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CTS Library / How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems

How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems (13-14)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '13', 'human_reference': 'Section 13'}, 'end': {'reference': '14', 'human_reference': 'Section 14'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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There is yet another way of improving poems, taught us well by Chrysippus; which is, by accommodation of any saying, to transfer that which is useful and serviceable in it to divers things of the same kind. For whereas Hesiod saith,

If but a cow be lost, the common fame
Upon the next ill neighbor lays the blame;
the same may be applied to a mans dog or ass or any other beast of his which is liable to the like mischance. Again, Euripides saith,
How can that man be called a slave, who slights
Evn death itself, which servile spirits frights?
the like whereof may be said of hard labor or painful sickness. For as physicians, finding by experience the force of any medicine in the cure of some one disease, make use of it by accommodation, proportionably to every other disease of affinity thereto, so are we to deal with such speeches as are of a common import and apt to communicate their value to other things; we must not confine them to that one thing only to which they were at first adapted, but transfer them to all other of like nature, and accustom young men by many parallel instances to see the communicableness of them, and exercise the promptness of their wits in such applications. So that when Meander says,
Happy is he who wealth and wisdom hath,
they may be able to judge that the same is fitly applicable to glory and authority and eloquence also. And the reproof
which Ulysses gives Achilles, when he found him sitting in Scyrus in the apartment of the young ladies,
Thou, who from noblest Greeks derivst thy race,
Dost thou with spinning wool thy birth disgrace?
may be as well given to the prodigal, to him that undertakes any dishonest way of living, yea, to the slothful and unlearned person, thus:
Thou, who from noblest Greeks derivst thy race,
Dost thou with fuddling thy great birth disgrace ?
or dost thou spend thy time in dicing, or quail-striking,[*] or deal in adulterate wares or griping usury, not minding any thing that is great and worthy thy noble extraction? So when they read,
For Wealth, the God most serve, I little care,
Since the worst men his favors often wear,
they may be able to infer, therefore, as little regard is to be had to glory and bodily beauty and princely robes and priestly garlands, all which also we see to be the enjoyments of very bad men. Again, when they read this passage,
A coward father propagates his vice,
And gets a son heir to his cowardice,
they may in truth apply the same to intemperance, to superstition, to envy, and all other diseases of mens minds. Again, whereas it is handsomely said of Homer,
Unhappy Paris, fairest to behold !
Hector, of noble form,[*]
for herein he shows that a man who hath no greater excellency than that of beauty to commend him deserves to
have it mentioned with contempt and ignominy,—such expressions we should make use of in like cases to repress the insolence of such as bear themselves high upon the account of such things as are of no real value, and to teach young men to look upon such compellations as O thou richest of men, and O thou that excellest in feasting, in multitudes of attendants, in herds of cattle, yea, and in eloquent speaking itself, to be (as they are indeed) expressions that import reproach and infamy. For, in truth, a man that designs to excel ought to endeavor it in those things that are in themselves most excellent, and to become chief in the chiefest, and great in the greatest things. Whereas glory that ariseth from things in themselves small and inconsiderable is inglorious and contemptible. To mind us whereof we shall never be at a loss for instances, if, in reading Homer especially, we observe how he applieth the expressions that import praise or disgrace; wherein we have clear proof that he makes small account of the good things either of the body or Fortune. And first of all, in meetings and salutations, men do not call others fair or rich or strong, but use such terms of commendation as these:
Son of Laertes, from great Jove deriving
Thy pedigree, and skilled in wise contriving;
Hector, thou son of Priam, whose advice
With wisest Joves men count of equal price;
Achilles, son of Peleus, whom all story
Shall mention as the Grecians greatest glory;
Divine Patroclus, for thy worth thou art,
Of all the friends I have, lodged next my heart.
And moreover, when they speak disgracefully of any person, they touch not at bodily defects, but direct all their reproaches to vicious actions; as for instance:
A dogged-looking, drunken beast thou art,
And in thy bosom hast a deers faint heart;
Ajax, at brawling valiant still,
Whose tongue is used to speaking ill;
A tongue so loose hung, and so vain withal,
Idomeneus, becomes thee not at all;
Ajax, thy tongue doth oft offend;
For of thy boasting theres no end.
Lastly, when Ulysses reproacheth Thersites, he objecteth not to him his lameness nor his baldness nor his hunched back, but the vicious quality of indiscreet babbling. On the other side, when Juno means to express a dalliance or motherly fondness to her son Vulcan, she courts him with an epithet taken from his halting, thus,
Rouse thee, my limping son![*]
In this instance, Homer does (as it were) deride those who are ashamed of their lameness or blindness, as not thinking any thing a disgrace that is not in itself disgraceful, nor any person liable to a reproach for that which is not imputable to himself but to Fortune. These two great advantages may be made by those who frequently study poets;—the learning moderation, to keep them from unseasonable and foolish reproaching others with their misfortunes, when they themselves enjoy a constant current of prosperity; and magnanimity, that under variety of accidents they be not dejected nor disturbed, but meekly bear the being scoffed at, reproached, and drolled upon. Especially, let them have that saying of Philemon ready at hand in such cases:
That spirits well in tune, whose sweet repose
No railers tongue can ever discompose.
And yet, if one that so rails do himself deserve reprehension, thou mayst take occasion to retort upon him his own vices and inordinate passions; as when Adrastus in the tragedy is assaulted thus by Alcmaeon,
Thy sisters one that did her husband kill,
he returns him this answer,
But thou thyself thy mothers blood did spill.
For as they who scourge a mans garments do not touch the body, so those that turn other mens evil fortunes or mean births to matter of reproach do only with vanity and folly enough lash their external circumstances, but touch not their internal part, the soul, nor those things which truly need correction and reproof.

Moreover, as we have above taught you to abate and lessen the credit of evil and hurtful poems by setting in opposition to them the famous speeches and sentences of such worthy men as have managed public affairs, so will it be useful to us, where we find any things in them of civil and profitable import, to improve and strengthen them by testimonies and proofs taken from philosophers, withal giving these the credit of being the first inventors of them. For this is both just and profitable to be done, seeing by this means such sayings receive an additional strength and esteem, when it appears that what is spoken on the stage or sung to the harp or occurs in a scholars lesson is agreeable to the doctrines of Pythagoras and Plato, and that the sentences of Chilo and Bias tend to the same issue with those that are found in the authors which children read. Therefore must we industriously show them that these poetical sentences,

Not these, O daughter, are thy proper cares,
Thee milder arts befit, and softer wars;
Sweet smiles are thine, and kind endearing charms;
To Mars and Pallas leave the deeds of arms;
Joves angry with thee, when thy unmanaged rage
With those that overmatch thee doth engage;
differ not in substance but bear plainly the same sense with that philosophical sentence, Know thyself. And these,
Fools, who by wrong seek to augment their store,
And know not how much half than all is more;
Of counsel givn to mischievous intents,
The man that gives it most of all repents;
are of near kin to what we find in the determination of Plato, in his books entitled Gorgias and Concerning the Commonwealth, to wit, that it is worse to do than to suffer injury, and that a man more endamageth himself when he hurts another, than he would be damnified if he were the sufferer. And that of Aeschylus,
Cheer up, friend; sorrows, when they highest climb,
What they exceed in measure want in time,
we must inform them, is but the same famous sentence which is so much admired in Epicurus, that great griefs are but short, and those that are of long continuance are but small. The former clause whereof is that which Aeschylus here saith expressly, and the latter but the consequent of that. For if a great and intense sorrow do not last, then that which doth last is not great nor hard to be borne. And those words of Thespis,
Seest not how Jove,—because he cannot lie
Nor vaunt nor laugh at impious drollery,
And pleasures charms are things to him unknown,—
Among the Gods wears the imperial crown?
wherein differ they from what Plato says, that the divine nature is seated far from both joy and grief? And that saying of Bacchylides,
Virtue alone doth lasting honor gain,
But men of wretched souls oft wealth attain;
and those of Euripides much of the same import,
Hence temperance in my esteem excels,
Because it constantly with good men dwells;
How much soeer to honor thou aspire,
And strive by riches virtue to acquire,
Still shall thy lot to good men wretched seem;
do they not evidently confirm to us what the philosophers say of riches and other external good things, that without virtue they are fruitless and unprofitable enjoyments?

Now thus to accommodate and reconcile poetry to the doctrines of philosophy strips it of its fabulous and personated parts, and makes those things which it delivers usefully to acquire also the reputation of gravity; and over and above, it inclines the soul of a young man to receive the impressions of philosophical precepts. For he will hereby be enabled to come to them not altogether destitute of some sort of relish of them, not as to things that he has heard nothing of before, nor with an head confusedly full of the false notions which he hath sucked in from the daily tattle of his mother and nurse,—yea, sometimes too of his father and pedant,—who have been wont to speak of rich men as the happy men and mention them always with honor, and to express themselves concerning death and pain with horror, and to look on virtue without riches and glory as a thing of nought and not to be desired. Whence it comes to pass, that when such youths first do hear things of a quite contrary nature from philosophers, they are surprised with a kind of amazement, trouble, and stupid astonishment, which makes them afraid to entertain or endure them, except they be dealt with as those who come out of very great darkness into the light of the bright sun, that is, be first accustomed for a while to behold those doctrines in fabulous authors, as in a kind of false light, which hath but a moderate brightness and is easy to be looked on and borne without disturbance to the weak sight. For having before heard or read from poets such things as these are,—

Mourn at ones birth, as th inlet t all that grieves;
But joy at death, as that which man relieves;
Of worldly things a mortal needs but twain;
The spring supplies his drink, the earth his grain:
O tyranny, to barbarous nations dear!
This in all human happiness is chief,
To know as little as we can of grief;
they are the less disturbed and offended when they hear from philosophers that no man ought to be much concerned about death; that the riches of nature are defined and limited; that the happiness of mans life doth not consist in the abundance of wealth or vastness of employments or height of authority and power, but in freedom from sorrow, in moderation of passions, and in such a temper of mind as measures all things by the use of Nature.

Wherefore, upon all these accounts, as well as for all the reasons before mentioned, youth stands in need of good government to manage it in the reading of poetry, that being free from all prejudicate opinions, and rather instructed beforehand in conformity thereunto, it may with more calmness, friendliness, and familiarity pass from thence to the study of philosophy.

There 1 w 5
is 1 w 7
yet 1 w 10
another 1 w 17
way 1 w 20
of 1 w 22
improving 1 w 31
poems 1 w 36
taught 1 w 43
us 1 w 45
well 1 w 49
by 1 w 51
Chrysippus 1 w 61
which 1 w 67
is 2 w 69
by 2 w 72
accommodation 1 w 85
of 2 w 87
any 1 w 90
saying 1 w 96
to 1 w 99
transfer 1 w 107
that 1 w 111
which 2 w 116
is 3 w 118
useful 1 w 124
and 1 w 127
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in 3 w 140
it 1 w 142
to 2 w 144
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things 1 w 156
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For 1 w 173
whereas 1 w 180
Hesiod 1 w 186
saith 1 w 191
If 1 w 194
but 1 w 197
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the 3 w 211
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Upon 1 w 225
the 4 w 228
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Works 1 w 268
and 2 w 271
Days 1 w 275
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to 3 w 301
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or 4 w 312
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which 3 w 340
is 5 w 342
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mischance 1 w 366
Again 1 w 372
Euripides 1 w 382
saith 2 w 387
How 1 w 391
can 1 w 394
that 2 w 398
man 2 w 401
be 4 w 403
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Ev 1 w 428
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For 2 w 524
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of 13 w 947
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and 5 w 955
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promptness 1 w 976
of 14 w 978
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wits 1 w 987
in 17 w 989
such 2 w 993
applications 1 w 1005
So 1 w 1008
that 4 w 1012
when 1 w 1016
Meander 1 w 1023
says 1 w 1027
Happy 1 w 1033
is 10 w 1035
he 29 w 1037
who 2 w 1040
wealth 1 w 1046
and 7 w 1049
wisdom 1 w 1055
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fitly 1 w 1098
applicable 1 w 1108
to 16 w 1110
glory 1 w 1115
and 8 w 1118
authority 1 w 1127
and 9 w 1130
eloquence 1 w 1139
also 1 w 1143
And 1 w 1147
the 26 w 1150
reproof 1 w 1157
which 6 w 1162
Ulysses 1 w 1169
gives 1 w 1174
Achilles 1 w 1182
when 2 w 1187
he 34 w 1189
found 1 w 1194
him 1 w 1197
sitting 1 w 1204
in 19 w 1206
Scyrus 1 w 1212
in 20 w 1214
the 27 w 1217
apartment 1 w 1226
of 16 w 1228
the 28 w 1231
young 2 w 1236
ladies 1 w 1242
Thou 1 w 1247
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from 1 w 1255
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deriv 1 w 1273
st 8 w 1276
thy 1 w 1279
race 1 w 1283
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thou 1 w 1292
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spinning 1 w 1304
wool 1 w 1308
thy 2 w 1311
birth 1 w 1316
disgrace 1 w 1324
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him 2 w 1360
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way 2 w 1389
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to 19 w 1404
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slothful 1 w 1415
and 10 w 1418
unlearned 1 w 1427
person 1 w 1433
thus 1 w 1438
Thou 2 w 1443
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from 2 w 1451
noblest 2 w 1458
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deriv 2 w 1469
st 12 w 1472
thy 3 w 1475
race 3 w 1479
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thou 2 w 1488
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birth 2 w 1513
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in 25 w 1546
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or 15 w 1555
quail-striking 1 w 1569
The 2 w 1573
word 1 w 1577
here 5 w 1581
used 1 w 1585
ὀρτυγοκπεῖν 1 w 1597
denotes 1 w 1605
a 117 w 1606
game 1 w 1610
among 1 w 1615
the 31 w 1618
Grecians 1 w 1626
which 7 w 1632
Suidas 1 w 1638
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to 20 w 1649
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in 29 w 1671
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or 17 w 1686
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and 11 w 1694
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of 19 w 1714
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and 12 w 1722
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that 7 w 1728
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the 35 w 1733
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to 21 w 1762
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at 18 w 1770
the 36 w 1773
rest 1 w 1777
in 34 w 1779
order 1 w 1784
but 3 w 1788
he 49 w 1790
that 8 w 1794
missed 1 w 1800
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set 2 w 1815
up 1 w 1817
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for 2 w 1826
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and 13 w 1836
this 1 w 1840
they 3 w 1844
did 1 w 1847
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deal 2 w 1861
in 35 w 1863
adulterate 1 w 1873
wares 1 w 1878
or 21 w 1880
griping 1 w 1887
usury 1 w 1892
not 4 w 1896
minding 1 w 1903
any 6 w 1906
thing 4 w 1911
that 9 w 1915
is 18 w 1917
great 2 w 1922
and 14 w 1925
worthy 1 w 1931
thy 7 w 1934
noble 3 w 1939
extraction 1 w 1949
So 2 w 1952
when 3 w 1956
they 4 w 1960
read 1 w 1964
For 3 w 1968
Wealth 1 w 1974
the 40 w 1978
God 1 w 1981
most 1 w 1985
serve 1 w 1990
I 2 w 1992
little 1 w 1998
care 1 w 2002
Since 1 w 2008
the 41 w 2011
worst 1 w 2016
men 3 w 2019
his 3 w 2022
favors 1 w 2028
often 1 w 2033
wear 1 w 2037
From 1 w 2042
the 42 w 2045
Aeolus 1 w 2051
of 21 w 2053
Euripides 2 w 2062
Frag 1 w 2067
20 1 w 2070
they 5 w 2075
may 5 w 2078
be 11 w 2080
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to 23 w 2086
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therefore 1 w 2101
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and 15 w 2135
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and 16 w 2150
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and 17 w 2166
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all 4 w 2186
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also 2 w 2195
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to 26 w 2202
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of 22 w 2219
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Again 2 w 2235
when 4 w 2240
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A 6 w 2261
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his 5 w 2286
vice 2 w 2290
And 2 w 2294
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a 173 w 2299
son 2 w 2302
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to 27 w 2308
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may 6 w 2328
in 44 w 2330
truth 1 w 2335
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the 49 w 2343
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to 28 w 2349
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to 29 w 2364
superstition 1 w 2376
to 30 w 2379
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and 19 w 2387
all 5 w 2390
other 7 w 2395
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of 23 w 2405
men 6 w 2408
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minds 1 w 2415
Again 3 w 2421
whereas 2 w 2429
it 18 w 2431
is 25 w 2433
handsomely 1 w 2443
said 2 w 2447
of 24 w 2449
Homer 1 w 2454
Unhappy 1 w 2462
Paris 1 w 2467
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to 31 w 2477
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and 21 w 2487
Hector 1 w 2493
of 25 w 2496
noble 4 w 2501
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Il 1 w 2508
III 1 w 2512
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XVII 1 w 2520
142 1 w 2524
for 5 w 2528
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that 10 w 2545
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man 4 w 2549
who 5 w 2552
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no 9 w 2558
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excellency 1 w 2575
than 1 w 2579
that 11 w 2583
of 26 w 2585
beauty 2 w 2591
to 33 w 2593
commend 1 w 2600
him 3 w 2603
deserves 1 w 2611
to 34 w 2613
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with 4 w 2632
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and 22 w 2643
ignominy 1 w 2651
such 3 w 2657
expressions 1 w 2668
we 9 w 2670
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to 35 w 2698
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insolence 1 w 2717
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of 29 w 2759
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as 18 w 2771
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and 23 w 2791
to 36 w 2793
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to 37 w 2808
look 1 w 2812
upon 2 w 2816
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as 19 w 2835
O 1 w 2836
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of 31 w 2849
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and 24 w 2856
O 2 w 2857
thou 5 w 2861
that 12 w 2865
excellest 1 w 2874
in 53 w 2876
feasting 1 w 2884
in 55 w 2887
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of 32 w 2899
attendants 1 w 2909
in 56 w 2912
herds 1 w 2917
of 33 w 2919
cattle 1 w 2925
yea 2 w 2929
and 25 w 2933
in 57 w 2935
eloquent 1 w 2943
speaking 1 w 2951
itself 2 w 2957
to 38 w 2960
be 19 w 2962
as 21 w 2965
they 8 w 2969
are 6 w 2972
indeed 1 w 2978
expressions 2 w 2990
that 13 w 2994
import 2 w 3000
reproach 1 w 3008
and 26 w 3011
infamy 1 w 3017
For 4 w 3021
in 61 w 3024
truth 2 w 3029
a 228 w 3031
man 5 w 3034
that 14 w 3038
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to 39 w 3047
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to 40 w 3059
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in 62 w 3071
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that 15 w 3086
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and 27 w 3118
to 41 w 3120
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the 56 w 3136
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and 28 w 3148
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the 57 w 3158
greatest 1 w 3166
things 5 w 3172
Whereas 1 w 3180
glory 3 w 3185
that 16 w 3189
ariseth 1 w 3196
from 3 w 3200
things 6 w 3206
in 69 w 3208
themselves 3 w 3218
small 1 w 3223
and 29 w 3226
inconsiderable 1 w 3240
is 28 w 3242
inglorious 1 w 3252
and 30 w 3255
contemptible 1 w 3267
To 1 w 3270
mind 3 w 3274
us 14 w 3276
whereof 2 w 3283
we 10 w 3285
shall 1 w 3290
never 1 w 3295
be 21 w 3297
at 39 w 3299
a 247 w 3300
loss 1 w 3304
for 6 w 3307
instances 2 w 3316
if 1 w 3319
in 74 w 3322
reading 1 w 3329
Homer 2 w 3334
especially 1 w 3344
we 11 w 3347
observe 1 w 3354
how 2 w 3357
he 82 w 3359
applieth 1 w 3367
the 59 w 3370
expressions 3 w 3381
that 17 w 3385
import 3 w 3391
praise 1 w 3397
or 38 w 3399
disgrace 3 w 3407
wherein 1 w 3415
we 12 w 3417
have 2 w 3421
clear 1 w 3426
proof 2 w 3431
that 18 w 3435
he 85 w 3437
makes 1 w 3442
small 2 w 3447
account 2 w 3454
of 36 w 3456
the 60 w 3459
good 1 w 3463
things 7 w 3469
either 1 w 3475
of 37 w 3477
the 62 w 3480
body 1 w 3484
or 39 w 3486
Fortune 1 w 3493
And 3 w 3497
first 2 w 3502
of 38 w 3504
all 10 w 3507
in 78 w 3510
meetings 1 w 3518
and 31 w 3521
salutations 1 w 3532
men 11 w 3536
do 5 w 3538
not 5 w 3541
call 2 w 3545
others 2 w 3551
fair 2 w 3555
or 41 w 3557
rich 2 w 3561
or 42 w 3563
strong 1 w 3569
but 4 w 3573
use 5 w 3576
such 7 w 3580
terms 1 w 3585
of 39 w 3587
commendation 1 w 3599
as 23 w 3601
these 1 w 3606
Son 1 w 3610
of 40 w 3612
Laertes 1 w 3619
from 4 w 3624
great 6 w 3629
Jove 1 w 3633
deriving 1 w 3641
Thy 1 w 3644
pedigree 1 w 3652
and 32 w 3656
skilled 1 w 3663
in 81 w 3665
wise 1 w 3669
contriving 1 w 3679
Hector 2 w 3686
thou 6 w 3691
son 3 w 3694
of 41 w 3696
Priam 1 w 3701
whose 1 w 3707
advice 1 w 3713
With 1 w 3717
wisest 1 w 3723
Jove 2 w 3727
s 264 w 3729
men 13 w 3732
count 3 w 3737
of 42 w 3739
equal 1 w 3744
price 1 w 3749
Achilles 2 w 3758
son 4 w 3762
of 43 w 3764
Peleus 1 w 3770
whom 1 w 3775
all 12 w 3778
story 1 w 3783
Shall 1 w 3788
mention 2 w 3795
as 24 w 3797
the 65 w 3800
Grecians 2 w 3808
greatest 2 w 3817
glory 4 w 3822
Divine 1 w 3829
Patroclus 1 w 3838
for 7 w 3842
thy 8 w 3845
worth 2 w 3850
thou 7 w 3854
art 2 w 3857
Of 1 w 3860
all 14 w 3863
the 66 w 3866
friends 1 w 3873
I 9 w 3874
have 3 w 3878
lodged 1 w 3885
next 2 w 3889
my 2 w 3891
heart 1 w 3896
Il 2 w 3899
II 4 w 3902
173 1 w 3906
VII 2 w 3910
47 1 w 3913
XIX 1 w 3917
216 1 w 3921
XI 2 w 3924
608 1 w 3928
And 4 w 3932
moreover 1 w 3940
when 5 w 3945
they 9 w 3949
speak 2 w 3954
disgracefully 1 w 3967
of 44 w 3969
any 7 w 3972
person 2 w 3978
they 10 w 3983
touch 1 w 3988
not 6 w 3991
at 47 w 3993
bodily 2 w 3999
defects 1 w 4006
but 5 w 4010
direct 1 w 4016
all 15 w 4019
their 3 w 4024
reproaches 1 w 4034
to 45 w 4036
vicious 1 w 4043
actions 1 w 4050
as 25 w 4053
for 8 w 4056
instance 3 w 4064
A 12 w 4066
dogged-looking 1 w 4080
drunken 1 w 4088
beast 2 w 4093
thou 8 w 4097
art 4 w 4100
And 5 w 4104
in 86 w 4106
thy 9 w 4109
bosom 1 w 4114
hast 1 w 4118
a 297 w 4119
deer 1 w 4123
s 286 w 4125
faint 1 w 4130
heart 2 w 4135
Ajax 1 w 4140
at 48 w 4143
brawling 1 w 4151
valiant 1 w 4158
still 1 w 4163
Whose 1 w 4169
tongue 1 w 4175
is 34 w 4177
used 2 w 4181
to 47 w 4183
speaking 2 w 4191
ill 6 w 4194
A 15 w 4196
tongue 2 w 4202
so 13 w 4204
loose 1 w 4209
hung 1 w 4213
and 33 w 4217
so 14 w 4219
vain 1 w 4223
withal 1 w 4229
Idomeneus 1 w 4239
becomes 1 w 4247
thee 1 w 4251
not 7 w 4254
at 49 w 4256
all 16 w 4259
Ajax 2 w 4264
thy 10 w 4268
tongue 3 w 4274
doth 1 w 4278
oft 2 w 4281
offend 1 w 4287
For 6 w 4291
of 47 w 4293
thy 11 w 4296
boasting 1 w 4304
there 3 w 4309
s 298 w 4311
no 15 w 4313
end 8 w 4316
Il 3 w 4319
I 19 w 4321
225 1 w 4325
XXIII 1 w 4331
483 1 w 4335
and 34 w 4338
474-479 1 w 4345
XIII 2 w 4350
824 1 w 4354
Lastly 1 w 4361
when 6 w 4366
Ulysses 2 w 4373
reproacheth 1 w 4384
Thersites 1 w 4393
he 105 w 4396
objecteth 1 w 4405
not 8 w 4408
to 50 w 4410
him 4 w 4413
his 7 w 4416
lameness 1 w 4424
nor 1 w 4427
his 8 w 4430
baldness 1 w 4438
nor 2 w 4441
his 9 w 4444
hunched 1 w 4451
back 1 w 4455
but 6 w 4459
the 72 w 4462
vicious 2 w 4469
quality 1 w 4476
of 48 w 4478
indiscreet 1 w 4488
babbling 1 w 4496
On 1 w 4499
the 73 w 4502
other 9 w 4507
side 2 w 4511
when 7 w 4516
Juno 1 w 4520
means 1 w 4525
to 51 w 4527
express 4 w 4534
a 322 w 4535
dalliance 1 w 4544
or 53 w 4546
motherly 1 w 4554
fondness 1 w 4562
to 52 w 4564
her 27 w 4567
son 6 w 4570
Vulcan 1 w 4576
she 1 w 4580
courts 1 w 4586
him 5 w 4589
with 6 w 4593
an 64 w 4595
epithet 1 w 4602
taken 1 w 4607
from 5 w 4611
his 10 w 4614
halting 1 w 4621
thus 2 w 4626
Rouse 1 w 4632
thee 2 w 4636
my 3 w 4639
limping 1 w 4646
son 7 w 4649
Il 4 w 4652
XXI 2 w 4656
331 1 w 4660
In 1 w 4663
this 3 w 4667
instance 4 w 4675
Homer 3 w 4681
does 1 w 4685
as 30 w 4688
it 31 w 4690
were 2 w 4694
deride 1 w 4701
those 2 w 4706
who 8 w 4709
are 8 w 4712
ashamed 1 w 4719
of 49 w 4721
their 4 w 4726
lameness 2 w 4734
or 54 w 4736
blindness 1 w 4745
as 32 w 4748
not 9 w 4751
thinking 1 w 4759
any 8 w 4762
thing 10 w 4767
a 337 w 4768
disgrace 5 w 4776
that 19 w 4780
is 42 w 4782
not 10 w 4785
in 101 w 4787
itself 3 w 4793
disgraceful 2 w 4804
nor 3 w 4808
any 9 w 4811
person 3 w 4817
liable 2 w 4823
to 53 w 4825
a 343 w 4826
reproach 4 w 4834
for 9 w 4837
that 20 w 4841
which 9 w 4846
is 44 w 4848
not 11 w 4851
imputable 1 w 4860
to 54 w 4862
himself 1 w 4869
but 7 w 4872
to 55 w 4874
Fortune 2 w 4881
These 1 w 4887
two 1 w 4890
great 8 w 4895
advantages 1 w 4905
may 7 w 4908
be 24 w 4910
made 1 w 4914
by 7 w 4916
those 3 w 4921
who 9 w 4924
frequently 1 w 4934
study 1 w 4939
poets 1 w 4944
the 79 w 4949
learning 1 w 4957
moderation 1 w 4967
to 56 w 4970
keep 1 w 4974
them 8 w 4978
from 6 w 4982
unseasonable 1 w 4994
and 35 w 4997
foolish 1 w 5004
reproaching 1 w 5015
others 3 w 5021
with 7 w 5025
their 5 w 5030
misfortunes 1 w 5041
when 8 w 5046
they 11 w 5050
themselves 4 w 5060
enjoy 2 w 5065
a 359 w 5066
constant 1 w 5074
current 1 w 5081
of 50 w 5083
prosperity 1 w 5093
and 36 w 5097
magnanimity 1 w 5108
that 21 w 5113
under 2 w 5118
variety 1 w 5125
of 51 w 5127
accidents 1 w 5136
they 12 w 5140
be 25 w 5142
not 12 w 5145
dejected 1 w 5153
nor 4 w 5156
disturbed 1 w 5165
but 8 w 5169
meekly 1 w 5175
bear 2 w 5179
the 86 w 5182
being 1 w 5187
scoffed 1 w 5194
at 55 w 5196
reproached 1 w 5207
and 37 w 5211
drolled 1 w 5218
upon 3 w 5222
Especially 1 w 5233
let 1 w 5237
them 10 w 5241
have 4 w 5245
that 22 w 5249
saying 2 w 5255
of 53 w 5257
Philemon 1 w 5265
ready 1 w 5270
at 57 w 5272
hand 2 w 5276
in 106 w 5278
such 8 w 5282
cases 2 w 5287
That 1 w 5292
spirit 2 w 5298
s 369 w 5300
well 3 w 5304
in 107 w 5306
tune 4 w 5310
whose 2 w 5316
sweet 1 w 5321
repose 1 w 5327
No 1 w 5329
railer 1 w 5335
s 373 w 5337
tongue 4 w 5343
can 3 w 5346
ever 3 w 5350
discompose 1 w 5360
And 6 w 5364
yet 2 w 5367
if 2 w 5370
one 6 w 5373
that 23 w 5377
so 19 w 5379
rails 1 w 5384
do 10 w 5386
himself 2 w 5393
deserve 2 w 5400
reprehension 1 w 5412
thou 9 w 5417
mayst 1 w 5422
take 3 w 5426
occasion 1 w 5434
to 58 w 5436
retort 1 w 5442
upon 4 w 5446
him 8 w 5449
his 12 w 5452
own 2 w 5455
vices 1 w 5460
and 39 w 5463
inordinate 1 w 5473
passions 1 w 5481
as 37 w 5484
when 9 w 5488
Adrastus 1 w 5496
in 110 w 5498
the 88 w 5501
tragedy 1 w 5508
is 50 w 5510
assaulted 1 w 5519
thus 3 w 5523
by 8 w 5525
Alcmaeon 1 w 5533
Thy 2 w 5537
sister 1 w 5543
s 397 w 5545
one 7 w 5548
that 24 w 5552
did 2 w 5555
her 29 w 5558
husband 1 w 5565
kill 2 w 5569
he 133 w 5572
returns 1 w 5579
him 9 w 5582
this 4 w 5586
answer 1 w 5592
But 1 w 5596
thou 10 w 5600
thyself 1 w 5607
thy 13 w 5610
mother 2 w 5616
s 403 w 5618
blood 1 w 5623
did 3 w 5626
spill 1 w 5631
For 8 w 5635
as 40 w 5637
they 13 w 5641
who 11 w 5644
scourge 1 w 5651
a 400 w 5652
man 6 w 5655
s 407 w 5657
garments 1 w 5665
do 11 w 5667
not 13 w 5670
touch 2 w 5675
the 91 w 5678
body 2 w 5682
so 20 w 5685
those 4 w 5690
that 25 w 5694
turn 3 w 5698
other 13 w 5703
men 19 w 5706
s 411 w 5708
evil 1 w 5712
fortunes 2 w 5720
or 64 w 5722
mean 2 w 5726
births 1 w 5732
to 61 w 5734
matter 1 w 5740
of 54 w 5742
reproach 7 w 5750
do 12 w 5752
only 2 w 5756
with 8 w 5760
vanity 1 w 5766
and 41 w 5769
folly 1 w 5774
enough 1 w 5780
lash 1 w 5784
their 6 w 5789
external 1 w 5797
circumstances 1 w 5810
but 9 w 5814
touch 3 w 5819
not 14 w 5822
their 7 w 5827
internal 1 w 5835
part 2 w 5839
the 95 w 5843
soul 1 w 5847
nor 6 w 5851
those 5 w 5856
things 8 w 5862
which 10 w 5867
truly 1 w 5872
need 1 w 5876
correction 1 w 5886
and 42 w 5889
reproof 2 w 5896
Moreover 1 w 5905
as 42 w 5908
we 17 w 5910
have 5 w 5914
above 1 w 5919
taught 2 w 5925
you 4 w 5928
to 63 w 5930
abate 1 w 5935
and 43 w 5938
lessen 1 w 5944
the 96 w 5947
credit 1 w 5953
of 56 w 5955
evil 2 w 5959
and 44 w 5962
hurtful 1 w 5969
poems 2 w 5974
by 9 w 5976
setting 2 w 5983
in 114 w 5985
opposition 1 w 5995
to 64 w 5997
them 11 w 6001
the 98 w 6004
famous 1 w 6010
speeches 2 w 6018
and 45 w 6021
sentences 1 w 6030
of 57 w 6032
such 9 w 6036
worthy 2 w 6042
men 20 w 6045
as 43 w 6047
have 6 w 6051
managed 1 w 6058
public 1 w 6064
affairs 1 w 6071
so 22 w 6074
will 1 w 6078
it 41 w 6080
be 29 w 6082
useful 2 w 6088
to 65 w 6090
us 29 w 6092
where 6 w 6098
we 18 w 6100
find 2 w 6104
any 10 w 6107
things 9 w 6113
in 117 w 6115
them 12 w 6119
of 58 w 6121
civil 1 w 6126
and 46 w 6129
profitable 1 w 6139
import 4 w 6145
to 66 w 6148
improve 1 w 6155
and 47 w 6158
strengthen 1 w 6168
them 13 w 6172
by 10 w 6174
testimonies 1 w 6185
and 48 w 6188
proofs 1 w 6194
taken 2 w 6199
from 7 w 6203
philosophers 1 w 6215
withal 2 w 6222
giving 1 w 6228
these 2 w 6233
the 103 w 6236
credit 2 w 6242
of 61 w 6244
being 2 w 6249
the 104 w 6252
first 3 w 6257
inventors 1 w 6266
of 62 w 6268
them 14 w 6272
For 9 w 6276
this 5 w 6280
is 54 w 6282
both 1 w 6286
just 1 w 6290
and 49 w 6293
profitable 2 w 6303
to 68 w 6305
be 31 w 6307
done 1 w 6311
seeing 1 w 6318
by 11 w 6320
this 6 w 6324
means 2 w 6329
such 10 w 6333
sayings 1 w 6340
receive 1 w 6347
an 95 w 6349
additional 1 w 6359
strength 2 w 6367
and 50 w 6370
esteem 1 w 6376
when 10 w 6381
it 47 w 6383
appears 1 w 6390
that 26 w 6394
what 1 w 6398
is 56 w 6400
spoken 1 w 6406
on 65 w 6408
the 106 w 6411
stage 1 w 6416
or 72 w 6418
sung 1 w 6422
to 69 w 6424
the 107 w 6427
harp 1 w 6431
or 73 w 6433
occurs 1 w 6439
in 123 w 6441
a 452 w 6442
scholar 1 w 6449
s 465 w 6451
lesson 1 w 6457
is 57 w 6459
agreeable 1 w 6468
to 70 w 6470
the 108 w 6473
doctrines 1 w 6482
of 64 w 6484
Pythagoras 1 w 6494
and 51 w 6497
Plato 1 w 6502
and 52 w 6506
that 27 w 6510
the 109 w 6513
sentences 2 w 6522
of 65 w 6524
Chilo 1 w 6529
and 53 w 6532
Bias 1 w 6536
tend 2 w 6540
to 72 w 6542
the 110 w 6545
same 5 w 6549
issue 1 w 6554
with 10 w 6558
those 6 w 6563
that 28 w 6567
are 9 w 6570
found 2 w 6575
in 125 w 6577
the 111 w 6580
authors 1 w 6587
which 11 w 6592
children 1 w 6600
read 5 w 6604
Therefore 1 w 6614
must 2 w 6618
we 19 w 6620
industriously 1 w 6633
show 2 w 6637
them 15 w 6641
that 29 w 6645
these 3 w 6650
poetical 1 w 6658
sentences 3 w 6667
Not 1 w 6671
these 4 w 6676
O 5 w 6678
daughter 1 w 6686
are 10 w 6690
thy 15 w 6693
proper 1 w 6699
cares 1 w 6704
Thee 1 w 6709
milder 1 w 6715
arts 1 w 6719
befit 1 w 6724
and 54 w 6728
softer 1 w 6734
wars 1 w 6738
Sweet 1 w 6744
smiles 1 w 6750
are 12 w 6753
thine 1 w 6758
and 55 w 6762
kind 2 w 6766
endearing 1 w 6775
charms 1 w 6781
To 2 w 6784
Mars 1 w 6788
and 56 w 6791
Pallas 1 w 6797
leave 1 w 6802
the 115 w 6805
deeds 1 w 6810
of 67 w 6812
arms 2 w 6816
Jove 3 w 6821
s 498 w 6823
angry 1 w 6828
with 11 w 6832
thee 3 w 6836
when 11 w 6841
thy 16 w 6844
unmanaged 1 w 6853
rage 2 w 6857
With 2 w 6861
those 7 w 6866
that 30 w 6870
overmatch 1 w 6879
thee 4 w 6883
doth 2 w 6887
engage 1 w 6893
Il 5 w 6896
V 4 w 6898
428 1 w 6902
XI 6 w 6905
513 1 w 6909
differ 1 w 6916
not 15 w 6919
in 130 w 6921
substance 1 w 6930
but 10 w 6933
bear 3 w 6937
plainly 1 w 6944
the 118 w 6947
same 6 w 6951
sense 1 w 6956
with 12 w 6960
that 31 w 6964
philosophical 1 w 6977
sentence 4 w 6985
Know 1 w 6990
thyself 2 w 6997
And 7 w 7001
these 5 w 7006
Fools 1 w 7012
who 12 w 7016
by 12 w 7018
wrong 1 w 7023
seek 1 w 7027
to 73 w 7029
augment 1 w 7036
their 8 w 7041
store 1 w 7046
And 8 w 7050
know 1 w 7054
not 16 w 7057
how 4 w 7060
much 1 w 7064
half 1 w 7068
than 2 w 7072
all 20 w 7075
is 59 w 7077
more 2 w 7081
Of 2 w 7084
counsel 1 w 7091
giv 4 w 7094
n 474 w 7096
to 75 w 7098
mischievous 1 w 7109
intents 1 w 7116
The 7 w 7120
man 9 w 7123
that 32 w 7127
gives 2 w 7132
it 53 w 7134
most 3 w 7138
of 68 w 7140
all 21 w 7143
repents 1 w 7150
Hesiod 3 w 7157
Works 2 w 7163
and 57 w 7166
Days 2 w 7170
40 1 w 7173
and 58 w 7176
266 1 w 7179
are 13 w 7183
of 69 w 7185
near 1 w 7189
kin 9 w 7192
to 76 w 7194
what 2 w 7198
we 21 w 7200
find 3 w 7204
in 135 w 7206
the 121 w 7209
determination 1 w 7222
of 70 w 7224
Plato 2 w 7229
in 137 w 7232
his 16 w 7235
books 1 w 7240
entitled 1 w 7248
Gorgias 1 w 7255
and 59 w 7258
Concerning 1 w 7268
the 122 w 7271
Commonwealth 1 w 7283
to 78 w 7286
wit 14 w 7289
that 33 w 7294
it 56 w 7296
is 62 w 7298
worse 1 w 7303
to 79 w 7305
do 16 w 7307
than 3 w 7311
to 80 w 7313
suffer 1 w 7319
injury 1 w 7325
and 60 w 7329
that 34 w 7333
a 522 w 7334
man 10 w 7337
more 3 w 7341
endamageth 1 w 7351
himself 3 w 7358
when 12 w 7362
he 177 w 7364
hurts 1 w 7369
another 2 w 7376
than 4 w 7381
he 179 w 7383
would 1 w 7388
be 34 w 7390
damnified 1 w 7399
if 5 w 7401
he 180 w 7403
were 3 w 7407
the 124 w 7410
sufferer 1 w 7418
And 9 w 7422
that 35 w 7426
of 71 w 7428
Aeschylus 1 w 7437
Cheer 1 w 7443
up 7 w 7445
friend 2 w 7452
sorrows 1 w 7460
when 13 w 7465
they 14 w 7469
highest 1 w 7476
climb 1 w 7481
What 1 w 7486
they 15 w 7490
exceed 1 w 7496
in 140 w 7498
measure 1 w 7505
want 1 w 7509
in 141 w 7511
time 2 w 7515
we 24 w 7518
must 3 w 7522
inform 1 w 7528
them 16 w 7532
is 63 w 7535
but 11 w 7538
the 128 w 7541
same 7 w 7545
famous 2 w 7551
sentence 5 w 7559
which 12 w 7564
is 64 w 7566
so 28 w 7568
much 2 w 7572
admired 1 w 7579
in 143 w 7581
Epicurus 1 w 7589
that 36 w 7594
great 9 w 7599
griefs 1 w 7605
are 14 w 7608
but 12 w 7611
short 1 w 7616
and 61 w 7620
those 8 w 7625
that 37 w 7629
are 15 w 7632
of 72 w 7634
long 1 w 7638
continuance 1 w 7649
are 16 w 7652
but 13 w 7655
small 3 w 7660
The 8 w 7664
former 1 w 7670
clause 1 w 7676
whereof 3 w 7683
is 65 w 7685
that 38 w 7689
which 13 w 7694
Aeschylus 2 w 7703
here 16 w 7707
saith 3 w 7712
expressly 1 w 7721
and 62 w 7725
the 129 w 7728
latter 1 w 7734
but 14 w 7737
the 130 w 7740
consequent 1 w 7750
of 74 w 7752
that 39 w 7756
For 10 w 7760
if 6 w 7762
a 551 w 7763
great 10 w 7768
and 63 w 7771
intense 1 w 7778
sorrow 2 w 7784
do 17 w 7786
not 18 w 7789
last 1 w 7793
then 2 w 7798
that 40 w 7802
which 14 w 7807
doth 3 w 7811
last 2 w 7815
is 66 w 7817
not 19 w 7820
great 11 w 7825
nor 7 w 7828
hard 2 w 7832
to 81 w 7834
be 35 w 7836
borne 1 w 7841
And 10 w 7845
those 9 w 7850
words 1 w 7855
of 75 w 7857
Thespis 1 w 7864
Seest 1 w 7870
not 20 w 7873
how 5 w 7876
Jove 4 w 7880
because 1 w 7889
he 196 w 7891
cannot 1 w 7897
lie 3 w 7900
Nor 1 w 7903
vaunt 1 w 7908
nor 8 w 7911
laugh 1 w 7916
at 91 w 7918
impious 1 w 7925
drollery 1 w 7933
And 11 w 7937
pleasure 1 w 7945
s 571 w 7947
charms 2 w 7953
are 17 w 7956
things 10 w 7962
to 82 w 7964
him 11 w 7967
unknown 1 w 7974
Among 1 w 7981
the 132 w 7984
Gods 1 w 7988
wears 1 w 7993
the 133 w 7996
imperial 1 w 8004
crown 1 w 8009
wherein 2 w 8017
differ 2 w 8023
they 16 w 8027
from 8 w 8031
what 3 w 8035
Plato 3 w 8040
says 2 w 8044
that 41 w 8049
the 135 w 8052
divine 1 w 8058
nature 2 w 8064
is 68 w 8066
seated 1 w 8072
far 1 w 8075
from 9 w 8079
both 2 w 8083
joy 3 w 8086
and 64 w 8089
grief 2 w 8094
And 12 w 8098
that 42 w 8102
saying 4 w 8108
of 76 w 8110
Bacchylides 1 w 8121
Virtue 1 w 8128
alone 1 w 8133
doth 4 w 8137
lasting 1 w 8144
honor 1 w 8149
gain 4 w 8153
But 2 w 8157
men 22 w 8160
of 77 w 8162
wretched 1 w 8170
souls 1 w 8175
oft 4 w 8178
wealth 3 w 8184
attain 1 w 8190
and 65 w 8194
those 10 w 8199
of 79 w 8201
Euripides 3 w 8210
much 3 w 8214
of 80 w 8216
the 136 w 8219
same 8 w 8223
import 5 w 8229
Hence 1 w 8235
temperance 2 w 8245
in 153 w 8247
my 4 w 8249
esteem 2 w 8255
excels 1 w 8261
Because 1 w 8269
it 58 w 8271
constantly 1 w 8281
with 13 w 8285
good 2 w 8289
men 23 w 8292
dwells 1 w 8298
How 2 w 8302
much 4 w 8306
soe 1 w 8309
er 109 w 8312
to 84 w 8314
honor 2 w 8319
thou 11 w 8323
aspire 1 w 8329
And 13 w 8333
strive 1 w 8339
by 13 w 8341
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Now 1 w 8549
thus 4 w 8553
to 88 w 8555
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parts 1 w 8649
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of 92 w 8974
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false 1 w 8982
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hath 3 w 9000
sucked 1 w 9006
in 161 w 9008
from 10 w 9012
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daily 1 w 9020
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his 17 w 9031
mother 3 w 9037
and 73 w 9040
nurse 1 w 9045
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sometimes 1 w 9060
too 1 w 9063
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father 2 w 9074
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been 1 w 9096
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rich 5 w 9113
men 26 w 9116
as 56 w 9118
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men 27 w 9129
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to 98 w 9164
express 6 w 9171
themselves 5 w 9181
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pain 2 w 9203
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to 99 w 9219
look 3 w 9223
on 90 w 9225
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without 2 w 9238
riches 4 w 9244
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nought 1 w 9268
and 80 w 9271
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desired 1 w 9285
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when 14 w 9314
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first 4 w 9329
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quite 1 w 9349
contrary 1 w 9357
nature 3 w 9363
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philosophers 3 w 9379
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are 19 w 9387
surprised 1 w 9396
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amazement 1 w 9416
trouble 1 w 9424
and 81 w 9428
stupid 1 w 9434
astonishment 1 w 9446
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afraid 1 w 9467
to 103 w 9469
entertain 1 w 9478
or 105 w 9480
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them 22 w 9490
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dealt 1 w 9508
with 20 w 9512
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those 12 w 9519
who 14 w 9522
come 5 w 9526
out 4 w 9529
of 99 w 9531
very 3 w 9535
great 12 w 9540
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into 1 w 9552
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light 2 w 9560
of 100 w 9562
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bright 1 w 9571
sun 2 w 9574
that 46 w 9579
is 74 w 9581
be 42 w 9584
first 5 w 9589
accustomed 1 w 9599
for 16 w 9602
a 676 w 9603
while 1 w 9608
to 106 w 9610
behold 2 w 9616
those 13 w 9621
doctrines 3 w 9630
in 170 w 9632
fabulous 2 w 9640
authors 2 w 9647
as 61 w 9650
in 171 w 9652
a 680 w 9653
kind 4 w 9657
of 101 w 9659
false 2 w 9664
light 3 w 9669
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hath 4 w 9679
but 15 w 9682
a 683 w 9683
moderate 1 w 9691
brightness 1 w 9701
and 82 w 9704
is 75 w 9706
easy 1 w 9710
to 107 w 9712
be 44 w 9714
looked 1 w 9720
on 93 w 9722
and 83 w 9725
borne 2 w 9730
without 3 w 9737
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to 108 w 9750
the 161 w 9753
weak 1 w 9757
sight 1 w 9762
For 12 w 9766
having 1 w 9772
before 2 w 9778
heard 2 w 9783
or 111 w 9785
read 6 w 9789
from 12 w 9793
poets 2 w 9798
such 12 w 9802
things 15 w 9808
as 63 w 9810
these 6 w 9815
are 20 w 9818
Mourn 1 w 9825
at 115 w 9827
one 10 w 9830
s 696 w 9832
birth 4 w 9837
as 64 w 9840
th 348 w 9842
inlet 1 w 9848
t 919 w 9849
all 24 w 9853
that 47 w 9857
grieves 1 w 9864
But 3 w 9868
joy 5 w 9871
at 117 w 9873
death 3 w 9878
as 65 w 9881
that 48 w 9885
which 19 w 9890
man 12 w 9893
relieves 1 w 9901
Of 3 w 9904
worldly 1 w 9911
things 16 w 9917
a 704 w 9918
mortal 1 w 9924
needs 1 w 9929
but 16 w 9932
twain 1 w 9937
The 10 w 9941
spring 1 w 9947
supplies 1 w 9955
his 19 w 9958
drink 1 w 9963
the 163 w 9967
earth 1 w 9972
his 20 w 9975
grain 1 w 9980
O 8 w 9982
tyranny 1 w 9989
to 109 w 9992
barbarous 1 w 10001
nations 1 w 10008
dear 2 w 10012
This 1 w 10017
in 181 w 10019
all 25 w 10022
human 1 w 10027
happiness 1 w 10036
is 80 w 10038
chief 3 w 10043
To 3 w 10046
know 3 w 10050
as 66 w 10052
little 3 w 10058
as 67 w 10060
we 29 w 10062
can 5 w 10065
of 102 w 10067
grief 3 w 10072
The 11 w 10076
first 6 w 10081
two 2 w 10084
quotations 1 w 10094
are 21 w 10097
from 13 w 10101
Euripides 4 w 10110
the 164 w 10114
first 7 w 10119
from 14 w 10123
his 22 w 10126
Cresphontes 1 w 10137
the 165 w 10142
other 17 w 10147
two 3 w 10150
are 22 w 10153
from 15 w 10157
unknown 2 w 10164
tragic 1 w 10170
poets 3 w 10175
G 8 w 10178
they 21 w 10184
are 23 w 10187
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less 4 w 10194
disturbed 2 w 10203
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offended 1 w 10214
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from 16 w 10230
philosophers 4 w 10242
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no 56 w 10248
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ought 3 w 10256
to 110 w 10258
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much 5 w 10264
concerned 1 w 10273
about 1 w 10278
death 4 w 10283
that 50 w 10288
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riches 5 w 10297
of 104 w 10299
nature 4 w 10305
are 24 w 10308
defined 1 w 10315
and 85 w 10318
limited 1 w 10325
that 51 w 10330
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happiness 2 w 10342
of 105 w 10344
man 15 w 10347
s 732 w 10349
life 1 w 10353
doth 5 w 10357
not 28 w 10360
consist 1 w 10367
in 185 w 10369
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wealth 4 w 10389
or 114 w 10391
vastness 1 w 10399
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employments 1 w 10412
or 115 w 10414
height 1 w 10420
of 108 w 10422
authority 2 w 10431
and 86 w 10434
power 1 w 10439
but 17 w 10443
in 186 w 10445
freedom 1 w 10452
from 17 w 10456
sorrow 3 w 10462
in 187 w 10465
moderation 2 w 10475
of 109 w 10477
passions 2 w 10485
and 87 w 10489
in 188 w 10491
such 13 w 10495
a 747 w 10496
temper 3 w 10502
of 110 w 10504
mind 4 w 10508
as 70 w 10510
measures 1 w 10518
all 26 w 10521
things 17 w 10527
by 15 w 10529
the 173 w 10532
use 14 w 10535
of 111 w 10537
Nature 1 w 10543
Wherefore 1 w 10553
upon 5 w 10558
all 27 w 10561
these 7 w 10566
accounts 1 w 10574
as 72 w 10577
well 5 w 10581
as 73 w 10583
for 19 w 10586
all 28 w 10589
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reasons 1 w 10599
before 3 w 10605
mentioned 2 w 10614
youth 2 w 10620
stands 1 w 10626
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need 3 w 10632
of 112 w 10634
good 5 w 10638
government 1 w 10648
to 111 w 10650
manage 3 w 10656
it 81 w 10658
in 192 w 10660
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reading 2 w 10670
of 113 w 10672
poetry 2 w 10678
that 52 w 10683
being 3 w 10688
free 2 w 10692
from 18 w 10696
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prejudicate 1 w 10710
opinions 1 w 10718
and 89 w 10722
rather 1 w 10728
instructed 1 w 10738
beforehand 1 w 10748
in 197 w 10750
conformity 1 w 10760
thereunto 1 w 10769
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may 9 w 10775
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more 4 w 10783
calmness 1 w 10791
friendliness 1 w 10804
and 91 w 10808
familiarity 1 w 10819
pass 6 w 10823
from 19 w 10827
thence 1 w 10833
to 113 w 10835
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study 2 w 10843
of 114 w 10845
philosophy 2 w 10855