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CTS Library / The Roman Questions

The Roman Questions (55-59)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '55', 'human_reference': 'Section 55'}, 'end': {'reference': '59', 'human_reference': 'Section 59'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Why is it that on the Ides of January the flute-players are allowed to walk about the city wearing the raiment of women[*]?

Is it for the reason commonly alleged? They used to enjoy, as it seems, great honours, which King Numa had given them by reason of his piety towards the gods. Because they were later deprived of these honours by the decemviri, who were invested with consular power,[*] they withdrew from the city. There was, accordingly, inquiry made for them, and a certain superstitious fear seized upon the priests when they sacrificed without flutes. But when the flute-players would not hearken to those sent to summon them to return, but remained in Tibur, a freedman secretly promised the officials to bring them back. On the pretext of having sacrificed to the gods, he prepared a sumptuous banquet and invited the flute-players. Women were present, as well as wine, and a party lasting all the night was being celebrated with merriment and dancing, when

suddenly the freedman interrupted, saying that his patron was coming to see him, and, in his perturbation, he persuaded the flute-players to climb into wagons, which were screened round about with skins, to be conveyed back to Tibur. But this was a trick, for he turned the wagons around, and, without being detected, since the flute-players comprehended nothing because of the wine and the darkness, at dawn he had brought them all to Rome. Now the majority of them happened to be clad in raiment of feminine finery because of the nocturnal drinking-bout: when, therefore, they had been persuaded and reconciled by the officials, it became their custom on that day to strut through the city clad in this manner.

Why are the matrons supposed to have founded the temple of Carmenta originally, and why do they reverence it now above all others?

There is a certain tale repeated that the women were prevented by the senate from using horse-drawn vehicles[*]; they therefore made an agreement with one another not to conceive nor to bear children, and they kept their husbands at a distance, until the husbands changed their minds and made the concession to them. When children were born to them, they, as mothers of a fair and numerous progeny, founded the temple of Carmenta.

Some assert that Carmenta was the mother of Evander and that she came to Italy: that her name was Themis, or, as others say, Nicostratê; and that because she chanted oracles in verse, she was named Carmenta by the Latins, for they call verses carmina.

But others think that Carmenta is a Fate, and that this is the reason why the matrons sacrifice to her. The true meaning of the name is deprived of sense, [*] by reason of her divine transports. Wherefore Carmenta was not so named from carmina, but rather carmina from her, because, in her divine frenzy, she chanted oracles in verse and metre.[*]

Why do the women that sacrifice to Rumina pour milk over the offerings, but make no oblation of wine in the ceremony?

Is it because the Latins call the teat ruma, and assert that Ruminalis[*] acquired its name inasmuch as the she-wolf offered its teat to Romulus? Therefore, as we call wet-nurses thelonai from thele (teat), even so Rumina is she that gives suck, the nurse and nurturer of children: she does not, therefore, welcome pure wine, since it is harmful for babes.

Why did they use to address some of the senators as Conscript Fathers, others merely as Fathers?[*]

Is it because they used to call those senators originally assigned to that body by Romulus fathers and patricians, that is to say well-born, since they could point out their fathers,[*] while they called those who were later enrolled from the commoners conscript fathers?

Why did Hercules and the Muses have an altar in common?

Is it because Hercules taught Evanders people the use of letters, as Juba[*] has recorded? And this action was held to be noble on the part of men who taught their friends and relatives. It was a long time before they began to teach for pay, and the first to open an elementary school was Spurius Carvilius,[*] a freedman of the Carvilius[*] who was the first to divorce his wife.

Why 1 w 3
is 1 w 5
it 1 w 7
that 1 w 11
on 1 w 13
the 1 w 16
Ides 1 w 20
of 1 w 22
January 1 w 29
the 2 w 32
flute-players 1 w 45
are 1 w 48
allowed 1 w 55
to 1 w 57
walk 1 w 61
about 1 w 66
the 3 w 69
city 1 w 73
wearing 1 w 80
the 4 w 83
raiment 1 w 90
of 2 w 92
women 1 w 97
Cf 1 w 99
Livy 1 w 104
ix 1 w 107
30 1 w 110
Ovid 1 w 115
Fasti 1 w 121
vi 2 w 124
653 1 w 128
ff 1 w 130
Valerius 1 w 140
Maximus 1 w 147
ii 1 w 150
5 2 w 152
4 1 w 154
see 1 w 158
also 1 w 162
Classical 1 w 171
Weekly 1 w 177
1921 1 w 182
p 2 w 184
51 1 w 187
Is 1 w 191
it 3 w 193
for 1 w 196
the 5 w 199
reason 1 w 205
commonly 1 w 213
alleged 1 w 220
They 1 w 225
used 1 w 229
to 2 w 231
enjoy 1 w 236
as 4 w 239
it 4 w 241
seems 1 w 246
great 1 w 252
honours 1 w 259
which 1 w 265
King 1 w 269
Numa 1 w 273
had 1 w 276
given 1 w 281
them 1 w 285
by 1 w 287
reason 2 w 293
of 3 w 295
his 1 w 298
piety 1 w 303
towards 1 w 310
the 7 w 313
gods 1 w 317
Because 1 w 325
they 1 w 329
were 1 w 333
later 1 w 338
deprived 1 w 346
of 4 w 348
these 1 w 353
honours 2 w 360
by 2 w 362
the 10 w 365
decemviri 1 w 374
who 1 w 378
were 2 w 382
invested 1 w 390
with 1 w 394
consular 1 w 402
power 1 w 407
Consulari 1 w 417
potestate 1 w 426
they 2 w 431
withdrew 1 w 439
from 1 w 443
the 12 w 446
city 2 w 450
There 1 w 456
was 1 w 459
accordingly 1 w 471
inquiry 1 w 479
made 1 w 483
for 2 w 486
them 2 w 490
and 1 w 494
a 34 w 495
certain 1 w 502
superstitious 1 w 515
fear 1 w 519
seized 1 w 525
upon 1 w 529
the 14 w 532
priests 1 w 539
when 1 w 543
they 3 w 547
sacrificed 1 w 557
without 1 w 564
flutes 1 w 570
But 1 w 574
when 2 w 578
the 16 w 581
flute-players 2 w 594
would 1 w 599
not 1 w 602
hearken 1 w 609
to 4 w 611
those 1 w 616
sent 1 w 620
to 5 w 622
summon 1 w 628
them 3 w 632
to 6 w 634
return 1 w 640
but 1 w 644
remained 1 w 652
in 8 w 654
Tibur 1 w 659
a 41 w 661
freedman 1 w 669
secretly 1 w 677
promised 1 w 685
the 18 w 688
officials 1 w 697
to 7 w 699
bring 1 w 704
them 4 w 708
back 1 w 712
On 1 w 715
the 20 w 718
pretext 1 w 725
of 6 w 727
having 1 w 733
sacrificed 2 w 743
to 8 w 745
the 21 w 748
gods 2 w 752
he 27 w 755
prepared 1 w 763
a 48 w 764
sumptuous 1 w 773
banquet 1 w 780
and 2 w 783
invited 1 w 790
the 22 w 793
flute-players 3 w 806
Women 1 w 812
were 3 w 816
present 1 w 823
as 7 w 826
well 1 w 830
as 8 w 832
wine 1 w 836
and 3 w 840
a 55 w 841
party 1 w 846
lasting 1 w 853
all 3 w 856
the 23 w 859
night 1 w 864
was 2 w 867
being 1 w 872
celebrated 1 w 882
with 4 w 886
merriment 1 w 895
and 4 w 898
dancing 1 w 905
when 3 w 910
suddenly 1 w 918
the 24 w 921
freedman 2 w 929
interrupted 1 w 940
saying 1 w 947
that 2 w 951
his 2 w 954
patron 1 w 960
was 3 w 963
coming 1 w 969
to 9 w 971
see 3 w 974
him 1 w 977
and 5 w 981
in 19 w 984
his 3 w 987
perturbation 1 w 999
he 32 w 1002
persuaded 1 w 1011
the 25 w 1014
flute-players 4 w 1027
to 10 w 1029
climb 1 w 1034
into 1 w 1038
wagons 1 w 1044
which 2 w 1050
were 4 w 1054
screened 1 w 1062
round 1 w 1067
about 2 w 1072
with 5 w 1076
skins 1 w 1081
to 12 w 1084
be 2 w 1086
conveyed 1 w 1094
back 2 w 1098
to 13 w 1100
Tibur 2 w 1105
But 2 w 1109
this 1 w 1113
was 4 w 1116
a 76 w 1117
trick 1 w 1122
for 3 w 1126
he 34 w 1128
turned 1 w 1134
the 26 w 1137
wagons 2 w 1143
around 1 w 1149
and 6 w 1153
without 2 w 1161
being 2 w 1166
detected 1 w 1174
since 1 w 1180
the 27 w 1183
flute-players 5 w 1196
comprehended 1 w 1208
nothing 1 w 1215
because 1 w 1222
of 7 w 1224
the 28 w 1227
wine 2 w 1231
and 7 w 1234
the 29 w 1237
darkness 1 w 1245
at 9 w 1248
dawn 1 w 1252
he 40 w 1254
had 2 w 1257
brought 1 w 1264
them 5 w 1268
all 4 w 1271
to 14 w 1273
Rome 1 w 1277
Now 1 w 1281
the 31 w 1284
majority 1 w 1292
of 8 w 1294
them 6 w 1298
happened 1 w 1306
to 15 w 1308
be 5 w 1310
clad 1 w 1314
in 26 w 1316
raiment 2 w 1323
of 9 w 1325
feminine 1 w 1333
finery 1 w 1339
because 2 w 1346
of 10 w 1348
the 33 w 1351
nocturnal 1 w 1360
drinking-bout 1 w 1373
when 4 w 1378
therefore 1 w 1388
they 4 w 1393
had 3 w 1396
been 1 w 1400
persuaded 2 w 1409
and 8 w 1412
reconciled 1 w 1422
by 3 w 1424
the 36 w 1427
officials 2 w 1436
it 15 w 1439
became 1 w 1445
their 1 w 1450
custom 1 w 1456
on 17 w 1458
that 3 w 1462
day 1 w 1465
to 17 w 1467
strut 1 w 1472
through 1 w 1479
the 38 w 1482
city 3 w 1486
clad 2 w 1490
in 32 w 1492
this 2 w 1496
manner 1 w 1502
Why 2 w 1506
are 3 w 1509
the 39 w 1512
matrons 1 w 1519
supposed 1 w 1527
to 18 w 1529
have 1 w 1533
founded 1 w 1540
the 40 w 1543
temple 1 w 1549
of 12 w 1551
Carmenta 1 w 1559
originally 1 w 1569
and 9 w 1573
why 1 w 1576
do 1 w 1578
they 5 w 1582
reverence 1 w 1591
it 17 w 1593
now 1 w 1596
above 1 w 1601
all 6 w 1604
others 1 w 1610
There 2 w 1616
is 8 w 1618
a 112 w 1619
certain 2 w 1626
tale 1 w 1630
repeated 1 w 1638
that 4 w 1642
the 43 w 1645
women 2 w 1650
were 5 w 1654
prevented 1 w 1663
by 4 w 1665
the 44 w 1668
senate 1 w 1674
from 2 w 1678
using 1 w 1683
horse-drawn 1 w 1694
vehicles 1 w 1702
Cf 2 w 1704
Livy 2 w 1709
v 17 w 1711
25 1 w 1714
9 2 w 1716
and 10 w 1720
xxxiv 1 w 1725
1 4 w 1727
and 11 w 1730
8 1 w 1731
they 6 w 1737
therefore 2 w 1746
made 2 w 1750
an 18 w 1752
agreement 1 w 1761
with 7 w 1765
one 1 w 1768
another 1 w 1775
not 4 w 1778
to 19 w 1780
conceive 1 w 1788
nor 1 w 1791
to 20 w 1793
bear 1 w 1797
children 1 w 1805
and 12 w 1809
they 7 w 1813
kept 1 w 1817
their 2 w 1822
husbands 1 w 1830
at 15 w 1832
a 129 w 1833
distance 1 w 1841
until 1 w 1847
the 50 w 1850
husbands 2 w 1858
changed 1 w 1865
their 3 w 1870
minds 1 w 1875
and 15 w 1878
made 3 w 1882
the 52 w 1885
concession 1 w 1895
to 21 w 1897
them 7 w 1901
When 1 w 1906
children 2 w 1914
were 6 w 1918
born 1 w 1922
to 22 w 1924
them 8 w 1928
they 8 w 1933
as 13 w 1936
mothers 1 w 1943
of 13 w 1945
a 136 w 1946
fair 1 w 1950
and 16 w 1953
numerous 1 w 1961
progeny 1 w 1968
founded 2 w 1976
the 57 w 1979
temple 2 w 1985
of 14 w 1987
Carmenta 2 w 1995
Some 1 w 2000
assert 1 w 2006
that 5 w 2010
Carmenta 3 w 2018
was 5 w 2021
the 58 w 2024
mother 2 w 2030
of 15 w 2032
Evander 1 w 2039
and 18 w 2042
that 6 w 2046
she 1 w 2049
came 2 w 2053
to 23 w 2055
Italy 1 w 2060
that 7 w 2065
her 9 w 2068
name 1 w 2072
was 6 w 2075
Themis 1 w 2081
or 12 w 2084
as 17 w 2087
others 3 w 2093
say 2 w 2096
Nicostratê 1 w 2107
and 19 w 2111
that 8 w 2115
because 3 w 2122
she 2 w 2125
chanted 1 w 2132
oracles 1 w 2139
in 37 w 2141
verse 1 w 2146
she 3 w 2150
was 7 w 2153
named 1 w 2158
Carmenta 4 w 2166
by 5 w 2168
the 61 w 2171
Latins 1 w 2177
for 6 w 2181
they 9 w 2185
call 1 w 2189
verses 1 w 2195
carmina 1 w 2202
But 3 w 2206
others 4 w 2212
think 1 w 2217
that 9 w 2221
Carmenta 5 w 2229
is 11 w 2231
a 173 w 2232
Fate 1 w 2236
and 20 w 2240
that 10 w 2244
this 3 w 2248
is 13 w 2250
the 64 w 2253
reason 3 w 2259
why 2 w 2262
the 65 w 2265
matrons 2 w 2272
sacrifice 3 w 2281
to 24 w 2283
her 12 w 2286
The 5 w 2290
true 1 w 2294
meaning 1 w 2301
of 16 w 2303
the 66 w 2306
name 3 w 2310
is 14 w 2312
deprived 2 w 2320
of 17 w 2322
sense 1 w 2327
That 1 w 2332
is 15 w 2334
carens 1 w 2341
mente 1 w 2346
by 6 w 2349
reason 4 w 2355
of 18 w 2357
her 13 w 2360
divine 1 w 2366
transports 1 w 2376
Wherefore 1 w 2386
Carmenta 6 w 2394
was 8 w 2397
not 5 w 2400
so 6 w 2402
named 2 w 2407
from 3 w 2411
carmina 2 w 2418
but 2 w 2422
rather 1 w 2428
carmina 3 w 2435
from 4 w 2439
her 16 w 2442
because 4 w 2450
in 45 w 2453
her 17 w 2456
divine 2 w 2462
frenzy 1 w 2468
she 4 w 2472
chanted 2 w 2479
oracles 2 w 2486
in 47 w 2488
verse 3 w 2493
and 21 w 2496
metre 1 w 2501
Cf 3 w 2504
Life 1 w 2509
of 19 w 2511
Romulus 1 w 2518
xxi 2 w 2522
31 1 w 2526
a 199 w 2527
Dionysius 1 w 2538
of 20 w 2540
Halicarnassus 1 w 2553
Roman 1 w 2559
Antiquities 1 w 2570
i 149 w 2572
31 2 w 2575
Strabo 1 w 2582
v 27 w 2584
33 1 w 2587
p 39 w 2589
230 1 w 2593
Ovid 2 w 2598
Fasti 2 w 2604
i 152 w 2606
619 1 w 2610
ff 4 w 2612
Why 3 w 2616
do 2 w 2618
the 68 w 2621
women 3 w 2626
that 11 w 2630
sacrifice 4 w 2639
to 25 w 2641
Rumina 1 w 2647
pour 1 w 2651
milk 1 w 2655
over 1 w 2659
the 69 w 2662
offerings 1 w 2671
but 3 w 2675
make 1 w 2679
no 11 w 2681
oblation 1 w 2689
of 22 w 2691
wine 3 w 2695
in 51 w 2697
the 70 w 2700
ceremony 1 w 2708
Is 2 w 2711
it 20 w 2713
because 5 w 2720
the 71 w 2723
Latins 2 w 2729
call 2 w 2733
the 72 w 2736
teat 1 w 2740
ruma 1 w 2744
and 22 w 2748
assert 2 w 2754
that 12 w 2758
Ruminalis 1 w 2767
Cf 4 w 2769
320 1 w 2773
d 103 w 2774
infra 1 w 2780
and 23 w 2784
Life 2 w 2788
of 23 w 2790
Romulus 2 w 2797
iv 10 w 2800
19 3 w 2804
d 105 w 2805
Ovid 3 w 2811
Fasti 3 w 2817
ii 2 w 2820
411 1 w 2824
ff 6 w 2826
acquired 1 w 2835
its 1 w 2838
name 5 w 2842
inasmuch 1 w 2850
as 27 w 2852
the 73 w 2855
she-wolf 1 w 2863
offered 1 w 2870
its 2 w 2873
teat 2 w 2877
to 26 w 2879
Romulus 3 w 2886
Therefore 1 w 2896
as 28 w 2899
we 11 w 2901
call 3 w 2905
wet-nurses 1 w 2915
thelonai 1 w 2923
from 5 w 2927
thele 1 w 2932
teat 3 w 2937
even 2 w 2943
so 7 w 2945
Rumina 3 w 2951
is 17 w 2953
she 6 w 2956
that 13 w 2960
gives 1 w 2965
suck 1 w 2969
the 76 w 2973
nurse 2 w 2978
and 24 w 2981
nurturer 1 w 2989
of 25 w 2991
children 3 w 2999
she 7 w 3003
does 1 w 3007
not 6 w 3010
therefore 3 w 3020
welcome 1 w 3028
pure 1 w 3032
wine 4 w 3036
since 2 w 3042
it 23 w 3044
is 18 w 3046
harmful 1 w 3053
for 10 w 3056
babes 1 w 3061
Why 4 w 3065
did 1 w 3068
they 10 w 3072
use 8 w 3075
to 27 w 3077
address 1 w 3084
some 1 w 3088
of 26 w 3090
the 79 w 3093
senators 1 w 3101
as 29 w 3103
Conscript 1 w 3112
Fathers 1 w 3119
others 5 w 3126
merely 1 w 3132
as 30 w 3134
Fathers 2 w 3141
Cf 5 w 3144
Life 3 w 3149
of 27 w 3151
Romulus 4 w 3158
xiii 1 w 3163
25 2 w 3167
a 243 w 3168
Is 3 w 3172
it 24 w 3174
because 6 w 3181
they 11 w 3185
used 2 w 3189
to 29 w 3191
call 4 w 3195
those 2 w 3200
senators 2 w 3208
originally 2 w 3218
assigned 1 w 3226
to 31 w 3228
that 14 w 3232
body 1 w 3236
by 7 w 3238
Romulus 5 w 3245
fathers 1 w 3252
and 25 w 3255
patricians 1 w 3265
that 15 w 3270
is 19 w 3272
to 32 w 3274
say 3 w 3277
well-born 1 w 3286
since 3 w 3292
they 12 w 3296
could 1 w 3301
point 1 w 3306
out 6 w 3309
their 4 w 3314
fathers 2 w 3321
Cf 6 w 3324
Livy 3 w 3329
x 10 w 3331
8 2 w 3333
10 1 w 3336
while 1 w 3342
they 13 w 3346
called 1 w 3352
those 3 w 3357
who 2 w 3360
were 7 w 3364
later 2 w 3369
enrolled 1 w 3377
from 6 w 3381
the 89 w 3384
commoners 1 w 3393
conscript 1 w 3402
fathers 3 w 3409
Why 5 w 3413
did 2 w 3416
Hercules 1 w 3424
and 26 w 3427
the 91 w 3430
Muses 1 w 3435
have 2 w 3439
an 43 w 3441
altar 1 w 3446
in 62 w 3448
common 3 w 3454
Is 4 w 3457
it 25 w 3459
because 7 w 3466
Hercules 2 w 3474
taught 1 w 3480
Evander 2 w 3487
s 217 w 3489
people 1 w 3495
the 92 w 3498
use 13 w 3501
of 28 w 3503
letters 1 w 3510
as 32 w 3513
Juba 1 w 3517
Müller 1 w 3523
Frag 1 w 3528
Hist 1 w 3533
Graec 1 w 3539
iii 2 w 3543
p 48 w 3545
470 1 w 3549
has 1 w 3553
recorded 1 w 3561
And 1 w 3565
this 4 w 3569
action 1 w 3575
was 9 w 3578
held 1 w 3582
to 33 w 3584
be 16 w 3586
noble 1 w 3591
on 35 w 3593
the 93 w 3596
part 2 w 3600
of 29 w 3602
men 16 w 3605
who 3 w 3608
taught 2 w 3614
their 5 w 3619
friends 1 w 3626
and 28 w 3629
relatives 1 w 3638
It 2 w 3641
was 10 w 3644
a 280 w 3645
long 1 w 3649
time 1 w 3653
before 1 w 3659
they 14 w 3663
began 1 w 3668
to 34 w 3670
teach 1 w 3675
for 12 w 3678
pay 1 w 3681
and 29 w 3685
the 96 w 3688
first 1 w 3693
to 35 w 3695
open 1 w 3699
an 48 w 3701
elementary 1 w 3711
school 1 w 3717
was 11 w 3720
Spurius 1 w 3727
Carvilius 1 w 3736
Cf 7 w 3739
277 1 w 3743
d 134 w 3744
supra 1 w 3750
a 290 w 3752
freedman 3 w 3760
of 30 w 3762
the 97 w 3765
Carvilius 2 w 3774
Cf 8 w 3776
the 98 w 3780
note 1 w 3784
on 37 w 3786
267 1 w 3789
c 100 w 3790
supra 2 w 3796
who 4 w 3800
was 12 w 3803
the 99 w 3806
first 2 w 3811
to 36 w 3813
divorce 1 w 3820
his 8 w 3823
wife 1 w 3827