096
descendants 1 w 2107
of 29 w 2109
Diomedes 1 w 2117
was 3 w 2121
persuaded 1 w 2130
by 2 w 2132
Temenus 1 w 2139
to 20 w 2141
steal 1 w 2146
the 50 w 2149
Palladium 1 w 2158
from 5 w 2162
Argos 1 w 2167
this 3 w 2172
he 68 w 2174
did 1 w 2177
with 5 w 2181
the 51 w 2184
knowledge 1 w 2193
and 34 w 2196
help 1 w 2200
of 30 w 2202
Leagrus 1 w 2209
who 3 w 2213
was 4 w 2216
one 5 w 2219
of 31 w 2221
Temenus 2 w 2228
s 139 w 2230
friends 1 w 2237
But 2 w 2241
later 2 w 2246
Leagrus 2 w 2253
became 1 w 2259
incensed 1 w 2267
at 23 w 2269
Temenus 3 w 2276
and 35 w 2279
removed 1 w 2286
to 21 w 2288
Sparta 2 w 2294
taking 1 w 2301
the 52 w 2304
Palladium 2 w 2313
with 6 w 2317
him 1 w 2320
The 4 w 2324
Spartan 1 w 2331
kings 2 w 2336
received 1 w 2344
it 23 w 2346
eagerly 1 w 2353
and 36 w 2357
gave 3 w 2361
it 24 w 2363
a 225 w 2364
place 2 w 2369
near 2 w 2373
the 53 w 2376
shrine 4 w 2382
of 32 w 2384
the 54 w 2387
daughters 2 w 2396
of 33 w 2398
Leucippus 2 w 2407
and 37 w 2411
they 3 w 2415
sent 3 w 2419
to 22 w 2421
Delphi 1 w 2427
to 23 w 2429
obtain 1 w 2435
an 68 w 2437
oracle 1 w 2443
concerning 1 w 2453
its 2 w 2456
safety 1 w 2462
and 38 w 2465
preservation 1 w 2477
When 1 w 2482
the 56 w 2485
god 2 w 2488
gave 4 w 2492
oracle 2 w 2498
that 5 w 2502
one 6 w 2505
of 34 w 2507
those 1 w 2512
who 4 w 2515
had 6 w 2518
purloined 1 w 2527
the 57 w 2530
Palladium 3 w 2539
should 2 w 2545
be 10 w 2547
made 1 w 2551
its 3 w 2554
guardian 1 w 2562
the 58 w 2566
Spartans 1 w 2574
constructed 2 w 2585
there 4 w 2590
the 60 w 2593
shrine 5 w 2599
of 35 w 2601
Odysseus 2 w 2609
especially 1 w 2620
since 1 w 2625
because 4 w 2633
of 36 w 2635
his 10 w 2638
marriage 1 w 2646
with 7 w 2650
Penelopê 1 w 2658
The 5 w 2662
daughter 3 w 2670
of 37 w 2672
the 61 w 2675
Spartan 3 w 2682
Icarius 1 w 2689
they 4 w 2694
reckoned 1 w 2702
that 6 w 2706
this 4 w 2710
hero 1 w 2714
had 7 w 2717
close 1 w 2722
relations 1 w 2731
with 8 w 2735
their 6 w 2740
city 2 w 2744
Why 5 w 2748
is 29 w 2750
it 30 w 2752
the 64 w 2755
custom 1 w 2761
for 6 w 2764
the 65 w 2767
women 1 w 2772
of 38 w 2774
Chalcedon 1 w 2783
whenever 1 w 2792
they 5 w 2796
encounter 1 w 2805
strange 1 w 2812
men 6 w 2815
and 39 w 2819
especially 2 w 2829
officials 1 w 2838
to 25 w 2841
veil 1 w 2845
one 8 w 2848
cheek 1 w 2853
The 6 w 2857
Chalcedonians 1 w 2870
were 1 w 2874
involved 1 w 2882
in 36 w 2884
a 265 w 2885
war 2 w 2888
against 1 w 2895
the 67 w 2898
Bithyniae 1 w 2907
to 26 w 2910
which 1 w 2915
they 6 w 2919
were 2 w 2923
provoked 1 w 2931
by 3 w 2933
all 16 w 2936
kinds 1 w 2941
of 40 w 2943
reasons 1 w 2950
When 2 w 2955
Zeipoetes 1 w 2964
became 2 w 2970
king 4 w 2974
of 41 w 2976
Bithynia 2 w 2984
the 69 w 2988
Chalcedonians 2 w 3001
in 40 w 3004
full 1 w 3008
force 1 w 3013
and 40 w 3016
with 9 w 3020
the 70 w 3023
addition 1 w 3031
of 42 w 3033
Thracian 1 w 3041
allies 1 w 3047
devastated 1 w 3058
the 71 w 3061
country 1 w 3068
with 10 w 3072
fire 1 w 3076
and 41 w 3079
sword 1 w 3084
When 3 w 3089
Zeipoetes 2 w 3098
attacked 1 w 3106
them 3 w 3110
near 3 w 3114
the 73 w 3117
so-called 1 w 3126
Phalion 1 w 3133
they 7 w 3138
fought 1 w 3144
badly 1 w 3149
through 1 w 3156
rashness 1 w 3164
and 42 w 3167
lack 1 w 3171
of 43 w 3173
discipline 1 w 3183
and 43 w 3187
lost 1 w 3191
over 3 w 3195
eight 1 w 3200
thousand 1 w 3208
soldiers 1 w 3216
It 1 w 3219
was 5 w 3222
only 1 w 3226
because 5 w 3233
Zeipoetes 3 w 3242
granted 1 w 3249
an 84 w 3251
armistice 1 w 3260
to 27 w 3262
please 1 w 3268
the 75 w 3271
Byzantines 1 w 3281
that 7 w 3285
they 8 w 3289
were 3 w 3293
not 3 w 3296
completely 1 w 3306
annihilated 1 w 3317
at 32 w 3319
that 8 w 3323
time 1 w 3327
Since 1 w 3333
then 2 w 3338
there 5 w 3344
was 6 w 3347
a 308 w 3348
great 1 w 3353
scarcity 1 w 3361
of 44 w 3363
men 7 w 3366
throughout 1 w 3376
the 79 w 3379
city 4 w 3383
most 1 w 3388
of 45 w 3390
the 80 w 3393
women 2 w 3398
were 4 w 3402
forced 1 w 3408
to 28 w 3410
consort 1 w 3417
with 11 w 3421
freedmen 1 w 3429
and 45 w 3432
resident 1 w 3440
aliens 1 w 3446
But 3 w 3450
those 2 w 3455
women 3 w 3460
who 5 w 3463
preferred 1 w 3472
to 29 w 3474
have 1 w 3478
no 7 w 3480
husband 1 w 3487
at 35 w 3489
all 19 w 3492
rather 1 w 3498
than 2 w 3502
a 319 w 3503
marriage 2 w 3511
of 46 w 3513
this 5 w 3517
sort 2 w 3521
themselves 1 w 3532
conducted 1 w 3541
whatever 1 w 3549
business 1 w 3557
they 9 w 3561
needed 1 w 3567
to 30 w 3569
transact 1 w 3577
with 12 w 3581
the 84 w 3584
judges 1 w 3590
or 23 w 3592
the 85 w 3595
officials 2 w 3604
drawing 1 w 3612
aside 1 w 3617
one 9 w 3620
part 8 w 3624
of 48 w 3626
the 86 w 3629
veil 2 w 3633
that 9 w 3637
covered 1 w 3644
their 7 w 3649
faces 1 w 3654
And 1 w 3658
the 88 w 3661
married 1 w 3668
women 4 w 3673
for 9 w 3677
very 1 w 3681
shame 1 w 3686
followed 1 w 3695
the 89 w 3698
example 1 w 3705
of 49 w 3707
these 2 w 3712
who 6 w 3716
they 10 w 3721
felt 1 w 3725
were 5 w 3730
better 1 w 3736
than 3 w 3740
themselves 2 w 3750
and 47 w 3754
also 1 w 3758
changed 1 w 3765
to 31 w 3767
a 338 w 3768
similar 1 w 3775
custom 2 w 3781