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CTS Library / Roman Questions

Roman Questions (31-35)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '31', 'human_reference': 'Section 31'}, 'end': {'reference': '35', 'human_reference': 'Section 35'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Question 31. Why is that so much celebrated name Thalassius sung at nuptials?

Solution. Is it not from wool-spinning? For the Ro mans call the Greek τάλαρος (wool-basket) talasus. Moreover, when they have introduced the bride, they spread a fleece under her; and she, having brought in with her a

distaff and a spindle, all behangs her husbands door with woollen yarn? Or it may be true, as historians report, that there was a certain young man famous in military achievements, and also an honest man, whose name was Thalassius; now when the Romans seized by force on the Sabine daughters coming to see the theatric shows, a comely virgin for beauty was brought to Thalassius by some of the common sort of people and retainers to him, crying out aloud (that they might go the more securely, and that none might stop them or take the wench from them) that she was carried as a wife to Thalassius; upon which the rest of the rabble, greatly honoring Thalassius, followed on and accompanied them with their loud acclamations, praying for and praising Thalassius; that proving a fortunate match, it became a custom to others at nuptials to call over Thalassius, as the Greeks do Hymenaeus.[*]

Question 32. Why do they that throw the effigies of men from a wooden bridge into the river, in the month of May, about the full moon, call those images Argives?

Solution. Was it that the barbarians that of old inhabited about that place did in this manner destroy the Grecians which they took? Or did their so much admired Hercules reform their practice of killing strangers, and teach them this custom of representing their devilish practice by casting in of images? The ancients have usually called all Grecians Argives. Or else it may be that, since the Arcadians esteemed the Argives open enemies by reason of neighborhood, they that belonged to Evander, flying from Greece and taking up their situation in Italy, kept up that malignity and enmity.

Question 33. Why would they not in ancient times sup abroad without their sons, whilst they were in nonage?

Solution. Was not this custom brought in by Lycurgus, when he introduced the boys to the public mess, that they

might be inured to use of pleasures modestly, not savagely and rudely, having their superiors by them as overseers and observers? Verily it is of no small concernment that parents should carry themselves with all gravity and sobriety in the presence of their children. For when old men are debauched, it will necessarily follow (as Plato saith) that young men will be most debauched.

Question 34. What is the reason that, when the other Romans did offer their offerings and libations to the dead in the month of February, Decimus Brutus (as Cicero saith) did it in December? He verily was the first who, entering upon Lusitania, passed from thence with his army over the river Lethe.

Solution. May it not be that, as many were wont to perform funeral rites in the latter part of the day and end of the month, it is rational to believe that at the return of the year and end of the month also he would honor the dead? For December is the last month. Or were those adorations paid to the infernal Gods, and was it the season of the year to honor them when all sorts of fruits had attained ripeness? Or is it because they move the earth at the beginning of seed-time, and it is most meet then to remember the ghosts below? Or is it that this month is by the Romans consecrated to Saturn, whom they reckon to be one of the infernal Gods and not of the supernal? Or that whilst the great feast of Saturnals did last, thought to be attended with the greatest feasting and voluptuous enjoyments, it was judged meet to crop off some first-fruits of these for the dead? Or what if it be a mere lie that only Brutus did sacrifice to the dead in this month, since they solemnize funeral rites for Laurentia and offer drink-offerings at her tomb in the month of December?

Question 35. Why do they adore Laurentia so much, seeing she was a strumpet?

Solution. They say that Acca Laurentia, the nurse of Romulus, was diverse from this, and her they ascribe honor to in the month of April. But this other Laurentia, they say, was surnamed Fabula, and she became noted on this occasion. A certain sexton that belonged to Hercules, as it seems, leading an idle life, used to spend most of his days at draughts and dice; and on a certain time, when it happened that none of those that were wont to play with him and partake of his sport were present, being very uneasy in himself, he challenged the God to play a game at dice with him for this wager, that if he got the game he should receive some boon from the God, if he lost it he would provide a supper for the God and a pretty wench for him to lie with. Whereupon choosing two dice, one for himself and the other for the God, and throwing them, he lost the game; upon which, abiding by his challenge, he prepared a very splendid table for the God, and picking up Laurentia, a notorious harlot, he set her down to the good cheer; and when he had made a bed for her in the temple, he departed and shut the doors after him. The report went that Hercules came, but had not to do with her after the usual manner of men, and commanded her to go forth early in the morning into the market-place, and whomsoever she first happened to meet with, him she should especially set her heart upon and procure him to be her copemate. Laurentia accordingly arising and going forth happened to meet with a certain rich man, a stale bachelor, whose name was Taruntius. He lying with her made her whilst he lived the governess of his house, and his heiress when he died; some time after, she died and left her estate to the city, and therefore they have her in so great a reputation.

Question 1 w 8
31 1 w 10
Why 1 w 14
is 1 w 16
that 1 w 20
so 1 w 22
much 1 w 26
celebrated 1 w 36
name 1 w 40
Thalassius 1 w 50
sung 1 w 54
at 3 w 56
nuptials 1 w 64
Solution 1 w 73
Is 1 w 76
it 1 w 78
not 1 w 81
from 1 w 85
wool-spinning 1 w 98
For 1 w 102
the 1 w 105
Ro 1 w 107
mans 1 w 111
call 1 w 115
the 2 w 118
Greek 1 w 123
τάλαρος 1 w 130
wool-basket 1 w 142
talasus 1 w 150
Moreover 1 w 159
when 1 w 164
they 1 w 168
have 1 w 172
introduced 1 w 182
the 4 w 185
bride 1 w 190
they 2 w 195
spread 1 w 201
a 15 w 202
fleece 1 w 208
under 1 w 213
her 1 w 216
and 1 w 220
she 1 w 223
having 1 w 230
brought 1 w 237
in 5 w 239
with 1 w 243
her 2 w 246
a 18 w 247
distaff 1 w 254
and 2 w 257
a 21 w 258
spindle 1 w 265
all 2 w 269
behangs 1 w 276
her 3 w 279
husband 1 w 286
s 21 w 288
door 1 w 292
with 2 w 296
woollen 1 w 303
yarn 1 w 307
Or 1 w 310
it 4 w 312
may 1 w 315
be 2 w 317
true 1 w 321
as 4 w 324
historians 1 w 334
report 1 w 340
that 2 w 345
there 1 w 350
was 1 w 353
a 31 w 354
certain 1 w 361
young 1 w 366
man 2 w 369
famous 1 w 375
in 8 w 377
military 1 w 385
achievements 1 w 397
and 4 w 401
also 1 w 405
an 9 w 407
honest 1 w 413
man 3 w 416
whose 1 w 422
name 2 w 426
was 2 w 429
Thalassius 2 w 439
now 1 w 443
when 2 w 447
the 7 w 450
Romans 1 w 456
seized 1 w 462
by 1 w 464
force 1 w 469
on 4 w 471
the 8 w 474
Sabine 1 w 480
daughters 1 w 489
coming 1 w 495
to 2 w 497
see 1 w 500
the 9 w 503
theatric 1 w 511
shows 1 w 516
a 49 w 518
comely 1 w 524
virgin 1 w 530
for 2 w 533
beauty 1 w 539
was 3 w 542
brought 2 w 549
to 3 w 551
Thalassius 3 w 561
by 2 w 563
some 1 w 567
of 1 w 569
the 11 w 572
common 1 w 578
sort 1 w 582
of 2 w 584
people 1 w 590
and 5 w 593
retainers 1 w 602
to 4 w 604
him 1 w 607
crying 1 w 614
out 1 w 617
aloud 1 w 622
that 3 w 627
they 3 w 631
might 1 w 636
go 1 w 638
the 13 w 641
more 1 w 645
securely 1 w 653
and 6 w 657
that 4 w 661
none 1 w 665
might 2 w 670
stop 1 w 674
them 1 w 678
or 10 w 680
take 1 w 684
the 15 w 687
wench 1 w 692
from 2 w 696
them 2 w 700
that 5 w 705
she 2 w 708
was 4 w 711
carried 1 w 718
as 11 w 720
a 65 w 721
wife 1 w 725
to 6 w 727
Thalassius 4 w 737
upon 1 w 742
which 1 w 747
the 17 w 750
rest 1 w 754
of 3 w 756
the 18 w 759
rabble 1 w 765
greatly 1 w 773
honoring 1 w 781
Thalassius 5 w 791
followed 1 w 800
on 9 w 802
and 7 w 805
accompanied 1 w 816
them 3 w 820
with 3 w 824
their 1 w 829
loud 2 w 833
acclamations 1 w 845
praying 1 w 853
for 3 w 856
and 8 w 859
praising 1 w 867
Thalassius 6 w 877
that 6 w 882
proving 1 w 889
a 84 w 890
fortunate 1 w 899
match 1 w 904
it 7 w 907
became 1 w 913
a 88 w 914
custom 1 w 920
to 8 w 922
others 1 w 928
at 14 w 930
nuptials 2 w 938
to 9 w 940
call 2 w 944
over 2 w 948
Thalassius 7 w 958
as 16 w 961
the 22 w 964
Greeks 1 w 970
do 2 w 972
Hymenaeus 1 w 981
See 1 w 985
Livy 1 w 989
I 2 w 991
9 1 w 993
12 1 w 996
Question 2 w 1005
32 1 w 1007
Why 2 w 1011
do 3 w 1013
they 4 w 1017
that 7 w 1021
throw 1 w 1026
the 24 w 1029
effigies 1 w 1037
of 4 w 1039
men 3 w 1042
from 3 w 1046
a 97 w 1047
wooden 1 w 1053
bridge 1 w 1059
into 1 w 1063
the 25 w 1066
river 1 w 1071
in 19 w 1074
the 26 w 1077
month 1 w 1082
of 5 w 1084
May 1 w 1087
about 1 w 1093
the 27 w 1096
full 1 w 1100
moon 1 w 1104
call 3 w 1109
those 1 w 1114
images 1 w 1120
Argives 1 w 1127
Solution 2 w 1136
Was 1 w 1140
it 8 w 1142
that 8 w 1146
the 28 w 1149
barbarians 1 w 1159
that 9 w 1163
of 6 w 1165
old 1 w 1168
inhabited 1 w 1177
about 2 w 1182
that 10 w 1186
place 1 w 1191
did 1 w 1194
in 21 w 1196
this 1 w 1200
manner 1 w 1206
destroy 1 w 1213
the 29 w 1216
Grecians 1 w 1224
which 2 w 1229
they 5 w 1233
took 1 w 1237
Or 2 w 1240
did 2 w 1243
their 2 w 1248
so 5 w 1250
much 2 w 1254
admired 1 w 1261
Hercules 1 w 1269
reform 1 w 1275
their 3 w 1280
practice 1 w 1288
of 7 w 1290
killing 1 w 1297
strangers 1 w 1306
and 9 w 1310
teach 1 w 1315
them 4 w 1319
this 2 w 1323
custom 2 w 1329
of 8 w 1331
representing 1 w 1343
their 4 w 1348
devilish 1 w 1356
practice 2 w 1364
by 3 w 1366
casting 1 w 1373
in 25 w 1375
of 9 w 1377
images 2 w 1383
The 1 w 1387
ancients 1 w 1395
have 2 w 1399
usually 1 w 1406
called 1 w 1412
all 7 w 1415
Grecians 2 w 1423
Argives 2 w 1430
Or 3 w 1433
else 1 w 1437
it 10 w 1439
may 2 w 1442
be 5 w 1444
that 11 w 1448
since 1 w 1454
the 35 w 1457
Arcadians 1 w 1466
esteemed 1 w 1474
the 36 w 1477
Argives 3 w 1484
open 1 w 1488
enemies 1 w 1495
by 4 w 1497
reason 1 w 1503
of 10 w 1505
neighborhood 1 w 1517
they 6 w 1522
that 12 w 1526
belonged 1 w 1534
to 13 w 1536
Evander 1 w 1543
flying 1 w 1550
from 4 w 1554
Greece 1 w 1560
and 11 w 1563
taking 1 w 1569
up 4 w 1571
their 5 w 1576
situation 1 w 1585
in 29 w 1587
Italy 1 w 1592
kept 1 w 1597
up 5 w 1599
that 13 w 1603
malignity 1 w 1612
and 12 w 1615
enmity 1 w 1621
Question 3 w 1630
33 1 w 1632
Why 3 w 1636
would 1 w 1641
they 7 w 1645
not 2 w 1648
in 30 w 1650
ancient 2 w 1657
times 1 w 1662
sup 1 w 1665
abroad 1 w 1671
without 1 w 1678
their 6 w 1683
sons 1 w 1687
whilst 1 w 1694
they 8 w 1698
were 1 w 1702
in 31 w 1704
nonage 1 w 1710
Solution 3 w 1719
Was 2 w 1723
not 3 w 1726
this 3 w 1730
custom 3 w 1736
brought 3 w 1743
in 32 w 1745
by 5 w 1747
Lycurgus 1 w 1755
when 3 w 1760
he 51 w 1762
introduced 2 w 1772
the 42 w 1775
boys 1 w 1779
to 15 w 1781
the 43 w 1784
public 1 w 1790
mess 1 w 1794
that 14 w 1799
they 9 w 1803
might 3 w 1808
be 7 w 1810
inured 1 w 1816
to 16 w 1818
use 1 w 1821
of 11 w 1823
pleasures 1 w 1832
modestly 1 w 1840
not 4 w 1844
savagely 1 w 1852
and 13 w 1855
rudely 1 w 1861
having 2 w 1868
their 7 w 1873
superiors 1 w 1882
by 6 w 1884
them 5 w 1888
as 22 w 1890
overseers 1 w 1899
and 14 w 1902
observers 1 w 1911
Verily 1 w 1918
it 15 w 1920
is 9 w 1922
of 12 w 1924
no 9 w 1926
small 1 w 1931
concernment 1 w 1942
that 15 w 1946
parents 1 w 1953
should 1 w 1959
carry 1 w 1964
themselves 1 w 1974
with 5 w 1978
all 9 w 1981
gravity 1 w 1988
and 15 w 1991
sobriety 1 w 1999
in 36 w 2001
the 48 w 2004
presence 1 w 2012
of 13 w 2014
their 8 w 2019
children 1 w 2027
For 2 w 2031
when 4 w 2035
old 2 w 2038
men 5 w 2041
are 2 w 2044
debauched 1 w 2053
it 18 w 2056
will 1 w 2060
necessarily 1 w 2071
follow 2 w 2077
as 23 w 2080
Plato 1 w 2085
saith 1 w 2090
that 16 w 2095
young 2 w 2100
men 6 w 2103
will 2 w 2107
be 8 w 2109
most 1 w 2113
debauched 2 w 2122
Question 4 w 2131
34 1 w 2133
What 1 w 2138
is 10 w 2140
the 50 w 2143
reason 2 w 2149
that 17 w 2153
when 5 w 2158
the 51 w 2161
other 2 w 2166
Romans 2 w 2172
did 3 w 2175
offer 1 w 2180
their 9 w 2185
offerings 1 w 2194
and 16 w 2197
libations 1 w 2206
to 18 w 2208
the 54 w 2211
dead 1 w 2215
in 38 w 2217
the 55 w 2220
month 2 w 2225
of 16 w 2227
February 1 w 2235
Decimus 1 w 2243
Brutus 1 w 2249
as 25 w 2252
Cicero 1 w 2258
saith 2 w 2263
did 4 w 2267
it 21 w 2269
in 39 w 2271
December 1 w 2279
He 2 w 2282
verily 1 w 2288
was 5 w 2291
the 56 w 2294
first 1 w 2299
who 2 w 2302
entering 1 w 2311
upon 2 w 2315
Lusitania 1 w 2324
passed 1 w 2331
from 5 w 2335
thence 1 w 2341
with 6 w 2345
his 5 w 2348
army 1 w 2352
over 4 w 2356
the 58 w 2359
river 2 w 2364
Lethe 1 w 2369
Solution 4 w 2378
May 2 w 2382
it 24 w 2384
not 5 w 2387
be 10 w 2389
that 18 w 2393
as 28 w 2396
many 1 w 2400
were 2 w 2404
wont 1 w 2408
to 19 w 2410
perform 1 w 2417
funeral 1 w 2424
rites 1 w 2429
in 41 w 2431
the 60 w 2434
latter 1 w 2440
part 1 w 2444
of 17 w 2446
the 61 w 2449
day 1 w 2452
and 17 w 2455
end 1 w 2458
of 18 w 2460
the 62 w 2463
month 3 w 2468
it 26 w 2471
is 12 w 2473
rational 1 w 2481
to 20 w 2483
believe 1 w 2490
that 19 w 2494
at 34 w 2496
the 63 w 2499
return 1 w 2505
of 19 w 2507
the 64 w 2510
year 1 w 2514
and 18 w 2517
end 2 w 2520
of 20 w 2522
the 65 w 2525
month 4 w 2530
also 2 w 2534
he 80 w 2536
would 2 w 2541
honor 2 w 2546
the 66 w 2549
dead 2 w 2553
For 3 w 2557
December 2 w 2565
is 13 w 2567
the 67 w 2570
last 1 w 2574
month 5 w 2579
Or 4 w 2582
were 3 w 2586
those 2 w 2591
adorations 1 w 2601
paid 1 w 2605
to 21 w 2607
the 68 w 2610
infernal 1 w 2618
Gods 1 w 2622
and 19 w 2626
was 6 w 2629
it 27 w 2631
the 69 w 2634
season 1 w 2640
of 21 w 2642
the 70 w 2645
year 2 w 2649
to 22 w 2651
honor 3 w 2656
them 7 w 2660
when 6 w 2664
all 10 w 2667
sorts 1 w 2672
of 22 w 2674
fruits 1 w 2680
had 1 w 2683
attained 1 w 2691
ripeness 1 w 2699
Or 5 w 2702
is 14 w 2704
it 29 w 2706
because 1 w 2713
they 10 w 2717
move 1 w 2721
the 73 w 2724
earth 1 w 2729
at 37 w 2731
the 74 w 2734
beginning 1 w 2743
of 23 w 2745
seed-time 1 w 2754
and 20 w 2758
it 30 w 2760
is 15 w 2762
most 2 w 2766
meet 1 w 2770
then 2 w 2774
to 23 w 2776
remember 1 w 2784
the 76 w 2787
ghosts 1 w 2793
below 1 w 2798
Or 6 w 2801
is 16 w 2803
it 31 w 2805
that 20 w 2809
this 4 w 2813
month 6 w 2818
is 18 w 2820
by 7 w 2822
the 77 w 2825
Romans 3 w 2831
consecrated 1 w 2842
to 24 w 2844
Saturn 1 w 2850
whom 1 w 2855
they 11 w 2859
reckon 1 w 2865
to 25 w 2867
be 17 w 2869
one 3 w 2872
of 24 w 2874
the 79 w 2877
infernal 2 w 2885
Gods 2 w 2889
and 21 w 2892
not 6 w 2895
of 25 w 2897
the 80 w 2900
supernal 1 w 2908
Or 7 w 2911
that 21 w 2915
whilst 2 w 2921
the 81 w 2924
great 2 w 2929
feast 1 w 2934
of 26 w 2936
Saturnals 1 w 2945
did 5 w 2948
last 2 w 2952
thought 1 w 2960
to 26 w 2962
be 18 w 2964
attended 1 w 2972
with 7 w 2976
the 82 w 2979
greatest 1 w 2987
feasting 1 w 2995
and 22 w 2998
voluptuous 1 w 3008
enjoyments 1 w 3018
it 33 w 3021
was 7 w 3024
judged 1 w 3030
meet 2 w 3034
to 27 w 3036
crop 1 w 3040
off 3 w 3043
some 2 w 3047
first-fruits 1 w 3059
of 28 w 3061
these 1 w 3066
for 7 w 3069
the 84 w 3072
dead 3 w 3076
Or 8 w 3079
what 1 w 3083
if 2 w 3085
it 35 w 3087
be 19 w 3089
a 239 w 3090
mere 1 w 3094
lie 2 w 3097
that 22 w 3101
only 1 w 3105
Brutus 2 w 3111
did 6 w 3114
sacrifice 1 w 3123
to 28 w 3125
the 85 w 3128
dead 4 w 3132
in 48 w 3134
this 5 w 3138
month 7 w 3143
since 2 w 3149
they 12 w 3153
solemnize 1 w 3162
funeral 2 w 3169
rites 2 w 3174
for 8 w 3177
Laurentia 1 w 3186
and 23 w 3189
offer 3 w 3194
drink-offerings 1 w 3209
at 48 w 3211
her 7 w 3214
tomb 1 w 3218
in 52 w 3220
the 87 w 3223
month 8 w 3228
of 31 w 3230
December 3 w 3238
Question 5 w 3247
35 1 w 3249
Why 4 w 3253
do 5 w 3255
they 13 w 3259
adore 1 w 3264
Laurentia 2 w 3273
so 15 w 3275
much 3 w 3279
seeing 1 w 3286
she 3 w 3289
was 8 w 3292
a 252 w 3293
strumpet 1 w 3301
Solution 5 w 3310
They 1 w 3315
say 1 w 3318
that 23 w 3322
Acca 1 w 3326
Laurentia 3 w 3335
the 89 w 3339
nurse 1 w 3344
of 32 w 3346
Romulus 1 w 3353
was 9 w 3357
diverse 1 w 3364
from 6 w 3368
this 6 w 3372
and 24 w 3376
her 8 w 3379
they 14 w 3383
ascribe 1 w 3390
honor 4 w 3395
to 30 w 3397
in 54 w 3399
the 91 w 3402
month 9 w 3407
of 33 w 3409
April 1 w 3414
But 1 w 3418
this 7 w 3422
other 3 w 3427
Laurentia 4 w 3436
they 15 w 3441
say 2 w 3444
was 10 w 3448
surnamed 1 w 3456
Fabula 1 w 3462
and 25 w 3466
she 4 w 3469
became 2 w 3475
noted 1 w 3480
on 49 w 3482
this 8 w 3486
occasion 1 w 3494
A 7 w 3496
certain 2 w 3503
sexton 1 w 3509
that 24 w 3513
belonged 2 w 3521
to 32 w 3523
Hercules 2 w 3531
as 41 w 3534
it 37 w 3536
seems 1 w 3541
leading 1 w 3549
an 46 w 3551
idle 1 w 3555
life 1 w 3559
used 1 w 3564
to 33 w 3566
spend 1 w 3571
most 3 w 3575
of 34 w 3577
his 11 w 3580
days 1 w 3584
at 51 w 3586
draughts 1 w 3594
and 26 w 3597
dice 1 w 3601
and 27 w 3605
on 53 w 3607
a 281 w 3608
certain 3 w 3615
time 3 w 3619
when 7 w 3624
it 38 w 3626
happened 1 w 3634
that 25 w 3638
none 2 w 3642
of 35 w 3644
those 3 w 3649
that 26 w 3653
were 4 w 3657
wont 2 w 3661
to 34 w 3663
play 1 w 3667
with 8 w 3671
him 2 w 3674
and 28 w 3677
partake 1 w 3684
of 36 w 3686
his 12 w 3689
sport 1 w 3694
were 5 w 3698
present 2 w 3705
being 1 w 3711
very 1 w 3715
uneasy 1 w 3721
in 59 w 3723
himself 1 w 3730
he 116 w 3733
challenged 1 w 3743
the 94 w 3746
God 3 w 3749
to 35 w 3751
play 2 w 3755
a 293 w 3756
game 1 w 3760
at 54 w 3762
dice 2 w 3766
with 9 w 3770
him 4 w 3773
for 9 w 3776
this 9 w 3780
wager 1 w 3785
that 27 w 3790
if 5 w 3792
he 118 w 3794
got 1 w 3797
the 95 w 3800
game 2 w 3804
he 120 w 3806
should 2 w 3812
receive 1 w 3819
some 3 w 3823
boon 1 w 3827
from 7 w 3831
the 96 w 3834
God 4 w 3837
if 6 w 3840
he 122 w 3842
lost 1 w 3846
it 41 w 3848
he 123 w 3850
would 3 w 3855
provide 1 w 3862
a 299 w 3863
supper 1 w 3869
for 10 w 3872
the 97 w 3875
God 5 w 3878
and 29 w 3881
a 301 w 3882
pretty 1 w 3888
wench 2 w 3893
for 11 w 3896
him 5 w 3899
to 36 w 3901
lie 3 w 3904
with 10 w 3908
Whereupon 1 w 3918
choosing 1 w 3926
two 1 w 3929
dice 3 w 3933
one 5 w 3937
for 12 w 3940
himself 2 w 3947
and 30 w 3950
the 98 w 3953
other 4 w 3958
for 13 w 3961
the 100 w 3964
God 6 w 3967
and 31 w 3971
throwing 1 w 3979
them 8 w 3983
he 130 w 3986
lost 2 w 3990
the 102 w 3993
game 3 w 3997
upon 4 w 4002
which 3 w 4007
abiding 1 w 4015
by 8 w 4017
his 14 w 4020
challenge 2 w 4029
he 132 w 4032
prepared 1 w 4040
a 308 w 4041
very 2 w 4045
splendid 1 w 4053
table 1 w 4058
for 14 w 4061
the 103 w 4064
God 7 w 4067
and 32 w 4071
picking 1 w 4078
up 14 w 4080
Laurentia 5 w 4089
a 313 w 4091
notorious 1 w 4100
harlot 1 w 4106
he 134 w 4109
set 1 w 4112
her 12 w 4115
down 1 w 4119
to 38 w 4121
the 104 w 4124
good 1 w 4128
cheer 1 w 4133
and 33 w 4137
when 8 w 4141
he 139 w 4143
had 2 w 4146
made 1 w 4150
a 318 w 4151
bed 1 w 4154
for 15 w 4157
her 13 w 4160
in 64 w 4162
the 105 w 4165
temple 1 w 4171
he 142 w 4174
departed 1 w 4182
and 34 w 4185
shut 1 w 4189
the 106 w 4192
doors 1 w 4197
after 1 w 4202
him 7 w 4205
The 3 w 4209
report 2 w 4215
went 1 w 4219
that 28 w 4223
Hercules 3 w 4231
came 3 w 4235
but 1 w 4239
had 3 w 4242
not 9 w 4245
to 39 w 4247
do 9 w 4249
with 11 w 4253
her 14 w 4256
after 2 w 4261
the 107 w 4264
usual 2 w 4269
manner 2 w 4275
of 37 w 4277
men 8 w 4280
and 35 w 4284
commanded 1 w 4293
her 15 w 4296
to 40 w 4298
go 4 w 4300
forth 1 w 4305
early 1 w 4310
in 65 w 4312
the 108 w 4315
morning 1 w 4322
into 2 w 4326
the 109 w 4329
market-place 1 w 4341
and 37 w 4345
whomsoever 1 w 4355
she 5 w 4358
first 3 w 4363
happened 2 w 4371
to 42 w 4373
meet 3 w 4377
with 12 w 4381
him 8 w 4385
she 6 w 4388
should 3 w 4394
especially 1 w 4404
set 2 w 4407
her 16 w 4410
heart 1 w 4415
upon 5 w 4419
and 38 w 4422
procure 1 w 4429
him 9 w 4432
to 43 w 4434
be 26 w 4436
her 17 w 4439
copemate 1 w 4447
Laurentia 6 w 4457
accordingly 1 w 4468
arising 1 w 4475
and 39 w 4478
going 1 w 4483
forth 2 w 4488
happened 3 w 4496
to 44 w 4498
meet 4 w 4502
with 13 w 4506
a 345 w 4507
certain 4 w 4514
rich 1 w 4518
man 11 w 4521
a 348 w 4523
stale 1 w 4528
bachelor 1 w 4536
whose 2 w 4542
name 4 w 4546
was 11 w 4549
Taruntius 1 w 4558
He 5 w 4561
lying 2 w 4566
with 14 w 4570
her 18 w 4573
made 2 w 4577
her 19 w 4580
whilst 3 w 4586
he 158 w 4588
lived 1 w 4593
the 110 w 4596
governess 1 w 4605
of 38 w 4607
his 15 w 4610
house 1 w 4615
and 40 w 4619
his 16 w 4622
heiress 1 w 4629
when 9 w 4633
he 162 w 4635
died 1 w 4639
some 4 w 4644
time 4 w 4648
after 3 w 4653
she 7 w 4657
died 2 w 4661
and 41 w 4664
left 1 w 4668
her 20 w 4671
estate 1 w 4677
to 45 w 4679
the 111 w 4682
city 1 w 4686
and 42 w 4690
therefore 1 w 4699
they 16 w 4703
have 3 w 4707
her 22 w 4710
in 73 w 4712
so 19 w 4714
great 4 w 4719
a 362 w 4720
reputation 1 w 4730