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CTS Library / How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems

How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems (3-4)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '3', 'human_reference': 'Section 3'}, 'end': {'reference': '4', 'human_reference': 'Section 4'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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And we shall fix our young man yet the more if, when we enter him in the poets, we first describe poetry

to him, and tell him that it is an imitating art and doth in many respects correspond to painting; not only acquainting him with that common saying, that poetry is vocal painting and painting silent poetry, but teaching him, moreover, that when we see a lizard or an ape or the face of a Thersites in a picture, we are surprised with pleasure and wonder at it, not because of any beauty in the things, but for the likeness of the draught. For it is repugnant to the nature of that which is itself foul to be at the same time fair; and therefore it is the imitationbe the thing imitated beautiful or uglythat, in case it do express it to the life, is commended; and on the contrary, if the imitation make a foul thing to appear fair, it is dispraised because it observes not decency and likeness. Now some painters there are that paint uncomely actions; as Timotheus drew Medea killing her children; Theon, Orestes murdering his mother; and Parrhasius, Ulysses counterfeiting madness; yea, Chaerephanes expressed in picture the unchaste converse of women with men. Now in such cases a young man is to be familiarly acquainted with this notion, that, when men praise such pictures, they praise not the actions represented but only the painters art, which doth so lively express what was designed in them. Wherefore, in like manner, seeing poetry many times describes by imitation foul actions and unseemly passions and manners, the young student must not in such descriptions (although performed never so artificially and commendably) believe all that is said as true or embrace it as good, but give its due commendation so far only as it suits the subject treated of. For as, when we hear the grunting of hogs and the shrieking of pulleys and the rustling of wind and the roaring of seas, we are, it may be, disturbed and displeased, and yet when we hear any one imitating these or the like noises handsomely (as Parmenio did that of an hog, and Theodorus that of a pulley), we are well
pleased; and as we avoid (as an unpleasing spectacle) the sight of sick persons and of a lazar full of ulcers, and yet are delighted to be spectators of the Philoctetes of Aristophon and the Jocasta of Silanion, wherein such wasting and dying persons are well acted; so must the young scholar, when he reads in a poem of Thersites the buffoon or Sisyphus the whoremaster or Batrachus the bawd speaking or doing any thing, so praise the artificial managery of the poet, adapting the expressions to the persons, as withal to look on the discourses and actions so expressed as odious and abominable. For the goodness of things themselves differs much from the goodness of the imitation of them; the goodness of the latter consisting only in propriety and aptness to represent the former. Whence to foul actions foul expressions are most suitable and proper. As the shoes of Demonides the cripple (which, when he had lost them, he wished might suit the feet of him that stole them) were but unhandsome shoes, but yet fit for the man they were made for; so we may say of such expressions as these:—
Tis worth the while an unjust act to own,
When it sets him that does it on a throne;
Get the repute of Just for a disguise,
And in it do all things whence gain may rise;
A talent dowry ! Could I close my eyes
In sleep, or live, if thee I should despise ?
And should I not in hell tormented be,
Could I be guilty of profaning thee?
These, it is true, are wicked as well as false speeches, but yet are decent enough in the mouth of an Eteocles, an Ixion, and an old griping usurer. If therefore we mind our children that the poets write not such things as praising and approving them, but do really account them base and vicious and therefore accommodate such speeches to
base and vicious persons, they will never be damnified by them from the esteem they have of the poets in whom they meet with them. But, on the contrary, the suspicions insinuated into them of the persons will render the words and actions ascribed to them suspected for evil, because proceeding from such evil men. And of this nature is Homers representation of Paris, when he describes him running out of the battle into Helens bed. For in that he attributes no such indecent act to any other, but only to that incontinent and adulterous person, he evidently declares that he intends that relation to import a disgrace and reproach to such intemperance.

In such passages therefore we are carefully to observe whether or not the poet himself do anywhere give any intimation that he dislikes the things he makes such persons say; which, in the prologue to his Thais Menander does, in these words:—

Therefore, my Muse, describe me now a whore,
Fair, bold, and furnished with a nimble tongue;
One that neer scruples to do lovers wrong;
That always craves, and denied shuts her door;
That truly loves no man, yet, for her ends,
Affection true to every man pretends.
But Homer of all the poets does it best. For he doth beforehand, as it were, bespeak dislike of the evil things and approbation of the good things he utters. Of the latter take these instances:—
He readily did the occasion take,
And sweet and comfortable words he spake;
By him he stood, and with soft speeches quelled
The wrath which in his heated bosom swelled.
And for the former, he so performs it as in a manner solemnly to forbid us to use or heed such speeches as those he mentions, as being foolish and wicked. For example, being to tell us how uncivilly Agamemnon treated the priest, he premises these words of his own,—
Not so Atrides: he with kingly pride
Repulsed the sacred sire, and thus replied;
intimating the insolency and unbecomingness of his answer. And when he attributes this passionate speech to Achilles,—
O monster, mixd of insolence and fear,
Thou dog in forehead, and in heart a deer!
he accompanies it with this censure,—
Nor yet the rage his boiling breast forsook,
Which thus redoubling on Atrides broke;
for it was unlikely that speaking in such anger he should observe any rules of decency.

And he passeth like censures on actions. As on Achilless foul usage of Hectors carcass,—

Gloomy he said, and (horrible to view)
Before the bier the bleeding Hector threw.
And in like manner he doth very decently shut up relations of things said or done, by adding some sentence wherein he declares his judgment of them. As when he personates some of the Gods saying, on the occasion of the adultery of Mars and Venus discovered by Vulcans artifice,—
See the swift God oertaken by the lame !
Thus ill acts prosper not, but end in shame.
And thus concerning Hecters insolent boasting he says,—
With such big words his mind proud sector eased,
But venerable Juno lie displeased.
And when he speaks of Pandaruss shooting, he adds,—
He heard, and madly at the motion pleased,
His polishd bow with hasty rashness seized.
Now these verbal intimations of the minds and judgments of poets are not difficult to be understood by any one that will heedfully observe them. But besides these, they give
us other hints from actions. As Euripides is reported, when some blamed him for bringing such an impious and flagitious villain as Ixion upon the stage, to have given this answer: But yet I brought him not off till I had fastened him to a torturing wheel. This same way of teaching by mute actions is to be found in Homer also, affording us useful contemplations upon those very fables which are usually most disliked in him. These some men offer force to, that they may reduce them to allegories (which the ancients called ὑπόνοιαι), and tell us that Venus committing adultery with Mars, discovered by the Sun, is to be understood thus: that when the star called Venus is in conjunction with that which hath the name of Mars, bastardly births are produced, and by the Suns rising and discovering them they are not concealed. So will they have Junos dressing herself so accurately to tempt Jupiter, and her making use of the girdle of Venus to inflame his love, to be nothing else but the purification of that part of the air which draweth nearest to the nature of fire. As if we were not told the meaning of those fables far better by the poet himself. For he teacheth us in that of Venus, if we heed it, that light music and wanton songs and discourses which suggest to men obscene fancies debauch their manners, and incline them to an unmanly way of living in luxury and wantonness, of continually haunting the company of women, and of being
Given to fashions, that their garb may please,
Hot baths, and couches where they loll at ease.
And therefore also he brings in Ulysses directing the musician thus,—
Leave this, and sing the horse, out of whose womb
The gallant knights that conquered Troy did come;
evidently teaching us that poets and musicians ought to receive the arguments of their songs from sober and understanding
men. And in the other fable of Juno he excellently shows that the conversation of women with men. and the favors they receive from them procured by sorcery, witchcraft, or other unlawful arts, are not only short, unstable, and soon cloying, but also in the issue easily turned to loathing and displeasure, when once the pleasure is over. For so Jupiter there threatens Juno, when he tells her,—
Hear this, remember, and our fury dread,
Nor pull the unwilling vengeance on thy head;
Lest arts and blandishments successless prove
Thy soft deceits and well dissembled love.
For the fiction and representation of evil acts, when it withal acquaints us with the shame and damage befalling the doers, hurts not but rather profits him that reads them. For which end philosophers make use of examples for our instruction and correction out of historical collections; and poets do the very same thing, but with this difference, that they invent fabulous examples themselves. There was one Melanthius, who (whether in jest or earnest he said it, it matters not much) affirmed that the city of Athens owed its preservation to the dissensions and factions that were among the orators, giving withal this reason for his assertion, that thereby they were kept from inclining all of them to one side, so that by means of the differences among those statesmen there were always some that drew the saw the right way for the defeating of destructive counsels. And thus it is too in the contradictions among poets, which, by lessening the credit of what they say, render them the less powerful to do mischief; and therefore, when comparing one saying with another we discover their contrariety, we ought to adhere to the better side. As in these instances:—
The Gods, my son, deceive poor men oft-times.
Ans. Tis easy, sir, on God to lay our crimes.
Tis comfort to thee to be rich, ist not!
Ans. No, sir, tis bad to be a wealthy sot.
Die rather than such toilsome pains to take.
Ans. To call Gods service toils a foul mistake.
Such contrarieties as these are easily solved, if (as I said) we teach youth to judge aright and to give the better saying preference. But if we chance to meet with any absurd passages without any others at their heels to confute them, we are then to overthrow them with such others as elsewhere are to be found in the author. Nor must we be offended with the poet or grieved at him, but only at the speeches themselves, which he utters either according to the vulgar manner of speaking or, it may be, but in drollery. So, when thou readest in Homer of Gods thrown out of heaven headlong one by another, or Gods wounded by men and quarrelling and brawling with each other, thou mayest readily, if thou wilt, say to him,—
Sure thy invention here was sorely out,
Or thou hadst said far better things, no doubt;
yea, and thou dost so elsewhere, and according as thou thinkest, to wit, in these passages of thine:—
The Gods, removed from all that men doth grieve,
A quiet and contented life do live.
Herein the immortal Gods for ever blest
Feel endless joys and undisturbed rest.
The Gods, who have themselves no cause to grieve,
For wretched man a web of sorrow weave.
For these argue sound and true opinions of the Gods; but those other were only feigned to raise passions in men. Again, when Euripides speaks at this rate,—
The Gods are better than we men by far,
And yet by them we oft deceived are,—
we may do well to quote him elsewhere against himself, where he says better,—
If Gods do wrong, surely no Gods there are.
So also, when Pindar saith bitterly and keenly,
No law forbids us any thing to do,
Whereby a mischief may befall a foe,
tell him: But, Pindar, thou thyself sayest elsewhere,
The pleasure which injurious acts attends
Always in bitter consequences ends.
And when Sophocles speaks thus,
Sweet is the gain, wherein to lie and cheat
Adds the repute of wit to what we get,
tell him: But we have heard thee say far otherwise,
When the accounts cast up, the gains but poor
Which by a lying tongue augments the store.
And as to what he saith of riches, to wit:
Wealth, where it minds to go, meets with no stay;
For where it finds not, it can make a way;
Many fair offers doth the poor let go,
And lose his prize because his purse is low;
The fair tongue makes, where wealth can purchase it,
The foul face beautiful, the fool a wit:—
here the reader may set in opposition divers other sayings of the same author. For example,
From honor poverty doth not debar,
Where poor men virtuous and deserving are.
Whateer fools think, a man is neer the worse
If he be wise, though with an empty purse.
The comfort which he gets who wealth enjoys,
The vexing care by which tis kept destroys.
And Menander also somewhere magnifies a voluptuous life, and inflames the minds of vain persons with these amorous strains,
The glorious sun no living thing doth see,
But whats a slave to love as well as we.
But yet elsewhere, on the other side, he fastens on us and pulls us back to the love of virtue, and checks the rage of lust, when he says thus,
The life that is dishonorably spent,
Be it neer so pleasant, yields no true content.
For these lines are contrary to the former, as they are also better and more profitable; so that by comparing them considerately one cannot but either be inclined to the better side, or at least flag in the belief of the worse.

But now, supposing that any of the poets themselves afford no such correcting passages to solve what they have said amiss, it will then be advisable to confront them with the contrary sayings of other famous men, and therewith to sway the scales of our judgment to the better side. As, when Alexis tempts to debauchery in these verses,

The wise man knows what of all things is best,
Whilst choosing pleasure he slights all the rest.
He thinks lifes joys complete in these three sorts,
To drink and eat, and follow wanton sports;
And what besides seems to pretend to pleasure,
If it betide him, counts it over measure,
we must remember that Socrates said the contrary, to wit: Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that they may live. And against the man that wrote in this manner,
He that designs to encounter with a knave,
An equal stock of knavery must have,
seeing he herein advises us to follow other vicious examples, that of Diogenes may well be returned, who being asked by what means a man might revenge himself upon his enemy, answered, By becoming himself a good and honest man. And the same Diogenes may be quoted also against Sophocles, who, writing thus of the sacred mysteries, caused great grief and despair to multitudes of men:
Most happy they whose eyes are blest to see
The mysteries which here contained be,
Before they die ! For only they have joy
In th other world; the rest all ills annoy.
This passage being read to Diogenes, What then! says he, shall the condition of Pataecion, the notorious robber, after death be better than that of Epaminondas, merely for
his being initiated in these mysteries? In like manner, when one Timotheus on the theatre, in the praise of the Goddess Diana, called her furious, raging, possessed, mad, Cinesias presently cried out to him aloud, May thy daughter, Timotheus, be such a Goddess! And witty also was that of Bion to Theognis, who said,—
One can not say nor do, if poor he be;
His tongue is bound to th peace, as well as he.
How comes it to pass then, said he, Theognis, that thou thyself being so poor pratest and gratest our ears in this manner?

And 1 w 3
we 1 w 5
shall 1 w 10
fix 1 w 13
our 1 w 16
young 1 w 21
man 1 w 24
yet 1 w 27
the 1 w 30
more 1 w 34
if 1 w 36
when 1 w 41
we 2 w 43
enter 1 w 48
him 1 w 51
in 1 w 53
the 2 w 56
poets 1 w 61
we 3 w 64
first 1 w 69
describe 1 w 77
poetry 1 w 83
to 1 w 85
him 2 w 88
and 1 w 92
tell 1 w 96
him 3 w 99
that 1 w 103
it 1 w 105
is 1 w 107
an 3 w 109
imitating 1 w 118
art 1 w 121
and 2 w 124
doth 1 w 128
in 3 w 130
many 1 w 134
respects 1 w 142
correspond 1 w 152
to 2 w 154
painting 1 w 162
not 1 w 166
only 1 w 170
acquainting 1 w 181
him 4 w 184
with 1 w 188
that 2 w 192
common 1 w 198
saying 1 w 204
that 3 w 209
poetry 2 w 215
is 2 w 217
vocal 1 w 222
painting 2 w 230
and 3 w 233
painting 3 w 241
silent 1 w 247
poetry 3 w 253
but 1 w 257
teaching 1 w 265
him 5 w 268
moreover 1 w 277
that 4 w 282
when 2 w 286
we 4 w 288
see 1 w 291
a 22 w 292
lizard 1 w 298
or 4 w 300
an 7 w 302
ape 1 w 305
or 5 w 307
the 3 w 310
face 1 w 314
of 1 w 316
a 27 w 317
Thersites 1 w 326
in 14 w 328
a 28 w 329
picture 1 w 336
we 5 w 339
are 1 w 342
surprised 1 w 351
with 2 w 355
pleasure 1 w 363
and 4 w 366
wonder 1 w 372
at 6 w 374
it 6 w 376
not 2 w 380
because 1 w 387
of 2 w 389
any 2 w 392
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in 15 w 400
the 4 w 403
things 1 w 409
but 2 w 413
for 1 w 416
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of 3 w 429
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draught 1 w 439
For 1 w 443
it 7 w 445
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repugnant 1 w 456
to 3 w 458
the 7 w 461
nature 1 w 467
of 4 w 469
that 5 w 473
which 1 w 478
is 5 w 480
itself 1 w 486
foul 1 w 490
to 4 w 492
be 4 w 494
at 9 w 496
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same 1 w 503
time 1 w 507
fair 1 w 511
and 5 w 515
therefore 1 w 524
it 9 w 526
is 6 w 528
the 10 w 531
imitation 1 w 540
be 5 w 543
the 11 w 546
thing 2 w 551
imitated 1 w 559
beautiful 1 w 568
or 9 w 570
ugly 1 w 574
that 6 w 579
in 18 w 582
case 1 w 586
it 12 w 588
do 2 w 590
express 1 w 597
it 13 w 599
to 5 w 601
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life 1 w 608
is 7 w 611
commended 1 w 620
and 6 w 624
on 6 w 626
the 13 w 629
contrary 1 w 637
if 4 w 640
the 14 w 643
imitation 2 w 652
make 1 w 656
a 53 w 657
foul 2 w 661
thing 3 w 666
to 6 w 668
appear 1 w 674
fair 2 w 678
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is 8 w 683
dispraised 1 w 693
because 2 w 700
it 16 w 702
observes 1 w 710
not 3 w 713
decency 1 w 720
and 7 w 723
likeness 2 w 731
Now 1 w 735
some 1 w 739
painters 1 w 747
there 2 w 752
are 2 w 755
that 7 w 759
paint 5 w 764
uncomely 1 w 772
actions 1 w 779
as 3 w 782
Timotheus 1 w 791
drew 1 w 795
Medea 1 w 800
killing 1 w 807
her 4 w 810
children 1 w 818
Theon 1 w 824
Orestes 1 w 832
murdering 1 w 841
his 1 w 844
mother 1 w 850
and 8 w 854
Parrhasius 1 w 864
Ulysses 1 w 872
counterfeiting 1 w 886
madness 1 w 893
yea 1 w 897
Chaerephanes 1 w 910
expressed 1 w 919
in 25 w 921
picture 2 w 928
the 18 w 931
unchaste 1 w 939
converse 1 w 947
of 5 w 949
women 1 w 954
with 3 w 958
men 3 w 961
Now 2 w 965
in 26 w 967
such 1 w 971
cases 1 w 976
a 76 w 977
young 2 w 982
man 3 w 985
is 12 w 987
to 7 w 989
be 8 w 991
familiarly 1 w 1001
acquainted 1 w 1011
with 4 w 1015
this 1 w 1019
notion 1 w 1025
that 8 w 1030
when 3 w 1035
men 4 w 1038
praise 2 w 1044
such 2 w 1048
pictures 1 w 1056
they 1 w 1061
praise 3 w 1067
not 5 w 1070
the 20 w 1073
actions 2 w 1080
represented 1 w 1091
but 3 w 1094
only 2 w 1098
the 21 w 1101
painter 2 w 1108
s 70 w 1110
art 2 w 1113
which 2 w 1119
doth 2 w 1123
so 2 w 1125
lively 1 w 1131
express 3 w 1138
what 1 w 1142
was 1 w 1145
designed 1 w 1153
in 29 w 1155
them 1 w 1159
Wherefore 1 w 1169
in 30 w 1172
like 3 w 1176
manner 1 w 1182
seeing 1 w 1189
poetry 4 w 1195
many 2 w 1199
times 1 w 1204
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by 1 w 1215
imitation 3 w 1224
foul 3 w 1228
actions 3 w 1235
and 9 w 1238
unseemly 1 w 1246
passions 1 w 1254
and 10 w 1257
manners 1 w 1264
the 23 w 1268
young 3 w 1273
student 1 w 1280
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in 32 w 1289
such 3 w 1293
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performed 1 w 1323
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artificially 1 w 1342
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commendably 1 w 1356
believe 1 w 1364
all 3 w 1367
that 9 w 1371
is 16 w 1373
said 1 w 1377
as 9 w 1379
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or 12 w 1385
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it 21 w 1394
as 10 w 1396
good 1 w 1400
but 4 w 1404
give 1 w 1408
its 2 w 1411
due 1 w 1414
commendation 1 w 1426
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far 1 w 1431
only 3 w 1435
as 11 w 1437
it 23 w 1439
suits 1 w 1444
the 24 w 1447
subject 1 w 1454
treated 1 w 1461
of 6 w 1463
For 2 w 1467
as 12 w 1469
when 4 w 1474
we 6 w 1476
hear 1 w 1480
the 25 w 1483
grunting 1 w 1491
of 7 w 1493
hogs 1 w 1497
and 12 w 1500
the 26 w 1503
shrieking 1 w 1512
of 8 w 1514
pulleys 1 w 1521
and 13 w 1524
the 27 w 1527
rustling 1 w 1535
of 9 w 1537
wind 1 w 1541
and 14 w 1544
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roaring 1 w 1554
of 10 w 1556
seas 1 w 1560
we 7 w 1563
are 3 w 1566
it 25 w 1569
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be 11 w 1574
disturbed 1 w 1584
and 15 w 1587
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and 16 w 1601
yet 2 w 1604
when 5 w 1608
we 8 w 1610
hear 2 w 1614
any 4 w 1617
one 1 w 1620
imitating 2 w 1629
these 1 w 1634
or 14 w 1636
the 30 w 1639
like 4 w 1643
noises 1 w 1649
handsomely 1 w 1659
as 15 w 1662
Parmenio 1 w 1670
did 1 w 1673
that 10 w 1677
of 11 w 1679
an 30 w 1681
hog 2 w 1684
and 18 w 1688
Theodorus 1 w 1697
that 11 w 1701
of 12 w 1703
a 135 w 1704
pulley 2 w 1710
we 9 w 1714
are 4 w 1717
well 1 w 1721
pleased 2 w 1728
and 19 w 1732
as 17 w 1734
we 11 w 1736
avoid 1 w 1741
as 18 w 1744
an 33 w 1746
unpleasing 1 w 1756
spectacle 1 w 1765
the 31 w 1769
sight 1 w 1774
of 13 w 1776
sick 1 w 1780
persons 1 w 1787
and 20 w 1790
of 14 w 1792
a 146 w 1793
lazar 1 w 1798
full 1 w 1802
of 15 w 1804
ulcers 1 w 1810
and 21 w 1814
yet 3 w 1817
are 5 w 1820
delighted 1 w 1829
to 8 w 1831
be 13 w 1833
spectators 1 w 1843
of 16 w 1845
the 32 w 1848
Philoctetes 1 w 1859
of 17 w 1861
Aristophon 1 w 1871
and 22 w 1874
the 33 w 1877
Jocasta 1 w 1884
of 18 w 1886
Silanion 1 w 1894
wherein 1 w 1902
such 4 w 1906
wasting 1 w 1913
and 23 w 1916
dying 1 w 1921
persons 2 w 1928
are 6 w 1931
well 2 w 1935
acted 1 w 1940
so 8 w 1943
must 2 w 1947
the 34 w 1950
young 4 w 1955
scholar 1 w 1962
when 6 w 1967
he 49 w 1969
reads 1 w 1974
in 43 w 1976
a 162 w 1977
poem 1 w 1981
of 19 w 1983
Thersites 2 w 1992
the 35 w 1995
buffoon 1 w 2002
or 17 w 2004
Sisyphus 1 w 2012
the 36 w 2015
whoremaster 1 w 2026
or 19 w 2028
Batrachus 1 w 2037
the 37 w 2040
bawd 1 w 2044
speaking 1 w 2052
or 20 w 2054
doing 1 w 2059
any 5 w 2062
thing 4 w 2067
so 9 w 2070
praise 4 w 2076
the 38 w 2079
artificial 2 w 2089
managery 1 w 2097
of 20 w 2099
the 39 w 2102
poet 6 w 2106
adapting 1 w 2115
the 40 w 2118
expressions 1 w 2129
to 11 w 2131
the 41 w 2134
persons 3 w 2141
as 23 w 2144
withal 1 w 2150
to 12 w 2152
look 1 w 2156
on 29 w 2158
the 42 w 2161
discourses 1 w 2171
and 24 w 2174
actions 4 w 2181
so 11 w 2183
expressed 2 w 2192
as 24 w 2194
odious 1 w 2200
and 25 w 2203
abominable 1 w 2213
For 3 w 2217
the 43 w 2220
goodness 1 w 2228
of 21 w 2230
things 2 w 2236
themselves 1 w 2246
differs 1 w 2253
much 1 w 2257
from 1 w 2261
the 45 w 2264
goodness 2 w 2272
of 22 w 2274
the 46 w 2277
imitation 4 w 2286
of 23 w 2288
them 3 w 2292
the 48 w 2296
goodness 3 w 2304
of 24 w 2306
the 49 w 2309
latter 1 w 2315
consisting 1 w 2325
only 4 w 2329
in 51 w 2331
propriety 1 w 2340
and 26 w 2343
aptness 1 w 2350
to 13 w 2352
represent 2 w 2361
the 50 w 2364
former 1 w 2370
Whence 1 w 2377
to 14 w 2379
foul 4 w 2383
actions 5 w 2390
foul 5 w 2394
expressions 2 w 2405
are 7 w 2408
most 1 w 2412
suitable 1 w 2420
and 27 w 2423
proper 1 w 2429
As 1 w 2432
the 51 w 2435
shoes 1 w 2440
of 25 w 2442
Demonides 1 w 2451
the 52 w 2454
cripple 1 w 2461
which 3 w 2467
when 7 w 2472
he 71 w 2474
had 1 w 2477
lost 1 w 2481
them 4 w 2485
he 73 w 2488
wished 1 w 2494
might 1 w 2499
suit 3 w 2503
the 54 w 2506
feet 1 w 2510
of 26 w 2512
him 6 w 2515
that 12 w 2519
stole 1 w 2524
them 5 w 2528
were 1 w 2533
but 5 w 2536
unhandsome 1 w 2546
shoes 2 w 2551
but 6 w 2555
yet 4 w 2558
fit 1 w 2561
for 6 w 2564
the 56 w 2567
man 8 w 2570
they 2 w 2574
were 2 w 2578
made 1 w 2582
for 7 w 2585
so 13 w 2588
we 15 w 2590
may 2 w 2593
say 2 w 2596
of 27 w 2598
such 5 w 2602
expressions 3 w 2613
as 25 w 2615
these 2 w 2620
Tis 1 w 2626
worth 1 w 2631
the 59 w 2634
while 1 w 2639
an 47 w 2641
unjust 1 w 2647
act 7 w 2650
to 16 w 2652
own 1 w 2655
When 2 w 2660
it 33 w 2662
sets 1 w 2666
him 7 w 2669
that 13 w 2673
does 1 w 2677
it 34 w 2679
on 38 w 2681
a 203 w 2682
throne 1 w 2688
Eurip 1 w 2694
Phoeniss 1 w 2703
524 1 w 2707
Get 1 w 2711
the 60 w 2714
repute 1 w 2720
of 28 w 2722
Just 1 w 2726
for 8 w 2729
a 204 w 2730
disguise 1 w 2738
And 2 w 2742
in 52 w 2744
it 35 w 2746
do 7 w 2748
all 4 w 2751
things 3 w 2757
whence 1 w 2763
gain 1 w 2767
may 3 w 2770
rise 2 w 2774
A 5 w 2776
talent 1 w 2782
dowry 1 w 2787
Could 1 w 2793
I 1 w 2794
close 1 w 2799
my 1 w 2801
eyes 1 w 2805
In 1 w 2807
sleep 1 w 2812
or 27 w 2815
live 2 w 2819
if 8 w 2822
thee 1 w 2826
I 3 w 2827
should 1 w 2833
despise 1 w 2840
And 3 w 2844
should 2 w 2850
I 4 w 2851
not 7 w 2854
in 55 w 2856
hell 1 w 2860
tormented 1 w 2869
be 14 w 2871
Could 2 w 2877
I 5 w 2878
be 15 w 2880
guilty 1 w 2886
of 29 w 2888
profaning 1 w 2897
thee 2 w 2901
From 1 w 2906
Menander 1 w 2914
These 1 w 2920
it 36 w 2923
is 32 w 2925
true 2 w 2929
are 8 w 2933
wicked 1 w 2939
as 26 w 2941
well 3 w 2945
as 27 w 2947
false 1 w 2952
speeches 1 w 2960
but 7 w 2964
yet 5 w 2967
are 9 w 2970
decent 1 w 2976
enough 1 w 2982
in 57 w 2984
the 63 w 2987
mouth 1 w 2992
of 31 w 2994
an 50 w 2996
Eteocles 1 w 3004
an 51 w 3007
Ixion 1 w 3012
and 30 w 3016
an 53 w 3018
old 1 w 3021
griping 1 w 3028
usurer 1 w 3034
If 1 w 3037
therefore 2 w 3046
we 17 w 3048
mind 1 w 3052
our 3 w 3055
children 2 w 3063
that 14 w 3067
the 65 w 3070
poets 2 w 3075
write 1 w 3080
not 8 w 3083
such 6 w 3087
things 4 w 3093
as 28 w 3095
praising 1 w 3103
and 31 w 3106
approving 1 w 3115
them 6 w 3119
but 8 w 3123
do 9 w 3125
really 1 w 3131
account 1 w 3138
them 7 w 3142
base 1 w 3146
and 32 w 3149
vicious 1 w 3156
and 33 w 3159
therefore 3 w 3168
accommodate 1 w 3179
such 7 w 3183
speeches 2 w 3191
to 18 w 3193
base 2 w 3197
and 34 w 3200
vicious 2 w 3207
persons 4 w 3214
they 3 w 3219
will 1 w 3223
never 2 w 3228
be 16 w 3230
damnified 1 w 3239
by 2 w 3241
them 8 w 3245
from 2 w 3249
the 71 w 3252
esteem 1 w 3258
they 4 w 3262
have 1 w 3266
of 32 w 3268
the 73 w 3271
poets 3 w 3276
in 63 w 3278
whom 1 w 3282
they 5 w 3286
meet 1 w 3290
with 6 w 3294
them 9 w 3298
But 1 w 3302
on 42 w 3305
the 76 w 3308
contrary 2 w 3316
the 77 w 3320
suspicions 1 w 3330
insinuated 1 w 3340
into 1 w 3344
them 10 w 3348
of 33 w 3350
the 79 w 3353
persons 5 w 3360
will 2 w 3364
render 1 w 3370
the 80 w 3373
words 1 w 3378
and 35 w 3381
actions 6 w 3388
ascribed 1 w 3396
to 20 w 3398
them 11 w 3402
suspected 1 w 3411
for 11 w 3414
evil 1 w 3418
because 3 w 3426
proceeding 1 w 3436
from 3 w 3440
such 8 w 3444
evil 2 w 3448
men 9 w 3451
And 4 w 3455
of 34 w 3457
this 2 w 3461
nature 2 w 3467
is 35 w 3469
Homer 1 w 3474
s 264 w 3476
representation 1 w 3490
of 35 w 3492
Paris 1 w 3497
when 9 w 3502
he 110 w 3504
describes 2 w 3513
him 8 w 3516
running 1 w 3523
out 2 w 3526
of 36 w 3528
the 82 w 3531
battle 1 w 3537
into 2 w 3541
Helen 1 w 3546
s 269 w 3548
bed 3 w 3551
For 4 w 3555
in 70 w 3557
that 15 w 3561
he 112 w 3563
attributes 1 w 3573
no 11 w 3575
such 9 w 3579
indecent 1 w 3587
act 9 w 3590
to 22 w 3592
any 6 w 3595
other 2 w 3600
but 10 w 3604
only 5 w 3608
to 23 w 3610
that 16 w 3614
incontinent 1 w 3625
and 36 w 3628
adulterous 1 w 3638
person 6 w 3644
he 114 w 3647
evidently 1 w 3656
declares 1 w 3664
that 17 w 3668
he 115 w 3670
intends 1 w 3677
that 18 w 3681
relation 1 w 3689
to 24 w 3691
import 1 w 3697
a 257 w 3698
disgrace 1 w 3706
and 37 w 3709
reproach 1 w 3717
to 25 w 3719
such 10 w 3723
intemperance 1 w 3735
In 2 w 3738
such 11 w 3742
passages 1 w 3750
therefore 4 w 3759
we 18 w 3761
are 11 w 3764
carefully 1 w 3773
to 26 w 3775
observe 2 w 3782
whether 1 w 3789
or 36 w 3791
not 9 w 3794
the 86 w 3797
poet 9 w 3801
himself 1 w 3808
do 10 w 3810
anywhere 1 w 3818
give 2 w 3822
any 8 w 3825
intimation 1 w 3835
that 19 w 3839
he 121 w 3841
dislikes 1 w 3849
the 87 w 3852
things 5 w 3858
he 123 w 3860
makes 1 w 3865
such 12 w 3869
persons 6 w 3876
say 3 w 3879
which 4 w 3885
in 78 w 3888
the 88 w 3891
prologue 1 w 3899
to 27 w 3901
his 4 w 3904
Thais 1 w 3909
Menander 2 w 3917
does 2 w 3921
in 79 w 3924
these 3 w 3929
words 2 w 3934
Therefore 1 w 3945
my 2 w 3948
Muse 1 w 3952
describe 4 w 3961
me 21 w 3963
now 1 w 3966
a 274 w 3967
whore 2 w 3972
Fair 1 w 3977
bold 1 w 3982
and 39 w 3986
furnished 1 w 3995
with 7 w 3999
a 277 w 4000
nimble 1 w 4006
tongue 1 w 4012
One 1 w 4016
that 20 w 4020
ne 18 w 4022
er 55 w 4025
scruples 1 w 4033
to 29 w 4035
do 12 w 4037
lovers 1 w 4043
wrong 1 w 4048
That 1 w 4053
always 1 w 4059
craves 1 w 4065
and 40 w 4069
denied 1 w 4075
shuts 1 w 4080
her 16 w 4083
door 1 w 4087
That 2 w 4092
truly 1 w 4097
loves 1 w 4102
no 14 w 4104
man 9 w 4107
yet 6 w 4111
for 14 w 4115
her 17 w 4118
ends 2 w 4122
Affection 1 w 4132
true 3 w 4136
to 30 w 4138
every 1 w 4143
man 10 w 4146
pretends 1 w 4154
But 2 w 4158
Homer 2 w 4163
of 37 w 4165
all 6 w 4168
the 90 w 4171
poets 4 w 4176
does 3 w 4180
it 40 w 4182
best 1 w 4186
For 5 w 4190
he 131 w 4192
doth 3 w 4196
beforehand 1 w 4206
as 33 w 4209
it 41 w 4211
were 3 w 4215
bespeak 1 w 4223
dislike 2 w 4230
of 38 w 4232
the 91 w 4235
evil 3 w 4239
things 6 w 4245
and 42 w 4248
approbation 1 w 4259
of 39 w 4261
the 92 w 4264
good 5 w 4268
things 7 w 4274
he 134 w 4276
utters 1 w 4282
Of 1 w 4285
the 93 w 4288
latter 2 w 4294
take 1 w 4298
these 4 w 4303
instances 1 w 4312
He 2 w 4316
readily 1 w 4323
did 2 w 4326
the 95 w 4329
occasion 1 w 4337
take 2 w 4341
And 5 w 4345
sweet 1 w 4350
and 43 w 4353
comfortable 1 w 4364
words 3 w 4369
he 138 w 4371
spake 1 w 4376
Odyss 1 w 4382
VI 1 w 4385
148 1 w 4389
By 1 w 4392
him 10 w 4395
he 139 w 4397
stood 1 w 4402
and 44 w 4406
with 8 w 4410
soft 1 w 4414
speeches 3 w 4422
quelled 1 w 4429
The 7 w 4432
wrath 1 w 4437
which 5 w 4442
in 83 w 4444
his 5 w 4447
heated 1 w 4453
bosom 1 w 4458
swelled 1 w 4465
Il 1 w 4468
II 1 w 4471
189 1 w 4475
And 6 w 4479
for 17 w 4482
the 96 w 4485
former 2 w 4491
he 144 w 4494
so 20 w 4496
performs 1 w 4504
it 43 w 4506
as 35 w 4508
in 84 w 4510
a 307 w 4511
manner 3 w 4517
solemnly 1 w 4525
to 32 w 4527
forbid 1 w 4533
us 22 w 4535
to 33 w 4537
use 5 w 4540
or 50 w 4542
heed 1 w 4546
such 13 w 4550
speeches 4 w 4558
as 36 w 4560
those 1 w 4565
he 147 w 4567
mentions 1 w 4575
as 37 w 4578
being 1 w 4583
foolish 1 w 4590
and 45 w 4593
wicked 2 w 4599
For 6 w 4603
example 1 w 4610
being 2 w 4616
to 34 w 4618
tell 2 w 4622
us 24 w 4624
how 1 w 4627
uncivilly 1 w 4636
Agamemnon 1 w 4645
treated 2 w 4652
the 97 w 4655
priest 1 w 4661
he 149 w 4664
premises 1 w 4672
these 5 w 4677
words 4 w 4682
of 41 w 4684
his 6 w 4687
own 2 w 4690
Not 1 w 4695
so 22 w 4697
Atrides 1 w 4704
he 151 w 4707
with 9 w 4711
kingly 1 w 4717
pride 1 w 4722
Repulsed 1 w 4730
the 99 w 4733
sacred 1 w 4739
sire 1 w 4743
and 46 w 4747
thus 1 w 4751
replied 1 w 4758
Il 2 w 4761
I 14 w 4763
24 2 w 4766
intimating 1 w 4777
the 100 w 4780
insolency 1 w 4789
and 47 w 4792
unbecomingness 1 w 4806
of 42 w 4808
his 7 w 4811
answer 1 w 4817
And 7 w 4821
when 10 w 4825
he 155 w 4827
attributes 2 w 4837
this 3 w 4841
passionate 1 w 4851
speech 5 w 4857
to 35 w 4859
Achilles 1 w 4867
O 5 w 4870
monster 1 w 4877
mix 1 w 4881
d 188 w 4883
of 43 w 4885
insolence 1 w 4894
and 48 w 4897
fear 1 w 4901
Thou 1 w 4906
dog 1 w 4909
in 93 w 4911
forehead 1 w 4919
and 49 w 4923
in 94 w 4925
heart 1 w 4930
a 328 w 4931
deer 1 w 4935
Il 3 w 4938
I 16 w 4940
225 1 w 4944
he 158 w 4947
accompanies 1 w 4958
it 45 w 4960
with 10 w 4964
this 4 w 4968
censure 1 w 4975
Nor 1 w 4980
yet 7 w 4983
the 101 w 4986
rage 1 w 4990
his 10 w 4993
boiling 1 w 5000
breast 1 w 5006
forsook 1 w 5013
Which 1 w 5019
thus 2 w 5023
redoubling 1 w 5033
on 63 w 5035
Atrides 2 w 5042
broke 1 w 5047
Il 4 w 5050
I 18 w 5052
223 1 w 5056
for 23 w 5060
it 47 w 5062
was 3 w 5065
unlikely 1 w 5073
that 21 w 5077
speaking 2 w 5085
in 98 w 5087
such 14 w 5091
anger 1 w 5096
he 160 w 5098
should 3 w 5104
observe 3 w 5111
any 9 w 5114
rules 1 w 5119
of 44 w 5121
decency 2 w 5128
And 8 w 5132
he 161 w 5134
passeth 1 w 5141
like 8 w 5145
censures 1 w 5153
on 64 w 5155
actions 7 w 5162
As 2 w 5165
on 66 w 5167
Achilles 2 w 5175
s 396 w 5177
foul 6 w 5181
usage 1 w 5186
of 45 w 5188
Hector 1 w 5194
s 398 w 5196
carcass 1 w 5203
Gloomy 1 w 5211
he 162 w 5213
said 2 w 5217
and 50 w 5221
horrible 1 w 5230
to 37 w 5232
view 1 w 5236
Before 1 w 5243
the 102 w 5246
bier 1 w 5250
the 103 w 5253
bleeding 1 w 5261
Hector 2 w 5267
threw 1 w 5272
Il 5 w 5275
XXIII 1 w 5281
24 3 w 5284
And 9 w 5288
in 100 w 5290
like 9 w 5294
manner 4 w 5300
he 165 w 5302
doth 4 w 5306
very 2 w 5310
decently 1 w 5318
shut 2 w 5322
up 2 w 5324
relations 1 w 5333
of 46 w 5335
things 8 w 5341
said 3 w 5345
or 61 w 5347
done 1 w 5351
by 3 w 5354
adding 1 w 5360
some 4 w 5364
sentence 1 w 5372
wherein 2 w 5379
he 167 w 5381
declares 2 w 5389
his 11 w 5392
judgment 1 w 5400
of 47 w 5402
them 12 w 5406
As 3 w 5409
when 11 w 5413
he 170 w 5415
personates 1 w 5425
some 5 w 5429
of 48 w 5431
the 105 w 5434
Gods 1 w 5438
saying 2 w 5444
on 70 w 5447
the 106 w 5450
occasion 2 w 5458
of 49 w 5460
the 107 w 5463
adultery 1 w 5471
of 50 w 5473
Mars 1 w 5477
and 51 w 5480
Venus 1 w 5485
discovered 1 w 5495
by 4 w 5497
Vulcan 1 w 5503
s 420 w 5505
artifice 1 w 5513
See 1 w 5518
the 108 w 5521
swift 1 w 5526
God 2 w 5529
o 395 w 5530
ertaken 1 w 5538
by 5 w 5540
the 109 w 5543
lame 1 w 5547
Thus 1 w 5552
ill 7 w 5555
acts 1 w 5559
prosper 1 w 5566
not 10 w 5569
but 12 w 5573
end 8 w 5576
in 105 w 5578
shame 1 w 5583
Odyss 2 w 5589
VIII 1 w 5594
329 1 w 5598
And 10 w 5602
thus 3 w 5606
concerning 1 w 5616
Hecter 1 w 5622
s 429 w 5624
insolent 1 w 5632
boasting 1 w 5640
he 176 w 5642
says 1 w 5646
With 1 w 5652
such 15 w 5656
big 1 w 5659
words 5 w 5664
his 12 w 5667
mind 2 w 5671
proud 1 w 5676
sector 1 w 5682
eased 3 w 5687
But 3 w 5691
venerable 1 w 5700
Juno 1 w 5704
lie 3 w 5707
displeased 2 w 5717
Il 6 w 5720
VIII 2 w 5725
198 1 w 5729
And 11 w 5733
when 12 w 5737
he 178 w 5739
speaks 1 w 5745
of 51 w 5747
Pandarus 1 w 5755
s 444 w 5757
shooting 1 w 5765
he 179 w 5768
adds 1 w 5772
He 6 w 5776
heard 1 w 5781
and 53 w 5785
madly 1 w 5790
at 58 w 5792
the 110 w 5795
motion 1 w 5801
pleased 4 w 5808
His 1 w 5812
polish 1 w 5818
d 234 w 5820
bow 1 w 5823
with 11 w 5827
hasty 1 w 5832
rashness 1 w 5840
seized 1 w 5846
Il 7 w 5849
IV 1 w 5852
104 1 w 5856
Now 3 w 5860
these 6 w 5865
verbal 1 w 5871
intimations 1 w 5882
of 52 w 5884
the 112 w 5887
minds 1 w 5892
and 54 w 5895
judgments 1 w 5904
of 53 w 5906
poets 5 w 5911
are 14 w 5914
not 11 w 5917
difficult 1 w 5926
to 40 w 5928
be 28 w 5930
understood 1 w 5940
by 6 w 5942
any 10 w 5945
one 4 w 5948
that 22 w 5952
will 3 w 5956
heedfully 1 w 5965
observe 4 w 5972
them 13 w 5976
But 4 w 5980
besides 1 w 5987
these 7 w 5992
they 6 w 5997
give 3 w 6001
us 32 w 6003
other 3 w 6008
hints 1 w 6013
from 4 w 6017
actions 8 w 6024
As 4 w 6027
Euripides 1 w 6036
is 57 w 6038
reported 1 w 6046
when 13 w 6051
some 6 w 6055
blamed 1 w 6061
him 11 w 6064
for 25 w 6067
bringing 1 w 6075
such 16 w 6079
an 93 w 6081
impious 1 w 6088
and 55 w 6091
flagitious 1 w 6101
villain 1 w 6108
as 50 w 6110
Ixion 2 w 6115
upon 1 w 6119
the 117 w 6122
stage 1 w 6127
to 42 w 6130
have 2 w 6134
given 1 w 6139
this 5 w 6143
answer 2 w 6149
But 5 w 6153
yet 8 w 6156
I 33 w 6157
brought 1 w 6164
him 12 w 6167
not 12 w 6170
off 1 w 6173
till 1 w 6177
I 34 w 6178
had 2 w 6181
fastened 1 w 6189
him 13 w 6192
to 43 w 6194
a 396 w 6195
torturing 1 w 6204
wheel 1 w 6209
This 1 w 6214
same 2 w 6218
way 2 w 6221
of 55 w 6223
teaching 2 w 6231
by 7 w 6233
mute 1 w 6237
actions 9 w 6244
is 60 w 6246
to 45 w 6248
be 30 w 6250
found 1 w 6255
in 119 w 6257
Homer 3 w 6262
also 1 w 6266
affording 1 w 6276
us 35 w 6278
useful 1 w 6284
contemplations 1 w 6298
upon 2 w 6302
those 2 w 6307
very 3 w 6311
fables 1 w 6317
which 6 w 6322
are 15 w 6325
usually 1 w 6332
most 2 w 6336
disliked 1 w 6344
in 121 w 6346
him 14 w 6349
These 2 w 6355
some 7 w 6359
men 13 w 6362
offer 1 w 6367
force 1 w 6372
to 46 w 6374
that 23 w 6379
they 7 w 6383
may 4 w 6386
reduce 1 w 6392
them 14 w 6396
to 47 w 6398
allegories 1 w 6408
which 7 w 6414
the 120 w 6417
ancients 1 w 6425
called 1 w 6431
ὑπόνοιαι 1 w 6439
and 56 w 6444
tell 3 w 6448
us 38 w 6450
that 24 w 6454
Venus 2 w 6459
committing 1 w 6469
adultery 2 w 6477
with 12 w 6481
Mars 2 w 6485
discovered 2 w 6496
by 8 w 6498
the 121 w 6501
Sun 1 w 6504
is 63 w 6507
to 48 w 6509
be 31 w 6511
understood 2 w 6521
thus 4 w 6525
that 25 w 6530
when 14 w 6534
the 122 w 6537
star 1 w 6541
called 2 w 6547
Venus 3 w 6552
is 64 w 6554
in 123 w 6556
conjunction 1 w 6567
with 13 w 6571
that 26 w 6575
which 8 w 6580
hath 1 w 6584
the 123 w 6587
name 1 w 6591
of 57 w 6593
Mars 3 w 6597
bastardly 1 w 6607
births 1 w 6613
are 16 w 6616
produced 1 w 6624
and 57 w 6628
by 9 w 6630
the 124 w 6633
Sun 2 w 6636
s 510 w 6638
rising 1 w 6644
and 58 w 6647
discovering 1 w 6658
them 15 w 6662
they 8 w 6666
are 17 w 6669
not 13 w 6672
concealed 1 w 6681
So 1 w 6684
will 4 w 6688
they 9 w 6692
have 3 w 6696
Juno 2 w 6700
s 513 w 6702
dressing 1 w 6710
herself 1 w 6717
so 33 w 6719
accurately 1 w 6729
to 50 w 6731
tempt 1 w 6736
Jupiter 1 w 6743
and 59 w 6747
her 21 w 6750
making 1 w 6756
use 7 w 6759
of 58 w 6761
the 128 w 6764
girdle 1 w 6770
of 59 w 6772
Venus 4 w 6777
to 51 w 6779
inflame 1 w 6786
his 15 w 6789
love 3 w 6793
to 52 w 6796
be 32 w 6798
nothing 1 w 6805
else 1 w 6809
but 13 w 6812
the 129 w 6815
purification 1 w 6827
of 60 w 6829
that 27 w 6833
part 1 w 6837
of 61 w 6839
the 130 w 6842
air 4 w 6845
which 9 w 6850
draweth 1 w 6857
nearest 1 w 6864
to 53 w 6866
the 131 w 6869
nature 3 w 6875
of 62 w 6877
fire 1 w 6881
As 5 w 6884
if 14 w 6886
we 25 w 6888
were 4 w 6892
not 15 w 6895
told 1 w 6899
the 132 w 6902
meaning 1 w 6909
of 63 w 6911
those 3 w 6916
fables 2 w 6922
far 2 w 6925
better 1 w 6931
by 10 w 6933
the 133 w 6936
poet 12 w 6940
himself 2 w 6947
For 7 w 6951
he 212 w 6953
teacheth 1 w 6961
us 44 w 6963
in 131 w 6965
that 28 w 6969
of 64 w 6971
Venus 5 w 6976
if 15 w 6979
we 27 w 6981
heed 3 w 6985
it 55 w 6987
that 29 w 6992
light 2 w 6997
music 1 w 7002
and 60 w 7005
wanton 1 w 7011
songs 1 w 7016
and 61 w 7019
discourses 2 w 7029
which 10 w 7034
suggest 1 w 7041
to 56 w 7043
men 14 w 7046
obscene 1 w 7053
fancies 1 w 7060
debauch 1 w 7067
their 1 w 7072
manners 2 w 7079
and 62 w 7083
incline 1 w 7090
them 16 w 7094
to 57 w 7096
an 108 w 7098
unmanly 1 w 7105
way 3 w 7108
of 65 w 7110
living 1 w 7116
in 135 w 7118
luxury 1 w 7124
and 63 w 7127
wantonness 1 w 7137
of 66 w 7140
continually 1 w 7151
haunting 1 w 7159
the 136 w 7162
company 1 w 7169
of 67 w 7171
women 2 w 7176
and 64 w 7180
of 68 w 7182
being 3 w 7187
Given 1 w 7192
to 59 w 7194
fashions 1 w 7202
that 30 w 7207
their 2 w 7212
garb 1 w 7216
may 5 w 7219
please 5 w 7225
Hot 1 w 7229
baths 1 w 7234
and 65 w 7238
couches 1 w 7245
where 4 w 7250
they 10 w 7254
loll 1 w 7258
at 75 w 7260
ease 7 w 7264
And 12 w 7268
therefore 5 w 7277
also 2 w 7281
he 223 w 7283
brings 1 w 7289
in 140 w 7291
Ulysses 2 w 7298
directing 1 w 7307
the 140 w 7310
musician 1 w 7318
thus 5 w 7322
Leave 1 w 7329
this 6 w 7333
and 66 w 7337
sing 5 w 7341
the 141 w 7344
horse 1 w 7349
out 3 w 7353
of 69 w 7355
whose 1 w 7360
womb 1 w 7364
The 9 w 7367
gallant 1 w 7374
knights 1 w 7381
that 31 w 7385
conquered 1 w 7394
Troy 1 w 7398
did 3 w 7401
come 2 w 7405
Odyss 3 w 7411
VIII 3 w 7416
249 1 w 7420
and 67 w 7423
492 1 w 7426
evidently 2 w 7436
teaching 3 w 7444
us 49 w 7446
that 32 w 7450
poets 6 w 7455
and 68 w 7458
musicians 1 w 7467
ought 2 w 7472
to 60 w 7474
receive 1 w 7481
the 142 w 7484
arguments 1 w 7493
of 70 w 7495
their 3 w 7500
songs 2 w 7505
from 5 w 7509
sober 1 w 7514
and 69 w 7517
understanding 1 w 7530
men 17 w 7533
And 13 w 7537
in 145 w 7539
the 144 w 7542
other 4 w 7547
fable 3 w 7552
of 71 w 7554
Juno 3 w 7558
he 231 w 7560
excellently 1 w 7571
shows 1 w 7576
that 33 w 7580
the 146 w 7583
conversation 1 w 7595
of 72 w 7597
women 3 w 7602
with 14 w 7606
men 19 w 7609
and 71 w 7613
the 147 w 7616
favors 1 w 7622
they 11 w 7626
receive 2 w 7633
from 6 w 7637
them 17 w 7641
procured 1 w 7649
by 11 w 7651
sorcery 1 w 7658
witchcraft 1 w 7669
or 75 w 7672
other 5 w 7677
unlawful 1 w 7685
arts 1 w 7689
are 19 w 7693
not 16 w 7696
only 6 w 7700
short 1 w 7705
unstable 1 w 7714
and 72 w 7718
soon 1 w 7722
cloying 1 w 7729
but 14 w 7733
also 3 w 7737
in 147 w 7739
the 151 w 7742
issue 1 w 7747
easily 1 w 7753
turned 1 w 7759
to 61 w 7761
loathing 1 w 7769
and 73 w 7772
displeasure 1 w 7783
when 15 w 7788
once 3 w 7792
the 152 w 7795
pleasure 3 w 7803
is 72 w 7805
over 6 w 7809
For 8 w 7813
so 41 w 7815
Jupiter 2 w 7822
there 7 w 7827
threatens 1 w 7836
Juno 4 w 7840
when 16 w 7845
he 242 w 7847
tells 1 w 7852
her 27 w 7855
Hear 1 w 7861
this 7 w 7865
remember 1 w 7874
and 74 w 7878
our 5 w 7881
fury 1 w 7885
dread 1 w 7890
Nor 2 w 7894
pull 3 w 7898
the 154 w 7901
unwilling 1 w 7910
vengeance 1 w 7919
on 99 w 7921
thy 1 w 7924
head 2 w 7928
Lest 1 w 7933
arts 2 w 7937
and 75 w 7940
blandishments 1 w 7953
successless 1 w 7964
prove 1 w 7969
Thy 1 w 7972
soft 2 w 7976
deceits 1 w 7983
and 77 w 7986
well 5 w 7990
dissembled 1 w 8000
love 4 w 8004
Il 8 w 8007
XV 1 w 8010
32 2 w 8013
For 9 w 8017
the 155 w 8020
fiction 1 w 8027
and 78 w 8030
representation 2 w 8044
of 74 w 8046
evil 4 w 8050
acts 2 w 8054
when 17 w 8059
it 60 w 8061
withal 2 w 8067
acquaints 1 w 8076
us 51 w 8078
with 16 w 8082
the 156 w 8085
shame 2 w 8090
and 79 w 8093
damage 1 w 8099
befalling 1 w 8108
the 157 w 8111
doers 1 w 8116
hurts 1 w 8122
not 17 w 8125
but 15 w 8128
rather 1 w 8134
profits 1 w 8141
him 16 w 8144
that 34 w 8148
reads 2 w 8153
them 18 w 8157
For 10 w 8161
which 11 w 8166
end 9 w 8169
philosophers 1 w 8181
make 3 w 8185
use 8 w 8188
of 76 w 8190
examples 1 w 8198
for 29 w 8201
our 6 w 8204
instruction 1 w 8215
and 80 w 8218
correction 1 w 8228
out 4 w 8231
of 77 w 8233
historical 1 w 8243
collections 1 w 8254
and 81 w 8258
poets 7 w 8263
do 21 w 8265
the 160 w 8268
very 4 w 8272
same 3 w 8276
thing 14 w 8281
but 16 w 8285
with 17 w 8289
this 8 w 8293
difference 1 w 8303
that 35 w 8308
they 12 w 8312
invent 1 w 8318
fabulous 1 w 8326
examples 2 w 8334
themselves 2 w 8344
There 2 w 8350
was 4 w 8353
one 5 w 8356
Melanthius 1 w 8366
who 5 w 8370
whether 2 w 8378
in 155 w 8380
jest 1 w 8384
or 84 w 8386
earnest 1 w 8393
he 259 w 8395
said 4 w 8399
it 65 w 8401
it 66 w 8404
matters 1 w 8411
not 18 w 8414
much 2 w 8418
affirmed 1 w 8427
that 36 w 8431
the 164 w 8434
city 1 w 8438
of 78 w 8440
Athens 1 w 8446
owed 1 w 8450
its 6 w 8453
preservation 1 w 8465
to 63 w 8467
the 166 w 8470
dissensions 1 w 8481
and 82 w 8484
factions 1 w 8492
that 37 w 8496
were 5 w 8500
among 1 w 8505
the 167 w 8508
orators 1 w 8515
giving 1 w 8522
withal 3 w 8528
this 9 w 8532
reason 1 w 8538
for 30 w 8541
his 21 w 8544
assertion 1 w 8553
that 38 w 8558
thereby 1 w 8565
they 13 w 8569
were 6 w 8573
kept 1 w 8577
from 7 w 8581
inclining 1 w 8590
all 14 w 8593
of 79 w 8595
them 20 w 8599
to 65 w 8601
one 6 w 8604
side 2 w 8608
so 45 w 8611
that 39 w 8615
by 13 w 8617
means 1 w 8622
of 80 w 8624
the 171 w 8627
differences 1 w 8638
among 2 w 8643
those 4 w 8648
statesmen 1 w 8657
there 9 w 8662
were 7 w 8666
always 2 w 8672
some 8 w 8676
that 40 w 8680
drew 2 w 8684
the 173 w 8687
saw 1 w 8690
the 174 w 8693
right 1 w 8698
way 5 w 8701
for 31 w 8704
the 175 w 8707
defeating 1 w 8716
of 81 w 8718
destructive 1 w 8729
counsels 1 w 8737
And 14 w 8741
thus 6 w 8745
it 70 w 8747
is 81 w 8749
too 4 w 8752
in 161 w 8754
the 176 w 8757
contradictions 1 w 8771
among 3 w 8776
poets 8 w 8781
which 12 w 8787
by 14 w 8790
lessening 1 w 8799
the 177 w 8802
credit 1 w 8808
of 82 w 8810
what 2 w 8814
they 14 w 8818
say 6 w 8821
render 2 w 8828
them 21 w 8832
the 180 w 8835
less 3 w 8839
powerful 1 w 8847
to 67 w 8849
do 22 w 8851
mischief 1 w 8859
and 83 w 8863
therefore 6 w 8872
when 18 w 8877
comparing 1 w 8886
one 7 w 8889
saying 3 w 8895
with 19 w 8899
another 1 w 8906
we 34 w 8908
discover 4 w 8916
their 4 w 8921
contrariety 1 w 8932
we 35 w 8935
ought 3 w 8940
to 68 w 8942
adhere 1 w 8948
to 69 w 8950
the 184 w 8953
better 2 w 8959
side 3 w 8963
As 6 w 8966
in 165 w 8968
these 8 w 8973
instances 2 w 8982
The 11 w 8987
Gods 2 w 8991
my 4 w 8994
son 12 w 8997
deceive 1 w 9005
poor 1 w 9009
men 22 w 9012
oft-times 1 w 9021
Ans 1 w 9025
Tis 2 w 9030
easy 1 w 9034
sir 2 w 9038
on 120 w 9041
God 4 w 9044
to 70 w 9046
lay 1 w 9049
our 7 w 9052
crimes 1 w 9058
Tis 3 w 9063
comfort 2 w 9070
to 71 w 9072
thee 3 w 9076
to 72 w 9078
be 39 w 9080
rich 1 w 9084
is 86 w 9087
t 804 w 9089
not 20 w 9092
Ans 2 w 9096
No 7 w 9099
sir 3 w 9103
tis 1 w 9108
bad 1 w 9111
to 73 w 9113
be 40 w 9115
a 581 w 9116
wealthy 1 w 9123
sot 1 w 9126
Die 1 w 9130
rather 2 w 9136
than 1 w 9140
such 17 w 9144
toilsome 1 w 9152
pains 1 w 9157
to 75 w 9159
take 4 w 9163
Ans 3 w 9167
To 1 w 9170
call 3 w 9174
God 5 w 9177
s 696 w 9179
service 1 w 9186
toil 2 w 9190
s 698 w 9192
a 588 w 9193
foul 7 w 9197
mistake 1 w 9204
Such 1 w 9209
contrarieties 1 w 9222
as 63 w 9224
these 9 w 9229
are 20 w 9232
easily 2 w 9238
solved 1 w 9244
if 18 w 9247
as 65 w 9250
I 39 w 9251
said 5 w 9255
we 37 w 9258
teach 5 w 9263
youth 1 w 9268
to 77 w 9270
judge 1 w 9275
aright 1 w 9281
and 84 w 9284
to 78 w 9286
give 5 w 9290
the 189 w 9293
better 3 w 9299
saying 4 w 9305
preference 1 w 9315
But 6 w 9319
if 19 w 9321
we 38 w 9323
chance 1 w 9329
to 79 w 9331
meet 2 w 9335
with 20 w 9339
any 12 w 9342
absurd 1 w 9348
passages 2 w 9356
without 1 w 9363
any 13 w 9366
others 1 w 9372
at 98 w 9374
their 5 w 9379
heels 1 w 9384
to 80 w 9386
confute 1 w 9393
them 22 w 9397
we 39 w 9400
are 21 w 9403
then 2 w 9407
to 81 w 9409
overthrow 1 w 9418
them 23 w 9422
with 22 w 9426
such 18 w 9430
others 2 w 9436
as 67 w 9438
elsewhere 1 w 9447
are 22 w 9450
to 82 w 9452
be 42 w 9454
found 2 w 9459
in 169 w 9461
the 196 w 9464
author 1 w 9470
Nor 3 w 9474
must 3 w 9478
we 40 w 9480
be 43 w 9482
offended 1 w 9490
with 23 w 9494
the 197 w 9497
poet 16 w 9501
or 94 w 9503
grieved 1 w 9510
at 99 w 9512
him 17 w 9515
but 17 w 9519
only 7 w 9523
at 100 w 9525
the 198 w 9528
speeches 5 w 9536
themselves 3 w 9546
which 13 w 9552
he 302 w 9554
utters 2 w 9560
either 1 w 9566
according 1 w 9575
to 83 w 9577
the 201 w 9580
vulgar 1 w 9586
manner 6 w 9592
of 85 w 9594
speaking 3 w 9602
or 96 w 9604
it 78 w 9607
may 6 w 9610
be 44 w 9612
but 18 w 9616
in 172 w 9618
drollery 1 w 9626
So 2 w 9629
when 19 w 9634
thou 3 w 9638
readest 1 w 9645
in 173 w 9647
Homer 4 w 9652
of 86 w 9654
Gods 3 w 9658
thrown 1 w 9664
out 7 w 9667
of 87 w 9669
heaven 1 w 9675
headlong 1 w 9683
one 8 w 9686
by 15 w 9688
another 2 w 9695
or 97 w 9698
Gods 4 w 9702
wounded 1 w 9709
by 16 w 9711
men 23 w 9714
and 85 w 9717
quarrelling 1 w 9728
and 86 w 9731
brawling 1 w 9739
with 24 w 9743
each 6 w 9747
other 10 w 9752
thou 4 w 9757
mayest 1 w 9763
readily 2 w 9770
if 20 w 9773
thou 5 w 9777
wilt 1 w 9781
say 9 w 9785
to 84 w 9787
him 18 w 9790
Sure 1 w 9796
thy 3 w 9799
invention 1 w 9808
here 20 w 9812
was 5 w 9815
sorely 1 w 9821
out 8 w 9824
Or 2 w 9827
thou 6 w 9831
hadst 1 w 9836
said 6 w 9840
far 3 w 9843
better 4 w 9849
things 9 w 9855
no 32 w 9858
doubt 1 w 9863
Il 9 w 9866
VIII 4 w 9871
358 1 w 9875
yea 2 w 9879
and 87 w 9883
thou 7 w 9887
dost 1 w 9891
so 52 w 9893
elsewhere 2 w 9902
and 88 w 9906
according 2 w 9915
as 69 w 9917
thou 8 w 9921
thinkest 1 w 9929
to 85 w 9932
wit 26 w 9935
in 180 w 9938
these 10 w 9943
passages 3 w 9951
of 88 w 9953
thine 1 w 9958
The 12 w 9963
Gods 5 w 9967
removed 1 w 9975
from 8 w 9979
all 16 w 9982
that 41 w 9986
men 24 w 9989
doth 5 w 9993
grieve 2 w 9999
A 33 w 10001
quiet 1 w 10006
and 89 w 10009
contented 1 w 10018
life 2 w 10022
do 26 w 10024
live 3 w 10028
Herein 1 w 10035
the 205 w 10038
immortal 1 w 10046
Gods 6 w 10050
for 34 w 10053
ever 4 w 10057
blest 1 w 10062
Feel 1 w 10066
endless 1 w 10073
joys 1 w 10077
and 90 w 10080
undisturbed 1 w 10091
rest 3 w 10095
The 13 w 10099
Gods 7 w 10103
who 6 w 10107
have 4 w 10111
themselves 4 w 10121
no 33 w 10123
cause 4 w 10128
to 86 w 10130
grieve 3 w 10136
For 11 w 10140
wretched 1 w 10148
man 16 w 10151
a 649 w 10152
web 1 w 10155
of 89 w 10157
sorrow 1 w 10163
weave 1 w 10168
Il 10 w 10171
VI 6 w 10174
138 1 w 10178
Odyss 4 w 10184
VI 7 w 10187
46 1 w 10190
Il 11 w 10193
XXIV 1 w 10198
526 1 w 10202
For 12 w 10206
these 11 w 10211
argue 1 w 10216
sound 1 w 10221
and 91 w 10224
true 4 w 10228
opinions 1 w 10236
of 90 w 10238
the 208 w 10241
Gods 8 w 10245
but 19 w 10249
those 5 w 10254
other 11 w 10259
were 8 w 10263
only 8 w 10267
feigned 1 w 10274
to 87 w 10276
raise 5 w 10281
passions 2 w 10289
in 184 w 10291
men 25 w 10294
Again 1 w 10300
when 20 w 10305
Euripides 2 w 10314
speaks 2 w 10320
at 102 w 10322
this 10 w 10326
rate 2 w 10330
The 14 w 10335
Gods 9 w 10339
are 23 w 10342
better 5 w 10348
than 2 w 10352
we 44 w 10354
men 26 w 10357
by 17 w 10359
far 4 w 10362
And 15 w 10366
yet 9 w 10369
by 18 w 10371
them 26 w 10375
we 45 w 10377
oft 4 w 10380
deceived 1 w 10388
are 24 w 10391
we 46 w 10395
may 8 w 10398
do 27 w 10400
well 6 w 10404
to 88 w 10406
quote 1 w 10411
him 19 w 10414
elsewhere 3 w 10423
against 1 w 10430
himself 3 w 10437
where 8 w 10443
he 326 w 10445
says 2 w 10449
better 6 w 10455
If 2 w 10459
Gods 10 w 10463
do 28 w 10465
wrong 2 w 10470
surely 1 w 10477
no 34 w 10479
Gods 11 w 10483
there 11 w 10488
are 25 w 10491
So 3 w 10494
also 4 w 10498
when 21 w 10503
Pindar 1 w 10509
saith 1 w 10514
bitterly 1 w 10522
and 92 w 10525
keenly 1 w 10531
No 9 w 10534
law 2 w 10537
forbids 1 w 10544
us 58 w 10546
any 14 w 10549
thing 16 w 10554
to 89 w 10556
do 29 w 10558
Whereby 1 w 10566
a 674 w 10567
mischief 2 w 10575
may 9 w 10578
befall 2 w 10584
a 677 w 10585
foe 1 w 10588
tell 5 w 10593
him 21 w 10596
But 7 w 10600
Pindar 2 w 10607
thou 9 w 10612
thyself 1 w 10619
sayest 1 w 10625
elsewhere 4 w 10634
The 15 w 10638
pleasure 4 w 10646
which 14 w 10651
injurious 1 w 10660
acts 3 w 10664
attends 1 w 10671
Always 1 w 10677
in 191 w 10679
bitter 2 w 10685
consequences 1 w 10697
ends 5 w 10701
And 16 w 10705
when 22 w 10709
Sophocles 1 w 10718
speaks 3 w 10724
thus 7 w 10728
Sweet 1 w 10734
is 93 w 10736
the 212 w 10739
gain 4 w 10743
wherein 3 w 10751
to 90 w 10753
lie 4 w 10756
and 93 w 10759
cheat 1 w 10764
Adds 1 w 10768
the 213 w 10771
repute 2 w 10777
of 92 w 10779
wit 27 w 10782
to 91 w 10784
what 3 w 10788
we 49 w 10790
get 1 w 10793
tell 6 w 10798
him 22 w 10801
But 8 w 10805
we 50 w 10807
have 5 w 10811
heard 2 w 10816
thee 4 w 10820
say 12 w 10823
far 5 w 10826
otherwise 1 w 10835
When 3 w 10840
the 216 w 10843
account 2 w 10850
s 806 w 10852
cast 2 w 10856
up 7 w 10858
the 217 w 10862
gain 5 w 10866
s 808 w 10868
but 20 w 10871
poor 2 w 10875
Which 2 w 10880
by 20 w 10882
a 696 w 10883
lying 1 w 10888
tongue 2 w 10894
augments 1 w 10902
the 218 w 10905
store 1 w 10910
And 17 w 10914
as 74 w 10916
to 94 w 10918
what 4 w 10922
he 344 w 10924
saith 2 w 10929
of 93 w 10931
riches 1 w 10937
to 95 w 10940
wit 28 w 10943
Wealth 1 w 10950
where 11 w 10956
it 87 w 10958
minds 2 w 10963
to 96 w 10965
go 7 w 10967
meets 1 w 10973
with 25 w 10977
no 35 w 10979
stay 1 w 10983
For 13 w 10987
where 12 w 10992
it 89 w 10994
finds 1 w 10999
not 22 w 11002
it 90 w 11005
can 2 w 11008
make 4 w 11012
a 705 w 11013
way 7 w 11016
Many 1 w 11021
fair 3 w 11025
offers 1 w 11031
doth 6 w 11035
the 219 w 11038
poor 3 w 11042
let 1 w 11045
go 8 w 11047
And 18 w 11051
lose 2 w 11055
his 23 w 11058
prize 1 w 11063
because 4 w 11070
his 24 w 11073
purse 1 w 11078
is 97 w 11080
low 1 w 11083
The 16 w 11087
fair 4 w 11091
tongue 3 w 11097
makes 2 w 11102
where 13 w 11108
wealth 2 w 11114
can 3 w 11117
purchase 1 w 11125
it 91 w 11127
The 17 w 11131
foul 8 w 11135
face 2 w 11139
beautiful 2 w 11148
the 220 w 11152
fool 2 w 11156
a 717 w 11157
wit 30 w 11160
here 31 w 11166
the 221 w 11169
reader 1 w 11175
may 10 w 11178
set 3 w 11181
in 198 w 11183
opposition 1 w 11193
divers 1 w 11199
other 13 w 11204
sayings 1 w 11211
of 95 w 11213
the 223 w 11216
same 4 w 11220
author 2 w 11226
For 14 w 11230
example 4 w 11237
From 2 w 11242
honor 1 w 11247
poverty 1 w 11254
doth 7 w 11258
not 23 w 11261
debar 1 w 11266
Where 3 w 11272
poor 4 w 11276
men 28 w 11279
virtuous 1 w 11287
and 94 w 11290
deserving 1 w 11299
are 26 w 11302
Whate 1 w 11308
er 183 w 11311
fools 1 w 11316
think 2 w 11321
a 728 w 11323
man 17 w 11326
is 98 w 11328
ne 41 w 11330
er 184 w 11333
the 224 w 11336
worse 1 w 11341
If 3 w 11343
he 359 w 11345
be 52 w 11347
wise 2 w 11351
though 2 w 11358
with 26 w 11362
an 165 w 11364
empty 1 w 11369
purse 2 w 11374
The 18 w 11378
comfort 3 w 11385
which 15 w 11390
he 361 w 11392
gets 1 w 11396
who 7 w 11399
wealth 3 w 11405
enjoys 1 w 11411
The 19 w 11415
vexing 1 w 11421
care 2 w 11425
by 21 w 11427
which 16 w 11432
tis 2 w 11436
kept 2 w 11440
destroys 1 w 11448
And 19 w 11452
Menander 3 w 11460
also 5 w 11464
somewhere 1 w 11473
magnifies 1 w 11482
a 736 w 11483
voluptuous 1 w 11493
life 3 w 11497
and 96 w 11501
inflames 1 w 11509
the 225 w 11512
minds 3 w 11517
of 96 w 11519
vain 1 w 11523
persons 7 w 11530
with 27 w 11534
these 12 w 11539
amorous 1 w 11546
strains 1 w 11553
The 20 w 11557
glorious 1 w 11565
sun 1 w 11568
no 39 w 11570
living 2 w 11576
thing 17 w 11581
doth 8 w 11585
see 4 w 11588
But 9 w 11592
what 5 w 11596
s 860 w 11598
a 743 w 11599
slave 1 w 11604
to 98 w 11606
love 5 w 11610
as 76 w 11612
well 7 w 11616
as 77 w 11618
we 54 w 11620
But 10 w 11624
yet 10 w 11627
elsewhere 5 w 11636
on 138 w 11639
the 227 w 11642
other 14 w 11647
side 4 w 11651
he 370 w 11654
fastens 1 w 11661
on 139 w 11663
us 66 w 11665
and 97 w 11668
pulls 1 w 11673
us 67 w 11675
back 1 w 11679
to 99 w 11681
the 229 w 11684
love 6 w 11688
of 97 w 11690
virtue 1 w 11696
and 98 w 11700
checks 1 w 11706
the 230 w 11709
rage 2 w 11713
of 98 w 11715
lust 1 w 11719
when 23 w 11724
he 375 w 11726
says 3 w 11730
thus 8 w 11734
The 21 w 11738
life 4 w 11742
that 42 w 11746
is 101 w 11748
dishonorably 1 w 11760
spent 1 w 11765
Be 2 w 11768
it 96 w 11770
ne 42 w 11772
er 190 w 11775
so 59 w 11777
pleasant 1 w 11785
yields 1 w 11792
no 41 w 11794
true 5 w 11798
content 2 w 11805
For 15 w 11809
these 13 w 11814
lines 1 w 11819
are 28 w 11822
contrary 3 w 11830
to 100 w 11832
the 232 w 11835
former 3 w 11841
as 80 w 11844
they 15 w 11848
are 29 w 11851
also 6 w 11855
better 7 w 11861
and 99 w 11864
more 3 w 11868
profitable 1 w 11878
so 61 w 11881
that 43 w 11885
by 22 w 11887
comparing 2 w 11896
them 27 w 11900
considerately 1 w 11913
one 9 w 11916
cannot 1 w 11922
but 21 w 11925
either 2 w 11931
be 54 w 11933
inclined 1 w 11941
to 101 w 11943
the 236 w 11946
better 8 w 11952
side 6 w 11956
or 122 w 11959
at 113 w 11961
least 1 w 11966
flag 2 w 11970
in 213 w 11972
the 237 w 11975
belief 1 w 11981
of 100 w 11983
the 238 w 11986
worse 2 w 11991
But 11 w 11995
now 2 w 11998
supposing 1 w 12008
that 44 w 12012
any 16 w 12015
of 101 w 12017
the 239 w 12020
poets 9 w 12025
themselves 5 w 12035
afford 2 w 12041
no 44 w 12043
such 19 w 12047
correcting 1 w 12057
passages 4 w 12065
to 102 w 12067
solve 2 w 12072
what 6 w 12076
they 16 w 12080
have 6 w 12084
said 7 w 12088
amiss 1 w 12093
it 99 w 12096
will 6 w 12100
then 3 w 12104
be 57 w 12106
advisable 1 w 12115
to 103 w 12117
confront 1 w 12125
them 29 w 12129
with 28 w 12133
the 244 w 12136
contrary 4 w 12144
sayings 2 w 12151
of 102 w 12153
other 15 w 12158
famous 1 w 12164
men 29 w 12167
and 100 w 12171
therewith 1 w 12180
to 104 w 12182
sway 1 w 12186
the 247 w 12189
scales 1 w 12195
of 103 w 12197
our 8 w 12200
judgment 3 w 12208
to 105 w 12210
the 248 w 12213
better 9 w 12219
side 7 w 12223
As 7 w 12226
when 24 w 12231
Alexis 1 w 12237
tempts 1 w 12243
to 106 w 12245
debauchery 1 w 12255
in 217 w 12257
these 14 w 12262
verses 1 w 12268
The 22 w 12272
wise 3 w 12276
man 18 w 12279
knows 1 w 12284
what 7 w 12288
of 104 w 12290
all 18 w 12293
things 10 w 12299
is 107 w 12301
best 2 w 12305
Whilst 1 w 12312
choosing 1 w 12320
pleasure 5 w 12328
he 399 w 12330
slights 1 w 12337
all 19 w 12340
the 250 w 12343
rest 4 w 12347
He 9 w 12350
thinks 1 w 12356
life 5 w 12360
s 930 w 12362
joys 3 w 12366
complete 1 w 12374
in 221 w 12376
these 15 w 12381
three 1 w 12386
sorts 1 w 12391
To 2 w 12394
drink 1 w 12399
and 101 w 12402
eat 7 w 12405
and 102 w 12409
follow 1 w 12415
wanton 3 w 12421
sports 1 w 12427
And 20 w 12431
what 8 w 12435
besides 2 w 12442
seems 1 w 12447
to 108 w 12449
pretend 2 w 12456
to 109 w 12458
pleasure 6 w 12466
If 4 w 12469
it 102 w 12471
betide 1 w 12477
him 23 w 12480
counts 1 w 12487
it 103 w 12489
over 10 w 12493
measure 1 w 12500
we 55 w 12503
must 4 w 12507
remember 2 w 12515
that 45 w 12519
Socrates 1 w 12527
said 8 w 12531
the 252 w 12534
contrary 5 w 12542
to 110 w 12545
wit 35 w 12548
Bad 1 w 12552
men 31 w 12555
live 4 w 12559
that 46 w 12563
they 17 w 12567
may 11 w 12570
eat 8 w 12573
and 103 w 12576
drink 2 w 12581
whereas 1 w 12589
good 6 w 12593
men 32 w 12596
eat 9 w 12599
and 104 w 12602
drink 3 w 12607
that 47 w 12611
they 18 w 12615
may 12 w 12618
live 5 w 12622
And 21 w 12626
against 2 w 12633
the 255 w 12636
man 19 w 12639
that 48 w 12643
wrote 1 w 12648
in 226 w 12650
this 11 w 12654
manner 7 w 12660
He 10 w 12663
that 49 w 12667
designs 1 w 12674
to 111 w 12676
encounter 1 w 12685
with 30 w 12689
a 821 w 12690
knave 1 w 12695
An 25 w 12698
equal 1 w 12703
stock 1 w 12708
of 105 w 12710
knavery 1 w 12717
must 5 w 12721
have 7 w 12725
seeing 2 w 12732
he 407 w 12734
herein 4 w 12740
advises 1 w 12747
us 73 w 12749
to 113 w 12751
follow 2 w 12757
other 16 w 12762
vicious 3 w 12769
examples 3 w 12777
that 50 w 12782
of 106 w 12784
Diogenes 1 w 12792
may 13 w 12795
well 8 w 12799
be 63 w 12801
returned 1 w 12809
who 8 w 12813
being 4 w 12818
asked 1 w 12823
by 23 w 12825
what 9 w 12829
means 2 w 12834
a 833 w 12835
man 21 w 12838
might 2 w 12843
revenge 1 w 12850
himself 4 w 12857
upon 3 w 12861
his 26 w 12864
enemy 1 w 12869
answered 1 w 12878
By 2 w 12881
becoming 2 w 12889
himself 5 w 12896
a 836 w 12897
good 7 w 12901
and 105 w 12904
honest 1 w 12910
man 22 w 12913
And 22 w 12917
the 257 w 12920
same 5 w 12924
Diogenes 2 w 12932
may 14 w 12935
be 66 w 12937
quoted 1 w 12943
also 7 w 12947
against 3 w 12954
Sophocles 2 w 12963
who 9 w 12967
writing 1 w 12975
thus 9 w 12979
of 107 w 12981
the 258 w 12984
sacred 2 w 12990
mysteries 1 w 12999
caused 1 w 13006
great 1 w 13011
grief 1 w 13016
and 106 w 13019
despair 1 w 13026
to 114 w 13028
multitudes 1 w 13038
of 108 w 13040
men 33 w 13043
Most 1 w 13048
happy 1 w 13053
they 19 w 13057
whose 2 w 13062
eyes 2 w 13066
are 30 w 13069
blest 2 w 13074
to 115 w 13076
see 7 w 13079
The 23 w 13082
mysteries 2 w 13091
which 17 w 13096
here 38 w 13100
contained 1 w 13109
be 67 w 13111
Before 2 w 13118
they 20 w 13122
die 1 w 13125
For 16 w 13129
only 9 w 13133
they 21 w 13137
have 8 w 13141
joy 4 w 13144
In 3 w 13146
th 437 w 13148
other 17 w 13154
world 1 w 13159
the 263 w 13163
rest 5 w 13167
all 20 w 13170
ills 1 w 13174
annoy 1 w 13179
This 2 w 13184
passage 5 w 13191
being 5 w 13196
read 8 w 13200
to 116 w 13202
Diogenes 3 w 13210
What 2 w 13215
then 4 w 13219
says 4 w 13224
he 420 w 13226
shall 2 w 13232
the 265 w 13235
condition 1 w 13244
of 109 w 13246
Pataecion 1 w 13255
the 266 w 13259
notorious 1 w 13268
robber 1 w 13274
after 1 w 13280
death 1 w 13285
be 70 w 13287
better 10 w 13293
than 3 w 13297
that 51 w 13301
of 110 w 13303
Epaminondas 1 w 13314
merely 1 w 13321
for 40 w 13324
his 28 w 13327
being 6 w 13332
initiated 1 w 13341
in 238 w 13343
these 16 w 13348
mysteries 3 w 13357
In 4 w 13360
like 11 w 13364
manner 8 w 13370
when 25 w 13375
one 11 w 13378
Timotheus 2 w 13387
on 159 w 13389
the 269 w 13392
theatre 1 w 13399
in 239 w 13402
the 271 w 13405
praise 5 w 13411
of 111 w 13413
the 272 w 13416
Goddess 1 w 13423
Diana 1 w 13428
called 3 w 13435
her 72 w 13438
furious 1 w 13445
raging 1 w 13452
possessed 1 w 13462
mad 4 w 13466
Cinesias 1 w 13475
presently 1 w 13484
cried 1 w 13489
out 9 w 13492
to 118 w 13494
him 26 w 13497
aloud 1 w 13502
May 1 w 13506
thy 5 w 13509
daughter 1 w 13517
Timotheus 3 w 13527
be 73 w 13530
such 20 w 13534
a 882 w 13535
Goddess 2 w 13542
And 23 w 13546
witty 1 w 13551
also 8 w 13555
was 6 w 13558
that 52 w 13562
of 112 w 13564
Bion 1 w 13568
to 119 w 13570
Theognis 1 w 13578
who 11 w 13582
said 9 w 13586
One 2 w 13591
can 5 w 13594
not 26 w 13597
say 17 w 13600
nor 3 w 13603
do 33 w 13605
if 27 w 13608
poor 5 w 13612
he 433 w 13614
be 74 w 13616
His 2 w 13620
tongue 4 w 13626
is 116 w 13628
bound 1 w 13633
to 121 w 13635
th 455 w 13637
peace 1 w 13643
as 92 w 13646
well 9 w 13650
as 93 w 13652
he 434 w 13654
Theognis 2 w 13663
vss 1 w 13667
177 1 w 13671
178 1 w 13675
How 1 w 13679
comes 1 w 13684
it 111 w 13686
to 122 w 13688
pass 10 w 13692
then 5 w 13696
said 10 w 13701
he 437 w 13703
Theognis 3 w 13712
that 53 w 13717
thou 11 w 13721
thyself 2 w 13728
being 7 w 13733
so 66 w 13735
poor 6 w 13739
pratest 1 w 13746
and 107 w 13749
gratest 1 w 13756
our 9 w 13759
ears 1 w 13763
in 243 w 13765
this 12 w 13769
manner 9 w 13775