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CTS Library / The Greek Questions

The Greek Questions (35-39)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '35', 'human_reference': 'Section 35'}, 'end': {'reference': '39', 'human_reference': 'Section 39'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Why was it the custom for the Bottiaean maidens to chant as they danced, Let us go to Athens[*] ?

They relate that the Cretans in accordance with a vow sent a consecrated offering of men to Delphi; but the men who had been sent, when they saw that there was no abundance there, set out from Delphi to found a colony. They settled first in Iapygia, but later occupied this region of Thrace. There were some Athenians included among them; fer it appears that Minos did not destroy the young persons whom the Athenians sent him for tribute, but kept them by him as servants. Accordingly, some who were descended from these Athenians and had come to be considered Cretans were included in this company sent to Delphi. Wherefore the daughters of the Bottiaeans, in remembrance of their lineage, were wont to sing in their festivals, Let us go to Athens.

Why is it that the women of the Eleans, when they sing hymns to Dionysus, call upon him to come to them with the foot of a bull [*]? The hymn[*] runs as follows:

Come, O hero Dionysus,
To thy Elean holy
Temple, with the Graces,
To thy temple
With thy bulls foot hasting.
Then they chant twice the refrain: O worthy bull.

Is it because some address the god as kine-born or as bull? Or by ox-foot do they mean with thy mighty foot even as the Poet used ox-eyed [*] to signify large-eyed, and bully [*] for loudmouthed?

Or is it rather because the foot of the bull is harmless, but the part that bears horns is harmful, and thus they call upon the god to come in a gentle and painless manner?

Or is it because many believe that the god was the pioneer in both ploughing and sowing?

Why do the people of Tanagra have before their city an Achilleum, that is, a place bearing this name? For it is related that Achilles actually had more enmity than friendship for the city, since he carried off Stratonicê, the mother of Poemander, and slew Acestor, the son of Ephippus.[*]

While the territory of Tanagra was still inhabited in village communities, Poemander, the father of Ephippus, had been besieged by the Achaeans in the place called Stephon, because of his unwillingness to join their expedition.[*] But he abandoned that stronghold by night and fortified Poemandria.[*]

Polycrithus the master-builder, however, who was present, spoke slightingly of the fortifications and, in derision, leaped over the moat. Poemander was enraged and hastened to throw at him a great stone which had been hidden there from ancient days, set aside for use in the ritual of the Nyctelia.[*] This stone Poemander snatched up in his ignorance, and hurled. He missed Polycrithus, but slew his son Leucippus. According to the law, therefore, he had to depart from Boeotia and become a suppliant at a strangers hearth. But this was not easy, since the Achaeans had invaded the territory of Tanagra. Accordingly he sent his son Ephippus to appeal to Achilles. Ephippus, by his persuasive words, brought to his father Achilles, as well as Tlepolemus, the son of Heracles, and Peneleös, the son of Hippalcmas, all of them interrelated. Poemander was escorted by them to Chalcis, and there at the house of Elephenor he was purified of the murder. Therefore he honoured these heroes and set apart sacred precincts for them all, and of these the precinct of Achilles has still kept its name.

Who are the Psoloeis and who the Oleiae among the Boeotians?

They relate that the daughters of Minyas, Leucippê and Arsinoê and Alcathoê, becoming insane, conceived a craving for human flesh, and drew lots for their children.[*] The lot fell upon Leucippe to contribute her son Hippasus to be torn to pieces, and their husbands, who put on ill-favoured garments for very grief and sorrow, were called Grimy (Psoloeis);

but the Minyads themselves were called Oleiae, that is to say, Murderesses. And even to-day the people of Orchomenus give this name to the women descended from this family; and every year, at the festival of Agrionia,[*] there takes place a flight and pursuit of them by the priest of Dionysus with sword in hand. Any one of them that he catches he may kill, and in my time the priest Zoïlus killed one of them. But this resulted in no benefit for the people of Orchomenus; but Zoïlus fell sick from some slight sore and, when the wound had festered for a long time, he died. The people of Orchomenus also found themselves involved in some suits for damages and adverse judgements; wherefore they transferred the priesthood from Zoïluss family and chose the best man from all the citizens to fili the office.

Why do the Arcadians stone persons who voluntarily enter the Lycaeon; but if such persons enter through ignorance, they send them away to Eleutherae?

Is it because they were released and set free that this story gained credence, and is the expression to Free Town (Eleutherae) of the same sort as to the land of Sans Souci and you will come to the Seat of Satisfaction?

Or is it in accordance with the legend, since Eleuther and Lebadus were the only sons of Lycaon that had no share in the abomination prepared for Zeus,[*] but instead they fled to Boeotia, and there is community of citizenship between the people of Lebadeia and the Arcadians, and do they accordingly

send away to Eleutherae those who involuntarily enter the inviolate sanctuary of Zeus?

Or is it as Architimus[*] relates in his Arcadian History, that certain men who entered through ignorance were handed over by the Arcadians to the Phliasians, and by the Phliasians to the Megarians, and, as they were being conducted from Megara to Thebes, they were stopped near Eleutherae[*] by rain and thunder and other signs from heaven? Whence, in fact, some assert that the place acquired the name of Eleutherae.

The tale, however, that no shadow is cast by a person who enters the Lycaeon is not true, although it has acquired widespread credence.[*] Is it because the air turns to clouds, and lowers darkly upon those who enter? Or is it because he that enters is condemned to death, and the followers of Pythagoras declare that the spirits of the dead cast no shadow,[*] neither do they blink? Or is it because it is the sun which causes shadow, but the law deprives him that enters of the sunlight?

This too they relate allegorically: he that enters is called a deer. Wherefore, when Cantharion the Arcadian deserted to the Eleans while they were at war with the Arcadians, and with his booty crossed the inviolate sanctuary, even though he fled to Sparta after peace had been made, the Spartans surrendered him to the Arcadians, since the god ordered them to give back the deer.

Why 1 w 3
was 1 w 6
it 1 w 8
the 1 w 11
custom 1 w 17
for 1 w 20
the 2 w 23
Bottiaean 1 w 32
maidens 1 w 39
to 2 w 41
chant 1 w 46
as 2 w 48
they 1 w 52
danced 1 w 58
Let 1 w 62
us 2 w 64
go 1 w 66
to 3 w 68
Athens 1 w 74
Plutarch 1 w 82
Life 1 w 87
of 1 w 89
Theseus 1 w 96
chap 1 w 101
xvi 1 w 105
p 2 w 107
6 1 w 109
e 12 w 110
ff 1 w 112
states 1 w 120
that 1 w 124
his 1 w 127
source 1 w 133
for 2 w 136
this 1 w 140
is 3 w 142
Aristotle 1 w 151
s 16 w 153
Constitution 1 w 165
of 2 w 167
the 5 w 170
Bottiaeans 1 w 180
Frag 1 w 185
485 1 w 189
ed 2 w 192
V 1 w 194
Rose 1 w 199
cf 1 w 204
Edmonds 1 w 212
Lyra 1 w 217
Graeca 1 w 223
in 1 w 226
L 4 w 227
C 2 w 229
L 5 w 231
iii 1 w 235
540 1 w 239
They 1 w 246
relate 1 w 252
that 2 w 256
the 6 w 259
Cretans 1 w 266
in 2 w 268
accordance 1 w 278
with 1 w 282
a 23 w 283
vow 1 w 286
sent 1 w 290
a 24 w 291
consecrated 1 w 302
offering 1 w 310
of 4 w 312
men 1 w 315
to 5 w 317
Delphi 1 w 323
but 1 w 327
the 7 w 330
men 2 w 333
who 1 w 336
had 1 w 339
been 1 w 343
sent 2 w 347
when 1 w 352
they 2 w 356
saw 1 w 359
that 3 w 363
there 1 w 368
was 2 w 371
no 1 w 373
abundance 1 w 382
there 2 w 387
set 1 w 391
out 1 w 394
from 1 w 398
Delphi 2 w 404
to 6 w 406
found 1 w 411
a 32 w 412
colony 1 w 418
They 2 w 423
settled 1 w 430
first 1 w 435
in 4 w 437
Iapygia 1 w 444
but 2 w 448
later 1 w 453
occupied 1 w 461
this 2 w 465
region 1 w 471
of 5 w 473
Thrace 1 w 479
There 1 w 485
were 1 w 489
some 1 w 493
Athenians 1 w 502
included 1 w 510
among 1 w 515
them 1 w 519
fer 2 w 523
it 4 w 525
appears 1 w 532
that 4 w 536
Minos 1 w 541
did 1 w 544
not 1 w 547
destroy 1 w 554
the 13 w 557
young 1 w 562
persons 1 w 569
whom 1 w 573
the 14 w 576
Athenians 2 w 585
sent 3 w 589
him 1 w 592
for 3 w 595
tribute 1 w 602
but 4 w 606
kept 1 w 610
them 2 w 614
by 1 w 616
him 2 w 619
as 4 w 621
servants 1 w 629
Accordingly 1 w 641
some 2 w 646
who 3 w 649
were 2 w 653
descended 1 w 662
from 2 w 666
these 1 w 671
Athenians 3 w 680
and 1 w 683
had 2 w 686
come 1 w 690
to 7 w 692
be 2 w 694
considered 1 w 704
Cretans 2 w 711
were 3 w 715
included 2 w 723
in 9 w 725
this 3 w 729
company 1 w 736
sent 4 w 740
to 8 w 742
Delphi 3 w 748
Wherefore 1 w 758
the 19 w 761
daughters 1 w 770
of 6 w 772
the 20 w 775
Bottiaeans 2 w 785
in 10 w 788
remembrance 1 w 799
of 7 w 801
their 1 w 806
lineage 1 w 813
were 4 w 818
wont 1 w 822
to 9 w 824
sing 1 w 828
in 13 w 830
their 2 w 835
festivals 1 w 844
Let 2 w 848
us 4 w 850
go 2 w 852
to 10 w 854
Athens 2 w 860
Why 2 w 864
is 7 w 866
it 5 w 868
that 5 w 872
the 24 w 875
women 1 w 880
of 8 w 882
the 25 w 885
Eleans 1 w 891
when 2 w 896
they 3 w 900
sing 2 w 904
hymns 1 w 909
to 11 w 911
Dionysus 1 w 919
call 1 w 924
upon 1 w 928
him 3 w 931
to 12 w 933
come 2 w 937
to 13 w 939
them 3 w 943
with 2 w 947
the 28 w 950
foot 1 w 954
of 9 w 956
a 59 w 957
bull 1 w 961
For 1 w 964
Dionysus 2 w 972
as 5 w 974
a 61 w 975
bull 2 w 979
cf 2 w 981
e 121 w 983
g 14 w 985
Athenaeus 1 w 995
35 1 w 997
e 124 w 998
38 1 w 1001
e 125 w 1002
The 5 w 1007
hymn 2 w 1011
The 6 w 1014
text 1 w 1018
is 8 w 1020
uncertain 1 w 1029
Hartman 1 w 1037
has 1 w 1040
attempted 1 w 1049
a 68 w 1050
reconstruction 1 w 1064
in 16 w 1066
Mnemosyne 1 w 1075
xli 1 w 1079
217 1 w 1083
cf 3 w 1086
also 1 w 1091
the 30 w 1094
other 1 w 1099
references 1 w 1109
in 17 w 1111
E 3 w 1112
Diehl 1 w 1118
Anthologia 1 w 1129
Lyrica 1 w 1135
Graeca 2 w 1141
ii 3 w 1144
p 15 w 1146
206 1 w 1150
cf 4 w 1153
also 2 w 1158
Moralia 1 w 1165
364 1 w 1169
f 30 w 1170
Pausanias 1 w 1180
vi 2 w 1183
26 1 w 1186
1 2 w 1188
Bergk 1 w 1194
Poet 1 w 1199
Lyr 3 w 1203
Graec 3 w 1209
iii 2 w 1213
p 16 w 1215
656 1 w 1219
or 9 w 1222
Edmonds 2 w 1229
Lyra 2 w 1234
Graeca 3 w 1240
L 10 w 1242
C 5 w 1244
L 11 w 1246
iii 3 w 1250
510 1 w 1254
runs 1 w 1260
as 8 w 1262
follows 1 w 1269
Come 1 w 1274
O 1 w 1276
hero 1 w 1280
Dionysus 3 w 1288
To 1 w 1291
thy 1 w 1294
Elean 2 w 1299
holy 1 w 1303
Temple 1 w 1309
with 3 w 1314
the 32 w 1317
Graces 1 w 1323
To 2 w 1326
thy 2 w 1329
temple 1 w 1335
With 1 w 1339
thy 3 w 1342
bull 3 w 1346
s 84 w 1348
foot 2 w 1352
hasting 1 w 1359
Then 1 w 1364
they 4 w 1368
chant 2 w 1373
twice 1 w 1378
the 34 w 1381
refrain 1 w 1388
O 2 w 1390
worthy 1 w 1396
bull 4 w 1400
Is 1 w 1403
it 9 w 1405
because 1 w 1412
some 3 w 1416
address 1 w 1423
the 35 w 1426
god 1 w 1429
as 10 w 1431
kine-born 1 w 1440
or 12 w 1442
as 11 w 1444
bull 5 w 1448
Or 1 w 1451
by 2 w 1453
ox-foot 1 w 1460
do 1 w 1462
they 5 w 1466
mean 1 w 1470
with 4 w 1474
thy 5 w 1477
mighty 1 w 1483
foot 4 w 1487
even 1 w 1491
as 12 w 1493
the 37 w 1496
Poet 2 w 1500
used 1 w 1504
ox-eyed 1 w 1511
Homer 1 w 1516
Il 1 w 1519
i 89 w 1521
551 1 w 1525
and 2 w 1528
often 1 w 1533
to 14 w 1536
signify 1 w 1543
large-eyed 1 w 1553
and 3 w 1557
bully 1 w 1562
βουγαίος 1 w 1570
Il 2 w 1573
xiii 1 w 1578
824 1 w 1582
Od 1 w 1585
xviii 1 w 1591
79 1 w 1594
for 5 w 1598
loudmouthed 1 w 1609
Or 2 w 1612
is 9 w 1614
it 11 w 1616
rather 1 w 1622
because 2 w 1629
the 40 w 1632
foot 5 w 1636
of 11 w 1638
the 41 w 1641
bull 7 w 1645
is 10 w 1647
harmless 1 w 1655
but 5 w 1659
the 42 w 1662
part 1 w 1666
that 6 w 1670
bears 1 w 1675
horns 1 w 1680
is 11 w 1682
harmful 1 w 1689
and 4 w 1693
thus 1 w 1697
they 6 w 1701
call 2 w 1705
upon 2 w 1709
the 44 w 1712
god 2 w 1715
to 15 w 1717
come 3 w 1721
in 21 w 1723
a 108 w 1724
gentle 1 w 1730
and 5 w 1733
painless 1 w 1741
manner 1 w 1747
Or 3 w 1750
is 12 w 1752
it 12 w 1754
because 3 w 1761
many 1 w 1765
believe 1 w 1772
that 7 w 1776
the 45 w 1779
god 3 w 1782
was 3 w 1785
the 46 w 1788
pioneer 1 w 1795
in 23 w 1797
both 1 w 1801
ploughing 1 w 1810
and 6 w 1813
sowing 1 w 1819
Why 3 w 1823
do 2 w 1825
the 47 w 1828
people 1 w 1834
of 12 w 1836
Tanagra 1 w 1843
have 1 w 1847
before 1 w 1853
their 3 w 1858
city 1 w 1862
an 31 w 1864
Achilleum 1 w 1873
that 8 w 1878
is 13 w 1880
a 123 w 1882
place 1 w 1887
bearing 1 w 1894
this 4 w 1898
name 1 w 1902
For 2 w 1906
it 14 w 1908
is 15 w 1910
related 1 w 1917
that 9 w 1921
Achilles 1 w 1929
actually 1 w 1937
had 3 w 1940
more 1 w 1944
enmity 1 w 1950
than 1 w 1954
friendship 1 w 1964
for 7 w 1967
the 49 w 1970
city 2 w 1974
since 1 w 1980
he 61 w 1982
carried 1 w 1989
off 2 w 1992
Stratonicê 1 w 2002
the 50 w 2006
mother 1 w 2012
of 14 w 2014
Poemander 1 w 2023
and 8 w 2027
slew 1 w 2031
Acestor 1 w 2038
the 52 w 2042
son 2 w 2045
of 15 w 2047
Ephippus 1 w 2055
A 13 w 2057
grandson 1 w 2065
of 16 w 2067
Poemander 2 w 2076
While 1 w 2082
the 53 w 2085
territory 1 w 2094
of 17 w 2096
Tanagra 2 w 2103
was 4 w 2106
still 1 w 2111
inhabited 1 w 2120
in 29 w 2122
village 1 w 2129
communities 1 w 2140
Poemander 3 w 2150
the 54 w 2154
father 1 w 2160
of 18 w 2162
Ephippus 2 w 2170
had 4 w 2174
been 2 w 2178
besieged 1 w 2186
by 3 w 2188
the 56 w 2191
Achaeans 1 w 2199
in 30 w 2201
the 57 w 2204
place 2 w 2209
called 1 w 2215
Stephon 1 w 2222
because 4 w 2230
of 19 w 2232
his 6 w 2235
unwillingness 1 w 2248
to 19 w 2250
join 1 w 2254
their 4 w 2259
expedition 1 w 2269
Against 1 w 2277
Troy 1 w 2281
But 1 w 2285
he 71 w 2287
abandoned 1 w 2296
that 10 w 2300
stronghold 1 w 2310
by 4 w 2312
night 1 w 2317
and 13 w 2320
fortified 1 w 2329
Poemandria 1 w 2339
cf 5 w 2342
Pausanias 2 w 2352
ix 1 w 2355
20 2 w 2358
1 5 w 2360
Polycrithus 1 w 2372
the 59 w 2375
master-builder 1 w 2389
however 1 w 2397
who 4 w 2401
was 5 w 2404
present 1 w 2411
spoke 1 w 2417
slightingly 1 w 2428
of 20 w 2430
the 60 w 2433
fortifications 1 w 2447
and 15 w 2450
in 35 w 2453
derision 1 w 2461
leaped 1 w 2468
over 1 w 2472
the 61 w 2475
moat 1 w 2479
Poemander 4 w 2489
was 6 w 2492
enraged 1 w 2499
and 17 w 2502
hastened 1 w 2510
to 20 w 2512
throw 1 w 2517
at 22 w 2519
him 4 w 2522
a 175 w 2523
great 1 w 2528
stone 1 w 2533
which 1 w 2538
had 5 w 2541
been 3 w 2545
hidden 1 w 2551
there 3 w 2556
from 3 w 2560
ancient 1 w 2567
days 1 w 2571
set 3 w 2575
aside 1 w 2580
for 10 w 2583
use 6 w 2586
in 36 w 2588
the 63 w 2591
ritual 1 w 2597
of 21 w 2599
the 64 w 2602
Nyctelia 1 w 2610
These 2 w 2616
rites 1 w 2621
resembled 1 w 2630
those 1 w 2635
of 22 w 2637
the 65 w 2640
rending 1 w 2647
and 18 w 2650
resurrection 1 w 2662
of 23 w 2664
Osiris 1 w 2670
Cf 1 w 2673
Moralia 2 w 2681
367 1 w 2684
f 67 w 2685
This 1 w 2690
stone 2 w 2695
Poemander 5 w 2704
snatched 1 w 2712
up 4 w 2714
in 38 w 2716
his 8 w 2719
ignorance 1 w 2728
and 20 w 2732
hurled 1 w 2738
He 1 w 2741
missed 1 w 2747
Polycrithus 2 w 2758
but 6 w 2762
slew 2 w 2766
his 9 w 2769
son 4 w 2772
Leucippus 1 w 2781
According 2 w 2791
to 23 w 2793
the 66 w 2796
law 1 w 2799
therefore 1 w 2809
he 83 w 2812
had 6 w 2815
to 24 w 2817
depart 1 w 2823
from 4 w 2827
Boeotia 1 w 2834
and 21 w 2837
become 1 w 2843
a 195 w 2844
suppliant 1 w 2853
at 25 w 2855
a 198 w 2856
stranger 1 w 2864
s 171 w 2866
hearth 1 w 2872
But 2 w 2876
this 5 w 2880
was 7 w 2883
not 2 w 2886
easy 1 w 2890
since 2 w 2896
the 68 w 2899
Achaeans 2 w 2907
had 7 w 2910
invaded 1 w 2917
the 69 w 2920
territory 2 w 2929
of 24 w 2931
Tanagra 3 w 2938
Accordingly 2 w 2950
he 87 w 2952
sent 6 w 2956
his 11 w 2959
son 5 w 2962
Ephippus 3 w 2970
to 26 w 2972
appeal 1 w 2978
to 27 w 2980
Achilles 2 w 2988
Ephippus 4 w 2997
by 5 w 3000
his 12 w 3003
persuasive 1 w 3013
words 1 w 3018
brought 1 w 3026
to 28 w 3028
his 13 w 3031
father 2 w 3037
Achilles 3 w 3045
as 24 w 3048
well 1 w 3052
as 25 w 3054
Tlepolemus 1 w 3064
the 71 w 3068
son 6 w 3071
of 25 w 3073
Heracles 1 w 3081
and 22 w 3085
Peneleös 1 w 3093
the 72 w 3097
son 7 w 3100
of 26 w 3102
Hippalcmas 1 w 3112
all 5 w 3116
of 27 w 3118
them 4 w 3122
interrelated 1 w 3134
Poemander 6 w 3144
was 8 w 3147
escorted 1 w 3155
by 6 w 3157
them 5 w 3161
to 29 w 3163
Chalcis 1 w 3170
and 24 w 3174
there 5 w 3179
at 28 w 3181
the 76 w 3184
house 1 w 3189
of 28 w 3191
Elephenor 1 w 3200
he 96 w 3202
was 9 w 3205
purified 1 w 3213
of 29 w 3215
the 77 w 3218
murder 1 w 3224
Therefore 1 w 3234
he 99 w 3236
honoured 1 w 3244
these 2 w 3249
heroes 1 w 3255
and 25 w 3258
set 4 w 3261
apart 1 w 3266
sacred 1 w 3272
precincts 1 w 3281
for 13 w 3284
them 6 w 3288
all 6 w 3291
and 26 w 3295
of 30 w 3297
these 3 w 3302
the 81 w 3305
precinct 2 w 3313
of 31 w 3315
Achilles 4 w 3323
has 4 w 3326
still 2 w 3331
kept 2 w 3335
its 1 w 3338
name 2 w 3342
Who 1 w 3346
are 1 w 3349
the 82 w 3352
Psoloeis 1 w 3360
and 27 w 3363
who 5 w 3366
the 83 w 3369
Oleiae 1 w 3375
among 2 w 3380
the 84 w 3383
Boeotians 1 w 3392
They 3 w 3397
relate 4 w 3403
that 11 w 3407
the 85 w 3410
daughters 2 w 3419
of 32 w 3421
Minyas 1 w 3427
Leucippê 1 w 3436
and 28 w 3439
Arsinoê 1 w 3446
and 29 w 3449
Alcathoê 1 w 3457
becoming 1 w 3466
insane 1 w 3472
conceived 1 w 3482
a 249 w 3483
craving 1 w 3490
for 14 w 3493
human 1 w 3498
flesh 1 w 3503
and 30 w 3507
drew 1 w 3511
lots 1 w 3515
for 15 w 3518
their 5 w 3523
children 1 w 3531
cf 6 w 3534
Aelian 1 w 3541
Varia 1 w 3547
Historia 1 w 3555
iii 6 w 3559
42 1 w 3562
Antonius 1 w 3571
Liberalis 1 w 3580
Metamorphoses 1 w 3594
x 10 w 3596
Ovid 1 w 3601
s 226 w 3603
account 1 w 3610
Met 2 w 3614
iv 4 w 3617
1 6 w 3619
ff 4 w 3622
389 1 w 3627
ff 5 w 3629
is 31 w 3633
rather 2 w 3639
different 1 w 3648
and 31 w 3651
omits 1 w 3656
the 88 w 3659
murder 2 w 3665
of 33 w 3667
Hippasus 1 w 3675
The 11 w 3679
lot 2 w 3682
fell 1 w 3686
upon 3 w 3690
Leucippe 1 w 3698
to 32 w 3700
contribute 1 w 3710
her 17 w 3713
son 8 w 3716
Hippasus 2 w 3724
to 33 w 3726
be 17 w 3728
torn 1 w 3732
to 35 w 3734
pieces 1 w 3740
and 32 w 3744
their 6 w 3749
husbands 1 w 3757
who 6 w 3761
put 1 w 3764
on 43 w 3766
ill-favoured 1 w 3778
garments 1 w 3786
for 16 w 3789
very 1 w 3793
grief 1 w 3798
and 34 w 3801
sorrow 1 w 3807
were 5 w 3812
called 2 w 3818
Grimy 1 w 3823
Psoloeis 2 w 3832
but 8 w 3837
the 90 w 3840
Minyads 1 w 3847
themselves 1 w 3857
were 6 w 3861
called 3 w 3867
Oleiae 2 w 3873
that 12 w 3878
is 33 w 3880
to 36 w 3882
say 1 w 3885
Murderesses 1 w 3897
And 1 w 3901
even 2 w 3905
to-day 1 w 3911
the 92 w 3914
people 2 w 3920
of 34 w 3922
Orchomenus 1 w 3932
give 1 w 3936
this 6 w 3940
name 3 w 3944
to 38 w 3946
the 93 w 3949
women 2 w 3954
descended 2 w 3963
from 5 w 3967
this 7 w 3971
family 1 w 3977
and 35 w 3981
every 1 w 3986
year 1 w 3990
at 34 w 3993
the 94 w 3996
festival 2 w 4004
of 35 w 4006
Agrionia 1 w 4014
Cf 2 w 4017
Moralia 3 w 4025
717 1 w 4029
a 285 w 4030
291 1 w 4034
a 286 w 4035
supra 1 w 4040
there 6 w 4046
takes 1 w 4051
place 3 w 4056
a 290 w 4057
flight 1 w 4063
and 36 w 4066
pursuit 1 w 4073
of 36 w 4075
them 8 w 4079
by 7 w 4081
the 97 w 4084
priest 1 w 4090
of 37 w 4092
Dionysus 4 w 4100
with 5 w 4104
sword 1 w 4109
in 52 w 4111
hand 1 w 4115
Any 1 w 4119
one 5 w 4122
of 38 w 4124
them 9 w 4128
that 13 w 4132
he 125 w 4134
catches 1 w 4141
he 127 w 4143
may 1 w 4146
kill 1 w 4150
and 38 w 4154
in 53 w 4156
my 2 w 4158
time 1 w 4162
the 99 w 4165
priest 2 w 4171
Zoïlus 1 w 4177
killed 1 w 4183
one 6 w 4186
of 39 w 4188
them 10 w 4192
But 3 w 4196
this 8 w 4200
resulted 1 w 4208
in 54 w 4210
no 9 w 4212
benefit 1 w 4219
for 17 w 4222
the 101 w 4225
people 3 w 4231
of 40 w 4233
Orchomenus 2 w 4243
but 9 w 4247
Zoïlus 2 w 4253
fell 2 w 4257
sick 1 w 4261
from 6 w 4265
some 4 w 4269
slight 2 w 4275
sore 1 w 4279
and 39 w 4282
when 3 w 4287
the 102 w 4290
wound 1 w 4295
had 8 w 4298
festered 1 w 4306
for 18 w 4309
a 299 w 4310
long 1 w 4314
time 2 w 4318
he 133 w 4321
died 1 w 4325
The 12 w 4329
people 4 w 4335
of 41 w 4337
Orchomenus 3 w 4347
also 3 w 4351
found 2 w 4356
themselves 2 w 4366
involved 1 w 4374
in 56 w 4376
some 5 w 4380
suits 1 w 4385
for 19 w 4388
damages 1 w 4395
and 40 w 4398
adverse 1 w 4405
judgements 1 w 4415
wherefore 1 w 4425
they 7 w 4429
transferred 1 w 4440
the 105 w 4443
priesthood 1 w 4453
from 7 w 4457
Zoïlus 3 w 4463
s 286 w 4465
family 2 w 4471
and 41 w 4474
chose 1 w 4479
the 106 w 4482
best 1 w 4486
man 12 w 4489
from 8 w 4493
all 9 w 4496
the 107 w 4499
citizens 1 w 4507
to 39 w 4509
fili 1 w 4513
the 108 w 4516
office 1 w 4522
Why 4 w 4526
do 4 w 4528
the 109 w 4531
Arcadians 1 w 4540
stone 3 w 4545
persons 2 w 4552
who 7 w 4555
voluntarily 1 w 4566
enter 1 w 4571
the 110 w 4574
Lycaeon 1 w 4581
but 10 w 4585
if 7 w 4587
such 1 w 4591
persons 3 w 4598
enter 2 w 4603
through 1 w 4610
ignorance 2 w 4619
they 8 w 4624
send 1 w 4628
them 12 w 4632
away 1 w 4636
to 41 w 4638
Eleutherae 1 w 4648
Is 2 w 4651
it 33 w 4653
because 5 w 4660
they 9 w 4664
were 7 w 4668
released 1 w 4676
and 42 w 4679
set 5 w 4682
free 1 w 4686
that 14 w 4690
this 9 w 4694
story 1 w 4699
gained 1 w 4705
credence 1 w 4713
and 43 w 4717
is 38 w 4719
the 115 w 4722
expression 1 w 4732
to 43 w 4734
Free 1 w 4738
Town 1 w 4742
Eleutherae 2 w 4753
of 43 w 4756
the 117 w 4759
same 1 w 4763
sort 1 w 4767
as 34 w 4769
to 44 w 4771
the 118 w 4774
land 1 w 4778
of 44 w 4780
Sans 1 w 4784
Souci 1 w 4789
and 45 w 4792
you 2 w 4795
will 2 w 4799
come 5 w 4803
to 45 w 4805
the 119 w 4808
Seat 1 w 4812
of 45 w 4814
Satisfaction 1 w 4826
Or 7 w 4829
is 40 w 4831
it 34 w 4833
in 58 w 4835
accordance 2 w 4845
with 6 w 4849
the 120 w 4852
legend 1 w 4858
since 3 w 4864
Eleuther 3 w 4872
and 46 w 4875
Lebadus 1 w 4882
were 8 w 4886
the 122 w 4889
only 1 w 4893
sons 4 w 4897
of 46 w 4899
Lycaon 1 w 4905
that 15 w 4909
had 9 w 4912
no 11 w 4914
share 1 w 4919
in 60 w 4921
the 123 w 4924
abomination 1 w 4935
prepared 1 w 4943
for 21 w 4946
Zeus 1 w 4950
The 13 w 4954
serving 1 w 4961
of 47 w 4963
human 2 w 4968
flesh 2 w 4973
cf 7 w 4976
Ovid 2 w 4981
Metamorphoses 2 w 4995
i 311 w 4997
163 1 w 5001
ff 8 w 5003
and 47 w 5007
Frazer 1 w 5013
s 323 w 5015
note 1 w 5019
on 59 w 5021
Apollodorus 1 w 5032
Bibliotheca 1 w 5044
iii 7 w 5047
8 5 w 5049
1 10 w 5051
L 19 w 5053
C 10 w 5055
L 20 w 5057
vol 3 w 5061
i 317 w 5063
pp 14 w 5066
390 1 w 5070
ff 9 w 5072
but 11 w 5078
instead 1 w 5085
they 10 w 5089
fled 1 w 5093
to 46 w 5095
Boeotia 3 w 5102
and 48 w 5106
there 7 w 5111
is 41 w 5113
community 1 w 5122
of 48 w 5124
citizenship 1 w 5135
between 1 w 5142
the 127 w 5145
people 5 w 5151
of 49 w 5153
Lebadeia 1 w 5161
and 49 w 5164
the 128 w 5167
Arcadians 2 w 5176
and 50 w 5180
do 6 w 5182
they 11 w 5186
accordingly 1 w 5197
send 2 w 5201
away 2 w 5205
to 47 w 5207
Eleutherae 3 w 5217
those 2 w 5222
who 8 w 5225
involuntarily 1 w 5238
enter 3 w 5243
the 131 w 5246
inviolate 1 w 5255
sanctuary 1 w 5264
of 50 w 5266
Zeus 2 w 5270
Or 8 w 5273
is 42 w 5275
it 38 w 5277
as 35 w 5279
Architimus 1 w 5289
Müller 1 w 5295
Frag 2 w 5300
Hist 2 w 5305
Graec 5 w 5311
vol 5 w 5315
iv 7 w 5318
p 100 w 5320
317 1 w 5324
relates 1 w 5332
in 67 w 5334
his 18 w 5337
Arcadian 3 w 5345
History 1 w 5352
that 16 w 5357
certain 2 w 5364
men 10 w 5367
who 9 w 5370
entered 1 w 5377
through 2 w 5384
ignorance 3 w 5393
were 9 w 5397
handed 1 w 5403
over 2 w 5407
by 8 w 5409
the 132 w 5412
Arcadians 3 w 5421
to 49 w 5423
the 133 w 5426
Phliasians 1 w 5436
and 52 w 5440
by 9 w 5442
the 134 w 5445
Phliasians 2 w 5455
to 50 w 5457
the 135 w 5460
Megarians 1 w 5469
and 53 w 5473
as 38 w 5476
they 12 w 5480
were 10 w 5484
being 1 w 5489
conducted 1 w 5498
from 9 w 5502
Megara 1 w 5508
to 51 w 5510
Thebes 1 w 5516
they 13 w 5521
were 11 w 5525
stopped 1 w 5532
near 1 w 5536
Eleutherae 4 w 5546
A 35 w 5547
town 1 w 5551
in 70 w 5553
Attica 1 w 5559
not 4 w 5562
far 1 w 5565
from 10 w 5569
the 139 w 5572
borders 1 w 5579
of 51 w 5581
Boeotia 4 w 5588
by 10 w 5591
rain 2 w 5595
and 54 w 5598
thunder 1 w 5605
and 55 w 5608
other 3 w 5613
signs 1 w 5618
from 11 w 5622
heaven 1 w 5628
Whence 1 w 5635
in 72 w 5638
fact 2 w 5642
some 6 w 5647
assert 1 w 5653
that 17 w 5657
the 141 w 5660
place 4 w 5665
acquired 1 w 5673
the 142 w 5676
name 4 w 5680
of 52 w 5682
Eleutherae 5 w 5692
The 15 w 5696
tale 1 w 5700
however 2 w 5708
that 18 w 5713
no 15 w 5715
shadow 1 w 5721
is 46 w 5723
cast 1 w 5727
by 11 w 5729
a 409 w 5730
person 4 w 5736
who 10 w 5739
enters 1 w 5745
the 144 w 5748
Lycaeon 2 w 5755
is 47 w 5757
not 5 w 5760
true 1 w 5764
although 1 w 5773
it 40 w 5775
has 5 w 5778
acquired 2 w 5786
widespread 1 w 5796
credence 2 w 5804
cf 8 w 5807
Pausanias 3 w 5817
viii 2 w 5822
38 3 w 5825
6 9 w 5827
Polybius 1 w 5836
xvi 3 w 5840
12 1 w 5843
7 7 w 5845
whose 1 w 5851
source 2 w 5857
is 48 w 5859
Theopompus 1 w 5869
Is 3 w 5872
it 41 w 5874
because 6 w 5881
the 145 w 5884
air 1 w 5887
turns 1 w 5892
to 54 w 5894
clouds 1 w 5900
and 56 w 5904
lowers 1 w 5910
darkly 1 w 5916
upon 4 w 5920
those 3 w 5925
who 12 w 5928
enter 6 w 5933
Or 9 w 5936
is 49 w 5938
it 42 w 5940
because 7 w 5947
he 185 w 5949
that 19 w 5953
enters 2 w 5959
is 50 w 5961
condemned 1 w 5970
to 55 w 5972
death 1 w 5977
and 57 w 5981
the 146 w 5984
followers 1 w 5993
of 53 w 5995
Pythagoras 1 w 6005
declare 1 w 6012
that 20 w 6016
the 147 w 6019
spirits 1 w 6026
of 54 w 6028
the 148 w 6031
dead 1 w 6035
cast 2 w 6039
no 17 w 6041
shadow 2 w 6047
Cf 3 w 6050
Moralia 4 w 6058
564 1 w 6062
d 219 w 6063
See 1 w 6067
also 4 w 6071
Dante 1 w 6076
Purgatorio 1 w 6087
iii 9 w 6091
25-30 1 w 6097
94-97 1 w 6103
neither 1 w 6111
do 9 w 6113
they 14 w 6117
blink 1 w 6122
Or 10 w 6125
is 51 w 6127
it 45 w 6129
because 8 w 6136
it 46 w 6138
is 52 w 6140
the 151 w 6143
sun 1 w 6146
which 2 w 6151
causes 1 w 6157
shadow 3 w 6163
but 12 w 6167
the 152 w 6170
law 2 w 6173
deprives 1 w 6181
him 5 w 6184
that 21 w 6188
enters 3 w 6194
of 55 w 6196
the 153 w 6199
sunlight 1 w 6207
This 2 w 6212
too 1 w 6215
they 15 w 6219
relate 6 w 6225
allegorically 1 w 6238
he 195 w 6241
that 22 w 6245
enters 4 w 6251
is 54 w 6253
called 4 w 6259
a 448 w 6260
deer 1 w 6264
Wherefore 2 w 6274
when 4 w 6279
Cantharion 1 w 6289
the 155 w 6292
Arcadian 5 w 6300
deserted 1 w 6308
to 58 w 6310
the 156 w 6313
Eleans 2 w 6319
while 1 w 6324
they 16 w 6328
were 12 w 6332
at 54 w 6334
war 1 w 6337
with 7 w 6341
the 158 w 6344
Arcadians 4 w 6353
and 58 w 6357
with 8 w 6361
his 20 w 6364
booty 1 w 6369
crossed 1 w 6376
the 159 w 6379
inviolate 2 w 6388
sanctuary 2 w 6397
even 3 w 6402
though 2 w 6408
he 203 w 6410
fled 2 w 6414
to 59 w 6416
Sparta 1 w 6422
after 1 w 6427
peace 1 w 6432
had 13 w 6435
been 4 w 6439
made 1 w 6443
the 160 w 6447
Spartans 1 w 6455
surrendered 1 w 6466
him 6 w 6469
to 60 w 6471
the 161 w 6474
Arcadians 5 w 6483
since 4 w 6489
the 162 w 6492
god 4 w 6495
ordered 1 w 6502
them 13 w 6506
to 61 w 6508
give 2 w 6512
back 1 w 6516
the 164 w 6519
deer 2 w 6523