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CTS Library / How To Profit By One's Enemies

How To Profit By One's Enemies (2-3)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '2', 'human_reference': 'Section 2'}, 'end': {'reference': '3', 'human_reference': 'Section 3'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Primitive men were quite content if they could escape being injured by strange and fierce animals, and this was the aim and end of their struggles against the wild beasts; but their successors, by learning, as they did, how to make use of them, now profit by them through using their flesh for food, their hair for clothing, their gall and colostrum as medicine, and their skins as armour, so that there is good reason to fear that, if the supply of wild beasts should fail man, his life would become bestial, helpless, and uncivilized.[*] Since, then, it is enough for most people if they can avoid suffering ill-treatment at the hands of their enemies, and since Xenophon [*] asserts that men of sense will even derive profit from those who are at variance with them, we must not refuse him credence, but rather try to discover the system and the art through which this admirable advantage is to be gained by those who find it impossible to live without an enemy.

The farmer cannot domesticate every tree, nor can the huntsman tame every beast; and so they have sought to derive profit from these in ways to meet their other needs: the farmer from the trees that bear no fruit and the huntsman from the Wild animals. The water of the sea is unfit to drink and tastes vile; yet fish thrive in it, and it is a medium for the dispatch and conveyance of travellers everywhere. The Satyr, at his first sight of fire, wished to kiss and embrace it, but Prometheus said,

You, goat, will mourn your vanished beard,[*]
for fire burns him who touches it, yet it furnishes light and heat, and is an instrument of every craft for those who have learned to use it. So look at your enemy, and see whether, in spite of his being in most respects harmful and difficult to manage, he does not in some way or other afford you means of getting hold of him and of using him as you can use no one else, and so can be of profit to you. Many of the circumstances of life are unkindly and hateful and repellent to those who have to meet them; yet you observe that some have employed their attacks of bodily illness for quiet resting, and trials which have fallen to the lot of many have but strengthened and trained them. Some, too, have made banishment and loss of property a means of leisure and philosophic study, as did Diogenes[*] and Crates.[*] And Zeno,[*] on learning that the ship which bore his venture had been wrecked, exclaimed, A real kindness, O Fortune, that thou, too, dost join in driving us to the philosophers cloak ! For just as those animals which have the strongest and soundest stomachs can eat and digest snakes and scorpions, and there are some even that derive nourishment from stones and shells (for they transmute such things by reason of the vigour and heat of their spirit), while fastidious and sickly persons are nauseated if they partake of bread and wine, so fools spoil even their friendships, while wise men are able to make a fitting use even of their enmities.

In the first place, then, it seems to me that the most harmful element in enmity may be made most profitable to those who give heed. What is this ? Your enemy, wide awake, is constantly lying in wait to take advantage of your actions, and seeking to gain some hold on you, keeping up a constant patrol about your life; and not only does his sight, like the sight of Lynceus, [*] penetrate the oak-tree and stones and tiles, but your enemy, through every friend and servant and acquaintance as well, so far as possible, plays the detective on your actions and digs his way into your plans and searches them through and through. Oftentimes we do not learn, until too late, of the illness or the death of our friends, so careless are we and neglectful; but our curiosity about our enemies all but prompts us to pry into their dreams; sickness, debts, and conjugal disagreements are more likely to be unknown to the very persons affected than to their enemy. Especially does he try to get hold of their failings and ferret them out. And just as vultures are drawn to the smell of decomposed bodies, but have no power to discover those that are clean and healthy, so the infirmities, meannesses, and untoward experiences of life rouse the energies of the enemy, and it is such things as these that the malevolent pounce upon and seize and tear to pieces. Is this then profitable ? Assuredly it is, to have to live circumspectly, to give heed to ones self, and not to do or say anything carelessly or inconsiderately, but always to keep ones life unassailable as though under an exact regimen. For the circumspection which thus represses the emotions and keeps the reasoning power within bounds gives practice and purpose in living a life that

is fair and free from reproach. For just as states which are chastened by border warfare and continual campaigning become well content with good order and a sound government, so persons who have been compelled on account of enmities to practise soberness of living, to guard against indolence and contemptuousness, and to let some good purpose prompt each act, are insensibly led by force of habit to make no mistakes, and are made orderly in their behaviour, even if reason co-operate but slightly. For when men keep always ready in mind the thought that
Priam and Priams sons would in truth have cause for rejoicing,[*]
it causes them to face about and turn aside and abandon such things as give their enemies occasion for rejoicing and derision. Furthermore, we observe that the Dionysiac artists[*] often play their parts in the theatres in a listless, dispirited, and inaccurate way when they are by themselves; but when there is rivalry and competition with another company, then they apply not only themselves but their instruments more attentively, picking their strings and tuning them and playing their flutes in more exact harmony. So the man who knows that his enemy is his competitor in life and repute is more heedful of himself, and more circumspect about his actions, and brings his life into a more thorough harmony. For it is a peculiar mark of vice, that we feel more ashamed of our faults before our enemies than before our friends. This is the ground of Nasicas remark, when some expressed their belief that the power of the Romans was now secure, inasmuch as the Carthaginians had been annihilated and
the Achaeans reduced to subjection. Nay, he said, now is our position really dangerous, since we have left for ourselves none to make us either afraid or ashamed.

Primitive 1 w 9
men 1 w 12
were 1 w 16
quite 1 w 21
content 1 w 28
if 1 w 30
they 1 w 34
could 1 w 39
escape 1 w 45
being 1 w 50
injured 1 w 57
by 1 w 59
strange 1 w 66
and 1 w 69
fierce 1 w 75
animals 1 w 82
and 2 w 86
this 1 w 90
was 1 w 93
the 2 w 96
aim 1 w 99
and 3 w 102
end 1 w 105
of 1 w 107
their 1 w 112
struggles 1 w 121
against 1 w 128
the 4 w 131
wild 1 w 135
beasts 1 w 141
but 1 w 145
their 2 w 150
successors 1 w 160
by 2 w 163
learning 1 w 171
as 3 w 174
they 2 w 178
did 1 w 181
how 1 w 185
to 1 w 187
make 1 w 191
use 1 w 194
of 2 w 196
them 1 w 200
now 1 w 204
profit 1 w 210
by 3 w 212
them 2 w 216
through 1 w 223
using 1 w 228
their 3 w 233
flesh 1 w 238
for 1 w 241
food 1 w 245
their 4 w 251
hair 1 w 255
for 2 w 258
clothing 1 w 266
their 5 w 272
gall 1 w 276
and 4 w 279
colostrum 1 w 288
as 4 w 290
medicine 1 w 298
and 5 w 302
their 6 w 307
skins 1 w 312
as 5 w 314
armour 1 w 320
so 2 w 323
that 1 w 327
there 1 w 332
is 2 w 334
good 1 w 338
reason 1 w 344
to 2 w 346
fear 1 w 350
that 2 w 354
if 2 w 357
the 14 w 360
supply 1 w 366
of 4 w 368
wild 2 w 372
beasts 2 w 378
should 1 w 384
fail 1 w 388
man 1 w 391
his 2 w 395
life 1 w 399
would 1 w 404
become 1 w 410
bestial 1 w 417
helpless 1 w 426
and 6 w 430
uncivilized 1 w 441
Cf 1 w 444
Moralia 1 w 452
964 1 w 455
A 1 w 456
Since 1 w 462
then 1 w 467
it 4 w 470
is 4 w 472
enough 1 w 478
for 3 w 481
most 1 w 485
people 1 w 491
if 4 w 493
they 3 w 497
can 1 w 500
avoid 1 w 505
suffering 1 w 514
ill-treatment 1 w 527
at 4 w 529
the 17 w 532
hands 1 w 537
of 5 w 539
their 7 w 544
enemies 1 w 551
and 8 w 555
since 1 w 560
Xenophon 1 w 568
Oeconomicus 1 w 579
1 1 w 580
15 1 w 583
cf 1 w 586
also 1 w 591
Cyropaedia 1 w 601
i 52 w 603
6 2 w 605
11 1 w 608
asserts 1 w 616
that 3 w 620
men 3 w 623
of 6 w 625
sense 1 w 630
will 1 w 634
even 1 w 638
derive 1 w 644
profit 2 w 650
from 1 w 654
those 1 w 659
who 1 w 662
are 1 w 665
at 6 w 667
variance 1 w 675
with 1 w 679
them 3 w 683
we 2 w 686
must 1 w 690
not 1 w 693
refuse 1 w 699
him 1 w 702
credence 1 w 710
but 2 w 714
rather 1 w 720
try 1 w 723
to 3 w 725
discover 1 w 733
the 21 w 736
system 1 w 742
and 9 w 745
the 22 w 748
art 1 w 751
through 2 w 758
which 1 w 763
this 2 w 767
admirable 1 w 776
advantage 1 w 785
is 7 w 787
to 4 w 789
be 6 w 791
gained 1 w 797
by 4 w 799
those 2 w 804
who 2 w 807
find 1 w 811
it 7 w 813
impossible 1 w 823
to 5 w 825
live 1 w 829
without 1 w 836
an 16 w 838
enemy 1 w 843
The 1 w 847
farmer 1 w 853
cannot 1 w 859
domesticate 1 w 870
every 1 w 875
tree 1 w 879
nor 1 w 883
can 3 w 886
the 23 w 889
huntsman 1 w 897
tame 1 w 901
every 2 w 906
beast 3 w 911
and 10 w 915
so 5 w 917
they 4 w 921
have 1 w 925
sought 1 w 931
to 6 w 933
derive 2 w 939
profit 3 w 945
from 2 w 949
these 1 w 954
in 14 w 956
ways 1 w 960
to 7 w 962
meet 1 w 966
their 8 w 971
other 1 w 976
needs 1 w 981
the 28 w 985
farmer 2 w 991
from 3 w 995
the 29 w 998
trees 1 w 1003
that 4 w 1007
bear 1 w 1011
no 8 w 1013
fruit 1 w 1018
and 11 w 1021
the 30 w 1024
huntsman 2 w 1032
from 4 w 1036
the 31 w 1039
Wild 1 w 1043
animals 2 w 1050
The 2 w 1054
water 1 w 1059
of 9 w 1061
the 32 w 1064
sea 1 w 1067
is 8 w 1069
unfit 1 w 1074
to 8 w 1076
drink 1 w 1081
and 12 w 1084
tastes 1 w 1090
vile 1 w 1094
yet 1 w 1098
fish 1 w 1102
thrive 1 w 1108
in 16 w 1110
it 12 w 1112
and 13 w 1116
it 13 w 1118
is 10 w 1120
a 81 w 1121
medium 1 w 1127
for 4 w 1130
the 33 w 1133
dispatch 1 w 1141
and 14 w 1144
conveyance 1 w 1154
of 10 w 1156
travellers 1 w 1166
everywhere 1 w 1176
The 3 w 1180
Satyr 1 w 1185
at 13 w 1188
his 4 w 1191
first 1 w 1196
sight 1 w 1201
of 11 w 1203
fire 1 w 1207
wished 1 w 1214
to 9 w 1216
kiss 1 w 1220
and 15 w 1223
embrace 1 w 1230
it 14 w 1232
but 3 w 1236
Prometheus 1 w 1246
said 1 w 1250
You 1 w 1254
goat 1 w 1259
will 2 w 1264
mourn 1 w 1269
your 1 w 1273
vanished 1 w 1281
beard 1 w 1286
From 1 w 1291
Prometheus 2 w 1301
the 36 w 1304
Fire-bearer 1 w 1315
of 12 w 1317
Aeschylus 1 w 1326
Cf 2 w 1329
Nauck 1 w 1335
Trag 1 w 1340
Graec 1 w 1346
Frag 1 w 1351
Aeschylus 2 w 1362
No 1 w 1365
207 1 w 1369
for 5 w 1373
fire 2 w 1377
burns 1 w 1382
him 2 w 1385
who 3 w 1388
touches 1 w 1395
it 15 w 1397
yet 2 w 1401
it 16 w 1403
furnishes 1 w 1412
light 1 w 1417
and 16 w 1420
heat 1 w 1424
and 17 w 1428
is 17 w 1430
an 32 w 1432
instrument 1 w 1442
of 13 w 1444
every 4 w 1449
craft 1 w 1454
for 6 w 1457
those 3 w 1462
who 4 w 1465
have 2 w 1469
learned 1 w 1476
to 11 w 1478
use 3 w 1481
it 17 w 1483
So 1 w 1486
look 1 w 1490
at 16 w 1492
your 2 w 1496
enemy 2 w 1501
and 18 w 1505
see 1 w 1508
whether 1 w 1515
in 18 w 1518
spite 1 w 1523
of 14 w 1525
his 5 w 1528
being 2 w 1533
in 20 w 1535
most 2 w 1539
respects 1 w 1547
harmful 1 w 1554
and 19 w 1557
difficult 1 w 1566
to 12 w 1568
manage 1 w 1574
he 49 w 1577
does 1 w 1581
not 3 w 1584
in 21 w 1586
some 1 w 1590
way 2 w 1593
or 10 w 1595
other 2 w 1600
afford 1 w 1606
you 3 w 1609
means 1 w 1614
of 15 w 1616
getting 1 w 1623
hold 1 w 1627
of 16 w 1629
him 3 w 1632
and 20 w 1635
of 17 w 1637
using 2 w 1642
him 4 w 1645
as 11 w 1647
you 4 w 1650
can 4 w 1653
use 4 w 1656
no 10 w 1658
one 1 w 1661
else 1 w 1665
and 21 w 1669
so 8 w 1671
can 5 w 1674
be 12 w 1676
of 18 w 1678
profit 4 w 1684
to 13 w 1686
you 5 w 1689
Many 1 w 1694
of 20 w 1696
the 39 w 1699
circumstances 1 w 1712
of 21 w 1714
life 2 w 1718
are 3 w 1721
unkindly 1 w 1729
and 22 w 1732
hateful 1 w 1739
and 23 w 1742
repellent 1 w 1751
to 14 w 1753
those 4 w 1758
who 5 w 1761
have 3 w 1765
to 15 w 1767
meet 2 w 1771
them 4 w 1775
yet 3 w 1779
you 6 w 1782
observe 1 w 1789
that 5 w 1793
some 2 w 1797
have 4 w 1801
employed 1 w 1809
their 9 w 1814
attacks 1 w 1821
of 22 w 1823
bodily 1 w 1829
illness 1 w 1836
for 8 w 1839
quiet 1 w 1844
resting 1 w 1851
and 24 w 1855
trials 1 w 1861
which 2 w 1866
have 5 w 1870
fallen 1 w 1876
to 16 w 1878
the 42 w 1881
lot 2 w 1884
of 23 w 1886
many 1 w 1890
have 6 w 1894
but 4 w 1897
strengthened 1 w 1909
and 25 w 1912
trained 1 w 1919
them 5 w 1923
Some 1 w 1928
too 1 w 1932
have 7 w 1937
made 1 w 1941
banishment 1 w 1951
and 26 w 1954
loss 1 w 1958
of 24 w 1960
property 1 w 1968
a 143 w 1969
means 2 w 1974
of 25 w 1976
leisure 1 w 1983
and 27 w 1986
philosophic 1 w 1997
study 1 w 2002
as 12 w 2005
did 2 w 2008
Diogenes 1 w 2016
Cf 3 w 2018
Diogenes 2 w 2027
Laertius 1 w 2035
vi 3 w 2038
20 2 w 2041
ff 4 w 2043
and 28 w 2047
Crates 1 w 2053
Ibid 1 w 2058
vi 4 w 2061
85 1 w 2064
And 1 w 2068
Zeno 1 w 2072
The 4 w 2076
remark 1 w 2082
of 26 w 2084
Zeno 2 w 2088
is 21 w 2090
again 2 w 2095
referred 1 w 2103
to 18 w 2105
by 5 w 2107
Plutarch 1 w 2115
in 28 w 2117
Moralia 2 w 2124
467 1 w 2128
D 3 w 2129
and 29 w 2132
603 1 w 2135
D 4 w 2136
cf 2 w 2139
also 2 w 2144
Diogenes 3 w 2152
Laertius 2 w 2160
vii 1 w 2164
5 3 w 2166
and 30 w 2170
Seneca 1 w 2176
De 1 w 2179
animi 1 w 2184
tranquillitate 1 w 2198
chap 1 w 2203
xiii 1 w 2208
on 7 w 2211
learning 2 w 2219
that 6 w 2223
the 45 w 2226
ship 1 w 2230
which 3 w 2235
bore 1 w 2239
his 6 w 2242
venture 1 w 2249
had 1 w 2252
been 1 w 2256
wrecked 1 w 2263
exclaimed 1 w 2273
A 5 w 2275
real 1 w 2279
kindness 1 w 2287
O 2 w 2289
Fortune 1 w 2296
that 7 w 2301
thou 2 w 2305
too 2 w 2309
dost 1 w 2314
join 1 w 2318
in 32 w 2320
driving 1 w 2327
us 15 w 2329
to 20 w 2331
the 46 w 2334
philosopher 1 w 2345
s 148 w 2347
cloak 1 w 2352
For 2 w 2356
just 1 w 2360
as 13 w 2362
those 5 w 2367
animals 3 w 2374
which 4 w 2379
have 8 w 2383
the 47 w 2386
strongest 1 w 2395
and 31 w 2398
soundest 1 w 2406
stomachs 1 w 2414
can 6 w 2417
eat 3 w 2420
and 32 w 2423
digest 1 w 2429
snakes 1 w 2435
and 33 w 2438
scorpions 1 w 2447
and 34 w 2451
there 2 w 2456
are 4 w 2459
some 3 w 2463
even 2 w 2467
that 8 w 2471
derive 3 w 2477
nourishment 1 w 2488
from 5 w 2492
stones 1 w 2498
and 35 w 2501
shells 1 w 2507
for 9 w 2511
they 5 w 2515
transmute 1 w 2524
such 1 w 2528
things 1 w 2534
by 6 w 2536
reason 2 w 2542
of 27 w 2544
the 50 w 2547
vigour 1 w 2553
and 36 w 2556
heat 2 w 2560
of 28 w 2562
their 10 w 2567
spirit 1 w 2573
while 1 w 2580
fastidious 1 w 2590
and 37 w 2593
sickly 1 w 2599
persons 1 w 2606
are 5 w 2609
nauseated 1 w 2618
if 7 w 2620
they 6 w 2624
partake 1 w 2631
of 29 w 2633
bread 1 w 2638
and 38 w 2641
wine 1 w 2645
so 17 w 2648
fools 1 w 2653
spoil 1 w 2658
even 3 w 2662
their 11 w 2667
friendships 1 w 2678
while 2 w 2684
wise 1 w 2688
men 7 w 2691
are 6 w 2694
able 2 w 2698
to 23 w 2700
make 2 w 2704
a 203 w 2705
fitting 1 w 2712
use 6 w 2715
even 4 w 2719
of 30 w 2721
their 12 w 2726
enmities 1 w 2734
In 1 w 2737
the 55 w 2740
first 2 w 2745
place 1 w 2750
then 3 w 2755
it 24 w 2758
seems 1 w 2763
to 24 w 2765
me 26 w 2767
that 9 w 2771
the 57 w 2774
most 3 w 2778
harmful 2 w 2785
element 1 w 2792
in 37 w 2794
enmity 1 w 2800
may 1 w 2803
be 14 w 2805
made 2 w 2809
most 4 w 2813
profitable 1 w 2823
to 25 w 2825
those 6 w 2830
who 6 w 2833
give 1 w 2837
heed 1 w 2841
What 1 w 2846
is 25 w 2848
this 3 w 2852
Your 1 w 2857
enemy 3 w 2862
wide 1 w 2867
awake 1 w 2872
is 27 w 2875
constantly 1 w 2885
lying 1 w 2890
in 39 w 2892
wait 1 w 2896
to 26 w 2898
take 2 w 2902
advantage 2 w 2911
of 32 w 2913
your 3 w 2917
actions 1 w 2924
and 39 w 2928
seeking 1 w 2935
to 27 w 2937
gain 4 w 2941
some 4 w 2945
hold 2 w 2949
on 15 w 2951
you 8 w 2954
keeping 1 w 2962
up 2 w 2964
a 222 w 2965
constant 2 w 2973
patrol 1 w 2979
about 1 w 2984
your 4 w 2988
life 3 w 2992
and 40 w 2996
not 4 w 2999
only 1 w 3003
does 2 w 3007
his 8 w 3010
sight 2 w 3015
like 1 w 3020
the 58 w 3023
sight 3 w 3028
of 33 w 3030
Lynceus 1 w 3037
Lynceus 2 w 3045
was 2 w 3048
gifted 1 w 3054
with 3 w 3058
superhuman 1 w 3068
powers 1 w 3074
of 34 w 3076
vision 1 w 3082
cf 3 w 3085
for 10 w 3089
example 1 w 3096
Moralia 3 w 3103
1083 1 w 3108
D 7 w 3109
Pindar 1 w 3116
Nemean 1 w 3123
Odes 1 w 3127
x 4 w 3129
60 2 w 3132
Horace 1 w 3139
Epistles 1 w 3148
i 229 w 3150
1 6 w 3152
28 1 w 3155
and 41 w 3159
Pausanias 1 w 3168
iv 10 w 3171
2 4 w 3173
penetrate 1 w 3183
the 59 w 3186
oak-tree 1 w 3194
and 42 w 3197
stones 2 w 3203
and 43 w 3206
tiles 1 w 3211
but 5 w 3215
your 5 w 3219
enemy 4 w 3224
through 3 w 3232
every 5 w 3237
friend 2 w 3243
and 44 w 3246
servant 1 w 3253
and 45 w 3256
acquaintance 1 w 3268
as 18 w 3270
well 1 w 3274
so 19 w 3277
far 3 w 3280
as 19 w 3282
possible 2 w 3290
plays 1 w 3296
the 60 w 3299
detective 1 w 3308
on 20 w 3310
your 6 w 3314
actions 2 w 3321
and 46 w 3324
digs 1 w 3328
his 9 w 3331
way 3 w 3334
into 1 w 3338
your 7 w 3342
plans 1 w 3347
and 47 w 3350
searches 1 w 3358
them 6 w 3362
through 4 w 3369
and 48 w 3372
through 5 w 3379
Oftentimes 1 w 3390
we 5 w 3392
do 5 w 3394
not 5 w 3397
learn 4 w 3402
until 1 w 3408
too 3 w 3411
late 1 w 3415
of 35 w 3418
the 62 w 3421
illness 2 w 3428
or 22 w 3430
the 63 w 3433
death 1 w 3438
of 36 w 3440
our 13 w 3443
friends 2 w 3450
so 20 w 3453
careless 1 w 3461
are 8 w 3464
we 6 w 3466
and 49 w 3469
neglectful 1 w 3479
but 6 w 3483
our 14 w 3486
curiosity 1 w 3495
about 2 w 3500
our 15 w 3503
enemies 2 w 3510
all 3 w 3513
but 7 w 3516
prompts 1 w 3523
us 23 w 3525
to 31 w 3527
pry 1 w 3530
into 2 w 3534
their 13 w 3539
dreams 1 w 3545
sickness 1 w 3554
debts 1 w 3560
and 50 w 3564
conjugal 1 w 3572
disagreements 1 w 3585
are 9 w 3588
more 1 w 3592
likely 1 w 3598
to 33 w 3600
be 15 w 3602
unknown 1 w 3609
to 34 w 3611
the 65 w 3614
very 6 w 3618
persons 2 w 3625
affected 1 w 3633
than 1 w 3637
to 35 w 3639
their 14 w 3644
enemy 5 w 3649
Especially 1 w 3660
does 3 w 3664
he 85 w 3666
try 2 w 3669
to 36 w 3671
get 2 w 3674
hold 3 w 3678
of 37 w 3680
their 15 w 3685
failings 1 w 3693
and 51 w 3696
ferret 1 w 3702
them 7 w 3706
out 4 w 3709
And 2 w 3713
just 2 w 3717
as 20 w 3719
vultures 1 w 3727
are 10 w 3730
drawn 1 w 3735
to 37 w 3737
the 69 w 3740
smell 1 w 3745
of 38 w 3747
decomposed 1 w 3757
bodies 1 w 3763
but 8 w 3767
have 9 w 3771
no 17 w 3773
power 2 w 3778
to 38 w 3780
discover 2 w 3788
those 7 w 3793
that 10 w 3797
are 11 w 3800
clean 1 w 3805
and 52 w 3808
healthy 1 w 3815
so 22 w 3818
the 70 w 3821
infirmities 1 w 3832
meannesses 1 w 3843
and 53 w 3847
untoward 1 w 3855
experiences 1 w 3866
of 39 w 3868
life 4 w 3872
rouse 1 w 3877
the 71 w 3880
energies 1 w 3888
of 40 w 3890
the 72 w 3893
enemy 6 w 3898
and 54 w 3902
it 31 w 3904
is 34 w 3906
such 2 w 3910
things 2 w 3916
as 21 w 3918
these 2 w 3923
that 11 w 3927
the 74 w 3930
malevolent 1 w 3940
pounce 1 w 3946
upon 1 w 3950
and 55 w 3953
seize 1 w 3958
and 56 w 3961
tear 1 w 3965
to 40 w 3967
pieces 1 w 3973
Is 1 w 3976
this 4 w 3980
then 4 w 3984
profitable 2 w 3994
Assuredly 1 w 4004
it 33 w 4006
is 36 w 4008
to 41 w 4011
have 10 w 4015
to 42 w 4017
live 2 w 4021
circumspectly 1 w 4034
to 43 w 4037
give 2 w 4041
heed 2 w 4045
to 44 w 4047
one 4 w 4050
s 286 w 4052
self 1 w 4056
and 57 w 4060
not 6 w 4063
to 45 w 4065
do 7 w 4067
or 24 w 4069
say 1 w 4072
anything 1 w 4080
carelessly 1 w 4090
or 25 w 4092
inconsiderately 1 w 4107
but 9 w 4111
always 1 w 4117
to 46 w 4119
keep 2 w 4123
one 5 w 4126
s 293 w 4128
life 5 w 4132
unassailable 1 w 4144
as 23 w 4146
though 1 w 4152
under 1 w 4157
an 100 w 4159
exact 1 w 4164
regimen 1 w 4171
For 3 w 4175
the 76 w 4178
circumspection 1 w 4192
which 5 w 4197
thus 1 w 4201
represses 1 w 4210
the 77 w 4213
emotions 1 w 4221
and 58 w 4224
keeps 1 w 4229
the 78 w 4232
reasoning 1 w 4241
power 3 w 4246
within 1 w 4252
bounds 1 w 4258
gives 1 w 4263
practice 1 w 4271
and 59 w 4274
purpose 1 w 4281
in 54 w 4283
living 1 w 4289
a 316 w 4290
life 6 w 4294
that 12 w 4298
is 37 w 4300
fair 1 w 4304
and 60 w 4307
free 1 w 4311
from 6 w 4315
reproach 1 w 4323
For 4 w 4327
just 3 w 4331
as 25 w 4333
states 1 w 4339
which 6 w 4344
are 13 w 4347
chastened 1 w 4356
by 7 w 4358
border 1 w 4364
warfare 1 w 4371
and 61 w 4374
continual 1 w 4383
campaigning 1 w 4394
become 2 w 4400
well 2 w 4404
content 2 w 4411
with 5 w 4415
good 2 w 4419
order 2 w 4424
and 62 w 4427
a 332 w 4428
sound 2 w 4433
government 1 w 4443
so 25 w 4446
persons 3 w 4453
who 7 w 4456
have 11 w 4460
been 2 w 4464
compelled 1 w 4473
on 34 w 4475
account 1 w 4482
of 42 w 4484
enmities 2 w 4492
to 47 w 4494
practise 1 w 4502
soberness 1 w 4511
of 43 w 4513
living 2 w 4519
to 48 w 4522
guard 1 w 4527
against 2 w 4534
indolence 1 w 4543
and 63 w 4546
contemptuousness 1 w 4562
and 64 w 4566
to 49 w 4568
let 1 w 4571
some 5 w 4575
good 3 w 4579
purpose 2 w 4586
prompt 2 w 4592
each 1 w 4596
act 6 w 4599
are 15 w 4603
insensibly 1 w 4613
led 2 w 4616
by 8 w 4618
force 1 w 4623
of 44 w 4625
habit 1 w 4630
to 50 w 4632
make 3 w 4636
no 19 w 4638
mistakes 1 w 4646
and 65 w 4650
are 16 w 4653
made 3 w 4657
orderly 1 w 4664
in 62 w 4666
their 16 w 4671
behaviour 1 w 4680
even 5 w 4685
if 13 w 4687
reason 4 w 4693
co-operate 1 w 4703
but 10 w 4706
slightly 1 w 4714
For 5 w 4718
when 1 w 4722
men 12 w 4725
keep 4 w 4729
always 2 w 4735
ready 1 w 4740
in 63 w 4742
mind 1 w 4746
the 80 w 4749
thought 1 w 4756
that 13 w 4760
Priam 1 w 4765
and 66 w 4768
Priam 2 w 4773
s 336 w 4775
sons 4 w 4779
would 2 w 4784
in 65 w 4786
truth 1 w 4791
have 12 w 4795
cause 1 w 4800
for 12 w 4803
rejoicing 1 w 4812
Homer 1 w 4818
Il 1 w 4821
i 328 w 4823
255 1 w 4827
The 5 w 4831
words 1 w 4836
are 17 w 4839
addressed 1 w 4848
by 9 w 4850
Nestor 1 w 4856
to 52 w 4858
the 81 w 4861
Greek 1 w 4866
leaders 1 w 4873
Agamemnon 1 w 4883
and 67 w 4886
Achilles 1 w 4894
who 8 w 4898
have 13 w 4902
quarrelled 1 w 4912
it 38 w 4915
causes 1 w 4921
them 8 w 4925
to 53 w 4927
face 1 w 4931
about 3 w 4936
and 68 w 4939
turn 1 w 4943
aside 1 w 4948
and 69 w 4951
abandon 1 w 4958
such 3 w 4962
things 3 w 4968
as 29 w 4970
give 4 w 4974
their 17 w 4979
enemies 3 w 4986
occasion 1 w 4994
for 13 w 4997
rejoicing 2 w 5006
and 71 w 5009
derision 1 w 5017
Furthermore 1 w 5029
we 10 w 5032
observe 2 w 5039
that 14 w 5043
the 85 w 5046
Dionysiac 1 w 5055
artists 1 w 5062
Actors 1 w 5068
and 72 w 5071
musicians 1 w 5080
often 1 w 5086
play 2 w 5090
their 18 w 5095
parts 1 w 5100
in 69 w 5102
the 87 w 5105
theatres 1 w 5113
in 70 w 5115
a 388 w 5116
listless 1 w 5124
dispirited 1 w 5135
and 73 w 5139
inaccurate 1 w 5149
way 6 w 5152
when 2 w 5156
they 7 w 5160
are 18 w 5163
by 10 w 5165
themselves 1 w 5175
but 11 w 5179
when 3 w 5183
there 3 w 5188
is 44 w 5190
rivalry 1 w 5197
and 74 w 5200
competition 1 w 5211
with 6 w 5215
another 1 w 5222
company 1 w 5229
then 5 w 5234
they 8 w 5238
apply 1 w 5243
not 8 w 5246
only 2 w 5250
themselves 2 w 5260
but 12 w 5263
their 19 w 5268
instruments 1 w 5279
more 3 w 5283
attentively 1 w 5294
picking 1 w 5302
their 20 w 5307
strings 1 w 5314
and 75 w 5317
tuning 1 w 5323
them 11 w 5327
and 76 w 5330
playing 1 w 5337
their 21 w 5342
flutes 1 w 5348
in 77 w 5350
more 4 w 5354
exact 2 w 5359
harmony 1 w 5366
So 3 w 5369
the 100 w 5372
man 7 w 5375
who 9 w 5378
knows 1 w 5383
that 15 w 5387
his 11 w 5390
enemy 7 w 5395
is 46 w 5397
his 12 w 5400
competitor 1 w 5410
in 78 w 5412
life 7 w 5416
and 77 w 5419
repute 1 w 5425
is 48 w 5427
more 5 w 5431
heedful 1 w 5438
of 46 w 5440
himself 1 w 5447
and 78 w 5451
more 6 w 5455
circumspect 3 w 5466
about 4 w 5471
his 13 w 5474
actions 3 w 5481
and 79 w 5485
brings 1 w 5491
his 14 w 5494
life 8 w 5498
into 3 w 5502
a 412 w 5503
more 7 w 5507
thorough 1 w 5515
harmony 2 w 5522
For 6 w 5526
it 43 w 5528
is 51 w 5530
a 414 w 5531
peculiar 1 w 5539
mark 2 w 5543
of 47 w 5545
vice 1 w 5549
that 16 w 5554
we 11 w 5556
feel 1 w 5560
more 8 w 5564
ashamed 1 w 5571
of 48 w 5573
our 17 w 5576
faults 1 w 5582
before 1 w 5588
our 18 w 5591
enemies 4 w 5598
than 2 w 5602
before 2 w 5608
our 19 w 5611
friends 3 w 5618
This 1 w 5623
is 53 w 5625
the 101 w 5628
ground 1 w 5634
of 49 w 5636
Nasica 1 w 5642
s 397 w 5644
remark 2 w 5650
when 4 w 5655
some 6 w 5659
expressed 1 w 5668
their 22 w 5673
belief 1 w 5679
that 17 w 5683
the 103 w 5686
power 4 w 5691
of 50 w 5693
the 104 w 5696
Romans 1 w 5702
was 3 w 5705
now 4 w 5708
secure 1 w 5714
inasmuch 1 w 5723
as 35 w 5725
the 105 w 5728
Carthaginians 1 w 5741
had 2 w 5744
been 3 w 5748
annihilated 1 w 5759
and 80 w 5762
the 106 w 5765
Achaeans 1 w 5773
reduced 1 w 5780
to 57 w 5782
subjection 1 w 5792
Nay 1 w 5796
he 134 w 5799
said 2 w 5803
now 5 w 5807
is 54 w 5809
our 20 w 5812
position 1 w 5820
really 1 w 5826
dangerous 1 w 5835
since 2 w 5841
we 13 w 5843
have 14 w 5847
left 1 w 5851
for 16 w 5854
ourselves 1 w 5863
none 1 w 5867
to 58 w 5869
make 4 w 5873
us 33 w 5875
either 1 w 5881
afraid 1 w 5887
or 51 w 5889
ashamed 2 w 5896