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CTS Library / The Banquet of the Seven Wise Men

The Banquet of the Seven Wise Men (6-10)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '6', 'human_reference': 'Section 6'}, 'end': {'reference': '10', 'human_reference': 'Section 10'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

There happening here a short silence, Periander, observing Niloxenus willing but not daring to speak, said: I cannot but commend the civility of those magistrates who give audience first to strangers and afterwards to their own citizens; wherefore I judge it convenient that we inhabitants and neighbors should proceed no farther at present in our discourse, and that now attention be given to those royal propositions sent us from Egypt, which the worthy Niloxenus is commissioned to deliver to Bias, who desires that he and we may scan and examine them together. And Bias said: For where or in what company would a man more joyfully adventure to give his opinion than here in this? And since it is his Majestys pleasure that I should give my judgment first, in obedience to his commands I will do so, and afterwards they shall come to every one of you in order.

Then Niloxenus delivered the paper to Bias, who broke up the seal and commanded it to be read in all their hearing. The contents were these:—

Amasis the king of Egypt, to Bias, the wisest of the Grecians, greeting. There is a contest between my brother of Ethiopia and myself about wisdom; and being baffled in divers other particulars, he now demands of me a thing absurd and impracticable; for he requires me to drink up
the ocean dry. If I be able to read this his riddle, divers cities and towns now in his possession are to be annexed to my kingdom; but if I cannot resolve this hard sentence, and give him the right meaning thereof, he requires of me my right to all the towns bordering upon Elephantina. Consider with speed the premises, and let me receive your thoughts by Niloxenus. Pray lose no time. If in any thing I can be serviceable to your city or friends, you may command me. Farewell.

Bias, having perused and for a little time meditated upon the letter, and whispering Cleobulus in the ear (he sat by him), exclaimed: What a narration is here, O Niloxenus! Will Amasis, who governs so many men and is seized of so many flourishing territories, drink up the ocean for the gain of a few paltry, beggarly villages? Niloxenus replied with a smile: Consider, good sir, what is to be done, if he will obey. Why then, said Bias, let Amasis require the Ethiopian king to stop the streams which from all parts flow and empty themselves in the ocean, until he have drunk out the whole remainder; for I conceive he means the present waters, not those which shall flow into it hereafter. Niloxenus was so overjoyed at this answer, that he could not contain himself. He hugged and kissed the author, and the whole company liked his opinion admirably well; and Chilo laughing desired Niloxenus to get aboard immediately before the sea was consumed, and tell his master he should mind more how to render his government sweet and potable to his people, than how to swallow such a quantity of salt water. For Bias, he told him, understands these things very well, and knows how to oblige your lord with very useful instructions, which if he vouchsafe to attend, he shall no more need a golden basin to wash his feet, to gain respect from his subjects; all will love and honor him for his virtue, though he were ten thousand

times more hateful to them than he is. It were well and worthily done, quoth Periander, if all of us did pay him our first-fruits in this kind by the poll (as Homer said). Such a course would bring him an accession of profit greater than the whole profit of the voyage, besides being of no little use to ourselves.

To this point it is fit that Solon should first speak, quoth Chilo, not only because he is the eldest in the company and therefore sits uppermost at table, but because he governs and gives laws to the amplest and most complete and flourishing republic in the world, that of Athens. Here Niloxenus whispered me in the ear: O Diocles, saith he, how many reports fly about and are believed, and how some men delight in lies which they either feign of their own heads or most greedily swallow from the mouths of others. In Egypt I heard it reported how Chilo had renounced all friendship and correspondence with Solon, because he maintained the mutability of laws. A ridiculous fiction, quoth I, for then he and we must have renounced Lycurgus, who changed the laws and indeed the whole government of Sparta.

Solon, pausing awhile, gave his opinion in these words. I conceive that monarch, whether king or tyrant, were infinitely to be commended, who would exchange his monarchy for a commonwealth. Bias subjoined, And who would be first and foremost in conforming to the laws of his country. Thales added, I reckon that prince happy, who, being old, dies in his bed a natural death. Fourthly, Anacharsis, If he alone be a wise man. Fifthly, Cleobulus said, If he trust none of his courtiers. Sixthly, Pittacus spake thus, If he could cause his subjects to have fear not of him but for him. Lastly, Chilo concluded thus, A magistrate ought to have thoughts, purposes, and resolutions not mean and earthly, but divine and immortal.

When all had given in their judgments upon this point,

we requested Periander he would condescend to give the company the satisfaction to let them know his thoughts upon the same head. Disorder and discontent appearing in his countenance, he said, These opinions are enough to scare any wise man from affecting empire. These things, saith Esop after his fault-finding way, ought rather to have been discussed privately among ourselves, lest we be accounted antimonarchical while we desire to be esteemed friends and loyal counsellors. Solon, gently clapping him upon the shoulder and smiling, answered: Do you not perceive that any one would make a king more moderate and a tyrant more favorable, who should persuade him that it is better not to reign than to reign? Then we must believe you before the oracle delivered unto you, quoth Esop, which pronounced that city happy that heard but one crier. Yes, quoth Solon, and Athens, though now a commonwealth, hath but one crier and one magistrate, and that is the law, though the government be democratical; but you, my friend, have been so accustomed to the croaking of ravens and the prating of jays, that you do not hear your own voice. For you maintain it to be the happiness of a city to be under the command of one man, and yet account it the praise of a feast if liberty is allowed every man to speak his mind freely upon what subject he pleases. But you have not prohibited your servants drunkenness, as you have forbidden them to love or to use dry ointments. Solon laughed at this; but Cleodorus the physician said: To use dry ointment is like talking when a man is drenched with wine; both are very pleasant. Therefore, saith Chilo, it concerns men the more carefully to avoid it. Esop proceeds, Thales seemed to imply that he should soon grow old.

Periander said laughing: We suffer deservedly, for, before we have perfected our animadversions and remarks upon the letter, we are fallen upon disputes so strangely foreign to the matter under consideration; and therefore I

pray, Niloxenus, read out the remainder of your lords letter, and slip not this opportunity to receive what satisfaction all that are present shall be able to give you. The command of the king of Ethiopia, says Niloxenus, is no more and no less than (to use Archilochuss phrase) a broken scytale; that is, the meaning is inscrutable and cannot be found out. But your friend Amasis was more gentle and civil in his queries; for he commanded him only to resolve him what was most ancient, most beautiful, greatest, wisest, most common, and withal, what was most profitable, most pernicious, most strong, and most easy. Did he resolve and answer every one of these questions? He did, quoth Niloxenus, and do you judge of his answers and the soundness thereof: and it is my princes purpose not to misrepresent his responses and condemn unjustly what he saith well, so, where he finds him under a mistake, not to suffer that to pass without correction. His answers to the foresaid questions I will read to you.— What is most ancient? Time. What is greatest? The World. What is wisest? Truth. What is most beautiful? The light. What is most common? Death. What is most profitable? God. What is most pernicious? An evil genius. What is strongest? Fortune. What is most easy? That which is pleasant.

When Niloxenus had read out these answers, there was a short silence among them; by and by Thales desires Niloxenus to inform him if Amasis approved of these answers. Niloxenus said, he liked some and disliked others. There is not one of them right and sound, quoth Thales, but all are full of wretched folly and ignorance. As for instance, how can that be most ancient whereof part is past, part is now present, and part is yet to come; every man knows it is younger than ourselves and our actions. As to his answer that truth is the most wise thing, it is as incongruous as if he had affirmed the light to be an eye; if

he judged the light to be the most beautiful, how could he overlook the sun; as to his solutions concerning the Gods and evil geniuses, they are full of presumption and peril. What he saith of Fortune is void of sense, for her inconstancy and fickleness proceeds from want of strength and power. Nor is death the most common thing; the living are still at liberty, it hath not arrested them. But lest we be censured as having a faculty to find fault only, we will lay down our opinions of these things, and compare them with those of the Ethiopian; and I offer myself first, if Niloxenus pleases, to deliver my opinion on every one singly, and I will relate both questions and answers in that method and order in which they were sent to Ethiopia and read to us. What is most ancient? Thales answered, God, for he had no beginning. What is greatest? Place; the world contains all other things, this surrounds and contains the world. What is most beautiful? The world; for whatever is framed artificially and methodically is a part of it. What is most wise? Time; for it has found out some things already, it will find out the rest in due time. What is most common? Hope; for they that want other things are masters of this. What is most profitable? Virtue; for by a right managery of other things she makes them all beneficial and advantageous. What is most pernicious? Vice; for it depraves the best things we enjoy. What is the most strong? Necessity; for this alone is insuperable. What is most easy? That which is most agreeable to nature; for pleasures themselves are sometimes tedious and nauseating.

All the consult approved of Thaless solutions. Then Cleodemus said: My friend Niloxenus, it becomes kings to propound and resolve such questions; but the insolence of that barbarian who would have Amasis drink the sea would have been better fitted by such a smart reprimand as Pittacus gave Alyattes, who sent an imperious letter to the

Lesbians. He made him no answer, except to bid him spend his time in eating his hot bread and onions.

Periander here assumed the discourse, and said: It was the manner of the ancient Grecians heretofore, O Cleodemus, to propound doubts to one another; and it hath been told us, that the most famous and eminent poets once met at the grave of Amphidamas in Chalcis. This Amphidamas was a leading citizen, one that had perpetual wars with the Eretrians, and at last lost his life in one of the battles fought for the possession of the Lelantine plain. Now, because the writings of those poets were composed in verse, and so made the argument more knotty and the decision more difficult, and the great names of the antagonists, Homer and Hesiod, whose excellence was so well known, made the umpires timorous and shy to determine; they therefore betook themselves to these sorts of questions, and Homer, says Lesches, propounded this riddle:—

Tell me, O Muse, what never was
And never yet shall be.

Hesiod answered readily and extempore in this wise:—

When steeds with sounding hoof, to win
The prize, shall run amain;
And at the tomb of mighty Jove
Their chariots break in twain.

For this reply he was infinitely commended and won the tripod. Pray tell me, quoth Cleodemus, what difference there is between these riddles and those of Eumetis, which she frames and invents to recreate herself with as much pleasure as other virgins make nets and girdles? They may be fit to offer and puzzle women withal; but for men to beat their brains to find out their mystery would be mighty ridiculous. Eumetis looked like one that had a great mind to reply; but her modesty would not permit her, for her face was filled with blushes. But Esop in her vindication asked: Is it not much more ridiculous that

all present cannot resolve the riddle she propounded to us before supper? This was as follows:—
A man I saw, who by his fire
Did set a piece of brass
Fast to a man, so that it seemed
To him it welded was.

Can you tell me, said he, how to construe this, and what the sense of it may be? No, said Cleodemus, nor do I care to know what it means. And yet, quoth Esop, no man understands this thing better and practises it more judiciously and successfully than yourself. If you deny it, I have my witnesses ready; for there are your cupping glasses. Cleodemus laughed outright; for of all the physicians in his time, none used cupping-glasses like him, he being a person that by his frequent and fortunate application thereof brought them first into request in the world.

There 1 w 5
happening 1 w 14
here 2 w 18
a 2 w 19
short 1 w 24
silence 1 w 31
Periander 1 w 41
observing 1 w 51
Niloxenus 1 w 60
willing 1 w 67
but 1 w 70
not 1 w 73
daring 1 w 79
to 1 w 81
speak 1 w 86
said 1 w 91
I 1 w 93
cannot 1 w 99
but 2 w 102
commend 1 w 109
the 1 w 112
civility 1 w 120
of 1 w 122
those 1 w 127
magistrates 1 w 138
who 1 w 141
give 1 w 145
audience 1 w 153
first 1 w 158
to 2 w 160
strangers 1 w 169
and 2 w 172
afterwards 1 w 182
to 3 w 184
their 1 w 189
own 1 w 192
citizens 1 w 200
wherefore 1 w 210
I 2 w 211
judge 1 w 216
it 3 w 218
convenient 1 w 228
that 1 w 232
we 1 w 234
inhabitants 1 w 245
and 3 w 248
neighbors 1 w 257
should 1 w 263
proceed 1 w 270
no 3 w 272
farther 1 w 279
at 3 w 281
present 1 w 288
in 6 w 290
our 1 w 293
discourse 1 w 302
and 4 w 306
that 2 w 310
now 1 w 313
attention 1 w 322
be 1 w 324
given 1 w 329
to 4 w 331
those 2 w 336
royal 1 w 341
propositions 1 w 353
sent 2 w 357
us 2 w 359
from 1 w 363
Egypt 1 w 368
which 1 w 374
the 4 w 377
worthy 1 w 383
Niloxenus 2 w 392
is 3 w 394
commissioned 1 w 406
to 5 w 408
deliver 1 w 415
to 6 w 417
Bias 1 w 421
who 2 w 425
desires 1 w 432
that 3 w 436
he 8 w 438
and 5 w 441
we 2 w 443
may 1 w 446
scan 1 w 450
and 6 w 453
examine 1 w 460
them 1 w 464
together 1 w 472
And 1 w 476
Bias 2 w 480
said 2 w 484
For 1 w 488
where 2 w 493
or 6 w 495
in 8 w 497
what 1 w 501
company 1 w 508
would 1 w 513
a 36 w 514
man 1 w 517
more 1 w 521
joyfully 1 w 529
adventure 1 w 538
to 8 w 540
give 3 w 544
his 1 w 547
opinion 1 w 554
than 1 w 558
here 5 w 562
in 10 w 564
this 1 w 568
And 2 w 572
since 1 w 577
it 6 w 579
is 7 w 581
his 3 w 584
Majesty 1 w 591
s 42 w 593
pleasure 1 w 601
that 4 w 605
I 3 w 606
should 2 w 612
give 4 w 616
my 1 w 618
judgment 1 w 626
first 2 w 631
in 12 w 634
obedience 1 w 643
to 9 w 645
his 4 w 648
commands 1 w 656
I 4 w 657
will 2 w 661
do 1 w 663
so 1 w 665
and 8 w 669
afterwards 2 w 679
they 1 w 683
shall 1 w 688
come 1 w 692
to 10 w 694
every 1 w 699
one 2 w 702
of 2 w 704
you 1 w 707
in 13 w 709
order 1 w 714
Then 1 w 719
Niloxenus 3 w 728
delivered 1 w 737
the 8 w 740
paper 1 w 745
to 11 w 747
Bias 3 w 751
who 3 w 755
broke 1 w 760
up 1 w 762
the 9 w 765
seal 1 w 769
and 9 w 772
commanded 1 w 781
it 7 w 783
to 12 w 785
be 3 w 787
read 1 w 791
in 14 w 793
all 2 w 796
their 2 w 801
hearing 1 w 808
The 3 w 812
contents 1 w 820
were 1 w 824
these 1 w 829
Amasis 1 w 837
the 12 w 840
king 1 w 844
of 3 w 846
Egypt 2 w 851
to 13 w 854
Bias 4 w 858
the 13 w 862
wisest 1 w 868
of 4 w 870
the 14 w 873
Grecians 1 w 881
greeting 1 w 890
There 2 w 896
is 12 w 898
a 59 w 899
contest 1 w 906
between 1 w 913
my 2 w 915
brother 1 w 922
of 5 w 924
Ethiopia 1 w 932
and 11 w 935
myself 1 w 941
about 1 w 946
wisdom 1 w 952
and 12 w 956
being 1 w 961
baffled 1 w 968
in 19 w 970
divers 1 w 976
other 2 w 981
particulars 1 w 992
he 27 w 995
now 2 w 998
demands 1 w 1005
of 6 w 1007
me 4 w 1009
a 68 w 1010
thing 1 w 1015
absurd 1 w 1021
and 14 w 1024
impracticable 1 w 1037
for 2 w 1041
he 28 w 1043
requires 1 w 1051
me 5 w 1053
to 14 w 1055
drink 1 w 1060
up 2 w 1062
the 17 w 1065
ocean 1 w 1070
dry 1 w 1073
If 1 w 1076
I 6 w 1077
be 6 w 1079
able 2 w 1083
to 15 w 1085
read 2 w 1089
this 2 w 1093
his 6 w 1096
riddle 1 w 1102
divers 2 w 1109
cities 1 w 1115
and 15 w 1118
towns 1 w 1123
now 3 w 1126
in 22 w 1128
his 7 w 1131
possession 1 w 1141
are 1 w 1144
to 17 w 1146
be 7 w 1148
annexed 1 w 1155
to 18 w 1157
my 4 w 1159
kingdom 1 w 1166
but 3 w 1170
if 1 w 1172
I 7 w 1173
cannot 2 w 1179
resolve 1 w 1186
this 3 w 1190
hard 1 w 1194
sentence 1 w 1202
and 16 w 1206
give 5 w 1210
him 1 w 1213
the 18 w 1216
right 1 w 1221
meaning 1 w 1228
thereof 1 w 1235
he 32 w 1238
requires 2 w 1246
of 8 w 1248
me 7 w 1250
my 5 w 1252
right 2 w 1257
to 19 w 1259
all 3 w 1262
the 20 w 1265
towns 2 w 1270
bordering 1 w 1279
upon 1 w 1283
Elephantina 1 w 1294
Consider 1 w 1303
with 1 w 1307
speed 1 w 1312
the 21 w 1315
premises 1 w 1323
and 17 w 1327
let 1 w 1330
me 8 w 1332
receive 1 w 1339
your 1 w 1343
thoughts 1 w 1351
by 1 w 1353
Niloxenus 4 w 1362
Pray 1 w 1367
lose 1 w 1371
no 8 w 1373
time 1 w 1377
If 2 w 1380
in 27 w 1382
any 2 w 1385
thing 2 w 1390
I 9 w 1391
can 4 w 1394
be 8 w 1396
serviceable 1 w 1407
to 21 w 1409
your 2 w 1413
city 1 w 1417
or 11 w 1419
friends 1 w 1426
you 4 w 1430
may 2 w 1433
command 3 w 1440
me 10 w 1442
Farewell 1 w 1451
Bias 5 w 1456
having 1 w 1463
perused 1 w 1470
and 19 w 1473
for 3 w 1476
a 97 w 1477
little 1 w 1483
time 2 w 1487
meditated 1 w 1496
upon 2 w 1500
the 22 w 1503
letter 1 w 1509
and 20 w 1513
whispering 1 w 1523
Cleobulus 1 w 1532
in 31 w 1534
the 23 w 1537
ear 2 w 1540
he 37 w 1543
sat 1 w 1546
by 2 w 1548
him 2 w 1551
exclaimed 1 w 1562
What 1 w 1567
a 104 w 1568
narration 1 w 1577
is 20 w 1579
here 8 w 1583
O 1 w 1585
Niloxenus 5 w 1594
Will 1 w 1599
Amasis 2 w 1605
who 4 w 1609
governs 1 w 1616
so 3 w 1618
many 1 w 1622
men 3 w 1625
and 21 w 1628
is 22 w 1630
seized 1 w 1636
of 9 w 1638
so 4 w 1640
many 2 w 1644
flourishing 1 w 1655
territories 1 w 1666
drink 2 w 1672
up 5 w 1674
the 24 w 1677
ocean 2 w 1682
for 4 w 1685
the 25 w 1688
gain 1 w 1692
of 10 w 1694
a 113 w 1695
few 1 w 1698
paltry 1 w 1704
beggarly 1 w 1713
villages 1 w 1721
Niloxenus 6 w 1731
replied 1 w 1738
with 2 w 1742
a 117 w 1743
smile 1 w 1748
Consider 2 w 1757
good 1 w 1762
sir 2 w 1765
what 2 w 1770
is 24 w 1772
to 23 w 1774
be 10 w 1776
done 1 w 1780
if 2 w 1783
he 41 w 1785
will 3 w 1789
obey 1 w 1793
Why 1 w 1797
then 1 w 1801
said 3 w 1806
Bias 6 w 1810
let 3 w 1814
Amasis 3 w 1820
require 3 w 1827
the 27 w 1830
Ethiopian 1 w 1839
king 3 w 1843
to 24 w 1845
stop 1 w 1849
the 28 w 1852
streams 1 w 1859
which 2 w 1864
from 2 w 1868
all 4 w 1871
parts 1 w 1876
flow 1 w 1880
and 22 w 1883
empty 1 w 1888
themselves 1 w 1898
in 36 w 1900
the 30 w 1903
ocean 3 w 1908
until 1 w 1914
he 47 w 1916
have 1 w 1920
drunk 1 w 1925
out 2 w 1928
the 31 w 1931
whole 1 w 1936
remainder 1 w 1945
for 5 w 1949
I 10 w 1950
conceive 1 w 1958
he 49 w 1960
means 1 w 1965
the 32 w 1968
present 2 w 1975
waters 1 w 1981
not 4 w 1985
those 3 w 1990
which 3 w 1995
shall 2 w 2000
flow 2 w 2004
into 1 w 2008
it 15 w 2010
hereafter 1 w 2019
Niloxenus 7 w 2029
was 1 w 2032
so 5 w 2034
overjoyed 1 w 2043
at 15 w 2045
this 4 w 2049
answer 1 w 2055
that 5 w 2060
he 52 w 2062
could 1 w 2067
not 5 w 2070
contain 1 w 2077
himself 1 w 2084
He 1 w 2087
hugged 1 w 2093
and 23 w 2096
kissed 1 w 2102
the 33 w 2105
author 1 w 2111
and 24 w 2115
the 34 w 2118
whole 2 w 2123
company 2 w 2130
liked 1 w 2135
his 11 w 2138
opinion 2 w 2145
admirably 1 w 2154
well 2 w 2158
and 25 w 2162
Chilo 1 w 2167
laughing 1 w 2175
desired 1 w 2182
Niloxenus 8 w 2191
to 27 w 2193
get 2 w 2196
aboard 1 w 2202
immediately 1 w 2213
before 1 w 2219
the 35 w 2222
sea 2 w 2225
was 2 w 2228
consumed 1 w 2236
and 26 w 2240
tell 1 w 2244
his 12 w 2247
master 1 w 2253
he 56 w 2255
should 3 w 2261
mind 1 w 2265
more 2 w 2269
how 1 w 2272
to 28 w 2274
render 1 w 2280
his 13 w 2283
government 1 w 2293
sweet 1 w 2298
and 27 w 2301
potable 1 w 2308
to 29 w 2310
his 14 w 2313
people 1 w 2319
than 2 w 2324
how 2 w 2327
to 30 w 2329
swallow 1 w 2336
such 1 w 2340
a 158 w 2341
quantity 1 w 2349
of 11 w 2351
salt 1 w 2355
water 2 w 2360
For 2 w 2364
Bias 7 w 2368
he 57 w 2371
told 1 w 2375
him 4 w 2378
understands 1 w 2390
these 2 w 2395
things 1 w 2401
very 2 w 2405
well 3 w 2409
and 29 w 2413
knows 1 w 2418
how 3 w 2421
to 32 w 2423
oblige 1 w 2429
your 3 w 2433
lord 1 w 2437
with 3 w 2441
very 3 w 2445
useful 1 w 2451
instructions 1 w 2463
which 4 w 2469
if 3 w 2471
he 59 w 2473
vouchsafe 1 w 2482
to 33 w 2484
attend 1 w 2490
he 60 w 2493
shall 3 w 2498
no 12 w 2500
more 3 w 2504
need 1 w 2508
a 168 w 2509
golden 1 w 2515
basin 1 w 2520
to 34 w 2522
wash 1 w 2526
his 15 w 2529
feet 1 w 2533
to 35 w 2536
gain 2 w 2540
respect 1 w 2547
from 3 w 2551
his 16 w 2554
subjects 1 w 2562
all 8 w 2566
will 4 w 2570
love 1 w 2574
and 30 w 2577
honor 1 w 2582
him 5 w 2585
for 7 w 2588
his 17 w 2591
virtue 1 w 2597
though 2 w 2604
he 61 w 2606
were 2 w 2610
ten 5 w 2613
thousand 1 w 2621
times 1 w 2626
more 4 w 2630
hateful 1 w 2637
to 36 w 2639
them 3 w 2643
than 3 w 2647
he 63 w 2649
is 35 w 2651
It 1 w 2654
were 3 w 2658
well 4 w 2662
and 32 w 2665
worthily 1 w 2673
done 2 w 2677
quoth 1 w 2683
Periander 2 w 2692
if 4 w 2695
all 9 w 2698
of 12 w 2700
us 14 w 2702
did 1 w 2705
pay 1 w 2708
him 6 w 2711
our 7 w 2714
first-fruits 1 w 2726
in 47 w 2728
this 5 w 2732
kind 1 w 2736
by 3 w 2738
the 38 w 2741
poll 1 w 2745
as 17 w 2748
Homer 1 w 2753
said 4 w 2757
Such 1 w 2763
a 183 w 2764
course 2 w 2770
would 2 w 2775
bring 1 w 2780
him 7 w 2783
an 60 w 2785
accession 1 w 2794
of 13 w 2796
profit 1 w 2802
greater 1 w 2809
than 4 w 2813
the 39 w 2816
whole 3 w 2821
profit 2 w 2827
of 16 w 2829
the 40 w 2832
voyage 1 w 2838
besides 1 w 2846
being 2 w 2851
of 17 w 2853
no 14 w 2855
little 2 w 2861
use 3 w 2864
to 37 w 2866
ourselves 1 w 2875
To 1 w 2878
this 6 w 2882
point 1 w 2887
it 22 w 2889
is 38 w 2891
fit 3 w 2894
that 6 w 2898
Solon 1 w 2903
should 4 w 2909
first 4 w 2914
speak 2 w 2919
quoth 2 w 2925
Chilo 2 w 2930
not 6 w 2934
only 1 w 2938
because 1 w 2945
he 67 w 2947
is 39 w 2949
the 41 w 2952
eldest 1 w 2958
in 52 w 2960
the 42 w 2963
company 3 w 2970
and 34 w 2973
therefore 1 w 2982
sits 1 w 2986
uppermost 1 w 2995
at 23 w 2997
table 2 w 3002
but 4 w 3006
because 2 w 3013
he 71 w 3015
governs 2 w 3022
and 35 w 3025
gives 1 w 3030
laws 1 w 3034
to 38 w 3036
the 44 w 3039
amplest 1 w 3046
and 36 w 3049
most 2 w 3053
complete 1 w 3061
and 37 w 3064
flourishing 2 w 3075
republic 1 w 3083
in 54 w 3085
the 45 w 3088
world 1 w 3093
that 7 w 3098
of 18 w 3100
Athens 1 w 3106
Here 1 w 3111
Niloxenus 9 w 3120
whispered 1 w 3129
me 21 w 3131
in 55 w 3133
the 47 w 3136
ear 3 w 3139
O 2 w 3141
Diocles 1 w 3148
saith 1 w 3154
he 76 w 3156
how 4 w 3160
many 3 w 3164
reports 1 w 3171
fly 1 w 3174
about 2 w 3179
and 38 w 3182
are 3 w 3185
believed 1 w 3193
and 39 w 3197
how 5 w 3200
some 1 w 3204
men 5 w 3207
delight 1 w 3214
in 56 w 3216
lies 1 w 3220
which 5 w 3225
they 2 w 3229
either 1 w 3235
feign 1 w 3240
of 19 w 3242
their 3 w 3247
own 4 w 3250
heads 1 w 3255
or 29 w 3257
most 3 w 3261
greedily 1 w 3269
swallow 2 w 3276
from 4 w 3280
the 51 w 3283
mouths 1 w 3289
of 20 w 3291
others 1 w 3297
In 1 w 3300
Egypt 3 w 3305
I 13 w 3306
heard 1 w 3311
it 27 w 3313
reported 1 w 3321
how 6 w 3324
Chilo 3 w 3329
had 1 w 3332
renounced 1 w 3341
all 11 w 3344
friendship 1 w 3354
and 40 w 3357
correspondence 1 w 3371
with 4 w 3375
Solon 2 w 3380
because 3 w 3388
he 84 w 3390
maintained 1 w 3400
the 53 w 3403
mutability 1 w 3413
of 21 w 3415
laws 2 w 3419
A 7 w 3421
ridiculous 1 w 3431
fiction 1 w 3438
quoth 3 w 3444
I 14 w 3445
for 9 w 3449
then 3 w 3453
he 87 w 3455
and 41 w 3458
we 13 w 3460
must 1 w 3464
have 2 w 3468
renounced 2 w 3477
Lycurgus 1 w 3485
who 8 w 3489
changed 1 w 3496
the 55 w 3499
laws 3 w 3503
and 42 w 3506
indeed 1 w 3512
the 56 w 3515
whole 4 w 3520
government 2 w 3530
of 22 w 3532
Sparta 1 w 3538
Solon 3 w 3544
pausing 1 w 3552
awhile 1 w 3558
gave 1 w 3563
his 21 w 3566
opinion 3 w 3573
in 62 w 3575
these 3 w 3580
words 1 w 3585
I 15 w 3587
conceive 2 w 3595
that 8 w 3599
monarch 1 w 3606
whether 1 w 3614
king 4 w 3618
or 34 w 3620
tyrant 1 w 3626
were 4 w 3631
infinitely 1 w 3641
to 39 w 3643
be 19 w 3645
commended 1 w 3654
who 10 w 3658
would 3 w 3663
exchange 1 w 3671
his 22 w 3674
monarchy 1 w 3682
for 10 w 3685
a 236 w 3686
commonwealth 1 w 3698
Bias 8 w 3703
subjoined 1 w 3712
And 3 w 3716
who 11 w 3719
would 4 w 3724
be 20 w 3726
first 5 w 3731
and 43 w 3734
foremost 1 w 3742
in 67 w 3744
conforming 1 w 3754
to 40 w 3756
the 59 w 3759
laws 4 w 3763
of 23 w 3765
his 23 w 3768
country 1 w 3775
Thales 1 w 3782
added 1 w 3787
I 16 w 3789
reckon 1 w 3795
that 9 w 3799
prince 1 w 3805
happy 1 w 3810
who 12 w 3814
being 3 w 3820
old 3 w 3823
dies 1 w 3828
in 71 w 3830
his 24 w 3833
bed 2 w 3836
a 245 w 3837
natural 1 w 3844
death 1 w 3849
Fourthly 1 w 3858
Anacharsis 1 w 3869
If 3 w 3872
he 94 w 3874
alone 1 w 3879
be 23 w 3881
a 252 w 3882
wise 2 w 3886
man 9 w 3889
Fifthly 1 w 3897
Cleobulus 2 w 3907
said 5 w 3911
If 4 w 3914
he 95 w 3916
trust 1 w 3921
none 1 w 3925
of 24 w 3927
his 25 w 3930
courtiers 1 w 3939
Sixthly 1 w 3947
Pittacus 1 w 3956
spake 1 w 3961
thus 1 w 3965
If 5 w 3968
he 96 w 3970
could 2 w 3975
cause 4 w 3980
his 26 w 3983
subjects 2 w 3991
to 41 w 3993
have 3 w 3997
fear 1 w 4001
not 7 w 4004
of 25 w 4006
him 8 w 4009
but 5 w 4012
for 13 w 4015
him 9 w 4018
Lastly 1 w 4025
Chilo 4 w 4031
concluded 1 w 4040
thus 2 w 4044
A 10 w 4046
magistrate 2 w 4056
ought 2 w 4061
to 42 w 4063
have 4 w 4067
thoughts 2 w 4075
purposes 1 w 4084
and 44 w 4088
resolutions 1 w 4099
not 8 w 4102
mean 3 w 4106
and 45 w 4109
earthly 1 w 4116
but 6 w 4120
divine 1 w 4126
and 46 w 4129
immortal 1 w 4137
When 1 w 4142
all 12 w 4145
had 2 w 4148
given 2 w 4153
in 73 w 4155
their 4 w 4160
judgments 1 w 4169
upon 3 w 4173
this 7 w 4177
point 2 w 4182
we 16 w 4185
requested 1 w 4194
Periander 3 w 4203
he 99 w 4205
would 5 w 4210
condescend 1 w 4220
to 43 w 4222
give 8 w 4226
the 61 w 4229
company 4 w 4236
the 62 w 4239
satisfaction 1 w 4251
to 44 w 4253
let 5 w 4256
them 4 w 4260
know 2 w 4264
his 28 w 4267
thoughts 3 w 4275
upon 4 w 4279
the 64 w 4282
same 1 w 4286
head 2 w 4290
Disorder 1 w 4299
and 48 w 4302
discontent 1 w 4312
appearing 1 w 4321
in 76 w 4323
his 29 w 4326
countenance 1 w 4337
he 105 w 4340
said 6 w 4344
These 1 w 4350
opinions 1 w 4358
are 4 w 4361
enough 1 w 4367
to 45 w 4369
scare 1 w 4374
any 9 w 4377
wise 3 w 4381
man 10 w 4384
from 5 w 4388
affecting 1 w 4397
empire 1 w 4403
These 2 w 4409
things 2 w 4415
saith 2 w 4421
Esop 1 w 4425
after 4 w 4430
his 30 w 4433
fault-finding 1 w 4446
way 1 w 4449
ought 5 w 4455
rather 1 w 4461
to 46 w 4463
have 5 w 4467
been 1 w 4471
discussed 1 w 4480
privately 1 w 4489
among 1 w 4494
ourselves 2 w 4503
lest 2 w 4508
we 17 w 4510
be 25 w 4512
accounted 1 w 4521
antimonarchical 1 w 4536
while 2 w 4541
we 18 w 4543
desire 3 w 4549
to 47 w 4551
be 26 w 4553
esteemed 1 w 4561
friends 3 w 4568
and 49 w 4571
loyal 1 w 4576
counsellors 1 w 4587
Solon 4 w 4593
gently 1 w 4600
clapping 1 w 4608
him 10 w 4611
upon 5 w 4615
the 66 w 4618
shoulder 1 w 4626
and 50 w 4629
smiling 1 w 4636
answered 1 w 4645
Do 1 w 4648
you 6 w 4651
not 9 w 4654
perceive 1 w 4662
that 10 w 4666
any 10 w 4669
one 7 w 4672
would 6 w 4677
make 1 w 4681
a 308 w 4682
king 5 w 4686
more 5 w 4690
moderate 1 w 4698
and 51 w 4701
a 311 w 4702
tyrant 2 w 4708
more 6 w 4712
favorable 1 w 4721
who 13 w 4725
should 6 w 4731
persuade 1 w 4739
him 11 w 4742
that 11 w 4746
it 33 w 4748
is 60 w 4750
better 1 w 4756
not 10 w 4759
to 48 w 4761
reign 1 w 4766
than 5 w 4770
to 49 w 4772
reign 2 w 4777
Then 2 w 4782
we 20 w 4784
must 2 w 4788
believe 2 w 4795
you 7 w 4798
before 2 w 4804
the 67 w 4807
oracle 1 w 4813
delivered 2 w 4822
unto 1 w 4826
you 8 w 4829
quoth 4 w 4835
Esop 2 w 4839
which 6 w 4845
pronounced 1 w 4855
that 12 w 4859
city 2 w 4863
happy 2 w 4868
that 13 w 4872
heard 2 w 4877
but 7 w 4880
one 8 w 4883
crier 1 w 4888
Yes 1 w 4892
quoth 5 w 4898
Solon 5 w 4903
and 52 w 4907
Athens 2 w 4913
though 5 w 4920
now 6 w 4923
a 324 w 4924
commonwealth 2 w 4936
hath 1 w 4941
but 8 w 4944
one 9 w 4947
crier 2 w 4952
and 53 w 4955
one 10 w 4958
magistrate 3 w 4968
and 54 w 4972
that 14 w 4976
is 62 w 4978
the 69 w 4981
law 5 w 4984
though 6 w 4991
the 70 w 4994
government 3 w 5004
be 30 w 5006
democratical 1 w 5018
but 9 w 5022
you 9 w 5025
my 6 w 5028
friend 4 w 5034
have 6 w 5039
been 2 w 5043
so 11 w 5045
accustomed 1 w 5055
to 52 w 5057
the 71 w 5060
croaking 1 w 5068
of 26 w 5070
ravens 1 w 5076
and 55 w 5079
the 72 w 5082
prating 1 w 5089
of 27 w 5091
jays 1 w 5095
that 15 w 5100
you 10 w 5103
do 6 w 5105
not 11 w 5108
hear 4 w 5112
your 4 w 5116
own 5 w 5119
voice 1 w 5124
For 3 w 5128
you 12 w 5131
maintain 2 w 5139
it 35 w 5141
to 53 w 5143
be 32 w 5145
the 73 w 5148
happiness 1 w 5157
of 28 w 5159
a 347 w 5160
city 3 w 5164
to 54 w 5166
be 33 w 5168
under 2 w 5173
the 74 w 5176
command 4 w 5183
of 29 w 5185
one 11 w 5188
man 12 w 5191
and 57 w 5195
yet 1 w 5198
account 2 w 5205
it 37 w 5207
the 75 w 5210
praise 1 w 5216
of 30 w 5218
a 353 w 5219
feast 1 w 5224
if 6 w 5226
liberty 1 w 5233
is 64 w 5235
allowed 1 w 5242
every 2 w 5247
man 13 w 5250
to 55 w 5252
speak 3 w 5257
his 31 w 5260
mind 2 w 5264
freely 1 w 5270
upon 6 w 5274
what 3 w 5278
subject 3 w 5285
he 122 w 5287
pleases 1 w 5294
But 1 w 5298
you 13 w 5301
have 7 w 5305
not 12 w 5308
prohibited 1 w 5318
your 5 w 5322
servants 1 w 5330
drunkenness 1 w 5342
as 22 w 5345
you 15 w 5348
have 8 w 5352
forbidden 1 w 5361
them 5 w 5365
to 56 w 5367
love 2 w 5371
or 49 w 5373
to 57 w 5375
use 8 w 5378
dry 2 w 5381
ointments 1 w 5390
Solon 6 w 5396
laughed 1 w 5403
at 45 w 5405
this 8 w 5409
but 10 w 5413
Cleodorus 1 w 5422
the 77 w 5425
physician 1 w 5434
said 7 w 5438
To 2 w 5441
use 9 w 5444
dry 3 w 5447
ointment 2 w 5455
is 67 w 5457
like 2 w 5461
talking 1 w 5468
when 1 w 5472
a 369 w 5473
man 14 w 5476
is 68 w 5478
drenched 1 w 5486
with 5 w 5490
wine 1 w 5494
both 1 w 5499
are 6 w 5502
very 5 w 5506
pleasant 1 w 5514
Therefore 1 w 5524
saith 3 w 5530
Chilo 5 w 5535
it 41 w 5538
concerns 1 w 5546
men 12 w 5549
the 78 w 5552
more 7 w 5556
carefully 1 w 5565
to 58 w 5567
avoid 1 w 5572
it 42 w 5574
Esop 3 w 5579
proceeds 1 w 5587
Thales 2 w 5594
seemed 1 w 5600
to 59 w 5602
imply 1 w 5607
that 16 w 5611
he 130 w 5613
should 7 w 5619
soon 1 w 5623
grow 1 w 5627
old 4 w 5630
Periander 4 w 5640
said 8 w 5644
laughing 2 w 5652
We 1 w 5655
suffer 1 w 5661
deservedly 1 w 5671
for 17 w 5675
before 3 w 5682
we 23 w 5684
have 9 w 5688
perfected 1 w 5697
our 16 w 5700
animadversions 1 w 5714
and 59 w 5717
remarks 1 w 5724
upon 7 w 5728
the 79 w 5731
letter 2 w 5737
we 24 w 5740
are 8 w 5743
fallen 1 w 5749
upon 8 w 5753
disputes 1 w 5761
so 14 w 5763
strangely 1 w 5772
foreign 1 w 5779
to 60 w 5781
the 80 w 5784
matter 1 w 5790
under 3 w 5795
consideration 1 w 5808
and 60 w 5812
therefore 2 w 5821
I 20 w 5822
pray 1 w 5826
Niloxenus 10 w 5836
read 3 w 5841
out 5 w 5844
the 82 w 5847
remainder 2 w 5856
of 31 w 5858
your 6 w 5862
lord 2 w 5866
s 361 w 5868
letter 3 w 5874
and 61 w 5878
slip 1 w 5882
not 13 w 5885
this 9 w 5889
opportunity 1 w 5900
to 61 w 5902
receive 2 w 5909
what 4 w 5913
satisfaction 2 w 5925
all 15 w 5928
that 17 w 5932
are 9 w 5935
present 3 w 5942
shall 4 w 5947
be 36 w 5949
able 7 w 5953
to 62 w 5955
give 9 w 5959
you 17 w 5962
The 9 w 5966
command 5 w 5973
of 32 w 5975
the 83 w 5978
king 8 w 5982
of 33 w 5984
Ethiopia 3 w 5992
says 1 w 5997
Niloxenus 11 w 6006
is 72 w 6009
no 30 w 6011
more 8 w 6015
and 63 w 6018
no 31 w 6020
less 1 w 6024
than 6 w 6028
to 63 w 6031
use 10 w 6034
Archilochus 1 w 6045
s 376 w 6047
phrase 1 w 6053
a 411 w 6055
broken 1 w 6061
scytale 1 w 6068
that 18 w 6073
is 73 w 6075
the 84 w 6079
meaning 2 w 6086
is 74 w 6088
inscrutable 1 w 6099
and 64 w 6102
cannot 3 w 6108
be 37 w 6110
found 1 w 6115
out 6 w 6118
But 2 w 6122
your 7 w 6126
friend 5 w 6132
Amasis 4 w 6138
was 4 w 6141
more 9 w 6145
gentle 1 w 6151
and 65 w 6154
civil 2 w 6159
in 100 w 6161
his 34 w 6164
queries 1 w 6171
for 21 w 6175
he 138 w 6177
commanded 2 w 6186
him 12 w 6189
only 2 w 6193
to 64 w 6195
resolve 2 w 6202
him 13 w 6205
what 5 w 6209
was 5 w 6212
most 5 w 6216
ancient 1 w 6223
most 6 w 6228
beautiful 1 w 6237
greatest 1 w 6246
wisest 2 w 6253
most 7 w 6258
common 3 w 6264
and 67 w 6268
withal 1 w 6274
what 6 w 6279
was 6 w 6282
most 8 w 6286
profitable 1 w 6296
most 9 w 6301
pernicious 1 w 6311
most 10 w 6316
strong 1 w 6322
and 68 w 6326
most 11 w 6330
easy 1 w 6334
Did 1 w 6338
he 139 w 6340
resolve 3 w 6347
and 69 w 6350
answer 3 w 6356
every 3 w 6361
one 12 w 6364
of 35 w 6366
these 4 w 6371
questions 1 w 6380
He 3 w 6383
did 2 w 6386
quoth 6 w 6392
Niloxenus 12 w 6401
and 70 w 6405
do 8 w 6407
you 19 w 6410
judge 2 w 6415
of 36 w 6417
his 35 w 6420
answers 1 w 6427
and 71 w 6430
the 86 w 6433
soundness 1 w 6442
thereof 2 w 6449
and 72 w 6453
it 46 w 6455
is 79 w 6457
my 7 w 6459
prince 2 w 6465
s 416 w 6467
purpose 2 w 6474
not 15 w 6477
to 65 w 6479
misrepresent 1 w 6491
his 36 w 6494
responses 1 w 6503
and 73 w 6506
condemn 1 w 6513
unjustly 1 w 6521
what 7 w 6525
he 143 w 6527
saith 4 w 6532
well 5 w 6536
so 18 w 6539
where 3 w 6545
he 145 w 6547
finds 1 w 6552
him 14 w 6555
under 4 w 6560
a 443 w 6561
mistake 1 w 6568
not 16 w 6572
to 66 w 6574
suffer 2 w 6580
that 19 w 6584
to 67 w 6586
pass 1 w 6590
without 1 w 6597
correction 1 w 6607
His 1 w 6611
answers 2 w 6618
to 68 w 6620
the 88 w 6623
foresaid 1 w 6631
questions 2 w 6640
I 21 w 6641
will 5 w 6645
read 4 w 6649
to 69 w 6651
you 20 w 6654
What 2 w 6660
is 84 w 6662
most 12 w 6666
ancient 2 w 6673
Time 1 w 6678
What 3 w 6683
is 85 w 6685
greatest 2 w 6693
The 10 w 6697
World 1 w 6702
What 4 w 6707
is 86 w 6709
wisest 3 w 6715
Truth 1 w 6721
What 5 w 6726
is 88 w 6728
most 13 w 6732
beautiful 2 w 6741
The 11 w 6745
light 2 w 6750
What 6 w 6755
is 89 w 6757
most 14 w 6761
common 4 w 6767
Death 1 w 6773
What 7 w 6778
is 90 w 6780
most 15 w 6784
profitable 2 w 6794
God 1 w 6798
What 8 w 6803
is 91 w 6805
most 16 w 6809
pernicious 2 w 6819
An 5 w 6822
evil 1 w 6826
genius 1 w 6832
What 9 w 6837
is 92 w 6839
strongest 1 w 6848
Fortune 1 w 6856
What 10 w 6861
is 93 w 6863
most 17 w 6867
easy 2 w 6871
That 1 w 6876
which 7 w 6881
is 94 w 6883
pleasant 2 w 6891
When 2 w 6896
Niloxenus 13 w 6905
had 3 w 6908
read 5 w 6912
out 8 w 6915
these 5 w 6920
answers 3 w 6927
there 5 w 6933
was 7 w 6936
a 472 w 6937
short 2 w 6942
silence 2 w 6949
among 2 w 6954
them 6 w 6958
by 4 w 6961
and 74 w 6964
by 5 w 6966
Thales 3 w 6972
desires 2 w 6979
Niloxenus 14 w 6988
to 70 w 6990
inform 1 w 6996
him 15 w 6999
if 9 w 7001
Amasis 5 w 7007
approved 1 w 7015
of 39 w 7017
these 6 w 7022
answers 4 w 7029
Niloxenus 15 w 7039
said 10 w 7043
he 154 w 7046
liked 2 w 7051
some 2 w 7055
and 75 w 7058
disliked 1 w 7066
others 2 w 7072
There 4 w 7078
is 97 w 7080
not 17 w 7083
one 13 w 7086
of 40 w 7088
them 7 w 7092
right 3 w 7097
and 76 w 7100
sound 2 w 7105
quoth 7 w 7111
Thales 4 w 7117
but 11 w 7121
all 17 w 7124
are 10 w 7127
full 3 w 7131
of 41 w 7133
wretched 1 w 7141
folly 1 w 7146
and 77 w 7149
ignorance 1 w 7158
As 1 w 7161
for 24 w 7164
instance 1 w 7172
how 7 w 7176
can 6 w 7179
that 20 w 7183
be 40 w 7185
most 18 w 7189
ancient 3 w 7196
whereof 1 w 7203
part 4 w 7207
is 98 w 7209
past 1 w 7213
part 5 w 7218
is 99 w 7220
now 7 w 7223
present 5 w 7230
and 78 w 7234
part 6 w 7238
is 100 w 7240
yet 2 w 7243
to 71 w 7245
come 2 w 7249
every 4 w 7255
man 17 w 7258
knows 2 w 7263
it 50 w 7265
is 101 w 7267
younger 1 w 7274
than 7 w 7278
ourselves 3 w 7287
and 79 w 7290
our 20 w 7293
actions 1 w 7300
As 2 w 7303
to 72 w 7305
his 37 w 7308
answer 8 w 7314
that 21 w 7318
truth 1 w 7323
is 103 w 7325
the 95 w 7328
most 19 w 7332
wise 6 w 7336
thing 5 w 7341
it 51 w 7344
is 105 w 7346
as 36 w 7348
incongruous 1 w 7359
as 37 w 7361
if 10 w 7363
he 161 w 7365
had 4 w 7368
affirmed 1 w 7376
the 96 w 7379
light 3 w 7384
to 73 w 7386
be 41 w 7388
an 150 w 7390
eye 1 w 7393
if 11 w 7396
he 163 w 7398
judged 1 w 7404
the 97 w 7407
light 4 w 7412
to 74 w 7414
be 42 w 7416
the 98 w 7419
most 20 w 7423
beautiful 3 w 7432
how 8 w 7436
could 3 w 7441
he 166 w 7443
overlook 1 w 7451
the 99 w 7454
sun 1 w 7457
as 38 w 7460
to 75 w 7462
his 38 w 7465
solutions 2 w 7474
concerning 1 w 7484
the 100 w 7487
Gods 1 w 7491
and 80 w 7494
evil 2 w 7498
geniuses 1 w 7506
they 3 w 7511
are 11 w 7514
full 4 w 7518
of 43 w 7520
presumption 1 w 7531
and 81 w 7534
peril 1 w 7539
What 11 w 7544
he 170 w 7546
saith 5 w 7551
of 44 w 7553
Fortune 2 w 7560
is 107 w 7562
void 2 w 7566
of 45 w 7568
sense 1 w 7573
for 25 w 7577
her 27 w 7580
inconstancy 1 w 7591
and 82 w 7594
fickleness 1 w 7604
proceeds 2 w 7612
from 6 w 7616
want 1 w 7620
of 46 w 7622
strength 1 w 7630
and 83 w 7633
power 1 w 7638
Nor 1 w 7642
is 108 w 7644
death 2 w 7649
the 102 w 7652
most 21 w 7656
common 5 w 7662
thing 6 w 7667
the 103 w 7671
living 1 w 7677
are 12 w 7680
still 1 w 7685
at 74 w 7687
liberty 2 w 7694
it 53 w 7697
hath 2 w 7701
not 18 w 7704
arrested 1 w 7712
them 8 w 7716
But 3 w 7720
lest 3 w 7724
we 33 w 7726
be 45 w 7728
censured 1 w 7736
as 39 w 7738
having 2 w 7744
a 525 w 7745
faculty 1 w 7752
to 76 w 7754
find 3 w 7758
fault 2 w 7763
only 3 w 7767
we 34 w 7770
will 6 w 7774
lay 1 w 7777
down 1 w 7781
our 21 w 7784
opinions 2 w 7792
of 47 w 7794
these 7 w 7799
things 3 w 7805
and 84 w 7809
compare 1 w 7816
them 9 w 7820
with 8 w 7824
those 4 w 7829
of 48 w 7831
the 107 w 7834
Ethiopian 2 w 7843
and 85 w 7847
I 22 w 7848
offer 1 w 7853
myself 2 w 7859
first 6 w 7864
if 13 w 7867
Niloxenus 16 w 7876
pleases 2 w 7883
to 77 w 7886
deliver 4 w 7893
my 9 w 7895
opinion 6 w 7902
on 92 w 7904
every 5 w 7909
one 14 w 7912
singly 1 w 7918
and 86 w 7922
I 23 w 7923
will 7 w 7927
relate 1 w 7933
both 2 w 7937
questions 3 w 7946
and 87 w 7949
answers 5 w 7956
in 117 w 7958
that 22 w 7962
method 1 w 7968
and 88 w 7971
order 4 w 7976
in 118 w 7978
which 8 w 7983
they 4 w 7987
were 6 w 7991
sent 8 w 7995
to 78 w 7997
Ethiopia 5 w 8005
and 89 w 8008
read 6 w 8012
to 79 w 8014
us 51 w 8016
What 12 w 8021
is 109 w 8023
most 22 w 8027
ancient 4 w 8034
Thales 5 w 8041
answered 2 w 8049
God 3 w 8053
for 26 w 8057
he 179 w 8059
had 5 w 8062
no 40 w 8064
beginning 1 w 8073
What 13 w 8078
is 110 w 8080
greatest 3 w 8088
Place 1 w 8094
the 109 w 8098
world 2 w 8103
contains 1 w 8111
all 18 w 8114
other 5 w 8119
things 4 w 8125
this 10 w 8130
surrounds 1 w 8139
and 90 w 8142
contains 2 w 8150
the 111 w 8153
world 3 w 8158
What 14 w 8163
is 112 w 8165
most 23 w 8169
beautiful 4 w 8178
The 13 w 8182
world 4 w 8187
for 27 w 8191
whatever 1 w 8199
is 113 w 8201
framed 1 w 8207
artificially 1 w 8219
and 91 w 8222
methodically 1 w 8234
is 114 w 8236
a 563 w 8237
part 7 w 8241
of 50 w 8243
it 55 w 8245
What 15 w 8250
is 115 w 8252
most 24 w 8256
wise 7 w 8260
Time 2 w 8265
for 28 w 8269
it 56 w 8271
has 1 w 8274
found 2 w 8279
out 9 w 8282
some 3 w 8286
things 5 w 8292
already 1 w 8299
it 57 w 8302
will 8 w 8306
find 4 w 8310
out 10 w 8313
the 112 w 8316
rest 2 w 8320
in 126 w 8322
due 1 w 8325
time 4 w 8329
What 16 w 8334
is 117 w 8336
most 25 w 8340
common 6 w 8346
Hope 1 w 8351
for 29 w 8355
they 5 w 8359
that 23 w 8363
want 2 w 8367
other 6 w 8372
things 6 w 8378
are 14 w 8381
masters 1 w 8388
of 51 w 8390
this 11 w 8394
What 17 w 8399
is 119 w 8401
most 26 w 8405
profitable 3 w 8415
Virtue 1 w 8422
for 30 w 8426
by 6 w 8428
a 576 w 8429
right 4 w 8434
managery 1 w 8442
of 53 w 8444
other 7 w 8449
things 7 w 8455
she 1 w 8458
makes 1 w 8463
them 10 w 8467
all 21 w 8470
beneficial 1 w 8480
and 92 w 8483
advantageous 1 w 8495
What 18 w 8500
is 120 w 8502
most 27 w 8506
pernicious 3 w 8516
Vice 1 w 8521
for 31 w 8525
it 59 w 8527
depraves 1 w 8535
the 117 w 8538
best 1 w 8542
things 8 w 8548
we 38 w 8550
enjoy 1 w 8555
What 19 w 8560
is 121 w 8562
the 118 w 8565
most 28 w 8569
strong 3 w 8575
Necessity 1 w 8585
for 32 w 8589
this 12 w 8593
alone 2 w 8598
is 123 w 8600
insuperable 1 w 8611
What 20 w 8616
is 124 w 8618
most 29 w 8622
easy 3 w 8626
That 2 w 8631
which 9 w 8636
is 125 w 8638
most 30 w 8642
agreeable 1 w 8651
to 80 w 8653
nature 1 w 8659
for 33 w 8663
pleasures 1 w 8672
themselves 2 w 8682
are 15 w 8685
sometimes 1 w 8694
tedious 1 w 8701
and 93 w 8704
nauseating 1 w 8714
All 1 w 8718
the 120 w 8721
consult 1 w 8728
approved 2 w 8736
of 54 w 8738
Thales 6 w 8744
s 616 w 8746
solutions 3 w 8755
Then 3 w 8760
Cleodemus 1 w 8769
said 11 w 8773
My 1 w 8776
friend 6 w 8782
Niloxenus 17 w 8791
it 61 w 8794
becomes 1 w 8801
kings 1 w 8806
to 81 w 8808
propound 1 w 8816
and 94 w 8819
resolve 4 w 8826
such 2 w 8830
questions 4 w 8839
but 12 w 8843
the 121 w 8846
insolence 1 w 8855
of 55 w 8857
that 24 w 8861
barbarian 1 w 8870
who 14 w 8873
would 7 w 8878
have 10 w 8882
Amasis 6 w 8888
drink 3 w 8893
the 122 w 8896
sea 4 w 8899
would 8 w 8904
have 11 w 8908
been 3 w 8912
better 2 w 8918
fitted 1 w 8924
by 7 w 8926
such 3 w 8930
a 614 w 8931
smart 1 w 8936
reprimand 1 w 8945
as 46 w 8947
Pittacus 2 w 8955
gave 2 w 8959
Alyattes 1 w 8967
who 15 w 8971
sent 9 w 8975
an 177 w 8977
imperious 1 w 8986
letter 4 w 8992
to 82 w 8994
the 123 w 8997
Lesbians 1 w 9005
He 4 w 9008
made 1 w 9012
him 16 w 9015
no 41 w 9017
answer 11 w 9023
except 1 w 9030
to 83 w 9032
bid 2 w 9035
him 17 w 9038
spend 1 w 9043
his 42 w 9046
time 6 w 9050
in 135 w 9052
eating 2 w 9058
his 43 w 9061
hot 1 w 9064
bread 1 w 9069
and 96 w 9072
onions 1 w 9078
Periander 5 w 9088
here 18 w 9092
assumed 1 w 9099
the 124 w 9102
discourse 2 w 9111
and 98 w 9115
said 12 w 9119
It 2 w 9122
was 8 w 9125
the 125 w 9128
manner 1 w 9134
of 56 w 9136
the 126 w 9139
ancient 5 w 9146
Grecians 2 w 9154
heretofore 1 w 9164
O 3 w 9166
Cleodemus 2 w 9175
to 85 w 9178
propound 2 w 9186
doubts 1 w 9192
to 86 w 9194
one 16 w 9197
another 1 w 9204
and 99 w 9208
it 64 w 9210
hath 3 w 9214
been 4 w 9218
told 2 w 9222
us 61 w 9224
that 25 w 9229
the 128 w 9232
most 31 w 9236
famous 1 w 9242
and 100 w 9245
eminent 1 w 9252
poets 1 w 9257
once 5 w 9261
met 4 w 9264
at 98 w 9266
the 129 w 9269
grave 1 w 9274
of 58 w 9276
Amphidamas 1 w 9286
in 138 w 9288
Chalcis 1 w 9295
This 1 w 9300
Amphidamas 2 w 9310
was 9 w 9313
a 650 w 9314
leading 1 w 9321
citizen 2 w 9328
one 17 w 9332
that 26 w 9336
had 6 w 9339
perpetual 1 w 9348
wars 1 w 9352
with 9 w 9356
the 130 w 9359
Eretrians 1 w 9368
and 101 w 9372
at 100 w 9374
last 1 w 9378
lost 1 w 9382
his 45 w 9385
life 1 w 9389
in 140 w 9391
one 18 w 9394
of 59 w 9396
the 131 w 9399
battles 1 w 9406
fought 1 w 9412
for 35 w 9415
the 132 w 9418
possession 2 w 9428
of 60 w 9430
the 133 w 9433
Lelantine 1 w 9442
plain 1 w 9447
Now 1 w 9451
because 4 w 9459
the 134 w 9462
writings 1 w 9470
of 61 w 9472
those 5 w 9477
poets 2 w 9482
were 8 w 9486
composed 1 w 9494
in 144 w 9496
verse 1 w 9501
and 102 w 9505
so 27 w 9507
made 2 w 9511
the 135 w 9514
argument 1 w 9522
more 10 w 9526
knotty 1 w 9532
and 103 w 9535
the 136 w 9538
decision 1 w 9546
more 11 w 9550
difficult 1 w 9559
and 104 w 9563
the 137 w 9566
great 5 w 9571
names 1 w 9576
of 62 w 9578
the 138 w 9581
antagonists 1 w 9592
Homer 2 w 9598
and 105 w 9601
Hesiod 1 w 9607
whose 1 w 9613
excellence 1 w 9623
was 10 w 9626
so 28 w 9628
well 6 w 9632
known 1 w 9637
made 3 w 9642
the 139 w 9645
umpires 1 w 9652
timorous 1 w 9660
and 106 w 9663
shy 1 w 9666
to 88 w 9668
determine 1 w 9677
they 6 w 9682
therefore 3 w 9691
betook 1 w 9697
themselves 3 w 9707
to 90 w 9709
these 8 w 9714
sorts 1 w 9719
of 63 w 9721
questions 5 w 9730
and 107 w 9734
Homer 3 w 9739
says 2 w 9744
Lesches 1 w 9751
propounded 1 w 9762
this 13 w 9766
riddle 2 w 9772
Tell 1 w 9778
me 57 w 9780
O 4 w 9782
Muse 1 w 9786
what 9 w 9791
never 1 w 9796
was 11 w 9799
And 4 w 9802
never 2 w 9807
yet 3 w 9810
shall 5 w 9815
be 56 w 9817
Hesiod 2 w 9824
answered 3 w 9832
readily 1 w 9839
and 108 w 9842
extempore 1 w 9851
in 146 w 9853
this 14 w 9857
wise 8 w 9861
When 3 w 9867
steeds 1 w 9873
with 10 w 9877
sounding 1 w 9885
hoof 1 w 9889
to 91 w 9892
win 2 w 9895
The 15 w 9898
prize 1 w 9903
shall 6 w 9909
run 3 w 9912
amain 1 w 9917
And 5 w 9921
at 104 w 9923
the 144 w 9926
tomb 1 w 9930
of 65 w 9932
mighty 1 w 9938
Jove 1 w 9942
Their 1 w 9947
chariots 1 w 9955
break 1 w 9960
in 150 w 9962
twain 1 w 9967
For 6 w 9971
this 15 w 9975
reply 1 w 9980
he 225 w 9982
was 12 w 9985
infinitely 2 w 9995
commended 2 w 10004
and 109 w 10007
won 1 w 10010
the 145 w 10013
tripod 1 w 10019
Pray 2 w 10024
tell 2 w 10028
me 59 w 10030
quoth 8 w 10036
Cleodemus 3 w 10045
what 10 w 10050
difference 1 w 10060
there 7 w 10065
is 139 w 10067
between 2 w 10074
these 9 w 10079
riddles 1 w 10086
and 110 w 10089
those 6 w 10094
of 66 w 10096
Eumetis 1 w 10103
which 10 w 10109
she 2 w 10112
frames 1 w 10118
and 111 w 10121
invents 1 w 10128
to 93 w 10130
recreate 1 w 10138
herself 1 w 10145
with 11 w 10149
as 56 w 10151
much 1 w 10155
pleasure 3 w 10163
as 58 w 10165
other 9 w 10170
virgins 1 w 10177
make 3 w 10181
nets 1 w 10185
and 112 w 10188
girdles 1 w 10195
They 1 w 10200
may 3 w 10203
be 58 w 10205
fit 8 w 10208
to 94 w 10210
offer 2 w 10215
and 113 w 10218
puzzle 1 w 10224
women 1 w 10229
withal 2 w 10235
but 13 w 10239
for 37 w 10242
men 16 w 10245
to 95 w 10247
beat 1 w 10251
their 5 w 10256
brains 1 w 10262
to 96 w 10264
find 5 w 10268
out 11 w 10271
their 6 w 10276
mystery 1 w 10283
would 9 w 10288
be 60 w 10290
mighty 2 w 10296
ridiculous 2 w 10306
Eumetis 2 w 10314
looked 1 w 10320
like 5 w 10324
one 19 w 10327
that 27 w 10331
had 7 w 10334
a 712 w 10335
great 6 w 10340
mind 3 w 10344
to 97 w 10346
reply 2 w 10351
but 14 w 10355
her 38 w 10358
modesty 1 w 10365
would 10 w 10370
not 21 w 10373
permit 1 w 10379
her 39 w 10382
for 38 w 10386
her 40 w 10389
face 1 w 10393
was 13 w 10396
filled 1 w 10402
with 13 w 10406
blushes 1 w 10413
But 4 w 10417
Esop 4 w 10421
in 159 w 10423
her 41 w 10426
vindication 1 w 10437
asked 1 w 10442
Is 1 w 10445
it 75 w 10447
not 22 w 10450
much 2 w 10454
more 12 w 10458
ridiculous 3 w 10468
that 28 w 10472
all 24 w 10475
present 6 w 10482
cannot 4 w 10488
resolve 5 w 10495
the 151 w 10498
riddle 4 w 10504
she 4 w 10507
propounded 2 w 10517
to 98 w 10519
us 70 w 10521
before 4 w 10527
supper 1 w 10533
This 2 w 10538
was 14 w 10541
as 62 w 10543
follows 1 w 10550
A 25 w 10553
man 21 w 10556
I 26 w 10557
saw 1 w 10560
who 17 w 10564
by 8 w 10566
his 50 w 10569
fire 1 w 10573
Did 2 w 10576
set 1 w 10579
a 725 w 10580
piece 1 w 10585
of 68 w 10587
brass 1 w 10592
Fast 1 w 10596
to 99 w 10598
a 728 w 10599
man 22 w 10602
so 33 w 10605
that 29 w 10609
it 76 w 10611
seemed 2 w 10617
To 3 w 10619
him 18 w 10622
it 77 w 10624
welded 1 w 10630
was 15 w 10633
Can 1 w 10637
you 22 w 10640
tell 3 w 10644
me 66 w 10646
said 13 w 10651
he 242 w 10653
how 9 w 10657
to 100 w 10659
construe 1 w 10667
this 16 w 10671
and 114 w 10675
what 11 w 10679
the 152 w 10682
sense 2 w 10687
of 69 w 10689
it 78 w 10691
may 4 w 10694
be 62 w 10696
No 3 w 10699
said 14 w 10704
Cleodemus 4 w 10713
nor 3 w 10717
do 11 w 10719
I 27 w 10720
care 3 w 10724
to 101 w 10726
know 5 w 10730
what 12 w 10734
it 79 w 10736
means 2 w 10741
And 6 w 10745
yet 4 w 10748
quoth 9 w 10754
Esop 5 w 10758
no 50 w 10761
man 23 w 10764
understands 2 w 10775
this 17 w 10779
thing 13 w 10784
better 3 w 10790
and 116 w 10793
practises 1 w 10802
it 80 w 10804
more 13 w 10808
judiciously 1 w 10819
and 117 w 10822
successfully 1 w 10834
than 8 w 10838
yourself 1 w 10846
If 6 w 10849
you 24 w 10852
deny 1 w 10856
it 81 w 10858
I 29 w 10860
have 12 w 10864
my 11 w 10866
witnesses 1 w 10875
ready 2 w 10880
for 40 w 10884
there 8 w 10889
are 17 w 10892
your 9 w 10896
cupping 1 w 10903
glasses 1 w 10910
Cleodemus 5 w 10920
laughed 2 w 10927
outright 1 w 10935
for 41 w 10939
of 70 w 10941
all 25 w 10944
the 154 w 10947
physicians 1 w 10957
in 163 w 10959
his 53 w 10962
time 7 w 10966
none 2 w 10971
used 2 w 10975
cupping-glasses 1 w 10990
like 6 w 10994
him 19 w 10997
he 247 w 11000
being 4 w 11005
a 755 w 11006
person 1 w 11012
that 30 w 11016
by 9 w 11018
his 54 w 11021
frequent 1 w 11029
and 118 w 11032
fortunate 1 w 11041
application 1 w 11052
thereof 3 w 11059
brought 1 w 11066
them 13 w 11070
first 7 w 11075
into 2 w 11079
request 2 w 11086
in 167 w 11088
the 157 w 11091
world 5 w 11096