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CTS Library / How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems

How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems (7-8)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '7', 'human_reference': 'Section 7'}, 'end': {'reference': '8', 'human_reference': 'Section 8'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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Nevertheless, this principle is not once only but often to be inculcated and pressed on young men, that poetry, when it undertakes a fictitious argument by way of imitation, though it make use of such ornament and illustration as suit the actions and manners treated of, yet disclaims not all likelihood of truth, seeing the force of imitation, in order to the persuading of men, lies in probability. Wherefore such imitation as does not altogether shake hands with truth carries along with it certain signs of virtue and vice mixed together in the actions which it doth represent. And of this nature is Homers poetry, which totally bids adieu to Stoicism, the principles whereof will not admit any vice to come near where virtue is, nor virtue to have any thing to do where any vice lodgeth, but affirms that he that is not a wise man can do nothing well, and he that is so can do nothing amiss. Thus they determine in the schools. But in human actions and the affairs of common life the judgment of Euripides is verified, that

Virtue and vice neer separately exist,
But in the same acts with each other twist.

Next, it is to be observed that poetry, waiving the truth of things, does most labor to beautify its fictions with variety and multiplicity of contrivance. For variety bestows upon fable all that is pathetical, unusual, and surprising, and thereby makes it more taking and graceful; whereas what is void of variety is unsuitable to the nature of fable, and so raiseth no

passions at all. Upon which design of variety it is, that the poets never represent the same persons always victorious or prosperous or acting with the same constant tenor of virtue;—yea, even the Gods themselves, when they engage in human actions, are not represented as free from passions and errors;—lest, for the want of some difficulties and cross passages, their poems should be destitute of that briskness which is requisite to move and astonish the minds of men.

These things therefore so standing, we should, when we enter a young man into the study of the poets, endeavor to free his mind from that degree of esteem of the good and great personages in them described as may incline him to think them to be mirrors of wisdom and justice, the chief of princes, and the exemplary measures of all virtue and goodness. For he will receive much prejudice, if he shall approve and admire all that comes from such persons as great, if he dislike nothing in them himself, nor will endure to hear others blame them, though for such words and actions as the following passages import:—

Oh! would to all the immortal powers above,
Apollo, Pallas, and almighty Jove!
That not one Trojan might be left alive,
And not a Greek of all the race survive.
Might only we the vast destruction shun,
And only we destroy the accursed town!
Her breast all gore, with lamentable cries,
The bleeding innocent Cassandra dies,
Murdered by Clytemnestras faithless hand:
Lie with thy fathers whore, my mother said,
That she th old man may loathe; and I obeyed:
Of all the Gods, O father Jove, theres none
Thus given to mischief but thyself alone.

Our young man is to be taught not to commend such things as these, no, nor to show the nimbleness of his wit or subtlety in maintaining an argument by finding out plausible colors and pretences to varnish over a bad matter. But

we should teach him rather to judge that poetry is an imitation of the manners and lives of such men as are not perfectly pure and unblamable, but such as are tinctured with passions, misled by false opinions, and muffled with ignorance; though oftentimes they may, by the help of a good natural temper, change them for better qualities. For the young mans mind, being thus prepared and disposed, will receive no damage by such passages when he meets with them in poems, but will on the one side be elevated with rapture at those things which are well said or done, and on the other, will not entertain but dislike those which are of a contrary character. But he that admires and is transported with every thing, as having his judgment enslaved by the esteem he hath for the names of heroes, will be unawares wheedled into many evil things, and be guilty of the same folly with those who imitate the crookedness of Plato or the lisping of Aristotle. Neither must he carry himself timorously herein, nor, like a superstitious person in a temple, tremblingly adore all he meets with; but use himself to such confidence as may enable him openly to pronounce, This was ill or incongruously said, and, That was bravely and gallantly spoken. For example, Achilles in Homer, being offended at the spinning out that war by delays, wherein he was desirous by feats of arms to purchase to himself glory, calls the soldiers together when there was an epidemical disease among them. But having himself some smattering skill in physic, and perceiving after the ninth day, which useth to be decretory in such cases, that the disease was no usual one nor proceeding from ordinary causes, when he stands up to speak, he waives applying himself to the soldiers, and addresseth himself as a councillor to the general, thus:—
Why leave we not the fatal Trojan shore,
And measure back the seas we crossd before?
And he spake well, and with due moderation and decorum. But when the soothsayer Chalcas had told him that he feared the wrath of the most potent among the Grecians, after an oath that while he lived no man should lay violent hands on him, he adds, but not with like wisdom and moderation,
Not een the chief by whom our hosts are led,
The king of kings, shall touch that sacred head;
in which speech he declares his low opinion or rather his contempt of his chief commander. And then, being farther provoked, he drew his weapon with a design to kill him, which attempt was neither good nor expedient. And therefore by and by he repented his rashness,—
He said, observant of the blue-eyed maid;
Then in the sheath returned the shining blade;
wherein again he did rightly and worthily, in that, though he could not altogether quell his passion, yet he restrained and reduced it under the command of reason, before it brake forth into such an irreparable act of mischief. Again, even Agamemnon himself talks in that assembly ridiculously, but carries himself more gravely and more like a prince in the matter of Chryseis. For whereas Achilles, when his Briseis was taken away from him,
In sullenness withdraws from all his friends,
And in his tent his time lamenting spends;
Agamemnon himself hands into the ship, delivers to her friends, and so sends from him, the woman concerning whom a little before he declared that he loved her better than his wife; and in that action did nothing unbecoming or savoring of fond affection. Also Phoenix, when his father bitterly cursed him for having to do with one that was his own harlot, says,
Him in my rage I purposed to have killed,
But that my land some God in kindness held;
And minded me that Greeks would taunting say,
Lo, heres the man that did his father slav.
It is true that Aristarchus was afraid to permit these verses to stand in the poet, and therefore censured them to be expunged. But they were inserted by Homer very aptly to the occasion of Phoenixs instructing Achilles what a pernicious thing anger is, and what foul acts men do by its instigation, while they are capable neither of making use of their own reason nor of hearing the counsel of others. To which end he also introduceth Meleager at first highly offended with his citizens, and afterwards pacified; justly therein reprehending disordered passions, and praising it as a good and profitable thing not to yield to them, but to resist and overcome them, and to repent when one hath been overcome by them.

Now in these instances the difference is manifest. But where a like clear judgment cannot be passed, there we are to settle the young mans mind thus, by way of distinction. If Nausicaa, having cast her eyes upon Ulysses, a stranger, and feeling the same passion for him as Calypso had before, did (as one that was ripe for a husband) out of wantonness talk with her maidens at this foolish rate,—

O Heaven ! in my connubial hour decree
This man my spouse, or such a spouse as he!
she is blameworthy for her impudence and incontinence. But if, perceiving the mans breeding by his discourse, and admiring the prudence of his addresses, she rather wisheth to have such a one for a husband than a merchant or a dancing gallant of her fellow-citizens, she is to be commended. And when Ulysses is represented as rejoicing at Penelopes jocular conversation with her wooers, and at their presenting her with rich garments and other ornaments,
Because she cunningly the fools cajoled,
And bartered light words for their heavy gold;
if that joy were occasioned by greediness and covetous
ness, he discovers himself to be a more sordid prostituter of his own wife than Poliager is wont to be represented on the stage to have been, of whom it is said,—
Happy man he, whose wife, like Capricorn,
Stores him with riches from a golden horn !
But if through foresight he thought thereby to get them the more within his power, as being lulled asleep in security for the future by the hopes she gave them at present, this rejoicing, joined with confidence in his wife, was rational. Again, when he is brought in numbering the goods which the Phaeacians had set on shore together with himself and departed; if indeed, being himself left in such a solitude, so ignorant where he was, and having no security there for his own person, he is yet solicitous for his goods, lest
The sly Phaeacians, when they stole to sea,
Had stolen some part of what they brought away;
the covetousness of the man deserved in truth to be pitied, or rather abhorred. But if, as some say in his defence, being doubtful whether or no the place where he was landed were Ithaca, he made use of the just tale of his goods to infer thence the honesty of the Phaeacians,—because it was not likely they would expose him in a strange place and leave him there with his goods by him untouched, so as to get nothing by their dishonesty,—then he makes use of a very fit test for this purpose, and deserves commendation for his wisdom in that action. Some also there are who find fault with that passage of the putting him on shore when he was asleep, if it really so happened, and they tell us that the people of Tuscany have still a traditional story among them concerning Ulysses, that he was naturally sleepy, and therefore a man whom many men could not freely converse with. But if his sleep was but feigned, and he made use of this pretence only of a natural
infirmity, by counterfeiting a nap, to hide the strait he was in at that time in his thoughts, betwixt the shame of sending away the Phaeacians without giving them a friendly collation and hospitable gifts, and the fear he had of being discovered to his enemies by the treating such a company of men together, they then approve it.

Now, by showing young men these things, we shall preserve them from being carried away to any corruption in their manners. and dispose them to the election and imitation of those that are good, as being before instructed readily to disapprove those and commend these. But this ought with the most care to be done in the reading of tragedies wherein probable and subtle speeches are made use of in the most foul and wicked actions. For that is not always true which Sophocles saith, that

From naughty acts good words can neer proceed.
For even he himself is wont to apply pleasant reasonings and plausible arguments to those manners and actions which are wicked or unbecoming. And in another of his fellow-tragedians, we may see even Phaedra herself represented as justifying her unlawful affection for Hippolytus by accusing Theseus of ill-carriage towards her. And in his Troades, he allows Helen the same liberty of speech against Hecuba, whom she judgeth to be more worthy of punishment than herself for her adultery, because she was the mother of Paris that tempted her thereto. A young man therefore must not be accustomed to think any thing of that nature handsomely or wittily spoken, nor to be pleased with such colorable inventions; but rather more to abhor such words as tend to the defence of wanton acts than the very acts themselves.

Nevertheless 1 w 12
this 1 w 17
principle 1 w 26
is 2 w 28
not 1 w 31
once 1 w 35
only 1 w 39
but 1 w 42
often 1 w 47
to 1 w 49
be 1 w 51
inculcated 1 w 61
and 1 w 64
pressed 1 w 71
on 3 w 73
young 1 w 78
men 1 w 81
that 1 w 86
poetry 1 w 92
when 1 w 97
it 1 w 99
undertakes 1 w 109
a 5 w 110
fictitious 1 w 120
argument 1 w 128
by 1 w 130
way 1 w 133
of 2 w 135
imitation 1 w 144
though 1 w 151
it 4 w 153
make 1 w 157
use 1 w 160
of 3 w 162
such 1 w 166
ornament 1 w 174
and 2 w 177
illustration 1 w 189
as 1 w 191
suit 1 w 195
the 2 w 198
actions 1 w 205
and 3 w 208
manners 1 w 215
treated 1 w 222
of 4 w 224
yet 1 w 228
disclaims 1 w 237
not 2 w 240
all 1 w 243
likelihood 1 w 253
of 5 w 255
truth 1 w 260
seeing 1 w 267
the 3 w 270
force 1 w 275
of 6 w 277
imitation 2 w 286
in 4 w 289
order 1 w 294
to 2 w 296
the 4 w 299
persuading 1 w 309
of 7 w 311
men 4 w 314
lies 1 w 319
in 6 w 321
probability 1 w 332
Wherefore 1 w 342
such 2 w 346
imitation 3 w 355
as 2 w 357
does 1 w 361
not 3 w 364
altogether 1 w 374
shake 1 w 379
hands 1 w 384
with 1 w 388
truth 2 w 393
carries 1 w 400
along 1 w 405
with 2 w 409
it 11 w 411
certain 1 w 418
signs 1 w 423
of 8 w 425
virtue 1 w 431
and 5 w 434
vice 1 w 438
mixed 1 w 443
together 2 w 451
in 8 w 453
the 7 w 456
actions 2 w 463
which 1 w 468
it 12 w 470
doth 1 w 474
represent 1 w 483
And 1 w 487
of 9 w 489
this 2 w 493
nature 1 w 499
is 5 w 501
Homer 1 w 506
s 33 w 508
poetry 2 w 514
which 2 w 520
totally 1 w 527
bids 1 w 531
adieu 1 w 536
to 6 w 538
Stoicism 1 w 546
the 8 w 550
principles 1 w 560
whereof 1 w 567
will 1 w 571
not 4 w 574
admit 1 w 579
any 1 w 582
vice 2 w 586
to 8 w 588
come 1 w 592
near 1 w 596
where 2 w 601
virtue 2 w 607
is 7 w 609
nor 1 w 613
virtue 3 w 619
to 9 w 621
have 1 w 625
any 2 w 628
thing 1 w 633
to 10 w 635
do 3 w 637
where 3 w 642
any 3 w 645
vice 3 w 649
lodgeth 1 w 656
but 2 w 660
affirms 1 w 667
that 2 w 671
he 14 w 673
that 3 w 677
is 8 w 679
not 5 w 682
a 45 w 683
wise 1 w 687
man 2 w 690
can 1 w 693
do 4 w 695
nothing 1 w 702
well 1 w 706
and 6 w 710
he 15 w 712
that 4 w 716
is 10 w 718
so 1 w 720
can 2 w 723
do 5 w 725
nothing 2 w 732
amiss 1 w 737
Thus 1 w 742
they 1 w 746
determine 1 w 755
in 14 w 757
the 10 w 760
schools 1 w 767
But 1 w 771
in 15 w 773
human 1 w 778
actions 3 w 785
and 7 w 788
the 11 w 791
affairs 1 w 798
of 11 w 800
common 1 w 806
life 1 w 810
the 12 w 813
judgment 1 w 821
of 12 w 823
Euripides 1 w 832
is 12 w 834
verified 1 w 842
that 5 w 847
Virtue 1 w 853
and 8 w 856
vice 4 w 860
ne 4 w 862
er 16 w 865
separately 1 w 875
exist 1 w 880
But 2 w 884
in 16 w 886
the 13 w 889
same 1 w 893
acts 1 w 897
with 3 w 901
each 1 w 905
other 1 w 910
twist 1 w 915
From 1 w 920
the 15 w 923
Aeolus 1 w 929
of 13 w 931
Euripides 2 w 940
Next 1 w 945
it 15 w 948
is 15 w 950
to 11 w 952
be 2 w 954
observed 1 w 962
that 6 w 966
poetry 3 w 972
waiving 1 w 980
the 16 w 983
truth 3 w 988
of 14 w 990
things 1 w 996
does 2 w 1001
most 1 w 1005
labor 1 w 1010
to 12 w 1012
beautify 1 w 1020
its 1 w 1023
fictions 1 w 1031
with 4 w 1035
variety 1 w 1042
and 9 w 1045
multiplicity 1 w 1057
of 15 w 1059
contrivance 1 w 1070
For 1 w 1074
variety 2 w 1081
bestows 1 w 1088
upon 1 w 1092
fable 1 w 1097
all 3 w 1100
that 7 w 1104
is 16 w 1106
pathetical 1 w 1116
unusual 1 w 1124
and 10 w 1128
surprising 1 w 1138
and 11 w 1142
thereby 1 w 1149
makes 1 w 1154
it 19 w 1156
more 1 w 1160
taking 1 w 1166
and 12 w 1169
graceful 1 w 1177
whereas 1 w 1185
what 1 w 1189
is 18 w 1191
void 1 w 1195
of 16 w 1197
variety 3 w 1204
is 19 w 1206
unsuitable 1 w 1216
to 14 w 1218
the 19 w 1221
nature 2 w 1227
of 17 w 1229
fable 2 w 1234
and 13 w 1238
so 2 w 1240
raiseth 1 w 1247
no 9 w 1249
passions 1 w 1257
at 19 w 1259
all 4 w 1262
Upon 1 w 1267
which 3 w 1272
design 1 w 1278
of 18 w 1280
variety 4 w 1287
it 21 w 1289
is 21 w 1291
that 8 w 1296
the 20 w 1299
poets 1 w 1304
never 1 w 1309
represent 2 w 1318
the 21 w 1321
same 2 w 1325
persons 1 w 1332
always 1 w 1338
victorious 1 w 1348
or 10 w 1350
prosperous 1 w 1360
or 11 w 1362
acting 1 w 1368
with 5 w 1372
the 22 w 1375
same 3 w 1379
constant 1 w 1387
tenor 1 w 1392
of 19 w 1394
virtue 4 w 1400
yea 1 w 1405
even 1 w 1410
the 23 w 1413
Gods 1 w 1417
themselves 1 w 1427
when 2 w 1432
they 2 w 1436
engage 1 w 1442
in 22 w 1444
human 2 w 1449
actions 4 w 1456
are 1 w 1460
not 8 w 1463
represented 1 w 1474
as 5 w 1476
free 1 w 1480
from 1 w 1484
passions 2 w 1492
and 14 w 1495
errors 1 w 1501
lest 1 w 1507
for 3 w 1511
the 26 w 1514
want 1 w 1518
of 20 w 1520
some 1 w 1524
difficulties 1 w 1536
and 15 w 1539
cross 1 w 1544
passages 1 w 1552
their 1 w 1558
poems 1 w 1563
should 1 w 1569
be 5 w 1571
destitute 1 w 1580
of 21 w 1582
that 9 w 1586
briskness 1 w 1595
which 4 w 1600
is 23 w 1602
requisite 1 w 1611
to 16 w 1613
move 1 w 1617
and 16 w 1620
astonish 1 w 1628
the 28 w 1631
minds 1 w 1636
of 22 w 1638
men 6 w 1641
These 1 w 1647
things 2 w 1653
therefore 1 w 1662
so 5 w 1664
standing 1 w 1672
we 2 w 1675
should 2 w 1681
when 3 w 1686
we 3 w 1688
enter 1 w 1693
a 119 w 1694
young 2 w 1699
man 5 w 1702
into 1 w 1706
the 30 w 1709
study 1 w 1714
of 23 w 1716
the 31 w 1719
poets 2 w 1724
endeavor 1 w 1733
to 19 w 1735
free 2 w 1739
his 3 w 1742
mind 2 w 1746
from 2 w 1750
that 10 w 1754
degree 1 w 1760
of 24 w 1762
esteem 1 w 1768
of 25 w 1770
the 32 w 1773
good 1 w 1777
and 18 w 1780
great 1 w 1785
personages 1 w 1795
in 28 w 1797
them 2 w 1801
described 1 w 1810
as 9 w 1812
may 1 w 1815
incline 1 w 1822
him 1 w 1825
to 20 w 1827
think 1 w 1832
them 3 w 1836
to 21 w 1838
be 7 w 1840
mirrors 1 w 1847
of 26 w 1849
wisdom 1 w 1855
and 19 w 1858
justice 1 w 1865
the 35 w 1869
chief 1 w 1874
of 27 w 1876
princes 1 w 1883
and 20 w 1887
the 36 w 1890
exemplary 1 w 1899
measures 1 w 1907
of 28 w 1909
all 5 w 1912
virtue 5 w 1918
and 21 w 1921
goodness 1 w 1929
For 2 w 1933
he 48 w 1935
will 2 w 1939
receive 1 w 1946
much 1 w 1950
prejudice 1 w 1959
if 5 w 1962
he 49 w 1964
shall 1 w 1969
approve 1 w 1976
and 22 w 1979
admire 1 w 1985
all 7 w 1988
that 11 w 1992
comes 1 w 1997
from 3 w 2001
such 3 w 2005
persons 2 w 2012
as 11 w 2014
great 2 w 2019
if 6 w 2022
he 50 w 2024
dislike 1 w 2031
nothing 3 w 2038
in 34 w 2040
them 4 w 2044
himself 1 w 2051
nor 3 w 2055
will 3 w 2059
endure 1 w 2065
to 22 w 2067
hear 1 w 2071
others 1 w 2077
blame 1 w 2082
them 5 w 2086
though 2 w 2093
for 5 w 2096
such 4 w 2100
words 1 w 2105
and 23 w 2108
actions 5 w 2115
as 12 w 2117
the 40 w 2120
following 1 w 2129
passages 2 w 2137
import 1 w 2143
Oh 1 w 2147
would 1 w 2153
to 23 w 2155
all 8 w 2158
the 41 w 2161
immortal 1 w 2169
powers 1 w 2175
above 1 w 2180
Apollo 1 w 2187
Pallas 1 w 2194
and 24 w 2198
almighty 1 w 2206
Jove 1 w 2210
That 1 w 2215
not 10 w 2218
one 1 w 2221
Trojan 1 w 2227
might 2 w 2232
be 8 w 2234
left 1 w 2238
alive 1 w 2243
And 2 w 2247
not 11 w 2250
a 159 w 2251
Greek 1 w 2256
of 29 w 2258
all 10 w 2261
the 42 w 2264
race 2 w 2268
survive 1 w 2275
Might 1 w 2281
only 2 w 2285
we 5 w 2287
the 43 w 2290
vast 1 w 2294
destruction 1 w 2305
shun 1 w 2309
And 3 w 2313
only 3 w 2317
we 6 w 2319
destroy 1 w 2326
the 44 w 2329
accursed 1 w 2337
town 1 w 2341
Her 1 w 2345
breast 1 w 2351
all 11 w 2354
gore 1 w 2358
with 6 w 2363
lamentable 1 w 2373
cries 1 w 2378
The 2 w 2382
bleeding 1 w 2390
innocent 1 w 2398
Cassandra 1 w 2407
dies 1 w 2411
Murdered 1 w 2420
by 3 w 2422
Clytemnestra 1 w 2434
s 175 w 2436
faithless 1 w 2445
hand 2 w 2449
Lie 1 w 2453
with 7 w 2457
thy 1 w 2460
father 1 w 2466
s 178 w 2468
whore 1 w 2473
my 1 w 2476
mother 1 w 2482
said 1 w 2486
That 2 w 2491
she 1 w 2494
th 84 w 2496
old 1 w 2500
man 6 w 2503
may 2 w 2506
loathe 1 w 2512
and 27 w 2516
I 1 w 2517
obeyed 1 w 2523
Of 1 w 2526
all 12 w 2529
the 48 w 2532
Gods 2 w 2536
O 3 w 2538
father 2 w 2544
Jove 2 w 2548
there 3 w 2554
s 182 w 2556
none 1 w 2560
Thus 2 w 2564
given 1 w 2569
to 25 w 2571
mischief 1 w 2579
but 3 w 2582
thyself 1 w 2589
alone 1 w 2594
Il 1 w 2597
XVI 1 w 2601
97 1 w 2604
Odyss 1 w 2610
XI 1 w 2613
421 1 w 2617
Il 2 w 2620
IX 1 w 2623
452 1 w 2627
Il 3 w 2630
III 1 w 2634
365 1 w 2638
Our 1 w 2642
young 3 w 2647
man 7 w 2650
is 30 w 2652
to 26 w 2654
be 10 w 2656
taught 1 w 2662
not 12 w 2665
to 27 w 2667
commend 1 w 2674
such 5 w 2678
things 3 w 2684
as 18 w 2686
these 1 w 2691
no 19 w 2694
nor 4 w 2698
to 28 w 2700
show 1 w 2704
the 52 w 2707
nimbleness 1 w 2717
of 30 w 2719
his 4 w 2722
wit 8 w 2725
or 27 w 2727
subtlety 1 w 2735
in 39 w 2737
maintaining 1 w 2748
an 44 w 2750
argument 2 w 2758
by 4 w 2760
finding 1 w 2767
out 1 w 2770
plausible 1 w 2779
colors 1 w 2785
and 28 w 2788
pretences 1 w 2797
to 29 w 2799
varnish 1 w 2806
over 1 w 2810
a 194 w 2811
bad 1 w 2814
matter 1 w 2820
But 3 w 2824
we 7 w 2826
should 3 w 2832
teach 1 w 2837
him 3 w 2840
rather 1 w 2846
to 30 w 2848
judge 1 w 2853
that 12 w 2857
poetry 4 w 2863
is 33 w 2865
an 46 w 2867
imitation 4 w 2876
of 31 w 2878
the 54 w 2881
manners 2 w 2888
and 29 w 2891
lives 1 w 2896
of 32 w 2898
such 6 w 2902
men 10 w 2905
as 19 w 2907
are 2 w 2910
not 13 w 2913
perfectly 1 w 2922
pure 1 w 2926
and 30 w 2929
unblamable 1 w 2939
but 4 w 2943
such 7 w 2947
as 20 w 2949
are 3 w 2952
tinctured 1 w 2961
with 8 w 2965
passions 3 w 2973
misled 1 w 2980
by 5 w 2982
false 1 w 2987
opinions 1 w 2995
and 31 w 2999
muffled 1 w 3006
with 9 w 3010
ignorance 1 w 3019
though 3 w 3026
oftentimes 1 w 3036
they 3 w 3040
may 3 w 3043
by 6 w 3046
the 56 w 3049
help 1 w 3053
of 34 w 3055
a 216 w 3056
good 3 w 3060
natural 1 w 3067
temper 1 w 3073
change 1 w 3080
them 6 w 3084
for 6 w 3087
better 1 w 3093
qualities 1 w 3102
For 3 w 3106
the 58 w 3109
young 4 w 3114
man 9 w 3117
s 218 w 3119
mind 3 w 3123
being 1 w 3129
thus 1 w 3133
prepared 1 w 3141
and 32 w 3144
disposed 1 w 3152
will 4 w 3157
receive 2 w 3164
no 23 w 3166
damage 1 w 3172
by 7 w 3174
such 8 w 3178
passages 3 w 3186
when 4 w 3190
he 78 w 3192
meets 1 w 3197
with 10 w 3201
them 7 w 3205
in 49 w 3207
poems 2 w 3212
but 5 w 3216
will 5 w 3220
on 35 w 3222
the 60 w 3225
one 4 w 3228
side 1 w 3232
be 13 w 3234
elevated 1 w 3242
with 11 w 3246
rapture 1 w 3253
at 37 w 3255
those 1 w 3260
things 4 w 3266
which 5 w 3271
are 5 w 3274
well 2 w 3278
said 2 w 3282
or 32 w 3284
done 1 w 3288
and 33 w 3292
on 38 w 3294
the 61 w 3297
other 4 w 3302
will 6 w 3307
not 14 w 3310
entertain 1 w 3319
but 6 w 3322
dislike 2 w 3329
those 2 w 3334
which 6 w 3339
are 6 w 3342
of 35 w 3344
a 236 w 3345
contrary 1 w 3353
character 1 w 3362
But 4 w 3366
he 83 w 3368
that 13 w 3372
admires 1 w 3379
and 34 w 3382
is 37 w 3384
transported 1 w 3395
with 12 w 3399
every 1 w 3404
thing 9 w 3409
as 23 w 3412
having 1 w 3418
his 5 w 3421
judgment 2 w 3429
enslaved 1 w 3437
by 8 w 3439
the 63 w 3442
esteem 2 w 3448
he 85 w 3450
hath 1 w 3454
for 7 w 3457
the 64 w 3460
names 1 w 3465
of 36 w 3467
heroes 1 w 3473
will 7 w 3478
be 14 w 3480
unawares 1 w 3488
wheedled 1 w 3496
into 2 w 3500
many 1 w 3504
evil 1 w 3508
things 5 w 3514
and 35 w 3518
be 15 w 3520
guilty 1 w 3526
of 37 w 3528
the 65 w 3531
same 4 w 3535
folly 1 w 3540
with 13 w 3544
those 3 w 3549
who 2 w 3552
imitate 1 w 3559
the 66 w 3562
crookedness 1 w 3573
of 38 w 3575
Plato 1 w 3580
or 35 w 3582
the 67 w 3585
lisping 1 w 3592
of 39 w 3594
Aristotle 1 w 3603
Neither 1 w 3611
must 1 w 3615
he 93 w 3617
carry 1 w 3622
himself 2 w 3629
timorously 1 w 3639
herein 1 w 3645
nor 6 w 3649
like 4 w 3654
a 257 w 3655
superstitious 1 w 3668
person 4 w 3674
in 58 w 3676
a 258 w 3677
temple 1 w 3683
tremblingly 1 w 3695
adore 1 w 3700
all 13 w 3703
he 95 w 3705
meets 2 w 3710
with 14 w 3714
but 7 w 3718
use 2 w 3721
himself 3 w 3728
to 34 w 3730
such 9 w 3734
confidence 1 w 3744
as 24 w 3746
may 4 w 3749
enable 1 w 3755
him 6 w 3758
openly 1 w 3764
to 35 w 3766
pronounce 1 w 3775
This 1 w 3780
was 1 w 3783
ill 9 w 3786
or 39 w 3788
incongruously 1 w 3801
said 3 w 3805
and 36 w 3809
That 3 w 3814
was 2 w 3817
bravely 1 w 3824
and 37 w 3827
gallantly 1 w 3836
spoken 1 w 3842
For 4 w 3846
example 1 w 3853
Achilles 1 w 3862
in 61 w 3864
Homer 2 w 3869
being 2 w 3875
offended 1 w 3883
at 43 w 3885
the 69 w 3888
spinning 1 w 3896
out 2 w 3899
that 14 w 3903
war 2 w 3906
by 9 w 3908
delays 1 w 3914
wherein 1 w 3922
he 98 w 3924
was 3 w 3927
desirous 1 w 3935
by 10 w 3937
feats 1 w 3942
of 41 w 3944
arms 1 w 3948
to 36 w 3950
purchase 1 w 3958
to 37 w 3960
himself 4 w 3967
glory 1 w 3972
calls 1 w 3978
the 70 w 3981
soldiers 1 w 3989
together 3 w 3997
when 5 w 4001
there 4 w 4006
was 4 w 4009
an 63 w 4011
epidemical 1 w 4021
disease 1 w 4028
among 1 w 4033
them 8 w 4037
But 5 w 4041
having 2 w 4047
himself 5 w 4054
some 2 w 4058
smattering 1 w 4068
skill 1 w 4073
in 68 w 4075
physic 1 w 4081
and 38 w 4085
perceiving 1 w 4095
after 1 w 4100
the 74 w 4103
ninth 1 w 4108
day 1 w 4111
which 7 w 4117
useth 1 w 4122
to 39 w 4124
be 17 w 4126
decretory 1 w 4135
in 71 w 4137
such 10 w 4141
cases 1 w 4146
that 15 w 4151
the 75 w 4154
disease 2 w 4161
was 5 w 4164
no 27 w 4166
usual 2 w 4171
one 6 w 4174
nor 7 w 4177
proceeding 1 w 4187
from 4 w 4191
ordinary 1 w 4199
causes 1 w 4205
when 6 w 4210
he 107 w 4212
stands 1 w 4218
up 3 w 4220
to 41 w 4222
speak 1 w 4227
he 108 w 4230
waives 1 w 4236
applying 1 w 4244
himself 6 w 4251
to 42 w 4253
the 76 w 4256
soldiers 2 w 4264
and 40 w 4268
addresseth 1 w 4278
himself 7 w 4285
as 34 w 4287
a 307 w 4288
councillor 1 w 4298
to 43 w 4300
the 77 w 4303
general 1 w 4310
thus 2 w 4315
Why 1 w 4320
leave 1 w 4325
we 9 w 4327
not 15 w 4330
the 78 w 4333
fatal 1 w 4338
Trojan 2 w 4344
shore 1 w 4349
And 4 w 4353
measure 2 w 4360
back 1 w 4364
the 79 w 4367
seas 3 w 4371
we 10 w 4373
cross 2 w 4378
d 150 w 4380
before 1 w 4386
For 5 w 4390
this 3 w 4394
and 41 w 4397
the 80 w 4400
four 1 w 4404
following 2 w 4413
quotations 1 w 4423
see 2 w 4427
Il 4 w 4429
I 12 w 4431
59 1 w 4434
90 1 w 4437
220 1 w 4441
349 1 w 4445
IX 2 w 4448
458 1 w 4452
And 5 w 4456
he 114 w 4458
spake 1 w 4463
well 3 w 4467
and 42 w 4471
with 15 w 4475
due 1 w 4478
moderation 1 w 4488
and 43 w 4491
decorum 1 w 4498
But 6 w 4502
when 7 w 4506
the 81 w 4509
soothsayer 1 w 4519
Chalcas 1 w 4526
had 1 w 4529
told 1 w 4533
him 11 w 4536
that 16 w 4540
he 117 w 4542
feared 1 w 4548
the 82 w 4551
wrath 1 w 4556
of 42 w 4558
the 83 w 4561
most 2 w 4565
potent 1 w 4571
among 2 w 4576
the 84 w 4579
Grecians 1 w 4587
after 2 w 4593
an 72 w 4595
oath 2 w 4599
that 17 w 4603
while 1 w 4608
he 121 w 4610
lived 1 w 4615
no 30 w 4617
man 11 w 4620
should 4 w 4626
lay 2 w 4629
violent 1 w 4636
hands 2 w 4641
on 49 w 4643
him 12 w 4646
he 122 w 4649
adds 1 w 4653
but 8 w 4657
not 16 w 4660
with 16 w 4664
like 5 w 4668
wisdom 2 w 4674
and 45 w 4677
moderation 2 w 4687
Not 1 w 4691
e 548 w 4692
en 44 w 4695
the 85 w 4698
chief 3 w 4703
by 11 w 4705
whom 1 w 4709
our 2 w 4712
hosts 1 w 4717
are 9 w 4720
led 4 w 4723
The 3 w 4727
king 2 w 4731
of 43 w 4733
kings 1 w 4738
shall 2 w 4744
touch 1 w 4749
that 18 w 4753
sacred 1 w 4759
head 1 w 4763
in 78 w 4766
which 8 w 4771
speech 1 w 4777
he 126 w 4779
declares 1 w 4787
his 8 w 4790
low 3 w 4793
opinion 2 w 4800
or 50 w 4802
rather 2 w 4808
his 9 w 4811
contempt 1 w 4819
of 44 w 4821
his 10 w 4824
chief 4 w 4829
commander 1 w 4838
And 6 w 4842
then 1 w 4846
being 3 w 4852
farther 1 w 4859
provoked 1 w 4867
he 130 w 4870
drew 1 w 4874
his 11 w 4877
weapon 1 w 4883
with 17 w 4887
a 351 w 4888
design 2 w 4894
to 46 w 4896
kill 2 w 4900
him 13 w 4903
which 9 w 4909
attempt 1 w 4916
was 6 w 4919
neither 1 w 4926
good 4 w 4930
nor 8 w 4933
expedient 1 w 4942
And 7 w 4946
therefore 2 w 4955
by 12 w 4957
and 47 w 4960
by 13 w 4962
he 133 w 4964
repented 1 w 4972
his 12 w 4975
rashness 1 w 4983
He 2 w 4987
said 4 w 4991
observant 1 w 5001
of 45 w 5003
the 91 w 5006
blue-eyed 1 w 5015
maid 1 w 5019
Then 1 w 5024
in 81 w 5026
the 92 w 5029
sheath 1 w 5035
returned 1 w 5043
the 93 w 5046
shining 1 w 5053
blade 1 w 5058
wherein 2 w 5066
again 1 w 5071
he 140 w 5073
did 1 w 5076
rightly 1 w 5083
and 48 w 5086
worthily 1 w 5094
in 86 w 5097
that 19 w 5101
though 4 w 5108
he 141 w 5110
could 1 w 5115
not 17 w 5118
altogether 2 w 5128
quell 1 w 5133
his 13 w 5136
passion 4 w 5143
yet 2 w 5147
he 143 w 5149
restrained 1 w 5159
and 49 w 5162
reduced 1 w 5169
it 45 w 5171
under 2 w 5176
the 95 w 5179
command 2 w 5186
of 46 w 5188
reason 1 w 5194
before 2 w 5201
it 46 w 5203
brake 1 w 5208
forth 1 w 5213
into 3 w 5217
such 11 w 5221
an 82 w 5223
irreparable 1 w 5234
act 9 w 5237
of 47 w 5239
mischief 2 w 5247
Again 1 w 5253
even 2 w 5258
Agamemnon 1 w 5267
himself 8 w 5274
talks 1 w 5279
in 90 w 5281
that 20 w 5285
assembly 1 w 5293
ridiculously 1 w 5305
but 9 w 5309
carries 2 w 5316
himself 9 w 5323
more 2 w 5327
gravely 1 w 5334
and 51 w 5337
more 3 w 5341
like 6 w 5345
a 384 w 5346
prince 2 w 5352
in 92 w 5354
the 96 w 5357
matter 3 w 5363
of 48 w 5365
Chryseis 1 w 5373
For 6 w 5377
whereas 2 w 5384
Achilles 2 w 5392
when 8 w 5397
his 14 w 5400
Briseis 1 w 5407
was 7 w 5410
taken 1 w 5415
away 1 w 5419
from 5 w 5423
him 16 w 5426
In 1 w 5429
sullenness 1 w 5439
withdraws 1 w 5448
from 6 w 5452
all 17 w 5455
his 15 w 5458
friends 1 w 5465
And 8 w 5469
in 93 w 5471
his 16 w 5474
tent 3 w 5478
his 17 w 5481
time 2 w 5485
lamenting 1 w 5494
spends 1 w 5500
Agamemnon 2 w 5510
himself 10 w 5517
hands 3 w 5522
into 4 w 5526
the 97 w 5529
ship 1 w 5533
delivers 1 w 5542
to 50 w 5544
her 31 w 5547
friends 2 w 5554
and 53 w 5558
so 14 w 5560
sends 1 w 5565
from 7 w 5569
him 18 w 5572
the 98 w 5576
woman 1 w 5581
concerning 1 w 5591
whom 2 w 5595
a 398 w 5596
little 1 w 5602
before 3 w 5608
he 151 w 5610
declared 1 w 5618
that 21 w 5622
he 152 w 5624
loved 1 w 5629
her 32 w 5632
better 2 w 5638
than 1 w 5642
his 18 w 5645
wife 1 w 5649
and 54 w 5653
in 97 w 5655
that 22 w 5659
action 6 w 5665
did 2 w 5668
nothing 4 w 5675
unbecoming 1 w 5685
or 60 w 5687
savoring 1 w 5695
of 49 w 5697
fond 1 w 5701
affection 1 w 5710
Also 1 w 5715
Phoenix 1 w 5722
when 9 w 5727
his 19 w 5730
father 3 w 5736
bitterly 1 w 5744
cursed 2 w 5750
him 19 w 5753
for 13 w 5756
having 3 w 5762
to 51 w 5764
do 11 w 5766
with 19 w 5770
one 7 w 5773
that 23 w 5777
was 8 w 5780
his 20 w 5783
own 2 w 5786
harlot 1 w 5792
says 1 w 5797
Him 1 w 5801
in 102 w 5803
my 2 w 5805
rage 1 w 5809
I 15 w 5810
purposed 1 w 5818
to 52 w 5820
have 2 w 5824
killed 1 w 5830
But 7 w 5834
that 24 w 5838
my 3 w 5840
land 1 w 5844
some 3 w 5848
God 3 w 5851
in 103 w 5853
kindness 1 w 5861
held 1 w 5865
And 9 w 5869
minded 1 w 5875
me 34 w 5877
that 25 w 5881
Greeks 1 w 5887
would 2 w 5892
taunting 1 w 5900
say 3 w 5903
Lo 1 w 5906
here 15 w 5911
s 407 w 5913
the 100 w 5916
man 15 w 5919
that 26 w 5923
did 3 w 5926
his 21 w 5929
father 4 w 5935
slav 2 w 5939
It 1 w 5942
is 64 w 5944
true 1 w 5948
that 27 w 5952
Aristarchus 1 w 5963
was 9 w 5966
afraid 1 w 5972
to 53 w 5974
permit 1 w 5980
these 2 w 5985
verses 1 w 5991
to 54 w 5993
stand 3 w 5998
in 107 w 6000
the 103 w 6003
poet 7 w 6007
and 57 w 6011
therefore 3 w 6020
censured 1 w 6028
them 9 w 6032
to 55 w 6034
be 24 w 6036
expunged 1 w 6044
But 8 w 6048
they 4 w 6052
were 1 w 6056
inserted 1 w 6064
by 14 w 6066
Homer 3 w 6071
very 2 w 6075
aptly 1 w 6080
to 56 w 6082
the 107 w 6085
occasion 1 w 6093
of 50 w 6095
Phoenix 2 w 6102
s 421 w 6104
instructing 1 w 6115
Achilles 3 w 6123
what 2 w 6127
a 434 w 6128
pernicious 1 w 6138
thing 12 w 6143
anger 1 w 6148
is 66 w 6150
and 58 w 6154
what 3 w 6158
foul 1 w 6162
acts 2 w 6166
men 13 w 6169
do 12 w 6171
by 15 w 6173
its 2 w 6176
instigation 1 w 6187
while 2 w 6193
they 5 w 6197
are 12 w 6200
capable 1 w 6207
neither 2 w 6214
of 51 w 6216
making 1 w 6222
use 5 w 6225
of 52 w 6227
their 2 w 6232
own 3 w 6235
reason 2 w 6241
nor 9 w 6244
of 53 w 6246
hearing 1 w 6253
the 111 w 6256
counsel 1 w 6263
of 54 w 6265
others 2 w 6271
To 1 w 6274
which 10 w 6279
end 9 w 6282
he 172 w 6284
also 1 w 6288
introduceth 1 w 6299
Meleager 1 w 6307
at 75 w 6309
first 1 w 6314
highly 1 w 6320
offended 2 w 6328
with 20 w 6332
his 22 w 6335
citizens 1 w 6343
and 59 w 6347
afterwards 1 w 6357
pacified 1 w 6365
justly 1 w 6372
therein 1 w 6379
reprehending 1 w 6391
disordered 1 w 6401
passions 4 w 6409
and 60 w 6413
praising 1 w 6421
it 56 w 6423
as 50 w 6425
a 457 w 6426
good 5 w 6430
and 61 w 6433
profitable 1 w 6443
thing 13 w 6448
not 19 w 6451
to 57 w 6453
yield 1 w 6458
to 58 w 6460
them 10 w 6464
but 10 w 6468
to 59 w 6470
resist 1 w 6476
and 62 w 6479
overcome 1 w 6487
them 11 w 6491
and 63 w 6495
to 60 w 6497
repent 2 w 6503
when 10 w 6507
one 8 w 6510
hath 2 w 6514
been 1 w 6518
overcome 2 w 6526
by 16 w 6528
them 12 w 6532
Now 1 w 6536
in 120 w 6538
these 3 w 6543
instances 1 w 6552
the 118 w 6555
difference 1 w 6565
is 71 w 6567
manifest 1 w 6575
But 9 w 6579
where 8 w 6584
a 465 w 6585
like 7 w 6589
clear 1 w 6594
judgment 3 w 6602
cannot 1 w 6608
be 26 w 6610
passed 1 w 6616
there 8 w 6622
we 14 w 6624
are 13 w 6627
to 61 w 6629
settle 1 w 6635
the 120 w 6638
young 5 w 6643
man 17 w 6646
s 455 w 6648
mind 5 w 6652
thus 3 w 6656
by 17 w 6659
way 4 w 6662
of 57 w 6664
distinction 1 w 6675
If 1 w 6678
Nausicaa 1 w 6686
having 4 w 6693
cast 1 w 6697
her 42 w 6700
eyes 1 w 6704
upon 2 w 6708
Ulysses 1 w 6715
a 477 w 6717
stranger 1 w 6725
and 64 w 6729
feeling 1 w 6736
the 121 w 6739
same 5 w 6743
passion 6 w 6750
for 15 w 6753
him 20 w 6756
as 54 w 6758
Calypso 1 w 6765
had 2 w 6768
before 4 w 6774
did 4 w 6778
as 55 w 6781
one 9 w 6784
that 28 w 6788
was 10 w 6791
ripe 1 w 6795
for 17 w 6798
a 488 w 6799
husband 1 w 6806
out 3 w 6810
of 58 w 6812
wantonness 1 w 6822
talk 2 w 6826
with 21 w 6830
her 43 w 6833
maidens 1 w 6840
at 78 w 6842
this 4 w 6846
foolish 1 w 6853
rate 2 w 6857
O 6 w 6860
Heaven 1 w 6866
in 126 w 6869
my 4 w 6871
connubial 1 w 6880
hour 1 w 6884
decree 1 w 6890
This 2 w 6894
man 18 w 6897
my 5 w 6899
spouse 1 w 6905
or 69 w 6908
such 12 w 6912
a 498 w 6913
spouse 2 w 6919
as 57 w 6921
he 187 w 6923
Odyss 2 w 6929
VI 2 w 6932
251 1 w 6936
she 3 w 6940
is 76 w 6942
blameworthy 1 w 6953
for 18 w 6956
her 44 w 6959
impudence 1 w 6968
and 66 w 6971
incontinence 1 w 6983
But 10 w 6987
if 11 w 6989
perceiving 2 w 7000
the 122 w 7003
man 19 w 7006
s 489 w 7008
breeding 1 w 7016
by 18 w 7018
his 25 w 7021
discourse 1 w 7030
and 67 w 7034
admiring 1 w 7042
the 123 w 7045
prudence 1 w 7053
of 59 w 7055
his 26 w 7058
addresses 1 w 7067
she 4 w 7071
rather 3 w 7077
wisheth 1 w 7084
to 63 w 7086
have 3 w 7090
such 13 w 7094
a 508 w 7095
one 10 w 7098
for 19 w 7101
a 509 w 7102
husband 2 w 7109
than 2 w 7113
a 512 w 7114
merchant 1 w 7122
or 73 w 7124
a 514 w 7125
dancing 1 w 7132
gallant 2 w 7139
of 60 w 7141
her 46 w 7144
fellow-citizens 1 w 7159
she 6 w 7163
is 81 w 7165
to 64 w 7167
be 28 w 7169
commended 1 w 7178
And 10 w 7182
when 11 w 7186
Ulysses 2 w 7193
is 82 w 7195
represented 2 w 7206
as 58 w 7208
rejoicing 1 w 7217
at 81 w 7219
Penelope 1 w 7227
s 510 w 7229
jocular 1 w 7236
conversation 1 w 7248
with 22 w 7252
her 47 w 7255
wooers 1 w 7261
and 69 w 7265
at 83 w 7267
their 3 w 7272
presenting 1 w 7282
her 48 w 7285
with 23 w 7289
rich 1 w 7293
garments 1 w 7301
and 70 w 7304
other 6 w 7309
ornaments 1 w 7318
Because 1 w 7326
she 7 w 7329
cunningly 1 w 7338
the 127 w 7341
fools 1 w 7346
cajoled 1 w 7353
And 11 w 7357
bartered 1 w 7365
light 1 w 7370
words 2 w 7375
for 20 w 7378
their 4 w 7383
heavy 1 w 7388
gold 1 w 7392
Odyss 3 w 7398
XVIII 1 w 7404
282 1 w 7408
if 12 w 7411
that 29 w 7415
joy 1 w 7418
were 2 w 7422
occasioned 1 w 7432
by 19 w 7434
greediness 1 w 7444
and 71 w 7447
covetous 1 w 7455
ness 10 w 7459
he 206 w 7462
discovers 1 w 7471
himself 11 w 7478
to 66 w 7480
be 29 w 7482
a 534 w 7483
more 4 w 7487
sordid 1 w 7493
prostituter 1 w 7504
of 61 w 7506
his 27 w 7509
own 4 w 7512
wife 2 w 7516
than 3 w 7520
Poliager 1 w 7528
is 85 w 7530
wont 1 w 7534
to 67 w 7536
be 30 w 7538
represented 3 w 7549
on 80 w 7551
the 129 w 7554
stage 1 w 7559
to 68 w 7561
have 4 w 7565
been 2 w 7569
of 62 w 7572
whom 3 w 7576
it 63 w 7578
is 86 w 7580
said 5 w 7584
Happy 1 w 7591
man 20 w 7594
he 208 w 7596
whose 1 w 7602
wife 3 w 7606
like 8 w 7611
Capricorn 1 w 7620
Stores 1 w 7627
him 22 w 7630
with 24 w 7634
riches 1 w 7640
from 8 w 7644
a 543 w 7645
golden 1 w 7651
horn 1 w 7655
But 11 w 7659
if 15 w 7661
through 1 w 7668
foresight 1 w 7677
he 210 w 7679
thought 1 w 7686
thereby 2 w 7693
to 70 w 7695
get 6 w 7698
them 13 w 7702
the 132 w 7705
more 5 w 7709
within 1 w 7715
his 28 w 7718
power 2 w 7723
as 60 w 7726
being 4 w 7731
lulled 1 w 7737
asleep 1 w 7743
in 139 w 7745
security 1 w 7753
for 22 w 7756
the 133 w 7759
future 1 w 7765
by 21 w 7767
the 134 w 7770
hopes 1 w 7775
she 8 w 7778
gave 1 w 7782
them 14 w 7786
at 85 w 7788
present 7 w 7795
this 5 w 7800
rejoicing 2 w 7809
joined 1 w 7816
with 26 w 7820
confidence 2 w 7830
in 142 w 7832
his 30 w 7835
wife 4 w 7839
was 11 w 7843
rational 1 w 7851
Again 2 w 7857
when 12 w 7862
he 219 w 7864
is 90 w 7866
brought 1 w 7873
in 144 w 7875
numbering 1 w 7884
the 136 w 7887
goods 1 w 7892
which 11 w 7897
the 137 w 7900
Phaeacians 1 w 7910
had 3 w 7913
set 5 w 7916
on 83 w 7918
shore 2 w 7923
together 5 w 7931
with 27 w 7935
himself 12 w 7942
and 72 w 7945
departed 1 w 7953
if 17 w 7956
indeed 1 w 7962
being 5 w 7968
himself 13 w 7975
left 2 w 7979
in 148 w 7981
such 14 w 7985
a 558 w 7986
solitude 1 w 7994
so 23 w 7997
ignorant 1 w 8005
where 9 w 8010
he 224 w 8012
was 12 w 8015
and 73 w 8019
having 5 w 8025
no 41 w 8027
security 2 w 8035
there 10 w 8040
for 23 w 8043
his 31 w 8046
own 5 w 8049
person 5 w 8055
he 226 w 8058
is 92 w 8060
yet 3 w 8063
solicitous 1 w 8073
for 24 w 8076
his 32 w 8079
goods 2 w 8084
lest 2 w 8089
The 5 w 8092
sly 4 w 8095
Phaeacians 2 w 8105
when 13 w 8110
they 6 w 8114
stole 1 w 8119
to 74 w 8121
sea 4 w 8124
Had 1 w 8128
stolen 1 w 8134
some 4 w 8138
part 2 w 8142
of 63 w 8144
what 4 w 8148
they 7 w 8152
brought 2 w 8159
away 2 w 8163
Odyss 4 w 8169
XIII 1 w 8174
216 1 w 8178
the 142 w 8182
covetousness 1 w 8194
of 64 w 8196
the 143 w 8199
man 21 w 8202
deserved 1 w 8210
in 150 w 8212
truth 4 w 8217
to 77 w 8219
be 35 w 8221
pitied 1 w 8227
or 89 w 8230
rather 4 w 8236
abhorred 1 w 8244
But 12 w 8248
if 18 w 8250
as 64 w 8253
some 5 w 8257
say 4 w 8260
in 151 w 8262
his 33 w 8265
defence 1 w 8272
being 6 w 8278
doubtful 1 w 8286
whether 1 w 8293
or 91 w 8295
no 42 w 8297
the 146 w 8300
place 1 w 8305
where 10 w 8310
he 238 w 8312
was 13 w 8315
landed 1 w 8321
were 3 w 8325
Ithaca 1 w 8331
he 239 w 8334
made 1 w 8338
use 9 w 8341
of 65 w 8343
the 147 w 8346
just 3 w 8350
tale 1 w 8354
of 66 w 8356
his 34 w 8359
goods 3 w 8364
to 78 w 8366
infer 1 w 8371
thence 1 w 8377
the 149 w 8380
honesty 1 w 8387
of 67 w 8389
the 150 w 8392
Phaeacians 3 w 8402
because 1 w 8411
it 73 w 8413
was 14 w 8416
not 21 w 8419
likely 1 w 8425
they 8 w 8429
would 3 w 8434
expose 1 w 8440
him 25 w 8443
in 154 w 8445
a 589 w 8446
strange 2 w 8453
place 2 w 8458
and 75 w 8461
leave 2 w 8466
him 26 w 8469
there 11 w 8474
with 28 w 8478
his 35 w 8481
goods 4 w 8486
by 22 w 8488
him 27 w 8491
untouched 1 w 8500
so 28 w 8503
as 67 w 8505
to 80 w 8507
get 8 w 8510
nothing 5 w 8517
by 23 w 8519
their 5 w 8524
dishonesty 1 w 8534
then 3 w 8540
he 249 w 8542
makes 2 w 8547
use 11 w 8550
of 68 w 8552
a 596 w 8553
very 3 w 8557
fit 2 w 8560
test 1 w 8564
for 25 w 8567
this 6 w 8571
purpose 2 w 8578
and 76 w 8582
deserves 1 w 8590
commendation 1 w 8602
for 26 w 8605
his 37 w 8608
wisdom 3 w 8614
in 156 w 8616
that 30 w 8620
action 7 w 8626
Some 1 w 8631
also 2 w 8635
there 12 w 8640
are 14 w 8643
who 7 w 8646
find 2 w 8650
fault 1 w 8655
with 29 w 8659
that 31 w 8663
passage 4 w 8670
of 69 w 8672
the 156 w 8675
putting 1 w 8682
him 28 w 8685
on 89 w 8687
shore 3 w 8692
when 14 w 8696
he 253 w 8698
was 15 w 8701
asleep 2 w 8707
if 19 w 8710
it 77 w 8712
really 1 w 8718
so 30 w 8720
happened 1 w 8728
and 77 w 8732
they 9 w 8736
tell 1 w 8740
us 42 w 8742
that 32 w 8746
the 158 w 8749
people 1 w 8755
of 70 w 8757
Tuscany 1 w 8764
have 5 w 8768
still 1 w 8773
a 615 w 8774
traditional 1 w 8785
story 1 w 8790
among 3 w 8795
them 15 w 8799
concerning 2 w 8809
Ulysses 3 w 8816
that 33 w 8821
he 257 w 8823
was 16 w 8826
naturally 1 w 8835
sleepy 1 w 8841
and 78 w 8845
therefore 4 w 8854
a 624 w 8855
man 22 w 8858
whom 4 w 8862
many 2 w 8866
men 19 w 8869
could 2 w 8874
not 23 w 8877
freely 1 w 8883
converse 1 w 8891
with 30 w 8895
But 13 w 8899
if 20 w 8901
his 38 w 8904
sleep 4 w 8909
was 17 w 8912
but 11 w 8915
feigned 1 w 8922
and 79 w 8926
he 259 w 8928
made 2 w 8932
use 12 w 8935
of 71 w 8937
this 7 w 8941
pretence 2 w 8949
only 4 w 8953
of 72 w 8955
a 630 w 8956
natural 3 w 8963
infirmity 1 w 8972
by 24 w 8975
counterfeiting 1 w 8989
a 633 w 8990
nap 1 w 8993
to 82 w 8996
hide 1 w 9000
the 161 w 9003
strait 1 w 9009
he 261 w 9011
was 18 w 9014
in 162 w 9016
at 96 w 9018
that 34 w 9022
time 3 w 9026
in 163 w 9028
his 40 w 9031
thoughts 1 w 9039
betwixt 1 w 9047
the 162 w 9050
shame 1 w 9055
of 73 w 9057
sending 1 w 9064
away 3 w 9068
the 163 w 9071
Phaeacians 4 w 9081
without 1 w 9088
giving 1 w 9094
them 16 w 9098
a 645 w 9099
friendly 1 w 9107
collation 1 w 9116
and 80 w 9119
hospitable 1 w 9129
gifts 1 w 9134
and 81 w 9138
the 165 w 9141
fear 2 w 9145
he 266 w 9147
had 4 w 9150
of 74 w 9152
being 7 w 9157
discovered 1 w 9167
to 83 w 9169
his 41 w 9172
enemies 1 w 9179
by 25 w 9181
the 166 w 9184
treating 1 w 9192
such 15 w 9196
a 653 w 9197
company 1 w 9204
of 75 w 9206
men 20 w 9209
together 6 w 9217
they 10 w 9222
then 4 w 9226
approve 2 w 9233
it 85 w 9235
Now 2 w 9239
by 26 w 9242
showing 1 w 9249
young 6 w 9254
men 21 w 9257
these 4 w 9262
things 6 w 9268
we 18 w 9271
shall 3 w 9276
preserve 1 w 9284
them 17 w 9288
from 9 w 9292
being 8 w 9297
carried 1 w 9304
away 4 w 9308
to 85 w 9310
any 8 w 9313
corruption 1 w 9323
in 171 w 9325
their 6 w 9330
manners 3 w 9337
and 82 w 9341
dispose 2 w 9348
them 18 w 9352
to 86 w 9354
the 174 w 9357
election 1 w 9365
and 83 w 9368
imitation 5 w 9377
of 76 w 9379
those 4 w 9384
that 35 w 9388
are 15 w 9391
good 10 w 9395
as 74 w 9398
being 9 w 9403
before 5 w 9409
instructed 1 w 9419
readily 1 w 9426
to 87 w 9428
disapprove 1 w 9438
those 5 w 9443
and 84 w 9446
commend 4 w 9453
these 5 w 9458
But 14 w 9462
this 8 w 9466
ought 5 w 9471
with 32 w 9475
the 176 w 9478
most 3 w 9482
care 1 w 9486
to 88 w 9488
be 43 w 9490
done 2 w 9494
in 174 w 9496
the 177 w 9499
reading 1 w 9506
of 77 w 9508
tragedies 1 w 9517
wherein 3 w 9524
probable 1 w 9532
and 85 w 9535
subtle 2 w 9541
speeches 1 w 9549
are 17 w 9552
made 3 w 9556
use 13 w 9559
of 78 w 9561
in 177 w 9563
the 178 w 9566
most 4 w 9570
foul 2 w 9574
and 86 w 9577
wicked 1 w 9583
actions 6 w 9590
For 7 w 9594
that 36 w 9598
is 109 w 9600
not 24 w 9603
always 2 w 9609
true 2 w 9613
which 12 w 9618
Sophocles 1 w 9627
saith 1 w 9632
that 37 w 9637
From 2 w 9641
naughty 1 w 9648
acts 3 w 9652
good 11 w 9656
words 3 w 9661
can 5 w 9664
ne 46 w 9666
er 151 w 9669
proceed 2 w 9676
For 8 w 9680
even 3 w 9684
he 282 w 9686
himself 14 w 9693
is 110 w 9695
wont 2 w 9699
to 89 w 9701
apply 2 w 9706
pleasant 1 w 9714
reasonings 1 w 9724
and 87 w 9727
plausible 2 w 9736
arguments 1 w 9745
to 90 w 9747
those 6 w 9752
manners 4 w 9759
and 88 w 9762
actions 7 w 9769
which 13 w 9774
are 18 w 9777
wicked 2 w 9783
or 102 w 9785
unbecoming 2 w 9795
And 12 w 9799
in 180 w 9801
another 1 w 9808
of 79 w 9810
his 43 w 9813
fellow-tragedians 1 w 9830
we 19 w 9833
may 5 w 9836
see 3 w 9839
even 4 w 9843
Phaedra 1 w 9850
herself 1 w 9857
represented 4 w 9868
as 77 w 9870
justifying 1 w 9880
her 64 w 9883
unlawful 1 w 9891
affection 2 w 9900
for 29 w 9903
Hippolytus 1 w 9913
by 27 w 9915
accusing 1 w 9923
Theseus 1 w 9930
of 80 w 9932
ill-carriage 1 w 9944
towards 1 w 9951
her 65 w 9954
And 13 w 9958
in 183 w 9960
his 44 w 9963
Troades 1 w 9970
he 288 w 9973
allows 1 w 9979
Helen 1 w 9984
the 180 w 9987
same 6 w 9991
liberty 1 w 9998
of 81 w 10000
speech 3 w 10006
against 1 w 10013
Hecuba 1 w 10019
whom 5 w 10024
she 9 w 10027
judgeth 1 w 10034
to 92 w 10036
be 46 w 10038
more 6 w 10042
worthy 2 w 10048
of 82 w 10050
punishment 1 w 10060
than 4 w 10064
herself 2 w 10071
for 30 w 10074
her 67 w 10077
adultery 1 w 10085
because 2 w 10093
she 10 w 10096
was 19 w 10099
the 181 w 10102
mother 2 w 10108
of 83 w 10110
Paris 1 w 10115
that 38 w 10119
tempted 1 w 10126
her 69 w 10129
thereto 1 w 10136
A 26 w 10138
young 7 w 10143
man 26 w 10146
therefore 5 w 10155
must 2 w 10159
not 26 w 10162
be 48 w 10164
accustomed 1 w 10174
to 95 w 10176
think 2 w 10181
any 9 w 10184
thing 16 w 10189
of 84 w 10191
that 39 w 10195
nature 3 w 10201
handsomely 1 w 10211
or 108 w 10213
wittily 1 w 10220
spoken 2 w 10226
nor 11 w 10230
to 96 w 10232
be 49 w 10234
pleased 1 w 10241
with 33 w 10245
such 16 w 10249
colorable 1 w 10258
inventions 1 w 10268
but 12 w 10272
rather 5 w 10278
more 7 w 10282
to 97 w 10284
abhor 2 w 10289
such 17 w 10293
words 4 w 10298
as 80 w 10300
tend 1 w 10304
to 98 w 10306
the 186 w 10309
defence 2 w 10316
of 85 w 10318
wanton 2 w 10324
acts 4 w 10328
than 5 w 10332
the 187 w 10335
very 4 w 10339
acts 5 w 10343
themselves 2 w 10353