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CTS Library / The Banquet of the Seven Wise Men

The Banquet of the Seven Wise Men (16-20)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '16', 'human_reference': 'Section 16'}, 'end': {'reference': '20', 'human_reference': 'Section 20'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Yea, doubtless, replies Solon, or we may be reputed more injudicious than the Egyptians. For when any person

dies among them, they open him and show him so dissected to the sun; his guts they throw into the river, to the remaining parts they allow a decent burial, for they think the body now pure and clean; and to speak truly, they are the foulest parts of the body, and like that lower hell crammed with dead carcasses and at the same time flowing with offensive rivers, such as flame with fire and are disturbed with tempests. No live creature feeds upon another living creature, but we first take away their lives, and in that action we do them great wrong; forasmuch as whatsoever is transmuted and turned into another loseth the nature which it had before, and is corrupted that it may become nourishment to the others. Now the very plants have life in them,—that is clear and manifest, for we perceive they grow and spread. But to abstain from eating flesh (as they say Orpheus of old did) is more a pretence than a real avoiding of an injury proceeding from the just use of meat. One way there is, and but one way, whereby a man may avoid offence, namely by being contented with his own, not coveting what belongs to his neighbor. But if a mans circumstances be such and so hard that he cannot subsist without wronging another man, the fault is Gods, not his. The case being such with some persons, I would fain learn if it be not advisable to destroy, at the same time with injustice, these instruments of injustice, the belly, stomach, and liver, which have no sense of justice or appetite to honesty, and therefore may be fitly compared to your cooks implements, his knives and his caldrons, or to a bakers chimney and bins and kneading-tubs. Verily one may observe the souls of some men confined to their bodies, as to a house of correction, barely to do the drudgery and to serve the necessities thereof. It was our own case but even now. While we minded our meat and our bellies, we had neither eyes to see nor ears to hear; but now the table is taken away, we
are free to discourse among ourselves and to enjoy one another; and now our bellies are full, we have nothing else to do or care for. And if this condition and state wherein we at present are would last our whole life, we having no wants to fear nor riches to covet (for a desire of superfluities attends a desire of necessaries), would not our lives be much more comfortable and life itself much more desirable?

Yea, but Cleodemus stiffly maintains the necessity of eating and drinking, else we shall want tables and cups, and shall not be able to sacrifice to Ceres and Proserpina. By a parity of reason there is a necessity there should be contentions and wars, that men may have bulwarks and citadels and fortifications by land, fleets and navies abroad at sea, and that having slain hundreds, we may offer sacrifices (called Hecatomphonia) after the Messenian manner. By this reason we shall find men grudging their own health, for (they will say) there will be no need of down or feather beds unless they are sick; and so those healing Gods, and particularly Esculapius, will be vast sufferers, for they will infallibly lose so many fat and rich sacrifices yearly. Nay, the art of chirurgery will perish, and all those ingenious instruments that have been invented for the cure of man will lie by useless and insignificant. And what great difference is there between this and that? For meat is a medicine against hunger, and such as keep a regular diet are said to cure themselves,—I mean such as use meat not for wantonness but of necessity. For it is plain, the prejudices we receive by feeding far surmount the pleasures. And the pleasure of eating fills a very little place in our bodies and very little time. But why should I trouble you or myself with a catalogue of the many vexations which attend that man who is necessitated to provide for a family, and the many difficulties which distract him in his undertaking? For my part, I verily

believe Homer had an eye to this very thing, when, to prove the immortality of the Gods, he made use of this very argument, that they were such because they used no victuals;
For not the bread of man their life sustains,
Nor wines inflaming juice supplies their veins;

intimating meat to be the cause of death as well as the means of sustaining and supporting life. From hence proceed divers fatal distempers caused much more by fulness than by fasting; and to digest what we have eaten proves frequently a harder matter than to provide and procure what we eat. And when we solicitously enquire beforehand what we should do or how we should employ ourselves if we had not such care and business to take up our time, this is as if Danauss daughters should trouble their heads to know what they should do if they had no sieves to fill with water. We drudge and toil for necessaries, for want of better and nobler business. As slaves then who have gained their freedom do now and then those drudgeries and discharge those servile employments and offices for their own benefit which they undertook heretofore for their masters advantage, so the mind of man, which at present is enslaved to the body and the service thereof, when once it becomes free from this slavery, will take care of itself, and spend its time in contemplation of truth without distraction or disturbance. Such were our discourses upon this head, O Nicarchus.

And before Solon had fully finished, in came Gorgias, Perianders brother, who was just returned from Tacnarum, whither he had been sent by the advice of the oracle to sacrifice to Neptune and to conduct a deputation. Upon his entrance we welcomed him home; and Periander having among the rest saluted him, Gorgias sat by him upon a bed, and privately whispered something to his brother which we could not hear. Periander by his

various gestures and motions discovered different affections; sometimes he seemed sad and melancholic, by and by disturbed and angry; frequently he looked as doubtful and distrustful men use to do; awhile after he lifts up his eyes as is usual with men in a maze. At last recovering himself, saith he, I have a mind to impart to you the contents of this embassy; but I scarce dare do it, remembering Thaless aphorism, how things impossible or incredible are to be concealed and only things credible and probable are to be related. Bias answered, I crave leave to explain Thaless saying, We may distrust enemies, even though they speak things credible, and trust friends, even though they relate things incredible; and I suppose by enemies he meant vicious men and foolish, and by friends, wise and good men. Then, brother Gorgias, quoth Periander, I pray relate the whole story particularly.

Gorgias in obedience to his brothers command began his story thus:—

When we had fasted now for three days and offered sacrifice upon each of those days, we were all resolved to sit up the third night and spend it in pastime and dancing. The moon shone very bright upon the water, and the sea was exceeding calm and still; this we saw, for we sported ourselves upon the shore. Being thus taken up, all of a sudden we espied a wonderful spectacle off at sea, making with incredible expedition to the adjoining promontory. The violence of the motion made the sea foam again, and the noise was so loud, that the whole company forsook their sport and ran together toward the place, admiring what the matter should be. Before we could make a full discovery of the whole, the motion was so rapid, we perceived divers dolphins, some swimming in a ring or circle, others hastening amain to that part of the shore which was most smooth, and others following after and (as it were) bringing up the rear. In the middle there was a certain

heap which we could perceive above the water; but we could not distinctly apprehend what it was, till drawing near the shore we saw all the dolphins flocking together, and having made near the land they safely surrendered their charge, and left out of danger a man breathing and shaking himself. They returned to the promontory, and there seemed to rejoice more than before for this their fortunate undertaking. Divers in the company were affrighted and ran away; myself and a few more took courage, and went on to see and satisfy ourselves what this unusual matter might be; there we found and instantly knew our old acquaintance Arion the musician, who told us his name. He wore that very garment he used when he strove for mastery. We brought him into our tent and found he had received no damage in his passage, save only a little lassitude by the violence of the motion. He told us the whole story of his adventure,—a story incredible to all but such as saw it with their eyes. He told us how, when he had determined to leave Italy, being hastened away by Perianders letters, he went aboard a Corinthian merchantman then in port and ready to sail; being off at sea with the winds favorable, he observed the seamen bent to ruin him, and the master of the vessel told him as much, and that they purposed to execute their design upon him that very night. In this distress, the poor man (as if inspired by his good Genius) girds about him his heretofore victorious, now his funeral cloak, with a brave resolution to compose and sing his own epitaph, as the swans when they apprehend the approaches of death are reported to do. Being thus habited, he told the seamen he was minded to commit the protection of himself and his fellow-passengers to the providence of the Gods in a Pythian song; then standing upon the poop near the side of the vessel, and having invoked the help and assistance of all the sea Gods, he strikes up briskly and sings to his harp. Before he had half finished his carol,
the sun set, and he could discern Peloponnesus before him. The seamen thought it tedious to tarry for the night, wherefore they resolved to murder him immediately, to which purpose they unsheathed their swords. Seeing this, and beholding the master standing with his face covered, he leaped into the sea as far as he could; but before his body sunk he found himself supported by dolphins. At first he was surprised with care and trouble; but by and by, finding himself marching forward with much ease and security, and observing a whole shoal of dolphins flocking about him and joyfully contending which should appear most forward and serviceable in his preservation, and discerning the vessel at a considerable distance behind, he apprehended the nimbleness of his porters; then, and not till then, his fears forsook him, and he professed he was neither so fearful of death nor desirous of life as he was full of ambitious desire to reach the haven of safety, that he might show to all men that he stood in the grace and favor of the Gods, and that he might himself believe more firmly than ever before in their being and goodness. In his passage, as he lifted up his eyes toward heaven, and beheld the stars glittering and twinkling and the moon full and glorious, and the sea calm all about her as she seemed to rise out of it, and yielding him (as it were) a beaten track; he declared, he thought Gods justice had more eyes than one, and that with these many eyes the Gods beheld what was acted here below both by sea and land. With such contemplations he performed his voyage less anxiously, which much abated the tediousness thereof and was a comfort and refreshment to him in his solitude and danger. At last, arriving near the promontory which was both steep and high, and fearing danger in a straight course and direct line, they unanimously veered about, and making to shore with a little compass for security, they delivered Arion to us in safety, so that he plainly perceived and with thanks acknowledged a Providence.

When Arion had finished this narrative of his escape, I asked him (quoth Gorgias) whither the ship was bound; he told me for Corinth, but it would not be there very suddenly, for when he leaped out of the ship and was carried (as he conceived) about five hundred furlongs, he perceived a calm, which must needs much retard their arrival who were aboard. Gorgias added that, having learned the names of the pilot and master and the colors of the ship, he immediately despatched out ships and soldiers to examine all the ports, all this while keeping Arion concealed, lest the criminals should upon notice of his deliverance escape the pursuit of justice. This action happened very luckily, as if it were directed by the power of the Gods; for as soon as he arrived at Corinth, news was brought him that the same ship was in port, and that his party had seized it and secured all the men, merchants and others. Whereupon Periander commended Gorgiass discretion and zeal, desiring him to proceed and lose no time, but immediately to clap them in close prison, and to suffer none to come at them to give the least notice of Arions miraculous escape.

Gentlemen, quoth Esop, I remember you derided my dialogue of the daws and crows; and now you can admire and believe as improbable a story of dolphins. You are mightily out, said I, for this is no new story which we believe, but it is recorded in the annals of Ino and Athamas above a thousand years ago. These passages are supernatural, quoth Solon, and much above our reason; what befell Hesiod is of a lower kind, and more proper for our discourse, and if you have not heard of it before, it is worth your hearing.

Hesiod was once entertained at the same house in Locris with a certain Milesian. In this his sojourning time it happened the gentlemans daughter was got with child by the Milesian; which being discovered, the whole

family concluded Hesiod, if not guilty, must be privy to the fact. His innocence was but a weak fence against their jealousy and aspersions; and therefore, rashly censuring him guilty, the brothers of the woman waylaid him in his return home, and slew him and his companion Troilus near the temple of Nemean Jove in Locris. Their carcasses they threw into the sea; that of Troilus was carried into the river Daphnus, and rested upon a certain rock compassed with waters, just above the surface of the sea, which rock bears his name to this day. The body of Hesiod was no sooner fallen upon the surface of the water, but a company of dolphins received it, and conveyed it to Rhium and Molycria. It happened the Locrians were assembled at Rhium that day to feast and make merry, according to the custom which continues still among them. As soon as they perceived a carcass floating or rather swimming towards them, they hastened, not without admiration, to see what it was; and knowing the body to be Hesiods, they instantly resolved to find out the murderers. It proved an easy discovery. After conviction they threw them headlong alive into the sea, and ordered their houses to be demolished to the very foundations. The body they buried in the grove of the temple of Jove, that no foreigner might find it out; the reason of this act was that the Orchomenians had searched far and near for it at the instigation of the oracle, who promised them the greatest felicity if they could get the bones of Hesiod and bury them in their city. Now if dolphins are so favorable to dead men, it is very probable they have a strong affection for the living, especially for such as delight in music, whether vocal or instrumental. And this we know undoubtedly, that these creatures delight infinitely in music; they love it, and if any man sings or plays as he sails along in fair weather, they will quietly swim by the side of the ship, and listen till the
music is ended. When children bathe in the water and sport themselves, you shall have a parcel of them flock together and sport and swim by them; and they may do it the more securely, since it is a breach of the law of Nature to hurt them. You never heard of any man that fishes for them purposely or hurts them wilfully, unless falling into the nets they spoil the sport, and so, like naughty children, are corrected for their misdemeanors. I very well remember the Lesbians told me how a maid of their town was preserved from drowning by them.

It was a very true story, quoth Pittacus, and there are divers still alive who will attest it, if need be. The builders or founders of Lesbos were commanded by the oracle to sail till they came to a haven called Mesogaeum, there they should sacrifice a bull to Neptune, and for the honor of Amphitrite and the sea-nymphs they should offer a virgin. The principal persons in this colony were seven in number; the eighth was one Echelaus by name, and appointed head of the rest by the oracle himself; and he was a bachelor. A daughter of one of these seven was to be sacrificed, but who it should be was to be decided by lot, and the lot fell upon Smintheuss sister. Her they dressed most richly, and so apparelled they conveyed her in abundance of state to the water-side, and having composed a prayer for her, they were now ready to throw her overboard. There was in the company a certain ingenuous young gentleman whose name was Enalus; he was desperately in love with this young lady, and his love prompted him to endeavor all he could for her preservation, or at least to perish in the attempt. In the very moment she was to be cast away, he clasps her in his arms and throws himself and her together into the sea. Shortly after there was a flying report they were both conveyed safe to land. A while after Enalus was seen at Lesbos, who gave out they were preserved by dolphins. I could tell you stories

more incredible than these, such as would amuse some and please others; but it is impossible to command mens faith. The sea was so tempestuous and rough, the people were afraid to come too near the waters, when Enalus arrived. A number of polypuses followed him even to Neptunes temple, the biggest and strongest of which carried a great stone. This Enalus dedicated, and this stone is therefore called Enalus to this day. To be short and to speak all in a few words,—he that knows how to distinguish between the impossible and the unusual, to make a difference between the unlikely and the absurd, to be neither too credulous nor too distrustful,—he hath learned your lesson, Do not overdo.[*]

Yea 1 w 3
doubtless 1 w 13
replies 1 w 21
Solon 1 w 26
or 1 w 29
we 1 w 31
may 1 w 34
be 1 w 36
reputed 1 w 43
more 1 w 47
injudicious 1 w 58
than 1 w 62
the 1 w 65
Egyptians 1 w 74
For 1 w 78
when 1 w 82
any 1 w 85
person 1 w 91
dies 1 w 95
among 1 w 100
them 1 w 104
they 1 w 109
open 1 w 113
him 1 w 116
and 1 w 119
show 1 w 123
him 2 w 126
so 2 w 128
dissected 1 w 137
to 1 w 139
the 4 w 142
sun 1 w 145
his 1 w 149
guts 1 w 153
they 2 w 157
throw 1 w 162
into 1 w 166
the 6 w 169
river 1 w 174
to 3 w 177
the 7 w 180
remaining 1 w 189
parts 1 w 194
they 3 w 198
allow 1 w 203
a 11 w 204
decent 1 w 210
burial 1 w 216
for 1 w 220
they 4 w 224
think 1 w 229
the 10 w 232
body 1 w 236
now 1 w 239
pure 1 w 243
and 2 w 246
clean 1 w 251
and 3 w 255
to 4 w 257
speak 1 w 262
truly 1 w 267
they 5 w 272
are 1 w 275
the 12 w 278
foulest 1 w 285
parts 2 w 290
of 1 w 292
the 13 w 295
body 2 w 299
and 4 w 303
like 1 w 307
that 1 w 311
lower 1 w 316
hell 1 w 320
crammed 1 w 327
with 1 w 331
dead 1 w 335
carcasses 1 w 344
and 5 w 347
at 2 w 349
the 14 w 352
same 1 w 356
time 1 w 360
flowing 1 w 367
with 2 w 371
offensive 1 w 380
rivers 1 w 386
such 1 w 391
as 2 w 393
flame 1 w 398
with 3 w 402
fire 1 w 406
and 6 w 409
are 2 w 412
disturbed 1 w 421
with 4 w 425
tempests 1 w 433
No 1 w 436
live 1 w 440
creature 1 w 448
feeds 1 w 453
upon 1 w 457
another 1 w 464
living 1 w 470
creature 2 w 478
but 1 w 482
we 3 w 484
first 1 w 489
take 1 w 493
away 1 w 497
their 1 w 502
lives 1 w 507
and 7 w 511
in 8 w 513
that 2 w 517
action 1 w 523
we 4 w 525
do 2 w 527
them 2 w 531
great 1 w 536
wrong 1 w 541
forasmuch 1 w 551
as 4 w 553
whatsoever 1 w 563
is 4 w 565
transmuted 1 w 575
and 8 w 578
turned 1 w 584
into 2 w 588
another 2 w 595
loseth 1 w 601
the 19 w 604
nature 1 w 610
which 1 w 615
it 5 w 617
had 1 w 620
before 1 w 626
and 9 w 630
is 5 w 632
corrupted 1 w 641
that 3 w 645
it 6 w 647
may 2 w 650
become 1 w 656
nourishment 1 w 667
to 6 w 669
the 20 w 672
others 1 w 678
Now 1 w 682
the 22 w 685
very 1 w 689
plants 1 w 695
have 1 w 699
life 1 w 703
in 10 w 705
them 3 w 709
that 4 w 715
is 7 w 717
clear 1 w 722
and 10 w 725
manifest 1 w 733
for 4 w 737
we 5 w 739
perceive 1 w 747
they 6 w 751
grow 1 w 755
and 11 w 758
spread 1 w 764
But 1 w 768
to 7 w 770
abstain 1 w 777
from 1 w 781
eating 1 w 787
flesh 1 w 792
as 5 w 795
they 7 w 799
say 1 w 802
Orpheus 1 w 809
of 3 w 811
old 1 w 814
did 1 w 817
is 8 w 820
more 2 w 824
a 66 w 825
pretence 1 w 833
than 2 w 837
a 68 w 838
real 1 w 842
avoiding 1 w 850
of 4 w 852
an 22 w 854
injury 1 w 860
proceeding 1 w 870
from 2 w 874
the 26 w 877
just 1 w 881
use 1 w 884
of 5 w 886
meat 1 w 890
One 1 w 894
way 2 w 897
there 1 w 902
is 9 w 904
and 12 w 908
but 2 w 911
one 1 w 914
way 3 w 917
whereby 1 w 925
a 76 w 926
man 2 w 929
may 3 w 932
avoid 2 w 937
offence 1 w 944
namely 1 w 951
by 2 w 953
being 1 w 958
contented 1 w 967
with 5 w 971
his 2 w 974
own 1 w 977
not 3 w 981
coveting 1 w 989
what 2 w 993
belongs 1 w 1000
to 8 w 1002
his 3 w 1005
neighbor 1 w 1013
But 2 w 1017
if 3 w 1019
a 82 w 1020
man 3 w 1023
s 58 w 1025
circumstances 1 w 1038
be 7 w 1040
such 2 w 1044
and 13 w 1047
so 4 w 1049
hard 1 w 1053
that 5 w 1057
he 32 w 1059
cannot 1 w 1065
subsist 1 w 1072
without 1 w 1079
wronging 1 w 1087
another 3 w 1094
man 4 w 1097
the 29 w 1101
fault 1 w 1106
is 13 w 1108
God 1 w 1111
s 67 w 1113
not 6 w 1117
his 4 w 1120
The 1 w 1124
case 1 w 1128
being 2 w 1133
such 3 w 1137
with 7 w 1141
some 1 w 1145
persons 1 w 1152
I 1 w 1154
would 1 w 1159
fain 1 w 1163
learn 1 w 1168
if 4 w 1170
it 10 w 1172
be 9 w 1174
not 7 w 1177
advisable 1 w 1186
to 9 w 1188
destroy 1 w 1195
at 15 w 1198
the 30 w 1201
same 2 w 1205
time 2 w 1209
with 8 w 1213
injustice 1 w 1222
these 1 w 1228
instruments 1 w 1239
of 7 w 1241
injustice 2 w 1250
the 32 w 1254
belly 1 w 1259
stomach 1 w 1267
and 14 w 1271
liver 1 w 1276
which 2 w 1282
have 2 w 1286
no 10 w 1288
sense 1 w 1293
of 8 w 1295
justice 3 w 1302
or 11 w 1304
appetite 1 w 1312
to 11 w 1314
honesty 1 w 1321
and 15 w 1325
therefore 1 w 1334
may 4 w 1337
be 11 w 1339
fitly 1 w 1344
compared 1 w 1352
to 12 w 1354
your 1 w 1358
cook 1 w 1362
s 87 w 1364
implements 1 w 1374
his 5 w 1378
knives 1 w 1384
and 16 w 1387
his 6 w 1390
caldrons 1 w 1398
or 13 w 1401
to 13 w 1403
a 108 w 1404
baker 1 w 1409
s 93 w 1411
chimney 1 w 1418
and 17 w 1421
bins 1 w 1425
and 18 w 1428
kneading-tubs 1 w 1441
Verily 1 w 1448
one 3 w 1451
may 5 w 1454
observe 1 w 1461
the 34 w 1464
souls 1 w 1469
of 9 w 1471
some 2 w 1475
men 4 w 1478
confined 1 w 1486
to 14 w 1488
their 2 w 1493
bodies 1 w 1499
as 7 w 1502
to 15 w 1504
a 115 w 1505
house 1 w 1510
of 10 w 1512
correction 1 w 1522
barely 1 w 1529
to 16 w 1531
do 3 w 1533
the 36 w 1536
drudgery 1 w 1544
and 19 w 1547
to 17 w 1549
serve 2 w 1554
the 37 w 1557
necessities 1 w 1568
thereof 1 w 1575
It 1 w 1578
was 1 w 1581
our 3 w 1584
own 2 w 1587
case 2 w 1591
but 3 w 1594
even 1 w 1598
now 2 w 1601
While 1 w 1607
we 6 w 1609
minded 1 w 1615
our 4 w 1618
meat 2 w 1622
and 20 w 1625
our 5 w 1628
bellies 1 w 1635
we 7 w 1638
had 2 w 1641
neither 1 w 1648
eyes 1 w 1652
to 18 w 1654
see 1 w 1657
nor 1 w 1660
ears 1 w 1664
to 19 w 1666
hear 1 w 1670
but 4 w 1674
now 3 w 1677
the 40 w 1680
table 1 w 1685
is 18 w 1687
taken 1 w 1692
away 2 w 1696
we 8 w 1699
are 5 w 1702
free 1 w 1706
to 20 w 1708
discourse 1 w 1717
among 2 w 1722
ourselves 1 w 1731
and 21 w 1734
to 21 w 1736
enjoy 1 w 1741
one 4 w 1744
another 4 w 1751
and 22 w 1755
now 4 w 1758
our 8 w 1761
bellies 2 w 1768
are 6 w 1771
full 1 w 1775
we 9 w 1778
have 3 w 1782
nothing 1 w 1789
else 1 w 1793
to 22 w 1795
do 4 w 1797
or 16 w 1799
care 1 w 1803
for 6 w 1806
And 1 w 1810
if 5 w 1812
this 1 w 1816
condition 1 w 1825
and 23 w 1828
state 1 w 1833
wherein 1 w 1840
we 10 w 1842
at 18 w 1844
present 1 w 1851
are 8 w 1854
would 2 w 1859
last 1 w 1863
our 9 w 1866
whole 1 w 1871
life 2 w 1875
we 11 w 1878
having 1 w 1884
no 17 w 1886
wants 1 w 1891
to 23 w 1893
fear 1 w 1897
nor 2 w 1900
riches 1 w 1906
to 24 w 1908
covet 2 w 1913
for 7 w 1917
a 145 w 1918
desire 1 w 1924
of 12 w 1926
superfluities 1 w 1939
attends 1 w 1946
a 147 w 1947
desire 2 w 1953
of 13 w 1955
necessaries 1 w 1966
would 3 w 1973
not 10 w 1976
our 10 w 1979
lives 2 w 1984
be 14 w 1986
much 2 w 1990
more 3 w 1994
comfortable 1 w 2005
and 24 w 2008
life 3 w 2012
itself 1 w 2018
much 3 w 2022
more 4 w 2026
desirable 1 w 2035
Yea 2 w 2039
but 5 w 2043
Cleodemus 1 w 2052
stiffly 1 w 2059
maintains 1 w 2068
the 42 w 2071
necessity 1 w 2080
of 14 w 2082
eating 2 w 2088
and 25 w 2091
drinking 1 w 2099
else 2 w 2104
we 12 w 2106
shall 1 w 2111
want 2 w 2115
tables 1 w 2121
and 26 w 2124
cups 1 w 2128
and 27 w 2132
shall 2 w 2137
not 11 w 2140
be 15 w 2142
able 6 w 2146
to 25 w 2148
sacrifice 1 w 2157
to 26 w 2159
Ceres 1 w 2164
and 28 w 2167
Proserpina 1 w 2177
By 1 w 2180
a 167 w 2181
parity 1 w 2187
of 15 w 2189
reason 1 w 2195
there 4 w 2200
is 21 w 2202
a 170 w 2203
necessity 2 w 2212
there 5 w 2217
should 1 w 2223
be 16 w 2225
contentions 1 w 2236
and 29 w 2239
wars 1 w 2243
that 6 w 2248
men 5 w 2251
may 6 w 2254
have 4 w 2258
bulwarks 1 w 2266
and 30 w 2269
citadels 1 w 2277
and 31 w 2280
fortifications 1 w 2294
by 3 w 2296
land 1 w 2300
fleets 1 w 2307
and 33 w 2310
navies 1 w 2316
abroad 1 w 2322
at 23 w 2324
sea 1 w 2327
and 34 w 2331
that 7 w 2335
having 2 w 2341
slain 1 w 2346
hundreds 1 w 2354
we 13 w 2357
may 7 w 2360
offer 1 w 2365
sacrifices 1 w 2375
called 1 w 2382
Hecatomphonia 1 w 2395
after 1 w 2401
the 45 w 2404
Messenian 1 w 2413
manner 1 w 2419
By 2 w 2422
this 2 w 2426
reason 2 w 2432
we 14 w 2434
shall 3 w 2439
find 1 w 2443
men 6 w 2446
grudging 1 w 2454
their 3 w 2459
own 3 w 2462
health 1 w 2468
for 10 w 2472
they 8 w 2477
will 1 w 2481
say 2 w 2484
there 6 w 2490
will 2 w 2494
be 17 w 2496
no 21 w 2498
need 1 w 2502
of 17 w 2504
down 1 w 2508
or 25 w 2510
feather 1 w 2517
beds 1 w 2521
unless 1 w 2527
they 9 w 2531
are 9 w 2534
sick 1 w 2538
and 35 w 2542
so 11 w 2544
those 1 w 2549
healing 1 w 2556
Gods 1 w 2560
and 36 w 2564
particularly 1 w 2576
Esculapius 1 w 2586
will 3 w 2591
be 19 w 2593
vast 1 w 2597
sufferers 1 w 2606
for 11 w 2610
they 10 w 2614
will 4 w 2618
infallibly 1 w 2628
lose 2 w 2632
so 12 w 2634
many 1 w 2638
fat 1 w 2641
and 37 w 2644
rich 2 w 2648
sacrifices 2 w 2658
yearly 1 w 2664
Nay 1 w 2668
the 52 w 2672
art 4 w 2675
of 18 w 2677
chirurgery 1 w 2687
will 5 w 2691
perish 1 w 2697
and 38 w 2701
all 7 w 2704
those 2 w 2709
ingenious 1 w 2718
instruments 2 w 2729
that 8 w 2733
have 5 w 2737
been 1 w 2741
invented 1 w 2749
for 12 w 2752
the 53 w 2755
cure 1 w 2759
of 19 w 2761
man 7 w 2764
will 6 w 2768
lie 4 w 2771
by 4 w 2773
useless 1 w 2780
and 39 w 2783
insignificant 1 w 2796
And 2 w 2800
what 3 w 2804
great 2 w 2809
difference 1 w 2819
is 24 w 2821
there 7 w 2826
between 1 w 2833
this 3 w 2837
and 40 w 2840
that 9 w 2844
For 2 w 2848
meat 3 w 2852
is 26 w 2854
a 233 w 2855
medicine 1 w 2863
against 1 w 2870
hunger 1 w 2876
and 41 w 2880
such 4 w 2884
as 14 w 2886
keep 1 w 2890
a 238 w 2891
regular 1 w 2898
diet 1 w 2902
are 10 w 2905
said 1 w 2909
to 28 w 2911
cure 2 w 2915
themselves 1 w 2925
I 3 w 2928
mean 1 w 2932
such 5 w 2936
as 15 w 2938
use 4 w 2941
meat 4 w 2945
not 12 w 2948
for 13 w 2951
wantonness 1 w 2961
but 6 w 2964
of 20 w 2966
necessity 3 w 2975
For 3 w 2979
it 24 w 2981
is 27 w 2983
plain 1 w 2988
the 56 w 2992
prejudices 1 w 3002
we 16 w 3004
receive 1 w 3011
by 5 w 3013
feeding 1 w 3020
far 1 w 3023
surmount 1 w 3031
the 57 w 3034
pleasures 1 w 3043
And 3 w 3047
the 58 w 3050
pleasure 2 w 3058
of 21 w 3060
eating 3 w 3066
fills 1 w 3071
a 251 w 3072
very 2 w 3076
little 1 w 3082
place 1 w 3087
in 52 w 3089
our 11 w 3092
bodies 2 w 3098
and 42 w 3101
very 3 w 3105
little 2 w 3111
time 3 w 3115
But 3 w 3119
why 1 w 3122
should 2 w 3128
I 4 w 3129
trouble 1 w 3136
you 2 w 3139
or 31 w 3141
myself 1 w 3147
with 9 w 3151
a 254 w 3152
catalogue 1 w 3161
of 22 w 3163
the 59 w 3166
many 2 w 3170
vexations 1 w 3179
which 3 w 3184
attend 2 w 3190
that 10 w 3194
man 9 w 3197
who 2 w 3200
is 28 w 3202
necessitated 1 w 3214
to 30 w 3216
provide 1 w 3223
for 14 w 3226
a 263 w 3227
family 1 w 3233
and 43 w 3237
the 60 w 3240
many 3 w 3244
difficulties 1 w 3256
which 4 w 3261
distract 1 w 3269
him 4 w 3272
in 53 w 3274
his 10 w 3277
undertaking 1 w 3288
For 4 w 3292
my 2 w 3294
part 4 w 3298
I 5 w 3300
verily 1 w 3306
believe 1 w 3313
Homer 1 w 3318
had 3 w 3321
an 74 w 3323
eye 2 w 3326
to 31 w 3328
this 4 w 3332
very 4 w 3336
thing 2 w 3341
when 2 w 3346
to 32 w 3349
prove 1 w 3354
the 61 w 3357
immortality 1 w 3368
of 23 w 3370
the 62 w 3373
Gods 2 w 3377
he 75 w 3380
made 1 w 3384
use 5 w 3387
of 24 w 3389
this 5 w 3393
very 5 w 3397
argument 1 w 3405
that 11 w 3410
they 11 w 3414
were 1 w 3418
such 6 w 3422
because 1 w 3429
they 12 w 3433
used 1 w 3437
no 23 w 3439
victuals 1 w 3447
For 5 w 3451
not 13 w 3454
the 65 w 3457
bread 1 w 3462
of 25 w 3464
man 11 w 3467
their 4 w 3472
life 4 w 3476
sustains 1 w 3484
Nor 1 w 3488
wine 1 w 3492
s 242 w 3494
inflaming 1 w 3503
juice 1 w 3508
supplies 1 w 3516
their 5 w 3521
veins 1 w 3526
Il 1 w 3529
V 2 w 3531
341 1 w 3535
intimating 1 w 3546
meat 5 w 3550
to 33 w 3552
be 24 w 3554
the 68 w 3557
cause 2 w 3562
of 26 w 3564
death 1 w 3569
as 18 w 3571
well 1 w 3575
as 19 w 3577
the 69 w 3580
means 1 w 3585
of 27 w 3587
sustaining 1 w 3597
and 44 w 3600
supporting 1 w 3610
life 5 w 3614
From 1 w 3619
hence 1 w 3624
proceed 2 w 3631
divers 1 w 3637
fatal 1 w 3642
distempers 1 w 3652
caused 1 w 3658
much 4 w 3662
more 5 w 3666
by 6 w 3668
fulness 1 w 3675
than 3 w 3679
by 7 w 3681
fasting 1 w 3688
and 45 w 3692
to 34 w 3694
digest 1 w 3700
what 4 w 3704
we 19 w 3706
have 6 w 3710
eaten 1 w 3715
proves 1 w 3721
frequently 1 w 3731
a 300 w 3732
harder 1 w 3738
matter 1 w 3744
than 4 w 3748
to 35 w 3750
provide 2 w 3757
and 46 w 3760
procure 1 w 3767
what 5 w 3771
we 20 w 3773
eat 16 w 3776
And 4 w 3780
when 3 w 3784
we 21 w 3786
solicitously 1 w 3798
enquire 1 w 3805
beforehand 1 w 3815
what 6 w 3819
we 22 w 3821
should 3 w 3827
do 6 w 3829
or 40 w 3831
how 2 w 3834
we 23 w 3836
should 4 w 3842
employ 1 w 3848
ourselves 2 w 3857
if 18 w 3859
we 24 w 3861
had 4 w 3864
not 14 w 3867
such 7 w 3871
care 2 w 3875
and 48 w 3878
business 1 w 3886
to 37 w 3888
take 3 w 3892
up 7 w 3894
our 13 w 3897
time 4 w 3901
this 6 w 3906
is 35 w 3908
as 21 w 3910
if 19 w 3912
Danaus 1 w 3918
s 276 w 3920
daughters 1 w 3929
should 5 w 3935
trouble 2 w 3942
their 6 w 3947
heads 1 w 3952
to 38 w 3954
know 1 w 3958
what 7 w 3962
they 13 w 3966
should 6 w 3972
do 7 w 3974
if 20 w 3976
they 14 w 3980
had 5 w 3983
no 27 w 3985
sieves 1 w 3991
to 39 w 3993
fill 2 w 3997
with 10 w 4001
water 1 w 4006
We 1 w 4009
drudge 2 w 4015
and 49 w 4018
toil 1 w 4022
for 16 w 4025
necessaries 2 w 4036
for 17 w 4040
want 4 w 4044
of 28 w 4046
better 1 w 4052
and 50 w 4055
nobler 1 w 4061
business 2 w 4069
As 1 w 4072
slaves 1 w 4078
then 1 w 4082
who 3 w 4085
have 7 w 4089
gained 1 w 4095
their 7 w 4100
freedom 1 w 4107
do 9 w 4109
now 6 w 4112
and 51 w 4115
then 2 w 4119
those 3 w 4124
drudgeries 1 w 4134
and 52 w 4137
discharge 1 w 4146
those 4 w 4151
servile 1 w 4158
employments 1 w 4169
and 53 w 4172
offices 1 w 4179
for 18 w 4182
their 8 w 4187
own 5 w 4190
benefit 1 w 4197
which 5 w 4202
they 15 w 4206
undertook 1 w 4215
heretofore 1 w 4225
for 20 w 4228
their 9 w 4233
masters 1 w 4240
advantage 1 w 4250
so 14 w 4253
the 79 w 4256
mind 2 w 4260
of 31 w 4262
man 12 w 4265
which 6 w 4271
at 53 w 4273
present 2 w 4280
is 37 w 4282
enslaved 1 w 4290
to 43 w 4292
the 80 w 4295
body 3 w 4299
and 54 w 4302
the 81 w 4305
service 1 w 4312
thereof 2 w 4319
when 4 w 4324
once 1 w 4328
it 33 w 4330
becomes 1 w 4337
free 3 w 4341
from 3 w 4345
this 7 w 4349
slavery 1 w 4356
will 7 w 4361
take 4 w 4365
care 3 w 4369
of 33 w 4371
itself 2 w 4377
and 55 w 4381
spend 1 w 4386
its 3 w 4389
time 5 w 4393
in 71 w 4395
contemplation 1 w 4408
of 34 w 4410
truth 1 w 4415
without 2 w 4422
distraction 1 w 4433
or 46 w 4435
disturbance 1 w 4446
Such 1 w 4451
were 2 w 4455
our 14 w 4458
discourses 1 w 4468
upon 2 w 4472
this 8 w 4476
head 2 w 4480
O 3 w 4482
Nicarchus 1 w 4491
And 5 w 4495
before 3 w 4501
Solon 2 w 4506
had 6 w 4509
fully 1 w 4514
finished 1 w 4522
in 73 w 4525
came 1 w 4529
Gorgias 1 w 4536
Periander 1 w 4546
s 321 w 4548
brother 1 w 4555
who 4 w 4559
was 2 w 4562
just 5 w 4566
returned 1 w 4574
from 4 w 4578
Tacnarum 1 w 4586
whither 1 w 4594
he 105 w 4596
had 7 w 4599
been 2 w 4603
sent 3 w 4607
by 8 w 4609
the 85 w 4612
advice 1 w 4618
of 35 w 4620
the 86 w 4623
oracle 1 w 4629
to 44 w 4631
sacrifice 4 w 4640
to 45 w 4642
Neptune 1 w 4649
and 57 w 4652
to 46 w 4654
conduct 1 w 4661
a 361 w 4662
deputation 1 w 4672
Upon 1 w 4677
his 16 w 4680
entrance 1 w 4688
we 26 w 4690
welcomed 1 w 4698
him 5 w 4701
home 1 w 4705
and 58 w 4709
Periander 2 w 4718
having 3 w 4724
among 3 w 4729
the 87 w 4732
rest 1 w 4736
saluted 1 w 4743
him 6 w 4746
Gorgias 2 w 4754
sat 1 w 4757
by 9 w 4759
him 7 w 4762
upon 3 w 4766
a 371 w 4767
bed 3 w 4770
and 60 w 4774
privately 1 w 4783
whispered 1 w 4792
something 1 w 4801
to 47 w 4803
his 18 w 4806
brother 2 w 4813
which 7 w 4818
we 28 w 4820
could 1 w 4825
not 15 w 4828
hear 2 w 4832
Periander 3 w 4842
by 10 w 4844
his 19 w 4847
various 1 w 4854
gestures 1 w 4862
and 62 w 4865
motions 1 w 4872
discovered 1 w 4882
different 1 w 4891
affections 1 w 4901
sometimes 1 w 4911
he 111 w 4913
seemed 1 w 4919
sad 1 w 4922
and 63 w 4925
melancholic 1 w 4936
by 11 w 4939
and 64 w 4942
by 12 w 4944
disturbed 2 w 4953
and 65 w 4956
angry 1 w 4961
frequently 2 w 4972
he 112 w 4974
looked 1 w 4980
as 26 w 4982
doubtful 1 w 4990
and 66 w 4993
distrustful 1 w 5004
men 10 w 5007
use 10 w 5010
to 48 w 5012
do 11 w 5014
awhile 1 w 5021
after 2 w 5026
he 113 w 5028
lifts 1 w 5033
up 10 w 5035
his 20 w 5038
eyes 2 w 5042
as 27 w 5044
is 52 w 5046
usual 1 w 5051
with 12 w 5055
men 11 w 5058
in 76 w 5060
a 391 w 5061
maze 1 w 5065
At 1 w 5068
last 2 w 5072
recovering 1 w 5082
himself 1 w 5089
saith 1 w 5095
he 114 w 5097
I 7 w 5099
have 8 w 5103
a 396 w 5104
mind 3 w 5108
to 49 w 5110
impart 1 w 5116
to 50 w 5118
you 3 w 5121
the 89 w 5124
contents 1 w 5132
of 36 w 5134
this 9 w 5138
embassy 1 w 5145
but 7 w 5149
I 8 w 5150
scarce 1 w 5156
dare 1 w 5160
do 12 w 5162
it 40 w 5164
remembering 1 w 5176
Thales 1 w 5182
s 365 w 5184
aphorism 1 w 5192
how 3 w 5196
things 1 w 5202
impossible 1 w 5212
or 52 w 5214
incredible 1 w 5224
are 14 w 5227
to 51 w 5229
be 34 w 5231
concealed 1 w 5240
and 67 w 5243
only 1 w 5247
things 2 w 5253
credible 2 w 5261
and 68 w 5264
probable 1 w 5272
are 15 w 5275
to 52 w 5277
be 35 w 5279
related 1 w 5286
Bias 1 w 5291
answered 1 w 5299
I 9 w 5301
crave 1 w 5306
leave 1 w 5311
to 53 w 5313
explain 1 w 5320
Thales 2 w 5326
s 374 w 5328
saying 1 w 5334
We 2 w 5337
may 8 w 5340
distrust 2 w 5348
enemies 1 w 5355
even 2 w 5360
though 1 w 5366
they 16 w 5370
speak 2 w 5375
things 3 w 5381
credible 3 w 5389
and 69 w 5393
trust 3 w 5398
friends 1 w 5405
even 3 w 5410
though 2 w 5416
they 17 w 5420
relate 2 w 5426
things 4 w 5432
incredible 2 w 5442
and 70 w 5446
I 10 w 5447
suppose 1 w 5454
by 13 w 5456
enemies 2 w 5463
he 118 w 5465
meant 1 w 5470
vicious 1 w 5477
men 12 w 5480
and 71 w 5483
foolish 1 w 5490
and 72 w 5494
by 14 w 5496
friends 2 w 5503
wise 1 w 5508
and 73 w 5511
good 1 w 5515
men 13 w 5518
Then 1 w 5523
brother 3 w 5531
Gorgias 3 w 5538
quoth 1 w 5544
Periander 4 w 5553
I 11 w 5555
pray 1 w 5559
relate 3 w 5565
the 93 w 5568
whole 2 w 5573
story 1 w 5578
particularly 2 w 5590
Gorgias 4 w 5598
in 88 w 5600
obedience 1 w 5609
to 55 w 5611
his 22 w 5614
brother 4 w 5621
s 395 w 5623
command 1 w 5630
began 1 w 5635
his 23 w 5638
story 2 w 5643
thus 1 w 5647
When 1 w 5653
we 30 w 5655
had 8 w 5658
fasted 1 w 5664
now 7 w 5667
for 22 w 5670
three 1 w 5675
days 1 w 5679
and 76 w 5682
offered 1 w 5689
sacrifice 5 w 5698
upon 4 w 5702
each 1 w 5706
of 38 w 5708
those 5 w 5713
days 2 w 5717
we 31 w 5720
were 4 w 5724
all 8 w 5727
resolved 1 w 5735
to 57 w 5737
sit 6 w 5740
up 13 w 5742
the 95 w 5745
third 1 w 5750
night 1 w 5755
and 77 w 5758
spend 2 w 5763
it 42 w 5765
in 89 w 5767
pastime 1 w 5774
and 78 w 5777
dancing 1 w 5784
The 3 w 5788
moon 1 w 5792
shone 1 w 5797
very 7 w 5801
bright 1 w 5807
upon 5 w 5811
the 96 w 5814
water 2 w 5819
and 79 w 5823
the 97 w 5826
sea 2 w 5829
was 3 w 5832
exceeding 1 w 5841
calm 1 w 5845
and 80 w 5848
still 1 w 5853
this 10 w 5858
we 33 w 5860
saw 1 w 5863
for 23 w 5867
we 34 w 5869
sported 1 w 5876
ourselves 3 w 5885
upon 6 w 5889
the 98 w 5892
shore 1 w 5897
Being 1 w 5903
thus 2 w 5907
taken 2 w 5912
up 16 w 5914
all 9 w 5918
of 39 w 5920
a 456 w 5921
sudden 1 w 5927
we 35 w 5929
espied 1 w 5935
a 457 w 5936
wonderful 1 w 5945
spectacle 1 w 5954
off 6 w 5957
at 62 w 5959
sea 3 w 5962
making 1 w 5969
with 13 w 5973
incredible 3 w 5983
expedition 1 w 5993
to 58 w 5995
the 99 w 5998
adjoining 1 w 6007
promontory 1 w 6017
The 4 w 6021
violence 1 w 6029
of 41 w 6031
the 100 w 6034
motion 2 w 6040
made 2 w 6044
the 101 w 6047
sea 4 w 6050
foam 1 w 6054
again 2 w 6059
and 81 w 6063
the 102 w 6066
noise 1 w 6071
was 4 w 6074
so 18 w 6076
loud 1 w 6080
that 12 w 6085
the 103 w 6088
whole 3 w 6093
company 1 w 6100
forsook 1 w 6107
their 10 w 6112
sport 2 w 6117
and 82 w 6120
ran 3 w 6123
together 1 w 6131
toward 1 w 6137
the 106 w 6140
place 2 w 6145
admiring 1 w 6154
what 8 w 6158
the 107 w 6161
matter 2 w 6167
should 7 w 6173
be 38 w 6175
Before 1 w 6182
we 36 w 6184
could 2 w 6189
make 1 w 6193
a 480 w 6194
full 3 w 6198
discovery 1 w 6207
of 42 w 6209
the 108 w 6212
whole 4 w 6217
the 109 w 6221
motion 3 w 6227
was 5 w 6230
so 20 w 6232
rapid 1 w 6237
we 37 w 6240
perceived 1 w 6249
divers 2 w 6255
dolphins 1 w 6263
some 5 w 6268
swimming 1 w 6276
in 101 w 6278
a 483 w 6279
ring 4 w 6283
or 65 w 6285
circle 1 w 6291
others 2 w 6298
hastening 1 w 6307
amain 1 w 6312
to 62 w 6314
that 13 w 6318
part 7 w 6322
of 43 w 6324
the 111 w 6327
shore 2 w 6332
which 8 w 6337
was 6 w 6340
most 1 w 6344
smooth 1 w 6350
and 83 w 6354
others 3 w 6360
following 1 w 6369
after 3 w 6374
and 84 w 6377
as 40 w 6380
it 45 w 6382
were 5 w 6386
bringing 1 w 6395
up 17 w 6397
the 113 w 6400
rear 1 w 6404
In 1 w 6407
the 114 w 6410
middle 1 w 6416
there 9 w 6421
was 7 w 6424
a 496 w 6425
certain 1 w 6432
heap 1 w 6436
which 9 w 6441
we 39 w 6443
could 3 w 6448
perceive 3 w 6456
above 1 w 6461
the 116 w 6464
water 3 w 6469
but 8 w 6473
we 40 w 6475
could 4 w 6480
not 16 w 6483
distinctly 1 w 6493
apprehend 1 w 6502
what 9 w 6506
it 46 w 6508
was 8 w 6511
till 2 w 6516
drawing 1 w 6523
near 1 w 6527
the 117 w 6530
shore 3 w 6535
we 41 w 6537
saw 2 w 6540
all 10 w 6543
the 118 w 6546
dolphins 2 w 6554
flocking 1 w 6562
together 2 w 6570
and 85 w 6574
having 4 w 6580
made 3 w 6584
near 2 w 6588
the 120 w 6591
land 2 w 6595
they 18 w 6599
safely 1 w 6605
surrendered 1 w 6616
their 11 w 6621
charge 2 w 6627
and 87 w 6631
left 1 w 6635
out 3 w 6638
of 44 w 6640
danger 1 w 6646
a 517 w 6647
man 14 w 6650
breathing 1 w 6659
and 88 w 6662
shaking 1 w 6669
himself 2 w 6676
They 1 w 6681
returned 2 w 6689
to 64 w 6691
the 123 w 6694
promontory 2 w 6704
and 89 w 6708
there 10 w 6713
seemed 2 w 6719
to 66 w 6721
rejoice 1 w 6728
more 6 w 6732
than 5 w 6736
before 4 w 6742
for 27 w 6745
this 11 w 6749
their 12 w 6754
fortunate 1 w 6763
undertaking 2 w 6774
Divers 1 w 6781
in 117 w 6783
the 126 w 6786
company 2 w 6793
were 6 w 6797
affrighted 1 w 6807
and 90 w 6810
ran 4 w 6813
away 3 w 6817
myself 2 w 6824
and 91 w 6827
a 533 w 6828
few 1 w 6831
more 7 w 6835
took 2 w 6839
courage 1 w 6846
and 92 w 6850
went 1 w 6854
on 56 w 6856
to 68 w 6858
see 4 w 6861
and 93 w 6864
satisfy 1 w 6871
ourselves 4 w 6880
what 10 w 6884
this 12 w 6888
unusual 1 w 6895
matter 3 w 6901
might 1 w 6906
be 40 w 6908
there 11 w 6914
we 44 w 6916
found 1 w 6921
and 94 w 6924
instantly 1 w 6933
knew 1 w 6937
our 19 w 6940
old 2 w 6943
acquaintance 1 w 6955
Arion 1 w 6960
the 128 w 6963
musician 1 w 6971
who 8 w 6975
told 1 w 6979
us 38 w 6981
his 27 w 6984
name 2 w 6988
He 2 w 6991
wore 1 w 6995
that 14 w 6999
very 9 w 7003
garment 1 w 7010
he 163 w 7012
used 3 w 7016
when 5 w 7020
he 165 w 7022
strove 1 w 7028
for 29 w 7031
mastery 1 w 7038
We 3 w 7041
brought 1 w 7048
him 10 w 7051
into 3 w 7055
our 20 w 7058
tent 4 w 7062
and 95 w 7065
found 2 w 7070
he 166 w 7072
had 9 w 7075
received 1 w 7083
no 34 w 7085
damage 1 w 7091
in 121 w 7093
his 28 w 7096
passage 1 w 7103
save 1 w 7108
only 2 w 7112
a 558 w 7113
little 3 w 7119
lassitude 1 w 7128
by 15 w 7130
the 129 w 7133
violence 2 w 7141
of 45 w 7143
the 130 w 7146
motion 4 w 7152
He 3 w 7155
told 2 w 7159
us 40 w 7161
the 131 w 7164
whole 5 w 7169
story 3 w 7174
of 46 w 7176
his 29 w 7179
adventure 1 w 7188
a 561 w 7191
story 4 w 7196
incredible 4 w 7206
to 74 w 7208
all 11 w 7211
but 9 w 7214
such 8 w 7218
as 46 w 7220
saw 3 w 7223
it 49 w 7225
with 14 w 7229
their 13 w 7234
eyes 3 w 7238
He 4 w 7241
told 3 w 7245
us 41 w 7247
how 4 w 7250
when 6 w 7255
he 172 w 7257
had 10 w 7260
determined 1 w 7270
to 76 w 7272
leave 2 w 7277
Italy 1 w 7282
being 3 w 7288
hastened 1 w 7296
away 4 w 7300
by 16 w 7302
Periander 5 w 7311
s 489 w 7313
letters 1 w 7320
he 173 w 7323
went 2 w 7327
aboard 1 w 7333
a 574 w 7334
Corinthian 1 w 7344
merchantman 1 w 7355
then 3 w 7359
in 126 w 7361
port 4 w 7365
and 97 w 7368
ready 1 w 7373
to 77 w 7375
sail 1 w 7379
being 4 w 7385
off 7 w 7388
at 75 w 7390
sea 5 w 7393
with 15 w 7397
the 134 w 7400
winds 1 w 7405
favorable 1 w 7414
he 176 w 7417
observed 1 w 7425
the 135 w 7428
seamen 1 w 7434
bent 1 w 7438
to 78 w 7440
ruin 1 w 7444
him 11 w 7447
and 98 w 7451
the 136 w 7454
master 3 w 7460
of 48 w 7462
the 137 w 7465
vessel 1 w 7471
told 4 w 7475
him 12 w 7478
as 49 w 7480
much 5 w 7484
and 99 w 7488
that 15 w 7492
they 19 w 7496
purposed 1 w 7504
to 80 w 7506
execute 1 w 7513
their 14 w 7518
design 1 w 7524
upon 7 w 7528
him 13 w 7531
that 16 w 7535
very 10 w 7539
night 2 w 7544
In 2 w 7547
this 13 w 7551
distress 1 w 7559
the 140 w 7563
poor 1 w 7567
man 16 w 7570
as 50 w 7573
if 25 w 7575
inspired 1 w 7583
by 17 w 7585
his 31 w 7588
good 2 w 7592
Genius 1 w 7598
girds 1 w 7604
about 1 w 7609
him 14 w 7612
his 32 w 7615
heretofore 2 w 7625
victorious 1 w 7635
now 8 w 7639
his 33 w 7642
funeral 1 w 7649
cloak 1 w 7654
with 16 w 7659
a 597 w 7660
brave 1 w 7665
resolution 1 w 7675
to 83 w 7677
compose 1 w 7684
and 100 w 7687
sing 1 w 7691
his 34 w 7694
own 6 w 7697
epitaph 1 w 7704
as 51 w 7707
the 141 w 7710
swans 1 w 7715
when 7 w 7719
they 20 w 7723
apprehend 2 w 7732
the 143 w 7735
approaches 1 w 7745
of 50 w 7747
death 2 w 7752
are 16 w 7755
reported 1 w 7763
to 84 w 7765
do 15 w 7767
Being 2 w 7773
thus 3 w 7777
habited 1 w 7784
he 190 w 7787
told 5 w 7791
the 144 w 7794
seamen 2 w 7800
he 192 w 7802
was 9 w 7805
minded 2 w 7811
to 86 w 7813
commit 1 w 7819
the 145 w 7822
protection 1 w 7832
of 51 w 7834
himself 3 w 7841
and 101 w 7844
his 35 w 7847
fellow-passengers 1 w 7864
to 87 w 7866
the 146 w 7869
providence 1 w 7879
of 52 w 7881
the 147 w 7884
Gods 3 w 7888
in 134 w 7890
a 613 w 7891
Pythian 1 w 7898
song 1 w 7902
then 4 w 7907
standing 1 w 7915
upon 8 w 7919
the 149 w 7922
poop 1 w 7926
near 3 w 7930
the 150 w 7933
side 1 w 7937
of 53 w 7939
the 151 w 7942
vessel 2 w 7948
and 103 w 7952
having 5 w 7958
invoked 1 w 7965
the 152 w 7968
help 1 w 7972
and 104 w 7975
assistance 1 w 7985
of 54 w 7987
all 12 w 7990
the 153 w 7993
sea 8 w 7996
Gods 4 w 8000
he 203 w 8003
strikes 1 w 8010
up 20 w 8012
briskly 1 w 8019
and 105 w 8022
sings 1 w 8027
to 88 w 8029
his 36 w 8032
harp 1 w 8036
Before 2 w 8043
he 204 w 8045
had 11 w 8048
half 1 w 8052
finished 2 w 8060
his 37 w 8063
carol 1 w 8068
the 154 w 8072
sun 2 w 8075
set 2 w 8078
and 106 w 8082
he 207 w 8084
could 5 w 8089
discern 1 w 8096
Peloponnesus 1 w 8108
before 5 w 8114
him 16 w 8117
The 6 w 8121
seamen 3 w 8127
thought 1 w 8134
it 56 w 8136
tedious 1 w 8143
to 89 w 8145
tarry 1 w 8150
for 33 w 8153
the 155 w 8156
night 3 w 8161
wherefore 1 w 8171
they 21 w 8175
resolved 2 w 8183
to 90 w 8185
murder 1 w 8191
him 17 w 8194
immediately 1 w 8205
to 91 w 8208
which 10 w 8213
purpose 2 w 8220
they 22 w 8224
unsheathed 1 w 8234
their 15 w 8239
swords 1 w 8245
Seeing 1 w 8252
this 14 w 8256
and 107 w 8260
beholding 1 w 8269
the 160 w 8272
master 4 w 8278
standing 2 w 8286
with 17 w 8290
his 39 w 8293
face 1 w 8297
covered 2 w 8304
he 217 w 8307
leaped 1 w 8313
into 4 w 8317
the 161 w 8320
sea 10 w 8323
as 56 w 8325
far 2 w 8328
as 57 w 8330
he 219 w 8332
could 6 w 8337
but 10 w 8341
before 6 w 8347
his 40 w 8350
body 4 w 8354
sunk 1 w 8358
he 220 w 8360
found 3 w 8365
himself 4 w 8372
supported 1 w 8381
by 18 w 8383
dolphins 3 w 8391
At 2 w 8394
first 2 w 8399
he 221 w 8401
was 10 w 8404
surprised 1 w 8413
with 18 w 8417
care 4 w 8421
and 109 w 8424
trouble 3 w 8431
but 11 w 8435
by 19 w 8437
and 110 w 8440
by 20 w 8442
finding 1 w 8450
himself 5 w 8457
marching 1 w 8465
forward 1 w 8472
with 19 w 8476
much 6 w 8480
ease 1 w 8484
and 111 w 8487
security 1 w 8495
and 112 w 8499
observing 1 w 8508
a 652 w 8509
whole 6 w 8514
shoal 1 w 8519
of 55 w 8521
dolphins 4 w 8529
flocking 2 w 8537
about 2 w 8542
him 20 w 8545
and 113 w 8548
joyfully 1 w 8556
contending 1 w 8566
which 11 w 8571
should 8 w 8577
appear 1 w 8583
most 2 w 8587
forward 2 w 8594
and 114 w 8597
serviceable 1 w 8608
in 152 w 8610
his 41 w 8613
preservation 1 w 8625
and 115 w 8629
discerning 1 w 8639
the 162 w 8642
vessel 3 w 8648
at 82 w 8650
a 664 w 8651
considerable 1 w 8663
distance 1 w 8671
behind 1 w 8677
he 223 w 8680
apprehended 1 w 8691
the 163 w 8694
nimbleness 1 w 8704
of 56 w 8706
his 42 w 8709
porters 1 w 8716
then 5 w 8721
and 116 w 8725
not 17 w 8728
till 3 w 8732
then 6 w 8736
his 43 w 8740
fears 1 w 8745
forsook 2 w 8752
him 21 w 8755
and 117 w 8759
he 228 w 8761
professed 1 w 8770
he 229 w 8772
was 11 w 8775
neither 2 w 8782
so 26 w 8784
fearful 1 w 8791
of 58 w 8793
death 3 w 8798
nor 3 w 8801
desirous 1 w 8809
of 59 w 8811
life 6 w 8815
as 61 w 8817
he 231 w 8819
was 12 w 8822
full 5 w 8826
of 60 w 8828
ambitious 1 w 8837
desire 3 w 8843
to 93 w 8845
reach 1 w 8850
the 167 w 8853
haven 1 w 8858
of 61 w 8860
safety 1 w 8866
that 17 w 8871
he 233 w 8873
might 2 w 8878
show 2 w 8882
to 94 w 8884
all 13 w 8887
men 18 w 8890
that 18 w 8894
he 234 w 8896
stood 1 w 8901
in 155 w 8903
the 168 w 8906
grace 1 w 8911
and 118 w 8914
favor 2 w 8919
of 62 w 8921
the 169 w 8924
Gods 5 w 8928
and 119 w 8932
that 19 w 8936
he 237 w 8938
might 3 w 8943
himself 6 w 8950
believe 2 w 8957
more 8 w 8961
firmly 1 w 8967
than 6 w 8971
ever 2 w 8975
before 7 w 8981
in 156 w 8983
their 16 w 8988
being 5 w 8993
and 120 w 8996
goodness 1 w 9004
In 3 w 9007
his 44 w 9010
passage 2 w 9017
as 64 w 9020
he 239 w 9022
lifted 1 w 9028
up 22 w 9030
his 45 w 9033
eyes 4 w 9037
toward 2 w 9043
heaven 1 w 9049
and 121 w 9053
beheld 1 w 9059
the 171 w 9062
stars 1 w 9067
glittering 1 w 9077
and 122 w 9080
twinkling 1 w 9089
and 123 w 9092
the 172 w 9095
moon 2 w 9099
full 6 w 9103
and 124 w 9106
glorious 1 w 9114
and 125 w 9118
the 173 w 9121
sea 11 w 9124
calm 2 w 9128
all 14 w 9131
about 3 w 9136
her 34 w 9139
as 65 w 9141
she 4 w 9144
seemed 3 w 9150
to 97 w 9152
rise 2 w 9156
out 7 w 9159
of 63 w 9161
it 64 w 9163
and 126 w 9167
yielding 1 w 9175
him 23 w 9178
as 66 w 9181
it 65 w 9183
were 7 w 9187
a 708 w 9189
beaten 1 w 9195
track 1 w 9200
he 247 w 9203
declared 1 w 9211
he 248 w 9214
thought 2 w 9221
God 7 w 9224
s 632 w 9226
justice 4 w 9233
had 12 w 9236
more 9 w 9240
eyes 5 w 9244
than 7 w 9248
one 6 w 9251
and 127 w 9255
that 20 w 9259
with 20 w 9263
these 2 w 9268
many 4 w 9272
eyes 6 w 9276
the 175 w 9279
Gods 6 w 9283
beheld 2 w 9289
what 11 w 9293
was 13 w 9296
acted 1 w 9301
here 17 w 9305
below 1 w 9310
both 1 w 9314
by 21 w 9316
sea 12 w 9319
and 128 w 9322
land 3 w 9326
With 1 w 9331
such 9 w 9335
contemplations 1 w 9349
he 253 w 9351
performed 1 w 9360
his 46 w 9363
voyage 1 w 9369
less 4 w 9373
anxiously 1 w 9382
which 12 w 9388
much 7 w 9392
abated 1 w 9398
the 176 w 9401
tediousness 1 w 9412
thereof 3 w 9419
and 130 w 9422
was 14 w 9425
a 730 w 9426
comfort 2 w 9433
and 131 w 9436
refreshment 1 w 9447
to 98 w 9449
him 24 w 9452
in 162 w 9454
his 47 w 9457
solitude 1 w 9465
and 132 w 9468
danger 2 w 9474
At 3 w 9477
last 3 w 9481
arriving 1 w 9490
near 4 w 9494
the 178 w 9497
promontory 3 w 9507
which 13 w 9512
was 15 w 9515
both 2 w 9519
steep 1 w 9524
and 133 w 9527
high 1 w 9531
and 134 w 9535
fearing 1 w 9542
danger 3 w 9548
in 165 w 9550
a 742 w 9551
straight 1 w 9559
course 3 w 9565
and 135 w 9568
direct 1 w 9574
line 1 w 9578
they 23 w 9583
unanimously 1 w 9594
veered 1 w 9600
about 4 w 9605
and 136 w 9609
making 2 w 9615
to 100 w 9617
shore 4 w 9622
with 21 w 9626
a 749 w 9627
little 4 w 9633
compass 1 w 9640
for 42 w 9643
security 2 w 9651
they 24 w 9656
delivered 1 w 9665
Arion 2 w 9670
to 101 w 9672
us 54 w 9674
in 168 w 9676
safety 2 w 9682
so 28 w 9685
that 21 w 9689
he 259 w 9691
plainly 1 w 9698
perceived 2 w 9707
and 137 w 9710
with 22 w 9714
thanks 1 w 9720
acknowledged 1 w 9732
a 757 w 9733
Providence 1 w 9743
When 2 w 9748
Arion 3 w 9753
had 13 w 9756
finished 3 w 9764
this 15 w 9768
narrative 1 w 9777
of 65 w 9779
his 49 w 9782
escape 1 w 9788
I 16 w 9790
asked 1 w 9795
him 25 w 9798
quoth 2 w 9804
Gorgias 5 w 9811
whither 2 w 9819
the 182 w 9822
ship 1 w 9826
was 16 w 9829
bound 1 w 9834
he 264 w 9837
told 6 w 9841
me 61 w 9843
for 43 w 9846
Corinth 2 w 9853
but 12 w 9857
it 74 w 9859
would 4 w 9864
not 18 w 9867
be 55 w 9869
there 13 w 9874
very 11 w 9878
suddenly 1 w 9886
for 44 w 9890
when 8 w 9894
he 267 w 9896
leaped 2 w 9902
out 9 w 9905
of 66 w 9907
the 184 w 9910
ship 2 w 9914
and 138 w 9917
was 17 w 9920
carried 1 w 9927
as 76 w 9930
he 269 w 9932
conceived 1 w 9941
about 5 w 9947
five 1 w 9951
hundred 2 w 9958
furlongs 1 w 9966
he 270 w 9969
perceived 3 w 9978
a 771 w 9979
calm 3 w 9983
which 14 w 9989
must 1 w 9993
needs 1 w 9998
much 8 w 10002
retard 1 w 10008
their 17 w 10013
arrival 1 w 10020
who 11 w 10023
were 8 w 10027
aboard 2 w 10033
Gorgias 6 w 10041
added 1 w 10046
that 22 w 10050
having 6 w 10057
learned 1 w 10064
the 186 w 10067
names 1 w 10072
of 67 w 10074
the 187 w 10077
pilot 1 w 10082
and 139 w 10085
master 5 w 10091
and 140 w 10094
the 188 w 10097
colors 1 w 10103
of 68 w 10105
the 189 w 10108
ship 3 w 10112
he 276 w 10115
immediately 2 w 10126
despatched 1 w 10136
out 11 w 10139
ships 1 w 10144
and 141 w 10147
soldiers 1 w 10155
to 103 w 10157
examine 1 w 10164
all 15 w 10167
the 190 w 10170
ports 1 w 10175
all 16 w 10179
this 16 w 10183
while 2 w 10188
keeping 1 w 10195
Arion 4 w 10200
concealed 2 w 10209
lest 2 w 10214
the 191 w 10217
criminals 1 w 10226
should 9 w 10232
upon 9 w 10236
notice 1 w 10242
of 69 w 10244
his 51 w 10247
deliverance 1 w 10258
escape 2 w 10264
the 192 w 10267
pursuit 1 w 10274
of 70 w 10276
justice 5 w 10283
This 1 w 10288
action 3 w 10294
happened 1 w 10302
very 12 w 10306
luckily 1 w 10313
as 79 w 10316
if 28 w 10318
it 76 w 10320
were 9 w 10324
directed 1 w 10332
by 22 w 10334
the 193 w 10337
power 1 w 10342
of 71 w 10344
the 194 w 10347
Gods 7 w 10351
for 45 w 10355
as 80 w 10357
soon 1 w 10361
as 81 w 10363
he 283 w 10365
arrived 1 w 10372
at 97 w 10374
Corinth 3 w 10381
news 1 w 10386
was 18 w 10389
brought 2 w 10396
him 26 w 10399
that 23 w 10403
the 195 w 10406
same 3 w 10410
ship 5 w 10414
was 19 w 10417
in 177 w 10419
port 9 w 10423
and 142 w 10427
that 24 w 10431
his 53 w 10434
party 1 w 10439
had 14 w 10442
seized 1 w 10448
it 77 w 10450
and 143 w 10453
secured 1 w 10460
all 17 w 10463
the 196 w 10466
men 20 w 10469
merchants 1 w 10479
and 144 w 10482
others 4 w 10488
Whereupon 1 w 10498
Periander 6 w 10507
commended 1 w 10516
Gorgias 7 w 10523
s 718 w 10525
discretion 1 w 10535
and 146 w 10538
zeal 1 w 10542
desiring 1 w 10551
him 27 w 10554
to 104 w 10556
proceed 3 w 10563
and 147 w 10566
lose 3 w 10570
no 41 w 10572
time 8 w 10576
but 13 w 10580
immediately 3 w 10591
to 105 w 10593
clap 1 w 10597
them 5 w 10601
in 179 w 10603
close 1 w 10608
prison 1 w 10614
and 148 w 10618
to 106 w 10620
suffer 2 w 10626
none 1 w 10630
to 107 w 10632
come 4 w 10636
at 101 w 10638
them 6 w 10642
to 108 w 10644
give 1 w 10648
the 200 w 10651
least 1 w 10656
notice 2 w 10662
of 72 w 10664
Arion 5 w 10669
s 726 w 10671
miraculous 1 w 10681
escape 3 w 10687
Gentlemen 1 w 10697
quoth 3 w 10703
Esop 1 w 10707
I 17 w 10709
remember 2 w 10717
you 4 w 10720
derided 1 w 10727
my 4 w 10729
dialogue 1 w 10737
of 73 w 10739
the 201 w 10742
daws 1 w 10746
and 149 w 10749
crows 1 w 10754
and 150 w 10758
now 10 w 10761
you 5 w 10764
can 3 w 10767
admire 1 w 10773
and 151 w 10776
believe 3 w 10783
as 86 w 10785
improbable 1 w 10795
a 837 w 10796
story 5 w 10801
of 74 w 10803
dolphins 5 w 10811
You 1 w 10815
are 19 w 10818
mightily 1 w 10826
out 12 w 10829
said 2 w 10834
I 18 w 10835
for 46 w 10839
this 17 w 10843
is 107 w 10845
no 45 w 10847
new 3 w 10850
story 6 w 10855
which 15 w 10860
we 50 w 10862
believe 4 w 10869
but 14 w 10873
it 78 w 10875
is 108 w 10877
recorded 1 w 10885
in 181 w 10887
the 202 w 10890
annals 1 w 10896
of 75 w 10898
Ino 1 w 10901
and 152 w 10904
Athamas 1 w 10911
above 2 w 10916
a 846 w 10917
thousand 1 w 10925
years 1 w 10930
ago 1 w 10933
These 1 w 10939
passages 1 w 10947
are 20 w 10950
supernatural 1 w 10962
quoth 4 w 10968
Solon 3 w 10973
and 154 w 10977
much 9 w 10981
above 3 w 10986
our 22 w 10989
reason 3 w 10995
what 12 w 11000
befell 1 w 11006
Hesiod 1 w 11012
is 109 w 11014
of 76 w 11016
a 859 w 11017
lower 2 w 11022
kind 1 w 11026
and 155 w 11030
more 10 w 11034
proper 1 w 11040
for 47 w 11043
our 23 w 11046
discourse 3 w 11055
and 156 w 11059
if 29 w 11061
you 6 w 11064
have 10 w 11068
not 21 w 11071
heard 1 w 11076
of 77 w 11078
it 79 w 11080
before 8 w 11086
it 80 w 11089
is 111 w 11091
worth 1 w 11096
your 2 w 11100
hearing 1 w 11107
Hesiod 2 w 11114
was 20 w 11117
once 5 w 11121
entertained 1 w 11132
at 104 w 11134
the 203 w 11137
same 4 w 11141
house 2 w 11146
in 185 w 11148
Locris 1 w 11154
with 23 w 11158
a 869 w 11159
certain 2 w 11166
Milesian 1 w 11174
In 5 w 11177
this 18 w 11181
his 56 w 11184
sojourning 1 w 11194
time 9 w 11198
it 82 w 11200
happened 2 w 11208
the 204 w 11211
gentleman 1 w 11220
s 764 w 11222
daughter 2 w 11230
was 21 w 11233
got 1 w 11236
with 24 w 11240
child 1 w 11245
by 23 w 11247
the 205 w 11250
Milesian 2 w 11258
which 16 w 11264
being 6 w 11269
discovered 2 w 11279
the 206 w 11283
whole 7 w 11288
family 2 w 11294
concluded 1 w 11303
Hesiod 3 w 11309
if 30 w 11312
not 22 w 11315
guilty 1 w 11321
must 2 w 11326
be 62 w 11328
privy 1 w 11333
to 111 w 11335
the 207 w 11338
fact 1 w 11342
His 1 w 11346
innocence 1 w 11355
was 22 w 11358
but 15 w 11361
a 880 w 11362
weak 1 w 11366
fence 2 w 11371
against 2 w 11378
their 18 w 11383
jealousy 1 w 11391
and 157 w 11394
aspersions 1 w 11404
and 158 w 11408
therefore 2 w 11417
rashly 1 w 11424
censuring 1 w 11433
him 28 w 11436
guilty 2 w 11442
the 210 w 11446
brothers 1 w 11454
of 78 w 11456
the 212 w 11459
woman 1 w 11464
waylaid 1 w 11471
him 29 w 11474
in 192 w 11476
his 57 w 11479
return 3 w 11485
home 2 w 11489
and 159 w 11493
slew 1 w 11497
him 30 w 11500
and 160 w 11503
his 58 w 11506
companion 1 w 11515
Troilus 1 w 11522
near 5 w 11526
the 213 w 11529
temple 1 w 11535
of 79 w 11537
Nemean 1 w 11543
Jove 1 w 11547
in 193 w 11549
Locris 2 w 11555
Their 1 w 11561
carcasses 2 w 11570
they 25 w 11574
threw 1 w 11579
into 5 w 11583
the 215 w 11586
sea 13 w 11589
that 25 w 11594
of 80 w 11596
Troilus 2 w 11603
was 23 w 11606
carried 2 w 11613
into 6 w 11617
the 216 w 11620
river 3 w 11625
Daphnus 1 w 11632
and 161 w 11636
rested 1 w 11642
upon 11 w 11646
a 905 w 11647
certain 3 w 11654
rock 1 w 11658
compassed 1 w 11667
with 25 w 11671
waters 1 w 11677
just 8 w 11682
above 4 w 11687
the 217 w 11690
surface 1 w 11697
of 81 w 11699
the 218 w 11702
sea 14 w 11705
which 17 w 11711
rock 2 w 11715
bears 1 w 11720
his 59 w 11723
name 4 w 11727
to 114 w 11729
this 19 w 11733
day 3 w 11736
The 9 w 11740
body 5 w 11744
of 82 w 11746
Hesiod 4 w 11752
was 24 w 11755
no 50 w 11757
sooner 1 w 11763
fallen 1 w 11769
upon 12 w 11773
the 219 w 11776
surface 2 w 11783
of 83 w 11785
the 220 w 11788
water 5 w 11793
but 16 w 11797
a 919 w 11798
company 3 w 11805
of 84 w 11807
dolphins 6 w 11815
received 2 w 11823
it 85 w 11825
and 162 w 11829
conveyed 1 w 11837
it 86 w 11839
to 115 w 11841
Rhium 1 w 11846
and 163 w 11849
Molycria 1 w 11857
It 3 w 11860
happened 3 w 11868
the 221 w 11871
Locrians 1 w 11879
were 10 w 11883
assembled 1 w 11892
at 108 w 11894
Rhium 2 w 11899
that 26 w 11903
day 4 w 11906
to 116 w 11908
feast 1 w 11913
and 164 w 11916
make 2 w 11920
merry 1 w 11925
according 1 w 11935
to 117 w 11937
the 222 w 11940
custom 1 w 11946
which 18 w 11951
continues 1 w 11960
still 2 w 11965
among 4 w 11970
them 7 w 11974
As 2 w 11977
soon 3 w 11981
as 101 w 11983
they 26 w 11987
perceived 4 w 11996
a 936 w 11997
carcass 3 w 12004
floating 1 w 12012
or 128 w 12014
rather 1 w 12020
swimming 2 w 12028
towards 1 w 12035
them 8 w 12039
they 27 w 12044
hastened 2 w 12052
not 23 w 12056
without 3 w 12063
admiration 1 w 12073
to 120 w 12076
see 6 w 12079
what 13 w 12083
it 88 w 12085
was 25 w 12088
and 165 w 12092
knowing 1 w 12099
the 228 w 12102
body 6 w 12106
to 121 w 12108
be 64 w 12110
Hesiod 5 w 12116
s 825 w 12118
they 28 w 12123
instantly 2 w 12132
resolved 3 w 12140
to 122 w 12142
find 3 w 12146
out 14 w 12149
the 230 w 12152
murderers 1 w 12161
It 4 w 12164
proved 1 w 12170
an 252 w 12172
easy 1 w 12176
discovery 2 w 12185
After 1 w 12191
conviction 1 w 12201
they 29 w 12205
threw 2 w 12210
them 9 w 12214
headlong 1 w 12222
alive 1 w 12227
into 7 w 12231
the 233 w 12234
sea 15 w 12237
and 166 w 12241
ordered 1 w 12248
their 19 w 12253
houses 1 w 12259
to 124 w 12261
be 65 w 12263
demolished 1 w 12273
to 125 w 12275
the 235 w 12278
very 14 w 12282
foundations 1 w 12293
The 10 w 12297
body 7 w 12301
they 30 w 12305
buried 1 w 12311
in 206 w 12313
the 237 w 12316
grove 1 w 12321
of 85 w 12323
the 238 w 12326
temple 2 w 12332
of 86 w 12334
Jove 2 w 12338
that 27 w 12343
no 53 w 12345
foreigner 1 w 12354
might 5 w 12359
find 4 w 12363
it 89 w 12365
out 15 w 12368
the 239 w 12372
reason 4 w 12378
of 87 w 12380
this 20 w 12384
act 7 w 12387
was 26 w 12390
that 28 w 12394
the 240 w 12397
Orchomenians 1 w 12409
had 15 w 12412
searched 1 w 12420
far 3 w 12423
and 167 w 12426
near 6 w 12430
for 51 w 12433
it 90 w 12435
at 117 w 12437
the 241 w 12440
instigation 1 w 12451
of 88 w 12453
the 242 w 12456
oracle 2 w 12462
who 13 w 12466
promised 1 w 12474
them 10 w 12478
the 244 w 12481
greatest 1 w 12489
felicity 1 w 12497
if 31 w 12499
they 31 w 12503
could 7 w 12508
get 3 w 12511
the 246 w 12514
bones 1 w 12519
of 89 w 12521
Hesiod 6 w 12527
and 168 w 12530
bury 1 w 12534
them 11 w 12538
in 209 w 12540
their 20 w 12545
city 2 w 12549
Now 2 w 12553
if 32 w 12555
dolphins 7 w 12563
are 21 w 12566
so 39 w 12568
favorable 2 w 12577
to 126 w 12579
dead 2 w 12583
men 24 w 12586
it 93 w 12589
is 126 w 12591
very 15 w 12595
probable 3 w 12603
they 32 w 12607
have 11 w 12611
a 978 w 12612
strong 1 w 12618
affection 2 w 12627
for 52 w 12630
the 250 w 12633
living 2 w 12639
especially 1 w 12650
for 53 w 12653
such 10 w 12657
as 108 w 12659
delight 1 w 12666
in 212 w 12668
music 2 w 12673
whether 1 w 12681
vocal 1 w 12686
or 136 w 12688
instrumental 1 w 12700
And 6 w 12704
this 21 w 12708
we 54 w 12710
know 4 w 12714
undoubtedly 1 w 12725
that 29 w 12730
these 3 w 12735
creatures 1 w 12744
delight 2 w 12751
infinitely 1 w 12761
in 216 w 12763
music 3 w 12768
they 33 w 12773
love 1 w 12777
it 95 w 12779
and 169 w 12783
if 33 w 12785
any 9 w 12788
man 20 w 12791
sings 2 w 12796
or 137 w 12798
plays 1 w 12803
as 109 w 12805
he 354 w 12807
sails 1 w 12812
along 1 w 12817
in 218 w 12819
fair 1 w 12823
weather 1 w 12830
they 34 w 12835
will 8 w 12839
quietly 1 w 12846
swim 3 w 12850
by 24 w 12852
the 256 w 12855
side 3 w 12859
of 90 w 12861
the 257 w 12864
ship 6 w 12868
and 170 w 12872
listen 1 w 12878
till 5 w 12882
the 258 w 12885
music 4 w 12890
is 129 w 12892
ended 3 w 12897
When 3 w 12902
children 1 w 12910
bathe 1 w 12915
in 219 w 12917
the 260 w 12920
water 6 w 12925
and 171 w 12928
sport 3 w 12933
themselves 2 w 12943
you 8 w 12947
shall 4 w 12952
have 12 w 12956
a 1001 w 12957
parcel 1 w 12963
of 91 w 12965
them 13 w 12969
flock 3 w 12974
together 3 w 12982
and 172 w 12985
sport 4 w 12990
and 173 w 12993
swim 4 w 12997
by 25 w 12999
them 14 w 13003
and 174 w 13007
they 35 w 13011
may 9 w 13014
do 22 w 13016
it 96 w 13018
the 266 w 13021
more 11 w 13025
securely 1 w 13033
since 1 w 13039
it 97 w 13041
is 130 w 13043
a 1007 w 13044
breach 1 w 13050
of 92 w 13052
the 267 w 13055
law 1 w 13058
of 93 w 13060
Nature 1 w 13066
to 128 w 13068
hurt 1 w 13072
them 15 w 13076
You 2 w 13080
never 1 w 13085
heard 2 w 13090
of 94 w 13092
any 10 w 13095
man 21 w 13098
that 30 w 13102
fishes 1 w 13108
for 54 w 13111
them 16 w 13115
purposely 1 w 13124
or 142 w 13126
hurts 1 w 13131
them 17 w 13135
wilfully 1 w 13143
unless 2 w 13150
falling 1 w 13157
into 8 w 13161
the 271 w 13164
nets 1 w 13168
they 36 w 13172
spoil 1 w 13177
the 273 w 13180
sport 5 w 13185
and 175 w 13189
so 40 w 13191
like 2 w 13196
naughty 1 w 13203
children 2 w 13211
are 22 w 13215
corrected 1 w 13224
for 55 w 13227
their 21 w 13232
misdemeanors 1 w 13244
I 23 w 13246
very 16 w 13250
well 2 w 13254
remember 3 w 13262
the 275 w 13265
Lesbians 1 w 13273
told 7 w 13277
me 84 w 13279
how 6 w 13282
a 1021 w 13283
maid 1 w 13287
of 95 w 13289
their 22 w 13294
town 1 w 13298
was 27 w 13301
preserved 1 w 13310
from 5 w 13314
drowning 1 w 13322
by 26 w 13324
them 18 w 13328
It 5 w 13331
was 28 w 13334
a 1025 w 13335
very 17 w 13339
true 1 w 13343
story 7 w 13348
quoth 5 w 13354
Pittacus 1 w 13362
and 176 w 13366
there 15 w 13371
are 23 w 13374
divers 3 w 13380
still 3 w 13385
alive 2 w 13390
who 14 w 13393
will 9 w 13397
attest 1 w 13403
it 99 w 13405
if 34 w 13408
need 3 w 13412
be 67 w 13414
The 11 w 13418
builders 1 w 13426
or 148 w 13428
founders 1 w 13436
of 96 w 13438
Lesbos 1 w 13444
were 11 w 13448
commanded 1 w 13457
by 27 w 13459
the 279 w 13462
oracle 3 w 13468
to 133 w 13470
sail 3 w 13474
till 7 w 13478
they 37 w 13482
came 2 w 13486
to 134 w 13488
a 1035 w 13489
haven 2 w 13494
called 2 w 13500
Mesogaeum 1 w 13509
there 16 w 13515
they 38 w 13519
should 10 w 13525
sacrifice 6 w 13534
a 1040 w 13535
bull 1 w 13539
to 135 w 13541
Neptune 2 w 13548
and 178 w 13552
for 56 w 13555
the 283 w 13558
honor 1 w 13563
of 97 w 13565
Amphitrite 1 w 13575
and 179 w 13578
the 284 w 13581
sea-nymphs 1 w 13591
they 39 w 13595
should 11 w 13601
offer 3 w 13606
a 1044 w 13607
virgin 1 w 13613
The 12 w 13617
principal 1 w 13626
persons 2 w 13633
in 226 w 13635
this 22 w 13639
colony 1 w 13645
were 12 w 13649
seven 1 w 13654
in 227 w 13656
number 1 w 13662
the 286 w 13666
eighth 1 w 13672
was 29 w 13675
one 10 w 13678
Echelaus 1 w 13686
by 28 w 13688
name 5 w 13692
and 180 w 13696
appointed 1 w 13705
head 4 w 13709
of 99 w 13711
the 287 w 13714
rest 3 w 13718
by 29 w 13720
the 288 w 13723
oracle 4 w 13729
himself 7 w 13736
and 181 w 13740
he 397 w 13742
was 30 w 13745
a 1055 w 13746
bachelor 1 w 13754
A 20 w 13756
daughter 3 w 13764
of 100 w 13766
one 11 w 13769
of 101 w 13771
these 4 w 13776
seven 2 w 13781
was 31 w 13784
to 136 w 13786
be 69 w 13788
sacrificed 1 w 13798
but 17 w 13802
who 15 w 13805
it 102 w 13807
should 12 w 13813
be 70 w 13815
was 32 w 13818
to 137 w 13820
be 71 w 13822
decided 1 w 13829
by 30 w 13831
lot 2 w 13834
and 182 w 13838
the 290 w 13841
lot 3 w 13844
fell 3 w 13848
upon 13 w 13852
Smintheus 1 w 13861
s 929 w 13863
sister 1 w 13869
Her 1 w 13873
they 40 w 13877
dressed 1 w 13884
most 3 w 13888
richly 1 w 13894
and 183 w 13898
so 43 w 13900
apparelled 1 w 13910
they 41 w 13914
conveyed 2 w 13922
her 49 w 13925
in 230 w 13927
abundance 1 w 13936
of 102 w 13938
state 2 w 13943
to 138 w 13945
the 294 w 13948
water-side 1 w 13958
and 184 w 13962
having 7 w 13968
composed 1 w 13976
a 1071 w 13977
prayer 1 w 13983
for 57 w 13986
her 50 w 13989
they 42 w 13994
were 13 w 13998
now 13 w 14001
ready 2 w 14006
to 139 w 14008
throw 2 w 14013
her 51 w 14016
overboard 1 w 14025
There 1 w 14031
was 33 w 14034
in 232 w 14036
the 296 w 14039
company 4 w 14046
a 1077 w 14047
certain 4 w 14054
ingenuous 1 w 14063
young 1 w 14068
gentleman 2 w 14077
whose 1 w 14082
name 6 w 14086
was 34 w 14089
Enalus 1 w 14095
he 411 w 14098
was 35 w 14101
desperately 1 w 14112
in 235 w 14114
love 2 w 14118
with 27 w 14122
this 23 w 14126
young 2 w 14131
lady 1 w 14135
and 185 w 14139
his 65 w 14142
love 3 w 14146
prompted 1 w 14154
him 32 w 14157
to 140 w 14159
endeavor 1 w 14167
all 23 w 14170
he 412 w 14172
could 8 w 14177
for 58 w 14180
her 53 w 14183
preservation 2 w 14195
or 157 w 14198
at 132 w 14200
least 2 w 14205
to 141 w 14207
perish 2 w 14213
in 236 w 14215
the 297 w 14218
attempt 1 w 14225
In 6 w 14228
the 298 w 14231
very 18 w 14235
moment 1 w 14241
she 8 w 14244
was 36 w 14247
to 142 w 14249
be 72 w 14251
cast 1 w 14255
away 5 w 14259
he 417 w 14262
clasps 1 w 14268
her 54 w 14271
in 237 w 14273
his 66 w 14276
arms 1 w 14280
and 186 w 14283
throws 1 w 14289
himself 8 w 14296
and 187 w 14299
her 55 w 14302
together 4 w 14310
into 9 w 14314
the 300 w 14317
sea 18 w 14320
Shortly 1 w 14328
after 4 w 14333
there 17 w 14338
was 37 w 14341
a 1104 w 14342
flying 1 w 14348
report 2 w 14354
they 43 w 14358
were 14 w 14362
both 3 w 14366
conveyed 3 w 14374
safe 4 w 14378
to 145 w 14380
land 4 w 14384
A 21 w 14386
while 3 w 14391
after 5 w 14396
Enalus 2 w 14402
was 38 w 14405
seen 1 w 14409
at 134 w 14411
Lesbos 2 w 14417
who 17 w 14421
gave 1 w 14425
out 16 w 14428
they 44 w 14432
were 15 w 14436
preserved 2 w 14445
by 31 w 14447
dolphins 8 w 14455
I 26 w 14457
could 9 w 14462
tell 1 w 14466
you 11 w 14469
stories 1 w 14476
more 12 w 14480
incredible 5 w 14490
than 9 w 14494
these 5 w 14499
such 11 w 14504
as 125 w 14506
would 5 w 14511
amuse 1 w 14516
some 6 w 14520
and 189 w 14523
please 1 w 14529
others 6 w 14535
but 18 w 14539
it 104 w 14541
is 139 w 14543
impossible 2 w 14553
to 147 w 14555
command 3 w 14562
men 27 w 14565
s 982 w 14567
faith 1 w 14572
The 14 w 14576
sea 19 w 14579
was 39 w 14582
so 45 w 14584
tempestuous 1 w 14595
and 191 w 14598
rough 3 w 14603
the 306 w 14607
people 1 w 14613
were 16 w 14617
afraid 1 w 14623
to 148 w 14625
come 5 w 14629
too 4 w 14632
near 7 w 14636
the 307 w 14639
waters 2 w 14645
when 9 w 14650
Enalus 3 w 14656
arrived 2 w 14663
A 22 w 14665
number 2 w 14671
of 103 w 14673
polypuses 1 w 14682
followed 1 w 14690
him 34 w 14693
even 6 w 14697
to 150 w 14699
Neptune 3 w 14706
s 992 w 14708
temple 3 w 14714
the 308 w 14718
biggest 1 w 14725
and 192 w 14728
strongest 1 w 14737
of 104 w 14739
which 19 w 14744
carried 3 w 14751
a 1130 w 14752
great 4 w 14757
stone 1 w 14762
This 2 w 14767
Enalus 4 w 14773
dedicated 1 w 14782
and 193 w 14786
this 24 w 14790
stone 2 w 14795
is 142 w 14797
therefore 3 w 14806
called 3 w 14812
Enalus 5 w 14818
to 153 w 14820
this 25 w 14824
day 5 w 14827
To 1 w 14830
be 74 w 14832
short 1 w 14837
and 194 w 14840
to 154 w 14842
speak 3 w 14847
all 25 w 14850
in 242 w 14852
a 1141 w 14853
few 2 w 14856
words 2 w 14861
he 433 w 14865
that 31 w 14869
knows 1 w 14874
how 7 w 14877
to 155 w 14879
distinguish 1 w 14890
between 2 w 14897
the 310 w 14900
impossible 3 w 14910
and 195 w 14913
the 311 w 14916
unusual 2 w 14923
to 156 w 14926
make 3 w 14930
a 1146 w 14931
difference 2 w 14941
between 3 w 14948
the 312 w 14951
unlikely 1 w 14959
and 196 w 14962
the 313 w 14965
absurd 1 w 14971
to 157 w 14974
be 77 w 14976
neither 3 w 14983
too 5 w 14986
credulous 1 w 14995
nor 6 w 14998
too 6 w 15001
distrustful 2 w 15012
he 439 w 15016
hath 1 w 15020
learned 2 w 15027
your 3 w 15031
lesson 1 w 15037
Do 1 w 15040
not 24 w 15043
overdo 1 w 15049
Μηδὲν 1 w 15055
ἄγαν 1 w 15059
Ne 5 w 15062
quid 1 w 15066
nimis 1 w 15071