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CTS Library / How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems

How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems (9-10)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '9', 'human_reference': 'Section 9'}, 'end': {'reference': '10', 'human_reference': 'Section 10'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

And lastly, it will be useful likewise to enquire into the cause why each thing is said. For so Cato, when he was a boy, though he was wont to be very observant of all his masters commands, yet withal used to ask the cause

or reason why he so commanded. But poets are not to be obeyed as pedagogues and lawgivers are, except they have reason to back what they say. And that they will not want, when they speak well; and if they speak ill, what they say will appear vain and frivolous. But nowadays most young men very briskly demand the reason of such trivial speeches as these, and enquire in what sense they are spoken:
It bodes ill luck, when vessels you set up,
To place the ladle on the mixing-cup.
Who from his chariot to anothers leaps,
Seldom his seat without a combat keeps.
But to those of greater moment they give credence without examination, as to those that follow:
The boldest men are daunted oftentimes,
When theyre reproached with their parents crimes:
When any man is crushed by adverse fate,
His spirit should be low as his estate.
And yet such speeches relate to manners, and disquiet mens lives by begetting in them evil opinions and unworthy sentiments, except they have learned to return answer to each of them thus: Wherefore is it necessary that a man who is crushed by adverse fate should have a dejected spirit? Yea, why rather should he not struggle against Fortune, and raise himself above the pressures of his low circumstances? Why, if I myself be a good and wise son of an evil and foolish father, does it not rather become me to bear myself confidently upon the account of my own virtue, than to be dejected and dispirited because of my fathers defects? For he that can encounter such speeches and oppose them after this manner, not yielding himself up to be overset with the blast of every saying, but approving that speech of Heraclitus, that
Whateer is said, though void of sense and wit,
The size of a fools intellect doth fit,
will reject many such things as falsely and idly spoken.

These things therefore may be of use to preserve us from the hurt we might get by the study of poems. Now, as on a vine the fruit oftentimes lies shadowed and hidden under its large leaves and luxuriant branches, so in the poets phrases and fictions that encompass them there are also many profitable and useful things concealed from the view of young men. This, however, ought not to be suffered; nor should we be led away from things themselves thus, but rather adhere to such of them as tend to the promoting of virtue and the well forming of our manners. It will not be altogether useless therefore, to treat briefly in the next place of passages of that nature. Wherein I intend to touch only at some particulars, leaving all longer discourses, and the brimming up and furnishing them with a multitude of instances, to those who write more for show and ostentation.

First, therefore, let our young man be taught to understand good and bad manners and persons, and from thence apply his mind to the words and deeds which the poet decently assigns to either of them. For example, Achilles, though in some wrath, speaks to Agamemnon thus decently:

Nor, when we take a Trojan town, can I
With thee in spoils and splendid prizes vie;
whereas Thersites to the same person speaks reproachfully in this manner:—
Tis thine whateer the warriors breast inflames,
The golden spoil, and thine the lovely dances.
With all the wealth our wars and blood bestow,
Thy tents are crowded and thy chests oerflow.
Again, Achilles thus:—
Wheneer, by Joves decree, our conquering powers
Shall humble to the dust Troys lofty towers;
but Thersites thus:—
Whom I or some Greek else as captive bring.
Again, Diomedes, when Agamemnon taking a view of the army spoke reproachfully to him,
To his hard words forbore to make reply,
For the respect he bare to majesty;
whereas Sthenelus, a man of small note, replies on him thus:—
Sir, when you know the truth, what need to lie?
For with our fathers we for valor vie.
Now the observation of such difference will teach the young man the decency of a modest and moderate temper, and the unbecoming nauseousness of the contrary vices of boasting and cracking of a mans own worth. And it is worth while also to take notice of the demeanor of Agamemnon in the same passage. For he passeth by Sthenelus unspoken to; but perceiving Ulysses to be offended, he neglects not him, but applies himself to answer him:—
Struck with his generous wrath, the king replies.[*]
For to have apologized to every one had been too servile and misbecoming the dignity of his person; whereas equally to have neglected every one had been an act of insolence and imprudence. And very handsome it is that Diomedes, though in the heat of the battle he answers the king only with silence, yet after the battle was over useth more liberty towards him, speaking thus:—
You called me coward, sir, before the Greeks.
It is expedient also to take notice of the different carriage of a wise man and of a soothsayer popularly courting the multitude. For Chalcas very unseasonably makes no scruple
to traduce the king before the people, as having been the cause of the pestilence that was befallen them. But Nestor, intending to bring in a discourse concerning the reconciling Achilles to him, that he might not seem to charge Agamemnon before the multitude with the miscarriage his passion had occasioned, only adviseth him thus:—
But thou, O king, to council call the old....
Wise weighty counsels aid a state distressd,
And such a monarch as can choose the best;
which done, accordingly after supper he sends his ambassadors. Now this speech of Nestor tended to the rectifying of what he had before done amiss; but that of Chalcas, only to accuse and disparage him.

There is likewise consideration to be had of the different manners of nations, such as these. The Trojans enter into battle with loud outcries and great fierceness; but in the army of the Greeks,

Sedate and silent move the numerous bands;
No sound, no whisper, but the chiefs commands;
Those only heard, with awe the rest obey.
For when soldiers are about to engage an enemy, the awe they stand in of their officers is an argument both of courage and obedience. For which purpose Plato teacheth us that we ought to inure ourselves to fear blame and disgrace more than labor and danger. And Cato was wont to say that he liked men that were apt to blush better than those that looked pale.

Moreover, there is a particular character to be noted of the men who undertake for any action. For Dolon thus promiseth:—

Ill pass through all their lost in a disguise
To their flag-ship, where she at anchor lies.
But Diomedes promiseth nothing, but only tells them he shall fear the less if they send a companion with him; whereby is intimated, that discreet foresight is Grecian and
civil, but rash confidence is barbarous and evil; and the former is therefore to be imitated, and the latter to be avoided.

It is a matter too of no unprofitable consideration, how the minds of the Trojans and of Hector too were affected when he and Ajax were about to engage in a single combat. For Aeschylus, when, upon one of the fighters at fisticuffs in the Isthmian games receiving a blow on the face, there was made a great outcry among the people, said: What a thing is practice! See how the lookers-on only cry out, but the man that received the stroke is silent. But when the poet tells us, that the Greeks rejoiced when they saw Ajax in his glistering armor, but

The Trojans knees for very fear did quake,
And even Hectors heart began to ache;
who is there that wonders not at this difference,—when the heart of him that was to run the risk of the combat only beats inwardly, as if he were to undertake a mere wrestling or running match, but the very bodies of the spectators tremble and shake, out of the kindness and fear which they had for their king?

In the same poet also we may observe the difference betwixt the humor of a coward and a valiant man. For Thersites

Against Achilles a great malice had,
And wise Ulysses he did hate as bad;
but Ajax is always represented as friendly to Achilles; and particularly he speaks thus to Hector concerning him:—
Hector! approach my arm, and singly know
What strength thou last, and what the Grecian foe.
Achilles shuns the fight; yet some there are
Not void of soul, and not unskilld in war:
wherein he insinuates the high commendation of that valiant man. And in what follows, he speaks like handsome things of his fellow-soldiers in general, thus:—
Whole troops of heroes Greece has yet to boast,
And sends thee one, a sample of her host;
wherein he doth not boast himself to be the only or the best champion, but one of those, among many others, who were fit to undertake that combat.

What hath been said is sufficient upon the point of dissimilitudes; except we think fit to add this, that many of the Trojans came into the enemys power alive, but none of the Grecians; and that many of the Trojans supplicated to their enemies,—as (for instance) Adrastus, the sons of Antimachus, Lycaon,—and even Hector himself entreats Achilles for a sepulture; but not one of these doth so, as judging it barbarous to supplicate to a foe in the field, and more Greek-like either to conquer or die.

And 1 w 3
lastly 1 w 9
it 1 w 12
will 1 w 16
be 1 w 18
useful 1 w 24
likewise 1 w 32
to 1 w 34
enquire 1 w 41
into 1 w 45
the 1 w 48
cause 1 w 53
why 1 w 56
each 1 w 60
thing 1 w 65
is 2 w 67
said 1 w 71
For 1 w 75
so 1 w 77
Cato 1 w 81
when 1 w 86
he 3 w 88
was 1 w 91
a 7 w 92
boy 1 w 95
though 1 w 102
he 4 w 104
was 2 w 107
wont 1 w 111
to 4 w 113
be 2 w 115
very 1 w 119
observant 1 w 128
of 1 w 130
all 1 w 133
his 1 w 136
master 1 w 142
s 13 w 144
commands 1 w 152
yet 1 w 156
withal 1 w 162
used 1 w 166
to 5 w 168
ask 1 w 171
the 2 w 174
cause 2 w 179
or 2 w 181
reason 1 w 187
why 2 w 190
he 6 w 192
so 3 w 194
commanded 1 w 203
But 1 w 207
poets 1 w 212
are 1 w 215
not 1 w 218
to 6 w 220
be 3 w 222
obeyed 1 w 228
as 7 w 230
pedagogues 1 w 240
and 3 w 243
lawgivers 1 w 252
are 2 w 255
except 1 w 262
they 1 w 266
have 1 w 270
reason 2 w 276
to 7 w 278
back 1 w 282
what 1 w 286
they 2 w 290
say 1 w 293
And 2 w 297
that 1 w 301
they 3 w 305
will 2 w 309
not 2 w 312
want 1 w 316
when 2 w 321
they 4 w 325
speak 1 w 330
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and 4 w 338
if 1 w 340
they 5 w 344
speak 2 w 349
ill 3 w 352
what 2 w 357
they 6 w 361
say 2 w 364
will 3 w 368
appear 1 w 374
vain 1 w 378
and 5 w 381
frivolous 1 w 390
But 2 w 394
nowadays 1 w 402
most 1 w 406
young 1 w 411
men 1 w 414
very 2 w 418
briskly 1 w 425
demand 1 w 431
the 9 w 434
reason 3 w 440
of 2 w 442
such 1 w 446
trivial 1 w 453
speeches 1 w 461
as 10 w 463
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and 7 w 472
enquire 2 w 479
in 4 w 481
what 3 w 485
sense 1 w 490
they 7 w 494
are 3 w 497
spoken 1 w 503
It 1 w 506
bodes 1 w 511
ill 5 w 514
luck 1 w 518
when 3 w 523
vessels 1 w 530
you 2 w 533
set 1 w 536
up 1 w 538
To 1 w 541
place 1 w 546
the 12 w 549
ladle 1 w 554
on 5 w 556
the 13 w 559
mixing-cup 1 w 569
Who 1 w 573
from 1 w 577
his 2 w 580
chariot 1 w 587
to 8 w 589
another 1 w 596
s 48 w 598
leaps 1 w 603
Seldom 1 w 610
his 3 w 613
seat 1 w 617
without 1 w 624
a 55 w 625
combat 1 w 631
keeps 1 w 636
Hesiod 1 w 643
Works 1 w 649
and 8 w 652
Days 1 w 656
744 1 w 660
Il 1 w 663
IV 1 w 666
306 1 w 670
But 3 w 674
to 9 w 676
those 1 w 681
of 3 w 683
greater 1 w 690
moment 1 w 696
they 8 w 700
give 2 w 704
credence 1 w 712
without 2 w 719
examination 1 w 730
as 11 w 733
to 10 w 735
those 2 w 740
that 2 w 744
follow 1 w 750
The 1 w 754
boldest 1 w 761
men 3 w 764
are 4 w 767
daunted 1 w 774
oftentimes 1 w 784
When 1 w 789
they 9 w 793
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Eurip 1 w 835
Hippol 1 w 842
424 1 w 846
When 2 w 851
any 1 w 854
man 4 w 857
is 7 w 859
crushed 1 w 866
by 1 w 868
adverse 1 w 875
fate 1 w 879
His 1 w 883
spirit 1 w 889
should 1 w 895
be 5 w 897
low 2 w 900
as 12 w 902
his 4 w 905
estate 1 w 911
And 3 w 915
yet 2 w 918
such 2 w 922
speeches 2 w 930
relate 1 w 936
to 11 w 938
manners 1 w 945
and 9 w 949
disquiet 1 w 957
men 4 w 960
s 77 w 962
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by 2 w 969
begetting 1 w 978
in 8 w 980
them 1 w 984
evil 1 w 988
opinions 1 w 996
and 10 w 999
unworthy 1 w 1007
sentiments 1 w 1017
except 2 w 1024
they 10 w 1028
have 2 w 1032
learned 1 w 1039
to 12 w 1041
return 1 w 1047
answer 1 w 1053
to 13 w 1055
each 2 w 1059
of 5 w 1061
them 2 w 1065
thus 1 w 1069
Wherefore 1 w 1079
is 11 w 1081
it 7 w 1083
necessary 1 w 1092
that 3 w 1096
a 84 w 1097
man 6 w 1100
who 1 w 1103
is 12 w 1105
crushed 2 w 1112
by 3 w 1114
adverse 2 w 1121
fate 2 w 1125
should 2 w 1131
have 3 w 1135
a 89 w 1136
dejected 1 w 1144
spirit 2 w 1150
Yea 1 w 1154
why 3 w 1158
rather 1 w 1164
should 3 w 1170
he 37 w 1172
not 4 w 1175
struggle 1 w 1183
against 1 w 1190
Fortune 1 w 1197
and 11 w 1201
raise 1 w 1206
himself 1 w 1213
above 1 w 1218
the 22 w 1221
pressures 1 w 1230
of 6 w 1232
his 5 w 1235
low 3 w 1238
circumstances 1 w 1251
Why 1 w 1255
if 2 w 1258
I 4 w 1259
myself 1 w 1265
be 7 w 1267
a 98 w 1268
good 1 w 1272
and 12 w 1275
wise 2 w 1279
son 4 w 1282
of 7 w 1284
an 22 w 1286
evil 2 w 1290
and 13 w 1293
foolish 1 w 1300
father 1 w 1306
does 1 w 1311
it 9 w 1313
not 5 w 1316
rather 2 w 1322
become 1 w 1328
me 9 w 1330
to 14 w 1332
bear 1 w 1336
myself 2 w 1342
confidently 1 w 1353
upon 1 w 1357
the 25 w 1360
account 1 w 1367
of 8 w 1369
my 3 w 1371
own 1 w 1374
virtue 1 w 1380
than 1 w 1385
to 15 w 1387
be 10 w 1389
dejected 2 w 1397
and 14 w 1400
dispirited 1 w 1410
because 1 w 1417
of 9 w 1419
my 4 w 1421
father 2 w 1427
s 111 w 1429
defects 1 w 1436
For 3 w 1440
he 43 w 1442
that 4 w 1446
can 1 w 1449
encounter 1 w 1458
such 3 w 1462
speeches 3 w 1470
and 15 w 1473
oppose 1 w 1479
them 3 w 1483
after 1 w 1488
this 1 w 1492
manner 2 w 1498
not 6 w 1502
yielding 1 w 1510
himself 2 w 1517
up 4 w 1519
to 16 w 1521
be 12 w 1523
overset 1 w 1530
with 5 w 1534
the 28 w 1537
blast 1 w 1542
of 10 w 1544
every 1 w 1549
saying 1 w 1555
but 1 w 1559
approving 1 w 1568
that 5 w 1572
speech 4 w 1578
of 11 w 1580
Heraclitus 1 w 1590
that 6 w 1595
Whate 1 w 1600
er 23 w 1603
is 19 w 1605
said 2 w 1609
though 2 w 1616
void 1 w 1620
of 12 w 1622
sense 2 w 1627
and 16 w 1630
wit 6 w 1633
The 2 w 1637
size 1 w 1641
of 13 w 1643
a 124 w 1644
fool 2 w 1648
s 129 w 1650
intellect 1 w 1659
doth 1 w 1663
fit 1 w 1666
will 4 w 1671
reject 1 w 1677
many 1 w 1681
such 4 w 1685
things 1 w 1691
as 14 w 1693
falsely 1 w 1700
and 17 w 1703
idly 1 w 1707
spoken 2 w 1713
These 1 w 1719
things 2 w 1725
therefore 1 w 1734
may 1 w 1737
be 13 w 1739
of 14 w 1741
use 6 w 1744
to 17 w 1746
preserve 1 w 1754
us 12 w 1756
from 2 w 1760
the 30 w 1763
hurt 1 w 1767
we 3 w 1769
might 1 w 1774
get 2 w 1777
by 4 w 1779
the 31 w 1782
study 1 w 1787
of 15 w 1789
poems 1 w 1794
Now 1 w 1798
as 15 w 1801
on 11 w 1803
a 131 w 1804
vine 1 w 1808
the 32 w 1811
fruit 1 w 1816
oftentimes 2 w 1826
lies 1 w 1830
shadowed 1 w 1838
and 18 w 1841
hidden 1 w 1847
under 1 w 1852
its 1 w 1855
large 1 w 1860
leaves 1 w 1866
and 19 w 1869
luxuriant 1 w 1878
branches 1 w 1886
so 7 w 1889
in 18 w 1891
the 33 w 1894
poet 2 w 1898
s 150 w 1900
phrases 1 w 1907
and 20 w 1910
fictions 1 w 1918
that 7 w 1922
encompass 1 w 1931
them 4 w 1935
there 2 w 1940
are 6 w 1943
also 1 w 1947
many 2 w 1951
profitable 1 w 1961
and 21 w 1964
useful 2 w 1970
things 3 w 1976
concealed 1 w 1985
from 3 w 1989
the 36 w 1992
view 1 w 1996
of 18 w 1998
young 2 w 2003
men 6 w 2006
This 1 w 2011
however 1 w 2019
ought 1 w 2025
not 7 w 2028
to 18 w 2030
be 14 w 2032
suffered 1 w 2040
nor 1 w 2044
should 4 w 2050
we 6 w 2052
be 15 w 2054
led 2 w 2057
away 1 w 2061
from 4 w 2065
things 4 w 2071
themselves 1 w 2081
thus 2 w 2085
but 2 w 2089
rather 3 w 2095
adhere 1 w 2101
to 19 w 2103
such 5 w 2107
of 19 w 2109
them 6 w 2113
as 18 w 2115
tend 1 w 2119
to 20 w 2121
the 40 w 2124
promoting 1 w 2133
of 20 w 2135
virtue 2 w 2141
and 22 w 2144
the 41 w 2147
well 2 w 2151
forming 1 w 2158
of 21 w 2160
our 1 w 2163
manners 2 w 2170
It 2 w 2173
will 5 w 2177
not 8 w 2180
be 16 w 2182
altogether 1 w 2192
useless 1 w 2199
therefore 2 w 2208
to 22 w 2211
treat 1 w 2216
briefly 1 w 2223
in 23 w 2225
the 44 w 2228
next 1 w 2232
place 2 w 2237
of 22 w 2239
passages 1 w 2247
of 23 w 2249
that 8 w 2253
nature 1 w 2259
Wherein 1 w 2267
I 6 w 2268
intend 1 w 2274
to 23 w 2276
touch 1 w 2281
only 1 w 2285
at 29 w 2287
some 1 w 2291
particulars 1 w 2302
leaving 1 w 2310
all 2 w 2313
longer 1 w 2319
discourses 1 w 2329
and 23 w 2333
the 45 w 2336
brimming 1 w 2344
up 5 w 2346
and 24 w 2349
furnishing 1 w 2359
them 7 w 2363
with 6 w 2367
a 170 w 2368
multitude 1 w 2377
of 24 w 2379
instances 1 w 2388
to 25 w 2391
those 3 w 2396
who 2 w 2399
write 1 w 2404
more 1 w 2408
for 5 w 2411
show 1 w 2415
and 25 w 2418
ostentation 1 w 2429
First 1 w 2435
therefore 3 w 2445
let 1 w 2449
our 3 w 2452
young 3 w 2457
man 11 w 2460
be 17 w 2462
taught 1 w 2468
to 26 w 2470
understand 1 w 2480
good 2 w 2484
and 27 w 2487
bad 1 w 2490
manners 3 w 2497
and 28 w 2500
persons 1 w 2507
and 29 w 2511
from 5 w 2515
thence 1 w 2521
apply 1 w 2526
his 8 w 2529
mind 1 w 2533
to 27 w 2535
the 49 w 2538
words 1 w 2543
and 30 w 2546
deeds 1 w 2551
which 1 w 2556
the 50 w 2559
poet 3 w 2563
decently 1 w 2571
assigns 1 w 2578
to 28 w 2580
either 1 w 2586
of 25 w 2588
them 8 w 2592
For 4 w 2596
example 1 w 2603
Achilles 1 w 2612
though 3 w 2619
in 31 w 2621
some 2 w 2625
wrath 1 w 2630
speaks 1 w 2637
to 29 w 2639
Agamemnon 1 w 2648
thus 3 w 2652
decently 2 w 2660
Nor 1 w 2664
when 4 w 2669
we 8 w 2671
take 1 w 2675
a 190 w 2676
Trojan 1 w 2682
town 1 w 2686
can 2 w 2690
I 7 w 2691
With 1 w 2695
thee 1 w 2699
in 32 w 2701
spoils 1 w 2707
and 31 w 2710
splendid 1 w 2718
prizes 1 w 2724
vie 2 w 2727
For 5 w 2731
this 2 w 2735
and 32 w 2738
the 54 w 2741
five 1 w 2745
following 1 w 2754
quotations 1 w 2764
see 1 w 2768
Il 2 w 2770
I 9 w 2772
163 1 w 2776
II 1 w 2779
226 1 w 2783
I 12 w 2785
128 1 w 2789
II 2 w 2792
231 1 w 2795
IV 2 w 2798
402 1 w 2802
and 33 w 2805
404 1 w 2808
whereas 1 w 2816
Thersites 1 w 2825
to 31 w 2827
the 55 w 2830
same 1 w 2834
person 2 w 2840
speaks 2 w 2846
reproachfully 1 w 2859
in 34 w 2861
this 3 w 2865
manner 5 w 2871
Tis 1 w 2877
thine 1 w 2882
whate 1 w 2887
er 46 w 2890
the 56 w 2893
warrior 1 w 2900
s 218 w 2902
breast 1 w 2908
inflames 1 w 2916
The 5 w 2920
golden 1 w 2926
spoil 2 w 2931
and 34 w 2935
thine 2 w 2940
the 57 w 2943
lovely 1 w 2949
dances 1 w 2955
With 2 w 2960
all 3 w 2963
the 58 w 2966
wealth 1 w 2972
our 4 w 2975
wars 1 w 2979
and 35 w 2982
blood 1 w 2987
bestow 1 w 2993
Thy 1 w 2997
tents 1 w 3002
are 7 w 3005
crowded 1 w 3012
and 36 w 3015
thy 2 w 3018
chests 1 w 3024
o 211 w 3025
erflow 1 w 3032
Again 1 w 3038
Achilles 2 w 3047
thus 4 w 3051
Whene 1 w 3058
er 48 w 3061
by 5 w 3064
Jove 1 w 3068
s 230 w 3070
decree 1 w 3076
our 5 w 3080
conquering 1 w 3090
powers 1 w 3096
Shall 1 w 3101
humble 1 w 3107
to 33 w 3109
the 59 w 3112
dust 1 w 3116
Troy 1 w 3120
s 233 w 3122
lofty 1 w 3127
towers 1 w 3133
but 3 w 3137
Thersites 2 w 3146
thus 5 w 3150
Whom 1 w 3156
I 16 w 3157
or 20 w 3159
some 3 w 3163
Greek 1 w 3168
else 1 w 3172
as 23 w 3174
captive 1 w 3181
bring 1 w 3186
Again 2 w 3192
Diomedes 1 w 3201
when 5 w 3206
Agamemnon 2 w 3215
taking 1 w 3221
a 221 w 3222
view 2 w 3226
of 27 w 3228
the 60 w 3231
army 1 w 3235
spoke 3 w 3240
reproachfully 2 w 3253
to 35 w 3255
him 3 w 3258
To 2 w 3261
his 11 w 3264
hard 1 w 3268
words 2 w 3273
forbore 1 w 3280
to 36 w 3282
make 1 w 3286
reply 1 w 3291
For 6 w 3295
the 61 w 3298
respect 1 w 3305
he 93 w 3307
bare 1 w 3311
to 37 w 3313
majesty 1 w 3320
whereas 2 w 3328
Sthenelus 1 w 3337
a 229 w 3339
man 14 w 3342
of 28 w 3344
small 1 w 3349
note 1 w 3353
replies 1 w 3361
on 23 w 3363
him 4 w 3366
thus 6 w 3370
Sir 1 w 3375
when 6 w 3380
you 5 w 3383
know 1 w 3387
the 63 w 3390
truth 1 w 3395
what 5 w 3400
need 1 w 3404
to 38 w 3406
lie 3 w 3409
For 7 w 3413
with 7 w 3417
our 6 w 3420
fathers 1 w 3427
we 12 w 3429
for 8 w 3432
valor 1 w 3437
vie 4 w 3440
Now 2 w 3444
the 65 w 3447
observation 1 w 3458
of 29 w 3460
such 6 w 3464
difference 1 w 3474
will 6 w 3478
teach 1 w 3483
the 66 w 3486
young 4 w 3491
man 15 w 3494
the 67 w 3497
decency 1 w 3504
of 30 w 3506
a 238 w 3507
modest 1 w 3513
and 37 w 3516
moderate 1 w 3524
temper 1 w 3530
and 38 w 3534
the 68 w 3537
unbecoming 1 w 3547
nauseousness 1 w 3559
of 31 w 3561
the 69 w 3564
contrary 1 w 3572
vices 1 w 3577
of 32 w 3579
boasting 1 w 3587
and 39 w 3590
cracking 1 w 3598
of 33 w 3600
a 247 w 3601
man 16 w 3604
s 262 w 3606
own 3 w 3609
worth 2 w 3614
And 4 w 3618
it 27 w 3620
is 28 w 3622
worth 3 w 3627
while 1 w 3632
also 2 w 3636
to 39 w 3638
take 2 w 3642
notice 1 w 3648
of 34 w 3650
the 70 w 3653
demeanor 1 w 3661
of 35 w 3663
Agamemnon 3 w 3672
in 46 w 3674
the 71 w 3677
same 2 w 3681
passage 2 w 3688
For 8 w 3692
he 106 w 3694
passeth 1 w 3701
by 6 w 3703
Sthenelus 2 w 3712
unspoken 1 w 3720
to 40 w 3722
but 4 w 3726
perceiving 1 w 3736
Ulysses 1 w 3743
to 41 w 3745
be 20 w 3747
offended 1 w 3755
he 108 w 3758
neglects 1 w 3766
not 11 w 3769
him 5 w 3772
but 5 w 3776
applies 1 w 3783
himself 3 w 3790
to 42 w 3792
answer 2 w 3798
him 7 w 3801
Struck 1 w 3809
with 8 w 3813
his 12 w 3816
generous 1 w 3824
wrath 2 w 3829
the 73 w 3833
king 3 w 3837
replies 2 w 3844
Il 3 w 3847
IV 3 w 3850
357 1 w 3854
For 9 w 3858
the 74 w 3861
four 1 w 3865
following 2 w 3874
see 2 w 3878
Il 4 w 3880
IX 1 w 3883
34 1 w 3886
and 40 w 3889
70 1 w 3891
IV 4 w 3894
431 1 w 3898
X 2 w 3900
325 1 w 3904
For 10 w 3908
to 43 w 3910
have 4 w 3914
apologized 1 w 3924
to 44 w 3926
every 2 w 3931
one 1 w 3934
had 2 w 3937
been 1 w 3941
too 1 w 3944
servile 1 w 3951
and 41 w 3954
misbecoming 1 w 3965
the 75 w 3968
dignity 1 w 3975
of 37 w 3977
his 13 w 3980
person 3 w 3986
whereas 3 w 3994
equally 1 w 4001
to 46 w 4003
have 5 w 4007
neglected 1 w 4016
every 3 w 4021
one 2 w 4024
had 3 w 4027
been 2 w 4031
an 72 w 4033
act 1 w 4036
of 38 w 4038
insolence 1 w 4047
and 42 w 4050
imprudence 1 w 4060
And 5 w 4064
very 6 w 4068
handsome 1 w 4076
it 30 w 4078
is 32 w 4080
that 9 w 4084
Diomedes 2 w 4092
though 4 w 4099
in 52 w 4101
the 76 w 4104
heat 1 w 4108
of 39 w 4110
the 77 w 4113
battle 1 w 4119
he 116 w 4121
answers 1 w 4128
the 78 w 4131
king 4 w 4135
only 2 w 4139
with 9 w 4143
silence 1 w 4150
yet 3 w 4154
after 2 w 4159
the 79 w 4162
battle 2 w 4168
was 3 w 4171
over 2 w 4175
useth 1 w 4180
more 2 w 4184
liberty 1 w 4191
towards 1 w 4198
him 8 w 4201
speaking 1 w 4210
thus 7 w 4214
You 1 w 4219
called 1 w 4225
me 25 w 4227
coward 1 w 4233
sir 1 w 4237
before 1 w 4244
the 80 w 4247
Greeks 1 w 4253
It 3 w 4256
is 33 w 4258
expedient 1 w 4267
also 3 w 4271
to 48 w 4273
take 3 w 4277
notice 2 w 4283
of 40 w 4285
the 81 w 4288
different 1 w 4297
carriage 1 w 4305
of 41 w 4307
a 288 w 4308
wise 3 w 4312
man 17 w 4315
and 44 w 4318
of 42 w 4320
a 291 w 4321
soothsayer 1 w 4331
popularly 1 w 4340
courting 1 w 4348
the 82 w 4351
multitude 2 w 4360
For 11 w 4364
Chalcas 1 w 4371
very 7 w 4375
unseasonably 1 w 4387
makes 1 w 4392
no 20 w 4394
scruple 1 w 4401
to 49 w 4403
traduce 1 w 4410
the 83 w 4413
king 6 w 4417
before 2 w 4423
the 84 w 4426
people 1 w 4432
as 32 w 4435
having 1 w 4441
been 3 w 4445
the 85 w 4448
cause 4 w 4453
of 43 w 4455
the 86 w 4458
pestilence 1 w 4468
that 10 w 4472
was 4 w 4475
befallen 1 w 4483
them 9 w 4487
But 4 w 4491
Nestor 1 w 4497
intending 1 w 4507
to 51 w 4509
bring 2 w 4514
in 61 w 4516
a 306 w 4517
discourse 2 w 4526
concerning 1 w 4536
the 88 w 4539
reconciling 1 w 4550
Achilles 3 w 4558
to 52 w 4560
him 9 w 4563
that 11 w 4568
he 128 w 4570
might 2 w 4575
not 13 w 4578
seem 1 w 4582
to 53 w 4584
charge 1 w 4590
Agamemnon 4 w 4599
before 3 w 4605
the 89 w 4608
multitude 3 w 4617
with 10 w 4621
the 90 w 4624
miscarriage 1 w 4635
his 14 w 4638
passion 1 w 4645
had 4 w 4648
occasioned 1 w 4658
only 3 w 4663
adviseth 1 w 4671
him 10 w 4674
thus 8 w 4678
But 5 w 4683
thou 7 w 4687
O 1 w 4689
king 7 w 4693
to 54 w 4696
council 1 w 4703
call 2 w 4707
the 91 w 4710
old 3 w 4713
Wise 1 w 4721
weighty 1 w 4728
counsels 1 w 4736
aid 3 w 4739
a 318 w 4740
state 2 w 4745
distress 1 w 4753
d 157 w 4755
And 6 w 4759
such 7 w 4763
a 320 w 4764
monarch 1 w 4771
as 36 w 4773
can 3 w 4776
choose 1 w 4782
the 92 w 4785
best 2 w 4789
which 2 w 4795
done 1 w 4799
accordingly 1 w 4811
after 3 w 4816
supper 1 w 4822
he 133 w 4824
sends 1 w 4829
his 15 w 4832
ambassadors 1 w 4843
Now 3 w 4847
this 4 w 4851
speech 5 w 4857
of 44 w 4859
Nestor 2 w 4865
tended 1 w 4871
to 56 w 4873
the 93 w 4876
rectifying 1 w 4886
of 45 w 4888
what 6 w 4892
he 135 w 4894
had 5 w 4897
before 4 w 4903
done 2 w 4907
amiss 1 w 4912
but 6 w 4916
that 12 w 4920
of 46 w 4922
Chalcas 2 w 4929
only 4 w 4934
to 57 w 4936
accuse 1 w 4942
and 45 w 4945
disparage 1 w 4954
him 11 w 4957
There 1 w 4963
is 45 w 4965
likewise 2 w 4973
consideration 1 w 4986
to 58 w 4988
be 32 w 4990
had 6 w 4993
of 47 w 4995
the 94 w 4998
different 2 w 5007
manners 4 w 5014
of 48 w 5016
nations 1 w 5023
such 8 w 5028
as 39 w 5030
these 2 w 5035
The 8 w 5039
Trojans 1 w 5046
enter 1 w 5051
into 2 w 5055
battle 3 w 5061
with 11 w 5065
loud 1 w 5069
outcries 1 w 5077
and 46 w 5080
great 2 w 5085
fierceness 1 w 5095
but 7 w 5099
in 68 w 5101
the 96 w 5104
army 2 w 5108
of 49 w 5110
the 97 w 5113
Greeks 2 w 5119
Sedate 1 w 5126
and 47 w 5129
silent 1 w 5135
move 1 w 5139
the 98 w 5142
numerous 1 w 5150
bands 1 w 5155
No 5 w 5158
sound 1 w 5163
no 23 w 5166
whisper 1 w 5173
but 8 w 5177
the 99 w 5180
chief 1 w 5185
s 372 w 5187
commands 2 w 5195
Those 1 w 5201
only 5 w 5205
heard 1 w 5210
with 12 w 5215
awe 1 w 5218
the 100 w 5221
rest 1 w 5225
obey 2 w 5229
For 12 w 5233
when 7 w 5237
soldiers 1 w 5245
are 9 w 5248
about 1 w 5253
to 60 w 5255
engage 1 w 5261
an 86 w 5263
enemy 1 w 5268
the 101 w 5272
awe 2 w 5275
they 11 w 5279
stand 2 w 5284
in 69 w 5286
of 50 w 5288
their 2 w 5293
officers 1 w 5301
is 48 w 5303
an 88 w 5305
argument 1 w 5313
both 1 w 5317
of 52 w 5319
courage 1 w 5326
and 51 w 5329
obedience 1 w 5338
For 13 w 5342
which 3 w 5347
purpose 1 w 5354
Plato 1 w 5359
teacheth 1 w 5367
us 32 w 5369
that 13 w 5373
we 18 w 5375
ought 2 w 5380
to 62 w 5382
inure 1 w 5387
ourselves 1 w 5396
to 63 w 5398
fear 1 w 5402
blame 1 w 5407
and 52 w 5410
disgrace 1 w 5418
more 3 w 5422
than 2 w 5426
labor 1 w 5431
and 53 w 5434
danger 1 w 5440
And 7 w 5444
Cato 2 w 5448
was 5 w 5451
wont 2 w 5455
to 65 w 5457
say 5 w 5460
that 14 w 5464
he 151 w 5466
liked 1 w 5471
men 8 w 5474
that 15 w 5478
were 1 w 5482
apt 2 w 5485
to 66 w 5487
blush 1 w 5492
better 1 w 5498
than 3 w 5502
those 4 w 5507
that 16 w 5511
looked 1 w 5517
pale 1 w 5521
Moreover 1 w 5530
there 5 w 5536
is 50 w 5538
a 385 w 5539
particular 2 w 5549
character 1 w 5558
to 67 w 5560
be 36 w 5562
noted 1 w 5567
of 53 w 5569
the 105 w 5572
men 9 w 5575
who 3 w 5578
undertake 1 w 5587
for 13 w 5590
any 4 w 5593
action 1 w 5599
For 14 w 5603
Dolon 1 w 5608
thus 9 w 5612
promiseth 1 w 5621
I 23 w 5624
ll 29 w 5627
pass 6 w 5631
through 1 w 5638
all 10 w 5641
their 3 w 5646
lost 1 w 5650
in 71 w 5652
a 395 w 5653
disguise 1 w 5661
To 3 w 5663
their 4 w 5668
flag-ship 1 w 5677
where 4 w 5683
she 3 w 5686
at 59 w 5688
anchor 1 w 5694
lies 5 w 5698
But 6 w 5702
Diomedes 3 w 5710
promiseth 2 w 5719
nothing 1 w 5726
but 9 w 5730
only 6 w 5734
tells 1 w 5739
them 10 w 5743
he 159 w 5745
shall 1 w 5750
fear 2 w 5754
the 109 w 5757
less 2 w 5761
if 7 w 5763
they 12 w 5767
send 2 w 5771
a 401 w 5772
companion 1 w 5781
with 13 w 5785
him 12 w 5788
whereby 1 w 5796
is 55 w 5798
intimated 1 w 5807
that 17 w 5812
discreet 1 w 5820
foresight 1 w 5829
is 57 w 5831
Grecian 1 w 5838
and 54 w 5841
civil 1 w 5846
but 10 w 5850
rash 1 w 5854
confidence 1 w 5864
is 58 w 5866
barbarous 1 w 5875
and 55 w 5878
evil 3 w 5882
and 56 w 5886
the 111 w 5889
former 1 w 5895
is 59 w 5897
therefore 4 w 5906
to 68 w 5908
be 37 w 5910
imitated 1 w 5918
and 57 w 5922
the 113 w 5925
latter 1 w 5931
to 69 w 5933
be 38 w 5935
avoided 1 w 5942
It 4 w 5945
is 60 w 5947
a 416 w 5948
matter 1 w 5954
too 2 w 5957
of 54 w 5959
no 26 w 5961
unprofitable 1 w 5973
consideration 2 w 5986
how 3 w 5990
the 114 w 5993
minds 1 w 5998
of 56 w 6000
the 115 w 6003
Trojans 2 w 6010
and 58 w 6013
of 57 w 6015
Hector 1 w 6021
too 3 w 6024
were 2 w 6028
affected 1 w 6036
when 8 w 6040
he 169 w 6042
and 59 w 6045
Ajax 1 w 6049
were 3 w 6053
about 2 w 6058
to 73 w 6060
engage 2 w 6066
in 75 w 6068
a 427 w 6069
single 1 w 6075
combat 2 w 6081
For 15 w 6085
Aeschylus 1 w 6094
when 9 w 6099
upon 2 w 6104
one 6 w 6107
of 58 w 6109
the 116 w 6112
fighters 1 w 6120
at 67 w 6122
fisticuffs 1 w 6132
in 77 w 6134
the 117 w 6137
Isthmian 1 w 6145
games 1 w 6150
receiving 1 w 6159
a 432 w 6160
blow 1 w 6164
on 56 w 6166
the 118 w 6169
face 1 w 6173
there 7 w 6179
was 6 w 6182
made 1 w 6186
a 436 w 6187
great 3 w 6192
outcry 1 w 6198
among 1 w 6203
the 120 w 6206
people 2 w 6212
said 3 w 6217
What 2 w 6222
a 441 w 6223
thing 7 w 6228
is 62 w 6230
practice 1 w 6238
See 1 w 6242
how 4 w 6245
the 121 w 6248
lookers-on 1 w 6258
only 7 w 6262
cry 2 w 6265
out 7 w 6268
but 11 w 6272
the 122 w 6275
man 20 w 6278
that 18 w 6282
received 1 w 6290
the 123 w 6293
stroke 1 w 6299
is 63 w 6301
silent 2 w 6307
But 7 w 6311
when 10 w 6315
the 124 w 6318
poet 4 w 6322
tells 2 w 6327
us 37 w 6329
that 19 w 6334
the 125 w 6337
Greeks 3 w 6343
rejoiced 1 w 6351
when 11 w 6355
they 13 w 6359
saw 1 w 6362
Ajax 2 w 6366
in 80 w 6368
his 18 w 6371
glistering 1 w 6381
armor 1 w 6386
but 12 w 6390
The 9 w 6393
Trojans 3 w 6400
knees 1 w 6406
for 17 w 6409
very 8 w 6413
fear 3 w 6417
did 2 w 6420
quake 1 w 6425
And 8 w 6429
even 1 w 6433
Hector 2 w 6439
s 443 w 6441
heart 1 w 6446
began 1 w 6451
to 75 w 6453
ache 3 w 6457
Il 5 w 6460
VII 1 w 6464
215 1 w 6468
For 16 w 6472
the 127 w 6475
three 1 w 6480
following 3 w 6489
see 4 w 6493
Il 6 w 6495
II 4 w 6498
220 1 w 6502
VII 2 w 6506
226 2 w 6510
and 60 w 6513
231 2 w 6516
who 4 w 6520
is 66 w 6522
there 8 w 6527
that 20 w 6531
wonders 1 w 6538
not 16 w 6541
at 73 w 6543
this 5 w 6547
difference 2 w 6557
when 12 w 6563
the 129 w 6566
heart 2 w 6571
of 59 w 6573
him 13 w 6576
that 21 w 6580
was 7 w 6583
to 76 w 6585
run 1 w 6588
the 130 w 6591
risk 2 w 6595
of 60 w 6597
the 131 w 6600
combat 3 w 6606
only 8 w 6610
beats 1 w 6615
inwardly 1 w 6623
as 45 w 6626
if 9 w 6628
he 194 w 6630
were 4 w 6634
to 77 w 6636
undertake 2 w 6645
a 466 w 6646
mere 1 w 6650
wrestling 1 w 6659
or 61 w 6661
running 1 w 6668
match 1 w 6673
but 13 w 6677
the 132 w 6680
very 9 w 6684
bodies 1 w 6690
of 61 w 6692
the 133 w 6695
spectators 1 w 6705
tremble 1 w 6712
and 61 w 6715
shake 1 w 6720
out 8 w 6724
of 62 w 6726
the 134 w 6729
kindness 1 w 6737
and 62 w 6740
fear 4 w 6744
which 4 w 6749
they 14 w 6753
had 7 w 6756
for 18 w 6759
their 5 w 6764
king 8 w 6768
In 1 w 6771
the 137 w 6774
same 3 w 6778
poet 5 w 6782
also 4 w 6786
we 23 w 6788
may 2 w 6791
observe 1 w 6798
the 138 w 6801
difference 3 w 6811
betwixt 1 w 6818
the 139 w 6821
humor 1 w 6826
of 63 w 6828
a 477 w 6829
coward 2 w 6835
and 63 w 6838
a 480 w 6839
valiant 1 w 6846
man 21 w 6849
For 17 w 6853
Thersites 3 w 6862
Against 1 w 6869
Achilles 4 w 6877
a 485 w 6878
great 4 w 6883
malice 1 w 6889
had 8 w 6892
And 9 w 6896
wise 5 w 6900
Ulysses 2 w 6907
he 204 w 6909
did 3 w 6912
hate 3 w 6916
as 46 w 6918
bad 2 w 6921
but 14 w 6925
Ajax 3 w 6929
is 70 w 6931
always 1 w 6937
represented 1 w 6948
as 47 w 6950
friendly 1 w 6958
to 79 w 6960
Achilles 5 w 6968
and 64 w 6972
particularly 1 w 6984
he 205 w 6986
speaks 3 w 6992
thus 10 w 6996
to 80 w 6998
Hector 3 w 7004
concerning 2 w 7014
him 14 w 7017
Hector 4 w 7025
approach 1 w 7034
my 8 w 7036
arm 4 w 7039
and 65 w 7043
singly 1 w 7049
know 2 w 7053
What 3 w 7057
strength 1 w 7065
thou 8 w 7069
last 3 w 7073
and 66 w 7077
what 7 w 7081
the 140 w 7084
Grecian 2 w 7091
foe 1 w 7094
Achilles 6 w 7103
shuns 1 w 7108
the 141 w 7111
fight 2 w 7116
yet 4 w 7120
some 5 w 7124
there 9 w 7129
are 10 w 7132
Not 1 w 7135
void 3 w 7139
of 64 w 7141
soul 1 w 7145
and 67 w 7149
not 17 w 7152
unskill 1 w 7159
d 243 w 7161
in 91 w 7163
war 7 w 7166
wherein 1 w 7174
he 210 w 7176
insinuates 1 w 7186
the 143 w 7189
high 1 w 7193
commendation 1 w 7205
of 65 w 7207
that 22 w 7211
valiant 2 w 7218
man 22 w 7221
And 10 w 7225
in 95 w 7227
what 8 w 7231
follows 1 w 7238
he 212 w 7241
speaks 4 w 7247
like 4 w 7251
handsome 2 w 7259
things 5 w 7265
of 66 w 7267
his 20 w 7270
fellow-soldiers 1 w 7285
in 97 w 7287
general 1 w 7294
thus 11 w 7299
Whole 1 w 7306
troops 1 w 7312
of 67 w 7314
heroes 1 w 7320
Greece 1 w 7326
has 1 w 7329
yet 5 w 7332
to 83 w 7334
boast 2 w 7339
And 11 w 7343
sends 2 w 7348
thee 2 w 7352
one 7 w 7355
a 524 w 7357
sample 1 w 7363
of 68 w 7365
her 33 w 7368
host 1 w 7372
wherein 2 w 7380
he 217 w 7382
doth 2 w 7386
not 18 w 7389
boast 3 w 7394
himself 4 w 7401
to 84 w 7403
be 42 w 7405
the 145 w 7408
only 9 w 7412
or 68 w 7414
the 146 w 7417
best 3 w 7421
champion 1 w 7429
but 15 w 7433
one 8 w 7436
of 69 w 7438
those 5 w 7443
among 2 w 7449
many 3 w 7453
others 1 w 7459
who 5 w 7463
were 5 w 7467
fit 4 w 7470
to 85 w 7472
undertake 3 w 7481
that 23 w 7485
combat 4 w 7491
What 4 w 7496
hath 1 w 7500
been 4 w 7504
said 4 w 7508
is 72 w 7510
sufficient 1 w 7520
upon 3 w 7524
the 148 w 7527
point 1 w 7532
of 70 w 7534
dissimilitudes 1 w 7548
except 3 w 7555
we 25 w 7557
think 1 w 7562
fit 5 w 7565
to 86 w 7567
add 1 w 7570
this 6 w 7574
that 24 w 7579
many 4 w 7583
of 71 w 7585
the 149 w 7588
Trojans 4 w 7595
came 1 w 7599
into 3 w 7603
the 150 w 7606
enemy 2 w 7611
s 520 w 7613
power 2 w 7618
alive 1 w 7623
but 16 w 7627
none 1 w 7631
of 72 w 7633
the 151 w 7636
Grecians 1 w 7644
and 69 w 7648
that 25 w 7652
many 5 w 7656
of 73 w 7658
the 152 w 7661
Trojans 5 w 7668
supplicated 1 w 7679
to 88 w 7681
their 6 w 7686
enemies 1 w 7693
as 52 w 7697
for 19 w 7701
instance 2 w 7709
Adrastus 1 w 7718
the 154 w 7722
sons 2 w 7726
of 74 w 7728
Antimachus 1 w 7738
Lycaon 1 w 7745
and 70 w 7750
even 2 w 7754
Hector 5 w 7760
himself 5 w 7767
entreats 1 w 7775
Achilles 7 w 7783
for 20 w 7786
a 555 w 7787
sepulture 1 w 7796
but 17 w 7800
not 19 w 7803
one 10 w 7806
of 75 w 7808
these 3 w 7813
doth 3 w 7817
so 29 w 7819
as 54 w 7822
judging 1 w 7829
it 44 w 7831
barbarous 2 w 7840
to 90 w 7842
supplicate 2 w 7852
to 91 w 7854
a 560 w 7855
foe 2 w 7858
in 104 w 7860
the 156 w 7863
field 1 w 7868
and 71 w 7872
more 4 w 7876
Greek-like 1 w 7886
either 2 w 7892
to 92 w 7894
conquer 2 w 7901
or 73 w 7903
die 6 w 7906