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CTS Library / On Listening to Lectures

On Listening to Lectures (15-18)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '15', 'human_reference': 'Section 15'}, 'end': {'reference': '18', 'human_reference': 'Section 18'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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Then also the terms used in commendations must not be indiscriminate. For Epicurus [*] himself is displeasing when he says of his friends letters that they give rise to hullabaloos. And those persons who nowadays introduce into our lecturerooms outlandish expressions, who are wont to exclaim over a lecture Divine, and Inspired, and Unapproachable, as though it were no longer enough to say Hear, Hear! and Good! and Right! as Plato and Socrates and Hypereides and their friends used to do to show their commendation,

behave in a most unseemly manner, and traduce the speakers, as though these desired such high-flown and excessive commendations. Exceedingly displeasing also are those who use an oath in testifying to their approval of the speakers as though in a law court. No less so are those who fail to respect the quality of persons, and cry aloud to a philosopher Smart! or to an aged man Clever! or Flowery!, thus transferring to the philosophers the expressions of those who make a sport and an opportunity to show off out of their scholastic exercises, and applying meretricious commendation to sober discourse, as though they should put on an athletes head a crown of lilies or roses instead of laurel or wild olive! Once when Euripides the poet was going over for the members of his chorus a lyric passage set to music one of them burst out laughing; whereat Euripides remarked, If you were not so stupid and ignorant, you would not have laughed while I was singing in most solemn measure. [*] And so, as I think, one who is a philosopher and statesman might repress the exuberance of a graceless hearer by saying, You seem to me to be an ill-bred fool; else, while I am giving instruction or admonition, or discoursing upon the gods or the State or its government, you would not be whistling and dancing a jig to my words. Just consider what it really means, if, when a philosopher is speaking, the people outside, by reason of the clamour and shouting of those within, are unable to make out whether the applause is for some flute-player, or harper, or dancer.

Moreover, admonitions and rebukes must be

listened to neither with stolid indifference nor with unseemly emotion. For those who can submit to being reproved by philosophers so light-heartedly and heedlessly as to laugh when being taken to task and to commend those who take them to task, as parasites do when abused by those at whose expense they live, are utterly froward and bold, and they give no good or genuine proof of manliness by their shameless behaviour. As for a pleasant scoff, wittily delivered and in pure fun, if a man know how to take it cheerfully and without offence, his conduct argues no ignoble or uncultured mind, but one altogether generous and Spartan. On the other hand, to hear a reprehension or admonition to reform character, delivered in words that penetrate like a biting drug, and not to be humbled at hearing it, not to run into a sweating and dizziness, not to burn with shame in the soul, but, on the contrary to listen unmoved, grinning, dissembling in the face of it all, is a notable sign of an illiberal nature in the young, dead to all modesty because of an habitual and continued acquaintance with wrongdoing, with a soul like hard and calloused flesh, upon which no lash can leave a weal.

Such is the behaviour of those who belong to this class. But young men of the opposite temperament, if they ever hear a single word directed against themselves, run away without looking back, and try to desert philosophy; and, although the sense of modesty which Nature has bestowed upon them is an admirable beginning for their salvation, they lose it through effeminacy and weakness, since they display no firmness under reproof, nor do they accept corrections with the proper spirit, but they turn away their ears toward the agreeable and gentle converse

of sundry flatterers or voluble talkers, who enchant them with useless and unprofitable but nevertheless pleasant utterances. Just as one who runs away from the physician after an operation, and will not submit to be bandaged, sustains all the pain of the treatment, but waits not for its benefits: so when the word has cut and wounded a mans foolishness, if he give it no chance to heal and quiet the wound, he comes away from philosophy with a smart and pain but with no benefit. For not only the wound of Telephus, as Euripides [*] says,
Is soothed by fine-rasped filings from the spear,
but the smart from philosophy which sinks deep in young men of good parts is healed by the very words which inflicted the hurt. For this reason he who is taken to task must feel and suffer some smart, yet he should not be crushed or dispirited, but, as though at a solemn rite of novitiate which consecrates him to philosophy, he should submit to the initial purifications and commotions, in the expectation that something delectable and splendid will follow upon his present distress and perturbation. Indeed, even if the reproof seems to be given unjustly, it is an admirable thing to endure it with continued patience while the man is speaking; and when he has come to the end, to go to him with an explanation, and beg him to reserve for some real misconduct the frankness and earnestness that he has employed in the present instance.

Moreover, just as in learning to read and write, or in taking up music or physical training, the first lessons are attended with much confusion, hard work, and uncertainty, but later, as the learner makes progress, by slow degrees, just as in his

relations with human beings, a full familiarity is engendered and knowledge which renders everything attractive, feasible, and easy, both to say and to do, so also is it with philosophy, which undoubtedly has something knotty and unfamiliar in its terms and subject matter at the outset; yet one ought not to take fright at its beginnings, and to abandon it in timorous and craven fashion; rather should he examine each point, and persist and stick to the task of getting on, while awaiting that familiarity which makes every noble thing a pleasure. For come it will without long delay, bringing with it abundant light for the subject of study; it will inspire also a passionate love for virtue; and anyone who could endure to pass the rest of his life without this passion, because he has exiled himself from philosophy for want of true manliness, brands himself either as a very presumptuous man or else a coward.

It is quite possible that the subject of philosophy contains some matter which is difficult for young and inexperienced students to apprehend at the outset. But, at the same time, they must hold themselves responsible for most of the uncertainty and misunderstanding in which they find themselves involved, since quite opposite characters come to fall into the same error. Some, because of a feeling of shame and a desire to spare the speaker, hesitate to ask questions and to get the argument firmly fixed in their minds, nodding their heads in assent as though they comprehended it; others, led by an unseasonable ambition and inane rivalry with their fellow-students, to show off their acuteness and their ability to learn easily, avow that they have the meaning before they have grasped it, and so do not

grasp it at all. Then the result is that those modest and silent persons, after leaving the lecture, distress themselves over their difficulties, and finally, driven by necessity, with even greater shame this time, they trouble the lecturers with questions which they should have asked before, and try to catch up; but with the ambitious and self-confident young men, the result is that they are all the time trying to cover up and conceal the ignorance that abides with them.

Let us therefore put from us all such foolishness and pretension, and, as we go onward to the task of learning, let us take pains thoroughly to comprehend all profitable discourses; let us submit with patience to the laughter of those reputed to be clever, as did Cleanthes and Xenocrates, who, although they seemed to be slower than their schoolmates, yet did not try to escape learning or give it up in despair, but were the first to make jokes at themselves by comparing themselves to narrow-necked bottles and bronze tablets, as much as to say that they found great difficulty in taking in what was said, yet they kept it safely and securely. For not only is one bound, as Phocylides says,

Many a time to be cheated of hope when he seeks to be noble,[*]
but he is bound also many a time to be laughed at and to be in disrepute, and to put up with joking and buffoonery as he struggles with might and main against his ignorance and overthrows it.

On the other hand, however, we certainly must not neglect the mistake that leads to the opposite extreme, which some persons are led to commit by laziness, thus making themselves unpleasant and

irksome. For when they are by themselves they are not willing to give themselves any trouble, but they give trouble to the speaker by repeatedly asking questions about the same things, like unfledged nestlings always agape toward the mouth of another, and desirous of receiving everything ready prepared and predigested. There is another class, who, eager to be thought astute and attentive out of due place, wear out the speakers with loquacity and officiousness, by continually propounding some extraneous and unessential difficulty and asking for demonstrations of matters that need no demonstration, and so, as Sophocles [*] puts it,
Much time it takes to go a little way,
not only for themselves but for the rest of the company too. For holding back the speaker on every possible occasion by their inane and superfluous questions, as in a company of persons travelling together, they impede the regular course of the lecture, which has to put up with halts and delays. Now such persons are, according to Hieronymus, like cowardly and persistent puppies which, at home, bite at the skins of wild animals, and tear off what bits they can, but never touch the animals themselves. But as for those lazy persons whom we have mentioned, let us urge them that, when their intelligence has comprehended the main points, they put the rest together by their own efforts, and use their memory as a guide in thinking for themselves, and, taking the discourse of another as a germ and seed, develop and expand it. For the mind does not require filling like a bottle, but rather, like wood, it only requires kindling to create in it an impulse to think independently and an ardent desire for the
truth. Imagine, then, that a man should need to get fire from a neighbour, and, upon finding a big bright fire there, should stay there continually warming himself; just so it is if a man comes to another to share the benefit of a discourse, and does not think it necessary to kindle from it some illumination for himself and some thinking of his own, but, delighting in the discourse, sits enchanted; he gets, as it were, a bright and ruddy glow in the form of opinion imparted to him by what is said, but the mouldiness and darkness of his inner mind he has not dissipated nor banished by the warm glow of philosophy.

Finally, if there be need of any other instruction in regard to listening to a lecture, it is that it is necessary to keep in mind what has here been said, and to cultivate independent thinking along with our learning, so that we may acquire a habit of mind that is not sophistic or bent on acquiring mere information, but one that is deeply ingrained and philosophic, as we may do if we believe that right listening is the beginning of right living.

Then 1 w 4
also 1 w 8
the 1 w 11
terms 1 w 16
used 1 w 20
in 1 w 22
commendations 1 w 35
must 1 w 39
not 1 w 42
be 1 w 44
indiscriminate 1 w 58
For 1 w 62
Epicurus 1 w 70
Cf 1 w 72
Diogenes 1 w 81
Laertius 1 w 89
x 1 w 91
5 1 w 93
himself 1 w 101
is 2 w 103
displeasing 1 w 114
when 1 w 118
he 4 w 120
says 1 w 124
of 1 w 126
his 1 w 129
friends 1 w 136
letters 1 w 144
that 1 w 148
they 1 w 152
give 1 w 156
rise 1 w 160
to 1 w 162
hullabaloos 1 w 173
And 1 w 177
those 1 w 182
persons 1 w 189
who 1 w 192
nowadays 1 w 200
introduce 1 w 209
into 1 w 213
our 1 w 216
lecturerooms 1 w 228
outlandish 1 w 238
expressions 1 w 249
who 2 w 253
are 1 w 256
wont 1 w 260
to 3 w 262
exclaim 1 w 269
over 1 w 273
a 15 w 274
lecture 2 w 281
Divine 1 w 287
and 2 w 291
Inspired 1 w 299
and 3 w 303
Unapproachable 1 w 317
as 2 w 320
though 1 w 326
it 1 w 328
were 1 w 332
no 3 w 334
longer 1 w 340
enough 1 w 346
to 4 w 348
say 2 w 351
Hear 1 w 355
Hear 2 w 360
and 4 w 364
Good 1 w 368
and 5 w 372
Right 1 w 377
as 3 w 380
Plato 1 w 385
and 6 w 388
Socrates 1 w 396
and 7 w 399
Hypereides 1 w 409
and 8 w 412
their 1 w 417
friends 2 w 424
used 2 w 428
to 6 w 430
do 1 w 432
to 7 w 434
show 1 w 438
their 2 w 443
commendation 2 w 455
behave 1 w 462
in 8 w 464
a 35 w 465
most 1 w 469
unseemly 1 w 477
manner 1 w 483
and 9 w 487
traduce 1 w 494
the 5 w 497
speakers 1 w 505
as 4 w 508
though 2 w 514
these 1 w 519
desired 1 w 526
such 1 w 530
high-flown 1 w 540
and 10 w 543
excessive 1 w 552
commendations 2 w 565
Exceedingly 1 w 577
displeasing 2 w 588
also 2 w 592
are 2 w 595
those 2 w 600
who 3 w 603
use 3 w 606
an 12 w 608
oath 1 w 612
in 11 w 614
testifying 1 w 624
to 8 w 626
their 3 w 631
approval 1 w 639
of 2 w 641
the 8 w 644
speakers 2 w 652
as 6 w 654
though 3 w 660
in 13 w 662
a 52 w 663
law 1 w 666
court 1 w 671
No 1 w 674
less 1 w 678
so 4 w 680
are 3 w 683
those 3 w 688
who 4 w 691
fail 1 w 695
to 9 w 697
respect 1 w 704
the 9 w 707
quality 1 w 714
of 3 w 716
persons 2 w 723
and 11 w 727
cry 1 w 730
aloud 1 w 735
to 10 w 737
a 59 w 738
philosopher 1 w 749
Smart 1 w 754
or 2 w 757
to 11 w 759
an 14 w 761
aged 1 w 765
man 2 w 768
Clever 1 w 774
or 3 w 777
Flowery 1 w 784
thus 1 w 790
transferring 1 w 802
to 12 w 804
the 10 w 807
philosophers 1 w 819
the 11 w 822
expressions 2 w 833
of 4 w 835
those 4 w 840
who 5 w 843
make 1 w 847
a 66 w 848
sport 1 w 853
and 12 w 856
an 18 w 858
opportunity 1 w 869
to 13 w 871
show 2 w 875
off 1 w 878
out 2 w 881
of 6 w 883
their 4 w 888
scholastic 1 w 898
exercises 1 w 907
and 13 w 911
applying 1 w 919
meretricious 1 w 931
commendation 4 w 943
to 14 w 945
sober 1 w 950
discourse 1 w 959
as 8 w 962
though 4 w 968
they 2 w 972
should 1 w 978
put 1 w 981
on 11 w 983
an 20 w 985
athlete 1 w 992
s 87 w 994
head 1 w 998
a 77 w 999
crown 1 w 1004
of 7 w 1006
lilies 1 w 1012
or 6 w 1014
roses 1 w 1019
instead 1 w 1026
of 8 w 1028
laurel 1 w 1034
or 7 w 1036
wild 1 w 1040
olive 1 w 1045
Once 1 w 1050
when 2 w 1054
Euripides 1 w 1063
the 14 w 1066
poet 1 w 1070
was 1 w 1073
going 1 w 1078
over 2 w 1082
for 1 w 1085
the 15 w 1088
members 1 w 1095
of 9 w 1097
his 2 w 1100
chorus 1 w 1106
a 81 w 1107
lyric 1 w 1112
passage 1 w 1119
set 1 w 1122
to 15 w 1124
music 1 w 1129
one 1 w 1132
of 10 w 1134
them 1 w 1138
burst 1 w 1143
out 3 w 1146
laughing 1 w 1154
whereat 1 w 1162
Euripides 2 w 1171
remarked 1 w 1179
If 1 w 1182
you 1 w 1185
were 2 w 1189
not 2 w 1192
so 9 w 1194
stupid 1 w 1200
and 14 w 1203
ignorant 1 w 1211
you 2 w 1215
would 1 w 1220
not 3 w 1223
have 2 w 1227
laughed 1 w 1234
while 1 w 1239
I 3 w 1240
was 2 w 1243
singing 1 w 1250
in 21 w 1252
most 2 w 1256
solemn 1 w 1262
measure 1 w 1269
The 2 w 1273
mixed 1 w 1278
Lydian 1 w 1284
See 1 w 1288
Plutarch 1 w 1296
Moralia 1 w 1304
1136 1 w 1309
C 3 w 1310
D 3 w 1311
And 2 w 1315
so 11 w 1317
as 13 w 1320
I 4 w 1321
think 1 w 1326
one 2 w 1330
who 6 w 1333
is 11 w 1335
a 98 w 1336
philosopher 3 w 1347
and 15 w 1350
statesman 1 w 1359
might 1 w 1364
repress 1 w 1371
the 17 w 1374
exuberance 1 w 1384
of 11 w 1386
a 103 w 1387
graceless 1 w 1396
hearer 1 w 1402
by 1 w 1404
saying 1 w 1410
You 1 w 1414
seem 2 w 1418
to 16 w 1420
me 8 w 1422
to 17 w 1424
be 6 w 1426
an 27 w 1428
ill-bred 1 w 1436
fool 1 w 1440
else 1 w 1445
while 2 w 1451
I 5 w 1452
am 1 w 1454
giving 1 w 1460
instruction 1 w 1471
or 12 w 1473
admonition 1 w 1483
or 13 w 1486
discoursing 1 w 1497
upon 1 w 1501
the 18 w 1504
gods 1 w 1508
or 14 w 1510
the 19 w 1513
State 1 w 1518
or 15 w 1520
its 1 w 1523
government 1 w 1533
you 3 w 1537
would 2 w 1542
not 4 w 1545
be 7 w 1547
whistling 1 w 1556
and 16 w 1559
dancing 1 w 1566
a 113 w 1567
jig 1 w 1570
to 18 w 1572
my 1 w 1574
words 1 w 1579
Just 1 w 1584
consider 1 w 1592
what 1 w 1596
it 6 w 1598
really 1 w 1604
means 1 w 1609
if 2 w 1612
when 3 w 1617
a 117 w 1618
philosopher 4 w 1629
is 14 w 1631
speaking 1 w 1639
the 20 w 1643
people 1 w 1649
outside 1 w 1656
by 2 w 1659
reason 1 w 1665
of 12 w 1667
the 21 w 1670
clamour 1 w 1677
and 17 w 1680
shouting 1 w 1688
of 13 w 1690
those 5 w 1695
within 1 w 1701
are 5 w 1705
unable 1 w 1711
to 19 w 1713
make 2 w 1717
out 6 w 1720
whether 1 w 1727
the 23 w 1730
applause 1 w 1738
is 15 w 1740
for 2 w 1743
some 1 w 1747
flute-player 1 w 1759
or 18 w 1762
harper 1 w 1768
or 19 w 1771
dancer 1 w 1777
Moreover 1 w 1786
admonitions 1 w 1798
and 18 w 1801
rebukes 1 w 1808
must 2 w 1812
be 8 w 1814
listened 1 w 1822
to 20 w 1824
neither 1 w 1831
with 2 w 1835
stolid 1 w 1841
indifference 1 w 1853
nor 2 w 1856
with 3 w 1860
unseemly 2 w 1868
emotion 1 w 1875
For 2 w 1879
those 6 w 1884
who 7 w 1887
can 1 w 1890
submit 1 w 1896
to 22 w 1898
being 1 w 1903
reproved 1 w 1911
by 3 w 1913
philosophers 2 w 1925
so 17 w 1927
light-heartedly 1 w 1942
and 19 w 1945
heedlessly 1 w 1955
as 15 w 1957
to 23 w 1959
laugh 3 w 1964
when 4 w 1968
being 2 w 1973
taken 1 w 1978
to 24 w 1980
task 1 w 1984
and 20 w 1987
to 25 w 1989
commend 5 w 1996
those 7 w 2001
who 8 w 2004
take 2 w 2008
them 2 w 2012
to 26 w 2014
task 2 w 2018
as 18 w 2021
parasites 1 w 2030
do 2 w 2032
when 5 w 2036
abused 1 w 2042
by 4 w 2044
those 8 w 2049
at 15 w 2051
whose 1 w 2056
expense 1 w 2063
they 3 w 2067
live 2 w 2071
are 6 w 2075
utterly 1 w 2082
froward 1 w 2089
and 21 w 2092
bold 1 w 2096
and 22 w 2100
they 4 w 2104
give 2 w 2108
no 10 w 2110
good 1 w 2114
or 23 w 2116
genuine 1 w 2123
proof 1 w 2128
of 15 w 2130
manliness 1 w 2139
by 5 w 2141
their 5 w 2146
shameless 1 w 2155
behaviour 1 w 2164
As 1 w 2167
for 3 w 2170
a 154 w 2171
pleasant 1 w 2179
scoff 1 w 2184
wittily 1 w 2192
delivered 1 w 2201
and 23 w 2204
in 37 w 2206
pure 1 w 2210
fun 1 w 2213
if 4 w 2216
a 158 w 2217
man 5 w 2220
know 1 w 2224
how 3 w 2227
to 27 w 2229
take 3 w 2233
it 15 w 2235
cheerfully 1 w 2245
and 24 w 2248
without 1 w 2255
offence 1 w 2262
his 4 w 2266
conduct 1 w 2273
argues 1 w 2279
no 12 w 2281
ignoble 1 w 2288
or 25 w 2290
uncultured 1 w 2300
mind 1 w 2304
but 1 w 2308
one 3 w 2311
altogether 1 w 2321
generous 1 w 2329
and 25 w 2332
Spartan 1 w 2339
On 2 w 2342
the 30 w 2345
other 1 w 2350
hand 1 w 2354
to 29 w 2357
hear 3 w 2361
a 169 w 2362
reprehension 1 w 2374
or 26 w 2376
admonition 3 w 2386
to 30 w 2388
reform 1 w 2394
character 1 w 2403
delivered 2 w 2413
in 39 w 2415
words 2 w 2420
that 2 w 2424
penetrate 1 w 2433
like 1 w 2437
a 175 w 2438
biting 1 w 2444
drug 1 w 2448
and 27 w 2452
not 5 w 2455
to 31 w 2457
be 12 w 2459
humbled 1 w 2466
at 18 w 2468
hearing 1 w 2475
it 19 w 2477
not 6 w 2481
to 32 w 2483
run 1 w 2486
into 2 w 2490
a 179 w 2491
sweating 1 w 2499
and 28 w 2502
dizziness 1 w 2511
not 7 w 2515
to 34 w 2517
burn 1 w 2521
with 5 w 2525
shame 2 w 2530
in 45 w 2532
the 32 w 2535
soul 1 w 2539
but 2 w 2543
on 28 w 2546
the 33 w 2549
contrary 1 w 2557
to 35 w 2559
listen 2 w 2565
unmoved 1 w 2572
grinning 1 w 2581
dissembling 1 w 2593
in 49 w 2595
the 34 w 2598
face 1 w 2602
of 18 w 2604
it 21 w 2606
all 2 w 2609
is 20 w 2612
a 186 w 2613
notable 1 w 2620
sign 1 w 2624
of 19 w 2626
an 49 w 2628
illiberal 1 w 2637
nature 1 w 2643
in 50 w 2645
the 35 w 2648
young 1 w 2653
dead 1 w 2658
to 36 w 2660
all 3 w 2663
modesty 1 w 2670
because 1 w 2677
of 20 w 2679
an 50 w 2681
habitual 1 w 2689
and 29 w 2692
continued 1 w 2701
acquaintance 1 w 2713
with 6 w 2717
wrongdoing 1 w 2727
with 7 w 2732
a 201 w 2733
soul 2 w 2737
like 2 w 2741
hard 1 w 2745
and 30 w 2748
calloused 1 w 2757
flesh 1 w 2762
upon 2 w 2767
which 1 w 2772
no 18 w 2774
lash 1 w 2778
can 2 w 2781
leave 1 w 2786
a 208 w 2787
weal 1 w 2791
Such 1 w 2796
is 21 w 2798
the 36 w 2801
behaviour 2 w 2810
of 21 w 2812
those 9 w 2817
who 10 w 2820
belong 1 w 2826
to 37 w 2828
this 1 w 2832
class 1 w 2837
But 1 w 2841
young 2 w 2846
men 7 w 2849
of 22 w 2851
the 37 w 2854
opposite 1 w 2862
temperament 1 w 2873
if 5 w 2876
they 5 w 2880
ever 2 w 2884
hear 5 w 2888
a 214 w 2889
single 1 w 2895
word 3 w 2899
directed 1 w 2907
against 1 w 2914
themselves 1 w 2924
run 2 w 2928
away 1 w 2932
without 2 w 2939
looking 1 w 2946
back 1 w 2950
and 31 w 2954
try 1 w 2957
to 38 w 2959
desert 1 w 2965
philosophy 1 w 2975
and 32 w 2979
although 1 w 2988
the 40 w 2991
sense 1 w 2996
of 23 w 2998
modesty 2 w 3005
which 2 w 3010
Nature 1 w 3016
has 1 w 3019
bestowed 1 w 3027
upon 3 w 3031
them 4 w 3035
is 23 w 3037
an 57 w 3039
admirable 1 w 3048
beginning 1 w 3057
for 5 w 3060
their 6 w 3065
salvation 1 w 3074
they 6 w 3079
lose 1 w 3083
it 27 w 3085
through 1 w 3092
effeminacy 1 w 3102
and 33 w 3105
weakness 1 w 3113
since 1 w 3119
they 7 w 3123
display 1 w 3130
no 19 w 3132
firmness 1 w 3140
under 1 w 3145
reproof 1 w 3152
nor 3 w 3156
do 4 w 3158
they 8 w 3162
accept 1 w 3168
corrections 1 w 3179
with 9 w 3183
the 46 w 3186
proper 1 w 3192
spirit 1 w 3198
but 3 w 3202
they 9 w 3206
turn 1 w 3210
away 2 w 3214
their 7 w 3219
ears 1 w 3223
toward 1 w 3229
the 49 w 3232
agreeable 1 w 3241
and 34 w 3244
gentle 1 w 3250
converse 1 w 3258
of 25 w 3260
sundry 1 w 3266
flatterers 1 w 3276
or 33 w 3278
voluble 1 w 3285
talkers 1 w 3292
who 11 w 3296
enchant 1 w 3303
them 5 w 3307
with 10 w 3311
useless 1 w 3318
and 35 w 3321
unprofitable 1 w 3333
but 4 w 3336
nevertheless 1 w 3348
pleasant 2 w 3356
utterances 1 w 3366
Just 2 w 3371
as 25 w 3373
one 4 w 3376
who 12 w 3379
runs 1 w 3383
away 3 w 3387
from 1 w 3391
the 52 w 3394
physician 1 w 3403
after 1 w 3408
an 65 w 3410
operation 1 w 3419
and 36 w 3423
will 1 w 3427
not 9 w 3430
submit 2 w 3436
to 41 w 3438
be 19 w 3440
bandaged 1 w 3448
sustains 1 w 3457
all 5 w 3460
the 53 w 3463
pain 1 w 3467
of 27 w 3469
the 54 w 3472
treatment 1 w 3481
but 5 w 3485
waits 1 w 3490
not 10 w 3493
for 6 w 3496
its 3 w 3499
benefits 1 w 3507
so 21 w 3510
when 6 w 3514
the 55 w 3517
word 4 w 3521
has 2 w 3524
cut 1 w 3527
and 38 w 3530
wounded 1 w 3537
a 267 w 3538
man 6 w 3541
s 249 w 3543
foolishness 1 w 3554
if 6 w 3557
he 82 w 3559
give 3 w 3563
it 36 w 3565
no 23 w 3567
chance 1 w 3573
to 42 w 3575
heal 1 w 3579
and 39 w 3582
quiet 1 w 3587
the 56 w 3590
wound 2 w 3595
he 85 w 3598
comes 1 w 3603
away 4 w 3607
from 2 w 3611
philosophy 2 w 3621
with 11 w 3625
a 274 w 3626
smart 1 w 3631
and 40 w 3634
pain 2 w 3638
but 6 w 3641
with 12 w 3645
no 24 w 3647
benefit 2 w 3654
For 3 w 3658
not 11 w 3661
only 1 w 3665
the 57 w 3668
wound 3 w 3673
of 28 w 3675
Telephus 1 w 3683
as 27 w 3686
Euripides 3 w 3695
Nauck 1 w 3700
Tragicorum 1 w 3711
Graecorum 1 w 3720
Fragmenta 1 w 3729
Euripides 4 w 3739
No 2 w 3742
724 1 w 3746
cf 1 w 3749
Plutarch 2 w 3758
Moralia 2 w 3766
89 1 w 3769
C 4 w 3770
says 2 w 3775
Is 1 w 3778
soothed 1 w 3785
by 6 w 3787
fine-rasped 1 w 3798
filings 1 w 3805
from 3 w 3809
the 59 w 3812
spear 1 w 3817
but 7 w 3821
the 60 w 3824
smart 2 w 3829
from 4 w 3833
philosophy 3 w 3843
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sinks 1 w 3853
deep 1 w 3857
in 67 w 3859
young 3 w 3864
men 11 w 3867
of 29 w 3869
good 2 w 3873
parts 1 w 3878
is 26 w 3880
healed 1 w 3886
by 7 w 3888
the 61 w 3891
very 1 w 3895
words 3 w 3900
which 4 w 3905
inflicted 1 w 3914
the 62 w 3917
hurt 1 w 3921
For 4 w 3925
this 2 w 3929
reason 2 w 3935
he 93 w 3937
who 13 w 3940
is 28 w 3942
taken 2 w 3947
to 43 w 3949
task 3 w 3953
must 3 w 3957
feel 1 w 3961
and 41 w 3964
suffer 1 w 3970
some 2 w 3974
smart 3 w 3979
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he 94 w 3985
should 2 w 3991
not 12 w 3994
be 22 w 3996
crushed 1 w 4003
or 42 w 4005
dispirited 1 w 4015
but 8 w 4019
as 31 w 4022
though 6 w 4028
at 26 w 4030
a 300 w 4031
solemn 2 w 4037
rite 2 w 4041
of 30 w 4043
novitiate 1 w 4052
which 5 w 4057
consecrates 1 w 4068
him 2 w 4071
to 44 w 4073
philosophy 4 w 4083
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should 3 w 4092
submit 3 w 4098
to 45 w 4100
the 63 w 4103
initial 1 w 4110
purifications 1 w 4123
and 42 w 4126
commotions 1 w 4136
in 70 w 4139
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expectation 1 w 4153
that 3 w 4157
something 1 w 4166
delectable 1 w 4176
and 43 w 4179
splendid 1 w 4187
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follow 1 w 4197
upon 4 w 4201
his 7 w 4204
present 1 w 4211
distress 1 w 4219
and 44 w 4222
perturbation 1 w 4234
Indeed 1 w 4241
even 1 w 4246
if 8 w 4248
the 65 w 4251
reproof 2 w 4258
seems 1 w 4263
to 46 w 4265
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given 1 w 4272
unjustly 1 w 4280
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is 32 w 4285
an 77 w 4287
admirable 2 w 4296
thing 2 w 4301
to 47 w 4303
endure 1 w 4309
it 46 w 4311
with 13 w 4315
continued 2 w 4324
patience 1 w 4332
while 3 w 4337
the 66 w 4340
man 7 w 4343
is 33 w 4345
speaking 2 w 4353
and 45 w 4357
when 7 w 4361
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has 3 w 4366
come 2 w 4370
to 48 w 4372
the 67 w 4375
end 10 w 4378
to 49 w 4381
go 6 w 4383
to 50 w 4385
him 3 w 4388
with 14 w 4392
an 80 w 4394
explanation 1 w 4405
and 46 w 4409
beg 2 w 4412
him 4 w 4415
to 51 w 4417
reserve 1 w 4424
for 7 w 4427
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real 2 w 4435
misconduct 1 w 4445
the 68 w 4448
frankness 1 w 4457
and 47 w 4460
earnestness 1 w 4471
that 4 w 4475
he 105 w 4477
has 4 w 4480
employed 1 w 4488
in 75 w 4490
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present 2 w 4500
instance 1 w 4508
Moreover 2 w 4517
just 2 w 4522
as 34 w 4524
in 77 w 4526
learning 1 w 4534
to 52 w 4536
read 1 w 4540
and 48 w 4543
write 1 w 4548
or 45 w 4551
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taking 1 w 4559
up 6 w 4561
music 2 w 4566
or 46 w 4568
physical 1 w 4576
training 1 w 4584
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first 1 w 4593
lessons 1 w 4600
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attended 1 w 4611
with 15 w 4615
much 1 w 4619
confusion 1 w 4628
hard 2 w 4633
work 1 w 4637
and 49 w 4641
uncertainty 1 w 4652
but 9 w 4656
later 1 w 4661
as 35 w 4664
the 71 w 4667
learner 1 w 4674
makes 1 w 4679
progress 1 w 4687
by 8 w 4690
slow 1 w 4694
degrees 1 w 4701
just 3 w 4706
as 36 w 4708
in 84 w 4710
his 8 w 4713
relations 1 w 4722
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human 1 w 4731
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a 350 w 4739
full 2 w 4743
familiarity 1 w 4754
is 36 w 4756
engendered 1 w 4766
and 50 w 4769
knowledge 1 w 4778
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renders 1 w 4790
everything 1 w 4800
attractive 1 w 4810
feasible 1 w 4819
and 51 w 4823
easy 1 w 4827
both 1 w 4832
to 53 w 4834
say 5 w 4837
and 52 w 4840
to 54 w 4842
do 5 w 4844
so 32 w 4847
also 3 w 4851
is 37 w 4853
it 53 w 4855
with 17 w 4859
philosophy 5 w 4869
which 7 w 4875
undoubtedly 1 w 4886
has 5 w 4889
something 2 w 4898
knotty 1 w 4904
and 53 w 4907
unfamiliar 1 w 4917
in 88 w 4919
its 5 w 4922
terms 2 w 4927
and 54 w 4930
subject 1 w 4937
matter 1 w 4943
at 41 w 4945
the 72 w 4948
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one 5 w 4961
ought 1 w 4966
not 14 w 4969
to 55 w 4971
take 5 w 4975
fright 1 w 4981
at 42 w 4983
its 6 w 4986
beginnings 1 w 4996
and 55 w 5000
to 56 w 5002
abandon 1 w 5009
it 57 w 5011
in 91 w 5013
timorous 1 w 5021
and 57 w 5024
craven 1 w 5030
fashion 1 w 5037
rather 1 w 5044
should 4 w 5050
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examine 1 w 5059
each 1 w 5063
point 1 w 5068
and 58 w 5072
persist 1 w 5079
and 59 w 5082
stick 1 w 5087
to 57 w 5089
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task 4 w 5096
of 32 w 5098
getting 1 w 5105
on 58 w 5107
while 4 w 5113
awaiting 1 w 5121
that 5 w 5125
familiarity 2 w 5136
which 8 w 5141
makes 2 w 5146
every 2 w 5151
noble 2 w 5156
thing 5 w 5161
a 389 w 5162
pleasure 1 w 5170
For 5 w 5174
come 3 w 5178
it 60 w 5180
will 3 w 5184
without 3 w 5191
long 3 w 5195
delay 1 w 5200
bringing 1 w 5209
with 19 w 5213
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abundant 1 w 5223
light 2 w 5228
for 8 w 5231
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subject 2 w 5241
of 33 w 5243
study 1 w 5248
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inspire 1 w 5262
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a 395 w 5267
passionate 1 w 5277
love 1 w 5281
for 9 w 5284
virtue 1 w 5290
and 60 w 5294
anyone 1 w 5300
who 14 w 5303
could 1 w 5308
endure 2 w 5314
to 58 w 5316
pass 3 w 5320
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rest 1 w 5327
of 34 w 5329
his 9 w 5332
life 1 w 5336
without 4 w 5343
this 3 w 5347
passion 2 w 5354
because 2 w 5362
he 115 w 5364
has 6 w 5367
exiled 1 w 5373
himself 2 w 5380
from 5 w 5384
philosophy 6 w 5394
for 10 w 5397
want 1 w 5401
of 35 w 5403
true 1 w 5407
manliness 2 w 5416
brands 1 w 5423
himself 3 w 5430
either 2 w 5436
as 47 w 5438
a 408 w 5439
very 4 w 5443
presumptuous 1 w 5455
man 10 w 5458
or 53 w 5460
else 2 w 5464
a 410 w 5465
coward 1 w 5471
It 1 w 5474
is 41 w 5476
quite 1 w 5481
possible 1 w 5489
that 6 w 5493
the 78 w 5496
subject 3 w 5503
of 36 w 5505
philosophy 7 w 5515
contains 1 w 5523
some 6 w 5527
matter 2 w 5533
which 9 w 5538
is 42 w 5540
difficult 1 w 5549
for 11 w 5552
young 4 w 5557
and 62 w 5560
inexperienced 1 w 5573
students 1 w 5581
to 59 w 5583
apprehend 1 w 5592
at 48 w 5594
the 79 w 5597
outset 2 w 5603
But 2 w 5607
at 49 w 5610
the 80 w 5613
same 1 w 5617
time 1 w 5621
they 10 w 5626
must 4 w 5630
hold 1 w 5634
themselves 2 w 5644
responsible 1 w 5655
for 12 w 5658
most 3 w 5662
of 37 w 5664
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uncertainty 2 w 5678
and 63 w 5681
misunderstanding 1 w 5697
in 105 w 5699
which 10 w 5704
they 11 w 5708
find 1 w 5712
themselves 3 w 5722
involved 1 w 5730
since 2 w 5736
quite 2 w 5741
opposite 2 w 5749
characters 1 w 5759
come 4 w 5763
to 60 w 5765
fall 1 w 5769
into 3 w 5773
the 86 w 5776
same 2 w 5780
error 1 w 5785
Some 1 w 5790
because 3 w 5798
of 38 w 5800
a 428 w 5801
feeling 1 w 5808
of 39 w 5810
shame 3 w 5815
and 65 w 5818
a 431 w 5819
desire 2 w 5825
to 62 w 5827
spare 1 w 5832
the 87 w 5835
speaker 3 w 5842
hesitate 1 w 5851
to 63 w 5853
ask 5 w 5856
questions 1 w 5865
and 66 w 5868
to 64 w 5870
get 3 w 5873
the 88 w 5876
argument 1 w 5884
firmly 1 w 5890
fixed 1 w 5895
in 111 w 5897
their 8 w 5902
minds 1 w 5907
nodding 1 w 5915
their 9 w 5920
heads 1 w 5925
in 114 w 5927
assent 1 w 5933
as 50 w 5935
though 7 w 5941
they 12 w 5945
comprehended 1 w 5957
it 71 w 5959
others 1 w 5966
led 5 w 5970
by 9 w 5972
an 111 w 5974
unseasonable 1 w 5986
ambition 1 w 5994
and 67 w 5997
inane 1 w 6002
rivalry 1 w 6009
with 21 w 6013
their 10 w 6018
fellow-students 1 w 6033
to 65 w 6036
show 3 w 6040
off 4 w 6043
their 11 w 6048
acuteness 1 w 6057
and 68 w 6060
their 12 w 6065
ability 1 w 6072
to 66 w 6074
learn 3 w 6079
easily 1 w 6085
avow 1 w 6090
that 7 w 6094
they 13 w 6098
have 3 w 6102
the 97 w 6105
meaning 1 w 6112
before 1 w 6118
they 14 w 6122
have 4 w 6126
grasped 1 w 6133
it 75 w 6135
and 69 w 6139
so 41 w 6141
do 8 w 6143
not 15 w 6146
grasp 2 w 6151
it 76 w 6153
at 52 w 6155
all 7 w 6158
Then 2 w 6163
the 99 w 6166
result 1 w 6172
is 44 w 6174
that 8 w 6178
those 10 w 6183
modest 3 w 6189
and 70 w 6192
silent 1 w 6198
persons 3 w 6205
after 2 w 6211
leaving 1 w 6218
the 100 w 6221
lecture 3 w 6228
distress 2 w 6237
themselves 4 w 6247
over 6 w 6251
their 13 w 6256
difficulties 1 w 6268
and 71 w 6272
finally 1 w 6279
driven 1 w 6286
by 10 w 6288
necessity 1 w 6297
with 22 w 6302
even 2 w 6306
greater 1 w 6313
shame 4 w 6318
this 4 w 6322
time 2 w 6326
they 15 w 6331
trouble 1 w 6338
the 104 w 6341
lecturers 1 w 6350
with 23 w 6354
questions 2 w 6363
which 11 w 6368
they 16 w 6372
should 5 w 6378
have 5 w 6382
asked 1 w 6387
before 2 w 6393
and 72 w 6397
try 2 w 6400
to 67 w 6402
catch 1 w 6407
up 7 w 6409
but 10 w 6413
with 24 w 6417
the 106 w 6420
ambitious 1 w 6429
and 73 w 6432
self-confident 1 w 6446
young 5 w 6451
men 13 w 6454
the 107 w 6458
result 2 w 6464
is 47 w 6466
that 9 w 6470
they 17 w 6474
are 9 w 6477
all 9 w 6480
the 109 w 6483
time 3 w 6487
trying 1 w 6493
to 68 w 6495
cover 1 w 6500
up 8 w 6502
and 74 w 6505
conceal 1 w 6512
the 110 w 6515
ignorance 1 w 6524
that 10 w 6528
abides 1 w 6534
with 25 w 6538
them 9 w 6542
Let 1 w 6546
us 35 w 6548
therefore 1 w 6557
put 2 w 6560
from 6 w 6564
us 36 w 6566
all 10 w 6569
such 2 w 6573
foolishness 2 w 6584
and 75 w 6587
pretension 1 w 6597
and 76 w 6601
as 56 w 6604
we 8 w 6606
go 7 w 6608
onward 1 w 6614
to 69 w 6616
the 113 w 6619
task 5 w 6623
of 41 w 6625
learning 2 w 6633
let 3 w 6637
us 37 w 6639
take 6 w 6643
pains 1 w 6648
thoroughly 1 w 6658
to 70 w 6660
comprehend 2 w 6670
all 11 w 6673
profitable 2 w 6683
discourses 1 w 6693
let 4 w 6697
us 38 w 6699
submit 4 w 6705
with 26 w 6709
patience 2 w 6717
to 71 w 6719
the 114 w 6722
laughter 1 w 6730
of 43 w 6732
those 11 w 6737
reputed 1 w 6744
to 72 w 6746
be 31 w 6748
clever 1 w 6754
as 58 w 6757
did 2 w 6760
Cleanthes 1 w 6769
and 77 w 6772
Xenocrates 1 w 6782
who 15 w 6786
although 2 w 6795
they 18 w 6799
seemed 1 w 6805
to 73 w 6807
be 32 w 6809
slower 1 w 6815
than 1 w 6819
their 14 w 6824
schoolmates 1 w 6835
yet 3 w 6839
did 3 w 6842
not 16 w 6845
try 4 w 6848
to 74 w 6850
escape 1 w 6856
learning 3 w 6864
or 62 w 6866
give 5 w 6870
it 86 w 6872
up 9 w 6874
in 123 w 6876
despair 1 w 6883
but 11 w 6887
were 3 w 6891
the 118 w 6894
first 2 w 6899
to 75 w 6901
make 5 w 6905
jokes 1 w 6910
at 61 w 6912
themselves 5 w 6922
by 11 w 6924
comparing 1 w 6933
themselves 6 w 6943
to 76 w 6945
narrow-necked 1 w 6958
bottles 1 w 6965
and 78 w 6968
bronze 1 w 6974
tablets 1 w 6981
as 59 w 6984
much 2 w 6988
as 60 w 6990
to 77 w 6992
say 6 w 6995
that 11 w 6999
they 19 w 7003
found 1 w 7008
great 2 w 7013
difficulty 1 w 7023
in 125 w 7025
taking 2 w 7031
in 127 w 7033
what 2 w 7037
was 3 w 7040
said 1 w 7044
yet 4 w 7048
they 20 w 7052
kept 1 w 7056
it 87 w 7058
safely 1 w 7064
and 79 w 7067
securely 1 w 7075
For 6 w 7079
not 17 w 7082
only 2 w 7086
is 50 w 7088
one 7 w 7091
bound 1 w 7096
as 62 w 7099
Phocylides 1 w 7109
says 3 w 7113
Many 1 w 7118
a 528 w 7119
time 4 w 7123
to 78 w 7125
be 33 w 7127
cheated 1 w 7134
of 44 w 7136
hope 1 w 7140
when 8 w 7144
he 170 w 7146
seeks 1 w 7151
to 79 w 7153
be 34 w 7155
noble 3 w 7160
Bergk 1 w 7166
Poet 1 w 7171
Lyr 1 w 7175
Gr 2 w 7178
ii 1 w 7181
p 147 w 7183
448 1 w 7187
Phocyl 2 w 7194
No 3 w 7197
14 1 w 7200
but 12 w 7204
he 171 w 7206
is 51 w 7208
bound 2 w 7213
also 5 w 7217
many 1 w 7221
a 532 w 7222
time 5 w 7226
to 80 w 7228
be 35 w 7230
laughed 2 w 7237
at 66 w 7239
and 80 w 7242
to 81 w 7244
be 36 w 7246
in 128 w 7248
disrepute 1 w 7257
and 81 w 7261
to 82 w 7263
put 5 w 7266
up 10 w 7268
with 27 w 7272
joking 1 w 7278
and 82 w 7281
buffoonery 1 w 7291
as 63 w 7293
he 173 w 7295
struggles 1 w 7304
with 28 w 7308
might 2 w 7313
and 83 w 7316
main 1 w 7320
against 2 w 7327
his 12 w 7330
ignorance 2 w 7339
and 84 w 7342
overthrows 1 w 7352
it 90 w 7354
On 3 w 7357
the 123 w 7360
other 3 w 7365
hand 2 w 7369
however 1 w 7377
we 12 w 7380
certainly 1 w 7389
must 5 w 7393
not 18 w 7396
neglect 1 w 7403
the 125 w 7406
mistake 1 w 7413
that 12 w 7417
leads 1 w 7422
to 83 w 7424
the 126 w 7427
opposite 3 w 7435
extreme 1 w 7442
which 12 w 7448
some 7 w 7452
persons 4 w 7459
are 10 w 7462
led 6 w 7465
to 84 w 7467
commit 1 w 7473
by 12 w 7475
laziness 1 w 7483
thus 2 w 7488
making 1 w 7494
themselves 7 w 7504
unpleasant 1 w 7514
and 86 w 7517
irksome 1 w 7524
For 7 w 7528
when 9 w 7532
they 21 w 7536
are 11 w 7539
by 13 w 7541
themselves 8 w 7551
they 22 w 7555
are 12 w 7558
not 19 w 7561
willing 1 w 7568
to 85 w 7570
give 6 w 7574
themselves 9 w 7584
any 4 w 7587
trouble 2 w 7594
but 13 w 7598
they 23 w 7602
give 7 w 7606
trouble 3 w 7613
to 86 w 7615
the 133 w 7618
speaker 4 w 7625
by 14 w 7627
repeatedly 1 w 7637
asking 1 w 7643
questions 3 w 7652
about 1 w 7657
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same 3 w 7664
things 1 w 7670
like 3 w 7675
unfledged 1 w 7684
nestlings 1 w 7693
always 1 w 7699
agape 1 w 7704
toward 2 w 7710
the 135 w 7713
mouth 1 w 7718
of 45 w 7720
another 1 w 7727
and 87 w 7731
desirous 1 w 7739
of 46 w 7741
receiving 1 w 7750
everything 2 w 7760
ready 1 w 7765
prepared 1 w 7773
and 88 w 7776
predigested 1 w 7787
There 1 w 7793
is 55 w 7795
another 2 w 7802
class 2 w 7807
who 16 w 7811
eager 1 w 7817
to 88 w 7819
be 37 w 7821
thought 1 w 7828
astute 1 w 7834
and 89 w 7837
attentive 1 w 7846
out 15 w 7849
of 47 w 7851
due 1 w 7854
place 1 w 7859
wear 1 w 7864
out 16 w 7867
the 138 w 7870
speakers 3 w 7878
with 29 w 7882
loquacity 1 w 7891
and 90 w 7894
officiousness 1 w 7907
by 15 w 7910
continually 1 w 7921
propounding 1 w 7932
some 9 w 7936
extraneous 1 w 7946
and 91 w 7949
unessential 1 w 7960
difficulty 2 w 7970
and 92 w 7973
asking 2 w 7979
for 16 w 7982
demonstrations 1 w 7996
of 49 w 7998
matters 1 w 8005
that 13 w 8009
need 1 w 8013
no 44 w 8015
demonstration 2 w 8028
and 93 w 8032
so 48 w 8034
as 69 w 8037
Sophocles 1 w 8046
Sophocles 2 w 8055
Antigone 1 w 8064
237 1 w 8068
puts 1 w 8073
it 95 w 8075
Much 1 w 8080
time 6 w 8084
it 96 w 8086
takes 1 w 8091
to 89 w 8093
go 9 w 8095
a 598 w 8096
little 1 w 8102
way 6 w 8105
not 22 w 8109
only 3 w 8113
for 17 w 8116
themselves 10 w 8126
but 14 w 8129
for 18 w 8132
the 140 w 8135
rest 2 w 8139
of 50 w 8141
the 141 w 8144
company 1 w 8151
too 1 w 8154
For 8 w 8158
holding 1 w 8165
back 2 w 8169
the 142 w 8172
speaker 6 w 8179
on 87 w 8181
every 4 w 8186
possible 2 w 8194
occasion 1 w 8202
by 16 w 8204
their 15 w 8209
inane 2 w 8214
and 94 w 8217
superfluous 1 w 8228
questions 4 w 8237
as 71 w 8240
in 146 w 8242
a 607 w 8243
company 2 w 8250
of 51 w 8252
persons 5 w 8259
travelling 1 w 8269
together 2 w 8277
they 24 w 8282
impede 1 w 8288
the 146 w 8291
regular 1 w 8298
course 3 w 8304
of 52 w 8306
the 147 w 8309
lecture 5 w 8316
which 13 w 8322
has 7 w 8325
to 92 w 8327
put 7 w 8330
up 12 w 8332
with 30 w 8336
halts 1 w 8341
and 95 w 8344
delays 1 w 8350
Now 1 w 8354
such 3 w 8358
persons 6 w 8365
are 14 w 8368
according 1 w 8378
to 93 w 8380
Hieronymus 1 w 8390
like 4 w 8395
cowardly 1 w 8403
and 96 w 8406
persistent 1 w 8416
puppies 1 w 8423
which 14 w 8428
at 74 w 8431
home 1 w 8435
bite 1 w 8440
at 75 w 8442
the 148 w 8445
skins 1 w 8450
of 53 w 8452
wild 2 w 8456
animals 1 w 8463
and 97 w 8467
tear 1 w 8471
off 6 w 8474
what 3 w 8478
bits 1 w 8482
they 25 w 8486
can 3 w 8489
but 15 w 8493
never 2 w 8498
touch 1 w 8503
the 150 w 8506
animals 2 w 8513
themselves 11 w 8523
But 3 w 8527
as 73 w 8529
for 19 w 8532
those 12 w 8537
lazy 1 w 8541
persons 7 w 8548
whom 1 w 8552
we 14 w 8554
have 6 w 8558
mentioned 1 w 8567
let 6 w 8571
us 46 w 8573
urge 1 w 8577
them 17 w 8581
that 14 w 8585
when 10 w 8590
their 16 w 8595
intelligence 1 w 8607
has 8 w 8610
comprehended 2 w 8622
the 154 w 8625
main 2 w 8629
points 1 w 8635
they 26 w 8640
put 8 w 8643
the 156 w 8646
rest 3 w 8650
together 3 w 8658
by 17 w 8660
their 17 w 8665
own 3 w 8668
efforts 1 w 8675
and 98 w 8679
use 11 w 8682
their 18 w 8687
memory 1 w 8693
as 75 w 8695
a 637 w 8696
guide 1 w 8701
in 153 w 8703
thinking 1 w 8711
for 21 w 8714
themselves 12 w 8724
and 99 w 8728
taking 3 w 8735
the 161 w 8738
discourse 3 w 8747
of 55 w 8749
another 3 w 8756
as 76 w 8758
a 642 w 8759
germ 1 w 8763
and 100 w 8766
seed 1 w 8770
develop 1 w 8778
and 101 w 8781
expand 1 w 8787
it 101 w 8789
For 9 w 8793
the 163 w 8796
mind 3 w 8800
does 1 w 8804
not 24 w 8807
require 1 w 8814
filling 1 w 8821
like 5 w 8825
a 646 w 8826
bottle 2 w 8832
but 16 w 8836
rather 2 w 8842
like 6 w 8847
wood 1 w 8851
it 102 w 8854
only 4 w 8858
requires 1 w 8866
kindling 1 w 8874
to 96 w 8876
create 1 w 8882
in 161 w 8884
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an 168 w 8888
impulse 1 w 8895
to 97 w 8897
think 3 w 8902
independently 1 w 8915
and 103 w 8918
an 170 w 8920
ardent 1 w 8926
desire 3 w 8932
for 22 w 8935
the 165 w 8938
truth 1 w 8943
Imagine 1 w 8951
then 1 w 8956
that 15 w 8961
a 655 w 8962
man 12 w 8965
should 6 w 8971
need 2 w 8975
to 98 w 8977
get 6 w 8980
fire 1 w 8984
from 7 w 8988
a 657 w 8989
neighbour 1 w 8998
and 104 w 9002
upon 5 w 9007
finding 1 w 9014
a 659 w 9015
big 1 w 9018
bright 1 w 9024
fire 2 w 9028
there 2 w 9033
should 7 w 9040
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continually 2 w 9060
warming 1 w 9067
himself 4 w 9074
just 4 w 9079
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comes 2 w 9096
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to 100 w 9107
share 1 w 9112
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necessary 1 w 9161
to 101 w 9163
kindle 1 w 9169
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some 10 w 9179
illumination 1 w 9191
for 23 w 9194
himself 5 w 9201
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some 11 w 9208
thinking 2 w 9216
of 57 w 9218
his 13 w 9221
own 4 w 9224
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delighting 1 w 9239
in 175 w 9241
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bright 2 w 9291
and 107 w 9294
ruddy 1 w 9299
glow 1 w 9303
in 176 w 9305
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form 2 w 9312
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opinion 1 w 9321
imparted 1 w 9329
to 102 w 9331
him 9 w 9334
by 18 w 9336
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is 62 w 9342
said 2 w 9346
but 18 w 9350
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nor 6 w 9409
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Finally 1 w 9450
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