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CTS Library / How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems

How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems (5-6)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '5', 'human_reference': 'Section 5'}, 'end': {'reference': '6', 'human_reference': 'Section 6'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

Nor are we to omit in our reading those hints which, from some other words or phrases bordering on those that offend us, may help to rectify our apprehensions. But as physicians use cantharides, believing that, though their bodies be deadly poison, yet their feet and wings are medicinal and can even kill the poison of the flies themselves, so must we deal with poems. If any noun or verb near at hand may assist to the correction of any such saying, and preserve us from putting a bad construction upon it, we should take hold of it and employ it to assist a more favorable interpretation. As some do in reference to those verses of Homer,—

Sorrows and tears most commonly are seen
To be the Gods rewards to wretched men:—
The Gods, who have no cause themselves to grieve,
For wretched man a web of sorrow weave.
For, they say, he says not of men simply, or of all men, that the Gods weave for them the fatal web of a sorrowful life; but he affirms it only of foolish and imprudent men, whom, because their vices make them such, he therefore calls wretched and miserable.

Another way whereby those passages which are suspicious in poets may be transferred to a better sense may

be taken from the common use of words, which a young man ought indeed to be more exercised in than in the use of strange and obscure terms. For it will be a point of philology which it will not be unpleasant to him to understand, that when he meets with ῥιγεδανή in a poet, that word signifies an evil death; for the Macedonians use the word δάνος to signify death. So the Aeolians call victory gotten by patient endurance of hardships καμμονίη; and the Dryopians call daemons πόποι.

But of all things it is most necessary, and no less profitable if we design to receive profit and not hurt from the poets, that we understand how they make use of the names of Gods, as also of the terms of Evil and Good; and what they mean by Fortune and Fate; and whether these words be always taken by them in one and the same sense or rather in various senses, as also many other words are. For so the word οἶκος sometimes signifies a material house, as, Into the high-roofed house; and sometimes estate, as, My house is devoured. So the word βίοτος sometimes signifies life, and sometimes wealth. And ἀλύειω is sometimes taken for being uneasy and disquieted in mind, as in

Ὤς ἔφαθ· δὐλύουσὐπεβήσατο, τείρετο δαἰνῶς,
and elsewhere for boasting and rejoicing, as in
ὐλείς, ὅτι Ἶρον ἐρνίκησας τόν ἀλήτην
In like manner θοάζειν signifies either to move, as in Euripides when he saith,
Κῆτος θούζον ἐκ Ἀτλαντικῆς ἁλός
or to sit, as in Sophocles when he writes thus,
Τίνας πόθἕρας τάσδε μοι θοάζετε,
Ἱκτηρίοις κλάδοισιν ἑξεστεμμένοι.

It is elegant also when they adapt to the present matter, as grammarians teach, the use of words which are commonly of another signification. As here:—

Νῆὀλίγου αἰνεῖν, μεγάλῃ δἐνί φορτία θέσθαι.
For here αἰνεῖν signifies to praise (instead of ἐμαινεῖν), and to praise is used for to refuse. So in conversation it is common with us to say, καλῶς ἔχει, it is well (i.e., No, I thank you), and to bid any thing fare well (χαίρειν); by which forms of speech we refuse a thing which we do not want, or receive it not, but still with a civil compliment. So also some say that Proserpina is called ἐπαινή in the notion of παραιτητή, to be deprecated, because death is by all men shunned.

And the like distinction of words we ought to observe also in things more weighty and serious. To begin with the Gods, we should teach our youth that poets, when they use the names of Gods, sometimes mean properly the Divine Beings so called, but otherwhiles understand by those names certain powers of which the Gods are the donors and authors, they having first led us into the use of them by their own practice. As when Archilochus prays,

King Vulcan, hear thy suppliant, and grant
That which thourt wont to give and I to want,
it is plain that he means the God himself whom he invokes. But when elsewhere he bewails the drowning of his sisters husband, who had not obtained lawful burial, and says,
Had Vulcan his fair limbs to ashes turned,
I for his loss had with less passion mourned,
he gives the name of Vulcan to the fire and not to the Deity. Again, Euripides, when he says,
No; by great Jove I swear, enthroned on high,
And bloody Mars,
means the Gods themselves who bare those names. But when Sophocles saith,
Blind Mars doth mortal mens affairs confound,
As the swines snout doth quite deface the ground,
we are to understand the word Mars to denote not the God so called, but war. And by the same word we are to understand also weapons made of hardened brass, in those verses of Homer,
These are the gallant men whose noble blood
Keen Mars did shed near swift Scamanders flood.
Wherefore, in conformity to the instances given, we must conceive and bear in mind that by the names of Jupiter also sometimes they mean the God himself, sometimes Fortune, and oftentimes also Fate. For when they say,—
Great Jupiter, who from the lofty hill
Of Ida governst all the world at will;
That wrath which hurled to Plutos gloomy realm
The souls of mighty chiefs:—
Such was the sovereign doom, and such the will of Jove;
For who (but who himself too fondly loves)
Dares lay his wisdom in the scale with Joves?—
they understand Jupiter himself. But when they ascribe the event of all things done to Jupiter as the cause, saying of him,—
Many brave souls to hell Achilles sent,
And Joves design accomplished in th event,—
they mean by Jove no more but Fate. For the poet doth not conceive that God contrives mischief against mankind, but he soundly declares the mere necessity of the things themselves, to wit, that prosperity and victory are destined by Fate to cities and armies and commanders who govern themselves with sobriety, but if they give way to passions and commit errors, thereby dividing and crumbling themselves into factions, as those of whom the poet speaks did, they do unhandsome actions, and thereby create great disturbances, such as are attended with sad consequences.
For to all unadvised acts, in fine,
The Fates unhappy issues do assign.
But when Hesiod brings in Prometheus thus counselling his brother Epimetheus,
Brother, if Jove to thee a present make,
Take heed that from his hands thou nothing take,
he useth the name of Jove to express Fortune; for he calls the good things which come by her (such as riches, and marriages, and empires, and indeed all external things the enjoyment whereof is unprofitable to them who know not how to use them well) the gifts of Jove. And therefore he adviseth Epimetheus (an ill man, and a fool withal) to stand in fear of and to guard himself from prosperity, as that which would be hurtful and destructive to him.

Again, where he saith,

Reproach thou not a man for being poor;
His povertys Gods gift, as is thy store,
he calls that which befalls men by Fortune Gods gift, and intimates that it is an unworthy thing to reproach any man for that poverty which he falls into by Fortune, whereas poverty is then only a matter of disgrace and reproach when it is attendant on sloth and idleness, or wantonness and prodigality. For, before the name of Fortune was used, they knew there was a powerful cause, which moved irregularly and unlimitedly and with such a force that no human reason could avoid it; and this cause they called by the names of Gods. So we are wont to call divers things and qualities and discourses, and even men themselves, divine. And thus may we rectify many such sayings concerning Jupiter as would otherwise seem very absurd. As these, for instance:—
Before Joves door two fatal hogsheads, filled
With human fortunes, good and bad luck yield:—
Of violated oaths Jove took no care,
But spitefully both parties crushed by war:—
To Greeks and Trojans both this was the rise
Of mischief, suitable to Joves device.
These passages we are to interpret as spoken concerning Fortune or Fate, of the causality of both which no account can be given by us, nor do their effects fall under our power. But where any thing is said of Jupiter that is suitable, rational, and probable, there we are to conceive that the names of that God is used properly. As in these instances:—
Through others ranks he conquering did range,
But shunned with Ajax any blows t exchange;
But Joves displeasure on him he had brought,
Had he with one so much his better fought.
For though great matters are Joves special care,
Small things t inferior daemons trusted are.

And other words there are which the poets remove and translate from their proper sense by accommodation to various things, which deserve also our serious notice. Such a one, for instance, is ἀρετή, virtue. For because virtue does not only render men prudent, just, and good, both in their words and deeds, but also oftentimes purchaseth to them honor and power, therefore they call likewise these by that name. So we are wont to call both the olive-tree and the fruit ἐλαία, and the oak-tree and its acorn φηγός, communicating the name of the one to the other. Therefore, when our young man reads in the poets such passages as these,—

This law th immortal Gods to us have set,
That none arrive at virtue but by sweat;
The adverse troops then did the Grecians stout
By their mere virtue profligate and rout;
If now the Fates determined have our death,
To virtue well consign our parting breath;—
let him presently conceive that these things are spoken of that most excellent and divine habit in us which we understand to be no other than right reason, or the highest attainment of the reasonable nature, and most agreeable
to the constitution thereof. And again, when he reads this,
Of virtue Jupiter to one gives more,
And lessens, when he lifts, anothers store;
and this,
Virtue and honor upon wealth attend;[*]
let him not sit down in an astonishing admiration of rich men, as if they were enabled by their wealth to purchase virtue, nor let him imagine that it is in the power of Fortune to increase or lessen his own wisdom; but let him conceive that the poet by virtue meant either glory or power or prosperity or something of like import. For poets use the same ambiguity also in the word κακότης, evil, which sometimes in them properly signifies a wicked and malicious disposition of mind, as in that of Hesiod,
Evil is soon acquired; for everywhere
Theres plenty ont and tall mens dwellings near;
and sometimes some evil accident or misfortune, as when Homer says,
Sore evils, when they haunt us in our prime,
Hasten old age on us before our time.
So also in the word εὐδαιμονία, he would be sorely deceived who should imagine that, wheresoever he meets with it in poets, it means (as it does in philosophy) a perfect habitual enjoyment of all good things or the leading a life every way agreeable to Nature, and that they do not withal by the abuse of such words call rich men happy or blessed, and power or glory felicity. For, though Homer rightly useth terms of that nature in this passage,—
Though of such great estates I am possest,
Yet with true inward joy I am not blest;
and Menander in this,—
So greats th estate I am endowed withal:
All say Im rich, but none me happy call;—
yet Euripides discourseth more confusedly and perplexedly when he writes after this manner,—
May I neer live that grievous blessed life;—
But tell me, man, why valuest thou so high
Th unjust beatitude of tyranny ?
except, as I said, we allow him the use of these words in a metaphorical and abusive sense. But enough hath been spoken of these matters.

Nor 1 w 3
are 1 w 6
we 1 w 8
to 1 w 10
omit 1 w 14
in 1 w 16
our 1 w 19
reading 1 w 26
those 1 w 31
hints 1 w 36
which 1 w 41
from 1 w 46
some 1 w 50
other 1 w 55
words 1 w 60
or 3 w 62
phrases 1 w 69
bordering 1 w 78
on 1 w 80
those 2 w 85
that 1 w 89
offend 1 w 95
us 1 w 97
may 1 w 101
help 1 w 105
to 2 w 107
rectify 1 w 114
our 2 w 117
apprehensions 1 w 130
But 1 w 134
as 2 w 136
physicians 1 w 146
use 1 w 149
cantharides 1 w 160
believing 1 w 170
that 2 w 174
though 1 w 181
their 1 w 186
bodies 1 w 192
be 2 w 194
deadly 1 w 200
poison 1 w 206
yet 1 w 210
their 2 w 215
feet 1 w 219
and 1 w 222
wings 1 w 227
are 2 w 230
medicinal 1 w 239
and 2 w 242
can 2 w 245
even 1 w 249
kill 1 w 253
the 4 w 256
poison 2 w 262
of 2 w 264
the 5 w 267
flies 1 w 272
themselves 1 w 282
so 4 w 285
must 1 w 289
we 2 w 291
deal 1 w 295
with 1 w 299
poems 1 w 304
If 1 w 307
any 1 w 310
noun 1 w 314
or 5 w 316
verb 1 w 320
near 1 w 324
at 3 w 326
hand 1 w 330
may 2 w 333
assist 1 w 339
to 3 w 341
the 7 w 344
correction 1 w 354
of 3 w 356
any 2 w 359
such 1 w 363
saying 1 w 369
and 4 w 373
preserve 1 w 381
us 4 w 383
from 2 w 387
putting 1 w 394
a 28 w 395
bad 1 w 398
construction 1 w 410
upon 1 w 414
it 3 w 416
we 3 w 419
should 1 w 425
take 1 w 429
hold 1 w 433
of 4 w 435
it 4 w 437
and 5 w 440
employ 1 w 446
it 5 w 448
to 4 w 450
assist 2 w 456
a 33 w 457
more 1 w 461
favorable 1 w 470
interpretation 1 w 484
As 1 w 487
some 2 w 491
do 1 w 493
in 11 w 495
reference 1 w 504
to 5 w 506
those 3 w 511
verses 1 w 517
of 5 w 519
Homer 1 w 524
Sorrows 1 w 533
and 6 w 536
tears 1 w 541
most 1 w 545
commonly 1 w 553
are 3 w 556
seen 1 w 560
To 1 w 562
be 3 w 564
the 8 w 567
Gods 1 w 571
rewards 1 w 579
to 6 w 581
wretched 1 w 589
men 1 w 592
The 1 w 597
Gods 2 w 601
who 1 w 605
have 1 w 609
no 2 w 611
cause 1 w 616
themselves 2 w 626
to 7 w 628
grieve 1 w 634
For 1 w 638
wretched 2 w 646
man 1 w 649
a 44 w 650
web 1 w 653
of 6 w 655
sorrow 1 w 661
weave 1 w 666
Odyss 1 w 672
IV 1 w 675
197 1 w 679
Il 1 w 682
XXIV 1 w 687
526 1 w 691
For 2 w 695
they 1 w 700
say 2 w 703
he 16 w 706
says 1 w 710
not 1 w 713
of 7 w 715
men 2 w 718
simply 1 w 724
or 13 w 727
of 8 w 729
all 1 w 732
men 3 w 735
that 3 w 740
the 11 w 743
Gods 3 w 747
weave 2 w 752
for 1 w 755
them 3 w 759
the 13 w 762
fatal 1 w 767
web 2 w 770
of 9 w 772
a 53 w 773
sorrowful 1 w 782
life 1 w 786
but 1 w 790
he 20 w 792
affirms 1 w 799
it 6 w 801
only 2 w 805
of 10 w 807
foolish 1 w 814
and 7 w 817
imprudent 1 w 826
men 4 w 829
whom 1 w 834
because 1 w 842
their 3 w 847
vices 1 w 852
make 1 w 856
them 4 w 860
such 2 w 864
he 23 w 867
therefore 1 w 876
calls 1 w 881
wretched 3 w 889
and 8 w 892
miserable 1 w 901
Another 1 w 909
way 1 w 912
whereby 1 w 919
those 4 w 924
passages 1 w 932
which 2 w 937
are 4 w 940
suspicious 1 w 950
in 12 w 952
poets 1 w 957
may 3 w 960
be 5 w 962
transferred 1 w 973
to 8 w 975
a 67 w 976
better 1 w 982
sense 1 w 987
may 4 w 990
be 7 w 992
taken 1 w 997
from 3 w 1001
the 18 w 1004
common 2 w 1010
use 4 w 1013
of 11 w 1015
words 2 w 1020
which 3 w 1026
a 70 w 1027
young 1 w 1032
man 2 w 1035
ought 1 w 1040
indeed 1 w 1046
to 9 w 1048
be 8 w 1050
more 2 w 1054
exercised 1 w 1063
in 14 w 1065
than 1 w 1069
in 15 w 1071
the 19 w 1074
use 5 w 1077
of 12 w 1079
strange 1 w 1086
and 9 w 1089
obscure 1 w 1096
terms 1 w 1101
For 3 w 1105
it 7 w 1107
will 1 w 1111
be 9 w 1113
a 75 w 1114
point 1 w 1119
of 13 w 1121
philology 1 w 1130
which 4 w 1135
it 8 w 1137
will 2 w 1141
not 3 w 1144
be 10 w 1146
unpleasant 1 w 1156
to 10 w 1158
him 1 w 1161
to 11 w 1163
understand 1 w 1173
that 4 w 1178
when 1 w 1182
he 31 w 1184
meets 1 w 1189
with 2 w 1193
ῥιγεδανή 1 w 1201
in 17 w 1203
a 80 w 1204
poet 2 w 1208
that 5 w 1213
word 3 w 1217
signifies 1 w 1226
an 22 w 1228
evil 1 w 1232
death 1 w 1237
for 3 w 1241
the 20 w 1244
Macedonians 1 w 1255
use 6 w 1258
the 21 w 1261
word 4 w 1265
δάνος 1 w 1270
to 12 w 1272
signify 1 w 1279
death 2 w 1284
So 2 w 1287
the 22 w 1290
Aeolians 1 w 1298
call 2 w 1302
victory 1 w 1309
gotten 1 w 1315
by 2 w 1317
patient 1 w 1324
endurance 1 w 1333
of 14 w 1335
hardships 1 w 1344
καμμονίη 1 w 1352
and 11 w 1356
the 23 w 1359
Dryopians 1 w 1368
call 3 w 1372
daemons 1 w 1379
πόποι 1 w 1384
But 2 w 1388
of 15 w 1390
all 5 w 1393
things 1 w 1399
it 10 w 1401
is 8 w 1403
most 2 w 1407
necessary 1 w 1416
and 12 w 1420
no 6 w 1422
less 1 w 1426
profitable 1 w 1436
if 5 w 1438
we 8 w 1440
design 1 w 1446
to 14 w 1448
receive 1 w 1455
profit 2 w 1461
and 13 w 1464
not 4 w 1467
hurt 1 w 1471
from 4 w 1475
the 24 w 1478
poets 2 w 1483
that 6 w 1488
we 9 w 1490
understand 2 w 1500
how 1 w 1503
they 2 w 1507
make 2 w 1511
use 7 w 1514
of 18 w 1516
the 26 w 1519
names 1 w 1524
of 19 w 1526
Gods 4 w 1530
as 7 w 1533
also 1 w 1537
of 20 w 1539
the 27 w 1542
terms 2 w 1547
of 21 w 1549
Evil 1 w 1553
and 15 w 1556
Good 1 w 1560
and 16 w 1564
what 1 w 1568
they 3 w 1572
mean 1 w 1576
by 3 w 1578
Fortune 1 w 1585
and 17 w 1588
Fate 1 w 1592
and 18 w 1596
whether 1 w 1603
these 1 w 1608
words 3 w 1613
be 11 w 1615
always 1 w 1621
taken 2 w 1626
by 4 w 1628
them 5 w 1632
in 19 w 1634
one 1 w 1637
and 19 w 1640
the 32 w 1643
same 1 w 1647
sense 2 w 1652
or 26 w 1654
rather 1 w 1660
in 20 w 1662
various 1 w 1669
senses 1 w 1675
as 8 w 1678
also 2 w 1682
many 1 w 1686
other 3 w 1691
words 4 w 1696
are 5 w 1699
For 5 w 1703
so 10 w 1705
the 35 w 1708
word 7 w 1712
οἶκος 1 w 1717
sometimes 1 w 1726
signifies 2 w 1735
a 125 w 1736
material 1 w 1744
house 1 w 1749
as 9 w 1752
Into 1 w 1757
the 36 w 1760
high-roofed 1 w 1771
house 2 w 1776
and 20 w 1780
sometimes 2 w 1789
estate 1 w 1795
as 10 w 1798
My 1 w 1801
house 3 w 1806
is 9 w 1808
devoured 1 w 1816
So 3 w 1819
the 37 w 1822
word 8 w 1826
βίοτος 1 w 1832
sometimes 3 w 1841
signifies 3 w 1850
life 2 w 1854
and 21 w 1858
sometimes 4 w 1867
wealth 1 w 1873
And 1 w 1877
ἀλύειω 1 w 1883
is 10 w 1885
sometimes 5 w 1894
taken 3 w 1899
for 4 w 1902
being 1 w 1907
uneasy 1 w 1913
and 22 w 1916
disquieted 1 w 1926
in 22 w 1928
mind 1 w 1932
as 12 w 1935
in 24 w 1937
Ὤς 1 w 1939
ἔφαθ 1 w 1943
1 w 1945
δ 3 w 1946
ὐλύουσ 1 w 1952
ὐπεβήσατο 1 w 1961
τείρετο 1 w 1969
δ 4 w 1970
αἰνῶς 1 w 1975
Il 2 w 1978
V 3 w 1980
352 1 w 1984
and 23 w 1988
elsewhere 1 w 1997
for 5 w 2000
boasting 1 w 2008
and 24 w 2011
rejoicing 1 w 2020
as 14 w 2023
in 27 w 2025
1 w 2026
ὐλείς 1 w 2031
ὅτι 1 w 2035
Ἶρον 1 w 2039
ἐρνίκησας 1 w 2048
τόν 1 w 2051
ἀλήτην 1 w 2057
Odyss 2 w 2062
XVIII 1 w 2068
333 1 w 2072
In 2 w 2075
like 1 w 2079
manner 1 w 2085
θοάζειν 1 w 2092
signifies 4 w 2101
either 1 w 2107
to 16 w 2109
move 1 w 2113
as 15 w 2116
in 28 w 2118
Euripides 1 w 2127
when 2 w 2131
he 54 w 2133
saith 1 w 2138
Κῆτος 1 w 2144
θούζον 1 w 2150
ἐκ 1 w 2152
Ἀτλαντικῆς 1 w 2162
ἁλός 1 w 2166
or 33 w 2169
to 17 w 2171
sit 1 w 2174
as 16 w 2177
in 29 w 2179
Sophocles 1 w 2188
when 3 w 2192
he 56 w 2194
writes 1 w 2200
thus 1 w 2204
Τίνας 1 w 2210
πόθ 1 w 2213
ἕρας 1 w 2217
τάσδε 1 w 2222
μοι 1 w 2225
θοάζετε 1 w 2232
Ἱκτηρίοις 1 w 2242
κλάδοισιν 1 w 2251
ἑξεστεμμένοι 1 w 2263
Soph 2 w 2268
Oed 1 w 2272
Tyr 1 w 2276
2 3 w 2278
It 1 w 2281
is 12 w 2283
elegant 1 w 2290
also 3 w 2294
when 4 w 2298
they 4 w 2302
a 148 w 2303
dapt 1 w 2307
to 18 w 2309
the 40 w 2312
present 1 w 2319
matter 1 w 2325
as 17 w 2328
grammarians 1 w 2339
teach 1 w 2344
the 41 w 2348
use 11 w 2351
of 23 w 2353
words 5 w 2358
which 5 w 2363
are 6 w 2366
commonly 2 w 2374
of 24 w 2376
another 1 w 2383
signification 1 w 2396
As 2 w 2399
here 4 w 2403
Νῆ 1 w 2407
ὀλίγου 1 w 2413
αἰνεῖν 1 w 2419
μεγάλῃ 1 w 2426
δ 7 w 2427
ἐνί 1 w 2430
φορτία 1 w 2436
θέσθαι 1 w 2442
For 6 w 2446
here 5 w 2450
αἰνεῖν 2 w 2456
signifies 5 w 2465
to 19 w 2467
praise 1 w 2473
instead 1 w 2481
of 25 w 2483
ἐμαινεῖν 1 w 2491
and 25 w 2496
to 20 w 2498
praise 2 w 2504
is 15 w 2506
used 1 w 2510
for 6 w 2513
to 21 w 2515
refuse 1 w 2521
So 6 w 2524
in 31 w 2526
conversation 1 w 2538
it 17 w 2540
is 16 w 2542
common 4 w 2548
with 3 w 2552
us 21 w 2554
to 22 w 2556
say 4 w 2559
καλῶς 1 w 2565
ἔχει 1 w 2569
it 19 w 2572
is 17 w 2574
well 1 w 2578
i 149 w 2580
e 286 w 2582
No 2 w 2586
I 12 w 2588
thank 1 w 2593
you 2 w 2596
and 26 w 2601
to 23 w 2603
bid 1 w 2606
any 4 w 2609
thing 2 w 2614
fare 1 w 2618
well 2 w 2622
χαίρειν 1 w 2630
by 5 w 2634
which 6 w 2639
forms 1 w 2644
of 26 w 2646
speech 1 w 2652
we 13 w 2654
refuse 2 w 2660
a 169 w 2661
thing 3 w 2666
which 7 w 2671
we 14 w 2673
do 3 w 2675
not 6 w 2678
want 1 w 2682
or 38 w 2685
receive 2 w 2692
it 20 w 2694
not 7 w 2697
but 2 w 2701
still 1 w 2706
with 4 w 2710
a 171 w 2711
civil 1 w 2716
compliment 1 w 2726
So 7 w 2729
also 4 w 2733
some 8 w 2737
say 5 w 2740
that 7 w 2744
Proserpina 1 w 2754
is 18 w 2756
called 1 w 2762
ἐπαινή 1 w 2768
in 35 w 2770
the 43 w 2773
notion 1 w 2779
of 27 w 2781
παραιτητή 1 w 2790
to 24 w 2793
be 13 w 2795
deprecated 1 w 2805
because 2 w 2813
death 3 w 2818
is 19 w 2820
by 6 w 2822
all 7 w 2825
men 6 w 2828
shunned 1 w 2835
And 2 w 2839
the 44 w 2842
like 2 w 2846
distinction 1 w 2857
of 28 w 2859
words 6 w 2864
we 15 w 2866
ought 2 w 2871
to 25 w 2873
observe 1 w 2880
also 5 w 2884
in 37 w 2886
things 2 w 2892
more 3 w 2896
weighty 1 w 2903
and 27 w 2906
serious 1 w 2913
To 2 w 2916
begin 1 w 2921
with 5 w 2925
the 45 w 2928
Gods 5 w 2932
we 17 w 2935
should 2 w 2941
teach 2 w 2946
our 4 w 2949
youth 1 w 2954
that 8 w 2958
poets 3 w 2963
when 5 w 2968
they 5 w 2972
use 16 w 2975
the 47 w 2978
names 2 w 2983
of 29 w 2985
Gods 6 w 2989
sometimes 6 w 2999
mean 2 w 3003
properly 1 w 3011
the 48 w 3014
Divine 1 w 3020
Beings 1 w 3026
so 21 w 3028
called 2 w 3034
but 3 w 3038
otherwhiles 1 w 3049
understand 3 w 3059
by 7 w 3061
those 5 w 3066
names 3 w 3071
certain 1 w 3078
powers 1 w 3084
of 30 w 3086
which 8 w 3091
the 50 w 3094
Gods 7 w 3098
are 8 w 3101
the 51 w 3104
donors 1 w 3110
and 29 w 3113
authors 1 w 3120
they 6 w 3125
having 1 w 3131
first 1 w 3136
led 3 w 3139
us 26 w 3141
into 1 w 3145
the 53 w 3148
use 17 w 3151
of 31 w 3153
them 6 w 3157
by 8 w 3159
their 4 w 3164
own 1 w 3167
practice 1 w 3175
As 3 w 3178
when 6 w 3182
Archilochus 1 w 3193
prays 1 w 3198
King 1 w 3203
Vulcan 1 w 3209
hear 1 w 3214
thy 1 w 3217
suppliant 1 w 3226
and 30 w 3230
grant 1 w 3235
That 1 w 3239
which 9 w 3244
thou 2 w 3248
rt 4 w 3251
wont 1 w 3255
to 27 w 3257
give 1 w 3261
and 31 w 3264
I 13 w 3265
to 28 w 3267
want 2 w 3271
it 23 w 3274
is 21 w 3276
plain 1 w 3281
that 9 w 3285
he 80 w 3287
means 1 w 3292
the 56 w 3295
God 8 w 3298
himself 1 w 3305
whom 2 w 3309
he 82 w 3311
invokes 1 w 3318
But 3 w 3322
when 7 w 3326
elsewhere 2 w 3335
he 85 w 3337
bewails 1 w 3344
the 57 w 3347
drowning 1 w 3355
of 32 w 3357
his 1 w 3360
sister 1 w 3366
s 245 w 3368
husband 1 w 3375
who 4 w 3379
had 1 w 3382
not 9 w 3385
obtained 1 w 3393
lawful 1 w 3399
burial 1 w 3405
and 33 w 3409
says 2 w 3413
Had 1 w 3417
Vulcan 2 w 3423
his 2 w 3426
fair 1 w 3430
limbs 1 w 3435
to 29 w 3437
ashes 1 w 3442
turned 1 w 3448
I 14 w 3450
for 8 w 3453
his 3 w 3456
loss 1 w 3460
had 2 w 3463
with 6 w 3467
less 2 w 3471
passion 1 w 3478
mourned 1 w 3485
he 88 w 3488
gives 1 w 3493
the 58 w 3496
name 4 w 3500
of 33 w 3502
Vulcan 3 w 3508
to 30 w 3510
the 59 w 3513
fire 1 w 3517
and 34 w 3520
not 10 w 3523
to 31 w 3525
the 60 w 3528
Deity 1 w 3533
Again 1 w 3539
Euripides 2 w 3549
when 8 w 3554
he 93 w 3556
says 3 w 3560
No 3 w 3563
by 9 w 3566
great 1 w 3571
Jove 1 w 3575
I 15 w 3576
swear 1 w 3581
enthroned 1 w 3591
on 27 w 3593
high 2 w 3597
And 3 w 3601
bloody 1 w 3607
Mars 1 w 3611
Eurip 3 w 3617
Phoeniss 1 w 3626
1006 1 w 3631
means 2 w 3637
the 61 w 3640
Gods 8 w 3644
themselves 3 w 3654
who 5 w 3657
bare 1 w 3661
those 6 w 3666
names 4 w 3671
But 4 w 3675
when 9 w 3679
Sophocles 2 w 3688
saith 2 w 3693
Blind 1 w 3699
Mars 2 w 3703
doth 1 w 3707
mortal 1 w 3713
men 7 w 3716
s 277 w 3718
affairs 1 w 3725
confound 1 w 3733
As 4 w 3736
the 63 w 3739
swine 1 w 3744
s 281 w 3746
snout 1 w 3751
doth 2 w 3755
quite 1 w 3760
deface 1 w 3766
the 64 w 3769
ground 1 w 3775
we 20 w 3778
are 10 w 3781
to 32 w 3783
understand 4 w 3793
the 65 w 3796
word 11 w 3800
Mars 3 w 3804
to 33 w 3806
denote 1 w 3812
not 12 w 3815
the 66 w 3818
God 10 w 3821
so 22 w 3823
called 3 w 3829
but 4 w 3833
war 2 w 3836
And 4 w 3840
by 10 w 3842
the 67 w 3845
same 2 w 3849
word 12 w 3853
we 21 w 3855
are 11 w 3858
to 34 w 3860
understand 5 w 3870
also 6 w 3874
weapons 1 w 3881
made 1 w 3885
of 34 w 3887
hardened 1 w 3895
brass 1 w 3900
in 53 w 3903
those 7 w 3908
verses 2 w 3914
of 35 w 3916
Homer 2 w 3921
These 1 w 3927
are 12 w 3930
the 68 w 3933
gallant 1 w 3940
men 8 w 3943
whose 1 w 3948
noble 1 w 3953
blood 2 w 3958
Keen 1 w 3962
Mars 4 w 3966
did 1 w 3969
shed 1 w 3973
near 2 w 3977
swift 1 w 3982
Scamander 1 w 3991
s 300 w 3993
flood 1 w 3998
Il 3 w 4001
VII 2 w 4005
329 1 w 4009
Wherefore 1 w 4019
in 54 w 4022
conformity 1 w 4032
to 35 w 4034
the 69 w 4037
instances 1 w 4046
given 1 w 4051
we 23 w 4054
must 2 w 4058
conceive 1 w 4066
and 38 w 4069
bear 1 w 4073
in 56 w 4075
mind 2 w 4079
that 10 w 4083
by 11 w 4085
the 70 w 4088
names 5 w 4093
of 36 w 4095
Jupiter 1 w 4102
also 7 w 4106
sometimes 7 w 4115
they 7 w 4119
mean 5 w 4123
the 72 w 4126
God 11 w 4129
himself 2 w 4136
sometimes 8 w 4146
Fortune 2 w 4153
and 39 w 4157
oftentimes 1 w 4167
also 8 w 4171
Fate 2 w 4175
For 8 w 4179
when 10 w 4183
they 8 w 4187
say 8 w 4190
Great 1 w 4197
Jupiter 2 w 4204
who 7 w 4208
from 5 w 4212
the 74 w 4215
lofty 1 w 4220
hill 1 w 4224
Of 1 w 4226
Ida 1 w 4229
govern 1 w 4235
st 22 w 4238
all 11 w 4241
the 75 w 4244
world 1 w 4249
at 31 w 4251
will 3 w 4255
Il 4 w 4258
III 2 w 4262
276 1 w 4266
That 2 w 4271
wrath 1 w 4276
which 10 w 4281
hurled 1 w 4287
to 36 w 4289
Pluto 1 w 4294
s 315 w 4296
gloomy 1 w 4302
realm 1 w 4307
The 3 w 4310
souls 1 w 4315
of 39 w 4317
mighty 1 w 4323
chiefs 1 w 4329
Such 1 w 4335
was 1 w 4338
the 76 w 4341
sovereign 1 w 4350
doom 1 w 4354
and 40 w 4358
such 3 w 4362
the 77 w 4365
will 4 w 4369
of 40 w 4371
Jove 2 w 4375
Il 5 w 4378
I 25 w 4380
3 6 w 4382
and 41 w 4385
5 3 w 4386
For 9 w 4390
who 8 w 4393
but 5 w 4397
who 9 w 4400
himself 3 w 4407
too 1 w 4410
fondly 1 w 4416
loves 1 w 4421
Dares 1 w 4427
lay 1 w 4430
his 4 w 4433
wisdom 1 w 4439
in 58 w 4441
the 78 w 4444
scale 1 w 4449
with 7 w 4453
Jove 3 w 4457
s 328 w 4459
they 9 w 4465
understand 6 w 4475
Jupiter 3 w 4482
himself 4 w 4489
But 5 w 4493
when 11 w 4497
they 10 w 4501
ascribe 1 w 4508
the 81 w 4511
event 1 w 4516
of 41 w 4518
all 12 w 4521
things 3 w 4527
done 1 w 4531
to 39 w 4533
Jupiter 4 w 4540
as 23 w 4542
the 82 w 4545
cause 4 w 4550
saying 2 w 4557
of 42 w 4559
him 6 w 4562
Many 1 w 4568
brave 1 w 4573
souls 2 w 4578
to 40 w 4580
hell 1 w 4584
Achilles 1 w 4592
sent 2 w 4596
And 5 w 4600
Jove 4 w 4604
s 340 w 4606
design 2 w 4612
accomplished 1 w 4624
in 61 w 4626
th 131 w 4628
event 2 w 4634
they 11 w 4640
mean 6 w 4644
by 12 w 4646
Jove 5 w 4650
no 19 w 4652
more 4 w 4656
but 6 w 4659
Fate 3 w 4663
For 10 w 4667
the 84 w 4670
poet 5 w 4674
doth 3 w 4678
not 13 w 4681
conceive 2 w 4689
that 11 w 4693
God 12 w 4696
contrives 1 w 4705
mischief 1 w 4713
against 1 w 4720
mankind 1 w 4727
but 7 w 4731
he 127 w 4733
soundly 1 w 4740
declares 1 w 4748
the 85 w 4751
mere 1 w 4755
necessity 1 w 4764
of 43 w 4766
the 86 w 4769
things 4 w 4775
themselves 4 w 4785
to 41 w 4788
wit 8 w 4791
that 12 w 4796
prosperity 1 w 4806
and 43 w 4809
victory 2 w 4816
are 15 w 4819
destined 1 w 4827
by 13 w 4829
Fate 4 w 4833
to 43 w 4835
cities 1 w 4841
and 44 w 4844
armies 1 w 4850
and 45 w 4853
commanders 1 w 4863
who 10 w 4866
govern 2 w 4872
themselves 5 w 4882
with 8 w 4886
sobriety 1 w 4894
but 8 w 4898
if 13 w 4900
they 12 w 4904
give 4 w 4908
way 3 w 4911
to 44 w 4913
passions 1 w 4921
and 47 w 4924
commit 1 w 4930
errors 1 w 4936
thereby 1 w 4944
dividing 1 w 4952
and 48 w 4955
crumbling 1 w 4964
themselves 6 w 4974
into 2 w 4978
factions 1 w 4986
as 25 w 4989
those 8 w 4994
of 44 w 4996
whom 3 w 5000
the 92 w 5003
poet 6 w 5007
speaks 1 w 5013
did 2 w 5016
they 13 w 5021
do 11 w 5023
unhandsome 1 w 5033
actions 2 w 5040
and 50 w 5044
thereby 2 w 5051
create 1 w 5057
great 2 w 5062
disturbances 1 w 5074
such 4 w 5079
as 26 w 5081
are 16 w 5084
attended 1 w 5092
with 9 w 5096
sad 1 w 5099
consequences 1 w 5111
For 11 w 5115
to 46 w 5117
all 13 w 5120
unadvised 1 w 5129
acts 1 w 5133
in 69 w 5136
fine 1 w 5140
The 4 w 5144
Fates 1 w 5149
unhappy 1 w 5156
issues 1 w 5162
do 12 w 5164
assign 1 w 5170
From 1 w 5175
Euripides 3 w 5184
But 6 w 5188
when 12 w 5192
Hesiod 1 w 5198
brings 1 w 5204
in 72 w 5206
Prometheus 1 w 5216
thus 2 w 5220
counselling 1 w 5231
his 5 w 5234
brother 1 w 5241
Epimetheus 1 w 5251
Brother 1 w 5259
if 14 w 5262
Jove 6 w 5266
to 47 w 5268
thee 1 w 5272
a 330 w 5273
present 2 w 5280
make 3 w 5284
Take 1 w 5289
heed 1 w 5293
that 13 w 5297
from 6 w 5301
his 6 w 5304
hands 2 w 5309
thou 3 w 5313
nothing 1 w 5320
take 5 w 5324
Hesiod 2 w 5331
Works 1 w 5337
and 52 w 5340
Days 1 w 5344
86 1 w 5347
he 146 w 5350
useth 1 w 5355
the 100 w 5358
name 7 w 5362
of 45 w 5364
Jove 7 w 5368
to 48 w 5370
express 1 w 5377
Fortune 3 w 5384
for 11 w 5388
he 148 w 5390
calls 2 w 5395
the 101 w 5398
good 1 w 5402
things 5 w 5408
which 11 w 5413
come 1 w 5417
by 16 w 5419
her 20 w 5422
such 5 w 5427
as 28 w 5429
riches 1 w 5435
and 53 w 5439
marriages 1 w 5448
and 54 w 5452
empires 1 w 5459
and 55 w 5463
indeed 2 w 5469
all 15 w 5472
external 1 w 5480
things 6 w 5486
the 102 w 5489
enjoyment 1 w 5498
whereof 1 w 5505
is 36 w 5507
unprofitable 1 w 5519
to 49 w 5521
them 11 w 5525
who 12 w 5528
know 1 w 5532
not 15 w 5535
how 2 w 5538
to 50 w 5540
use 20 w 5543
them 12 w 5547
well 3 w 5551
the 105 w 5555
gifts 1 w 5560
of 48 w 5562
Jove 8 w 5566
And 6 w 5570
therefore 2 w 5579
he 158 w 5581
adviseth 1 w 5589
Epimetheus 2 w 5599
an 97 w 5602
ill 9 w 5605
man 8 w 5608
and 56 w 5612
a 353 w 5613
fool 2 w 5617
withal 1 w 5623
to 51 w 5626
stand 7 w 5631
in 78 w 5633
fear 1 w 5637
of 49 w 5639
and 58 w 5642
to 52 w 5644
guard 1 w 5649
himself 5 w 5656
from 7 w 5660
prosperity 2 w 5670
as 29 w 5673
that 14 w 5677
which 12 w 5682
would 1 w 5687
be 19 w 5689
hurtful 1 w 5696
and 59 w 5699
destructive 1 w 5710
to 53 w 5712
him 8 w 5715
Again 2 w 5721
where 5 w 5727
he 161 w 5729
saith 3 w 5734
Reproach 1 w 5743
thou 4 w 5747
not 16 w 5750
a 365 w 5751
man 9 w 5754
for 13 w 5757
being 2 w 5762
poor 1 w 5766
His 1 w 5770
poverty 1 w 5777
s 426 w 5779
God 13 w 5782
s 427 w 5784
gift 2 w 5788
as 30 w 5791
is 39 w 5793
thy 2 w 5796
store 1 w 5801
Hesiod 3 w 5808
Works 2 w 5814
and 60 w 5817
Days 2 w 5821
717 1 w 5825
he 162 w 5828
calls 3 w 5833
that 15 w 5837
which 13 w 5842
befalls 1 w 5849
men 10 w 5852
by 17 w 5854
Fortune 4 w 5861
God 14 w 5864
s 436 w 5866
gift 3 w 5870
and 61 w 5874
intimates 1 w 5883
that 16 w 5887
it 45 w 5889
is 40 w 5891
an 106 w 5893
unworthy 1 w 5901
thing 10 w 5906
to 55 w 5908
reproach 1 w 5916
any 6 w 5919
man 10 w 5922
for 14 w 5925
that 17 w 5929
poverty 2 w 5936
which 14 w 5941
he 163 w 5943
falls 2 w 5948
into 3 w 5952
by 18 w 5954
Fortune 5 w 5961
whereas 1 w 5969
poverty 3 w 5976
is 41 w 5978
then 1 w 5982
only 4 w 5986
a 383 w 5987
matter 2 w 5993
of 50 w 5995
disgrace 1 w 6003
and 62 w 6006
reproach 2 w 6014
when 13 w 6018
it 46 w 6020
is 43 w 6022
attendant 1 w 6031
on 41 w 6033
sloth 1 w 6038
and 63 w 6041
idleness 1 w 6049
or 70 w 6052
wantonness 1 w 6062
and 64 w 6065
prodigality 1 w 6076
For 15 w 6080
before 1 w 6087
the 109 w 6090
name 8 w 6094
of 51 w 6096
Fortune 6 w 6103
was 2 w 6106
used 2 w 6110
they 14 w 6115
knew 1 w 6119
there 5 w 6124
was 3 w 6127
a 397 w 6128
powerful 1 w 6136
cause 5 w 6141
which 15 w 6147
moved 1 w 6152
irregularly 1 w 6163
and 65 w 6166
unlimitedly 1 w 6177
and 66 w 6180
with 11 w 6184
such 6 w 6188
a 402 w 6189
force 1 w 6194
that 18 w 6198
no 25 w 6200
human 1 w 6205
reason 1 w 6211
could 1 w 6216
avoid 1 w 6221
it 50 w 6223
and 67 w 6227
this 1 w 6231
cause 6 w 6236
they 15 w 6240
called 4 w 6246
by 19 w 6248
the 113 w 6251
names 6 w 6256
of 52 w 6258
Gods 9 w 6262
So 9 w 6265
we 26 w 6267
are 17 w 6270
wont 2 w 6274
to 58 w 6276
call 10 w 6280
divers 1 w 6286
things 7 w 6292
and 68 w 6295
qualities 1 w 6304
and 69 w 6307
discourses 1 w 6317
and 70 w 6321
even 4 w 6325
men 11 w 6328
themselves 7 w 6338
divine 1 w 6345
And 7 w 6349
thus 3 w 6353
may 5 w 6356
we 27 w 6358
rectify 2 w 6365
many 2 w 6369
such 7 w 6373
sayings 1 w 6380
concerning 1 w 6390
Jupiter 5 w 6397
as 35 w 6399
would 2 w 6404
otherwise 1 w 6413
seem 1 w 6417
very 1 w 6421
absurd 1 w 6427
As 5 w 6430
these 2 w 6435
for 17 w 6439
instance 2 w 6447
Before 1 w 6455
Jove 9 w 6459
s 478 w 6461
door 1 w 6465
two 1 w 6468
fatal 2 w 6473
hogsheads 1 w 6482
filled 1 w 6489
With 1 w 6493
human 2 w 6498
fortunes 1 w 6506
good 2 w 6511
and 71 w 6514
bad 2 w 6517
luck 1 w 6521
yield 1 w 6526
Il 6 w 6530
XXIV 2 w 6535
527 1 w 6539
Of 2 w 6541
violated 1 w 6549
oaths 1 w 6554
Jove 10 w 6558
took 1 w 6562
no 26 w 6564
care 1 w 6568
But 7 w 6572
spitefully 1 w 6582
both 1 w 6586
parties 1 w 6593
crushed 1 w 6600
by 20 w 6602
war 3 w 6605
Il 7 w 6609
VII 3 w 6613
69 1 w 6616
To 3 w 6618
Greeks 1 w 6624
and 72 w 6627
Trojans 1 w 6634
both 2 w 6638
this 2 w 6642
was 4 w 6645
the 117 w 6648
rise 1 w 6652
Of 3 w 6654
mischief 2 w 6662
suitable 1 w 6671
to 60 w 6673
Jove 11 w 6677
s 493 w 6679
device 1 w 6685
Odyss 3 w 6691
VIII 2 w 6696
81 1 w 6699
These 2 w 6705
passages 2 w 6713
we 28 w 6715
are 19 w 6718
to 61 w 6720
interpret 2 w 6729
as 38 w 6731
spoken 1 w 6737
concerning 2 w 6747
Fortune 7 w 6754
or 80 w 6756
Fate 6 w 6760
of 53 w 6763
the 118 w 6766
causality 1 w 6775
of 54 w 6777
both 3 w 6781
which 16 w 6786
no 27 w 6788
account 1 w 6795
can 6 w 6798
be 23 w 6800
given 2 w 6805
by 21 w 6807
us 44 w 6809
nor 2 w 6813
do 14 w 6815
their 5 w 6820
effects 1 w 6827
fall 3 w 6831
under 7 w 6836
our 7 w 6839
power 3 w 6844
But 8 w 6848
where 7 w 6853
any 8 w 6856
thing 12 w 6861
is 50 w 6863
said 1 w 6867
of 55 w 6869
Jupiter 6 w 6876
that 19 w 6880
is 51 w 6882
suitable 2 w 6890
rational 1 w 6899
and 73 w 6903
probable 1 w 6911
there 6 w 6917
we 30 w 6919
are 20 w 6922
to 62 w 6924
conceive 3 w 6932
that 20 w 6936
the 121 w 6939
names 7 w 6944
of 56 w 6946
that 21 w 6950
God 16 w 6953
is 52 w 6955
used 3 w 6959
properly 2 w 6967
As 6 w 6970
in 92 w 6972
these 3 w 6977
instances 2 w 6986
Through 1 w 6995
others 1 w 7001
ranks 1 w 7007
he 186 w 7009
conquering 1 w 7019
did 3 w 7022
range 2 w 7027
But 9 w 7031
shunned 2 w 7038
with 12 w 7042
Ajax 1 w 7046
any 9 w 7049
blows 1 w 7054
t 548 w 7055
exchange 1 w 7064
But 10 w 7068
Jove 12 w 7072
s 520 w 7074
displeasure 1 w 7085
on 50 w 7087
him 9 w 7090
he 187 w 7092
had 3 w 7095
brought 1 w 7102
Had 2 w 7106
he 188 w 7108
with 13 w 7112
one 4 w 7115
so 35 w 7117
much 1 w 7121
his 9 w 7124
better 2 w 7130
fought 1 w 7136
Il 8 w 7139
XI 3 w 7142
540 1 w 7146
For 18 w 7150
though 2 w 7156
great 3 w 7161
matters 1 w 7168
are 21 w 7171
Jove 13 w 7175
s 526 w 7177
special 1 w 7184
care 2 w 7188
Small 1 w 7194
things 8 w 7200
t 560 w 7201
inferior 1 w 7210
daemons 2 w 7217
trusted 1 w 7224
are 23 w 7227
And 8 w 7231
other 10 w 7236
words 7 w 7241
there 7 w 7246
are 24 w 7249
which 17 w 7254
the 126 w 7257
poets 4 w 7262
remove 1 w 7268
and 74 w 7271
translate 1 w 7280
from 8 w 7284
their 6 w 7289
proper 3 w 7295
sense 4 w 7300
by 22 w 7302
accommodation 1 w 7315
to 63 w 7317
various 2 w 7324
things 9 w 7330
which 18 w 7336
deserve 1 w 7343
also 9 w 7347
our 8 w 7350
serious 2 w 7357
notice 1 w 7363
Such 2 w 7368
a 485 w 7369
one 5 w 7372
for 20 w 7376
instance 4 w 7384
is 55 w 7387
ἀρετή 1 w 7392
virtue 1 w 7399
For 19 w 7403
because 3 w 7410
virtue 2 w 7416
does 1 w 7420
not 18 w 7423
only 5 w 7427
render 1 w 7433
men 12 w 7436
prudent 2 w 7443
just 1 w 7448
and 75 w 7452
good 3 w 7456
both 4 w 7461
in 99 w 7463
their 7 w 7468
words 8 w 7473
and 76 w 7476
deeds 1 w 7481
but 9 w 7485
also 10 w 7489
oftentimes 2 w 7499
purchaseth 1 w 7509
to 64 w 7511
them 14 w 7515
honor 1 w 7520
and 77 w 7523
power 4 w 7528
therefore 3 w 7538
they 16 w 7542
call 11 w 7546
likewise 1 w 7554
these 4 w 7559
by 23 w 7561
that 22 w 7565
name 11 w 7569
So 10 w 7572
we 32 w 7574
are 25 w 7577
wont 3 w 7581
to 65 w 7583
call 12 w 7587
both 5 w 7591
the 133 w 7594
olive-tree 1 w 7604
and 78 w 7607
the 134 w 7610
fruit 1 w 7615
ἐλαία 1 w 7620
and 79 w 7624
the 135 w 7627
oak-tree 1 w 7635
and 80 w 7638
its 1 w 7641
acorn 1 w 7646
φηγός 1 w 7651
communicating 1 w 7665
the 136 w 7668
name 12 w 7672
of 58 w 7674
the 137 w 7677
one 6 w 7680
to 66 w 7682
the 138 w 7685
other 11 w 7690
Therefore 1 w 7700
when 14 w 7705
our 9 w 7708
young 2 w 7713
man 14 w 7716
reads 1 w 7721
in 101 w 7723
the 140 w 7726
poets 5 w 7731
such 8 w 7735
passages 3 w 7743
as 42 w 7745
these 5 w 7750
This 1 w 7756
law 2 w 7759
th 241 w 7761
immortal 1 w 7770
Gods 10 w 7774
to 67 w 7776
us 51 w 7778
have 2 w 7782
set 4 w 7785
That 3 w 7790
none 1 w 7794
arrive 1 w 7800
at 66 w 7802
virtue 3 w 7808
but 10 w 7811
by 24 w 7813
sweat 1 w 7818
Hesiod 4 w 7825
Works 3 w 7831
and 81 w 7834
Days 3 w 7838
289 1 w 7842
The 7 w 7846
adverse 1 w 7853
troops 1 w 7859
then 2 w 7863
did 4 w 7866
the 143 w 7869
Grecians 1 w 7877
stout 1 w 7882
By 1 w 7884
their 8 w 7889
mere 2 w 7893
virtue 4 w 7899
profligate 1 w 7909
and 82 w 7912
rout 1 w 7916
Il 9 w 7919
XI 4 w 7922
90 1 w 7925
If 2 w 7928
now 2 w 7931
the 145 w 7934
Fates 2 w 7939
determined 1 w 7949
have 3 w 7953
our 10 w 7956
death 4 w 7961
To 4 w 7964
virtue 5 w 7970
we 34 w 7972
ll 41 w 7975
consign 1 w 7982
our 11 w 7985
parting 1 w 7992
breath 1 w 7998
let 1 w 8003
him 10 w 8006
presently 1 w 8015
conceive 4 w 8023
that 23 w 8027
these 6 w 8032
things 10 w 8038
are 26 w 8041
spoken 2 w 8047
of 60 w 8049
that 24 w 8053
most 3 w 8057
excellent 1 w 8066
and 83 w 8069
divine 2 w 8075
habit 1 w 8080
in 106 w 8082
us 52 w 8084
which 19 w 8089
we 35 w 8091
understand 7 w 8101
to 69 w 8103
be 26 w 8105
no 34 w 8107
other 12 w 8112
than 3 w 8116
right 1 w 8121
reason 2 w 8127
or 94 w 8130
the 148 w 8133
highest 1 w 8140
attainment 1 w 8150
of 61 w 8152
the 149 w 8155
reasonable 1 w 8165
nature 1 w 8171
and 85 w 8175
most 4 w 8179
agreeable 1 w 8188
to 70 w 8190
the 150 w 8193
constitution 1 w 8205
thereof 1 w 8212
And 9 w 8216
again 2 w 8221
when 15 w 8226
he 222 w 8228
reads 2 w 8233
this 3 w 8237
Of 4 w 8240
virtue 6 w 8246
Jupiter 7 w 8253
to 71 w 8255
one 8 w 8258
gives 2 w 8263
more 5 w 8267
And 10 w 8271
lessens 1 w 8278
when 16 w 8283
he 224 w 8285
lifts 1 w 8290
another 2 w 8298
s 596 w 8300
store 2 w 8305
and 86 w 8309
this 4 w 8313
Virtue 1 w 8320
and 87 w 8323
honor 2 w 8328
upon 2 w 8332
wealth 2 w 8338
attend 3 w 8344
Il 10 w 8347
XX 3 w 8350
242 1 w 8354
Hesiod 5 w 8361
Works 4 w 8367
and 88 w 8370
Days 4 w 8374
313 1 w 8378
let 2 w 8382
him 11 w 8385
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sit 3 w 8391
down 1 w 8395
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an 156 w 8399
astonishing 1 w 8410
admiration 1 w 8420
of 63 w 8422
rich 2 w 8426
men 14 w 8429
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if 20 w 8434
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enabled 1 w 8449
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their 9 w 8456
wealth 3 w 8462
to 74 w 8464
purchase 2 w 8472
virtue 7 w 8478
nor 5 w 8482
let 3 w 8485
him 12 w 8488
imagine 1 w 8495
that 25 w 8499
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is 61 w 8503
in 112 w 8505
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power 5 w 8513
of 64 w 8515
Fortune 8 w 8522
to 75 w 8524
increase 1 w 8532
or 101 w 8534
lessen 2 w 8540
his 13 w 8543
own 4 w 8546
wisdom 2 w 8552
but 11 w 8556
let 4 w 8559
him 13 w 8562
conceive 5 w 8570
that 26 w 8574
the 156 w 8577
poet 9 w 8581
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meant 1 w 8594
either 2 w 8600
glory 1 w 8605
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power 6 w 8612
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prosperity 3 w 8624
or 105 w 8626
something 1 w 8635
of 65 w 8637
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import 1 w 8647
For 21 w 8651
poets 6 w 8656
use 26 w 8659
the 158 w 8662
same 3 w 8666
ambiguity 1 w 8675
also 11 w 8679
in 115 w 8681
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word 15 w 8688
κακότης 1 w 8695
evil 2 w 8700
which 20 w 8706
sometimes 9 w 8715
in 116 w 8717
them 15 w 8721
properly 3 w 8729
signifies 6 w 8738
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wicked 1 w 8745
and 89 w 8748
malicious 1 w 8757
disposition 1 w 8768
of 66 w 8770
mind 3 w 8774
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in 118 w 8779
that 27 w 8783
of 67 w 8785
Hesiod 6 w 8791
Evil 2 w 8796
is 65 w 8798
soon 1 w 8802
acquired 1 w 8810
for 23 w 8814
everywhere 1 w 8824
There 2 w 8829
s 630 w 8831
plenty 1 w 8837
on 74 w 8839
t 718 w 8841
and 90 w 8844
t 719 w 8845
all 25 w 8849
men 15 w 8852
s 631 w 8854
dwellings 1 w 8863
near 3 w 8867
Hesiod 7 w 8874
Works 5 w 8880
and 91 w 8883
Days 5 w 8887
287 1 w 8891
and 92 w 8895
sometimes 10 w 8904
some 16 w 8908
evil 3 w 8912
accident 1 w 8920
or 111 w 8922
misfortune 1 w 8932
as 50 w 8935
when 17 w 8939
Homer 3 w 8944
says 4 w 8948
Sore 1 w 8953
evils 1 w 8958
when 18 w 8963
they 18 w 8967
haunt 1 w 8972
us 55 w 8974
in 120 w 8976
our 12 w 8979
prime 1 w 8984
Hasten 1 w 8991
old 2 w 8994
age 5 w 8997
on 75 w 8999
us 56 w 9001
before 2 w 9007
our 13 w 9010
time 13 w 9014
Odyss 4 w 9020
XIX 1 w 9024
360 1 w 9028
So 12 w 9031
also 12 w 9035
in 121 w 9037
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word 16 w 9044
εὐδαιμονία 1 w 9054
he 240 w 9057
would 3 w 9062
be 28 w 9064
sorely 1 w 9070
deceived 1 w 9078
who 13 w 9081
should 3 w 9087
imagine 2 w 9094
that 28 w 9098
wheresoever 1 w 9110
he 242 w 9112
meets 2 w 9117
with 14 w 9121
it 73 w 9123
in 123 w 9125
poets 7 w 9130
it 74 w 9133
means 3 w 9138
as 52 w 9141
it 75 w 9143
does 2 w 9147
in 124 w 9149
philosophy 1 w 9159
a 593 w 9161
perfect 1 w 9168
habitual 1 w 9176
enjoyment 2 w 9185
of 68 w 9187
all 26 w 9190
good 4 w 9194
things 11 w 9200
or 117 w 9202
the 163 w 9205
leading 1 w 9212
a 598 w 9213
life 3 w 9217
every 2 w 9222
way 4 w 9225
agreeable 2 w 9234
to 76 w 9236
Nature 1 w 9242
and 93 w 9246
that 29 w 9250
they 19 w 9254
do 19 w 9256
not 21 w 9259
withal 2 w 9265
by 27 w 9267
the 165 w 9270
abuse 1 w 9275
of 69 w 9277
such 9 w 9281
words 9 w 9286
call 13 w 9290
rich 3 w 9294
men 17 w 9297
happy 2 w 9302
or 119 w 9304
blessed 1 w 9311
and 94 w 9315
power 7 w 9320
or 120 w 9322
glory 2 w 9327
felicity 1 w 9335
For 22 w 9339
though 3 w 9346
Homer 4 w 9351
rightly 1 w 9358
useth 2 w 9363
terms 3 w 9368
of 70 w 9370
that 30 w 9374
nature 2 w 9380
in 127 w 9382
this 5 w 9386
passage 4 w 9393
Though 1 w 9401
of 71 w 9403
such 10 w 9407
great 4 w 9412
estates 1 w 9419
I 41 w 9420
am 19 w 9422
possest 1 w 9429
Yet 1 w 9433
with 16 w 9437
true 1 w 9441
inward 1 w 9447
joy 3 w 9450
I 42 w 9451
am 20 w 9453
not 22 w 9456
blest 1 w 9461
Odyss 5 w 9467
IV 4 w 9470
93 1 w 9473
and 95 w 9477
Menander 1 w 9485
in 129 w 9487
this 6 w 9491
So 13 w 9495
great 5 w 9500
s 680 w 9502
th 291 w 9504
estate 3 w 9511
I 44 w 9512
am 21 w 9514
endowed 1 w 9521
withal 3 w 9527
All 1 w 9531
say 12 w 9534
I 45 w 9535
m 234 w 9537
rich 4 w 9541
but 12 w 9545
none 2 w 9549
me 84 w 9551
happy 3 w 9556
call 14 w 9560
yet 2 w 9565
Euripides 4 w 9574
discourseth 1 w 9585
more 6 w 9589
confusedly 1 w 9599
and 97 w 9602
perplexedly 1 w 9613
when 19 w 9617
he 247 w 9619
writes 2 w 9625
after 1 w 9630
this 7 w 9634
manner 2 w 9640
May 1 w 9645
I 46 w 9646
ne 46 w 9648
er 134 w 9651
live 2 w 9655
that 31 w 9659
grievous 1 w 9667
blessed 2 w 9674
life 4 w 9678
But 11 w 9683
tell 1 w 9687
me 85 w 9689
man 16 w 9693
why 1 w 9697
valuest 1 w 9704
thou 7 w 9708
so 50 w 9710
high 4 w 9714
Th 15 w 9716
unjust 1 w 9723
beatitude 1 w 9732
of 72 w 9734
tyranny 1 w 9741
Eurip 6 w 9747
Medea 1 w 9753
598 1 w 9757
Phoeniss 2 w 9766
549 1 w 9770
except 1 w 9777
as 54 w 9780
I 47 w 9781
said 2 w 9785
we 44 w 9788
allow 1 w 9793
him 14 w 9796
the 166 w 9799
use 30 w 9802
of 73 w 9804
these 7 w 9809
words 10 w 9814
in 130 w 9816
a 641 w 9817
metaphorical 1 w 9829
and 98 w 9832
abusive 1 w 9839
sense 5 w 9844
But 12 w 9848
enough 1 w 9854
hath 1 w 9858
been 1 w 9862
spoken 3 w 9868
of 74 w 9870
these 8 w 9875
matters 2 w 9882