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CTS Library / How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems

How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems (1-2)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '1', 'human_reference': 'Section 1'}, 'end': {'reference': '2', 'human_reference': 'Section 2'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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How a young man ought to hear poems.

It may be allowed to be a question fit for the determination of those concerning whom Cato said, Their palates are more sensitive than their hearts, whether that saying of Philoxenus the poet be true or no, The most savory flesh is that which is no flesh, and fish that is no fish. Yet this to me, Marcus Sedatus, is out of question, that those precepts of philosophy which seem not to be delivered with a designed gravity, such as becomes philosophers, take most with persons that are very young, and meet with a more ready acceptance and compliance from them. Whence it is that they do not only read through Esops fables and the fictions of poets and the Abaris of Heraclides and Aristons Lyco; but they also read such doctrines as relate to the souls of men, if something fabulous be mixed with them, with an excess of pleasure that borders on enthusiasm. Wherefore we are not only to govern their appetites in the delights of eating and drinking, but also (and much more) to inure them to a like temperance in reading and hearing, that, while they make use of pleasure as a sauce, they may pursue that which is wholesome and profitable in those things which they read. For neither can a city be secure if but one gate be left open to receive the enemy, though all the rest be shut; nor a young man safe, though he be sufficiently fortified against the assaults of all other pleasures, whilst he is without any guard against those of the ear. Yea, the nearer the commerce is betwixt

the delights of that sense and those of the mind and reason, by so much the more, when he lies open on that side, is he apt to be debauched and corrupted thereby. Seeing therefore we cannot (and perhaps would not if we could) debar young men of the size of my Soclarus and thy Cleander altogether from the reading of poets, yet let us keep the stricter guard upon them, as those who need a guide to direct them in their reading more than in their walks. Upon which consideration, I find myself disposed to send thee at present in writing that discourse concerning Poetry which I had lately an occasion to deliver by word of mouth; that, when thou hast read it over thyself, thou mayst also make such use of it, if thou judgest it may be serviceable to that purpose, as those which are engaged to drink hard do of amethysts (or preservatives against drunkenness),— that is, that thou mayst communicate it to Cleander, to prepossess him therewith; seeing he is naturally endowed with a brisk, piercing, and daring wit, and therefore more prone to be inveigled by that sort of study.

They say of the fish called polypus that

His head in one respect is very good,
But in another very naughty food;
because, though it be very luscious to eat, yet it is thought to disturb the fancy with frightful and confused dreams. And the like observation may be made concerning poetry, that it affords sweet and withal wholesome nourishment to the minds of young men, but yet it contains likewise no less matter of disturbance and emotion to them that want a right conduct in the study thereof. For of it also, as well as of Egypt, may it be said that (to those who will use it)
Its over-fertile and luxuriant field
Medicines and poisons intermixt doth yield;
for therein
Love with soft passions and rich language drest
Oft steals the heart out of th ingenuous breast.
And indeed such only are endangered thereby, for the charms of that art ordinarily affect not those that are downright sots and naturally incapable of learning. Wherefore, when Simonides was asked why of all men he could not deceive the Thessalians, his answer was, Because they are not so well bred as to be capable of being cajoled by me. And Gorgias used to call tragical poems cheats, wherein he that did cheat was juster than he that did not cheat, and he that was cheated was wiser than he that was not cheated.

It deserves therefore our consideration, whether we shall put young men into Epicuruss boat,—wherein, having their ears stopped with wax, as those of the men of Ithaca were, they shall be obliged to sail by and not so much as touch at poetry,—or rather keep a guard on them, so as to oblige their judgments by principles of right reason to use it aright, and preserve them from being seduced to their hurt by that which affords them so much delight. For neither did Lycurgus, the valiant son of Dryas (as Homer[*] calls him) act like a man of sound reason in the course which he took to reform his people that were much inclined to drunkenness, by travelling up and down to destroy all the vines in the country; whereas he should have ordered that every vine should have a well of water near it, that (as Plato saith) the drunken deity might be reduced to temperance by a sober one. For water mixed with wine takes away the hurtful spirits, while it leaves the useful ones in it. Neither should we cut down or destroy the Muses vine, poetry; but where we perceive it luxuriates and grows wild through an ungoverned appetite of applause, there ought we to prune away or keep under the fabulous and theatrical branches thereof; and where we find any of the Graces linked to any of the Muses,—that is, where the lusciousness and tempting charms of language

are not altogether barren and unprofitable,—there let us bring in philosophy to incorporate with it.

For as, where the mandrake grows near the vine and so communicates something of its force thereto, the wine that is made of its grapes makes the sleep of those that drink it more refreshing; so doth the tempering poetry with the principles of philosophy and allaying their roughness with its fictions render the study of them more easy and the relish of them more grateful to young learners. Wherefore those that would give their minds to philosophical studies are not obliged to avoid poetry altogether, but rather to prepare themselves for philosophy by poems, accustoming themselves to search for and embrace that which may profit in that which pleaseth them, and rejecting and discarding that wherein they find nothing of this nature. For this discrimination is the first step to learning; and when this is attained, then, according to what Sophocles saith,—

To have begun well what we do intend
Gives hope and prospect of as good an end.

Let us therefore in the first place possess those whom we initiate in the study of poetry with this notion (as one which they ought always to have at hand), that

Tis frequently the poets guise
To intermingle truth with lies;—
which they do sometimes with and sometimes against their wills. They do it with their wills, because they find strict truth too rigid to comply with that sweetness and gracefulness of expression, which most are taken with, so readily as fiction doth. For real truth, though it disgust never so much, must be told as it is, without alteration; but that which is feigned in a discourse can easily yield and shift its garb from the distasteful to that which is more pleasing. And indeed, neither the measures nor the tropes nor the grandeur of words nor the aptness of metaphors
nor the harmony of the composition gives such a degree of elegance and gracefulness to a poem as a well-ordered and artificial fiction doth. But as in pictures the colors are more delightful to the eye than the lines, because those give them a nearer resemblance to the persons they were made for, and render them the more apt to deceive the beholder; so in poems we are more apt to be smitten and fall in love with a probable fiction than with the greatest accuracy that can be observed in measures and phrases, where there is nothing fabulous or fictitious joined with it. Wherefore Socrates, being induced by some dreams to attempt something in poetry, and finding himself unapt, by reason that he had all his lifetime been the champion of severe truth, to hammer out of his own invention a likely fiction, made choice of Esops fables to turn into verse; as judging nothing to be true poetry that had in it nothing of falsehood. For though we have known some sacrifices performed without pipes and dances, yet we own no poetry which is utterly destitute of fable and fiction. Whence the verses of Empedocles and Parmenides, the Theriaca of Nicander, and the sentences of Theognis, are rather to be accounted speeches than poems, which, that they might not walk contemptibly on foot, have borrowed from poetry the chariot of verse, to convey them the more creditably through the world. Whensoever therefore any thing is spoken in poems by any noted and eminently famous man, concerning Gods or Daemons or virtue, that is absurd or harsh, he that takes such sayings for truths is thereby misled in his apprehension and corrupted with an erroneous opinion. But he that constantly keeps in his mind and maintains as his principle that the witchcraft of poetry consists in fiction, he that can at all turns accost it in this language,—
Riddle of art! like which no sphinx beguiles;
Whose face on one side frowns while th other smiles!
Why cheatst thou, with pretence to make us wise,
And bidst sage precepts in a fools disguise?—
such a one, I say, will take no harm. by it, nor admit from it any absurd thing into his belief. But when he meets in poetry with expressions of Neptunes rending the earth to pieces and discovering the infernal regions,[*] he will be able to check his fears of the reality of any such accident; and he will rebuke himself for his anger against Apollo for the chief commander of the Greeks,—
Whom at a banquet, whiles he sings his praise
And speaks him fair, yet treacherously he slays.[*]
Yea, he will repress his tears for Achilles and Agamemnon, while they are represented as mourning after their death, and stretching forth their limber and feeble hands to express their desire to live again. And if at any time the charms of poetry transport him into any disquieting passions, he will quickly say to himself, as Homer very elegantly (considering the propension of women to listen after fables) says in his Necyia, or relation of the state of the dead,—
But from the dark dominions speed thy way,
And climb the steep ascent to upper day;
To thy chaste bride the wondrous story tell,
The woes, the horrors, and the laws of hell.
Such things as I have touched upon are those which the poets willingly feign. But more there are which they do not feign, but believing them themselves as their own proper judgments, they put fictitious colors upon them to ingratiate them to us. As when Homer says of Jupiter,—
Jove lifts the golden balances, that show
The fates of mortal men, and things below.
Here each contending heros lot he tries,
And weighs with equal hand their destinies.
Low sinks the scale surcharged with Hectors fate;
Heavy with death it sinks, and hell receives the weight.
To this fable Aeschylus hath accommodated a whole tragedy
which he calls Psychostasia, wherein he introduceth Thetis and Aurora standing by Jupiters balances, and deprecating each of them the death of her son engaged in a duel. Now there is no man but sees that this fable is a creature of the poets fancy, designed to delight or scare the reader. But this other passage,—
Great Jove is made the treasurer of wars;
and this other also,—
When a God means a noble house to raze,
He frames one rather than hell want a cause:
these passages, I say, express the judgment and belief of poets who thereby discover and suggest to us the ignorant or mistaken apprehensions they had of the Deities. Moreover, almost every one knows nowadays, that the portentous fancies and contrivances of stories concerning the state of the dead are accommodated to popular apprehensions, that the spectres and phantasms of burning rivers and horrid regions and terrible tortures expressed by frightful names are all mixed with fable and fiction, as poison with food; and that neither Homer nor Pindar nor Sophocles ever believed themselves when they wrote at this rate:—
There endless floods of shady darkness stream
From the vast caves, where mother Night doth teem;
There ghosts oer the vast oceans waves did glide,
By the Leucadian promontorys side;
There from th unfathomed gulf th infernal lake
Through narrow straits recurring tides doth make.
And yet, as many of them as deplore death as a lamentable thing, or the want of burial after death as a calamitous condition, are wont to break out into expressions of this nature:—
O pass not by, my friend; nor leave me here
Without a grave, and on that grave a tear;
Then to the ghosts the mournful soul did fly,
Sore grieved in midst of youth and strength to die;
and again,
Tis sweet to see the light. O spare me then,
Till I arrive at th usual age of men:
Nor force my unfledged soul from hence, to know
The doleful state of dismal shades below.
These, I say, are the speeches of men persuaded of these things, as being possessed by erroneous opinions; and therefore they touch us the more nearly and torment us inwardly, because we ourselves are full of the same impotent passion from which they were uttered. To fortify us therefore against expressions of this nature, let this principle continually ring in our ears, that poetry is not at all solicitous to keep to the strict measure of truth. And indeed, as to what that truth in these matters is, even those men themselves who make it their only study to learn and search it out confess that they can hardly discover any certain footsteps to guide them in that enquiry. Let us therefore have these verses of Empedocles, in this case, at hand:—
No sight of mans so clear, no ear so quick,
No mind so piercing, thats not here to seek;
as also those of Xenophanes:—
The truth about the Gods and world, no man
Eer was or shall be that determine can;
and lastly, that passage concerning Socrates, in Plato, where he by the solemnity of an oath disclaims all knowledge of those things. For those who perceive that the searching into such matters makes the heads of philosophers themselves giddy cannot but be the less inclined to regard what poets say concerning them.

How 1 w 3
a 1 w 4
young 1 w 9
man 1 w 12
ought 1 w 17
to 1 w 19
hear 1 w 23
poems 1 w 28
It 1 w 31
may 1 w 34
be 1 w 36
allowed 1 w 43
to 2 w 45
be 2 w 47
a 6 w 48
question 1 w 56
fit 1 w 59
for 1 w 62
the 1 w 65
determination 1 w 78
of 1 w 80
those 1 w 85
concerning 1 w 95
whom 1 w 99
Cato 1 w 103
said 1 w 107
Their 1 w 113
palates 1 w 120
are 1 w 123
more 1 w 127
sensitive 1 w 136
than 1 w 140
their 1 w 145
hearts 1 w 151
whether 1 w 159
that 1 w 163
saying 1 w 169
of 2 w 171
Philoxenus 1 w 181
the 4 w 184
poet 1 w 188
be 3 w 190
true 1 w 194
or 3 w 196
no 1 w 198
The 2 w 202
most 1 w 206
savory 1 w 212
flesh 1 w 217
is 1 w 219
that 2 w 223
which 1 w 228
is 2 w 230
no 2 w 232
flesh 2 w 237
and 1 w 241
fish 1 w 245
that 3 w 249
is 4 w 251
no 3 w 253
fish 2 w 257
Yet 1 w 261
this 1 w 265
to 4 w 267
me 1 w 269
Marcus 1 w 276
Sedatus 1 w 283
is 7 w 286
out 1 w 289
of 3 w 291
question 2 w 299
that 4 w 304
those 2 w 309
precepts 1 w 317
of 4 w 319
philosophy 1 w 329
which 2 w 334
seem 1 w 338
not 1 w 341
to 5 w 343
be 4 w 345
delivered 1 w 354
with 1 w 358
a 24 w 359
designed 1 w 367
gravity 1 w 374
such 1 w 379
as 1 w 381
becomes 1 w 388
philosophers 1 w 400
take 1 w 405
most 2 w 409
with 2 w 413
persons 1 w 420
that 5 w 424
are 2 w 427
very 1 w 431
young 2 w 436
and 2 w 440
meet 1 w 444
with 3 w 448
a 31 w 449
more 2 w 453
ready 1 w 458
acceptance 1 w 468
and 3 w 471
compliance 1 w 481
from 1 w 485
them 1 w 489
Whence 1 w 496
it 7 w 498
is 8 w 500
that 6 w 504
they 1 w 508
do 1 w 510
not 2 w 513
only 1 w 517
read 2 w 521
through 1 w 528
Esop 1 w 532
s 40 w 534
fables 1 w 540
and 4 w 543
the 7 w 546
fictions 1 w 554
of 5 w 556
poets 1 w 561
and 5 w 564
the 8 w 567
Abaris 1 w 573
of 6 w 575
Heraclides 1 w 585
and 6 w 588
Ariston 1 w 595
s 47 w 597
Lyco 1 w 601
but 1 w 605
they 2 w 609
also 1 w 613
read 3 w 617
such 2 w 621
doctrines 1 w 630
as 2 w 632
relate 1 w 638
to 7 w 640
the 10 w 643
souls 1 w 648
of 7 w 650
men 1 w 653
if 1 w 656
something 1 w 665
fabulous 1 w 673
be 6 w 675
mixed 1 w 680
with 4 w 684
them 2 w 688
with 5 w 693
an 11 w 695
excess 1 w 701
of 8 w 703
pleasure 1 w 711
that 7 w 715
borders 1 w 722
on 9 w 724
enthusiasm 1 w 734
Wherefore 1 w 744
we 2 w 746
are 3 w 749
not 3 w 752
only 2 w 756
to 8 w 758
govern 1 w 764
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appetites 1 w 778
in 6 w 780
the 13 w 783
delights 1 w 791
of 9 w 793
eating 1 w 799
and 7 w 802
drinking 1 w 810
but 2 w 814
also 2 w 818
and 8 w 822
much 1 w 826
more 3 w 830
to 9 w 833
inure 1 w 838
them 3 w 842
to 10 w 844
a 60 w 845
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in 11 w 861
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and 9 w 871
hearing 1 w 878
that 8 w 883
while 1 w 889
they 3 w 893
make 1 w 897
use 1 w 900
of 10 w 902
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as 6 w 912
a 69 w 913
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they 4 w 923
may 2 w 926
pursue 1 w 932
that 9 w 936
which 3 w 941
is 11 w 943
wholesome 1 w 952
and 10 w 955
profitable 1 w 965
in 14 w 967
those 3 w 972
things 1 w 978
which 4 w 983
they 5 w 987
read 5 w 991
For 1 w 995
neither 1 w 1002
can 1 w 1005
a 77 w 1006
city 1 w 1010
be 7 w 1012
secure 1 w 1018
if 2 w 1020
but 3 w 1023
one 1 w 1026
gate 1 w 1030
be 8 w 1032
left 1 w 1036
open 1 w 1040
to 11 w 1042
receive 1 w 1049
the 19 w 1052
enemy 1 w 1057
though 1 w 1064
all 2 w 1067
the 20 w 1070
rest 1 w 1074
be 9 w 1076
shut 1 w 1080
nor 1 w 1084
a 80 w 1085
young 3 w 1090
man 2 w 1093
safe 1 w 1097
though 2 w 1104
he 30 w 1106
be 10 w 1108
sufficiently 1 w 1120
fortified 1 w 1129
against 1 w 1136
the 21 w 1139
assaults 1 w 1147
of 12 w 1149
all 3 w 1152
other 1 w 1157
pleasures 1 w 1166
whilst 1 w 1173
he 33 w 1175
is 12 w 1177
without 1 w 1184
any 1 w 1187
guard 1 w 1192
against 2 w 1199
those 4 w 1204
of 13 w 1206
the 23 w 1209
ear 4 w 1212
Yea 1 w 1216
the 24 w 1220
nearer 1 w 1226
the 25 w 1229
commerce 1 w 1237
is 13 w 1239
betwixt 1 w 1246
the 26 w 1249
delights 2 w 1257
of 14 w 1259
that 10 w 1263
sense 1 w 1268
and 11 w 1271
those 5 w 1276
of 15 w 1278
the 27 w 1281
mind 1 w 1285
and 12 w 1288
reason 1 w 1294
by 1 w 1297
so 11 w 1299
much 2 w 1303
the 28 w 1306
more 4 w 1310
when 1 w 1315
he 41 w 1317
lies 1 w 1321
open 2 w 1325
on 13 w 1327
that 11 w 1331
side 1 w 1335
is 14 w 1338
he 42 w 1340
apt 1 w 1343
to 12 w 1345
be 12 w 1347
debauched 1 w 1356
and 13 w 1359
corrupted 1 w 1368
thereby 1 w 1375
Seeing 1 w 1382
therefore 1 w 1391
we 3 w 1393
cannot 1 w 1399
and 14 w 1403
perhaps 1 w 1410
would 1 w 1415
not 5 w 1418
if 4 w 1420
we 4 w 1422
could 1 w 1427
debar 1 w 1433
young 4 w 1438
men 2 w 1441
of 16 w 1443
the 31 w 1446
size 1 w 1450
of 17 w 1452
my 2 w 1454
Soclarus 1 w 1462
and 15 w 1465
thy 1 w 1468
Cleander 1 w 1476
altogether 1 w 1486
from 2 w 1490
the 33 w 1493
reading 2 w 1500
of 18 w 1502
poets 2 w 1507
yet 1 w 1511
let 1 w 1514
us 8 w 1516
keep 1 w 1520
the 34 w 1523
stricter 1 w 1531
guard 2 w 1536
upon 1 w 1540
them 4 w 1544
as 10 w 1547
those 6 w 1552
who 3 w 1555
need 1 w 1559
a 115 w 1560
guide 1 w 1565
to 14 w 1567
direct 1 w 1573
them 5 w 1577
in 21 w 1579
their 3 w 1584
reading 3 w 1591
more 5 w 1595
than 2 w 1599
in 23 w 1601
their 4 w 1606
walks 1 w 1611
Upon 1 w 1616
which 5 w 1621
consideration 1 w 1634
I 2 w 1636
find 1 w 1640
myself 1 w 1646
disposed 1 w 1654
to 15 w 1656
send 1 w 1660
thee 1 w 1664
at 20 w 1666
present 1 w 1673
in 25 w 1675
writing 1 w 1682
that 12 w 1686
discourse 1 w 1695
concerning 2 w 1705
Poetry 1 w 1711
which 6 w 1716
I 3 w 1717
had 1 w 1720
lately 1 w 1726
an 28 w 1728
occasion 1 w 1736
to 16 w 1738
deliver 2 w 1745
by 3 w 1747
word 1 w 1751
of 19 w 1753
mouth 1 w 1758
that 13 w 1763
when 2 w 1768
thou 4 w 1772
hast 1 w 1776
read 8 w 1780
it 16 w 1782
over 2 w 1786
thyself 1 w 1793
thou 5 w 1798
mayst 1 w 1803
also 3 w 1807
make 2 w 1811
such 3 w 1815
use 2 w 1818
of 20 w 1820
it 17 w 1822
if 5 w 1825
thou 6 w 1829
judgest 1 w 1836
it 18 w 1838
may 4 w 1841
be 13 w 1843
serviceable 1 w 1854
to 17 w 1856
that 14 w 1860
purpose 1 w 1867
as 13 w 1870
those 7 w 1875
which 7 w 1880
are 5 w 1883
engaged 1 w 1890
to 18 w 1892
drink 2 w 1897
hard 1 w 1901
do 3 w 1903
of 21 w 1905
amethysts 1 w 1914
or 17 w 1917
preservatives 1 w 1930
against 3 w 1937
drunkenness 1 w 1948
that 15 w 1955
is 17 w 1957
that 16 w 1962
thou 7 w 1966
mayst 2 w 1971
communicate 1 w 1982
it 19 w 1984
to 19 w 1986
Cleander 2 w 1994
to 20 w 1997
prepossess 1 w 2007
him 1 w 2010
therewith 1 w 2019
seeing 1 w 2026
he 57 w 2028
is 18 w 2030
naturally 1 w 2039
endowed 1 w 2046
with 8 w 2050
a 150 w 2051
brisk 1 w 2056
piercing 1 w 2065
and 18 w 2069
daring 1 w 2075
wit 9 w 2078
and 19 w 2082
therefore 2 w 2091
more 6 w 2095
prone 1 w 2100
to 21 w 2102
be 14 w 2104
inveigled 1 w 2113
by 4 w 2115
that 17 w 2119
sort 1 w 2123
of 22 w 2125
study 1 w 2130
They 1 w 2135
say 2 w 2138
of 23 w 2140
the 42 w 2143
fish 3 w 2147
called 1 w 2153
polypus 1 w 2160
that 18 w 2164
His 1 w 2167
head 1 w 2171
in 34 w 2173
one 3 w 2176
respect 1 w 2183
is 22 w 2185
very 2 w 2189
good 1 w 2193
But 1 w 2197
in 35 w 2199
another 1 w 2206
very 3 w 2210
naughty 1 w 2217
food 1 w 2221
because 1 w 2229
though 3 w 2236
it 23 w 2238
be 16 w 2240
very 4 w 2244
luscious 1 w 2252
to 22 w 2254
eat 2 w 2257
yet 2 w 2261
it 24 w 2263
is 23 w 2265
thought 1 w 2272
to 23 w 2274
disturb 1 w 2281
the 44 w 2284
fancy 1 w 2289
with 9 w 2293
frightful 1 w 2302
and 20 w 2305
confused 1 w 2313
dreams 1 w 2319
And 1 w 2323
the 45 w 2326
like 2 w 2330
observation 1 w 2341
may 6 w 2344
be 17 w 2346
made 1 w 2350
concerning 3 w 2360
poetry 1 w 2366
that 19 w 2371
it 26 w 2373
affords 1 w 2380
sweet 1 w 2385
and 21 w 2388
withal 1 w 2394
wholesome 2 w 2403
nourishment 1 w 2414
to 24 w 2416
the 46 w 2419
minds 1 w 2424
of 24 w 2426
young 5 w 2431
men 4 w 2434
but 4 w 2438
yet 3 w 2441
it 28 w 2443
contains 1 w 2451
likewise 1 w 2459
no 12 w 2461
less 1 w 2465
matter 1 w 2471
of 25 w 2473
disturbance 1 w 2484
and 22 w 2487
emotion 1 w 2494
to 25 w 2496
them 6 w 2500
that 20 w 2504
want 1 w 2508
a 179 w 2509
right 2 w 2514
conduct 1 w 2521
in 39 w 2523
the 48 w 2526
study 2 w 2531
thereof 1 w 2538
For 2 w 2542
of 27 w 2544
it 29 w 2546
also 4 w 2550
as 14 w 2553
well 1 w 2557
as 15 w 2559
of 28 w 2561
Egypt 1 w 2566
may 7 w 2570
it 30 w 2572
be 18 w 2574
said 2 w 2578
that 21 w 2582
to 26 w 2585
those 8 w 2590
who 5 w 2593
will 1 w 2597
use 5 w 2600
it 31 w 2602
Its 1 w 2606
over-fertile 1 w 2618
and 23 w 2621
luxuriant 1 w 2630
field 1 w 2635
Medicines 1 w 2644
and 24 w 2647
poisons 1 w 2654
intermixt 1 w 2663
doth 1 w 2667
yield 1 w 2672
for 7 w 2676
therein 1 w 2683
Love 1 w 2687
with 11 w 2691
soft 1 w 2695
passions 1 w 2703
and 25 w 2706
rich 1 w 2710
language 1 w 2718
drest 1 w 2723
Oft 1 w 2726
steals 1 w 2732
the 51 w 2735
heart 2 w 2740
out 4 w 2743
of 30 w 2745
th 112 w 2747
ingenuous 1 w 2757
breast 1 w 2763
Odyss 1 w 2769
IV 1 w 2772
230 1 w 2776
Il 1 w 2779
XIV 1 w 2783
216 1 w 2787
And 2 w 2791
indeed 1 w 2797
such 4 w 2801
only 3 w 2805
are 6 w 2808
endangered 1 w 2818
thereby 2 w 2825
for 8 w 2829
the 53 w 2832
charms 1 w 2838
of 31 w 2840
that 22 w 2844
art 3 w 2847
ordinarily 1 w 2857
affect 1 w 2863
not 7 w 2866
those 9 w 2871
that 23 w 2875
are 7 w 2878
downright 1 w 2887
sots 1 w 2891
and 26 w 2894
naturally 2 w 2903
incapable 1 w 2912
of 32 w 2914
learning 1 w 2922
Wherefore 2 w 2932
when 3 w 2937
Simonides 1 w 2946
was 1 w 2949
asked 1 w 2954
why 1 w 2957
of 33 w 2959
all 7 w 2962
men 5 w 2965
he 76 w 2967
could 2 w 2972
not 8 w 2975
deceive 1 w 2982
the 54 w 2985
Thessalians 1 w 2996
his 2 w 3000
answer 1 w 3006
was 2 w 3009
Because 1 w 3017
they 6 w 3021
are 8 w 3024
not 9 w 3027
so 19 w 3029
well 2 w 3033
bred 1 w 3037
as 21 w 3039
to 27 w 3041
be 19 w 3043
capable 2 w 3050
of 34 w 3052
being 1 w 3057
cajoled 1 w 3064
by 6 w 3066
me 14 w 3068
And 3 w 3072
Gorgias 1 w 3079
used 2 w 3083
to 28 w 3085
call 2 w 3089
tragical 1 w 3097
poems 2 w 3102
cheats 1 w 3108
wherein 1 w 3116
he 82 w 3118
that 24 w 3122
did 1 w 3125
cheat 2 w 3130
was 3 w 3133
juster 1 w 3139
than 3 w 3143
he 84 w 3145
that 25 w 3149
did 2 w 3152
not 10 w 3155
cheat 3 w 3160
and 27 w 3164
he 86 w 3166
that 26 w 3170
was 4 w 3173
cheated 1 w 3180
was 5 w 3183
wiser 1 w 3188
than 4 w 3192
he 88 w 3194
that 27 w 3198
was 6 w 3201
not 11 w 3204
cheated 2 w 3211
It 3 w 3214
deserves 1 w 3222
therefore 3 w 3231
our 3 w 3234
consideration 2 w 3247
whether 2 w 3255
we 10 w 3257
shall 1 w 3262
put 1 w 3265
young 6 w 3270
men 6 w 3273
into 1 w 3277
Epicurus 1 w 3285
s 224 w 3287
boat 1 w 3291
wherein 2 w 3300
having 1 w 3307
their 5 w 3312
ears 1 w 3316
stopped 1 w 3323
with 12 w 3327
wax 1 w 3330
as 27 w 3333
those 10 w 3338
of 35 w 3340
the 59 w 3343
men 7 w 3346
of 36 w 3348
Ithaca 1 w 3354
were 1 w 3358
they 7 w 3363
shall 2 w 3368
be 21 w 3370
obliged 1 w 3377
to 31 w 3379
sail 1 w 3383
by 7 w 3385
and 28 w 3388
not 12 w 3391
so 20 w 3393
much 3 w 3397
as 28 w 3399
touch 1 w 3404
at 52 w 3406
poetry 2 w 3412
or 29 w 3416
rather 1 w 3422
keep 2 w 3426
a 259 w 3427
guard 3 w 3432
on 34 w 3434
them 7 w 3438
so 21 w 3441
as 29 w 3443
to 33 w 3445
oblige 2 w 3451
their 6 w 3456
judgments 1 w 3465
by 8 w 3467
principles 1 w 3477
of 37 w 3479
right 4 w 3484
reason 2 w 3490
to 34 w 3492
use 8 w 3495
it 34 w 3497
aright 1 w 3503
and 29 w 3507
preserve 1 w 3515
them 8 w 3519
from 3 w 3523
being 2 w 3528
seduced 1 w 3535
to 35 w 3537
their 7 w 3542
hurt 1 w 3546
by 9 w 3548
that 28 w 3552
which 8 w 3557
affords 2 w 3564
them 9 w 3568
so 23 w 3570
much 4 w 3574
delight 3 w 3581
For 3 w 3585
neither 2 w 3592
did 3 w 3595
Lycurgus 1 w 3603
the 68 w 3607
valiant 1 w 3614
son 5 w 3617
of 38 w 3619
Dryas 1 w 3624
as 32 w 3627
Homer 1 w 3632
Il 2 w 3634
VI 1 w 3637
130 1 w 3640
calls 1 w 3646
him 2 w 3649
act 1 w 3653
like 4 w 3657
a 273 w 3658
man 3 w 3661
of 39 w 3663
sound 1 w 3668
reason 3 w 3674
in 55 w 3676
the 69 w 3679
course 2 w 3685
which 9 w 3690
he 106 w 3692
took 1 w 3696
to 37 w 3698
reform 1 w 3704
his 3 w 3707
people 1 w 3713
that 29 w 3717
were 2 w 3721
much 5 w 3725
inclined 1 w 3733
to 38 w 3735
drunkenness 2 w 3746
by 10 w 3749
travelling 1 w 3759
up 3 w 3761
and 30 w 3764
down 2 w 3768
to 39 w 3770
destroy 1 w 3777
all 12 w 3780
the 70 w 3783
vines 1 w 3788
in 60 w 3790
the 71 w 3793
country 1 w 3800
whereas 1 w 3808
he 110 w 3810
should 1 w 3816
have 1 w 3820
ordered 1 w 3827
that 30 w 3831
every 1 w 3836
vine 2 w 3840
should 2 w 3846
have 2 w 3850
a 284 w 3851
well 3 w 3855
of 40 w 3857
water 1 w 3862
near 2 w 3866
it 36 w 3868
that 31 w 3873
as 35 w 3876
Plato 1 w 3881
saith 1 w 3886
the 72 w 3890
drunken 3 w 3897
deity 1 w 3902
might 1 w 3907
be 23 w 3909
reduced 1 w 3916
to 41 w 3918
temperance 2 w 3928
by 11 w 3930
a 292 w 3931
sober 1 w 3936
one 4 w 3939
For 4 w 3943
water 2 w 3948
mixed 2 w 3953
with 13 w 3957
wine 1 w 3961
takes 1 w 3966
away 1 w 3970
the 73 w 3973
hurtful 1 w 3980
spirits 1 w 3987
while 2 w 3993
it 41 w 3995
leaves 1 w 4001
the 74 w 4004
useful 1 w 4010
ones 1 w 4014
in 63 w 4016
it 42 w 4018
Neither 1 w 4026
should 3 w 4032
we 14 w 4034
cut 1 w 4037
down 3 w 4041
or 35 w 4043
destroy 2 w 4050
the 76 w 4053
Muses 1 w 4058
vine 3 w 4063
poetry 3 w 4070
but 5 w 4074
where 4 w 4079
we 15 w 4081
perceive 1 w 4089
it 44 w 4091
luxuriates 1 w 4101
and 31 w 4104
grows 1 w 4109
wild 1 w 4113
through 2 w 4120
an 58 w 4122
ungoverned 1 w 4132
appetite 2 w 4140
of 41 w 4142
applause 1 w 4150
there 9 w 4156
ought 3 w 4161
we 16 w 4163
to 42 w 4165
prune 1 w 4170
away 2 w 4174
or 36 w 4176
keep 3 w 4180
under 1 w 4185
the 78 w 4188
fabulous 2 w 4196
and 32 w 4199
theatrical 1 w 4209
branches 1 w 4217
thereof 2 w 4224
and 33 w 4228
where 5 w 4233
we 17 w 4235
find 2 w 4239
any 2 w 4242
of 43 w 4244
the 81 w 4247
Graces 1 w 4253
linked 1 w 4259
to 43 w 4261
any 3 w 4264
of 44 w 4266
the 82 w 4269
Muses 2 w 4274
that 32 w 4280
is 32 w 4282
where 6 w 4288
the 83 w 4291
lusciousness 1 w 4303
and 34 w 4306
tempting 1 w 4314
charms 2 w 4320
of 45 w 4322
language 2 w 4330
are 9 w 4333
not 13 w 4336
altogether 2 w 4346
barren 1 w 4352
and 35 w 4355
unprofitable 1 w 4367
there 11 w 4374
let 2 w 4377
us 30 w 4379
bring 1 w 4384
in 69 w 4386
philosophy 2 w 4396
to 45 w 4398
incorporate 1 w 4409
with 14 w 4413
it 48 w 4415
For 5 w 4419
as 36 w 4421
where 7 w 4427
the 86 w 4430
mandrake 1 w 4438
grows 2 w 4443
near 3 w 4447
the 87 w 4450
vine 4 w 4454
and 37 w 4457
so 29 w 4459
communicates 1 w 4471
something 2 w 4480
of 47 w 4482
its 2 w 4485
force 1 w 4490
thereto 1 w 4497
the 89 w 4501
wine 2 w 4505
that 33 w 4509
is 33 w 4511
made 2 w 4515
of 48 w 4517
its 3 w 4520
grapes 1 w 4526
makes 1 w 4531
the 90 w 4534
sleep 1 w 4539
of 49 w 4541
those 11 w 4546
that 34 w 4550
drink 3 w 4555
it 51 w 4557
more 7 w 4561
refreshing 1 w 4571
so 31 w 4574
doth 2 w 4578
the 91 w 4581
tempering 1 w 4590
poetry 4 w 4596
with 15 w 4600
the 92 w 4603
principles 2 w 4613
of 50 w 4615
philosophy 3 w 4625
and 38 w 4628
allaying 1 w 4636
their 8 w 4641
roughness 1 w 4650
with 16 w 4654
its 4 w 4657
fictions 2 w 4665
render 1 w 4671
the 94 w 4674
study 3 w 4679
of 51 w 4681
them 10 w 4685
more 8 w 4689
easy 1 w 4693
and 39 w 4696
the 96 w 4699
relish 1 w 4705
of 52 w 4707
them 11 w 4711
more 9 w 4715
grateful 1 w 4723
to 47 w 4725
young 7 w 4730
learners 1 w 4738
Wherefore 3 w 4748
those 12 w 4753
that 35 w 4757
would 2 w 4762
give 1 w 4766
their 9 w 4771
minds 2 w 4776
to 48 w 4778
philosophical 1 w 4791
studies 1 w 4798
are 10 w 4801
not 14 w 4804
obliged 2 w 4811
to 49 w 4813
avoid 1 w 4818
poetry 5 w 4824
altogether 3 w 4834
but 6 w 4838
rather 2 w 4844
to 51 w 4846
prepare 1 w 4853
themselves 1 w 4863
for 15 w 4866
philosophy 4 w 4876
by 12 w 4878
poems 3 w 4883
accustoming 1 w 4895
themselves 2 w 4905
to 53 w 4907
search 1 w 4913
for 16 w 4916
and 40 w 4919
embrace 1 w 4926
that 36 w 4930
which 10 w 4935
may 8 w 4938
profit 3 w 4944
in 81 w 4946
that 37 w 4950
which 11 w 4955
pleaseth 1 w 4963
them 14 w 4967
and 41 w 4971
rejecting 1 w 4980
and 42 w 4983
discarding 1 w 4993
that 38 w 4997
wherein 3 w 5004
they 8 w 5008
find 3 w 5012
nothing 1 w 5019
of 54 w 5021
this 2 w 5025
nature 1 w 5031
For 6 w 5035
this 3 w 5039
discrimination 1 w 5053
is 39 w 5055
the 105 w 5058
first 1 w 5063
step 1 w 5067
to 54 w 5069
learning 2 w 5077
and 43 w 5081
when 4 w 5085
this 4 w 5089
is 41 w 5091
attained 1 w 5099
then 1 w 5104
according 1 w 5114
to 55 w 5116
what 1 w 5120
Sophocles 1 w 5129
saith 2 w 5134
To 1 w 5138
have 3 w 5142
begun 1 w 5147
well 4 w 5151
what 2 w 5155
we 19 w 5157
do 10 w 5159
intend 1 w 5165
Gives 1 w 5170
hope 1 w 5174
and 44 w 5177
prospect 1 w 5185
of 55 w 5187
as 39 w 5189
good 2 w 5193
an 76 w 5195
end 6 w 5198
Let 1 w 5202
us 32 w 5204
therefore 4 w 5213
in 92 w 5215
the 108 w 5218
first 2 w 5223
place 1 w 5228
possess 2 w 5235
those 13 w 5240
whom 2 w 5244
we 20 w 5246
initiate 1 w 5254
in 94 w 5256
the 109 w 5259
study 4 w 5264
of 56 w 5266
poetry 6 w 5272
with 17 w 5276
this 5 w 5280
notion 1 w 5286
as 40 w 5289
one 6 w 5292
which 12 w 5297
they 9 w 5301
ought 4 w 5306
always 1 w 5312
to 56 w 5314
have 4 w 5318
at 80 w 5320
hand 1 w 5324
that 39 w 5330
Tis 1 w 5334
frequently 1 w 5344
the 111 w 5347
poet 10 w 5351
s 352 w 5353
guise 1 w 5358
To 2 w 5360
intermingle 1 w 5371
truth 1 w 5376
with 18 w 5380
lies 2 w 5384
which 13 w 5391
they 10 w 5395
do 11 w 5397
sometimes 1 w 5406
with 19 w 5410
and 46 w 5413
sometimes 2 w 5422
against 4 w 5429
their 10 w 5434
wills 1 w 5439
They 2 w 5444
do 12 w 5446
it 61 w 5448
with 20 w 5452
their 11 w 5457
wills 2 w 5462
because 2 w 5470
they 11 w 5474
find 4 w 5478
strict 2 w 5484
truth 2 w 5489
too 2 w 5492
rigid 1 w 5497
to 58 w 5499
comply 1 w 5505
with 21 w 5509
that 40 w 5513
sweetness 1 w 5522
and 47 w 5525
gracefulness 1 w 5537
of 57 w 5539
expression 1 w 5549
which 14 w 5555
most 3 w 5559
are 12 w 5562
taken 1 w 5567
with 22 w 5571
so 37 w 5574
readily 1 w 5581
as 41 w 5583
fiction 3 w 5590
doth 3 w 5594
For 7 w 5598
real 1 w 5602
truth 3 w 5607
though 5 w 5614
it 65 w 5616
disgust 1 w 5623
never 1 w 5628
so 38 w 5630
much 6 w 5634
must 1 w 5639
be 27 w 5641
told 1 w 5645
as 42 w 5647
it 66 w 5649
is 46 w 5651
without 2 w 5659
alteration 1 w 5669
but 7 w 5673
that 41 w 5677
which 15 w 5682
is 47 w 5684
feigned 1 w 5691
in 99 w 5693
a 402 w 5694
discourse 2 w 5703
can 3 w 5706
easily 1 w 5712
yield 2 w 5717
and 48 w 5720
shift 1 w 5725
its 5 w 5728
garb 1 w 5732
from 4 w 5736
the 116 w 5739
distasteful 1 w 5750
to 60 w 5752
that 42 w 5756
which 16 w 5761
is 50 w 5763
more 10 w 5767
pleasing 1 w 5775
And 4 w 5779
indeed 2 w 5785
neither 3 w 5793
the 118 w 5796
measures 1 w 5804
nor 2 w 5807
the 119 w 5810
tropes 1 w 5816
nor 3 w 5819
the 120 w 5822
grandeur 1 w 5830
of 58 w 5832
words 1 w 5837
nor 4 w 5840
the 121 w 5843
aptness 1 w 5850
of 59 w 5852
metaphors 1 w 5861
nor 5 w 5864
the 122 w 5867
harmony 1 w 5874
of 60 w 5876
the 123 w 5879
composition 1 w 5890
gives 1 w 5895
such 5 w 5899
a 415 w 5900
degree 1 w 5906
of 61 w 5908
elegance 1 w 5916
and 50 w 5919
gracefulness 2 w 5931
to 61 w 5933
a 419 w 5934
poem 4 w 5938
as 47 w 5940
a 421 w 5941
well-ordered 1 w 5953
and 51 w 5956
artificial 1 w 5966
fiction 4 w 5973
doth 4 w 5977
But 2 w 5981
as 48 w 5983
in 102 w 5985
pictures 1 w 5993
the 124 w 5996
colors 1 w 6002
are 13 w 6005
more 11 w 6009
delightful 1 w 6019
to 62 w 6021
the 125 w 6024
eye 1 w 6027
than 5 w 6031
the 126 w 6034
lines 1 w 6039
because 3 w 6047
those 14 w 6052
give 3 w 6056
them 15 w 6060
a 429 w 6061
nearer 2 w 6067
resemblance 1 w 6078
to 63 w 6080
the 128 w 6083
persons 2 w 6090
they 12 w 6094
were 3 w 6098
made 3 w 6102
for 18 w 6105
and 52 w 6109
render 2 w 6115
them 16 w 6119
the 131 w 6122
more 12 w 6126
apt 3 w 6129
to 64 w 6131
deceive 2 w 6138
the 132 w 6141
beholder 1 w 6149
so 40 w 6152
in 104 w 6154
poems 4 w 6159
we 24 w 6161
are 15 w 6164
more 13 w 6168
apt 4 w 6171
to 65 w 6173
be 30 w 6175
smitten 1 w 6182
and 53 w 6185
fall 1 w 6189
in 105 w 6191
love 1 w 6195
with 24 w 6199
a 439 w 6200
probable 1 w 6208
fiction 5 w 6215
than 6 w 6219
with 25 w 6223
the 133 w 6226
greatest 1 w 6234
accuracy 1 w 6242
that 43 w 6246
can 4 w 6249
be 31 w 6251
observed 1 w 6259
in 106 w 6261
measures 2 w 6269
and 54 w 6272
phrases 1 w 6279
where 9 w 6285
there 14 w 6290
is 51 w 6292
nothing 2 w 6299
fabulous 3 w 6307
or 64 w 6309
fictitious 1 w 6319
joined 1 w 6325
with 26 w 6329
it 76 w 6331
Wherefore 4 w 6341
Socrates 1 w 6349
being 3 w 6355
induced 1 w 6362
by 13 w 6364
some 7 w 6368
dreams 2 w 6374
to 66 w 6376
attempt 1 w 6383
something 3 w 6392
in 112 w 6394
poetry 7 w 6400
and 55 w 6404
finding 1 w 6411
himself 1 w 6418
unapt 1 w 6423
by 14 w 6426
reason 4 w 6432
that 44 w 6436
he 185 w 6438
had 2 w 6441
all 15 w 6444
his 8 w 6447
lifetime 1 w 6455
been 1 w 6459
the 135 w 6462
champion 1 w 6470
of 62 w 6472
severe 1 w 6478
truth 4 w 6483
to 67 w 6486
hammer 1 w 6492
out 6 w 6495
of 63 w 6497
his 9 w 6500
own 4 w 6503
invention 1 w 6512
a 462 w 6513
likely 1 w 6519
fiction 6 w 6526
made 4 w 6531
choice 1 w 6537
of 64 w 6539
Esop 2 w 6543
s 434 w 6545
fables 2 w 6551
to 68 w 6553
turn 1 w 6557
into 2 w 6561
verse 1 w 6566
as 52 w 6569
judging 1 w 6576
nothing 3 w 6583
to 70 w 6585
be 34 w 6587
true 2 w 6591
poetry 8 w 6597
that 45 w 6601
had 3 w 6604
in 119 w 6606
it 77 w 6608
nothing 4 w 6615
of 65 w 6617
falsehood 1 w 6626
For 8 w 6630
though 6 w 6636
we 25 w 6638
have 5 w 6642
known 1 w 6647
some 9 w 6651
sacrifices 1 w 6661
performed 1 w 6670
without 3 w 6677
pipes 1 w 6682
and 56 w 6685
dances 1 w 6691
yet 4 w 6695
we 26 w 6697
own 6 w 6700
no 31 w 6702
poetry 9 w 6708
which 17 w 6713
is 54 w 6715
utterly 1 w 6722
destitute 1 w 6731
of 66 w 6733
fable 3 w 6738
and 57 w 6741
fiction 7 w 6748
Whence 2 w 6755
the 136 w 6758
verses 1 w 6764
of 67 w 6766
Empedocles 1 w 6776
and 58 w 6779
Parmenides 1 w 6789
the 137 w 6793
Theriaca 1 w 6801
of 68 w 6803
Nicander 1 w 6811
and 60 w 6815
the 138 w 6818
sentences 1 w 6827
of 69 w 6829
Theognis 1 w 6837
are 16 w 6841
rather 3 w 6847
to 71 w 6849
be 35 w 6851
accounted 1 w 6860
speeches 1 w 6868
than 7 w 6872
poems 5 w 6877
which 18 w 6883
that 46 w 6888
they 13 w 6892
might 2 w 6897
not 20 w 6900
walk 2 w 6904
contemptibly 1 w 6916
on 58 w 6918
foot 1 w 6922
have 6 w 6927
borrowed 1 w 6935
from 5 w 6939
poetry 10 w 6945
the 141 w 6948
chariot 1 w 6955
of 70 w 6957
verse 3 w 6962
to 72 w 6965
convey 1 w 6971
them 17 w 6975
the 143 w 6978
more 14 w 6982
creditably 1 w 6992
through 3 w 6999
the 144 w 7002
world 1 w 7007
Whensoever 1 w 7018
therefore 5 w 7027
any 4 w 7030
thing 9 w 7035
is 56 w 7037
spoken 1 w 7043
in 122 w 7045
poems 6 w 7050
by 15 w 7052
any 5 w 7055
noted 1 w 7060
and 61 w 7063
eminently 1 w 7072
famous 1 w 7078
man 5 w 7081
concerning 4 w 7092
Gods 1 w 7096
or 72 w 7098
Daemons 1 w 7105
or 73 w 7107
virtue 1 w 7113
that 47 w 7118
is 57 w 7120
absurd 1 w 7126
or 74 w 7128
harsh 1 w 7133
he 202 w 7136
that 48 w 7140
takes 2 w 7145
such 6 w 7149
sayings 1 w 7156
for 22 w 7159
truths 1 w 7165
is 58 w 7167
thereby 3 w 7174
misled 1 w 7180
in 126 w 7182
his 10 w 7185
apprehension 1 w 7197
and 62 w 7200
corrupted 2 w 7209
with 28 w 7213
an 106 w 7215
erroneous 1 w 7224
opinion 1 w 7231
But 3 w 7235
he 205 w 7237
that 49 w 7241
constantly 1 w 7251
keeps 1 w 7256
in 128 w 7258
his 11 w 7261
mind 4 w 7265
and 63 w 7268
maintains 1 w 7277
as 53 w 7279
his 12 w 7282
principle 3 w 7291
that 50 w 7295
the 147 w 7298
witchcraft 1 w 7308
of 71 w 7310
poetry 11 w 7316
consists 1 w 7324
in 133 w 7326
fiction 8 w 7333
he 207 w 7336
that 51 w 7340
can 6 w 7343
at 99 w 7345
all 16 w 7348
turns 1 w 7353
accost 1 w 7359
it 83 w 7361
in 134 w 7363
this 6 w 7367
language 3 w 7375
Riddle 1 w 7383
of 72 w 7385
art 5 w 7388
like 6 w 7393
which 19 w 7398
no 34 w 7400
sphinx 1 w 7406
beguiles 1 w 7414
Whose 1 w 7420
face 1 w 7424
on 68 w 7426
one 8 w 7429
side 4 w 7433
frowns 1 w 7439
while 3 w 7444
th 295 w 7446
other 3 w 7452
smiles 1 w 7458
Why 1 w 7462
cheat 6 w 7467
st 47 w 7470
thou 14 w 7474
with 29 w 7479
pretence 1 w 7487
to 73 w 7489
make 4 w 7493
us 41 w 7495
wise 3 w 7499
And 5 w 7503
bid 1 w 7506
st 48 w 7509
sage 1 w 7513
precepts 2 w 7521
in 136 w 7523
a 525 w 7524
fool 1 w 7528
s 502 w 7530
disguise 1 w 7538
such 7 w 7544
a 526 w 7545
one 9 w 7548
I 12 w 7550
say 4 w 7553
will 4 w 7558
take 5 w 7562
no 35 w 7564
harm 4 w 7568
by 17 w 7571
it 85 w 7573
nor 6 w 7577
admit 1 w 7582
from 6 w 7586
it 87 w 7588
any 6 w 7591
absurd 2 w 7597
thing 10 w 7602
into 3 w 7606
his 14 w 7609
belief 1 w 7615
But 4 w 7619
when 5 w 7623
he 211 w 7625
meets 1 w 7630
in 139 w 7632
poetry 12 w 7638
with 30 w 7642
expressions 1 w 7653
of 73 w 7655
Neptune 1 w 7662
s 513 w 7664
rending 1 w 7671
the 149 w 7674
earth 1 w 7679
to 75 w 7681
pieces 1 w 7687
and 64 w 7690
discovering 1 w 7701
the 150 w 7704
infernal 1 w 7712
regions 1 w 7719
See 2 w 7723
Il 3 w 7726
XX 1 w 7729
57 1 w 7732
he 214 w 7735
will 5 w 7739
be 38 w 7741
able 10 w 7745
to 76 w 7747
check 1 w 7752
his 15 w 7755
fears 1 w 7760
of 74 w 7762
the 151 w 7765
reality 1 w 7772
of 75 w 7774
any 7 w 7777
such 8 w 7781
accident 1 w 7789
and 65 w 7793
he 217 w 7795
will 6 w 7799
rebuke 1 w 7805
himself 2 w 7812
for 23 w 7815
his 16 w 7818
anger 2 w 7823
against 5 w 7830
Apollo 1 w 7836
for 24 w 7839
the 152 w 7842
chief 1 w 7847
commander 1 w 7856
of 76 w 7858
the 153 w 7861
Greeks 1 w 7867
Whom 1 w 7873
at 101 w 7875
a 547 w 7876
banquet 1 w 7883
whiles 1 w 7890
he 220 w 7892
sings 1 w 7897
his 17 w 7900
praise 1 w 7906
And 6 w 7909
speaks 1 w 7915
him 5 w 7918
fair 1 w 7922
yet 5 w 7926
treacherously 1 w 7939
he 222 w 7941
slays 1 w 7946
From 1 w 7951
Aeschylus 1 w 7960
The 8 w 7964
whole 3 w 7969
passage 1 w 7976
is 74 w 7978
quoted 1 w 7984
in 145 w 7986
Plato 2 w 7991
s 539 w 7993
Republic 1 w 8001
end 9 w 8005
of 77 w 8007
Book 1 w 8011
II 1 w 8013
G 6 w 8016
Yea 2 w 8021
he 224 w 8024
will 7 w 8028
repress 1 w 8035
his 18 w 8038
tears 1 w 8043
for 25 w 8046
Achilles 1 w 8054
and 67 w 8057
Agamemnon 1 w 8066
while 5 w 8072
they 14 w 8076
are 17 w 8079
represented 1 w 8090
as 55 w 8092
mourning 1 w 8100
after 1 w 8105
their 12 w 8110
death 1 w 8115
and 68 w 8119
stretching 1 w 8129
forth 1 w 8134
their 13 w 8139
limber 1 w 8145
and 69 w 8148
feeble 1 w 8154
hands 1 w 8159
to 78 w 8161
express 3 w 8168
their 14 w 8173
desire 1 w 8179
to 79 w 8181
live 3 w 8185
again 6 w 8190
And 7 w 8194
if 10 w 8196
at 104 w 8198
any 8 w 8201
time 4 w 8205
the 158 w 8208
charms 3 w 8214
of 78 w 8216
poetry 13 w 8222
transport 1 w 8231
him 6 w 8234
into 4 w 8238
any 9 w 8241
disquieting 1 w 8252
passions 2 w 8260
he 230 w 8263
will 8 w 8267
quickly 1 w 8274
say 5 w 8277
to 81 w 8279
himself 3 w 8286
as 57 w 8289
Homer 2 w 8294
very 6 w 8298
elegantly 1 w 8307
considering 1 w 8319
the 159 w 8322
propension 1 w 8332
of 79 w 8334
women 1 w 8339
to 82 w 8341
listen 1 w 8347
after 2 w 8352
fables 3 w 8358
says 1 w 8363
in 152 w 8365
his 19 w 8368
Necyia 1 w 8374
or 83 w 8377
relation 1 w 8385
of 80 w 8387
the 160 w 8390
state 1 w 8395
of 81 w 8397
the 161 w 8400
dead 1 w 8404
But 5 w 8409
from 7 w 8413
the 162 w 8416
dark 1 w 8420
dominions 1 w 8429
speed 1 w 8434
thy 4 w 8437
way 4 w 8440
And 8 w 8444
climb 1 w 8449
the 163 w 8452
steep 1 w 8457
ascent 1 w 8463
to 83 w 8465
upper 1 w 8470
day 1 w 8473
To 3 w 8476
thy 5 w 8479
chaste 1 w 8485
bride 1 w 8490
the 164 w 8493
wondrous 1 w 8501
story 1 w 8506
tell 1 w 8510
The 9 w 8514
woes 1 w 8518
the 165 w 8522
horrors 1 w 8529
and 71 w 8533
the 166 w 8536
laws 1 w 8540
of 82 w 8542
hell 1 w 8546
Odyss 2 w 8552
XI 2 w 8555
223 1 w 8559
Such 1 w 8564
things 2 w 8570
as 60 w 8572
I 17 w 8573
have 7 w 8577
touched 1 w 8584
upon 2 w 8588
are 18 w 8591
those 15 w 8596
which 20 w 8601
the 167 w 8604
poets 3 w 8609
willingly 1 w 8618
feign 2 w 8623
But 6 w 8627
more 15 w 8631
there 17 w 8636
are 19 w 8639
which 21 w 8644
they 15 w 8648
do 17 w 8650
not 22 w 8653
feign 3 w 8658
but 8 w 8662
believing 1 w 8671
them 18 w 8675
themselves 3 w 8685
as 61 w 8687
their 15 w 8692
own 8 w 8695
proper 1 w 8701
judgments 2 w 8710
they 16 w 8715
put 2 w 8718
fictitious 2 w 8728
colors 2 w 8734
upon 3 w 8738
them 20 w 8742
to 86 w 8744
ingratiate 1 w 8754
them 21 w 8758
to 87 w 8760
us 46 w 8762
As 1 w 8765
when 6 w 8769
Homer 3 w 8774
says 2 w 8778
of 83 w 8780
Jupiter 1 w 8787
Jove 1 w 8793
lifts 1 w 8798
the 176 w 8801
golden 1 w 8807
balances 1 w 8815
that 52 w 8820
show 1 w 8824
The 10 w 8827
fates 1 w 8832
of 84 w 8834
mortal 1 w 8840
men 12 w 8843
and 72 w 8847
things 3 w 8853
below 1 w 8858
Here 1 w 8863
each 2 w 8867
contending 1 w 8877
hero 2 w 8881
s 600 w 8883
lot 1 w 8886
he 255 w 8888
tries 1 w 8893
And 9 w 8897
weighs 1 w 8903
with 31 w 8907
equal 1 w 8912
hand 3 w 8916
their 16 w 8921
destinies 1 w 8930
Low 1 w 8934
sinks 1 w 8939
the 178 w 8942
scale 1 w 8947
surcharged 1 w 8957
with 32 w 8961
Hector 1 w 8967
s 609 w 8969
fate 2 w 8973
Heavy 1 w 8979
with 33 w 8983
death 2 w 8988
it 95 w 8990
sinks 2 w 8995
and 74 w 8999
hell 2 w 9003
receives 1 w 9011
the 179 w 9014
weight 1 w 9020
Il 4 w 9023
XXII 1 w 9028
210 1 w 9032
To 4 w 9035
this 7 w 9039
fable 5 w 9044
Aeschylus 2 w 9053
hath 1 w 9057
accommodated 1 w 9069
a 620 w 9070
whole 4 w 9075
tragedy 1 w 9082
which 22 w 9087
he 260 w 9089
calls 2 w 9094
Psychostasia 1 w 9106
wherein 4 w 9114
he 262 w 9116
introduceth 1 w 9127
Thetis 1 w 9133
and 75 w 9136
Aurora 1 w 9142
standing 1 w 9150
by 18 w 9152
Jupiter 2 w 9159
s 622 w 9161
balances 2 w 9169
and 77 w 9173
deprecating 1 w 9184
each 3 w 9188
of 85 w 9190
them 22 w 9194
the 181 w 9197
death 3 w 9202
of 86 w 9204
her 51 w 9207
son 9 w 9210
engaged 2 w 9217
in 167 w 9219
a 635 w 9220
duel 1 w 9224
Now 1 w 9228
there 18 w 9233
is 81 w 9235
no 39 w 9237
man 7 w 9240
but 9 w 9243
sees 1 w 9247
that 53 w 9251
this 8 w 9255
fable 6 w 9260
is 83 w 9262
a 639 w 9263
creature 1 w 9271
of 87 w 9273
the 183 w 9276
poet 19 w 9280
s 630 w 9282
fancy 2 w 9287
designed 2 w 9296
to 89 w 9298
delight 5 w 9305
or 92 w 9307
scare 1 w 9312
the 184 w 9315
reader 1 w 9321
But 7 w 9325
this 9 w 9329
other 4 w 9334
passage 2 w 9341
Great 1 w 9348
Jove 2 w 9352
is 85 w 9354
made 5 w 9358
the 186 w 9361
treasurer 1 w 9370
of 88 w 9372
wars 1 w 9376
Il 5 w 9379
IV 3 w 9382
84 1 w 9385
and 78 w 9389
this 10 w 9393
other 5 w 9398
also 5 w 9402
When 4 w 9408
a 652 w 9409
God 2 w 9412
means 1 w 9417
a 654 w 9418
noble 1 w 9423
house 1 w 9428
to 90 w 9430
raze 1 w 9434
He 5 w 9437
frames 1 w 9443
one 10 w 9446
rather 4 w 9452
than 8 w 9456
he 275 w 9458
ll 38 w 9461
want 2 w 9465
a 660 w 9466
cause 5 w 9471
From 2 w 9476
the 189 w 9479
Niobe 1 w 9484
of 89 w 9486
Aeschylus 3 w 9495
Frag 1 w 9500
151 1 w 9504
these 1 w 9510
passages 1 w 9518
I 23 w 9520
say 8 w 9523
express 4 w 9531
the 191 w 9534
judgment 3 w 9542
and 79 w 9545
belief 2 w 9551
of 90 w 9553
poets 4 w 9558
who 9 w 9561
thereby 4 w 9568
discover 2 w 9576
and 80 w 9579
suggest 1 w 9586
to 91 w 9588
us 51 w 9590
the 193 w 9593
ignorant 1 w 9601
or 94 w 9603
mistaken 1 w 9611
apprehensions 1 w 9624
they 17 w 9628
had 4 w 9631
of 91 w 9633
the 195 w 9636
Deities 1 w 9643
Moreover 1 w 9652
almost 1 w 9659
every 2 w 9664
one 11 w 9667
knows 1 w 9672
nowadays 1 w 9680
that 54 w 9685
the 196 w 9688
portentous 1 w 9698
fancies 1 w 9705
and 81 w 9708
contrivances 1 w 9720
of 92 w 9722
stories 1 w 9729
concerning 5 w 9739
the 197 w 9742
state 2 w 9747
of 93 w 9749
the 198 w 9752
dead 2 w 9756
are 21 w 9759
accommodated 2 w 9771
to 94 w 9773
popular 1 w 9780
apprehensions 2 w 9793
that 55 w 9799
the 199 w 9802
spectres 1 w 9810
and 82 w 9813
phantasms 1 w 9822
of 94 w 9824
burning 1 w 9831
rivers 1 w 9837
and 83 w 9840
horrid 1 w 9846
regions 2 w 9853
and 84 w 9856
terrible 1 w 9864
tortures 1 w 9872
expressed 1 w 9881
by 20 w 9883
frightful 2 w 9892
names 1 w 9897
are 22 w 9900
all 18 w 9903
mixed 3 w 9908
with 34 w 9912
fable 7 w 9917
and 85 w 9920
fiction 9 w 9927
as 67 w 9930
poison 2 w 9936
with 35 w 9940
food 2 w 9944
and 86 w 9948
that 56 w 9952
neither 4 w 9959
Homer 4 w 9964
nor 8 w 9967
Pindar 1 w 9973
nor 9 w 9976
Sophocles 2 w 9985
ever 6 w 9989
believed 1 w 9997
themselves 4 w 10007
when 7 w 10011
they 18 w 10015
wrote 1 w 10020
at 126 w 10022
this 11 w 10026
rate 4 w 10030
There 1 w 10037
endless 1 w 10044
floods 1 w 10050
of 95 w 10052
shady 1 w 10057
darkness 1 w 10065
stream 1 w 10071
From 3 w 10075
the 203 w 10078
vast 1 w 10082
caves 1 w 10087
where 11 w 10093
mother 1 w 10099
Night 1 w 10104
doth 5 w 10108
teem 1 w 10112
and 87 w 10116
There 2 w 10122
ghosts 1 w 10128
o 734 w 10129
er 162 w 10132
the 205 w 10135
vast 2 w 10139
ocean 1 w 10144
s 702 w 10146
waves 1 w 10151
did 4 w 10154
glide 1 w 10159
By 1 w 10162
the 206 w 10165
Leucadian 1 w 10174
promontory 1 w 10184
s 704 w 10186
side 6 w 10190
Odyss 3 w 10196
XXIV 1 w 10201
11 1 w 10204
and 88 w 10208
There 3 w 10214
from 8 w 10218
th 388 w 10220
unfathomed 1 w 10231
gulf 1 w 10235
th 390 w 10237
infernal 2 w 10246
lake 1 w 10250
Through 1 w 10257
narrow 1 w 10263
straits 1 w 10270
recurring 1 w 10279
tides 1 w 10284
doth 6 w 10288
make 5 w 10292
And 10 w 10296
yet 6 w 10299
as 70 w 10302
many 1 w 10306
of 96 w 10308
them 24 w 10312
as 71 w 10314
deplore 1 w 10321
death 4 w 10326
as 72 w 10328
a 726 w 10329
lamentable 1 w 10339
thing 13 w 10344
or 104 w 10347
the 208 w 10350
want 3 w 10354
of 97 w 10356
burial 1 w 10362
after 3 w 10367
death 5 w 10372
as 73 w 10374
a 734 w 10375
calamitous 1 w 10385
condition 1 w 10394
are 23 w 10398
wont 1 w 10402
to 98 w 10404
break 1 w 10409
out 8 w 10412
into 5 w 10416
expressions 2 w 10427
of 98 w 10429
this 12 w 10433
nature 2 w 10439
O 5 w 10442
pass 6 w 10446
not 23 w 10449
by 21 w 10451
my 4 w 10454
friend 1 w 10460
nor 10 w 10464
leave 2 w 10469
me 49 w 10471
here 38 w 10475
Without 1 w 10482
a 742 w 10483
grave 1 w 10488
and 89 w 10492
on 98 w 10494
that 57 w 10498
grave 2 w 10503
a 747 w 10504
tear 2 w 10508
Odyss 4 w 10514
XI 5 w 10517
72 1 w 10520
and 90 w 10524
Then 1 w 10529
to 100 w 10531
the 209 w 10534
ghosts 2 w 10540
the 210 w 10543
mournful 1 w 10551
soul 2 w 10555
did 5 w 10558
fly 1 w 10561
Sore 1 w 10566
grieved 1 w 10573
in 175 w 10575
midst 1 w 10580
of 99 w 10582
youth 1 w 10587
and 91 w 10590
strength 1 w 10598
to 101 w 10600
die 2 w 10603
Il 6 w 10606
XVI 1 w 10610
856 1 w 10614
and 92 w 10618
again 7 w 10623
Tis 2 w 10628
sweet 3 w 10633
to 102 w 10635
see 4 w 10638
the 211 w 10641
light 6 w 10646
O 7 w 10648
spare 1 w 10653
me 50 w 10655
then 2 w 10659
Till 1 w 10664
I 28 w 10665
arrive 1 w 10671
at 133 w 10673
th 406 w 10675
usual 1 w 10681
age 11 w 10684
of 100 w 10686
men 15 w 10689
Nor 1 w 10693
force 2 w 10698
my 5 w 10700
unfledged 1 w 10709
soul 3 w 10713
from 9 w 10717
hence 3 w 10722
to 103 w 10725
know 3 w 10729
The 16 w 10732
doleful 1 w 10739
state 3 w 10744
of 101 w 10746
dismal 1 w 10752
shades 1 w 10758
below 2 w 10763
Eurip 1 w 10769
Iph 1 w 10773
Aul 1 w 10777
1218 1 w 10782
These 1 w 10788
I 30 w 10790
say 9 w 10793
are 25 w 10797
the 213 w 10800
speeches 2 w 10808
of 102 w 10810
men 16 w 10813
persuaded 1 w 10822
of 103 w 10824
these 2 w 10829
things 4 w 10835
as 75 w 10838
being 4 w 10843
possessed 1 w 10852
by 22 w 10854
erroneous 2 w 10863
opinions 1 w 10871
and 93 w 10875
therefore 6 w 10884
they 19 w 10888
touch 3 w 10893
us 56 w 10895
the 217 w 10898
more 16 w 10902
nearly 1 w 10908
and 94 w 10911
torment 1 w 10918
us 57 w 10920
inwardly 1 w 10928
because 4 w 10936
we 31 w 10938
ourselves 1 w 10947
are 26 w 10950
full 1 w 10954
of 104 w 10956
the 218 w 10959
same 1 w 10963
impotent 1 w 10971
passion 3 w 10978
from 10 w 10982
which 23 w 10987
they 20 w 10991
were 4 w 10995
uttered 1 w 11002
To 5 w 11005
fortify 1 w 11012
us 59 w 11014
therefore 7 w 11023
against 6 w 11030
expressions 3 w 11041
of 105 w 11043
this 13 w 11047
nature 3 w 11053
let 3 w 11057
this 14 w 11061
principle 4 w 11070
continually 1 w 11081
ring 8 w 11085
in 185 w 11087
our 9 w 11090
ears 4 w 11094
that 58 w 11099
poetry 14 w 11105
is 96 w 11107
not 24 w 11110
at 137 w 11112
all 20 w 11115
solicitous 1 w 11125
to 107 w 11127
keep 5 w 11131
to 108 w 11133
the 221 w 11136
strict 3 w 11142
measure 3 w 11149
of 106 w 11151
truth 6 w 11156
And 11 w 11160
indeed 3 w 11166
as 78 w 11169
to 109 w 11171
what 3 w 11175
that 59 w 11179
truth 7 w 11184
in 187 w 11186
these 3 w 11191
matters 1 w 11198
is 97 w 11200
even 1 w 11205
those 16 w 11210
men 18 w 11213
themselves 5 w 11223
who 10 w 11226
make 6 w 11230
it 106 w 11232
their 17 w 11237
only 4 w 11241
study 5 w 11246
to 110 w 11248
learn 4 w 11253
and 95 w 11256
search 2 w 11262
it 107 w 11264
out 11 w 11267
confess 1 w 11274
that 60 w 11278
they 21 w 11282
can 7 w 11285
hardly 1 w 11291
discover 3 w 11299
any 11 w 11302
certain 1 w 11309
footsteps 1 w 11318
to 111 w 11320
guide 2 w 11325
them 26 w 11329
in 189 w 11331
that 61 w 11335
enquiry 1 w 11342
Let 2 w 11346
us 61 w 11348
therefore 8 w 11357
have 8 w 11361
these 4 w 11366
verses 2 w 11372
of 107 w 11374
Empedocles 2 w 11384
in 190 w 11387
this 15 w 11391
case 1 w 11395
at 143 w 11398
hand 4 w 11402
No 3 w 11406
sight 1 w 11411
of 108 w 11413
man 9 w 11416
s 796 w 11418
so 53 w 11420
clear 1 w 11425
no 50 w 11428
ear 24 w 11431
so 54 w 11433
quick 2 w 11438
No 4 w 11441
mind 5 w 11445
so 55 w 11447
piercing 2 w 11455
that 62 w 11460
s 800 w 11462
not 25 w 11465
here 42 w 11469
to 112 w 11471
seek 1 w 11475
as 80 w 11478
also 6 w 11482
those 17 w 11487
of 109 w 11489
Xenophanes 1 w 11499
The 18 w 11504
truth 8 w 11509
about 1 w 11514
the 229 w 11517
Gods 2 w 11521
and 97 w 11524
world 2 w 11529
no 53 w 11532
man 10 w 11535
E 8 w 11536
er 180 w 11539
was 7 w 11542
or 116 w 11544
shall 3 w 11549
be 48 w 11551
that 63 w 11555
determine 1 w 11564
can 8 w 11567
and 98 w 11571
lastly 1 w 11577
that 64 w 11582
passage 4 w 11589
concerning 6 w 11599
Socrates 2 w 11607
in 195 w 11610
Plato 3 w 11615
where 12 w 11621
he 333 w 11623
by 23 w 11625
the 230 w 11628
solemnity 1 w 11637
of 110 w 11639
an 175 w 11641
oath 1 w 11645
disclaims 1 w 11654
all 22 w 11657
knowledge 1 w 11666
of 111 w 11668
those 18 w 11673
things 5 w 11679
For 9 w 11683
those 19 w 11688
who 11 w 11691
perceive 2 w 11699
that 65 w 11703
the 231 w 11706
searching 1 w 11715
into 6 w 11719
such 9 w 11723
matters 2 w 11730
makes 2 w 11735
the 232 w 11738
heads 1 w 11743
of 112 w 11745
philosophers 2 w 11757
themselves 6 w 11767
giddy 1 w 11772
cannot 2 w 11778
but 10 w 11781
be 49 w 11783
the 234 w 11786
less 3 w 11790
inclined 2 w 11798
to 115 w 11800
regard 1 w 11806
what 4 w 11810
poets 5 w 11815
say 10 w 11818
concerning 7 w 11828
them 28 w 11832