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CTS Library / The Greek Questions

The Greek Questions (25-29)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '25', 'human_reference': 'Section 25'}, 'end': {'reference': '29', 'human_reference': 'Section 29'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

What is an alastor, an aliterios, a palamnaeos?

We certainly must not believe those who say that persons who, during a famine set a watch upon the miller and plunder him are called aliterioi.[*] But he who has done unforgettable (alesta) things,[*] things that will be remembered for a long time, is called alastor; and he whom it were well to avoid (aleuasthai) and to guard against because of his wickedness is called aliterios. These things, according to the statement of Socrates,[*] they have written on tablets of bronze.

What is the intent of the custom by which the maidens who serve as an escort for the men who lead the bull from Aenis to Cassiopaea chant until they reach the boundary,

Never may ye return to the well-loved soil of your homeland?[*]

When the Aenianians had been driven out of their country by the Lapiths,[*] they dwelt first of all about Aethicia, and later about Molossia and Cassiopaea. But, since they had no benefit from the country, and, in addition, had to deal with ungentle peoples on their borders, they came to the Cirrhaean plain under the leadership of Oenoclus, their king. But great droughts befell them there, and, as it is related, in accordance with an oracle they stoned

Oenoclus.[*] Then they wandered on and came to this country which they now possess, a goodly country, productive of all manner of crops; wherefore it is with good reason that they pray to the gods that they may not return again to their ancient fatherland, but may remain here in prosperity.

Why is it that among the Rhodians a herald does not enter the shrine of the hero Ocridion?

Is it because Ochimus affianced his daughter Cydippê to Ocridion? But Cercaphus, who was the brother of Ochimus, was in love with the maiden and persuaded the herald (for it used to be the custom to use heralds to fetch the brides), when he should receive Cydippê, to bring her to him. When this had been accomplished, Cercaphus fled with the maiden; but later, when Ochimus had grown old, Cercaphus returned to his home again. But the custom became established among the Rhodians that a herald should not approach the shrine of Ocridion because of the wrong that had been done.

Why is it that among the inhabitants of Tenedos a flute-player may not enter the; shrine of Tenes, nor may anyone mention Achilles name within the shrine?

Is it that, when Tenes stepmother[*] falsely accused him of wishing to lie with her, Molpus the flute-player bore false witness against him, and because of this it came about that Tenes had to flee to Tenedos with his sister? But as for Achilles, it is said that his mother Thetis straitly forbade him to kill Tenes, since

Tenes was honoured by Apollo; and she commissioned one of the servants to be on guard, and to remind Achilles lest he should unwittingly slay Tenes. But when Achilles was overrunning Tenedos and was pursuing Tenes sister, who was a beautiful maiden. Tenes met him and defended his sister; and she escaped, though Tenes was slain. When he had fallen. Achilles recognized him, and slew the servant because he had, although present, not reminded him; and he buried Tenes where his shrine now stands and neither does a flute-player enter it nor is Achilles mentioned there by name.

Who is the Seller among the Epidamnians?

The Epidamnians were neighbours of the Illyrians and perceived that such of their citizens as associated with the Illyrians were becoming corrupted; and, since they feared a revolution, they used to select one of the most reputable of their fellow-citizens each year to conduct such commercial dealings and barters. This man visited the barbarians and provided them with a market and an opportunity for all the citizens to display what they had to sell: thus he was called the Seller.

What 1 w 4
is 1 w 6
an 1 w 8
alastor 1 w 15
an 2 w 18
aliterios 1 w 27
a 7 w 29
palamnaeos 1 w 39
We 1 w 42
certainly 1 w 51
must 1 w 55
not 1 w 58
believe 1 w 65
those 1 w 70
who 1 w 73
say 1 w 76
that 1 w 80
persons 1 w 87
who 2 w 90
during 1 w 97
a 14 w 98
famine 1 w 104
set 1 w 107
a 16 w 108
watch 1 w 113
upon 1 w 117
the 1 w 120
miller 1 w 126
and 1 w 129
plunder 1 w 136
him 1 w 139
are 1 w 142
called 1 w 148
aliterioi 1 w 157
Cf 1 w 160
Moralia 1 w 168
523 1 w 172
a-b 1 w 175
But 1 w 179
he 2 w 181
who 3 w 184
has 1 w 187
done 1 w 191
unforgettable 1 w 204
alesta 1 w 211
things 1 w 218
Ibid 1 w 223
418 1 w 227
b 5 w 228
things 2 w 235
that 2 w 239
will 1 w 243
be 2 w 245
remembered 1 w 255
for 2 w 258
a 30 w 259
long 1 w 263
time 1 w 267
is 2 w 270
called 2 w 276
alastor 2 w 283
and 2 w 287
he 3 w 289
whom 1 w 293
it 3 w 295
were 1 w 299
well 1 w 303
to 3 w 305
avoid 1 w 310
aleuasthai 1 w 321
and 3 w 325
to 4 w 327
guard 1 w 332
against 1 w 339
because 1 w 346
of 1 w 348
his 1 w 351
wickedness 1 w 361
is 4 w 363
called 3 w 369
aliterios 2 w 378
These 1 w 384
things 3 w 390
according 1 w 400
to 5 w 402
the 2 w 405
statement 1 w 414
of 2 w 416
Socrates 1 w 424
Socrates 2 w 433
of 3 w 435
Argos 1 w 440
cf 1 w 443
Müller 1 w 450
Frag 1 w 455
Hist 1 w 460
Graec 1 w 466
v 3 w 468
p 5 w 470
498 1 w 474
they 1 w 479
have 1 w 483
written 1 w 490
on 5 w 492
tablets 1 w 499
of 4 w 501
bronze 1 w 507
What 2 w 512
is 6 w 514
the 4 w 517
intent 1 w 523
of 5 w 525
the 5 w 528
custom 1 w 534
by 1 w 536
which 1 w 541
the 6 w 544
maidens 1 w 551
who 5 w 554
serve 1 w 559
as 5 w 561
an 6 w 563
escort 1 w 569
for 3 w 572
the 7 w 575
men 2 w 578
who 6 w 581
lead 1 w 585
the 8 w 588
bull 1 w 592
from 1 w 596
Aenis 1 w 601
to 7 w 603
Cassiopaea 1 w 613
chant 1 w 618
until 1 w 623
they 2 w 627
reach 1 w 632
the 10 w 635
boundary 1 w 643
Never 1 w 649
may 1 w 652
ye 1 w 654
return 1 w 660
to 8 w 662
the 11 w 665
well-loved 1 w 675
soil 1 w 679
of 6 w 681
your 1 w 685
homeland 1 w 693
Adapted 1 w 701
from 2 w 705
Homer 1 w 710
Od 1 w 713
xviii 1 w 719
148 1 w 723
xix 1 w 727
298 1 w 731
When 1 w 737
the 12 w 740
Aenianians 1 w 750
had 1 w 753
been 1 w 757
driven 1 w 763
out 1 w 766
of 7 w 768
their 1 w 773
country 1 w 780
by 2 w 782
the 14 w 785
Lapiths 1 w 792
cf 2 w 795
293 1 w 799
f-294 1 w 804
c 21 w 805
supra 1 w 811
they 3 w 816
dwelt 1 w 821
first 1 w 826
of 8 w 828
all 4 w 831
about 1 w 836
Aethicia 1 w 844
and 5 w 848
later 1 w 853
about 2 w 858
Molossia 1 w 866
and 6 w 869
Cassiopaea 2 w 879
But 2 w 883
since 1 w 889
they 4 w 893
had 2 w 896
no 2 w 898
benefit 1 w 905
from 3 w 909
the 17 w 912
country 2 w 919
and 7 w 923
in 11 w 926
addition 1 w 934
had 3 w 938
to 9 w 940
deal 1 w 944
with 1 w 948
ungentle 1 w 956
peoples 1 w 963
on 8 w 965
their 2 w 970
borders 1 w 977
they 5 w 982
came 1 w 986
to 10 w 988
the 20 w 991
Cirrhaean 1 w 1000
plain 1 w 1005
under 2 w 1010
the 21 w 1013
leadership 1 w 1023
of 9 w 1025
Oenoclus 1 w 1033
their 3 w 1039
king 1 w 1043
But 3 w 1047
great 1 w 1052
droughts 1 w 1060
befell 1 w 1066
them 1 w 1070
there 1 w 1075
and 8 w 1079
as 8 w 1082
it 10 w 1084
is 8 w 1086
related 1 w 1093
in 14 w 1096
accordance 1 w 1106
with 2 w 1110
an 17 w 1112
oracle 1 w 1118
they 6 w 1122
stoned 1 w 1128
Oenoclus 2 w 1136
cf 3 w 1139
293 2 w 1143
f-294 2 w 1148
a 102 w 1149
supra 2 w 1155
Then 1 w 1160
they 7 w 1164
wandered 1 w 1172
on 10 w 1174
and 10 w 1177
came 2 w 1181
to 12 w 1183
this 1 w 1187
country 3 w 1194
which 2 w 1199
they 8 w 1203
now 1 w 1206
possess 1 w 1213
a 107 w 1215
goodly 1 w 1221
country 4 w 1228
productive 1 w 1239
of 10 w 1241
all 5 w 1244
manner 1 w 1250
of 11 w 1252
crops 1 w 1257
wherefore 1 w 1267
it 12 w 1269
is 10 w 1271
with 3 w 1275
good 2 w 1279
reason 1 w 1285
that 3 w 1289
they 9 w 1293
pray 1 w 1297
to 13 w 1299
the 29 w 1302
gods 1 w 1306
that 4 w 1310
they 10 w 1314
may 2 w 1317
not 2 w 1320
return 2 w 1326
again 2 w 1331
to 14 w 1333
their 4 w 1338
ancient 1 w 1345
fatherland 1 w 1355
but 1 w 1359
may 3 w 1362
remain 1 w 1368
here 3 w 1372
in 17 w 1374
prosperity 1 w 1384
Why 1 w 1388
is 11 w 1390
it 15 w 1392
that 5 w 1396
among 1 w 1401
the 33 w 1404
Rhodians 1 w 1412
a 125 w 1413
herald 1 w 1419
does 1 w 1423
not 3 w 1426
enter 1 w 1431
the 34 w 1434
shrine 1 w 1440
of 12 w 1442
the 35 w 1445
hero 1 w 1449
Ocridion 1 w 1457
Is 1 w 1460
it 16 w 1462
because 2 w 1469
Ochimus 1 w 1476
affianced 1 w 1485
his 3 w 1488
daughter 1 w 1496
Cydippê 1 w 1503
to 15 w 1505
Ocridion 2 w 1513
But 4 w 1517
Cercaphus 1 w 1526
who 7 w 1530
was 1 w 1533
the 36 w 1536
brother 1 w 1543
of 13 w 1545
Ochimus 2 w 1552
was 2 w 1556
in 19 w 1558
love 2 w 1562
with 4 w 1566
the 38 w 1569
maiden 2 w 1575
and 12 w 1578
persuaded 1 w 1587
the 39 w 1590
herald 2 w 1596
for 5 w 1600
it 18 w 1602
used 1 w 1606
to 16 w 1608
be 9 w 1610
the 40 w 1613
custom 2 w 1619
to 18 w 1621
use 4 w 1624
heralds 1 w 1631
to 19 w 1633
fetch 1 w 1638
the 41 w 1641
brides 1 w 1647
when 1 w 1653
he 54 w 1655
should 1 w 1661
receive 1 w 1668
Cydippê 2 w 1675
to 20 w 1678
bring 1 w 1683
her 10 w 1686
to 21 w 1688
him 4 w 1691
When 2 w 1696
this 2 w 1700
had 4 w 1703
been 2 w 1707
accomplished 1 w 1719
Cercaphus 2 w 1729
fled 1 w 1733
with 5 w 1737
the 42 w 1740
maiden 3 w 1746
but 2 w 1750
later 2 w 1755
when 2 w 1760
Ochimus 3 w 1767
had 5 w 1770
grown 1 w 1775
old 1 w 1778
Cercaphus 3 w 1788
returned 1 w 1796
to 22 w 1798
his 5 w 1801
home 2 w 1805
again 3 w 1810
But 5 w 1814
the 43 w 1817
custom 3 w 1823
became 1 w 1829
established 1 w 1840
among 2 w 1845
the 44 w 1848
Rhodians 2 w 1856
that 6 w 1860
a 153 w 1861
herald 4 w 1867
should 2 w 1873
not 4 w 1876
approach 1 w 1884
the 45 w 1887
shrine 2 w 1893
of 14 w 1895
Ocridion 3 w 1903
because 3 w 1910
of 15 w 1912
the 46 w 1915
wrong 1 w 1920
that 7 w 1924
had 6 w 1927
been 3 w 1931
done 2 w 1935
Why 2 w 1939
is 17 w 1941
it 20 w 1943
that 8 w 1947
among 3 w 1952
the 47 w 1955
inhabitants 1 w 1966
of 16 w 1968
Tenedos 1 w 1975
a 164 w 1976
flute-player 1 w 1988
may 4 w 1991
not 5 w 1994
enter 2 w 1999
the 48 w 2002
shrine 3 w 2009
of 17 w 2011
Tenes 1 w 2016
nor 1 w 2020
may 5 w 2023
anyone 1 w 2029
mention 1 w 2036
Achilles 1 w 2044
name 1 w 2049
within 1 w 2055
the 49 w 2058
shrine 4 w 2064
Is 2 w 2067
it 23 w 2069
that 9 w 2073
when 3 w 2078
Tenes 2 w 2083
stepmother 1 w 2094
cf 4 w 2096
Apollodorus 1 w 2108
Epitome 1 w 2116
iii 2 w 2120
23-26 1 w 2126
with 7 w 2131
Frazer 1 w 2137
s 115 w 2139
notes 1 w 2144
L 2 w 2146
C 10 w 2148
L 3 w 2150
vol 1 w 2154
ii 5 w 2157
pp 4 w 2160
193 1 w 2164
ff 2 w 2166
falsely 1 w 2176
accused 1 w 2183
him 6 w 2186
of 18 w 2188
wishing 1 w 2195
to 25 w 2197
lie 2 w 2200
with 8 w 2204
her 13 w 2207
Molpus 1 w 2214
the 51 w 2217
flute-player 2 w 2229
bore 1 w 2233
false 2 w 2238
witness 1 w 2245
against 2 w 2252
him 7 w 2255
and 13 w 2259
because 4 w 2266
of 19 w 2268
this 3 w 2272
it 28 w 2274
came 4 w 2278
about 3 w 2283
that 10 w 2287
Tenes 3 w 2292
had 7 w 2295
to 26 w 2297
flee 1 w 2301
to 27 w 2303
Tenedos 2 w 2310
with 9 w 2314
his 7 w 2317
sister 1 w 2323
But 6 w 2327
as 12 w 2329
for 6 w 2332
Achilles 2 w 2340
it 30 w 2343
is 22 w 2345
said 1 w 2349
that 11 w 2353
his 8 w 2356
mother 2 w 2362
Thetis 1 w 2368
straitly 1 w 2376
forbade 1 w 2383
him 8 w 2386
to 28 w 2388
kill 1 w 2392
Tenes 4 w 2397
since 2 w 2403
Tenes 5 w 2408
was 3 w 2411
honoured 1 w 2419
by 3 w 2421
Apollo 2 w 2427
and 14 w 2431
she 3 w 2434
commissioned 1 w 2446
one 6 w 2449
of 20 w 2451
the 53 w 2454
servants 1 w 2462
to 29 w 2464
be 15 w 2466
on 25 w 2468
guard 2 w 2473
and 15 w 2477
to 30 w 2479
remind 1 w 2485
Achilles 3 w 2493
lest 2 w 2497
he 77 w 2499
should 3 w 2505
unwittingly 1 w 2516
slay 1 w 2520
Tenes 6 w 2525
But 7 w 2529
when 4 w 2533
Achilles 4 w 2541
was 4 w 2544
overrunning 1 w 2555
Tenedos 3 w 2562
and 16 w 2565
was 5 w 2568
pursuing 1 w 2576
Tenes 7 w 2581
sister 2 w 2588
who 8 w 2592
was 6 w 2595
a 199 w 2596
beautiful 1 w 2605
maiden 4 w 2611
Tenes 8 w 2617
met 1 w 2620
him 9 w 2623
and 17 w 2626
defended 1 w 2634
his 9 w 2637
sister 3 w 2643
and 18 w 2647
she 4 w 2650
escaped 1 w 2657
though 1 w 2664
Tenes 9 w 2669
was 7 w 2672
slain 1 w 2677
When 3 w 2682
he 81 w 2684
had 8 w 2687
fallen 1 w 2693
Achilles 5 w 2702
recognized 1 w 2712
him 10 w 2715
and 19 w 2719
slew 1 w 2723
the 54 w 2726
servant 2 w 2733
because 5 w 2740
he 83 w 2742
had 9 w 2745
although 1 w 2754
present 1 w 2761
not 7 w 2765
reminded 1 w 2773
him 11 w 2776
and 20 w 2780
he 84 w 2782
buried 1 w 2788
Tenes 10 w 2793
where 2 w 2798
his 10 w 2801
shrine 5 w 2807
now 2 w 2810
stands 1 w 2816
and 22 w 2819
neither 1 w 2826
does 2 w 2830
a 217 w 2831
flute-player 3 w 2843
enter 3 w 2848
it 34 w 2850
nor 2 w 2853
is 30 w 2855
Achilles 6 w 2863
mentioned 1 w 2872
there 2 w 2877
by 4 w 2879
name 2 w 2883
Who 1 w 2887
is 31 w 2889
the 57 w 2892
Seller 1 w 2898
among 4 w 2903
the 58 w 2906
Epidamnians 1 w 2917
The 4 w 2921
Epidamnians 2 w 2932
were 2 w 2936
neighbours 1 w 2946
of 21 w 2948
the 59 w 2951
Illyrians 1 w 2960
and 23 w 2963
perceived 1 w 2972
that 12 w 2976
such 1 w 2980
of 22 w 2982
their 5 w 2987
citizens 1 w 2995
as 18 w 2997
associated 1 w 3007
with 10 w 3011
the 61 w 3014
Illyrians 2 w 3023
were 3 w 3027
becoming 1 w 3035
corrupted 1 w 3044
and 24 w 3048
since 3 w 3054
they 11 w 3058
feared 1 w 3064
a 234 w 3065
revolution 1 w 3075
they 12 w 3080
used 3 w 3084
to 31 w 3086
select 1 w 3092
one 8 w 3095
of 23 w 3097
the 64 w 3100
most 1 w 3104
reputable 1 w 3113
of 24 w 3115
their 6 w 3120
fellow-citizens 1 w 3135
each 2 w 3139
year 1 w 3143
to 32 w 3145
conduct 1 w 3152
such 2 w 3156
commercial 1 w 3166
dealings 1 w 3174
and 25 w 3177
barters 1 w 3184
This 1 w 3189
man 2 w 3192
visited 1 w 3199
the 66 w 3202
barbarians 1 w 3212
and 26 w 3215
provided 1 w 3223
them 2 w 3227
with 11 w 3231
a 247 w 3232
market 1 w 3238
and 27 w 3241
an 52 w 3243
opportunity 1 w 3254
for 8 w 3257
all 7 w 3260
the 68 w 3263
citizens 3 w 3271
to 33 w 3273
display 1 w 3280
what 1 w 3284
they 13 w 3288
had 10 w 3291
to 34 w 3293
sell 1 w 3297
thus 1 w 3302
he 102 w 3304
was 8 w 3307
called 4 w 3313
the 70 w 3316
Seller 2 w 3322