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CTS Library / The Greek Questions

The Greek Questions (30-34)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '30', 'human_reference': 'Section 30'}, 'end': {'reference': '34', 'human_reference': 'Section 34'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

What is the Beach of Araenus in Thrace?

When the Andrians and Chalcidians sailed to Thrace to settle there, they jointly seized the city of Sanê, which was betrayed to them; but when they learned that the barbarians had abandoned Acanthus, they sent out two scouts. When these were approaching the city, they perceived that the enemy had all fled; so the Chalcidian ran forward to take possession of the city for Chalcis, but the Andrian, since he could not cover the distance so rapidly as

his rival, hurled his spear, and when it was firmly implanted in the city gates, he called out in a loud voice that by his spear the city had been taken into prior possession for the children of the Andrians. As a result of this a dispute arose, and, without going to war, they agreed to make use of Erythraeans, Samians, and Parians as arbitrators concerning the whole matter. But when the Erythraeans and the Samians gave their vote in favour of the Andrians, and the Parians in favour of the Chalcidians, the Andrians, in the neighbourhood of this place, made a solemn vow against the Parians that they would never give a woman in marriage to the Parians nor take one from them. And for this reason they called the place the Beach of Araenus,[*] although it had formerly been named the Serpents Beach.

Why is it that at the Thesmophoria the Eretrian women cook their meat, not by fire, but by the rays of the sun; and why do they not call upon Calligeneia?[*]

Is it because it happened that the captive women whom Agamemnon was bringing home from Troy were celebrating the Thesmophoria at this place, but when conditions for sailing suddenly appeared favourable, they put out to sea leaving behind them the sacrifice uncompleted?

Who are the Perpetual Sailors among the Milesians?

When the despots associated with Thoas and Damasenor had been overthrown, two political parties came into control of the city, one of which was called Plutis, the other Cheiromacha.[*] When, accordingly, the men of influence gained the upper hand and

brought matters into the control of their party, they used to deliberate about matters of the greatest importance by embarking in their ships and putting out to a considerable distance from the land. But when they had come to a final decision, they sailed back; and because of this they acquired the appellation of Perpetual Sailors.

Why do the Chalcidians call the neighbourhood of the Beacon the Young Mens Club?

They relate that Nauplius, when he was being pursued by the Achaeans, came as a suppliant to the Chalcidians; and on the one hand he defended himself in regard to the indictment brought against him, and on the other hand brought a counter-charge against the Achaeans. The Chalcidians had no intention of surrendering him; but, since they were afraid that he might be slain by treachery, they gave him a guard of young men in the prime of their youth and stationed them in this place, where they lived together and at the same time served as a guard for Nauplius.

Who was the man that slew an ox for[*] his benefactor?

Anchored off the island of Ithaca was a pirate vessel in which there chanced to be an old man with earthenware jars containing pitch. By chance a ferryman of Ithaca, by name Pyrrhi as, put off to the ship and rescued the old man without asking for any reward, but because he had been persuaded by the old man and pitied him. He did, however, accept some of the jars, for the old man bade him do so. But when the pirates had departed and there was nothing to fear, the old man led Pyrrhias to the jars,

and in them showed him much gold and silver mixed with the pitch. So Pyrrhias, suddenly becoming rich, treated the old man well in various ways, and also slew an ox for him. Wherefore men make use of this as a proverbial expression: No one but Pyrrhias has slain an ox for his benefactor.

What 1 w 4
is 1 w 6
the 1 w 9
Beach 1 w 14
of 1 w 16
Araenus 1 w 23
in 1 w 25
Thrace 1 w 31
When 1 w 36
the 2 w 39
Andrians 1 w 47
and 1 w 50
Chalcidians 1 w 61
sailed 1 w 67
to 1 w 69
Thrace 2 w 75
to 2 w 77
settle 1 w 83
there 1 w 88
they 1 w 93
jointly 1 w 100
seized 1 w 106
the 5 w 109
city 1 w 113
of 2 w 115
Sanê 1 w 119
which 1 w 125
was 1 w 128
betrayed 1 w 136
to 3 w 138
them 1 w 142
but 1 w 146
when 1 w 150
they 2 w 154
learned 1 w 161
that 1 w 165
the 8 w 168
barbarians 1 w 178
had 1 w 181
abandoned 1 w 190
Acanthus 1 w 198
they 3 w 203
sent 1 w 207
out 1 w 210
two 1 w 213
scouts 1 w 219
When 2 w 224
these 1 w 229
were 1 w 233
approaching 1 w 244
the 11 w 247
city 2 w 251
they 4 w 256
perceived 1 w 265
that 2 w 269
the 13 w 272
enemy 1 w 277
had 2 w 280
all 1 w 283
fled 1 w 287
so 1 w 290
the 14 w 293
Chalcidian 2 w 303
ran 1 w 306
forward 1 w 313
to 4 w 315
take 1 w 319
possession 1 w 329
of 3 w 331
the 15 w 334
city 3 w 338
for 2 w 341
Chalcis 1 w 348
but 2 w 352
the 16 w 355
Andrian 2 w 362
since 1 w 368
he 20 w 370
could 1 w 375
not 1 w 378
cover 1 w 383
the 17 w 386
distance 1 w 394
so 2 w 396
rapidly 1 w 403
as 2 w 405
his 1 w 408
rival 1 w 413
hurled 1 w 420
his 2 w 423
spear 1 w 428
and 3 w 432
when 2 w 436
it 4 w 438
was 2 w 441
firmly 1 w 447
implanted 1 w 456
in 5 w 458
the 18 w 461
city 4 w 465
gates 1 w 470
he 24 w 473
called 1 w 479
out 3 w 482
in 6 w 484
a 45 w 485
loud 1 w 489
voice 1 w 494
that 3 w 498
by 1 w 500
his 3 w 503
spear 2 w 508
the 19 w 511
city 5 w 515
had 3 w 518
been 1 w 522
taken 1 w 527
into 1 w 531
prior 1 w 536
possession 2 w 546
for 3 w 549
the 20 w 552
children 1 w 560
of 4 w 562
the 21 w 565
Andrians 2 w 573
As 1 w 576
a 51 w 577
result 1 w 583
of 5 w 585
this 1 w 589
a 52 w 590
dispute 1 w 597
arose 1 w 602
and 4 w 606
without 1 w 614
going 1 w 619
to 6 w 621
war 2 w 624
they 5 w 629
agreed 1 w 635
to 7 w 637
make 1 w 641
use 1 w 644
of 6 w 646
Erythraeans 1 w 657
Samians 1 w 665
and 5 w 669
Parians 1 w 676
as 4 w 678
arbitrators 1 w 689
concerning 1 w 699
the 23 w 702
whole 1 w 707
matter 1 w 713
But 1 w 717
when 3 w 721
the 24 w 724
Erythraeans 2 w 735
and 6 w 738
the 25 w 741
Samians 2 w 748
gave 1 w 752
their 1 w 757
vote 1 w 761
in 10 w 763
favour 1 w 769
of 7 w 771
the 27 w 774
Andrians 3 w 782
and 7 w 786
the 28 w 789
Parians 2 w 796
in 11 w 798
favour 2 w 804
of 8 w 806
the 29 w 809
Chalcidians 2 w 820
the 30 w 824
Andrians 4 w 832
in 12 w 835
the 31 w 838
neighbourhood 1 w 851
of 9 w 853
this 2 w 857
place 1 w 862
made 1 w 867
a 86 w 868
solemn 1 w 874
vow 1 w 877
against 1 w 884
the 32 w 887
Parians 3 w 894
that 4 w 898
they 6 w 902
would 1 w 907
never 1 w 912
give 1 w 916
a 92 w 917
woman 1 w 922
in 14 w 924
marriage 1 w 932
to 9 w 934
the 34 w 937
Parians 4 w 944
nor 1 w 947
take 3 w 951
one 2 w 954
from 1 w 958
them 2 w 962
And 6 w 966
for 4 w 969
this 3 w 973
reason 1 w 979
they 7 w 983
called 2 w 989
the 37 w 992
place 2 w 997
the 38 w 1000
Beach 2 w 1005
of 10 w 1007
Araenus 2 w 1014
Plutarch 1 w 1023
or 8 w 1026
his 7 w 1029
source 1 w 1035
imagined 1 w 1044
that 5 w 1048
this 4 w 1052
meant 1 w 1057
Beach 3 w 1062
of 11 w 1064
Vowing 1 w 1070
although 1 w 1079
it 9 w 1081
had 4 w 1084
formerly 1 w 1092
been 2 w 1096
named 1 w 1101
the 39 w 1104
Serpent 1 w 1111
s 65 w 1113
Beach 4 w 1118
Why 1 w 1122
is 13 w 1124
it 10 w 1126
that 6 w 1130
at 11 w 1132
the 40 w 1135
Thesmophoria 1 w 1147
the 41 w 1150
Eretrian 1 w 1158
women 1 w 1163
cook 1 w 1167
their 2 w 1172
meat 1 w 1176
not 2 w 1180
by 2 w 1182
fire 1 w 1186
but 3 w 1190
by 3 w 1192
the 43 w 1195
rays 1 w 1199
of 12 w 1201
the 44 w 1204
sun 1 w 1207
and 8 w 1211
why 1 w 1214
do 2 w 1216
they 8 w 1220
not 3 w 1223
call 3 w 1227
upon 1 w 1231
Calligeneia 1 w 1242
The 2 w 1246
name 2 w 1250
of 13 w 1252
the 46 w 1255
third 1 w 1260
and 9 w 1263
last 1 w 1267
day 1 w 1270
of 14 w 1272
this 5 w 1276
festival 1 w 1284
at 13 w 1286
Athens 1 w 1292
probably 1 w 1301
also 1 w 1305
a 131 w 1306
cult 1 w 1310
title 1 w 1315
applied 1 w 1322
to 10 w 1324
some 1 w 1328
goddess 1 w 1335
perhaps 1 w 1343
to 11 w 1345
Demeter 1 w 1352
Is 1 w 1355
it 12 w 1357
because 1 w 1364
it 13 w 1366
happened 1 w 1374
that 7 w 1378
the 48 w 1381
captive 1 w 1388
women 2 w 1393
whom 1 w 1397
Agamemnon 1 w 1406
was 3 w 1409
bringing 1 w 1417
home 1 w 1421
from 2 w 1425
Troy 1 w 1429
were 2 w 1433
celebrating 1 w 1444
the 49 w 1447
Thesmophoria 2 w 1459
at 16 w 1461
this 6 w 1465
place 3 w 1470
but 4 w 1474
when 4 w 1478
conditions 1 w 1488
for 6 w 1491
sailing 1 w 1498
suddenly 1 w 1506
appeared 1 w 1514
favourable 1 w 1524
they 9 w 1529
put 2 w 1532
out 5 w 1535
to 12 w 1537
sea 1 w 1540
leaving 1 w 1547
behind 1 w 1553
them 3 w 1557
the 52 w 1560
sacrifice 1 w 1569
uncompleted 1 w 1580
Who 1 w 1584
are 2 w 1587
the 53 w 1590
Perpetual 1 w 1599
Sailors 1 w 1606
among 1 w 1611
the 54 w 1614
Milesians 1 w 1623
When 3 w 1628
the 55 w 1631
despots 1 w 1638
associated 1 w 1648
with 2 w 1652
Thoas 1 w 1657
and 10 w 1660
Damasenor 1 w 1669
had 5 w 1672
been 3 w 1676
overthrown 1 w 1686
two 2 w 1690
political 1 w 1699
parties 1 w 1706
came 1 w 1710
into 2 w 1714
control 1 w 1721
of 15 w 1723
the 56 w 1726
city 6 w 1730
one 3 w 1734
of 16 w 1736
which 2 w 1741
was 4 w 1744
called 3 w 1750
Plutis 1 w 1756
the 57 w 1760
other 1 w 1765
Cheiromacha 1 w 1776
Capital 1 w 1784
and 11 w 1787
Labour 1 w 1793
When 4 w 1798
accordingly 1 w 1810
the 59 w 1814
men 3 w 1817
of 17 w 1819
influence 1 w 1828
gained 1 w 1834
the 60 w 1837
upper 1 w 1842
hand 1 w 1846
and 13 w 1849
brought 1 w 1856
matters 1 w 1863
into 3 w 1867
the 61 w 1870
control 2 w 1877
of 18 w 1879
their 3 w 1884
party 1 w 1889
they 10 w 1894
used 1 w 1898
to 15 w 1900
deliberate 1 w 1910
about 1 w 1915
matters 2 w 1922
of 19 w 1924
the 64 w 1927
greatest 1 w 1935
importance 1 w 1945
by 4 w 1947
embarking 1 w 1956
in 29 w 1958
their 4 w 1963
ships 1 w 1968
and 14 w 1971
putting 1 w 1978
out 7 w 1981
to 16 w 1983
a 188 w 1984
considerable 1 w 1996
distance 2 w 2004
from 3 w 2008
the 66 w 2011
land 1 w 2015
But 2 w 2019
when 5 w 2023
they 11 w 2027
had 6 w 2030
come 1 w 2034
to 17 w 2036
a 193 w 2037
final 1 w 2042
decision 1 w 2050
they 12 w 2055
sailed 2 w 2061
back 1 w 2065
and 16 w 2069
because 2 w 2076
of 20 w 2078
this 7 w 2082
they 13 w 2086
acquired 1 w 2094
the 70 w 2097
appellation 1 w 2108
of 21 w 2110
Perpetual 2 w 2119
Sailors 2 w 2126
Why 2 w 2130
do 3 w 2132
the 71 w 2135
Chalcidians 3 w 2146
call 5 w 2150
the 72 w 2153
neighbourhood 2 w 2166
of 22 w 2168
the 73 w 2171
Beacon 1 w 2177
the 74 w 2180
Young 1 w 2185
Men 1 w 2188
s 115 w 2190
Club 1 w 2194
They 1 w 2199
relate 1 w 2205
that 8 w 2209
Nauplius 1 w 2217
when 6 w 2222
he 92 w 2224
was 5 w 2227
being 1 w 2232
pursued 1 w 2239
by 5 w 2241
the 75 w 2244
Achaeans 1 w 2252
came 2 w 2257
as 13 w 2259
a 216 w 2260
suppliant 1 w 2269
to 18 w 2271
the 76 w 2274
Chalcidians 4 w 2285
and 17 w 2289
on 19 w 2291
the 77 w 2294
one 4 w 2297
hand 2 w 2301
he 96 w 2303
defended 1 w 2311
himself 1 w 2318
in 33 w 2320
regard 1 w 2326
to 19 w 2328
the 78 w 2331
indictment 1 w 2341
brought 2 w 2348
against 2 w 2355
him 2 w 2358
and 19 w 2362
on 21 w 2364
the 79 w 2367
other 2 w 2372
hand 3 w 2376
brought 3 w 2383
a 227 w 2384
counter-charge 1 w 2398
against 3 w 2405
the 81 w 2408
Achaeans 2 w 2416
The 5 w 2420
Chalcidians 5 w 2431
had 7 w 2434
no 7 w 2436
intention 1 w 2445
of 23 w 2447
surrendering 1 w 2459
him 3 w 2462
but 5 w 2466
since 2 w 2472
they 14 w 2476
were 3 w 2480
afraid 1 w 2486
that 9 w 2490
he 103 w 2492
might 1 w 2497
be 10 w 2499
slain 1 w 2504
by 6 w 2506
treachery 1 w 2515
they 15 w 2520
gave 2 w 2524
him 4 w 2527
a 242 w 2528
guard 1 w 2533
of 24 w 2535
young 1 w 2540
men 5 w 2543
in 41 w 2545
the 84 w 2548
prime 1 w 2553
of 25 w 2555
their 5 w 2560
youth 1 w 2565
and 21 w 2568
stationed 1 w 2577
them 4 w 2581
in 42 w 2583
this 8 w 2587
place 4 w 2592
where 1 w 2598
they 16 w 2602
lived 1 w 2607
together 1 w 2615
and 22 w 2618
at 27 w 2620
the 89 w 2623
same 1 w 2627
time 1 w 2631
served 1 w 2637
as 14 w 2639
a 251 w 2640
guard 2 w 2645
for 7 w 2648
Nauplius 2 w 2656
Who 2 w 2660
was 6 w 2663
the 90 w 2666
man 2 w 2669
that 10 w 2673
slew 1 w 2677
an 58 w 2679
ox 1 w 2681
for 8 w 2684
Possibly 1 w 2692
sacrificed 1 w 2702
an 59 w 2704
ox 2 w 2706
to 21 w 2708
his 13 w 2711
benefactor 1 w 2721
but 6 w 2725
an 60 w 2727
animal 1 w 2733
sacrifice 3 w 2742
to 23 w 2744
a 265 w 2745
living 1 w 2751
man 3 w 2754
seems 1 w 2759
incredible 1 w 2769
his 14 w 2773
benefactor 2 w 2783
Anchored 1 w 2792
off 1 w 2795
the 91 w 2798
island 1 w 2804
of 27 w 2806
Ithaca 1 w 2812
was 7 w 2815
a 272 w 2816
pirate 1 w 2822
vessel 1 w 2828
in 45 w 2830
which 3 w 2835
there 2 w 2840
chanced 1 w 2847
to 25 w 2849
be 13 w 2851
an 65 w 2853
old 1 w 2856
man 4 w 2859
with 3 w 2863
earthenware 1 w 2874
jars 1 w 2878
containing 1 w 2888
pitch 1 w 2893
By 1 w 2896
chance 2 w 2902
a 282 w 2903
ferryman 1 w 2911
of 28 w 2913
Ithaca 2 w 2919
by 7 w 2922
name 3 w 2926
Pyrrhi 1 w 2932
as 17 w 2934
put 4 w 2938
off 2 w 2941
to 26 w 2943
the 94 w 2946
ship 2 w 2950
and 24 w 2953
rescued 1 w 2960
the 95 w 2963
old 2 w 2966
man 6 w 2969
without 2 w 2976
asking 1 w 2982
for 9 w 2985
any 1 w 2988
reward 1 w 2994
but 7 w 2998
because 3 w 3005
he 119 w 3007
had 8 w 3010
been 4 w 3014
persuaded 1 w 3023
by 8 w 3025
the 96 w 3028
old 3 w 3031
man 7 w 3034
and 25 w 3037
pitied 1 w 3043
him 5 w 3046
He 1 w 3049
did 1 w 3052
however 1 w 3060
accept 1 w 3067
some 2 w 3071
of 30 w 3073
the 97 w 3076
jars 2 w 3080
for 10 w 3084
the 98 w 3087
old 4 w 3090
man 8 w 3093
bade 1 w 3097
him 6 w 3100
do 4 w 3102
so 10 w 3104
But 3 w 3108
when 7 w 3112
the 99 w 3115
pirates 1 w 3122
had 9 w 3125
departed 1 w 3133
and 26 w 3136
there 3 w 3141
was 8 w 3144
nothing 1 w 3151
to 27 w 3153
fear 1 w 3157
the 101 w 3161
old 5 w 3164
man 9 w 3167
led 8 w 3170
Pyrrhias 1 w 3178
to 28 w 3180
the 102 w 3183
jars 3 w 3187
and 27 w 3191
in 50 w 3193
them 5 w 3197
showed 1 w 3203
him 7 w 3206
much 1 w 3210
gold 1 w 3214
and 28 w 3217
silver 1 w 3223
mixed 1 w 3228
with 5 w 3232
the 104 w 3235
pitch 2 w 3240
So 1 w 3243
Pyrrhias 2 w 3251
suddenly 2 w 3260
becoming 1 w 3268
rich 1 w 3272
treated 1 w 3280
the 105 w 3283
old 7 w 3286
man 10 w 3289
well 1 w 3293
in 52 w 3295
various 1 w 3302
ways 1 w 3306
and 29 w 3310
also 2 w 3314
slew 2 w 3318
an 81 w 3320
ox 3 w 3322
for 11 w 3325
him 8 w 3328
Wherefore 1 w 3338
men 6 w 3341
make 2 w 3345
use 6 w 3348
of 31 w 3350
this 9 w 3354
as 22 w 3356
a 323 w 3357
proverbial 1 w 3367
expression 1 w 3377
No 1 w 3380
one 6 w 3383
but 8 w 3386
Pyrrhias 3 w 3394
has 1 w 3397
slain 2 w 3402
an 82 w 3404
ox 4 w 3406
for 13 w 3409
his 16 w 3412
benefactor 3 w 3422