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CTS Library / How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems

How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems (11-12)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '11', 'human_reference': 'Section 11'}, 'end': {'reference': '12', 'human_reference': 'Section 12'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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But as, in the same plant, the bee feeds on the flower, the goat on the bud, the hog on the root, and other living creatures on the seed and the fruit; so in reading of poems, one man singleth out the historical part, another dwells upon the elegancy and fit disposal of words, as Aristophanes says of Euripides,—

His gallant language runs so smooth and round,
That I am ravisht with th harmonious sound;
but others, to whom this part of my discourse is directed, mind only such things as are useful to the bettering of manners. And such we are to put in mind that it is an absurd thing, that those who delight in fables should not let any thing slip them of the vain and extravagant stories they find in poets, and that those who affect language should pass by nothing that is elegantly and floridly expressed; and that only the lovers of honor and virtue, who apply themselves to the study of poems not for delight but for instructions sake, should slightly and negligently observe what is spoken in them relating to valor, temperance, or justice. Of this nature is the following:—
And stand we deedless, O eternal shame!
Till Hectors arm involve the ships in flame?
Haste, let us join, and combat side by side.
For to see a man of the greatest wisdom in danger of being totally cut off with all those that take part with him, and yet affected less with fear of death than of shame and dishonor, must needs excite in a young man a passionate affection for virtue. And this,
Joyed was the Goddess, for she much did prize
A man that was alike both just and wise,
teacheth us to infer that the Deity delights not in a rich or a proper or a strong man, but in one that is furnished with wisdom and justice. Again, when the same Goddess (Minerva) saith that the reason why she did not desert or neglect Ulysses was that he was
Gentle, of ready wit, of prudent mind,
she therein tells us that, of all things pertaining to us, nothing is dear to the Gods and divine but our virtue, seeing like naturally delights in like.

And seeing, moreover, that it both seemeth and really is a great thing to be able to moderate a mans anger, but a greater by far to guard a mans self beforehand by prudence, that he fall not into it nor be surprised by it, therefore also such passages as tend that way are not slightly to be represented to the readers; for example, that Achilles himselfwho was a man of no great forbearance, nor inclined to such meeknessyet warns Priam to be calm and not to provoke him, thus,

Move me no more (Achilles thus replies,
While kindling anger sparkled in his eyes),
Nor seek by tears my steady soul to bend:
To yield thy Hector I myself intend:
Cease; lest, neglectful of high Joves command,
I show thee, king, thou treadst on hostile land;
and that he himself first washeth and decently covereth the body of Hector and then puts it into a chariot, to prevent his fathers seeing it so unworthily mangled as it was,—
Lest the unhappy sire,
Provoked to passion, once more rouse to ire
The stern Pelides; and nor sacred age,
Nor Joves command, should check the rising rage.
For it is a piece of admirable prudence for a man so prone to anger, as being by nature hasty and furious, to understand himself so well as to set a guard upon his own inclinations, and by avoiding provocations to keep his passion at due distance by the use of reason, lest he should be unawares surprised by it. And after the same manner must the man that is apt to be drunken forearm himself against that vice; and he that is given to wantonness, against lust, as Agesilaus refused to receive a kiss from a beautiful person addressing to him, and Cyrus would not so much as endure to see Panthea. Whereas, on the contrary, those that are not virtuously bred are wont to gather fuel to inflame their passions, and voluntarily to abandon themselves to those temptations to which of themselves they are endangered. But Ulysses does not only restrain his own anger, but (perceiving by the discourse of his son Telemachus, that through indignation conceived against such evil men he was greatly provoked) he blunts his passion too beforehand, and composeth him to calmness and patience, thus:—
There, if base scorn insult my reverend age,
Bear it, my son! repress thy rising rage.
If outraged, cease that outrage to repel;
Bear it, my son! howeer thy heart rebel.
For as men are not wont to put bridles on their horses when they are running in full speed, but bring them bridled beforehand to the race; so do they use to preoccupy and predispose the minds of those persons with rational considerations to enable them to encounter passion, whom they
perceive to be too mettlesome and unmanageable upon the sight of provoking objects.

Furthermore, the young man is not altogether to neglect names themselves when he meets with them; though he is not obliged to give much heed to such idle descants as those of Cleanthes, who, while he professeth himself an interpreter, plays the trifler, as in these passages of Homer: Ζεῦ πάτερ Ἴδηθεν μεδέων, and Ζεῦ ἄνα Δωδωωαῖε.[*] For he will needs read the last two of these words joined into one, and make them ἀναδωδωναῖε; for that the air evaporated from the earth by exhalation (ἀνάδοσις) is so called. Yea, and Chrysippus too, though he does not so trifle, yet is very jejune, while he hunts after improbable etymologies. As when he will need force the words εὐρύοπα Κρονίδην to import Jupiters excellent faculty in speaking and powerfulness to persuade thereby.

But such things as these are fitter to be left to the examination of grammarians; and we are rather to insist upon such passages as are both profitable and persuasive. Such, for instance, as these:—

My early youth was bred to martial pains,
My soul impels me to the embattled plains!
How skilld he was in each obliging art;
The mildest manners, and the gentlest heart.
For while the author tells us that fortitude may be taught, and that an obliging and graceful way of conversing with others is to be gotten by art and the use of reason, he exhorts us not to neglect the improvement of ourselves, but by observing our teachers instructions to learn a becoming carriage, as knowing that clownishness and cowardice argue ill-breeding and ignorance. And very suitable to what hath been said is that which is said of Jupiter and Neptune:—
Gods of one source, of one ethereal race,
Alike divine, and heaven their native place;
But Jove the greater; first born of the skies,
And more than men or Gods supremely wise.
For the poet therein pronounceth wisdom to be the most divine and royal quality of all; as placing therein the greatest excellency of Jupiter himself, and judging all virtues else to be necessarily consequent thereunto. We are also to accustom a young man attentively to hear such things as these:—
Urge him with truth to frame his fair replies:
And sure he will, for wisdom never lies:
The praise of wisdom, in thy youth obtaind,
An act so rash, Antilochus, has staind:
Say, is it just, my friend, that Hectors ear
From such a warrior such a speech should hear?
I deemed thee once the wisest of thy kind,
But ill this insult suits a prudent mind.
These speeches teach us that it is beneath wise men to lie or to deal otherwise than fairly, even in games, or to blame other men without just cause. And when the poet attributes Pindaruss violation of the truce to his folly, he withal declares his judgment that a wise man will not be guilty of an unjust action. The like may we also infer concerning continence, taking our ground for it from these passages:—
For him Antaea burnd with lawless flame,
And strove to tempt him from the paths of fame:
In vain she tempted the relentless youth,
Endued with wisdom, sacred fear, and truth:
At first, with worthy shame and decent pride,
The royal dame his lawless suit denied !
For virtues image yet possessed her mind:
in which speeches the poet assigns wisdom to be the cause of continence. And when in exhortations made to encourage soldiers to fight, he speaks in this manner:—
What mean you, Lycians? Stand! O stand, for shame !
Yet each reflect who prizes fame or breath,
On endless infamy, on instant death;
For, lo ! the fated time, the appointed shore;
Hark ! the gates burst, the brazen barriers roar !
he seems to intimate that continent men are valiant men; because they fear the shame of base actions, and can trample on pleasures and stand their ground in the greatest hazards. Whence Timotheus, in the play called Persae, takes occasion handsomely to exhort the Grecians thus:—
Brave soldiers of just shame in awe should stand;
For the blushing face oft helps the fighting hand.
And Aeschylus also makes it a point of wisdom not to be blown up with pride when a man is honored, nor to be moved or elevated with the acclamations of a multitude, writing thus of Amphiaraus:—
His shield no emblem bears; his generous soul
Wishes to be, not to appear, the best;
While the deep furrows of his noble mind
Harvests of wise and prudent counsel bear.
For it is the part of a wise man to value himself upon the consciousness of his own true worth and excellency.

Whereas, therefore, all inward perfections are reducible to wisdom, it appears that all sorts of virtue and learning are included in it.

Again, boys may be instructed, by reading the poets as they ought, to draw something that is useful and profitable even from those passages that are most suspected as wicked and absurd; as the bee is taught by Nature to gather the sweetest and most pleasant honey from the harshest flowers and sharpest thorns. It does indeed at the first blush cast a shrewd suspicion on Agamemnon of taking a bribe, when Homer tells us that he discharged that rich man from the wars who presented him with his fleet mare Aethe:—

Whom rich Echepolus, more rich than brave,
To scape the wars, to Agamemnon gave
(Aethe her name), at home to end his days;
Base wealth preferring to eternal praise.
Yet, as saith Aristotle, it was well done of him to prefer a good beast before such a man. For, the truth is, a dog or ass is of more value than a timorous and cowardly man that wallows in wealth and luxury. Again, Thetis seems to do indecently, when she exhorts her son to follow his pleasures and minds him of companying with women. But even here, on the other side, the continency of Achilles is worthy to be considered; who, though he dearly loved Briseisnewly returned to him too,—yet, when he knew his life to be near its end, does not hasten to the fruition of pleasures, nor, when he mourns for his friend Patroclus, does he (as most men are wont) shut himself up from all business and neglect his duty, but only bars himself from recreations for his sorrows sake, while yet he gives himself up to action and military employments. And Archilochus is not praiseworthy either, who, in the midst of his mourning for his sisters husband drowned in the sea, contrives to dispel his grief by drinking and merriment. And yet he gives this plausible reason to justify that practice of his,
To drink and dance, rather than mourn, I choose;
Nor wrong I him, whom mourning cant reduce.
For, if he judged himself to do nothing amiss when he followed sports and banquets, sure, we shall not do worse, if in whatever circumstances we follow the study of philosophy, or manage public affairs, or go to the market or to the Academy, or follow our husbandry. Wherefore those corrections also are not to be rejected which Cleanthes and Antisthenes have made use of. For Antisthenes, seeing the Athenians all in a tumult in the theatre, and justly, upon the pronunciation of this verse,—
Except what men think base, theres nothing ill,[*]
presently subjoined this corrective,
Whats base is base,—believe men what they will.
And Cleanthes, hearing this passage concerning wealth:
Great is th advantage that great wealth attends,
For oft with it we purchase health and friends;
presently altered it thus:
Great disadvantage oft attends on wealth;
We purchase whores witht and destroy our health.
And Zeno corrected that of Sophocles,
The man that in a tyrants palace dwells
His liberty fors entertainment sells,
after this manner:
No: if he came in free, he cannot lose
His liberty, though in a tyrants house;
meaning by a free man one that is undaunted and magnanimous, and one of a spirit too great to stoop beneath itself. And why may not we also, by some such acclamations as those, call off young men to the better side, by using some things spoken by poets after the same manner? For example, it is said,
Tis all that in this life one can require,
To hit the mark he aims at in desire.
To which we may reply thus:
Tis false; except one level his desire
At whats expedient, and no more require.
For it is an unhappy thing and not to be wished, for a man to obtain and be master of what he desires if it be inexpedient. Again this saying,
Thou, Agamemnon, must thyself prepare
Of joy and grief by turns to take thy share:
Thy father, Atreus, sure, neer thee begat,
To be an unchanged favorite of Fate:
we may thus invert:
Thy father, Atreus, never thee begat,
To be an unchanged favorite of Fate:
Therefore, if moderate thy fortunes are,
Thou shouldst rejoice always, and grief forbear.
Again it is said,
Alas! this ill comes from the powers divine,
That oft we see whats good, yet it decline.
Yea, rather, say we, it is a brutish and irrational and wretched fault of ours, that when we understand better things, we are carried away to the pursuit of those which are worse, through our intemperance and effeminacy. Again, one says,
Tis not the teachers speech but practice moves.[*]
Yea, rather, say we, both the speech and practice,—or the practice by the means of speech,—as the horse is managed with the bridle, and the ship with the helm. For virtue hath no instrument so suitable and agreeable to human nature to work on men withal, as that of rational discourse. Again, we meet with this character of some person:
A. Is he more prone to male or female loves ? B. Hes flexible both ways, where beauty moves.
But it had been better said thus:
Hes flexible to both, where virtue moves.
For it is no commendation of a mans dexterity to be tossed up and down as pleasure and beauty move him, but an argument rather of a weak and unstable disposition. Once more, this speech,
religion damps the courage of our minds,
And evn wise men to cowardice inclines,
is by no means to be allowed; but rather the contrary,
Religion truly fortifies mens minds,
And a wise man to valiant acts inclines,
and gives not occasion of fear to any but weak and foolish persons and such as are ungrateful to the Deity, who are apt to look on that divine power and principle which is the cause of all good with suspicion and jealousy, as being hurtful unto them. And so much for that which I call correction of poets sayings.

But 1 w 3
as 1 w 5
in 1 w 8
the 1 w 11
same 1 w 15
plant 1 w 20
the 2 w 24
bee 1 w 27
feeds 1 w 32
on 1 w 34
the 3 w 37
flower 1 w 43
the 4 w 47
goat 1 w 51
on 2 w 53
the 5 w 56
bud 1 w 59
the 6 w 63
hog 1 w 66
on 3 w 68
the 7 w 71
root 1 w 75
and 1 w 79
other 1 w 84
living 1 w 90
creatures 1 w 99
on 4 w 101
the 9 w 104
seed 1 w 108
and 2 w 111
the 10 w 114
fruit 1 w 119
so 1 w 122
in 3 w 124
reading 1 w 131
of 1 w 133
poems 1 w 138
one 1 w 142
man 1 w 145
singleth 1 w 153
out 1 w 156
the 11 w 159
historical 1 w 169
part 1 w 173
another 1 w 181
dwells 1 w 187
upon 1 w 191
the 13 w 194
elegancy 1 w 202
and 3 w 205
fit 1 w 208
disposal 1 w 216
of 2 w 218
words 1 w 223
as 2 w 226
Aristophanes 1 w 238
says 1 w 242
of 3 w 244
Euripides 1 w 253
His 1 w 258
gallant 1 w 265
language 1 w 273
runs 1 w 277
so 2 w 279
smooth 1 w 285
and 4 w 288
round 1 w 293
That 1 w 298
I 1 w 299
am 2 w 301
ravisht 1 w 308
with 1 w 312
th 17 w 314
harmonious 1 w 325
sound 1 w 330
See 1 w 334
Aristophanes 2 w 346
Frag 1 w 351
397 1 w 355
but 1 w 359
others 1 w 365
to 4 w 368
whom 1 w 372
this 1 w 376
part 2 w 380
of 4 w 382
my 1 w 384
discourse 1 w 393
is 9 w 395
directed 1 w 403
mind 1 w 408
only 1 w 412
such 1 w 416
things 1 w 422
as 3 w 424
are 1 w 427
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to 5 w 435
the 15 w 438
bettering 1 w 447
of 5 w 449
manners 1 w 456
And 1 w 460
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are 2 w 469
to 6 w 471
put 1 w 474
in 9 w 476
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that 1 w 484
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that 2 w 506
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not 2 w 538
let 2 w 541
any 1 w 544
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them 1 w 557
of 6 w 559
the 17 w 562
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and 5 w 569
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find 1 w 595
in 16 w 597
poets 1 w 602
and 6 w 606
that 3 w 610
those 2 w 615
who 3 w 618
affect 1 w 624
language 2 w 632
should 2 w 638
pass 1 w 642
by 1 w 644
nothing 1 w 651
that 4 w 655
is 11 w 657
elegantly 1 w 666
and 7 w 669
floridly 1 w 677
expressed 1 w 686
and 8 w 690
that 5 w 694
only 2 w 698
the 19 w 701
lovers 1 w 707
of 7 w 709
honor 1 w 714
and 9 w 717
virtue 1 w 723
who 4 w 727
apply 1 w 732
themselves 1 w 742
to 8 w 744
the 21 w 747
study 1 w 752
of 8 w 754
poems 2 w 759
not 4 w 762
for 1 w 765
delight 2 w 772
but 2 w 775
for 2 w 778
instruction 1 w 789
s 62 w 791
sake 1 w 795
should 3 w 802
slightly 1 w 810
and 10 w 813
negligently 1 w 824
observe 1 w 831
what 1 w 835
is 12 w 837
spoken 1 w 843
in 19 w 845
them 3 w 849
relating 1 w 857
to 9 w 859
valor 1 w 864
temperance 1 w 875
or 9 w 878
justice 1 w 885
Of 1 w 888
this 2 w 892
nature 1 w 898
is 14 w 900
the 23 w 903
following 1 w 912
And 2 w 917
stand 1 w 922
we 4 w 924
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O 2 w 934
eternal 1 w 941
shame 1 w 946
Till 1 w 951
Hector 1 w 957
s 76 w 959
arm 2 w 962
involve 1 w 969
the 24 w 972
ships 1 w 977
in 23 w 979
flame 1 w 984
Haste 1 w 990
let 3 w 994
us 4 w 996
join 1 w 1000
and 12 w 1004
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by 2 w 1016
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Il 1 w 1023
XI 1 w 1026
313 1 w 1030
For 1 w 1034
the 25 w 1037
four 1 w 1041
following 2 w 1050
see 2 w 1054
Odyss 1 w 1059
III 1 w 1063
52 1 w 1066
Il 2 w 1069
XXIV 1 w 1074
560 1 w 1078
and 13 w 1081
584 1 w 1084
Odyss 2 w 1090
XVI 1 w 1094
274 1 w 1098
For 2 w 1101
to 11 w 1103
see 3 w 1106
a 75 w 1107
man 3 w 1110
of 9 w 1112
the 26 w 1115
greatest 1 w 1123
wisdom 1 w 1129
in 26 w 1131
danger 1 w 1137
of 10 w 1139
being 1 w 1144
totally 1 w 1151
cut 1 w 1154
off 1 w 1157
with 2 w 1161
all 3 w 1164
those 3 w 1169
that 6 w 1173
take 1 w 1177
part 3 w 1181
with 3 w 1185
him 1 w 1188
and 14 w 1192
yet 1 w 1195
affected 1 w 1203
less 2 w 1207
with 4 w 1211
fear 1 w 1215
of 12 w 1217
death 1 w 1222
than 1 w 1226
of 13 w 1228
shame 2 w 1233
and 15 w 1236
dishonor 1 w 1244
must 1 w 1249
needs 1 w 1254
excite 1 w 1260
in 28 w 1262
a 91 w 1263
young 1 w 1268
man 4 w 1271
a 93 w 1272
passionate 1 w 1282
affection 1 w 1291
for 3 w 1294
virtue 2 w 1300
And 3 w 1304
this 3 w 1308
Joyed 1 w 1314
was 1 w 1317
the 27 w 1320
Goddess 1 w 1327
for 4 w 1331
she 1 w 1334
much 1 w 1338
did 1 w 1341
prize 1 w 1346
A 6 w 1347
man 5 w 1350
that 7 w 1354
was 2 w 1357
alike 1 w 1362
both 1 w 1366
just 2 w 1370
and 16 w 1373
wise 1 w 1377
teacheth 1 w 1386
us 7 w 1388
to 13 w 1390
infer 1 w 1395
that 8 w 1399
the 28 w 1402
Deity 1 w 1407
delights 1 w 1415
not 5 w 1418
in 30 w 1420
a 105 w 1421
rich 1 w 1425
or 16 w 1427
a 106 w 1428
proper 1 w 1434
or 17 w 1436
a 107 w 1437
strong 1 w 1443
man 6 w 1446
but 3 w 1450
in 31 w 1452
one 2 w 1455
that 9 w 1459
is 19 w 1461
furnished 1 w 1470
with 5 w 1474
wisdom 2 w 1480
and 17 w 1483
justice 2 w 1490
Again 1 w 1496
when 1 w 1501
the 29 w 1504
same 2 w 1508
Goddess 2 w 1515
Minerva 1 w 1523
saith 1 w 1529
that 10 w 1533
the 30 w 1536
reason 1 w 1542
why 1 w 1545
she 3 w 1548
did 2 w 1551
not 6 w 1554
desert 1 w 1560
or 18 w 1562
neglect 1 w 1569
Ulysses 1 w 1576
was 3 w 1579
that 11 w 1583
he 36 w 1585
was 4 w 1588
Gentle 1 w 1594
of 14 w 1597
ready 1 w 1602
wit 6 w 1605
of 15 w 1608
prudent 1 w 1615
mind 3 w 1619
she 4 w 1623
therein 1 w 1630
tells 1 w 1635
us 9 w 1637
that 12 w 1641
of 16 w 1644
all 4 w 1647
things 2 w 1653
pertaining 1 w 1663
to 14 w 1665
us 10 w 1667
nothing 2 w 1675
is 22 w 1677
dear 1 w 1681
to 15 w 1683
the 32 w 1686
Gods 1 w 1690
and 18 w 1693
divine 1 w 1699
but 4 w 1702
our 3 w 1705
virtue 3 w 1711
seeing 1 w 1718
like 2 w 1722
naturally 1 w 1731
delights 2 w 1739
in 42 w 1741
like 3 w 1745
And 4 w 1749
seeing 2 w 1755
moreover 1 w 1764
that 13 w 1769
it 13 w 1771
both 2 w 1775
seemeth 1 w 1782
and 19 w 1785
really 1 w 1791
is 23 w 1793
a 131 w 1794
great 2 w 1799
thing 7 w 1804
to 16 w 1806
be 4 w 1808
able 2 w 1812
to 17 w 1814
moderate 1 w 1822
a 135 w 1823
man 7 w 1826
s 139 w 1828
anger 2 w 1833
but 5 w 1837
a 138 w 1838
greater 1 w 1845
by 3 w 1847
far 1 w 1850
to 18 w 1852
guard 1 w 1857
a 142 w 1858
man 8 w 1861
s 140 w 1863
self 1 w 1867
beforehand 1 w 1877
by 4 w 1879
prudence 1 w 1887
that 14 w 1892
he 40 w 1894
fall 1 w 1898
not 8 w 1901
into 1 w 1905
it 14 w 1907
nor 3 w 1910
be 6 w 1912
surprised 1 w 1921
by 5 w 1923
it 15 w 1925
therefore 1 w 1935
also 1 w 1939
such 3 w 1943
passages 1 w 1951
as 13 w 1953
tend 1 w 1957
that 15 w 1961
way 1 w 1964
are 3 w 1967
not 9 w 1970
slightly 2 w 1978
to 20 w 1980
be 7 w 1982
represented 1 w 1993
to 21 w 1995
the 34 w 1998
readers 1 w 2005
for 7 w 2009
example 1 w 2016
that 16 w 2021
Achilles 1 w 2029
himself 1 w 2036
who 5 w 2040
was 5 w 2043
a 158 w 2044
man 9 w 2047
of 17 w 2049
no 13 w 2051
great 4 w 2056
forbearance 1 w 2067
nor 4 w 2071
inclined 1 w 2079
to 22 w 2081
such 4 w 2085
meekness 1 w 2093
yet 2 w 2097
warns 1 w 2102
Priam 1 w 2107
to 23 w 2109
be 9 w 2111
calm 1 w 2115
and 21 w 2118
not 10 w 2121
to 24 w 2123
provoke 1 w 2130
him 3 w 2133
thus 1 w 2138
Move 1 w 2143
me 8 w 2145
no 16 w 2147
more 2 w 2151
Achilles 2 w 2160
thus 2 w 2164
replies 1 w 2171
While 1 w 2177
kindling 1 w 2185
anger 3 w 2190
sparkled 1 w 2198
in 50 w 2200
his 5 w 2203
eyes 1 w 2207
Nor 1 w 2212
seek 1 w 2216
by 6 w 2218
tears 1 w 2223
my 2 w 2225
steady 1 w 2231
soul 1 w 2235
to 25 w 2237
bend 1 w 2241
To 1 w 2244
yield 1 w 2249
thy 1 w 2252
Hector 2 w 2258
I 10 w 2259
myself 1 w 2265
intend 1 w 2271
Cease 1 w 2277
lest 1 w 2282
neglectful 1 w 2293
of 18 w 2295
high 1 w 2299
Jove 1 w 2303
s 174 w 2305
command 1 w 2312
I 11 w 2314
show 1 w 2318
thee 1 w 2322
king 1 w 2327
thou 1 w 2332
tread 1 w 2337
st 17 w 2340
on 18 w 2342
hostile 1 w 2349
land 1 w 2353
and 24 w 2357
that 17 w 2361
he 44 w 2363
himself 2 w 2370
first 1 w 2375
washeth 1 w 2382
and 25 w 2385
decently 1 w 2393
covereth 1 w 2401
the 36 w 2404
body 1 w 2408
of 19 w 2410
Hector 3 w 2416
and 26 w 2419
then 1 w 2423
puts 1 w 2427
it 16 w 2429
into 2 w 2433
a 180 w 2434
chariot 1 w 2441
to 29 w 2444
prevent 1 w 2451
his 6 w 2454
father 1 w 2460
s 183 w 2462
seeing 3 w 2468
it 17 w 2470
so 7 w 2472
unworthily 1 w 2482
mangled 1 w 2489
as 17 w 2491
it 18 w 2493
was 7 w 2496
Lest 1 w 2502
the 39 w 2505
unhappy 1 w 2512
sire 1 w 2516
Provoked 1 w 2525
to 30 w 2527
passion 2 w 2534
once 1 w 2539
more 3 w 2543
rouse 1 w 2548
to 31 w 2550
ire 3 w 2553
The 1 w 2556
stern 1 w 2561
Pelides 1 w 2568
and 27 w 2572
nor 5 w 2575
sacred 1 w 2581
age 4 w 2584
Nor 2 w 2588
Jove 2 w 2592
s 196 w 2594
command 2 w 2601
should 4 w 2608
check 1 w 2613
the 40 w 2616
rising 1 w 2622
rage 1 w 2626
For 3 w 2630
it 19 w 2632
is 28 w 2634
a 193 w 2635
piece 1 w 2640
of 20 w 2642
admirable 1 w 2651
prudence 2 w 2659
for 9 w 2662
a 196 w 2663
man 13 w 2666
so 8 w 2668
prone 1 w 2673
to 32 w 2675
anger 4 w 2680
as 20 w 2683
being 2 w 2688
by 7 w 2690
nature 2 w 2696
hasty 1 w 2701
and 29 w 2704
furious 1 w 2711
to 33 w 2714
understand 1 w 2724
himself 3 w 2731
so 9 w 2733
well 2 w 2737
as 22 w 2739
to 34 w 2741
set 1 w 2744
a 205 w 2745
guard 2 w 2750
upon 2 w 2754
his 7 w 2757
own 1 w 2760
inclinations 1 w 2772
and 31 w 2776
by 8 w 2778
avoiding 1 w 2786
provocations 1 w 2798
to 35 w 2800
keep 1 w 2804
his 8 w 2807
passion 3 w 2814
at 37 w 2816
due 1 w 2819
distance 1 w 2827
by 9 w 2829
the 41 w 2832
use 3 w 2835
of 21 w 2837
reason 2 w 2843
lest 2 w 2848
he 54 w 2850
should 5 w 2856
be 12 w 2858
unawares 1 w 2866
surprised 2 w 2875
by 10 w 2877
it 20 w 2879
And 5 w 2883
after 1 w 2888
the 42 w 2891
same 3 w 2895
manner 2 w 2901
must 2 w 2905
the 43 w 2908
man 15 w 2911
that 18 w 2915
is 33 w 2917
apt 1 w 2920
to 36 w 2922
be 13 w 2924
drunken 1 w 2931
forearm 1 w 2938
himself 4 w 2945
against 1 w 2952
that 19 w 2956
vice 1 w 2960
and 32 w 2964
he 57 w 2966
that 20 w 2970
is 34 w 2972
given 1 w 2977
to 37 w 2979
wantonness 1 w 2989
against 2 w 2997
lust 1 w 3001
as 25 w 3004
Agesilaus 1 w 3013
refused 1 w 3020
to 39 w 3022
receive 1 w 3029
a 234 w 3030
kiss 1 w 3034
from 1 w 3038
a 235 w 3039
beautiful 1 w 3048
person 1 w 3054
addressing 1 w 3064
to 40 w 3066
him 7 w 3069
and 33 w 3073
Cyrus 1 w 3078
would 1 w 3083
not 11 w 3086
so 12 w 3088
much 2 w 3092
as 26 w 3094
endure 1 w 3100
to 41 w 3102
see 9 w 3105
Panthea 1 w 3112
Whereas 1 w 3120
on 29 w 3123
the 45 w 3126
contrary 1 w 3134
those 4 w 3140
that 21 w 3144
are 5 w 3147
not 12 w 3150
virtuously 1 w 3160
bred 1 w 3164
are 6 w 3167
wont 1 w 3171
to 42 w 3173
gather 1 w 3179
fuel 1 w 3183
to 43 w 3185
inflame 1 w 3192
their 1 w 3197
passions 1 w 3205
and 34 w 3209
voluntarily 1 w 3220
to 44 w 3222
abandon 1 w 3229
themselves 2 w 3239
to 45 w 3241
those 5 w 3246
temptations 1 w 3257
to 46 w 3259
which 1 w 3264
of 22 w 3266
themselves 3 w 3276
they 2 w 3280
are 7 w 3283
endangered 1 w 3293
But 2 w 3297
Ulysses 2 w 3304
does 1 w 3308
not 13 w 3311
only 3 w 3315
restrain 1 w 3323
his 9 w 3326
own 2 w 3329
anger 6 w 3334
but 6 w 3338
perceiving 1 w 3349
by 11 w 3351
the 51 w 3354
discourse 2 w 3363
of 23 w 3365
his 10 w 3368
son 4 w 3371
Telemachus 1 w 3381
that 22 w 3386
through 1 w 3393
indignation 1 w 3404
conceived 1 w 3413
against 3 w 3420
such 5 w 3424
evil 1 w 3428
men 1 w 3431
he 67 w 3433
was 8 w 3436
greatly 1 w 3443
provoked 1 w 3451
he 68 w 3454
blunts 1 w 3460
his 11 w 3463
passion 5 w 3470
too 1 w 3473
beforehand 2 w 3483
and 37 w 3487
composeth 1 w 3496
him 8 w 3499
to 48 w 3501
calmness 1 w 3509
and 38 w 3512
patience 1 w 3520
thus 3 w 3525
There 1 w 3532
if 2 w 3535
base 1 w 3539
scorn 1 w 3544
insult 1 w 3550
my 4 w 3552
reverend 1 w 3560
age 6 w 3563
Bear 1 w 3568
it 21 w 3570
my 5 w 3573
son 5 w 3576
repress 1 w 3584
thy 2 w 3587
rising 2 w 3593
rage 2 w 3597
If 1 w 3600
outraged 1 w 3608
cease 1 w 3614
that 23 w 3618
outrage 2 w 3625
to 49 w 3627
repel 1 w 3632
Bear 2 w 3637
it 22 w 3639
my 6 w 3642
son 6 w 3645
howe 1 w 3650
er 40 w 3653
thy 3 w 3656
heart 1 w 3661
rebel 1 w 3666
For 4 w 3670
as 33 w 3672
men 2 w 3675
are 8 w 3678
not 14 w 3681
wont 2 w 3685
to 50 w 3687
put 3 w 3690
bridles 1 w 3697
on 43 w 3699
their 2 w 3704
horses 1 w 3710
when 2 w 3714
they 3 w 3718
are 9 w 3721
running 1 w 3728
in 71 w 3730
full 1 w 3734
speed 1 w 3739
but 7 w 3743
bring 1 w 3748
them 6 w 3752
bridled 1 w 3759
beforehand 3 w 3769
to 51 w 3771
the 55 w 3774
race 1 w 3778
so 16 w 3781
do 5 w 3783
they 4 w 3787
use 5 w 3790
to 52 w 3792
preoccupy 1 w 3801
and 40 w 3804
predispose 1 w 3814
the 57 w 3817
minds 1 w 3822
of 24 w 3824
those 6 w 3829
persons 1 w 3836
with 6 w 3840
rational 1 w 3848
considerations 1 w 3862
to 53 w 3864
enable 1 w 3870
them 7 w 3874
to 54 w 3876
encounter 1 w 3885
passion 6 w 3892
whom 2 w 3897
they 5 w 3901
perceive 1 w 3909
to 55 w 3911
be 18 w 3913
too 2 w 3916
mettlesome 1 w 3926
and 41 w 3929
unmanageable 1 w 3941
upon 3 w 3945
the 60 w 3948
sight 1 w 3953
of 25 w 3955
provoking 1 w 3964
objects 1 w 3971
Furthermore 1 w 3983
the 62 w 3987
young 2 w 3992
man 17 w 3995
is 42 w 3997
not 15 w 4000
altogether 1 w 4010
to 58 w 4012
neglect 3 w 4019
names 1 w 4024
themselves 4 w 4034
when 3 w 4038
he 86 w 4040
meets 1 w 4045
with 7 w 4049
them 9 w 4053
though 1 w 4060
he 88 w 4062
is 43 w 4064
not 16 w 4067
obliged 1 w 4074
to 59 w 4076
give 2 w 4080
much 3 w 4084
heed 1 w 4088
to 60 w 4090
such 6 w 4094
idle 3 w 4098
descants 1 w 4106
as 35 w 4108
those 7 w 4113
of 26 w 4115
Cleanthes 1 w 4124
who 7 w 4128
while 1 w 4134
he 91 w 4136
professeth 1 w 4146
himself 5 w 4153
an 83 w 4155
interpreter 1 w 4166
plays 1 w 4172
the 67 w 4175
trifler 1 w 4182
as 36 w 4185
in 76 w 4187
these 1 w 4192
passages 2 w 4200
of 28 w 4202
Homer 1 w 4207
Ζεῦ 1 w 4211
πάτερ 1 w 4216
Ἴδηθεν 1 w 4222
μεδέων 1 w 4228
and 42 w 4232
Ζεῦ 2 w 4235
ἄνα 1 w 4238
Δωδωωαῖε 1 w 4246
Il 3 w 4249
III 2 w 4253
320 1 w 4257
XVI 2 w 4261
233 1 w 4265
For 5 w 4269
he 94 w 4271
will 1 w 4275
needs 2 w 4280
read 5 w 4284
the 69 w 4287
last 1 w 4291
two 1 w 4294
of 29 w 4296
these 2 w 4301
words 2 w 4306
joined 1 w 4312
into 3 w 4316
one 4 w 4319
and 43 w 4323
make 1 w 4327
them 10 w 4331
ἀναδωδωναῖε 1 w 4342
for 13 w 4346
that 24 w 4350
the 72 w 4353
air 1 w 4356
evaporated 1 w 4366
from 2 w 4370
the 73 w 4373
earth 1 w 4378
by 12 w 4380
exhalation 1 w 4390
ἀνάδοσις 1 w 4399
is 44 w 4402
so 19 w 4404
called 1 w 4410
Yea 1 w 4414
and 44 w 4418
Chrysippus 1 w 4428
too 3 w 4431
though 2 w 4438
he 100 w 4440
does 2 w 4444
not 17 w 4447
so 20 w 4449
trifle 2 w 4455
yet 3 w 4459
is 45 w 4461
very 1 w 4465
jejune 1 w 4471
while 2 w 4477
he 101 w 4479
hunts 1 w 4484
after 2 w 4489
improbable 1 w 4499
etymologies 1 w 4510
As 1 w 4513
when 4 w 4517
he 103 w 4519
will 2 w 4523
need 3 w 4527
force 1 w 4532
the 74 w 4535
words 3 w 4540
εὐρύοπα 1 w 4547
Κρονίδην 1 w 4555
to 63 w 4557
import 1 w 4563
Jupiter 1 w 4570
s 345 w 4572
excellent 1 w 4581
faculty 1 w 4588
in 79 w 4590
speaking 1 w 4598
and 45 w 4601
powerfulness 1 w 4613
to 64 w 4615
persuade 1 w 4623
thereby 1 w 4630
But 3 w 4634
such 7 w 4638
things 3 w 4644
as 39 w 4646
these 3 w 4651
are 10 w 4654
fitter 1 w 4660
to 65 w 4662
be 19 w 4664
left 1 w 4668
to 66 w 4670
the 77 w 4673
examination 1 w 4684
of 30 w 4686
grammarians 1 w 4697
and 46 w 4701
we 8 w 4703
are 11 w 4706
rather 1 w 4712
to 67 w 4714
insist 1 w 4720
upon 4 w 4724
such 8 w 4728
passages 3 w 4736
as 41 w 4738
are 12 w 4741
both 3 w 4745
profitable 1 w 4755
and 47 w 4758
persuasive 1 w 4768
Such 1 w 4773
for 15 w 4777
instance 1 w 4785
as 43 w 4788
these 4 w 4793
My 1 w 4797
early 1 w 4802
youth 1 w 4807
was 9 w 4810
bred 2 w 4814
to 68 w 4816
martial 1 w 4823
pains 1 w 4828
My 2 w 4831
soul 2 w 4835
impels 1 w 4841
me 18 w 4843
to 69 w 4845
the 80 w 4848
embattled 1 w 4857
plains 1 w 4863
How 1 w 4867
skill 1 w 4872
d 181 w 4874
he 111 w 4876
was 10 w 4879
in 87 w 4881
each 2 w 4885
obliging 1 w 4893
art 7 w 4896
The 3 w 4900
mildest 1 w 4907
manners 2 w 4914
and 48 w 4918
the 81 w 4921
gentlest 1 w 4929
heart 2 w 4934
Il 4 w 4937
VI 3 w 4940
444 1 w 4944
XVII 1 w 4949
671 1 w 4953
For 6 w 4957
while 3 w 4962
the 82 w 4965
author 1 w 4971
tells 2 w 4976
us 26 w 4978
that 25 w 4982
fortitude 1 w 4991
may 1 w 4994
be 20 w 4996
taught 1 w 5002
and 49 w 5006
that 26 w 5010
an 95 w 5012
obliging 2 w 5020
and 50 w 5023
graceful 1 w 5031
way 2 w 5034
of 32 w 5036
conversing 1 w 5046
with 8 w 5050
others 2 w 5056
is 47 w 5058
to 70 w 5060
be 21 w 5062
gotten 1 w 5068
by 14 w 5070
art 9 w 5073
and 51 w 5076
the 84 w 5079
use 6 w 5082
of 33 w 5084
reason 3 w 5090
he 118 w 5093
exhorts 1 w 5100
us 28 w 5102
not 18 w 5105
to 71 w 5107
neglect 4 w 5114
the 85 w 5117
improvement 1 w 5128
of 34 w 5130
ourselves 1 w 5139
but 8 w 5143
by 15 w 5145
observing 1 w 5154
our 6 w 5157
teachers 1 w 5165
instructions 1 w 5178
to 72 w 5180
learn 1 w 5185
a 376 w 5186
becoming 1 w 5194
carriage 1 w 5202
as 47 w 5205
knowing 1 w 5212
that 27 w 5216
clownishness 1 w 5228
and 52 w 5231
cowardice 1 w 5240
argue 1 w 5245
ill-breeding 1 w 5257
and 53 w 5260
ignorance 1 w 5269
And 6 w 5273
very 2 w 5277
suitable 1 w 5285
to 73 w 5287
what 2 w 5291
hath 1 w 5295
been 1 w 5299
said 1 w 5303
is 49 w 5305
that 28 w 5309
which 2 w 5314
is 50 w 5316
said 2 w 5320
of 35 w 5322
Jupiter 2 w 5329
and 54 w 5332
Neptune 1 w 5339
Gods 2 w 5345
of 36 w 5347
one 5 w 5350
source 1 w 5356
of 37 w 5359
one 6 w 5362
ethereal 1 w 5370
race 3 w 5374
Alike 1 w 5380
divine 2 w 5386
and 55 w 5390
heaven 1 w 5396
their 3 w 5401
native 1 w 5407
place 1 w 5412
But 4 w 5416
Jove 3 w 5420
the 88 w 5423
greater 2 w 5430
first 2 w 5436
born 1 w 5440
of 38 w 5442
the 89 w 5445
skies 1 w 5450
And 7 w 5454
more 5 w 5458
than 2 w 5462
men 4 w 5465
or 58 w 5467
Gods 3 w 5471
supremely 1 w 5480
wise 2 w 5484
Il 5 w 5487
XIII 1 w 5492
354 1 w 5496
For 7 w 5500
the 90 w 5503
poet 2 w 5507
therein 2 w 5514
pronounceth 1 w 5525
wisdom 3 w 5531
to 74 w 5533
be 24 w 5535
the 92 w 5538
most 1 w 5542
divine 3 w 5548
and 56 w 5551
royal 1 w 5556
quality 1 w 5563
of 39 w 5565
all 9 w 5568
as 48 w 5571
placing 1 w 5578
therein 3 w 5585
the 94 w 5588
greatest 2 w 5596
excellency 1 w 5606
of 40 w 5608
Jupiter 3 w 5615
himself 6 w 5622
and 57 w 5626
judging 1 w 5633
all 10 w 5636
virtues 1 w 5643
else 1 w 5647
to 75 w 5649
be 25 w 5651
necessarily 1 w 5662
consequent 1 w 5672
thereunto 1 w 5681
We 1 w 5684
are 13 w 5687
also 2 w 5691
to 77 w 5693
accustom 1 w 5701
a 414 w 5702
young 3 w 5707
man 19 w 5710
attentively 1 w 5721
to 79 w 5723
hear 3 w 5727
such 9 w 5731
things 4 w 5737
as 49 w 5739
these 5 w 5744
Urge 1 w 5750
him 11 w 5753
with 9 w 5757
truth 1 w 5762
to 80 w 5764
frame 1 w 5769
his 12 w 5772
fair 1 w 5776
replies 2 w 5783
And 8 w 5787
sure 1 w 5791
he 134 w 5793
will 3 w 5797
for 17 w 5801
wisdom 4 w 5807
never 1 w 5812
lies 3 w 5816
The 4 w 5820
praise 1 w 5826
of 41 w 5828
wisdom 5 w 5834
in 103 w 5837
thy 4 w 5840
youth 2 w 5845
obtain 1 w 5851
d 209 w 5853
An 9 w 5856
act 1 w 5859
so 25 w 5861
rash 1 w 5865
Antilochus 1 w 5876
has 2 w 5880
stain 1 w 5885
d 210 w 5887
Say 1 w 5891
is 57 w 5894
it 35 w 5896
just 4 w 5900
my 7 w 5903
friend 1 w 5909
that 29 w 5914
Hector 4 w 5920
s 439 w 5922
ear 14 w 5925
From 1 w 5929
such 10 w 5933
a 430 w 5934
warrior 1 w 5941
such 11 w 5945
a 432 w 5946
speech 1 w 5952
should 6 w 5958
hear 4 w 5962
I 26 w 5964
deemed 1 w 5970
thee 2 w 5974
once 3 w 5978
the 98 w 5981
wisest 1 w 5987
of 42 w 5989
thy 5 w 5992
kind 2 w 5996
But 5 w 6000
ill 9 w 6003
this 4 w 6007
insult 2 w 6013
suits 1 w 6018
a 434 w 6019
prudent 2 w 6026
mind 5 w 6030
Odyss 3 w 6036
III 4 w 6040
20 2 w 6043
Il 6 w 6046
XXIII 1 w 6052
570 1 w 6056
XVII 2 w 6061
170 1 w 6065
These 1 w 6071
speeches 1 w 6079
teach 3 w 6084
us 32 w 6086
that 30 w 6090
it 37 w 6092
is 60 w 6094
beneath 1 w 6101
wise 4 w 6105
men 5 w 6108
to 82 w 6110
lie 4 w 6113
or 63 w 6115
to 83 w 6117
deal 1 w 6121
otherwise 1 w 6130
than 3 w 6134
fairly 1 w 6140
even 2 w 6145
in 109 w 6147
games 1 w 6152
or 64 w 6155
to 84 w 6157
blame 1 w 6162
other 6 w 6167
men 6 w 6170
without 1 w 6177
just 5 w 6181
cause 1 w 6186
And 9 w 6190
when 5 w 6194
the 101 w 6197
poet 3 w 6201
attributes 1 w 6211
Pindarus 1 w 6219
s 464 w 6221
violation 1 w 6230
of 43 w 6232
the 102 w 6235
truce 1 w 6240
to 85 w 6242
his 14 w 6245
folly 1 w 6250
he 146 w 6253
withal 1 w 6259
declares 1 w 6267
his 15 w 6270
judgment 1 w 6278
that 31 w 6282
a 450 w 6283
wise 6 w 6287
man 20 w 6290
will 4 w 6294
not 19 w 6297
be 27 w 6299
guilty 1 w 6305
of 44 w 6307
an 109 w 6309
unjust 1 w 6315
action 1 w 6321
The 6 w 6325
like 5 w 6329
may 2 w 6332
we 9 w 6334
also 3 w 6338
infer 2 w 6343
concerning 1 w 6353
continence 1 w 6363
taking 1 w 6370
our 8 w 6373
ground 1 w 6379
for 18 w 6382
it 40 w 6384
from 3 w 6388
these 6 w 6393
passages 4 w 6401
For 8 w 6406
him 12 w 6409
Antaea 1 w 6415
burn 1 w 6419
d 225 w 6421
with 12 w 6425
lawless 1 w 6432
flame 3 w 6437
And 10 w 6441
strove 1 w 6447
to 86 w 6449
tempt 2 w 6454
him 13 w 6457
from 4 w 6461
the 104 w 6464
paths 1 w 6469
of 45 w 6471
fame 1 w 6475
In 1 w 6478
vain 2 w 6482
she 6 w 6485
tempted 1 w 6492
the 105 w 6495
relentless 1 w 6505
youth 3 w 6510
Endued 1 w 6517
with 13 w 6521
wisdom 6 w 6527
sacred 2 w 6534
fear 2 w 6538
and 58 w 6542
truth 2 w 6547
At 1 w 6550
first 3 w 6555
with 14 w 6560
worthy 1 w 6566
shame 3 w 6571
and 59 w 6574
decent 2 w 6580
pride 1 w 6585
The 7 w 6589
royal 2 w 6594
dame 1 w 6598
his 16 w 6601
lawless 2 w 6608
suit 3 w 6612
denied 1 w 6618
For 9 w 6622
virtue 5 w 6628
s 490 w 6630
image 1 w 6635
yet 4 w 6638
possessed 1 w 6647
her 22 w 6650
mind 6 w 6654
Il 7 w 6657
VI 6 w 6660
160 1 w 6664
Odyss 4 w 6670
III 6 w 6674
265 1 w 6678
in 117 w 6681
which 3 w 6686
speeches 2 w 6694
the 106 w 6697
poet 4 w 6701
assigns 1 w 6708
wisdom 7 w 6714
to 87 w 6716
be 28 w 6718
the 107 w 6721
cause 2 w 6726
of 46 w 6728
continence 2 w 6738
And 11 w 6742
when 6 w 6746
in 119 w 6748
exhortations 1 w 6760
made 1 w 6764
to 88 w 6766
encourage 1 w 6775
soldiers 1 w 6783
to 89 w 6785
fight 1 w 6790
he 158 w 6793
speaks 1 w 6799
in 120 w 6801
this 5 w 6805
manner 4 w 6811
What 1 w 6817
mean 1 w 6821
you 7 w 6824
Lycians 1 w 6832
Stand 1 w 6838
O 7 w 6840
stand 3 w 6845
for 19 w 6849
shame 4 w 6854
Yet 1 w 6858
each 5 w 6862
reflect 1 w 6869
who 8 w 6872
prizes 1 w 6878
fame 2 w 6882
or 71 w 6884
breath 1 w 6890
On 1 w 6893
endless 1 w 6900
infamy 1 w 6906
on 68 w 6909
instant 1 w 6916
death 2 w 6921
For 10 w 6925
lo 10 w 6928
the 108 w 6932
fated 1 w 6937
time 1 w 6941
the 109 w 6945
appointed 1 w 6954
shore 1 w 6959
Hark 1 w 6964
the 110 w 6968
gates 1 w 6973
burst 1 w 6978
the 111 w 6982
brazen 1 w 6988
barriers 1 w 6996
roar 1 w 7000
Il 8 w 7003
XVI 5 w 7007
422 1 w 7011
XIII 3 w 7016
121 1 w 7020
he 163 w 7023
seems 1 w 7028
to 90 w 7030
intimate 1 w 7038
that 32 w 7042
continent 1 w 7051
men 8 w 7054
are 15 w 7057
valiant 1 w 7064
men 9 w 7067
because 1 w 7075
they 6 w 7079
fear 3 w 7083
the 113 w 7086
shame 5 w 7091
of 47 w 7093
base 2 w 7097
actions 1 w 7104
and 62 w 7108
can 2 w 7111
trample 1 w 7118
on 71 w 7120
pleasures 1 w 7129
and 63 w 7132
stand 4 w 7137
their 4 w 7142
ground 2 w 7148
in 126 w 7150
the 115 w 7153
greatest 3 w 7161
hazards 1 w 7168
Whence 1 w 7175
Timotheus 1 w 7184
in 127 w 7187
the 117 w 7190
play 2 w 7194
called 2 w 7200
Persae 1 w 7206
takes 1 w 7212
occasion 1 w 7220
handsomely 1 w 7230
to 91 w 7232
exhort 3 w 7238
the 118 w 7241
Grecians 1 w 7249
thus 4 w 7253
Brave 1 w 7260
soldiers 2 w 7268
of 48 w 7270
just 7 w 7274
shame 6 w 7279
in 128 w 7281
awe 1 w 7284
should 7 w 7290
stand 5 w 7295
For 11 w 7299
the 119 w 7302
blushing 1 w 7310
face 1 w 7314
oft 1 w 7317
helps 1 w 7322
the 120 w 7325
fighting 1 w 7333
hand 5 w 7337
And 12 w 7341
Aeschylus 1 w 7350
also 4 w 7354
makes 1 w 7359
it 45 w 7361
a 535 w 7362
point 2 w 7367
of 50 w 7369
wisdom 8 w 7375
not 20 w 7378
to 92 w 7380
be 30 w 7382
blown 1 w 7387
up 10 w 7389
with 15 w 7393
pride 2 w 7398
when 7 w 7402
a 536 w 7403
man 22 w 7406
is 71 w 7408
honored 1 w 7415
nor 8 w 7419
to 93 w 7421
be 31 w 7423
moved 1 w 7428
or 78 w 7430
elevated 1 w 7438
with 16 w 7442
the 121 w 7445
acclamations 1 w 7457
of 51 w 7459
a 542 w 7460
multitude 1 w 7469
writing 1 w 7477
thus 5 w 7481
of 52 w 7483
Amphiaraus 1 w 7493
His 2 w 7498
shield 1 w 7504
no 33 w 7506
emblem 1 w 7512
bears 1 w 7517
his 18 w 7521
generous 1 w 7529
soul 3 w 7533
Wishes 1 w 7539
to 94 w 7541
be 33 w 7543
not 21 w 7547
to 95 w 7549
appear 1 w 7555
the 122 w 7559
best 1 w 7563
While 2 w 7569
the 123 w 7572
deep 1 w 7576
furrows 1 w 7583
of 53 w 7585
his 19 w 7588
noble 1 w 7593
mind 7 w 7597
Harvests 1 w 7605
of 54 w 7607
wise 7 w 7611
and 68 w 7614
prudent 3 w 7621
counsel 1 w 7628
bear 3 w 7632
See 2 w 7636
note 1 w 7640
on 75 w 7642
the 124 w 7645
same 4 w 7649
passage 5 w 7656
of 55 w 7658
Aeschylus 2 w 7667
Sept 1 w 7672
591 1 w 7676
vol 3 w 7681
I 47 w 7683
p 132 w 7685
210 1 w 7689
G 8 w 7692
For 12 w 7697
it 50 w 7699
is 77 w 7701
the 125 w 7704
part 4 w 7708
of 56 w 7710
a 555 w 7711
wise 8 w 7715
man 23 w 7718
to 96 w 7720
value 1 w 7725
himself 7 w 7732
upon 5 w 7736
the 126 w 7739
consciousness 1 w 7752
of 57 w 7754
his 20 w 7757
own 5 w 7760
true 1 w 7764
worth 3 w 7769
and 69 w 7772
excellency 2 w 7782
Whereas 2 w 7790
therefore 2 w 7800
all 12 w 7804
inward 1 w 7810
perfections 1 w 7821
are 16 w 7824
reducible 1 w 7833
to 97 w 7835
wisdom 9 w 7841
it 51 w 7844
appears 1 w 7851
that 33 w 7855
all 13 w 7858
sorts 1 w 7863
of 58 w 7865
virtue 6 w 7871
and 70 w 7874
learning 1 w 7882
are 17 w 7885
included 1 w 7893
in 137 w 7895
it 52 w 7897
Again 2 w 7903
boys 1 w 7908
may 3 w 7911
be 36 w 7913
instructed 1 w 7923
by 16 w 7926
reading 2 w 7933
the 128 w 7936
poets 2 w 7941
as 59 w 7943
they 7 w 7947
ought 1 w 7952
to 98 w 7955
draw 1 w 7959
something 1 w 7968
that 34 w 7972
is 81 w 7974
useful 2 w 7980
and 71 w 7983
profitable 2 w 7993
even 3 w 7997
from 5 w 8001
those 8 w 8006
passages 5 w 8014
that 35 w 8018
are 18 w 8021
most 2 w 8025
suspected 1 w 8034
as 61 w 8036
wicked 1 w 8042
and 72 w 8045
absurd 2 w 8051
as 62 w 8054
the 130 w 8057
bee 3 w 8060
is 82 w 8062
taught 2 w 8068
by 17 w 8070
Nature 1 w 8076
to 99 w 8078
gather 2 w 8084
the 132 w 8087
sweetest 1 w 8095
and 73 w 8098
most 3 w 8102
pleasant 1 w 8110
honey 1 w 8115
from 6 w 8119
the 133 w 8122
harshest 1 w 8130
flowers 1 w 8137
and 74 w 8140
sharpest 1 w 8148
thorns 1 w 8154
It 1 w 8157
does 3 w 8161
indeed 1 w 8167
at 90 w 8169
the 134 w 8172
first 4 w 8177
blush 2 w 8182
cast 1 w 8186
a 597 w 8187
shrewd 1 w 8193
suspicion 1 w 8202
on 81 w 8204
Agamemnon 1 w 8213
of 60 w 8215
taking 2 w 8221
a 600 w 8222
bribe 1 w 8227
when 8 w 8232
Homer 2 w 8237
tells 3 w 8242
us 53 w 8244
that 36 w 8248
he 194 w 8250
discharged 1 w 8260
that 37 w 8264
rich 2 w 8268
man 24 w 8271
from 7 w 8275
the 135 w 8278
wars 1 w 8282
who 9 w 8285
presented 2 w 8294
him 15 w 8297
with 17 w 8301
his 21 w 8304
fleet 1 w 8309
mare 1 w 8313
Aethe 1 w 8318
Whom 1 w 8324
rich 3 w 8328
Echepolus 1 w 8337
more 6 w 8342
rich 4 w 8346
than 4 w 8350
brave 1 w 8355
To 2 w 8358
scape 1 w 8364
the 137 w 8367
wars 2 w 8371
to 100 w 8374
Agamemnon 2 w 8383
gave 1 w 8387
Aethe 2 w 8393
her 26 w 8396
name 2 w 8400
at 93 w 8404
home 1 w 8408
to 101 w 8410
end 9 w 8413
his 22 w 8416
days 1 w 8420
Base 1 w 8425
wealth 1 w 8431
preferring 1 w 8441
to 102 w 8443
eternal 2 w 8450
praise 2 w 8456
Il 9 w 8459
XXIII 2 w 8465
297 1 w 8469
Yet 2 w 8473
as 66 w 8476
saith 2 w 8481
Aristotle 1 w 8490
it 56 w 8493
was 11 w 8496
well 3 w 8500
done 1 w 8504
of 61 w 8506
him 16 w 8509
to 104 w 8511
prefer 2 w 8517
a 623 w 8518
good 1 w 8522
beast 1 w 8527
before 4 w 8533
such 12 w 8537
a 625 w 8538
man 25 w 8541
For 13 w 8545
the 139 w 8549
truth 3 w 8554
is 88 w 8556
a 627 w 8558
dog 1 w 8561
or 87 w 8563
ass 15 w 8566
is 89 w 8568
of 62 w 8570
more 7 w 8574
value 2 w 8579
than 5 w 8583
a 631 w 8584
timorous 1 w 8592
and 75 w 8595
cowardly 1 w 8603
man 26 w 8606
that 38 w 8610
wallows 1 w 8617
in 145 w 8619
wealth 2 w 8625
and 76 w 8628
luxury 1 w 8634
Again 3 w 8640
Thetis 1 w 8647
seems 2 w 8652
to 105 w 8654
do 17 w 8656
indecently 1 w 8666
when 9 w 8671
she 9 w 8674
exhorts 2 w 8681
her 27 w 8684
son 9 w 8687
to 106 w 8689
follow 3 w 8695
his 23 w 8698
pleasures 2 w 8707
and 77 w 8710
minds 2 w 8715
him 17 w 8718
of 63 w 8720
companying 1 w 8730
with 18 w 8734
women 1 w 8739
But 6 w 8743
even 4 w 8747
here 12 w 8751
on 86 w 8754
the 140 w 8757
other 7 w 8762
side 4 w 8766
the 142 w 8770
continency 1 w 8780
of 64 w 8782
Achilles 3 w 8790
is 92 w 8792
worthy 2 w 8798
to 107 w 8800
be 41 w 8802
considered 1 w 8812
who 10 w 8816
though 3 w 8823
he 210 w 8825
dearly 1 w 8831
loved 1 w 8836
Briseis 1 w 8843
newly 1 w 8849
returned 1 w 8857
to 108 w 8859
him 18 w 8862
too 4 w 8865
yet 5 w 8870
when 10 w 8875
he 212 w 8877
knew 1 w 8881
his 24 w 8884
life 1 w 8888
to 110 w 8890
be 42 w 8892
near 1 w 8896
its 2 w 8899
end 10 w 8902
does 4 w 8907
not 23 w 8910
hasten 1 w 8916
to 111 w 8918
the 143 w 8921
fruition 1 w 8929
of 65 w 8931
pleasures 3 w 8940
nor 9 w 8944
when 11 w 8949
he 215 w 8951
mourns 1 w 8957
for 22 w 8960
his 25 w 8963
friend 2 w 8969
Patroclus 1 w 8978
does 5 w 8983
he 216 w 8985
as 73 w 8988
most 4 w 8992
men 11 w 8995
are 20 w 8998
wont 3 w 9002
shut 1 w 9007
himself 8 w 9014
up 12 w 9016
from 8 w 9020
all 15 w 9023
business 1 w 9031
and 78 w 9034
neglect 5 w 9041
his 26 w 9044
duty 1 w 9048
but 10 w 9052
only 4 w 9056
bars 1 w 9060
himself 9 w 9067
from 9 w 9071
recreations 1 w 9082
for 23 w 9085
his 27 w 9088
sorrow 1 w 9094
s 689 w 9096
sake 2 w 9100
while 4 w 9106
yet 6 w 9109
he 217 w 9111
gives 1 w 9116
himself 10 w 9123
up 13 w 9125
to 112 w 9127
action 3 w 9133
and 79 w 9136
military 1 w 9144
employments 1 w 9155
And 13 w 9159
Archilochus 1 w 9170
is 99 w 9172
not 24 w 9175
praiseworthy 1 w 9187
either 1 w 9193
who 11 w 9197
in 152 w 9200
the 145 w 9203
midst 1 w 9208
of 66 w 9210
his 28 w 9213
mourning 1 w 9221
for 24 w 9224
his 29 w 9227
sister 1 w 9233
s 702 w 9235
husband 1 w 9242
drowned 1 w 9249
in 154 w 9251
the 146 w 9254
sea 1 w 9257
contrives 1 w 9267
to 113 w 9269
dispel 1 w 9275
his 30 w 9278
grief 1 w 9283
by 18 w 9285
drinking 1 w 9293
and 81 w 9296
merriment 1 w 9305
And 14 w 9309
yet 7 w 9312
he 221 w 9314
gives 2 w 9319
this 6 w 9323
plausible 1 w 9332
reason 4 w 9338
to 114 w 9340
justify 1 w 9347
that 39 w 9351
practice 1 w 9359
of 67 w 9361
his 32 w 9364
To 3 w 9367
drink 2 w 9372
and 82 w 9375
dance 1 w 9380
rather 2 w 9387
than 6 w 9391
mourn 3 w 9396
I 53 w 9398
choose 1 w 9404
Nor 3 w 9408
wrong 1 w 9413
I 54 w 9414
him 22 w 9417
whom 3 w 9422
mourning 2 w 9430
can 3 w 9433
t 840 w 9435
reduce 1 w 9441
For 14 w 9445
if 7 w 9448
he 223 w 9450
judged 1 w 9456
himself 11 w 9463
to 115 w 9465
do 20 w 9467
nothing 3 w 9474
amiss 1 w 9479
when 12 w 9483
he 225 w 9485
followed 1 w 9493
sports 1 w 9499
and 83 w 9502
banquets 1 w 9510
sure 5 w 9515
we 17 w 9518
shall 1 w 9523
not 26 w 9526
do 21 w 9528
worse 1 w 9533
if 8 w 9536
in 160 w 9538
whatever 1 w 9546
circumstances 1 w 9559
we 18 w 9561
follow 5 w 9567
the 148 w 9570
study 2 w 9575
of 68 w 9577
philosophy 1 w 9587
or 102 w 9590
manage 2 w 9596
public 1 w 9602
affairs 1 w 9609
or 103 w 9612
go 4 w 9614
to 116 w 9616
the 149 w 9619
market 1 w 9625
or 104 w 9627
to 117 w 9629
the 150 w 9632
Academy 1 w 9639
or 105 w 9642
follow 6 w 9648
our 14 w 9651
husbandry 1 w 9660
Wherefore 1 w 9670
those 9 w 9675
corrections 1 w 9686
also 5 w 9690
are 21 w 9693
not 27 w 9696
to 118 w 9698
be 43 w 9700
rejected 1 w 9708
which 4 w 9713
Cleanthes 2 w 9722
and 85 w 9725
Antisthenes 1 w 9736
have 1 w 9740
made 2 w 9744
use 11 w 9747
of 69 w 9749
For 15 w 9753
Antisthenes 2 w 9764
seeing 4 w 9771
the 154 w 9774
Athenians 1 w 9783
all 17 w 9786
in 162 w 9788
a 692 w 9789
tumult 1 w 9795
in 163 w 9797
the 156 w 9800
theatre 1 w 9807
and 86 w 9811
justly 1 w 9817
upon 6 w 9822
the 158 w 9825
pronunciation 1 w 9838
of 70 w 9840
this 7 w 9844
verse 1 w 9849
Except 1 w 9857
what 4 w 9861
men 14 w 9864
think 1 w 9869
base 3 w 9873
there 9 w 9879
s 745 w 9881
nothing 4 w 9888
ill 12 w 9891
From 2 w 9896
the 160 w 9899
Aeolus 1 w 9905
of 71 w 9907
Euripides 2 w 9916
Frag 2 w 9921
19 1 w 9924
presently 1 w 9934
subjoined 1 w 9943
this 8 w 9947
corrective 1 w 9957
What 2 w 9962
s 751 w 9964
base 4 w 9968
is 113 w 9970
base 5 w 9974
believe 1 w 9983
men 15 w 9986
what 5 w 9990
they 8 w 9994
will 5 w 9998
And 15 w 10002
Cleanthes 3 w 10011
hearing 1 w 10019
this 9 w 10023
passage 7 w 10030
concerning 2 w 10040
wealth 3 w 10046
Great 1 w 10052
is 115 w 10054
th 310 w 10056
advantage 1 w 10066
that 40 w 10070
great 9 w 10075
wealth 4 w 10081
attends 1 w 10088
For 16 w 10092
oft 2 w 10095
with 19 w 10099
it 63 w 10101
we 21 w 10103
purchase 1 w 10111
health 1 w 10117
and 87 w 10120
friends 1 w 10127
Eurip 3 w 10133
Electra 1 w 10141
428 1 w 10145
presently 2 w 10155
altered 1 w 10162
it 64 w 10164
thus 6 w 10168
Great 2 w 10174
disadvantage 1 w 10186
oft 3 w 10189
attends 2 w 10196
on 102 w 10198
wealth 5 w 10204
We 2 w 10207
purchase 2 w 10215
whores 1 w 10221
with 20 w 10225
t 916 w 10227
and 88 w 10230
destroy 1 w 10237
our 15 w 10240
health 2 w 10246
And 16 w 10250
Zeno 1 w 10254
corrected 1 w 10263
that 41 w 10267
of 74 w 10269
Sophocles 1 w 10278
The 9 w 10282
man 28 w 10285
that 42 w 10289
in 169 w 10291
a 733 w 10292
tyrant 1 w 10298
s 771 w 10300
palace 1 w 10306
dwells 2 w 10312
His 3 w 10315
liberty 1 w 10322
for 26 w 10325
s 774 w 10327
entertainment 1 w 10340
sells 1 w 10345
after 3 w 10351
this 10 w 10355
manner 5 w 10361
No 4 w 10364
if 9 w 10367
he 246 w 10369
came 1 w 10373
in 171 w 10375
free 1 w 10379
he 247 w 10382
cannot 1 w 10388
lose 1 w 10392
His 4 w 10395
liberty 2 w 10402
though 4 w 10409
in 172 w 10411
a 742 w 10412
tyrant 2 w 10418
s 780 w 10420
house 1 w 10425
meaning 1 w 10433
by 19 w 10435
a 745 w 10436
free 2 w 10440
man 30 w 10443
one 9 w 10446
that 43 w 10450
is 120 w 10452
undaunted 1 w 10461
and 89 w 10464
magnanimous 1 w 10475
and 90 w 10479
one 10 w 10482
of 75 w 10484
a 753 w 10485
spirit 1 w 10491
too 5 w 10494
great 10 w 10499
to 120 w 10501
stoop 1 w 10506
beneath 2 w 10513
itself 1 w 10519
And 17 w 10523
why 2 w 10526
may 4 w 10529
not 30 w 10532
we 24 w 10534
also 6 w 10538
by 20 w 10541
some 4 w 10545
such 13 w 10549
acclamations 2 w 10561
as 81 w 10563
those 10 w 10568
call 3 w 10573
off 2 w 10576
young 4 w 10581
men 17 w 10584
to 122 w 10586
the 163 w 10589
better 2 w 10595
side 6 w 10599
by 21 w 10602
using 1 w 10607
some 5 w 10611
things 5 w 10617
spoken 2 w 10623
by 22 w 10625
poets 3 w 10630
after 4 w 10635
the 164 w 10638
same 5 w 10642
manner 6 w 10648
For 17 w 10652
example 2 w 10659
it 68 w 10662
is 121 w 10664
said 3 w 10668
Tis 1 w 10673
all 19 w 10676
that 44 w 10680
in 176 w 10682
this 11 w 10686
life 2 w 10690
one 11 w 10693
can 5 w 10696
require 1 w 10703
To 4 w 10706
hit 1 w 10709
the 165 w 10712
mark 2 w 10716
he 251 w 10718
aims 1 w 10722
at 118 w 10724
in 177 w 10726
desire 1 w 10732
To 5 w 10735
which 5 w 10740
we 25 w 10742
may 5 w 10745
reply 1 w 10750
thus 7 w 10754
Tis 2 w 10759
false 1 w 10764
except 1 w 10771
one 12 w 10774
level 1 w 10779
his 38 w 10782
desire 2 w 10788
At 3 w 10790
what 6 w 10794
s 811 w 10796
expedient 1 w 10805
and 91 w 10809
no 49 w 10811
more 8 w 10815
require 2 w 10822
For 18 w 10826
it 70 w 10828
is 126 w 10830
an 181 w 10832
unhappy 2 w 10839
thing 14 w 10844
and 92 w 10847
not 31 w 10850
to 123 w 10852
be 49 w 10854
wished 1 w 10860
for 27 w 10864
a 781 w 10865
man 32 w 10868
to 124 w 10870
obtain 2 w 10876
and 93 w 10879
be 50 w 10881
master 1 w 10887
of 77 w 10889
what 7 w 10893
he 253 w 10895
desires 1 w 10902
if 11 w 10904
it 71 w 10906
be 51 w 10908
inexpedient 1 w 10919
Again 4 w 10925
this 12 w 10929
saying 1 w 10935
Thou 1 w 10940
Agamemnon 3 w 10950
must 3 w 10955
thyself 1 w 10962
prepare 1 w 10969
Of 2 w 10971
joy 1 w 10974
and 94 w 10977
grief 2 w 10982
by 23 w 10984
turns 1 w 10989
to 125 w 10991
take 3 w 10995
thy 10 w 10998
share 1 w 11003
Thy 1 w 11007
father 2 w 11013
Atreus 1 w 11020
sure 6 w 11025
ne 63 w 11028
er 119 w 11031
thee 3 w 11035
begat 1 w 11040
To 6 w 11043
be 53 w 11045
an 186 w 11047
unchanged 1 w 11056
favorite 1 w 11064
of 78 w 11066
Fate 1 w 11070
Eurip 4 w 11076
Iphig 1 w 11082
Aul 1 w 11086
29 2 w 11089
we 26 w 11092
may 6 w 11095
thus 8 w 11099
invert 1 w 11105
Thy 2 w 11109
father 3 w 11115
Atreus 2 w 11122
never 2 w 11128
thee 4 w 11132
begat 2 w 11137
To 7 w 11140
be 55 w 11142
an 188 w 11144
unchanged 2 w 11153
favorite 2 w 11161
of 79 w 11163
Fate 2 w 11167
Therefore 1 w 11177
if 12 w 11180
moderate 2 w 11188
thy 11 w 11191
fortunes 1 w 11199
are 24 w 11202
Thou 2 w 11207
shouldst 1 w 11215
rejoice 1 w 11222
always 1 w 11228
and 95 w 11232
grief 3 w 11237
forbear 2 w 11244
Again 5 w 11250
it 74 w 11252
is 129 w 11254
said 4 w 11258
Alas 1 w 11263
this 13 w 11268
ill 14 w 11271
comes 1 w 11276
from 10 w 11280
the 170 w 11283
powers 1 w 11289
divine 4 w 11295
That 2 w 11300
oft 4 w 11303
we 28 w 11305
see 13 w 11308
what 8 w 11312
s 838 w 11314
good 2 w 11318
yet 8 w 11322
it 75 w 11324
decline 1 w 11331
From 3 w 11336
the 171 w 11339
Chrysippus 2 w 11349
of 81 w 11351
Euripides 3 w 11360
Frag 3 w 11365
838 1 w 11369
Yea 2 w 11373
rather 3 w 11380
say 3 w 11384
we 29 w 11386
it 76 w 11389
is 131 w 11391
a 822 w 11392
brutish 1 w 11399
and 96 w 11402
irrational 1 w 11412
and 97 w 11415
wretched 1 w 11423
fault 1 w 11428
of 82 w 11430
ours 4 w 11434
that 45 w 11439
when 13 w 11443
we 30 w 11445
understand 2 w 11455
better 3 w 11461
things 6 w 11467
we 31 w 11470
are 25 w 11473
carried 1 w 11480
away 1 w 11484
to 126 w 11486
the 173 w 11489
pursuit 1 w 11496
of 83 w 11498
those 11 w 11503
which 6 w 11508
are 26 w 11511
worse 2 w 11516
through 2 w 11524
our 17 w 11527
intemperance 1 w 11539
and 99 w 11542
effeminacy 1 w 11552
Again 6 w 11558
one 13 w 11562
says 2 w 11566
Tis 3 w 11571
not 32 w 11574
the 174 w 11577
teacher 2 w 11584
s 854 w 11586
speech 4 w 11592
but 11 w 11595
practice 2 w 11603
moves 1 w 11608
From 4 w 11613
Menander 1 w 11621
Yea 3 w 11625
rather 4 w 11632
say 5 w 11636
we 32 w 11638
both 4 w 11643
the 176 w 11646
speech 5 w 11652
and 101 w 11655
practice 3 w 11663
or 124 w 11667
the 177 w 11670
practice 4 w 11678
by 24 w 11680
the 178 w 11683
means 1 w 11688
of 84 w 11690
speech 6 w 11696
as 84 w 11700
the 179 w 11703
horse 2 w 11708
is 134 w 11710
managed 1 w 11717
with 21 w 11721
the 180 w 11724
bridle 3 w 11730
and 102 w 11734
the 181 w 11737
ship 2 w 11741
with 22 w 11745
the 182 w 11748
helm 1 w 11752
For 19 w 11756
virtue 7 w 11762
hath 2 w 11766
no 53 w 11768
instrument 1 w 11778
so 42 w 11780
suitable 2 w 11788
and 103 w 11791
agreeable 1 w 11800
to 127 w 11802
human 1 w 11807
nature 3 w 11813
to 128 w 11815
work 1 w 11819
on 111 w 11821
men 19 w 11824
withal 2 w 11830
as 85 w 11833
that 46 w 11837
of 85 w 11839
rational 3 w 11847
discourse 3 w 11856
Again 7 w 11862
we 33 w 11865
meet 2 w 11869
with 24 w 11873
this 14 w 11877
character 1 w 11886
of 86 w 11888
some 6 w 11892
person 3 w 11898
A 58 w 11900
Is 1 w 11903
he 276 w 11905
more 9 w 11909
prone 2 w 11914
to 129 w 11916
male 1 w 11920
or 129 w 11922
female 1 w 11928
loves 1 w 11933
B 12 w 11935
He 5 w 11938
s 876 w 11940
flexible 1 w 11948
both 5 w 11952
ways 2 w 11956
where 1 w 11962
beauty 1 w 11968
moves 2 w 11973
But 7 w 11977
it 83 w 11979
had 1 w 11982
been 2 w 11986
better 4 w 11992
said 5 w 11996
thus 9 w 12000
He 6 w 12003
s 881 w 12005
flexible 2 w 12013
to 130 w 12015
both 6 w 12019
where 2 w 12025
virtue 8 w 12031
moves 3 w 12036
For 20 w 12040
it 84 w 12042
is 137 w 12044
no 54 w 12046
commendation 1 w 12058
of 87 w 12060
a 876 w 12061
man 35 w 12064
s 884 w 12066
dexterity 1 w 12075
to 131 w 12077
be 61 w 12079
tossed 1 w 12085
up 15 w 12087
and 104 w 12090
down 1 w 12094
as 86 w 12096
pleasure 4 w 12104
and 105 w 12107
beauty 2 w 12113
move 5 w 12117
him 24 w 12120
but 12 w 12124
an 206 w 12126
argument 1 w 12134
rather 5 w 12140
of 88 w 12142
a 886 w 12143
weak 1 w 12147
and 106 w 12150
unstable 1 w 12158
disposition 1 w 12169
Once 1 w 12174
more 10 w 12178
this 15 w 12183
speech 7 w 12189
religion 1 w 12198
damps 1 w 12203
the 184 w 12206
courage 2 w 12213
of 89 w 12215
our 20 w 12218
minds 3 w 12223
And 18 w 12227
ev 14 w 12229
n 798 w 12231
wise 9 w 12235
men 22 w 12238
to 133 w 12240
cowardice 2 w 12249
inclines 1 w 12257
is 141 w 12260
by 25 w 12262
no 55 w 12264
means 2 w 12269
to 134 w 12271
be 63 w 12273
allowed 1 w 12280
but 13 w 12284
rather 6 w 12290
the 186 w 12293
contrary 2 w 12301
Religion 1 w 12310
truly 1 w 12315
fortifies 1 w 12324
men 23 w 12327
s 901 w 12329
minds 4 w 12334
And 19 w 12338
a 897 w 12339
wise 10 w 12343
man 36 w 12346
to 135 w 12348
valiant 2 w 12355
acts 1 w 12359
inclines 2 w 12367
and 107 w 12371
gives 3 w 12376
not 33 w 12379
occasion 2 w 12387
of 90 w 12389
fear 4 w 12393
to 136 w 12395
any 3 w 12398
but 14 w 12401
weak 2 w 12405
and 108 w 12408
foolish 1 w 12415
persons 2 w 12422
and 109 w 12425
such 14 w 12429
as 89 w 12431
are 27 w 12434
ungrateful 1 w 12444
to 137 w 12446
the 187 w 12449
Deity 2 w 12454
who 14 w 12458
are 28 w 12461
apt 2 w 12464
to 138 w 12466
look 1 w 12470
on 122 w 12472
that 47 w 12476
divine 5 w 12482
power 3 w 12487
and 110 w 12490
principle 1 w 12499
which 7 w 12504
is 144 w 12506
the 188 w 12509
cause 4 w 12514
of 91 w 12516
all 21 w 12519
good 3 w 12523
with 25 w 12527
suspicion 2 w 12536
and 111 w 12539
jealousy 1 w 12547
as 90 w 12550
being 3 w 12555
hurtful 1 w 12562
unto 2 w 12566
them 11 w 12570
And 20 w 12574
so 46 w 12576
much 4 w 12580
for 32 w 12583
that 48 w 12587
which 8 w 12592
I 57 w 12593
call 4 w 12597
correction 2 w 12607
of 92 w 12609
poets 4 w 12614
sayings 1 w 12622