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On Listening to Lectures (intro-2)

Refs {'start': {'reference': 'intro', 'human_reference': 'Section intro'}, 'end': {'reference': '2', 'human_reference': 'Section 2'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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The essay on listening to lectures was first delivered as a formal lecture, and afterwards written out for the benefit of the young Nicander, who had just assumed the toga virilis, and was about to take up the serious study of philosophy. One can see in Terence, Andria, i. 1. 24, for example, how the young men of good family, suddenly released from the care of tutors by assuming the toga virilis, conventionally took up a more or less serious avocation. Some took to horses or hunting, while others went on to the higher studies.

It must be quite evident that this essay is, in a way, a supplement and corollary to the preceding essay on the study of poetry. The former is concerned with the young, the latter with the more mature who are undertaking serious study, and particularly the study of philosophy, in which Plutarch was intensely interested. But it is quite clear that the lectures to which he refers dealt with many other subjects besides philosophy.

The essay has an astonishingly modern tone. The different types of students the diffident student, the lazy student, the contemptuous student, the over-enthusiastic student who makes a nuisance of himself, the over-confident student who likes to ask questions to show off his own scrappy knowledge,

the student who has no appreciation of his privilege in hearing a great scholarall these are portrayed in a thoroughly realistic manner.

Stress is laid on the great contrast between the scholar (particularly the philosopher) and the popular lecturer (the sophist). Then as now, it seems, people were not always willing to listen patiently to the scholar, but more often inclined to resort to lectures of the lighter and more entertaining sort. In this matter, as in many others, Plutarch marks the distinction of characterthe character of the lecturer, and the effect of the lecture on the character of the hearer. The sophists, having no particular character themselves and being below the general average of mankind, can do little or nothing to improve the character of their hearers, but, on the other hand, practically everything that the scholar says or does has its value for the upbuilding of character if only one have the ability to profit by it.

Proper behaviour in the lecture-room is the main theme of the essay. No lecture can be so bad that it contains nothing good, and while the lecture itself must be subjected to unsparing criticism, the lecturer must always be treated with kindly consideration, and must not be disturbed by any improper behaviour on the part of his audience.

It is worth while to compare Plinys Letters, vi. 17 and i. 13 for the record of certain improprieties committed by audiences in Rome. On the general subject of higher education and the wide diffusion of knowledge at this time and later, reference may be made to W. W. Capes, University Life in Ancient Athens,

and J. W. H. Walden, The Universities of Ancient Greece (New York, 1909).

In the catalogue of Lamprias, in which this essay is No. 102, the title is given as Περὶ τοῦ ἀκούειν τῶν φιλοσόφον, On Listening to the Lectures of Philosophers, but it is probable that this title is merely explanatory, for Plutarch himself uses ἀκούειν alone in this sense in the very first line of the essay.

The discourse which I gave on the subject of listening to lectures I have written out and sent to you, my dear Nicander, so that you may know how rightly to listen to the voice of persuasion, now that you are no longer subject to authority, having assumed the garb of a man. Now absence of control, which some of the young men, for want of education, think to be freedom, establishes the sway of a set of masters, harsher than the teachers and attendants of childhood, in the form of the desires, which are now, as it were, unchained. And just as Herodotus [*] says that women put off their modesty along with their undergarments, so some of our young men, as soon as they lay aside the garb of childhood, lay aside also their sense of modesty and fear, and, undoing the habit that invests them, straightway become full of unruliness. But you have often heard that to follow God and to obey reason are the same tiling, and so I ask you to believe that in persons of good sense the passing from childhood to manhood is not a casting off of control, but a recasting of the controlling agent, since instead of some hired person or slave purchased with money they now take as the divine guide of their life reason, whose followers alone may deservedly be considered free. For they alone, having learned to wish for what they

ought, live as they wish; but in untrained and irrational impulses and actions there is something ignoble, and changing ones mind many times involves but little freedom of will.

We may find a comparison in the case of newly naturalized citizens; those among them who were alien born and perfect strangers find fault with many of the things that are done, and are discontented; whereas those who come from the class of resident aliens, having been brought up under our laws and grown to be well acquainted with them, have no difficulty in accepting what devolves upon them and are content. And so you, who have been brought up for a long time in contact with philosophy, and have from the beginning been accustomed to philosophic reasoning as an ingredient in every portion of early instruction and information, ought to feel like an old friend and familiar when you come to philosophy, which alone can array young men in the manly and truly perfect adornment that comes from reason.

I think you may not find unwelcome some preliminary remarks about the sense of hearing, which Theophrastus [*] asserts is the most emotional of all the senses. For nothing which can be seen or tasted or touched brings on such distractions, confusions, and excitements, as take possession of the soul when certain crashing, clashing, and roaring noises assail the hearing. Yet this sense is more rational than emotional. For while many places and parts of the body make way for vice to enter through them and fasten itself upon the soul, virtues only hold upon the young is afforded by the ears, if they be uncontaminated and kept from the outset unspoiled by

flattery and untouched by vile words. For this reason Xenocrates [*] advised putting ear-protectors on children rather than on athletes, on the ground that the latter have only their ears disfigured by the blows they receive, while the former have their characters disfigured by the words they hear; not that he would thus court heedlessness or deafness, but he advises vigilance against vile words, until such time as other words, of good sort, fostered in the character by philosophy, should, like watchmen, have taken under their charge the post chiefly exposed to influence and persuasion. And Bias [*] of old, on receiving orders to send to Amasis the portion of the sacrificial animal which was at the same time the best and the worst, cut out the tongue and sent it to him, on the ground that speech contains both injuries and benefits in the largest measure. Most people in bestowing an affectionate kiss on little children not only take hold of the children by the ears but bid the children to do the same by them, thus insinuating in a playful way that they must love most those who confer benefit through the ears. For surely the fact is plain, that the young man who is debarred from hearing all instruction and gets no taste of speech not only remains wholly unfruitful and makes no growth towards virtue, but may also be perverted towards vice, and the product of his mind, like that of a fallow and untilled piece of ground, will be a plentiful crop of wild oats. For if the impulses towards pleasure and the feelings of suspicion towards hard work (which are not of external origin nor imported products of the spoken word, but indigenous sources, as it were, of pestilent emotions and disorders without number) be allowed to
continue unconstrained along their natural channels, and if they be not either removed or diverted another way through the agency of goodly discourse, thus putting the natural endowments in a fit condition, there is not one of the wild beasts but would be found more civilized than man. [*]

The 1 w 15
essay 1 w 20
on 1 w 22
listening 1 w 31
to 1 w 33
lectures 1 w 41
was 1 w 44
first 1 w 49
delivered 1 w 58
as 2 w 60
a 4 w 61
formal 1 w 67
lecture 2 w 74
and 1 w 78
afterwards 1 w 88
written 1 w 95
out 1 w 98
for 2 w 101
the 1 w 104
benefit 1 w 111
of 1 w 113
the 2 w 116
young 1 w 121
Nicander 1 w 129
who 1 w 133
had 1 w 136
just 1 w 140
assumed 1 w 147
the 3 w 150
toga 1 w 154
virilis 1 w 161
and 3 w 165
was 2 w 168
about 1 w 173
to 3 w 175
take 1 w 179
up 1 w 181
the 4 w 184
serious 1 w 191
study 1 w 196
of 2 w 198
philosophy 1 w 208
One 1 w 212
can 2 w 215
see 1 w 218
in 2 w 220
Terence 1 w 227
Andria 1 w 234
i 15 w 236
1 1 w 238
24 1 w 241
for 3 w 245
example 1 w 252
how 1 w 256
the 5 w 259
young 2 w 264
men 1 w 267
of 3 w 269
good 1 w 273
family 1 w 279
suddenly 1 w 288
released 1 w 296
from 1 w 300
the 6 w 303
care 1 w 307
of 4 w 309
tutors 1 w 315
by 1 w 317
assuming 1 w 325
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toga 2 w 332
virilis 2 w 339
conventionally 1 w 354
took 1 w 358
up 2 w 360
a 26 w 361
more 1 w 365
or 6 w 367
less 1 w 371
serious 2 w 378
avocation 1 w 387
Some 1 w 392
took 2 w 396
to 8 w 398
horses 1 w 404
or 8 w 406
hunting 1 w 413
while 1 w 419
others 1 w 425
went 1 w 429
on 5 w 431
to 9 w 433
the 9 w 436
higher 1 w 442
studies 1 w 449
It 1 w 452
must 1 w 456
be 2 w 458
quite 1 w 463
evident 1 w 470
that 1 w 474
this 1 w 478
essay 2 w 483
is 5 w 485
in 5 w 488
a 31 w 489
way 1 w 492
a 33 w 494
supplement 1 w 504
and 4 w 507
corollary 1 w 516
to 10 w 518
the 10 w 521
preceding 1 w 530
essay 3 w 535
on 6 w 537
the 11 w 540
study 2 w 545
of 5 w 547
poetry 1 w 553
The 2 w 557
former 1 w 563
is 6 w 565
concerned 1 w 574
with 1 w 578
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young 3 w 586
the 13 w 590
latter 1 w 596
with 2 w 600
the 14 w 603
more 2 w 607
mature 1 w 613
who 2 w 616
are 2 w 619
undertaking 1 w 630
serious 3 w 637
study 3 w 642
and 5 w 646
particularly 1 w 658
the 15 w 661
study 4 w 666
of 6 w 668
philosophy 2 w 678
in 8 w 681
which 1 w 686
Plutarch 1 w 694
was 3 w 697
intensely 1 w 706
interested 1 w 716
But 1 w 720
it 6 w 722
is 7 w 724
quite 2 w 729
clear 1 w 734
that 2 w 738
the 16 w 741
lectures 2 w 749
to 11 w 751
which 2 w 756
he 20 w 758
refers 1 w 764
dealt 1 w 769
with 3 w 773
many 1 w 777
other 2 w 782
subjects 1 w 790
besides 1 w 797
philosophy 3 w 807
The 3 w 811
essay 4 w 816
has 1 w 819
an 8 w 821
astonishingly 1 w 834
modern 1 w 840
tone 1 w 844
The 4 w 848
different 1 w 857
types 1 w 862
of 7 w 864
students 1 w 872
the 18 w 876
diffident 1 w 885
student 2 w 892
the 19 w 896
lazy 1 w 900
student 3 w 907
the 20 w 911
contemptuous 1 w 923
student 4 w 930
the 21 w 934
over-enthusiastic 1 w 951
student 5 w 958
who 3 w 961
makes 1 w 966
a 57 w 967
nuisance 1 w 975
of 8 w 977
himself 1 w 984
the 22 w 988
over-confident 1 w 1002
student 6 w 1009
who 4 w 1012
likes 1 w 1017
to 14 w 1019
ask 1 w 1022
questions 1 w 1031
to 15 w 1033
show 1 w 1037
off 1 w 1040
his 2 w 1043
own 1 w 1046
scrappy 1 w 1053
knowledge 1 w 1062
the 23 w 1066
student 7 w 1073
who 5 w 1076
has 2 w 1079
no 2 w 1081
appreciation 1 w 1093
of 10 w 1095
his 3 w 1098
privilege 1 w 1107
in 12 w 1109
hearing 1 w 1116
a 65 w 1117
great 1 w 1122
scholar 1 w 1129
all 2 w 1133
these 1 w 1138
are 3 w 1141
portrayed 1 w 1150
in 14 w 1152
a 71 w 1153
thoroughly 1 w 1163
realistic 1 w 1172
manner 1 w 1178
Stress 1 w 1185
is 13 w 1187
laid 1 w 1191
on 14 w 1193
the 25 w 1196
great 2 w 1201
contrast 1 w 1209
between 1 w 1216
the 26 w 1219
scholar 2 w 1226
particularly 2 w 1239
the 27 w 1242
philosopher 1 w 1253
and 6 w 1257
the 28 w 1260
popular 1 w 1267
lecturer 1 w 1275
the 29 w 1279
sophist 1 w 1286
Then 1 w 1292
as 14 w 1294
now 2 w 1297
it 9 w 1300
seems 1 w 1305
people 1 w 1312
were 1 w 1316
not 1 w 1319
always 1 w 1325
willing 1 w 1332
to 16 w 1334
listen 2 w 1340
patiently 1 w 1349
to 17 w 1351
the 30 w 1354
scholar 3 w 1361
but 1 w 1365
more 3 w 1369
often 1 w 1374
inclined 1 w 1382
to 18 w 1384
resort 1 w 1390
to 19 w 1392
lectures 3 w 1400
of 12 w 1402
the 31 w 1405
lighter 1 w 1412
and 7 w 1415
more 4 w 1419
entertaining 1 w 1431
sort 2 w 1435
In 1 w 1438
this 2 w 1442
matter 1 w 1448
as 15 w 1451
in 20 w 1453
many 2 w 1457
others 2 w 1463
Plutarch 2 w 1472
marks 1 w 1477
the 33 w 1480
distinction 1 w 1491
of 13 w 1493
character 1 w 1502
the 34 w 1506
character 2 w 1515
of 14 w 1517
the 35 w 1520
lecturer 2 w 1528
and 8 w 1532
the 36 w 1535
effect 1 w 1541
of 15 w 1543
the 37 w 1546
lecture 7 w 1553
on 17 w 1555
the 38 w 1558
character 3 w 1567
of 16 w 1569
the 39 w 1572
hearer 1 w 1578
The 6 w 1582
sophists 1 w 1590
having 1 w 1597
no 5 w 1599
particular 3 w 1609
character 4 w 1618
themselves 1 w 1628
and 9 w 1631
being 1 w 1636
below 1 w 1641
the 41 w 1644
general 1 w 1651
average 1 w 1658
of 17 w 1660
mankind 1 w 1667
can 3 w 1671
do 1 w 1673
little 1 w 1679
or 18 w 1681
nothing 1 w 1688
to 20 w 1690
improve 1 w 1697
the 42 w 1700
character 5 w 1709
of 18 w 1711
their 1 w 1716
hearers 1 w 1723
but 2 w 1727
on 18 w 1730
the 44 w 1733
other 4 w 1738
hand 1 w 1742
practically 1 w 1754
everything 1 w 1764
that 3 w 1768
the 46 w 1771
scholar 4 w 1778
says 1 w 1782
or 19 w 1784
does 1 w 1788
has 3 w 1791
its 1 w 1794
value 1 w 1799
for 5 w 1802
the 47 w 1805
upbuilding 1 w 1815
of 19 w 1817
character 6 w 1826
if 3 w 1828
only 1 w 1832
one 2 w 1835
have 1 w 1839
the 48 w 1842
ability 1 w 1849
to 21 w 1851
profit 1 w 1857
by 2 w 1859
it 14 w 1861
Proper 1 w 1868
behaviour 1 w 1877
in 28 w 1879
the 49 w 1882
lecture-room 1 w 1894
is 19 w 1896
the 50 w 1899
main 1 w 1903
theme 1 w 1908
of 21 w 1910
the 52 w 1913
essay 5 w 1918
No 1 w 1921
lecture 9 w 1928
can 4 w 1931
be 8 w 1933
so 9 w 1935
bad 1 w 1938
that 4 w 1942
it 15 w 1944
contains 1 w 1952
nothing 2 w 1959
good 2 w 1963
and 11 w 1967
while 2 w 1972
the 53 w 1975
lecture 10 w 1982
itself 1 w 1988
must 2 w 1992
be 9 w 1994
subjected 1 w 2003
to 22 w 2005
unsparing 1 w 2014
criticism 1 w 2023
the 54 w 2027
lecturer 3 w 2035
must 3 w 2039
always 2 w 2045
be 10 w 2047
treated 1 w 2054
with 4 w 2058
kindly 1 w 2064
consideration 1 w 2077
and 12 w 2081
must 4 w 2085
not 4 w 2088
be 11 w 2090
disturbed 1 w 2099
by 3 w 2101
any 3 w 2104
improper 1 w 2112
behaviour 2 w 2121
on 24 w 2123
the 55 w 2126
part 4 w 2130
of 22 w 2132
his 7 w 2135
audience 1 w 2143
It 2 w 2146
is 23 w 2148
worth 1 w 2153
while 3 w 2158
to 23 w 2160
compare 1 w 2167
Pliny 1 w 2172
s 143 w 2174
Letters 1 w 2181
vi 8 w 2184
17 1 w 2187
and 13 w 2190
i 140 w 2191
13 1 w 2194
for 6 w 2197
the 56 w 2200
record 1 w 2206
of 23 w 2208
certain 1 w 2215
improprieties 1 w 2228
committed 1 w 2237
by 4 w 2239
audiences 1 w 2248
in 36 w 2250
Rome 1 w 2254
On 2 w 2257
the 57 w 2260
general 2 w 2267
subject 3 w 2274
of 24 w 2276
higher 2 w 2282
education 1 w 2291
and 14 w 2294
the 58 w 2297
wide 1 w 2301
diffusion 1 w 2310
of 25 w 2312
knowledge 2 w 2321
at 16 w 2323
this 3 w 2327
time 1 w 2331
and 15 w 2334
later 1 w 2339
reference 1 w 2349
may 1 w 2352
be 14 w 2354
made 1 w 2358
to 24 w 2360
W 1 w 2361
W 2 w 2363
Capes 1 w 2369
University 1 w 2380
Life 1 w 2384
in 37 w 2386
Ancient 1 w 2393
Athens 1 w 2399
and 16 w 2403
J 1 w 2404
W 3 w 2406
H 1 w 2408
Walden 1 w 2415
The 7 w 2419
Universities 1 w 2431
of 26 w 2433
Ancient 2 w 2440
Greece 1 w 2446
New 1 w 2450
York 1 w 2454
1909 1 w 2459
In 2 w 2463
the 60 w 2466
catalogue 1 w 2475
of 27 w 2477
Lamprias 1 w 2485
in 38 w 2488
which 3 w 2493
this 4 w 2497
essay 6 w 2502
is 26 w 2504
No 2 w 2506
102 1 w 2510
the 61 w 2514
title 1 w 2519
is 27 w 2521
given 1 w 2526
as 18 w 2528
Περὶ 1 w 2532
τοῦ 1 w 2535
ἀκούειν 1 w 2542
τῶν 1 w 2545
φιλοσόφον 1 w 2554
On 3 w 2557
Listening 1 w 2566
to 25 w 2568
the 62 w 2571
Lectures 1 w 2579
of 28 w 2581
Philosophers 1 w 2593
but 3 w 2597
it 23 w 2599
is 29 w 2601
probable 1 w 2609
that 5 w 2613
this 5 w 2617
title 2 w 2622
is 31 w 2624
merely 1 w 2630
explanatory 1 w 2641
for 7 w 2645
Plutarch 3 w 2653
himself 2 w 2660
uses 1 w 2664
ἀκούειν 2 w 2671
alone 1 w 2676
in 40 w 2678
this 6 w 2682
sense 1 w 2687
in 41 w 2689
the 63 w 2692
very 2 w 2696
first 2 w 2701
line 2 w 2705
of 29 w 2707
the 64 w 2710
essay 7 w 2715
The 8 w 2719
discourse 1 w 2728
which 4 w 2733
I 7 w 2734
gave 1 w 2738
on 28 w 2740
the 65 w 2743
subject 4 w 2750
of 30 w 2752
listening 2 w 2761
to 27 w 2763
lectures 4 w 2771
I 8 w 2772
have 2 w 2776
written 2 w 2783
out 3 w 2786
and 17 w 2789
sent 1 w 2793
to 28 w 2795
you 4 w 2798
my 1 w 2801
dear 1 w 2805
Nicander 2 w 2813
so 11 w 2816
that 6 w 2820
you 5 w 2823
may 2 w 2826
know 3 w 2830
how 3 w 2833
rightly 1 w 2840
to 29 w 2842
listen 4 w 2848
to 30 w 2850
the 66 w 2853
voice 1 w 2858
of 31 w 2860
persuasion 1 w 2870
now 5 w 2874
that 7 w 2878
you 6 w 2881
are 7 w 2884
no 12 w 2886
longer 1 w 2892
subject 5 w 2899
to 31 w 2901
authority 1 w 2910
having 2 w 2917
assumed 2 w 2924
the 67 w 2927
garb 1 w 2931
of 32 w 2933
a 188 w 2934
man 5 w 2937
Now 1 w 2941
absence 1 w 2948
of 33 w 2950
control 1 w 2957
which 5 w 2963
some 1 w 2967
of 34 w 2969
the 68 w 2972
young 4 w 2977
men 3 w 2980
for 8 w 2984
want 1 w 2988
of 35 w 2990
education 2 w 2999
think 1 w 3005
to 32 w 3007
be 15 w 3009
freedom 1 w 3016
establishes 1 w 3028
the 69 w 3031
sway 1 w 3035
of 36 w 3037
a 195 w 3038
set 1 w 3041
of 37 w 3043
masters 1 w 3050
harsher 1 w 3058
than 1 w 3062
the 70 w 3065
teachers 1 w 3073
and 19 w 3076
attendants 1 w 3086
of 38 w 3088
childhood 1 w 3097
in 46 w 3100
the 71 w 3103
form 3 w 3107
of 39 w 3109
the 72 w 3112
desires 1 w 3119
which 6 w 3125
are 8 w 3128
now 6 w 3131
as 22 w 3134
it 27 w 3136
were 2 w 3140
unchained 1 w 3150
And 2 w 3154
just 2 w 3158
as 23 w 3160
Herodotus 1 w 3169
Herodotus 2 w 3178
i 208 w 3180
8 1 w 3182
again 1 w 3188
referred 1 w 3196
to 33 w 3198
in 49 w 3200
Moralia 1 w 3207
139 1 w 3211
C 3 w 3212
says 2 w 3217
that 8 w 3221
women 1 w 3226
put 1 w 3229
off 2 w 3232
their 2 w 3237
modesty 1 w 3244
along 1 w 3249
with 5 w 3253
their 3 w 3258
undergarments 1 w 3271
so 13 w 3274
some 2 w 3278
of 41 w 3280
our 4 w 3283
young 5 w 3288
men 6 w 3291
as 24 w 3294
soon 1 w 3298
as 25 w 3300
they 1 w 3304
lay 1 w 3307
aside 1 w 3312
the 76 w 3315
garb 2 w 3319
of 42 w 3321
childhood 2 w 3330
lay 2 w 3334
aside 2 w 3339
also 1 w 3343
their 4 w 3348
sense 2 w 3353
of 43 w 3355
modesty 2 w 3362
and 20 w 3365
fear 1 w 3369
and 21 w 3373
undoing 1 w 3381
the 78 w 3384
habit 1 w 3389
that 9 w 3393
invests 1 w 3400
them 3 w 3404
straightway 1 w 3416
become 1 w 3422
full 1 w 3426
of 44 w 3428
unruliness 1 w 3438
But 2 w 3442
you 9 w 3445
have 3 w 3449
often 2 w 3454
heard 1 w 3459
that 10 w 3463
to 34 w 3465
follow 1 w 3471
God 1 w 3474
and 22 w 3477
to 35 w 3479
obey 1 w 3483
reason 1 w 3489
are 9 w 3492
the 80 w 3495
same 1 w 3499
tiling 1 w 3505
and 23 w 3509
so 18 w 3511
I 9 w 3512
ask 2 w 3515
you 10 w 3518
to 36 w 3520
believe 1 w 3527
that 11 w 3531
in 54 w 3533
persons 1 w 3540
of 46 w 3542
good 3 w 3546
sense 3 w 3551
the 81 w 3554
passing 1 w 3561
from 2 w 3565
childhood 3 w 3574
to 37 w 3576
manhood 1 w 3583
is 37 w 3585
not 5 w 3588
a 242 w 3589
casting 1 w 3596
off 3 w 3599
of 48 w 3601
control 2 w 3608
but 4 w 3612
a 244 w 3613
recasting 1 w 3622
of 49 w 3624
the 82 w 3627
controlling 1 w 3638
agent 1 w 3643
since 1 w 3649
instead 1 w 3656
of 50 w 3658
some 3 w 3662
hired 1 w 3667
person 2 w 3673
or 31 w 3675
slave 1 w 3680
purchased 1 w 3689
with 6 w 3693
money 1 w 3698
they 2 w 3702
now 7 w 3705
take 2 w 3709
as 34 w 3711
the 84 w 3714
divine 1 w 3720
guide 1 w 3725
of 51 w 3727
their 5 w 3732
life 1 w 3736
reason 2 w 3742
whose 1 w 3748
followers 1 w 3757
alone 2 w 3762
may 3 w 3765
deservedly 1 w 3775
be 19 w 3777
considered 1 w 3787
free 2 w 3791
For 1 w 3795
they 3 w 3799
alone 3 w 3804
having 3 w 3811
learned 1 w 3818
to 38 w 3820
wish 1 w 3824
for 10 w 3827
what 1 w 3831
they 4 w 3835
ought 1 w 3840
live 2 w 3845
as 36 w 3847
they 5 w 3851
wish 2 w 3855
but 5 w 3859
in 63 w 3861
untrained 1 w 3870
and 24 w 3873
irrational 1 w 3883
impulses 1 w 3891
and 25 w 3894
actions 1 w 3901
there 1 w 3906
is 40 w 3908
something 1 w 3917
ignoble 1 w 3924
and 26 w 3928
changing 1 w 3936
one 7 w 3939
s 263 w 3941
mind 1 w 3945
many 3 w 3949
times 1 w 3954
involves 1 w 3962
but 6 w 3965
little 2 w 3971
freedom 2 w 3978
of 52 w 3980
will 2 w 3984
We 1 w 3987
may 4 w 3990
find 1 w 3994
a 270 w 3995
comparison 1 w 4005
in 70 w 4007
the 90 w 4010
case 1 w 4014
of 53 w 4016
newly 1 w 4021
naturalized 1 w 4032
citizens 1 w 4040
those 1 w 4046
among 1 w 4051
them 4 w 4055
who 7 w 4058
were 3 w 4062
alien 1 w 4067
born 1 w 4071
and 27 w 4074
perfect 1 w 4081
strangers 1 w 4090
find 2 w 4094
fault 1 w 4099
with 7 w 4103
many 4 w 4107
of 54 w 4109
the 92 w 4112
things 1 w 4118
that 12 w 4122
are 10 w 4125
done 1 w 4129
and 28 w 4133
are 11 w 4136
discontented 1 w 4148
whereas 1 w 4156
those 2 w 4161
who 8 w 4164
come 2 w 4168
from 3 w 4172
the 93 w 4175
class 1 w 4180
of 55 w 4182
resident 1 w 4190
aliens 1 w 4196
having 4 w 4203
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devolves 1 w 4302
upon 1 w 4306
them 6 w 4310
and 30 w 4313
are 12 w 4316
content 2 w 4323
And 3 w 4327
so 25 w 4329
you 11 w 4332
who 9 w 4336
have 5 w 4340
been 2 w 4344
brought 2 w 4351
up 7 w 4353
for 11 w 4356
a 299 w 4357
long 3 w 4361
time 3 w 4365
in 77 w 4367
contact 1 w 4374
with 9 w 4378
philosophy 4 w 4388
and 31 w 4392
have 6 w 4396
from 4 w 4400
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beginning 1 w 4412
been 3 w 4416
accustomed 1 w 4426
to 41 w 4428
philosophic 1 w 4439
reasoning 1 w 4448
as 41 w 4450
an 52 w 4452
ingredient 1 w 4462
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portion 1 w 4476
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early 1 w 4483
instruction 1 w 4494
and 32 w 4497
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ought 4 w 4514
to 42 w 4516
feel 1 w 4520
like 2 w 4524
an 54 w 4526
old 1 w 4529
friend 1 w 4535
and 33 w 4538
familiar 1 w 4546
when 1 w 4550
you 12 w 4553
come 3 w 4557
to 43 w 4559
philosophy 5 w 4569
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alone 4 w 4580
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array 1 w 4588
young 6 w 4593
men 7 w 4596
in 85 w 4598
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manly 1 w 4606
and 34 w 4609
truly 1 w 4614
perfect 2 w 4621
adornment 1 w 4630
that 13 w 4634
comes 1 w 4639
from 5 w 4643
reason 4 w 4649
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think 2 w 4656
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may 5 w 4662
not 6 w 4665
find 3 w 4669
unwelcome 1 w 4678
some 5 w 4682
preliminary 1 w 4693
remarks 1 w 4700
about 2 w 4705
the 98 w 4708
sense 4 w 4713
of 57 w 4715
hearing 2 w 4722
which 8 w 4728
Theophrastus 1 w 4740
The 10 w 4743
statement 1 w 4752
is 43 w 4754
not 7 w 4757
elsewhere 1 w 4766
preserved 1 w 4775
asserts 1 w 4783
is 44 w 4785
the 99 w 4788
most 1 w 4792
emotional 1 w 4801
of 58 w 4803
all 4 w 4806
the 100 w 4809
senses 1 w 4815
For 2 w 4819
nothing 3 w 4826
which 9 w 4831
can 7 w 4834
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seen 1 w 4840
or 40 w 4842
tasted 1 w 4848
or 41 w 4850
touched 1 w 4857
brings 1 w 4863
on 63 w 4865
such 1 w 4869
distractions 1 w 4881
confusions 1 w 4892
and 35 w 4896
excitements 1 w 4907
as 46 w 4910
take 3 w 4914
possession 1 w 4924
of 59 w 4926
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soul 1 w 4933
when 2 w 4937
certain 2 w 4944
crashing 1 w 4952
clashing 1 w 4961
and 36 w 4965
roaring 1 w 4972
noises 1 w 4978
assail 1 w 4984
the 102 w 4987
hearing 3 w 4994
Yet 1 w 4998
this 7 w 5002
sense 6 w 5007
is 48 w 5009
more 5 w 5013
rational 2 w 5021
than 2 w 5025
emotional 2 w 5034
For 3 w 5038
while 4 w 5043
many 5 w 5047
places 1 w 5053
and 37 w 5056
parts 1 w 5061
of 60 w 5063
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body 1 w 5070
make 2 w 5074
way 6 w 5077
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vice 1 w 5084
to 45 w 5086
enter 2 w 5091
through 1 w 5098
them 7 w 5102
and 38 w 5105
fasten 1 w 5111
itself 2 w 5117
upon 2 w 5121
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soul 2 w 5128
virtue 1 w 5135
s 340 w 5137
only 2 w 5141
hold 1 w 5145
upon 3 w 5149
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young 7 w 5157
is 49 w 5159
afforded 1 w 5167
by 5 w 5169
the 107 w 5172
ears 1 w 5176
if 8 w 5179
they 6 w 5183
be 26 w 5185
uncontaminated 1 w 5199
and 39 w 5202
kept 1 w 5206
from 6 w 5210
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outset 1 w 5219
unspoiled 1 w 5228
by 6 w 5230
flattery 1 w 5238
and 40 w 5241
untouched 1 w 5250
by 7 w 5252
vile 2 w 5256
words 1 w 5261
For 4 w 5265
this 8 w 5269
reason 5 w 5275
Xenocrates 1 w 5285
Again 1 w 5290
referred 2 w 5298
to 47 w 5300
by 8 w 5302
Plutarch 4 w 5310
Moralia 2 w 5318
706 1 w 5322
C 4 w 5323
advised 1 w 5331
putting 1 w 5338
ear-protectors 1 w 5352
on 75 w 5354
children 1 w 5362
rather 1 w 5368
than 3 w 5372
on 76 w 5374
athletes 1 w 5382
on 77 w 5385
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ground 1 w 5394
that 14 w 5398
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latter 3 w 5407
have 7 w 5411
only 3 w 5415
their 6 w 5420
ears 2 w 5424
disfigured 1 w 5434
by 9 w 5436
the 114 w 5439
blows 1 w 5444
they 7 w 5448
receive 1 w 5455
while 5 w 5461
the 116 w 5464
former 2 w 5470
have 8 w 5474
their 7 w 5479
characters 1 w 5489
disfigured 2 w 5499
by 10 w 5501
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words 2 w 5509
they 8 w 5513
hear 7 w 5517
not 9 w 5521
that 15 w 5525
he 151 w 5527
would 1 w 5532
thus 2 w 5536
court 1 w 5541
heedlessness 1 w 5553
or 52 w 5555
deafness 1 w 5563
but 7 w 5567
he 153 w 5569
advises 1 w 5576
vigilance 1 w 5585
against 1 w 5592
vile 3 w 5596
words 3 w 5601
until 1 w 5607
such 2 w 5611
time 4 w 5615
as 52 w 5617
other 5 w 5622
words 4 w 5627
of 61 w 5630
good 4 w 5634
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fostered 1 w 5647
in 101 w 5649
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character 8 w 5661
by 11 w 5663
philosophy 6 w 5673
should 1 w 5680
like 3 w 5685
watchmen 1 w 5693
have 9 w 5698
taken 1 w 5703
under 4 w 5708
their 8 w 5713
charge 1 w 5719
the 123 w 5722
post 1 w 5726
chiefly 1 w 5733
exposed 1 w 5740
to 49 w 5742
influence 1 w 5751
and 41 w 5754
persuasion 2 w 5764
And 4 w 5768
Bias 1 w 5772
Ibid 1 w 5776
146 1 w 5780
F 5 w 5781
of 62 w 5784
old 3 w 5787
on 80 w 5790
receiving 1 w 5799
orders 1 w 5805
to 50 w 5807
send 1 w 5811
to 51 w 5813
Amasis 1 w 5819
the 124 w 5822
portion 2 w 5829
of 63 w 5831
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sacrificial 1 w 5845
animal 1 w 5851
which 10 w 5856
was 4 w 5859
at 47 w 5861
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same 2 w 5868
time 5 w 5872
the 127 w 5875
best 1 w 5879
and 42 w 5882
the 128 w 5885
worst 1 w 5890
cut 1 w 5894
out 6 w 5897
the 129 w 5900
tongue 1 w 5906
and 43 w 5909
sent 2 w 5913
it 38 w 5915
to 53 w 5917
him 3 w 5920
on 83 w 5923
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ground 2 w 5932
that 16 w 5936
speech 1 w 5942
contains 2 w 5950
both 1 w 5954
injuries 1 w 5962
and 44 w 5965
benefits 1 w 5973
in 106 w 5975
the 131 w 5978
largest 1 w 5985
measure 1 w 5992
Most 1 w 5997
people 2 w 6003
in 107 w 6005
bestowing 1 w 6014
an 75 w 6016
affectionate 1 w 6028
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on 86 w 6034
little 3 w 6040
children 2 w 6048
not 10 w 6051
only 4 w 6055
take 5 w 6059
hold 2 w 6063
of 64 w 6065
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children 3 w 6076
by 12 w 6078
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ears 3 w 6085
but 8 w 6088
bid 2 w 6091
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children 4 w 6102
to 55 w 6104
do 10 w 6106
the 135 w 6109
same 3 w 6113
by 13 w 6115
them 8 w 6119
thus 3 w 6124
insinuating 1 w 6135
in 112 w 6137
a 423 w 6138
playful 1 w 6145
way 7 w 6148
that 17 w 6152
they 9 w 6156
must 5 w 6160
love 1 w 6164
most 2 w 6168
those 3 w 6173
who 10 w 6176
confer 1 w 6182
benefit 3 w 6189
through 2 w 6196
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ears 4 w 6203
For 5 w 6207
surely 1 w 6213
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fact 1 w 6220
is 57 w 6222
plain 1 w 6227
that 18 w 6232
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young 8 w 6240
man 11 w 6243
who 11 w 6246
is 58 w 6248
debarred 1 w 6256
from 7 w 6260
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all 5 w 6270
instruction 2 w 6281
and 45 w 6284
gets 1 w 6288
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taste 2 w 6295
of 65 w 6297
speech 2 w 6303
not 11 w 6306
only 5 w 6310
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wholly 1 w 6323
unfruitful 1 w 6333
and 46 w 6336
makes 2 w 6341
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growth 1 w 6349
towards 1 w 6356
virtue 2 w 6362
but 9 w 6366
may 6 w 6369
also 2 w 6373
be 31 w 6375
perverted 1 w 6384
towards 2 w 6391
vice 2 w 6395
and 47 w 6399
the 141 w 6402
product 1 w 6409
of 66 w 6411
his 14 w 6414
mind 2 w 6418
like 4 w 6423
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of 67 w 6429
a 446 w 6430
fallow 1 w 6436
and 48 w 6439
untilled 1 w 6447
piece 1 w 6452
of 68 w 6454
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will 3 w 6465
be 32 w 6467
a 449 w 6468
plentiful 1 w 6477
crop 1 w 6481
of 69 w 6483
wild 1 w 6487
oats 1 w 6491
For 6 w 6495
if 11 w 6497
the 142 w 6500
impulses 2 w 6508
towards 3 w 6515
pleasure 1 w 6523
and 49 w 6526
the 143 w 6529
feelings 1 w 6537
of 70 w 6539
suspicion 1 w 6548
towards 4 w 6555
hard 1 w 6559
work 1 w 6563
which 11 w 6569
are 13 w 6572
not 12 w 6575
of 71 w 6577
external 1 w 6585
origin 1 w 6591
nor 1 w 6594
imported 1 w 6602
products 1 w 6610
of 72 w 6612
the 144 w 6615
spoken 1 w 6621
word 5 w 6625
but 10 w 6629
indigenous 1 w 6639
sources 1 w 6646
as 60 w 6649
it 43 w 6651
were 4 w 6655
of 73 w 6658
pestilent 1 w 6667
emotions 1 w 6675
and 50 w 6678
disorders 1 w 6687
without 1 w 6694
number 1 w 6700
be 34 w 6703
allowed 1 w 6710
to 60 w 6712
continue 1 w 6720
unconstrained 1 w 6733
along 2 w 6738
their 9 w 6743
natural 2 w 6750
channels 1 w 6758
and 51 w 6762
if 12 w 6764
they 10 w 6768
be 35 w 6770
not 13 w 6773
either 1 w 6779
removed 1 w 6786
or 67 w 6788
diverted 1 w 6796
another 1 w 6803
way 8 w 6806
through 3 w 6813
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agency 1 w 6822
of 74 w 6824
goodly 1 w 6830
discourse 2 w 6839
thus 4 w 6844
putting 2 w 6851
the 150 w 6854
natural 3 w 6861
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in 124 w 6873
a 472 w 6874
fit 5 w 6877
condition 1 w 6886
there 2 w 6892
is 62 w 6894
not 15 w 6897
one 10 w 6900
of 75 w 6902
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wild 2 w 6909
beasts 1 w 6915
but 11 w 6918
would 2 w 6923
be 37 w 6925
found 1 w 6930
more 6 w 6934
civilized 1 w 6943
than 4 w 6947
man 12 w 6950
Cf 1 w 6953
Plato 1 w 6959
Laws 1 w 6964
808 1 w 6968
D 2 w 6969