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CTS Library / The Banquet of the Seven Wise Men

The Banquet of the Seven Wise Men (11-15)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '11', 'human_reference': 'Section 11'}, 'end': {'reference': '15', 'human_reference': 'Section 15'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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Mnesiphilus the Athenian, a friend and favorite of Solons, said: O Periander, our discourse, as our wine, ought to be distributed not according to our power or priority, but freely and equally, as in a popular state; for what hath been already discoursed concerning kingdoms and empires signifies little to us who live in a democracy. Wherefore I judge it convenient that every one of you beginning with Solon, should freely and impartially declare his sense of a popular state. The motion pleased all the company; then saith Solon: My friend Mnesiphilus, you heard, together with the rest of this good company, my opinion concerning republics; but since you are willing to hear it again, I hold that city or state happy and most likely to remain democratic, in which those that are not personally injured are yet as forward to question and correct wrongdoers as that person who is more immediately wronged. Bias added, Where all fear the law as they fear a tyrant. Thirdly, Thales said, Where the citizens are neither too rich nor too poor. Fourthly, Anacharsis said, Where,

though in all other respects they are equal, yet virtuous men are advanced and vicious persons degraded. Fifthly, Cleobulus said, Where the rulers fear reproof and shame more than the law. Sixthly, Pittacus said, Where bad men are prohibited from ruling, and good men from not ruling. Chilo, pausing a little while, determined that the best and most durable state was where the subject minded the law most and the orators least. Periander concluded with his opinion, that all of them would best approve that democracy which came next and was likest to an arisocracy.

When they had ended this discourse, I begged they would condescend to direct me how to govern a house; for they were few who had cities and kingdoms to govern, compared with those who had houses and families to manage. Esop laughed and said: I hope you except Anacharsis out of your number; for having no house, he glories because he can be contented with a chariot only, as they say the sun is whirled about from one end of the heavens to the other in his chariot. Therefore, saith Anacharsis, he alone, or he principally, is most free among the Gods, and ever at his own liberty and dispose. He governs all, and is governed and subject to none, but he rides and reigns; and you know not how magnificent and capacious his chariot is; if you did, you would not thus floutingly compare it with our Scythian chariots. For you seem in my apprehension to call these coverings made of wood and mud houses, as if you should call the shell and not the living creature a snail. Therefore you laughed when Solon told you how, when he viewed Croesuss palace and found it richly and gloriously furnished, he yet could not yield he lived happily until he had tried the inward and invisible state of his mind; for a mans felicity consists not in the outward and visible favors and blessings of Fortune, but in the inward and unseen perfections and riches of the mind. And you seem to have forgot your own fable of the fox,

who, contending with the leopard as to which was beset with more colors and spots, and having referred the matter in controversy to the arbitration of an umpire, desired him to consider not so much the outside as the inside; for, saith he, I have more various and different fetches and tricks in my mind than he has marks or spots in his body. You regard only the handiwork of carpenters and masons and stone-cutters, and call this a house; not what one hath within, his children, his wife, his friends and attendants, with whom if a man lived in an emmets bed or a birds nest, enjoying in common the ordinary comforts of life, this man may be affirmed to live a happy and a fortunate life.

This is the answer I purpose to return Esop, quoth Anacharsis, and I tender it to Diocles as my share in this discourse; only let the rest give in their opinions, if they please. Solon thought that house most happy where the estate was got without injustice, kept without distrust, and spent without repentance. Bias said, That house is happy where the master does freely and voluntarily at home what the law compels him to do abroad. Thales held that house most happy where the master had most leisure and respite from business. Cleobulus said, That in which the master is more beloved than feared. Pittacus said, That is most happy where superfluities are not required and necessaries are not wanting. Chilo added, That house is most happy where the master rules as a monarch in his kingdom. And he proceeded, When a certain Lacedaemonian desired Lycurgus to establish a democracy in the city, Go you, friend, replied he, and try the experiment first in your own house.

When they had all given in their opinions upon this point, Eumetis and Melissa withdrew. Then Periander called for a large bowl full of wine, and drank to Chilo; and Chilo likewise drank to Bias. Ardalus then standing up called to Esop, and said: Will you not hand the cup to

your friends at this end of the table, when you behold those persons there swilling up all that good liquor, and imparting none to us here, as if the cup were that of Bathycles. But this cup, quoth Esop, is no public cup, it hath stood so long by Solons trenchard. Then Pittacus called to Mnesiphilus: Why, saith he, does not Solon drink, but act in contradiction to his own verses?—
I love that ruby God, whose blessings flow
In tides, to recreate my thirsty maw;
Venus I court, the Muses I adore,
Who give us wine and pleasures evermore.

Anacharsis subjoined: He fears your severe law, my friend Pittacus, wherein you decreed the drunkard a double punishment. You seem, said Pittacus, a little to fear the penalty, who have adventured heretofore, and now again before my face, to break that law and to demand a crown for the reward of your debauch. Why not, quoth Anacharsis, when there is a reward promised to the hardest drinker? Why should I not demand my reward, having drunk down all my fellows?—or inform me of any other end men drive at in drinking much wine, but to be drunk. Pittacus laughed at this reply, and Esop told them this fable: The wolf seeing a parcel of shepherds in their booth feeding upon a lamb, approaching near them,—What a bustle and noise and uproar would you have made, saith he, if I had but done what you do! Chilo said: Esop hath very justly revenged himself upon us, who awhile ago stopped his mouth; now he observes how we prevented Mnesiphiluss discourse, when the question was put why Solon did not drink up his wine.

Mnesiphilus then spake to this effect: I know this to be the opinion of Solon, that in every art and faculty, divine and human, the work which is done is more desired than the instrument wherewith it is done, and the end than the means conducing to that end; as, for instance, a weaver

thinks a cloak or coat more properly his work than the ordering of his shuttles or the divers motions of his beams. A smith minds the soldering of his irons and the sharpening of the axe more than those little things preparatory to these main matters, as the kindling of the coals and getting ready the stone-dust. Yet farther, a carpenter would justly blame us, if we should affirm it is not his work to build houses or ships but to bore holes or to make mortar; and the Muses would be implacably incensed with him that should say their business is only to make harps, pipes, and such musical instruments, not the institution and correction of manners and the government of those mens passions who are lovers of singing and masters of music. And agreeably copulation is not the work of Venus, nor is drunkenness that of Bacchus; but love and friendship, affection and familiarity, which are begot and improved by the means of these. Solon terms these works divine, and he professes he loves and now prosecutes them in his declining years as vigorously as ever in his youthful days. That mutual love between man and wife is the work of Venus, the greatness of the pleasure affecting their bodies mixes and melts their very souls; divers others, having little or no acquaintance before, have yet contracted a firm and lasting friendship over a glass of wine, which like fire softened and melted their tempers, and disposed them for a happy union. But in such a company, and of such men as Periander hath invited, there is no need of can and chalice, but the Muses themselves throwing a subject of discourse among you, as it were a sober cup, wherein is contained much of delight and drollery and seriousness too, do hereby provoke, nourish, and increase friendship among you, suffering the can to rest quietly upon the bowl, contrary to the rule which Hesiod[*] gives for those who have more skill for carousing than for discoursing.
Though all the rest with stated rules we bound,
Unmixd, unmeasured, are thy goblets crownd:

for it was the old Greek way, as Homer here tells us, to drink one to another in course and order. So Ajax gave a share of his meat to his next neighbor.

When Mnesiphilus had discoursed after this manner, in comes Chersias the poet, whom Periander had lately pardoned and received into favor upon Chilos mediation. Saith Chersias: Does not Jupiter distribute to the Gods their proportion and dividend sparingly and severally, as Agamemnon did to his commanders when his guests drank to one another? If, O Chersias, quoth Cleodemus, as you narrate, certain doves bring him his ambrosia every meal, flying with a world of hardship through the rocks called Planctae (or wandering), can you blame him for his sparingness and frugality and dealing out to his guests by measure?

I am satisfied, quoth Chersias, and since we are fallen upon our old discourse of housekeeping, which of the company can remember what remains to be said thereof? There remains, if I mistake not, to show what that measure is which may content any man. Cleobulus answered: The law has prescribed a measure for wise men; but as touching fools, I will tell you a story I once heard my mother relate to my brother. On a certain time the moon begged of her mother a coat that would fit her. How can that be done, quoth the mother, for sometimes you are full, sometimes the one-half of you seems lost and perished, sometimes only a pair of horns appear. So, my Chersias, to the desires of a foolish immoderate man no certain measure can be fitted; for, according to the ebbings and flowings of his lust and appetite, and the frequent or seldom casualties that befall him, accordingly his necessities ebb or flow, not unlike Esops dog, who, being pinched and ready to starve with cold in winter, was of mind to build

himself a house; but when summer came on, he lay all along upon the ground, and stretching himself in the sun thought himself monstrous big, and thought it a needless thing and besides no small piece of work to build him a house proportionable to that bulk and bigness. And do you not observe, O Chersias, continues he, many poor men,— how one while they pinch their bellies, upon what short commons they live, how sparing and niggardly and miserable they are; and another while you may observe the same men as distrustful and covetous withal, as if the plenty of city and country, the riches of king and kingdom were not sufficient to preserve them from want and beggary.

When Chersias had concluded this discourse, Cleodemus began thus: We see you that are wise men possessing these outward goods after an unequal manner. Good sweet sir, answered Cleobulus, the law weaver-like hath distributed to every man a fitting, decent, adequate portion, and in your profession your reason does what the law does here,—when you feed, or diet, or physic your patient, you give not an equal quantity to all, but what you judge to be convenient for each in his circumstances. Ardalus enquires: I pray what law compels our friend and Solons host, Epimenides, to abstain from all other victuals, and to content himself with a little composition of his own, which the Greeks call ἄλιμος (hunger-relieving)? This he takes into his mouth and chews, and eats neither dinner nor supper. This instance obliged the whole company to be a little while silent, until Thales in a jesting way replied, that Epimenides did very wisely, for hereby he saved the trouble and charge of grinding and boiling his food, as Pittacus did. I myself sojourning at Lesbos overheard my landlady, as she was very busy at her hand-mill, singing as she used to do at her work, Grind mill; grind mill; for even Pittacus, the prince of great Mitylene, grinds. [*] Quoth Solon

Ardalus, I wonder you have not read the law of Epimenidess frugality in Hesiods writings, who prescribes him and others this spare diet; for he was the person that gratified Epimenides with the seeds of this nutriment, when he directed him to enquire how great benefit a man might receive by mallows and asphodel.[*] Do you believe, said Periander, that Hesiod meant this literally; or rather that, being himself a great admirer of parsimony, he hereby intended to exhort men to use a mean and spare diet, as most healthful and pleasant? For the chewing of mallows is very wholesome, and the stalk of asphodel is very luscious; but this expeller of hunger and thirst I take to be rather physic than natural food, consisting of honey and I know not what barbarian cheese, and of many and costly seeds fetched from foreign parts. If to make up this composition so many ingredients were requisite, and so difficult to come by and so expensive, Hesiod might as well have kept his breath to cool his pottage, and never blessed the world with the discovery. And yet I admire how your host, when he went to perform the great purification for the Delians not long since, could overlook the monuments and patterns of the first aliment which the people brought into the temple,—and, among other cheap fruits such as grow of themselves, the mallows and the asphodel; the usefulness and innocency whereof Hesiod seemed in his work to magnify. Not only that, quoth Anacharsis, but he affirms both plants to be great restoratives. You are in the right, quoth Cleodemus; for it is evident Hesiod was no ordinary physician, who could discourse so learnedly and judiciously of diet, of the nature of wines, and of the virtue of waters and baths, and of women, the proper times for procreation, and the site and position of infants in the womb; insomuch, that (as I take it) Esop deserves much more the name of Hesiods scholar and disciple than Epimenides, whose great
and excellent wisdom the fable of the nightingale and hawk demonstrates. But I would gladly hear Solons opinion in this matter; for having sojourned long at Athens and being familiarly acquainted with Epimenides, it is more than probable he might learn of him the grounds upon which he accustomed himself to so spare a diet.

To what purpose, said Solon, should I trouble him or myself to make enquiry in a matter so plain? For if it be a blessing next to the greatest to need little victuals, then it is the greatest felicity to need none at all. If I may have leave to deliver my opinion, quoth Cleodemus, I must profess myself of a different judgment, especially now we sit at table; for as soon as the meat is taken away, we have removed what belongs to those Gods that are the patrons of friendship and hospitality. As upon the removal of the earth, quoth Thales, there must needs follow an universal confusion of all things, so in forbidding men meat, there must needs follow the dispersion and dissolution of the family, the sacred fire, the cups, the feasts and entertainments, which are the principal and most innocent diversions of mankind; and so all the comforts of society are at end. For to men of business some recreation is necessary, and the preparation and use of victuals conduces much thereunto. Again, to be without victuals would tend to the destruction of husbandry, for want whereof the earth would soon be overgrown with weeds, and through the sloth of men overflowed with waters. And together with this, all arts would fail which are supported and encouraged hereby; nay, more, take away hospitality and the use of victuals, and the worship and honor of the Gods will sink and perish; the sun will have but small and the moon yet smaller reverence, if they afford men only light and heat. And who will build an altar or offer sacrifice to Jupiter Pluvius, or to Ceres the patroness of husbandmen, or to Neptune the preserver of plants and trees? Or how can

Bacchus be any longer termed the donor of all good things, if men make no further use of the good things he gives? What shall men sacrifice? What first-fruits shall they offer? In short, the subversion and confusion of the greatest blessings attend this opinion. Promiscuously and indefatigably to pursue all sorts of pleasures I own to be brutish, and to avoid all with a suitable aversion equally blockish; let the mind then freely enjoy such pleasures as are agree able to its nature and temper. But for the body, there is certainly no pleasure more harmless and commendable and fitting than that which springs from a plentiful table,— which is granted by all men; for, placing this in the mid die, men converse with one another and share in the provision. As to the pleasures of the bed, men use these in the dark, reputing the use thereof no less shameful and beastly than the total disuse of the pleasures of the table.

Cleodemus having finished this long harangue, I began to this effect. You omit one thing, my friend, how they that decry food decry sleep too, and they that declaim against sleep declaim against dreams in the same breath, and so destroy the primitive and ancient way of divination. Add to this, that our whole life will be of one form and fashion, and our soul enclosed in a body to no purpose; many and those the principal parts thereof are naturally so formed and fashioned as to be organs of nutriment; so the tongue, the teeth, the stomach, and the liver, whereof none are idle, none flamed for other use. so that whosoever hath no need of nutriment has no need of his body; that is, in other words, no man hath any need of himself, for every man hath a body of his own. This I have thought fit to offer in vindication of our bellies; if Solon or any other has any thing to object to what I have said, I am willing to hear him.

Mnesiphilus 1 w 11
the 1 w 14
Athenian 1 w 22
a 2 w 24
friend 1 w 30
and 1 w 33
favorite 1 w 41
of 1 w 43
Solon 1 w 48
s 3 w 50
said 1 w 55
O 1 w 57
Periander 1 w 66
our 1 w 70
discourse 1 w 79
as 1 w 82
our 3 w 85
wine 1 w 89
ought 1 w 95
to 1 w 97
be 1 w 99
distributed 1 w 110
not 1 w 113
according 1 w 122
to 2 w 124
our 4 w 127
power 1 w 132
or 3 w 134
priority 1 w 142
but 2 w 146
freely 1 w 152
and 3 w 155
equally 1 w 162
as 2 w 165
in 3 w 167
a 12 w 168
popular 1 w 175
state 1 w 180
for 1 w 184
what 1 w 188
hath 1 w 192
been 1 w 196
already 1 w 203
discoursed 1 w 213
concerning 1 w 223
kingdoms 1 w 231
and 4 w 234
empires 1 w 241
signifies 1 w 250
little 1 w 256
to 3 w 258
us 2 w 260
who 1 w 263
live 1 w 267
in 6 w 269
a 20 w 270
democracy 1 w 279
Wherefore 1 w 289
I 1 w 290
judge 1 w 295
it 4 w 297
convenient 1 w 307
that 1 w 311
every 1 w 316
one 1 w 319
of 2 w 321
you 1 w 324
beginning 1 w 333
with 1 w 337
Solon 2 w 342
should 1 w 349
freely 2 w 355
and 5 w 358
impartially 1 w 369
declare 1 w 376
his 1 w 379
sense 1 w 384
of 3 w 386
a 27 w 387
popular 2 w 394
state 2 w 399
The 1 w 403
motion 1 w 409
pleased 1 w 416
all 3 w 419
the 3 w 422
company 1 w 429
then 2 w 434
saith 1 w 439
Solon 3 w 444
My 1 w 447
friend 2 w 453
Mnesiphilus 2 w 464
you 2 w 468
heard 1 w 473
together 1 w 482
with 2 w 486
the 6 w 489
rest 1 w 493
of 4 w 495
this 1 w 499
good 1 w 503
company 2 w 510
my 1 w 513
opinion 1 w 520
concerning 2 w 530
republics 1 w 539
but 3 w 543
since 1 w 548
you 3 w 551
are 2 w 554
willing 1 w 561
to 5 w 563
hear 2 w 567
it 8 w 569
again 1 w 574
I 2 w 576
hold 1 w 580
that 2 w 584
city 1 w 588
or 7 w 590
state 3 w 595
happy 1 w 600
and 6 w 603
most 1 w 607
likely 1 w 613
to 6 w 615
remain 1 w 621
democratic 1 w 631
in 15 w 634
which 1 w 639
those 1 w 644
that 3 w 648
are 3 w 651
not 2 w 654
personally 1 w 664
injured 1 w 671
are 4 w 674
yet 1 w 677
as 4 w 679
forward 1 w 686
to 7 w 688
question 1 w 696
and 7 w 699
correct 1 w 706
wrongdoers 1 w 716
as 5 w 718
that 4 w 722
person 2 w 728
who 2 w 731
is 6 w 733
more 1 w 737
immediately 1 w 748
wronged 1 w 755
Bias 1 w 760
added 1 w 765
Where 2 w 771
all 5 w 774
fear 1 w 778
the 7 w 781
law 1 w 784
as 7 w 786
they 1 w 790
fear 2 w 794
a 63 w 795
tyrant 1 w 801
Thirdly 1 w 809
Thales 1 w 816
said 2 w 820
Where 3 w 826
the 9 w 829
citizens 1 w 837
are 5 w 840
neither 1 w 847
too 1 w 850
rich 1 w 854
nor 1 w 857
too 2 w 860
poor 1 w 864
Fourthly 1 w 873
Anacharsis 1 w 884
said 3 w 888
Where 4 w 894
though 1 w 901
in 17 w 903
all 6 w 906
other 1 w 911
respects 1 w 919
they 2 w 923
are 6 w 926
equal 2 w 931
yet 2 w 935
virtuous 1 w 943
men 1 w 946
are 7 w 949
advanced 1 w 957
and 8 w 960
vicious 1 w 967
persons 1 w 974
degraded 1 w 982
Fifthly 1 w 990
Cleobulus 1 w 1000
said 4 w 1004
Where 5 w 1010
the 13 w 1013
rulers 1 w 1019
fear 3 w 1023
reproof 1 w 1030
and 9 w 1033
shame 1 w 1038
more 2 w 1042
than 1 w 1046
the 14 w 1049
law 2 w 1052
Sixthly 1 w 1060
Pittacus 1 w 1069
said 5 w 1073
Where 6 w 1079
bad 1 w 1082
men 2 w 1085
are 8 w 1088
prohibited 1 w 1098
from 1 w 1102
ruling 1 w 1108
and 10 w 1112
good 2 w 1116
men 3 w 1119
from 2 w 1123
not 3 w 1126
ruling 2 w 1132
Chilo 1 w 1138
pausing 1 w 1146
a 91 w 1147
little 2 w 1153
while 1 w 1158
determined 1 w 1169
that 5 w 1173
the 15 w 1176
best 1 w 1180
and 11 w 1183
most 2 w 1187
durable 1 w 1194
state 4 w 1199
was 1 w 1202
where 1 w 1207
the 16 w 1210
subject 1 w 1217
minded 1 w 1223
the 17 w 1226
law 3 w 1229
most 3 w 1233
and 12 w 1236
the 18 w 1239
orators 1 w 1246
least 1 w 1251
Periander 2 w 1261
concluded 1 w 1270
with 3 w 1274
his 3 w 1277
opinion 2 w 1284
that 6 w 1289
all 7 w 1292
of 6 w 1294
them 1 w 1298
would 1 w 1303
best 2 w 1307
approve 1 w 1314
that 7 w 1318
democracy 2 w 1327
which 2 w 1332
came 1 w 1336
next 1 w 1340
and 14 w 1343
was 2 w 1346
likest 1 w 1352
to 11 w 1354
an 21 w 1356
arisocracy 1 w 1366
When 1 w 1371
they 3 w 1375
had 1 w 1378
ended 1 w 1383
this 2 w 1387
discourse 3 w 1396
I 3 w 1398
begged 1 w 1404
they 4 w 1408
would 2 w 1413
condescend 1 w 1423
to 12 w 1425
direct 1 w 1431
me 7 w 1433
how 1 w 1436
to 13 w 1438
govern 1 w 1444
a 114 w 1445
house 1 w 1450
for 4 w 1454
they 5 w 1458
were 1 w 1462
few 1 w 1465
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had 2 w 1471
cities 1 w 1477
and 15 w 1480
kingdoms 2 w 1488
to 14 w 1490
govern 2 w 1496
compared 1 w 1505
with 4 w 1509
those 2 w 1514
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houses 1 w 1526
and 16 w 1529
families 1 w 1537
to 15 w 1539
manage 1 w 1545
Esop 1 w 1550
laughed 1 w 1557
and 17 w 1560
said 6 w 1564
I 4 w 1566
hope 1 w 1570
you 4 w 1573
except 1 w 1579
Anacharsis 2 w 1589
out 1 w 1592
of 7 w 1594
your 1 w 1598
number 1 w 1604
for 5 w 1608
having 1 w 1614
no 5 w 1616
house 3 w 1621
he 35 w 1624
glories 1 w 1631
because 1 w 1638
he 36 w 1640
can 1 w 1643
be 9 w 1645
contented 1 w 1654
with 5 w 1658
a 131 w 1659
chariot 1 w 1666
only 1 w 1670
as 11 w 1673
they 6 w 1677
say 1 w 1680
the 24 w 1683
sun 1 w 1686
is 13 w 1688
whirled 1 w 1695
about 1 w 1700
from 3 w 1704
one 2 w 1707
end 5 w 1710
of 8 w 1712
the 25 w 1715
heavens 1 w 1722
to 16 w 1724
the 26 w 1727
other 2 w 1732
in 26 w 1734
his 5 w 1737
chariot 2 w 1744
Therefore 1 w 1754
saith 2 w 1760
Anacharsis 3 w 1770
he 44 w 1773
alone 1 w 1778
or 20 w 1781
he 45 w 1783
principally 1 w 1794
is 16 w 1797
most 4 w 1801
free 3 w 1805
among 1 w 1810
the 28 w 1813
Gods 1 w 1817
and 18 w 1821
ever 2 w 1825
at 17 w 1827
his 6 w 1830
own 1 w 1833
liberty 1 w 1840
and 19 w 1843
dispose 1 w 1850
He 1 w 1853
governs 1 w 1860
all 9 w 1863
and 20 w 1867
is 19 w 1869
governed 1 w 1877
and 21 w 1880
subject 2 w 1887
to 17 w 1889
none 1 w 1893
but 4 w 1897
he 47 w 1899
rides 1 w 1904
and 22 w 1907
reigns 1 w 1913
and 23 w 1917
you 6 w 1920
know 1 w 1924
not 4 w 1927
how 2 w 1930
magnificent 1 w 1941
and 24 w 1944
capacious 1 w 1953
his 7 w 1956
chariot 3 w 1963
is 21 w 1965
if 4 w 1968
you 7 w 1971
did 1 w 1974
you 8 w 1978
would 3 w 1983
not 5 w 1986
thus 1 w 1990
floutingly 1 w 2000
compare 2 w 2007
it 20 w 2009
with 6 w 2013
our 9 w 2016
Scythian 1 w 2024
chariots 1 w 2032
For 1 w 2036
you 9 w 2039
seem 1 w 2043
in 29 w 2045
my 2 w 2047
apprehension 1 w 2059
to 18 w 2061
call 1 w 2065
these 1 w 2070
coverings 1 w 2079
made 1 w 2083
of 9 w 2085
wood 1 w 2089
and 25 w 2092
mud 1 w 2095
houses 2 w 2101
as 12 w 2104
if 5 w 2106
you 10 w 2109
should 2 w 2115
call 2 w 2119
the 30 w 2122
shell 1 w 2127
and 26 w 2130
not 6 w 2133
the 31 w 2136
living 1 w 2142
creature 1 w 2150
a 168 w 2151
snail 1 w 2156
Therefore 2 w 2166
you 11 w 2169
laughed 2 w 2176
when 1 w 2180
Solon 4 w 2185
told 1 w 2189
you 12 w 2192
how 3 w 2195
when 2 w 2200
he 57 w 2202
viewed 1 w 2208
Croesus 1 w 2215
s 130 w 2217
palace 1 w 2223
and 27 w 2226
found 1 w 2231
it 22 w 2233
richly 1 w 2239
and 28 w 2242
gloriously 1 w 2252
furnished 1 w 2261
he 59 w 2264
yet 3 w 2267
could 1 w 2272
not 7 w 2275
yield 1 w 2280
he 60 w 2282
lived 1 w 2287
happily 1 w 2294
until 1 w 2299
he 61 w 2301
had 4 w 2304
tried 1 w 2309
the 32 w 2312
inward 1 w 2318
and 29 w 2321
invisible 1 w 2330
state 5 w 2335
of 10 w 2337
his 8 w 2340
mind 2 w 2344
for 8 w 2348
a 180 w 2349
man 2 w 2352
s 136 w 2354
felicity 1 w 2362
consists 1 w 2370
not 8 w 2373
in 35 w 2375
the 33 w 2378
outward 1 w 2385
and 30 w 2388
visible 2 w 2395
favors 1 w 2401
and 31 w 2404
blessings 1 w 2413
of 11 w 2415
Fortune 1 w 2422
but 5 w 2426
in 37 w 2428
the 34 w 2431
inward 2 w 2437
and 32 w 2440
unseen 1 w 2446
perfections 1 w 2457
and 33 w 2460
riches 1 w 2466
of 12 w 2468
the 35 w 2471
mind 3 w 2475
And 1 w 2479
you 13 w 2482
seem 2 w 2486
to 20 w 2488
have 1 w 2492
forgot 1 w 2498
your 2 w 2502
own 2 w 2505
fable 1 w 2510
of 13 w 2512
the 36 w 2515
fox 1 w 2518
who 5 w 2522
contending 1 w 2533
with 7 w 2537
the 37 w 2540
leopard 1 w 2547
as 13 w 2549
to 21 w 2551
which 3 w 2556
was 3 w 2559
beset 1 w 2564
with 8 w 2568
more 3 w 2572
colors 1 w 2578
and 34 w 2581
spots 1 w 2586
and 35 w 2590
having 2 w 2596
referred 1 w 2604
the 38 w 2607
matter 1 w 2613
in 42 w 2615
controversy 1 w 2626
to 22 w 2628
the 39 w 2631
arbitration 1 w 2642
of 14 w 2644
an 47 w 2646
umpire 1 w 2652
desired 1 w 2660
him 1 w 2663
to 23 w 2665
consider 1 w 2673
not 9 w 2676
so 6 w 2678
much 1 w 2682
the 40 w 2685
outside 1 w 2692
as 15 w 2694
the 41 w 2697
inside 1 w 2703
for 10 w 2707
saith 3 w 2713
he 73 w 2715
I 5 w 2717
have 2 w 2721
more 4 w 2725
various 1 w 2732
and 36 w 2735
different 1 w 2744
fetches 1 w 2751
and 37 w 2754
tricks 1 w 2760
in 44 w 2762
my 3 w 2764
mind 4 w 2768
than 2 w 2772
he 75 w 2774
has 1 w 2777
marks 1 w 2782
or 32 w 2784
spots 2 w 2789
in 46 w 2791
his 9 w 2794
body 1 w 2798
You 1 w 2802
regard 1 w 2808
only 2 w 2812
the 42 w 2815
handiwork 1 w 2824
of 15 w 2826
carpenters 1 w 2836
and 39 w 2839
masons 1 w 2845
and 40 w 2848
stone-cutters 1 w 2861
and 41 w 2865
call 3 w 2869
this 3 w 2873
a 218 w 2874
house 5 w 2879
not 10 w 2883
what 2 w 2887
one 6 w 2890
hath 2 w 2894
within 1 w 2900
his 11 w 2904
children 1 w 2912
his 12 w 2916
wife 1 w 2920
his 13 w 2924
friends 1 w 2931
and 42 w 2934
attendants 1 w 2944
with 10 w 2949
whom 1 w 2953
if 8 w 2955
a 224 w 2956
man 3 w 2959
lived 2 w 2964
in 48 w 2966
an 58 w 2968
emmet 1 w 2973
s 183 w 2975
bed 1 w 2978
or 34 w 2980
a 227 w 2981
bird 1 w 2985
s 184 w 2987
nest 1 w 2991
enjoying 1 w 3000
in 50 w 3002
common 1 w 3008
the 43 w 3011
ordinary 1 w 3019
comforts 1 w 3027
of 16 w 3029
life 1 w 3033
this 4 w 3038
man 4 w 3041
may 1 w 3044
be 13 w 3046
affirmed 1 w 3054
to 25 w 3056
live 4 w 3060
a 232 w 3061
happy 2 w 3066
and 43 w 3069
a 235 w 3070
fortunate 1 w 3079
life 2 w 3083
This 1 w 3088
is 34 w 3090
the 44 w 3093
answer 1 w 3099
I 6 w 3100
purpose 1 w 3107
to 26 w 3109
return 1 w 3115
Esop 2 w 3119
quoth 1 w 3125
Anacharsis 4 w 3135
and 44 w 3139
I 7 w 3140
tender 1 w 3146
it 30 w 3148
to 27 w 3150
Diocles 1 w 3157
as 18 w 3159
my 4 w 3161
share 1 w 3166
in 52 w 3168
this 5 w 3172
discourse 4 w 3181
only 3 w 3186
let 1 w 3189
the 45 w 3192
rest 2 w 3196
give 1 w 3200
in 53 w 3202
their 1 w 3207
opinions 1 w 3215
if 11 w 3218
they 7 w 3222
please 2 w 3228
Solon 5 w 3234
thought 1 w 3241
that 8 w 3245
house 6 w 3250
most 5 w 3254
happy 3 w 3259
where 2 w 3264
the 48 w 3267
estate 1 w 3273
was 4 w 3276
got 2 w 3279
without 1 w 3286
injustice 1 w 3295
kept 1 w 3300
without 2 w 3307
distrust 1 w 3315
and 45 w 3319
spent 1 w 3324
without 3 w 3331
repentance 1 w 3341
Bias 2 w 3346
said 7 w 3350
That 1 w 3355
house 7 w 3360
is 39 w 3362
happy 4 w 3367
where 3 w 3372
the 49 w 3375
master 1 w 3381
does 1 w 3385
freely 3 w 3391
and 46 w 3394
voluntarily 1 w 3405
at 29 w 3407
home 1 w 3411
what 3 w 3415
the 50 w 3418
law 4 w 3421
compels 1 w 3428
him 2 w 3431
to 28 w 3433
do 5 w 3435
abroad 1 w 3441
Thales 2 w 3448
held 1 w 3452
that 9 w 3456
house 8 w 3461
most 6 w 3465
happy 5 w 3470
where 4 w 3475
the 51 w 3478
master 2 w 3484
had 5 w 3487
most 7 w 3491
leisure 1 w 3498
and 47 w 3501
respite 1 w 3508
from 4 w 3512
business 1 w 3520
Cleobulus 2 w 3530
said 8 w 3534
That 2 w 3539
in 57 w 3541
which 4 w 3546
the 52 w 3549
master 3 w 3555
is 41 w 3557
more 5 w 3561
beloved 1 w 3568
than 3 w 3572
feared 1 w 3578
Pittacus 2 w 3587
said 9 w 3591
That 3 w 3596
is 42 w 3598
most 8 w 3602
happy 6 w 3607
where 5 w 3612
superfluities 1 w 3625
are 13 w 3628
not 11 w 3631
required 1 w 3639
and 48 w 3642
necessaries 1 w 3653
are 14 w 3656
not 12 w 3659
wanting 1 w 3666
Chilo 2 w 3672
added 2 w 3677
That 4 w 3682
house 9 w 3687
is 43 w 3689
most 9 w 3693
happy 7 w 3698
where 6 w 3703
the 53 w 3706
master 4 w 3712
rules 1 w 3717
as 26 w 3719
a 287 w 3720
monarch 1 w 3727
in 59 w 3729
his 17 w 3732
kingdom 3 w 3739
And 2 w 3743
he 94 w 3745
proceeded 1 w 3754
When 2 w 3759
a 289 w 3760
certain 1 w 3767
Lacedaemonian 1 w 3780
desired 2 w 3787
Lycurgus 1 w 3795
to 29 w 3797
establish 1 w 3806
a 295 w 3807
democracy 3 w 3816
in 62 w 3818
the 54 w 3821
city 3 w 3825
Go 2 w 3828
you 15 w 3831
friend 4 w 3838
replied 1 w 3846
he 97 w 3848
and 49 w 3852
try 1 w 3855
the 55 w 3858
experiment 1 w 3868
first 1 w 3873
in 63 w 3875
your 3 w 3879
own 3 w 3882
house 10 w 3887
When 3 w 3892
they 8 w 3896
had 6 w 3899
all 13 w 3902
given 1 w 3907
in 64 w 3909
their 2 w 3914
opinions 2 w 3922
upon 1 w 3926
this 6 w 3930
point 1 w 3935
Eumetis 1 w 3943
and 50 w 3946
Melissa 1 w 3953
withdrew 1 w 3961
Then 1 w 3966
Periander 3 w 3975
called 1 w 3981
for 13 w 3984
a 304 w 3985
large 1 w 3990
bowl 1 w 3994
full 1 w 3998
of 17 w 4000
wine 2 w 4004
and 52 w 4008
drank 1 w 4013
to 30 w 4015
Chilo 3 w 4020
and 53 w 4024
Chilo 4 w 4029
likewise 1 w 4037
drank 2 w 4042
to 31 w 4044
Bias 3 w 4048
Ardalus 1 w 4056
then 3 w 4060
standing 1 w 4068
up 3 w 4070
called 2 w 4076
to 32 w 4078
Esop 3 w 4082
and 55 w 4086
said 10 w 4090
Will 1 w 4095
you 17 w 4098
not 13 w 4101
hand 2 w 4105
the 59 w 4108
cup 1 w 4111
to 33 w 4113
your 4 w 4117
friends 2 w 4124
at 35 w 4126
this 7 w 4130
end 12 w 4133
of 18 w 4135
the 60 w 4138
table 1 w 4143
when 3 w 4148
you 19 w 4151
behold 1 w 4157
those 3 w 4162
persons 2 w 4169
there 1 w 4174
swilling 1 w 4182
up 5 w 4184
all 16 w 4187
that 10 w 4191
good 3 w 4195
liquor 1 w 4201
and 57 w 4205
imparting 1 w 4214
none 2 w 4218
to 34 w 4220
us 32 w 4222
here 16 w 4226
as 28 w 4229
if 12 w 4231
the 62 w 4234
cup 2 w 4237
were 2 w 4241
that 11 w 4245
of 19 w 4247
Bathycles 1 w 4256
But 1 w 4260
this 8 w 4264
cup 3 w 4267
quoth 2 w 4273
Esop 4 w 4277
is 52 w 4280
no 19 w 4282
public 2 w 4288
cup 4 w 4291
it 39 w 4294
hath 3 w 4298
stood 1 w 4303
so 12 w 4305
long 1 w 4309
by 1 w 4311
Solon 6 w 4316
s 280 w 4318
trenchard 1 w 4327
Then 2 w 4332
Pittacus 3 w 4340
called 3 w 4346
to 36 w 4348
Mnesiphilus 3 w 4359
Why 1 w 4363
saith 4 w 4369
he 111 w 4371
does 2 w 4376
not 14 w 4379
Solon 7 w 4384
drink 1 w 4389
but 6 w 4393
act 1 w 4396
in 72 w 4398
contradiction 1 w 4411
to 37 w 4413
his 21 w 4416
own 4 w 4419
verses 1 w 4425
I 8 w 4428
love 2 w 4432
that 12 w 4436
ruby 1 w 4440
God 2 w 4443
whose 1 w 4449
blessings 2 w 4458
flow 1 w 4462
In 1 w 4464
tides 1 w 4469
to 38 w 4472
recreate 1 w 4480
my 5 w 4482
thirsty 1 w 4489
maw 1 w 4492
Venus 1 w 4498
I 10 w 4499
court 1 w 4504
the 63 w 4508
Muses 1 w 4513
I 11 w 4514
adore 1 w 4519
Who 1 w 4523
give 3 w 4527
us 37 w 4529
wine 3 w 4533
and 58 w 4536
pleasures 1 w 4545
evermore 1 w 4553
Anacharsis 5 w 4564
subjoined 1 w 4573
He 2 w 4576
fears 1 w 4581
your 5 w 4585
severe 1 w 4591
law 5 w 4594
my 6 w 4597
friend 6 w 4603
Pittacus 4 w 4611
wherein 1 w 4619
you 21 w 4622
decreed 1 w 4629
the 64 w 4632
drunkard 1 w 4640
a 345 w 4641
double 1 w 4647
punishment 1 w 4657
You 2 w 4661
seem 3 w 4665
said 11 w 4670
Pittacus 5 w 4678
a 348 w 4680
little 3 w 4686
to 39 w 4688
fear 6 w 4692
the 65 w 4695
penalty 1 w 4702
who 8 w 4706
have 3 w 4710
adventured 1 w 4720
heretofore 1 w 4730
and 59 w 4734
now 2 w 4737
again 2 w 4742
before 1 w 4748
my 7 w 4750
face 1 w 4754
to 41 w 4757
break 1 w 4762
that 13 w 4766
law 6 w 4769
and 60 w 4772
to 42 w 4774
demand 1 w 4780
a 362 w 4781
crown 1 w 4786
for 16 w 4789
the 66 w 4792
reward 1 w 4798
of 21 w 4800
your 6 w 4804
debauch 1 w 4811
Why 2 w 4815
not 15 w 4818
quoth 3 w 4824
Anacharsis 6 w 4834
when 4 w 4839
there 2 w 4844
is 57 w 4846
a 367 w 4847
reward 2 w 4853
promised 1 w 4861
to 43 w 4863
the 68 w 4866
hardest 1 w 4873
drinker 1 w 4880
Why 3 w 4884
should 3 w 4890
I 12 w 4891
not 16 w 4894
demand 2 w 4900
my 8 w 4902
reward 3 w 4908
having 3 w 4915
drunk 2 w 4920
down 1 w 4924
all 18 w 4927
my 9 w 4929
fellows 1 w 4936
or 46 w 4940
inform 1 w 4946
me 14 w 4948
of 22 w 4950
any 3 w 4953
other 3 w 4958
end 14 w 4961
men 6 w 4964
drive 1 w 4969
at 43 w 4971
in 81 w 4973
drinking 1 w 4981
much 2 w 4985
wine 4 w 4989
but 7 w 4993
to 44 w 4995
be 17 w 4997
drunk 3 w 5002
Pittacus 6 w 5011
laughed 3 w 5018
at 44 w 5020
this 9 w 5024
reply 1 w 5029
and 63 w 5033
Esop 5 w 5037
told 2 w 5041
them 2 w 5045
this 10 w 5049
fable 2 w 5054
The 6 w 5058
wolf 1 w 5062
seeing 1 w 5068
a 381 w 5069
parcel 1 w 5075
of 23 w 5077
shepherds 1 w 5086
in 86 w 5088
their 3 w 5093
booth 1 w 5098
feeding 1 w 5105
upon 2 w 5109
a 383 w 5110
lamb 1 w 5114
approaching 1 w 5126
near 1 w 5130
them 3 w 5134
What 1 w 5140
a 389 w 5141
bustle 1 w 5147
and 64 w 5150
noise 1 w 5155
and 65 w 5158
uproar 1 w 5164
would 4 w 5169
you 23 w 5172
have 4 w 5176
made 2 w 5180
saith 5 w 5186
he 129 w 5188
if 13 w 5191
I 13 w 5192
had 7 w 5195
but 8 w 5198
done 1 w 5202
what 4 w 5206
you 24 w 5209
do 12 w 5211
Chilo 5 w 5217
said 12 w 5221
Esop 6 w 5226
hath 4 w 5230
very 2 w 5234
justly 1 w 5240
revenged 1 w 5248
himself 1 w 5255
upon 3 w 5259
us 43 w 5261
who 9 w 5265
awhile 1 w 5271
ago 1 w 5274
stopped 1 w 5281
his 24 w 5284
mouth 1 w 5289
now 3 w 5293
he 130 w 5295
observes 1 w 5303
how 4 w 5306
we 6 w 5308
prevented 1 w 5317
Mnesiphilus 4 w 5328
s 339 w 5330
discourse 5 w 5339
when 5 w 5344
the 73 w 5347
question 2 w 5355
was 5 w 5358
put 1 w 5361
why 1 w 5364
Solon 8 w 5369
did 2 w 5372
not 17 w 5375
drink 4 w 5380
up 12 w 5382
his 25 w 5385
wine 5 w 5389
Mnesiphilus 5 w 5401
then 4 w 5405
spake 1 w 5410
to 47 w 5412
this 11 w 5416
effect 1 w 5422
I 14 w 5424
know 2 w 5428
this 12 w 5432
to 48 w 5434
be 18 w 5436
the 75 w 5439
opinion 5 w 5446
of 24 w 5448
Solon 9 w 5453
that 14 w 5458
in 92 w 5460
every 2 w 5465
art 3 w 5468
and 66 w 5471
faculty 1 w 5478
divine 1 w 5485
and 67 w 5488
human 1 w 5493
the 76 w 5497
work 2 w 5501
which 5 w 5506
is 67 w 5508
done 2 w 5512
is 68 w 5514
more 7 w 5518
desired 3 w 5525
than 4 w 5529
the 77 w 5532
instrument 1 w 5542
wherewith 1 w 5551
it 48 w 5553
is 69 w 5555
done 3 w 5559
and 68 w 5563
the 78 w 5566
end 15 w 5569
than 5 w 5573
the 79 w 5576
means 1 w 5581
conducing 1 w 5590
to 49 w 5592
that 15 w 5596
end 16 w 5599
as 31 w 5602
for 18 w 5606
instance 1 w 5614
a 417 w 5616
weaver 1 w 5622
thinks 1 w 5628
a 419 w 5629
cloak 1 w 5634
or 51 w 5636
coat 1 w 5640
more 8 w 5644
properly 1 w 5652
his 28 w 5655
work 3 w 5659
than 6 w 5663
the 80 w 5666
ordering 1 w 5674
of 25 w 5676
his 29 w 5679
shuttles 1 w 5687
or 55 w 5689
the 81 w 5692
divers 1 w 5698
motions 1 w 5705
of 26 w 5707
his 30 w 5710
beams 1 w 5715
A 11 w 5717
smith 1 w 5722
minds 1 w 5727
the 82 w 5730
soldering 1 w 5739
of 27 w 5741
his 31 w 5744
irons 1 w 5749
and 69 w 5752
the 83 w 5755
sharpening 1 w 5765
of 28 w 5767
the 84 w 5770
axe 1 w 5773
more 9 w 5777
than 7 w 5781
those 4 w 5786
little 4 w 5792
things 1 w 5798
preparatory 1 w 5809
to 51 w 5811
these 2 w 5816
main 2 w 5820
matters 1 w 5827
as 32 w 5830
the 86 w 5833
kindling 1 w 5841
of 29 w 5843
the 87 w 5846
coals 1 w 5851
and 70 w 5854
getting 1 w 5861
ready 2 w 5866
the 88 w 5869
stone-dust 1 w 5879
Yet 1 w 5883
farther 1 w 5890
a 437 w 5892
carpenter 2 w 5901
would 5 w 5906
justly 2 w 5912
blame 1 w 5917
us 48 w 5919
if 14 w 5922
we 8 w 5924
should 4 w 5930
affirm 2 w 5936
it 51 w 5938
is 74 w 5940
not 18 w 5943
his 32 w 5946
work 4 w 5950
to 53 w 5952
build 1 w 5957
houses 3 w 5963
or 59 w 5965
ships 1 w 5970
but 9 w 5973
to 54 w 5975
bore 1 w 5979
holes 1 w 5984
or 61 w 5986
to 55 w 5988
make 1 w 5992
mortar 1 w 5998
and 71 w 6002
the 90 w 6005
Muses 2 w 6010
would 6 w 6015
be 20 w 6017
implacably 1 w 6027
incensed 1 w 6035
with 16 w 6039
him 4 w 6042
that 16 w 6046
should 5 w 6052
say 2 w 6055
their 4 w 6060
business 2 w 6068
is 76 w 6070
only 4 w 6074
to 56 w 6076
make 2 w 6080
harps 1 w 6085
pipes 1 w 6091
and 72 w 6095
such 1 w 6099
musical 1 w 6106
instruments 1 w 6117
not 19 w 6121
the 92 w 6124
institution 1 w 6135
and 73 w 6138
correction 1 w 6148
of 30 w 6150
manners 1 w 6157
and 74 w 6160
the 93 w 6163
government 1 w 6173
of 31 w 6175
those 5 w 6180
men 10 w 6183
s 409 w 6185
passions 1 w 6193
who 10 w 6196
are 15 w 6199
lovers 1 w 6205
of 32 w 6207
singing 1 w 6214
and 75 w 6217
masters 1 w 6224
of 33 w 6226
music 2 w 6231
And 3 w 6235
agreeably 1 w 6244
copulation 1 w 6254
is 77 w 6256
not 20 w 6259
the 94 w 6262
work 5 w 6266
of 34 w 6268
Venus 2 w 6273
nor 2 w 6277
is 78 w 6279
drunkenness 1 w 6290
that 17 w 6294
of 35 w 6296
Bacchus 1 w 6303
but 10 w 6307
love 4 w 6311
and 76 w 6314
friendship 1 w 6324
affection 1 w 6334
and 77 w 6337
familiarity 1 w 6348
which 6 w 6354
are 16 w 6357
begot 1 w 6362
and 78 w 6365
improved 1 w 6373
by 3 w 6375
the 95 w 6378
means 2 w 6383
of 36 w 6385
these 3 w 6390
Solon 10 w 6396
terms 1 w 6401
these 4 w 6406
works 1 w 6411
divine 2 w 6417
and 79 w 6421
he 158 w 6423
professes 1 w 6432
he 159 w 6434
loves 1 w 6439
and 80 w 6442
now 5 w 6445
prosecutes 1 w 6455
them 4 w 6459
in 114 w 6461
his 33 w 6464
declining 1 w 6473
years 1 w 6478
as 35 w 6480
vigorously 1 w 6490
as 36 w 6492
ever 6 w 6496
in 117 w 6498
his 34 w 6501
youthful 1 w 6509
days 1 w 6513
That 5 w 6518
mutual 1 w 6524
love 6 w 6528
between 1 w 6535
man 9 w 6538
and 81 w 6541
wife 2 w 6545
is 81 w 6547
the 99 w 6550
work 7 w 6554
of 38 w 6556
Venus 3 w 6561
the 100 w 6565
greatness 1 w 6574
of 39 w 6576
the 101 w 6579
pleasure 2 w 6587
affecting 1 w 6596
their 5 w 6601
bodies 1 w 6607
mixes 1 w 6612
and 82 w 6615
melts 1 w 6620
their 6 w 6625
very 4 w 6629
souls 1 w 6634
divers 2 w 6641
others 1 w 6647
having 4 w 6654
little 5 w 6660
or 69 w 6662
no 33 w 6664
acquaintance 1 w 6676
before 2 w 6682
have 5 w 6687
yet 4 w 6690
contracted 1 w 6700
a 492 w 6701
firm 3 w 6705
and 83 w 6708
lasting 1 w 6715
friendship 2 w 6725
over 9 w 6729
a 495 w 6730
glass 1 w 6735
of 40 w 6737
wine 6 w 6741
which 7 w 6747
like 4 w 6751
fire 1 w 6755
softened 1 w 6763
and 84 w 6766
melted 1 w 6772
their 7 w 6777
tempers 1 w 6784
and 85 w 6788
disposed 1 w 6796
them 5 w 6800
for 20 w 6803
a 499 w 6804
happy 8 w 6809
union 1 w 6814
But 2 w 6818
in 123 w 6820
such 2 w 6824
a 501 w 6825
company 3 w 6832
and 86 w 6836
of 42 w 6838
such 3 w 6842
men 11 w 6845
as 40 w 6847
Periander 4 w 6856
hath 5 w 6860
invited 1 w 6867
there 3 w 6873
is 83 w 6875
no 34 w 6877
need 1 w 6881
of 43 w 6883
can 2 w 6886
and 88 w 6889
chalice 1 w 6896
but 11 w 6900
the 108 w 6903
Muses 3 w 6908
themselves 1 w 6918
throwing 1 w 6926
a 510 w 6927
subject 3 w 6934
of 44 w 6936
discourse 6 w 6945
among 2 w 6950
you 26 w 6953
as 41 w 6956
it 57 w 6958
were 3 w 6962
a 513 w 6963
sober 1 w 6968
cup 5 w 6971
wherein 2 w 6979
is 85 w 6981
contained 1 w 6990
much 3 w 6994
of 45 w 6996
delight 1 w 7003
and 89 w 7006
drollery 1 w 7014
and 90 w 7017
seriousness 1 w 7028
too 4 w 7031
do 15 w 7034
hereby 1 w 7040
provoke 1 w 7047
nourish 1 w 7055
and 91 w 7059
increase 1 w 7067
friendship 3 w 7077
among 3 w 7082
you 27 w 7085
suffering 1 w 7095
the 110 w 7098
can 3 w 7101
to 58 w 7103
rest 3 w 7107
quietly 1 w 7114
upon 4 w 7118
the 111 w 7121
bowl 2 w 7125
contrary 1 w 7134
to 59 w 7136
the 112 w 7139
rule 3 w 7143
which 8 w 7148
Hesiod 1 w 7154
Hesiod 2 w 7160
Works 1 w 7166
and 92 w 7169
Days 1 w 7173
744 1 w 7177
gives 1 w 7183
for 21 w 7186
those 6 w 7191
who 11 w 7194
have 6 w 7198
more 10 w 7202
skill 1 w 7207
for 22 w 7210
carousing 1 w 7219
than 8 w 7223
for 23 w 7226
discoursing 1 w 7237
Though 1 w 7244
all 19 w 7247
the 113 w 7250
rest 4 w 7254
with 17 w 7258
stated 1 w 7264
rules 2 w 7269
we 11 w 7271
bound 1 w 7276
Unmix 1 w 7282
d 348 w 7284
unmeasured 1 w 7295
are 17 w 7299
thy 2 w 7302
goblets 1 w 7309
crown 2 w 7314
d 350 w 7316
Il 1 w 7319
IV 1 w 7322
261 1 w 7326
for 24 w 7330
it 59 w 7332
was 6 w 7335
the 114 w 7338
old 6 w 7341
Greek 1 w 7346
way 1 w 7349
as 45 w 7352
Homer 1 w 7357
here 24 w 7361
tells 1 w 7366
us 61 w 7368
to 60 w 7371
drink 5 w 7376
one 12 w 7379
to 61 w 7381
another 1 w 7388
in 133 w 7390
course 7 w 7396
and 93 w 7399
order 2 w 7404
So 11 w 7407
Ajax 1 w 7411
gave 1 w 7415
a 538 w 7416
share 2 w 7421
of 46 w 7423
his 35 w 7426
meat 1 w 7430
to 62 w 7432
his 36 w 7435
next 2 w 7439
neighbor 1 w 7447
When 4 w 7452
Mnesiphilus 6 w 7463
had 8 w 7466
discoursed 2 w 7476
after 1 w 7481
this 13 w 7485
manner 2 w 7491
in 134 w 7494
comes 1 w 7499
Chersias 1 w 7507
the 116 w 7510
poet 1 w 7514
whom 2 w 7519
Periander 5 w 7528
had 9 w 7531
lately 1 w 7537
pardoned 1 w 7545
and 95 w 7548
received 1 w 7556
into 1 w 7560
favor 3 w 7565
upon 5 w 7569
Chilo 6 w 7574
s 517 w 7576
mediation 1 w 7585
Saith 1 w 7591
Chersias 2 w 7599
Does 1 w 7604
not 22 w 7607
Jupiter 1 w 7614
distribute 2 w 7624
to 64 w 7626
the 117 w 7629
Gods 2 w 7633
their 8 w 7638
proportion 1 w 7648
and 96 w 7651
dividend 1 w 7659
sparingly 1 w 7668
and 97 w 7671
severally 1 w 7680
as 48 w 7683
Agamemnon 1 w 7692
did 3 w 7695
to 65 w 7697
his 38 w 7700
commanders 1 w 7710
when 6 w 7714
his 39 w 7717
guests 1 w 7723
drank 3 w 7728
to 66 w 7730
one 14 w 7733
another 2 w 7740
If 1 w 7743
O 2 w 7745
Chersias 3 w 7753
quoth 4 w 7759
Cleodemus 1 w 7768
as 50 w 7771
you 28 w 7774
narrate 1 w 7781
certain 2 w 7789
doves 1 w 7794
bring 1 w 7799
him 5 w 7802
his 40 w 7805
ambrosia 1 w 7813
every 3 w 7818
meal 1 w 7822
flying 1 w 7829
with 18 w 7833
a 571 w 7834
world 1 w 7839
of 47 w 7841
hardship 1 w 7849
through 1 w 7856
the 120 w 7859
rocks 1 w 7864
called 4 w 7870
Planctae 1 w 7878
or 83 w 7881
wandering 1 w 7890
can 4 w 7895
you 29 w 7898
blame 2 w 7903
him 6 w 7906
for 25 w 7909
his 41 w 7912
sparingness 1 w 7923
and 100 w 7926
frugality 1 w 7935
and 101 w 7938
dealing 1 w 7945
out 11 w 7948
to 67 w 7950
his 42 w 7953
guests 2 w 7959
by 5 w 7961
measure 2 w 7968
I 18 w 7970
am 14 w 7972
satisfied 1 w 7981
quoth 5 w 7987
Chersias 4 w 7995
and 102 w 7999
since 2 w 8004
we 12 w 8006
are 19 w 8009
fallen 1 w 8015
upon 6 w 8019
our 23 w 8022
old 7 w 8025
discourse 8 w 8034
of 48 w 8036
housekeeping 1 w 8048
which 9 w 8054
of 49 w 8056
the 121 w 8059
company 4 w 8066
can 5 w 8069
remember 1 w 8077
what 5 w 8081
remains 1 w 8088
to 68 w 8090
be 26 w 8092
said 13 w 8096
thereof 1 w 8103
There 3 w 8109
remains 2 w 8116
if 16 w 8119
I 19 w 8120
mistake 1 w 8127
not 24 w 8130
to 69 w 8133
show 1 w 8137
what 6 w 8141
that 18 w 8145
measure 3 w 8152
is 101 w 8154
which 10 w 8159
may 2 w 8162
content 2 w 8169
any 6 w 8172
man 12 w 8175
Cleobulus 3 w 8185
answered 1 w 8193
The 8 w 8197
law 7 w 8200
has 2 w 8203
prescribed 1 w 8213
a 607 w 8214
measure 4 w 8221
for 26 w 8224
wise 2 w 8228
men 12 w 8231
but 13 w 8235
as 56 w 8237
touching 1 w 8245
fools 1 w 8250
I 20 w 8252
will 3 w 8256
tell 2 w 8260
you 30 w 8263
a 610 w 8264
story 1 w 8269
I 21 w 8270
once 3 w 8274
heard 2 w 8279
my 10 w 8281
mother 1 w 8287
relate 1 w 8293
to 72 w 8295
my 11 w 8297
brother 1 w 8304
On 1 w 8307
a 613 w 8308
certain 3 w 8315
time 1 w 8319
the 125 w 8322
moon 1 w 8326
begged 2 w 8332
of 51 w 8334
her 43 w 8337
mother 2 w 8343
a 615 w 8344
coat 2 w 8348
that 19 w 8352
would 7 w 8357
fit 1 w 8360
her 45 w 8363
How 1 w 8367
can 6 w 8370
that 20 w 8374
be 29 w 8376
done 5 w 8380
quoth 6 w 8386
the 127 w 8389
mother 3 w 8395
for 27 w 8399
sometimes 1 w 8408
you 31 w 8411
are 20 w 8414
full 2 w 8418
sometimes 2 w 8428
the 129 w 8431
one-half 1 w 8439
of 52 w 8441
you 32 w 8444
seems 1 w 8449
lost 1 w 8453
and 103 w 8456
perished 1 w 8464
sometimes 3 w 8474
only 5 w 8478
a 623 w 8479
pair 1 w 8483
of 53 w 8485
horns 1 w 8490
appear 1 w 8496
So 12 w 8499
my 12 w 8502
Chersias 5 w 8510
to 73 w 8513
the 130 w 8516
desires 1 w 8523
of 54 w 8525
a 628 w 8526
foolish 1 w 8533
immoderate 1 w 8543
man 13 w 8546
no 41 w 8548
certain 4 w 8555
measure 5 w 8562
can 7 w 8565
be 30 w 8567
fitted 1 w 8573
for 28 w 8577
according 2 w 8587
to 74 w 8589
the 131 w 8592
ebbings 1 w 8599
and 104 w 8602
flowings 1 w 8610
of 55 w 8612
his 43 w 8615
lust 1 w 8619
and 105 w 8622
appetite 1 w 8630
and 106 w 8634
the 132 w 8637
frequent 1 w 8645
or 91 w 8647
seldom 1 w 8653
casualties 1 w 8663
that 21 w 8667
befall 1 w 8673
him 7 w 8676
accordingly 1 w 8688
his 44 w 8691
necessities 1 w 8702
ebb 2 w 8705
or 93 w 8707
flow 3 w 8711
not 25 w 8715
unlike 1 w 8721
Esop 7 w 8725
s 601 w 8727
dog 1 w 8730
who 13 w 8734
being 1 w 8740
pinched 1 w 8747
and 107 w 8750
ready 3 w 8755
to 75 w 8757
starve 1 w 8763
with 19 w 8767
cold 1 w 8771
in 156 w 8773
winter 1 w 8779
was 7 w 8783
of 56 w 8785
mind 6 w 8789
to 76 w 8791
build 2 w 8796
himself 2 w 8803
a 648 w 8804
house 13 w 8809
but 14 w 8813
when 7 w 8817
summer 1 w 8823
came 2 w 8827
on 93 w 8829
he 213 w 8832
lay 1 w 8835
all 24 w 8838
along 1 w 8843
upon 7 w 8847
the 133 w 8850
ground 1 w 8856
and 108 w 8860
stretching 1 w 8870
himself 3 w 8877
in 160 w 8879
the 134 w 8882
sun 2 w 8885
thought 2 w 8892
himself 4 w 8899
monstrous 1 w 8908
big 1 w 8911
and 109 w 8915
thought 3 w 8922
it 69 w 8924
a 655 w 8925
needless 1 w 8933
thing 2 w 8938
and 110 w 8941
besides 1 w 8948
no 43 w 8950
small 1 w 8955
piece 1 w 8960
of 57 w 8962
work 8 w 8966
to 77 w 8968
build 3 w 8973
him 11 w 8976
a 658 w 8977
house 14 w 8982
proportionable 1 w 8996
to 78 w 8998
that 22 w 9002
bulk 1 w 9006
and 111 w 9009
bigness 1 w 9016
And 4 w 9020
do 21 w 9022
you 33 w 9025
not 26 w 9028
observe 2 w 9035
O 4 w 9037
Chersias 6 w 9045
continues 1 w 9055
he 217 w 9057
many 1 w 9062
poor 2 w 9066
men 13 w 9069
how 6 w 9074
one 17 w 9077
while 3 w 9082
they 9 w 9086
pinch 2 w 9091
their 9 w 9096
bellies 1 w 9103
upon 8 w 9108
what 7 w 9112
short 1 w 9117
commons 1 w 9124
they 10 w 9128
live 5 w 9132
how 7 w 9136
sparing 3 w 9143
and 112 w 9146
niggardly 1 w 9155
and 113 w 9158
miserable 1 w 9167
they 11 w 9171
are 21 w 9174
and 114 w 9178
another 3 w 9185
while 4 w 9190
you 34 w 9193
may 3 w 9196
observe 3 w 9203
the 140 w 9206
same 1 w 9210
men 14 w 9213
as 62 w 9215
distrustful 1 w 9226
and 115 w 9229
covetous 1 w 9237
withal 1 w 9243
as 63 w 9246
if 17 w 9248
the 141 w 9251
plenty 1 w 9257
of 58 w 9259
city 4 w 9263
and 116 w 9266
country 1 w 9273
the 142 w 9277
riches 2 w 9283
of 59 w 9285
king 5 w 9289
and 117 w 9292
kingdom 4 w 9299
were 5 w 9303
not 28 w 9306
sufficient 1 w 9316
to 80 w 9318
preserve 1 w 9326
them 7 w 9330
from 5 w 9334
want 2 w 9338
and 118 w 9341
beggary 1 w 9348
When 5 w 9353
Chersias 7 w 9361
had 10 w 9364
concluded 2 w 9373
this 14 w 9377
discourse 9 w 9386
Cleodemus 2 w 9396
began 1 w 9401
thus 2 w 9405
We 1 w 9408
see 7 w 9411
you 35 w 9414
that 23 w 9418
are 22 w 9421
wise 3 w 9425
men 15 w 9428
possessing 1 w 9438
these 5 w 9443
outward 2 w 9450
goods 1 w 9455
after 2 w 9460
an 177 w 9462
unequal 1 w 9469
manner 3 w 9475
Good 1 w 9480
sweet 1 w 9485
sir 5 w 9488
answered 2 w 9497
Cleobulus 4 w 9506
the 145 w 9510
law 8 w 9513
weaver-like 1 w 9524
hath 6 w 9528
distributed 2 w 9539
to 81 w 9541
every 4 w 9546
man 16 w 9549
a 699 w 9550
fitting 1 w 9557
decent 1 w 9564
adequate 1 w 9573
portion 3 w 9580
and 119 w 9584
in 169 w 9586
your 7 w 9590
profession 1 w 9600
your 8 w 9604
reason 1 w 9610
does 3 w 9614
what 8 w 9618
the 146 w 9621
law 9 w 9624
does 4 w 9628
here 27 w 9632
when 8 w 9638
you 38 w 9641
feed 2 w 9645
or 99 w 9648
diet 1 w 9652
or 100 w 9655
physic 1 w 9661
your 9 w 9665
patient 1 w 9672
you 40 w 9676
give 5 w 9680
not 29 w 9683
an 182 w 9685
equal 4 w 9690
quantity 1 w 9698
to 82 w 9700
all 26 w 9703
but 16 w 9707
what 9 w 9711
you 41 w 9714
judge 2 w 9719
to 83 w 9721
be 37 w 9723
convenient 2 w 9733
for 29 w 9736
each 1 w 9740
in 170 w 9742
his 46 w 9745
circumstances 1 w 9758
Ardalus 2 w 9766
enquires 1 w 9774
I 22 w 9776
pray 1 w 9780
what 10 w 9784
law 10 w 9787
compels 2 w 9794
our 29 w 9797
friend 10 w 9803
and 120 w 9806
Solon 11 w 9811
s 672 w 9813
host 1 w 9817
Epimenides 1 w 9828
to 84 w 9831
abstain 1 w 9838
from 6 w 9842
all 27 w 9845
other 12 w 9850
victuals 1 w 9858
and 121 w 9862
to 85 w 9864
content 3 w 9871
himself 5 w 9878
with 21 w 9882
a 724 w 9883
little 6 w 9889
composition 1 w 9900
of 61 w 9902
his 47 w 9905
own 8 w 9908
which 11 w 9914
the 148 w 9917
Greeks 1 w 9923
call 8 w 9927
ἄλιμος 1 w 9933
hunger-relieving 1 w 9950
This 2 w 9956
he 237 w 9958
takes 1 w 9963
into 2 w 9967
his 49 w 9970
mouth 2 w 9975
and 122 w 9978
chews 1 w 9983
and 123 w 9987
eats 1 w 9991
neither 2 w 9998
dinner 1 w 10004
nor 3 w 10007
supper 1 w 10013
This 3 w 10018
instance 2 w 10026
obliged 1 w 10033
the 150 w 10036
whole 1 w 10041
company 5 w 10048
to 87 w 10050
be 38 w 10052
a 732 w 10053
little 7 w 10059
while 5 w 10064
silent 1 w 10070
until 2 w 10076
Thales 3 w 10082
in 176 w 10084
a 734 w 10085
jesting 1 w 10092
way 2 w 10095
replied 2 w 10102
that 24 w 10107
Epimenides 2 w 10117
did 4 w 10120
very 7 w 10124
wisely 1 w 10130
for 30 w 10134
hereby 2 w 10140
he 242 w 10142
saved 1 w 10147
the 151 w 10150
trouble 1 w 10157
and 124 w 10160
charge 1 w 10166
of 62 w 10168
grinding 1 w 10176
and 125 w 10179
boiling 1 w 10186
his 51 w 10189
food 1 w 10193
as 66 w 10196
Pittacus 7 w 10204
did 5 w 10207
I 23 w 10209
myself 1 w 10215
sojourning 1 w 10225
at 85 w 10227
Lesbos 1 w 10233
overheard 1 w 10242
my 14 w 10244
landlady 1 w 10252
as 67 w 10255
she 5 w 10258
was 8 w 10261
very 8 w 10265
busy 1 w 10269
at 86 w 10271
her 55 w 10274
hand-mill 1 w 10283
singing 2 w 10291
as 69 w 10293
she 6 w 10296
used 1 w 10300
to 88 w 10302
do 25 w 10304
at 87 w 10306
her 56 w 10309
work 9 w 10313
Grind 1 w 10319
mill 2 w 10323
grind 2 w 10329
mill 3 w 10333
for 31 w 10337
even 3 w 10341
Pittacus 8 w 10349
the 152 w 10353
prince 1 w 10359
of 63 w 10361
great 2 w 10366
Mitylene 1 w 10374
grinds 1 w 10381
Ἄλει 1 w 10386
μύλα 1 w 10391
ἄλει 1 w 10396
καὶ 1 w 10400
γὰρ 1 w 10403
Πίττακος 1 w 10411
ἀλεῖ 1 w 10415
μεγάλας 1 w 10423
Μιτυλάνας 1 w 10432
βασιλεύων 1 w 10441
Quoth 1 w 10447
Solon 12 w 10452
Ardalus 3 w 10459
I 24 w 10461
wonder 1 w 10467
you 42 w 10470
have 7 w 10474
not 30 w 10477
read 4 w 10481
the 153 w 10484
law 11 w 10487
of 64 w 10489
Epimenides 3 w 10499
s 714 w 10501
frugality 2 w 10510
in 188 w 10512
Hesiod 3 w 10518
s 716 w 10520
writings 1 w 10528
who 15 w 10532
prescribes 1 w 10542
him 13 w 10545
and 128 w 10548
others 2 w 10554
this 15 w 10558
spare 1 w 10563
diet 2 w 10567
for 32 w 10571
he 252 w 10573
was 9 w 10576
the 155 w 10579
person 5 w 10585
that 25 w 10589
gratified 1 w 10598
Epimenides 4 w 10608
with 22 w 10612
the 156 w 10615
seeds 1 w 10620
of 65 w 10622
this 16 w 10626
nutriment 1 w 10635
when 9 w 10640
he 256 w 10642
directed 1 w 10650
him 14 w 10653
to 89 w 10655
enquire 2 w 10662
how 8 w 10665
great 3 w 10670
benefit 1 w 10677
a 766 w 10678
man 17 w 10681
might 1 w 10686
receive 2 w 10693
by 7 w 10695
mallows 1 w 10702
and 129 w 10705
asphodel 1 w 10713
Hesiod 4 w 10720
Works 2 w 10726
and 130 w 10729
Days 2 w 10733
41 1 w 10736
Do 2 w 10739
you 43 w 10742
believe 1 w 10749
said 14 w 10754
Periander 6 w 10763
that 26 w 10768
Hesiod 5 w 10774
meant 1 w 10779
this 17 w 10783
literally 1 w 10792
or 108 w 10795
rather 1 w 10801
that 27 w 10805
being 2 w 10811
himself 6 w 10818
a 780 w 10819
great 4 w 10824
admirer 1 w 10831
of 66 w 10833
parsimony 1 w 10842
he 258 w 10845
hereby 3 w 10851
intended 1 w 10859
to 90 w 10861
exhort 1 w 10867
men 21 w 10870
to 91 w 10872
use 20 w 10875
a 784 w 10876
mean 4 w 10880
and 132 w 10883
spare 2 w 10888
diet 3 w 10892
as 72 w 10895
most 10 w 10899
healthful 1 w 10908
and 133 w 10911
pleasant 1 w 10919
For 3 w 10923
the 158 w 10926
chewing 1 w 10933
of 67 w 10935
mallows 2 w 10942
is 123 w 10944
very 9 w 10948
wholesome 1 w 10957
and 134 w 10961
the 159 w 10964
stalk 1 w 10969
of 68 w 10971
asphodel 2 w 10979
is 124 w 10981
very 10 w 10985
luscious 1 w 10993
but 17 w 10997
this 18 w 11001
expeller 1 w 11009
of 69 w 11011
hunger 2 w 11017
and 135 w 11020
thirst 2 w 11026
I 25 w 11027
take 3 w 11031
to 92 w 11033
be 43 w 11035
rather 2 w 11041
physic 2 w 11047
than 9 w 11051
natural 1 w 11058
food 2 w 11062
consisting 1 w 11073
of 70 w 11075
honey 1 w 11080
and 136 w 11083
I 26 w 11084
know 3 w 11088
not 31 w 11091
what 11 w 11095
barbarian 1 w 11104
cheese 1 w 11110
and 137 w 11114
of 71 w 11116
many 2 w 11120
and 138 w 11123
costly 1 w 11129
seeds 2 w 11134
fetched 1 w 11141
from 7 w 11145
foreign 1 w 11152
parts 1 w 11157
If 2 w 11160
to 93 w 11162
make 3 w 11166
up 21 w 11168
this 19 w 11172
composition 2 w 11183
so 27 w 11185
many 3 w 11189
ingredients 1 w 11200
were 7 w 11204
requisite 1 w 11213
and 139 w 11217
so 28 w 11219
difficult 1 w 11228
to 94 w 11230
come 2 w 11234
by 9 w 11236
and 140 w 11239
so 29 w 11241
expensive 1 w 11250
Hesiod 6 w 11257
might 2 w 11262
as 75 w 11264
well 1 w 11268
have 8 w 11272
kept 2 w 11276
his 57 w 11279
breath 1 w 11285
to 95 w 11287
cool 1 w 11291
his 58 w 11294
pottage 1 w 11301
and 141 w 11305
never 1 w 11310
blessed 1 w 11317
the 161 w 11320
world 2 w 11325
with 23 w 11329
the 162 w 11332
discovery 1 w 11341
And 5 w 11345
yet 5 w 11348
I 28 w 11349
admire 2 w 11355
how 9 w 11358
your 10 w 11362
host 2 w 11366
when 10 w 11371
he 270 w 11373
went 1 w 11377
to 96 w 11379
perform 1 w 11386
the 163 w 11389
great 5 w 11394
purification 1 w 11406
for 35 w 11409
the 164 w 11412
Delians 1 w 11419
not 32 w 11422
long 3 w 11426
since 3 w 11431
could 2 w 11437
overlook 1 w 11445
the 165 w 11448
monuments 1 w 11457
and 142 w 11460
patterns 1 w 11468
of 72 w 11470
the 166 w 11473
first 2 w 11478
aliment 1 w 11485
which 12 w 11490
the 167 w 11493
people 1 w 11499
brought 1 w 11506
into 3 w 11510
the 168 w 11513
temple 1 w 11519
and 143 w 11524
among 4 w 11530
other 14 w 11535
cheap 1 w 11540
fruits 1 w 11546
such 4 w 11550
as 76 w 11552
grow 1 w 11556
of 73 w 11558
themselves 2 w 11568
the 171 w 11572
mallows 3 w 11579
and 144 w 11582
the 172 w 11585
asphodel 3 w 11593
the 173 w 11597
usefulness 1 w 11607
and 145 w 11610
innocency 1 w 11619
whereof 1 w 11626
Hesiod 7 w 11632
seemed 1 w 11638
in 198 w 11640
his 59 w 11643
work 10 w 11647
to 98 w 11649
magnify 1 w 11656
Not 1 w 11660
only 6 w 11664
that 28 w 11668
quoth 7 w 11674
Anacharsis 7 w 11684
but 18 w 11688
he 284 w 11690
affirms 1 w 11697
both 1 w 11701
plants 1 w 11707
to 99 w 11709
be 44 w 11711
great 6 w 11716
restoratives 1 w 11728
You 3 w 11732
are 25 w 11735
in 199 w 11737
the 174 w 11740
right 1 w 11745
quoth 8 w 11751
Cleodemus 3 w 11760
for 36 w 11764
it 91 w 11766
is 134 w 11768
evident 1 w 11775
Hesiod 8 w 11781
was 10 w 11784
no 54 w 11786
ordinary 2 w 11794
physician 1 w 11803
who 17 w 11807
could 3 w 11812
discourse 10 w 11821
so 30 w 11823
learnedly 1 w 11832
and 146 w 11835
judiciously 1 w 11846
of 75 w 11848
diet 4 w 11852
of 76 w 11855
the 175 w 11858
nature 1 w 11864
of 77 w 11866
wines 1 w 11871
and 147 w 11875
of 78 w 11877
the 176 w 11880
virtue 1 w 11886
of 79 w 11888
waters 1 w 11894
and 148 w 11897
baths 1 w 11902
and 149 w 11906
of 80 w 11908
women 1 w 11913
the 177 w 11917
proper 2 w 11923
times 4 w 11928
for 37 w 11931
procreation 1 w 11942
and 150 w 11946
the 178 w 11949
site 2 w 11953
and 151 w 11956
position 3 w 11964
of 81 w 11966
infants 1 w 11973
in 203 w 11975
the 179 w 11978
womb 1 w 11982
insomuch 1 w 11991
that 29 w 11996
as 79 w 11999
I 29 w 12000
take 4 w 12004
it 94 w 12006
Esop 8 w 12011
deserves 1 w 12019
much 5 w 12023
more 11 w 12027
the 180 w 12030
name 1 w 12034
of 82 w 12036
Hesiod 9 w 12042
s 824 w 12044
scholar 1 w 12051
and 152 w 12054
disciple 1 w 12062
than 10 w 12066
Epimenides 5 w 12076
whose 2 w 12082
great 7 w 12087
and 153 w 12090
excellent 1 w 12099
wisdom 1 w 12105
the 181 w 12108
fable 3 w 12113
of 83 w 12115
the 182 w 12118
nightingale 1 w 12129
and 154 w 12132
hawk 1 w 12136
demonstrates 1 w 12148
But 3 w 12152
I 30 w 12153
would 8 w 12158
gladly 1 w 12164
hear 5 w 12168
Solon 13 w 12173
s 832 w 12175
opinion 6 w 12182
in 207 w 12184
this 20 w 12188
matter 3 w 12194
for 38 w 12198
having 5 w 12204
sojourned 1 w 12213
long 4 w 12217
at 114 w 12219
Athens 1 w 12225
and 155 w 12228
being 3 w 12233
familiarly 1 w 12243
acquainted 1 w 12253
with 24 w 12257
Epimenides 6 w 12267
it 96 w 12270
is 139 w 12272
more 12 w 12276
than 11 w 12280
probable 1 w 12288
he 296 w 12290
might 3 w 12295
learn 2 w 12300
of 84 w 12302
him 16 w 12305
the 184 w 12308
grounds 1 w 12315
upon 9 w 12319
which 13 w 12324
he 298 w 12326
accustomed 1 w 12336
himself 7 w 12343
to 102 w 12345
so 34 w 12347
spare 3 w 12352
a 889 w 12353
diet 5 w 12357
To 1 w 12360
what 12 w 12364
purpose 2 w 12371
said 15 w 12376
Solon 14 w 12381
should 6 w 12388
I 31 w 12389
trouble 2 w 12396
him 18 w 12399
or 123 w 12401
myself 2 w 12407
to 103 w 12409
make 4 w 12413
enquiry 1 w 12420
in 211 w 12422
a 893 w 12423
matter 4 w 12429
so 35 w 12431
plain 1 w 12436
For 4 w 12440
if 22 w 12442
it 97 w 12444
be 46 w 12446
a 896 w 12447
blessing 3 w 12455
next 3 w 12459
to 104 w 12461
the 185 w 12464
greatest 1 w 12472
to 105 w 12474
need 3 w 12478
little 8 w 12484
victuals 2 w 12492
then 6 w 12497
it 99 w 12499
is 140 w 12501
the 187 w 12504
greatest 2 w 12512
felicity 2 w 12520
to 106 w 12522
need 4 w 12526
none 3 w 12530
at 119 w 12532
all 33 w 12535
If 3 w 12538
I 33 w 12539
may 4 w 12542
have 9 w 12546
leave 1 w 12551
to 107 w 12553
deliver 1 w 12560
my 16 w 12562
opinion 7 w 12569
quoth 9 w 12575
Cleodemus 4 w 12584
I 34 w 12586
must 1 w 12590
profess 3 w 12597
myself 3 w 12603
of 86 w 12605
a 905 w 12606
different 2 w 12615
judgment 1 w 12623
especially 1 w 12634
now 7 w 12637
we 21 w 12639
sit 7 w 12642
at 120 w 12644
table 2 w 12649
for 39 w 12653
as 80 w 12655
soon 1 w 12659
as 81 w 12661
the 188 w 12664
meat 2 w 12668
is 141 w 12670
taken 1 w 12675
away 1 w 12679
we 22 w 12682
have 10 w 12686
removed 1 w 12693
what 13 w 12697
belongs 1 w 12704
to 108 w 12706
those 7 w 12711
Gods 3 w 12715
that 30 w 12719
are 27 w 12722
the 189 w 12725
patrons 1 w 12732
of 87 w 12734
friendship 4 w 12744
and 156 w 12747
hospitality 1 w 12758
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upon 10 w 12765
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of 88 w 12777
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earth 1 w 12785
quoth 10 w 12791
Thales 4 w 12797
there 5 w 12803
must 2 w 12807
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universal 1 w 12829
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of 89 w 12840
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in 216 w 12854
forbidding 1 w 12864
men 28 w 12867
meat 3 w 12871
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must 3 w 12881
needs 2 w 12886
follow 2 w 12892
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dispersion 1 w 12905
and 157 w 12908
dissolution 1 w 12919
of 90 w 12921
the 195 w 12924
family 1 w 12930
the 196 w 12934
sacred 1 w 12940
fire 2 w 12944
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cups 1 w 12952
the 198 w 12956
feasts 1 w 12962
and 158 w 12965
entertainments 1 w 12979
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are 28 w 12988
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principal 2 w 13000
and 159 w 13003
most 11 w 13007
innocent 1 w 13015
diversions 1 w 13025
of 91 w 13027
mankind 1 w 13034
and 160 w 13038
so 39 w 13040
all 36 w 13043
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comforts 2 w 13054
of 92 w 13056
society 1 w 13063
are 29 w 13066
at 126 w 13068
end 24 w 13071
For 5 w 13075
to 109 w 13077
men 30 w 13080
of 93 w 13082
business 3 w 13090
some 5 w 13094
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is 144 w 13106
necessary 1 w 13115
and 161 w 13119
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and 162 w 13136
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of 94 w 13141
victuals 3 w 13149
conduces 1 w 13157
much 6 w 13161
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Again 1 w 13176
to 111 w 13179
be 48 w 13181
without 4 w 13188
victuals 4 w 13196
would 9 w 13201
tend 5 w 13205
to 112 w 13207
the 203 w 13210
destruction 1 w 13221
of 95 w 13223
husbandry 1 w 13232
for 42 w 13236
want 3 w 13240
whereof 2 w 13247
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earth 2 w 13255
would 10 w 13260
soon 2 w 13264
be 49 w 13266
overgrown 1 w 13275
with 26 w 13279
weeds 1 w 13284
and 164 w 13288
through 2 w 13295
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sloth 1 w 13303
of 97 w 13305
men 31 w 13308
overflowed 1 w 13318
with 27 w 13322
waters 2 w 13328
And 6 w 13332
together 2 w 13340
with 28 w 13344
this 21 w 13348
all 37 w 13352
arts 2 w 13356
would 11 w 13361
fail 1 w 13365
which 15 w 13370
are 30 w 13373
supported 1 w 13382
and 165 w 13385
encouraged 1 w 13395
hereby 4 w 13401
nay 1 w 13405
more 13 w 13410
take 6 w 13415
away 2 w 13419
hospitality 2 w 13430
and 166 w 13433
the 207 w 13436
use 23 w 13439
of 98 w 13441
victuals 5 w 13449
and 167 w 13453
the 208 w 13456
worship 1 w 13463
and 168 w 13466
honor 1 w 13471
of 99 w 13473
the 209 w 13476
Gods 4 w 13480
will 4 w 13484
sink 1 w 13488
and 169 w 13491
perish 2 w 13497
the 210 w 13501
sun 3 w 13504
will 5 w 13508
have 11 w 13512
but 19 w 13515
small 2 w 13520
and 170 w 13523
the 211 w 13526
moon 2 w 13530
yet 6 w 13533
smaller 1 w 13540
reverence 1 w 13549
if 24 w 13552
they 12 w 13556
afford 1 w 13562
men 32 w 13565
only 7 w 13569
light 2 w 13574
and 171 w 13577
heat 1 w 13581
And 7 w 13585
who 19 w 13588
will 6 w 13592
build 4 w 13597
an 256 w 13599
altar 1 w 13604
or 135 w 13606
offer 1 w 13611
sacrifice 1 w 13620
to 114 w 13622
Jupiter 2 w 13629
Pluvius 1 w 13636
or 136 w 13639
to 115 w 13641
Ceres 1 w 13646
the 213 w 13649
patroness 1 w 13658
of 101 w 13660
husbandmen 1 w 13670
or 137 w 13673
to 116 w 13675
Neptune 1 w 13682
the 214 w 13685
preserver 1 w 13694
of 102 w 13696
plants 2 w 13702
and 173 w 13705
trees 1 w 13710
Or 1 w 13713
how 10 w 13716
can 8 w 13719
Bacchus 2 w 13726
be 50 w 13728
any 11 w 13731
longer 1 w 13737
termed 1 w 13743
the 215 w 13746
donor 1 w 13751
of 103 w 13753
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good 5 w 13760
things 3 w 13766
if 26 w 13769
men 34 w 13772
make 5 w 13776
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further 1 w 13785
use 24 w 13788
of 104 w 13790
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good 6 w 13797
things 4 w 13803
he 335 w 13805
gives 2 w 13810
What 2 w 13815
shall 1 w 13820
men 35 w 13823
sacrifice 2 w 13832
What 3 w 13837
first-fruits 1 w 13849
shall 2 w 13854
they 13 w 13858
offer 2 w 13863
In 2 w 13866
short 2 w 13871
the 219 w 13875
subversion 1 w 13885
and 174 w 13888
confusion 2 w 13897
of 106 w 13899
the 220 w 13902
greatest 3 w 13910
blessings 3 w 13919
attend 2 w 13925
this 22 w 13929
opinion 8 w 13936
Promiscuously 1 w 13950
and 175 w 13953
indefatigably 1 w 13966
to 117 w 13968
pursue 1 w 13974
all 43 w 13977
sorts 1 w 13982
of 107 w 13984
pleasures 2 w 13993
I 36 w 13994
own 10 w 13997
to 118 w 13999
be 51 w 14001
brutish 1 w 14008
and 176 w 14012
to 119 w 14014
avoid 1 w 14019
all 44 w 14022
with 29 w 14026
a 1009 w 14027
suitable 1 w 14035
aversion 1 w 14043
equally 2 w 14050
blockish 1 w 14058
let 3 w 14062
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mind 7 w 14069
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freely 4 w 14079
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such 5 w 14088
pleasures 3 w 14097
as 85 w 14099
are 31 w 14102
agree 2 w 14107
able 11 w 14111
to 120 w 14113
its 3 w 14116
nature 2 w 14122
and 177 w 14125
temper 2 w 14131
But 4 w 14135
for 44 w 14138
the 223 w 14141
body 2 w 14145
there 8 w 14151
is 151 w 14153
certainly 1 w 14162
no 61 w 14164
pleasure 5 w 14172
more 14 w 14176
harmless 1 w 14184
and 178 w 14187
commendable 1 w 14198
and 179 w 14201
fitting 2 w 14208
than 12 w 14212
that 31 w 14216
which 16 w 14221
springs 1 w 14228
from 8 w 14232
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plentiful 1 w 14242
table 4 w 14247
which 17 w 14254
is 152 w 14256
granted 1 w 14263
by 11 w 14265
all 46 w 14268
men 37 w 14271
for 45 w 14275
placing 1 w 14283
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in 235 w 14289
the 225 w 14292
mid 1 w 14295
die 8 w 14298
men 38 w 14302
converse 1 w 14310
with 30 w 14314
one 21 w 14317
another 4 w 14324
and 180 w 14327
share 3 w 14332
in 236 w 14334
the 227 w 14337
provision 1 w 14346
As 2 w 14349
to 121 w 14351
the 228 w 14354
pleasures 4 w 14363
of 108 w 14365
the 229 w 14368
bed 3 w 14371
men 39 w 14375
use 25 w 14378
these 6 w 14383
in 237 w 14385
the 231 w 14388
dark 1 w 14392
reputing 1 w 14401
the 232 w 14404
use 26 w 14407
thereof 2 w 14414
no 63 w 14416
less 8 w 14420
shameful 1 w 14428
and 181 w 14431
beastly 1 w 14438
than 13 w 14442
the 234 w 14445
total 1 w 14450
disuse 1 w 14456
of 110 w 14458
the 235 w 14461
pleasures 5 w 14470
of 111 w 14472
the 236 w 14475
table 5 w 14480
Cleodemus 5 w 14490
having 6 w 14496
finished 1 w 14504
this 24 w 14508
long 7 w 14512
harangue 1 w 14520
I 37 w 14522
began 2 w 14527
to 123 w 14529
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effect 2 w 14539
You 4 w 14543
omit 1 w 14547
one 22 w 14550
thing 6 w 14555
my 18 w 14558
friend 12 w 14564
how 11 w 14568
they 14 w 14572
that 32 w 14576
decry 1 w 14581
food 3 w 14585
decry 2 w 14590
sleep 1 w 14595
too 5 w 14598
and 182 w 14602
they 15 w 14606
that 33 w 14610
declaim 1 w 14617
against 1 w 14624
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declaim 2 w 14636
against 2 w 14643
dreams 1 w 14649
in 244 w 14651
the 239 w 14654
same 2 w 14658
breath 2 w 14664
and 183 w 14668
so 44 w 14670
destroy 1 w 14677
the 240 w 14680
primitive 1 w 14689
and 184 w 14692
ancient 1 w 14699
way 5 w 14702
of 112 w 14704
divination 1 w 14714
Add 1 w 14718
to 125 w 14720
this 26 w 14724
that 34 w 14729
our 35 w 14732
whole 3 w 14737
life 3 w 14741
will 7 w 14745
be 55 w 14747
of 113 w 14749
one 23 w 14752
form 3 w 14756
and 185 w 14759
fashion 1 w 14766
and 186 w 14770
our 36 w 14773
soul 2 w 14777
enclosed 1 w 14785
in 246 w 14787
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body 3 w 14792
to 126 w 14794
no 64 w 14796
purpose 3 w 14803
many 4 w 14808
and 187 w 14811
those 8 w 14816
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principal 3 w 14828
parts 2 w 14833
thereof 3 w 14840
are 33 w 14843
naturally 1 w 14852
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formed 1 w 14860
and 188 w 14863
fashioned 1 w 14872
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to 127 w 14876
be 56 w 14878
organs 1 w 14884
of 115 w 14886
nutriment 2 w 14895
so 47 w 14898
the 243 w 14901
tongue 1 w 14907
the 244 w 14911
teeth 1 w 14916
the 245 w 14920
stomach 1 w 14927
and 189 w 14931
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liver 2 w 14939
whereof 3 w 14947
none 4 w 14951
are 34 w 14954
idle 1 w 14958
none 5 w 14963
flamed 1 w 14969
for 48 w 14972
other 16 w 14977
use 28 w 14980
so 48 w 14983
that 35 w 14987
whosoever 1 w 14996
hath 7 w 15000
no 67 w 15002
need 7 w 15006
of 117 w 15008
nutriment 3 w 15017
has 3 w 15020
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need 8 w 15026
of 118 w 15028
his 67 w 15031
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is 161 w 15042
in 248 w 15045
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words 1 w 15055
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man 22 w 15061
hath 8 w 15065
any 13 w 15068
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of 119 w 15074
himself 8 w 15081
for 49 w 15085
every 5 w 15090
man 23 w 15093
hath 9 w 15097
a 1095 w 15098
body 5 w 15102
of 120 w 15104
his 68 w 15107
own 11 w 15110
This 4 w 15115
I 38 w 15116
have 12 w 15120
thought 4 w 15127
fit 6 w 15130
to 130 w 15132
offer 3 w 15137
in 249 w 15139
vindication 1 w 15150
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our 37 w 15155
bellies 2 w 15162
if 30 w 15165
Solon 15 w 15170
or 150 w 15172
any 14 w 15175
other 18 w 15180
has 4 w 15183
any 15 w 15186
thing 7 w 15191
to 131 w 15193
object 1 w 15199
to 132 w 15201
what 14 w 15205
I 39 w 15206
have 13 w 15210
said 16 w 15214
I 40 w 15216
am 25 w 15218
willing 3 w 15225
to 133 w 15227
hear 6 w 15231
him 20 w 15234