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CTS Library / The Triplici Nodo, Triplex Cuneus. Or An Apologie For The Oath Of Allegiance

The Triplici Nodo, Triplex Cuneus. Or An Apologie For The Oath Of Allegiance (4-5)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '4', 'human_reference': 'Section 4'}, 'end': {'reference': '5', 'human_reference': 'Section 5'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

BELOUED sonnes, Salutation and Apostolicall Benediction. It is reported vnto vs, that there are found certaine amongst you, who when as we haue sufficiently declared by our Letters, dated the last yeere on the tenth of the Calends of October in the forme of a Breue, that yee cannot with safe Conscience take the Oath, which was then re-

quired of you; and when as wee haue further straitly commanded you, that by no meanes yee should take it: yet there are some, I say, among you, which dare now affirme, that such Letters concerning the forbidding of the Oath, were not written of our owne accord, or of our owne proper will, but rather for the respect and at the instiga- tion of other men. And for that cause the same men doe goe about to perswade you, that our commands in the said Letters are not to be regarded. Surely this newes did trouble vs; and that so much the more, because hauing had experience of your obedience (most dearly beloued sonnes) who to the end ye might obey this holy Sea, haue godlily and valiantly contemned your riches, wealth, honour, libertie, yea and life it selfe; wee should neuer haue suspected that the trewth of our Apostolike Letters could once be called into question among you, that by this pretence ye might exempt your selues from our Commandements. But we doe herein perceiue the subtiltie and craft of the enemie of mans saluation, and we doe attribute this your backwardnesse rather to him, then to your owne will. And for this cause, wee haue thought good to write the second time vnto you, and to signifie vnto you againe, That our Apostolike Letters dated the last yeere on the tenth of the Calends of October, concerning the prohibition of the Oath, were written not only vpon our proper motion, and of our certaine knowledge, but also after long and weightie deliberation vsed concerning all those things, which are contained in them; and that for that cause ye are bound fully to obserue them, reiecting all interpretation perswading to the contrary. And this is our meere, pure, and perfect will, being alwayes carefull of your saluation, and alwayes minding those things, which are most profitable vnto you. And we doe pray without ceasing, that hee that hath appointed our lowlinesse to the keeping of the flocke of Christ, would inlighten our thoughts and our counsels: whom we doe also continually desire, that he would increase in you (our beloued Sonnes) faith, constancie, and mutuall charitie and peace one to another. All whom, we doe most louingly blesse with all charitable affection. Dated at Rome at Saint Markes vnder the Signet of the Fisherman, the x. of the Calends of September, 1607. the third yeere of our Popedome.


Now for this Breue, I may iustly reflect his owne phrase vpon him, in tearming it to be The craft of the Deuill. For if the Deuill had studied a thousand yeeres, for to finde out a mischiefe for our Catholikes heere, hee hath found it in this: that now when many Catholikes haue taken their Oath, and some Priests also; yea, the Arch-priest himselfe, without compunction or sticking, they shall not now onely be bound to refuse the profession of their naturall Allegiance to their Soueraigne, which might yet haue beene some way coloured vpon diuers scruples conceiued vpon the words of the Oath; but they must now renounce and for- sweare their profession of obedience alreadie sworne, and so must as it were at the third instance forsweare their former two Oathes, first closely sworne, by their

birth in their naturall Allegiance; and next, clearly confirmed by this Oath, which doeth nothing but expresse the same: so as no man can now holde the faith, or procure the saluation of his soule in England that must not abiure and renounce his borne and sworne Allegiance to his naturall Soueraigne.

And yet it is not sufficient to ratifie the last yeeres Breue, by a new one come forth this yeere; but (that not onely euery yeere, but euery moneth may produce a new monster) the great and famous Writer of the Controuersies, the late vn-Iesuited Cardinall Bellarmine, must adde his talent to this good worke, by blowing the bellowes of sedition, and sharpening the spurre to rebellion, by send- ing such a Letter of his to the Arch-priest here, as it is a wonder how passion, and an ambitious desire of maintaining that Monarchie, should charme the wits of so famously learned a man.

The Copy whereof here followeth.

TO 1 w 2
OVR 1 w 5
BELOVED 1 w 12
SONNES 1 w 18
THE 1 w 21
ENGLISH 1 w 28
PAULUS 1 w 45
P 2 w 46
P 3 w 48
V 3 w 50
tus 1 w 53
BELOUED 1 w 61
sonnes 1 w 67
Salutation 1 w 78
and 1 w 81
Apostolicall 1 w 93
Benediction 1 w 104
It 1 w 107
is 1 w 109
reported 1 w 117
vnto 1 w 121
vs 1 w 123
that 1 w 128
there 1 w 133
are 1 w 136
found 1 w 141
certaine 1 w 149
amongst 1 w 156
you 1 w 159
who 1 w 163
when 1 w 167
as 1 w 169
we 1 w 171
haue 1 w 175
sufficiently 1 w 187
declared 1 w 195
by 1 w 197
our 1 w 200
Letters 1 w 207
dated 1 w 213
the 2 w 216
last 1 w 220
yeere 1 w 225
on 5 w 227
the 3 w 230
tenth 1 w 235
of 1 w 237
the 4 w 240
Calends 1 w 247
of 2 w 249
October 1 w 256
in 2 w 258
the 5 w 261
forme 1 w 266
of 3 w 268
a 15 w 269
Breue 1 w 274
that 2 w 279
yee 2 w 282
cannot 1 w 288
with 1 w 292
safe 1 w 296
Conscience 1 w 306
take 1 w 310
the 6 w 313
Oath 1 w 317
which 1 w 323
was 1 w 326
then 1 w 330
re- 1 w 333
quired 1 w 339
of 4 w 341
you 2 w 344
and 2 w 348
when 2 w 352
as 4 w 354
wee 1 w 357
haue 2 w 361
further 1 w 368
straitly 1 w 376
commanded 1 w 385
you 3 w 388
that 3 w 393
by 2 w 395
no 2 w 397
meanes 1 w 403
yee 3 w 406
should 1 w 412
take 2 w 416
it 3 w 418
yet 1 w 422
there 2 w 427
are 3 w 430
some 1 w 434
I 4 w 436
say 1 w 439
among 2 w 445
you 4 w 448
which 2 w 454
dare 1 w 458
now 1 w 461
affirme 1 w 468
that 4 w 473
such 1 w 477
Letters 2 w 484
concerning 1 w 494
the 10 w 497
forbidding 1 w 507
of 5 w 509
the 11 w 512
Oath 2 w 516
were 1 w 521
not 2 w 524
written 1 w 531
of 6 w 533
our 2 w 536
owne 1 w 540
accord 1 w 546
or 5 w 549
of 7 w 551
our 3 w 554
owne 2 w 558
proper 1 w 564
will 1 w 568
but 1 w 572
rather 1 w 578
for 3 w 581
the 13 w 584
respect 1 w 591
and 4 w 594
at 10 w 596
the 14 w 599
instiga- 1 w 607
tion 3 w 611
of 8 w 613
other 1 w 618
men 1 w 621
And 1 w 625
for 4 w 628
that 5 w 632
cause 1 w 637
the 16 w 640
same 1 w 644
men 2 w 647
doe 1 w 650
goe 1 w 653
about 1 w 658
to 4 w 660
perswade 1 w 668
you 5 w 671
that 6 w 676
our 4 w 679
commands 1 w 687
in 6 w 689
the 17 w 692
said 1 w 696
Letters 3 w 703
are 5 w 706
not 3 w 709
to 5 w 711
be 2 w 713
regarded 1 w 721
Surely 1 w 728
this 1 w 732
newes 1 w 737
did 1 w 740
trouble 1 w 747
vs 2 w 749
and 6 w 753
that 7 w 757
so 3 w 759
much 1 w 763
the 18 w 766
more 1 w 770
because 1 w 778
hauing 1 w 784
had 1 w 787
experience 1 w 797
of 9 w 799
your 1 w 803
obedience 1 w 812
most 1 w 817
dearly 1 w 823
beloued 1 w 830
sonnes 2 w 836
who 2 w 840
to 6 w 842
the 19 w 845
end 2 w 848
ye 5 w 850
might 1 w 855
obey 1 w 859
this 2 w 863
holy 1 w 867
Sea 1 w 870
haue 3 w 875
godlily 1 w 882
and 7 w 885
valiantly 1 w 894
contemned 1 w 903
your 2 w 907
riches 1 w 913
wealth 1 w 920
honour 1 w 927
libertie 1 w 936
yea 1 w 940
and 8 w 943
life 1 w 947
it 5 w 949
selfe 1 w 954
wee 2 w 958
should 2 w 964
neuer 1 w 969
haue 4 w 973
suspected 1 w 982
that 8 w 986
the 20 w 989
trewth 1 w 995
of 10 w 997
our 8 w 1000
Apostolike 1 w 1010
Letters 4 w 1017
could 1 w 1022
once 2 w 1026
be 8 w 1028
called 1 w 1034
into 1 w 1038
question 1 w 1046
among 3 w 1051
you 8 w 1054
that 9 w 1059
by 3 w 1061
this 3 w 1065
pretence 1 w 1073
ye 7 w 1075
might 2 w 1080
exempt 1 w 1086
your 3 w 1090
selues 1 w 1096
from 1 w 1100
our 10 w 1103
Commandements 1 w 1116
But 1 w 1120
we 7 w 1122
doe 2 w 1125
herein 1 w 1131
perceiue 1 w 1139
the 21 w 1142
subtiltie 1 w 1151
and 10 w 1154
craft 1 w 1159
of 11 w 1161
the 22 w 1164
enemie 1 w 1170
of 12 w 1172
mans 1 w 1176
saluation 1 w 1185
and 11 w 1189
we 8 w 1191
doe 3 w 1194
attribute 1 w 1203
this 4 w 1207
your 4 w 1211
backwardnesse 1 w 1224
rather 2 w 1230
to 9 w 1232
him 1 w 1235
then 2 w 1240
to 10 w 1242
your 5 w 1246
owne 3 w 1250
will 2 w 1254
And 2 w 1258
for 5 w 1261
this 5 w 1265
cause 3 w 1270
wee 3 w 1274
haue 5 w 1278
thought 1 w 1285
good 1 w 1289
to 11 w 1291
write 1 w 1296
the 25 w 1299
second 1 w 1305
time 1 w 1309
vnto 2 w 1313
you 12 w 1316
and 12 w 1320
to 13 w 1322
signifie 1 w 1330
vnto 3 w 1334
you 13 w 1337
againe 1 w 1343
That 1 w 1348
our 13 w 1351
Apostolike 2 w 1361
Letters 5 w 1368
dated 2 w 1373
the 26 w 1376
last 2 w 1380
yeere 2 w 1385
on 18 w 1387
the 27 w 1390
tenth 2 w 1395
of 13 w 1397
the 28 w 1400
Calends 2 w 1407
of 14 w 1409
October 2 w 1416
concerning 2 w 1427
the 29 w 1430
prohibition 1 w 1441
of 15 w 1443
the 30 w 1446
Oath 3 w 1450
were 2 w 1455
written 2 w 1462
not 4 w 1465
only 1 w 1469
vpon 1 w 1473
our 14 w 1476
proper 2 w 1482
motion 1 w 1488
and 13 w 1492
of 16 w 1494
our 15 w 1497
certaine 2 w 1505
knowledge 1 w 1514
but 3 w 1518
also 1 w 1522
after 1 w 1527
long 1 w 1531
and 14 w 1534
weightie 1 w 1542
deliberation 1 w 1554
vsed 1 w 1558
concerning 3 w 1568
all 3 w 1571
those 1 w 1576
things 1 w 1582
which 3 w 1588
are 6 w 1591
contained 1 w 1600
in 16 w 1602
them 1 w 1606
and 15 w 1610
that 10 w 1614
for 6 w 1617
that 11 w 1621
cause 4 w 1626
ye 9 w 1628
are 7 w 1631
bound 1 w 1636
fully 1 w 1641
to 17 w 1643
obserue 1 w 1650
them 2 w 1654
reiecting 1 w 1664
all 4 w 1667
interpretation 1 w 1681
perswading 1 w 1691
to 18 w 1693
the 33 w 1696
contrary 1 w 1704
And 3 w 1708
this 6 w 1712
is 8 w 1714
our 16 w 1717
meere 1 w 1722
pure 1 w 1727
and 16 w 1731
perfect 1 w 1738
will 3 w 1742
being 1 w 1748
alwayes 1 w 1755
carefull 1 w 1763
of 17 w 1765
your 6 w 1769
saluation 2 w 1778
and 17 w 1782
alwayes 2 w 1789
minding 1 w 1796
those 2 w 1801
things 2 w 1807
which 4 w 1813
are 9 w 1816
most 2 w 1820
profitable 1 w 1830
vnto 4 w 1834
you 15 w 1837
And 4 w 1841
we 12 w 1843
doe 4 w 1846
pray 1 w 1850
without 1 w 1857
ceasing 1 w 1864
that 12 w 1869
hee 1 w 1872
that 13 w 1876
hath 1 w 1880
appointed 1 w 1889
our 18 w 1892
lowlinesse 1 w 1902
to 20 w 1904
the 34 w 1907
keeping 1 w 1914
of 19 w 1916
the 35 w 1919
flocke 1 w 1925
of 20 w 1927
Christ 1 w 1933
would 1 w 1939
inlighten 1 w 1948
our 19 w 1951
thoughts 1 w 1959
and 18 w 1962
our 20 w 1965
counsels 1 w 1973
whom 1 w 1978
we 13 w 1980
doe 5 w 1983
also 2 w 1987
continually 1 w 1998
desire 1 w 2004
that 14 w 2009
he 41 w 2011
would 2 w 2016
increase 1 w 2024
in 31 w 2026
you 16 w 2029
our 21 w 2033
beloued 2 w 2040
Sonnes 1 w 2046
faith 1 w 2052
constancie 1 w 2063
and 19 w 2067
mutuall 1 w 2074
charitie 1 w 2082
and 20 w 2085
peace 1 w 2090
one 1 w 2093
to 21 w 2095
another 1 w 2102
All 1 w 2106
whom 2 w 2110
we 14 w 2113
doe 6 w 2116
most 3 w 2120
louingly 1 w 2128
blesse 1 w 2134
with 3 w 2138
all 7 w 2141
charitable 1 w 2151
affection 1 w 2160
Dated 1 w 2166
at 32 w 2168
Rome 1 w 2172
at 33 w 2174
Saint 1 w 2179
Markes 1 w 2185
vnder 1 w 2190
the 37 w 2193
Signet 1 w 2199
of 21 w 2201
the 38 w 2204
Fisherman 1 w 2213
the 39 w 2217
x 3 w 2218
of 22 w 2221
the 40 w 2224
Calends 3 w 2231
of 23 w 2233
September 1 w 2242
1607 1 w 2247
the 41 w 2251
third 1 w 2256
yeere 3 w 2261
of 24 w 2263
our 22 w 2266
Popedome 1 w 2274
THE 2 w 2278
ANSWERE 1 w 2285
TO 2 w 2287
THE 3 w 2290
SECOND 1 w 2296
BREVE 1 w 2301
Now 1 w 2305
for 7 w 2308
this 7 w 2312
Breue 2 w 2317
I 5 w 2319
may 1 w 2322
iustly 1 w 2328
reflect 1 w 2335
his 8 w 2338
owne 4 w 2342
phrase 1 w 2348
vpon 2 w 2352
him 2 w 2355
in 34 w 2358
tearming 1 w 2366
it 15 w 2368
to 22 w 2370
be 14 w 2372
The 1 w 2375
craft 2 w 2380
of 25 w 2382
the 42 w 2385
Deuill 1 w 2391
For 1 w 2395
if 3 w 2397
the 43 w 2400
Deuill 2 w 2406
had 2 w 2409
studied 1 w 2416
a 156 w 2417
thousand 1 w 2425
yeeres 1 w 2431
for 8 w 2435
to 23 w 2437
finde 1 w 2442
out 3 w 2445
a 158 w 2446
mischiefe 1 w 2455
for 9 w 2458
our 23 w 2461
Catholikes 1 w 2471
heere 1 w 2476
hee 3 w 2480
hath 2 w 2484
found 2 w 2489
it 16 w 2491
in 37 w 2493
this 8 w 2497
that 15 w 2502
now 3 w 2505
when 3 w 2509
many 1 w 2513
Catholikes 2 w 2523
haue 6 w 2527
taken 1 w 2532
their 1 w 2537
Oath 4 w 2541
and 22 w 2545
some 2 w 2549
Priests 1 w 2556
also 3 w 2560
yea 2 w 2564
the 45 w 2568
Arch-priest 1 w 2579
himselfe 1 w 2587
without 2 w 2595
compunction 1 w 2606
or 15 w 2608
sticking 1 w 2616
they 1 w 2621
shall 1 w 2626
not 6 w 2629
now 4 w 2632
onely 1 w 2637
be 15 w 2639
bound 2 w 2644
to 24 w 2646
refuse 1 w 2652
the 47 w 2655
profession 1 w 2665
of 27 w 2667
their 2 w 2672
naturall 1 w 2680
Allegiance 1 w 2690
to 25 w 2692
their 3 w 2697
Soueraigne 1 w 2707
which 5 w 2713
might 3 w 2718
yet 2 w 2721
haue 7 w 2725
beene 1 w 2730
some 3 w 2734
way 3 w 2737
coloured 1 w 2745
vpon 3 w 2749
diuers 1 w 2755
scruples 1 w 2763
conceiued 1 w 2772
vpon 4 w 2776
the 50 w 2779
words 1 w 2784
of 28 w 2786
the 51 w 2789
Oath 5 w 2793
but 4 w 2797
they 2 w 2801
must 1 w 2805
now 5 w 2808
renounce 1 w 2816
and 23 w 2819
for- 1 w 2823
sweare 1 w 2829
their 4 w 2834
profession 2 w 2844
of 30 w 2846
obedience 2 w 2855
alreadie 1 w 2863
sworne 1 w 2869
and 24 w 2873
so 10 w 2875
must 2 w 2879
as 9 w 2881
it 18 w 2883
were 3 w 2887
at 41 w 2889
the 54 w 2892
third 2 w 2897
instance 1 w 2905
forsweare 1 w 2914
their 5 w 2919
former 1 w 2925
two 1 w 2928
Oathes 1 w 2934
first 1 w 2940
closely 1 w 2947
sworne 2 w 2953
by 4 w 2956
their 6 w 2961
birth 1 w 2966
in 40 w 2968
their 7 w 2973
naturall 2 w 2981
Allegiance 2 w 2991
and 25 w 2995
next 1 w 2999
clearly 1 w 3007
confirmed 1 w 3016
by 5 w 3018
this 9 w 3022
Oath 7 w 3026
which 6 w 3032
doeth 1 w 3037
nothing 1 w 3044
but 5 w 3047
expresse 1 w 3055
the 59 w 3058
same 2 w 3062
so 11 w 3065
as 10 w 3067
no 16 w 3069
man 7 w 3072
can 2 w 3075
now 6 w 3078
holde 1 w 3083
the 60 w 3086
faith 2 w 3091
or 22 w 3094
procure 1 w 3101
the 61 w 3104
saluation 3 w 3113
of 31 w 3115
his 11 w 3118
soule 1 w 3123
in 42 w 3125
England 1 w 3132
that 16 w 3136
must 3 w 3140
not 8 w 3143
abiure 1 w 3149
and 27 w 3152
renounce 2 w 3160
his 12 w 3163
borne 1 w 3168
and 28 w 3171
sworne 3 w 3177
Allegiance 3 w 3187
to 26 w 3189
his 13 w 3192
naturall 3 w 3200
Soueraigne 2 w 3210
And 5 w 3214
yet 3 w 3217
it 20 w 3219
is 19 w 3221
not 9 w 3224
sufficient 2 w 3234
to 27 w 3236
ratifie 1 w 3243
the 62 w 3246
last 3 w 3250
yeeres 2 w 3256
Breue 3 w 3261
by 6 w 3264
a 212 w 3265
new 2 w 3268
one 3 w 3271
come 1 w 3275
forth 1 w 3280
this 10 w 3284
yeere 6 w 3289
but 6 w 3293
that 17 w 3298
not 10 w 3301
onely 2 w 3306
euery 1 w 3311
yeere 7 w 3316
but 7 w 3320
euery 2 w 3325
moneth 1 w 3331
may 2 w 3334
produce 1 w 3341
a 215 w 3342
new 3 w 3345
monster 1 w 3352
the 63 w 3356
great 1 w 3361
and 29 w 3364
famous 1 w 3370
Writer 1 w 3376
of 32 w 3378
the 64 w 3381
Controuersies 1 w 3394
the 65 w 3398
late 1 w 3402
vn-Iesuited 1 w 3413
Cardinall 1 w 3422
Bellarmine 1 w 3432
must 4 w 3437
adde 1 w 3441
his 15 w 3444
talent 1 w 3450
to 28 w 3452
this 11 w 3456
good 2 w 3460
worke 1 w 3465
by 7 w 3468
blowing 1 w 3475
the 66 w 3478
bellowes 1 w 3486
of 33 w 3488
sedition 1 w 3496
and 30 w 3500
sharpening 1 w 3510
the 67 w 3513
spurre 1 w 3519
to 29 w 3521
rebellion 1 w 3530
by 8 w 3533
send- 1 w 3538
ing 20 w 3541
such 2 w 3545
a 227 w 3546
Letter 6 w 3552
of 34 w 3554
his 17 w 3557
to 30 w 3559
the 68 w 3562
Arch-priest 2 w 3573
here 4 w 3577
as 12 w 3580
it 24 w 3582
is 24 w 3584
a 229 w 3585
wonder 1 w 3591
how 1 w 3594
passion 1 w 3601
and 31 w 3605
an 46 w 3607
ambitious 1 w 3616
desire 2 w 3622
of 35 w 3624
maintaining 1 w 3635
that 18 w 3639
Monarchie 1 w 3648
should 3 w 3655
charme 1 w 3661
the 69 w 3664
wits 1 w 3668
of 36 w 3670
so 13 w 3672
famously 1 w 3680
learned 1 w 3687
a 241 w 3688
man 8 w 3691
The 2 w 3695
Copy 1 w 3699
whereof 1 w 3706
here 6 w 3710
followeth 1 w 3719