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CTS Library / The Greek Questions

The Greek Questions (40-44)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '40', 'human_reference': 'Section 40'}, 'end': {'reference': '44', 'human_reference': 'Section 44'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Who was the hero Eunostus in Tanagra, and why may no women enter his grove?

Eunostus was the son of Elieus, who was the son of Cephisus, and Scias. They relate that he acquired his name because he was brought up by the nymph Eunosta. Handsome and righteous as he was, he was no less virtuous and ascetic. They say that Ochnê, his cousin, one of the daughters of Colonus, became enamoured of him; but when Eunostus repulsed her advances and, after upbraiding her, departed to accuse her to her brothers, the maiden forestalled him by doing this very thing against him. She incited her brothers, Echemus, Leon, and Bucolus, to kill Eunostus, saying that he had consorted with her by force. They, accordingly, lay in ambush for the young man and slew him. Then Elieus put them in bonds; but Ochnê repented, and was filled with trepidation and, wishing to free herself from the torments caused by her love, and also feeling pity for her brothers, reported the whole truth to Elieus, and he to Colonus. And when Colonus had given judgement, Ochnês brothers were banished, and she threw herself from a precipice, as Myrtis,[*] the lyric poetess of Anthedon, has related.

But the shrine and the grove of Eunostus were so strictly guarded against entry and approach by women that, often, when earthquakes or droughts or other signs from heaven occurred, the people of Tanagra were wont to search diligently and to be greatly concerned lest any woman might have approached the place undetected; and some relate, among them Cleidamus, a man of prominence, that Eunostus met them on his way to the sea to bathe

because a woman had set foot within the sacred precinct. And Diocles[*] also, in his treatise upon the Shrines of Heroes, quotes a decree of the people of Tanagra concerning the matters which Cleidamus reported.

From what cause was a river in Boeotia in the vicinity of Eleon called Scamander?

Deïmachus, the son of Eleon and a companion of Heracles, took part in the expedition against Troy. But since, as it appears, the war was dragging on, he welcomed to his quarters Glaucia, the daughter of Scamander, who had fallen in love with him, and got her with child; then he himself fell in fighting against the Trojans. But Glaucia, fearing detection, fled for refuge, and told Heracles of her love and of her association with Deïmachus. And he, both through pity for the woman, and for j oy that the stock of a brave man who was his close friend should thus survive, took Glaucia oil board his fleet; and when she gave birth to a son, he brought both the child and the mother, and delivered them to Eleon in Boeotia. The child was named Scamander, and he became the king of the country; and he named the Inachus river Scamander after himself, and the stream near by he called Glaucia from his mother. The spring Acidusa he named after his wife; and from her he had three daughters whom even to this day they honour under the name of the Maidens.

Whence arose the proverbial saying, This is valid?

When Deinon of Tarentum, a brave soldier, was

general, his fellow-citizens voted to reject a certain proposal of his. When the herald reported the prevailing majority, he held up his right hand and said, But this is stronger. This is Theophrastuss[*] version of the story; but Apollodorus has a supplementary version, that when the herald of the Tarentines proclaimed, These are in the majority Deinon said, But these are better! and validated the vote of the minority.

For what reason was the city of the Ithacans called Alalcomenae?

Because Anticleia, while yet a virgin, was violated by Sisyphus and conceived Odysseus. This is related by several authorities[*]; but Ister[*] of Alexandria in his Commentaries has in addition recorded that when Anticlea had been given in marriage to Laërtes and was being conducted to his home, she gave birth to Odysseus near the Alalcomenium in Boeotia. And for this reason, as though referring the name to that of a mother-city, he states that the city in Ithaca acquired its name.

Who were the solitary eaters in Aegina?

Of the Aeginetans who were engaged in the war against Troy many perished in the battles there, but even more were destroyed by the storm on the returnvoyage. So there were but few who survived, and when their relatives had welcomed them home, and observed that the other citizens were in mourning and sorrow, they deemed it proper neither to rejoice

nor to sacrifice to the gods openly; but secretly and separately in their own houses they received with feasting and good cheer those who had reached home in safety. They themselves waited upon their fathers and kinsmen, their brothers and relatives, and no one outside the family was allowed to enter. It is, then, in imitation of this that they hold a sacrifice to Poseidon, which is called thiasoi,[*] in which they feast by themselves in silence for sixteen days, and no slave is present. Then, when they have celebrated the Aphrodisia, they terminate the festival. For this reason they are called solitary eaters.

Who 1 w 3
was 1 w 6
the 1 w 9
hero 1 w 13
Eunostus 1 w 21
in 1 w 23
Tanagra 1 w 30
and 1 w 34
why 1 w 37
may 1 w 40
no 2 w 42
women 1 w 47
enter 1 w 52
his 1 w 55
grove 1 w 60
Eunostus 2 w 69
was 2 w 72
the 2 w 75
son 1 w 78
of 1 w 80
Elieus 1 w 86
who 1 w 90
was 3 w 93
the 3 w 96
son 2 w 99
of 2 w 101
Cephisus 1 w 109
and 2 w 113
Scias 1 w 118
They 1 w 123
relate 1 w 129
that 1 w 133
he 6 w 135
acquired 1 w 143
his 3 w 146
name 1 w 150
because 1 w 157
he 7 w 159
was 4 w 162
brought 1 w 169
up 1 w 171
by 1 w 173
the 4 w 176
nymph 1 w 181
Eunosta 1 w 188
Handsome 1 w 197
and 4 w 200
righteous 1 w 209
as 6 w 211
he 9 w 213
was 5 w 216
he 10 w 219
was 6 w 222
no 5 w 224
less 1 w 228
virtuous 1 w 236
and 5 w 239
ascetic 1 w 246
They 2 w 251
say 1 w 254
that 2 w 258
Ochnê 1 w 263
his 4 w 267
cousin 1 w 273
one 1 w 277
of 3 w 279
the 5 w 282
daughters 1 w 291
of 4 w 293
Colonus 1 w 300
became 1 w 307
enamoured 1 w 316
of 5 w 318
him 1 w 321
but 1 w 325
when 1 w 329
Eunostus 3 w 337
repulsed 1 w 345
her 2 w 348
advances 1 w 356
and 6 w 359
after 1 w 365
upbraiding 1 w 375
her 3 w 378
departed 1 w 387
to 1 w 389
accuse 1 w 395
her 4 w 398
to 2 w 400
her 5 w 403
brothers 1 w 411
the 7 w 415
maiden 1 w 421
forestalled 1 w 432
him 2 w 435
by 2 w 437
doing 1 w 442
this 1 w 446
very 1 w 450
thing 1 w 455
against 1 w 462
him 3 w 465
She 1 w 469
incited 1 w 476
her 7 w 479
brothers 2 w 487
Echemus 1 w 495
Leon 1 w 500
and 7 w 504
Bucolus 1 w 511
to 3 w 514
kill 1 w 518
Eunostus 4 w 526
saying 1 w 533
that 3 w 537
he 24 w 539
had 1 w 542
consorted 1 w 551
with 1 w 555
her 9 w 558
by 3 w 560
force 1 w 565
They 3 w 570
accordingly 1 w 582
lay 1 w 586
in 10 w 588
ambush 1 w 594
for 3 w 597
the 9 w 600
young 1 w 605
man 1 w 608
and 8 w 611
slew 1 w 615
him 4 w 618
Then 1 w 623
Elieus 2 w 629
put 1 w 632
them 1 w 636
in 11 w 638
bonds 1 w 643
but 2 w 647
Ochnê 2 w 652
repented 1 w 660
and 9 w 664
was 7 w 667
filled 1 w 673
with 2 w 677
trepidation 1 w 688
and 10 w 691
wishing 1 w 699
to 4 w 701
free 1 w 705
herself 1 w 712
from 1 w 716
the 11 w 719
torments 1 w 727
caused 1 w 733
by 4 w 735
her 11 w 738
love 1 w 742
and 11 w 746
also 1 w 750
feeling 1 w 757
pity 1 w 761
for 4 w 764
her 12 w 767
brothers 3 w 775
reported 1 w 784
the 13 w 787
whole 1 w 792
truth 1 w 797
to 6 w 799
Elieus 3 w 805
and 12 w 809
he 36 w 811
to 7 w 813
Colonus 2 w 820
And 1 w 824
when 2 w 828
Colonus 3 w 835
had 2 w 838
given 1 w 843
judgement 1 w 852
Ochnê 3 w 858
s 63 w 860
brothers 4 w 868
were 1 w 872
banished 1 w 880
and 13 w 884
she 2 w 887
threw 1 w 892
herself 2 w 899
from 2 w 903
a 61 w 904
precipice 1 w 913
as 11 w 916
Myrtis 1 w 922
cf 1 w 925
Edmonds 1 w 933
Lyra 1 w 938
Graeca 1 w 944
iii 1 w 948
p 14 w 950
3 1 w 952
the 15 w 956
lyric 1 w 961
poetess 1 w 968
of 6 w 970
Anthedon 1 w 978
has 1 w 982
related 1 w 989
But 1 w 993
the 17 w 996
shrine 1 w 1002
and 14 w 1005
the 18 w 1008
grove 2 w 1013
of 7 w 1015
Eunostus 5 w 1023
were 2 w 1027
so 6 w 1029
strictly 1 w 1037
guarded 1 w 1044
against 2 w 1051
entry 1 w 1056
and 15 w 1059
approach 1 w 1067
by 5 w 1069
women 2 w 1074
that 4 w 1078
often 1 w 1084
when 3 w 1089
earthquakes 1 w 1100
or 9 w 1102
droughts 1 w 1110
or 10 w 1112
other 5 w 1117
signs 1 w 1122
from 3 w 1126
heaven 1 w 1132
occurred 1 w 1140
the 20 w 1144
people 1 w 1150
of 9 w 1152
Tanagra 2 w 1159
were 3 w 1163
wont 1 w 1167
to 8 w 1169
search 1 w 1175
diligently 1 w 1185
and 16 w 1188
to 9 w 1190
be 3 w 1192
greatly 1 w 1199
concerned 1 w 1208
lest 1 w 1212
any 1 w 1215
woman 1 w 1220
might 1 w 1225
have 1 w 1229
approached 1 w 1239
the 21 w 1242
place 1 w 1247
undetected 1 w 1257
and 17 w 1261
some 2 w 1265
relate 3 w 1271
among 1 w 1277
them 2 w 1281
Cleidamus 1 w 1290
a 95 w 1292
man 3 w 1295
of 10 w 1297
prominence 1 w 1307
that 5 w 1312
Eunostus 6 w 1320
met 1 w 1323
them 3 w 1327
on 16 w 1329
his 6 w 1332
way 1 w 1335
to 10 w 1337
the 24 w 1340
sea 2 w 1343
to 11 w 1345
bathe 1 w 1350
because 2 w 1357
a 102 w 1358
woman 2 w 1363
had 3 w 1366
set 1 w 1369
foot 1 w 1373
within 1 w 1379
the 26 w 1382
sacred 1 w 1388
precinct 1 w 1396
And 2 w 1400
Diocles 1 w 1407
Müller 1 w 1413
Frag 1 w 1418
Hist 1 w 1423
Graec 2 w 1429
iii 2 w 1433
p 25 w 1435
78 1 w 1438
also 2 w 1443
in 19 w 1446
his 7 w 1449
treatise 1 w 1457
upon 1 w 1461
the 27 w 1464
Shrines 1 w 1471
of 11 w 1473
Heroes 1 w 1479
quotes 1 w 1486
a 110 w 1487
decree 1 w 1493
of 12 w 1495
the 28 w 1498
people 2 w 1504
of 13 w 1506
Tanagra 3 w 1513
concerning 1 w 1523
the 29 w 1526
matters 1 w 1533
which 1 w 1538
Cleidamus 2 w 1547
reported 2 w 1555
From 1 w 1560
what 1 w 1564
cause 4 w 1569
was 8 w 1572
a 119 w 1573
river 1 w 1578
in 22 w 1580
Boeotia 1 w 1587
in 23 w 1589
the 30 w 1592
vicinity 1 w 1600
of 14 w 1602
Eleon 1 w 1607
called 1 w 1613
Scamander 1 w 1622
Deïmachus 1 w 1632
the 31 w 1636
son 3 w 1639
of 15 w 1641
Eleon 2 w 1646
and 19 w 1649
a 126 w 1650
companion 1 w 1659
of 16 w 1661
Heracles 1 w 1669
took 1 w 1674
part 2 w 1678
in 25 w 1680
the 32 w 1683
expedition 1 w 1693
against 3 w 1700
Troy 1 w 1704
But 2 w 1708
since 1 w 1713
as 14 w 1716
it 8 w 1718
appears 1 w 1725
the 33 w 1729
war 1 w 1732
was 9 w 1735
dragging 1 w 1743
on 24 w 1745
he 64 w 1748
welcomed 1 w 1756
to 13 w 1758
his 8 w 1761
quarters 1 w 1769
Glaucia 1 w 1776
the 34 w 1780
daughter 2 w 1788
of 17 w 1790
Scamander 2 w 1799
who 3 w 1803
had 4 w 1806
fallen 1 w 1812
in 29 w 1814
love 2 w 1818
with 4 w 1822
him 5 w 1825
and 21 w 1829
got 1 w 1832
her 17 w 1835
with 5 w 1839
child 1 w 1844
then 1 w 1849
he 68 w 1851
himself 1 w 1858
fell 1 w 1862
in 30 w 1864
fighting 1 w 1872
against 4 w 1879
the 36 w 1882
Trojans 1 w 1889
But 3 w 1893
Glaucia 2 w 1900
fearing 1 w 1908
detection 1 w 1917
fled 1 w 1922
for 5 w 1925
refuge 1 w 1931
and 22 w 1935
told 1 w 1939
Heracles 2 w 1947
of 18 w 1949
her 18 w 1952
love 3 w 1956
and 23 w 1959
of 19 w 1961
her 19 w 1964
association 1 w 1975
with 6 w 1979
Deïmachus 2 w 1988
And 3 w 1992
he 72 w 1994
both 1 w 1999
through 1 w 2006
pity 2 w 2010
for 6 w 2013
the 37 w 2016
woman 3 w 2021
and 24 w 2025
for 7 w 2028
j 3 w 2029
oy 2 w 2031
that 6 w 2035
the 38 w 2038
stock 1 w 2043
of 20 w 2045
a 162 w 2046
brave 1 w 2051
man 8 w 2054
who 4 w 2057
was 10 w 2060
his 9 w 2063
close 1 w 2068
friend 1 w 2074
should 1 w 2080
thus 1 w 2084
survive 1 w 2091
took 2 w 2096
Glaucia 3 w 2103
oil 1 w 2106
board 1 w 2111
his 10 w 2114
fleet 1 w 2119
and 25 w 2123
when 4 w 2127
she 3 w 2130
gave 1 w 2134
birth 1 w 2139
to 17 w 2141
a 171 w 2142
son 4 w 2145
he 77 w 2148
brought 2 w 2155
both 2 w 2159
the 39 w 2162
child 2 w 2167
and 26 w 2170
the 40 w 2173
mother 1 w 2179
and 27 w 2183
delivered 1 w 2192
them 4 w 2196
to 18 w 2198
Eleon 3 w 2203
in 34 w 2205
Boeotia 2 w 2212
The 5 w 2216
child 3 w 2221
was 11 w 2224
named 1 w 2229
Scamander 3 w 2238
and 29 w 2242
he 83 w 2244
became 2 w 2250
the 43 w 2253
king 1 w 2257
of 21 w 2259
the 44 w 2262
country 1 w 2269
and 30 w 2273
he 86 w 2275
named 2 w 2280
the 45 w 2283
Inachus 1 w 2290
river 2 w 2295
Scamander 4 w 2304
after 2 w 2309
himself 2 w 2316
and 32 w 2320
the 46 w 2323
stream 1 w 2329
near 1 w 2333
by 6 w 2335
he 89 w 2337
called 2 w 2343
Glaucia 4 w 2350
from 4 w 2354
his 11 w 2357
mother 2 w 2363
The 6 w 2367
spring 1 w 2373
Acidusa 1 w 2380
he 92 w 2382
named 3 w 2387
after 3 w 2392
his 12 w 2395
wife 1 w 2399
and 33 w 2403
from 5 w 2407
her 22 w 2410
he 94 w 2412
had 5 w 2415
three 1 w 2420
daughters 2 w 2429
whom 1 w 2433
even 1 w 2437
to 19 w 2439
this 2 w 2443
day 1 w 2446
they 1 w 2450
honour 1 w 2456
under 1 w 2461
the 49 w 2464
name 5 w 2468
of 22 w 2470
the 50 w 2473
Maidens 1 w 2480
Whence 1 w 2487
arose 1 w 2492
the 51 w 2495
proverbial 1 w 2505
saying 2 w 2511
This 1 w 2516
is 20 w 2518
valid 1 w 2523
When 2 w 2528
Deinon 1 w 2534
of 23 w 2536
Tarentum 1 w 2544
a 207 w 2546
brave 2 w 2551
soldier 1 w 2558
was 12 w 2562
general 1 w 2569
his 15 w 2573
fellow-citizens 1 w 2588
voted 1 w 2593
to 20 w 2595
reject 1 w 2601
a 211 w 2602
certain 1 w 2609
proposal 1 w 2617
of 24 w 2619
his 16 w 2622
When 3 w 2627
the 52 w 2630
herald 1 w 2636
reported 3 w 2644
the 53 w 2647
prevailing 1 w 2657
majority 1 w 2665
he 105 w 2668
held 1 w 2672
up 4 w 2674
his 17 w 2677
right 2 w 2682
hand 1 w 2686
and 35 w 2689
said 1 w 2693
But 4 w 2697
this 3 w 2701
is 25 w 2703
stronger 1 w 2711
This 2 w 2716
is 27 w 2718
Theophrastus 1 w 2730
s 164 w 2732
Frag 2 w 2736
133 1 w 2740
ed 33 w 2743
Wimmer 1 w 2750
version 1 w 2759
of 25 w 2761
the 54 w 2764
story 1 w 2769
but 3 w 2773
Apollodorus 1 w 2784
has 2 w 2787
a 223 w 2788
supplementary 1 w 2801
version 2 w 2808
that 7 w 2813
when 5 w 2817
the 55 w 2820
herald 2 w 2826
of 26 w 2828
the 56 w 2831
Tarentines 1 w 2841
proclaimed 1 w 2851
These 1 w 2857
are 3 w 2860
in 42 w 2862
the 57 w 2865
majority 2 w 2873
Deinon 2 w 2879
said 2 w 2883
But 5 w 2887
these 1 w 2892
are 4 w 2895
better 1 w 2901
and 36 w 2905
validated 1 w 2914
the 59 w 2917
vote 2 w 2921
of 27 w 2923
the 60 w 2926
minority 1 w 2934
For 1 w 2938
what 2 w 2942
reason 1 w 2948
was 13 w 2951
the 61 w 2954
city 1 w 2958
of 28 w 2960
the 62 w 2963
Ithacans 1 w 2971
called 3 w 2977
Alalcomenae 1 w 2988
Because 1 w 2996
Anticleia 1 w 3005
while 1 w 3011
yet 1 w 3014
a 246 w 3015
virgin 1 w 3021
was 14 w 3025
violated 1 w 3033
by 7 w 3035
Sisyphus 1 w 3043
and 37 w 3046
conceived 1 w 3055
Odysseus 1 w 3063
This 3 w 3068
is 30 w 3070
related 2 w 3077
by 8 w 3079
several 1 w 3086
authorities 1 w 3097
cf 2 w 3099
Sophocles 1 w 3109
Philoctetes 1 w 3121
417 1 w 3125
with 7 w 3130
Jebb 1 w 3134
s 191 w 3136
note 1 w 3140
Frag 3 w 3145
567 1 w 3149
ed 40 w 3152
Pearson 1 w 3160
with 8 w 3166
the 63 w 3169
note 2 w 3173
but 4 w 3178
Ister 1 w 3183
Müller 2 w 3189
Frag 4 w 3194
Hist 2 w 3199
Graec 3 w 3205
i 184 w 3207
p 50 w 3209
426 1 w 3213
of 29 w 3216
Alexandria 1 w 3226
in 46 w 3228
his 21 w 3231
Commentaries 1 w 3243
has 3 w 3246
in 47 w 3248
addition 1 w 3256
recorded 1 w 3264
that 8 w 3268
when 6 w 3272
Anticlea 1 w 3280
had 6 w 3283
been 1 w 3287
given 2 w 3292
in 48 w 3294
marriage 1 w 3302
to 22 w 3304
Laërtes 1 w 3311
and 39 w 3314
was 15 w 3317
being 1 w 3322
conducted 1 w 3331
to 23 w 3333
his 22 w 3336
home 1 w 3340
she 4 w 3344
gave 2 w 3348
birth 2 w 3353
to 24 w 3355
Odysseus 2 w 3363
near 2 w 3367
the 64 w 3370
Alalcomenium 1 w 3382
in 50 w 3384
Boeotia 3 w 3391
And 4 w 3395
for 8 w 3398
this 4 w 3402
reason 2 w 3408
as 28 w 3411
though 1 w 3417
referring 1 w 3426
the 65 w 3429
name 6 w 3433
to 25 w 3435
that 9 w 3439
of 30 w 3441
a 278 w 3442
mother-city 1 w 3453
he 126 w 3456
states 1 w 3462
that 10 w 3466
the 67 w 3469
city 3 w 3473
in 52 w 3475
Ithaca 2 w 3481
acquired 2 w 3489
its 1 w 3492
name 7 w 3496
Who 2 w 3500
were 4 w 3504
the 68 w 3507
solitary 1 w 3515
eaters 1 w 3521
in 53 w 3523
Aegina 1 w 3529
Of 1 w 3532
the 69 w 3535
Aeginetans 1 w 3545
who 6 w 3548
were 5 w 3552
engaged 1 w 3559
in 56 w 3561
the 70 w 3564
war 2 w 3567
against 5 w 3574
Troy 2 w 3578
many 1 w 3582
perished 1 w 3590
in 58 w 3592
the 71 w 3595
battles 1 w 3602
there 1 w 3607
but 5 w 3611
even 2 w 3615
more 1 w 3619
were 6 w 3623
destroyed 1 w 3632
by 9 w 3634
the 73 w 3637
storm 1 w 3642
on 41 w 3644
the 74 w 3647
returnvoyage 1 w 3659
So 2 w 3662
there 2 w 3667
were 7 w 3671
but 6 w 3674
few 1 w 3677
who 7 w 3680
survived 1 w 3688
and 40 w 3692
when 7 w 3696
their 1 w 3701
relatives 1 w 3710
had 7 w 3713
welcomed 2 w 3721
them 5 w 3725
home 2 w 3729
and 41 w 3733
observed 1 w 3741
that 11 w 3745
the 78 w 3748
other 9 w 3753
citizens 2 w 3761
were 8 w 3765
in 59 w 3767
mourning 1 w 3775
and 42 w 3778
sorrow 1 w 3784
they 2 w 3789
deemed 1 w 3795
it 27 w 3797
proper 1 w 3803
neither 1 w 3810
to 27 w 3812
rejoice 1 w 3819
nor 2 w 3822
to 28 w 3824
sacrifice 1 w 3833
to 29 w 3835
the 82 w 3838
gods 1 w 3842
openly 1 w 3848
but 7 w 3852
secretly 1 w 3860
and 43 w 3863
separately 1 w 3873
in 61 w 3875
their 2 w 3880
own 1 w 3883
houses 1 w 3889
they 3 w 3893
received 1 w 3901
with 9 w 3905
feasting 1 w 3913
and 44 w 3916
good 1 w 3920
cheer 1 w 3925
those 1 w 3930
who 8 w 3933
had 8 w 3936
reached 1 w 3943
home 3 w 3947
in 63 w 3949
safety 1 w 3955
They 4 w 3960
themselves 1 w 3970
waited 1 w 3976
upon 2 w 3980
their 3 w 3985
fathers 1 w 3992
and 45 w 3995
kinsmen 1 w 4002
their 4 w 4008
brothers 5 w 4016
and 46 w 4019
relatives 2 w 4028
and 47 w 4032
no 17 w 4034
one 2 w 4037
outside 1 w 4044
the 90 w 4047
family 1 w 4053
was 16 w 4056
allowed 1 w 4063
to 30 w 4065
enter 2 w 4070
It 3 w 4073
is 36 w 4075
then 2 w 4080
in 65 w 4083
imitation 1 w 4092
of 31 w 4094
this 5 w 4098
that 12 w 4102
they 4 w 4106
hold 1 w 4110
a 322 w 4111
sacrifice 2 w 4120
to 31 w 4122
Poseidon 1 w 4130
which 2 w 4136
is 38 w 4138
called 4 w 4144
thiasoi 1 w 4151
Club-dinner 1 w 4163
in 67 w 4166
which 3 w 4171
they 5 w 4175
feast 2 w 4180
by 10 w 4182
themselves 2 w 4192
in 68 w 4194
silence 1 w 4201
for 9 w 4204
sixteen 1 w 4211
days 1 w 4215
and 48 w 4219
no 18 w 4221
slave 1 w 4226
is 39 w 4228
present 1 w 4235
Then 2 w 4240
when 8 w 4245
they 6 w 4249
have 2 w 4253
celebrated 1 w 4263
the 96 w 4266
Aphrodisia 1 w 4276
they 7 w 4281
terminate 1 w 4290
the 98 w 4293
festival 1 w 4301
For 2 w 4305
this 6 w 4309
reason 3 w 4315
they 8 w 4319
are 5 w 4322
called 5 w 4328
solitary 2 w 4336
eaters 2 w 4342