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CTS Library / The Banquet of the Seven Wise Men

The Banquet of the Seven Wise Men (18)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '18', 'human_reference': 'Section 18'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Gorgias in obedience to his brothers command began his story thus:—

When we had fasted now for three days and offered sacrifice upon each of those days, we were all resolved to sit up the third night and spend it in pastime and dancing. The moon shone very bright upon the water, and the sea was exceeding calm and still; this we saw, for we sported ourselves upon the shore. Being thus taken up, all of a sudden we espied a wonderful spectacle off at sea, making with incredible expedition to the adjoining promontory. The violence of the motion made the sea foam again, and the noise was so loud, that the whole company forsook their sport and ran together toward the place, admiring what the matter should be. Before we could make a full discovery of the whole, the motion was so rapid, we perceived divers dolphins, some swimming in a ring or circle, others hastening amain to that part of the shore which was most smooth, and others following after and (as it were) bringing up the rear. In the middle there was a certain

heap which we could perceive above the water; but we could not distinctly apprehend what it was, till drawing near the shore we saw all the dolphins flocking together, and having made near the land they safely surrendered their charge, and left out of danger a man breathing and shaking himself. They returned to the promontory, and there seemed to rejoice more than before for this their fortunate undertaking. Divers in the company were affrighted and ran away; myself and a few more took courage, and went on to see and satisfy ourselves what this unusual matter might be; there we found and instantly knew our old acquaintance Arion the musician, who told us his name. He wore that very garment he used when he strove for mastery. We brought him into our tent and found he had received no damage in his passage, save only a little lassitude by the violence of the motion. He told us the whole story of his adventure,—a story incredible to all but such as saw it with their eyes. He told us how, when he had determined to leave Italy, being hastened away by Perianders letters, he went aboard a Corinthian merchantman then in port and ready to sail; being off at sea with the winds favorable, he observed the seamen bent to ruin him, and the master of the vessel told him as much, and that they purposed to execute their design upon him that very night. In this distress, the poor man (as if inspired by his good Genius) girds about him his heretofore victorious, now his funeral cloak, with a brave resolution to compose and sing his own epitaph, as the swans when they apprehend the approaches of death are reported to do. Being thus habited, he told the seamen he was minded to commit the protection of himself and his fellow-passengers to the providence of the Gods in a Pythian song; then standing upon the poop near the side of the vessel, and having invoked the help and assistance of all the sea Gods, he strikes up briskly and sings to his harp. Before he had half finished his carol,
the sun set, and he could discern Peloponnesus before him. The seamen thought it tedious to tarry for the night, wherefore they resolved to murder him immediately, to which purpose they unsheathed their swords. Seeing this, and beholding the master standing with his face covered, he leaped into the sea as far as he could; but before his body sunk he found himself supported by dolphins. At first he was surprised with care and trouble; but by and by, finding himself marching forward with much ease and security, and observing a whole shoal of dolphins flocking about him and joyfully contending which should appear most forward and serviceable in his preservation, and discerning the vessel at a considerable distance behind, he apprehended the nimbleness of his porters; then, and not till then, his fears forsook him, and he professed he was neither so fearful of death nor desirous of life as he was full of ambitious desire to reach the haven of safety, that he might show to all men that he stood in the grace and favor of the Gods, and that he might himself believe more firmly than ever before in their being and goodness. In his passage, as he lifted up his eyes toward heaven, and beheld the stars glittering and twinkling and the moon full and glorious, and the sea calm all about her as she seemed to rise out of it, and yielding him (as it were) a beaten track; he declared, he thought Gods justice had more eyes than one, and that with these many eyes the Gods beheld what was acted here below both by sea and land. With such contemplations he performed his voyage less anxiously, which much abated the tediousness thereof and was a comfort and refreshment to him in his solitude and danger. At last, arriving near the promontory which was both steep and high, and fearing danger in a straight course and direct line, they unanimously veered about, and making to shore with a little compass for security, they delivered Arion to us in safety, so that he plainly perceived and with thanks acknowledged a Providence.

When Arion had finished this narrative of his escape, I asked him (quoth Gorgias) whither the ship was bound; he told me for Corinth, but it would not be there very suddenly, for when he leaped out of the ship and was carried (as he conceived) about five hundred furlongs, he perceived a calm, which must needs much retard their arrival who were aboard. Gorgias added that, having learned the names of the pilot and master and the colors of the ship, he immediately despatched out ships and soldiers to examine all the ports, all this while keeping Arion concealed, lest the criminals should upon notice of his deliverance escape the pursuit of justice. This action happened very luckily, as if it were directed by the power of the Gods; for as soon as he arrived at Corinth, news was brought him that the same ship was in port, and that his party had seized it and secured all the men, merchants and others. Whereupon Periander commended Gorgiass discretion and zeal, desiring him to proceed and lose no time, but immediately to clap them in close prison, and to suffer none to come at them to give the least notice of Arions miraculous escape.

Gorgias 1 w 7
in 1 w 9
obedience 1 w 18
to 1 w 20
his 1 w 23
brother 1 w 30
s 3 w 32
command 1 w 39
began 1 w 44
his 2 w 47
story 1 w 52
thus 1 w 56
When 1 w 62
we 1 w 64
had 1 w 67
fasted 1 w 73
now 1 w 76
for 1 w 79
three 1 w 84
days 1 w 88
and 2 w 91
offered 1 w 98
sacrifice 1 w 107
upon 1 w 111
each 1 w 115
of 2 w 117
those 1 w 122
days 2 w 126
we 2 w 129
were 1 w 133
all 1 w 136
resolved 1 w 144
to 3 w 146
sit 1 w 149
up 2 w 151
the 2 w 154
third 1 w 159
night 1 w 164
and 3 w 167
spend 1 w 172
it 2 w 174
in 2 w 176
pastime 1 w 183
and 4 w 186
dancing 1 w 193
The 1 w 197
moon 1 w 201
shone 1 w 206
very 1 w 210
bright 1 w 216
upon 2 w 220
the 3 w 223
water 1 w 228
and 5 w 232
the 4 w 235
sea 1 w 238
was 1 w 241
exceeding 1 w 250
calm 1 w 254
and 6 w 257
still 1 w 262
this 1 w 267
we 4 w 269
saw 1 w 272
for 2 w 276
we 5 w 278
sported 1 w 285
ourselves 1 w 294
upon 3 w 298
the 5 w 301
shore 1 w 306
Being 1 w 312
thus 2 w 316
taken 1 w 321
up 5 w 323
all 2 w 327
of 3 w 329
a 25 w 330
sudden 1 w 336
we 6 w 338
espied 1 w 344
a 26 w 345
wonderful 1 w 354
spectacle 1 w 363
off 2 w 366
at 2 w 368
sea 2 w 371
making 1 w 378
with 1 w 382
incredible 1 w 392
expedition 1 w 402
to 4 w 404
the 6 w 407
adjoining 1 w 416
promontory 1 w 426
The 2 w 430
violence 1 w 438
of 5 w 440
the 7 w 443
motion 1 w 449
made 1 w 453
the 8 w 456
sea 3 w 459
foam 1 w 463
again 1 w 468
and 7 w 472
the 9 w 475
noise 1 w 480
was 2 w 483
so 2 w 485
loud 1 w 489
that 1 w 494
the 10 w 497
whole 1 w 502
company 1 w 509
forsook 1 w 516
their 1 w 521
sport 2 w 526
and 8 w 529
ran 1 w 532
together 1 w 540
toward 1 w 546
the 13 w 549
place 1 w 554
admiring 1 w 563
what 1 w 567
the 14 w 570
matter 1 w 576
should 1 w 582
be 3 w 584
Before 1 w 591
we 7 w 593
could 1 w 598
make 1 w 602
a 49 w 603
full 1 w 607
discovery 1 w 616
of 6 w 618
the 15 w 621
whole 2 w 626
the 16 w 630
motion 2 w 636
was 3 w 639
so 4 w 641
rapid 1 w 646
we 8 w 649
perceived 1 w 658
divers 1 w 664
dolphins 1 w 672
some 1 w 677
swimming 1 w 685
in 14 w 687
a 52 w 688
ring 2 w 692
or 11 w 694
circle 1 w 700
others 1 w 707
hastening 1 w 716
amain 1 w 721
to 8 w 723
that 2 w 727
part 1 w 731
of 7 w 733
the 18 w 736
shore 2 w 741
which 1 w 746
was 4 w 749
most 1 w 753
smooth 1 w 759
and 9 w 763
others 2 w 769
following 1 w 778
after 1 w 783
and 10 w 786
as 9 w 789
it 5 w 791
were 2 w 795
bringing 1 w 804
up 6 w 806
the 20 w 809
rear 1 w 813
In 1 w 816
the 21 w 819
middle 1 w 825
there 1 w 830
was 5 w 833
a 65 w 834
certain 1 w 841
heap 1 w 845
which 2 w 850
we 10 w 852
could 2 w 857
perceive 2 w 865
above 1 w 870
the 23 w 873
water 2 w 878
but 1 w 882
we 11 w 884
could 3 w 889
not 1 w 892
distinctly 1 w 902
apprehend 1 w 911
what 2 w 915
it 6 w 917
was 6 w 920
till 2 w 925
drawing 1 w 932
near 1 w 936
the 24 w 939
shore 3 w 944
we 12 w 946
saw 2 w 949
all 3 w 952
the 25 w 955
dolphins 2 w 963
flocking 1 w 971
together 2 w 979
and 11 w 983
having 1 w 989
made 2 w 993
near 2 w 997
the 27 w 1000
land 1 w 1004
they 1 w 1008
safely 1 w 1014
surrendered 1 w 1025
their 2 w 1030
charge 1 w 1036
and 13 w 1040
left 1 w 1044
out 1 w 1047
of 8 w 1049
danger 1 w 1055
a 86 w 1056
man 2 w 1059
breathing 1 w 1068
and 14 w 1071
shaking 1 w 1078
himself 1 w 1085
They 1 w 1090
returned 1 w 1098
to 10 w 1100
the 30 w 1103
promontory 2 w 1113
and 15 w 1117
there 2 w 1122
seemed 1 w 1128
to 12 w 1130
rejoice 1 w 1137
more 1 w 1141
than 1 w 1145
before 1 w 1151
for 6 w 1154
this 2 w 1158
their 3 w 1163
fortunate 1 w 1172
undertaking 1 w 1183
Divers 1 w 1190
in 30 w 1192
the 33 w 1195
company 2 w 1202
were 3 w 1206
affrighted 1 w 1216
and 16 w 1219
ran 2 w 1222
away 1 w 1226
myself 1 w 1233
and 17 w 1236
a 102 w 1237
few 1 w 1240
more 2 w 1244
took 1 w 1248
courage 1 w 1255
and 18 w 1259
went 1 w 1263
on 12 w 1265
to 14 w 1267
see 2 w 1270
and 19 w 1273
satisfy 1 w 1280
ourselves 2 w 1289
what 3 w 1293
this 3 w 1297
unusual 1 w 1304
matter 2 w 1310
might 1 w 1315
be 5 w 1317
there 3 w 1323
we 15 w 1325
found 1 w 1330
and 20 w 1333
instantly 1 w 1342
knew 1 w 1346
our 4 w 1349
old 1 w 1352
acquaintance 1 w 1364
Arion 1 w 1369
the 35 w 1372
musician 1 w 1380
who 3 w 1384
told 1 w 1388
us 5 w 1390
his 6 w 1393
name 1 w 1397
He 1 w 1400
wore 1 w 1404
that 3 w 1408
very 3 w 1412
garment 1 w 1419
he 42 w 1421
used 1 w 1425
when 1 w 1429
he 44 w 1431
strove 1 w 1437
for 8 w 1440
mastery 1 w 1447
We 1 w 1450
brought 1 w 1457
him 2 w 1460
into 1 w 1464
our 5 w 1467
tent 1 w 1471
and 21 w 1474
found 2 w 1479
he 45 w 1481
had 2 w 1484
received 1 w 1492
no 4 w 1494
damage 1 w 1500
in 34 w 1502
his 7 w 1505
passage 1 w 1512
save 1 w 1517
only 1 w 1521
a 127 w 1522
little 1 w 1528
lassitude 1 w 1537
by 1 w 1539
the 36 w 1542
violence 2 w 1550
of 9 w 1552
the 37 w 1555
motion 3 w 1561
He 2 w 1564
told 2 w 1568
us 7 w 1570
the 38 w 1573
whole 3 w 1578
story 2 w 1583
of 10 w 1585
his 8 w 1588
adventure 1 w 1597
a 130 w 1600
story 3 w 1605
incredible 2 w 1615
to 20 w 1617
all 4 w 1620
but 2 w 1623
such 1 w 1627
as 15 w 1629
saw 3 w 1632
it 9 w 1634
with 2 w 1638
their 4 w 1643
eyes 1 w 1647
He 3 w 1650
told 3 w 1654
us 8 w 1656
how 1 w 1659
when 2 w 1664
he 51 w 1666
had 3 w 1669
determined 1 w 1679
to 22 w 1681
leave 1 w 1686
Italy 1 w 1691
being 1 w 1697
hastened 1 w 1705
away 2 w 1709
by 2 w 1711
Periander 1 w 1720
s 97 w 1722
letters 1 w 1729
he 52 w 1732
went 2 w 1736
aboard 1 w 1742
a 143 w 1743
Corinthian 1 w 1753
merchantman 1 w 1764
then 1 w 1768
in 39 w 1770
port 3 w 1774
and 23 w 1777
ready 1 w 1782
to 23 w 1784
sail 1 w 1788
being 2 w 1794
off 3 w 1797
at 15 w 1799
sea 4 w 1802
with 3 w 1806
the 41 w 1809
winds 1 w 1814
favorable 1 w 1823
he 55 w 1826
observed 1 w 1834
the 42 w 1837
seamen 1 w 1843
bent 1 w 1847
to 24 w 1849
ruin 1 w 1853
him 3 w 1856
and 24 w 1860
the 43 w 1863
master 2 w 1869
of 12 w 1871
the 44 w 1874
vessel 1 w 1880
told 4 w 1884
him 4 w 1887
as 18 w 1889
much 1 w 1893
and 25 w 1897
that 4 w 1901
they 2 w 1905
purposed 1 w 1913
to 26 w 1915
execute 1 w 1922
their 5 w 1927
design 1 w 1933
upon 4 w 1937
him 5 w 1940
that 5 w 1944
very 4 w 1948
night 2 w 1953
In 2 w 1956
this 4 w 1960
distress 1 w 1968
the 47 w 1972
poor 1 w 1976
man 4 w 1979
as 19 w 1982
if 2 w 1984
inspired 1 w 1992
by 3 w 1994
his 10 w 1997
good 1 w 2001
Genius 1 w 2007
girds 1 w 2013
about 1 w 2018
him 6 w 2021
his 11 w 2024
heretofore 1 w 2034
victorious 1 w 2044
now 2 w 2048
his 12 w 2051
funeral 1 w 2058
cloak 1 w 2063
with 4 w 2068
a 166 w 2069
brave 1 w 2074
resolution 1 w 2084
to 29 w 2086
compose 1 w 2093
and 26 w 2096
sing 1 w 2100
his 13 w 2103
own 1 w 2106
epitaph 1 w 2113
as 20 w 2116
the 48 w 2119
swans 1 w 2124
when 3 w 2128
they 3 w 2132
apprehend 2 w 2141
the 50 w 2144
approaches 1 w 2154
of 14 w 2156
death 1 w 2161
are 1 w 2164
reported 1 w 2172
to 30 w 2174
do 3 w 2176
Being 2 w 2182
thus 3 w 2186
habited 1 w 2193
he 69 w 2196
told 5 w 2200
the 51 w 2203
seamen 2 w 2209
he 71 w 2211
was 7 w 2214
minded 1 w 2220
to 32 w 2222
commit 1 w 2228
the 52 w 2231
protection 1 w 2241
of 15 w 2243
himself 2 w 2250
and 27 w 2253
his 14 w 2256
fellow-passengers 1 w 2273
to 33 w 2275
the 53 w 2278
providence 1 w 2288
of 16 w 2290
the 54 w 2293
Gods 1 w 2297
in 47 w 2299
a 182 w 2300
Pythian 1 w 2307
song 1 w 2311
then 2 w 2316
standing 1 w 2324
upon 5 w 2328
the 56 w 2331
poop 1 w 2335
near 3 w 2339
the 57 w 2342
side 1 w 2346
of 17 w 2348
the 58 w 2351
vessel 2 w 2357
and 29 w 2361
having 2 w 2367
invoked 1 w 2374
the 59 w 2377
help 1 w 2381
and 30 w 2384
assistance 1 w 2394
of 18 w 2396
all 5 w 2399
the 60 w 2402
sea 7 w 2405
Gods 2 w 2409
he 82 w 2412
strikes 1 w 2419
up 9 w 2421
briskly 1 w 2428
and 31 w 2431
sings 1 w 2436
to 34 w 2438
his 15 w 2441
harp 1 w 2445
Before 2 w 2452
he 83 w 2454
had 4 w 2457
half 1 w 2461
finished 1 w 2469
his 16 w 2472
carol 1 w 2477
the 61 w 2481
sun 1 w 2484
set 1 w 2487
and 32 w 2491
he 86 w 2493
could 4 w 2498
discern 1 w 2505
Peloponnesus 1 w 2517
before 2 w 2523
him 8 w 2526
The 4 w 2530
seamen 3 w 2536
thought 1 w 2543
it 16 w 2545
tedious 1 w 2552
to 35 w 2554
tarry 1 w 2559
for 12 w 2562
the 62 w 2565
night 3 w 2570
wherefore 1 w 2580
they 4 w 2584
resolved 2 w 2592
to 36 w 2594
murder 1 w 2600
him 9 w 2603
immediately 1 w 2614
to 37 w 2617
which 3 w 2622
purpose 2 w 2629
they 5 w 2633
unsheathed 1 w 2643
their 6 w 2648
swords 1 w 2654
Seeing 1 w 2661
this 5 w 2665
and 33 w 2669
beholding 1 w 2678
the 67 w 2681
master 3 w 2687
standing 2 w 2695
with 5 w 2699
his 18 w 2702
face 1 w 2706
covered 1 w 2713
he 96 w 2716
leaped 1 w 2722
into 2 w 2726
the 68 w 2729
sea 9 w 2732
as 25 w 2734
far 1 w 2737
as 26 w 2739
he 98 w 2741
could 5 w 2746
but 3 w 2750
before 3 w 2756
his 19 w 2759
body 1 w 2763
sunk 1 w 2767
he 99 w 2769
found 3 w 2774
himself 3 w 2781
supported 1 w 2790
by 4 w 2792
dolphins 3 w 2800
At 1 w 2803
first 1 w 2808
he 100 w 2810
was 8 w 2813
surprised 1 w 2822
with 6 w 2826
care 1 w 2830
and 35 w 2833
trouble 1 w 2840
but 4 w 2844
by 5 w 2846
and 36 w 2849
by 6 w 2851
finding 1 w 2859
himself 4 w 2866
marching 1 w 2874
forward 1 w 2881
with 7 w 2885
much 2 w 2889
ease 1 w 2893
and 37 w 2896
security 1 w 2904
and 38 w 2908
observing 1 w 2917
a 221 w 2918
whole 4 w 2923
shoal 1 w 2928
of 19 w 2930
dolphins 4 w 2938
flocking 2 w 2946
about 2 w 2951
him 12 w 2954
and 39 w 2957
joyfully 1 w 2965
contending 1 w 2975
which 4 w 2980
should 2 w 2986
appear 1 w 2992
most 2 w 2996
forward 2 w 3003
and 40 w 3006
serviceable 1 w 3017
in 65 w 3019
his 20 w 3022
preservation 1 w 3034
and 41 w 3038
discerning 1 w 3048
the 69 w 3051
vessel 3 w 3057
at 22 w 3059
a 233 w 3060
considerable 1 w 3072
distance 1 w 3080
behind 1 w 3086
he 102 w 3089
apprehended 1 w 3100
the 70 w 3103
nimbleness 1 w 3113
of 20 w 3115
his 21 w 3118
porters 1 w 3125
then 3 w 3130
and 42 w 3134
not 2 w 3137
till 3 w 3141
then 4 w 3145
his 22 w 3149
fears 1 w 3154
forsook 2 w 3161
him 13 w 3164
and 43 w 3168
he 107 w 3170
professed 1 w 3179
he 108 w 3181
was 9 w 3184
neither 1 w 3191
so 10 w 3193
fearful 1 w 3200
of 22 w 3202
death 2 w 3207
nor 1 w 3210
desirous 1 w 3218
of 23 w 3220
life 1 w 3224
as 30 w 3226
he 110 w 3228
was 10 w 3231
full 3 w 3235
of 24 w 3237
ambitious 1 w 3246
desire 1 w 3252
to 39 w 3254
reach 1 w 3259
the 74 w 3262
haven 1 w 3267
of 25 w 3269
safety 1 w 3275
that 6 w 3280
he 112 w 3282
might 2 w 3287
show 1 w 3291
to 40 w 3293
all 6 w 3296
men 5 w 3299
that 7 w 3303
he 113 w 3305
stood 1 w 3310
in 68 w 3312
the 75 w 3315
grace 1 w 3320
and 44 w 3323
favor 2 w 3328
of 26 w 3330
the 76 w 3333
Gods 3 w 3337
and 45 w 3341
that 8 w 3345
he 116 w 3347
might 3 w 3352
himself 5 w 3359
believe 1 w 3366
more 3 w 3370
firmly 1 w 3376
than 2 w 3380
ever 1 w 3384
before 4 w 3390
in 69 w 3392
their 7 w 3397
being 3 w 3402
and 46 w 3405
goodness 1 w 3413
In 3 w 3416
his 23 w 3419
passage 2 w 3426
as 33 w 3429
he 118 w 3431
lifted 1 w 3437
up 11 w 3439
his 24 w 3442
eyes 2 w 3446
toward 2 w 3452
heaven 1 w 3458
and 47 w 3462
beheld 1 w 3468
the 78 w 3471
stars 1 w 3476
glittering 1 w 3486
and 48 w 3489
twinkling 1 w 3498
and 49 w 3501
the 79 w 3504
moon 2 w 3508
full 4 w 3512
and 50 w 3515
glorious 1 w 3523
and 51 w 3527
the 80 w 3530
sea 10 w 3533
calm 2 w 3537
all 7 w 3540
about 3 w 3545
her 12 w 3548
as 34 w 3550
she 3 w 3553
seemed 2 w 3559
to 43 w 3561
rise 2 w 3565
out 5 w 3568
of 27 w 3570
it 24 w 3572
and 52 w 3576
yielding 1 w 3584
him 15 w 3587
as 35 w 3590
it 25 w 3592
were 4 w 3596
a 277 w 3598
beaten 1 w 3604
track 1 w 3609
he 126 w 3612
declared 1 w 3620
he 127 w 3623
thought 2 w 3630
God 4 w 3633
s 240 w 3635
justice 1 w 3642
had 5 w 3645
more 4 w 3649
eyes 3 w 3653
than 3 w 3657
one 2 w 3660
and 53 w 3664
that 9 w 3668
with 8 w 3672
these 1 w 3677
many 1 w 3681
eyes 4 w 3685
the 82 w 3688
Gods 4 w 3692
beheld 2 w 3698
what 4 w 3702
was 11 w 3705
acted 1 w 3710
here 6 w 3714
below 1 w 3719
both 1 w 3723
by 7 w 3725
sea 11 w 3728
and 54 w 3731
land 2 w 3735
With 1 w 3740
such 2 w 3744
contemplations 1 w 3758
he 132 w 3760
performed 1 w 3769
his 25 w 3772
voyage 1 w 3778
less 1 w 3782
anxiously 1 w 3791
which 5 w 3797
much 3 w 3801
abated 1 w 3807
the 83 w 3810
tediousness 1 w 3821
thereof 1 w 3828
and 56 w 3831
was 12 w 3834
a 299 w 3835
comfort 1 w 3842
and 57 w 3845
refreshment 1 w 3856
to 44 w 3858
him 16 w 3861
in 75 w 3863
his 26 w 3866
solitude 1 w 3874
and 58 w 3877
danger 2 w 3883
At 2 w 3886
last 1 w 3890
arriving 1 w 3899
near 4 w 3903
the 85 w 3906
promontory 3 w 3916
which 6 w 3921
was 13 w 3924
both 2 w 3928
steep 1 w 3933
and 59 w 3936
high 1 w 3940
and 60 w 3944
fearing 1 w 3951
danger 3 w 3957
in 78 w 3959
a 311 w 3960
straight 1 w 3968
course 1 w 3974
and 61 w 3977
direct 1 w 3983
line 1 w 3987
they 6 w 3992
unanimously 1 w 4003
veered 1 w 4009
about 4 w 4014
and 62 w 4018
making 2 w 4024
to 46 w 4026
shore 4 w 4031
with 9 w 4035
a 318 w 4036
little 2 w 4042
compass 1 w 4049
for 21 w 4052
security 2 w 4060
they 7 w 4065
delivered 1 w 4074
Arion 2 w 4079
to 47 w 4081
us 21 w 4083
in 81 w 4085
safety 2 w 4091
so 12 w 4094
that 10 w 4098
he 138 w 4100
plainly 1 w 4107
perceived 2 w 4116
and 63 w 4119
with 10 w 4123
thanks 1 w 4129
acknowledged 1 w 4141
a 326 w 4142
Providence 1 w 4152
When 2 w 4157
Arion 3 w 4162
had 6 w 4165
finished 2 w 4173
this 6 w 4177
narrative 1 w 4186
of 29 w 4188
his 28 w 4191
escape 1 w 4197
I 5 w 4199
asked 1 w 4204
him 17 w 4207
quoth 1 w 4213
Gorgias 2 w 4220
whither 1 w 4228
the 89 w 4231
ship 1 w 4235
was 14 w 4238
bound 1 w 4243
he 143 w 4246
told 6 w 4250
me 15 w 4252
for 22 w 4255
Corinth 2 w 4262
but 5 w 4266
it 34 w 4268
would 1 w 4273
not 3 w 4276
be 20 w 4278
there 5 w 4283
very 5 w 4287
suddenly 1 w 4295
for 23 w 4299
when 4 w 4303
he 146 w 4305
leaped 2 w 4311
out 7 w 4314
of 30 w 4316
the 91 w 4319
ship 2 w 4323
and 64 w 4326
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carried 1 w 4336
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conceived 1 w 4350
about 5 w 4356
five 1 w 4360
hundred 1 w 4367
furlongs 1 w 4375
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perceived 3 w 4387
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calm 3 w 4392
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must 1 w 4402
needs 1 w 4407
much 4 w 4411
retard 1 w 4417
their 8 w 4422
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who 6 w 4432
were 5 w 4436
aboard 2 w 4442
Gorgias 3 w 4450
added 1 w 4455
that 11 w 4459
having 3 w 4466
learned 1 w 4473
the 93 w 4476
names 1 w 4481
of 31 w 4483
the 94 w 4486
pilot 1 w 4491
and 65 w 4494
master 4 w 4500
and 66 w 4503
the 95 w 4506
colors 1 w 4512
of 32 w 4514
the 96 w 4517
ship 3 w 4521
he 155 w 4524
immediately 2 w 4535
despatched 1 w 4545
out 9 w 4548
ships 1 w 4553
and 67 w 4556
soldiers 1 w 4564
to 49 w 4566
examine 1 w 4573
all 8 w 4576
the 97 w 4579
ports 1 w 4584
all 9 w 4588
this 7 w 4592
while 1 w 4597
keeping 1 w 4604
Arion 4 w 4609
concealed 1 w 4618
lest 1 w 4623
the 98 w 4626
criminals 1 w 4635
should 3 w 4641
upon 6 w 4645
notice 1 w 4651
of 33 w 4653
his 30 w 4656
deliverance 1 w 4667
escape 2 w 4673
the 99 w 4676
pursuit 1 w 4683
of 34 w 4685
justice 2 w 4692
This 1 w 4697
action 1 w 4703
happened 1 w 4711
very 6 w 4715
luckily 1 w 4722
as 48 w 4725
if 5 w 4727
it 36 w 4729
were 6 w 4733
directed 1 w 4741
by 8 w 4743
the 100 w 4746
power 1 w 4751
of 35 w 4753
the 101 w 4756
Gods 5 w 4760
for 24 w 4764
as 49 w 4766
soon 1 w 4770
as 50 w 4772
he 162 w 4774
arrived 1 w 4781
at 37 w 4783
Corinth 3 w 4790
news 1 w 4795
was 16 w 4798
brought 2 w 4805
him 18 w 4808
that 12 w 4812
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same 1 w 4819
ship 5 w 4823
was 17 w 4826
in 90 w 4828
port 8 w 4832
and 68 w 4836
that 13 w 4840
his 32 w 4843
party 1 w 4848
had 7 w 4851
seized 1 w 4857
it 37 w 4859
and 69 w 4862
secured 1 w 4869
all 10 w 4872
the 103 w 4875
men 7 w 4878
merchants 1 w 4888
and 70 w 4891
others 3 w 4897
Whereupon 1 w 4907
Periander 2 w 4916
commended 1 w 4925
Gorgias 4 w 4932
s 326 w 4934
discretion 1 w 4944
and 72 w 4947
zeal 1 w 4951
desiring 1 w 4960
him 19 w 4963
to 50 w 4965
proceed 1 w 4972
and 73 w 4975
lose 1 w 4979
no 11 w 4981
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immediately 3 w 5000
to 51 w 5002
clap 1 w 5006
them 1 w 5010
in 92 w 5012
close 1 w 5017
prison 1 w 5023
and 74 w 5027
to 52 w 5029
suffer 1 w 5035
none 1 w 5039
to 53 w 5041
come 1 w 5045
at 41 w 5047
them 2 w 5051
to 54 w 5053
give 1 w 5057
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least 1 w 5065
notice 2 w 5071
of 36 w 5073
Arion 5 w 5078
s 334 w 5080
miraculous 1 w 5090
escape 3 w 5096