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CTS Library / The Political Works of James I

The Political Works of James I (1)

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The First Booke.

As he cannot be thought worthy to rule and command others, that cannot rule and dantone his owne proper affections and vnreasonable appetites, so can hee not be thought worthie to gouerne a Christian people, knowing and fearing God, that in his owne person and heart, feareth not and loueth not the Diuine Maiestie. Neither can anything in his gouernment succeed well with him, (deuise and labour as he list) as comming from a filthie spring, if his person be vnsanctified: for (as that royal Prophet saith) Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vaine that build it: except the Lord keepe the City, the keepers watch it in vaine[*]: in respect the blessing of God hath onely power to giue the successe thereunto: and as Paul saith, he planteth, Apollos watereth; but it is God onely that giueth the in- crease.[*] Therefore (my Sonne) first of all things, learne to know and loue that God, whom-to ye haue a double obligation; first, for that he made you a man; and next, for that he made you a little GOD to sit on his Throne, and rule ouer other men. Remember, that as in dignitie hee hath erected you aboue others, so ought ye in thankfulnesse towards him, goe as farre beyond all others. A moate in an- others eye, is a beame into yours: a blemish in another, is a leprouse byle into you: and a veniall sinne (as the Papifts call it) in another, is a great crime into you. Thinke not therefore, that the highnesse of your dignitie, diminisheth your faults (much lesse giueth you a licence to sinne) but by the contrary your fault shall be aggrauated, according to the height of your dignitie; any sinne that ye commit, not being a single sinne procuring but the fall of one; but being an ex- emplare sinne, and therefore drawing with it the whole multitude to be guiltie of the same. Remember then, that this glistering worldly glorie of Kings, is giuen them by God, to teach them to preasse so to glister and shine before their people, in all workes of sanctification and righteousnesse, that their persons as bright lampes of godlinesse and vertue, may, going in and out before their people, giue light to all their steps. Remember also, that by the right knowledge, and feare of God (which is the beginning of Wisedome,[*] as Salomon saith) ye shall know all the things necessarie for the discharge of your duetie, both as a Christian, and as a King; seeing in him, as in a mirrour, the course of all earthly things, whereof hee is the spring and onely moouer.

Now, the onely way to bring you to this knowledge, is diligently to reade his word, and earnestly to pray for the right vnderstanding thereof. Search the Scriptures, sayth Christ, for they beare testimonie of me: [*] and, the whole Scripture, saith Paul, is giuen by inspiration of God, and is profitable to teach, to conuince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousnesse; that the man of God may be absolute, being made perfite vnto all good workes.[*] And most properly of any other, belong-

eth the reading thereof vnto Kings, since in that part of Scripture, where the godly Kings are first made mention of, that were ordained to rule ouer the people of God, there is an expresse and most notable exhortation and commandement giuen them, to reade and meditate in the Law of God.[*] I ioyne to this, the carefull hearing of the doctrine with attendance and reuerence: for, faith commeth by hearing,[*] sayeth the same Apostle. But aboue all, beware ye wrest not the word to your owne appetite, as ouer many doe, making it like a bell to sound as ye please to interprete: but by the contrary, frame all your affections, to follow precisely the rule there set downe.

The whole Scripture chiefly containeth two things: a command, and a pro- hibition, to doe such things, and to abstaine from the contrary. Obey in both; neither thinke it enough to abstaine from euill, and do no good; nor thinke not that if yee doe many good things, it may serve you for a cloake to mixe euill turnes therewith. And as in these two points, the whole Scripture principally consisteth, so in two degrees standeth the whole seruice of God by man: interiour, or vpward; exteriour, or downward: the first, by prayer in faith towards God; the next, by workes flowing therefra before the world: which is nothing else, but the exercise of Religion towards God, and of equitie towards your neighbour.

As for the particular points of Religion, I need not to dilate them; I am no hypocrite, follow my footsteps, and your owne present education therein. I thanke God, I was neuer ashamed to giue account of my profession, howsoeuer the malicious lying tongues of some haue traduced me: and if my conscience had not resolued me, that all my Religion presently professed by me and my king- dome, was grounded vpon the plaine words of the Scripture, without the which all points of Religion are superfluous, as any thing contrary to the same is abomi- nation, I had neuer outwardly auowed it, for pleasure or awe of any flesh.

And as for the points of equitie towards your neighbour (because that will fall in properly, vpon the second part concerning a Kings office) I leaue it to the owne roume.

For the first part then of mans seruice to his God, which is Religion, that is, the worship of God according to his reuealed will, it is wholly grounded vpon the Scripture, as I haue alreadie said, quickened by faith, and conserued by con- science: For the Scripture, I haue now spoken of it in generall, but that yee may the more readily make choice of any part thereof, for your instruction or comfort, remember shortly this methode.

The whole Scripture is dyted by Gods Spirit, thereby, as by his liuely word, to instruct and rule the whole Church militant to the and of the world: It is composed of two parts, the Olde and New Testament: The ground of the former is the Lawe, which sheweth our sinne, and containeth iustice: the ground of the other is Christ, who pardoning sinne containeth grace. The summe of the Law is the tenne Commandements, more largely delated in the bookes of Moses, in-

terpreted and applied by the Prophets; and by the histories, are the examples shewed of obedience or disobedience thereto, and what praemium or pæna was accordingly giuen by God: But because no man was able to keepe the Law, nor any part thereof, it pleased God of his infinite wisedome and goodnesse, to incar- nate his only Sonne in our nature, for satisfaction of his iustice in his suffering for vs; that since we could not be saued by doing, we might at least, bee saued by beleeuing.

The ground therefore of the word of grace, is contained in the foure histories of the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascention of Christ: The larger interpre- tation and vse thereof, is contained in the Epistles of the Apostles: and the practise in the faithfull or vnfaithfull, with the historie of the infancie and first progresse of the Church is contained in their Actes.

Would ye then know your sinne by the Lawe ? reade the bookes of Moses con- taining it. Would ye haue a commentarie thereupon ? Reade the Prophets, and likewise the bookes of the Prouerbes and Ecclesiastes, written by that great pat- terne of wisedome Salomon, which will not only serue you for instruction, how to walke in the obedience of the Lawe of God, but is also so full of golden sentences, and morall precepts, in all things that can concerne your conuersation in the world, as among all the prophane Philosophers and Poets, ye shall not finde so rich a storehouse of precepts of naturall wisedome, agreeing with the will and diuine wisedome of God. Would ye see how good men are rewarded, and wicked punished ? looke the historicall parts of these same bookes of Moses, together with the histories of Ioshua, the Iudges, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Iob: but especially the bookes of the Kings and Chronicles, wherewith ye ought to bee familiarly acquainted: for there shall yee see your selfe, as in a myrrour, in the catalogue either of the good or the euill Kings.

Would yee know the doctrine, life, and death of our Sauiour Christ ? reade the Euangelists. Would ye bee more particularly trained vp in his Schoole ? meditate vpon the Epistles of the Apostles. And would ye be acquainted with the practises of that doctrine in the persons of the primitiue Church ? Cast vp the Apostles Actes. And as to the Apocryphe bookes, I omit them, because I am no Papist, as I said before; and indeed some of them are no wayes like the dyte- ment of the Spirit of God.

But when ye reade the Scripture, reade it with a sanctified and chaste heart: admire reuerently such obscure places as ye vnderstand not, blaming onely your owne capacitie: read with delight the plaine places, and studie carefully to vnder- stand those that are somewhat difficile: preasse to bee a good textuarie; for the Scripture is euer the best interpreter of it selfe; but preasse not curiously to seeke out farther then is contained therein; for that were ouer vnmannerly a presump- tion, to striue to bee further vpon Gods secrets, then he hath will ye be; for what hee thought needfull for vs to know, that hath he reuealed there: And delyte most in reading such parts of the Scripture, as may best serue for your instruction

in your calling; reiecting foolish curiosities vpon genealogies and contentions, which are but vaine, and profite not,[*] as Paul saith.

Now, as to Faith, which is the nourisher and quickner of Religion, as I haue alreadie said, It is a sure perswasion and apprehension of the promises of God, applying them to your soule: and therefore may it iustly be called, the golden chaine that linketh the faithfull soule to Christ: And because it groweth not in our garden, but is the free gift of God,[*] as the same Apostle saith, it must be nourished by prayer, Which is nothing else, but a friendly talking with God.

As for teaching you the forme of your prayers, the Psalmes of Dauid are the meetest schoole-master that ye can be acquainted with (next the prayer of our Sauiour, which is the onely rule of prayer) whereout of, as of most rich and pure fountaines, ye may learne all forme of prayer necessarie for your comfort at all occasions: And so much the fitter are they for you, then for the common sort, in respect the composer thereof was a King: and therefore best behoued to know a Kings wants, and what things were meetest to be required by a King at Gods hand for remedie thereof.

Vse often to pray when ye are quietest, especially forget it not in your bed how oft soeuer ye doe it at other times: for publike prayer serueth as much for example, as for any particular comfort to the supplicant.

In your prayer, bee neither ouer strange with God, like the ignorant common sort, that prayeth nothing but out of bookes, nor yet ouer homely with him, like some of the vaine Pharisaicall puritanes, that thinke they rule him vpon their fingers: The former way will breede an vncouth coldnesse in you.towards him, the other will breede in you a contempt of him. But in your prayer to God speake with all reuerence: for if a subiect will not speake but reuerently to a King, much lesse should any flesh presume to talke with God as with his companion.

Craue in your prayer, not onely things spirituall, but also things temporall, sometimes of greater, and sometimes of lesse consequence; that yee may lay vp in store his grant of these things, for confirmation of your faith, and to be an arles-peny vnto you of his loue. Pray, as yee finde your heart moueth you, pro re nata: but see that yee sute no vnlawfull things, as reuenge, lust, or such like: for that prayer can not come of faith: and whatsoeuer is done without faith, is sinne,[*] as the Apostle saith.

When ye obtaine your prayer, thanke him ioyfully therefore: if otherwaies, beare patiently, preassing to winne him with importunitie, as the widow did the vnrighteous Iudge: and if notwithstanding thereof yee be not heard, assure your selfe, God foreseeth that which yee aske is not for your weale: and learne in time, so to interprete all the aduersities that God shall send vnto you; so shall yee in the middest of them, not onely be armed with patience, but ioyfully lift vp your eyes from the present trouble, to the happie end that God will turne it to. And when ye finde it once so fall out by proofe, arme your selfe with the experience

thereof against the next trouble, assuring your selfe, though yee cannot in time of the showre see through the cloude, yet in the end shall ye find, God sent if for your weale, as ye found in the former.

And as for conscience, which I called the conseruer of Religion, It is nothing else, but the light of knowledge that God hath planted in man, which euer watch- ing ouer all his actions, as it beareth him a ioyfull testimonie when he does right, so choppeth it him with a feeling that hee hath done wrong, when euer he commit- teth any sinne. And surely, although this conscience be a great torture to the wicked, yet is it as great a comfort to the godly, if we will consider it rightly. For haue wee not a great aduantage, that haue within our selues while wee liue here, a Count-booke and Inuentarie of all the crimes that wee shall bee accused of, either at the houre of our death, or at the Great day of Iudgement; which when wee please (yea though we forget) will chop, and remember vs to looke vpon it; that while we haue leasure and are here, we may remember to amend; and so at the day of our triall, compeare with new and white garments washed in the blood of the Lambe,[*] as S. Iohn saith. Aboue all them, my Sonne, labour to keepe sound this conscience, which many prattle of, but ouer few feele: especially be carefull to keepe it free from two diseases, wherewith it vseth oft to be infected; to wit, Leaprosie, and Superstition; the former is the mother of Atheisme, the other of Heresies. By a leaprouse conscience, I meane a cauterized conscience,[*] as Paul calleth it, being become senselesse of sinne, through sleeping in a carelesse securitie as King Dauids was after his murther and adulterie, euer til he was wakened by the Prophet Nathans similitude. And by superstition, I meane, when one re- straines himselfe to any other rule in the seruice of God, then is warranted by the word, the onely trew square of Gods seruice ?

As for a preseruatiue against this Leaprosie, remember euer once in the foure and twentie houres, either in the night, or when yee are at greatest quiet, to call your selfe to account of all your last dayes actions, either wherein ye haue com- mitted things yee should not, or omitted the things ye should doe, either in your Christian or Kingly calling: and in that account, let not your selfe be smoothed ouer with that flattering filauti/a, which is ouerkindly a sicknesse to all mankind: but censure your selfe as sharply, as if ye were your owne enemie: For if ye iudge your selfe, ye shall not be iudged,[*] as the Apostle saith: and then according to your censure, reforme your actions as farre as yee may, eschewing euer wilfully and wittingly to contrare your conscience: For a small sinne wilfully committed, with a deliberate resolution to breake the bridle of conscience therein, is farre more grieuous before God, then a greater sinne committed in a suddaine passion, when conscience is asleepe. Remember therefore in all your actions, of the great ac- count that yee are one day to make: in all the dayes of your life, euer learning to die, and liuing euery day as it were you last; Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.[*]


And therefore, I would not haue you to pray with the Papists, to be preserued from suddaine death, but that God would giue you grace so to liue, as ye may euery houre of your life be ready for death: so shall ye attaine to the vertue of trew fortitude, neuer being afraid for the horrour of death, come when he list: And especially, beware to offend your conscience with vse of swearing or lying, suppose but in iest; for othes are but an vse, and a sinne cloathed with no delight nor gaine, and therefore the more inexcusable euen in the sight of men: and lying commeth also much of a vile vse, which banisheth shame: Therefore beware euen to deny the trewth, which is a sort of lie, that may best be eschewed by a person of your ranke. For if any thing be asked at you that yee thinke not meete to reueale, if yee say, that question is not pertinent for them to aske, who dare ex- amine you further ? and vsing sometimes this answere both in trew and false things that shall be asked at you, such vnmanerly people will neuer be the wiser thereof.

And for keeping your conscience sound from that sickenesse of superstition, yee must neither lay the safetie of your conscience vpon the credit of your owne conceits, nor yet of other mens humors, how great doctors of Diuinitie that euer they be; but yee must onely ground it vpon the expresse Scripture: for conscience not grounded vpon sure knowledge, is either an ignorant fantasie, or an arrogant vanitie. Beware therefore in this case with two extremities: the one, to beleeue with the Papists; the Churches authority, better then your owne knowledge; the other, to leane with the Anabaptists, to your owne conceits and dreamed reue- lations.

But learne wisely to discerne betwixt points of saluation and indifferent things, betwixt substance and ceremonies; and betwixt the expresse commandement and will of God in his word, and the inuention or ordinance of man; since all that is necessarie for saluation is contained in the Scripture: For in any thing that is expressely commanded or prohibited in the booke of God, ye cannot be ouer precise, euen in the least thing; counting euery sinne, not according to the light estimation and common vse of it in the world, but as the booke of God counteth of it. But as for all other things not contained in the scripture, spare not to vse or alter them, as the necessitie of the time shall require. And when any of the spirituall office-bearers in the Church, speake vnto you any thing that is well war- ranted by the word, reuerence and obey them as the heraulds of the most high God: but, if passing that bounds, they vrge you to embrace any of their fantasies in the place of Gods word, or would colour their particulars with a pretended zeal, acknowledge them for no other then vaine men, exceeding the bounds of their calling; and according to your office, grauely and with authoritie redact them in order againe.

To conclude then, both this purpose of conscience, and the first part of this booke, keepe God more sparingly in your mouth, but abundantly in your heart: be precise in effect, but sociall in shew: kythe more by your deeds then by your

wordes, the loue of vertue and hatred of vice: and delight more to be godly and vertuous indeed, then to be thought and called so; expecting more for your praise and reward in heauen, then heere: and apply to all your outward actions Christs command, to pray and giue your almes secretly: So shal ye on the one part be inwardly garnished with trew Christian humilitie, not outwardly (with the proud Pharisie) glorying in your godlinesse; but saying, as Christ commandeth vs all, when we haue done all that we can, Inutiles serui sumus:[*] And on the other part, yee shall eschew outwardly before the world, the suspition of filthie proude hypo- crisie, and deceitfull dissimulation.

OF 1 w 2
A 1 w 3
KINGS 1 w 8
DVETIE 1 w 23
TOWARDS 1 w 30
GOD 1 w 33
The 1 w 37
First 1 w 42
Booke 1 w 47
As 1 w 50
he 2 w 52
cannot 1 w 58
be 1 w 60
thought 1 w 67
worthy 1 w 73
to 1 w 75
rule 1 w 79
and 1 w 82
command 1 w 89
others 1 w 95
that 1 w 100
cannot 2 w 106
rule 2 w 110
and 3 w 113
dantone 1 w 120
his 1 w 123
owne 1 w 127
proper 1 w 133
affections 1 w 143
and 4 w 146
vnreasonable 1 w 158
appetites 1 w 167
so 2 w 170
can 3 w 173
hee 1 w 176
not 3 w 179
be 2 w 181
thought 2 w 188
worthie 1 w 195
to 3 w 197
gouerne 1 w 204
a 14 w 205
Christian 1 w 214
people 1 w 220
knowing 1 w 228
and 5 w 231
fearing 1 w 238
God 1 w 241
that 2 w 246
in 3 w 248
his 2 w 251
owne 2 w 255
person 1 w 261
and 6 w 264
heart 1 w 269
feareth 1 w 277
not 4 w 280
and 7 w 283
loueth 1 w 289
not 5 w 292
the 2 w 295
Diuine 1 w 301
Maiestie 1 w 309
Neither 1 w 317
can 4 w 320
anything 1 w 328
in 6 w 330
his 3 w 333
gouernment 1 w 343
succeed 1 w 350
well 1 w 354
with 1 w 358
him 1 w 361
deuise 1 w 369
and 8 w 372
labour 1 w 378
as 2 w 380
he 8 w 382
list 1 w 386
as 3 w 389
comming 1 w 396
from 1 w 400
a 30 w 401
filthie 1 w 408
spring 1 w 414
if 1 w 417
his 4 w 420
person 2 w 426
be 3 w 428
vnsanctified 1 w 440
for 1 w 444
as 4 w 447
that 3 w 451
royal 1 w 456
Prophet 1 w 463
saith 1 w 468
Except 1 w 475
the 4 w 478
Lord 1 w 482
build 1 w 487
the 5 w 490
house 1 w 495
they 1 w 500
labour 2 w 506
in 9 w 508
vaine 1 w 513
that 4 w 517
build 2 w 522
it 5 w 524
except 1 w 531
the 7 w 534
Lord 2 w 538
keepe 1 w 543
the 8 w 546
City 1 w 550
the 9 w 554
keepers 1 w 561
watch 1 w 566
it 7 w 568
in 11 w 570
vaine 2 w 575
Psal 1 w 579
127 1 w 583
1 2 w 585
in 13 w 589
respect 1 w 596
the 10 w 599
blessing 1 w 607
of 1 w 609
God 2 w 612
hath 1 w 616
onely 1 w 621
power 1 w 626
to 4 w 628
giue 1 w 632
the 11 w 635
successe 1 w 643
thereunto 1 w 652
and 9 w 656
as 5 w 658
Paul 1 w 662
saith 2 w 667
he 19 w 670
planteth 1 w 678
Apollos 1 w 686
watereth 1 w 694
but 1 w 698
it 9 w 700
is 8 w 702
God 3 w 705
onely 2 w 710
that 5 w 714
giueth 1 w 720
the 13 w 723
in- 1 w 726
crease 1 w 732
I 5 w 734
Cor 1 w 738
3 1 w 740
6 1 w 742
Therefore 1 w 752
my 1 w 755
Sonne 1 w 760
first 1 w 766
of 2 w 768
all 1 w 771
things 1 w 777
learne 1 w 784
to 6 w 786
know 2 w 790
and 10 w 793
loue 2 w 797
that 6 w 801
God 4 w 804
whom-to 1 w 812
ye 1 w 814
haue 1 w 818
a 56 w 819
double 1 w 825
obligation 1 w 835
first 2 w 841
for 3 w 845
that 7 w 849
he 22 w 851
made 1 w 855
you 1 w 858
a 60 w 859
man 2 w 862
and 11 w 866
next 1 w 870
for 4 w 874
that 8 w 878
he 23 w 880
made 2 w 884
you 2 w 887
a 65 w 888
little 1 w 894
GOD 2 w 897
to 8 w 899
sit 1 w 902
on 10 w 904
his 5 w 907
Throne 1 w 913
and 12 w 917
rule 3 w 921
ouer 3 w 925
other 2 w 930
men 2 w 933
Remember 1 w 942
that 9 w 947
as 7 w 949
in 17 w 951
dignitie 1 w 959
hee 2 w 962
hath 2 w 966
erected 1 w 973
you 3 w 976
aboue 1 w 981
others 2 w 987
so 5 w 990
ought 3 w 995
ye 2 w 997
in 18 w 999
thankfulnesse 1 w 1012
towards 1 w 1019
him 2 w 1022
goe 1 w 1026
as 8 w 1028
farre 1 w 1033
beyond 1 w 1039
all 2 w 1042
others 3 w 1048
A 6 w 1050
moate 1 w 1055
in 19 w 1057
an- 1 w 1060
others 4 w 1066
eye 1 w 1069
is 10 w 1072
a 78 w 1073
beame 1 w 1078
into 1 w 1082
yours 1 w 1087
a 80 w 1089
blemish 1 w 1096
in 21 w 1098
another 1 w 1105
is 12 w 1108
a 82 w 1109
leprouse 1 w 1117
byle 1 w 1121
into 2 w 1125
you 5 w 1128
and 13 w 1132
a 84 w 1133
veniall 1 w 1140
sinne 1 w 1145
as 9 w 1148
the 19 w 1151
Papifts 1 w 1158
call 1 w 1162
it 13 w 1164
in 24 w 1167
another 2 w 1174
is 13 w 1177
a 90 w 1178
great 1 w 1183
crime 1 w 1188
into 3 w 1192
you 6 w 1195
Thinke 1 w 1202
not 8 w 1205
therefore 1 w 1214
that 10 w 1219
the 22 w 1222
highnesse 1 w 1231
of 3 w 1233
your 2 w 1237
dignitie 2 w 1245
diminisheth 1 w 1257
your 3 w 1261
faults 1 w 1267
much 1 w 1272
lesse 1 w 1277
giueth 2 w 1283
you 9 w 1286
a 94 w 1287
licence 1 w 1294
to 13 w 1296
sinne 2 w 1301
but 2 w 1305
by 2 w 1307
the 23 w 1310
contrary 1 w 1318
your 4 w 1322
fault 2 w 1327
shall 1 w 1332
be 7 w 1334
aggrauated 1 w 1344
according 1 w 1354
to 14 w 1356
the 24 w 1359
height 1 w 1365
of 4 w 1367
your 5 w 1371
dignitie 3 w 1379
any 2 w 1383
sinne 3 w 1388
that 11 w 1392
ye 4 w 1394
commit 1 w 1400
not 9 w 1404
being 1 w 1409
a 104 w 1410
single 1 w 1416
sinne 4 w 1421
procuring 1 w 1430
but 3 w 1433
the 25 w 1436
fall 1 w 1440
of 5 w 1442
one 5 w 1445
but 4 w 1449
being 2 w 1454
an 29 w 1456
ex- 1 w 1459
emplare 1 w 1466
sinne 5 w 1471
and 14 w 1475
therefore 2 w 1484
drawing 1 w 1491
with 2 w 1495
it 18 w 1497
the 27 w 1500
whole 1 w 1505
multitude 1 w 1514
to 15 w 1516
be 10 w 1518
guiltie 1 w 1525
of 6 w 1527
the 28 w 1530
same 1 w 1534
Remember 2 w 1543
then 1 w 1547
that 12 w 1552
this 1 w 1556
glistering 1 w 1566
worldly 1 w 1573
glorie 1 w 1579
of 7 w 1581
Kings 1 w 1586
is 17 w 1589
giuen 1 w 1594
them 1 w 1598
by 3 w 1600
God 5 w 1603
to 16 w 1606
teach 1 w 1611
them 2 w 1615
to 17 w 1617
preasse 1 w 1624
so 6 w 1626
to 18 w 1628
glister 2 w 1635
and 15 w 1638
shine 1 w 1643
before 1 w 1649
their 1 w 1654
people 2 w 1660
in 41 w 1663
all 7 w 1666
workes 1 w 1672
of 8 w 1674
sanctification 1 w 1688
and 16 w 1691
righteousnesse 1 w 1705
that 13 w 1710
their 2 w 1715
persons 1 w 1722
as 11 w 1724
bright 1 w 1730
lampes 1 w 1736
of 9 w 1738
godlinesse 1 w 1748
and 17 w 1751
vertue 1 w 1757
may 1 w 1761
going 1 w 1767
in 44 w 1769
and 18 w 1772
out 1 w 1775
before 2 w 1781
their 3 w 1786
people 3 w 1792
giue 5 w 1797
light 1 w 1802
to 19 w 1804
all 8 w 1807
their 4 w 1812
steps 1 w 1817
Remember 3 w 1826
also 1 w 1830
that 14 w 1835
by 4 w 1837
the 36 w 1840
right 3 w 1845
knowledge 1 w 1854
and 19 w 1858
feare 2 w 1863
of 10 w 1865
God 6 w 1868
which 1 w 1874
is 19 w 1876
the 37 w 1879
beginning 1 w 1888
of 11 w 1890
Wisedome 1 w 1898
Prou 1 w 1903
9 1 w 1905
10 1 w 1908
as 12 w 1911
Salomon 1 w 1918
saith 3 w 1923
ye 5 w 1926
shall 2 w 1931
know 4 w 1935
all 10 w 1938
the 38 w 1941
things 2 w 1947
necessarie 1 w 1957
for 9 w 1960
the 39 w 1963
discharge 1 w 1972
of 12 w 1974
your 6 w 1978
duetie 1 w 1984
both 1 w 1989
as 13 w 1991
a 138 w 1992
Christian 2 w 2001
and 20 w 2005
as 14 w 2007
a 142 w 2008
King 2 w 2012
seeing 1 w 2019
in 50 w 2021
him 3 w 2024
as 15 w 2027
in 51 w 2029
a 144 w 2030
mirrour 1 w 2037
the 40 w 2041
course 1 w 2047
of 13 w 2049
all 11 w 2052
earthly 1 w 2059
things 3 w 2065
whereof 1 w 2073
hee 3 w 2076
is 23 w 2078
the 41 w 2081
spring 2 w 2087
and 21 w 2090
onely 3 w 2095
moouer 1 w 2101
Now 1 w 2105
the 42 w 2109
onely 4 w 2114
way 1 w 2117
to 20 w 2119
bring 1 w 2124
you 13 w 2127
to 21 w 2129
this 2 w 2133
knowledge 2 w 2142
is 25 w 2145
diligently 1 w 2155
to 22 w 2157
reade 1 w 2162
his 8 w 2165
word 1 w 2169
and 22 w 2173
earnestly 1 w 2182
to 23 w 2184
pray 1 w 2188
for 10 w 2191
the 43 w 2194
right 4 w 2199
vnderstanding 1 w 2212
thereof 1 w 2219
Search 1 w 2226
the 45 w 2229
Scriptures 1 w 2239
sayth 1 w 2245
Christ 3 w 2251
for 11 w 2255
they 2 w 2259
beare 1 w 2264
testimonie 1 w 2274
of 16 w 2276
me 10 w 2278
Iohn 1 w 2283
5 1 w 2284
39 1 w 2287
and 24 w 2291
the 47 w 2295
whole 2 w 2300
Scripture 2 w 2309
saith 4 w 2315
Paul 2 w 2319
is 28 w 2322
giuen 2 w 2327
by 5 w 2329
inspiration 1 w 2340
of 17 w 2342
God 7 w 2345
and 25 w 2349
is 29 w 2351
profitable 1 w 2361
to 24 w 2363
teach 2 w 2368
to 25 w 2371
conuince 1 w 2379
to 26 w 2382
correct 1 w 2389
and 26 w 2393
to 27 w 2395
instruct 1 w 2403
in 59 w 2405
righteousnesse 2 w 2419
that 15 w 2424
the 48 w 2427
man 3 w 2430
of 19 w 2432
God 8 w 2435
may 2 w 2438
be 17 w 2440
absolute 1 w 2448
being 3 w 2454
made 3 w 2458
perfite 1 w 2465
vnto 1 w 2469
all 12 w 2472
good 1 w 2476
workes 2 w 2482
2 2 w 2484
Tim 1 w 2488
3 3 w 2490
16 1 w 2493
17 1 w 2496
And 1 w 2500
most 1 w 2504
properly 1 w 2512
of 20 w 2514
any 3 w 2517
other 8 w 2522
belong- 1 w 2530
eth 8 w 2533
the 50 w 2536
reading 1 w 2543
thereof 2 w 2550
vnto 2 w 2554
Kings 2 w 2559
since 1 w 2565
in 64 w 2567
that 16 w 2571
part 1 w 2575
of 22 w 2577
Scripture 3 w 2586
where 2 w 2592
the 52 w 2595
godly 1 w 2600
Kings 3 w 2605
are 5 w 2608
first 3 w 2613
made 4 w 2617
mention 1 w 2624
of 23 w 2626
that 17 w 2631
were 1 w 2635
ordained 1 w 2643
to 30 w 2645
rule 4 w 2649
ouer 5 w 2653
the 53 w 2656
people 4 w 2662
of 24 w 2664
God 9 w 2667
there 6 w 2673
is 30 w 2675
an 47 w 2677
expresse 1 w 2685
and 27 w 2688
most 2 w 2692
notable 1 w 2699
exhortation 1 w 2710
and 28 w 2713
commandement 1 w 2725
giuen 3 w 2730
them 3 w 2734
to 31 w 2737
reade 2 w 2742
and 30 w 2745
meditate 1 w 2753
in 67 w 2755
the 56 w 2758
Law 1 w 2761
of 25 w 2763
God 10 w 2766
Deut 1 w 2771
17 2 w 2774
I 7 w 2776
ioyne 1 w 2781
to 32 w 2783
this 3 w 2787
the 57 w 2791
carefull 1 w 2799
hearing 1 w 2806
of 26 w 2808
the 58 w 2811
doctrine 1 w 2819
with 3 w 2823
attendance 1 w 2833
and 31 w 2836
reuerence 1 w 2845
for 12 w 2849
faith 1 w 2855
commeth 1 w 2862
by 6 w 2864
hearing 2 w 2871
Rom 1 w 2875
10 2 w 2878
17 3 w 2881
sayeth 1 w 2888
the 59 w 2891
same 2 w 2895
Apostle 1 w 2902
But 1 w 2906
aboue 2 w 2911
all 13 w 2914
beware 1 w 2921
ye 7 w 2923
wrest 1 w 2928
not 11 w 2931
the 60 w 2934
word 2 w 2938
to 33 w 2940
your 7 w 2944
owne 3 w 2948
appetite 2 w 2956
as 16 w 2959
ouer 6 w 2963
many 1 w 2967
doe 1 w 2970
making 1 w 2977
it 28 w 2979
like 1 w 2983
a 205 w 2984
bell 1 w 2988
to 34 w 2990
sound 1 w 2995
as 17 w 2997
ye 8 w 2999
please 1 w 3005
to 35 w 3007
interprete 1 w 3017
but 5 w 3021
by 7 w 3023
the 61 w 3026
contrary 2 w 3034
frame 1 w 3040
all 14 w 3043
your 8 w 3047
affections 2 w 3057
to 36 w 3060
follow 1 w 3066
precisely 1 w 3075
the 62 w 3078
rule 5 w 3082
there 7 w 3087
set 1 w 3090
downe 1 w 3095
The 3 w 3099
whole 3 w 3104
Scripture 4 w 3113
chiefly 1 w 3120
containeth 1 w 3130
two 1 w 3133
things 4 w 3139
a 213 w 3141
command 3 w 3148
and 33 w 3152
a 216 w 3153
pro- 1 w 3157
hibition 1 w 3165
to 37 w 3168
doe 2 w 3171
such 1 w 3175
things 5 w 3181
and 34 w 3185
to 38 w 3187
abstaine 1 w 3195
from 2 w 3199
the 64 w 3202
contrary 3 w 3210
Obey 1 w 3215
in 77 w 3217
both 2 w 3221
neither 1 w 3229
thinke 1 w 3235
it 31 w 3237
enough 1 w 3243
to 39 w 3245
abstaine 2 w 3253
from 3 w 3257
euill 1 w 3262
and 35 w 3266
do 7 w 3268
no 18 w 3270
good 2 w 3274
nor 1 w 3278
thinke 2 w 3284
not 12 w 3287
that 18 w 3291
if 5 w 3293
yee 1 w 3296
doe 3 w 3299
many 2 w 3303
good 3 w 3307
things 6 w 3313
it 32 w 3316
may 3 w 3319
serve 1 w 3324
you 16 w 3327
for 13 w 3330
a 227 w 3331
cloake 1 w 3337
to 40 w 3339
mixe 1 w 3343
euill 2 w 3348
turnes 1 w 3354
therewith 1 w 3363
And 2 w 3367
as 19 w 3369
in 82 w 3371
these 1 w 3376
two 2 w 3379
points 1 w 3385
the 68 w 3389
whole 4 w 3394
Scripture 5 w 3403
principally 1 w 3414
consisteth 1 w 3424
so 11 w 3427
in 85 w 3429
two 3 w 3432
degrees 1 w 3439
standeth 1 w 3447
the 69 w 3450
whole 5 w 3455
seruice 1 w 3462
of 27 w 3464
God 11 w 3467
by 8 w 3469
man 8 w 3472
interiour 1 w 3482
or 30 w 3485
vpward 1 w 3491
exteriour 1 w 3501
or 31 w 3504
downward 1 w 3512
the 70 w 3516
first 4 w 3521
by 9 w 3524
prayer 1 w 3530
in 87 w 3532
faith 2 w 3537
towards 2 w 3544
God 12 w 3547
the 71 w 3551
next 2 w 3555
by 10 w 3558
workes 3 w 3564
flowing 1 w 3571
therefra 1 w 3579
before 3 w 3585
the 73 w 3588
world 2 w 3593
which 2 w 3599
is 34 w 3601
nothing 1 w 3608
else 1 w 3612
but 6 w 3616
the 74 w 3619
exercise 1 w 3627
of 28 w 3629
Religion 1 w 3637
towards 3 w 3644
God 13 w 3647
and 37 w 3651
of 29 w 3653
equitie 1 w 3660
towards 4 w 3667
your 9 w 3671
neighbour 1 w 3680
As 2 w 3683
for 15 w 3686
the 75 w 3689
particular 1 w 3699
points 2 w 3705
of 30 w 3707
Religion 2 w 3715
I 8 w 3717
need 1 w 3721
not 14 w 3724
to 44 w 3726
dilate 1 w 3732
them 4 w 3736
I 9 w 3738
am 6 w 3740
no 23 w 3742
hypocrite 1 w 3751
follow 2 w 3758
my 2 w 3760
footsteps 1 w 3769
and 38 w 3773
your 10 w 3777
owne 5 w 3781
present 1 w 3788
education 1 w 3797
therein 1 w 3804
I 10 w 3806
thanke 1 w 3812
God 14 w 3815
I 11 w 3817
was 1 w 3820
neuer 1 w 3825
ashamed 1 w 3832
to 45 w 3834
giue 8 w 3838
account 1 w 3845
of 31 w 3847
my 3 w 3849
profession 1 w 3859
howsoeuer 1 w 3869
the 78 w 3872
malicious 1 w 3881
lying 1 w 3886
tongues 1 w 3893
of 33 w 3895
some 1 w 3899
haue 2 w 3903
traduced 1 w 3911
me 19 w 3913
and 39 w 3917
if 6 w 3919
my 4 w 3921
conscience 1 w 3931
had 1 w 3934
not 15 w 3937
resolued 1 w 3945
me 20 w 3947
that 19 w 3952
all 16 w 3955
my 5 w 3957
Religion 3 w 3965
presently 1 w 3974
professed 1 w 3983
by 11 w 3985
me 21 w 3987
and 40 w 3990
my 6 w 3992
king- 1 w 3997
dome 2 w 4001
was 2 w 4005
grounded 1 w 4013
vpon 1 w 4017
the 79 w 4020
plaine 1 w 4026
words 1 w 4031
of 35 w 4033
the 80 w 4036
Scripture 6 w 4045
without 1 w 4053
the 81 w 4056
which 3 w 4061
all 17 w 4064
points 3 w 4070
of 36 w 4072
Religion 4 w 4080
are 8 w 4083
superfluous 1 w 4094
as 23 w 4097
any 6 w 4100
thing 9 w 4105
contrary 4 w 4113
to 47 w 4115
the 82 w 4118
same 3 w 4122
is 36 w 4124
abomi- 1 w 4130
nation 1 w 4136
I 12 w 4138
had 2 w 4141
neuer 2 w 4146
outwardly 1 w 4155
auowed 1 w 4161
it 38 w 4163
for 16 w 4167
pleasure 1 w 4175
or 38 w 4177
awe 1 w 4180
of 37 w 4182
any 7 w 4185
flesh 1 w 4190
And 3 w 4194
as 25 w 4196
for 17 w 4199
the 83 w 4202
points 4 w 4208
of 38 w 4210
equitie 2 w 4217
towards 5 w 4224
your 11 w 4228
neighbour 2 w 4237
because 1 w 4245
that 20 w 4249
will 1 w 4253
fall 2 w 4257
in 98 w 4259
properly 2 w 4267
vpon 2 w 4272
the 84 w 4275
second 1 w 4281
part 3 w 4285
concerning 1 w 4295
a 283 w 4296
Kings 4 w 4301
office 1 w 4307
I 13 w 4309
leaue 1 w 4314
it 40 w 4316
to 49 w 4318
the 85 w 4321
owne 6 w 4325
roume 1 w 4330
For 1 w 4334
the 86 w 4337
first 5 w 4342
part 4 w 4346
then 2 w 4350
of 40 w 4352
mans 1 w 4356
seruice 2 w 4363
to 50 w 4365
his 10 w 4368
God 15 w 4371
which 4 w 4377
is 38 w 4379
Religion 5 w 4387
that 21 w 4392
is 39 w 4394
the 88 w 4398
worship 1 w 4405
of 41 w 4407
God 16 w 4410
according 2 w 4419
to 51 w 4421
his 11 w 4424
reuealed 1 w 4432
will 2 w 4436
it 41 w 4439
is 41 w 4441
wholly 1 w 4447
grounded 2 w 4455
vpon 3 w 4459
the 89 w 4462
Scripture 7 w 4471
as 26 w 4474
I 14 w 4475
haue 3 w 4479
alreadie 1 w 4487
said 1 w 4491
quickened 1 w 4501
by 12 w 4503
faith 3 w 4508
and 41 w 4512
conserued 1 w 4521
by 13 w 4523
con- 1 w 4527
science 2 w 4534
For 2 w 4538
the 90 w 4541
Scripture 8 w 4550
I 15 w 4552
haue 4 w 4556
now 6 w 4559
spoken 1 w 4565
of 42 w 4567
it 43 w 4569
in 102 w 4571
generall 1 w 4579
but 7 w 4583
that 22 w 4587
yee 2 w 4590
may 4 w 4593
the 91 w 4596
more 1 w 4600
readily 1 w 4607
make 1 w 4611
choice 1 w 4617
of 43 w 4619
any 8 w 4622
part 5 w 4626
thereof 3 w 4633
for 18 w 4637
your 12 w 4641
instruction 1 w 4652
or 46 w 4654
comfort 1 w 4661
remember 1 w 4670
shortly 1 w 4677
this 4 w 4681
methode 1 w 4688
The 4 w 4692
whole 6 w 4697
Scripture 9 w 4706
is 43 w 4708
dyted 1 w 4713
by 14 w 4715
Gods 1 w 4719
Spirit 1 w 4725
thereby 1 w 4733
as 27 w 4736
by 16 w 4738
his 13 w 4741
liuely 1 w 4747
word 4 w 4751
to 52 w 4754
instruct 3 w 4762
and 42 w 4765
rule 6 w 4769
the 94 w 4772
whole 7 w 4777
Church 1 w 4783
militant 1 w 4791
to 53 w 4793
the 95 w 4796
and 43 w 4799
of 45 w 4801
the 96 w 4804
world 3 w 4809
It 1 w 4812
is 45 w 4814
composed 1 w 4822
of 46 w 4824
two 4 w 4827
parts 1 w 4832
the 97 w 4836
Olde 1 w 4840
and 44 w 4843
New 1 w 4846
Testament 1 w 4855
The 5 w 4859
ground 3 w 4865
of 47 w 4867
the 98 w 4870
former 1 w 4876
is 46 w 4878
the 99 w 4881
Lawe 1 w 4885
which 5 w 4891
sheweth 1 w 4898
our 21 w 4901
sinne 6 w 4906
and 45 w 4910
containeth 2 w 4920
iustice 1 w 4927
the 100 w 4931
ground 4 w 4937
of 48 w 4939
the 101 w 4942
other 9 w 4947
is 47 w 4949
Christ 4 w 4955
who 10 w 4959
pardoning 1 w 4968
sinne 7 w 4973
containeth 3 w 4983
grace 1 w 4988
The 6 w 4992
summe 1 w 4997
of 49 w 4999
the 103 w 5002
Law 3 w 5005
is 49 w 5007
the 104 w 5010
tenne 1 w 5015
Commandements 1 w 5028
more 2 w 5033
largely 1 w 5040
delated 1 w 5047
in 110 w 5049
the 105 w 5052
bookes 1 w 5058
of 50 w 5060
Moses 1 w 5065
in- 2 w 5069
terpreted 1 w 5078
and 47 w 5081
applied 1 w 5088
by 17 w 5090
the 106 w 5093
Prophets 1 w 5101
and 48 w 5105
by 18 w 5107
the 107 w 5110
histories 1 w 5119
are 9 w 5123
the 108 w 5126
examples 1 w 5134
shewed 1 w 5140
of 51 w 5142
obedience 1 w 5151
or 54 w 5153
disobedience 1 w 5165
thereto 1 w 5172
and 49 w 5176
what 1 w 5180
praemium 1 w 5188
or 55 w 5190
pæna 1 w 5194
was 3 w 5197
accordingly 1 w 5208
giuen 4 w 5213
by 19 w 5215
God 18 w 5218
But 2 w 5222
because 2 w 5229
no 26 w 5231
man 11 w 5234
was 4 w 5237
able 4 w 5241
to 56 w 5243
keepe 3 w 5248
the 110 w 5251
Law 4 w 5254
nor 2 w 5258
any 9 w 5261
part 7 w 5265
thereof 4 w 5272
it 46 w 5275
pleased 1 w 5282
God 19 w 5285
of 53 w 5287
his 15 w 5290
infinite 1 w 5298
wisedome 1 w 5306
and 50 w 5309
goodnesse 1 w 5318
to 57 w 5321
incar- 1 w 5327
nate 1 w 5331
his 16 w 5334
only 1 w 5338
Sonne 2 w 5343
in 116 w 5345
our 22 w 5348
nature 1 w 5354
for 21 w 5358
satisfaction 1 w 5370
of 54 w 5372
his 17 w 5375
iustice 2 w 5382
in 117 w 5384
his 18 w 5387
suffering 1 w 5396
for 22 w 5399
vs 1 w 5401
that 23 w 5406
since 2 w 5411
we 9 w 5413
could 1 w 5418
not 16 w 5421
be 29 w 5423
saued 1 w 5428
by 20 w 5430
doing 1 w 5435
we 10 w 5438
might 1 w 5443
at 45 w 5445
least 1 w 5450
bee 1 w 5454
saued 2 w 5459
by 21 w 5461
beleeuing 1 w 5470
The 7 w 5474
ground 5 w 5480
therefore 3 w 5489
of 55 w 5491
the 113 w 5494
word 5 w 5498
of 56 w 5500
grace 2 w 5505
is 58 w 5508
contained 1 w 5517
in 123 w 5519
the 114 w 5522
foure 1 w 5527
histories 2 w 5536
of 57 w 5538
the 115 w 5541
birth 1 w 5546
life 1 w 5551
death 1 w 5557
resurrection 1 w 5570
and 51 w 5573
ascention 1 w 5582
of 58 w 5584
Christ 5 w 5590
The 8 w 5594
larger 1 w 5600
interpre- 1 w 5609
tation 2 w 5615
and 52 w 5618
vse 1 w 5621
thereof 5 w 5628
is 61 w 5631
contained 2 w 5640
in 126 w 5642
the 117 w 5645
Epistles 1 w 5653
of 60 w 5655
the 118 w 5658
Apostles 1 w 5666
and 53 w 5670
the 119 w 5673
practise 1 w 5681
in 127 w 5683
the 120 w 5686
faithfull 1 w 5695
or 63 w 5697
vnfaithfull 1 w 5708
with 6 w 5713
the 121 w 5716
historie 3 w 5724
of 61 w 5726
the 122 w 5729
infancie 1 w 5737
and 54 w 5740
first 6 w 5745
progresse 1 w 5754
of 62 w 5756
the 123 w 5759
Church 2 w 5765
is 65 w 5767
contained 3 w 5776
in 130 w 5778
their 5 w 5783
Actes 1 w 5788
Would 1 w 5794
ye 12 w 5796
then 3 w 5800
know 6 w 5804
your 13 w 5808
sinne 8 w 5813
by 22 w 5815
the 126 w 5818
Lawe 2 w 5822
reade 3 w 5828
the 127 w 5831
bookes 2 w 5837
of 63 w 5839
Moses 2 w 5844
con- 2 w 5848
taining 1 w 5855
it 51 w 5857
Would 2 w 5863
ye 13 w 5865
haue 5 w 5869
a 372 w 5870
commentarie 1 w 5881
thereupon 1 w 5890
Reade 1 w 5896
the 129 w 5899
Prophets 2 w 5907
and 55 w 5911
likewise 1 w 5919
the 130 w 5922
bookes 3 w 5928
of 64 w 5930
the 131 w 5933
Prouerbes 1 w 5942
and 56 w 5945
Ecclesiastes 1 w 5957
written 1 w 5965
by 23 w 5967
that 24 w 5971
great 2 w 5976
pat- 1 w 5980
terne 1 w 5985
of 65 w 5987
wisedome 2 w 5995
Salomon 2 w 6002
which 6 w 6008
will 3 w 6012
not 17 w 6015
only 2 w 6019
serue 2 w 6024
you 22 w 6027
for 24 w 6030
instruction 2 w 6041
how 2 w 6045
to 60 w 6047
walke 1 w 6052
in 135 w 6054
the 132 w 6057
obedience 3 w 6066
of 66 w 6068
the 133 w 6071
Lawe 3 w 6075
of 67 w 6077
God 20 w 6080
but 8 w 6084
is 68 w 6086
also 2 w 6090
so 17 w 6092
full 4 w 6096
of 68 w 6098
golden 1 w 6104
sentences 1 w 6113
and 57 w 6117
morall 1 w 6123
precepts 1 w 6131
in 136 w 6134
all 21 w 6137
things 7 w 6143
that 25 w 6147
can 5 w 6150
concerne 1 w 6158
your 14 w 6162
conuersation 1 w 6174
in 138 w 6176
the 134 w 6179
world 4 w 6184
as 34 w 6187
among 1 w 6192
all 22 w 6195
the 135 w 6198
prophane 1 w 6206
Philosophers 1 w 6218
and 58 w 6221
Poets 1 w 6226
ye 14 w 6229
shall 3 w 6234
not 18 w 6237
finde 1 w 6242
so 19 w 6244
rich 1 w 6248
a 397 w 6249
storehouse 1 w 6259
of 69 w 6261
precepts 2 w 6269
of 70 w 6271
naturall 1 w 6279
wisedome 3 w 6287
agreeing 1 w 6296
with 7 w 6300
the 136 w 6303
will 4 w 6307
and 59 w 6310
diuine 1 w 6316
wisedome 4 w 6324
of 71 w 6326
God 21 w 6329
Would 3 w 6335
ye 15 w 6337
see 2 w 6340
how 3 w 6343
good 5 w 6347
men 8 w 6350
are 10 w 6353
rewarded 1 w 6361
and 60 w 6365
wicked 1 w 6371
punished 1 w 6379
looke 1 w 6385
the 137 w 6388
historicall 1 w 6399
parts 2 w 6404
of 72 w 6406
these 2 w 6411
same 4 w 6415
bookes 4 w 6421
of 73 w 6423
Moses 3 w 6428
together 1 w 6437
with 8 w 6441
the 140 w 6444
histories 3 w 6453
of 74 w 6455
Ioshua 1 w 6461
the 141 w 6465
Iudges 1 w 6471
Ezra 1 w 6476
Nehemiah 1 w 6485
Esther 1 w 6492
and 61 w 6496
Iob 1 w 6499
but 9 w 6503
especially 1 w 6513
the 143 w 6516
bookes 5 w 6522
of 75 w 6524
the 144 w 6527
Kings 5 w 6532
and 62 w 6535
Chronicles 1 w 6545
wherewith 1 w 6555
ye 16 w 6557
ought 4 w 6562
to 65 w 6564
bee 2 w 6567
familiarly 1 w 6577
acquainted 1 w 6587
for 25 w 6591
there 18 w 6596
shall 4 w 6601
yee 3 w 6604
see 3 w 6607
your 15 w 6611
selfe 1 w 6616
as 35 w 6619
in 144 w 6621
a 420 w 6622
myrrour 1 w 6629
in 145 w 6632
the 146 w 6635
catalogue 1 w 6644
either 3 w 6650
of 76 w 6652
the 148 w 6655
good 6 w 6659
or 72 w 6661
the 149 w 6664
euill 3 w 6669
Kings 6 w 6674
Would 4 w 6680
yee 4 w 6683
know 7 w 6687
the 150 w 6690
doctrine 2 w 6698
life 2 w 6703
and 63 w 6707
death 2 w 6712
of 77 w 6714
our 28 w 6717
Sauiour 1 w 6724
Christ 6 w 6730
reade 4 w 6736
the 151 w 6739
Euangelists 1 w 6750
Would 5 w 6756
ye 19 w 6758
bee 3 w 6761
more 3 w 6765
particularly 1 w 6777
trained 1 w 6784
vp 5 w 6786
in 149 w 6788
his 23 w 6791
Schoole 1 w 6798
meditate 2 w 6807
vpon 4 w 6811
the 152 w 6814
Epistles 2 w 6822
of 78 w 6824
the 153 w 6827
Apostles 2 w 6835
And 4 w 6839
would 1 w 6844
ye 20 w 6846
be 36 w 6848
acquainted 2 w 6858
with 10 w 6862
the 154 w 6865
practises 1 w 6874
of 79 w 6876
that 26 w 6880
doctrine 3 w 6888
in 152 w 6890
the 155 w 6893
persons 2 w 6900
of 80 w 6902
the 156 w 6905
primitiue 1 w 6914
Church 3 w 6920
Cast 1 w 6925
vp 7 w 6927
the 157 w 6930
Apostles 3 w 6938
Actes 2 w 6943
And 5 w 6947
as 37 w 6949
to 66 w 6951
the 158 w 6954
Apocryphe 1 w 6963
bookes 6 w 6969
I 20 w 6971
omit 1 w 6975
them 5 w 6979
because 3 w 6987
I 21 w 6988
am 14 w 6990
no 33 w 6992
Papist 1 w 6998
as 38 w 7001
I 22 w 7002
said 2 w 7006
before 4 w 7012
and 64 w 7016
indeed 1 w 7022
some 2 w 7026
of 81 w 7028
them 6 w 7032
are 11 w 7035
no 34 w 7037
wayes 1 w 7042
like 3 w 7046
the 161 w 7049
dyte- 1 w 7054
ment 7 w 7058
of 82 w 7060
the 162 w 7063
Spirit 2 w 7069
of 83 w 7071
God 22 w 7074
But 3 w 7078
when 1 w 7082
ye 22 w 7084
reade 5 w 7089
the 163 w 7092
Scripture 10 w 7101
reade 6 w 7107
it 62 w 7109
with 11 w 7113
a 448 w 7114
sanctified 2 w 7124
and 65 w 7127
chaste 1 w 7133
heart 2 w 7138
admire 1 w 7145
reuerently 1 w 7155
such 2 w 7159
obscure 1 w 7166
places 1 w 7172
as 40 w 7174
ye 23 w 7176
vnderstand 2 w 7186
not 19 w 7189
blaming 1 w 7197
onely 5 w 7202
your 16 w 7206
owne 7 w 7210
capacitie 1 w 7219
read 10 w 7224
with 12 w 7228
delight 1 w 7235
the 164 w 7238
plaine 2 w 7244
places 2 w 7250
and 67 w 7254
studie 1 w 7260
carefully 1 w 7269
to 67 w 7271
vnder- 1 w 7277
stand 4 w 7282
those 1 w 7287
that 27 w 7291
are 13 w 7294
somewhat 1 w 7302
difficile 1 w 7311
preasse 2 w 7319
to 68 w 7321
bee 4 w 7324
a 470 w 7325
good 7 w 7329
textuarie 1 w 7338
for 27 w 7342
the 165 w 7345
Scripture 11 w 7354
is 80 w 7356
euer 6 w 7360
the 166 w 7363
best 1 w 7367
interpreter 1 w 7378
of 84 w 7380
it 66 w 7382
selfe 2 w 7387
but 10 w 7391
preasse 3 w 7398
not 20 w 7401
curiously 1 w 7410
to 69 w 7412
seeke 1 w 7417
out 4 w 7420
farther 1 w 7427
then 4 w 7431
is 81 w 7433
contained 4 w 7442
therein 2 w 7449
for 28 w 7453
that 28 w 7457
were 2 w 7461
ouer 8 w 7465
vnmannerly 1 w 7475
a 477 w 7476
presump- 1 w 7484
tion 18 w 7488
to 70 w 7491
striue 1 w 7497
to 71 w 7499
bee 5 w 7502
further 1 w 7509
vpon 5 w 7513
Gods 2 w 7517
secrets 1 w 7524
then 5 w 7529
he 207 w 7531
hath 3 w 7535
will 5 w 7539
ye 24 w 7541
be 42 w 7543
for 29 w 7547
what 3 w 7551
hee 4 w 7554
thought 3 w 7561
needfull 1 w 7569
for 30 w 7572
vs 3 w 7574
to 72 w 7576
know 8 w 7580
that 29 w 7585
hath 4 w 7589
he 209 w 7591
reuealed 2 w 7599
there 20 w 7604
And 6 w 7608
delyte 1 w 7614
most 3 w 7618
in 159 w 7620
reading 2 w 7627
such 3 w 7631
parts 3 w 7636
of 85 w 7638
the 173 w 7641
Scripture 12 w 7650
as 43 w 7653
may 5 w 7656
best 2 w 7660
serue 3 w 7665
for 31 w 7668
your 17 w 7672
instruction 3 w 7683
in 162 w 7685
your 18 w 7689
calling 1 w 7696
reiecting 1 w 7706
foolish 1 w 7713
curiosities 1 w 7724
vpon 6 w 7728
genealogies 1 w 7739
and 69 w 7742
contentions 1 w 7753
which 7 w 7759
are 14 w 7762
but 11 w 7765
vaine 3 w 7770
and 70 w 7774
profite 1 w 7781
not 21 w 7784
Tit 1 w 7788
3 4 w 7790
9 3 w 7792
as 44 w 7795
Paul 3 w 7799
saith 5 w 7804
Now 2 w 7808
as 45 w 7811
to 73 w 7813
Faith 1 w 7818
which 8 w 7824
is 83 w 7826
the 174 w 7829
nourisher 1 w 7838
and 71 w 7841
quickner 1 w 7849
of 87 w 7851
Religion 6 w 7859
as 46 w 7862
I 23 w 7863
haue 6 w 7867
alreadie 2 w 7875
said 3 w 7879
It 2 w 7882
is 85 w 7884
a 504 w 7885
sure 2 w 7889
perswasion 1 w 7899
and 72 w 7902
apprehension 1 w 7914
of 88 w 7916
the 175 w 7919
promises 1 w 7927
of 89 w 7929
God 24 w 7932
applying 1 w 7941
them 7 w 7945
to 74 w 7947
your 19 w 7951
soule 1 w 7956
and 73 w 7960
therefore 4 w 7969
may 6 w 7972
it 72 w 7974
iustly 1 w 7980
be 44 w 7982
called 1 w 7988
the 178 w 7992
golden 2 w 7998
chaine 1 w 8004
that 30 w 8008
linketh 1 w 8015
the 179 w 8018
faithfull 3 w 8027
soule 2 w 8032
to 75 w 8034
Christ 7 w 8040
And 7 w 8044
because 4 w 8051
it 74 w 8053
groweth 1 w 8060
not 22 w 8063
in 169 w 8065
our 35 w 8068
garden 1 w 8074
but 12 w 8078
is 88 w 8080
the 180 w 8083
free 1 w 8087
gift 1 w 8091
of 90 w 8093
God 25 w 8096
Philip 1 w 8103
1 9 w 8105
29 1 w 8108
as 48 w 8111
the 181 w 8114
same 5 w 8118
Apostle 5 w 8125
saith 6 w 8130
it 76 w 8133
must 1 w 8137
be 46 w 8139
nourished 1 w 8148
by 24 w 8150
prayer 2 w 8156
Which 1 w 8162
is 90 w 8164
nothing 2 w 8171
else 2 w 8175
but 13 w 8179
a 521 w 8180
friendly 1 w 8188
talking 1 w 8195
with 13 w 8199
God 26 w 8202
As 3 w 8205
for 33 w 8208
teaching 1 w 8216
you 29 w 8219
the 182 w 8222
forme 2 w 8227
of 91 w 8229
your 20 w 8233
prayers 1 w 8240
the 183 w 8244
Psalmes 1 w 8251
of 92 w 8253
Dauid 1 w 8258
are 15 w 8261
the 184 w 8264
meetest 1 w 8271
schoole-master 1 w 8285
that 31 w 8289
ye 27 w 8291
can 6 w 8294
be 47 w 8296
acquainted 3 w 8306
with 14 w 8310
next 3 w 8315
the 185 w 8318
prayer 4 w 8324
of 93 w 8326
our 38 w 8329
Sauiour 2 w 8336
which 9 w 8342
is 91 w 8344
the 186 w 8347
onely 6 w 8352
rule 7 w 8356
of 94 w 8358
prayer 5 w 8364
whereout 1 w 8373
of 95 w 8375
as 50 w 8378
of 96 w 8380
most 4 w 8384
rich 2 w 8388
and 74 w 8391
pure 1 w 8395
fountaines 1 w 8405
ye 30 w 8408
may 7 w 8411
learne 2 w 8417
all 30 w 8420
forme 3 w 8425
of 97 w 8427
prayer 6 w 8433
necessarie 2 w 8443
for 36 w 8446
your 21 w 8450
comfort 2 w 8457
at 67 w 8459
all 31 w 8462
occasions 1 w 8471
And 8 w 8475
so 25 w 8477
much 2 w 8481
the 187 w 8484
fitter 1 w 8490
are 16 w 8493
they 3 w 8497
for 38 w 8500
you 32 w 8503
then 6 w 8508
for 39 w 8511
the 190 w 8514
common 1 w 8520
sort 1 w 8524
in 175 w 8527
respect 2 w 8534
the 191 w 8537
composer 1 w 8545
thereof 6 w 8552
was 6 w 8555
a 549 w 8556
King 8 w 8560
and 75 w 8564
therefore 5 w 8573
best 3 w 8577
behoued 1 w 8584
to 76 w 8586
know 9 w 8590
a 551 w 8591
Kings 7 w 8596
wants 1 w 8601
and 76 w 8605
what 4 w 8609
things 8 w 8615
were 3 w 8619
meetest 2 w 8626
to 77 w 8628
be 50 w 8630
required 1 w 8638
by 25 w 8640
a 555 w 8641
King 10 w 8645
at 69 w 8647
Gods 3 w 8651
hand 1 w 8655
for 41 w 8658
remedie 1 w 8665
thereof 7 w 8672
Vse 1 w 8676
often 1 w 8681
to 78 w 8683
pray 8 w 8687
when 2 w 8691
ye 32 w 8693
are 17 w 8696
quietest 1 w 8704
especially 2 w 8715
forget 1 w 8721
it 80 w 8723
not 24 w 8726
in 180 w 8728
your 22 w 8732
bed 4 w 8735
how 4 w 8738
oft 2 w 8741
soeuer 2 w 8747
ye 33 w 8749
doe 4 w 8752
it 81 w 8754
at 70 w 8756
other 10 w 8761
times 1 w 8766
for 43 w 8770
publike 1 w 8777
prayer 7 w 8783
serueth 1 w 8790
as 53 w 8792
much 3 w 8796
for 44 w 8799
example 2 w 8806
as 54 w 8809
for 45 w 8812
any 10 w 8815
particular 3 w 8825
comfort 3 w 8832
to 79 w 8834
the 196 w 8837
supplicant 1 w 8847
In 1 w 8850
your 23 w 8854
prayer 8 w 8860
bee 6 w 8864
neither 2 w 8871
ouer 9 w 8875
strange 1 w 8882
with 15 w 8886
God 28 w 8889
like 5 w 8894
the 198 w 8897
ignorant 1 w 8905
common 2 w 8911
sort 2 w 8915
that 32 w 8920
prayeth 1 w 8927
nothing 3 w 8934
but 14 w 8937
out 6 w 8940
of 102 w 8942
bookes 7 w 8948
nor 4 w 8952
yet 3 w 8955
ouer 10 w 8959
homely 1 w 8965
with 16 w 8969
him 4 w 8972
like 6 w 8977
some 4 w 8981
of 103 w 8983
the 199 w 8986
vaine 4 w 8991
Pharisaicall 1 w 9003
puritanes 1 w 9012
that 33 w 9017
thinke 3 w 9023
they 4 w 9027
rule 8 w 9031
him 5 w 9034
vpon 7 w 9038
their 6 w 9043
fingers 1 w 9050
The 9 w 9054
former 2 w 9060
way 3 w 9063
will 6 w 9067
breede 1 w 9073
an 124 w 9075
vncouth 1 w 9082
coldnesse 1 w 9091
in 185 w 9093
you 35 w 9096
towards 6 w 9104
him 6 w 9107
the 202 w 9111
other 11 w 9116
will 7 w 9120
breede 2 w 9126
in 186 w 9128
you 36 w 9131
a 584 w 9132
contempt 1 w 9140
of 104 w 9142
him 7 w 9145
But 4 w 9149
in 187 w 9151
your 24 w 9155
prayer 9 w 9161
to 81 w 9163
God 29 w 9166
speake 1 w 9172
with 17 w 9176
all 34 w 9179
reuerence 2 w 9188
for 48 w 9192
if 12 w 9194
a 588 w 9195
subiect 1 w 9202
will 8 w 9206
not 26 w 9209
speake 2 w 9215
but 15 w 9218
reuerently 2 w 9228
to 82 w 9230
a 590 w 9231
King 11 w 9235
much 4 w 9240
lesse 2 w 9245
should 1 w 9251
any 11 w 9254
flesh 2 w 9259
presume 1 w 9266
to 83 w 9268
talke 1 w 9273
with 18 w 9277
God 30 w 9280
as 55 w 9282
with 19 w 9286
his 24 w 9289
companion 1 w 9298
Craue 1 w 9304
in 189 w 9306
your 25 w 9310
prayer 10 w 9316
not 27 w 9320
onely 7 w 9325
things 9 w 9331
spirituall 1 w 9341
but 16 w 9345
also 3 w 9349
things 10 w 9355
temporall 1 w 9364
sometimes 1 w 9374
of 105 w 9376
greater 1 w 9383
and 78 w 9387
sometimes 2 w 9396
of 106 w 9398
lesse 3 w 9403
consequence 1 w 9414
that 34 w 9419
yee 5 w 9422
may 8 w 9425
lay 1 w 9428
vp 11 w 9430
in 192 w 9432
store 2 w 9437
his 25 w 9440
grant 1 w 9445
of 107 w 9447
these 3 w 9452
things 11 w 9458
for 49 w 9462
confirmation 1 w 9474
of 108 w 9476
your 26 w 9480
faith 7 w 9485
and 79 w 9489
to 85 w 9491
be 53 w 9493
an 130 w 9495
arles-peny 1 w 9505
vnto 3 w 9509
you 40 w 9512
of 109 w 9514
his 26 w 9517
loue 3 w 9521
Pray 1 w 9526
as 56 w 9529
yee 6 w 9532
finde 2 w 9537
your 27 w 9541
heart 3 w 9546
moueth 1 w 9552
you 42 w 9555
pro 14 w 9559
re 150 w 9561
nata 1 w 9565
but 17 w 9569
see 5 w 9572
that 35 w 9576
yee 7 w 9579
sute 1 w 9583
no 50 w 9585
vnlawfull 1 w 9594
things 12 w 9600
as 57 w 9603
reuenge 1 w 9610
lust 1 w 9615
or 104 w 9618
such 4 w 9622
like 7 w 9626
for 50 w 9630
that 36 w 9634
prayer 11 w 9640
can 8 w 9643
not 28 w 9646
come 1 w 9650
of 110 w 9652
faith 8 w 9657
and 80 w 9661
whatsoeuer 1 w 9671
is 96 w 9673
done 1 w 9677
without 2 w 9684
faith 9 w 9689
is 97 w 9692
sinne 9 w 9697
Rom 2 w 9701
14 1 w 9704
23 1 w 9707
as 58 w 9710
the 205 w 9713
Apostle 6 w 9720
saith 7 w 9725
When 1 w 9730
ye 44 w 9732
obtaine 1 w 9739
your 28 w 9743
prayer 12 w 9749
thanke 2 w 9756
him 8 w 9759
ioyfully 1 w 9767
therefore 6 w 9776
if 13 w 9779
otherwaies 1 w 9789
beare 2 w 9795
patiently 1 w 9804
preassing 1 w 9814
to 87 w 9816
winne 1 w 9821
him 9 w 9824
with 21 w 9828
importunitie 1 w 9840
as 60 w 9843
the 208 w 9846
widow 1 w 9851
did 1 w 9854
the 209 w 9857
vnrighteous 1 w 9868
Iudge 2 w 9873
and 81 w 9877
if 14 w 9879
notwithstanding 1 w 9894
thereof 8 w 9901
yee 8 w 9904
be 55 w 9906
not 30 w 9909
heard 1 w 9914
assure 1 w 9921
your 29 w 9925
selfe 3 w 9930
God 31 w 9934
foreseeth 1 w 9943
that 37 w 9947
which 10 w 9952
yee 9 w 9955
aske 1 w 9959
is 98 w 9961
not 31 w 9964
for 53 w 9967
your 30 w 9971
weale 1 w 9976
and 83 w 9980
learne 3 w 9986
in 201 w 9988
time 4 w 9992
so 34 w 9995
to 88 w 9997
interprete 3 w 10007
all 37 w 10010
the 211 w 10013
aduersities 1 w 10024
that 38 w 10028
God 32 w 10031
shall 5 w 10036
send 1 w 10040
vnto 4 w 10044
you 46 w 10047
so 35 w 10050
shall 6 w 10055
yee 10 w 10058
in 203 w 10060
the 212 w 10063
middest 1 w 10070
of 112 w 10072
them 8 w 10076
not 32 w 10080
onely 8 w 10085
be 56 w 10087
armed 1 w 10092
with 23 w 10096
patience 1 w 10104
but 18 w 10108
ioyfully 2 w 10116
lift 1 w 10120
vp 12 w 10122
your 31 w 10126
eyes 1 w 10130
from 4 w 10134
the 214 w 10137
present 3 w 10144
trouble 1 w 10151
to 90 w 10154
the 215 w 10157
happie 1 w 10163
end 4 w 10166
that 39 w 10170
God 33 w 10173
will 9 w 10177
turne 2 w 10182
it 100 w 10184
to 91 w 10186
And 9 w 10190
when 3 w 10194
ye 50 w 10196
finde 3 w 10201
it 101 w 10203
once 3 w 10207
so 36 w 10209
fall 3 w 10213
out 9 w 10216
by 26 w 10218
proofe 1 w 10224
arme 2 w 10229
your 32 w 10233
selfe 4 w 10238
with 24 w 10242
the 216 w 10245
experience 1 w 10255
thereof 9 w 10262
against 1 w 10269
the 218 w 10272
next 4 w 10276
trouble 2 w 10283
assuring 1 w 10292
your 33 w 10296
selfe 5 w 10301
though 4 w 10308
yee 11 w 10311
cannot 3 w 10317
in 207 w 10319
time 5 w 10323
of 115 w 10325
the 219 w 10328
showre 1 w 10334
see 7 w 10337
through 1 w 10344
the 220 w 10347
cloude 1 w 10353
yet 4 w 10357
in 208 w 10359
the 221 w 10362
end 5 w 10365
shall 7 w 10370
ye 53 w 10372
find 4 w 10376
God 34 w 10380
sent 5 w 10384
if 16 w 10386
for 54 w 10389
your 34 w 10393
weale 2 w 10398
as 64 w 10401
ye 54 w 10403
found 1 w 10408
in 210 w 10410
the 222 w 10413
former 3 w 10419
And 10 w 10423
as 65 w 10425
for 56 w 10428
conscience 2 w 10438
which 11 w 10444
I 27 w 10445
called 2 w 10451
the 223 w 10454
conseruer 1 w 10463
of 116 w 10465
Religion 7 w 10473
It 3 w 10476
is 99 w 10478
nothing 4 w 10485
else 3 w 10489
but 19 w 10493
the 224 w 10496
light 3 w 10501
of 117 w 10503
knowledge 3 w 10512
that 40 w 10516
God 35 w 10519
hath 5 w 10523
planted 1 w 10530
in 212 w 10532
man 13 w 10535
which 12 w 10541
euer 11 w 10545
watch- 1 w 10551
ing 76 w 10554
ouer 11 w 10558
all 43 w 10561
his 27 w 10564
actions 1 w 10571
as 66 w 10574
it 103 w 10576
beareth 1 w 10583
him 10 w 10586
a 674 w 10587
ioyfull 3 w 10594
testimonie 2 w 10604
when 4 w 10608
he 274 w 10610
does 1 w 10614
right 7 w 10619
so 37 w 10622
choppeth 1 w 10630
it 104 w 10632
him 11 w 10635
with 25 w 10639
a 675 w 10640
feeling 1 w 10647
that 41 w 10651
hee 5 w 10654
hath 6 w 10658
done 2 w 10662
wrong 1 w 10667
when 5 w 10672
euer 12 w 10676
he 277 w 10678
commit- 1 w 10685
teth 3 w 10689
any 12 w 10692
sinne 10 w 10697
And 11 w 10701
surely 1 w 10707
although 1 w 10716
this 5 w 10720
conscience 3 w 10730
be 58 w 10732
a 680 w 10733
great 4 w 10738
torture 1 w 10745
to 93 w 10747
the 225 w 10750
wicked 2 w 10756
yet 5 w 10760
is 102 w 10762
it 107 w 10764
as 67 w 10766
great 5 w 10771
a 684 w 10772
comfort 4 w 10779
to 94 w 10781
the 226 w 10784
godly 2 w 10789
if 17 w 10792
we 18 w 10794
will 10 w 10798
consider 1 w 10806
it 108 w 10808
rightly 1 w 10815
For 3 w 10819
haue 7 w 10823
wee 1 w 10826
not 35 w 10829
a 686 w 10830
great 6 w 10835
aduantage 1 w 10844
that 42 w 10849
haue 8 w 10853
within 1 w 10859
our 54 w 10862
selues 1 w 10868
while 1 w 10873
wee 2 w 10876
liue 2 w 10880
here 33 w 10884
a 693 w 10886
Count-booke 1 w 10897
and 84 w 10900
Inuentarie 1 w 10910
of 118 w 10912
all 44 w 10915
the 227 w 10918
crimes 1 w 10924
that 43 w 10928
wee 3 w 10931
shall 8 w 10936
bee 7 w 10939
accused 1 w 10946
of 119 w 10948
either 5 w 10955
at 95 w 10957
the 229 w 10960
houre 1 w 10965
of 120 w 10967
our 56 w 10970
death 3 w 10975
or 116 w 10978
at 97 w 10980
the 230 w 10983
Great 1 w 10988
day 1 w 10991
of 121 w 10993
Iudgement 1 w 11002
which 13 w 11008
when 6 w 11012
wee 4 w 11015
please 3 w 11021
yea 1 w 11025
though 6 w 11031
we 23 w 11033
forget 2 w 11039
will 11 w 11044
chop 2 w 11048
and 85 w 11052
remember 2 w 11060
vs 4 w 11062
to 95 w 11064
looke 2 w 11069
vpon 8 w 11073
it 111 w 11075
that 44 w 11080
while 2 w 11085
we 24 w 11087
haue 9 w 11091
leasure 2 w 11098
and 86 w 11101
are 20 w 11104
here 34 w 11108
we 25 w 11111
may 9 w 11114
remember 3 w 11122
to 96 w 11124
amend 1 w 11129
and 87 w 11133
so 38 w 11135
at 100 w 11137
the 231 w 11140
day 2 w 11143
of 122 w 11145
our 57 w 11148
triall 1 w 11154
compeare 1 w 11163
with 27 w 11167
new 1 w 11170
and 88 w 11173
white 1 w 11178
garments 1 w 11186
washed 1 w 11192
in 217 w 11194
the 232 w 11197
blood 1 w 11202
of 123 w 11204
the 233 w 11207
Lambe 1 w 11212
Reu 1 w 11216
7 5 w 11218
14 2 w 11221
as 71 w 11224
S 26 w 11225
Iohn 2 w 11230
saith 8 w 11235
Aboue 1 w 11241
all 47 w 11244
them 9 w 11248
my 8 w 11251
Sonne 3 w 11256
labour 3 w 11263
to 97 w 11265
keepe 4 w 11270
sound 2 w 11275
this 6 w 11279
conscience 4 w 11289
which 14 w 11295
many 3 w 11299
prattle 1 w 11306
of 124 w 11308
but 20 w 11312
ouer 12 w 11316
few 1 w 11319
feele 1 w 11324
especially 3 w 11335
be 63 w 11337
carefull 3 w 11345
to 98 w 11347
keepe 5 w 11352
it 115 w 11354
free 2 w 11358
from 5 w 11362
two 5 w 11365
diseases 1 w 11373
wherewith 2 w 11383
it 117 w 11385
vseth 1 w 11390
oft 3 w 11393
to 99 w 11395
be 64 w 11397
infected 1 w 11405
to 100 w 11408
wit 29 w 11411
Leaprosie 1 w 11421
and 89 w 11425
Superstition 1 w 11437
the 235 w 11441
former 4 w 11447
is 105 w 11449
the 236 w 11452
mother 1 w 11458
of 126 w 11460
Atheisme 1 w 11468
the 239 w 11472
other 14 w 11477
of 127 w 11479
Heresies 1 w 11487
By 1 w 11490
a 735 w 11491
leaprouse 1 w 11500
conscience 5 w 11510
I 32 w 11512
meane 1 w 11517
a 738 w 11518
cauterized 1 w 11528
conscience 6 w 11538
I 33 w 11540
Tim 2 w 11544
4 3 w 11546
2 5 w 11548
as 73 w 11551
Paul 4 w 11555
calleth 1 w 11562
it 120 w 11564
being 4 w 11570
become 1 w 11576
senselesse 1 w 11586
of 128 w 11588
sinne 11 w 11593
through 2 w 11601
sleeping 1 w 11609
in 222 w 11611
a 743 w 11612
carelesse 1 w 11621
securitie 1 w 11630
as 74 w 11632
King 12 w 11636
Dauids 1 w 11642
was 8 w 11645
after 1 w 11650
his 30 w 11653
murther 1 w 11660
and 90 w 11663
adulterie 1 w 11672
euer 13 w 11677
til 1 w 11680
he 300 w 11682
was 9 w 11685
wakened 1 w 11692
by 27 w 11694
the 242 w 11697
Prophet 4 w 11704
Nathans 1 w 11711
similitude 1 w 11721
And 12 w 11725
by 28 w 11727
superstition 1 w 11739
I 34 w 11741
meane 2 w 11746
when 7 w 11751
one 14 w 11754
re- 2 w 11757
straines 1 w 11765
himselfe 1 w 11773
to 101 w 11775
any 14 w 11778
other 15 w 11783
rule 9 w 11787
in 225 w 11789
the 244 w 11792
seruice 3 w 11799
of 129 w 11801
God 36 w 11804
then 7 w 11809
is 108 w 11811
warranted 1 w 11820
by 29 w 11822
the 246 w 11825
word 6 w 11829
the 247 w 11833
onely 9 w 11838
trew 1 w 11842
square 1 w 11848
of 130 w 11850
Gods 4 w 11854
seruice 4 w 11861
As 4 w 11864
for 60 w 11867
a 761 w 11868
preseruatiue 1 w 11880
against 2 w 11887
this 7 w 11891
Leaprosie 2 w 11900
remember 4 w 11909
euer 14 w 11913
once 4 w 11917
in 227 w 11919
the 248 w 11922
foure 2 w 11927
and 91 w 11930
twentie 1 w 11937
houres 1 w 11943
either 6 w 11950
in 228 w 11952
the 250 w 11955
night 1 w 11960
or 121 w 11963
when 8 w 11967
yee 12 w 11970
are 25 w 11973
at 104 w 11975
greatest 1 w 11983
quiet 2 w 11988
to 102 w 11991
call 8 w 11995
your 35 w 11999
selfe 7 w 12004
to 103 w 12006
account 2 w 12013
of 131 w 12015
all 51 w 12018
your 36 w 12022
last 1 w 12026
dayes 1 w 12031
actions 2 w 12038
either 7 w 12045
wherein 1 w 12052
ye 59 w 12054
haue 10 w 12058
com- 1 w 12062
mitted 1 w 12068
things 13 w 12074
yee 13 w 12077
should 2 w 12083
not 36 w 12086
or 122 w 12089
omitted 1 w 12096
the 252 w 12099
things 14 w 12105
ye 61 w 12107
should 3 w 12113
doe 6 w 12116
either 8 w 12123
in 232 w 12125
your 37 w 12129
Christian 3 w 12138
or 123 w 12140
Kingly 1 w 12146
calling 2 w 12153
and 92 w 12157
in 235 w 12159
that 45 w 12163
account 3 w 12170
let 2 w 12174
not 37 w 12177
your 38 w 12181
selfe 8 w 12186
be 68 w 12188
smoothed 1 w 12196
ouer 13 w 12200
with 29 w 12204
that 46 w 12208
flattering 1 w 12218
filauti 1 w 12225
a 785 w 12227
which 15 w 12233
is 111 w 12235
ouerkindly 1 w 12245
a 786 w 12246
sicknesse 1 w 12255
to 104 w 12257
all 53 w 12260
mankind 1 w 12267
but 21 w 12271
censure 1 w 12278
your 39 w 12282
selfe 9 w 12287
as 78 w 12289
sharply 1 w 12296
as 79 w 12299
if 18 w 12301
ye 62 w 12303
were 4 w 12307
your 40 w 12311
owne 8 w 12315
enemie 1 w 12321
For 4 w 12325
if 19 w 12327
ye 63 w 12329
iudge 1 w 12334
your 41 w 12338
selfe 10 w 12343
ye 64 w 12346
shall 9 w 12351
not 38 w 12354
be 69 w 12356
iudged 1 w 12362
1 12 w 12364
Cor 2 w 12368
11 1 w 12371
31 1 w 12374
as 80 w 12377
the 255 w 12380
Apostle 7 w 12387
saith 9 w 12392
and 93 w 12396
then 8 w 12400
according 4 w 12409
to 105 w 12411
your 42 w 12415
censure 2 w 12422
reforme 1 w 12430
your 43 w 12434
actions 3 w 12441
as 81 w 12443
farre 2 w 12448
as 82 w 12450
yee 14 w 12453
may 10 w 12456
eschewing 1 w 12466
euer 15 w 12470
wilfully 1 w 12478
and 94 w 12481
wittingly 1 w 12490
to 106 w 12492
contrare 1 w 12500
your 44 w 12504
conscience 7 w 12514
For 5 w 12518
a 804 w 12519
small 1 w 12524
sinne 12 w 12529
wilfully 2 w 12537
committed 1 w 12546
with 30 w 12551
a 806 w 12552
deliberate 1 w 12562
resolution 1 w 12572
to 107 w 12574
breake 1 w 12580
the 257 w 12583
bridle 1 w 12589
of 132 w 12591
conscience 8 w 12601
therein 3 w 12608
is 112 w 12611
farre 3 w 12616
more 4 w 12620
grieuous 1 w 12628
before 5 w 12634
God 38 w 12637
then 9 w 12642
a 810 w 12643
greater 2 w 12650
sinne 13 w 12655
committed 2 w 12664
in 245 w 12666
a 812 w 12667
suddaine 1 w 12675
passion 1 w 12682
when 9 w 12687
conscience 9 w 12697
is 113 w 12699
asleepe 1 w 12706
Remember 4 w 12715
therefore 7 w 12724
in 247 w 12726
all 56 w 12729
your 45 w 12733
actions 4 w 12740
of 133 w 12743
the 261 w 12746
great 9 w 12751
ac- 1 w 12754
count 4 w 12759
that 47 w 12763
yee 15 w 12766
are 27 w 12769
one 16 w 12772
day 4 w 12775
to 108 w 12777
make 2 w 12781
in 248 w 12784
all 57 w 12787
the 262 w 12790
dayes 2 w 12795
of 134 w 12797
your 46 w 12801
life 3 w 12805
euer 16 w 12810
learning 1 w 12818
to 109 w 12820
die 8 w 12823
and 95 w 12827
liuing 1 w 12833
euery 1 w 12838
day 6 w 12841
as 85 w 12843
it 135 w 12845
were 5 w 12849
you 63 w 12852
last 2 w 12856
Omnem 1 w 12862
crede 1 w 12867
diem 1 w 12871
tibi 1 w 12875
diluxisse 1 w 12884
supremum 1 w 12892
Horat 1 w 12898
lib 2 w 12902
1 16 w 12904
Epist 3 w 12910
And 13 w 12914
therefore 8 w 12923
I 35 w 12925
would 2 w 12930
not 39 w 12933
haue 11 w 12937
you 64 w 12940
to 110 w 12942
pray 16 w 12946
with 31 w 12950
the 264 w 12953
Papists 1 w 12960
to 111 w 12963
be 73 w 12965
preserued 1 w 12974
from 6 w 12978
suddaine 2 w 12986
death 4 w 12991
but 22 w 12995
that 48 w 12999
God 39 w 13002
would 3 w 13007
giue 10 w 13011
you 65 w 13014
grace 3 w 13019
so 41 w 13021
to 112 w 13023
liue 3 w 13027
as 87 w 13030
ye 68 w 13032
may 11 w 13035
euery 2 w 13040
houre 3 w 13045
of 135 w 13047
your 47 w 13051
life 4 w 13055
be 74 w 13057
ready 1 w 13062
for 65 w 13065
death 5 w 13070
so 42 w 13073
shall 10 w 13078
ye 69 w 13080
attaine 1 w 13087
to 113 w 13089
the 265 w 13092
vertue 2 w 13098
of 136 w 13100
trew 2 w 13104
fortitude 1 w 13113
neuer 3 w 13119
being 5 w 13124
afraid 1 w 13130
for 67 w 13133
the 266 w 13136
horrour 1 w 13143
of 137 w 13145
death 6 w 13150
come 3 w 13155
when 10 w 13159
he 333 w 13161
list 5 w 13165
And 14 w 13169
especially 4 w 13179
beware 2 w 13186
to 114 w 13188
offend 1 w 13194
your 48 w 13198
conscience 10 w 13208
with 32 w 13212
vse 3 w 13215
of 139 w 13217
swearing 1 w 13225
or 138 w 13227
lying 3 w 13232
suppose 1 w 13240
but 23 w 13243
in 256 w 13245
iest 2 w 13249
for 68 w 13253
othes 1 w 13258
are 29 w 13261
but 24 w 13264
an 162 w 13266
vse 4 w 13269
and 96 w 13273
a 855 w 13274
sinne 14 w 13279
cloathed 1 w 13287
with 33 w 13291
no 64 w 13293
delight 2 w 13300
nor 5 w 13303
gaine 1 w 13308
and 97 w 13312
therefore 9 w 13321
the 270 w 13324
more 5 w 13328
inexcusable 1 w 13339
euen 2 w 13343
in 260 w 13345
the 271 w 13348
sight 1 w 13353
of 140 w 13355
men 13 w 13358
and 98 w 13362
lying 4 w 13367
commeth 2 w 13374
also 4 w 13378
much 5 w 13382
of 141 w 13384
a 862 w 13385
vile 1 w 13389
vse 5 w 13392
which 16 w 13398
banisheth 1 w 13407
shame 2 w 13412
Therefore 2 w 13422
beware 3 w 13428
euen 3 w 13432
to 115 w 13434
deny 1 w 13438
the 272 w 13441
trewth 1 w 13447
which 17 w 13453
is 119 w 13455
a 866 w 13456
sort 3 w 13460
of 142 w 13462
lie 2 w 13465
that 49 w 13470
may 12 w 13473
best 4 w 13477
be 79 w 13479
eschewed 1 w 13487
by 30 w 13489
a 869 w 13490
person 5 w 13496
of 143 w 13498
your 49 w 13502
ranke 1 w 13507
For 6 w 13511
if 22 w 13513
any 15 w 13516
thing 21 w 13521
be 80 w 13523
asked 1 w 13528
at 121 w 13530
you 69 w 13533
that 50 w 13537
yee 16 w 13540
thinke 4 w 13546
not 40 w 13549
meete 3 w 13554
to 116 w 13556
reueale 3 w 13563
if 23 w 13566
yee 17 w 13569
say 3 w 13572
that 51 w 13577
question 1 w 13585
is 120 w 13587
not 41 w 13590
pertinent 1 w 13599
for 71 w 13602
them 10 w 13606
to 117 w 13608
aske 3 w 13612
who 11 w 13616
dare 1 w 13620
ex- 2 w 13623
amine 1 w 13628
you 70 w 13631
further 2 w 13638
and 99 w 13642
vsing 1 w 13647
sometimes 3 w 13656
this 8 w 13660
answere 1 w 13667
both 3 w 13671
in 267 w 13673
trew 4 w 13677
and 100 w 13680
false 1 w 13685
things 15 w 13691
that 52 w 13695
shall 11 w 13700
be 81 w 13702
asked 2 w 13707
at 125 w 13709
you 71 w 13712
such 5 w 13717
vnmanerly 1 w 13726
people 5 w 13732
will 12 w 13736
neuer 4 w 13741
be 82 w 13743
the 275 w 13746
wiser 1 w 13751
thereof 10 w 13758
And 15 w 13762
for 72 w 13765
keeping 1 w 13772
your 50 w 13776
conscience 11 w 13786
sound 3 w 13791
from 7 w 13795
that 53 w 13799
sickenesse 1 w 13809
of 145 w 13811
superstition 2 w 13823
yee 18 w 13827
must 2 w 13831
neither 3 w 13838
lay 2 w 13841
the 278 w 13844
safetie 1 w 13851
of 146 w 13853
your 51 w 13857
conscience 12 w 13867
vpon 9 w 13871
the 279 w 13874
credit 1 w 13880
of 147 w 13882
your 52 w 13886
owne 9 w 13890
conceits 1 w 13898
nor 6 w 13902
yet 6 w 13905
of 148 w 13907
other 16 w 13912
mens 1 w 13916
humors 1 w 13922
how 6 w 13926
great 10 w 13931
doctors 1 w 13938
of 149 w 13940
Diuinitie 1 w 13949
that 54 w 13953
euer 21 w 13957
they 5 w 13961
be 83 w 13963
but 25 w 13967
yee 19 w 13970
must 3 w 13974
onely 10 w 13979
ground 6 w 13985
it 145 w 13987
vpon 10 w 13991
the 282 w 13994
expresse 2 w 14002
Scripture 13 w 14011
for 73 w 14015
conscience 13 w 14025
not 42 w 14028
grounded 3 w 14036
vpon 11 w 14040
sure 8 w 14044
knowledge 4 w 14053
is 123 w 14056
either 10 w 14062
an 173 w 14064
ignorant 2 w 14072
fantasie 1 w 14080
or 153 w 14083
an 176 w 14085
arrogant 1 w 14093
vanitie 1 w 14100
Beware 1 w 14107
therefore 10 w 14116
in 271 w 14118
this 9 w 14122
case 1 w 14126
with 34 w 14130
two 6 w 14133
extremities 1 w 14144
the 285 w 14148
one 18 w 14151
to 119 w 14154
beleeue 1 w 14161
with 35 w 14165
the 286 w 14168
Papists 2 w 14175
the 287 w 14179
Churches 1 w 14187
authority 1 w 14196
better 1 w 14203
then 10 w 14207
your 53 w 14211
owne 10 w 14215
knowledge 5 w 14224
the 289 w 14228
other 17 w 14233
to 120 w 14236
leane 1 w 14241
with 36 w 14245
the 291 w 14248
Anabaptists 1 w 14259
to 121 w 14262
your 54 w 14266
owne 11 w 14270
conceits 2 w 14278
and 101 w 14281
dreamed 1 w 14288
reue- 1 w 14293
lations 1 w 14300
But 5 w 14304
learne 4 w 14310
wisely 1 w 14316
to 122 w 14318
discerne 1 w 14326
betwixt 1 w 14333
points 5 w 14339
of 150 w 14341
saluation 1 w 14350
and 102 w 14353
indifferent 1 w 14364
things 16 w 14370
betwixt 2 w 14378
substance 1 w 14387
and 103 w 14390
ceremonies 1 w 14400
and 104 w 14404
betwixt 3 w 14411
the 292 w 14414
expresse 3 w 14422
commandement 2 w 14434
and 106 w 14437
will 13 w 14441
of 151 w 14443
God 40 w 14446
in 275 w 14448
his 34 w 14451
word 7 w 14455
and 107 w 14459
the 293 w 14462
inuention 1 w 14471
or 157 w 14473
ordinance 1 w 14482
of 152 w 14484
man 18 w 14487
since 3 w 14493
all 61 w 14496
that 55 w 14500
is 130 w 14502
necessarie 3 w 14512
for 75 w 14515
saluation 2 w 14524
is 131 w 14526
contained 5 w 14535
in 280 w 14537
the 294 w 14540
Scripture 14 w 14549
For 7 w 14553
in 281 w 14555
any 16 w 14558
thing 24 w 14563
that 56 w 14567
is 132 w 14569
expressely 1 w 14579
commanded 1 w 14588
or 161 w 14590
prohibited 1 w 14600
in 283 w 14602
the 295 w 14605
booke 9 w 14610
of 153 w 14612
God 41 w 14615
ye 75 w 14618
cannot 4 w 14624
be 89 w 14626
ouer 15 w 14630
precise 2 w 14637
euen 4 w 14642
in 284 w 14644
the 296 w 14647
least 2 w 14652
thing 25 w 14657
counting 1 w 14666
euery 3 w 14671
sinne 15 w 14676
not 44 w 14680
according 5 w 14689
to 123 w 14691
the 297 w 14694
light 5 w 14699
estimation 1 w 14709
and 109 w 14712
common 3 w 14718
vse 6 w 14721
of 154 w 14723
it 155 w 14725
in 289 w 14727
the 298 w 14730
world 5 w 14735
but 26 w 14739
as 94 w 14741
the 299 w 14744
booke 10 w 14749
of 155 w 14751
God 42 w 14754
counteth 1 w 14762
of 156 w 14764
it 156 w 14766
But 6 w 14770
as 95 w 14772
for 76 w 14775
all 62 w 14778
other 18 w 14783
things 17 w 14789
not 45 w 14792
contained 6 w 14801
in 292 w 14803
the 301 w 14806
scripture 1 w 14815
spare 1 w 14821
not 46 w 14824
to 124 w 14826
vse 7 w 14829
or 165 w 14831
alter 1 w 14836
them 11 w 14840
as 96 w 14843
the 303 w 14846
necessitie 1 w 14856
of 157 w 14858
the 304 w 14861
time 7 w 14865
shall 12 w 14870
require 2 w 14877
And 16 w 14881
when 11 w 14885
any 17 w 14888
of 158 w 14890
the 305 w 14893
spirituall 2 w 14903
office-bearers 1 w 14917
in 293 w 14919
the 306 w 14922
Church 5 w 14928
speake 3 w 14935
vnto 5 w 14939
you 77 w 14942
any 18 w 14945
thing 27 w 14950
that 57 w 14954
is 134 w 14956
well 2 w 14960
war- 1 w 14964
ranted 2 w 14970
by 31 w 14972
the 307 w 14975
word 8 w 14979
reuerence 3 w 14989
and 110 w 14992
obey 1 w 14996
them 12 w 15000
as 97 w 15002
the 309 w 15005
heraulds 1 w 15013
of 160 w 15015
the 310 w 15018
most 5 w 15022
high 2 w 15026
God 43 w 15029
but 27 w 15033
if 25 w 15036
passing 1 w 15043
that 58 w 15047
bounds 1 w 15053
they 6 w 15058
vrge 1 w 15062
you 78 w 15065
to 126 w 15067
embrace 1 w 15074
any 19 w 15077
of 161 w 15079
their 7 w 15084
fantasies 1 w 15093
in 296 w 15095
the 313 w 15098
place 3 w 15103
of 162 w 15105
Gods 5 w 15109
word 9 w 15113
or 168 w 15116
would 4 w 15121
colour 1 w 15127
their 8 w 15132
particulars 1 w 15143
with 37 w 15147
a 967 w 15148
pretended 1 w 15157
zeal 1 w 15161
acknowledge 1 w 15173
them 13 w 15177
for 77 w 15180
no 78 w 15182
other 19 w 15187
then 11 w 15191
vaine 5 w 15196
men 16 w 15199
exceeding 1 w 15209
the 318 w 15212
bounds 2 w 15218
of 163 w 15220
their 9 w 15225
calling 3 w 15232
and 111 w 15236
according 6 w 15245
to 127 w 15247
your 55 w 15251
office 3 w 15257
grauely 1 w 15265
and 112 w 15268
with 38 w 15272
authoritie 1 w 15282
redact 1 w 15288
them 14 w 15292
in 301 w 15294
order 1 w 15299
againe 1 w 15305
To 1 w 15308
conclude 1 w 15316
then 12 w 15320
both 4 w 15325
this 10 w 15329
purpose 1 w 15336
of 165 w 15338
conscience 14 w 15348
and 113 w 15352
the 322 w 15355
first 7 w 15360
part 13 w 15364
of 166 w 15366
this 11 w 15370
booke 11 w 15375
keepe 6 w 15381
God 45 w 15384
more 6 w 15388
sparingly 1 w 15397
in 304 w 15399
your 56 w 15403
mouth 1 w 15408
but 28 w 15412
abundantly 1 w 15422
in 305 w 15424
your 57 w 15428
heart 4 w 15433
be 92 w 15436
precise 3 w 15443
in 306 w 15445
effect 1 w 15451
but 29 w 15455
sociall 1 w 15462
in 307 w 15464
shew 3 w 15468
kythe 1 w 15474
more 7 w 15478
by 32 w 15480
your 58 w 15484
deeds 1 w 15489
then 13 w 15493
by 33 w 15495
your 59 w 15499
wordes 1 w 15505
the 325 w 15509
loue 4 w 15513
of 167 w 15515
vertue 3 w 15521
and 114 w 15524
hatred 1 w 15530
of 168 w 15532
vice 1 w 15536
and 115 w 15540
delight 3 w 15547
more 8 w 15551
to 128 w 15553
be 93 w 15555
godly 3 w 15560
and 116 w 15563
vertuous 1 w 15571
indeed 2 w 15577
then 14 w 15582
to 129 w 15584
be 94 w 15586
thought 4 w 15593
and 117 w 15596
called 3 w 15602
so 49 w 15604
expecting 1 w 15614
more 9 w 15618
for 78 w 15621
your 60 w 15625
praise 1 w 15631
and 118 w 15634
reward 2 w 15640
in 310 w 15642
heauen 1 w 15648
then 15 w 15653
heere 1 w 15658
and 119 w 15662
apply 2 w 15667
to 130 w 15669
all 68 w 15672
your 61 w 15676
outward 2 w 15683
actions 5 w 15690
Christs 1 w 15697
command 6 w 15704
to 131 w 15707
pray 17 w 15711
and 121 w 15714
giue 11 w 15718
your 62 w 15722
almes 2 w 15727
secretly 1 w 15735
So 4 w 15738
shal 13 w 15742
ye 76 w 15744
on 155 w 15746
the 328 w 15749
one 19 w 15752
part 14 w 15756
be 95 w 15758
inwardly 1 w 15766
garnished 1 w 15775
with 39 w 15779
trew 5 w 15783
Christian 4 w 15792
humilitie 1 w 15801
not 47 w 15805
outwardly 2 w 15814
with 40 w 15819
the 329 w 15822
proud 1 w 15827
Pharisie 1 w 15835
glorying 1 w 15844
in 313 w 15846
your 63 w 15850
godlinesse 2 w 15860
but 30 w 15864
saying 1 w 15870
as 100 w 15873
Christ 11 w 15879
commandeth 1 w 15889
vs 12 w 15891
all 69 w 15894
when 12 w 15899
we 33 w 15901
haue 12 w 15905
done 3 w 15909
all 70 w 15912
that 59 w 15916
we 34 w 15918
can 11 w 15921
Inutiles 1 w 15930
serui 5 w 15935
sumus 1 w 15940
Luke 1 w 15945
10 3 w 15947
17 4 w 15950
And 17 w 15954
on 158 w 15956
the 330 w 15959
other 20 w 15964
part 15 w 15968
yee 20 w 15972
shall 13 w 15977
eschew 3 w 15983
outwardly 3 w 15992
before 6 w 15998
the 332 w 16001
world 6 w 16006
the 333 w 16010
suspition 1 w 16019
of 169 w 16021
filthie 2 w 16028
proude 1 w 16034
hypo- 1 w 16039
crisie 1 w 16045
and 123 w 16049
deceitfull 1 w 16059
dissimulation 1 w 16072